PNK-6 - Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to foreign analogues

Ukrainian tank PNK-6 panoramic sight is not inferior to anything, and even surpasses foreign analogues in some characteristics.

The development of this unique sighting complex, was engaged in the Central Design Bureau (CDB) "Sokol", which conducts a full range of research and development work on the design of specialized products.

This was reported to our correspondent in the press service of the TsKB Sokol.

For many years, the Sokol Central Design Bureau has been the main division in Ukraine that develops design documentation for complex science-intensive optical-electronic and optical-mechanical products for military purposes for installation on various armored vehicles, helicopters and self-propelled guns.

PNK-6 - Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to foreign analogues

PNK-6 - Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to foreign analogues (placement on the commander's tank)

Tank panoramic sighting system (PNK-6) is primarily intended for detecting and recognizing ground and air targets in day and night conditions from the tank commander’s position and measuring the distance to the target with a laser rangefinder, which allows firing from a gun and a machine gun coupled to the gun from the commander's position in the mode of duplicated control of armament and in the semi-automatic autonomous mode of duplicated control (in case of failure of the main control mode from the gunner's position)

Tank panoramic sighting system (PNK-6)

Main technical characteristics:

  • Stabilization of the field of view
    independent, two-plane

    Guidance angles of the stabilized line of sight, city:
    down no less than 17
    up, at least 65
    in the horizontal plane 360хn

  • The magnification of the visual channel, 1,2 fold; 6,0; Xnumx
  • Spectral range of a thermal imaging camera, mm 8-12
  • Tank detection range, m, not less than:
    via 5500 visual channel
    through the thermal channel in the wide field of view 4000

  • Target range, m from 200 to 9500
  • The root-mean-square error of measuring the range to the target with a laser rangefinder, m is no more than ±5
  • Availability time, min, no more than 5
  • Power consumption by DC circuit 27 V, W, no more than 500
  • Complex weight, kg, not more than 400

    PNK-6 consists of a sight-rangefinder with a thermal imaging camera, an electrical unit, a head control unit, a parallelogram-driven gun position sensor and a switching unit designed to interface the complex with a tank fire control system.

    The PNK-6 complex can be used in the fire control system of the T-84 Oplot-M tank. It can be used in the modernization of T-64B, T-72, T-80 tanks.
  • 81 comment
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    1. +20
      11 July 2013 12: 26
      Well done Ukrainians !!
      1. +9
        11 July 2013 12: 33
        Quote: MIKHAN
        Well done Ukrainians !!

        It is hoped that they will have left where to put these sights .....The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will offer Ukraine to slice and re-melt old Soviet T-64 tanks, Capital writes with reference to Vasily Litvinchuk, project manager for NSPA (NATO Logistics Agency) in Ukraine.
        1. +8
          11 July 2013 12: 44
          Ukraine receives good money from the sale and modernization of these canned goods. MBT 3 generations will be quite sold for more than a dozen years. Why would they cut them?
        2. Akim
          11 July 2013 15: 03
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will offer Ukraine to slice and re-melt old Soviet T-64 tanks,

          Sorry, but this is nonsense, not news. Or Litvinchuk also understands tanks, as he writes. Apparently for him the T-64 is like a Zhiguli "kopeck" which had several modifications. No one will cut the B(BV). It will not be possible to quickly convert them into BM either. This is similar to the news that the US gave Ukraine money to dispose of 100000 units of small arms. But they forget to add that the weapons were produced before 65. This is also unspoken information. Our media would have been the first to buzz about it.
          1. +4
            11 July 2013 15: 07
            Quote: Akim
            No one will cut B (BV).

            Before Gorbachev, too, everyone thought that no one would cut anything and ruin it ......
            1. Akim
              11 July 2013 15: 19
              Quote: Manager
              Before Gorbachev, too, everyone thought that no one would cut anything and ruin it ......

              You are comparing different levels. Cutting is the same. It's like coming to 10 mechanized and one tank brigade, at the same time grab the coastal defense troops and tell them: we are dismissing you.
        3. +2
          11 July 2013 16: 16
          By the way, a test for the Ukrainian authorities - they agree, they are not quite Ukrainian either. They refuse - maybe Ukrainian.
          1. Akim
            11 July 2013 18: 12
            Quote: cdrt
            They refuse - maybe Ukrainian

            But I also forgot a separate tank regiment (or an already reinforced battalion) in Transcarpathia.
            Don't think that the people are just a herd that will be ordered to hang themselves and they will come with their rope.
            Things like mass tank cutting will simply not be allowed.
        4. -13
          11 July 2013 16: 26
          apparently they were able to repair old sights and solder import boards. anyway, they’re not capable of anything else.
          1. Alexander D.
            11 July 2013 19: 36
            Quote: Civil
            apparently they were able to repair old sights and solder import boards. anyway, they’re not capable of anything else.

            Didn't guess. Before you write something "from a fanar", learn to read first.
            Izyum Instrument Making Plant
            & Itemid = 86

            Photographic device (Cherkasy)
      2. +15
        11 July 2013 12: 40
        hi Pleases. that "there is still gunpowder in the flasks", but I, colleagues, am not an expert in tank sights, and since "every sandpiper praises his swamp" - I am waiting for a comment from experts ...
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. +12
        11 July 2013 14: 21
        PNK-6 - Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to foreign analogues

        Strongly said of course winked

        On sight.
        We put a panorama on the T-90MS (it also stands on the BMPT), but it is Belorussian-made, it is smaller in size and weight, its characteristics are superior to the French, despite the fact that the French matrix is ​​used in the TVP. The fact is that TPV is not only a matrix, but it is also optics and software, which Belarusians have particularly succeeded in.
        During tests on BMPT, it remained operational, despite the fact that the "head" was pierced by a 30-mm projectile ...

        The main characteristic of the TPV is the target detection range and, even more importantly, the target recognition (identification) range. People have worked with both the Belarusian and French TPV sights, which use the same matrix, even the camera. But the Belarusian saw much better on the same target in the same conditions. Here the Belarusian is beyond competition. The dimensions depend on many things - the matrix, hence the necessary optics, etc.
        However, it is not known what Ukrainians use in their sight, I think that the same matrix, and the same Belarusian gadgets feel

        ___ ___________ ______________________________________________________________
        quote Tankomaster Today, 13:29 ↑
        But without an optical channel, therefore more compact than PNK-6
        ___ ___________ ______________________________________________

        answer -And how do you imagine the optical channel in the panorama? This will be a periscope, like in a submarine. In the panorama use the TPV channel and the television channel. We have them. + laser rangefinder channel.

        called T-90MS - PC PAN

        that's all

        photo (clickable) T-90ms at IDEX-2013
        1. Alexander D.
          11 July 2013 19: 38
          Quote: Rustam
          answer -And how do you imagine the optical channel in the panorama? This will be a periscope, like in a submarine. In the panorama use the TPV channel and the television channel. We have them. + laser rangefinder channel.

          Very introducing! This is a periscope with a visual (optical) channel. You can find it on the manufacturer’s website.

        2. -4
          11 July 2013 20: 07
          The Pepsi generation chooses Coke :)))))))))))))))
      6. 0
        11 July 2013 18: 46
        Quote: MIKHAN
        Well done Ukrainians !!

        A well done then? Check out the size of the lens. In diameter, like a hatch in a tower. Now, every teruguzh will shout to Allahakbar and simply shoot at this miracle of technology, the benefit is not missed.
        1. -1
          11 July 2013 19: 09
          Quote: Geisenberg
          Well done Ukrainians !!

          A well done then? Check out the size of the lens. In diameter, like a hatch in a tower. Now, every teruguzh will shout to Allahakbar and simply shoot at this miracle of technology, the benefit is not missed.

          I agree - in Syria, the terrorists manage to interrupt the radio communication antenna from the SVD, and they will not miss the target (and not only them).
      7. +1
        11 July 2013 23: 53
        only he is so huge and so much glass interestingly he holds 12mm or not
        Quote: MIKHAN
        Well done Ukrainians !!
      8. 0
        12 July 2013 03: 58
        that's for sure
    2. Nevsky
      11 July 2013 12: 28
      Nice for the country smile it happens sometimes.
      1. -20
        11 July 2013 14: 21
        laughing it’s only fat that causes interference
        1. Akim
          11 July 2013 15: 07
          Quote: Aryan
          only fat makes noise

          The Moldovan IP leads to an answer about the "friend or foe" device developed by Chisinau scientists... Let's not laugh.
          1. -3
            12 July 2013 10: 21
            you don’t pull my Moldavian aypish
            if you don't understand the joke
            that's what you need, donkey
            learn the word IRONIA
            or die tries bully
            1. Akim
              12 July 2013 10: 29
              Hitler kaput ARYAN! Apparently I'm not the only one who didn't understand the irony, because there are a lot of minuses here (even though I didn't give you a minus, I don't give them at all). On the 2013 Rapid Trident, Moldovan soldiers eat lard and nothing - they didn't die and they don't feel any interference.
    3. 0
      11 July 2013 12: 50
      If everything is so wonderful, why wouldn’t he buy a license and start assembling in Russia. NATO is definitely not necessary.
      1. Warrawar
        11 July 2013 13: 13
        Quote: Strashila
        If everything is so wonderful, why wouldn’t he buy a license and start assembling in Russia. NATO is definitely not necessary.

        And Russia does not need to develop its production? Are we going to pull the "brothers" at our own expense?
        1. +3
          11 July 2013 13: 17
          As far as I remember, the T-90SM has a roughly similar sight.
          1. +5
            11 July 2013 13: 29
            But without an optical channel, therefore more compact than PNK-6.
            So all the wrodebs are similar, but not that.
            PNK-6 is an analog sight with Lecreck.
            1. Akim
              11 July 2013 15: 08
              Quote: Tankomaster
              PNK-6 is an analog sight with Lecreck.

              Not quite an analogue, but the French had a hand in it. Like the feed AZ.
              1. 0
                11 July 2013 19: 45
                What feed AZ?
                What do you accept for such nonsense ???
                Share your experience .....
                1. Akim
                  11 July 2013 19: 56
                  Quote: Tankomaster
                  What feed AZ?

                  Turn on your brain. This is not a discussion of the BM Oplot tank, but of a panoramic sight that can be installed on all types of modernized tanks, including the T-72-120 and BM Yatagan. There is a rear automatic machine gun there, and they can also stick this sight in the T-55 "Typhoon".
                  1. +1
                    11 July 2013 20: 11
                    I agree, it is possible to install on the tanks that you have listed, but the development of the AZ was carried out by the HCBM specialists without French influence and assistance.
                    Yes, I agree that AZ is similar to AZ Leclerc, but there are subtleties and significant differences.
                    1. Akim
                      11 July 2013 20: 22
                      Quote: Tankomaster
                      Yes, I agree that the AZ is similar to the Leclerc AZ, but there are subtleties and significant differences.

                      Of course, this is not a copy or license, but the fact that the French helped the Kharkiv at the initial stage was openly talked about this ten years ago. They helped the Poles for the RT-91/120 tank, but there the machine failed and the project died. (Although the model was shown at that time in Peru).
                      1. 0
                        11 July 2013 22: 40
                        There was cooperation with the French on the T-72MP tank, on the sighting system, more precisely on the installation of the French panorama, and they had nothing to do with the Ministry of Health, carefully read the messages and brochures.
                        1. Akim
                          11 July 2013 23: 00
                          Quote: Tankomaster
                          they had no relation whatsoever, carefully read the messages and brochures.

                          I will not argue or prove. If you want, then let it be so. So as not to destroy the illusory national pride. Apparently, you know everything, because they "write" a lot in advertising brochures and on websites. And about how the first experimental BTR-3 sank, and that they put a turret from a troika (BMP-3) on it. You are reading about the final product, and I received information then through the "soldier's telegraph". There were no links, comments like that. Only 6 years ago I mastered the Internet. So I believe such rumors more than advertising. They have never failed.
                        2. 0
                          12 July 2013 11: 00
                          I participated in these works. And the first BTR-3 with the DA index was developed and assembled in 2,5 months.
                          On the BTR-3, the tower from the BMP-3 was never installed.
                          Although such work was carried out at KhZTM, department 65. On the basis of the KShM BTR-80, a tower with an BMP-3 was actually installed. And the car was diving, but only in the experimental pool.
                          So the work was canceled, and the department was disbanded and the plant management was changed. Although there were still a lot of lupus there including the delivery of the BTR-94.
                          But this is a separate issue.
          2. Warrawar
            11 July 2013 13: 31
            Quote: Basileus
            As far as I remember, the T-90SM has a roughly similar sight.

            Yes, they are all roughly "similar".
            The T-90 MS is equipped with the Kalina fire control system, Russian-made. And I hope it will be the same in the future.


        2. Alexander D.
          11 July 2013 19: 42
          And how many "brothers" did you personally "hold out" at your own expense? Recently, the Russian Federation refuses any joint projects with Ukraine. And not because it is economically unprofitable for it, but because Ukraine does not want to be on a par with Ingushetia, Chechnya, Tatarstan, etc.
          1. Ilyas
            11 July 2013 20: 19
            Russia is cooperating while there is an opportunity. Chechnya is littered with money, Tatarstan itself is powerful and poured a bunch of dough towards the Universiade. As for Ingushetia - not in the know.

            Russia does not want to cooperate with Ukraine because of the instability of its (Ukrainian-their) interests. Today Ukraine is for the EU, tomorrow for the Russian Federation, the day after tomorrow again for the EU, it's time to finally decide, damn it! Time is ticking...
            1. Alexander D.
              11 July 2013 22: 14
              Quote: Ilyas
              Russia is cooperating while there is an opportunity. Chechnya is littered with money, Tatarstan itself is powerful and poured a bunch of dough towards the Universiade. As for Ingushetia - not in the know.

              Russia does not want to cooperate with Ukraine because of the instability of its (Ukrainian-their) interests. Today Ukraine is for the EU, tomorrow for the Russian Federation, the day after tomorrow again for the EU, it's time to finally decide, damn it! Time is ticking...

              You know, many Ukrainians, including myself, would not want to enter anywhere, but would like to work quietly and peacefully and not be attached to any contracts. If you want to cooperate and trade with us, then we are always open to mutually beneficial cooperation. And if we are forcibly driven into a thread by a coalition, then we will hide and partisan through the forests. We need trade and work, not unions and membership.
              1. Ilyas
                11 July 2013 22: 24
                If you want to cooperate and trade with us, then we are always open to mutually beneficial cooperation.

                The EU with its requirements - is it really cooperation?
                sad as it is, it’s impossible to be a little pregnant.
              2. 101
                11 July 2013 23: 33
                Well, think what you are writing. In this world, there is no time to understand either trade or work for strangers. Look around. Only unions and coalitions. They all have what they want.
          2. The comment was deleted.
    4. Sewer
      11 July 2013 12: 57
      Of course, I’m glad for the brothers of the Slavs, but what kind of lar did they all reduce and reduce the army? And then there was news about the cut in the literal sense of the word tanks?
      1. vilenich
        11 July 2013 18: 55
        Quote: Sewer
        but what kind of crap do they all reduce and reduce the army?

        This is not a secret, there is not enough money to maintain and rearm ...
    5. Kowalsky
      11 July 2013 12: 57
      I was always confused only that it is so big. In real battle, they will tear down a fragment or the first machine-gun burst. Yes, this applies not only to this scope.
      1. +5
        11 July 2013 13: 21
        It's funny Your comment is minus, and a similar one (although more detailed, but with the same content) below is plus. But the idea is correct - how long will all the attachments withstand, find yourself in a tank in a situation similar to the Syrian? Under mortar or artillery fire?
    6. +16
      11 July 2013 13: 02
      He may be good, but I see a significant flaw.
      It seems to me, due to the size of the optics, this sight will not remain operational for long. The tank is not a submarine and under conditions of intense combat interaction it is constantly fired from various types of weapons.
      This is a normal, working situation for him.
      What condition these vehicles are in during the fighting is evident from reports from Syria. How long would this fragile device last?
      In appearance, the booths of this sight, you can’t say that it can withstand the penetration of armor-piercing bullets, at least from the SVD. A 12,7-caliber machine gun will chop it down at the moment. And even if it doesn’t penetrate the body, it’ll destroy all the optics.
      And what next do the tank?
      It seems to me that modern combat vehicles should not have such obviously weak points.
      1. +5
        11 July 2013 13: 09
        1. +3
          11 July 2013 13: 13
          1. +5
            11 July 2013 13: 46

            1. +4
              11 July 2013 13: 59
              1. 0
                11 July 2013 14: 25
                This is A7 +. Upgrade package.
                1. +1
                  11 July 2013 14: 29
                  Quote: Spade
                  This is A7 +.

                  Can not be))))
                  Quote: Spade
                  Upgrade package.

                  And how did the panarama decrease?
                  1. +2
                    11 July 2013 14: 49
                    Of course decreased. Look at the later photos where he is with the blade.

                    And even that bucket
                    and. less Ukrainian
                    b. closes with armored shutters.
                    1. +3
                      11 July 2013 15: 03
                      Quote: Spade
                      Of course decreased

                      Where? And go ahead compared to your A5
                      Quote: Spade
                      and. less Ukrainian

                      Are you sure? Maybe this is Optical illusions?
                      Quote: Spade
                      b. closes with armored shutters

                      As I understand it, it’s unrealistic to make a closing armored shutter for the discussed sight?
                      Quote: Spade
                      Look at the later photos where he is with the blade.

                      Show, prove that it is late, and is not a photo of another upgrade package.
                      1. +4
                        11 July 2013 15: 10
                        Quote: Kars
                        As I understand it, it’s unrealistic to make a closing armored shutter for the discussed sight?

                        I don’t know, this should be asked from your developers.

                        Quote: Kars
                        Show, prove that it is late, and is not a photo of another upgrade package.

                        More recent. They simply did not think to declare it "not inferior to foreign analogs" and stop modifying it.
                        1. +1
                          11 July 2013 15: 34
                          Quote: Spade

                          And if I say earlier?
                          Quote: Spade
                          They just didn't think to declare it "not inferior to foreign analogues" and stop modifying

                          And how can you confirm these words?

                          And if you look closely, you will realize that the dimensions are approximately equal, and at distances of more than 50 meters are indistinguishable.
                          Quote: Spade
                          I don’t know, this should be asked from your developers.

                          It’s strange about the Germans to say so surely, well, what do you suppose? And as for the armored shutters --- then of course in combat conditions the sights will probably be constantly closed, why look for targets, you need to protect the optics))))))
                        2. +1
                          11 July 2013 15: 42
                        3. +1
                          11 July 2013 15: 44
                          Quote: Spade
                          Look at the later photos where he is with the blade.

                          Something tells me the short gun that this is A5
                          and the dimensions are quite comparable.
                        4. +1
                          11 July 2013 16: 52
                          Quote: Kars
                          Something tells me the short gun that this is A5

                          The upgrade kit A7 + does not provide for the replacement of tools
                        5. 0
                          11 July 2013 15: 54
                          Quote: Kars
                          And if I say earlier?

                          But later revealed? It's hard to believe.

                          Quote: Kars
                          And how can you confirm these words?

                          The lack of a Ukrainian "bucket" with a smaller size.

                          Quote: Kars
                          And if you look closely you will realize that the dimensions are approximately equal

                          Compare with the tanker's head.

                          Quote: Kars
                          and at distances of more than 50 meters are indistinguishable.

                          Is not a fact. What kind of traitor suggested placing the glass at such an angle? If only a visor was put so as not to glare

                          Quote: Kars
                          It’s strange about the Germans to say so confidently, but what about yourself

                          I also treat ours, talking about "at the level of foreign analogues" and "having no analogues in the world". Yes, we are far behind. But this does not mean that you need to self-soothe yourself.
                        6. +3
                          11 July 2013 18: 37
                          Quote: Spade
                          But later revealed? It's hard to believe.

                          Maybe you saw her later?
                          Quote: Spade
                          The lack of a Ukrainian "bucket" with a smaller size.

                          How does this prove something?
                          Quote: Spade
                          Compare with the tanker's head.

                          I see with your eyesight is very bad?
                          Quote: Spade
                          Is not a fact

                          Quote: Spade
                          What kind of traitor suggested placing the glass at such an angle? If only a visor was put so as not to glare

                          How many sights have you designed?
                          Quote: Spade
                          I also treat ours, talking about "at the level of foreign analogues" and "having no analogues in the world"

                          You were not asked about that.

                          Here is another chance for you to look, specially singled out and enlarged, it may be easier for you. But knowing you not for the first day, you say black if anything on white.
                        7. +1
                          11 July 2013 18: 48
                          Quote: Kars
                          Maybe you saw her later?

                          No. The first show at the exhibition in 2010, and the photo with the dump in 2011. Simple arithmetic.

                          Quote: Kars
                          I see with your eyesight is very bad?

                          Dear, the Ukrainian "bucket" is bigger than a tank hatch.

                          German is slightly larger than the head of a tanker. So what about vision is more a question for you.

                          Quote: Kars
                          How many sights have you designed?

                          And how much has the developer of this sight covered targets that have betrayed themselves with a glare of optics?
                        8. +3
                          11 July 2013 19: 05
                          Quote: Spade
                          No. The first show at the exhibition in 2010, and the photo with the dump in 2011. Simple arithmetic.

                          Simple arithmetic? Are you sure it fits? Leopard 2A7 is one thing, and Leopard 2A5 with a set of so-called...urban combat is another?
                          Quote: Spade
                          Dear, the Ukrainian "bucket" is bigger than a tank hatch.

                          And? At the same time, the size is comparable to the size of the Leclerc and Leopard 2 sights, the Japanese Type 10 is also similar if you take a pedestal, and not just lenses. Not the fact that I will not put the mentioned sights in the same position with the Oplot hatch.
                          Quote: Spade
                          German is slightly larger than the head of a tanker. So what about vision is more a question for you.

                          I said white, say black.
                          Quote: Spade
                          And how much has the developer of this sight covered targets that have betrayed themselves with a glare of optics?

                          Anti-glare coating?
                        9. +2
                          11 July 2013 19: 24
                          But Altai boxes
                        10. 0
                          11 July 2013 19: 45
                          Altai Tower is the layout here! hi
                        11. +1
                          11 July 2013 19: 31
                          Quote: Kars
                          and Leopard 2A5 with a set of the so-called .. city battle is another?

                          Are you sure that we are talking about the Leopard 2A7, and not about the upgrade kit 2A7 +?

                          Quote: Kars
                          And? At the same time, the size is comparable with the size of the sights of Leclerc and Leopardv 2

                          Just twice as much? You are essentially making a feint with your ears, taking into account not the unprotected sighting part, but the full size, and only in height. The Leopard's panoramic viewfinder is about the size of a tanker's head, and you can't do anything about that.

                          Quote: Kars
                          Anti-glare coating?

                          Do you know what anti-reflective coating is? What does it have to do with unmasking glare from optics? The only option that is currently known is either hoods, or this kind of optic head:
                        12. +1
                          11 July 2013 19: 46
                          Quote: Spade
                          Are you sure that we are talking about the Leopard 2A7, and not about the upgrade kit 2A7 +?

                          Wow. + Are you sure that there is a Leopard A7 and that it is not a collective expression? But you somehow did not pay attention to RSO.
                          Quote: Spade
                          Just twice as much?

                          Well, I said that you have vision problems.
                          Quote: Spade
                          The Leopard's panoramic sight is the size of a tanker's head, and you can't do anything about it

                          With a head? I wonder how he climbs into a tank with such a head)))

                          Quote: Spade
                          Do you know what anti-reflective coating is?
                          I have on the monitor.

                          Leo A5 add index yourself?
                        13. +2
                          11 July 2013 19: 57
                          Quote: Kars
                          Well, I said that you have vision problems.

                        14. +1
                          11 July 2013 20: 11
                          Quote: Spade

                          Well, a joker, well, hung)))) is visible not only with vision problems)))

                          Still, the tanks in the same proportion were filled, and the head of the Japanese was nailed to ours)))
                        15. +1
                          11 July 2013 20: 23
                          Here by the way closed by a bulletproof shield
                        16. +3
                          11 July 2013 20: 33
                          If my vision does not fail me, this lid is screwed on four "lambs"
                        17. +1
                          11 July 2013 20: 23
                          But the smaller sight on the T-64E
                        18. +1
                          11 July 2013 22: 42
                          this ponama without an optical observation channel.
                        19. Alexander D.
                          11 July 2013 23: 52
                          Quote: Tankomaster
                          this ponama without an optical observation channel.

                          This panoramic complex is similar to what Belarusians do (which is also without a visual (optical) channel). He simply showed that Ukraine also knows how to make miniature panoramic sights with thermal imaging channels. This is the way PNK-3.
                        20. +2
                          11 July 2013 20: 27
                          The Germans have a sighting part the size of a tanker's head. Yours have more than a tank hatch. What is the problem? With vision is not very? Like chewed to the limit.
                        21. +1
                          11 July 2013 20: 48
                          Quote: Spade
                          Germans sighting part the size of a tanker’s head. Yours have more than a tank hatch. What is the problem? With vision is not very? Like chewed to the limit.

                          Well, they’ve come down to determine the dimensions of the lenses))) for the fragments mentioned here and 30 mm cannons, the whole bucket is considered)) And there are 15 cm more lenses

                          And also comparative characteristics - the size of the fields of view, angles.

                          about chewing yourself chew))) we have a sight from the tanker's head)))) armored shutter))
                          Quote: Spade
                          If my vision does not fail me, this lid is screwed on four "lambs"

                          It doesn’t change, but why? It can be screwed on two. At least you can show the automatic closing mechanism to the pan-Germans or Abrash.
                        22. 0
                          11 July 2013 21: 56
                          Quote: Kars
                          for the fragments mentioned here

                          Do you think Ukrainian and German developers are so narrow-minded that they didn’t book visors where possible?
                          Well, I would have looked at firing a BMP at a tank with a 30-mm gun. Is this something like a Japanese banzai attack?

                          It doesn’t change, but what’s it for? You can screw it on two.

                          Yes, at least on one. In any case, in order to remove it or put it on, it is necessary to climb out of the hatch. That with artillery fire raid is somewhat unsafe.
                          And the Germans shutter obviously closes from the inside.
                        23. +1
                          11 July 2013 22: 34
                          Quote: Spade
                          Do you think Ukrainian and German developers are so narrow-minded that they didn’t book visors where possible?

                          I believe that they did not post protivosnaryadny booking, and not on the viziers. If you already want to be precise.
                          Quote: Spade
                          Well, I would have looked at firing a BMP at a tank with a 30-mm gun. Is this something like a Japanese banzai attack?

                          of the machine guns so often mentioned here is this I look at the order of things? And in Chechnya the T-72s corrupted a 14.5 mm shower. And no one canceled the ambush either. But by the way, this is not a question for me.
                          Quote: Spade
                          Yes, at least on one. In any case, in order to remove it or put it on, it is necessary to climb out of the hatch. That with artillery fire raid is somewhat unsafe.
                          And the Germans shutter obviously closes from the inside.

                          Yes, it will, but at the same time the scope will turn towards the hatch, and it will be enough to unscrew one .. lamb .. Do the Germans clearly? Something is not very. Especially on 6-ke
                        24. +3
                          11 July 2013 19: 48
                          Well, nifiga yourself a tanker’s head))))
                        25. +1
                          16 July 2013 22: 29
                    2. 0
                      11 July 2013 23: 06
                      Quote: Spade
                      And even that bucket
                      and. less Ukrainian
                      b. closes with armored shutters.

                      Well, do not get excited - a) if there was an aggregate, they would manage to reduce it
                      b) and someone compared the dimensional characteristics of the sights, or purely "by eye" !? - so in foreign tanks the tower is almost twice as large, and against its background it certainly looks miniature ...

                      but it wouldn’t hurt to reduce it, it sticks out too much, or redo the tower (although it’s silly to cut a tower under the sight - it’s easier to modify the sight)
      2. +6
        11 July 2013 13: 10
        hi And are the sights of Russian (German, American) production devoid of this drawback? winked
        1. +4
          11 July 2013 13: 21
          NATO has a different tactic for conducting a tank battle. They, nevertheless, try to prevent close combat contact between their vehicles and the enemy.
          I don’t know how their cars would have shown themselves in a combat situation like the Syrian, but I think that it doesn’t matter.
          The T90MS has a similar device, all the same, a little smaller, although not enough.
        2. Tatar
          11 July 2013 13: 27
          what difference does it make with us, we need better!
      3. +3
        11 July 2013 13: 35
        Who uses tanks in the city? This is prohibited by charters.
        Tanks in the city are used because there are no special fire support vehicles, although they have been talking about this for many years, but things are still there.
        And I doubt that you can take it out with a burst or a sniper rifle in the field, try shooting at a moving tank, in the City when it stops, yes, it is possible. With 30mm you can quickly knock it down. I agree with this and have tried it in practice.
        But as they say, shoot first.
        This is a sight for tanks that have completely exhausted their usefulness; it is 20 years late.
        1. +6
          11 July 2013 13: 42
          Quote: Tankomaster
          Who uses tanks in the city? This is prohibited by charters.

          Have you ever read them?
          1. 0
            11 July 2013 16: 39
            + To you.
            It seems like the opposite - the use is recommended. Only wisely. Actually VChV and showed how it is possible to use armored vehicles in the city effectively.
          2. 0
            11 July 2013 20: 00
            The statutes and instructions are written in blood.
            I read and know, and I never would have brought my tanks into the city.
            Only weak-willed dolbyotyatly carry out the initial order, which they give .....
            1. +4
              11 July 2013 20: 10
              This is from BUSV, the third part. Do you still claim that the combat charter prohibits the inclusion of tanks in assault groups and assault squads?
              1. -1
                11 July 2013 22: 59
                This is the BUSV of 2005, when it was necessary to justify the loss of BT in urban conditions, I also studied the Union charters and explained to us clearly and precisely that there was nothing for tanks in the city to do, with which I completely agree.
                We developed a MOS for fighting in the city, but things didn’t move beyond those projects because of the collapse of the Union, and Chechnya fully confirmed our calculations and the Army washed itself with blood ....
                And then, in order to justify the loss of BT in the city, they introduced points on the inclusion of BT in assault groups. How beautiful the diagram is and how painful it is in reality ....
                1. +5
                  11 July 2013 23: 30
                  Do you need similar quotes from Soviet charters?
                  Here is from BUSV ch2 1982, where "they explained clearly and precisely that there was nothing for tanks in the city to do"
                  1. +1
                    12 July 2013 00: 26
                    Quote: Spade
                    Here is from BUSV x2 1982 of the year,

                    Offset, even the second part. And then I was too lazy to look.

                    Quote: Tankomaster
                    I studied the Union charters and explained to us clearly and precisely that there was nothing for tanks to do in the city,

                    All (including me) in the Soviet era taught some charters, and you, alone, for some reason others ...
                    Well, it happens.

                    Quote: Tankomaster
                    We developed MOS for fighting in the city,

                    Wonderful. All something is constantly developed, not you alone. Do not give out your own thoughts as an axiom of correctness.

                    Fighting in the city is a SPECIAL ORDER. This is one of the most complicated systems. No one argues that there was no idiocy in the Czech Republic. was.
                    But completely exclude tanks from urban combat ... well, then go yourself into this "principled" battle.
                    The shock core of the fire groups will still consist of tanks, plus other armored vehicles, this is confirmed by practice, here it has already been discussed.
                    Assault groups, cover and support groups will also exist.
                    Lisaped was invented a long time ago, it must be improved, but not invented, this is called the Charter.
                  2. -1
                    12 July 2013 11: 06
                    "" "That, I see, from the armored vehicles of the Maikop motorized rifle brigade, in Grozny, nothing remained.
                    It turns out that the Chechens did not read the charters, and because of their lack of education, they simply, stupidly burned all the armored vehicles from grenade launchers. At the same time, he practically did not suffer any losses, since they were beaten from the windows of high-rise buildings.
                    And the fact that the tank gun rises only 15 degrees is nothing? In a city with high-rise buildings is this not a hindrance? "" "
                    Here is the answer to although you have to read the charter for 90 years.
        2. 0
          11 July 2013 14: 42
          Quote: Tankomaster
          Who uses tanks in the city? This is prohibited by charters.

          Neighing. You read the relevant Charter first, so as not to write nonsense.
          Quote: Tankomaster
          Tanks in the city are used because there are no special fire support vehicles

          belay Oh, wei ... and the men don’t know ... You don’t write this anymore ... my back hurts, and it’s hard to get out of the poztol. laughing
          1. 0
            11 July 2013 20: 03
            Learn Russian and read the charters.
            The statutes and instructions are written in blood.
            1. 0
              11 July 2013 22: 18
              Quote: Tankomaster
              Learn Russian and read the charters.

              My dear friend, you can poke your mother, but I did not drink to broodershaft with you and did not allow me to switch to "you".
              About reading the charters you made me laugh. Indeed, it is ridiculous when it is proposed to be done by someone who did not even hold a charter.
        3. +1
          11 July 2013 14: 45
          Quote: Tankomaster
          Who uses tanks in the city? This is prohibited by charters.

          Read the BUSW before writing. There are no secret parts of this Charter on the Internet.
          So it is necessary to apply them (at least) according to BUS.
        4. Sanyl
          11 July 2013 16: 07
          According to all charters, a tank is a mandatory attribute of military operations in a city. The expediency of this was shown by the battle for Berlin and most of the subsequent conflicts. The presence of tanks dramatically increases the effectiveness of the offensive in the city and reduces losses in manpower.
          1. dominatus
            11 July 2013 18: 47
            That, I look, from the armored vehicles of the Maykop motorized rifle brigade, in Grozny, nothing remained.
            It turns out that the Chechens did not read the regulations and, due to their lack of education, simply and stupidly burned all the armored vehicles with grenade launchers. At the same time, they suffered practically no losses, since they fired from the windows of high-rise buildings.
            And the fact that the tank gun rises by only 60 degrees is nothing? Is it a hindrance in a city with high-rise buildings?
            1. +7
              11 July 2013 18: 51
              The fact is that not only Chechens, but also those who made the decision to introduce equipment in the columns did not read the charters.
              1. -1
                11 July 2013 20: 02
                And where is the logic in your words ???
            2. 0
              11 July 2013 19: 14
              Quote: dominatus
              That, I look, from the armored vehicles of the Maykop motorized rifle brigade, in Grozny, nothing remained.

              Listen, great special, don’t scoff.
              There was trouble.
              On another topic, train your verbal speed.
              1. -1
                11 July 2013 19: 50
                The trouble was from ignorance of the charters.
                The statutes and instructions are written in blood.
                1. 0
                  12 July 2013 07: 38
                  What a bloodthirsty you are. Already what comment, and all charters and blood. You have already been given examples from the charters, and about the storming of cities during the Second World War (well, the last example is not entirely suitable - anti-tank grenade launchers just appeared there) they remembered.
            3. +4
              11 July 2013 22: 28
              Quote: dominatus
              And the fact that the tank gun rises by only 60 degrees is nothing?

              Excuse me, which tank has such an anti-aircraft gun?
              Quote: dominatus
              They simply, stupidly burned all the armored vehicles with grenade launchers. At the same time, they suffered practically no losses, since they were firing from the windows of high-rise buildings.

              Not from any window you can shoot from an RPG. Shooting from RPGs from the premises is also often impossible, and you can remain crippled after that.
              That, I look, from the armored vehicles of the Maykop motorized rifle brigade, in Grozny, nothing remained.

              Most of the equipment burned when it was without crews. And without security. This is not the merit of the bandits, but the criminal negligence of the brigade officers.
          2. Vereshagin
            11 July 2013 21: 58
            In the battles for Berlin, the use of self-propelled guns SU-76 was recognized as more effective!
        5. +3
          11 July 2013 22: 53
          Quote: Tankomaster
          Tanks in the city are used because there are no special fire support vehicles, although they have been talking about this for many years, but things are still there.

          : "TERMINATOR" Fire support combat vehicle
          1. 0
            12 July 2013 11: 11
            this machine is not intended for battle in the city, this is unfortunately a mistake and very big.
            But they were able to do it and are pushed, although it is slightly better than the tank, but does not meet the requirements of the MOP by 80%
        6. 0
          11 July 2013 23: 21
          You would have told the Syrians that they would have marveled at such expressions bully I recommend a look to the zealots of the charter laughing
      4. dominatus
        11 July 2013 18: 55
        Did it ever occur to you that glass can be armored? That’s why the weight is not so small.
        Therefore, the bullet from the SVD can withstand even without cracking. And you still need to get into it from the NSW, and this despite the fact that the tank does not stand still - it constantly maneuvers and rotates the turret.
        1. +8
          11 July 2013 19: 35
          Quote: dominatus
          Did it ever occur to you that glass can be armored? That’s why the weight is not so small.
          Therefore, the bullet from the SVD can withstand even without cracking.

          Do you know how armored glass stops a bullet or a splinter? That's right, spending bullet energy on its cracking.
          1. Alexander D.
            11 July 2013 23: 35
            Here it’s like glass does not break through
            And to replace bulletproof glass or to replace completely a panorama - decide for yourself which is cheaper and more expedient.
    7. +4
      11 July 2013 13: 06
      According to the performance characteristics, the device is normal as. But the sizes, to any gate do not climb. It is still necessary to refine and refine.
    8. The comment was deleted.
    9. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        11 July 2013 14: 19
        infographics on the specified topic
    10. +2
      11 July 2013 14: 18
      I have already noted comments regarding the size of this complex.
      PNK-6 - Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to foreign analogues ...
      chest target?
    11. Bashkaus
      11 July 2013 14: 26
      Well done brothers, your mother’s family, you wanted democracy, publicity, adjustment and independence.
      Yes, now our design bureaus would have met, drank some tea, showed each other their "crap", one is good for some, another for others, and they would produce something third that absorbed the best from both. No fuck. Give some Square, the second don't want to drag the other on their hump. What is the bottom line? As a result, DESTRUCTION!
      So which of you is proud of the An-124? I think both Russians and Ukrainians are equally proud, but where is that same Ruslan, everyone can’t fix the issue. Because of such foolishness a great country has been drained, because of such greed and now we are swallowing dust, and who is the winner?
      And still, the good fellows, Ukrainians, in spite of the stupid government, stood the designer and still create.
      1. dominatus
        12 July 2013 01: 36
        So you can make a good thing without a "glass of tea".
        Example: KAZ "Zaslon".
        Ukraine did not have access to the documentation of the Soviet "Drozd", let alone the Russian "Arena".
        Russia refused to supply "Arena" for Ukrainian T-84 on the eve of the Greek and Turkish tenders.
        As a result (knowing the performance characteristics of "Arena" published in the press), the Ukrainian design bureaus created "Zaslon". When creating which took into account all the shortcomings of the "Arena".
        As a result, we got KAZ, which in all respects exceeds the "Arena" and today is one of the best in the world. Moreover, the "Zaslon" can be easily installed on any type of equipment, from a car to a tank, since it is DIFFERENT from the "thrush" and "Arena".
        KAZ "screen" is a set of separate, independent modules, while the Russian KAZ have one common radar.
        If I'm wrong, correct me.
    12. +1
      11 July 2013 14: 33
      The PNK-6 Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to anything and even surpasses foreign analogues in some characteristics.

      That's interesting, but besides the Ukrainians, does anyone know about this? Actually, I have nothing against it, I just remember the dance around Oplot - the best in the world, the T-90 smokes on the sidelines, and in 13 years there is one Thai contract, not good too. I am plagued by vague doubts that the sight has a future, Russia will not buy a love for itself, NATO member countries, I doubt it, but it is possible to equip its own, and that is hardly a pittance. Well, something like this.
      1. Warrawar
        11 July 2013 15: 05
        Quote: seller trucks
        That's interesting, but besides the Ukrainians, does anyone know about this?

        Of course not - this is just another information cast, designed for the post-Soviet space. By analogy with the "great" victory of the "Oplot" tank in the Thai tender. When it was stated that the "stronghold" allegedly defeated the Leopard and the T-90 in fair competition and generally the best tank in the world. But in fact, there was not even any tender, they just agreed among themselves and apparently not for free.
        1. +3
          11 July 2013 15: 23
          Quote: Warrawar
          No, of course - this is another information cast designed for the post-Soviet space.

          oh, brush, I knew that. but I had more fun
          After modernization, the Ukrainian tank "Yatagan" may become one of the best in the world


          have not yet been modernized, but it’s already the best, we got rural show-offs.
          1. Warrawar
            11 July 2013 17: 26
            Well, yes, as always. But what’s actually:

            NATO wants to destroy Ukrainian tanks
            The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will offer Ukraine to slice and re-melt old Soviet T-64 tanks, Capital writes with reference to Vasily Litvinchuk, project manager for NSPA (NATO Logistics Agency) in Ukraine.

            A NATO delegation will arrive in Kiev at the end of July to discuss this issue. The destruction of tanks will be funded by donor countries under the Trust Fund for the NATO Partnership for Peace program.


            There is nothing for them to handicraft their damask steel, scimitars and strongholds.
            1. dominatus
              12 July 2013 01: 43
              In Ukraine they say: "dumkoy bagatie"
              C Firstly, such a proposal has not even been made yet, "and secondly, why did you decide that Ukraine would agree to it?

              And what about the Russians with the Peruvian tender? Something all stalled. Sent to the T-90 tender - and silence.
              By the way, Ukraine has the option of modernizing the Peruvian T-55, on which PNK-6 can be installed. It was the upgraded T-55 that Ukraine put up for the Peruvian tender, since upgrading the T-55 is much cheaper than acquiring new MBTs.
    13. +8
      11 July 2013 14: 37
      Very nice device !!!

      This was not enough for us, he wrote more than once.
      It may seem strange, but the goal to destroy is easier than timely to detect and identify by degree of danger.
      Yes it is.
      Glad for the Ukrainians. This, incidentally, impresses our MS.

      The commander's task is to find a target; this requires "wide" coverage in stabilization.
      The task of the gunner is to destroy the target, here you need a narrow spectrum in the strongest approximation.
      Improving the effectiveness of this interaction sharply increases the tank's potential even without changing weapons.

      TKN-3 is the most complete crap in our combat vehicles.
      Fuck what you see in it, especially in motion, and if you gape at the moment of a regular shot and put your forehead when you reload the PKT or just "crawl" at the R-173, then I don't want to go crazy over the head.
      It can be worse if you don’t look right at him at the moment of the same regular shot - he hits his eye sockets until dark in his eyes, bruises remain.
      Sometimes it was easier to get up on siduha and look out of the hatch for a split second.

      Confuses only its large size ...
      Nobody has canceled the shooting fire and fragments yet.
      Only mutual duplication of towers' devices, without it in any way.
      1. Sanyl
        11 July 2013 16: 20
        Why is everyone embarrassed by the possibility of destruction of small arms by fire? Panoramic is a consumable that can change after each battle. Even if damaged, the tank is not blind. There are observation devices (prismatic) of the driver, gunner, commander, as well as the aiming and observation complex of the gunner.
        1. +2
          11 July 2013 16: 54
          Quote: Sanyl
          Why is everyone embarrassed by the possibility of destruction of small arms by fire?

          But that's why it bothers me that it is amazed. Precedents were even with the breakdown of the output channel TPDK. And then such a d-u-ra ... and ask herself.

          Small arms, small art. Caliber, fragments from the PF - everything is on the theater.
          For example: the sighting line with 30-ki blows the upper trash from the armor by one or two. Of course, who will allow her such pleasure, but it is possible. And fragments of RP - it’s very realistic to get damaged.

          BUT - the device is very important and necessary. I with all arms and legs - FOR.
          Duplication of tower equipment is necessary.
    14. Alexanderlaskov
      11 July 2013 14: 42
      Well done Ukrainians! Brain Guys!
    15. Alexanderlaskov
      11 July 2013 15: 15
      It is joyful to read about the successes of our brothers Slavs. And then some Americans flaunt their achievements. Slav power!
    16. +1
      11 July 2013 16: 22
      And how is this thing protected? In size it is huge, from the machine you must try not to get on it. What is the backup aiming system?
      1. Alexander D.
        11 July 2013 20: 05
        Quote: theadenter
        And how is this thing protected? In size it is huge, from the machine you must try not to get on it. What is the backup aiming system?

        Here is such a glass of Ukrainian production
    17. Slobozhanin
      11 July 2013 17: 47
      Quote: theadenter
      And how is this thing protected? In size it is huge, from the machine you must try not to get on it. What is the backup aiming system?

      I am far from being a tanker ... but I think if the crew of the tank in the "field" will give the infantry an opportunity to approach the "shooting" distance with impunity and hit the sight - then they are clearly blind in the tank and they still do not need it. And in the city this sight is also unnecessary (as I think). And judging by the performance characteristics, it is clearly designed to search for enemy equipment at a distance ... So when in contact with the infantry, it must be clearly closed or deployed back from the infantry. If not right, correct :)
      1. Vereshagin
        11 July 2013 22: 06
        You are not a tanker ... crying
    18. +1
      11 July 2013 18: 18
      PNK-6 - Ukrainian tank panoramic sight is not inferior to foreign analogues (placement on the command tank)

      This is so that the enemy could quickly identify and destroy? How about the 41st?
    19. -1
      11 July 2013 18: 51
      ... it’s not inferior in anything, and in some respects even surpasses foreign analogues.

      Strangely enough, in no foreign article (England, France, Germany, USA, Israel ...) I have not met such an expression. Well, poor, what can you take from them? They do not reach the level of "world analogues". wassat
      1. Akim
        11 July 2013 19: 05
        Quote: professor
        It’s strange somehow, in no foreign article (England, France, Germany, USA, Israel ...) I did not find such an expression

        Prof, I will not prove that this is perfection, I have not touched it. And articles of this type "the best Ukrainian aircraft engines" and "sights that have no analogues" are also cheap PR. That is not what I am talking about. Tell me, my dear, when did Western articles recognize the superiority of Soviet weapons? A young Italian with such passion proved to me that their M48 were better than the Albanian T-55, as if he himself was sitting in the turret of a tank
        1. +1
          11 July 2013 19: 16
          Quote: Akim
          Tell me, my dear, when Western articles recognized the superiority of Soviet weapons? A young Italian with such fervor proved to me that their M48s were better than the Albanian T-55s, as if he himself was sitting in a tank tower

          I am not talking about that. Any individual can think what he wants, only for some reason the world is written for the most part in Russian ...
          1. Akim
            11 July 2013 19: 40
            Quote: professor
            , except that for some reason the world is for some reason written mainly in Russian.

            Recently I watched Viasat History about Tolstoy. The Englishman said that Russian literature is a literature of extremes. "War and Peace" Crime and Punishment. Maybe these bravarian statements are part of the echoes of our culture?
            1. 0
              11 July 2013 20: 35
              Quote: Akim
              Recently I watched Viasat History about Tolstoy. The Englishman said that Russian literature is a literature of extremes. "War and Peace" Crime and Punishment. Maybe these bravarian statements are part of the echoes of our culture?

              "War and Peace" Crime and Punishment is a culture, and a lack of culture in the world.
              1. Akim
                11 July 2013 20: 42
                Quote: professor
                lacking analogues in the world - lack of culture.

                I support you and in no case do not justify such statements. I just put forward the version of why we are being maximized.
          2. PLO
            11 July 2013 20: 48
            I am not talking about that. Any individual can think what he wants, only for some reason the world is written for the most part in Russian ...

            You probably haven't watched Discovery for a long time, there's one bald guy there, and he's probably no worse than ours, which have no analogues
      2. Vereshagin
        11 July 2013 22: 08
        Sorry, professor, for bragging - it's a "miscarriage" of pride.
    20. Yankuz
      11 July 2013 19: 18
      I wonder what Armata will tell us about this?
    21. Quiet
      11 July 2013 19: 38
      Quote: MIKHAN
      Well done Ukrainians !!

      I wonder what Rogozin will answer ????
      1. maxvet
        12 July 2013 16: 32
        private show wink
    22. Vereshagin
      11 July 2013 21: 55
      The use of tanks during hostilities in the city, especially those that have stood and have been in service for decades, is a necessary measure. In conditions of urban combat, to destroy enemy’s manpower and firepower, of course, you need a well-armored fighting vehicle that can resist, at a minimum, rocket-propelled and hand-held anti-tank grenades, which do not need either a long-barreled gun, nor a super-caliber, or, in many cases, stabilized armament. And, here, the elevation angle of the gun, which has a sufficient rate of fire, the presence of an autonomous machine-gun mount and not on the commander’s hatch, the ability to hide behind armor to transport troops and hurry it without loss - this, IMHO, is the main thing.
      But there is no such car in the world ...
      The height of the head PNK-6 roofing felts 56, roofing felts 66 cm., But for sure that more than half a meter !!! It's a lot. The glass holds B32 and small fragments with cracking, after which the glass changes to a spare of spare parts. 12,7 mm “makes” the glass with a head mirror, after which it is necessary to change the head.
      The sight is generally good, there are definitely no analogues in the world (though only Ukrainian) ...
    23. Slobozhanin
      12 July 2013 00: 05
      Quote: Vereshagin
      You are not a tanker ... crying

      Not sinless :)
    24. gladiatorakz
      12 July 2013 11: 59
      Well done! development is underway means there is a school, scientific personnel, engineers and laboratories. Always happy for our people (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) when they can think of and produce something. Usually such events are especially significant in that they do not happen "thanks", but "in spite of".
    25. 0
      13 July 2013 05: 00
      And the Americans are proud of it ... They just forgot that they were at least 15 a year behind us ...
    26. 0
      15 July 2013 13: 32
      Well done Ukrainians! good Of course, statements from the series that Michael Jackson is the same crest! lol But, that's why it is panoramic, so that not only the battlefield but also the air situation to observe !! Who is the main "enemy" of the tank - the HELICOPTER !!! Well, the dimensions can be reduced over time ... CONGRATULATIONS! drinks