On the events in the city of Pugachev and liberoid sabotage

... Alas, Russian society is not maturing fast enough. We emphasize again, this applies to the whole society, and its elite. A lot of those who want a "drama with a happy end", "chocolate". At least for myself. I want so much that my eyes are frozen.

The “needle and elephant” collision (“kill an elephant with a needle”) is steadily gaining new relevance for us. Because the Russian Federation is a reduced elephant, the actual copy of the previous elephant called the USSR. And this elephant is much more vulnerable in relation to a needle injection. And if so, then why not prick something ...

The dominant leaders, in large part, no longer consider their population a society. Speaking of rebirth, he perceives with his inner instinct that there is already a cesspool in Russia: an unprincipled, priceless social brew! And the worst thing is that he is right in these (for his own slurred) captures.

The tops are facing a choice: either to change the cloaca to society. And then work, mobilizing society with one or other values ​​(national state, fifth empire), or accept the fact that there is a cesspool. And to use not social energies through values, but schooling impulses through reflexes. That is, to move finally from working with society to working with the pack.

Involving the schooling - out of respect, I will say "tribal" - the energy is not so difficult. But what is a tribe?

This is the pre-state stage of existence of the Russian people. To return to this stage is to lose the state. Here is a specific example. We decided to teach Georgians a lesson - so what? The Irkutsk Ministry of Internal Affairs carries out actions designed to identify (attention!) Immigrants from the North Caucasus region who are illegally staying in the territory of the Russian Federation.

This is the pre-state stayno-tribal reflex. Well, people brought to this state cannot distinguish Georgians from Chechens, and Chechens from Dagestanis! Moreover, Georgians are like strangers, Chechens are like “non-complementary” (although those who took our side, on the contrary, should be especially supported). And Dagestanis are those who saved the integrity of the Russian state in 1999. For a brutal being, these are all "chocks." The reflexes of this creature are by definition incompatible with statehood. That will be demonstrated.

Take another example. Said about the "indigenous people". This, I am convinced, is modulated by normal human feelings, good wishes and electoral recommendations. But with the ethno-political warm-up it all does not work. They would ask those who have been taking the rap for such statements in Karabakh, Sumgayit, Tbilisi, hot spots in Central Asia, and much more. When ethnopolitical warming up, words turn into linguistic bombs. The phrase "indigenous people", according to the UN regulation, is synonymous with the phrase "native population." These are Indians in North America, the Amazon tribes, etc. They have priority, because without it they will not withstand the onset of modern technical civilization on their territory and way of life. But that's not all!

Tomorrow you will be told that we have only "indigenous" people in the North, and they need to give gas and oil. There are others in Yakutia, and they need to give away diamonds. And so on. The Russians cannot use the words "indigenous people" without blowing up something far more dangerous than any hexogen.
And who used such a linguistic weaponhow "xenophobia"? There is chauvinism - for me, this is a Derzhavo-compatible word, which means that everyone should be lined up in a row (Abkhaz, Ossetians, Chechens) - and all of them will be ruled by Russians. This is a broad Russian nationalism. When the national "stomach" is configured to digest different ethnic "food" in the interests of a single national (or imperial) organism.
And completely different - xenophobia. It is not "when the stomach wants to digest everything." This is when it turns out from any food. When he rejects everything. They said "xenophobia" - and this Russian energy was caught in a semantic trap for her murderous. And then - Kondopoga. Then - Georgian excesses.

They will say: "It was necessary to teach a lesson." Of course! The whole question is how. Punish - and encourage, “run over” - and spend evenings of Georgian-Russian friendship. The stick and gingerbread, it is known! Selectivity as the basis of control action. And here, instead, they bang on themselves! You see, if we want to take back at least Abkhazia and Ossetia, we should not inflate Caucasus-phobia to a level where the average cop no longer understands where the Abkhaz are and where the Georgians are, where the Ossetians are, and where the Chechens are. If we start it, we lose the Caucasus. If we lose the Caucasus, how can we keep the Volga?

A.P. What is animal and pack reflex? This is politics without ideology. But the demand for ideology is huge. Those who have launched all these nomenclature-police pieces are horrified by what is happening. They are not enemies of territory, not enemies of the Pipe, which exists only with the unity of spaces. They feel that politics without ideology is a collapse. Why are groups that are able to formulate an ideology and offer it to one person, the president, reference groups, why are they silent? Why do not you offer an ideology?

S.K. Because there is a war. And one of its directions is the further disintegration of the Russian state. This item was removed from the agenda in 1999 year. And now he's back on the agenda. And at the highest transnational elite level. This is not a marginal question!
He is on the agenda alone. And it is voiced by local bastards who speculate on very understandable, very sick things. On some aspects of the current Russian hell. But the bastards are well aware that with their speculations they will exacerbate the current Russian hell a hundredfold. This is the most "Russian party" ... How consistently it liquidates its people!

I understand perfectly well that the rift between the bet on the schooling reflex and the bet on the value (imperial or other) consolidation passes through the cabinets in the Kremlin itself. What is a politically destructive class that deliberately leads the country to regress in order to retain power, as it was in the late USSR. I know that some Russian "ethnocrates" are not even wolves in sheep's skins, but sheep in wolfskins, wolves-sheep who despise their own people, ready to sell it to anyone, at any bargain price. They want to play on animal impulses in a dehumanized quasi-flock.

This can only be contrasted with values ​​around which we could collect the counter-regressive Russian world. Not bestial, but human. Either a nation or an imperial ideocratic supranational hyperethnos.

A.P. Of course the second. The national program is over. She collapsed, she is not. She failed in Kondopoga, in this meaninglessness. The imperial vector becomes the only vector of salvation. For two hours, we have described the hematoma with you. The only lotion to it is the Empire. If not Empire, then nothing.

S.K. It has been said more than once (and now it has been written) that I hide the selfish interest of the Caucasus behind my passions over the empire, I make an empire “under the new Caucasian“ Stalin. ”And I did everything possible to avoid being substituted for this dirt. other things (political expediency, first of all) I understood how the Russian nerve was hurt and how. That is why I told all these anti-imperial elites, proud of their national patriotism: “Build a national state! I will take any place in it, and even if I don’t have any place in it, I will be calm, knowing that the world is stable, and the Russian factor in this world is restored to its rights. "

I endured all this while there was hope for a national modern. But these pseudo-nationalist patriots hiding behind the backs of their dubious agents-failed the modernization of Russia! And that means the creation of the Russian nation.

Where is the new industry?
Where is the absolute priority of the right?
Where is the new quality of education and culture?
Where are the new channels of social mobility for this very Russian boy, for whom they have been trying so painfully?
Where is the unity of the nation as a language, culture and what the French call "reverence for France"?

Now, realizing that all is failed, they jump from the national field to the ethnic. They are quite sure that this fly-over will get away with them. But it is not.

Because before such a jump, they could still be tolerated. To consider the zealots of the Russian good different from you. And after this, they must be unequivocally qualified as enemies of their own - Russian - people.

Because they will not collect any ethnos. They'll put everything in a spray. Because, always and today, the Russian people, in order to maintain their spaces, their world, can only choose the path of an expansive self-sustaining existence. If he wants to dominate, he will apply the right technology. If he wants to die, he will be sick and vomited by everyone - first Caucasians, then Tatars, then Yakuts, then himself.

We are entering a new phase in the political struggle. Even more tragic than the previous ones. In the previous phases, it was possible to make concessions. Because the bid was your project, not historical being of your country. And historical being is much more important. In this phase, concessions are impossible. Because the rate is "being or non-being." And the fight will be waged - respectively.

Fatum empire looms over the country. Not with fat (they say, one wants to be great), but as an imperative of survival (if not an empire, then nothing). The time when it was still possible to build a national modern with relatively mild means wasted and irretrievably wasted.

Orange-Russianism ... The analytics of such an initiative should not neglect the irrational, that is, passion. You can’t fry fried eggs in a cold frying pan. Let's try to understand what is the "truth of Russian passion". I mean the "Russianists", collected under the "orange" banners. It is a very sad truth. That THIS russism is - for the first time in millennia-old history - "petty." That is, it is based on the partial borrowing of attitudes peculiar only to small nations. And on borrowing precisely the negative attitudes inherent in these peoples.

Positive installations (special consolidation, for example) are not borrowed. Because of this, in the Russianist passion in question, imagine, shame dominates. "Rusists" (purifiers, diminutives, "new white" etc) - this is never recognized. But in every cry of their sick soul this is seen and only that.

They are ashamed of being Russian.

At the same time, they understand that they are Russian. They also understand that they cannot escape from Russianness. But they would really like to run away from her.

Why is it so shameful to reducers-cleaners for their Russianness?

“Because,” they say, “our Motherland (Russia-Mother) adopted Jewish communism, drove it on its backs, allowed itself to be fooled by disgusting aliens. They are delightful foreigners (that's how we were fooled!). "These are the children of the disgusting Mother. The children of such a Mother must be fooled! Especially since this Mother, before sitting on the back of the Jewish Communists, also humbly drove a lot of people - Germans, others different. How embarrassing for such a Mother!" And for the people who generated it! How ashamed to belong to this people! But in go and belong! "And by redeeming this affiliation? Only by participating in the murder of such a nasty Mother! And in the death of the people born by her. In his final defilement, in his spraying, destruction. Let him punish ANY scourge to the child of such Mother. even American nuclear. "

They will say that such a monologue is impossible. But, firstly, it is a typical monologue of any Jewish anti-Semite, Caucasians-Caucasophobia, and so on. How can there be no Russian Russophobes? Open or secret. Do all nations have it, but Russians don't? It does not happen!

Thirdly ... Photos on the cover of an elite American magazine 50-s of the twentieth century. In the photo - Russian emigrants. Under it is the inscription: "They want us to declare war immediately." It was about a nuclear war, during which it was supposed to strike at all the major industrial cities of the USSR. Such nuclear strikes would be the end of the Russian people.

To destroy the current government, to destroy the Imperials, to launch centrifugal tendencies, to throw the people under the rink of genocide and ethnocide - and thereby to lose their Russianness ... That is the passion - the Russianist fire, on which the orange fried eggs should be roasted.

Already, the congress of some radical Russian nationalists is in Kiev! Why not immediately to Langley? ..

Russian can not be a small nation. They are absolutely not ready for this. And if there is a real alternative between being in the form of a small nation or non-being, they, no matter how terrible, will choose non-being. Why impose such an alternative?

Russian not only do not want, but can not be a small nation. In addition, they - and everyone understands this - live in a very specific territory, which does not imply the possibility of distinguishing "a purely Russian zone" on it. Because this zone will be "perforated". That is, not adapted to build the state. Go ahead. This territory is also a subject of powerful external claims. Siberia will want the Chinese. What oppose this Russian, gathered in a small state? They just give up Siberia. It means that in a small Russian state Siberia is not supposed. And what Russian, gathered in such a state, oppose the claims of Islam? It means that in the small Russian state the Volga region is not supposed to, and many more. What is supposed to be?

And how should a small purely Russian state deal with the pretensions of the mass of small nations, from time immemorial living on the same territory as the Russians? Tatars will sit in their "hole", and Udmurt in his? Oh oh!

This is all the basics, repeatedly stated by those who look at the strange tricks of the "Russian Party" and ask: "Guys, are you out of your mind?"

"Guys" are grinning. All this they understand! They do not want to rid the Russians of the cross of the imperial statehood, but of the cross of statehood as such. What is the fate of Russian as a stateless people - is clear. Ridding Russians of statehood, the “Russian party” relieves them of life. And that means - is the party of the Russian death.

And now the question on the backfill.

If there are powerful external forces whose task is to ensure the Russian death, then how can they not lick their lips at the presence of the “party of Russian death”? Moreover, to impose death on the Russians from the outside is a counterproductive matter: it is here that the Russians will get it. But to slip death from the inside ... As history has shown in general and the history of perestroika in particular, this is far from a promising undertaking.

The USSR was incredibly logical and effective as a polity. Why? Because it was a supranational and supra-confessional idea. And on it, as on the ceiling, all nations and confessions "hung". In essence, this is the imperial model. But this empire (in contrast to the previous Orthodox), firstly, equalized confessions (and already within the framework of this equalization, it was possible to resolve confessional priorities as necessary). And, secondly, it gave an impetus to modernization, because the ideology "sacralized progress." Meanwhile, confessions will never do this.

What did they want to change the USSR? On the national state. So said the "demiurgi" of these changes, hiding behind the backs of various "geeks-zapadnik" there. Well, there, Gaidar of some ... Ali is worse. What is a classic nation state? Well, for example, France? The following was said: “We’ll make Russian France. We’ll do supermodernization. Put the separated suburbs under us. All these Central Asian, Caucasian chocks and others. But Kurginyan is stopping us. He chooses to return to the empire. .

These are typical 1990 conversations of the year. Understanding that Westerners criminally want the collapse of the USSR, I became a soil publicist and analyst. But when he became, he immediately faced the categorical unwillingness of the poetry men to save the USSR. It was said: "And what the hell do we need this for? We chock ourselves again around our necks? Let them revolt!" And in a whisper was added: "Yes, our chocks and these lead ... They organize them!". It was possible to consider these words as schizophrenic delusions. But I will never forget the eyes of the first secretaries of the allied republics, who whispered in horror: "The Moscow KGB is raising us with nationalists." And also the eyes of the nationalists themselves, who, thinly smiling, asked me: "And who told you that Moscow itself does not want to leave Transcaucasia?".

Just do not tell. What has been said will require proof. Evidence - sources. Therefore, we have to refer to the well-known. For example, the fact that the soil Russian writer Valentin Rasputin, being a people's deputy (and, if my memory serves me, a member of the Presidential Council of the USSR), said publicly: "The RSFSR should secede from the USSR."

Why was this particularly dangerous? Because relying on the Russian asset (the Russian part of the political class), it was still possible to suppress the outskirts. But from the moment when this Russian asset itself became criminally split off from the empire, there was already nothing to do. It turned out that the enemies of the USSR are the Westernizers, and ... and the pochvenniki, the so-called "Russian party".

Why do I call it criminal? Because during the collapse of the USSR, the Russian people suffered primarily. He got nothing and lost everything. He washed with blood. They began to lord seceded republic. He was driven from places of permanent residence.

What did this diminutive "Russian party" do for its people? What did she give him, apart from humiliation? She plunged him into blood and humiliation. She hastened his extinction. Is it possible to call her "Russian party"? You can - in the sense in which I described. If the imperious intentions are exhausted by the desire to suck the blood and to relieve the "national animal" in their heads, then this explains everything. These orgiastic possibilities are preserved and strengthened. The animal dies and degrades. It can no longer become a tool of not only global, but also macro-regional domination. What for? “Enough for our age!” ...

“I will say a terrible thing: only Russian passivity saved the Russians from the Balkan scenario in 1991. What begins after registration (I do not frighten, but simply state - inevitably super-blooded) secondary tribal community will be super-Balkan. ”

(One of the means to combat the above)

“Somewhere in the forest, a very high-quality, truly elite center on 300-400 young journalists is being created. The ideology is being developed, because we understand that the media cannot be controlled without ideology, on every minute directives. Then, at one moment, the old 300 people are gently replaced by these new 300 people, and the next day a message goes to society. And maybe it will hear it. If not, you need to shoot yourself. If you still hear - you can extend the historical life of the country ... "

(In other words, propaganda of saving ideas is a pledge of salvation!)

Excerpts from the dialogue Prokhanov A.A. with S. Kurginyan, as well as from the articles of S. Kurginyan.
Shevchenko M.L. about the situation in Pugachev

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  1. optimist
    16 July 2013 05: 36
    Article, full HRE The author dumped everything in a heap, mixed it up and forgot what he wanted to say ... Well, nothing: graphomania, this is not the worst human vice. Whatever the child would entertain ...
    1. +4
      16 July 2013 06: 14
      Quote: optimist
      Whatever the child would entertain ...

      Do you think when you get tired of amusing yourself, hang yourself? what I guess we won’t wait request
    2. strange and pretty meaningless
      16 July 2013 06: 48
      Hmmm, like that anecdote about the lieutenant - "... without rings, without ends, full of cucumbers ... and in the middle there is a carnation"
      Retelling Prokhanov in such a volume is obviously a dead issue, the flow of consciousness of Prokhanov begins, and the author’s thought clogs up. Even Kalashnikov quotes his maximum with short verses.
      1. strange and pretty meaningless
        16 July 2013 09: 10
        Yes, and Kurginyan in his repertoire - "imperial ideocratic supranational hyperethnos" - I couldn't speak Russian, if I started broadcasting "hyperethnos" ?! In general - from experience - everything "supranational" in practice almost always turns out to be NATIONAL. The most democratic nationality is very fond of indulging itself with the ideas of "world revolution", "globalization", "supranational iliy". Leibo Davidovich's style. Nationally oriented comrade. Stalin not just used the services of Comrade. Mercader. All enti ideas, embodied in reality, always end in parochialism and nepotism in power - and in the triumph of His Majesty Loan Interest.
    3. +5
      16 July 2013 08: 01
      In the words of Caesar in Cleopatra - TOO MANY WORDS. Already at the beginning, without even reaching the end, I recognized Kurginyan's style. Gorbachev's school is visible - endless around the bush, besides, the author himself has already forgotten what he wanted to say.
    4. Furnace driver
      16 July 2013 10: 04
      Quote: optimist
      Article, full HRE The author dumped everything in a heap, mixed it up and forgot what he wanted to say ... Well, nothing: graphomania, this is not the worst human vice. Whatever the child is amusing ..

      Well, where is the constructive criticism? I believe that the article clearly defines xenophobia and patriotism, and these concepts are separated. Article plus, though, to say the least, and write a little pleasant.
      1. 0
        16 July 2013 11: 16
        Quote: Furnace Driver
        Article plus, though, to say the least, and write a little pleasant.

        Did you want to write a little intelligible?
        This is not an article, but low-grade writings.

        The dominant leaders, in large part, no longer consider their population a society. Speaking of rebirth, he perceives with his inner instinct that there is already a cesspool in Russia: an unprincipled, priceless social brew! And the worst thing is that he is right in these (for his own slurred) captures.

        I suppose that "He" is still not "ruling tops" (I wonder if there are tops not ruling, but, say, proletarian?). The grammatical error is too obvious.
        I dare to suggest that by "He" the author meant himself. He, Seryoga. Then everything falls into place. Well, we are the very "unprincipled social brew".

        I put a "minus", but not all that bad. There are very funny places, the author brings it up with humor and twinkle:
        The top are faced with a choice: either change the cesspool to society. And then work, mobilizing society with certain values ​​(national state, fifth empire), or come to terms with the fact that there is a cesspool

        Our dear Seryoga! Let it be known to you, precisely those very tops on which you entrusted such an impossible task for them, and led our society to what we have.
        Or are you still inclined to believe that these are tricks of the vile cesspool?
        I will say more, you are not looking for a cesspool there. Swap and everything will become clear.
    5. +2
      16 July 2013 10: 04
      Quote: optimist
      Article, full HRE The author dumped everything in a heap, mixed it up and forgot what he wanted to say ... Well, nothing: graphomania, this is not the worst human vice. Whatever the child would entertain ...

      The article is crap of course, but now there will be millions of speculations on a national theme. The topic is fruitful. But personally, it pleases me. Amer bring us good luck. They put pressure on corruption, they began to fight it, now they will seek national conflicts (and the soil is more than rich), finally they will start to tear the frenzied diasporas.
    6. +3
      16 July 2013 10: 14
      Quote: optimist
      Article, full HRE The author piled everything in a heap, mixed it up and forgot what he wanted to say ...

      I read both the article and the comments. Your most accurate. good
    7. +2
      16 July 2013 12: 19
      This steel is very characteristic of our time! We all have porridge in our heads, and this is our misfortune ... What else was needed for those who started the collapse of the USSR!
    8. 0
      16 July 2013 12: 29
      The author, that you smoke, sprinkle me too, I smell the grass you have a hefty hefty ...
  2. +2
    16 July 2013 05: 45
    Paper will tolerate everything, even such an empty resonance. Russian people are patient, but patience has its limit.
  3. vladsolo56
    16 July 2013 06: 06
    Put a minus, why? Too much and all about the bottom. And as I understand the author for imperial Russia. Strongly against tribal, tribal relations, for statehood in which a person is just a bug or a cog. A man in the State and not a man at all, he is a stupid particle that can be used without her consent, used as it is beneficial to those who are at the helm of the state. In this case, the life of an individual, and even thousands and tens of thousands, and often millions, does not mean anything, compared with the interests of the state. More precisely, with the interests of those who govern the state. I am convinced that only tribal, tribal relations in modern society could give an impetus to its development. But with only one condition: not lowering as it is now, but only with increasing the educational level of all members of society. A person living in a clan community perfectly understands that the community relies on the power of the state. Then the council of communities will decide how and what to support in the state and what not. I am sure that in the device there will be less opportunity for officials to steal budget (public) money.
    1. +10
      16 July 2013 06: 22
      Quote: vladsolo56
      I am convinced that only tribal, clan relations in modern society could give an impetus to its development

      Let me disagree with you. Tribal relations are peculiar to just uneducated and not civilized peoples. Do you personally know second-cousins ​​or four-cousins? I’m sure that even with cousins ​​there is a problem. And any Asian will list all of you ... Even we will consider the cousin’s wattle.
      Many of us talk about these relationships. Remember, one gypsy appeared in the village, or a Caucasian, or a Tajik, and six months later there are a dozen of them, a hundred years later ... This is tribal relations.
      1. vladsolo56
        16 July 2013 08: 24
        You are a strange person, in your opinion, a truly culturally and educated person, in fact, should not even know his grandparents. For your information, I saw once in the news a report from Ireland. So there is a clan there, no matter what kind, but its members (relatives) gather annually in the family estate. There are more than 600 people. In the clan (in the family) the whole spectrum of the social layer of society, there are politicians and the military, lawyers and doctors. And imagine if someone decides to run into a member of such a clan. So education only strengthens family relations and ties.
        1. +5
          16 July 2013 09: 02
          Quote: vladsolo56
          There are more than 600 people. In the clan (in the family) the whole spectrum of the social layer of society, there are politicians and the military, lawyers and doctors. And imagine if someone decides to run into a member of such a clan.

          Wow - it's hard to run over! But imagine how such a clan comes running if that !!! A very vivid example of tribal relations, TEYPOV!
          1. vladsolo56
            16 July 2013 09: 13
            You again did not understand the essence of the matter. The clan of educated and cultured people will not run over without a reason, But in fact, if the clan’s interests require consolidation, then what's wrong with that? Imagine if there were several hundred such clans in Russia and they could manage to come to an agreement. And the higher their upbringing and education, the easier it will be for them to agree. Then, the authorities would have to listen to the opinion of influential clans. Moreover, in our time, any kind that does not have exactly a high educational level simply cannot exist. There was an example about the tribal relations of underdeveloped countries, and so even if many know their distant relatives, clan relations end there. The essence of patrimonial relations is not just to know all the relatives, but to help your family, any member who needs it. This is precisely the strength of true tribal relations. And to everything else, it is in patrimonial relations that patriotism begins, love of the Motherland, because the Motherland is also a derivative of the word ROD.
            1. +4
              16 July 2013 10: 04
              I perfectly understood what you are talking about. I read books and watched films and I share a lot of this. I’m talking about pre-Christian Rus, Slavic folk wisdom, ROD-MOTHERLAND, VESTA-BRIDE ...
              That's just the birth - the clans will dictate the terms not only of the authorities but also of the smaller families, not to mention the rest of the population ... Further, the formation of all kinds of elites, the nobility ... More?
              Maskhadov, by himself, was probably not a bad person, but the teip - his kind Alleroi was not numerous and not rich. Who especially listened to him ?! Well, the president and the president.
              1. vladsolo56
                16 July 2013 10: 30
                An example of the Caucasus is not perfect. I note that there are still many uneducated people (the level of secondary school is education), and the religion is very strong, which slows down the development of education.
                1. +3
                  16 July 2013 11: 21
                  Well, you are not like a stupid person, so answer who will determine the education of a clan when influencing the politics of power and the state ?! An example of the Caucasus and the influence of tribal relations on others is just perfect! The supremacy of ADAT norms over laws is his clearest example! Maskhadov was not an ardent supporter of the war, but was forced to indulge the politics of more powerful and numerous teips! Your widespread attacks on religion are already generally from the medical field! It is necessary to separate the clergy of traditional religions and sectarians and their attitude to science and education! Admit at least the obvious things, otherwise the conversation just makes no sense!
                  1. vladsolo56
                    16 July 2013 13: 06
                    Why are you all transferring to the Caucasus that this is an ideal model of tribal relations? who said that tribal relations must be built only after the example of Chechen teips? As for religion, you exaggerate, I have no desire to attack it. You do not carefully read my comments. I am only against giving religion a certain lifeline for society. Because it is a utopia and an elementary propaganda trick. I talk a lot with people and believe me, I haven’t heard from anyone that religion really helps to spiritually revive. If you want to believe, then this is your right and I never dispute it.
                    1. +1
                      16 July 2013 18: 39
                      What other tribes? What teips are you writing about? The question is tough, people want to live among their own kind, that's all. Forever ancestors lived in villages or settlements of Slavic, Ukrainian etc. among themselves similar in their laws and customs and under the USSR too, by the way in animals, too, the wolf will not live among dogs, and vice versa, people don’t like that strangers first build their cafes, then grow together with corrupt power, then numerous relatives arrive, mosques are built, minarets well, and in the morning muitzin, as a result, excuse me for spelling, I just got sick and I think I wrote an article really kurginyan
            2. Misantrop
              16 July 2013 10: 07
              Quote: vladsolo56
              Imagine if there were several hundred such clans in Russia and they could manage to come to an agreement.

              And what is there to represent? IMHO this is exactly what happened at the moment. Laws and rules are only for powerless loners, but representatives of clans share vectors of influence among themselves. Hence the unsinkable Chubais, and a bunch of mediocre ministers (who, nevertheless, cannot be dismissed) and all the other "charms" request
              1. +2
                16 July 2013 10: 15
                Quote: Misantrop
                a bunch of mediocrity ministers (which, however, cannot be removed)

                Well, I do not agree with this and I think it’s not worth giving examples.
                Otherwise, all your statements will always be popular. With any power, it is as open as much as this power allows. Remember the kitchen talk and jokes of the times of the Union.
                Of course, there are many questions to the authorities. For example, I’m very dissatisfied with the observance of the program of resettlement (return) of compatriots, there are still questions ...
                I just see the positive aspects.
                1. Misantrop
                  16 July 2013 10: 29
                  Quote: Oper
                  I think it’s not worth giving examples

                  Why not take the same Serdyukov with his "ladies of the heart"? They were displaced because the economy of his appetites simply did not pull further. So, what is next? Is he punished? Or at least a case was initiated (against him, not his henchmen)? How did the case of covering the gambling business in the suburbs end? Or was everything there according to the law?

                  And the positive aspects can be found in anyone. Let's remember the Crimea in the 90s. Power was shared by the "Greeks", "Salem", "Shoes" and several other groups. Sorted out among themselves and did not particularly pinch everyone else. And for an ordinary man in the street, it was no easier to find justice for the lawless man than it is now
                  1. +1
                    16 July 2013 11: 30
                    This is precisely a comparison with the 90s, the collapse of the army and special services, the collapse of the Union and the actual separation of some territories from Russia at the legislative level, marches of empty pots, gangster lawlessness everywhere, non-payment of pensions and salaries for many months and is positive for modern authorities. Putin began by bringing all kinds of shtetl legislation to a federal denominator and brought! And the houses of shoes still stand empty in the Crimea and parents tell children about that time as a terrible tale of anarchy!
              2. vladsolo56
                16 July 2013 10: 25
                And here is Chubais? I’m talking about tribal relations, and not about criminal clans. These are completely different concepts. Criminal clans, in fact, work only for one owner, clans are held on common interests. Why are lonely people? because it’s so convenient for them, selfishness is the national idea of ​​loners. Only in this case, you should not cry that you see you are pressed and humiliated.
                1. Misantrop
                  16 July 2013 11: 16
                  Quote: vladsolo56
                  Criminal clans, in fact, work only for one owner, clans are held on common interests.
                  But this already depends on the internal relations in the clan. By the way, even in a criminal clan, a loner simply can not stay in power, they will gobble up instantly. Upstairs is always FAMILY.

                  People become single because egoism is growing. And in a legal (more or less) civilized state, official relations are quite enough, shadow support of the entire clan is simply not required for ordinary everyday life request
            3. +4
              16 July 2013 11: 25
              Quote: vladsolo56
              The clan of educated and cultured people will not come running for no reason

              Where to get them all these educated and cultured people? They have a different mentality. The more there are, the stronger the clan, the stronger the clan, the more he will run over with and without reason
              1. +6
                16 July 2013 11: 46
                The clan will always defend primarily the interests of the clan. This is the path to fragmentation and anarchy outside the clans!
                1. vladsolo56
                  16 July 2013 13: 14
                  Your statements just lead to the weakening of the country, to comprehensive egoism, the egoist will never become a patriot, the egoist will never go to defend his homeland. Only a person who has clan ties realizing that in this force will be a patriot. The rest are just empty chimes.
                  1. Misantrop
                    16 July 2013 20: 20
                    Quote: vladsolo56
                    Only a person who has clan ties realizing that in this force will be a patriot. The rest are just empty chimes.
                    The Great Patriotic War also won the windbag? Something I do not recall the special care of the state about the development of clans during the USSR. It would not even be the other way around ...
                    1. vladsolo56
                      16 July 2013 21: 24
                      Read the philosophy of the builder of communism, and you will become more and more clear. Socialist society sought to create a clan or clan at any rate, throughout the country.
                      1. Misantrop
                        16 July 2013 22: 49
                        Quote: vladsolo56
                        Socialist society sought to create a clan or clan at any rate, throughout the country.
                        And for this created national enclaves instead of purely administrative territorial? what Something does not fit. And while studying the history of the CPSU, political economy, Marxist-Leninist philosophy and scientific communism (twice, in two universities), I never came across ideas about a clan or clan in a communist society ... request
      2. +1
        16 July 2013 12: 37
        However, it is precisely such "tribal" relations in a liberal-democratic society that give enormous advantages to their carriers. Until the Russians, generalizing, feel themselves to be the largest and strongest diaspora in Russia, nothing can be created, there will be a liberoid dictatorship of minorities, for democracy is powerless before the "tribal" groups within itself.
        1. +4
          16 July 2013 12: 56
          Give the facts .. minus players. In Russia, national clans outplay the law-abiding and disunited Russians; in the United States, colored, black and LGBT minorities are successfully gaining advantages for themselves. In Europe .. generally OPA. Muslims dictate their own, LGBT people dictate theirs, and ordinary indigenous citizens dictate condensed milk from a can and keep silent in a tube - political correctness and tolerance !! In Russia - no comment, look how many oligarchs are in business - all Russians are completely, yeah .. Where does the “beggar” Dagestan have money to buy football players? And compare the houses in the villages of Russia and in "poor" Chechnya. Each small nation has its own representatives under the president, then some kind of ombudsmen and so on, the Russians have a fig-two.
          1. Yarosvet
            16 July 2013 13: 14
            Quote: Mairos
            for democracy is powerless over "tribal" groups within itself.

            Democracy is the power of the people, the power of the majority.
            Power has the ability to set and implement goals.

            In Russia, the majority has the opportunity to set goals for institutions of power, and to realize these goals regardless of institutions of power? Not? This means that there can be no talk of democracy - the political market is not democracy.

            Moreover: over the past 13 years, neither the Power nor its policy has changed, and the policy of this Power all these years has been aimed at eroding the national identity of the state-forming people.

            And who is to blame for the fact that over the past 13 years the state-forming people have stupidly chosen leaders who work not for him, but for the interests of all kinds of minorities and the West?

            As the saying goes -
            1. 0
              16 July 2013 13: 26
              And there’s no one to choose from !! What is the option! A team that can fully take power and possessing the necessary resources for this - power and financial.
              1. vladsolo56
                16 July 2013 13: 41
                It is not true, people are stupidly told that there are no people in the country who are capable of running the country. You might think that there are 140 million of them impossible to find worthy. as they say it would be a desire. I can even suggest two offhand, for example Boldyrev and Shoigu, well-known people. But I think that if you look closely, you can offer a dozen candidates. The main "trump card" of Putin's supporters is that others have no experience. In general, it is ridiculous to hear such statements from these people, when Putin was brought to power he had a great experience?
                1. -2
                  16 July 2013 14: 00
                  Here to listen to you so the people are this herd and only - continuous conditioned reflexes! Well, for some reason they did not inspire you! Why, huh? Are you the best representative of the people or not at all from the people?
                  For you, Russia has two enemies - Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church!
                  1. vladsolo56
                    16 July 2013 14: 48
                    Sorry for your primitive thinking, I never claimed that Russia has the same two enemies, you just really want it so much. By the way, your cons only prove it, a thinking person brings facts and arguments, the opposite is only slogans and cons.
                    1. +1
                      16 July 2013 20: 38
                      Until now I haven’t set you a single minus; now I’ll bet you insist. About primitive thinking tells me a man advocating for tribal relations in the country?!?! Regarding the facts and arguments, I did not give them to you above, or do you not consider the opposite point of view at all ?! For some reason, the Caucasus with its tribal - tribal relations is not an example for you! Or an example is not convenient!
                      Regarding Putin, religion and the Russian Orthodox Church - everyone is able to see your previous comments. It is Putin, the Russian Orthodox Church and religion in general that cause you the greatest irritation
                      Quote: vladsolo56
                      and a very strong religion which inhibits the development of education.

                      Quote: vladsolo56
                      I am only against giving religion a certain lifeline for society. Because it is a utopia and an elementary propaganda trick. I talk a lot with people and believe me, I haven’t heard from anyone that religion really helps to spiritually revive. If you want to believe, then this is your right and I never dispute it.

                      Regarding religion, you mentioned this topic, is it really giving you any pleasure?
                2. Furnace driver
                  16 July 2013 14: 04
                  Quote: vladsolo56
                  I can even offhand offer two, for example Boldyrev and Shoigu, well-known people.

                  Um ... Shoigu was noted for distributing weapons to any rabble in the 90s.
                  1. vladsolo56
                    16 July 2013 15: 05
                    Have you seen it yourself?
                    1. Furnace driver
                      16 July 2013 19: 58
                      how can I see him, can the bosses come down to expose themselves and directly discredit themselves on the spot.

                      On October 3, 1993, the “chief rescuer” Sergei Shoigu handed out a thousand assault rifles to First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers Yegor Gaidar, who was preparing to “defend democracy” from the Constitution. More than 1000 units. small arms (AKS-74U assault rifles with ammunition!) from the Ministry of Emergency Situations were distributed by Yegor Gaidar into the hands of “defenders of democracy”, incl. Boxer fighters.

                      Already in the autumn of 1991, Shoigu did not submit to anyone except the president, and the staff of his department totaled tens of thousands of people. His services to the Yeltsin authorities were marked by several personal awards, and in 1994 - by promotion to the rank of minister. In 1999, Shoigu received the title of Hero of Russia.

                      Shoigu successfully converted his considerable hardware weight into political. He was always with the “party in power”: in 1993 he was on the preliminary list of “Choice of Russia” by Yegor Gaidar, in 1995 - on the organizing committee of the movement “Our Home - Russia” by Viktor Chernomyrdin, in 1996 he received gratitude from Yeltsin for his help during the presidential election. Finally, in 1999 he was instructed to form a new “party in power” - the inter-regional movement “Unity”.

                      Rumor has it that the territorial structures of the Ministry of Emergencies played a key role in the creation of the Unity regional network: they provided Unity with premises, information resources, and even, according to some information, material support. The main role in this was played, in addition to Shoigu, by his first deputy Yuri Vorobyov.

                      Unity won more than 1999 percent of the vote in the 23 elections, taking second place. A year later, on the basis of Unity, a new political megaproject “United Russia” emerged, in which Shoigu became one of the key figures (he is co-chair of the party’s high council along with Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov and Tatarstan President Mintimer Shaimiev). It should be noted that when United Russia was still on its feet, its leader Boris Gryzlov, like Shoigu, occupied a prominent position among the security forces - he was then the Minister of the Interior. In the 2003 Duma elections, when United Russia celebrated its unconditional success, the “landing” of the Ministry of Emergencies was headed by deputy Shoigu Valery Vostrotin and Alexander Yets in the lower house of parliament.
                3. 0
                  16 July 2013 14: 46
                  I’m not talking about decent people, but about the TEAM I’m talking about! You do not understand the difference?
                  1. vladsolo56
                    16 July 2013 15: 03
                    so the team is not born on its own create it
                    1. -3
                      16 July 2013 15: 36
                      Here! Here the created team is now not observed! The one that is better than Putin could steer! Only the liberoid is ready, and is ready since the 90s.
              2. Yarosvet
                16 July 2013 19: 50
                Quote: Mairos
                And there’s no one to choose from !! What is the option! A team that can fully take power and possessing the necessary resources for this - power and financial.

                Any power degenerates if it is not controlled.

                Understand a simple thing: here many talk about the need for a strong leader who would lead the people.
                But it is the people who make the strong leader of man! In order for a strong leader to lead the people, the people must tear their ass off the sofas, TVs, computers and go after the person, thereby making him a strong leader.

                I repeat once again - democracy is not the right to choose a political figure from those that are at the moment, it is the right to pose tasks to political figures who are.

                Well, about the names - Katasonov, Mukhin, Delyagin (and why not?), Boldyreva called Solo56.

                And finally - why, for example, not Sue and the Communist Party, why are they worse than Medveput and United Russia? Isn't such a democratic TOOL like elections intended to try something new?
      3. +4
        16 July 2013 14: 04
        Quote: domokl
        .And any Asian will list you all ... Even our fence cousin wattle will take into account.

        He once designed one Uzbek in the medical battalion. The medical history indicated parents.
        I ask - it is difficult to answer. With grief, he pulled out the name of his father and paternal grandfather in half. The mother had only a name, and even then it is very doubtful that it was really her name, and not the first one that came across so that "Russian" was left behind.
        Interested in such an instance, I ask how many brothers and sisters he has. The Uzbek in a panic - does not know. We begin to count together.
        - Are you older?
        - Eating...
        - Brother? sister?
        - Brother ... sister ...
        - One brother?
        - Nat ... Two ...
        - The name of?
        - Rahmun ...

        Well and so on. In general, it turned out that he had 11 siblings, but he did not even know all the names of the brothers, there was nothing to say about sisters
  4. 0
    16 July 2013 06: 14
    We are entering a new phase of political struggle. Even more tragic than the previous ones. In the previous phases, concessions could be made. Because the stake was your project, not the historical existence of your country. And historical being is much more important. No concessions are possible during this phase. Because the rate is "being or non-being". And the fight will be fought accordingly.

    X .... some kind of, before you can, now you can’t.
    But is the new phase, even more tragic, is it not so tragic that it used to be much less than before?
    Kashka - Malashka. IMHO.
  5. +2
    16 July 2013 06: 16
    After the controversy over the last article about the events, I met with some debaters. It is no secret that many people know each other in real life, argue on other sites and are friends.
    So that’s what I understood. Some, even quite thinking people, Russians and non-Russians, as if not thinking about the consequences, began to speak for the collapse of the country, for the civil war. They do not say such words. On the contrary, they are for the revival of the Union, but. .. Chock to expel mosques, even in the region where Muslims live as much time as the Orthodox, close. And in general, it's time to cut it.
    But at the same time, we won’t give up the Caucasus. It’s a terrible situation - our Caucasus, but we don’t need Caucasians.
    I ask directly, do you want branches of the Caucasus? Do you want branches of non-Russian regions? What you don’t want ... I am for a united and strong Russia! Then why do you want to destroy those who live in these regions? Silence ... But not the silence of the thinker. Silence put in a dead end. But he did not change his opinion.
    1. +2
      16 July 2013 09: 50
      Quote: domokl
      Silence ... But not the silence of the thinker. Silence perplexed. But his opinion has not changed.

      "+" !!! The whole comment is right on target. Everyone understands everything (thinking people), but for some reason they repeat all the crap said by not very smart "comrades".
    2. +11
      16 July 2013 10: 06
      Why "destroy"? And not "to force to live according to the laws of the state"? Not "to make people respect the values ​​of other peoples"? Or it is difficult, and therefore your like-minded people suggest "endure, endure, and endure again." And what is characteristic, artificially tying this "tolerate" to patriotism.
      "The Russians must allow themselves to be cut in order to preserve Russia as a state." Enchanting. Do you and your like-minded people really understand what kind of game you are carrying?
      1. A-50
        16 July 2013 10: 44
        Quote: Spade
        "Russians must allow themselves to be cut in order to preserve Russia as a state"

        ... to keep the milking herd alive. The author follows the "global" ideas about "non-resistance to evil" - but diligently avoids conclusions. Remember Gorbachev's - "... and the walks are full, and the outs are safe." Such is the map of the world on a bald head.
    3. Yarosvet
      16 July 2013 11: 13
      Quote: domokl
      Then why do you want to destroy those who live in these regions?


    4. +4
      16 July 2013 12: 49
      You know, I think there is one of two things. Either the state of relations in the system "Russians-Caucasians" will change, especially at the household and economic level (taking away businesses, ethnic organized crime groups, etc.), or the Caucasus is really not needed, since it will only be a source of chaos, mutual hatred and a hole for Islamist terrorism. And relations can only change either through the efforts of the state (which is not observed at all), or through the emergence of a "Russian diaspora" which will behave as the rest of the diaspora now behave - "drag its own" and "lower others". This process is already underway - more and more "Pugachevism" is happening. And all the songs about imperial super-ethnic groups are a whim, the Russians need it - yes, but neither the Caucasians nor the Russian state, which glorifies liberal democratic values ​​at all levels, and therefore contributes to the implicit dictatorship of national minorities, does not need it.
      1. Yarosvet
        16 July 2013 13: 23
        The problem for me is so much in the Caucasus as in the Government: this whole mess can be stopped within six months (if tough), or within 3 years, followed by a long filtering of the region (if not atrocious).

        But the authorities need a distraction from the authorities themselves, and there is no way to find a better performer for this role than the Caucasus.
  6. +7
    16 July 2013 06: 23
    The content is excellent, the presentation is incoherent.
  7. sashka
    16 July 2013 06: 27
    Let them live, whoever is against. But according to our rules, they work .. A lot is not required. Do you want to live by your own rules and not get out of the village.
    1. +7
      16 July 2013 06: 38
      Quote: Sasha
      Let them live, who is against. But according to our rules, they work

      Those. let them live according to the Law, without prejudice to the rights of other residents, without trashing local customs and morality. And the authorities should take care of this. First of all, regional. Public, also local (Cossacks are almost everywhere, let them work on a voluntary basis).
      The negative does not come from the face, but from the behavior of visitors ...
      1. Yarosvet
        16 July 2013 11: 26
        Quote: domokl
        Cossacks are almost everywhere, let them work on a voluntary basis

        These or what?
        1. Yarosvet
          16 July 2013 11: 29
          Or maybe these?
          1. strange and pretty meaningless
            16 July 2013 12: 20
            For the Cossacks - right on the living. After all, one must understand that the current mummers "Cossacks" and the COSSACKS are "mutually exclusive paragraphs." Real Cossacks are a people (ethnos!) With Turkic roots. Yes, they were in the service of the tsar - but ... First, as a foreign legion - under Peter, and then by separate armies - the Don, Kuban army. Let's not forget that the "scam" on the part of tsarism - that still a political institution - led to the uprisings of Razin and Pugachev, which were drenched in blood by the Russian Count Suvorov. Now there is actually NO ethnic principle in recruiting the "Cossacks", therefore, talking about the REVIVAL of the Cossacks is half-truth. They "revived" the paraphernalia, in some places the Cossacks cover the "business" and the dacha villages - to whip the whips of the bullies. As an organized army ... crying I, too, somehow became interested - what kind of Cossacks are these with sabers, there were Cossacks in the family itself ... So, I once met a local "chieftain". At the same time he is "United Russia" wassat, a local deputy, a trainer at the Youth Sports School, actively preaches Orthodoxy. At the same time, he combines all of the above with the activities of local "athletes". Like a kind of organized crime group. For about a year we talked - to scratch, I want to spit. Just an epic dolbo.b! From the category - any, even the brightest idea can be mutilated by entrusting its implementation to an IDIOT. No offense to the Cossacks, but if THIS is a Cossack, then I am Alisa Selezneva.
            1. Yarosvet
              16 July 2013 12: 44
              That's right, but with that -
              Quote: abyrvalg
              Real Cossacks are a people (ethnos!) With Turkic roots.
              - I do not agree.
              Cossacks are a hodgepodge of all kinds of runaways, most of whom were Russians. This is not a people, not an ethnic group - this is the estate.

              No estates - no Cossacks.
              1. strange and pretty meaningless
                16 July 2013 13: 04
                Quote: Yarosvet
                Cossacks are a hodgepodge of all kinds of runaways, most of whom were Russians. This is not a people, not an ethnic group - this is the estate.

                We are talking about different times. Under the kings, yes, a hodgepodge, and what army does not absorb the best of the vanquished warriors ?! He accepted our faith - we ask you to stay, please. But the ancestors of the Cossacks are the Turks of Desht-i-Kipchak, the steppes, Attila, who made the Roman Empire cancer. What they still can not forgive the Latins. About ethnic Cossacks from the classic:
                L.N. Tolstoy in his story "Cossacks" reflected the attitude of the Cossacks towards their relatives ... the Cossack hates the dzhigit-mountaineer who, in a defensive war against tsarism, killed his brother, forced to fight him, than the tsarist soldier who was placed with him to "protect him village "and who lit his entire hut," he writes ironically. He writes because he knew that before the arrival of an alien, conquering element, the Cossacks lived in harmony and were related to the Chechens. L.N. Tolstoy continues to hint at what was said: "He respects the enemy-mountaineer, but despises the oppressor-soldier who is alien to him." Every schoolchild can understand that the word "enemy", said in relation to the mountaineers, can be put in quotation marks here. It is known that the great writer wrote during the war between tsarism and the highlanders and for a book that had to be published in tsarist Russia. After all, the tsarist censorship did not dare to publish in full the protests of the great writer against the cruelty against the Caucasian peoples. This information is published in full in the United States only. If we make allowances for this fact, then the writer's thought about the close relations between the Cossacks and Chechens of that time becomes clear. L.N. Tolstoy wrote the following even more contrastingly: "For a Cossack, the Russian peasant is some kind of alien, wild and contemptuous creature ..." Here, too, for censorship reasons, L.N. Tolstoy is forced not to finish speaking. Tolstoy, of course, could not say that the Cossacks were brought up in a contemptuous spirit for the Russian commoner who hated tsarism and its order. The "not alien" attitude of the Cossacks to the Chechens is not accidental. They are explained by the knowledge of the writer of the sources of the historical roots of the Terek Cossacks.
                1. Yarosvet
                  16 July 2013 13: 36
                  I don’t know where you got your thoughts about Lev Nikolaevich, but combine Attila with the Cossacks ...

                  Here is an interesting version: http://www.shambarov.ru/content/view/60/
            2. +2
              16 July 2013 13: 01
              This is where you found their Turkic roots ?? belay Rave!!
              Cossacks came to Kuban from Zaporozhye, and then formed from the peoples of Russia who came there. Do not confuse the Cossacks and those nomads who once roamed there
              1. strange and pretty meaningless
                16 July 2013 13: 17
                Quote: Mairos
                Cossacks came from Zaporozhye, and then formed from the peoples of Russia who came there.

                Quote: Mairos

                You, my friend, answered yourself. Cossacks formed from the peoples of Russia? laughing laughing laughing Or rather? Turki is also one of the peoples of Russia. For you, the comment above. Do not trust me - maybe Count L.N. Tolstoy will convince you.
                Quote: Mairos
                Cossacks came to Kuban from Zaporozhye

                And how did they end up in Zaporozhye, are you our ethnographer?
                Quote: Mairos
                Do not confuse the Cossacks and those nomads who once roamed there

                Wandered, wandered, but did not wander laughing Dear, often look out from under the hood.
                If it is interesting to engage in self-education I will give a reference - http://www.adji.ru/ - infa is quite concentrated, do not overheat. Good luck. drinks
                1. +2
                  16 July 2013 13: 30
                  I am engaged in self-education regularly. And one opinion is not the truth. I’m wondering how these Turkic immigrants were all Orthodox?
                  1. strange and pretty meaningless
                    16 July 2013 14: 11
                    Quote: Mairos
                    I’m wondering how these Turkic immigrants were all Orthodox?

                    And what is the contradiction? Here - if it’s interesting, it’s worth it — you need to look into the history of Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy is a complex historical alloy, which has absorbed the faith of the Turks in Heavenly God, and the paganism of the Slavs ancestors and Christianity. The very symbol of the Orthodox faith - the cross - came precisely from the Türks, they had them long before the appearance of Christ. Until the XNUMXrd century the first Christians hid in the catacombs, and the symbol of Jesus - do not count it as blasphemy - was a sheep. The Lamb of God is from here. Later, the current church paraphernalia came from Constantinople - icons, rites, halo around the heads of saints.
                    And the methods of planting Orthodoxy in Russia were not at all democratic. Under Nikon, the Old Believers were burned out by villages.
                    1. -1
                      16 July 2013 14: 45
                      Quote: abyrvalg
                      And the methods of planting Orthodoxy in Russia were not at all democratic. Under Nikon, the Old Believers were burned out by villages.

                      This is yes, I agree.
                      And when did the Turkic people use the cross as a religious symbol? All Turkic peoples, almost all became Muslims, the exclusion of the Tatars, and even then only in some part. Christianity came to Russia in the 10th century, and by that time the Turks had already prayed to Allah without exception, and the Mongols were praying to heaven, by the time they arrived, Russia was already Christian. What kind of alloy is it?
                      1. strange and pretty meaningless
                        16 July 2013 15: 46
                        Quote: Mairos
                        Christianity in Russia came in the 10th century

                        request Eka you shovel, right, layers and fly. Actually, Russia in the 10th century was not a state either. There was a fragmented hodgepodge of princes. What kind of united faith can we talk about? That is why the Mongol-Tatar yoke is now seriously questioned. Who is the yoke over? The process of uniting Russia into something resembling the current shape began under Sergius of Radonezh, who laid the bastions of the Russian Faith - monasteries.
                        Quote: Mairos
                        by that time, the Türks were already praying to Allah, and the Mongols were praying to heaven

                        Why are you opposing them? The actual "yoke" period fell on the reign of the Mongol dynasties in Desht-i-Kipchak. Christianity, in general, no matter how much it hurts, it is difficult to consider it as the ONE religion. There are too many confessions and interpretations. It is even difficult to say who is closer to Orthodoxy - Catholic, Protestant or Muslim. Christ in Orthodoxy is a significant, but not defining figure. And the concepts "God the Father" and "Allah" may well have a common origin. Well, let's not get into theological disputes.

                        Quote: Mairos
                        And when did the Turkic people use the cross as a religious symbol?

                        There is quite definite evidence of this - archaeological finds from settlements of pre-Christian times. Read M. Adji - he gives links to primary sources. Actually, the cross itself could not be a symbol of the crucifixion - the then "techniques" used a T-shaped instrument for punishment.
                    2. Yarosvet
                      16 July 2013 20: 06
                      Quote: abyrvalg
                      the symbol of Jesus - do not consider it blasphemy - was a sheep.
                      A fish.

                      "Sheep" (lamb) is the designation of a ritual sacrifice.
                      1. strange and pretty meaningless
                        17 July 2013 06: 34
                        Quote: Yarosvet
                        "Sheep" (lamb) is the designation of a ritual sacrifice.

                        So God the Father sacrificed his Son - Jesus.
                        Quote: Yarosvet
                        A fish.

                        And fish too. Fishermen are soul-catchers ... There was no unity in early Christianity. And now, as we see, the Protestant is not a fellow Catholic.
                        Later, the image of Christ as a lamb was FORBIDDEN by apologists of this religion at the Sixth Ecumenical Council.
                        "... so that the perfect can be represented to the eyes of all by the art of painting, we command from now on the image of the lamb that takes away the sins of the world, Christ our God, to represent on icons according to human nature, instead of the old lamb ..."
                        As you can see, the redrawing of history did not begin yesterday ... The myths of consciousness are not one hundred years old - therefore, one has to dig deeply. How is it - the past has long shadows ..?
                2. -1
                  16 July 2013 16: 26
                  Quote: abyrvalg
                  Turki is also one of the peoples of Russia.
                  laughing laughing laughing
                  Where will you be from? Read this nonsense you call self-education? Good luck in your education and don’t fool people.
                  And this is for the rest to understand who Ajiev is:
                  "In the scientific community of historians, the works of Aji are considered pseudoscientific, typical representatives of the folk history.

                  Quotes from Murad Aji (“Wormwood of the Polovtsian Field”):

                  "They could speak any language of the peoples of the world in Kiev, but not Slavic - rulers do not communicate in the language of slaves." (X century - note)
                  “And the people who fell into slavery, how will they say about themselves?” “We are caught.” From the word "fishing". So they are captives! Note that in the “History” of Simocatta the word “words” is fixed. If Sloven, then by whom? The Kipchik Turks, who then conquered Europe. The words “Wends” and “Slavs” became equivalent, synonyms, they meant “slave”. ”
                  “In the 5th century the Dnieper did not have Slavs - they haven’t reached yet.”
                  “The legend of the Kulikovo field, for example, developed in the XVIII century ... the Germans rewrote the story .... They didn’t hesitate, inventing Slavic Russia to please the West, which Moscow had not known and had not heard of before. ”
                  “For the inhabitants of Central Europe, the Turkic runic writing for centuries remained the only one that allows you to express your words on paper. There was no other written language among the peoples of this part of Europe. ”
                  “From Peter, the word“ Tatars ”finds a derogatory meaning in Russia. They call them all the “non-Russian” Kipchaks. ”
                  “It turns out, and the Time of Troubles was not troubled ... Then this humiliating nickname -“ Tatars “became stronger in society.”

                  Quotes about the historical quest of Murad Aji:

                  “The creator of one of the most popular pseudoscientific concepts of M. Aji”
                  “Even the most daring folk historians before M. Aji could hardly have imagined that the Türks could“ at the end of the fifth century choose the ruler of the Kaganate of Australia. It was a new Turkic state in the center of Europe. It occupied the lands most western from Altai: present France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Switzerland, part of Spain and Southern Germany, Austria. Turks lived here. Then the Kaganate Crash appeared, it appeared later than the Kaganate of Australia and lay east of it. Where today the lands of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, parts of Germany, Croatia. And here lived the Türks, whom the Great Migration of Peoples brought to Europe "".
                  “This is how the new world map is built according to M. Aji. Fortunately, Europe does not know about this, and has long written its fundamental story, with which M. Aji and his followers are not familiar. ”
                  “Along with served as mythological literature on the past, there are such works on historical subjects that can be called delusional, or delirious mythological. This ... all, without exception, the works of M. Aji. "

                  In 2001, at the forum of leaders of Tatar youth organizations, Academician Indus Tagirov: “Adzhiev’s scientific works are not indisputable. But without this historian, we, the Turkic peoples, will never regain our former greatness and will not get out of the limiting point of the fall at which we are at present. ”
                  1. strange and pretty meaningless
                    17 July 2013 03: 26
                    Border Troops laughing if you already undertook to convey the truth
                    Quote: mhpv
                    don't fool people

                    then at least indicate - where you pulled them from. At least look at the primary source for enlightenment. I do not make an icon out of Aji (Ajiev) - and I do not seek to replicate his views. By the way, he himself, with all the ambiguity of his views, does not hesitate to quote the primary sources. I do not (re) indicate them, because it makes no sense - the volume of the commentary. But what is captivating in his "folk history" is the desire to understand the "white spots" of this very story. The fact that he is not particularly shy about "the opinion of an enlightened Europe" is only a plus for me. To be equal to Europe - you will go far.
                    According to your "educational" post - well, what did you say? They pulled one-sided quotes from Adzhi himself - especially about the "Slovlin" tried laughing Incidentally, this theory made me laugh - but no more. Then they threw a pack of faceless quotes from Wikipedia. Classics of the genre:
                    Quote: mhpv
                    Fortunately, Europe does not know about this, and has long written its fundamental story, with which M. Aji and his followers are not familiar. ”

                    Aji is just familiar with this "fundamental history" - it can be reliably seen when you read it in "paper". One should not harbor any illusions about the place of Russia and the peoples inhabiting it in that "history." If you accept her dogmas, then Adzhiev's jokes about "Slovlin" are child's play. Well, they generously sprinkled everything with diagnoses - they say. You are our psychiatrist, borderline.
                    And what is the point of view of the Indian Tagirov? What are you trying to inflate? You’re more direct - all of your laughing
            3. Furnace driver
              16 July 2013 14: 02
              and do you rewrite history?
              1. strange and pretty meaningless
                16 July 2013 14: 30
                Not at all what ... we are only re-reading laughing
            4. 0
              16 July 2013 20: 18
              Quote: abyrvalg
              Real Cossacks are a people (ethnos!) With Turkic roots

              But then what about "no issue from Don"? Whom and on what basis did the Russian landowners want to get from the Don? And how were the detachments of Cossack "hunters" formed to populate the Far East, for example? And why did they all speak Russian? Why did Yermak offer Siberia to the Russian Tsar, and not to the Turkish Sultan or the Crimean Khan?

              Quote: abyrvalg
              First, as a foreign legion - under Peter, and then by separate armies - the Don, Kuban army.

              About a foreign legion - your stormy fantasy laughing
              The uprisings of Bolotnikov and Razin were long before Peter. And how, in your words, could this be a royal scam, if the Cossacks began serving the Tsar as foreigners only under Peter?

              And in general, your post leaves some kind of muddy feeling ... Real Cossacks, these are Türks, the current ones are completely mummers, they can only drive homeless people with whips. But if the ataman is a United Russia preacher of Orthodoxy, then he is a retailer and dolbo-b. But didn’t the Cossacks live by robbing merchant caravans or guarding them? Also I suppose I should ...
              1. strange and pretty meaningless
                17 July 2013 04: 28
                Quote: bot.su
                And in general, your post leaves some kind of muddy feeling ...

                Well ring request
                Quote: bot.su
                Why did Ermak bring Siberia to the Russian Tsar, and not to the Turkish Sultan or the Crimean Khan?

                request Obviously, because he served the Russian Tsar - and not the Turkish Sultan or the Crimean Khan.
                Quote: bot.su
                But as then, "no issue from Don"? Whom and on what basis did the Russian landowners want to get from the Don? But as formed detachments of Cossack "hunters" to populate the Far East, for example?

                laughing Haven't you read Nikolai Gogol's The Overcoat? There was such a character - Akaki Akakievich. Poor titular counselor from St. Petersburg. Has Google banned you?
                Quote: bot.su
                The real Cossacks, these are the Turks, the current ones are completely mummers, they can only drive the homeless with whips. But if the ataman is a United Russia preacher of Orthodoxy, then he is a retailer and dolbo-b.

                The roots of the Cossacks are Turkic. For a single character - this chieftain - I do not draw conclusions for ALL Cossacks. But I did not see any examples of the revival of the Cossack lifestyle - the same villages. A Cossack is both a Warrior and a Breadman. Here you write that the Far East settled by Cossacks. laughing Who would argue? Here - in Primorye - there is even a village - Plastun. Plastuns - Cossack special forces - founded it. And why KAZAKI? Yes, because their way of life was adapted for the development of new lands. They created AUTONOMOUS settlements, engaged in both the development of the economy and the protection of settlements and the planting of their Faith. Where the maintenance of regular troops was a burden to the state, Cossacks appeared.
                What I saw with my own eyes in the current "Cossacks" did not remind history of anything. There is NO economic structure. Farms, as such, NO. There are PSCs in the style of "a la rus". There are paraphernalia. With Cossack folklore - already strained, to perform from memory "Oh you, Galya!" from entih "Cossacks" few can. And this, STSUKA, makes me angry am These songs take me for the soul. What a Cossack without a song ?! Therefore, I write that DOLBO.B !!! With military-patriotic education - practically ZERO - so, an elite club with horseback riding. Cool.
              2. strange and pretty meaningless
                17 July 2013 04: 28
                Quote: bot.su
                About a foreign legion - your stormy fantasy

                All affairs with the Don Cossack army were conducted through the Ambassadorial Order - the then Foreign Ministry. It was created - as subordinate specifically to the Russian Tsar - under Peter I.
                Quote: bot.su
                Uprising of Bolotnikov and Razin

                Why did the Bolotnikov uprising weave with the Cossacks, smart guy? It was an attempt by the Orange Revolution to take over the throne. And Stepan Razin rebelled with the Cossacks and "robbed the cows". Google to help.
              3. strange and pretty meaningless
                17 July 2013 07: 00
                "...- I am a Cossack, are you not a gypsy?
                - No. You and I are both Russians.
                - You are breaching! - said Afonka separately.
                - Cossacks came from Russians. Do you know about this?
                - And I tell you - Cossacks from Cossacks are being conducted.
                - In the old days, serfs fled from the landlords, settled on the Don, and
                nicknamed the Cossacks.
                “Come on, dear man, your own way,” clutching swollen fingers into
                fist, restrained-viciously advised Alexei armless and blinked more often.
                - The bastard has settled! .. Look at the toadstool, I wanted to remake the men!
                - Who is that? Do you hear Athanasius?
                - Someone came here. At Lukesky, the scythe is lodging.

                The moment for the chase was lost. The Cossacks dispersed, discussing the skirmish with lively ... "

                This is Sholokhov - "Quiet Don". Some kind of topsvara on the farm laughing
                anyway drinks
    2. +6
      16 July 2013 06: 49
      Quote: Sasha
      Let them live, whoever is against. But according to our rules, they work .. A lot is not required. Do you want to live by your own rules and not get out of the village.

      The absolute desire of all our citizens. winked After all, when we come to the republics of the North Caucasus, we are trying to adapt to their style and mentality of the social way of life, so as not to look like a clown against the general background. But it seems to me that things are not so simple. To make a Caucasian adapt to our mentality and lifestyle, at least so that he respects this way of life! And he is constantly at the genetic level unpleasant in those things in our upbringing for which our grandfathers and grandmothers were flogged with rods in old Russia! And they still don’t stroke their heads. I don’t want to give an example and religious component, which plays an important role in education.
      1. UFO
        16 July 2013 07: 04
        Quote: sergo0000
        To make a Caucasian adapt to our mentality and way of life, you need to at least respect this way of life! And he is constantly at the genetic level unpleasant in those things in our upbringing, for which in old Russia our grandfathers and grandmothers were flogged with rods!

        Everything is correct, but so far there is no such possibility (the consequences of the sexual revolution of the Pepsi generation still need to be experienced, overcome) they should not be put on your neck. By any means to keep them in a "stall" until better times, until our true values ​​begin to return, until EVERYONE realizes the harmfulness of the way of thinking imposed on us (like: "we live once", "take everything from life", "we must try everything" etc.)
        1. +1
          16 July 2013 07: 07
          Quote: UFO
          "we must try everything", etc.)

          Well, in principle, you can agree with this only with some restrictions. Everything except incest and folk dances. wassat
          1. UFO
            16 July 2013 07: 14
            Well, yes, even dope and spoil moral standards.
            Good mood in the morning? good
            1. +5
              16 July 2013 07: 17
              Quote: UFO
              Good mood in the morning?

              It’s good when they understand sarcasm and mood good hi
        2. +7
          16 July 2013 07: 27
          Quote: UFO
          ... By any means to keep them in the "stall" until better times,

          First, you need to abolish the moratorium on the death penalty for corrupt officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and municipalities, then talk about stalls. For example, in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, all cities have long been divided into spheres of influence of migrants and visitors from the republics of the North Caucasus. Some are "Dagestanskie", the second - "Chechen, tr
          1. +8
            16 July 2013 07: 31
            Quote: sergo0000
            need to lift the moratorium on the death penalty for corrupt officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and municipalities,

            Can start with parliamentary immunity in the State Duma and legislative assemblies?
            1. +6
              16 July 2013 07: 38
              Quote: Ruslan67
              Quote: sergo0000
              need to lift the moratorium on the death penalty for corrupt officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and municipalities,

              Can start with parliamentary immunity in the State Duma and legislative assemblies?

              Of course! hi You need to start from the head. Then we’ll save the carcass. (It's about fish, figuratively) wink
              1. +2
                16 July 2013 09: 32
                Quote: sergo0000
                You need to start from the head.

                Strongly support in every word.
                Quote: Ruslan67
                start with parliamentary immunity in the State Duma and legislative assemblies

                Quote: sergo0000
                lift moratorium on the death penalty for corrupt officials in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and municipalities

                And then the brain will begin to reach the "O."

                Gladish and such nonsense will not see in life.
          2. grafrozow
            16 July 2013 11: 13
            Sergey, why in the Salekhard profile? This is Yamal.
            1. +1
              16 July 2013 11: 39
              Quote: grafrozow
              Sergey, why in the Salekhard profile? This is Yamal.
              That's right! drinks This is all my homeland. hi Born and raised near Salekhard, at the moment I live in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.
              1. grafrozow
                16 July 2013 12: 24
                drinks I’m Nadym, we’ll soon go to Salekhard in the summer by car. Already 501 pieces of iron are already 100 km away. poured. drinks drinks
                1. 0
                  16 July 2013 18: 37
                  Always glad to meet Alexander fellow countryman! drinks Though it will be someone to confirm that we do not live with the dipper laughing and we have roads like in Europe! With a few exceptions, of course. hi
  8. +5
    16 July 2013 06: 37
    It is necessary to return to the Soviet experience of interethnic settlement, during more than 20 years of bourgeois rule, we see aggravation of national contradictions, and a civil war with murders over property, the fall of rockets and planes, the last car accident with dozens of victims due to the fault of a faulty KAMAZ driver with transit numbers, unknown to anyone (as well as the absence of the owner of Domodedovo Airport). Whatever GDP says and DAM does not subvert, such a socio-political system in Russia is not capable. It will not bring anything good to Russia. No Great Vladimir Ruler will save the situation
    1. grafrozow
      16 July 2013 11: 20
      I agree, but it’s better for the tsarist experience of interethnic settlement.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    16 July 2013 06: 50
    A lot of bukaf, non-violent ... The author should have stated his thoughts briefly and thesis, as if he did not write essays in school. Author, maybe you should rewrite the article?
  10. 0
    16 July 2013 08: 09
    So many words ... One water. In order for life to improve at least a little, you need to at least throw garbage into the ballot box. And relax not with a bottle of beer, but with your children on the playground to drive football.
  11. 0
    16 July 2013 08: 11
    this site itself draws attention to nationalists, whatever they were - why do you need to publish articles about the case in Saratov three times? moreover, this is pure criminality, diligently remade under some kind of "nationalism"
  12. +4
    16 July 2013 08: 13
    The premise is generally correct, Human feelings for the Russian People are felt, but are presented chaotically ...
    Here we need to figure out -Who are we ??? Russian .... Imperial People ?!
    That is why we read such "cries of the Soul" ...

    WE ARE GREAT, it lives inside Us, but looking around, we understand that everything is a bit small)))) and power, and state, and the ideas that the media are pushing us .....

    So 'Serega' is OUR man, he is in a hurry)) sincerely worried, formulated a bit chaotic, but sincerely)))
    I can say that our people are waking up, I see many manifestations of this, there are attempts to command him, to lead))) but I think the “protective” mechanisms are working ... here the comrade is right, about the Balkan issue (man)) the right instinct ..., people do not want development as in 1917 (when not those headed by ...
    (moreover, wait, the same is not, they are pushed around by the "Kremlin" forcing the "Great Vovchik" to dive under the water)))))
    The human race sees all this ...

    More will not happen ....
    The Russian people, their Idea (imperative)) can live in one Great person, I think it is He who will receive the "RIGHT" on behalf of the Russian people to embody HER,
    it will be the Lord of the World ...
    until we know him ...

    But He will come .....
    1. Furnace driver
      16 July 2013 14: 09
      By pike commandment, by my desire ... but you are governed by my state by itself! wink
  13. +1
    16 July 2013 08: 18
    A crappy little article from the category of those in which we were buried for the entire 20th century and are now trying. Who ordered this garbage pit? Pull fragments from speeches and conversations with famous people and give this out as the ultimate truth- and provocation! MINUS-
  14. waisson
    16 July 2013 08: 19
    muddy scribble on soap negative
  15. +1
    16 July 2013 08: 20
    complete nonsense
  16. 0
    16 July 2013 08: 53
    Article by a kitchen connoisseur. Sorry for the time spent.
  17. 3 inches.
    16 July 2013 08: 59
    with it, even the soap will be nonsingular. there is only water with citations around it. not an article but nonsense.
  18. 0
    16 July 2013 09: 01
    Article minus because delusions of paranoid and nonsense
  19. avt
    16 July 2013 09: 14
    He authorizes, wrote not with his mind but with a soiled ass. I tried to formalize my own fear into an analytical article, and this turned out to be a complete mess of crap.
  20. +1
    16 July 2013 09: 44
    , there is a question and it needs to be solved, the nation should live where it was born, and the government should solve the problems of employment, social services, etc. on the spot in all subjects, and not in one or more regions, otherwise it’s what the children of Kalya Bola say, all mixes up without control and tension threatens even more
    1. NUT
      16 July 2013 11: 57
      Quote: bubla5
      , the nation must live where it was born

      And that was exactly so: places of settledness existed officially in the Russian Empire, not officially in the USSR, and therefore, nat. there were no questions and no problems and could not be.
      Wasting time and puzzling over the invention of the wheel?
      To abandon the old and look for new ways to solve the problem (which should not be) is the same as to get out of the ancient (obsolete) way - to jump over a bunch of crap and start (in a new way) - to crawl through it on the belly ...
  21. +6
    16 July 2013 09: 47
    The Caucasian mentality is respect for strength and order! Respect for the established rules at all levels if these rules are supported by specific actions aimed at strict observance of the rules, laws ... Everything - there will be no problems!
    A small example of restoring order in one not small institution of Moskomsport in which several boxing and Thai boxing clubs operate in Moscow.
    Half of the athletes and the leadership of the clubs come from Dagestan, there are Ingush and Chechens.
    The head of the security service begins by requiring detailed, relevant lists of students and trainers with phone numbers and addresses. When asked why, there will be no lists, there will be no classes! A complaint to the director immediately follows! At the director’s proposal to be softer, he can clearly explain possible negative consequences and his personal responsibility as the head of the institution. Handwritten lists appear clumsily. The club leader politely leaves his office with his paper and a day later printed lists appear with the signature, seal and assurance of the club management about compliance with the institution's internal requirements.
    Security guides are instructed in detail. 1st day of classes - conflict! Half of those who are on the lists do not appear. No one is allowed to the classes, including the prominent athletes, whose dissatisfaction is directed to the leadership of the clubs! 2nd day - lists are submitted again, at the entrance everyone presents documents and greets! Club managers regularly come to the head of the security service with a question - mine are not naughty ?! No, everything is fine with you!
    Add to this regular monitoring of the fulfillment of all previously agreed requirements and get full respect and mutual understanding, and you will shake hands with two shaking hands!
    All this I mean, that there can be half the order or for someone more order, and for someone less, or the visibility of this order.
    The order is either there or not! No need to freak out, pile up, stock up on heavy objects and other equipment. You just need to clean up your house! Isolate those who categorically do not observe this order.
    1. 0
      16 July 2013 13: 08
      Perfect option!! This can only be achieved at the state level! How do you want to believe in this. )))
      1. +1
        16 July 2013 14: 03
        You are almost right, except that you can easily come to this on the ground if you demand! When you need to demand tough!
        1. 0
          16 July 2013 14: 50
          It will not work out officially on the ground. ((Unless, according to the method of diasporas, act, declare one thing, and act in fairness. But there is already a conflict with the liberal course of the center in national politics.
  22. andsavichev2012
    16 July 2013 09: 55
    Article - complete liberoid bullshit !!!
    The fight in Pugachev was clearly drunk and domestic in nature. In Chechen psychology - defend yourself with everything that was at hand, had a scalpel ... For a knife fight, a thing that is generally inconvenient, but if you wave and poke it, then only an ambulance standing next to it with the operating compartment can save it.

    And on the occasion to disperse all the peoples in places of historical residence - the same nonsense! Then we must return to the borders of 15c
    1. Misantrop
      16 July 2013 10: 20
      Quote: andsavichev2012
      The Chechen in psychology - defend yourself with everything that is at hand, had a scalpel ...

      Is this "defender" a practicing surgeon? Scalpel, by chance and "at hand"? .. Do you have this? It is unlikely, otherwise, because of the bandages, they would not be able to type on the keyboard, not the tool to lie around at hand. It's strange that he "accidentally" didn't have a machine gun, slide rule or piano (they like to stand in the bushes) lol The scalpel is a very specific tool and accidentally It simply cannot be at hand. But it is almost ideal for causing heavy non-lethal damage. The boy was initially set up for a bloody fight, he was just out of luck, out of inexperience ... request
    2. Yashka Gorobets
      16 July 2013 10: 52
      Have you seen what a surgical scalpel is? 15 centimeters of a clean blade made of the best steel.
      1. Misantrop
        16 July 2013 11: 24
        Quote: Yashka Gorobets
        15 centimeters of pure steel blade.

        You are raving. Firstly, the steel there is not so good (although not the worst). Medical stainless steel that should keep the sterilization temperature in an autoclave. And 15 cm - this, together with the handle, of a clean blade there (depending on the type) - is not more than 4-5 cm. Even the prosectorial knives are not much larger. Type in google or Yandex, see for yourself wink I have them now three different lies within reach lol
        1. +2
          16 July 2013 13: 12
          Scalpels are different!
      2. Yarosvet
        16 July 2013 12: 27
        Quote: Yashka Gorobets
        Have you seen what a surgical scalpel is? 15 centimeters of a clean blade made of the best steel.

        For particularly curious
        1. Yashka Gorobets
          16 July 2013 15: 01
          Here is N1 and I had in mind.
          1. Misantrop
            16 July 2013 16: 33
            Quote: Yashka Gorobets
            Here is N1 and I had in mind.
            Did you hold him alive in your hands? For more than 40 years of sharpening, including a medical instrument, the first two numbers have never met for me, they are too specific ... And then suddenly "accidentally caught", kid, in a fight. There is a much higher probability of meeting D.A. Medvedev in the queue for beer laughing
            1. Yashka Gorobets
              16 July 2013 17: 20
              I saw such people in several people, they even wanted to kill me with one. This is a dangerous thing.
              1. Misantrop
                16 July 2013 20: 25
                Quote: Yashka Gorobets
                I saw such a few people

                Maniacs, not otherwise. Even an ordinary Chinese kitchenette in terms of carrying with itself (and this type of application) is much safer and more convenient for the owner
                1. Yarosvet
                  16 July 2013 21: 19
                  Quote: Misantrop
                  Maniacs, not otherwise.


                  Large and small amputation knives
                  1. Misantrop
                    16 July 2013 22: 40
                    Quote: Yarosvet
                    Large and small amputation knives
                    Now take a look at their handles and estimate HOW they will lie in your hand. Conveniently? A surgical instrument has a number of VERY stringent requirements for sterilization. Therefore, a kind of "exotic" instead of a normal knife can only be carried by a maniac, for whom the type of steel, sharpening, shape of the blade and handle, etc. secondary request
                    1. Yarosvet
                      16 July 2013 23: 15
                      That’s what we’re talking about, only sharpening for such figures is still of paramount importance - that’s why the scalpel is.

                      There was a "scalpel" in the news, but which one? An ordinary scalpel can seriously shred, but kill?
                      To kill - you need to try very seriously.

                      In the photo, an amputation knife with a redone handle, what kind of scalpel Nazirov had was a question.
                      1. Misantrop
                        16 July 2013 23: 45
                        Quote: Yarosvet
                        here only sharpening for such figures is still of paramount importance - and therefore a scalpel.

                        Sharpening is meant or is it still a blade profile? The profile is quite widespread, an ordinary concave lens, sharpening is razor (also nothing exotic, most knives sharpen just that). By the way, medical steel doesn’t hold a sharpening anyway, except for classic stainless steel it holds well except 95X18, all the rest are pretty dull
                      2. Yarosvet
                        17 July 2013 01: 53
                        Quote: Misantrop
                        except for classic stainless steel, except 95X18 holds well, all the rest are pretty dumb enough

                        Meant cutting properties.

                        The steel of surgical instruments, as far as I can tell, is hard enough (which causes difficulties when sharpening), and if you do not open cans with such a picker, then the sharpness persists for a sufficiently long time (of course, when used for its intended purpose, sharpen more often).

                        They will not accept a scalpel, it has excellent cutting properties, and as for inconvenience, it is a matter of habit. Moreover, such things are not used in a knife fight, but for unexpected attacks on, as a rule, an unarmed enemy.
            2. 0
              16 July 2013 20: 04
              It’s a vain argument, it’s easy to kill with a fountain pen, but the scalpel is already a knife, although it’s a mini. I saw a lot of knife wounds, once I had to pinch a cut in the neck with my finger, I’ll inform you
  23. Ruslan_F38
    16 July 2013 11: 17
    "The top officials face a choice: either to change the cloaca for society. And then work, mobilizing society with these or those values ​​(nation state, the fifth empire), or come to terms with the fact that there is a cloaca. And use not social energies through values, but impulses through reflexes. That is, to finally move from working with society to working with a flock. " - that's how about us with you - cloaca, flock. Well, okay, the upper classes of the Russian people have never been considered for people, so for a gray mass! Just tell me - and what are the tops themselves? Where did they come from? In view of some of their exclusiveness - they are faced with a choice of what to do with us ?! Maybe they are educated, intelligent, decent, integral, patriotic, have a heart for Russia, etc.? Do you know those at the "top"? I don’t think so. The answer is obvious. As for the "chocks" - this is not a national characteristic, not territorial affiliation - it is the level of development and upbringing, or rather its absence, multiplied by mentality and customs. In Pugachev, a 16-year-old Chechen stabbed a man with a scalpel, did not stuff his face, not just insult - he stabbed him for words. Who's guilty? Ill-mannered parents, a wild habitat and a weak, corrupt government, the very "top" who are going to rebuild our society.
    1. grafrozow
      16 July 2013 12: 11
      Where do the rulers come from? From rags to riches. On account of the "churk" you are right, this is not a nationality, this is a diagnosis !!! Imagine, Papuans come to Moskabad and walk around the city in national costumes, with spears in their hands, and even a goat will dance in front of the mausoleum, will be sacrificed to their God. Will the defenders of "friendship of peoples" respect their mentality? There is an old Bandera anecdote: An authorized person comes to the village to organize a collective farm, but the residents do not want to, and he asks, what the hell is against the collective farms? - No, not against, but not in our village. And I think, why are they in my village? Let them go home, we will help with tickets.
    2. +2
      16 July 2013 15: 18
      Quote: Ruslan_F38
      so about you and me, cesspool, flock.

      Yes, it infuriated me too.
      In general, the whole article is a conversation between Prokhanov, who has survived from the mind and has remained forever in the USSR, with eternally unwashed patls and the failed KGB The provocateur, the written Russophobe Kurginyan.
      Every second sentence is a lie. Every third is a substitution. The whole article is a continuous demagogy of two old senility, imagining themselves to be geniuses of thought and saviors of the fatherland.
      1. +1
        16 July 2013 20: 27
        I agree with you completely, and on the events in Pugachev I think your position is the most correct - the right one hi hi
  24. tverskoi77
    16 July 2013 11: 40
    Throwing in information from Kremlin PR managers began to smooth out the situation.
    What they say is "... the Dagestanis saved Russia from the collapse of 1999, and the Chechens sided with Russia ..."! ??? They just forgot to add that the Russians and the Tatars were drinking vodka at that time, and from 41 to 45 they also drank in Siberia.
    Forty kilometers from Moscow along the Gorky Highway there is the Bogorodskoye Cemetery, where the remains of the bodies of our soldiers from Chechnya were brought (it was no longer possible to identify them, it was those who had been lying in the refrigerators a few years before) - that’s who saved Russia from the collapse and stood on it side in a difficult moment!
  25. NUT
    16 July 2013 12: 16
    ECHOMOSKVI - the indisputable authority and standard of objectivity wassat
  26. -1
    16 July 2013 12: 39
    "... Alas, Russian society is not maturing fast enough."

    Full crap

    The law does not work (or does not exist) that would "put in place" in the end the impudent "top" ... in education, healthcare, etc.
  27. 0
    16 July 2013 13: 26
    The article is in the elderberry garden, and in Kiev is the uncle.
  28. sergey261180
    16 July 2013 17: 13
    An explosive cocktail from Kurginyano-Prokhanovsky delirium (stream of consciousness). What is lacking is only the flows of consciousness of Mikhail Leontyev for complete defecation of the brain. How much fun they pay for it. 85 rubles?
  29. Yarosvet
    16 July 2013 22: 30
  30. lexe
    16 July 2013 23: 56
    About religion, race and the USSR ...
    Knowing your relatives is necessary! And here we have Russians clearly gaps ...
    And you remember the squabble over the square meters and residence in the USSR and now.
    Well, and who is the greatest enemy of the pagan supporters of tribal relations?
    Any idiology that puts relatives in conflict over real estate is correct. Communism is a team that lives together in an apartment. Anything but women give birth ... the apartment needs to be expanded constantly — any wife will make her husband forget all the relatives under such a system.
    With liberalism, women give birth even less often but requests ... like sailors on a battleship laughing (lot)
    So pagans. With communism and liberalism you are clearly not to be fooled laughing
    But under Christianity there is an informal unification of people. Where is the priest and his flock around? And there are people of different professions in the flock. I know that cases of mutual assistance inside the parish are far from rare. But there is one point - the priest has spiritual and material issues in seminaries apparently they don’t teach ... But there are many examples of active clergymen. We recall the role of the Orthodox Church in the Middle Ages. It was huge. The clergymen were both politicians and diplomats, and it was necessary warriors. This was required by harsh reality. Recall the numerous siege of the monasteries, apparently monks versed in military affairs, otherwise there would have been no sieges laughing And then the church did not let the people down. So we have examples of uniting the people from the bottom. 1612 Minin and Pozharsky. And how many priests then outraged people to just anger? So not all the characters on the Red Square ...
    I’ll only say one thing about the Cossacks — don’t have them --- there were a lot of things now. Even now everyone in the world knows who the Cossack is. And letting this trump card out of the hands for foreign policy pressure laughing ? -Stupid.
    The Cossacks can only be strengthened by giving all the authority. Here then we will see who is disguised. The quality is the spirit of freedom within the Russian Orthodox Church. And you can’t kill him, so you can completely restore it.
  31. -1
    17 July 2013 08: 32
    So it is so, because there will not be such a thing that doesn’t happen in any way, but if this is necessary, then we need that, we are like everyone else ...