Balkan devilry

100 years ago, the Second Balkan War broke out, which became the mother of the First World War.

Balkan devilry

"On the knives!" Despite the talent of the artist, the outcome of the war was decided not by the Bulgarian bayonets, but by machine guns

If you ask today what the Second Balkan War is, most readers will shrug. World War II is remembered. And the Second Balkan in people's memory is like a cat with a tongue licked! Meanwhile, it was this internecine skirmish of the Slavs in the summer of 1913, the mother of two world wars of the twentieth century. There were both her blitzkrieg, and the stormy diplomatic correspondence of the great powers, who were striving to appease Serbia and Bulgaria, and a sad conclusion: the world Slavic brotherhood with the drinking song “Gay, Slavs!” Is just a scientific myth of cabinet theorists. But in practice, the "fraternal peoples" are ready to release the guts from each other for some kind of chicken coop, hanging on the disputed slope of the Rhodope Mountains. And here the Serb will not let the Bulgarian descend, and the Montenegrin will give in to the heat in a fight between two “brothers”!

A hundred years ago, the world was aiming for giantomania. "Pan" - in Latin "all." Pan-Germanism, Pan-Mongolism, Pan-Americanism ... Naturally, Petersburg could not remain aloof from the political mainstream. In response, he took out his trump card - “Pan-Slavism”, invented in Moscow kitchens. The instrumental task of this teaching was simple - we will unite the Balkan Slavs against the Turks, and the Austrian - against Austria! And thus weaken the two largest great neighbor powers!

At first, everything went smoothly. At that time, Turkey owned in Europe not only the environs of Istanbul, as it is now, but almost half of the Balkan Peninsula. Under the auspices of Russia 13 March 1912, the Serbian-Bulgarian Treaty of Friendship and Alliance was signed. The very first article of this treaty stated: “The Kingdom of Bulgaria and the Kingdom of Serbia guarantee each other state independence and the integrity of their state territories, pledging to come to the aid of each other with all their strength if one of them were attacked by one or more other powers. "

UNDER THE CAP OF PETERSBURG. In the memoir book “Diplomacy and World War”, the Austro-Hungarian diplomat Count Andrassy called this agreement “the first triumph of Russian politics,” adding that Russia “managed to create the Balkan Union under its protectorate, first of all - against Turkey, , - against us".

Bulgarian artillery. Despite the high fighting qualities, she could do nothing with the coalition of Serbia, Montenegro, Greece and Romania

The treaty between Serbia and Bulgaria contained a secret annex on a joint statement against Turkey. But it could be undertaken only with the approval of Russia. The first article of this secret application stated: “If internal turmoil occurs in Turkey that would endanger the interests of both contracting parties or one of them ... then that of the contracting parties who would first be convinced of the need to start hostilities would turn to a motivated the other side "...

A coarse meaning lurked behind these streamlined polite phrases: if Bulgaria comes up with the idea of ​​breaking into the Turks, they will invite the Serbs for this, and if the Serbs want to attack Turkey, the Serbs will necessarily invite the Bulgarians to participate in this fun.

The war in the Balkans broke out when the ink on this treaty had not yet dried out. At that time, the unusually militant King Ferdinand, who even the German Kaiser Wilhelm II contemptuously called the “pacifist”, sat on the throne in Sofia. And Serbia was led by two august racketeers - King Peter and his son, prince Alexander. The habits of these brave guys can be judged at least by the fact that they came to power by throwing their predecessor, King Alexander from the Obrenovic dynasty together with his wife, from the royal palace in Belgrade. Just like that, they just banged their heads on the pavement - and that was all. Only brains splattered!

Peter and his son belonged to the Karageorgievich dynasty - Black George was their ancestor (“pun” in Turkish - “black”). And the most influential "party" in Serbia, under them, was called the "Black Hand" - as in a children's horror story. Only it was the most real long-time handler. Its members were officers of the army and special services, who knew each other only within the secret fives. But they had to carry out any orders of their direct commanders - up to the murders of political opponents, both in Serbia and abroad. There are five fingers on the hand. In the top five five members. Thousands of "black hands" encompassed all the Balkans.

Remember the march "Farewell of the Slav"? It is nagging, nostalgic, but with such a hope slipping between notes, breaking the enemy’s snout and returning to the arms of a beloved mourner at the train station ... It was written by headquarters trumpeter Vasily Agapkin in a fit of sincere sympathy for the Slav brothers who attacked Turkey in the fall of 1912. Then the First Balkan War began. But it was not Serbia or Bulgaria that unleashed it, but tiny Montenegro, the king of which Alexander III once called "Russia's only friend", except for the army and fleetnaturally.

Montenegrins fired the first shots at the Turks on October 9. And after nine days, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece that joined them rushed into battle. The Bulgarians mobilized 420 thousands of people and launched an offensive against Adrianople. The Serbs deployed a 150-thousandth army and attacked Macedonia, which was then part of Turkey. And the Greeks put under the gun 80 thousands of hot guys, ready to dance "Sirtaki" on cut off Turkish little heads.

The moment for the attack was chosen extremely insidious. On the day when Bulgaria and Serbia declared war on Turkey, she barely managed to sign a peace treaty with Italy, which chopped off a piece of Africa from her.

TURKS CUT BY THOUSANDS. The defeat of the Turks was lightning. Only in the battle of Lule-Burgas, about 40 thousand fell. The correspondent of the English newspaper The Daily Chronicle, who drove a car through the battle sites, wrote: “The catastrophe is no less Mukden. Three quarters of Turkish artillery guns went to the Bulgarians. The Bulgarians allowed the Turks to go very close, let them start hand-to-hand combat, then quickly retreated, and machine guns mowed down the Turks in the hundreds, thousands. The retreat of the Turks turned into an indiscriminate flight of stupefied, hungry, exhausted, distraught crowds. Doctors are few. There are no dressings. No supplies. I have witnessed many military campaigns, but I have never imagined such a terrible disaster, such beatings by masses of hungry, tortured, exhausted, helpless peasants from Anatolia (Asian Turkey). ”

Armored cruiser "Georgios Averov". This Greek ship was the strongest floating monster of the Second Balkan War.

Especially painful instant defeat of Turkey perceived in Berlin. After all, her army was trained by German instructors. When the German emperor, before the war, asked the opinion of his General Holtz about the military training of the Turks, he replied: "Just like us." Now these words sounded like mockery. Especially when you consider that the Bulgarian and Serbian troops were trained by the Russians, and the Bulgarians even wore a uniform that was almost an exact replica of the uniforms of the Russian Imperial Army. And then the Bulgarian destroyers torpedoed the Turkish cruiser! In general, there was something to be saddened not only in Istanbul, but also in Berlin.

Alarmed and in Vienna. They simply announced mobilization, reasoning that after the defeat of Turkey, the Serbs and Bulgarians will rush to Austria, and Russia will not be able to resist not to help them. It was at this point that a conversation took place between French Defense Minister Millerand and Russian military attaché in Paris, Colonel Ignatiev, the future author of his memoirs on 50 years in the ranks.

The Frenchman asked: "What do you think the colonel, the goal of the Austrian mobilization?". Ignatiev replied: "It is difficult to prejudge this question, but it is certain that the Austrian preparations against Russia are still defensive in nature." Then Millerand directly asked: “Can't you, at least, explain to me what people in Russia think about the Balkans?”. “The Slavic question remains close to our heart,” Ignatiev answered. “But story I learned first of all to think about our own state interests, without sacrificing them in favor of abstract ideas. ”

DO NOT SHARE ANOTHER. Russia's interests were not to allow the Bulgarians and Serbs to take Constantinople by any means. Petersburg decided to save the ancient capital of the Byzantine emperors for itself. That is why from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia to Belgrade and Sofia flew a strict cry: "Stop!". It is difficult to say whether this had effect or the Turks gathered their forces on the outskirts of the capital, but after the capture of Adrianople, the Bulgarian offensive failed. Front stopped at 45 km from Istanbul. Began peace negotiations.

The head of the "Black Hand" prince Alexander was ready to blow up all of Serbia for the vineyards in Macedonia

And here something happened that no one expected. The two largest Slavic "brothers" of Russia quarreled among themselves over the Turkish heritage. The Serbs demanded access to the Adriatic Sea. The Bulgarians claimed Macedonia across the river Vardar, occupied by the Serbian army. Frustrated by the heir to the Serbian throne, Alexander (the same one who ruled the “Black Hand”) in May 1913 of the year explicitly stated in an interview with the Belgrade newspaper Politika that Serbia would not give Bulgaria one inch in Zavardar Macedonia. And that there is no other way to solve the Serbian-Bulgarian conflict, EXCEPT THE WAR. In a private conversation with Alexander Tucholke, the Russian Consul General, Alexander spoke even more frankly: “The Serbs will in no way yield to the valley of Vardar and would rather fight with Europe rather than sign their death sentence. Otherwise, let Austria take Serbia, if you die anyway. ”

There was a typical Serbian psychopathy: if we are not given the Vardar valley, then life is not sweet to us! Let all Serbia die, but these vineyards should be ours!

Slavs vs. Slavs. Just yesterday, the Serbs and the Bulgarians were attacking Istanbul with joint efforts, and today they are bristling with bayonets against each other, ready to shed brotherly blood. And then there was the heat of Greece. She claimed the city of Monastir in Macedonia and was very afraid that he would leave Bulgaria. The Greek crown prince Nikolai wrote over the head of Russian Foreign Minister Sazonov personally to Nicholas II: “I fear that Sazonov is ready to cede Monastir to the Bulgarians (under the pretext that the Bulgarians live there). But if this is the case, then peace will never be established in the future, since Bulgaria, having become almost twice as large as Greece, will take advantage of the very first excuse to start a war, and then, having crushed Greece, will attack Serbia, or vice versa ... I fully trust in you, knowing that you will do everything possible to protect the interests of our country, partly for the sake of Greece itself, and also in memory of dear father. ”

Russia attempted to reconcile everyone by gathering a conference in St. Petersburg. But the Balkan brothers came simply in an insane state. Nobody wanted to give in. Everyone grabbed hold of revolvers. And then they gave up on them. As 9 wrote in July 1913, Russia's envoy to Athens Dimidov to Foreign Minister Sazonov: “If you win, Bulgaria will become a tool in Austria’s hands ... In case of defeat, she will turn her eyes to Russia, which will be easier than before. because of necessity, it will be more compliant ... her loyalty to us is directly proportional to her failures and inversely proportional to her success. From this point of view, Greece and Serbia will make our task easier for us at the present time ... perhaps leading to a repentant and humiliated Bulgaria. ”

The militant Bulgarian king Ferdinand even German Kaiser Wilhelm called miserable "pacifist"

The war of Bulgaria with the former allies lasted exactly a month - from June 29 to July 29 1913. Romania also joined Montenegro, Serbia and Greece. And near Constantinople, the breathless Turks went on the counteroffensive. Romanian cavalry rushed at Sofia. The vineyards of Macedonia occupied the Serbs. And surrounded by the enemy of the "pacifists" from all sides, the Bulgarian king Ferdinand asked for peace. “This is not a war,” he said. “That damn what!”

Balkan devilry truly fatal 1913, dispelled in the wind the tale of eternal Slavic friendship. In Petersburg, they were mistaken. Broken Bulgaria did not become more accommodating and did not become an obedient satellite of Russia. Instead, her king entered into a military agreement with Germany. In addition to the small lush Serbia, the Russian Empire did not remain in the Allied Balkans. Now Serbia had to be supported in any case in order not to be left without allies at all. In Vienna, they were afraid that the Serbs would revolt the Austrian Slavs, who made up half the population of Austria-Hungary. Wilhelm II in Berlin, in annoyance, called Belgrade the “nest of murderers” and added that “this trash must be put in its place.” The door to World War I was open.
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  1. Horde
    10 July 2013 07: 45
    how easily siblings can quarrel, who grew up together and received together from older boys in the yard, but now it's time to share the inheritance and it turned out that no one wants to give each other up, such enmity can continue until the end of life. It’s not easy to finish amicably. Historically, ALL splits of coalitions, countries, empires are splits between siblings.
    1. +7
      10 July 2013 08: 13
      “Can't you, at least, explain to me what people in Russia think about the Balkans?” “The Slavic question remains close to our heart,” Ignatiev answered, “but history has taught us to think first of all about our own national interests, without sacrificing them in favor of abstract ideas.”

      Gold words! I wish they would remind them more often to those people in our country who, in order to be bigger Serbs than the Serbs themselves, are ready without hesitation to pour Russian blood!
    2. +12
      10 July 2013 10: 26
      I would like to make a remark. A couple of hours ago I returned from Montenegro. The places are frankly heavenly. Residents all understand Russian, but they hardly speak Russian (although you can understand it). And they are fluent in English. Some of the Russian cars are old "Nivs". And the new cars are exclusively of German and French production. In general, it seems that 9 out of 10 tourists are from Russia. And it is to ordinary Russian tourists that Russia is obliged by the fact that the Slavic peoples of the Balkans have not completely fallen out of the orbit of Russian influence. No work is being done at the state level.
      1. avt
        10 July 2013 14: 26
        Quote: xetai9977
        No work is being done at the state level.

        request And with what fright should it be conducted? They are Montenegrins (by the way, they don’t even consider themselves Serbs and left the Republika Srpska long ago as a new people, a kind of Balkan Cossack}, they made their Geyvrop choice in the elections and Russia certainly has nothing to go into there. Well, what about those who rest there, well, so in Egypt, Turkey, too many who rest, so what? If we evacuate. With regards to those who bought real estate there, these are their risks, and Albanians with a great Albanian Montenegro will not leave alone, on occasion they will remind you specifically. But again, let the Toileravers of Gayvrop understand this, it should be violet for us. As previously mentioned - all the Balkans are not worth the life of one Russian soldier.
    3. +1
      10 July 2013 10: 38
      Brothers? Why do you think so? Bulgarians arose as a result of the mixing of three pre-existing ethnic groups: Bulgars (Turkic ethnic group, Huns), Slavic tribes living on the lands of present-day Bulgaria, where the Bulgars came, and living on the lands of the present Bulgarian state of the Thracians. Unites only Orthodoxy.
    4. +3
      30 November 2016 22: 40
      The answer to all questions gives a few cards. The first one is light green, the so-called Bulgarian land is shown - the territory of the Bolkan Peninsula where the Bulgarians accounted for more than 50% of the population according to the results of the REFERENDUM from 1870 held by Sultan Abdul Hamid, with the goal of establishing the BULGARIAN ORTHODOX Bishop! Based on the self-determination of the Christian population, the Sultan issued Ferman friendly with the map areas following the transfer to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church! The borders of Bulgaria are marked with a red line according to the peace treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire, with which the Russian-Turkish War of 1878 ended! Only 4 months after the signing of the San Stefan Treaty under Western pressure, Russia was forced to return 3 / 4 from those lands along with their Bulgarian population under Ottoman slavery! The map of modern Bulgaria is shown with dark green color. The second map shows when the land’s children were occupied by the neighbors of Bulgaria as a result of which wars were until 1945. All military operations with one turn-off were velis, in the territory shown with light green color / Bulgarian land /. Judge for yourself who the aggressor is and who waged wars for their unification! Who helped Russia and how fair your reproaches to the Bulgarians! Card No.1 Card No.2
      1. +2
        1 December 2016 09: 37
        Map № 1 - LIGHT GREEN COLOR -Bulgarian land / territory where Bulgarians make up more than 50% of the population. , RED LINE - The territory of Bulgaria under the San Stefano Peace Treaty between Russia and the Ottoman Empire. DARK GREEN-COLOR - The territory of today's Bulgaria.
  2. lars
    10 July 2013 07: 45
    Yes! The Balkans are an eternal powder keg, and Serbs and Bulgarians often presented surprises, not only to us, but also to each other.
    1. +9
      10 July 2013 08: 34
      Quote: lars
      Yes! The Balkans are an eternal powder keg, and Serbs and Bulgarians often presented surprises, not only to us, but also to each other.

      The Serbs were our allies at least in two world wars, but the "Slavic brothers", the Bulgarians, were Germany's allies. Brothers are good.
      1. Avenger711
        10 July 2013 09: 41Болгария_во_Второй_мировой_войне

        And we do not write nonsense. Germany's ally against Serbia, since there are territorial claims, but not against Russia. And in general, the fact that later in the 45th they created Macedonia and the Macedonian language is a huge mistake, as the Bulgarians themselves rightly noted (they do not recognize the Macedonian Mova quite rightly there) in the comments on Wikipedia: "You yourself have two Macedonians."
        1. +1
          10 July 2013 14: 58
          Quote: Avenger711
          And do not write nonsense. Ally of Germany against Serbia, because there are territorial claims, but not against Russia.

          The Germans were given military bases on the territory of Bulgaria and, of course, economic resources for waging war against the USSR. It is also known that in October 1941 a squadron of 12 combat aircraft of the Bulgarian Air Force was formed to fight against Soviet submarines.
        2. +2
          27 December 2016 12: 20
      2. Xnumx kopeek
        10 July 2013 10: 00
        Quote: anip
        Quote: lars
        Yes! The Balkans are an eternal powder keg, and Serbs and Bulgarians often presented surprises, not only to us, but also to each other.

        The Serbs were our allies at least in two world wars, but the "Slavic brothers", the Bulgarians, were Germany's allies. Brothers are good.

        in this region, the devil himself will break his leg. / see Konst. Leontiev / -I did not live there for long, but
        Bulgars didn’t fight against the USSR in Vov. And generally Serb is a Bulgarian dialect, both in chromosomes and in language .- Look at Kusturica, that’s a good example of the Balkans. It’s completely crazy, and there’s help. srp kids swear at 3 years old. Moreover, and in conversations with parents. Whether they have such a rich language, or a heavy legacy of bombing
        1. 3 inches.
          10 July 2013 18: 20
          Well, you old man and rave. Do not smoke more Canadian maple. Harmful. And as for the Serbian children, it seems you aren’t observing the Serbs, but the gypsies of the locals. Although if the bush is for you Serb, then your ignorance of the question is clear.
      3. 0
        10 July 2013 19: 43
        Quote: anip
        The Serbs were our allies at least in two world wars, but the "Slavic brothers", the Bulgarians, were Germany's allies. Brothers are good.

        Did the USSR and Serbia have allied relations before the war? Was there a contract? Somehow I missed this moment in my education.
        1. Mikhail
          10 July 2013 22: 34
          An agreement was signed on friendship and non-aggression on April 5, 1941, on the eve of Hitler’s attack on Yugoslavia.
          1. 0
            12 July 2013 20: 47
            Quote: Michael
            Friendship Agreement signed

            I don’t have a story there, or I don’t know the poem, but the friendship treaty is not a military treaty of alliance and mutual assistance.
            Quote: Michael
            and non-aggression

            It was necessary for the Red Army when the Germans were driven, to bypass occupied Yugoslavia, in the spirit of a non-aggression treaty?
        2. 0
          12 July 2013 17: 06
          Sorry, but you have not received any education or upbringing. Before you say anything, you must first verify this. With the Internet, unfortunately, everything is done easily. The population ceases to rely on their memory, ceases to analyze, because get used to using ready-made material
          1. The comment was deleted.
  3. avt
    10 July 2013 09: 32
    A good article, popular and by the way, rather sparingly, the events of the 12th are covered by “classical” historians. But in general it can only be repeated - All the Balkans are not worth the life of one Russian soldier. Really, one should not be more Balkan than the Balkans themselves.
  4. Avenger711
    10 July 2013 09: 35
    Serbs could be sent if desired, and the provocation with the assassination of the Archduke is only a provocation. But there is no reason for war.

    But the Balkans, yes, the place is restless, and where does peace come from when the Turks sat there for centuries, and disputes between the Slavs and Greeks are not resolved, the ambition of the young states is always hoo.
  5. +1
    10 July 2013 09: 37
    "her loyalty to us is directly proportional to her failures and inversely proportional to her successes." this is the essence of many peoples and countries surrounded by Russia sad
  6. +8
    10 July 2013 09: 40
    And for the Second Balkan separate "thanks" to Austria and Germany, which, fearing the strengthening of the influence of the Republic of Ingushetia in the Balkans (and the preservation of the Balkan Union also meant the early collapse of the AVI), did everything possible to knock Serbs and Bulgarians together.
    By the way, a question to the author - from which Turkish rag did he steal this little article? I know that neither Serbs nor Bulgarians can be called angels, but "Yaroslavna's lament" over the "innocently killed" Turks is completely superfluous in this article.
    1. 3 inches.
      10 July 2013 18: 21
      Especially put sirtaki on Turkish heads.
  7. apis
    10 July 2013 09: 48
    The leader and founder of the black hand was DRAGUTIN DMITRIEVICH (APIS). And OBRINOVICH got it on merit. ARTICLE Nothing.
  8. +2
    10 July 2013 09: 56
    We have allies there only in words or when for free what to get from Russia. And when we really need something from the allies, they will either spit on us or kick us at all. It is necessary to be tougher in upholding YOUR interests.
    1. vkrav
      10 July 2013 11: 04
      "Allies always appear on time - by the time the enemy's territory is divided" (c) :)
  9. +4
    10 July 2013 10: 14
    All this resembles spiders in a jar.
    The desire of "brothers" to solve their problems at the expense of Russia has always been.
  10. Cat
    10 July 2013 12: 07
    The door to the First World War was open.

    All this Balkan fuss gave only an occasion to the First World War, and the reasons were completely different.
  11. +1
    10 July 2013 12: 31
    In Vienna, they were afraid that the Serbs would revolt the Austrian Slavs, who made up half the population of Austria-Hungary. Wilhelm II in Berlin in vexation called Belgrade “the nest of killers” and added that “this trash needs to be put in place. Only UTB exactly in the article. The remainder of the official Habsburg Viennese history catator is completely fake. So they delivered it and 1991-1999, too, they put this waste in their place, and 1941-1945, and 1914-1918. Gadi, children of Serbia, they always go for truth and istionoi and Orthodoxy, and not for power, And somehow they always stitch in the country of TRUTH!
    1. Mikhail
      10 July 2013 14: 45
      Yes, Austria-Hungary - a Slavic prison - wanted to capture the entire Balkans and destroy Serbia.
      During the First World War, 1/4 of the population of Serbia died! Germans and Hungarians staged a real genocide.
      Do not slander our Orthodox brothers in vain: Serbs and Bulgarians have never betrayed us.

      And the contradictions between Serbia and Bulgaria could have ignited Austria and Germany in order to push the Slavs into fratricidal wars and weaken the power of Russia. It was easier to do this, given the nationality of the Bulgarian king.
      1. -1
        10 July 2013 15: 26
        That is, participation in the First World War on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, supplying Hitler in World War II, apostasy in the 90s is not a betrayal on the part of Bulgaria (Bulgaria as a Slavic state)? Or is it such a "brotherly" gesture?
  12. Mikhail
    10 July 2013 12: 43
    Incidentally, the king of Bulgaria, Ferdinad, was by nationality nѣmcem, which was not mentioned at all. It is not surprising that he pulled Bulgaria into the First World War on the side of the Triple Alliance.
    But the Turks podlom that they smashed.
    1. BruderV
      10 July 2013 20: 15
      Quote: Michael
      Incidentally, the king of Bulgaria Ferdinad was by nationality nѣmcem,

      What are you saying? Your high nobility, but do not tell the serf who were the Russian sovereigns and why were they not friends with the Germans?
      1. Mikhail
        10 July 2013 22: 46
        First of all, I’m not a noble one, and you are not a lackey.
        I know that there is such a multitude that Russian sovereigns were Germans. Of course, it is naive to deny the presence in their veins of the blood of the royal courts of Europe, mainly German. But at the same time, do not forget another thing: the Russian sovereigns were Orthodox people, brought up in the Russian environment for the sake of the service of Russia.
        With regard to friendship with the Germans, it is not our fault that they looked and are looking at us as second-class people who need to be conquered.

        And the reign of Ferdinand was the diplomatic victory of Germany and Austria over us. Bitter, but true.
        Ferdinand was from the German dynasty.
        1. +1
          11 July 2013 07: 02
          Quote: Michael
          Russian sovereigns were Orthodox people brought up in the Russian environment for the sake of the service of Russia.

          No, the reason is not in blood, and not even in upbringing, but in the approach to business. Peter the Third, even though by blood and as much as a quarter of Romanov, no matter how his aunt Elizaveta brought up, Karl Peter Ulrich Holstein-Gottorp remained in his soul. And his wife, nee Sophia Augusta Frederick von Anhalt-Zerbst, a purebred German, went down in Russian history as Catherine Great.
  13. Goryn
    10 July 2013 12: 52
    All these brothers from the South Slavs are for sale. We are not on the way with them and all our guys who fought in the beaten Yugoslavia and died there did not find any gratitude. insight "brothers"
    1. Mikhail
      10 July 2013 13: 01
      You're not right. The authorities are corrupt, but not the "brothers".
  14. +2
    10 July 2013 17: 10
    Quote: Horde
    how easily siblings can quarrel, who grew up together and received together from older boys in the yard, but now it's time to share the inheritance and it turned out that no one wants to give each other up, such enmity can continue until the end of life. It’s not easy to finish amicably. Historically, ALL splits of coalitions, countries, empires are splits between siblings.

    Discord between the Slavic tribes can be traced for millennia. The history of the Western Slavs in their struggle with the Germans is very clear. Some kind of deja vu after this article:

    "The Baltic Slavs did not have unity and harmony. The Bodrici were at enmity with the Lyutichi, and those with the Pomorians and Polabian Serbs. The Germans artificially incited these feuds. They entered into an alliance with one tribe against another. Sometimes the Slavs resorted to an alliance with the Normans, the Danes against the Saxons, but they themselves did not create a political center for themselves.This political thoughtlessness was the main reason for their death, although the brave Slavs defended their borders for more than 200 years after Charlemagne.From disunity and Velesov's book, the descendants promise ...

    A huge role in the downfall of the Slavs was played by the introduction by the Germans of their "agents of influence" into the ruling elite of the Slavs. For example, Prince Heinrich, the son of Gottalk, handed cities and lands to the Germans by direct betrayal. As in Khazaria, the sons of the kagans (khans) were married to Jewish women, so the prince's sons of the Slavs were married to German women, Danes, etc. The children were raised by Catholics who instilled in them Western "values." "
    Yu.Vinogradov "Ancient Vedic Russia is the basis of existence".
    1. 0
      10 July 2013 18: 54
      Quote: Ross
      Yu.Vinogradov "Ancient Vedic Russia is the basis of existence".

      Here it is not necessary only to engage in fraud here! stop
      Posing as the author of the libel "Ancient Vedic Russia is the basis of existence" by the honored scientist Yuri Germanovich Vinogradov.

      This "masterpiece" was invented from his own head - Oleg Timofeevich Vinogradov.

  15. Seraph
    10 July 2013 18: 13
    Dear critics of the Balkan peoples!
    I don’t think that you act rationally, cursing and resenting the Bulgarians, Serbs, Montenegrins, even the Greeks and Romanians. From what position do not look - these countries and their peoples are any closer to us than the Germans, French or Turks. Why in ourselves and our neighbors to generate negativity against God and the nature of the satellites given to us? They are what they are. It is necessary to approach cooperation with wisdom, without emotions, to some extent with sacrifice (big, strong, smart and rich will always make a greater contribution to friendship than small, weak and poor). Know all that was, but not vindictive. Otherwise, you can remain not only without allies, but also without sympathizers. And so what, but sympathy for Russia from the Balkans cannot be taken away.
    God grant to us, Russian, and Orthodox Balkan peoples, wisdom, prudence and strength to confront together common enemies.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. BruderV
      10 July 2013 20: 43
      Quote: Seraphim
      these countries and their peoples are any closer to us than the Germans, French or Turks
      Noticeably. As for the faces, what for the form of clothes. Although I have not seen your face, maybe you are closer. In the photo, the Bulgarians on the eastern front in the service of the Wehrmacht. How are they closer to the example of Egyptian Copts, who are also Orthodox? And the Germans of the Volga region or Kazakhstan are infinitely far for you too?
      1. Seraph
        17 July 2013 00: 37
        1. The Germans of the Volga region and Kazakhstan are by no means far from me, as are the Yakuts, Tatars, Mordovians, and generally all those with whom we have become friends over hundreds of years. But the Germans from Bavaria and Saxony are infinitely farther than the Bulgarian from the seedy village of Stara Planina, whom I understand without an interpreter. Even in his ridiculous (for a European-educated individual) outfit. Even after his ancestor, against his will, and solely out of ambition, the representative of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha dynasty fought against the former allies and on the side of Germany.
        2. What kind of people in the photo on the link you provided - I do not know. But I know that under Tsar Boris III, in which Bulgaria did not declare war on the USSR, despite all the pressure from Germany, not a single Bulgarian regular army soldier went to the Eastern Front.
        3. Egyptian Copts are Monophysites, not Orthodox.
        4. Regarding physiognomy. If for you the main factor in determining the proximity of a people is the proportion of the face and clothes, well, I am sorry for you. That is how Dr. Mendel, with a caliper and a ruler, sought out the enemies of the Reich ... Maybe you are closer to them ...
      2. +2
        1 December 2016 18: 16
        BruderV you're lying brazenly! The photo is really Bulgarians, but not in the service of the Wehrmacht! This is a photo of the commandos of the Bulgarian elite Parachute Brigade! It was created to operate behind enemy lines and is armed with German, Soviet and Czechoslovakian weapons. The whole team is fighting AGAINST the GERMANS as part of the First Bulgarian Army, which is part of the Third Ukrainian Front on the Subordination of Marshal Tolbukhin! The First BG Army itself, together with two more Bulgarian armies / total about 400 thousand. soldier / fights against Germans in Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary and Austria. 1 BGA is commanded by General Stoychev - a holder of many Soviet awards and a participant in the VICTORY PARADE! How much the Bulgarians are closer in appearance or in some other indicators to the Russians can be judged by the fact that genetically, linguistically, and culture is UNEVERTABLE SLAVIC PEOPLE, while the people who gave us the letters we write now! Here are some photos on the question: The last photo from the participants in the march of the Bulgarian Immortal Regiment! The son wears a photo of his father - a participant in the Second World War, a fighter of the Parachute Regiment!
        1. +2
          1 December 2016 18: 19
          A photo of General Stoychev along with Marshal Tolbukhin taken after the battles near Lake Ballaton in Hungary. In the second photo, Gen. Stoychev marchs along with the military leaders of the 3-Ukrainian front on Krosnaya Square - Victory Parade 24 June 1945!
    3. Mikhail
      10 July 2013 22: 30
      People themselves do not understand what they are writing.
      They swear at little brother how much in vain and forget at the same time to take some food from the best. Nicholas II stood up for the Serbs, as a result of which Russia entered the First World War. And the king brought his cross to the end. He died, but did not drop the honor.
      And the "elite" of our brothers really left much to be desired. But the promotion of this or that person to the state post in the Balkan countries was the result of a behind-the-scenes struggle between Russia, on the one hand, and Germany and Austria, on the other. When they won and promoted their people, Serbia and Bulgaria acted to the detriment of both the interests of their peoples and Russia.
  16. 3 inches.
    10 July 2013 18: 33
    Yes, abusive comments are written mainly by those who haven’t even been there. They remember everything. And they remember the Russians. I often communicate with the Bulgarians and the Serbs. They have trouble with each other as we have with the Ukrainians. When it was one kingdom - Now the most important of them cannot be figured out. And the article is clearly stolen from Turkish newspapers.
    1. 0
      10 July 2013 19: 54
      Quote: 3 inches.
      I don’t think that you act rationally, cursing and resenting the Bulgarians, Serbs, Montenegrins, even the Greeks and Romanians.

      Dear supporters of the Balkan peoples!
      The mentioned peoples have a consumer attitude towards Russia (the Russian Empire, the USSR), and therefore cannot evoke any positive emotions, cooperation with these peoples was not mutually beneficial, but was beneficial only to them, but not to us.
      The second is the role of the Balkans. Earlier, before the development of railways, the Balkans were the "gateway" of Europe, and the Danube River was the main transport artery. In our time, in the days of developed railways, the Balkans have lost their key role, and therefore the scenario of the beginning of the last century will not be repeated, and the "brothers" have nothing to offer Russia in their blackmail.
      1. 3 inches.
        13 July 2013 19: 36
        something I didn’t see consumer otoshoneniya.osobenno from the Serbs. For some reason they did not shout Russian help, they asked the Russian do not throw. These are different things.
    2. seafarer
      11 July 2013 00: 54
      Quote: 3 inches.
      and the article is clearly stolen from Turkish newspapers.

      Academician E.V. Tarle wrote the same thing in 1927 in his work "Europe in the era of imperialism 1871-1919."
      And this article is more like compiling chapter X of this work.
  17. Bixas
    10 July 2013 19: 28
    I had a chance to communicate with both Bulgarians and Serbs, and I have never once felt a negative attitude either to myself or to Russians in general.
  18. Mikhail
    10 July 2013 22: 12
    It is strange that there are so many negative comments on the relationship to Serbs and Bulgarians.
    We are obliged to do for them everything that is within our power, for they are our brothers, both by blood (Slavs) and also by vѣrѣ (Orthodox).
    And do not invent that the Bulgarians are supposedly not Slavs - all this has been refuted by scientific studies. Bulgarians have more than a thousand-year statehood.
    A lot came from the Balkan Slavs to us: culture, Church Slavonic language, priests.
    The trouble is that our Balkan brothers fell into the Turkish yoke.
    Do not condemn the Bulgarians for participation in both world wars against us: during the First World War, the Tsar-nѣmets took heed, and in the Second World War, not a single Bulgarian did not shoot us. Remember how in 1944 our troops met in Bulgaria. So conquerors do not meet.
    1. BruderV
      10 July 2013 22: 49
      Quote: Michael
      And do not invent that the Bulgarians are supposedly not Slavs - all this has been refuted by scientific studies

      And I thought scientific research proved that they are the descendants of the ancient Thracians. Write on the net photos of Bulgarians chtoli, or at least remember Kirkorov, he is still a Slav. But it is probably useless to prove anything to a person who, seeing a photo with Armenian-Azerbaijani faces, claims that these are natural Slavs.
      1. Mikhail
        10 July 2013 22: 55
        Kirkorov has an Armenian father.
        And I’ve seen the Bulgarian, including those in the photographs and in the video.
    2. Xnumx kopeek
      11 July 2013 01: 56
      Quote: Michael
      And do not invent that the Bulgarians are supposedly not Slavs - all this has been refuted by scientific studies. Bulgarians have more than a thousand-year statehood.
      A lot came from the Balkan Slavs to us: culture, Church Slavonic language, priests.
      The trouble is that our Balkan brothers fell into the Turkish yoke.
      Do not condemn the Bulgarians for participation in both world wars against us: during the First World War, the Tsar-nѣmets took heed, and in the Second World War, not a single Bulgarian did not shoot us. Remember how in 1944 our troops met in Bulgaria. So conquerors do not meet.
      -Bulgars are few Slavs. They are of Tibetan origin. / Bolg, the founders of dynasties / as Khan Asparuh / -Kolad / magician, hence the Russian "kalyadi" / -
      their descendant Khan Asparuh .-. The Asparuh clan had 3-4 branches, one settled in the Volga / Bolga /, the other branch settled in the Caucasus / Koberd, hence Kabarda / The donkey and Teresiy / magician lived there, lived on the Terek River / s / - Others reached the Balkans, and mixed with the Celts / Thracians / and s. Slavs .--
      Christ in Russia / pro-Russia / brought the apostle Andrei, / Krim-Tavrida / - and the first missionaries were beaten by the Syrians and other comrades from the East / the first Russian metropolitan was beaten from Syria, one of the Origins of Orthodoxy /-etc
      1. 0
        11 July 2013 11: 37
        For your information, the Bulgarians are the result of the conversion in the Orthodox faith of the Bulgars and Slavs. As a result of the creation of a new nation. Until 681, the Thracians could not exist. The Roman Empire assimilated them time. Evidence that 681 years old Bulgaria was created with the participation of the Thracians only in the minds of some scholars.
        1. Xnumx kopeek
          12 July 2013 05: 52
          Quote: stoqn477
          For your information, the Bulgarians are the result of the conversion in the Orthodox faith of the Bulgars and Slavs. As a result of the creation of a new nation. Until 681, the Thracians could not exist. The Roman Empire assimilated them time. Evidence that 681 years old Bulgaria was created with the participation of the Thracians only in the minds of some scholars.

          I meant the ethnic aspect, not the religion. Ethiopi is also Orthodox.

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