What we lost


In this article I am going to talk about how Russians could have lived if it had not been for the rejection of socialism. When writing articles, my motto is a slogan - if there is nothing in the article that, when read, would surprise, expand your knowledge, then this is not the necessary article. I think that you will find useful information in this article and will be surprised at how strongly the people are being deceived by the current Russian manipulators.

The article was written in anticipation of the 15 anniversary of the Emergency Committee - the last attempt by the healthy forces of the country to prevent the collapse of the USSR. The reason for this work was the ad campaign launched by the media about the release of E. Gaidar’s new book, The Death of an Empire. also only that the article published on Lente.Ru is extremely manipulative article about the average salary in today's Russia. Thus, in this article, a false premise is already given, intended for manipulating pressure on the reader. The author writes: “Let’s leave out of the brackets the fact that the“ Treasury notes of the State Bank of the USSR ”were not money in their economic sense, but lottery tickets — if you are lucky, you are going to trade.” In fact, money in the USSR was the most stable in the world and were fully supplied with goods. Another thing is that for the sake of the elite, part of the goods had a price lower than the equilibrium price on the market, which led others to want to buy these so-called scarce goods.

So, even reformers recognized that after 19 years of post-reform development, the country did not reach the standard of living of the USSR - a very characteristic fact that had previously been carefully masked by democrats and liberals. And then an obvious thought occurred to me. I asked myself, Sigismund, what would have happened if the reformers hadn’t (or hadn’t allowed the people) to destroy the socialist system. With this question in my mind, I began to analyze statistical data reflecting the growth of the USSR. No, not official (the liberals would immediately shout that they were fake), but those accepted by the international community. The constructed growth curve for the USSR GNP was linear. I extended this very stable straight line and found that if it were not for the reforms of 1987-1991 of the year, the level of GNP in Russia would be more than 1,8 times than now. But then it was an amateur exercise and I did not pretend to anything. Further, I remembered that in this article the average standard of living of the current Russians is given, but this indicator does not reflect the standard of living of the majority of the people. I began to look at available sources on the Internet and found that in today's Russia the richest 20% get almost two thirds of national incomeconsumption, while by 1987, this percentage did not exceed 30%. If so, it turns out that by simply returning to the principles of distribution that existed during the years of Soviet power, one can increase the standard of living of 2% of Russians almost 80 times. But this was not all. Analyzing the family budgets of the current Russians, I found that the share of spending on an apartment in them sharply increased. Previously, during the years of average Soviet power, an average person received 200 rubles and then, after 7 years (on average), he was given a two-room apartment (on average) for free, and the utility payments for such a person did not exceed 10% of salary, now buy an apartment It became almost impossible for 80% of the population, and the share of utility payments in wages increased to 20-30%. If we take into account the impossibility of buying apartments, then we can accept that due to the twist of flat money real wages should be reduced by 25-35%.

Finally, I remembered that almost 30% of the income for consumption was provided by rising oil prices, and if so, why not accept that the USSR would have received the same income from oil. Then I took these numbers and multiplied them and found that if the USSR had not been destroyed, then the distribution of the share of national income consumed would have remained the same (and it was already more or less stable over 30 years) and if the price of oil had grown same pace then 80% of Russians would live in 4-6 times (pessimistic and optimistic scenarios, respectively) better than now (without an increase in oil prices, this figure is equal to four times - I give details below).
Having received such an unexpectedly large difference in the standard of living, I laid out my calculations on the Internet forum of S.G. Kara-Murza and waited for the reaction of the public. I did not have to wait long - the criticism went a powerful stream. When I posted my article, I honestly did not even expect that it would cause such a huge interest. I ran the article literally in an hour - I already had calculations on the quintile coefficient in my computer, there were graphs of growth of the Russian economy. I just thought, what if it all multiplied. Of course, I hadn’t done any simulations there yet. I did not plan to write a scientific economic article. It was only later that I did all this, after shoveling a huge number of scientific articles on the dynamics of the economy of the USSR before the 1985-1986 year.

Here, strictly speaking, all thoughts. Further, you can not read - there will be a theoretical and rational justification for these thoughts, why I took certain figures for my calculations, how and what I thought, research into the question of whether the USSR was doomed, and if not, why.


I will try to apply scientific analysis to verify the fact that the USSR was destroyed for subjective, and not for objective reasons, of internal quality, and this caused the deepest disintegration of the whole society. But before you start exercising in alternative storiesI would like to focus on two questions. 1. Can historical data be used to predict economic growth, and can linear models be used? 2. Can linear models be used for forecasting the USSR economy?


When discussing the initial version of my article, the most heated discussions arose around my intention to use linear extrapolation of the USSR growth to 1985 of the year to predict the development of economics after 1985 of the year. Many have argued that the extrapolation of growth from 80-x to 90-ies is unscientific. Like, relying on linear models with so much data is self-deception. Therefore, I had to consider the question, is there any reason to believe that the change of trend, trend, if you speak modern language, was growing?
According to economists, in any case, using the average growth rate is not something a priori wrong, but represents the simplest approach to the problem of forecasting. For predicting growth rates, linear models are quite adequate. More complex models are used when (1) is available for this, (2) also studies short-term dynamics. To predict the values ​​of a random variable, it is enough to have a history of its implementations. Next, the model specification is selected based on the properties of the data series. For example, a function of the type E (E (Y | X)) = E (Y) - I immediately apologize to those who do not know mathematics.

When the task is to give a forecast of Soviet GDP on 20 years, as if we were in 1985, it is easiest to allow the economy to grow at a constant rate and take the pace that corresponded to the previous decade or two. An econometric base for this is available (although, of course, if you parse the real data, then some particular difficulties may emerge). There is nothing prejudicial about such an extrapolation. The use of projection is justified; in this case, the best conditional estimate of the future (for the point in time 1985) is a linear trend obtained on the basis of information about the previous dynamics of the variable of interest.
When discussing, the most sensitive blow to my skeptics was dealt by A. Putt, the forum member S.G. Kara-Murza. I will give an example of his testing the possibility of using a linear model to predict the growth of the US economy. Were taken figures characterizing the quarterly growth of the US economy over the period from 1947 to 1985 year. Based on computer simulation using the ARIMA program (1,1,0), a linear growth function was calculated. This linear model was then applied to predict growth over the 1985-2005 year and the results obtained were compared. All parameters of the calculated linear function turned out to be statistically significant and show the substantial accuracy of the hypothesis, which initially assumed that the US economy was developing according to a linear model.
Predicting US GDP growth for 1985-2005 based on 1947-1985 data gave a very good result. On 20 years ahead, the model was mistaken for 14% in comparison with reality. So, US GDP growth is not so badly predicted based on such a simple model with a constant growth rate.
So, it was shown that the use of linear trends to predict the development of the country's economy is fully justified. After that, I myself tried to play in the statmodel of economic growth and found that the linear trend can be traced even for Argentina with its jumps in growth rates. Even after 1929, the US economy regained trend linearity. Thus, the main question is whether it is possible to apply linear extrapolation to forecast future development, was resolved positively.


The next question asked by the panelists was slow. Well, let us assume that forecasting on the basis of statistics is possible and even quite acceptable is the use of linear models, but after all, the USSR was special - it was struck by a deep crisis. And if so, then the use of linear models to predict the growth of the USSR is unacceptable. In other words, it is argued that the USSR was in a state of crisis before 1985 for the year. But is it? To answer this question, I will have to use the analysis in (6). It proved that the system in the USSR was stable and for decades provided a very high increase in national income. In 1979-1988 it reached a state of stable dynamic equilibrium — the USSR gave an average of 3-3,5% annual growth in national income. The country cannot develop faster, as the labor reserve has been exhausted, and the working day is limited to 40 hours per week (remember that after the murder of Stalin by Khrushchev, the working week in the USSR was reduced from 48 hours to 40 hours) control over the result of intellectual work is categorically not taken by the workers themselves. Growth was in spite of the fact that oil prices between 1982 and 1986 over the years have fallen 6,8 times, despite Brezhnev’s “insanity”, Andropov’s rush to bring order, Chernenko’s accession, Gorbachev’s publicity. More and more countries are buying Soviet aircraft. Space, unified power grid, unified system of railways. Self-sufficiency in culture and tourism (such heights in culture as the USSR has reached, especially in the field of art for children, we will never reach). Even Canada bought Soviet hydro-turbines, with the proviso that this was not written in the press. Soviet education is the best in the world, the number of registered inventions in the USSR exceeded their total number in the rest of the world, and these were truly new technical solutions. Indeed, not all of them were introduced, but this is a huge creative potential. Science in the USSR ranked second in the world, although it had problems of growth.

The economy of the USSR looked good against the background of the developed countries of the West. So, in 1990, the USSR produced per capita 5964 KWh of electricity, the USA - 12659; Great Britain - 5543; Italy - 3765. The gas per capita was produced by 2624 cubic meters, in the USA - 2021, in Great Britain - 871, in Italy - 278. Meat was produced 69 kg per person, in the US - 123, in the UK - 66, in Italy - 64. (12) It can be seen that the standard of living in the USSR practically did not differ from that in the leading countries of Europe, although it was lower than in the USA, Germany and Japan. I have already written with co-authors that the level of technological development of the USSR was also comparable to that of the leading Western countries.

If we compare the average annual per capita income in international dollars (at purchasing power parity) 1988, it turns out that from 1950, the per capita national income in the US increased from 6430 dollars to 14000 dollars in 1988, while in the USSR it increased 3,9 fold - from 1750 dollars to 6750 dollars, which means that The Soviet economy grew 2 times faster than the US. The American directory of Soviet Economic Structure and Performance gives similar ratios of the USSR and the USA. For example, according to this guide, per capita national income in the USSR was 8363 dollars, and in the US - 18180 dollars. And Czechs and Slovaks (and East Germans) lived under socialism much better than Soviet citizens. Do you know why? They received annually 15 million tons of oil from the USSR - for one third of the price on the world market.
So, as a result of the living creativity of the masses, a new type of living arrangement was formed in the USSR, which lay in line with the basic traditions of Russian organizational technologies, adapted to the modern geopolitical conditions of the country. We call such a political-economic system socialism. Its important features are the combination of economic and administrative, tax and business functions in a single economical management structure, so that a significant part of the social product was directly seized by the state without using the classical tax mechanism and was directed to the needs of the country. The distribution of wealth in a socialist society was carried out taking into account feasibility for the country as a whole. Such a system needed centralized planning, which had certain solvable drawbacks due to the difficulty of accounting for all information and because of the difficulty of reconciling the different interests of the center and periphery.
In the Soviet economic system there were several key decisions given by Russia's geopolitical features: elimination of capital outflow from the country through the monopoly of foreign trade, strict financial control and restrictions on exit; economical and recognized by all the mechanism of coordination of interests in society, performed by the CPSU; the rapid elimination of deficiencies and the adjustment of policy by the Soviets and the CPSU with the help of the press and state security organs; availability of a system for restraining the comprador elimination of the elite with the help of state and party organs. There were valuable money in circulation, but they were separated from the production sector of the means of production, which made it possible not to be afraid of financial crises. The peculiarity of the institute of property under socialism was its multi-level character with a wide division of ownership rights to bundles. Socialism solved the problem of justice on both an individual and national level. Even critics of the Soviet economic system recognize that for all its flaws "it was a solid and stable system. And one of the properties of a stable system is the rejection of alien elements, which happened with cost accounting, Kosygin reforms. The system emasculated them, cut them off and digested them."
The planned economic management system successfully solved the problems of scientific and technological progress, and the planning deficiencies were compensated by the administrative market (or rather, the administrative-market adjustment of the deficiencies of the planned distribution) —the mixed economy made it possible to mitigate, although not without flaws, many of the deficiencies associated with , proclaimed official ideology.
Note that in the 1978-1988 years, the USSR no longer had any serious conflict with the West, a security agreement was signed. And the mobilization development is almost over. A stable self-sustaining society emerged, which had two defects: residual dogmatic Marxism in the field of ideology and a very dangerous mechanism for the functioning of the Supreme Power. They are like two detonators and worked.
So, an analysis of the growth trends of natural production indicators shows that there were no signs of crisis in the Soviet economy. Due to a centralized change in the structure of investments, improvement of production organization, reduction of losses and other methods, the crisis, according to some Russian and Western experts, could have been delayed by another 5-10 years. It turns out that a real crisis (if we accept that it was inevitable, although this is not true) in the Soviet economy would have begun not earlier than 2005-2010. Here it is necessary to take into account a very important fact, which the critics of the USSR deliberately get along with - after the murder of Stalin, the duration of the working week decreased from 48 to 40 hours, that is, the base for economic growth decreased by 20%. Nevertheless, during the 60-70 years, the USSR maintained almost the same growth rates as under Stalin. The basis of this breakthrough was a sharp increase in spending on science.

According to official figures USSR national income increased from 1950 to 1960 year 2,7 times, and from 1960 to 1984 year 3,7 times - the linearity is amazing. If we compare the slope of the linear functions of GNP and wage growth, then it turns out that their ratio was almost absolutely constant, which indicates a very good state of finances in the country. In general, the linearity of wage growth over the years from 1960 to 1985 is also striking. Moreover, if we compare the slope of the linear functions of the growth of GNP and the growth of wages, then the tendency of preferential growth of public consumption funds will appear. By the year 2000, if the same tendency of absolutely linear growth of wages and GNP continued, then the wages would increase 3 times as compared to 1960 year, whereas the GNP would increase 4 times. if we accept that investment in the USSR was about 35%, then we get the ideal work of the economy and financial bodies. All of this suggests that USSR-85 was an absolutely healthy economy.. Moreover, even those negative trends that were easily stopped by increasing the cost of innovation. For example, 12 billion rubles (in 200 prices) were allocated to the program for the modernization of the machine-building complex in the 1985-m five-year plan - two times more than in the previous ten years.
According to the testimony of a well-informed member of the Gorbachev Politburo, E. Ligachev, the measures taken by the government gave effect. In the industry, the growth rate of production in 1986-88. accounted for approximately 4% compared to 3% in the XI five-year period, in agriculture, respectively, 3 and 1%. In the Gorbachev era, it was possible to increase the input of housing from about 300 million square meters. in 1981-1985 to 343 million square meters before 1986-1990 on RSFSR. Over 1986-1988, the average 128 million sq. M. m housing. A significant increase was achieved in the construction of residential buildings, which was not the case during the previous two five-year plans. Western economists unanimously claimed and argued that the Soviet economic system had significant economic reserves in the 1991 year, but the country's leaders did not even try to use them. "Why? - asks Vilkotsky and he himself answers - "There is only one answer to the question: the nomenclature needed to destroy the Soviet Union and create a convenient state system on its ruins."
Many believe that the Soviet economy, that in Stalin, that in Khrushchev, that in the Brezhnev version, could not grow at all - there was no evolutionary mechanism. Only it turned out that moving science and technology, but over time, slower and slower. Meanwhile, a thorough analysis shows that the Soviet economy was just growing due to huge investments in public education.
Reformers of different persuasion, who called to the market (and those who are calling now, are no longer bad, as in today's Russia, but for the good) do not provide for scientific and technical progress. In the present conditions, any market system without the enormous efforts of the state to invest in innovation and science could inevitably be after some short-term improvement lead to a new crisis. There were three 1985 releases. 1. Copying US system. 2. Return to the Stalin system. Only these two systems gave room for the development of innovations and, above all, science. 3. Finally, it was possible to follow the path of socialism and “educate” the population; it was necessary to increase the pressure on managers to make them engage in innovation activities and sharply increase the financing of science.

Copying the US system is exactly what, among other things, reformers do, but without much success for Russia. After so many years of reforms and comparing the paths of various countries that have carried out reforms, it became clear that the implementation of any proposals for transition to the market would have led to approximately the same results as those that have actually been achieved now. The scatter of course is great. From a moderate drop in living standards in the Czech Republic, to a complete collapse in Georgia and Moldova. That is, copying Americans leads to collapse. Stalin’s system was curtailed in 1956. But this did not mean that the Stalin system could not be re-implemented. For this it was necessary to do very little. Reduce the issue of money to the size of GNP growth or below this level (but then centralized price cuts and lower wages must be introduced) and plans to reduce production costs should be restored. Intermediate options such as Swedish socialism, when there seems to be more socialism in capitalism, cannot be an alternative. In fact, it is a pale copy of the American system. They are dual and work badly when there is no incentive for innovation. These systems then successfully develop when they actively stimulate innovative activity. In Sweden and Finland, the most important thing was preserved - state stimulation of science. I was in Sweden. They told me that 15 years ago they were in a deep crisis, but then they began to actively stimulate innovation and it all worked. Now in Sweden and Finland one of the highest percentages of GNP used for science and innovation.

So can Nesuna killed the USSR?

Both liberals and supporters of pure communism are very fond of exposing the USSR as nesun country. They argue that at the end of the Soviet era, it was the massive spread of "misbehavior" that gave rise to a very conciliatory attitude towards plundering state property and eventually led to the death of the USSR. Many of them believe that the flowering of the “shadow businesses” became a symbol of the disintegration of the Soviet system during the “late stagnation” period. Not to see this, they exclaim, means to explain the restructuring only by Gorbachev's "betrayal", which is completely erroneous. But this statement needs additional verification. Criminal stratum and shadow markets emerged under Stalin after the importation of a huge amount of unrecorded material values ​​from Germany. No one has yet proved that crime has grown and began to threaten the security of the country. She was acceptable for normal growth. The notorious offense also served as a way to adjust the distribution system. Thus, in the city of Zelenokumsk of the Stavropol Territory, at the outset of the Soviet era, almost all the butter consumed by the population and sausage were taken from local food enterprises. And this was due to the fact that according to the plan 100% of the products produced, for example, by the meat processing plant, were sent to Moscow. Misbehavior meant that employees of this enterprise, after paying taxes to the state in the form of fulfilling planned deliveries, received their salaries additive in the amount of productswhich can be produced and rendered in addition to the plan from the available resources. Thus, the approval system for drawing up plans ensured a relatively even distribution of the tax burden across economic entities, and after paying these taxes, enterprises could work to meet the needs of their employees.
Yes, the insanity somewhat corrupted society (but does it really compare the present society completely corrupted by the market, where crime, theft, prostitution, pornography ... and morality flourish, as it turned out from the height of the vision from the present time, the USSR society). In order to combat the negative consequences of morale for the morale, it was necessary to first understand what kind of legal mechanism would allow to compensate for the shortcomings of planning and maybe you just had to to restore the principles of planning characteristic of the Stalinist economy, where not money, but natural indicators were planned.
Nesuny did not particularly disturb anyone, except for adherents of ideological purity. The level of "corruption" (in the understanding of supporters of holiness) was acceptable and not higher than in the USA. There was a feedback that did not allow it to grow, - the Soviets, the CPSU, law enforcement agencies. Corruption, shadow markets were mechanisms that compensated for planning deficiencies and made it possible to solve the deficit problem. In Georgia, the shadow businesses worked openly, in Uzbekistan in general, in the understanding of the guardians of the laws, the mafia flourished. But this opinion is far from indisputable: in fact, the adaptation of the system of exchange and distribution to local peculiarities was going on. The complete elimination of violations of laws and crime in a multi-ethnic country is generally impossible.because it is impossible to work out uniform, acceptable for all rules that separate criminal actions from legal ones. Its substantial reduction is possible only in states with moral non-acceptance of economic violations and other crimes by the whole society (for example, Switzerland). At the same time, it is necessary that the interpretation of the action as criminal was the same in the morality of the whole society, and this, as a rule, is achievable only in mono-ethnic states. Therefore, some economists introduce the concept of a crime level acceptable to the people. This is the optimal ratio for the growth and stable development of the price of measures to combat crime and its damage. When the cost of strengthening the fight against crime exceeds the reduction of damage from crime as a result of additional control measures, further strengthening the fight becomes meaningless.
In 1987, the last year before the reform, in the RSFSR 9,2 was committed with thousands of murders or attempted assassinations, 33,8 with thousands of robberies and robberies. Expanded reproduction of crime was not !!! From the data presented in the USSR 1990 statistics collection, it is clear that the role of the shadow economy was minimal. With a total cash income of the population in 493,5 billion rubles in 1988 year. The benefits were worth 502,9 billion rubles. The excess was less than 2%. Again almost perfect indicator. Note for comparison that in 2002, 32,3 was registered in thousands of murders and 214,4 in thousands of thefts and robberies. The number of grave and especially grave crimes has been fluctuating at the level of 1,8 million per year for many years (besides, the proportion of those crimes that are recorded and even more disclosed are revealed). The concealment of income and the evasion of money began to be general.


The second typical accusation of the Soviet system was the assertion that it constantly created deficiencies. The examples are usually given. 1991 year when store shelves were empty altogether. In fact, this is a typical manipulation by substitution of the thesis. Before 1985, deficiencies were rare. “Sausage” electric trains are the result of the creation of a “shop window of socialism” in Moscow. But a lot was done and, in particular, the problem of shortage of meat was successfully solved. For example, in Ivanovo, it was solved due to a sharp increase in the production of duck and duck dumplings. Gradually, by the year of 1985, the situation in Ivanovo began to be resolved in unconventional ways. When they began to introduce coupons for basic products, the severity of trains has died away. Everyone knew that half a kilo of butter per month would give us 2 kg of meat and half a kilogram of sausage .... There were fresh and smoked ducks. Pork appeared - better than nothing. Milk became heaps. Cooptorgi opened and it became possible to buy meat for 5 rubles, but on the market it was almost for the same price and was not translated.
As for the deficits constantly exaggerated by the liberals in the last years of Perestroika, they were artificial. They were specially organized in order to cash in on speculation. A. Kasatkin in the article “Deficit in the USSR” in N5 (454) of the newspaper “Duel” explains how Artificially made a deficit in the USSR. There are other testimonials. So, V.I. Potapov, the first secretary of the Irkutsk CPSU Regional Committee in the years of Perestroika, testifies that for certain types of food the deficit was created artificially: speculation, theft ... U. Sarsenov from Kazakhstan writes about this for some services, goods were created artificial shortage, which allowed any “bugs” to remove from under the floor from the cost of goods, air ticket, hotel room their margin, their percentage, not subject to any tax, of course, tax. Elite torpedoed pricing reforms in 1987, when instead of comprehensively addressing prices and tariffs in the national economy, Goskomtsen and Gosplan began to push the idea of ​​revising only wholesale prices at first, and not to touch retail prices for some time. So, there was a shortage even before Perestroika, although it was also created artificially, and it did not in any way interfere with the normal functioning of the national economy, since it affected no more than 1% of goods and services sold. The magnitude of this phenomenon increased dramatically only after the 1987 year.
So, there was no crisis in 1985 in the USSR. It was artificially created by reformers in 1987-1988, which was reflected in the negative increase in national income in 1989 and the subsequent collapse of the economy.


Well, in general, why in today's Russia does not the crisis go away? Do economic crises last? The study of the development of different countries shows that within one economic system, the economic decline usually lasts a maximum 7 years. Crises lasting more than 7 years in the new history was not. As a rule, all economies straighten out very quickly, unless they are completely destroyed. Malaysia and South Korea took 2 of the year, Cuba - 4 of the year. Even the USA after the Great Depression took only 6 years to get out of the crisis. Economic recovery after the war also takes a maximum of 7 years. Even in the transition from one social system to another, as after the bloody Civil War, which claimed millions of lives and led to the complete ruin of the economy, the time for economic recovery did not exceed 7 years. After the Great Patriotic War, the restoration took 5 years with even greater destruction.
We have in today's Russia 19 years of continuous crisis - the crisis is evidenced by the lack of development of the country (not of growth associated with an increase in oil prices, but of development), the complete destruction of the innovation infrastructure and, in particular, of Soviet science ... All the mechanisms of scientific and technological progress have been destroyed. By itself, the duration of the crisis in today's Russia and other socialist countries speaks about its systemic nature, it proves that crisis has a non-economic naturethat he is man-made. Almost 19-year crisis persistence and the complete extinction of the innovation system, the collapse of science and the destruction of infrastructure, the destruction of culture and morality, the loss of technological advantage in all areas where the USSR had it, is characterized by an artificial crisis of the life-support system, which has been destroyed. The situation is similar to that after the fall of Ancient Rome, when during the long ten Dark Ages Europe could not reach the standard of living that existed in the Roman Empire.
So, there is no reason to believe that a crisis was brewing in the USSR in 1985, and if so, then the use of linear models for forecasting is quite reasonable.


Next question. Well, well, the liberals say, let's say that in the USSR by the 1985 year, the economy was functioning normally and brought to a crisis by the 1989 year, but why did everyone, like one, socialist countries of Eastern Europe overthrow the communists in 1989? Why, gentlemen liberals ask, suddenly all the socialist countries at once dropped socialism? So it is natural. In fact, this is the last significant argument of the liberals. Doesn't it seem to these gentlemen that such synchronism for 6 countries in one year is just very suspicious? Does this not prove that the economic decline in the countries of Eastern Europe and in the former Soviet republics was not due to internal factors? The simultaneous fall of socialist regimes in several prosperous socialist countries, such as the GDR, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, and Romania, suggests that they just passed Gorbachev.
Beg to quote. “When at the turn of 80-x and 90-x, westward of the USSR, chain coups began in the countries of the then socialist camp, some unexpected, to put it mildly, highly strange realities surfaced unexpectedly. If you speak very briefly, you will have to say this. Farewell with socialism "passed completely under the auspices of the then Soviet KGB. Dear young Russian friend, so that you could see, read the last paragraph called" As a final word or the KGB and STB as the instigators "velvet roar Lucius "in Czechoslovakia" in my article "The History of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia" ... When the velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia struck 1989 in November, then the general secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Comrade Milosh Yakesh, unequivocally said: "In recent weeks, we had nothing to solve, since the KGB did everything for us. "The one and only country did not obey the dictates of the KGB - Romania. This is the reason why the December events in 1989 in Romania immediately took a bloody turn. The workers of the KGB of that time, along with the Romanian Securitate without a court, brutally murdered the Romanian President Ceausesque and his spouse. President Ceausescu was literally desperately insisting to go to court to hand over evidence to the court of a conspiracy from the then KGB, and in vain, the line of automata suddenly interrupted the life of not only the Romanian president and his wife, but of all European socialism. " More detailed evidence of the fact that velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe were arranged by the KGB can be found in the book of SGKara-Murza with the co-conspirators. In fact, the only exception was Poland, where a private trader was developed, partly Hungary, where there was also much private, and the USSR, where traitor Gorbachev came. The rest of the countries were forcibly surrendered by reformers to the West. Few people in Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and the GDR wanted a market.
Next argument As you know, the reforms caused a sharp drop in production in all countries of socialism, where reforms were initiated. It should be recalled, however, that the system of socialism was extremely unified and had almost the same features in all countries, but the level of economic decline has been enormous. In some countries, it was catastrophic - as in Georgia and even, despite the oil reserves, in Azerbaijan. On the contrary, in those socialist countries where governments did not begin to destroy the system of socialism, for example, in Vietnam, Cuba, Laos, China, and even North Korea (here, however, the factor of adverse weather conditions superimposed, which led to the need for card distribution staple food - AVT.), continued steady growth of the economy. It seems that the recession could have been avoided. And the experience of Cuba, S. Korea, Vietnam, China, and Laos showed that a sharp drop in the former republics of the USSR is not a system, but a subjective factor. This is also indicated by the large scatter of results with a comparative uniformity of systems.
In Cuba, after 4, the years of recession caused by a sharp decrease in the Soviet Union’s sibsidation of the Cuban economy, development again became linear, with the same speed. When subsidies to Cuba from the USSR ended, in 1989-1993, the GDP fell by 35% due to the loss of subsidies and trading partners, but then very quickly the period of rapid recovery began. Cuba grew confidently after a quick recovery from the crisis associated with the termination of subsidies from the USSR. In 1996-2000, the annual average increase would be 4,6%. At the end of 2001, the increase was 5,6%. and in 2005, the increase, according to Cuban comrades, was as much as 11.8%, although international agencies counted only 5,6%. Finally, 2006-percent economic growth is expected in Cuba in 8 year.
Slovenia practically did not change the economic system and had almost no decline - only during the two years of the period of military operations. The Czech Republic had a slight decline, but quickly compensated, although in the Czech Republic there was a transition to another social system. Many economists believed, and not without reason, that Czechoslovakia was going 10 years ahead of the USSR. The decline in the growth rate of Czechoslovakia went very slowly. In 1960-1975, the growth rate of GNP in Czechoslovakia averaged 5% per year; in 1975-1980 - 3,7%, and in 1980-e declined to 2% per year. If we accept that the USSR lagged behind Czechoslovakia by 10 years, and the USSR repeated the path of Czechoslovakia, then again the rates would decrease to 2%, but on average would be about 2,5%. Therefore, we can assume that the USSR could move in the same way.
So, the simultaneous rejection of socialism in Eastern European countries just proves that this is a man-made fact - The so-called Orange Revolutions were crushed in all countries of Eastern Europe with the participation of the Soviet special services. The decline in production and living standards depended not on the crisis factors accumulated in the economy of socialism, but on the actions of reformers in the countries of Eastern Europe. Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and China did not follow the treacherous path of Gorbachev and nothing develops without failures.

Conscious collapse of the USSR economy

In this way, having come to power, Gorgachev got a stable working state.. Yes, there were flaws and they had to be addressed. But how to solve? I myself am a doctor by training and firmly learned that before treating a patient, even with a cold, it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis and make a diagnosis. Andropov tried to do this when he declared that we do not know the society in which we live. Gorbachev behaved quite differently. Instead of starting to study society, he began to sway. let's speed up, let's, but how? Accelerated, but the system is inertial - it extinguished the excitement. Let's debug the economic mechanism, but again the system with its inertia suppressed the initiatives of amateurs. Then they took up the foundations on which the buildings of socialism stood ...

In 1987-1988, decisive mistakes were made (or rather, crimes against the people) —the visiting committees of the regional committees were eliminated. This meant that now foreign contractors would be able to give bribes to responsible Soviet workers in the form of trips to the West and marked the complete elimination of control over the elite.
A valve was opened separating the cash money supply from non-cash. For this, the so-called centers of the “Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth” were first created, the first gateway for pumping cashless in cash. Under the guise of the development of a youth economy, the plundering of state enterprises was organized. Then came the era of co-operatives, which, like leeches, began to pump non-cash money out of the state. In the first quarter of 1990, banking institutions issued 6 billion rubles from the accounts of cooperatives. in cash, and only 450 thousand rubles were credited to their accounts. The total size of the shadow economy has reached in recent years Perestroika approximately 120-130 billion rubles.., or about a fifth of the national income of the USSR. Pumping from "Cashless" в "Cash" in the USSR was a clear theftbecause non-cash money practically had no real price for enterprises (and private individuals who cashed them for the obligations of state-owned enterprises did not respond).
Finally, in 1987, the branch departments of the Central Committee of the CPSU, which exercised Party (and in fact, people's) control over the economy, were liquidated. The economic elite could now do everything they wanted, and it began to rock the country. Some reformers, in particular B. Saltykov, the former Minister of Science in the Yeltsin government, admit that the crisis in the economy of the USSR arose in 1989-1991, and not earlier.
Very characteristic statement Gorbachevcited in the book "The Fourth Power and Four Secretary Generals" by Viktor Afanasyev “At first we made a stake on scientific and technical progress, but the mechanisms for its implementation did not work. Undertook the reform of the economic mechanism, but it was also blocked. Then the idea of ​​political reform appeared ... ”. As we see, the leader had no attempt to deal with the essence of the matter. There was confidence that the country urgently needed not the Constitution, or Sevruzhina with horseradish, but each new failure convinced the group of "reformers" not that they did not understand something and that they had to figure it out, but what was stopping them system to break. It did not happen with a swoop (and there many efforts are required) for scientific and technical progress - let's redo the whole economy! In science and technology, our ideas have diverged from reality - we will deal with the economy, this will definitely come to us, and science and technology will regulate the market. It didn’t work with economic reform - we’ll introduce democracy, the market will be immaculate with it! As they say, there will be no bread - we will eat sturgeon.
Here is just one example. According to Ligachev, a member of the Politburo A.N. Yakovlev at the end of the period of perestroika, he sent a note to the General Secretary about the separation of science from the state, the termination of its budget financing, the liquidation of the State Committee for Science and Technology. So can only act american agent


One of the versions of supporters of the objectivity of the collapse of the USSR is the assumption that the people of the USSR are tired of socialism. As if the economy of the USSR was optimized as a wartime economy and during the 70 years (or 50) of the war - the people were tired. Like, one generation is a lot. And in Eastern Europe, the population of 30 is less tired from communism.
In fact, this assumption has no basis. At the very beginning of perestroika, no one even thought that socialism should be destroyed.. All thoughts were focused on the improvement of socialism, which without exception was considered by all as the best social order. Everyone wanted to improve socialism. They did not want to break socialism and most of the leaders of the CPSU. Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee E. Ligachev in a report at a solemn meeting in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses on the 69 anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution 6 in November 1986, said. “Of course, we are not talking about changing the essence of our social system. On the contrary, this process is aimed at strengthening and developing the fundamental socialist principles, at eliminating everything that is incompatible with them, at creating conditions for the effective use of the enormous potential of socialism ... All the tools of restructuring, all our experience, all our will, focus on to reliably ensure a new, sustainable recovery of the economy and the welfare of the people. " But the opinion of a resident of the Czech Republic. He writes that the Czech people didn’t have any special desires to destroy socialism in 1989, they were not satisfied with everything.

Many believe that in any case they would have had to abandon the most hateful (in the then mass representation) traits of the Soviet economy. But as it turned out, after 19 years of reform, these so-called "hateful" features are the price of other good features that far outweigh the "hateful ones." This is very well written here. (65) To conclude this section, let me quote a Czech author who has already had enough of capitalism. "Today there is a lot of toilet paper in the shops ... But on the other hand, solve the question, why do I need toilet paper, if there is nothing to eat? You know, I have been out of work for 6 for six years, my friend. Sorry for the sharpness of tone, but I prefer toilet paper queuing before the labor exchange. "

So, socialism was destroyed not by objective economic factors, but by the hands of reformers. Consciously or not, this should be established by the competent authorities. The population, neither in the USSR nor in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe, with the possible exception of Poland, did not want to abandon the gains of socialism. The cause of the economic catastrophe is the penetration of the ideology of liberalism and reform.. And to destroy the USSR helped international economic agencies. Here is the opinion of the Nobel Prize winner Stiglitz. "In the future, Russia's economic performance was impressive, but its gross domestic product is still almost 30% lower than it was in 1990. With a growth rate of about 4% per year, the Russian economy will need another ten years to reach that level which was at the time of the collapse of communism. " It is clear that Stiglitz is forced to give explanations of a purely "psychological" sense to what is happening. But if one takes into account his "reservations" and explains the actions of international financial institutions by purely mercantile considerations, a very comprehensive picture is built, close to the "Confessions of an Economic Killer" by John Perkins, who is also not the last person in Western economics. The West deliberately pushed Russia to death and did it with Democrats.
Academician Samvel Grigoryan in his recent speech at the general meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences was even more outspoken. He said: "The process of destruction of a great power - the USSR - could not be spontaneous and spontaneous. There is no doubt that this was a well thought out, well planned and organized, very well paid share". From myself I add - the trouble is that in the USSR, instead of Comrade Dan (as in China), Comrade was at the top at a crucial moment Misha kraplenny.


They can say to me that it is good, they say, to wave their fists after a fight. Say, in those years, all economists, as one, recognized the goodness of the market for the USSR. But is it? Did all learned economists support the direction of the restructuring of the Soviet economy, elected by Gorbachev and the then young reformers? It turns out that not all. For example, Academician Yaremenko categorically objected to the economic policy leading to the destruction of a significant part of the existing production potential, the "technological core" of the national economy, reasonably showing the futility of the raw materials orientation of the domestic economy, inexorably arising from the nature and content of 90-s production , science, social sphere.

Yu.V. Yaremenko warned that the production and technological structure of the national economy is not able to adequately respond to the controlling "macroeconomic" impacts carried out in accordance with the traditional canons of market regulation. According to his views, the role and functions of the state in the economy should not only not weaken, but even strengthen. Prominent figures of the party waged an active struggle against the grave-diggers of socialism: I.K.Polozkov, V.A. Kuptsov, V.V.Chikin, V.A. Starodubtsev, I.I. Melnikov, A.G. Melnikov, E.E. Sokolov, A.V.Vlasov, E.D. Pohitaylo. Sovetskaya Rossiya newspaper and its editor V.V. Chikin became the mouthpiece of resistance. And if they had won, the story would have gone a different way.


The efforts of the reformers were not in vain. Here is an interesting fact. In the 1922, the USSR was formed, which accounted for only 1% of global industry, and after 50 years - in 1972 - 20% of the total world industrial production. Currently, the share of Russia in the global industry does not exceed 1,5%. We should cite the authoritative opinion of I. Nikolaiev, who convincingly showed that in the GNP, which is calculated by the State Statistics Committee, it has little to do with reality. He analyzed investment and physical production indicators and gave an estimate of GNP in 42% of the Soviet for 2003 a year. Since then, the GNP has grown 1,3 times to a level of about 60% of the Soviet. The reformers, of course, count more, but still, even they recognize that the level of production that existed in the RSFSR has not been reached.
So, after all of this I make the final conclusion: the linearity of the prediction is applicable for the USSR 1985 of the year.


Reformers love to trump salary growth in today's Russia. Here is one of the manipulation techniques used by the author of the article from Lenta.Ru mentioned above: "According to the latest Rosstat data, in May of this year, total cash income per capita amounted to 9459 rubles, average wages - 10030 rubles, average pension - 2727 rubles; in terms of the scale of prices, 148, 157 and 43, respectively Soviet ruble ... (In parentheses, I note that, according to the State Statistics Committee, the average salary in Russia in 2005 was 8,53 thousand rubles or 302 dollars. In my opinion, some very suspiciously large increase in income over 6 months is as much as 18%. In general, the official statistics is similar to the drawbar, as it turned out, and it turned out - according to official data, in December 2005, the average salary was 11,075 thousand rubles or 393 dollars) .- AVT.) ... In the USSR, in 1985, the average salary was about 200 rubles. per month (in brackets, I note that in 1987, it was already 214,4 rubles. However, at that time very few people had left incomes, whereas nowadays up to a quarter of all earnings are hidden in the shadows, which means that their actual size has already surpassed the achievements of developed socialism "Meanwhile, to achieve the same heights in terms of pensions (132 rubles. With the maximum length of service) will obviously still, oh, how, not soon ...", and after all, it's already 19 the year since the beginning of the reforms 1987 year.
I will help the reader - in the last passage, the author tries to distract the reader's attention from the obvious fact that until now, after 19 years of reforms, the average real incomes of the population are significantly lower than those in the years of socialism. To do this, a "subtle" hint is made that then they said there was more left income. I note that left-wing incomes now are mostly the most wealthy Russians who successfully hide them from the tax service. On the contrary, poor people left their incomes, as a rule, not very or very little. Why are there an ordinary person - even the former high-ranking officials, the nomenklatura, were in deep poverty. For example, the pension of the former chairman of the USSR State Bank Gerashchenko 2400 rubles. Let us remember this fact - the extreme niche of pensioners, we will need it in our further presentation.
And here is another and more fact of manipulation in the description of the USSR ... For example, it is argued that "for 1971-1985, the amount of cash increased by 3,1 times, the deposits of the population in savings banks - by 5,2 times, while the production of consumer goods - only doubled". In this passage, the explosive growth of the number of services rendered during these years was deliberately forgotten, which just compensated for the growth of money.
And, finally, the last example of disguised manipulation, but in the next article, which states that in the USSR, per capita income increased from 74 rubles per month to 1970. up to 121 rub. in 1980, or one and a half times, and the balance of deposits in the savings bank per capita increased from 200 rubles in 1971 to 600 rubles in 1981. (in 3 times). 1980 to 1990 revenues increased 1,8 times (from 121 to 215 rubles per month), and deposits in Sberbank from 600 rubles in 1981 to 1500 rubles. at the end of 1990g. (in 2,5 times). However, if we consider the growth of wages relative to the growth of national income, then it turns out that the increase in national income was ahead of wage growth. I have numbers in geographic atlas. The savings of the population were relatively much less than they are now in Japan, where now nobody cries about this as a problem. Just the people of the USSR in those years began to save money on expensive things. Finances in the USSR were in perfect condition (see above).


Do not think that life in the USSR was perfect or consisted of some flaws. This, of course, is not true, but the indicators of the standard of living in today's Russia simply cry out. But these glaring facts are masked by verbal manipulations. Thus, it is stated that the average salary (1985 rubles) reduced to 157 of the year is 1,3 times lower than in the 1985 year (200 rubles), but this obvious fact is covered up with a certain reasoning that now everyone has left incomes. But this is clearly not the case, since the poor have almost no such incomes. As for pensions, it is now more than 3 times (!!!) less than in 1985 year, and this is after 19 years of reform.
In another independent study, experts from the All-Russian Center for the Standard of Living found that today the average wage is still under-burdening to the level of the 1990 of the year. The minus is 35 percent. In other words, Russians are still living in 1,5 times worse than in 1990 year.
And here is the third fact from the same opera. Recently, the newspaper "Arguments and Facts", in general, quite loyal to the current regime, led a table showing the ratio of prices for various goods and services in the 1985 year and in the 2004 year. The newspaper "Duel" complemented it somewhat. From the table in "Duel" it follows that the average salary has increased 34 times, but at the same time the cost of living has increased more than 60 times! In other words, the standard of living of current Russians is 1,7 times lower than in 1985 year. Consequently, the scale of the indicator reflecting a drop in the standard of living compared to 1985-1987 a year on the basis of adjusted wages ranges from 1,43 to 1,7 times.
So, it is obvious to any sensible person that after 21 years of reform, on average Russians live worse than in 1985. But do the figures presented correspond to reality? That is the question. Let's check.


On 1 in January of 1999, the gross national product (GNP) consumed per employed person to the level of 1990 was 72,3 percent, and the real wage was only 34,7 percent. As you can see, there was an active fall in real incomes. If the "production" of GNP per person employed in the country annually decreased by about 3,5 percent, then the salary is by 11 percent. However, over the past five years, the real average monthly wage per employee has grown about three times faster than GDP. Incomes are distributed unequally among industries. Thus, the average salary in the oil industry - 30 thousand rubles, in the gas - 35 thousand rubles. Close to them comes fuel - 21 thousand rubles. In education, the average salary is just 4600 rubles.

The relative level of labor remuneration in science in present-day Russia has decreased in comparison with the USSR by 10. And now let us remember what kind of concern for scientists Stalin showed. In 1946, in a poor, war-torn country, the rector’s salary was increased from 2,5 thousand to 8 thousand, professors, doctors of science from 2 thousand to 5 thousand, associate professor, PhD from 1200 to 3200 rubles (with 10 summer experience). This led to the fact that the ratio of the salary of the associate professor, candidate of sciences and qualified (!!!) worker was approximately 4 to 1, and professors, doctors of 7 to 1.


Moscow acts as a separate state in a state. Thus, the average monthly salary of employees (without data on small enterprises) in Moscow in January-March 2005 amounted to 16 thousand 364,2 rubles, which is 25,4% higher than the similar indicator of 2004 g. In March 2005 g This figure was 17 thousand 768,6 rubles, which is 33,6% higher than in March 2004 and 12,3% higher than February 2005.


The situation of rural residents has deteriorated. I already talked about this. I quote. "For example, in the Gdovsky district of the Pskov region, the average monthly salary of agricultural workers for the last two years was 1017 rubles. And this is despite the fact that they produce constantly demanded products, often working all daylight hours. Material opportunities of villagers are easy to assess when visiting almost any house in villages far from cities and forgotten by people and God: wooden benches along bare walls, no electricity, no gas, no radio, no TV, no refrigerator, or a washing machine. "


But the situation in Russia is still flowers. The situation is much worse in other republics of the USSR, with the exception of the Baltic states and Belarus. Among the countries of the former USSR, the highest average wages are among Estonians. Next come Lithuania and Latvia, in fourth place is Russia. In the last places are Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Georgia, where the level of wages is extremely low. At the same time, the income spread between the republics of the former Soviet Union exceeds a hundred times. In Ukraine, from 1989 to 1999, the year of GNP fell 3 times. In Azerbaijan in 4 times (according to official data), in Georgia even more (judging by the international site in 25 times, if we take Russian sources, the decline in industrial production in 1992 was 43%, in 1993 - a drop of another 21%, and by 1996, industrial production in Georgia decreased by 1990 times compared to 6,7 year, and so on. Yes, yes, in Georgia, which flourished under Soviet rule, Georgia had one of the lowest (50 dollars) average wages among the countries that emerged on the fragments of the former Soviet Union. For comparison, in Russia, According to the same source, the average salary was 302 dollars.


While I was concerned about the standard of living on average. Now you need to go to the details of the distribution of income among the population. Social inequality can be estimated by comparing the incomes of the poorest, lower 10% of the population with the incomes of the richest, the upper 10%. This relationship is called decile coefficient. The income of the bulk of the population is often largely determined not just by the level of GNP, but by the decile coefficient. In Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world, the bottom 10 percent of the population gets the entire 0,5% of national income consumed. While the top 10 percent get 43,6%. In rich Switzerland, the lower 10% already receive 2,9%, and the upper 10% - only 28,6%.

Now, in official calculations, the decile coefficient in Russia is 14-15 (for example, in 2004, the ratio of incomes to 10% of the richest and 10% of the poorest Russians reached 15,2-fold), and the quintile coefficient (the ratio of the lowest wage among 20% paid workers to the highest wage among 20% of the least paid workers) is equal to 8-9. According to this indicator, which measures the social stratification of the population, Russia by 2002 overtook not only all developed countries - the USA (15,9), Great Britain (13,8), Greece (10,0), France (9,1), Germany (9,0), Spain (9,0) , Japan (4,5), but also a number of developing and post-socialist countries: Dominican Republic (17,7), Philippines (16,5), Thailand (13,4), Tunisia (13,4), Turkey (13,3), Poland (9,3), Hungary (8,9) , Indonesia (7,8), Pakistan (7,6).
But the official data are clearly underestimated. For example, in an article close to the Kremlin of Rimashevskaya, a decile coefficient equal to 14 is given. According to the CIA, US intelligence, which I somehow trust more than through the false data of Russian statistics, in 1998, the decile coefficient in Russia was equal to 22,7-22,8. In 2000, according to an international agency that calculates the human development index, the decile coefficient in Russia was 20,3. But that is not all. A group of experts from the World Bank, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of North Carolina (USA), which conducts long-term monitoring of the budget of 4's thousands of households (large long-term research project Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Monitoring), gives the decile coefficient for 1996. 36,3! Domestic economists have a similar opinion. Thus, the Institute of Public Examination, as well as the most authoritative sociologists today argue that the decile coefficient in Russia reaches 40.
I tend to trust American and independent Russian scientists more than official "democratic" statistics. And it is quite reasonable. For example, such facts indicate an ever increasing increase in the difference in the incomes of Russians. According to a study covering the leading economic powers of 29, Russia ranks third in the world in terms of negative pay for top managers, lagging behind only Turkey and India. Domestic top managers receive an average of 77,355 thousand euros per year. And here is another fact. The interim manager of YUKOS, Eduard Rebgun, is not satisfied with the reward of 1,8 million rubles per month appointed by the Moscow Arbitration Court, however, according to Rebgun, this amount does not even cover the monthly insurance paid by him.


And how do the poor live in today's Russia? Eight years ago, Russia joined the European Social Charter and is obliged to follow all its provisions. For example, to establish such a minimum wage, which would be 2,5 times the cost of living. If you follow this rule, then today the minimum wage in Russia should be at least 4850 rubles.
In 2000, the minimum wage in Russia was about 6% of the average wage. The ratio of average to minimum wages was 3,7 in 1951-1955, in 1966-1970, it was 2, in 1981-1985 - 2,7. In today's Russia, this ratio has grown to 8,6.
In 2004, the minimum wage was 600 rubles per month. Approximately 700-800 thousand people received such a salary. This is 1-2 percent of all employed in the country. In fairness, I should note that there is still a shift. Thus, in December 2004, the State Duma of Russia adopted in the third and final reading a law on the gradual increase in the minimum wage. From January 1 on 2005, the minimum wage will be 720 rubles, from September 1 800 rubles, on May 1 2006, in 1100 rubles per month. But it is much less than the cost of living. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, in The national average living wage for the summer of 2006 is 3102 rubles, and the minimum wage is 1100 rubles.. Interestingly, in Moscow the minimum wage is 2200 rubles, and the subsistence level in Moscow is 4171 ruble per month.
The unreasonably low level of the minimum wage is indicated by its ratio to the average wage. In 2000, it was about 6%. The ratio of average salary to minimum was 3,7 in 1951-1955, 2-1966-1970, 2,7 - in 1981-1985. In present-day Russia, this ratio has grown to 9456: 1100 = 8,6. All this testifies that Millions of Russians are now below the poverty line and the average salary does not reflect their lives.


So, Russians' incomes differ tenfold, but what decile and quintile coefficient to choose for calculations. The scatter obtained by different authors of indicators is too large. As in the case of the USSR, I preferred the figures provided by international agencies, in particular the CIA. In addition, I have taken into account that in most of the works, in particular, in the article by the same Rimashevskaya, the absence of a significant increase in the decile and quintile coefficient is given. Considering the growth of the minimum wage in May 2006, I took for my calculations for the current Russia a decile coefficient equal to 16, and a quintile coefficient - 10.


The next question, how to assess the differentiation of income in the USSR? The level of income differentiation under Stalin was great. Then the apartments were built very little and did not give apartments. Apartments were given mainly to specialists. According to the directives of the Twentieth Congress, one of the party’s goals was to "reduce the difference in the level of wages of low-paid and highly paid workers, and increase the wages of low- and middle-paid workers and employees." At about the same time commercial stores were liquidated. In 1968, the decile coefficient dropped to a record low of 2.7, to 1990, it increased to 3.3. In fact, at the expense of uneven prices for basic necessities and luxury goods, the Soviet state established a progressive tax on the sale of luxury goods, which means a tax on the rich.
According to official data from the State Statistics Committee, decile coefficient in the USSR in 1990 was 4,4. Even three years after the start of reforms, in 1991, the decile coefficient was equal to 4,5, whereas in the USA it was 5,6. But already to 1994 in Russia, he jumped to 15,1. According to the scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who took into account the hidden incomes of the rich, the real decile coefficient in Russia in 1996 was 23.
In today's Russia, 80% of the population accounts for 34,1% of income. The richest 20% get 65,9% consumed by GNP of Russia. In the USSR, the situation was different. 80% of the population received 63,9% of income, while the richest 20% only 36,1%. In other words, if we establish the decile and quintile coefficients that were in the USSR, then the revenues of 80% of the population automatically (without any change in the level of production) will increase 1,8 times. So, by itself A return to the principles of social policy that existed in the USSR makes it possible to improve the lives of the overwhelming majority of Russians in 1,8.


And here is another important parameter - the ratio of prices for essential products and luxury products. Bread has risen in price from the average car (VAZ-2105) about 5 times, and travel by metro to 8 times. The prices of absolutely essential goods soared up even more - relatively cheap domestic cigarettes and the most necessary medicines. In the USSR, on the contrary, low prices for the most necessary products eased the situation of people with low incomes, almost equalizing them in terms of the main indicators of lifestyle with well-to-do people. If we take into account that the average salary does not take into account the consumption baskets, and the poorest segments of the population, due to the relative increase in the cost of essential goods, they lowered their standard of living even more. I would attribute at least 10% to this factor (coefficient 1,1).
Democrats brought the price per square meter to 20 thousand rubles (annual average pension), and in Moscow - to 50 thousand rubles, and after that they lie about Soviet power without a twinge of conscience! Now, almost half of Russians (43%) spend from a quarter to half of the total income of their families on rent and utilities (electricity, gas, water, telephone). 17% spend on it from half to three quarters of earnings. Less than a third of Russians give a communal bill up to 25% of their money. These are the results of the last survey conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. It is noteworthy that those who have per person in families up to 1,5 thousand rubles, spend most of the money (from half to three quarters) on food, and the rest on communal. So, because of the rise in housing prices, the rent on homeowners, invisible in the USSR, became visible and for its maintenance more than 30% of the money supply is required. Now the cost of utilities is often 30% of revenues. If you take into account the payment for apartments when they are purchased, then the share of money leaving for servicing the payment for accommodation will be 50%, but I will take this share for 30%. In other words, out of the total consumption level in today's Russia, about 30% falls on scrolling through the market price for housing. If this is the case, then it should be recognized that in the level of the average salary in today's Russia should be reduced by 1,3 times.
These two factors that determine the standard of living of the majority of the population (the introduction of property rents, mainly real estate, and an increase in oil prices into money circulation) have not been criticized for some reason during the discussion on the forum. Meanwhile, in the aggregate, these two factors gave an increase for even the absolutely stagnant USSR 1,6 times, and taking into account the 1,1 coefficient even 1,75. And finally, the last. Recall that about 30% of the current consumption growth in Russia is associated with rising oil prices. It is not a secret that the main factor ensuring the growth of the economy is not any kind of efforts by the people for innovation or technical development, but simply the increase in the price of oil and gas in international markets. During Soviet times, oil prices fell. Now is growing rapidly. There is no reason to believe that if the USSR collapsed, the price of oil would not rise. If the USSR had remained intact, then oil prices would have increased anyway. This is the law of a capitalist economy - a rise in prices for a product that is lacking. If the increase in oil prices were the same, they would give an additional increase in GDP by 30%. That is why I am introducing an amendment to this factor in the average salary. USSR salary should be increased in 1,3 times.


But that's not all. In my calculations, I did not take into account public consumption funds. They constituted a significant part of the national income consumed. For example, in 1988, only payments from public consumption funds amounted to almost 36% from monetary incomes of the population. Under socialism, the people got what they really needed, education, health protection, apartments ..., and now he buys what he is being driven into advertising. Just think about the number of cellular phones sold in Russia in recent years - 150 mln. Even if you sell them at 1 thousand rubles, it turns out 150 billion rubles. But do we really need cellular phones that are imported for oil? I bought it recently and use it only when I walk with my daughter. For other purposes, I do not need it. And I am not alone in my opinion. One teacher from the Ivanovo Medical Academy told me that for students mobile phones are a kind of symbol of prestige. They, like children, send each other SMSs and all that ... They don't need knowledge ...
The destruction of the city and district Soviets, the practical elimination of self-government, the dictatorship and the autocracy of the “executive branch” had the most radical effect on the appearance of urban areas, especially on the outskirts, and the way of life in them. On the site of working and sleeping areas, urban ghettos are formed, and parks and recreation areas are diverted to “elite development” zones, which are trying to become zones of prosperous capitalism among the ruined urban environment. Sidewalks are not repaired. The number of main broadcasting points has decreased by almost three times - from 47,6 million in 1990 to 17,8 in 2005, and in the countryside they are almost completely destroyed. Thus, local media were destroyed.

Why are there the media. Mail and the reformers ruined. Let me remind you that the price of a simple letter today is almost 10 rubles instead of 4 kopecks in the Soviet era. Accordingly, in Soviet times, mail sent about 5 billion letters a year, and now - a little more than 1 billion, and that is mainly due to official.

All these benefits that were not accounted for in money constituted a substantial part of the consumption of the Soviet people.


There was a lot of information about how they worked in the USSR and in the West. I remember one story. Our Hero of the socialist labor from Ivanovo, the foremost textile industry, V. Golubev, gave 5 a multiple production rate, and I myself saw how she had to fly between the machines. She went to Belgium. She was taken to a weaving factory and she saw that there, on the same Belgian machines, she works like a 80% shift. At all, in Brezhnev times, people worked far less than many people who were spinning in today's Russia. This is at least evidenced by a sharp reduction in reading literature. As one of my graduate students, now working in America, told me. There is no time to read, it is necessary to plow.

S.G. Kara Murza writes: “I once argued with a friend, the captain of a Spanish fishing trawler. He says: "You violated Lenin's law on labor productivity. When we passed by a Soviet ship, our fishermen looked with hatred: the Russians who were unattended from the watch were sunbathing, playing chess on the deck. And we had twice as few personnel on the same ship and worked on 16 hours a day. From each flight I drove one or two guarded - went crazy ". I ask: "Well, what's so good about it? After all, in the port you had just as many unemployed people who killed themselves with drugs. Why such productivity?". "But Lenin said so", - and there were no more fair arguments. And unfair (like benefits for the owners), he himself did not want to use. He thought about this for a year, and then admitted that the Soviet fishermen had better, and in this case socialism does not need a performance criterion. "Now Russia has surpassed Spain in this regard.
Further. Visiting Ivanovo, I often ask my friends about how they are spinning. It turns out that now most of them work in two or even three jobs. There is almost no time for rest. Children abandoned. And the intensification of labor is increasing. For example, a surcharge has recently been introduced for district doctors, but President Putin has forgotten to extend the effect of the vacation allowance and now the district doctors have stopped taking holidays. But in the years of Soviet power, doctors and teachers had the longest vacation among workers. What do I want to say? That the so-called the average salary in today's Russia includes a sharp intensification of labor, which means that this factor should also be taken into account when assessing the standard of living. It turns out an interesting phenomenon - it seems that labor productivity in the USSR was less than in the West, they worked less, but you should work Tanks enough money and lived in 1,4-1,7 times better than now.


After all these calculations, I was faced with a new question, what is the basic growth rate to take to forecast salary growth in the USSR after 1985? Until 1987, the country grew at an average of 3,5%. This is evidenced by the data of independent calculations by economists of reformers, and more precisely, the teams of Yavlinsky, who are hard to blame for being addicted to socialism. This is also indicated by the data from the growth check of natural indicators, which demonstrates that the growth in the USSR in recent years before the beginning of the 1989 crisis was about 3% per year. And most importantly, over the years with a rate of about 3% electricity consumption has grown, and this is an integral indicator. The increase in electricity consumption from 1980 to 1988 year (8 years) was 32%, if there was an increase in 3%, then the increase would be 34%. Considering that gas consumption grew at even higher rates, the forecast that these stable growth rates within 3-3,5% per year would continue seemed very high.

In addition, gas consumption increased, the public transportation system, consumer services improved. These are all the factors that created the increase in energy supply. Therefore, I had the right to assume that the RSFSR would develop steadily and would give 3-3,5% growth per year, as it was on average in previous years. But I deliberately did not take 3% growth, which gave the RSFSR during 1978-1987 years, a decade of stable development - not to tease geese - I took the forecast in 2,5% growth, which, as it turned out, was minimal, by statistical modeling of growth trends .
After reviewing all these issues, taking figures from internationally available sources on the Internet, showing the growth rate of GNP in Russia, I did the calculations and it turned out that in 2005, Russia’s GNP was 237% of the 1965 year, while in 1991, the RSFSR had the corresponding figure in 264,7% If we take the peak of the achievements of the RSFSR in the Soviet time 1989 year, then that year the GNP amounted to 288,5% from the level of 1965 year. So, international statistics show that present-day Russia has not yet reached the highest level that Soviet Russia had (82% of the level of 1989 of the year). This fact is reflected in such an indicator of international statistics as the Human Development Index, which in Russia has not recovered within the framework of the Soviet era level.
1990 g. - 0.817
1995 g. - 0.770
2003 g. - 0.795
What happened? It turned out that if there were no Perestroika and subsequent reforms, the GNP in Russia would be at the level of 428,3% of the level of 1965 of the year. At the end of the year, 2005, this figure was only 237%. In other words, even deliberately underestimated predicted results of GDP growth are taken. Soviet Russia without any straining would have 1,8 times the level of the economy, and therefore the standard of living, than now. Remember this figure. If we take the increase in 3,5%, then by the year 2005 the RSFSR would have a GNP in 500,3% of the level 1965 of the year. In other words, we would live 2,1 twice as good as it is now. Finally, take the most pessimistic forecast - the annual increase in 1,5%. Then you would live in 1,54 times better than now.
By the way, the fact that I did not use 3,5%, but for some reason didn’t take as my main minimum number in 2,5%. I think the reason is obvious - my critics were liberals. For them, scientific approaches do not exist, ideology is important for them. Since Gaidar said that the market is good, it means it is.
I note that the consequences of the degradation of science would gradually manifest themselves without sharp jumps in the decline in GDP growth from 3,5% to 1% by the end of the period. What on average would give the same 2%, or even higher. Tendencies to deterioration would not be detected, because the effect of the degradation of science usually manifests itself in 10 and more years. Given the very high level of higher education in the USSR, the system would have been viable for at least 15 years, even if everything was left as it was.
If we take into account the opinion of the “democrats”, that there were weighty reasons to assume that trends in the economy of the USSR have changed significantly over the 75-85 of the year, then they are reflected in the “pessimistic scenario” with 0% growth. There is no reason to believe that the Soviet economy would show a much lower growth rate, that is, it would fall in 2 times, without starting a restructuring. In the end, the Great Depression was not least due to government action. It could either be avoided or the consequences substantially reduced. And the consequences of this depression were significantly lower than the effects of Perestroika. In any economy after a crisis, there are usually higher growth rates. Even after the Civil War in Russia in 10 years to 1928, the economy was restored. Moreover, industrialization, the GOERLO plan, and an increase in the financing of science have already begun. In the current Russian economy there is no high growth rate of the economy itself. There is a growth associated with an increase in oil prices. That is, the economy continues to remain at the same level. No amount of depreciation required, no investment ...


Now I will try to calculate what would have happened if Gorbachev had not come. In my calculations, I will define an optimistic and pessimistic scenario and then compare how we would live in the first and second cases.
To begin with, the average salary is now 157 rubles, and the pension is 43 rubles. In the USSR, 1985, the average salary was 200 rubles, and the pension was 132 rubles. If we accept that pensioners make up 10% of the adult population, then the average per capita income in Russia will be 145,6 rubles, and in the USSR-1985 - 192,2 rubles. If we take into account the decile and quintile coefficients, then 80% of the population in Russia-2006 have an average income of 49,6 rubles, and in the USSR-1985 - 123,5 rubles. If the Soviet salary was compensated for the increase in oil prices (1,3 coefficient), then it would be 2006 rubles in the USSR-160,6. If we take into account that 30% of the average salary of Russians now goes to the maintenance of housing issues, then the non-apartment part, corresponding to the total in the USSR, will be 38,2 rubles.
So far we have not taken into account the increase in GNP in the USSR. But even in this case, 80% of the population in the USSR-2006 would live better than in Russia-2006 in 4,2 times. If we take the linear trend of growth in the average wage in the USSR-1985 and accept that this trend does not change, then the average income in SSR-2006 would be 240,9 rubles, which is 6,3 times higher than the adjusted income in Russia-2006.
In other words, it turns out that if now the USSR would not have been broken, then 80% of the population of Russia would live in 6,3 times better than now. Well, what would have happened if the most pessimistic forecast had come true (annual increase in 0%). Then you would live better 4,2 times. Agree - not too bad. Imagine, the salary in 4,2 would be higher than the current one, and this at current prices and without taking into account additional factors.
Indeed, as in that joke ... A son asks his father why the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, and so every day. Dad was sitting at that moment in deep debugging of some program. What - asks the father - the sun rises and sets every day. Yes - the son answers. Father cried out. Works? Well, then do not touch anything, do not touch, do not touch ...
So, the itch of improvements (or maybe betrayal) led to the collapse of the economy, since no one knew how Soviet society worked. Maybe it was not necessary to improve anything until everything worked, but to take measures for adaptation, and most importantly for painstaking, not swoop, stimulation of scientific and technological progress, but in the next article.
But is it possible to measure everything through the level of consumption? I think no. How much is the opportunity to safely put a child out on the street, watch normal cartoons and humanistic children's films, and not Western cruelty burdened by children for children, without being able to get infected with tuberculosis or pediculosis (lice, scientifically) in public transport? How much does personal security cost at night, the lack of theft at dachas and private plots, at inconvenience in small towns, where in Soviet times local people grew potatoes and now they don’t grow because of theft theft, the opportunity not to see every day is a very nice dark-skinned person an African-American from politically correct American films that have flooded Russian screens, and to see the ugly face of a Russian granny not to let a child absorb the pathological cruelty when he watches every minute as a kitten Tom M is teaching Jerry's mouse? And how nice it is to walk on asphalted sidewalks, and not jump from hummock to hummock. For me, these benefits are more important than sausage or toilet paper.
And the safety of life? In today's Russia, the deterioration of fixed assets has sharply increased. In 1970, the average age of equipment in the USSR was 8,4, and in the USA 6,4. In 1990 in the USSR - 10,8, and in the USA - 7,1. In 2004 in Russia - 21, and the USA - 6 years. The depreciation of fixed assets creates prerequisites for man-made disasters. Every year worn equipment will cause more and more accidents. Look at the importance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in recent years. For example, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in 2004, 1134 emergencies occurred in Russia, which is 35% more than in 2003. Most of the disasters were in the technogenic sphere - the 863 case. The number of man-made disasters increased in 2004 year by 2003% compared to 67 and, interestingly, 2005 emergencies occurred in Russia in May of 200, and 172 of them were of technogenic nature. And safety of life also refers to indicators of living standards.
I am not alone in my conclusions. Here, for example, the opinion of Vilkotsky. According to official data, the average annual increase in national production income in the USSR was 1976-1980 in years - 4,3%, in 1981-1985 years - 3,2%, in 1986-1990 years - 2,3%. It can be assumed that while maintaining the old economic system, the growth rate would continue to decline by about one percent over the five-year period. Suspending national income growth would only happen in the 2000 year, and not in the 1985 year, as we were convinced. Then the increase still had a good indicator for the Soviet economy - 3,2%.


Am I correct? Check using a completely independent approach and the figures presented on the CIA website. In the US, in 2005, per capita national income was 41800 dollars. If we assume that per capita national income in the USSR was 1987% from the USA in 60, that the USA grew with a gain of 2%, and the USSR grew in 2,5% (with the same population growth), then per capita national income in the USSR would be 66 % of that in the US or 27 500 dollars. Now in Russia, per capita national income, calculated on the basis of purchasing power parity, in 2005 was equal to 11100 dollars per person. So, again, the figure is close to the 4 coefficient I received.
My calculations coincide on the whole with the analysis of independent and dependent researchers. Thus, it is estimated that Rimashevskaya is close to the government, made on the basis of data from the State Statistics Committee of Russia, as a result of one fifth of the population won, the majority basically lost. Now Goskomstat determines the number of poor in the amount of 25%, the World Bank - 27%, and the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of Population of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which is headed by Rimashevskaya, - 33%.
I will cite the conclusion of the above-mentioned scientific report of Rimashevsky. "Changes in the level and quality of life of the population transformed into the most acute socio-economic problems that had no less acute demographic consequences. Among them:
• catastrophic decline in income and material security of the main part of the population;
• a high proportion of the poor with an extremely poor definition of poverty level;
• unprecedented polarization of living conditions;
• significant unemployment and non-payment of earnings;
• degradation of social security and the actual destruction of the social sphere, including housing and public utilities
“Shock therapy” led to a sharp drop in the population’s cash income, hopes for their recovery in the coming years are low. In 2002, real incomes reached only 1997 values ​​of g ... We can say that now there are two Russiawho live in different dimensions, poorly understand each other, have different orientations and preferences, their own demand and the market for goods and services ... Growth of real incomes of the population, which amounted to three years (2001-2004), according to Goskomstat estimates, 30 %, in reality means an increase in the incomes of only the rich and high-income strata, while the real incomes of the poor are actually frozen ... The presence of one-quarter of families (Goskomstat data) of motor vehicles should not be misleading: the history factor acquisitions (15-20 years ago) and using a car for self-employment. "


So, the majority of Russians should realize that, without hindering the destruction of the USSR by their passivity, they have done a lot of stupidity. Under the USSR, they would live many, many, many better than they do now. And this is not a propaganda slogan. Quite a few unbiased Western scholars hold the same opinion. So, the authors of the Journal of Cold War Studies, which is published in Harvard (articles on economics, but not on politics, there are reasonable), do not hesitate to admit that, according to their calculations, it turns out that in some areas of the USSR has achieved significant success (but they also do not select indicators in such a way as to create the impression that the USSR was a paradise on earth). I have already shown what turned the market for the villagers, who have become the lowest paid category of the population in all the former socialist countries, except Belarus.
If they tell me that there is no alternative history, then I will answer what happens. For the Democrats. After all, it was they who dragged out Mendeleev’s forecast about what the population of Russia should have been in the 20 century. This prediction was also made by simple linear extrapolation. However, the real population of Russia in the 20 century turned out to be much less numerical. The difference was declared by the Democrats as victims of the Bolshevik regime. This is where the numbers in 60 of millions of victims originate.
Why they can, but I can not?
But are there people in Russia who understand the destruction of the current path? The individual voices of sensible people from Russia are heard. Again a small quote. "Three years ago, on the pages of the Internet edition of Pravda, I was able to read the article by Professor Igor Yakovlevich Froyanov“Now it’s about whether Russia should be or not. The rest should be forgotten.” Honestly, after reading the entire article, I was as thunderstruck as I learned the terrible, more precisely, nightmarish facts about the modern stalemate in Russia. By the way, Professor Froyanov was driven out of his post as dean of the faculty of history of the university in St. Petersburg for his convictions, what kind of democracy is there, isn't it? "
Having written all this, I asked myself, Sigismund, how could it be better to finish this article, and decided to complete it with the words of Y. Fucik: "People, beware" - and on my own add: "You are being fooled by manipulators. So let's go back to socialism and immediately."
Is there any hope that this path is possible? I think yes. There are grounds for this - for the first time in post-Soviet history, communists received 17% of votes in the Moscow City Duma. At the same time, the figure itself is not important, the following fact is important - the support of the communists in the Moscow City Duma elections was insignificant among the poor and pensioners, while the scientific and technical intelligentsia and middle layers in the factories elected the communists much more. Maybe started to understand?
The text is given without reference and with abbreviations.
The full version of the article is available at: .contrtv.ru / common / 1872
Allocations in the text are made by me - G.S.

Note The wire "labeled" in the General Secretary - it was the most effective diversion of the West against the Soviet Union. But the ascension of this degenerate to power began not with the CIA, but with Kulakov, who first laid eyes on him, and then Andropov took the “patronage” over him, who needed his own snitch in the Politburo, and now - the coffins of both became steps for the ascension of the "marked" to the throne (V.Legostai, "Bloody General Secretary"). A hand to this (and, more precisely, his own language) was also attached by Gromyko, having coached himself to the position of the Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, who at once offered the “marked” to the general secretary, although knew about the intentions of the United States to lead the leaders of the USSR this particular geek. It is likely that the KGB was also involved in this sabotage (or did not inform the Politburo criminally): how to explain the fact that the NKVD Instruction prohibited people with signs of degeneration from being employed in the NKVD due to instability of their psyche and tendencies to betrayals and suddenly for higher public office was chosen bionegativny type as much as the third (the highest according to G. Klimov) degree of degeneration? After all, even in the Middle Ages, it was well known what these people are capable of with the "mark of the devil" (or "witch mark). They, without much discussion, were simply sent to the fire. Cruel? Yes! But while in Europe, the Inquisition looked after the bionegativ, there were no troubles in it, but as soon as the Inquisition was canceled, the revolutions began and the people began to wash themselves with blood. Isn’t the same thing - even the worst! - happened to the USSR when the first degenerate came to power first?
I do not call for obscurantism, but I urge not to trust degenerates the highest authority in the state is a crime. "THESE PEOPLE ARE HOW WEAPONS MASS DEFEAT "(G.Klimov)


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  1. +23
    19 July 2013 06: 35
    I read the article until the middle, then I didn’t start wringing my nerves. Medveputy prove the country. And yes, for optimists: Serdyukov, Skolkovo, Sochi, Centralized Testing.
    1. Captain Vrungel
      19 July 2013 06: 49
      What can I say? Nothing to say. All is said. Thanks to the author.
      1. +12
        19 July 2013 08: 46
        I would say differently. The older generation knows that everyone has lost. The question is what we have acquired. And they gained, glasnost and independence, which are fed up with everything.
        1. PPL
          19 July 2013 11: 24
          I will allow myself a remark in the development of the topic:
          Quote: Sirocco
          And acquired, transparency and independence

          I am always struck by the expression - we have gained independence.
          From whom / what became independent?
          From the USSR? So after all, it was a single state.
          In international law, the independence of a state is identical to acts of recognition by other states that do not necessarily have diplomatic relations with it.
          The main features of the state are: the presence of a certain territory, sovereignty, a wide social base, a monopoly on legitimate violence, the right to collect taxes, the public nature of power, the presence of state symbols.
          The division of the USSR into states on a national basis, where the name of the state is derived from the titular nation is not independence, it is a return to tribal relations.
          I won’t say anything about publicity, otherwise they will attract or zamusunut laughing
        2. -14
          19 July 2013 13: 52
          Quote: Sirocco
          I would say differently. The older generation knows that everyone has lost. The question is what we have acquired.

          I didn’t even read. I just looked at the headline and remembered how I was living under the USSR. I am deeply convinced that I would not have become what I am if the USSR had survived. I would sit for political reasons either in the gulag, or in Kashchenko with a sluggish. Oh, how I remember all this collective abomination so begins to feel sick. Wherever clans come, clans sit with hierarchies. A hike only through alms, a hike only in reverse ... and hide behind all the bright future.

          The whole system was aimed at fooling and building a system of a single person and the country as a whole. I look at people who retired in 1991 and become older - wretched, frightened, morally mutilated people, without initiative and without a single thought of their own. After all, they seriously believe that someone owes them something. It’s interesting to those who are yelling now that everything is bad and everyone has stolen how they will explain the fact that they stole it themselves and with their connivance ... etc. etc ...
          1. +3
            19 July 2013 16: 40
            Oh, how I remember all this collective abomination so begins to feel sick. Wherever clans come, clans sit with hierarchies. A hike only through alms, a hike only in reverse ... and hide behind all the bright future.

            Isn’t it right now?
          2. Karabu
            19 July 2013 18: 11
            Quote: Geisenberg
            I didn’t even read. I just looked at the headline and remembered how I was living under the USSR. I am deeply convinced that I would not have become what I am if the USSR had survived

            it is written about this that 80% of the population lost a lot from the collapse, 20% got nothing like that. fatten on human blood (thieves, bureaucrats, byrygs, oligarchs) in one word all scum.
            good luck in hard work.
          3. +2
            19 July 2013 21: 34
            And the flag is Soviet. What time!
          4. yak69
            19 July 2013 23: 57
            Quote: Geisenberg
            I didn’t even read. I just looked at the headline and remembered how I was living under the USSR. I am deeply convinced that I would not have become what I am if the USSR had survived. I would sit for political reasons either in the gulag or in Kashchenko

            It’s strange how it turns out. It seems like we lived in different countries.
            I, too, was born and lived in the USSR. After school, he went on a geological expedition, in a topographic detachment, as a worker. Field, desert steppes, hills and open spaces wherever you look. Wind, frost, scorching heat, rain and snow - everything was! Received well. True, my girlfriend really did not like the work schedule: 10 days in the field, 4 at home. I had to leave. I went as an installer to the Bridge Detachment, built bridges. He began to earn even more. True, the work was hard, but it's my choice - I want to earn a lot and live from the heart! Yes, the stores were not crowded, BUT everyone had a refrigerator.
            My grandfathers, war and labor veterans, were provided with comfortable housing, free sanatoriums, free transport, and a good pension. I had a huge choice during my school years - the House of Pioneers: model aircraft, drawing, photo circles, etc. I went to the circle of radio operators, crammed the "tunes" of Morse code: I am small, I am small; BaKi Te Kut, etc.
            All paths were open before me! In the detachment many times it was suggested - go to the institute, to the engineer, we will give the direction. Let's go. True, to another institute, to a "closed" faculty - ideological work.
            In short, dear, where you yourself have folded such circumstances, it is not known, BUT! Another is known - the like attracts the like. Here I am, through life, for the most part I have met people of the highest honor and nobility. Friendship with Leonid Khabarov alone is worth it! And there are others like that. Only now, Khabarov in the USSR was a hero and a film was made about him, and now he is in prison. Isn't it strange, dear, that a psychiatric hospital was waiting for you in the USSR, but under the current government you are satisfied and realized?! ....
            1. yak69
              20 July 2013 00: 12
              Quote: Geisenberg
              would not be who I am

              At least give me a hint who you are now? A liberal minister, an assistant to Chubais? Or maybe you are a deputy? !!! From United Russia ....
              Then it is clear.

              And just don't tell the horrors about the lack of freedom of entrepreneurship in the USSR! I had many different acquaintances who had not worked a single day for the state. Someone sewed shoes to order, someone did cool apartment renovations. There were those who traveled to collective farms in teams every summer - they built administrative buildings, farms, tractor workshops, etc. So they were generally "millionaires". But they earned their "millions" by hard creative work, and not by theft and fraud!
              Catch the difference?
            2. -1
              20 July 2013 01: 36
              He had seen enough of the "80s" on STS. Stopudov.
            3. 0
              20 July 2013 01: 37
              Quote: yak69
              Quote: Geisenberg
              I didn’t even read. I just looked at the headline and remembered how I was living under the USSR. I am deeply convinced that I would not have become what I am if the USSR had survived. I would sit for political reasons either in the gulag or in Kashchenko

              It’s strange how it turns out. It seems like we lived in different countries.
              I, too, was born and lived in the USSR. After school, he went on a geological expedition, in a topographic detachment, as a worker. Field, desert steppes, hills and open spaces wherever you look. Wind, frost, scorching heat, rain and snow - everything was! Received well. True, my girlfriend really did not like the work schedule: 10 days in the field, 4 at home. I had to leave. I went as an installer to the Bridge Detachment, built bridges. He began to earn even more. True, the work was hard, but it's my choice - I want to earn a lot and live from the heart! Yes, the stores were not crowded, BUT everyone had a refrigerator.
              My grandfathers, war and labor veterans, were provided with comfortable housing, free sanatoriums, free transport, and a good pension. I had a huge choice during my school years - the House of Pioneers: model aircraft, drawing, photo circles, etc. I went to the circle of radio operators, crammed the "tunes" of Morse code: I am small, I am small; BaKi Te Kut, etc.
              All paths were open before me! In the detachment many times it was suggested - go to the institute, to the engineer, we will give the direction. Let's go. True, to another institute, to a "closed" faculty - ideological work.
              In short, dear, where you yourself have folded such circumstances, it is not known, BUT! Another is known - the like attracts the like. Here I am, through life, for the most part I have met people of the highest honor and nobility. Friendship with Leonid Khabarov alone is worth it! And there are others like that. Only now, Khabarov in the USSR was a hero and a film was made about him, and now he is in prison. Isn't it strange, dear, that a psychiatric hospital was waiting for you in the USSR, but under the current government you are satisfied and realized?! ....

              fi-li-moooooon-chik ??? drinks
          5. Avenger711
            20 July 2013 02: 58
            Well, if you have problems with your head, then why not sit down. This is now sick on the head sitting on blogs.
          6. EdwardTich68
            22 July 2013 01: 29
            I agree on everything
        3. +8
          19 July 2013 16: 56
          Quote: Sirocco
          . The question is what we have acquired.

          Rather, we gained freedom for scammers and parasites ... whose activities are now legalized. You can make money from the air (that is, at someone else's expense) - do it ... Simply put: you can't get rid of parasites - it's not democratic .. .
      2. Vovka levka
        19 July 2013 16: 45
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        What can I say? Nothing to say. All is said. Thanks to the author.

        Numbers, numbers, everything was so cool it turns out, I'm just in shock.
        Where are the people?
        I just remember how I had to send parcels from the Army with soap to my sister, there was nothing to wash the diapers. Like this.
        1. yak69
          20 July 2013 00: 36
          Quote: Vovka Levka
          I had to send parcels from the Army with soap to my sister, there was nothing to wash the diapers

          Dear, maybe you still lived during the revolution? Or rave? What, what, but the soap was at least wash up.
          In Soviet times, there was such a concept - petty-bourgeois philistine psychology. So, you fully comply with this definition. A sort of small shopkeeper who counts pennies and always saves on matches!

          Just don’t say that you sent relatives from the army to Ukraine! And then I have relatives throughout Ukraine - in Poltava villages, in Lviv, in Lutsk, in Rivne. And how prosperous they lived there in Soviet times, I know personally, not by hearsay. Not only that, my father built elevators and mills throughout the country, and when he wandered around the Ukrainian sites for several years, I went with him on vacations: Odessa, Nikolaev, Kakhovka, Dzhankoy. And I know how the working people of the Soviet Union lived from personal experience.
          1. Vovka levka
            20 July 2013 06: 11
            Dear, do not insult.
            And he sent the parcels in 1989. What was, was.
            1. +1
              20 July 2013 10: 10
              Quote: Vovka Levka
              And he sent the parcels in 1989. What was, was.

              If this began in those years, then because all the cheap Soviet consumer goods were dragged to Yugoslavia, Poland and Turkey then ... But I personally do not remember the lack of soap ... the tool was mainly exported ...
            2. yak69
              20 July 2013 14: 31
              Quote: Vovka Levka
              Dear, do not insult.

              To offend you, I didn’t have such a goal. I apologize for the harshness. But, the truth that I expressed to you is the truth. Whether you like it or not. And taking the 89th year as an example is simply not correct, just because the bacchanalia (perestroika) was at its peak. This year, the republic introduced bans on the export of its products to other regions. Ferghana (where I come from) and Kokand flashed. My grandfather and grandmother were there in those days. They talked about crowds of brutalized young subhumans who were worn with sticks with nails on the edges (like clubs with spikes) and beaten to death by Meskhetian Turks (Kurds), wrapped them alive in carpets, doused with gasoline and set on fire.
              But this is a retreat. In fact, one cannot take the beginning of the active collapse of the USSR as an example. This is called "juggling". Therefore, you do not need to mask your personal dislike for the Land of Soviets with such fabrications (you did not have enough soap, poor you, unfortunate! crying ), and your premises are also not an argument.
              In a word, there is no need to anger and slander the country you once were a citizen of. And then your behavior completely coincides with such as Chubais, Gorbi, EBN, piggye. They, too, with fierce hatred hate the country that gave them everything!
              Or maybe you, I apologize for the filthy word-liberal ??! ....
              1. Vovka levka
                21 July 2013 00: 29
                Quote: yak69
                Quote: Vovka Levka
                Dear, do not insult.

                To offend you, I didn’t have such a goal. I apologize for the harshness. But, the truth that I expressed to you is the truth. Whether you like it or not. And taking the 89th year as an example is simply not correct, just because the bacchanalia (perestroika) was at its peak. This year, the republic introduced bans on the export of its products to other regions. Ferghana (where I come from) and Kokand flashed. My grandfather and grandmother were there in those days. They talked about crowds of brutalized young subhumans who were worn with sticks with nails on the edges (like clubs with spikes) and beaten to death by Meskhetian Turks (Kurds), wrapped them alive in carpets, doused with gasoline and set on fire.
                But this is a retreat. In fact, one cannot take the beginning of the active collapse of the USSR as an example. This is called "juggling". Therefore, you do not need to mask your personal dislike for the Land of Soviets with such fabrications (you did not have enough soap, poor you, unfortunate! crying ), and your premises are also not an argument.
                In a word, there is no need to anger and slander the country you once were a citizen of. And then your behavior completely coincides with such as Chubais, Gorbi, EBN, piggye. They, too, with fierce hatred hate the country that gave them everything!
                Or maybe you, I apologize for the filthy word-liberal ??! ....

                I apologize for not immediately responding, but on this site, there is such a scoop democracy that when you have a negative rating, only give a few attempts to comment. And then sit quietly.

                First, no one hates anyone. We perfectly understand what were the pros and cons in the Soviet Union, already had no extra illusions. The union was doomed, and it was not Gorbache’s business, and so on. There were two main problems, this is the economy and the second is the lack of faith of citizens in their state. The union shattered like a soap bubble, and everyone in the kitchen pretended and calmly went to sleep.
                Find and read Anatoly Chernyaev's diary - an employee of the Central Committee of the CPSU (deputy head of the international department of the Central Committee of the CPSU).
    2. +6
      19 July 2013 07: 14
      Quote: denisey
      Medveputy prove the country

      So this is the problem. It turns out this is the trouble. But nothing, progressive thinking people like you, I’m sure, will lead the country out of harm's way.
      Quote: denisey
      And yes, for optimists: Serdyukov, Skolkovo, Sochi, Centralized Testing.

      You still forgot the feeding of the Caucasus, with the construction of the largest mosque in Europe, nanotechnology, defense services, corruption, prostitution ... in short, you weren’t at all prepared to write anything. They did not convince optimists.
      1. +2
        19 July 2013 07: 25
        you are clearly an optimist
        1. +2
          19 July 2013 07: 44
          Quote: denisey
          you are clearly an optimist

          Seriously? belay Damn, they saw it again ... recourse Well, I say progressive thinking people.
          1. 0
            19 July 2013 10: 34
            Quote: Alexej
            Seriously? belay Damn, they got it again ... recourse Well, I say progressive thinking people.

            So I see you in the morning distributing food and train tickets home to people who are homeless, and after adopting socially fair laws in the State Duma good
        2. -1
          19 July 2013 16: 03
          Not true. Alexej is a realist, but not an all-protector. This is bad?
    3. +11
      19 July 2013 07: 14
      It is vitally necessary to return to Russia a socialist, just for the majority of the people, social system!
      And for this you need to look around and see what political power is capable of doing this? In addition to the Communist Party, no other.
      Yes, in the Communist Party, many do not like Zyuganov, for his lack of principle, perhaps his weakness, which does not give way to young people, and the lack of decent receivers who are popular among the people, BUT this is secondary, the main ideology of the party is to revive the socialist homeland. It, the ideology of the party, should attract as many of our compatriots as possible to the Communist Party, then forces and personnel will appear that will lead Russia to the victory of the socialist system.
      1. -6
        19 July 2013 10: 28
        Well, the socialist system, I think, vryatli people will inspire. It is associated with Cuba, Venezuela. But why not follow in the footsteps of China? The Communist Party of the Russian Federation in power is a priority for the economy and industry, they do not bother with democracy, they destroy thieves.
        1. +3
          19 July 2013 16: 07
          little man
          Unfortunately, the Communist Party decomposed, snickered and does not have normal leaders. and in our country the role of leader has always been more significant than the role of the party that he leads ....
      2. Alexandr0id
        19 July 2013 11: 06
        Sit quietly in retirement and don’t protrude. already ate your socialism, no longer want.
      3. Avenger711
        20 July 2013 02: 59
        The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a bunch of the same immigrants from the CPSU; in fact, now it has long ceased to be a force and we don’t understand what kind of system, not capitalism and socialism.
    4. 0
      19 July 2013 09: 56
      Quote: denisey
      Serdyukov, Skolkovo, Sochi, Unified State Examination.

      Rumor has it that Serdyukov is being tipped as chairman of the board or head of the Rossiya bank head office
      1. 0
        19 July 2013 10: 55
        Quote: Middle Brother
        Quote: denisey
        Serdyukov, Skolkovo, Sochi, Unified State Examination.

        Rumor has it that Serdyukov is being tipped as chairman of the board or head of the Rossiya bank head office

        Time will tell, but on the other hand it’s a clear drain of explosives of an objectionable person (IMHO)
        1. +8
          19 July 2013 11: 22
          What kind of drain is this? Bunks cry for a man, and he is still at large, he chooses vacancies
          1. Nevsky
            19 July 2013 11: 48
            History does not teach anything. Now in Moscow, liberals are again raging. There are those who want to repeat the fate of Southeastern Ukraine, namely to become invaders on their land ?!

            Moscow 1991

            Moscow 2013:

            We are Russians of the South-East of Ukraine, we would gladly drown these "consumers" of Moscow in the river ... I have scores with them for 1991. I was 5 years old when I stayed on the other side of the border. You Russians cannot fully understand the tragedy of 1991. Whatever one may say, you are in the Big Motherland, at home. For you today Manezhka is a political showdown, opposition, a crisis of power - whatever you like, but not what we see from the outside crying
      2. -2
        19 July 2013 16: 11
        Similar rumors are spread by liberoids in order to discredit Pu ... they are already embarrassed to refute them .... such rumors should not be taken seriously .. take it somewhere to the end of the matter - idiocy that will harm the image of any company or government agency ... and it’s monstrous harm, quite financially.
    5. The comment was deleted.
    6. honest jew
      19 July 2013 14: 13
      “... in terms of the growth rate of economic power, the USSR is ahead of any country. Moreover, the growth rate in the USSR is 2-3 times higher than in the USA. ”
      National Business, USA, 1953

      “... if the growth rate of production in Stalinist Russia continues, then by 1970 the volume of Russian production would be 3-4 times higher than the American one. And if this happens, the consequences for Western countries, especially for the United States, will be more than formidable. ”
      Stevenson, US Presidential Candidate

      If Stalin survived to this day and continued to lead the state, then we would now be the richest country in the world. Moreover, the United States and Europe would not even be near.
      That is why many politicians in the West do not like Stalin so much and are so afraid of His return
  2. vladsolo56
    19 July 2013 06: 35
    Return is inevitable, but how? voluntarily no one wants to return the loot, which means either a military coup or a revolution, there is no other way.
    1. +10
      19 July 2013 09: 52
      UH barely read it. A strong article, everything is laid out on the shelves. But what is destroyed and continues to collapse is no longer glued together.
      It’s not a pity the USSR didn’t get sick in such a form as it was before its destruction. At this stage, the real union of Russia and Belarus is not on paper.
      1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      20 July 2013 10: 51
      Quote: vladsolo56
      Return is inevitable, but how? voluntarily no one wants to return the loot, which means either a military coup or a revolution, there is no other way.

      Like it or not, but there are only two ways -revolutionary иevolutionary.
      The path along the first is fast, but is associated with global upheavals and sacrifices, the movement along the second path is slow, sluggish, but also associated with upheavals and sacrifices, only a little stretched in time ...
  3. serge-68-68
    19 July 2013 06: 36
    To return to socialism, you need to memorize the second, so to speak, unfinished (:)), part of the famous quote by V.I. Lenin's "Marx's teaching is omnipotent because it is true" - "and true because it is omnipotent."
  4. +32
    19 July 2013 06: 38
    First of all, we have lost on 25-35% morality, conscience and morality! The principles of capitalism came into force - vulgarity, debauchery and corruption !!!
  5. +9
    19 July 2013 06: 38
    I agree with the article 100%! !

    With a note of 200%! !
  6. Ruslandeth
    19 July 2013 06: 45
    I fully approve ..

    Not being a specialized economist, at the university we were taught the course "world economy", so to the statement of one clever student that the economy of the USSR was weak and vulnerable, the teacher (a lady of about 30 years old) cut him off abruptly, noting that the Soviet economy was extremely stable and inertial in nature, and collapsed not because of its own shortcomings, but thanks to the violent breakdown of its very essence

    Let me remind you, 1987-1988. - the last baby boom in the USSR - life was getting better and no one doubted that tomorrow it would be even better! therefore gave birth
  7. +13
    19 July 2013 06: 51
    The author did an excellent job! After reading and pondering .., already - stupidly, the soul became somehow filthy ((
    Except for the words - "what country pissed away", nothing comes to mind (all the more, looking at the economic successes of the stronghold of Communism - China.
    Such articles should be inserted into school textbooks in order to kill the embryo in the bud - "liberals" among the public masses!
    1. +4
      19 July 2013 16: 18
      I think if you lived in this stronghold of communism. where the vast majority of the population do not know what pension, trade unions, normal wages, allowing you to eat without roaming in the trash, which may not be homeless, as in the USSR, what is free medicine and social programs AT ALL .... then you would realized that their socialism has such a Chinese cut of eyes that it has ceased to be socialism at all .... do not idealize them ...
  8. +17
    19 July 2013 06: 54
    It’s a rather serious article, namely, in terms of substantiating the conclusions. I won’t argue. Just because I agree in many respects. And the little things are not interesting for the polemic.
    For myself, I made a simple conclusion for a long time - We were bought with a beautiful package. I recall my mother’s reaction when a European TV correspondent gave out a report from a butcher's shop — 35 varieties of meat ... And only then it began to reach — there couldn’t be 35 varieties of meat. that there aren’t so many animals. And the variety is what we in the butcher’s shop told the seller - Me for borsch, me for barbecue, me for pilaf.
    I already wrote, but I will write again. Gradually, the people of the former USSR come to understand the need for the revival of the USSR. The revival of a large strong state. It is not clear in what form, it is not clear on what principles. But the state will be revived. This period of confusion and reeling will end.
    1. +6
      19 July 2013 10: 46
      I have already written, but I will write again. Gradually, the people of the former USSR come to understand the need for a revival of the USSR. The revival of a large, strong state.

      After years of 20, our Pepsi generation will take our place and they certainly will not build any communism, we will not have time to change something in the next 10 years, everything will remain in the future.
      1. +5
        19 July 2013 15: 13
        Quote: Joker
        After 20 years, our place will be taken by the Pepsi generation and they certainly will not build any communism,

        They will build, Oleg. Those who are now a little over twenty already understand how the systems differ. My daughter and son-in-law are convinced that they will go in the forefront.
        Quote: Joker
        not have time for the next 10 years to change something

        Success and even earlier than 10 years.
      2. Micex
        19 July 2013 17: 52
        but in this you are wrong. I, as a young man, do not need such a social device as it is now. At the same time, I don’t know how it really was in your light socialism, but the youth have no mood either to live the way they are now, or to return to the former bright past. All sin against the young, saying that "here, a little more, and they will ruin what is left." We, the young generation, grew up in rather harsh conditions - if the state gave you everything (or partially), then I have to take everything with my hands and head.
        And your generation, I'm sorry, is stuck in the past - only sighs about how it used to be good, but now everyone has been profiled. The younger generation of socialism in the form in which it was in the USSR-will not accept.
    2. +13
      19 July 2013 11: 12
      Quote: domokl
      Gradually, the people of the former USSR come to understand the need for the revival of the USSR. The revival of a large strong state. It is not clear in what form, it is not clear on what principles. But the state will be revived. This period of confusion and reeling will end.

      According to the Levada Center study, Russians consider Leonid Brezhnev the best ruler of our country in the twentieth century. 56% of Russians surveyed have a positive attitude towards him and would like to live during the time of Brezhnev's "stagnation"; 29% of respondents negatively commented on the Secretary General.
      Lenin ranks second in the Levada Center rating: it was approved by 55% of respondents and a negative rating of 28%. Lenin is followed by Stalin (50% of positive assessments versus 38% of negative ones), Nikolai II (48% and 21%) and Khrushchev (45% of supporters - 35% of opponents).
      The most unpopular figures of the rating: Gorbachev (66% of respondents negatively respond) and Yeltsin (64% of respondents spoke against him). According to the Russians, “only defeats and no material support” are associated with them.
      “Gorbachev’s reign ended in the collapse of the USSR, which the population of Russia still perceives as one of the catastrophes of the 90th century,” and Yeltsin’s attitude worsened in the early XNUMX’s when reforms “began to rise in price and shut down enterprises,” the respondents said.
      The time of “dear Leonid Ilyich” is the calmest and most prosperous for the bulk of the population for the entire twentieth century. In the 70s and 80s, repression and war were already a thing of the past, and social guarantees still existed.
      The national wealth of the country in the years 1970 - 1980 grew by an average of 7,5% per year, and in the "first Brezhnev five-year period" 1965 - 1970. was even higher - 10,5% of annual growth. Today, despite the flow of petrodollars, Russia has not risen to the level of development of the USSR of the Brezhnev era by almost any significant indicator.
      Even the famous jokes about Brezhnev at that time popular among the people were a symbol of the era. Here for example such
      “What are Brezhnev’s eyebrows? This is Stalin’s mustache, raised to the proper height. " It is unlikely that such jokes are being written about a ruler, over whom, according to some, the whole country only did that it made fun of.

      The same liberal sociologists immediately explained the popularity of the era of Brezhnev socialism not by longing for social justice and confidence in the future (in my opinion, the man who caused this era) but .. Attention!
      illiteracy of respondents who do not want to know or have forgotten their story
      So they consider us cattle dreaming of a scoop ...
      1. +7
        19 July 2013 16: 18
        There is no leader the people would follow.
    3. +6
      19 July 2013 20: 27
      Quote: domokl
      We were bought with beautiful packaging

      And also propaganda of "beautiful and carefree life" over the hill, where "free" big and beautiful houses, big cars, and big blondes with big boobs.
      1. +2
        20 July 2013 10: 37
        And also propaganda of "beautiful and carefree life" over the hill, where "free" big and beautiful houses, big cars, and big blondes with big boobs.

        Posted by russian from norway laughing
  9. +14
    19 July 2013 07: 07
    Everything is correctly stated in the article! Everyone who lived honestly under the USSR understands the difference between socialism and capitalism. And if the country continues to march into "sprawling" capitalism, like a MALIGNANT TUMOR, then all of us will soon await such messages about Russia as today:
    The American city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy.
    Bankruptcy of the city became almost inevitable after negotiations with creditors failed, and the municipality defaulted on 40 million debt payments in June. According to the plan, most lenders will receive only cents for each dollar invested, and municipal workers - less than 10% of the pension and insurance payments due to them.
    Detroit is in deep crisis. Its population has declined since 2000 by more than a quarter, to 700 thousand inhabitants. Sixty years ago, more than 2 million people lived in the city. Now about 40 thousand houses and plots are empty, 36% of residents live below the poverty line. Detroit leads in the number of murders among all US cities with a population of more than 200 thousand people. The municipality of the city spends $ 100 million more annually than it earns, and compensates the rest with loans.
    1. +6
      19 July 2013 07: 26
      Supporting both the article and the above comments. All on +!
  10. +22
    19 July 2013 07: 25
    We are at the level of Russia in the 20s: economic disruption, separatism, no gold reserves, corruption, unemployment, territorial claims of neighbors, etc., etc. Everything, like Ilf and Petrov, is complete theft and fraud. Russian civilization was on its way to complete destruction. Stalin did the literally impossible - not only kept the country on the edge of the abyss, but made a leap into the future.
    We cannot do without STALINIZATION of the country.
    1. +4
      19 July 2013 12: 43
      Not necessarily STALINIZATION (the second you will not find), but DICTATURES - for sure!
    2. diesel
      20 July 2013 00: 29
      The conclusion is not correct, we have so much funds that we can build a railway around the globe, including the oceans. You just need to properly dispose of them for the benefit of your country. The concept imposed by the Club of Rome - development without growth, operating in the "Western" world and Russia, as a part of it, should be rejected by society and become a guide for the ruling class of our society. People in power should be subjected to harsh pressure from the population, the title of elite should be earned by deed, and not by being in a foreign bank. We need to start by understanding our true history, discarding the inventions of Western theorists.
    3. Avenger711
      20 July 2013 02: 57
      You have little idea what happened in the 20s.
  11. +9
    19 July 2013 07: 27
    They lured us sweet and we went astray. All without exception. Someone is very strong, who is completely miserable (resisted), but lost. And whether or not to return to the road is a matter of survival or not.
    1. +5
      19 July 2013 11: 21
      So seduced by the sweet. But it turned out not for everyone, but only for the elite. And now the difference between rich and poor is enormous, which is not gud. The greater the barrier, the more discontent.
  12. diesel
    19 July 2013 07: 30
    Socialism, as we knew it, is doomed. It is necessary to revise our basic, fundamental ideas about nature and society. Based on these ideas, develop a concept for the development of the country in the form of a constitutional law. Replace political parties with trade unions in order to exclude the influence of external forces on the implementation of the Concept. In such a system, the direction of development will not change from a change in the country's leader. Sobbing in the past does not make sense. We applauded perestroika. This suggests that we have formed a distorted idea of ​​the society in which we live. It is necessary to draw conclusions.
    1. Gari
      19 July 2013 09: 12
      Quote: dizelniy
      Socialism, as we knew it, is doomed. It is necessary to revise our basic, fundamental ideas about nature and society.

      After the election of Yu.V. Andropova On November 12, 1982, the Secretary-General of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the United Economic Congress Congress requested the CIA to report on the state of the Soviet economy, where “its potential and vulnerabilities would be presented”
      In presenting this report to Congress, Senator William Proxmeyer, vice chairman of the Sub-Commission on International Trade, Finance and the Protection of Economic Interests, considered it necessary to emphasize the following key findings from the analysis of the CIA (quoted from English translation):
      “In the USSR there is a steady decline in economic growth, but in the foreseeable future this growth will remain positive.
      The economy does not function well, and often there is a departure from the requirements of economic efficiency. However, this does not mean that the Soviet economy is losing its viability or dynamism. Despite the fact that there are discrepancies between economic plans and their implementation in the USSR, the economic collapse of this country is not even a distant opportunity ”(!!!)
      “It is necessary to be aware that the Soviet Union, although weakened by the inefficient functioning of the agricultural sector and burdened by large defense spending, is economically second in the world in terms of gross national product, has numerous and well-trained productive forces, highly developed industrially.
      The USSR also has huge mineral reserves, including oil, gas, as well as relatively scarce minerals and precious metals. You should seriously look at things and think about what can happen if the development trends of the Soviet economy become negative from negative ones. ”

      And how much later it was necessary to “work hard” and “make an effort” to make the “impossible possible” !!!
      1. diesel
        19 July 2013 09: 44
        Precisely because the higher echelons decided to appropriate the main wealth of the country, therefore, the country was doomed. There was no feedback, a way to influence the situation at least somehow. We were offered to reject socialism, and judging by the results, the bulk of the population accepted it with a bang. What is now blaming the mirror, you need to draw conclusions, create a system taking into account the mistakes of the past.
  13. diesel
    19 July 2013 07: 46
    Attempt to comment on this article has been deleted. It clearly does not fit into the proposed context. Snowden is still right. There is no need to sob about socialism in the USSR. It is necessary to scientifically and truthfully analyze the causes of the death of a powerful country without war. The reasons have not been eliminated, which means it can happen again with Russia. We need a concept for the development of the country based on truthful, scientific ideas about nature and society in the rank of constitutional law. Political parties, none of which led humanity to a happy tomorrow, need to be replaced by trade unions that will take care of the development of their industries, rather than purchases abroad. In such a system, a change of leader will not lead to a change of course, leaderism is excluded. We need development with real growth, not imitation in various forms.
    1. +9
      19 July 2013 10: 02
      Well, let's take the last step ..
      ".. There is no need to lament about socialism in the USSR. It is necessary to scientifically and truthfully analyze the reasons for the death of a mighty country without war. The reasons for the death of a mighty country without war. .."
      Let's scientifically and truthfully ... who will start? You?
      And the article itself truthfully says - Camarilla began to pick up the right frames.
      Managed, predictable. Chose from his own environment.
      One of the great reproaches in those years - bacchanalia of chatter and an attack of activity 1985 -1991, was - with us no staff rotation !!!
      That was then said.
      We see the same thing now.
      We see a colorful kaleidoscope - many different, fantastically enchanting pictures.
      And, in fact - there are only three, four shards of glass in the pipe.
      Chubais, Gref, Putin, Medvedev, Abramovich. One glass died recently.
      And such beautiful pictures - you will admire.
      Okay, back to the rotation.
      And remember, when we have - staff rotation - went well.
      Great, right? Everyone knows when. And the main thing rotator - they also know. I will not even call. This, such as Voldemort in fairy tales about Harry - is known without a name.
      Just a man - Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili. And the symbol of the USSR is Stalin.
      So the country was - who wanted - was friends with the USSR. And he lived like God’s bosom.
      Who was against the USSR - also lived well. From fear of ... it was necessary to develop, tear up, compete, win.
      And what now?
      Spread of putrefactive infection in the West?
      Here, the numbers are not needed.
      Just turn on the memory.
      1. diesel
        20 July 2013 00: 09
        I'll start, you need to start with your management company, turning them inside out, local authorities, you need to unite in any society, send requests in writing, demanding answers in the manner prescribed by law. I assure you that this procedure for local authorities is worse than the appeals of Kvachkov, with all due respect to him.
    2. +2
      19 July 2013 20: 04
      you are right, but in reality everything has been analyzed and taken into account, but by those who are in power? The current elite is still worried about maintaining its positions and eliminating competitors, NOBODY has made fundamental conclusions. I have not seen a single conceptual article by Putin on the development of Russia, not a single proposal on changes in the social structure of the country has been submitted for discussion, while it is clear that the current situation does not suit to such an extent that the people are ready to vote for Anal. There are only hackneyed zombie theses about the fight against corruption (this is a mantra about how to fight oneself). There are still NO real statists. EVERYTHING IS SUITABLE for the current elite. I am satisfied that the system allows most of the proceeds from the sale of state property to settle in the pockets of 10-15% of the elite and entourage. A return to socialism, alas, is not possible without the cataclysm ala 1917. Nobody is going to part with their assets. The realities are such that all subsoil and other state property have long been divided and distributed. At the same time, if we assume that a statesman is at the helm at the moment, he is simply forced to share the helm with the "enemies of the people", then one cannot do without 1937 (in fact, the term repression is not applicable to 37, this is a liberal pornographic term, in reality was the cleaning of society from compradors). There are NO other decisions (like a referendum). We need a new constitution, firstly cleared of the bookmarks of the State Department of the Gaidar-Yeltsin era, and secondly, regulating the responsibility of every citizen to society, including the elite. Moreover, the demand from the elite should be the same as under Stalin, there are no other recipes.
      PS A great example is China, although it cannot fully serve as an example for us, but the socio-political and economic relations in society have been brought to perfection.
  14. +6
    19 July 2013 07: 48
    You read the article, and the memory of the heart ... What can I say!
    Ambiguous attitude towards the article. You can "minus" as much as you like ... but think a little before you do it.
    I agree with the author’s critical assessments of the economic policies of the nineties and zero years ... and the last year of the new liberals. But the fanfare of successes in rolling out a linear graph of indicators of the prospects for the development of the USSR ... I would greatly moderate it.
    For all these calculations are "utopian" ..., made according to the state, as it were, of complete isolation of our economy from the world one. What our complete stay in a closed space has led ... everyone saw, with the exception of the "leavened patriots". Yes, in fundamental science we were ahead of the rest of the planet (well, to put it mildly - almost) ... but in applied fields ... The introduction of new innovative ... breakthrough technologies was orders of magnitude lower than necessary. We produced the most electric energy ... but our economy was almost an order of magnitude more energy-consuming (the factories were simply operating in a semi-idle mode). We produced leather footwear most of all ... but often it did not go further than warehouses ... Our industry was also very far in terms of labor productivity. And so you can also call a lot of things. It is not for nothing that the growth of the USSR's GDP over the past 30 years has fallen by half (where did the author get other figures ... and not only in the context of this thesis, contrary to official statistics, God only knows!).
    Our economy lacked flexibility ... efficiency ... we were strangled by a vertical of bureaucratic coordination (in order to issue a new stool in Ussuriysk, it was necessary to coordinate all the technical documentation in Moscow!).
    Our greatest achievement is relatively high social equality ... stability in the standard of living, a quiet childhood ... the availability of public funds that provide significant additions to our income.
    And the socialist countries lived better not only because they received oil at a price one third lower than the world one. There were more economic freedoms in industries that were not systemically important for the state. This is not yet market relations (when there is a market not only of goods, but also of means of production - factories, factories, etc.).
    We had to approach this model. Without relative freedom in the economy ... without entering the world economy, we would have "bent" in our country very, very soon ... and no linear successes would have saved us. CHINA has followed this path! The successes of this state speak for themselves. Yes, the standard of living there is very low ... there are no pensions ... but all this is recovering sharply, by leaps and bounds in favor of the working people.
    And the article is informative in the discussion plan ...
    1. 0
      19 July 2013 10: 47
      Quote: KazaK Bo
      And the article is informative in the discussion plan ...

      The construction of communism is based on the utopian idea, according to which someone else's shirt is closer to the body. And your own will always be closer. Under Stalin, for being late, petty thefts could be imprisoned and planted, and for large executions. The downside of this "order" is the lack of initiative. And then came the time of total theft, and what monstrous additions to the Central Asian countries - how much cotton was given to the country in excess of the plan!
      The system was sick, so the article did not approve. China has managed to cope with the disease, completely or not - time will tell.
      And the degree of theft now - kickbacks, percent - probably will be more than in the Central Asian republics of the USSR. Almost all ministers, deputy ministers, prime ministers - lit up. Their wives are super successful businesswomen, and the most successful are among the largest officials. Luzhkov’s wife is an example, maybe the brightest one.
      It would be better if the author calculated how much the GDP jumped forward if corruption were minimized. Probably would have overtaken China, at least.
      1. +2
        19 July 2013 12: 46
        How did the country manage to build so much in the absence of initiative ?!
        1. 0
          19 July 2013 16: 32
          As an example - "pseudoscience" - cybernetics and genetics, does this mean anything to you?
          1. +1
            19 July 2013 23: 27
            Just heard ....
            or do you know something specific ... about genetics with cybernetics?
            Academician Lebedev, burst my eyes, it was in Kiev that he was creating his own calculating machines ..
            Lavrentiev, Rameev, Glukhov ...
            Spruce .... how much information ... and we all live in a fairy tale about Baba Yaga ...
            1. 0
              20 July 2013 01: 01
              Quote: Igarr
              Academician Lebedev, burst my eyes, it was in Kiev that he was creating his own calculating machines ..

              And the very first he created in 1951. Those. under the "tyrant" and "fighter against cybernetics" Stalin ...
  15. +4
    19 July 2013 07: 53
    What we have is not stored, but lost weeping.


    I fully agree with both hands "FOR".
  16. +5
    19 July 2013 07: 57
    dieselniy EN
    ... replace political parties with unions,

    Under capitalism, all unions are overbought, and rather they protect businessmen from workers only when the situation is at its limit, they are supposedly for the rights of workers.
    1. diesel
      19 July 2013 09: 47
      In today's form, yes, but there are options.
  17. t-95
    19 July 2013 08: 03
    "Sausage" electric trains are the result of the creation of a "showcase of socialism" in Moscow. But a lot was done and, in particular, the problem of lack of meat was successfully solved. For example, in Ivanovo it was solved by a sharp increase in the production of duck and duck dumplings. Gradually, by 1985, we in Ivanovo began to sort out the situation in unconventional ways. When coupons for basic products began to be introduced, the severity of electric trains faded. Everyone knew that they would give us a pound of butter a month and 2 kg of meat and a pound of sausage .... There were fresh and smoked ducks. Pork appeared - better than nothing. The milk began to heap. Cooperators opened and it became possible to buy meat for 5 rubles, but on the market it was not translated for almost the same price.

    Gentlemen, comrades, I did not live in Ivanovo, in 1985 I entered the Nizhny Tagil Engineering College, I remember for sure that at 6 in the morning the queue for milk was occupied, and the slaughter for chicken was a show. And the last, that sooner or later we will come to something else, that which will unite the best of the Soviet system, and that which should be present in the state of the 21st century. But I do not completely agree with the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed only because of the machinations of enemies. This system has not been viable since the late 60s. The world was changing, and we were trying to turn ourselves into today's North Korea. And in no case should you start copying that model now, this is the road to nowhere.
    1. 0
      19 July 2013 12: 47
      And let's create a hybrid from the USA, France and Norway!
      Is this the way to WHERE?
  18. 12061973
    19 July 2013 08: 29
    There are many losses, and most importantly, the acquisition of the life philosophy of the new Russia, man is a wolf to man.
    1. +2
      19 July 2013 10: 01
      Unfortunately, this is so...
  19. +4
    19 July 2013 08: 29
    Gentlemen, comrades, I did not live in Ivanovo, in 1985 I entered the Nizhny Tagil Engineering College, I remember for sure that at 6 in the morning the queue for milk was occupied, and the slaughter for chicken was a show.

    But all this was created artificially in order to cause discontent among the people - those who ruined the USSR and on ITS collapse HEATED their PAWS WELL, and now, with their "reforms", GETS social guarantees, and those rights that the people had under Socialism.
    1. Alexandr0id
      19 July 2013 11: 01
      yeah, enemy intelligence agents hid sausage and butter from the Soviet people. no la la la, the country couldn’t and couldn’t produce anything except shells and pig-iron blanks, millions of tons of which served as the basis for winning statistics
      1. +7
        19 July 2013 12: 16
        AlexandrOid ....
        Add that the Japanese bought our asphalt grinding machines in order to remove rollers from them, in order to obtain metal.
        You did not grow up in the USSR.
        Therefore, you do not know anything about the Soviet Union.
        But then, speak.
        Doesn’t it seem strange?
        1. 0
          20 July 2013 22: 49
          Quote: Igarr
          Add that the Japanese bought our asphalt grinding machines in order to remove rollers from them, in order to obtain metal.

          It seems that in Ust-Kamenogorsk in the 70s ashtrays were released in the form of a frog with open mouth. When I saw it for the first time, I was stunned. Cast from bronze, pulled a kilo or a little more - cigarette butts climbed unmeasured. So the Japanese bought them in bulk. wink
      2. +5
        19 July 2013 12: 49
        And you didn’t eat Soviet-made products?
        No comparison with the current!
        Or were they all from IRON?
        1. Captain Vrungel
          19 July 2013 14: 56
          Yes. Groceries, I don't know how bad we lived, but each had two refrigerators during the times of severe shortages and my mother stopped saying what she bought, she started talking, she got it. A lot of thieves, how they adorned our lives, miserably undermining the economy. Mom had her own suppliers. Meat from a bird, sausages from a meat-packing plant, instant coffee from a concentrate plant, sweets from a Rosa Luxemburg factory. Only the lazy and sluggish in Odessa hoped for a grocery store and then for a familiar saleswoman. There was nothing, but everyone had everything. And of what quality. According to Raikin, "The taste is specific." When I told my mother that it was not good to buy stolen goods, she answered me, okay, I will refuse meat, my neighbor will take it, and you will eat millet. I didn't want millet and stopped fighting with my mother.
          1. +5
            19 July 2013 20: 30
            Quote: Captain Vrungel
            I didn’t want millet and stopped fighting my mother.

            Mom is always right ...
        2. Alexandr0id
          20 July 2013 12: 27
          ate, and stood in line for these products to get a coupon. and I remember how my mother brought cervelat from Moscow, because he was not in Murmansk, and I had a sidekick, whose mother worked in a deli and didn’t care for coupons. and the products are still normal - the price tag is just 2-3 times higher.
          but behind the TV and the furniture wall we stood in line, there were some other unit books to buy such ordinary goods. and our manufactured goods looked like hell knows what, so people wanted to get Yugoslav shoes, Japanese fabrics, Hungarian plumbing, etc. but each of them has 10000 rubles on a passbook, for which there is nothing to buy, or did you have to buy a loaf of bread and milk?
          but we were the first in production, smelting and forging.
  20. +8
    19 July 2013 08: 34
    Great article.
    I do not agree only in terms of the dominant role of the KGB.
    The main reason for the collapse in the leadership of the CPSU. Not in primary organizations. The top of the party has rotted from irresponsibility. As far as I know, only one decent worker left the city committee - he was "eaten" by the director for his adherence to principles in defending his position. And what a good worker will go to work, where you have to give 90% of the time to verbiage and paperwork.

    As for food products, we had problems in stores, but there were no problems in the markets. All refrigerators were full. There was an outrage with goods for the people in socialism. Unfolding slowly. So again, "thanks" to the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. Until they unfold ... And without these idlers it is impossible.
    1. Cat
      19 July 2013 11: 57
      Quote: My address
      I do not agree only in terms of the dominant role of the KGB.

      Likewise. I served with many former KGB officers, many of them talked about "stop orders" when the nomenclature came into view. Investigative actions in relation to the party nomenklatura were generally strictly forbidden; if such cases were conducted, then by the party apparatchiks themselves in secret, practically without the involvement of specialists.
      In general, 5 GUs were engaged in the wrong residents.
  21. t-95
    19 July 2013 08: 37
    The main reason for the collapse in the leadership of the CPSU. Not in primary organizations. The top of the party has rotted from irresponsibility. As far as I know, only one decent worker left the city committee - he was "eaten" by the director for his adherence to principles in defending his position. And what a good worker will go to work, where you have to give 90% of the time to verbiage and paperwork.

    I completely agree, this is the main reason for the collapse of the country. And the cause of this system
  22. explorer
    19 July 2013 08: 42
    The author is right about linearity: all the more so since on all sides of his life the army principle worked every 3-5 years for the growth of qualifications and positions. Positive dynamics was for all segments of the population.
    Of course, many went with the flow, but who wanted to could rise and faster.
    And the country has already skewed the growth of living standards of the population (and population growth) in Moscow relative to the whole country.
    What is observed now, and if the authorities do not change the situation, then our economy may not be able to withstand.
  23. +10
    19 July 2013 09: 25
    I remember in the late 80s during the month tobacco products became scarce, it turned out that all tobacco factories immediately began on prevention. That's how they provoked dissatisfaction with the economic system of the USSR. Reptiles sat in the highest echelons of power.
  24. chauvinist
    19 July 2013 09: 49
    The author draws too rosy a picture. However, it should be noted that the products of the Soviet industry were extremely poor and lost in all respects to the Western ones. And the USSR ruined not only Gorby and KO (many thanks to him for the dry law), but also the Soviet one constantly crowing about the rise in prices for tobacco and water. The USSR would have collapsed in any case, and Andropov's program was his last chance, but his "sudden" death broke everything. And about the loot in the 90s, I will say one thing, everyone had the opportunity to earn money and break into people, but few were able to think it over and implement.
    1. dmb
      19 July 2013 10: 38
      That is, you want to say that you had the opportunity to acquire, for example, Norilsk Nickel in an honest way, while other honest guys just turned out to be more creative? Then you should write to Forbs rather than VO. Did you ever think that there were really honest people in the country who were simply ashamed to steal? It is understandable. Some have the ideals of Chubais and Sobchak's portfolio-bearer, while others are somehow closer to Count Ignatiev, who saved huge amounts of money for the Motherland, and at the same time grew mushrooms with his own hand so as not to starve to death. Or scientists dying of hunger during the blockade, who preserved the elite grain.
      1. +7
        19 July 2013 12: 27
        The products were extremely miserable ??
        What, damn it, products?
        More precisely possible?
        ZIL-114 is not a Mercedes, of course. But the reverse is also true.
        The Comet-209 tape recorder did not differ much from those in the States.
        Arktur players - 001, Vega, Radio engineering - were not inferior to foreign ones.
        Ahhhhh ... got it.
        We did not produce vibrators and rubber women.
        And those made on the knee of the drill were very noisy. Yes, and it was inconvenient to keep.
        Rubber ... was tough, like on tank tracks.
        Then yes .... frowned.
        Who wanted a super-duper ... there were Birch shops, there was currency trading.
        And who the hell did not need "raspaltsovka" - lived not grieve.
        Here is a reportage about the detention of these coves, who were kneading the deputy - holding "Vertu" in his hands and yelling - "whoever was taken, look ... you, ...., life won't be enough to buy this !!"
        This is an example, no?
      2. The comment was deleted.
  25. +5
    19 July 2013 09: 55
    Traitors in the highest echelons of power will not be transferred. Half of them work for other countries and their intelligence type MI6. Children abroad, houses and lands bought stolen from the budget. It’s especially unpleasant for me when these rotten people say that the earth is gas and Other resources belong to Us Russian people. And in the case of a handful of officials and their jackals. It’s time to collect and send everyone to build the Peter-Syktyvkar-Yakutsk-Magadan roads. This will be the reason. There will be a Northern ground route.
    1. +2
      19 July 2013 10: 18
      Quote: Gerurra
      Traitors in the highest echelons of power will not be transferred. Half of them work for other countries and their intelligence type MI6. Children abroad, houses and lands bought stolen from the budget. It’s especially unpleasant for me when these rotten people say that the earth is gas and Other resources belong to Us Russian people. And in the case of a handful of officials and their jackals. It’s time to collect and send everyone to build the Peter-Syktyvkar-Yakutsk-Magadan roads. This will be the reason. There will be a Northern ground route.

      It would be interesting to see Putin building a road! laughing
    2. stroporez
      19 July 2013 11: 49
      in in. natural resources belong to the people, and dreams come true Toko at Gazprom .......... ugly ........
  26. +8
    19 July 2013 10: 10
    The nomenclature elite destroyed the country to legally secure their personal property rights (means of production and other valuable assets). Roughly speaking: c3,14, socialist property was built, and to legitimize it, they changed the legal environment.
  27. -1
    19 July 2013 10: 23
    Quote: Middle Brother
    Rumor has it that Serdyukov is being tipped as chairman of the board or head of the Rossiya bank head office

    Time will tell, but on the other hand it’s a clear drain of explosives of an objectionable person (IMHO)
    1. -1
      19 July 2013 23: 00
      What kind of drain? Khodorkovsky, Kvachkov, and finally Navalny - this is a "drain". One - two and sit! You should take off your rose-colored glasses at least occasionally.
  28. +1
    19 July 2013 10: 54
    The USSR collapsed on purpose. If it weren’t for this, they would just be introducing public safety concept on a theoretical basis of analytical work "Dead water"which was specially developed in the 80s
    1. diesel
      19 July 2013 15: 03
  29. Alexandr0id
    19 July 2013 10: 57
    if yes if only. how long will these sighs about the USSR be? there is no this country for 22 years and thank God. even the current authoritarian lawlessness in Russia is a gigantic progress in comparison with the USSR. how we lived then - we all remember, my mother, for example, working from 16 years old in construction organizations, received only letters, and she was given her own kopeck piece when she was 42 years old, before that all her life was in communal apartments. it’s impossible to drive me into such a bright past. if Russia continues to slide back into the USSR, my place outside such a country, I have no place in the herd of serfs.
    1. t-95
      19 July 2013 11: 49
      I agree, it’s only a sin to call their people a herd, this herd has saved the world more than once. And lastly, you cannot haul everything right and left, but to make an ideal picture of Soviet life is complete insanity, there was no idyll, WASN’T
    2. stroporez
      19 July 2013 11: 51
      Quote: Alexandr0id
      my place is outside the borders of such a country; I have no place in the herd of serfs.
      ------------ FELL, please ..........
      1. Alexandr0id
        19 July 2013 17: 27
        there is another option, maybe like me like you to bring down, the USSR went into the coffin and scoops there.
        1. +3
          19 July 2013 20: 32
          Quote: Alexandr0id
          the USSR went into the coffin and scoops there.

          You will not get it...
          Previously, an aspen stake will be hammered into your grave.
    3. Cat
      19 July 2013 12: 04
      Quote: Alexandr0id
      and her own kopeck piece was given to her only at 42

      And how much would she have to work in construction organizations in modern Russia?

      Quote: Alexandr0id
      my place is outside such a country

      Long time no longer a place. Flag in hand - to meet the train!
    4. 0
      19 July 2013 16: 29
      Forward. into a bright guest workers future! I really liked your dreams .. they promise the cleansing of Russia from mold, oh, there would be more of you like that. who are in a hurry to free "this country" from their rotten presence. :)))) Need a kick to speed up? or can you handle it yourself? And then we will help, as much as we can ... :))))
      1. Alexandr0id
        19 July 2013 18: 03
        we are people with a head, and we will leave, and will not be lost anywhere. and you will be left with your tears about the past. my "rotten presence" in the country gives jobs and wages to more than 50 employees, but what about you?
  30. +3
    19 July 2013 12: 21
    Rob the loot! Somewhere I already read it ... Oh yes! Slogans of the 17th.
  31. +6
    19 July 2013 12: 28
    Quote: Alexandr0id
    if yes if only. how long will these sighs about the USSR be? there is no this country for 22 years and thank God. even the current authoritarian lawlessness in Russia is a gigantic progress in comparison with the USSR. how we lived then - we all remember, my mother, for example, working from 16 years old in construction organizations, received only letters, and she was given her own kopeck piece when she was 42 years old, before that all her life was in communal apartments. it’s impossible to drive me into such a bright past. if Russia continues to slide back into the USSR, my place outside such a country, I have no place in the herd of serfs.

    This only proves that in the USSR there was no egalitarianism. From 16 years old and only at 42 years old in the CONSTRUCTION organization, and not get an apartment, it was necessary to try it !!! (7-10 years, or even faster, depending on the value of the frame). In the present country, people of the social group to which your mother belonged to homeless people in general, without any gap in life.

    I don’t digest when someone, talking about the hard life in the USSR, cries that my dad (mother) received 120 rubles. In general, it was necessary with a claim to dad.

    In the UNION, you could always make money if you wanted, and if you had a head and hands, then significant money, honor and privileges.

    Yes, in our family, women also worked (mother, wife) and received 120 rubles. But this work (or its image does not hit the lying) for the experience, and did not bother much - then 120 is guaranteed. But the men earned.
    1. Alexandr0id
      19 July 2013 17: 38
      Quote: chenia
      In the present country, people of the social group to which your mother belonged to homeless people in general, without any gap in life.

      ??? my mother is a pensioner, everything is fine with her, thanks to me now is the second apartment in the middle lane. and in Soviet times, her salary was 300-400 rubles (far north), all for a passbook - after all, housing was not for sale. but I didn’t get an apartment, because Being herself in the trade union committee and the commission on the distribution of housing, she believed that she couldn’t turn herself a turn, it seems like it’s dishonest (so stupid of course). and only when the nine-story buildings began to be built in the city (the 80s), then the line for housing began to decline. and I bought myself an apartment at 27, and in the coming years I’m going to buy a little villa in the middle of the Mediterranean. and you go with your socialism to the DPRK or some other hole.
  32. +5
    19 July 2013 12: 40
    The analysis of what could have been done is serious. I agree with that.
    But the article does not answer the question of why the reformers were in power, and the people silently let them destroy the socialist system. But if socialism is a system, then its decline also has systemic philosophical reasons. But they are not considered.
    Therefore, the calls at the end:
    They look emotionally and are not supported by the ways of their implementation, with the exception of the next revolution.
    1. -3
      20 July 2013 05: 45
      The fact of the matter is that the problems were not in the field of economics, but in the field of foreign policy. The West realized that it was losing the economic drive and went all-in, taking advantage of the advantages it still had. It was precisely a military defeat, although not in the field of military operations, but in the field of special services.
  33. +2
    19 July 2013 13: 28
    Wow gave a doctor hi the brains almost exploded from the lecture.
    I liked it well for general development, especially since it is not strong in economic analysis.
    With regards to the Communists, it’s time for Zyuganov to prepare a shift, because given his age, there is no sense in chasing the authorities.
    1. +3
      19 July 2013 20: 34
      Quote: mhpv
      then it’s time for Zyuganov to prepare a shift, because given his age, there is no sense in chasing power.

      And why should he? Lifetime l (p) id ...
  34. okosl
    19 July 2013 13: 52
    Have you heard the main news? The authorities have leaked the entire database about all of us into the network, block access to your data while it is possible (find yourself and click close access)! Here is the site- http://vbazes.gu.ma
  35. okosl
    19 July 2013 13: 52
    Have you heard the main news? The authorities have leaked the entire database about all of us into the network, block access to your data while it is possible (find yourself and click close access)! Here is the site- http://vbazes.gu.ma
  36. 0
    19 July 2013 13: 57
    But this is a fraud
  37. +5
    19 July 2013 14: 42
    We lost our homeland, but unfortunately many did not understand this.
    1. Gari
      19 July 2013 15: 07
      Quote: slaventi
      We lost our homeland, but unfortunately many did not understand this.

      How are you right, have lost your homeland and which homeland
  38. 0
    19 July 2013 15: 08
    And I am satisfied with the country in which I live and do not want any USSR. Nobody infringes me or humiliates me .... I go where I want to do what I want. I work, study, live. Outside the sun, beauty ....

    And for lovers of the USSR, I can repeat myself ... where are you comrades now crying for the USSR were when the power changed ???? Why didn’t they raise their asses and didn’t go under the tanks to go to bed ???? So, so dear was your Soviet Union)
    With all due respect)
    1. -2
      19 July 2013 17: 01
      Egoist! There are a lot of them, if only he feels good, and the rest of us ... will.
      1. +2
        19 July 2013 20: 59
        Forgive what the egoist ???
        1. -1
          20 July 2013 05: 50
          Yes, very simple. When a small number of people live well, a revolutionary situation matures. And then some foreign well-wishers can easily rock the situation and destroy the country. Then it would be bad for everyone and those who used to feel bad and those who used to be good. In the history of Russia, this has been far more than once. I hope you do not need to give examples?
    2. -1
      20 July 2013 05: 48
      I was 1991 in the 13, and in the 93, my parents locked me at home during the events in Moscow so that I would not get anywhere. Even though nothing happened in Khabarovsk, as far as I know. But we were reinsured.
  39. +1
    19 July 2013 16: 08
    I ran through the article fluently ... It is clear that the author correctly raised this burning question. The point is that there was a powerful country - the USSR, BUT there was no human ideology in it. And the system collapsed because almost all the people (about 80%) did not like the Central Committee of the CPSU and that monster - the ideological machine that pressed everything and everything. And so, under such a mood of the masses what happened - the 91st year. I have asked myself many times, but if there weren’t this Bolshevik misanthropic ideology ... There wouldn’t have been this 91st and Gorby and all that destructive that happened to the country. Through Faith and love for the Motherland, it was even possible to prevent adventurers from coming to power on a cannon shot. Indeed, now we see how conciliar, how Holy Russia is being reborn. People are different. I believe Russia will rise, but not in its Soviet guise, but in the article of Great Russia! God grant!
    1. diesel
      19 July 2013 23: 55
      The USSR collapsed due to the lack of unity of word and deed. This is like a concept. Senior management has acquired unearned and unaccounted for proceeds from the sale of oil. The proposals of Western financial circles to appropriate the country's natural wealth were gratefully accepted. How they were implemented can be argued. All the same, the people of the USSR were in charge, who needed human conditions of life, the same conditions for the upper and lower classes. The country could not stand in boots and waistbands for about 50 years. We overstrained. Great fault in this defense industry.
  40. a
    19 July 2013 16: 18
    not tired of smearing the snot? more than 20 years have passed since the USSR disappeared with socialism. yes it's a shame, yes it hurts. but it’s time to live the future, and not the past, smearing the next batch of snot.
    By the way, I’m sure that if the USSR had not collapsed then he would have done it later. without socialism, such a union of republics with a different mentality would quickly collapse. history shows that sooner or later the Baltic states, Transcaucasia and Central Asia would fall off. one could only dream of the core of the former USSR - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Ukraine. this truncated union would already be milked forever threatening to leave it. and so, there are none who should not be. we do not subsidize the former republics .. and thank God. it's time to end this bodyagi with snot in the USSR. we have a good country. it is necessary to stop whining;
  41. +2
    19 July 2013 16: 19
    Well, everything is clear with this, "if grandmother had eggs, it would be grandfather." It is possible in principle to collect "fragments of former glory", but for what and who will undertake it. Nobody wants to work, just make money - that's the whole problem.
  42. Zhuchok
    19 July 2013 16: 53
    Of course, the collapse of the USSR was a planned action of forces within the country with external support, and this event should be investigated at the highest level.
    However, there were patterns too, and they lie in the spiritual realm.
    In the article, the author deals exclusively with economic indicators, without taking into account other spheres of life of the Soviet person.
    But even if we talk only about the economy, many will remember the empty shelves in stores, and fights in the queues for sugar and other products. People were even ready to kill each other in these lines.
    Is it a healthy economy? You can consider the numbers, consider, predict, but people somehow lived completely different.
    Unfortunately, it can be stated that the economic model in the USSR was untenable, for one simple reason: it did not allow every citizen to realize himself in the economy.
    It was impossible to open a business, show initiative, even build a house for yourself was impossible.
    All means of production were in the hands of the state.
    Everything from a cog to a spaceship could only be produced by the state.
    This is completely wrong, people should be able to create their own business and work independently.
    Look at agriculture. The USSR often had huge crops, but still had to import grain.
    And now? Despite the loss of Ukraine and Kazakhstan, we are able to export bread.
    And the Russian Empire fed the whole of Europe.
    And if not for 1917, now Russia would be the number 1 country in the world in all respects, with a billion people.
    It should also be noted that the USSR was created on the ruins of Russia according to a scheme that was completely uncharacteristic of this: by cutting historical Russia into national republics.
    Such a structure could only be stable under very strict central authority, as under Stalin.
    It turned out to be a time bomb, which exploded in 1991.
    And finally, the spiritual side of the problem.
    So tragic events took place in 1917 and after that as a result of them a spiritual demolition of people's consciousness occurred.
    If before that in Russia there was mainly a traditional patriarchal way of life, then moral degradation began.
    For the first time in the world, abortions were allowed, the imminent "withering away" of the family was announced, the woman was forced to go to work.
    Religion was destroyed, temples exploded.
    Instead of traditional values, an ideology completely foreign to the people that came from the West was imposed.
    As a result, an atmosphere of lies reigned in the country
    Such a spiritual and moral time bomb also subsequently exploded.
    Therefore, along with such studies, it is necessary to conduct a study on the topic: how would we live if there were no tragic
    events of 1917 and all subsequent spilled blood?
    1. +1
      20 July 2013 06: 14
      If there was no spirituality in the USSR, then when was it?
      In the Moscow state, where the nobles of the peasants sold wholesale and retail? Could starve or hunt dogs. And the nobles themselves could hang the nobles and put on a stake. The tsar or the grand duke also acted with the boyars.
      Or, perhaps, there was spirituality in the Russian Empire, when under Peter the Great, entire cities were built on bones? When the tsar himself arranged the worship of "Bacchus", when the soldiers were recruited by raids in the villages, when Menshikov stole in a way our oligarchs never dreamed of.
      Or, perhaps, in the time of the last Romanovs, when "famines" were permanently arranged in the provinces, and the landowners drove grain over the hill in order to pass their income across Europe? When breeders forced workers to work 12 hours a day seven days a week for a penny. And in my free time there was a bottle and a pub, because it was impossible to get into the theater or buy good books. We have already come close to this too.
      Where will spirituality come from if the people did not see it from above (kings of the drunks — Peter, Alexander the Third, Nicholas the Bloody, the killer kings of Grozny, the same Peter. Not from the church, when the clergy saved up wealth and robbed ordinary people, while debauching more his flock.

      Spiritual people are a fairy tale. A person is spiritual when he is satisfied with life. It is worth most of us to put in conditions of survival, and they will nibble each other. At what it was and is not only with us. So everywhere in the world. Because everywhere there are rich and poor. Some are unscrupulous due to the fact that they have seized other people's incomes and other people's labor, and the second have no conscience because they have to survive. A small layer of the middle class also sees both of them perfectly and is jealous of one and is afraid to be in the ranks of the second. The only way to educate the spiritual people was in the USSR. Because the vast majority of the population in the USSR lived approximately the same. And at the same time, life is constantly, albeit slowly, but improving. And until people fell for foreign advertising, i.e. envy did not appear; they were more spiritual than in any other country. And then another crisis, when it is necessary to survive, and the gangster has gone wild. So people remembered instinctively how to survive. And those who did not remember, those are already far away. Look at the difference between the population of the RSFSR on 1991 and the present. So there will be those who did not remember who were truly spiritual.
  43. +3
    19 July 2013 17: 14
    Quote: Clever man
    And for lovers of the USSR, I can repeat myself ... where are you comrades now crying for the USSR were when the power changed ???? Why didn’t they raise their asses and didn’t go under the tanks to go to bed ???? So, so dear was your Soviet Union)

    Yes, because they were idiots (the sense of justice was super high, so they resented the privileges of the party nomenclature). So they allowed beautifully speaking freaks to deceive themselves.

    But now there is something to compare. And it’s hard to return, there was a fear of change.

    Quote: ioann1
    Bolshevik misanthropic ideology ... Not b

    Do you even know the principles of communist ideology and what is hateful there? It would be smarter to tell you - the ways to achieve the goal were not always humane.

    But the establishment of communism surpassed the establishment of liberalism in cannibalism. The countries of the former USSR lost 55-60 ml. for 20 years (this in absolute terms exceeds the losses from the Nazis, well, in intensity it is somewhat inferior).

    And most of the freedoms received under the Communists. Freedom of entrepreneurship - cooperatives remember (and there were still cooperatives), freedom of movement - if only 1/6 of the world was not enough, I could go wherever I wanted (but here the material component, when people rushed to change 210 rubles for 300 bucks, became stressful).

    The Right to Political Choice — Do You Choose Now? And democracy is BABLOCRACY, and by the way, too.

    Actually, I don't give a fuck what "ISM" is now in the yard. But I must be confident in the safety of my loved ones, in the ability to protect my dignity, in the opportunity to do my favorite interesting thing (and I do not mention the material - I still eat bread with butter and caviar, but before I was engaged in BUSINESS, and now BUSINESS) , in the ability to have a fair trial.

    And all this I had to a greater extent then, in the USSR.
  44. 0
    19 July 2013 18: 01
    I am from Zelenokumsk, Stavropol Territory)))
  45. Yarosvet
    19 July 2013 18: 22
    1. Yarosvet
      19 July 2013 18: 26
      1. Yarosvet
        19 July 2013 18: 27
        1. Yarosvet
          19 July 2013 18: 30
  46. siftij
    19 July 2013 18: 22
    The truth is probably in the middle, today I just remembered the Communists with a kind word, when I was standing with a bucket to a car for water, the sewer collector clogged and the village authorities turned out to be so stupid and helpless (but chosen democratically) and even tried to close the accident. Only today, people exhausted by the two-day absence of sewage, water and a mountain of unwashed dishes began to call the regional ministries, the administration of the municipal district, the Ministry of Emergencies and the EDD. Private traders collected money for water and sanitation, did not invest in reconstruction and new equipment and tried to pay workers a minimum of wages. He had nothing to fix a serious accident with, nor technicians or specialists, the regional authorities had to help him, and again he would have to tear up three skins from people before the next accident, and there again the state would help.
  47. +3
    19 July 2013 18: 47
    Quote: Zhuchok
    But even if we talk only about the economy, many will remember the empty shelves in stores, and fights in the queues for sugar and other products. People were even ready to kill each other in these lines.

    You will bring prices to salaries (availability and consumption level) and all shelves will be empty. In other words, despite the deficit, everyone was full.

    Quote: Zhuchok
    It was impossible to open a business, show initiative, even build a house for yourself was impossible.

    What country did you live in? At our factory they gave 25 thousand. interest free loan (for building materials, etc. to developers (well, of course, with a certain length of service) if only he left the line for an apartment, and they sold old CNC machines to cooperative workers.

    Quote: Zhuchok
    Despite the loss of Ukraine and Kazakhstan, we are able to export bread.
    And the Russian Empire fed the whole of Europe.

    Terrible stupidity repeated by liber-astami, If countries such as Ukraine and Russia sell bread, then livestock breeding was covered with a copper basin. What do you think you didn’t have enough bread in the USSR, bought it in Canada, the USA and Argentina? The herd was 10 times more, these animals wanted to eat (meat cost 1,8-2,2 r / kg, from the 60s to 90th lines, it quickly disappeared from the shelves, YES - to the market - 3,5 r and they will kiss you).

    RESTRICTION in accessibility created the appearance of fertility.

    Quote: Zhuchok
    there was a spiritual demolition of people's consciousness.

    After the collapse of the USSR, there was no such squabble (well, not comparable), but then? And not only the Bolsheviks are to blame for this, it was such a LEVEL of CONSCIOUSNESS.

    Quote: Zhuchok
    Therefore, along with such studies, it is necessary to conduct a study on the topic: how would we live if there were no tragic
    events of 1917 and all subsequent spilled blood?

    And we would not live. Fascist Germany, revived by the Anglo-Skunks, would have crushed tsarist Russia into dust.
    1. Zhuchok
      19 July 2013 20: 41
      The deficit itself is evidence of the failure of the economic model, regardless of satiety.
      It was very difficult to get something right, because it was necessary to get it.
      You write about your plant, I also had the opportunity to get, for example, a lining, thanks to family ties in the timber industry. And so - in everything, but for the majority it was not available. It was impossible to buy elementary things, for example a brick, although at the bases it was lying to nobody unnecessary.
      The economy cannot work like that - according to the decisions of the State Planning Commission.
      The Gosplan cannot plan that, for example, I would like to build a house for myself, and I would have to plan to make a brick for me, and so that I could buy it somewhere else.
      But there were rockets!
      What kind of choice was this offered to the population: rockets are more needed than consumer goods?
      Regarding entrepreneurship: omit isolated cases.
      Because they were an exception, since the dominant ideology did not allow private ownership of the means of production. At any moment they could come "with a commission" and issue "instructions", or even imprison them.
      But all the same, there were farmers and workshops, but this is from another area ...
      A huge amount of shadow economy.
      About "If such countries as Ukraine and Russia sell bread, then livestock breeding is covered with a copper basin" - beyond the comments, the logic is simply iron.
      Can you rate the quality of the herd, which was "10 times larger"?
      What is the "RESTRICTION on availability"? This is some kind of non-economic concept.
      What does the concept of "LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS" include?
      About "we wouldn't live" ...
      The victory in the First World War was close and obvious.
      As a result of this victory, Russia, even if it had not received all that was due to it, became country No. 1 in Europe.
      And since the king pursued a foreign policy, relying on a moral Christian principle, there would be no Versailles peace in the form in which it was concluded.
      Consequently, there would be no revanchist sentiment in Germany.
      And there would be no Hitler.
      Russia would develop further, and by the end of the 30s, according to the forecast of Stolypin, Russia would not be recognized.
      And by the middle of the 20th century, Russia, with its half-billion population, would have advanced to the first positions in the world, and not only in the military, but also in the economic sphere, not to mention the cultural and civilizational ones.
      1. 0
        20 July 2013 01: 42
        I will answer you with the words of my great-grandmother, who survived the king, the revolution and 2 wars - God forbid you children live with the king !!!!!!!!!!!
        For me, her words weigh and mean more than all your thoughts on this subject, because she lived at that time, and you did not ....
      2. +1
        20 July 2013 06: 20
        The deficit itself is evidence of the failure of the economic model, regardless of satiety.

        Yes, you sho? and what is our main deficit under capitalism? That's right - money. And without money, everything becomes scarce. so capitalism is untenable hundreds of times more, ches socialism. Because in short supply basis. And to satisfy this deficit under capitalism is impossible in principle.
  48. waisson
    19 July 2013 18: 51
    I’m late to get into discussion, but I’ll leave my opinion I think the economy would have been stronger than in China and we would have lived no worse and the army would have been the strongest and would have feared us and listened and now they spit on the fact that we say the economy destroyed the army ruined the outcome of democracy
  49. 0
    19 July 2013 18: 51
    We just need normal people in power structures. Power workers who are devoted to their homeland and who have the courage to evict all liberals and the country. Work and work get real opportunities to change the course of the country.
  50. +1
    19 July 2013 19: 42
    To keep the Union for ordinary people, only one thing was needed: to remove the shortage of goods. It was necessary for people to still produce. Clothing, cars, household appliances, and at the level of advanced countries.
    Then people would not have sold for a cheap can of Coca-Cola, a serving of cheeseburgers and jeans pants.
    It was necessary to open your market for these things, but by agreement of Tarhun, samsa and textiles in response to open for the United States.
    1. Gooch
      19 July 2013 19: 46
      Quote: KG_patriot_last
      To keep the Union for ordinary people, only one thing was needed: to remove the shortage of goods. It was necessary for people to still produce. Clothing, cars, household appliances, and at the level of advanced countries.
      Then people would not have sold for a cheap can of Coca-Cola, a serving of cheeseburgers and jeans pants.
      It was necessary to open your market for these things, but by agreement of Tarhun, samsa and textiles in response to open for the United States.

      Where does this "level" come from? Will chtoli fall from the sky? The Union was initially established as a temporary state, it just had to be reformed, and not destroyed, as EBN did in conjunction with Gorby.
    2. 0
      20 July 2013 06: 23
      To keep the Union for ordinary people, only one thing was needed: to remove the shortage of goods.

      So it was gradually removed. It’s just that everything at once can only be with the oligarchs, and even then only for themselves, for the family and for lovers. And the rest, even the most twisted, ingenious and hardworking, achieve everything gradually, for years so to 50-60.
  51. +3
    19 July 2013 21: 33
    Gentlemen, analysts, maybe stop harping on the topic of “what have we lost.” Yes, a great tragedy occurred. We buried a Great Country. By the way, with my own hands. Why, after two decades, lisp about this? I am with those who are building a new Russia. Although I am retired, I work. So, an article will appear about what we lost, minus it guys! Tired of pessimism!!!
    1. 0
      20 July 2013 06: 27
      If we don’t know what we’ve lost, then it’s very easy for us to be brainwashed and distracted from building a truly just society. Thank God, the people are gradually beginning to wake up from the capitalist dope. Maybe we can return everything to normal. And those who are “building” Russia now are not building Russia, but an oligarchic empire. Which the same oligarchs will hand over as soon as they can agree with world capital on the division of the spoils seized from the people of Russia.
  52. sam_x12
    19 July 2013 22: 06
    Thanks to the author !!!
    But even without numbers, when you put everything together, when you compare it, you feel sadness and quiet rage at the people who did this and at yourself for allowing this to happen.
    We fell for the bright packaging, but we’ve been eating what’s inside for 20 years. I WANT old gray-brown nondescript paper bags, but they should contain Soviet sausage. And not this mass that we are buying now. I don’t want these flashy commercials; it would be better if they showed “Swan Lake.” I want me, like my parents once upon a time, to not be afraid to let my child go to school on his own.....
    This associative series can be continued for a very long time, but this only makes it even sadder.
    I would like to hope that someone will lead us in the right direction and we will be able to live in a country where children burst out laughing as they walk home from school and don’t secretly watch porn videos on their phones. Where their parents, coming home from work, will rejoice at their children’s successes and make family plans for the weekend, rather than grinning painfully at their children and trying to figure out how to plug another hole in the family budget.
    1. Yarosvet
      19 July 2013 23: 29
      Quote: sam_x12
      I want to hope that someone will lead us in the right direction.
      Psychology of a slave?
      1. lexe
        20 July 2013 00: 05
        Psychology of a slave?

        More like the psychology of pragmatism laughing - if everyone leads themselves across the field, the field will be trampled and their feet will be crushed.
        1. Yarosvet
          20 July 2013 02: 06
          Quote: Lexi
          Rather, the psychology of pragmatism - if everyone leads themselves across the field, then the field will be trampled and their feet will be crushed.
          Yes, I'm not talking about that.

          In order for someone to take you somewhere, you need to get your ass off the couch and follow that someone, and you have to decide for yourself whether it’s the right direction or not.
          And here - as in that joke about a Jew praying to win the lottery:
          "- Lord! Why don’t you give your lottery winnings to this kind, pious old man?!
          “I would give it to you, but this senile old man doesn’t buy lottery tickets.”
      2. -1
        20 July 2013 06: 28
        Yarosvet. A leader is always needed. Alone, a person can only survive, but our leaders lift us up through our achievements.
        1. Yarosvet
          20 July 2013 11: 44
          Quote: alicante11
          Yarosvet. A leader is always needed.
          Seriously? Does a leader also need a leader, or can a leader do without a leader? laughing

          Have we played Indians too much?

          Alone, a person can only survive, but our leaders lift us up through our achievements.
          They lift you up - usually with kicks.

          For some reason, everyone has forgotten one simple thing - PEOPLE MAKE A LEADER when they lift their butts off the couch and follow the person who said the right words, forcing him and helping him do the right things.
          1. -1
            20 July 2013 13: 48
            Seriously? Does a leader also need a leader, or can a leader do without a leader?

            The leader is usually given a kick by Her Majesty Necessity.

            They lift you up - usually with kicks.

            Well, it depends. For some, kicks, but for others, speeches or an example are enough.

            For some reason, everyone has forgotten one simple thing - PEOPLE MAKE A LEADER when they lift their butts off the couch and follow the person who said the right words, forcing him and helping him do the right things.

            When I was 16, I thought so too. But as I grew older and learned more about history... my opinion changed.
            1. Yarosvet
              20 July 2013 14: 44
              Quote: alicante11
              The leader is usually given a kick by Her Majesty Necessity.
              Not only the leader, which is natural - conscious necessity gives a kick to everyone, that’s what freedom is for laughing

              Well, it depends. For some, kicks, but for others, speeches or an example are enough
              The actions of speeches and example, but above all PR, we have seen over the last 20 years.

              When I was 16, I thought so too. But as I grew older and learned more about history... my opinion changed.
              From your other posts it follows that in this case you are being disingenuous: you cannot help but understand that inaction is action, that “when goodness is inactive, injustice triumphs,” that “bad authorities are elected by good citizens who did not come to the polls.”

              The point is that nothing depends on one person, but everything depends on one society: in fact, any political system is a democracy, it’s just that in one case society considers it necessary, to one degree or another, to indicate to the Authority its place, and in another case it considers necessary to remain silent.
              1. -1
                20 July 2013 16: 21
                The actions of speeches and example, but above all PR, we have seen over the last 20 years.

                Uh-uh, no. There is no talk here about the rise of the people. And there is one example - chew others and be in chocolate yourself.

                From your other posts it follows that in this case you are being disingenuous: you cannot help but understand that inaction is action, that “when goodness is inactive, injustice triumphs,” that “bad authorities are elected by good citizens who did not come to the polls.”

                From which of my posts does this follow?
                Regarding the “bad government”, God bless you, do you really believe that we elect someone? I am begging you. Let's remember the year 96 - this is a full indicator. And the elections of DAM. Who is he anyway? VVP said that he would be and he became! And 2011 - PZhiV (Navalny goat, but the truth is more valuable), who in their right mind and of their own free will would vote for United Russia?
                Regarding philosophical maxims about inaction and action. Yes, that's true, it's stupid to deny. But the problem is that the people are inert and it is easier for them to produce an action of inaction, rather than an action of action. And what is it all about? Because every adult has a family behind him - a wife, children. I had an argument with my wife here. What to do if suddenly riots start again and the country collapses. So we agreed that if you go, don’t come home. Like, if they kill you, who will support the children? Well, I don’t care, I’ll have to and I’ll go and come and not ask her. I just thought, how long will the wife’s skirts remain and sit next to the children? Yes, most. And you can understand them, the thought itself is scratching your head - and if I really don’t come back, somehow they will? Like in '91 or '93. They are shooting in the center of Moscow, and people are going to work in the outskirts and in the Moscow Region. That’s why we need a leader who would explain to these “fool women” that that’s it, they’re crazy, and shame the men who listen to their conversations.

                The point is that nothing depends on one person, but everything depends on one society: in fact, any political system is a democracy, it’s just that in one case society considers it necessary, to one degree or another, to indicate to the Authority its place, and in another case it considers necessary to remain silent.

                A small pebble causes a huge avalanche in the mountains.
                In general, of course, the leader is not alone. Stalin also did not fight the Trotskyists alone, and Lenin did not make the revolution alone. And Peter the Great would have been worth nothing without his thieving friends like Menshikov. But all the same, a leader is a leader. he will raise the inner circle, and they will already raise the wave further.
                1. Yarosvet
                  20 July 2013 23: 49
                  Quote: alicante11
                  There is no talk here about the rise of the people. And there is one example - chew others and be in chocolate yourself.
                  That's how it is in real life. And in the box, the main lifter has been raising us from our knees for 14 years, restoring sovereignty, taking care of the welfare of the people. Before him, there was a dancer who blew the minds of the West with his conducting art.
                  PR differs from reality in that words and pictures are one thing, but in reality something else.

                  From which of my posts does this follow?
                  Yes, at least from the one to which I am answering her now.

                  Do you really believe that we choose someone?
                  I think that 30 percent of the especially gifted and smeared really get elected.

                  And the elections of DAM. Who is he anyway? VVP said that he would be and he became!
                  There is a website - "Point Eye of the Planet" - so 95% there are especially gifted laughing - they have the head of the national leader, at his suggestion they voted for Dimon (now Dimon is being cursed at). How many of these can there be in the country? In my opinion, up to a third of them are shouting cheers to the Chief Minister and the White Guard armored train.

                  But the problem is that the people are inert and it is easier for them to produce an action of inaction, rather than an action of action.
                  So we agreed that if you go, don’t come home.
                  I just thought, how long will the wife’s skirts remain and sit next to the children? Yes, most.
                  That's right - this is a problem: people don't want to understand what happens when you start living according to the principle "my house is on the edge" http://ruslife.org.ua/post152247357/

                  That’s why we need a leader who would explain to these “fool women” that that’s it, they’re crazy, and shame the men who listen to their conversations.
                  Also true for now. But a leader does not appear on his own - a person is made a leader by people who listened to this person, got off their butts from the sofas and went along with him.

                  ...he will raise the inner circle, and they will already raise the wave further.
                  This is in theory. But in practice, without the desire of people to create a leader for themselves and follow him, a leader does not appear.
                  1. -1
                    21 July 2013 02: 17
                    That's how it is in real life. And in the box, the main lifter has been raising us from our knees for 14 years, restoring sovereignty, taking care of the welfare of the people.

                    Well, I'm not discussing PR.

                    Yes, at least from the one to which I am answering her now.

                    I don't know where you saw this. I'm just a skeptic, that's all.

                    I think that 30 percent of the especially gifted and smeared really get elected.

                    What 30%? Maybe 30 oligarchs + GDP? Then I'll believe it.

                    There is a website - “Ochko Eye of the Planet” - so 95% of them are especially gifted - their chief minister is the national leader, at his suggestion they voted for Dimon (now Dimon is being cursed at). How many of these can there be in the country? In my opinion, up to a third of them are shouting cheers to the Chief Minister and the White Guard armored train.

                    I was banned there for expressing my memories of life in the USSR, and before that, my opposition to juvenile justice, which went against the administration. And I don’t believe the polls there. The site is purely commercial to serve the interests of EDR.

                    But a leader does not appear on his own - a person is made a leader by people who listened to this person, got off their butts from the sofas and went along with him.

                    The cart doesn’t move because the horse’s bell is ringing under the arc :). The people must at most be ready to perform, their consciousness must mature. Those. a revolutionary situation will arise. But until the trial ball is thrown, there will be no action. And individual outbreaks will be easily stopped by the authorities.

                    This is in theory. But in practice, without the desire of people to create a leader for themselves and follow him, a leader does not appear.

                    The day is clear that without desire you cannot raise people. Even the swamp hamsters had “desires”, for example - the desire for new exciting entertainment, otherwise they would have torn their asses off the heated office chairs. But people have a desire. Starting from 89. But with the leader somehow... it doesn’t work out. Because the leader, in addition to charisma and a pain in the ass, also needs funding. But we have a problem with this. Only the oligarchs and the state have money. Foreign money, unfortunately, goes only to liberals from the “opposition”. The only difference with those in power is that they support fewer oligarchs, and the lion's share under them will go to Westerners. But people don’t care who robs them anyway. Local oligarchs or international capital. Therefore, people will not follow either one or the other.
                    1. Yarosvet
                      21 July 2013 02: 59
                      Quote: alicante11
                      What 30%? Maybe 30 oligarchs + GDP? Then I'll believe it.
                      Alas, PR is working. Even according to D. Oreshkin’s calculations, between 25 and 35 percent actually vote for the security officer and the armored train.

                      And I don’t believe the polls there. The site is purely commercial to serve the interests of EDR.
                      Polls are nonsense. People there post Zaputin comments, and even if some of them are the work of admins, then 2/3 are quite real. Propaganda works, PR.

                      consciousness must mature.
                      And the task of the authorities is to prevent this consciousness from maturing, hence all the points of the planets, Fedorov, Starikov, Prokhanov, Kurginyan and the like. And the people are being led.

                      But until the trial ball is thrown, there will be no action.
                      This is how they throw it - RZS, AVN, etc. - what's the point? Not only is there a fear of making a mistake in choice in society, along with political nihilism, but people’s brains have managed to fall asleep so much that one is amazed.

                      But with the leader somehow... it doesn’t work out.
                      I see the main problem not in financing, but in leadership, in the desire to delegate the responsibility to think independently to someone else. As a result, instead of choosing political, economic and social programs, they choose a person, and a famous person plays on this, creating a certain image for himself.

                      Until we understand that leaderism is dangerous, that the leader must be controlled by the follower, that every cook needs to learn how to manage the state, no progress in a positive direction will happen.
                      1. 0
                        21 July 2013 05: 37
                        Alas, PR is working. Even according to D. Oreshkin’s calculations, between 25 and 35 percent actually vote for the security officer and the armored train.

                        And does it include civil servants, cops, army men? Those. those who are obliged by duty to vote for the authorities. If they do, then I agree. If not, I will agree.
                        By the way, regarding the “chekist”, as I understand it, this is GDP, they actually voted for him. And patriots too. And if I went, I would vote for him. I just didn’t go, because everything was already predetermined. And he scored his more than 50% honestly and realistically. Why? A separate question. If you are interested, I will answer. But in the elections to the Duma, there was, of course, no place to take tests.

                        Polls are nonsense. People there post Zaputin comments, and even if some of them are the work of admins, then 2/3 are quite real. Propaganda works, PR.

                        It’s just that GDP has really done a lot. Of course, the main beneficiary is the oligarchs. But the people are STILL getting off on their own, at least more than under EBE. Well, as for the preservation of the state, it’s simply ridiculous to dispute his merits. And therefore, PR specialists have a really large field for activity. You just need to understand that with a course towards capitalism, on which GDP stands, you cannot build a really powerful state, like the USSR was. We have no one to rob. Don't count Belarus and Kazakhstan as donors. And a “pipe” is much worse than a “printing press”. Therefore, in the fight against the West, Russia can rely only and exclusively on military force. But military power is based on economics. This was shown very well by WWII and WWII. And what happens with such a policy is well demonstrated by the example of the Kaiser’s Germany. In general, there can be no victory over the West under a capitalist course. And if there is no victory, then someday they will still defeat us again. This is the main disadvantage of GDP. For all its current effectiveness, its course is a dead end. But no one understands this. Neither his admirers nor his opponents.

                        And the task of the authorities is to prevent this consciousness from maturing, hence all the points of the planets, Fedorov, Starikov, Prokhanov, Kurginyan and the like. And the people are being led.

                        people are not that stupid. In addition to the ears on which they hang noodles, the people also have eyes that, figuratively speaking, see a hole in the wallet and hungry children. And no amount of “glasses” will cover this. That is why the revolutionary situation persists. And as long as we have capitalism, it will persist.
                      2. -1
                        21 July 2013 05: 38
                        This is how they throw it - RZS, AVN, etc. - what's the point? Not only is there a fear of making a mistake in choice in society, along with political nihilism, but people’s brains have managed to fall asleep so much that one is amazed.

                        What is a "trial balloon"? Or, better said, “a pebble that activates an avalanche.” In relation to a revolution, this is a mass protest. To organize it you need money. And it takes time. We need to assemble a team that will work with people, that will organize a protest. You need to prepare everything necessary for the protest. From posters, snacks in the form of chocolate, Coca-Cola and tangerines to tents for the Maidan, buses for delivering people to the site of protests and Molotov cocktails. And the money needed here is not small. You cannot organize a normal protest on contributions to electronic wallets.
                        I will give simple examples. The October Revolution was financed by both the Entente and Germany. The Bolsheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries themselves, although they had established parties with a financing system, could not raise enough funds. The Orange Revolution is a brilliant organization with money from the State Department. "Swamp movement", which can even better show the possibilities of financing protests and organizing, especially if there is a revolutionary situation. If the Oval, Sobchak and Kasparysh, hated by all the people, were able to bring hundreds of thousands of people onto the streets. And take Libya. There wasn't even a revolutionary situation there. But with sufficient funding and the connivance of the authorities, they were able to cause protests.
                        But protests are not everything. It is difficult to rush towards an armored riot policeman with a shield and baton, behind whom stands an armored personnel carrier, aiming at you with a heavy machine gun. It takes a blow to make people rush, after which you can’t stop them, except perhaps with “unacceptable losses.” And even then, tomorrow everything will continue from the beginning again. Such a blow was always the actions of snipers who began to kill protesters. And then someone shouted “they’re beating our people” and... away we go. Our swamp boobies turned out to be too soft-bodied. They didn't want to sacrifice anyone. Or maybe the FSB did a good job. But the fact remained a fact. Things did not go further than the protests and they gradually faded away.

                        I see the main problem not in financing, but in leadership, in the desire to delegate the responsibility to think independently to someone else. As a result, instead of choosing political, economic and social programs, they choose a person, and a famous person plays on this, creating a certain image for himself.

                        Well, tell me, HOW to make at least a protest without money, without organization? After all, every person has a different mood every day. Today he drinks with the boys, tomorrow he has an important job, the day after tomorrow his mother-in-law needs to paint the fence. And the day after tomorrow some bureaucrat or deputy crossed his path and he is ready to kill them all. But just that day, a neighbor goes to his mother-in-law to paint the fence. And so for all people, even outbreaks like Pugachev’s, Kushchev’s, cannot raise a big wave, because the rest are not ready at this moment and the authorities will hush up or crush this outbreak.
                        I carefully monitored the Bolotnaya protests. Because it was really dangerous. If the “oppositionists” had not turned out to be such “suckers,” the situation might have gotten out of the control of the authorities. And I understood the mechanism of protests very well. You can’t organize them spontaneously. Therefore, a leader is needed, and the leader needs like-minded people and money with which they can create a team to organize a protest.
                      3. Yarosvet
                        21 July 2013 15: 40
                        Quote: alicante11
                        And does it include civil servants, cops, army men?
                        Come in.

                        And he scored his more than 50% honestly and realistically.
                        I think it’s not entirely fair - the second round was clearly looming there.

                        It’s just that the GDP has really done a lot... at least more than under EBE.
                        This opinion is precisely a consequence of PR and propaganda. You simply forget that you need to compare as a percentage, adjusted for the conditions of a specific time period.

                        Well, as for the preservation of the state, it’s simply ridiculous to dispute his merits.
                        The fact that he bought the loyalty of the Caucasus is a fact, but how is preservation expressed? I don't remember Russia falling apart.

                        You just need to understand that with a course towards capitalism, on which GDP stands, you cannot build a really powerful state, like the USSR was.
                        I agree.

                        We have no one to rob.
                        But I don’t agree here - in order to create a truly strong state, we simply don’t need to rob anyone.

                        In general, there can be no victory over the West under a capitalist course. And if there is no victory, then someday they will still defeat us again.
                        They haven't defeated us - they're integrating us into their systems on their own terms. This is not a victory for the West - it is a betrayal on the part of the nomenklatura.

                        This is the main disadvantage of GDP. For all its current effectiveness, its course is a dead end.
                        The course is a dead end only for the people.

                        And no amount of “glasses” will cover this.
                        They close it and how. For example, they offer to compare something, but they compare not in percentage terms, but in nominal values ​​- as a result, people, feeling the deterioration of living conditions, see their improvement in numbers and are forced to extinguish their dissatisfaction, since formally they are wrong.
                        That is why the revolutionary situation persists.
                      4. Yarosvet
                        21 July 2013 16: 34
                        Quote: alicante11
                        What is a "trial balloon"? Or, better said, “a pebble that activates an avalanche.” In relation to a revolution, this is a mass protest.
                        A mass demonstration is already an avalanche. The first stone is the right words.
                        And what does revolution have to do with it? We are talking about the citizens of the country understanding what is happening, about understanding what is good for them and the country and what is not. A revolution occurs when the government refuses to carry out the will of the people and at the same time refuses to leave. In our case, the authorities have so far succeeded in distracting maneuvers, therefore we are not talking about revolution.

                        "Swamp Movement"
                        The Swamp Movement is a fake inspired by the Kremlin.

                        And take Libya. There wasn't even a revolutionary situation there.
                        How do we know this? The clan struggle did not stop there.

                        Our swamp boobies turned out to be too soft-bodied. They didn't want to sacrifice anyone. Or maybe the FSB did a good job. But the fact remained a fact. Things didn't go further than protests
                        And it couldn’t go: think about it - the right words sound, but they are spoken by guys who are supported by no more than 2% of the population.
                        Only a clinical idiot, or one who sets himself the task of scaring the majority of the population with this protest, and then leaking this protest, can use to raise a real protest.

                        Well, tell me, HOW to make at least a protest without money, without organization? After all, every person has a different mood every day.
                        When he’s annoying, then the mood doesn’t change for a long time, and the awareness of the need doesn’t depend on the mood.

                        There are people who speak the right words, but they do not have the opportunity to be heard by many - but that’s not even the point: there is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and no matter how anyone treats it and Zyu, its coming to power would mean a left turn - they would simply have to implement announced program. But people are brainwashed, they have focused their choice not on a program, but on a person, and as a result, nothing changes - that is why leaderism is dangerous.

                        And regarding protests and distractions associated with them, Mukhin said very correctly:
  53. -1
    19 July 2013 22: 10
    Quote: Sirocco
    I would say differently. The older generation knows that everyone has lost. The question is what we have acquired. And they gained, glasnost and independence, which are fed up with everything.

    And also liberals who are already trying to ruin Russia.
  54. +3
    19 July 2013 23: 03
    Quote: Zhuchok
    The deficit itself is evidence of the failure of the economic model, regardless of satiety.

    Well, we need to sort out the deficit (we exclude the end of the eighties - there is a lot of unclear and artificial stuff there).
    Food products, excluding exotics, all and always. Yes, but you don’t include the bazaar, private traders and cooperators? (and one and a half times more expensive) here you have a market, well, a little bit of a bazaar.

    dairy without problems and pennies, fish in bulk and pennies (sturgeon and red fish caviar are in short supply), natural juices and canned food (this is the last thing that has not disappeared from the shelves covering them), confectionery shops without problems, meat and meat products (I already said, and a comparable price for meat by weight corresponds to the price of the original finished product in a Soviet restaurant).

    Clothes, shoes and complete squalor here, it was necessary to definitely launch the workshop workers (which, in principle, was how it began).

    Household appliances - technical re-equipment of specialized factories was underway with the connection of the defense industry.

    Electronics is 3-5 years behind in terms of element base, but this is from the USA. Consumer electronics is a by-product of the defense industry, and in the late eighties there was an incredible transfer of all military electronics to ICs, printed wiring (the creation of new types of weapons and the modernization of old ones).
    Our NPO churned out military electronics like crazy, working in three shifts. Here there was a clear overkill.
    Conversion - The company produced almost immediately (TVs, a washing machine, a laser player (CD), a set-top box (tuner) with 16 channels of satellite TV, a stand for CNC machines, and we had already made music centers, PCs and measuring equipment. In principle, almost our electronic database, well, we diluted it a little with imports.

    Eh, if they gave it 3 years (and there are so many such NGOs in the Union), they would bombard the market with electronics and begin to compete with each other. And in this area it was not as bad as many people think.

    Auto here, I won’t say anything.

    Construction technologies are also a terrible lag. also at the mercy of the shop workers.

    The service sector - I’m silent, the state also has no business prying its nose in.

    Quote: Zhuchok
    What is this "AVAILABILITY LIMITATION"? This is some kind of non-economic concept

    This is when the eye sees, but the tooth is numb. And it doesn't ring in your pocket. Eliminating the carpet shortage in the USSR - they built 6 factories, raised the price 3 times, and suddenly they began to sell in installments. Tell me where is the formula for success?

    Quote: Zhuchok
    What does the concept of "LEVEL OF CONSCIOUSNESS" include?

    DO NOT idealize our ancestors in terms of spirituality. The illiterate, constantly humiliated and deceived masses had to thank the elite for their humiliation. And this situation served to strengthen moral principles.

    Quote: Zhuchok
    As a result of this victory, Russia, even if it had not received all that was due to it, became country No. 1 in Europe.

    This alone influenced the fate of Russia. If it hadn’t worked out with February 17 (and it worked out and the Bolsheviks had nothing to do with it), then Russia would definitely have been substituted for Germany during the division. (The Bolsheviks at one time shouted about peace without annexations and indemnities, well, who heard. And they did not participate in the humiliation of Germany, but they had to fight.)

    How could Russia influence Germany differently from Tsarist Russia? different from the USSR? The Anglo-skunks definitely implemented what they implemented against the USSR. They had their own interest in fragmenting Russia, regardless of the social system.
    1. lexe
      20 July 2013 01: 03
      Eh, if they gave it 3 years (and there are so many such NGOs in the Union), they would bombard the market with electronics and begin to compete with each other. And in this area it was not as bad as many people think.

      Tell me, why did we create such an education system?To catch up? And where...in one of the most advanced industries.
      Do you understand that high education has a high price - the low birth rate of the people. After all, an educated person has no time to babysit children when the brain is gushing with ideas, everyone wants to change the world laughing
      Revolutions are always created by those who are technologically superior. Moreover, in both 1917 and 1991 there was a technological boom.
      The goal of creating the USSR was leadership in the scientific field. On the altar of this they put industrialization, collectivization, the State Planning Committee, etc. - So what?Eh...if only there were more years.
      CRASH a scientific experiment to implant into people’s brains (through education) just one thought - I’ll dare to invent an invention. It doesn’t work out? (Only God gives genius)... well, okay then I’ll subscribe to all the technical magazines! - maybe my son will be a genius.
      And food, clothes, life is shorter - why is a genius. That’s all they mowed down to look like poor and hungry geniuses. Or rather, that’s what the authorities wanted. And the West, on the side, quietly laughed and dragged!all our secrets - we were an intellectual colony of the West - a charade. Since we could not implement what we ourselves invented.
  55. lexe
    19 July 2013 23: 40
    The guys held a party meeting laughing
    An article in the Soviet style of collected works - volumes beyond comprehension. By the way, this is also another mistake of the communists - burying the essence so deeply that the working class does not spoil their eyesight laughing and didn't waste time laughing Why... for these purposes there were party schools that trained priest-translators. Well, it’s necessary to convey the meaning concisely in simple Russian.
    I’ll say right away that I respect ordinary communist people, but people striving for power under these slogans, not so much. My father was a communist himself and was not a member of any echelons...
    Recently they discussed the murder of the Tsar and his family. Many blamed the Tsar...they say that since the revolution was victorious, it means the system is rotten and there is nothing to feel sorry for.
    But what about the collapse of the system in the USSR?The situation is reversed.
    I believe that both in 1917 and in 1991, both systems were viable!
    So looking for system errors is empty...In 1917 and in 1991, part of the elite betrayed its principles and ALL!It was she who created the problems - NO BREAD and NO SAUSAGE... The bread of 1917 was replaced with sausage of 1991. That's the whole analysis, roughly speaking.
    Well, the conclusion? Why is Russia in 1917, taking into account old mistakes, bad? Without classes, with guaranteed order and a powerful economy with a high standard of living and independent politics?
    I won’t go crazy if there is a new USSR. But if the people want it, and not again the “Bolsheviks” having a minority.
    The communists do not want to admit monstrous mistakes and crimes as adults, chalking it all up to necessity. But the people need guarantees from the USSR2...
    Under the tsar there were no mass gulags and famines, and people remember this. My great-grandmother died of hunger in the Volga region. And this is grain-growing Russia... We have gone far into ism.
    So, the majority of Russians should realize that, without hindering the destruction of the USSR by their passivity, they have done a lot of stupidity. Under the USSR, they would live many, many, many better than they do now.

    I agree 100%. But it’s too late to drink Borjomi. Just compare how the loyal supporters of order behaved in 1917. and 1991. Comments are unnecessary.
    Yes, and in 1991. they were. But they were as if under hypnosis - neither determination nor desire to go to the end in comparison with the handful of those who challenged the new faith in 1917.
    So the Russian people are no longer the peasants of 1917. And they, the Russian people, no longer owe anything to anyone. Rewrite your slogans. You all live in the images of a large rural people. And the people from the USSR have already left the city - they have no land or anything... - order and work and everything. Owning factories? is still a mystery to me. Yes, a US worker, having shares in his factory, even had more rights and opportunities.
  56. Avenger711
    20 July 2013 02: 55
    The price of oil is not regulated by the market in principle, like any strategic commodity. The rise in oil prices for Russia, where per capita production is 10 times lower than in Saudi Arabia, is not so critical; by the way, for some reason the oil economies do not show any miracles in order to blame expensive oil. There has been a shortage here since 1982, because Khrushchev, and not perestroika, is to blame for it; in the USSR, at the expense of the RSFSR, there were still several tens of millions of idlers hanging out, from the “brotherly peoples” many of whom are now sweeping the streets in Moscow, so that at least somehow survive.
  57. grafrozow
    20 July 2013 13: 16
    S.Mironin. Since 1950, per capita national income in the United States has increased from $6430 to $14000 in 1988, while in the USSR it increased 3,9 times, from $1750 to $6750, which means that the Soviet economy grew 2 times faster than the American one.
    The author considers his readers complete idiots, or so himself. 1950 the difference in income is 3,7 times, 6430 divided by 1750. 1988 the difference in income is 2,1 times, 14000 divided by 6750. Total per capita national income in the USSR in 1988 was 6750 dollars equal to the per capita national income in the USA in 1950 6430 dollars. This is economic growth in 38 years!!! And this is presented to us as an achievement of the Soviet economy. Excellent article, by whose order was it written? Reminds me of an old joke - the Caribbean crisis, in order not to lead to an armed conflict and to find out whose system is better, we decided to hold a race for 1 km between D. Kennedy and N. Khrushchev. Kennedy came running first, the question arose of how to inform the Soviet people about this. And there was a note in the Pravda newspaper that yesterday there was a race between Kenedy and Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich took an honorable second place, and Kenedy came in second to last. Advice to the author: respect those for whom you write.
    1. +1
      20 July 2013 13: 58
      So you don’t understand that the difference was being reduced? After some time, if the trend continued, they would become equal, and then our standard of living would surpass the American one.
      1. grafrozow
        20 July 2013 23: 06
        Calculate, with such a difference, when will we catch up with them?
        1. 0
          21 July 2013 02: 19
          That's what they thought for you. Read and you will be happy.
  58. +3
    20 July 2013 22: 53
    The USSR could do everything, and if it couldn’t, see point one, it could even allow itself to stop being, but continue to Live in the souls of those whose Homeland and Fatherland it was. IMHO.
  59. faraon
    21 July 2013 02: 30
    I read the article, gave it a plus, the material is presented in a strong, truthful way, the author of the article has done a lot of necessary and useful work. One conclusion comes to mind from reading this article - WE IN PRINCIPLE LIVED UNDER COMMUNISM, one problem is that they screwed up such a system, such a country, they didn’t give a damn about everyone who put in their efforts and sometimes paid with their lives for the sake of a handful of oligarchs who robbed the country and its people.
    1. grafrozow
      21 July 2013 14: 58
      Quote: faraon
      I read the article, gave it a plus, the material is presented in a strong, truthful manner, the author of the article has done a lot of necessary and useful work

      Pick up a calculator and compare the numbers yourself. Is one step forward and two steps back progress?
  60. faraon
    21 July 2013 15: 45
    What to count? That we were all robbed on a large scale, and everything was driven over the hill through the ovshor, so you can count how many oligarchs we have now. Why did they earn their capital with calluses and sweat on their hands? And where did all this fall from the sky on them?
    Yes, there were some disadvantages in the Soviet system, no one denies this, but compared to the disadvantages, there were more advantages. And there was no need to break the old system to the very roots like vineyards were cut down, but just to carry out reforms. And there was no need for shock therapy Gaydarovsky.
    And what now: there are more street children divorced than after the revolution, education is at the stage of development, healthcare is...., (no money, die at home), well, not everyone was able to rebuild, not everyone was able to steal, and honest people remained, and then to them Unfortunately, the majority. What you tell them is one step in front and two steps back.?????
  61. 0
    26 July 2013 11: 24
    Quote: Clever man
    Forgive what the egoist ???

    But this

    Quote: Clever man
    And I am satisfied with the country in which I live and do not want any USSR. Nobody infringes me or humiliates me .... I go where I want to do what I want. I work, study, live. Outside the sun, beauty ....

    only an egoist can say that, “but I like it”, after all, not only you should like the country, it should be for everyone, meaning take into account the interests of all layers of society, at least the majority, right now a gay man is sitting in France and also says “but I I like the new law", although there are few gays... I hope

    And for lovers of the USSR, I can repeat myself ... where are you comrades now crying for the USSR were when the power changed ???? Why didn’t they raise their asses and didn’t go under the tanks to go to bed ???? So, so dear was your Soviet Union)
    With all due respect)

    Well, can someone not be an egoist speak like that about the death of many of his compatriots, even if they defended the old system, in your opinion, they fell under the tanks, and those “oh well, we won’t change power then!” =) now!

    I may be an idealist, but changing a country through a revolutionary method is like changing consciousness through surgery. We need to educate a society that will come on its own.
  62. 0
    April 24 2017 13: 06
    Those who destroyed the Union must be damned for centuries, and feudalism will collapse again, will certainly collapse, and if not this generation of creatures robbing the people, then their descendants will pay in full.
  63. 0
    13 November 2021 10: 53
    "it was a solid and stable system. And one of the properties of a stable system is the rejection of alien elements, which happened with cost accounting, Kosygin reforms. The system emasculated them, cut them off and digested them."
    Under Stalin, there were self-accounting and artels and a multifaceted economy, and collective farms owned the crops that they cultivated - but Khrushchev stole all this, seized the personal property of the artels, released Popitsaev, introduced equalization in wages - removed motivation, transferred the economics of payments from an extensive to an intensive scheme, and then everything went according to this pattern. Russia was robbed for the benefit of the national republics and various other states, the motivating component of salaries was removed, light industry was emasculated, the heavy vein was left without equipment renovation, real successes were replaced with chatter, promising areas of science and technology were destroyed in the bud. The so-called “elites” have degenerated and turned off social elevators, constant changes in geostructures - consolidation, disaggregation, lack of prospects and personal development, globalization - when new industries were created in other republics and countries at the expense and to the detriment of Russia (WEF, Globus, etc.) and led to the collapse of the USSR - people were tired of empty chatter and stagnation, so they fell for the chatter of Gorbachev and Yeltsin.