Model controlled chaos - a threat to the national security of Russia

In the context of globalization and the changing global balance of power in the world, new centers of influence appear, a polycentric system of international relations is being created. The dynamics and direction of the formation of a new world order determines the complex of contradictions between the participants in the world political process. The main contradiction lies in the intense competition between the West seeking global domination, primarily the United States, and the NATO countries and the growing new centers of power — China, Russia, India, and some other states that are gaining economic and political weight. The geographical area of ​​such competition is the whole world.

One of the results of the confrontation is military-political, social, economic instability and turbulence as a result of the artificially created chaos of the situation in individual countries and regions. In the strategies used, with all the diversity of the forms and directions of randomization, the geopolitical features of the objects of its application, certain patterns are observed. This allows to introduce the concept of “controlled chaos model” as one of the modern tools used by the West in the struggle for global domination. The first successful application of such a model refers to the times of the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact, when the era of bipolar confrontation was ended. Then, various “orange revolutions”, “the Arab spring” and other events related to the destabilization and disintegration of sovereign states, violation of the subjectivity of their development followed and continue. The complex of events carried out at the same time is focused on the control centers of the enemy in order to deeply transform the political, economic, social and spiritual life of the country and then draw the reformatted victim state into the orbit of the satellite-controlled satellites.

The effectiveness and predicted probability of using models of controlled chaos in the future necessitates careful study of this phenomenon as one of the threats to the national security of the Russian Federation. Our country still remains one of the main goals in the collimator of the model's sight. That is why the study of the system characteristics of the model and the features of its application is a very urgent task.


In general, a model is understood as a conceptual tool focused primarily on the management of a simulated process or phenomenon. In this case, the function of prediction, prediction serves the purpose of management.

Under the model of controlled chaos, it is proposed to understand the logical-linguistic description of the process of developing a confrontational spiral in a selected country or group of countries in order to achieve the given socio-political, military, economic, spatial-geographical characteristics of the victim state (or region). The content of the process determines the goals and objectives of the model, the stages of confrontation, indicators of the achievement of the objectives for each of the stages, and also allows you to develop a forecast of possible domestic and international opposition.

The purpose of the model may be to implement several interrelated functions:

- the creation of a structural shell for the formation of a conceptual tool that can serve as the basis for developing variable plans for the development of the process of controlled chaos in a particular geopolitical zone. The forecasting function serves the purpose of planning and strategic process control and is an integral part of the model. The structural shell is a complex of control and management bodies of processes in the internal political and international political sphere of the state optimized in composition and set of functions;
- support of the choice of the solution that most fully corresponds to the optimal variant of the development of the simulated process;
- ensuring continuous management of the simulated process;
- ensuring continuous monitoring of the model's activity and the results obtained.

The strategy of the model of controlled chaos involves taking into account the nature of relations both within the victim state and with other states, primarily within the region, the alignment of military-political forces and the dynamics of their development, the likely reaction of institutions ensuring global and regional security. The forecasting carried out in this area is usually based on the analysis and assessment of hazards, risks, challenges and threats that may have a global, regional or local character. A complex of factors is also analyzed, some of which have a stabilizing or destabilizing effect on the situation.
System analysis of the model of controlled chaos involves solving two problems:
- analysis of the architecture of the model and its main components;
- analysis of the relationships between them.

The use of the conceptual modeling method and the logical-linguistic description of the model for analyzing the model's architecture requires a clear understanding of the elements of the model, their interrelations, the processes of development and decision-making.

The model of controlled chaos, like any other model, can be constructively fully described using four system elements: function, input, output, processor.

The function performs a system-forming role and characterizes the purpose of the model. The function determines what should be achieved as a result of the functioning of the model of controlled chaos, but does not indicate how this should be done.


The objective function of the model of controlled chaos involves the development of control actions aimed at the purposeful transformation of the geopolitical status or the complete destruction of the victim state as the main object of influence of the model. The systemic geopolitical components of the state that determine its role and place in the modern world, the capacity for sustainable development are subject to impact: the bodies of military-political management, socio-economic and military potential, infrastructure, territory and population. The task is to radically change the geopolitical status of a state, determined by its position in the global and regional system of states, its ability to influence events in the world and the region while maintaining its intrinsic subjectivity of development, the ability to protect and strengthen its national interests, to ensure national security.

The model uses a set of tools to create chaos in the state, of which the most common are measures to support the development of liberal democracy and market reforms in the country. Along with this, the idea is being deliberately introduced into the consciousness of the population that progress in these areas will inevitably lead to an increase in living standards, the formation of a powerful middle class. At the same time, the former values ​​and ideology are being ousted from the consciousness of people. In contrast, pseudo-democratic support, often with a radical orientation, supposedly independent ethno-confessional movements, is supported. The end result of such actions is the progressive collapse of the economic and social life of the country, the disorientation of the population, the weakening of the security forces.

The controlling influences at the entrance to the model of controlled chaos are formed in accordance with the chosen scenario of the development of the situation within the victim state and its environment, as well as situations arising within the framework of the scenario.

At the output of the model, solutions are generated, which are transmitted to various performance levels acting in the interests of the model within the country and abroad.

The processor as an important system characteristic of the model provides coordination of system components and management of the model's activity.
The situation monitoring system forms a feedback channel that ensures the sustainability of the controlled chaos model and allows for continuous operational monitoring and assessment of the impact of decisions made on the situation inside the country and in the international sphere.

The logical-linguistic description of the model of controlled chaos can be represented in the form of a matrix of system components that can be described by characteristics within the four main dimensions of the model: static, control, dynamic and predictive.


The main system components of the model of controlled chaos include:

1. Functions and objectives of the model. It should be noted that for the implementation of various goals may require transformation of the model, up to the need to create a new model.

2. The purpose of the model, which is based on the representation of the interested party in the final results of the functioning of the model, and what the model can actually provide for their achievement. The purpose of the model is the leading criterion in determining its structure, overall potential and other characteristics, taking into account the expected contribution of the model to the achievement of the final result.

3. The geopolitical coverage (area of ​​responsibility) of the model allows determining the extent to which the activities are carried out to form the totality of the necessary transformations in order to create an environment of controlled chaos (global, regional or local).

4. The processor model is the most important system characteristic. In general, the processor may include:
- an algorithm that determines the sequence of development and implementation of solutions that ensure the achievement of the goals and objectives of the model;
- the basic resources of the model, including material, technical, financial, informational, infrastructure for the operation of the model in its area of ​​responsibility;
- a catalyst that includes a set of internal factors that ensure the transformation processes of external factors into control actions (model competences and their compliance with goals and objectives, efficiency of decision-making and implementation procedures, ability to project financial, economic, political, military power within the zone model liability, etc.);
- human resources that are attracted in the interests of solving the problems of the model at the stages of its activity.

5. Strategic stability of the model in various situations. The factors that ensure strategic sustainability include the presence of a clear strategy; internal unity of participants interested in achieving the ultimate goals of the model; the ability of the organizers to ensure the formal compliance of the activities carried out with the internationally recognized regulatory framework.

6. The network of relations of the model with other participants of the international political process interested in the transformation of the victim state. The network may include individual states, their unions, international organizations, non-governmental and public organizations, individual influential personalities.

7. Situation monitoring assumes that the model has a developed network of means of monitoring the situation, systematizing and analyzing information and their prompt transfer to decision-making centers. The presence of the monitoring system ensures the functioning of the feedback channel, which is a key condition for the stable operation of the model as a whole.


In the architecture of the model of controlled chaos, an important place belongs to the processor, which has a number of significant differences, for example, from the processor model providing global, regional or national security. If the security model in the processor can clearly define the hierarchical levels of control: strategic, operational and tactical, then the processor model of controlled chaos will look different. The system difference lies in the combination in it of the capabilities of hierarchical management structures and phenomena of global, regional and national network structures that have already declared themselves, which can serve as a powerful tool that has a destabilizing effect on all spheres of activity of the victim state. As part of the synergistic interaction, these system components complement each other’s advantages and mutually compensate for the shortcomings, which provides flexibility in their application at various stages of the operation to destabilize the situation.

Thus, the traditional rigid hierarchical control system has inherent subordination, stability, recoverability, the presence of information transmission channels. At the same time, the hierarchical structure often has a low degree of controllability and a systemic tendency towards an increase in the number of hierarchical levels, an insufficient efficiency of information transfer, which leads to delays in making decisions and actions in real time. Hierarchical structures often die when the central link is destroyed. It is this hierarchical structure in the form of the state that opposes the model of controlled chaos.

The network forms are characterized by the absence of a single center, these are polycentric structures. The network organization has a horizontal architecture, for which, unlike a rigid hierarchical pyramid, the interconnectedness of cells (groups) of a network and the continuous exchange of information between them on a time scale close to real are inherent. By definition, each cell is equal and enjoys the relative freedom of network entry and exit. High motivation of the participants of the network structure predetermines their orientation towards the final result and the effectiveness of actions, the cells flexibly adapt to changes in the internal and external environment, and are capable of self-organization and self-regulation. High speed information exchange as one of the important characteristics of network interaction simplifies and speeds up the process of creating geographically distributed social groups (networks) across the country or region, characterized by a predominance of non-hierarchical horizontal communications, the ability to communicate between cells. The dynamism and sustainability of the active centers of the network, the diversity of internal connections provide the network structure with a variety of ways to develop and solve problems in a rapidly changing environment.


As the experience of events in Libya and Syria shows, the model of controlled chaos is based on two types of networks: on local and regional network structures. In the first case, the network consists of self-contained secret decentralized groups with free horizontal communication. Regional network structures are more open and focused on their own expansion, distribution in the region, on attracting new elements, which is especially important for feeding the model. weapons, finance, human resources, information support. For regional networks, a mobile, permeable, and not always pronounced boundary of the network within the region is typical. In such an environment, a strong internal organization is necessary to ensure network stability. The potential of the model is directly proportional to the diversity of cells (groups) covered by the network in the country and region. At the same time the network multicentricity does not interfere with its integrity. As part of the synergistic interaction, the network as a whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The integrity of the network is provided by high-speed and efficient intranet transmission channels of control actions and feedback that allows you to synchronize the processes occurring in different parts of the network. In the conditions of conflict development, local and regional network structures are used to solve mobilization tasks related to the study, recruitment and training of militants. The role of regional structures is especially great in recruiting fighters and providing them. According to some data, out of 5 – 7, thousands of Syrian opposition militants, only 1,5 thousand can be identified as people from Syria, the rest are sent to the country through regional networks covering Africa, the Middle East, and some other areas. Local network mobilization channels were attracted to ensure mass unrest in Turkey in early June.

Given the specificity of the processor model of controlled chaos, another important feature of the network organization is the possibility of its timely functional restructuring. This ensures the mobility and mobility of the use of basic resources, for example, their focus on the currently strategically important goal.

In general, the availability of high-speed links and the potential for flexible adaptation of network forms facilitate better coordination in the event of abrupt and hardly predictable changes in the situation. The variability and controllability of the boundaries of the network forms of the model make it possible to modify the composition of the network as a response to such changes.

The use of network forms of organization and interaction allows to ensure the survival and effectiveness of models of controlled chaos.


The catalyst model of controlled chaos as an integral part of the processor, based on taking into account the development of the internal situation in the country, transforms the actions of external factors into control actions aimed at solving a complex of tasks of stage-by-stage destabilization of all vital areas of the state identified as a victim, up to the complete surrender of the government. In terms of content, managing influences can be aimed at weakening the manageability of the economy and decomposition of key state institutions, degradation of the internal socio-economic situation, up to systemic stimulation of the internal socio-political crisis, formation of an external adverse international environment, skillful combination of hard and soft technologies of impact on the population the ruling circles and especially to the power structures in order to bring about a split and demoralization, wide and Using "agents of influence", the spread of panic rumors and moods.

As a result, at the final stage of confrontation, the political will of the government and the ruling elites is undermined and the question of the transfer of power to certain opposition forces or the introduction of external rule is raised.

The focus on the work of the processor sets the forecast for the likely internal and external opposition, including an assessment of the internal political situation, the state of the economy and the social sphere, the cohesion of the population and the degree of support of the ruling regime, the morale of the armed forces and their readiness to protect the existing state and political system. An important element of the forecast is the assessment of the ability of the state and the ruling elites to resist the separatist tendencies within the country, to respond promptly and adequately to signs of tension on a religious, cultural and civilizational basis. It is characteristic that the scale and level of technological equipment of the armed forces belong to secondary factors.

In the international political sphere, the state’s relations with the institutions of ensuring global and regional security, the presence of ill-wishers among other states, as well as the presence of allies and the degree of their readiness to support the destabilization of the internal political situation are to be assessed.

The model activity algorithm is built on the basis of a clear understanding of the ratio of destabilizing and stabilizing factors in the domestic and international political spheres with the development of successive steps to appropriately strengthen some and weaken the influence of other factors.

What are the threats that create the basis for the possible use of controlled chaos technologies against the Russian Federation? These are attempts of non-critical introduction of Western models of economic management, many of which do not correspond to Russian conditions; the continuing attachment to the commodity orientation of the economy and the underdevelopment of the processing industries; corruption in public administration; maintaining the position of the “slave” country in the field of cultural and civilizational development; promotion of the liberal idea of ​​non-interference of the state in the economy and social construction as a guarantor of the inevitability of truly democratic transformations; uncontrolled migration.

Successful opposition to these threats is crucially determined by the potential, power and internal unity of the Russian Federation, the balance of power in the world system of states. Of particular importance for Russia and the world as a whole is the task of forming a common security space in Eurasia without dividing lines, where the Russian Federation would rightfully act as a consolidating civilization within a single Eurasian bloc. One of the important conditions for successfully meeting this global challenge is that Russia has clear strategies that ensure balanced internal and external development of the country, its attractiveness for its own citizens and partners, strengthening allied and partnerships, improving contacts with international organizations and using the potential of international cooperation in the interests of strengthening national security and adapting its national structures and policies in general to the changing geo Itical map of the world.
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  1. serge-68-68
    14 July 2013 07: 43
    Good article. And the model is well described. Two comments (which caught my eye):
    1. The model of controlled chaos should include an element that protects uncontrollable from falling into chaos, and an element that allows you to quickly terminate controlled chaos in case of achievement of the set tasks or their change.
    2. Network structures are organized as hierarchically as in terms of the interaction of different networks with each other, and within. The equality of each cell and freedom of exit is extremely doubtful. To calculate the majority of the local inhabitants and recruit at least part of them is not a difficult problem.
    1. S_mirnov
      14 July 2013 12: 07
      This chaos was created in our country by those who destroyed the USSR. And those who do not allow it to be restored. These are Gorbachev, Yeltsin and his successor. It is very important for these people to maintain the state of affairs that is now in Russia (a raw material colony with a declining indigenous population and a decreasing level of education).
      Therefore, the media are actively intimidating the People with the possibility of any changes! Hence the horror stories - "dashing nineties", "Arab spring", "controlled chaos".
      You must also understand that if the People of Russia wants to stop being a raw material colony, then the West and its puppets will really try to make us chaos (so do not belong to anyone!). Therefore, it’s really scary to change something, but otherwise a slow death is ahead!
      1. optimist
        14 July 2013 18: 26
        Quote: S_mirnov
        This chaos was created in our country by those who destroyed the USSR. And those who do not allow it to be restored. These are Gorbachev, Yeltsin and his successor. It is very important for these people to preserve the state of affairs that exists in Russia now (a raw materials colony with a shrinking indigenous population and a declining level of education). Therefore, the media are actively intimidating the People with the possibility of any changes! Hence the horror stories - "dashing nineties", "Arab spring", "controlled chaos". You must also understand that if the People of Russia wants to stop being a raw material colony, then the West and its puppets will really try to create chaos for us (so don't you belong to anyone!). Therefore, it is really scary to change something, but otherwise there is a slow death ahead!

        I am ready to subscribe to your every word, Dear! The trouble is that in Russia there are very few smart and sane people who understand what the current government is leading Russia to. And "controlled chaos" is created precisely by the GDP with its henchmen, just as the humpbacked one with his accomplices ruined the USSR. The overwhelming majority of the population have the point of view of pigs in the pen: if the "owner" pours a lot of "feed" into the "trough", then he is good! But the "pig" does not think that the "owner" has already sharpened the knives for cutting and prepared the refrigerator. I am afraid that in a year or two we will face events that will make 1917 and 1941 seem like an innocent child's fuss in a sandbox ... recourse
    2. +9
      14 July 2013 13: 49
      Now, after they realized that they were obsessed with the marshy, amers and others like them will begin to collapse on a national basis. (Fortunately, there is something to inflate ..) Any emergency involving Caucasians will inflate to heaven, and impotent domestic politics contributes to this with might and main. And here is the controlled chaos at the borders.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. S_mirnov
        14 July 2013 14: 38
        "Amers and others like them will begin to disintegrate along ethnic lines. (Fortunately, there is something to inflate ..) Any emergency with the participation of Caucasians will inflate to the skies" - I want to note that the first assistant of Americans in inflating ethnic hatred in Russia is our Kremlin gang - watering can. It is our government that creates the inequality of nationalities with huge subsidies to Chechnya, encouraging national diasporas (except of course the Russian one), inequality of citizens before the law, attracting migrants into the country. Foreigners simply take advantage of the situation created from within. GDP once made it clear that Russia is for non-Russians.
        1. 0
          14 July 2013 16: 33
          It is our government that creates the inequality of nationalities with huge subsidies to Chechnya, encouraging national diasporas

          How huge? Compared to what? In general, simple common sense dictates that if you have completely destroyed a city, then it must be rebuilt and this requires much more money than other regions of Russia. In addition, in Chechnya, unemployment is much higher than in other regions of the country, and therefore, people must be given work if you do not want them to go to the Wahhabis from idleness. This also requires money. And even in spite of this, Chechnya is not at all a leader in regional financing. Not even in the top 5. Another thing is that you personally, in your heart, agree with the call "Stop feeding the Caucasus." And then there will be "Stop feeding the Bashkirs", "Stop feeding the Tatars", "Stop feeding the Chukchi, Nanais, etc., etc. Where you should put for such calls, I think you yourself know ...
          GDP has clearly made clear that Russia is for non-Russians.
          But this is just a blatant lie. I have never said anything like this to GDP, this is your interpretation. In fact, he said that Russia is not ONLY for Russians. And so, by the way, it has always been since the time of the king of peas. This is the main difference between the Russian empire and any other.
          My friend, who are we working for?
          1. grafrozow
            14 July 2013 17: 37
            Take an interest in what the Tsar’s Pale of Settlement meant. Compare with ours today.
          2. +9
            14 July 2013 18: 45
            Quote: Prophetic
            My friend, who are we working for?

            And you?
            Quote: Prophetic
            And then there will be "Stop feeding the Bashkirs", "Stop feeding the Tatars", "Stop feeding the Chukchi, Nanais, etc., etc.

            This is a blatant lie.
            There are no calls you have and cannot be expected, but on the part of the pro-government there are constant insinuations on this subject.
            We do not want to feed the Caucasus because the Caucasus is openly hostile to everything Russian. Because the Caucasians spread this money throughout Russia, they corrupt local authorities, they buy cops, they justify their lawless people.
            Neither the Bashkirs nor the Tatars (what "feed" the Tatars, they themselves can "feed" anyone, there is oil and industry, the people are relatively peaceful and hardworking), let alone the Chukchi and the Nanais somehow do not wander in the vastness of our multinational country.
          3. Hon
            15 July 2013 09: 09
            Quote: Prophetic
            that if you completely destroyed the city, then you need to rebuild it and you need money in much larger amounts than in other regions of Russia.

            And dear Chechens, not even paying compensation to the Russians for throwing them out of their apartments and killing them long before the troops were sent in ?!
        2. grafrozow
          14 July 2013 17: 33
          That's right, there’s nothing to blame for the mirror, if the face is crooked. They always look for the guilty over the hill, and they’re under our nose. Every day they talk about the word on TV.
        3. Troitsky
          16 July 2013 16: 43
          Maybe it's enough to talk about "huge" subsidies to Chechnya? Aren't you ashamed to lie then?
    3. The comment was deleted.
      1. +6
        14 July 2013 14: 23
        All this chaos, like the news about it, is an open secret. Everyone has been warned about him for a long time, so they are armed. An example of this is swamp rot, which in itself has choked. Well, it didn’t work out for them to shit, and that’s it. So there is so far nothing about what we would not know. Just do not forget about these EU assistants, although they do not let themselves be forgotten with their squeals. laughing
        1. S_mirnov
          14 July 2013 14: 42
          "We just must not forget about these assistants" a weak, corrupt state built on inequality of citizens and torn apart by internal contradictions will kick all and sundry. And we will continue to be sausage from this. While the traders are in power, not patriots.
          1. MG42
            14 July 2013 14: 48
            Quote: S_mirnov
            And we will be sausage from this. So far, traders are in power, not patriots.

            And where is the guarantee that the patriot coming to power will not become a trader? An example of our deputies in the Rada even gave a public oath as soon as they came to power, ran either for money or under pressure ..
            Interestingly, is there a mechanism in Russia for recalling a deputy by his voters? Cons are not mine.
            1. +6
              14 July 2013 15: 34
              For example, I believe that Kvachkov came to power not when he does not become a trader, Khabarov came to power not when he does not become a traitor. It is not necessary to assume that we have a god-given great pu and there is no one to replace him, but he doesn’t have Khabarov’s finger.
              1. +1
                14 July 2013 15: 39
                article = pitchfork on water
              2. MG42
                14 July 2013 15: 41
                Do you have anything to say about opposition parties and the mechanism for recalling deputies? Putin honestly won the election, the vast majority of voters voted for him, as far as I remember when there were still Russian news releases there was such an eternal presidential candidate Yavlinsky who was chronically unlucky with the communist Zyuganov and the brawler Zhirinovsky ..
                Kvachkov and Khabarov are nominated as presidential candidates from which party?
                1. optimist
                  14 July 2013 18: 35
                  Quote: MG42
                  Kvachkov and Khabarov are nominated as presidential candidates from which party?

                  Under the current system of power and elections, such people come to power legally shine about the same fidelity as you, dear, beat the forecaster scam ...
                  1. MG42
                    14 July 2013 19: 26
                    Quote: optimist
                    how do you, dear, beat the forecaster scammers

                    Thanks for the advice, I have not played these games and I do not recommend you, <I twist I want to cheat>. wink
                    Quote: optimist
                    Under the current system of power and elections, such people come to power legally shines about the same fidelity

                    So what do you offer specifically?
                    1. S_mirnov
                      14 July 2013 20: 10
                      "So what are you suggesting specifically?" - there is one idea ...
                      I’ve never met better.
                      1. MG42
                        14 July 2013 21: 21
                        Quote: S_mirnov
                        I’ve never met better.

                        make both the President of the Russian Federation and deputies with senators (legislators) responsible to the people. That is, provide for them in the laws of Russia a predetermined punishment for poor governance.

                        It’s hard not to agree, Alexander +.
                    2. optimist
                      14 July 2013 20: 55
                      The fact of the matter is, dear, that there is nothing to offer here ... The authorities will continue to fight gays, "nationalists", "liberals", the United States, etc. and the like and talk about the "bright capitalist future". Until it "explodes" inside the country, or there is no external aggression. Then Big Northern Fox will come. Well, only then the survivors and the wiser "scattered" will probably arrange something like October 1917. Or Russia will fall apart into many small "ulus", each of which will have its own "Kadyrov" ... Although I am an Optimist, I see no other options ...
                      1. MG42
                        14 July 2013 21: 23
                        Quote: optimist
                        then Great Northern Fox will come. Well, only then the survivors and the wiser "scattered" will probably arrange something like October 1917. Or Russia will fall apart into many small "ulus", each of which will have its own "Kadyrov" ... Although I am an Optimist, I see no other options ...

                        And the comments of the Pessimist ..
                2. grafrozow
                  14 July 2013 18: 52
                  Dear, where did you see fair elections? Maybe in Ukraine in 2004? 3 rounds, if you remember.
                  1. MG42
                    14 July 2013 19: 35
                    Quote: grafrozow
                    Dear, where did you see fair elections?

                    There are many pre-election and post-election exit polls that take place right after voting at polling stations. You can determine the picture >>> if gross falsification in the counting of votes = this is noticeable ... at least in our country it is so in Ukraine ..
                    And in general, I was just interested in the activities of opposition parties in Russia = I didn’t receive a clear answer .. sad , although of course the candidate may be self-nominated, but still if he relies on watered. the party is so convenient ..
                  2. +1
                    15 July 2013 03: 37
                    "Dear, where have you seen fair elections?"

                    As I understand it, you Zyuganov won all the elections in which he participated.
            2. grafrozow
              14 July 2013 17: 42
              Theoretically, yes, but in practice, I do not remember this.
        2. optimist
          14 July 2013 18: 32
          Quote: Sirocco
          All this chaos, like the news about it, is an open secret. Everyone has been warned about him for a long time, so they are armed. An example of this is swamp rot, which in itself has choked.

          Respected! All this so-called "opposition" is nothing more than a show for the low-ranking officials organized by the authorities themselves. All these Kasyanovs, Bulk and Sobchaks are the same opposition as I am the Emperor of Japan. And the real opposition is Kvachkov, Khabarov and the like ...
          1. +1
            15 July 2013 02: 55
            "Kvachkov, Khabarov and the like."

            And who is it? And what do they want? Judging by awesome fame today, they will go to a maximum of 3%. Tell me only briefly.
    4. Tykta
      17 July 2013 20: 38
      the apologists of war do not care whether controlled chaos or uncontrollable, there is always a way to correlate the mood of the masses and dump it (participants in chaos) into a deeper abyss. the main thing for these arsonists is to prevent national liberation ideas and movements, any liberation war is interpreted by the Russians as sacred, and if it comes to that, the ending of the war will not be obvious.
  2. +17
    14 July 2013 08: 11
    Chaos went from the division of society - the poor, the super-rich, the untouchables, the mob, etc. And, according to status, the application of laws! And controlled chaos is like a good bandit, the concepts are mutually exclusive!
    1. +7
      14 July 2013 09: 04
      What the hell can chaos be in Russia? What kind of nonsense is fans of Putin's stability? Tell me at least one person other than the GDP in the Russian government whom the people will follow, there are none. All modern power rests on one person. Tell me at least one leader about Western liberals. for whom the people will go, there are no such people. But there are real patriots such as Kvachkov and Khabarov for whom the people will just go. So you don’t need to hang noodles beautifully laid out on your ears, when the existing power is destroyed, patriots will take power and no one will pickle, followers by definition, they don’t take arms into their hands. The only real support for Putin’s power is not the army and the police, and he doesn’t trust them, they will take the side of the people with any fervor, his support is Kadyrov with his lads, which is why they are cherished and cherished in modern Russia they assigned the role played by the Cossacks before the revolution, the armed force to suppress the popular rebellion. Therefore, throughout Russia are created and ethnic groups are being poured, they are just intelligence in the event of a transfer to some area of ​​a larger group of militants of power. Therefore, there is a policy of the gradual destruction of the Russian people.
      1. Karabu
        14 July 2013 09: 19
        Quote: Egorchik
        The only real support for Putin’s power is not the army and the policemen and he doesn’t trust them, they will take the side of the people with any fervor, his support is Kadyrov with his lads, that’s why they are so cherished and cherished in modern Russia, they are given the role that the Cossacks played before the revolution power to suppress popular rebellion

        1. +5
          14 July 2013 15: 23
          Yesterday Nagan focused my attention on this very moment. I will quote: And you here seem to have decided to pick up the advantages of rolling a barrel to Israel and the Professor personally? Probably type, Israel and Jews are not very much loved here. But isn't it disgusting? After all, in fact, those who do not like Jews here will call you "chypka" at a personal meeting, say, in Moscow, and even with an epithet that means "intimately used" in the normative vocabulary. Because, apart from the Jews, they almost certainly do not like all non-Russians. Especially in a conflict situation such as a lack of tables in a cafe - I condemn Nagan, but am forced to admit in part his innocence. Here you all remember well, every single insult from the Dagestanis. AND NO ONE DID NOT REMEMBER THE DAGESTAN THAT TWO RUSSIAN GIRLS-TEENAGERS SAVED AT THE PRICE OF THEIR LIFE! Presumably, you take this act for granted, he just fulfilled his duty, what is there? Let’s not confirm the above words of Nagan, I still hope that he is deeply wrong and that the Russian person is still GREAT SHOWER. But remembering only the bad and not remembering the good is the lot of people, petty souls.
          1. Karabu
            14 July 2013 17: 09
            Quote: aksakal
            Russian man is still GREAT SHOWER. But remembering only the bad and not remembering the good is the lot of people, petty souls.

            well, great! another one calls for tolerance. Chechens cut, beat and rape, the authorities fenced off with cops and spit in the eyes, and you are a Russian man, be a GREAT SOUL! you in the face, and you: "good afternoon!" your woman in the bushes, and you: "Would you like to have a cultural rest, dear guests from the mountains" - and immediately turn out your pockets. oh, how beautiful and smooth you are, just like on TV! we are at HOME!
            1. grafrozow
              14 July 2013 17: 50
              I support. Even to call home, there is no place to sleep.
            2. -2
              14 July 2013 21: 55
              Quote: Karabu
              well, great! another one calls for tolerance. Chechens cut, beat and rape, the authorities fenced off with cops and spit in the eyes, and you are a Russian man, be a GREAT SOUL! you in the face, and you: "good afternoon!" your woman in the bushes, and you: "Would you like to have a cultural rest, dear guests from the mountains" - and immediately turn out your pockets. oh, how beautiful and smooth you are, just like on TV! we are at HOME!
              - Listen, in Kazakhstan the Kazakhs themselves are in the minority, that is, less than all the diasporas put together, more than a hundred nationalities live in Kazakhstan! And there are many of the same Chechens, Stalin resettled them here in his time, and the same Dagestanis. This is how we live! And the Chechens behave normally, our Kazakhs, who have recently arrived from the auls, having escaped from the care of a stern father (such a family tradition, the tyranny of the father in the form of reverence for elders, which is characteristic not only of Kazakhs) behave worse. Why do Chechens behave differently in your country? Maybe it's all about you? They treat anyone only as he allows himself to be treated. And yet - love yourself and respect, why should others love and respect you if you do not feel these feelings for yourself? Why am I, a Kazakh, on this I often fiercely advocate Russian weapons and Russian designers, while a bunch of Russians themselves post about some thread of new Russian weapons - it sucks, about new R&D - again another cut, and about Russia - they often post "Rashka" ? Again, to the President of the Russian Federation, a seal with a small letter, like, Putin - whatever he is, he is YOUR PRESIDENT, and of all the post-Soviet states, he is the most legally elected and most legitimate! Well, maybe in Ukraine, except that it is more legal, they do not know here.
              "We are at home!" In fact, they are also citizens of the Russian Federation, it turns out that they are at home too. Or am I misunderstanding? Here Targamadze came to stir up something in Russia - here I understand that some foreigner has pinned himself to Russia and is making trouble here. But both Dagestanis and Chechens are citizens of the Russian Federation, just do not let them behave like that - and they will not behave like that, everything is simple. The best way out is to populate Grozny and Makhachkala with the Russian population. Yes, they squeeze out of there, nevertheless - persistently populate, dilute the place of compact residence, because usually nationalist sentiments are fueled there. If a young Chechen grew up at home and did not see a single Russian, not a single Russian girl, and when there is still a girl in "war paint", then it is a shock for him. And then there are those who explain this shock to him simply - like, the wrong nation, you don't need to have any respect for them ... If the neighborhood is close, then such things become familiar, they live like this, and these - like this, and this is normal. So here in Kazakhstan.
              1. 0
                14 July 2013 23: 02
                Quote: aksakal
                Maybe it's still in you?

                Well of course in us.
                // http: // ww
                Quote: aksakal
                Why am I, Kazakh ....

                That's why you, Kazakh, teach Russians how to behave, indicate where we need to go
                The best way out is to populate Grozny and Makhachkala with the Russian population.

                You are not "in the know" here either
                In fact, they are also citizens of the Russian Federation, it turns out that they are also at home. Or am I misunderstanding?
                You all understand perfectly, just pretend to be.
                And we, too, understand what kind of "kindness you are"
                1. -1
                  15 July 2013 23: 12
                  Quote: Normal
                  You all understand perfectly, just pretend to be.
                  - have you switched to? When?
                  I understand, I understand that they are citizens of the Russian Federation and as citizens can live in its forehead, just like you can live in Makhachkala. If this is not in fact, then there is no Russian Federation. In fact, they didn’t come to you in past centuries, just remember a little history. From here a simple conclusion - they themselves came, and dissolve themselves, there’s nothing to breed nagging into the whole world.
                  Quote: Normal
                  That's why you, Kazakh, teach Russians how to behave, indicate where we need to go
                  - come and study, nobody bothered to study. I repeat once again - the Dagestanis and Chechens live with us and WERE MYSELF. If you don’t know how to build relationships, do not disdain to learn from experience.
                  1. -1
                    16 July 2013 22: 54
                    Quote: aksakal
                    - have you switched to? When?

                    A long time ago...
                    aksakal (1) KZ August 9, 2012 14:39 ↑ .....
                    use it, maybe it will be useful ....- well, come on, try to bring me to this ..... Your level I already understood from this pearl. Malshik pants on the straps!

                    You never apologized for that rotten bazaar ...
                    It is a mistake for you to apologize to the "baby" You are "Aksakal" ...
                    Although there was a different opinion Do you remember the visitor with the nickname "Nir"? Somehow he called you not an aksakal but a simple peasant. In some ways he was undoubtedly right.
                    Quote: aksakal
                    I understand, I understand that they are citizens of the Russian Federation and as citizens can live in its forehead, just like you can live in Makhachkala. If this is not in fact, then there is no Russian Federation.

                    Well, I say; pretending to be. What do you, when you troll, communicate? Only time to lose. Be ...
              2. Karabu
                14 July 2013 23: 25
                in some way, of course I agree with you, BUT
                Quote: aksakal
                the most legally elected and the most legitimate!
                Well, this has already become an anecdote. the king-pea stood in front of the mirror: "he was whispering, flicking, flicking, out!" and voila! elections were held. Mother Russia is great, but there is no one to choose! everything is stabilized
                Quote: aksakal
                In fact, they are also citizens of the Russian Federation, it turns out that they are also at home.
                here from this phrase just twitches. they gave the whole country to them under the knife! also pay extra.
                Quote: aksakal
                The best way out is to populate Grozny and Makhachkala with the Russian population. Yes, squeezed out of there, however - persistently populate
                this is a ticket to the next world. people are already in Stavropol throwing houses and fleeing.

                Quote: aksakal
                Why do Chechens behave differently with you? Maybe it's still in you?
                of course in us. tolerate the power that fed and protects these bandits.
          2. +4
            14 July 2013 19: 57
            Quote: aksakal
            Here you all remember well, every single insult from the Dagestanis. AND NO ONE DID NOT REMEMBER THE DAGESTAN THAT TWO RUSSIAN GIRLS-TEENAGERS SAVED AT THE PRICE OF THEIR LIFE!

            Well, Russophobes can’t live without lies, nor can they. They recalled more than once.
            Quote: domokl
            On the same day, an article was published on the site about the exploit of a Caucasian who saved two girls and drowned himself.
            Quote: Yarbay
            Most recently, in Moscow, a young native of Dagestan saved two drowning girls, unable to swim himself, and drowned !!

            I met the mention of this case a couple of times, I just can’t find it.
            What is interesting, as soon as the news of the Caucasian lawlessness appears, the pro-authorities immediately press that it is a domestic conflict and there is no national issue here.
            And then (not the first time) a mention of this case appears, but here it is already strongly emphasized that it was the Dagestan who saved it.
            Quote: aksakal
            It must be assumed that you take this act for granted, it just fulfilled its duty

            Yes, that’s exactly what you should assume. It is taken for granted. Gratitude, eternal memory and earth rest in peace with this man.
            But the fact of the matter is that for one such case a dozen directly opposed. And this is only from what has become known.

            Quote: aksakal
            But remembering only the bad and not remembering the good is the lot of people, petty souls.

            Yes, we would be glad not to remember the bad, but new cases do not make us wait.
      2. avt
        14 July 2013 09: 42
        Quote: Egorchik
        What the hell chaos could be in Russia, what kind of nonsense fans of Putin's stability.

        Quote: Egorchik
        Give at least one name of a non-liberal from the current ministers of Russia

        Well, like a question and then an answer, but you can simulate everything else by looking at the stages of Gorbachev's rule, how the "communist elite" merged the USSR.
      3. -6
        14 July 2013 14: 27
        The role of personality in history has not been canceled. At one time people followed Gorby and EBN. Not a single revolution (coup) took place according to the principle: The lower classes cannot live in the old way, the upper classes cannot rule in the new way. Just the 90s showed this (prolonged non-payment of wages, lawlessness, lack of confidence in the future, impudent "dispossession" of the people, etc.), there was no patriot who managed to make a coup, and a popular revolt did not happen. And if there were, then as a result - civil war at a minimum. Thanks to the Communist Party for not being raised to civilian life and the people were saved. Although in reality they could have raised a riot. But they didn't. And I do not think that me and my family are being destroyed. As you put yourself, so it will be. Many are looking for reasons, criticizing, but not looking for opportunities to change something, to do something to change the situation. Criticizing is the easiest thing to do, cool the hotheads and start small, with the revival of the culture, traditions and spirit of the Russian people! Ethnic groups should not be allowed to crawl into someone else's monastery with their own charter. Then there will be fewer claims to the state, because the state is We.
        1. Karabu
          14 July 2013 14: 46
          Quote: Mole
          Cool your hot heads and start small, with the revival of the culture, traditions and spirit of the Russian people! No need to give ethnic groups in a foreign monastery with their charter to climb.

          who are you talking to? with the support and submission of the authorities, the destruction of Russian culture and education is taking place, with their own light arm Caucasian terror and lawlessness flared up, under the cop's cover. and there is a replacement of the indigenous population by migrants.
          advise someone to cool your head?
          Quote: Mole
          And I don’t think that me and my family are being destroyed

          and thank God that it hasn’t touched you yet! but people in Pugachev have already touched. although just yesterday, many of them probably reasoned like you
          1. grafrozow
            14 July 2013 17: 55
            Is it only in Pugachev? The whole country is already groaning from our smaller brothers.
            1. PB1995
              14 July 2013 18: 41
              Quote: grafrozow
              our smaller brothers.
              Plus for subtle humor good
        2. +5
          14 July 2013 18: 24
          Quote: Mole
          .Cool the hotheads and start small, with the revival of the culture, traditions and spirit of the Russian people!

          Who will give you something? How to revive if at the mention of the very word "Russian" a whole bunch of shouting ones immediately comes up - FAFIST !!!
          I will give two examples: the NDP and the New Force. Good, intelligent parties that began their work with an absolutely logical step - collecting 100 signatures for the introduction of visas from Central Asia. The signatures were collected, the collection campaign attracted a lot of attention and was approved even by those who are not interested in nationalists, there was a primary media hurricane that could be moved on, a clot of public interest, like ... how both parties were taken away from registration, because free Tajik slaves are sacred. The absolutely successful, logical, competent development of young party projects with an appeal to the real problems of the population - and then an ax hit the temple from the Kremlin, and even a whole series of 000 processes against party activists. Ah, the Russians cannot co-organize ... no, they can, and co-organize, and even collected 282 signatures in their support - but there is no reception against scrap, except for ultra-right terrorism.
          Another example: DPNI and Rodina, the two most successful nationalist projects initiated by the Kremlin as part of an attempt to play controlled nationalism. Both the Movement Against Illegal Immigration and Motherland were attacked in such a way that they began to instantly get out of control, people recorded in thousands, branches all over the country grew - after which the Kremlin HERE had to kill the monsters he had grown that threatened to eat curious experimenters. Nationalism turned out to be fundamentally uncontrollable, because this is an ideology not of clowns, but of the masters of the country. And he can remain an ideology of clowns only if he is constantly weakened every day from all living sprouts, terrorizing everything national in general, up to the “Russian Runs”, the organizers of which have already sat down in a number of regions. As soon as the Russians only get together in the amount of at least 10 people and raise the imperial flag, the FSB center “E” immediately flies from all sides, places the leader, hangs open criminal cases on his deputies, and then Alfred Koch sits on Facebook and wonders, why are Russian national organizations without exception dying at an early stage of development. The riddle of the century is straightforward - they organized a cell, the cops came, planted half, and then somehow you don’t know what it was.

        3. Anti
          14 July 2013 23: 11
          Quote: Mole
          Thanks to the Communist Party that they didn’t raise civilians and saved the people. Although they really could raise a riot. But they didn’t.

          Thank you for that. Against the will of the people went with si in 96M.
          The Communist Party won the 1996 presidential election, but did the UJ leave it without victory? He was the first to congratulate Yeltsin on his victory in the presidential election. Why give thanks?
      4. +1
        15 July 2013 03: 05
        "when the existing government is destroyed, patriots will take power"

        When the existing power is destroyed, the destroyers will first be imprisoned, then the elections will be held, and what’s there for the election patriots to take up another question. As I understand it, radical patriots - I don’t vote for such, definitely.
  3. mogus
    14 July 2013 08: 22
    One of the results of the confrontation is the military-political
    - they are doing something with this (they are seriously engaged in external affairs)

    social, economic instability
    - it has already been seriously launched (there are few, very few internal affairs, they are making efforts). And on this, liberoids are trying to crawl ...
    To prevent this from happening, you need to solve these imbalances.

    And for the mood (poem how to become a liberal)
    1. +16
      14 July 2013 09: 13
      Give at least one name of a non-liberal from the current ministers of Russia. There are all terribly terry liberals who are pro-Western. They have been in power for 20 years and haven’t gone anywhere or anything to find them, he’s a liberal, wipe their eyes, they rule us.
      1. mogus
        14 July 2013 10: 44
        Give at least one name not
        current liberal
        ministers of Russia.
        - if you can give at least one name to a politician whose opinion cannot be bought for money.
        1. +3
          14 July 2013 22: 47
          Quote: mogus
          if you can give at least one name to a politician whose opinion cannot be bought for money.

          Yevgeny Primakov fellow
          1. mogus
            15 July 2013 03: 29
            already retired ... unfortunately
  4. +1
    14 July 2013 08: 49
    hierarchy in the chicken coop (read democracy imposed on us) - this is not chaos but very tough control created by nature but archaic and does not fit the model of human society
  5. -1
    14 July 2013 08: 56
    Any stick has two ends ...
  6. +2
    14 July 2013 09: 20
    Quote: Egorchik
    What the hell can chaos be in Russia? What kind of nonsense is fans of Putin's stability? Tell me at least one person other than the GDP in the Russian government whom the people will follow, there are none. All modern power rests on one person. Tell me at least one leader about Western liberals. for whom the people will go, there are no such people. But there are real patriots such as Kvachkov and Khabarov for whom the people will just go. So you don’t need to hang noodles beautifully laid out on your ears, when the existing power is destroyed, patriots will take power and no one will pickle, followers by definition, they don’t take arms into their hands. The only real support for Putin’s power is not the army and the police, and he doesn’t trust them, they will take the side of the people with any fervor, his support is Kadyrov with his lads, which is why they are cherished and cherished in modern Russia they assigned the role played by the Cossacks before the revolution, the armed force to suppress the popular rebellion. Therefore, throughout Russia are created and ethnic groups are being poured, they are just intelligence in the event of a transfer to some area of ​​a larger group of militants of power. Therefore, there is a policy of the gradual destruction of the Russian people.

    good good
  7. +4
    14 July 2013 09: 49
    Good article. ALL NCO PROHIBITED !!!, as in India. And we will have real democracy, but not from Navalny, Nemtsov, Alekseev, Shibanov, etc.
    1. +6
      14 July 2013 10: 22
      Quote: KBPC50
      Good article. Prohibit all NCOs !!!
      The main thing is not to stop there.
      Prohibit protesting against actions and inaction of the authorities.
      To forbid to defend their interests with the help of street protest.
      Deny even thinking that the current government may be an alternative.
      . And we will have real democracy
      from Putin, Sechin, Alisher Usmanov, Friedman, Dvorkovich, Mordashov and Rottenberg, Chubais and Fursenki with Lebanon. And also from Kadyrov we will have democracy.
      So we will rejoice, here we will be happy ...
      1. PB1995
        14 July 2013 13: 53
        And still it is necessary to issue laws that would oblige:
        1. To hang portraits of Putin, Sechin, Usmanov and others in every apartment (as Lenin-Marx-Engels used to be)
        2. To have on television only Channel One, Russia-1 and NTV, so that Minister of Propaganda Mikhail Leontyev, his deputies Dmitry Kiselev and Arkady Mamontov tell us how to live well in Russia thanks to Putin, Sechin, Usmanov and others. And NTV (which can be made into a political information department) will shoot programs where the covers will be torn from all kinds of bad people who fell out of favor with Putin, Sechin, Usmanov and others.
        1. PB1995
          14 July 2013 18: 31
          And, and yet, I almost forgot, it is necessary to return the hymn "God Save the Tsar!"
          1. grafrozow
            14 July 2013 23: 14
            For the portraits +, but why did the hymn "God Save the Tsar" not please you?
            1. PB1995
              15 July 2013 18: 00
              I am not a supporter of the monarchy.
  8. Misantrop
    14 July 2013 10: 06
    A muddy article, verbatim proving the harmfulness of chaos for a sovereign country (who would doubt it) and the possibility for the aggressor to receive preferences from the target of attack, even exceeding those in a direct military invasion. With a MUCH less cost. And the call to "wake up, see the light and defend" ... Completely forgetting that defense is NEVER capable of not only bringing victory, but at least equalizing the chances. Simply because it does NOT in ANY way affect the main resources of the aggressor, while wasting his own. Isn't it time to raise the question that the actions of the special services to undermine statehood are one of the options for a DECLARATION OF WAR. Co ALL RESULTING FROM THIS
  9. 0
    14 July 2013 11: 09
    The sowing storm will reap a hurricane. Inside the United States, everything is quite unsteady, and given the amount of weapons in the hands of the population, it is not difficult to imagine what will happen as soon as the standard of living falls below a critical level. As soon as the green paper loses its liquidity in the world, the war of all against all will begin in the United States itself and the Syrian confrontation will be a brawl of the kids in the sandbox compared to the civil war in the United States. And the fact that it will take place there is no doubt .. a matter of time.
  10. +1
    14 July 2013 11: 12
    Quote: Egorchik
    The only real support for Putin’s power is not the army and the policemen and he doesn’t trust them, they will take the side of the people with any fervor, his support is Kadyrov with his lads, that’s why they are so cherished and cherished in modern Russia, they are given the role that the Cossacks played before the revolution power to suppress the popular rebellion. Therefore, ethnic groups are created and poured throughout Russia, they are just intelligence in case of transfer to some area of ​​a larger group of militants of power. Therefore, there is a policy of the gradual destruction of the Russian people.

    These ethnic groups will effectively oppose the people, the police and the army that will stand on his side, as you write?!?! This is about modernity, but about history ... - The Cossacks are an armed force to suppress a popular rebellion!
    Tell me, are you a provocateur so illiterate or just not healthy?
    1. 0
      14 July 2013 15: 02
      I think this is from stupidity and impotent anger. And the stupidity is indestructible, like a fly, comprehensive, total, like the genocide of the Indians ... :)))))
  11. vladsolo56
    14 July 2013 11: 30
    Stupidity is utter, what controlled chaos? all examples are sucked from the finger, starting with the USSR. The USSR fell apart simply because of the weakness of power. If the GKChP hadn’t gathered the cowards and stopped the Yeltsin movement in the bud, then nothing would have happened. There was no chaos in Libya and Syria, everything was carried out and is being carried out strictly according to plan. In Libya, if not for US intervention, chaos would be crushed to the bud. In Syria, everything is the same. Why are we being rubbed about controlled chaos, our brains are powdered so that people do not resent the machinations of power, that they suffer because of the threat of mythical controlled chaos. Maybe someone has not noticed yet, we are constantly threatened with threats: the threat of revolution and civil war, the threat of China's invasion, the threat of everything except the threat of the collapse of the country by the existing government. And people believe how our beloved GDP is the smartest and fairest.
  12. Misantrop
    14 July 2013 11: 42
    Chaos cannot be controlled by definition. "Chaos" is an excuse for government structures, which simply have nothing to oppose to externally controlled threats. Chaos is created by stupid officials in response to the demand of the hysterical authorities "to do at least something!" ...
  13. +1
    14 July 2013 13: 15
    Quote: vladsolo56
    There was no chaos in Libya and Syria, everything was carried out and is being carried out strictly according to plan.

    But chaos nevertheless arose.
    1. +1
      14 July 2013 14: 33
      Quote: Yuri I.
      But chaos nevertheless arose.

  14. +5
    14 July 2013 13: 53
    I read the article and felt uncomfortable: if our politicians are so smart, then why do they not adequately respond to the attempts made by the West with the United States against us. Either there are traitors all around, or all this is one of the points of the plan to destroy Russia. corn lover "to put a hedgehog in their pants. Now the states and Europe are a powder keg, all that remains is to bring the fuse and go into controlled chaos. Because of all this, there is no faith in the Russian leadership, it protects anyone's interests only not of its own people. In a word, comprador power in action,
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. fedorovith
    14 July 2013 14: 10
    The very concept of "chaos" already defines the absence of any control.
  17. MG42
    14 July 2013 14: 42
    As a result, at the final stage of confrontation, the political will of the government and the ruling elites is undermined and the question of the transfer of power to certain opposition forces or the introduction of external rule is raised.

    A solid theorist = in chaos there is no order and control. Are there really opposition parties that can take power in Russia now? Communist Party? LDPR? right wading? what is the outer board? from phasington? belay >>> only a song about the management of the Central Bank.
  18. +2
    14 July 2013 15: 29
    The article was written in a heavy, scientific language, which suggests that the author most of all wanted to show his education than to say something sensible. And as often happens in such cases, not without errors. Nr
    The model of controlled chaos, like any other model, can be constructively fully described using four system elements: function, input, output, processor.
    In fact, this is a general model of the CONTROLLING ELEMENT, and nothing more. To become a model of something, it was absolutely necessary to include in the model, in addition to the control element, the OBJECT OF MANAGEMENT itself and the GOAL of management. For what is the point of management if you do not know what you are actually managing.
    Instead of clearly and clearly describing who creates chaos, for what purpose, by what means and what can be used by the enemy in Russia, how to resist this, how to adopt the technology of color riots from the enemy and apply this technology against him, The author of the article describes the elementary foundations of modeling. What for? Does he then create some kind of model, on the basis of which he gets some conclusions that cannot be obtained in another way, without a science-like talking room? No, the author did not say anything new. All that is said outside the topic of model building is clear and true. As said, the article is about nothing.
  19. +3
    14 July 2013 16: 04
    Of particular importance for Russia and the world as a whole is the task of forming a common security space in Eurasia without dividing lines, where the Russian Federation would rightfully act as a consolidating civilization within the framework of a single Eurasian bloc

    What can the Russian Federation offer as a "consolidating civilization"?
    do not care?

    What is attractive for Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Belarusians?

    While everyone is just turning away from Russia, unless of course there is a direct benefit, if there is, they begin to bargain and, as soon as possible, throw
  20. grafrozow
    14 July 2013 18: 43
    Remember the film "Heart of a Dog" Literally I don't remember the words of Professor Preobrazhensky, but it seems like this: what is devastation? No, this is when I can't leave my galoshes in the front door, when we start peeing past the toilet and why was the front door blocked, who needs it? Why should I go to my house through the back door? This is what I mean, who will say specifically, what kind of "centers of influence" that lead RUSSIA to chaos? We are not Honduras or Syria, we are a great power. It turns out that our rulers are unable to suppress the influence from the outside? It reminds of the scenarios of the 37th year of the case of saboteurs-agents of foreign intelligence services, the case of the "industrial party". There is already a beginning - foreign agents. It turns out the truth, history is a spiral, or again on the same rake.
    1. 0
      14 July 2013 18: 59
      Quote: grafrozow
      We are not Honduras or Syria, we are a great power.

      Greatness of a power - first of all in people, citizens of that power

      And now, honestly, tell yourself what you will do if you suddenly have the opportunity to quickly and easily assign tens of millions of money, with a high probability that they will not be found soon, maybe never.

      And what then will come first, the greatness of the state, or the ability to quickly and easily "heal like people"

      Absolutely everyone works for money. Officials, party leaders, elected representatives of the people, employees of all kinds of NGOs - centers of influence.

      Being determines consciousness - there is no escape from this

      Only a decent standard of living can make people real patriots, i.e.

      - do not take money abroad
      - invest earned in their own country
      - spend earned in their own country
      - serve your country properly
      - invent and develop new things for your country first of all
      1. +3
        14 July 2013 19: 20
        Quote: bulvas
        - do not take money abroad
        - invest earned in their own country
        - spend earned in their own country
        Here, I immediately recall the list of Magnitsky. As soon as the powerful have twitched .. How many explanators were immediately found that it was an anti-popular, anti-state law. And they immediately remembered the orphaned children, and before that there was no one to care about them. Ugh .. For real They say: We know you according to your deeds.
        1. PB1995
          14 July 2013 20: 03
          I am still amazed at the speed with which the law on orphans was passed, in a week, like. And the same discussion by our "dumaks" (from the word "duma") of the law on toughening punishment for traffic violations lasted for months. The powers that be, if only to quickly cover their fifth points. And the people? Let them still get bogged down in an accident. What? But then there will be no need to pay pensions, we will steal more.
      2. grafrozow
        14 July 2013 23: 03
        I agree with you, that's just about the money, I have enough of mine, but to go to the toilet with protection, to build the Chinese wall around the house is not my thing. They don’t understand even the sidekick.
  21. yzer531
    14 July 2013 19: 22
    The article is very "difficult" - that's a fact.
    Everything is much simpler:
    1. THE WORLD OF RULES - Greed, Egoism and PRIDE (this is an indisputable fact of all Earth history).
    2. Any "power" and at any time - uses the population for selfish purposes.
    3. There has never been and never will be on our planet EARTH sincerely loved by the people "power".
    4. Behind all the "visible" processes there is an irreconcilable war between the FORCES of LIGHT and the "forces of darkness".
    5. The modern round of this struggle has acquired GLOBAL SCALES.
    6.The struggle is for "POWER" by the most unprincipled methods and means.
    7. But the main struggle is taking place - for HUMAN SHOWERS ...
    8. "the accession of the antichrist" - very soon (it's good that for a short time ...).
    9.Now everyone (any) person is most important: - personal SALVATION IN ETERNAL LIFE.
    I wish everyone to RENDER from the "forces of darkness" and TO INVOLVE THE FORCES OF LIGHT !!!
  22. +1
    14 July 2013 21: 19
    The controlled chaos of interference in the internal affairs of the state is not complete without the creation of a "fifth column." In any state there are those who are not satisfied and they form ideologists and militants of protest movements that destroy the foundations of statehood from within.
    Cutting them off from society is the task of self-preservation of power and state.
  23. Hon
    15 July 2013 09: 11
    Quote: Hon
    Quote: Prophetic
    that if you completely destroyed the city, then you need to rebuild it and you need money in much larger amounts than in other regions of Russia.

    And dear Chechens, not even paying compensation to the Russians for throwing them out of their apartments and killing them long before the troops were sent in ?!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"