Geopolitics of the USSR and Russia


Since its inception, the Soviet Union pursued an active foreign policy. Sometimes it happened forcedly.

Until the beginning of the Second World War, the USSR was the only state in the world to build socialism. Its economic potential was relatively small. The devastation after the Civil War and foreign military intervention affected.

In this regard, in the system of contradictions of the then world, its role was not decisive. The main players were the colonial empires - Great Britain, France, Italy, a little later - Germany, as well as the USA.

The Western world understood the danger of the emerging socialist example. Therefore, the task of liquidating the first socialist state was one of the most important. However, the limited influence of the USSR in the world at that time and the colossal economic difficulties of the global economic crisis of 30 of the 20 century brought the economic contradictions of that time to the fore. That is why the Second World War was a war for the economic division of the world.

The influence of the USSR on the formation of the global configuration of the world was small. During this period, he solved the problem of survival in a hostile environment, seeking to break through the international blockade.

During the Second World War, the USSR played a key role in defeating the coalition of the Axis countries. On the Soviet-German front, more than 70% of the military power of fascist Germany was destroyed.

The military might of the USSR and the bloc of socialist states created following the results of the Second World War brought our country into the world leaders.

Europe lay in ruins. The United States took up the restoration of its western regions. They became the natural leader of the Western world in the new world configuration.

The USSR restored its economy and helped restore the countries of Eastern Europe that were part of the socialist bloc. He became the leader of the socialist world.

So according to the results of the Second World War, a bipolar world took shape. In fact, it was the confrontation of two superpowers - the USSR and the USA, having comparable military power.

This confrontation determined the world architecture for the entire second half of the 20-th century and continues to affect today, almost a quarter of a century after the fall of the USSR.

Therefore, today it is important to consider the geopolitics of the USSR in the post-war period.

Officially, geopolitics as a science was not recognized in the USSR. Therefore, no geopolitical concepts and provisions in the USSR could not exist.
However, those fundamental positions and attitudes that guided the leaders of the USSR in foreign policy were, by their nature, pure geopolitics.

Therefore, considering the foreign policy of the USSR, we should speak about its geopolitics.

The beginning of the political confrontation of the Soviet and Western blocs was initiated by Churchill’s Fulton speech.

The creation of a military-political bloc of NATO and a few years later the Warsaw Treaty Organization institutionalized the military-political confrontation of the two systems.
The power of the socialist bloc, the attractiveness of socialist ideas for the peoples of the world, including the countries of the Western bloc, led to the ideological ideological contradiction of the time - capitalism against socialism.

In fact, two geopolitical projects came together in the struggle for world domination: the Soviet socialist and the Western capitalist.
The first of them was based on the Marxist-Leninist theory of building socialism and proletarian internationalism.

In the socio-political respect, this project involved the construction of a society of social justice, involving the elimination of conditions for the exploitation of man by man. It was supposed to create an alternative to the Western way of life.

In geopolitical terms - the creation, through support of national liberation and socialist movements, of a system of states of the socialist type, restraining aspirations for world domination of the western countries.

The second was based on a rational monetarist ideology, an aspiration for expansion, the preservation of democratic principles in the inner life.
In the geopolitical sense, this project assumed the containment of the spread of socialist ideas and the gradual degeneration of the countries of the socialist camp with the subsequent establishment of world hegemony of Western civilization.

Radically different and the vision of the essence of man. In the USSR, it is a comprehensively developed personality, with communist convictions and high patriotic feelings for the world's first socialist state, a man-internationalist. The western model was based on an economic person who built his life meaning on gaining material wealth, personal well-being and high status in society.

Thus, the opposing ideological systems were antagonistic in nature. This ruled out the possibility of mutual conversion, interpenetration. Even a partial rejection of the key positions of ideology meant a transition to the camp of the enemy, submission to his leader, rejection of his spiritual and cultural identity.

Accordingly, the confrontation between the Soviet and Western blocs was antagonistic. His resolution was possible only through the destruction of one of them with submission to the winner through the adoption of his ideological system.

This gave rise to the “cold war” that began in 1947 during the Fulton speech of British Prime Minister W. Churchill.

The strategy of the West was to implement the so-called “anaconda loop” aimed at strangling the USSR in the inland space of Eurasia, and also to limit and blockade Soviet influence throughout the world. For this purpose, it was supposed to close the coastal zone of Eurasia (Rimland), which is under US control from Western Europe through the Middle East and Central Asia to the Far East, India, Indochina and Japan (already occupied by the USA).

In turn, the USSR sought to prevent full coverage of its territory by zones of Western influence and control, to ensure the spread of its influence in the world, including areas of other continents.

In this struggle, several stages can be distinguished, significantly differing in features. historical conditions, the state of the opposing parties, their goals, applied methods and strategy of action.

The first of these is characterized by the fact that the confrontation of the parties took place in the conditions of post-war chaos and the generally unsettled system of international relations, when it seemed possible to correct the existing balance of forces, including using radical methods.

The Soviet bloc at this point was a community of Eastern European countries that were part of the Yalta agreements in the Soviet zone of influence and China, led by the USSR.

The Western bloc was significantly more powerful. It included, in addition to European countries that were in the zone of Anglo-American influence, and countries that were in colonial dependence on the leading players of the Western world, primarily Great Britain.

The Soviet Union and all the other countries of the Soviet bloc were badly damaged during the Second World War. The main asset of the USSR remained its Armed Forces and highly efficient military industry. The allies of the USSR during this period could not render him substantial assistance in confrontation with the West.

The Western bloc relied on the power of the United States and partly of Great Britain. The US economy during the Second World War has increased significantly. The losses of Great Britain, in comparison with other countries of Europe, were not great.

The basis of the military power of the Western bloc was the US military.

An important asset of the US was the presence of nuclear weapons, which at that moment did not own any country in the world.

The main strengths of the Western bloc included: significant superiority in economic potential, overwhelming superiority of naval power and strategic aviation.

The main weaknesses were a lower moral potential, a significantly weaker ideological motivation of the population, less combat-ready ground forces in Europe, as well as the remoteness of the main military industry capacities of the Western bloc located in the United States from the likely theater of military operations in Europe.

Among the main strengths of the Soviet bloc, one should note the high level of ideological motivation and patriotism of the population and the Armed Forces of the USSR and China, their high moral potential, a significant superiority in the combat potential of the ground forces, their advantageous strategic location, independence in communication from sea and ocean communications due to the location of all the countries of the block on the Eurasian continent.

The prevailing conditions for the confrontation of these geopolitical blocs determined the objectives of the parties that were similar at that time. Both of these sides sought to rebuild their economies and gain a foothold on the achieved lines.

At the same time, the Soviet bloc sought to maximize the opportunities to expand its influence by supporting the beginning of the development of the national liberation anti-colonial movement.

In turn, the Western bloc tried to use social contradictions, mainly in the states of Eastern Europe, to weaken the Soviet bloc and separate some states from it.

Accordingly, the main geopolitical strategy of this stage on the part of the Western bloc was the expansion and consolidation of Anglo-American influence in the Middle East, Central Asia and Indochina, with destabilization of political regimes in Eastern European countries that were part of the Soviet bloc.

The essence of the geopolitical strategy of the Soviet Union was to repel attempts to destroy the Soviet bloc, to restore economic potential, to minimize the possibility of direct military aggression from NATO, and under favorable conditions, to reduce the pressure of the American “anaconda loop” by local geopolitical counterattacks.

In a military-strategic sense, the United States relied on superiority in nuclear weapons and strategic aviation, and the USSR on superiority in ground power, primarily in armored forces, which in a short time allowed to crush NATO forces and occupy the territory of European countries right up to the shores of the Bay of Biscay .

A specific feature of the geopolitical confrontation at this stage is the wide use of military force by the parties, the leading countries of the blocs - the USSR and China on the one hand, the United States, Great Britain and France - on the other.

This period is characterized by an abundance of minor wars in the Middle East, Indochina and other regions of the world, as well as a series of anti-Soviet demonstrations in some countries of Eastern Europe. The brightest episode of this stage of geopolitical confrontation was the Korean War, where the armed forces of the leading countries of the opposing blocs - the USSR and China against the USA, Great Britain and their allies - came together in direct armed confrontation.

This stage was completed by the end of the fifties of the last century, when the USSR created nuclear potential (nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles) sufficient to deter direct military aggression against the USSR.

In general, it can be stated that at this stage both sides managed to achieve their goals.
The USSR strengthened the Soviet bloc, restored its economic potential, and created conditions that practically excluded the possibility of direct military aggression against it.

The United States and its allies maintained and expanded the zones of control over the geopolitical margin of Eurasia, restoring the economic potential of Europe.
At its core, this was a stage of “geopolitical defense” on both sides.

The onset of the second stage was marked by a wave of the national liberation movement, which led to the collapse of the world colonial system.
For the Soviet Union, it was a stage of “geopolitical offensive”.

In conditions when the threat of mutual nuclear annihilation minimized the possibility of a direct military confrontation between the USSR and the USA, NATO and the Warsaw Pact, the armed confrontation of the units was transferred to the periphery.
At the same time, the military and economic potentials of the parties became comparable.

The direct confrontation between the Western and Soviet blocs was concentrated in the ideological, scientific, technological, moral, psychological and economic spheres, where the special services of the opposing sides began to play a key role.

The Western bloc, realizing the weakness of its ideological base, sought to compensate for this by improving the moral and psychological methods of population management. In particular, the mass introduction of pop culture in Western countries, its export to the countries of the Soviet bloc, has become a hallmark of this period.

The era of information wars.

Among the main strengths of the Western bloc were: achieved superiority in the field of information warfare technologies, control over the sea and oceanic zones of the planet, based on superior naval power.

In addition to the above mentioned among the main weaknesses of this block, it is possible to not ideologically manage the majority of the population due to the need to hide the true goals of their policies, to limit themselves to psycho-emotional tools of influence on social processes.

Among the main strengths of the Soviet bloc, in addition to those previously noted, should be noted the continuing ideological superiority, the possibility in this regard to ideologically influence social processes.

The weakness of the Soviet bloc in the new conditions revealed the underdevelopment of the Soviet Navy. This extremely limited the ability of the USSR to provide military support to its allies in remote areas of the seas and oceans.

The prevailing conditions of opposition to the geopolitical blocs determined their goals.

Continuing the course to further strengthen the Soviet bloc, the USSR set itself the task of cutting the Eurasia-wide zone of Anglo-American domination - cutting the "anaconda loop", gaining access to the world's oceans.
The United States, in turn, set out to prevent this.

At the same time, the USSR was counting on the development and support of the national liberation movement and socialist revolutions.
While the Western bloc focused on the use of information warfare techniques in order to reformat the minds of the population and especially the ruling elite of the Soviet bloc countries.

The main content of the geopolitics of this stage on the part of the Western bloc was the creation of a network of military-political blocs along the perimeter of Eurasia, the prevention of socialist revolutions and taking control of national liberation movements.

The essence of the geopolitical strategy of the Soviet Union was to dissect the system of zones of Western control surrounding continental Eurasia.

The priorities of the geopolitical efforts of the USSR during this period were: the Middle East, Indochinese and South American.

In general, this stage of geopolitical confrontation for the USSR and its allies was successful. The main geopolitical goals were achieved.

The emergence of USSR-friendly regimes in Vietnam, Syria, Libya, Cuba, Nicaragua, and several other countries in the Middle East, Africa, and South America meant the destruction of the integral system of Western control over the coastal zones of Eurasia, the rupture of the American “anaconda loop”.
At the same time, it was during this period that signs of future severe geopolitical defeats appeared.

The loss of an important ally in the face of Maoist China was a hard hit for the USSR and the entire Soviet bloc. This country did not go for integration with the West, but for many years became one of the opponents of the USSR.

The hierarchy of power created in the USSR with the most severe discipline and severe responsibility for managerial mistakes (what was later called “unreasonable repression”) was the key condition for the country's survival in the pre-war, military, and early post-war years.

In the sixties, a key element was removed from this system - the personal responsibility of managers of all ranks for their activities. In combination with the withdrawal of the party and economic leadership from under the control of the special services, this led to the decay of the ruling elites of the socialist countries.

Among the party and economic leaders of the USSR and the countries of the socialist camp, there has been a tendency to form stable clan formations, the predominance of their interests over the state ones in the practice of management. An intensive degradation of the leading strata of Soviet society began, both morally and intellectually.

Having concentrated on solving geopolitical tasks, the leadership of the USSR did not pay enough attention to the development of its society, both spiritually and materially.

The great danger was borne by the underestimation of the information warfare technologies by the Soviet leadership. It did not recognize the information struggle as an independent sphere of interstate rivalry at all, reducing it only to an ideological confrontation in the form of propaganda and counter-propaganda.

The stagnation in the theoretical understanding of the development of real socialism, ill-considered steps in the field of domestic policy led to the emergence of a significant dissident movement. Its representatives considered Western society and capitalism a role model. In fact, they were an internal force hostile to the USSR, a vehicle for Western influence. In society, increased social apathy.
The consequence of these negative processes was a slowdown in the economic development of the countries of the socialist camp, a departure from the key principles of socialism.

Against this background, convergence theories that appeared in the West in the 70s had a tremendous impact on the minds of the Soviet leadership and certain layers of the intelligentsia.

From the end of the 70-s of the 20-th century, the last stage of geopolitics of the USSR began.

Having created a powerful ocean-going fleet that allows it to conduct active geopolitics, relying on military force, the USSR lost the main thing - its ideological superiority over its geopolitical adversary. The attractiveness of socialist ideas as a result of imbalances in the practice of building socialism and stagnation in the development of his theory has dropped significantly.

In socialist countries, the ruling bureaucracy has become a special class that pursues its clan interests to the detriment of the whole people. The significant and highly influential groups that appeared in it, explicitly and implicitly, orienting themselves to Western values, partly connected with Western special services, became powerful agents of Western influence in the USSR and other socialist countries. In an effort to discredit the very socialist idea, under the guise of managerial mistakes, they began to systematically create artificial economic and social problems.

At the same time, an effective struggle against the shadow economy, which in its essence was capitalist and threatened with the restoration of capitalism, was phased out.

The emergence of significant layers of dissatisfied with the prevailing state of affairs in society with the general apathy of the population, created the prerequisites for the restoration of capitalism in the USSR.

Under these conditions, the USSR lost the ability to conduct active geopolitics. The attempt to break through the ring of American zones of influence in the southern direction by supporting a friendly regime in Afghanistan with military force ended in failure.

The Soviet elite of the Gorbachev era, adopting Western ideas of convergence, actually abandoned the socialist path of development and embarked on the path of surrender to the West.

From this point on, Soviet geopolitics actually reduced to a rejection of resistance to the geopolitical offensive of the West.

At first, the influence of the USSR began to weaken in foreign countries — Africa, Latin America, the Far East and Western Europe, where, under the banner of “Eurocommunism,” the reorientation of left-wing and communist parties from the Soviet Union to petty-bourgeois and proper European political realities began. At the same time, the leadership of the USSR is not even trying to oppose these tendencies.

Then it is time to anti-Soviet "revolutions" in the countries of Eastern Europe. ended with the termination of the Warsaw Pact and the elimination of the socialist camp. It was a huge blow to the very near zone of the USSR’s strategic defense.
In 1991, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

The Soviet bloc suffered a complete defeat and disappeared.

A new geopolitics began - the geopolitics of Russia, the successor of the USSR.

The fall of the USSR and the Soviet bloc marked a change in the global configuration from bipolar to unipolar, built according to the Center-periphery scheme.

The center was identified with the victorious Western bloc led by the United States, the periphery is the rest of the world.

The beginning globalization was accompanied by the intensification of regional integration processes at the regional level along a civilization basis. In the geopolitical confrontation, not individual states began to come to the forefront, but their communities formed on the basis of civilizational proximity.

Western civilization, the first to receive full organizational design in the form of NATO and the European Union, having secured global supremacy, began to modernize the world in its own interests. However, this did not suit everyone.

As a result, the global geopolitical confrontation on an ideological basis was replaced by the confrontation of civilizations, with the formation of the confrontation between the Western (Euro-American) civilization, on the one hand, and the Islamic, Orthodox and Confucian (Chinese) civilizations - on the other hand .

First, these world processes were understood by Huntington in his work “The Clash of Civilizations”, where he predicted the inevitability of a collision between Western civilization and the rest.

In addition, a number of the most important factors determining the direction of development of world geopolitics operated (and continue to operate today):

1. Intensive formation of a single world power system in conditions of the dominance in the world of a bloc of countries of Western civilization led by the United States.

2. Intensive growth in the population of the Earth in the face of increasing consumption of Western civilization as the environmental pressure approaches the critical threshold for the entire Earth’s habitat.

3.Global industrial raw material imbalance, consisting in the fact that the largest industrial potential is concentrated in the United States, Europe and Japan, while the main energy and raw materials are concentrated in Russia and the third world countries.

4. Appearance of independent geopolitical subjects of transnational character on the world arena.

Already at the beginning of the 90 of the last century, it was clear to the world's leading analysts that the effect of these factors would give rise to a global crisis, leading to a contradiction between the growth of production and consumption and the available resources necessary for development, the capabilities of the Earth’s ecosystem.

Russia, as a geopolitical subject, is the basis of Eurasia, which geographically, landscape, linguistically, climatically, culturally and religiously and ideologically unites the Eurasian West and the Eurasian East.

The enormous intellectual potential and geographic location of the “Eurasian Center”, as well as its considerable military potential, called into question the durability of the monopolar model without eliminating Russia as a subject of geopolitics.

Therefore, defeating the Soviet bloc and the USSR, the leaders of the Western world set themselves the task of defeating Russia as well.

Under the conditions of domination in the political elite of Russia of that time, outspoken Westerners, compradors, agents of Western influence and simply agents of Western intelligence services who relied on a whole network of American advisers, it was possible to do this without the use of NATO forces following the model of the collapse of the USSR.

The darkest in the history of Russia came the 90 years of the 20 century.

The Russian political elite was under complete American control.

Minor statist forces represented mainly by immigrants from the armed forces and special services of Russia have not played a significant role.

The people are disoriented and disorganized. The surviving and newly created communist, socialist and nationalist parties and movements, despite the mass demonstrations, did not significantly influence the policy of the authorities.

In domestic policy, the Russian government under the slogans of liberalization and democratization, the introduction of market relations and the elimination of monopolism, in fact, carried out the defeat of the country.

Industrial chains collapsed, the most important enterprises of high-tech industry were destroyed by transferring to private hands, the armed forces were reduced and special services were dispersed, the secrets of which were passed on to Western states, the production of weapons and military equipment was curtailed, the development of new types was eliminated, the leading scientific institutions engaged in the most advanced research, a number of leading scientists were simply killed.

The largest enterprises of the oil and gas complex and transport infrastructure were in the hands of domestic compradors and foreign companies.

Under these conditions, Russian geopolitics, conducted under the direct control of American intelligence services, has been reduced to total surrender in all areas.

Outside the post-Soviet space, the Russian leadership refused to support and interact with virtually all traditional allies of the USSR, leaving this space to the United States.

In the post-Soviet space, it pursued a blatantly anti-Russian policy, blocking all integration projects (in particular, the Eurasian integration project of President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev put forward in 1994), while simultaneously supporting anti-Russian regimes in the post-Soviet republics.

Indulged the Russian leadership and separatism on the territory of Russia itself.
However, despite the best efforts of foreign intelligence services and Russian compradors, it was not possible to ruin the country. Although the losses were huge in all areas.

The main reason was hidden resistance at lower levels of the power hierarchy, protests of the population and the activities of a small number of patriotic people in the Russian elite.

The coming to power in V. Putin’s 2000 year marked a new stage in Russian geopolitics. The coming to power of his team, consisting largely of immigrants from the armed forces and special services, led to a significant increase in the influence of patriotic forces in the Russian political elite, while simultaneously weakening the comprador pro-Western forces.

The failure of military campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan, the liberation of South American countries from American hegemony, in particular, related to the brightest Venezuelan politician Hugo Chavez, and the failure of the Arab Spring operation in the Middle East became of great importance for weakening Western, especially American, influence in Russia. and in North Africa. It became clear that the United States and Western Civilization as a whole is far from omnipotent.
Began a gradual departure from the destructive policies of 90's.

It was possible to strengthen the shattered territorial unity of Russia, including with the use of military measures.
The most odious oligarchs were expelled from the political and economic life of the country, their assets were nationalized.
Found some support for integration processes in the post-Soviet space.

The integration structures have earned - the “Eurasian Economic Commonwealth”, the “Collective Security Treaty Organization” and the “Common Economic Space”.

There has been a departure from the subordination of American dictate in the field of global geopolitics.

In fact, Russia began to cautiously return to the principles of Soviet geopolitics, but on a different conceptual and ideological basis.
Russia began to pursue a unified state policy in the field of energy trade, which turned it into an influential energy power capable of influencing economic processes in its neighboring regions of Europe and Asia.

The network of gas and oil pipelines created by a single plan has become the most important instruments of geopolitical influence of Russia.

Russia began to openly condemn the practice of double standards, American hegemony and a unipolar world. Thus, US aggression against Iraq in the 2003 year was severely condemned by Russia.

The restoration of relations with the traditional allies of the USSR and Russia, destroyed in the 90-s of the 20-th century, began. Began an active rapprochement with China.

The largest successful geopolitical projects of Russia in this period were the creation of:
1. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which united the Eurasian space from Belarus to China.

2. The BRICS Bloc is an economic union of Brazil, Russia, China, India and South Africa, which in fact economically cut the American “anaconda loop”, breaking through a serious gap in the system of zones of American influence covering Russia.

3. Eurasian Union, consisting of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus, which, covering more than 85% of the territory of the former USSR, became the prototype for the further political integration of the post-Soviet space.

Regarding the appearance of the future world, the Russian leadership proclaimed its commitment to the idea of ​​multipolarity and cooperation with all forces, in particular with continental Europe interested in opposing American hegemony.

At the same time, the significant influence of the liberal-Westernist forces in the political establishment of Russia that remained in this period made the Russian geopolitics of this period twofold.

Along with steps to revive Russian influence in the world, actions were taken in the opposite direction.
During this period, Russia abandoned its military presence in Cuba and Vietnam, did not prevent military aggression against Libya, refused, under foreign pressure, to supply C-300 air defense systems to Iran.

The tectonic shifts in world geopolitics associated with the shift of the center of gravity of the world economy to the Asia-Pacific region, the loss of Western countries of their dominance in the world economy with the leading position of China, India and Brazil, as well as the developing global crisis generated by Western civilization to overcome the available means implies the inevitability of a serious reorganization of the geopolitical picture of the world, combined with the threat of large-scale military conflicts.

Under these conditions, Western control over Russia is a critical factor for restoring and maintaining Western domination in the world. The coming to power in Russia of the pro-Western leader in the 2012 election of the year was crucial for the United States and its allies.

The election of V.Putin in this election as President of Russia is a heavy defeat for pro-Western forces in Russia, which seriously weakened their influence on Russian geopolitics.

The policy of restoring Russia as a geopolitical center of power will continue.

In its geopolitics, Russia will strive to build a multipolar world.

The priorities of the Russian geopolitics will be the further integration of the post-Soviet space, based on existing integration projects, such as the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Eurasian Union, the expansion of economic and political cooperation within the framework of the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

An important direction of Russian geopolitics will be the reduction of international tension and the prevention of military conflicts in the world, the restoration of an effective system of international security.

The priority vectors of Russian geopolitics will be:
1. Western, focused on the development of equal relations with European countries and the normalization of relations with the United States, in order to prevent slipping into a new "cold war".

2.South, encompassing the Caucasus, the Middle East and North Africa, where Russia will seek to normalize the military-political situation, stop military conflicts, primarily Syrian, to restore mutually beneficial economic and political relations with the friendly countries of the region.

3.South-American, where Russian interests consist in the development of mutually beneficial economic relations with the leading countries of the region.
4.Eastern, the most important today for Russia, where it will seek to further strengthen good-neighborly relations with its great neighbor China, as well as India, Vietnam, both Korean states, as well as normalize relations with Japan.

This will allow, in combination with the restoration of the economic and strengthening of Russia's military potential, to ensure the security of the country and its ongoing development.
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  1. Nevsky
    5 July 2013 16: 03
    The election of V.Putin in this election as President of Russia is a heavy defeat for pro-Western forces in Russia, which seriously weakened their influence on Russian geopolitics.

    All this is good, but I can’t move away from the liquidation of the RAS.

    We definitely turned the tide? crying or are under sweet anesthesia regarding a successful foreign policy?
    1. +3
      5 July 2013 16: 49
      Do not be discouraged, as a rule, Putin is doing well in those matters that personally do, he doesn’t have a good reputation, and Pu understands this, besides, there is little left of the RAS RAS, grandfathers sit there, and money is jerking, it's time to arrange a shake.
      1. +6
        5 July 2013 17: 14
        Quote: Joker
        Do not be discouraged, as a rule, Putin is doing well in those matters that personally do, he doesn’t have a good reputation, and Pu understands this, besides, there is little left of the RAS RAS, grandfathers sit there, and money is jerking, it's time to arrange a shake.

        Well, even though they are grandfathers, they can at least somehow work. It is not clear what will happen after the shake. As always - we hope for the best!
      2. yak69
        5 July 2013 17: 58
        Quote: Joker
        grandfathers are sitting there, but they’re tearing money, it’s high time to make a shake.

        I am always amazed at such statements of people who are absolutely far from these very "grandfathers" and from the situation as a whole !!
        Dear, have you met at least one of these "grandfathers" ?! talked? did you discuss any scientific projects? before you say such words !!
        There is no limit to my indignation at amateurish approaches to global processes! ...
        In 2003-2004, I was entrusted with a group of specialists to develop a project for the construction of a science city on the territory of Dubna with close cooperation with the leadership of JINR (the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) and the mayor of the city. The idea was this: A. Karachinsky, president of the Russian IT company IBS Group, which produces software products for the largest Western companies, had to gather 10 thousand talented programmers from all over Russia and provide them with orders, Dubna provided the territory for building and placing these people in a picturesque place on the banks of the Volga, JINR gave part of its R&D and attracted these specialists to research directly at the institute, in Dubna, besides JINR there are a number of all sorts of serious laboratories ready for cooperation. My task included, among other things, preparing decisions on state financing of this project. Everything was extremely open and transparent! All proposals were prepared and reported to the MOST. In the case of implementation, we received a colossal scientific center and a powerful impetus for development in many areas: nuclear research, software products, microelectronics, nanotechnology, rocket science! I am not talking about the scientific potential that could have formed there! We would build our own silicone valley, giving work to talents in Russia. The project implementation period was 2-3 years, the costs were about 300 million rubles (12 million dollars) at that time, the payback was almost instant. Moreover, the programmers were given housing on a mortgage, with the deduction of part of the amount from the salary.
        We have prepared a meeting with all interested parties, including Putin, to discuss this project. AND WHAT RESULT ?? !!
        As a result, Medvedev's point of view (from the backstage filing of I. Shuvalov) about the construction of Skolkovo won. ALL!!
        All academic scientists, all of us who took part in this work were just in a dumb shock! I just wanted to cry from impotence and indignation! It happened before my eyes, it was painful and insulting. For the country, for themselves, for all who wanted to work for the good of society.
        A bunch of liberal traitors defeated, destroying another chance for Russia's successful development.
        I do not want to list here the names and surnames of academics, various leaders of the federal level who were happy for the cause. I can only say that outstanding scientists, bright minds, and patriots of Russia work in the RAS (maybe not all 100% are like that, but the vast majority are like that). These are people looking far ahead. And to speak scornfully of those who are moving our science and raising a shift for themselves, just rudeness!
        1. yak69
          5 July 2013 18: 36
          There were seven such global projects (in which I took an active part). Each of these projects would take the country to a new stage of development. BUT! And everywhere and everywhere Putin did not take the side of statesmen but traitors-liberalists !! And no one can convince me that Putin is a real traitor to Russia!
          Even under the EBN, the projects of the Alaska-Chukotka-Kolyma-Yakutia-Tyumen highway and “further with all stops”, with a bridge across the Bering Strait, were being worked out. I joined the development team of this project in 1993 (!!!). When the country was derailed by bandits and Chubais, there were those who thought about the development of Russia. For many years, all sorts of fantastic obstacles (only!) Were overcome at the very top.
          In the early 90s, I tried to "break through" direct communication between America and Russia through Chukotka, Kamchatka, Magadan with the opening of customs points and the construction of the appropriate logistics infrastructure on the coast. And each time I ran into concrete resistance at the level of the Kremlin and Government officials of the highest level. The middle link, as a rule, was only FOR.
          I do not talk about many of the smaller regional projects in which I took part.
          I don’t know what Putin and C *’s praisers are guided by, like Esaul, but my language doesn’t turn to praise Putin and his team - I have personally experienced too many vivid and painful examples of his betrayal (because the fate of the country in which I live this, above all, my fate, my children and my grandchildren!). Maybe someone, because of his thick-skinnedness or indifference, does not feel how the current authorities are killing Russia, but personally I feel it very well. I feel and see it every day. Through new appointments, through new orders and tasks that have to be fulfilled, overcoming the increasingly denser idiocy and indifference. Because, for many newly appointed, the main thing is to stay in the chair, reporting on the implementation by any means!
          1. yak69
            5 July 2013 18: 39
            More than 100 billion rubles have already been spent on Skolkovo !!!
            So what?! Where is the return?
            She will be??!!!
            1. +8
              5 July 2013 19: 56
              Quote: yak69
              More than 100 billion rubles have already been spent on Skolkovo !!!
              So what?! Where is the return?
              She will be??!!!

              she is !!!!
              the Forbes list swells from the Russians. And the growth of capital flight also confirms this!
            2. +12
              5 July 2013 20: 37
              It already exists! In the corruption scandals that rocked Skolkovo. Most importantly, everyone slowly released the brakes. This was to be expected - this is the prime minister's favorite brainchild. As for the geopolitics of the USSR, I took part in it to some extent. Serving in the navy, our ship spent some time in Mogadishu (Somalia), then in Aden (Yemen). They helped friends "to preserve what was conquered by the people." the commander of my ship at the beginning of his service, participated in the demining of the Suez Canal, after the war with Israel. Then we were loved and respected. We helped them build housing, brought food, and much more. Instead, we plowed the waters of the Indian Ocean, watching the Americanos, knowing that there was a base nearby where they were waiting for us. The Soviets were friends everywhere, because they brought help with them, built, taught, gave weapons, demanding nothing in return except loyalty. Maybe this, too, was one of the factors that led to the collapse of the USSR. The treasury is not immeasurable. now there is no geopolitics at all, because Russia has no friends either. She surrendered half (Libya, Yugoslavia, and a number of other countries that have become friends with the States), the other half are friends, but on a pragmatic basis. We scamper from side to side, then we are friends with the United States, then enemies, then we are with Europe, then we are not with them, then we have a friend China, then Vietnam, in short, it is not clear who we are with. One thing is clear that Russia is practically alone, and the whole world is looking at it and drooling. Everyone wants free oil and gas.
            3. +6
              5 July 2013 21: 18
              Quote: yak69
              More than 100 billion rubles have already been spent on Skolkovo !!! Where is the return ?! It will be ?? !!!

              Read the list of Magnitsky, she is there. For the cometaries fatty plus! good !
            4. +4
              5 July 2013 23: 37
              More than 100 billion rubles have already been spent on Skolkovo !!!
              So what?! Where is the return?
              She will be??!!!

              Well, everything is everything, do not swear, just everyone I met with from academics, every one of them are fake, and who knows at least something, he sits like that and doesn’t do anything. If I'm sorry for something, I'm sorry, I have no doubt that there are good people, I just did not have a chance to talk with such people.
              1. 0
                6 July 2013 04: 01
                Too bad, OLEG. The real ones are overwritten by mediocrity. Real ones don't stick out. Therefore, they are invisible.
              2. stroporez
                6 July 2013 11: 06
                Quote: Joker
                I just didn’t have a chance to talk to such people.
                ----- in liberoid conditions "good people" are an endangered species .......... recourse
          2. +6
            5 July 2013 19: 53
            Quote: yak69
            And no one can convince me that Putin is a real traitor to Russia!

            but no one doubts that!
            everyone sees that his words and deeds are polar opposite!
            1. +8
              5 July 2013 21: 28
              Quote: kris
              everyone sees that his words and deeds are polar opposite!

              In one interview, Mr. Chubais admitted: (I do not remember verbatim, but the essence is correct) Under the slogan of building a market economy and democracy, we, in fact, created a class of super-rich people (at the expense of impoverishing millions!) Who would never have allowed a return to the Soviet type of government and everything connected with it. This was essentially the only goal.
              Chubais, by the way, and under the current rulers "in chocolate". Can this be considered an indicator?
              Time passed, many started talking about the fact that we are gradually moving away from lawlessness, the collapse of the country, etc. But here is a new statement, and this is practically our day:
              Andrei Fursenko at the annual forum on Seliger said that disadvantage the Soviet education system was an attempt to form a human creator, and now the task is to nurture a qualified consumer who is able to skillfully use the results of the creativity of others.
              So what are we leaving? And where are we going? Does anyone really have doubts that the current government is an organic continuation of the one with which the collapse of the great country began?
          3. tap 250
            5 July 2013 23: 26
            You know, I'm a simple worker. I myself am from a closed city. I have to travel a lot around the region. And what I see does not suit me. Agriculture today, if not dead, is in great agony. I live and work in this city myself). Practically the entire Sverdlovsk region does not just live in poverty. Enterprises are actively developing that extract and process metal and produce drilling rigs to the north. There are a lot of stupid aggressive "churobas". This is not a state policy, clan. As it happens under Putin, I am against such a ruler.
            1. bbp
              6 July 2013 09: 15
              At this particular moment, who do you see as ruler? Putin is not God, he is like in the Leningrad blockade. Around one crooks and traitors, but he resists and tries to create a team of like-minded people to break the blockade. He needs to be supported. And we have enough critics, we have to work. And we have not yet said: "everyone imagines himself a hero seeing the battle from the sides."
              1. yak69
                6 July 2013 19: 43
                Quote: shbp
                Around there is one crook and traitors, but he resists and tries to create a team of like-minded people to break the blockade.

                laughing laughing laughing
                A team of like-minded Putin: Medvedev, Chubais, Kudrin, the hunger, Zurab, Fursenko, Lebanon, Skvortsov, Gref, Dvorkovich, Serdyukov, Golikov, etc.
                Quote: shbp
                It must be supported.

                That's why we live like that - people don’t even want to work hard and carefully sort out the person for whom they vote. But it’s so simple - there are beautiful words and there are real things and their results.
        2. VDV 80-82
          5 July 2013 18: 43
          Well, maybe there were two competing projects ... yours and in Skolkovo ... won for some reason Skolkovo. maybe there were no covert games then?
          1. yak69
            5 July 2013 18: 57
            Quote: VDV 80-82
            maybe there were no covert games then?

            What can I say to this so as not to offend your vanity ... winked

            One must be either an idiot or a pest, so that between Loss and Loss, choose Loss.
          2. +2
            6 July 2013 00: 56
            Well, maybe there were two competing projects ... yours and in Skolkovo ... won for some reason Skolkovo. maybe there were no covert games then? Do you yourself believe that? The case of the Academy of Sciences is the last straw in the debunking of the myth, and Putin's savior. He and his team, they are not just thieves, but in the first place traitors who have a place near the wall.
            1. 0
              6 July 2013 01: 51
              Quote: Mihae09
              Well, maybe there were two competing projects ... yours and in Skolkovo ... won for some reason Skolkovo.

              Creation of the Dubna project 2005.
              Skolkovo, 2010 what are the competing projects?
        3. +4
          5 July 2013 19: 24
          to speak scornfully of those who are moving our science and raising a shift for themselves, just rudeness!

          good I completely agree with you, colleague!
        4. +8
          5 July 2013 19: 26
          Quote: yak69
          There is no limit to my indignation at amateurish approaches to global processes! ...

          You know, after your comment, I think that it’s just the conversation of amateurs who is in trouble. Thank you for wiping the pink glasses (once again) in relation to DAM and Pu. Now is not 37 years old, therefore, under this slogan, open sabotage begins. The feeling that the Yeltsin era is returning. Very unpleasant sensation. But looking at education, medetsina, the army, and now Roscosmos and the Russian Academy of Sciences begin to understand that they began to finish off what was left after Yeltsin.
        5. 0
          5 July 2013 23: 20
          IBS Group, has been active in Dubna since 2010, when a new office center and new housing for specialists were built.
        6. +2
          5 July 2013 23: 40
          The project you are writing about has earned quite successfully since 2005. Active construction of new centers and housing began in 2007. To date, more than 70 resident companies have been registered. The IBS Group office was opened in 2010, with a staff of several hundred people. A scientific center has been built, something related to bioengineering, is now preparing to launch the production of medical equipment for their development. A school for the training of scientific personnel on the basis of JINR, in nuclear physics, has been opened. In total, about 100 objects were built, not including housing.
          And the investment was not 12 million bucks, but hundreds.

          I live nearby, so there’s no need to cheat.
          For reference; From 2005 to the present day, the construction of the “Special Economic Zone” is underway in Dubna - one of the largest large-scale projects for the consolidation of enterprises engaged in high-tech types of production and information technology. At the moment, 73 resident companies have already been registered in the territory of the SEZ, of which 31 specializes in information technology, 30 in nuclear physics and nanotechnology and bio and medical technologies, 12 in the design of complex technical systems.
          1. yak69
            6 July 2013 00: 11
            Quote: Russ69
            I live nearby, so there’s no need to cheat.

            I will answer especially for you, dear. When we were working on this project, the idea was to make a powerful leap and not stretch everything for an infinite time. Why? Yes, because when there is a serious national preparation and comprehensive attention, then less money is spent, more payback and MUCH less theft. Do you know such a thing as the enthusiasm of young people? So, what we were preparing was supposed to attract the attention of the whole country, all young people! And this is a completely different level of the project in general. In such a construction and scientific cauldron, breakthroughs for decades to come are created. It was a way to captivate young people, to show them that there is a different life and other goals (and not just parties and "take everything from life"!). According to our plan, this construction was supposed to be, if you like, a Komsomol-youth, or something. We wanted to unite the spiritual impulses of generations. Do you even understand that besides what you see on the surface, there are also subtle processes ?! Are there also very subtle ones? They are the force that shapes the spirit of the people, nation and state.
            And if your horizons are not enough to fully embrace the ongoing and complex interconnected processes, then you better be careful in your assessments and words.

            You, dear, even in close approximation did not understand what scale and what planned results were discussed. What is happening now is also good, but it has not become a locomotive and a beacon for the whole country.
            We started in 2003 and planned to finish check-in in 2006 !!! 10 families! Do you even understand what it means to populate 000 families (to build housing for them) in two years ?! And what kind of quality returns when so many talented specialists are concentrated in one place ?! Space is torn to pieces! Such energy gives rise to the most brilliant breakthroughs of human thought! That's what it is about!
            And you all about strawberries in your garden and mushrooms in the garden .....
            1. yak69
              6 July 2013 00: 47
              And one more thing about the "Special Economic Zone". Why is she special? Yes, because then it was about radical tax breaks for those companies that agreed to participate in this project. And you can't even imagine what kind of pressure we all experienced to prevent all traders of burned vodka and cigarettes from getting into this SEZ! And in Skolkovo there are such indulgences, but you don't know about them. And the overwhelming majority of citizens do not know about it either. And the head of state took the side of those whom we, with our adherence to principles, interfered with. By and large, we are talking about the betrayal of state interests by the higher authorities. No more no less.

              And I highlighted (very incompletely) just one of the failed global projects!
              1. +3
                6 July 2013 04: 00
                Quote: yak69

                I do not want to list here the names and surnames of academics, various leaders of the federal level who were happy for the cause. I can only say that outstanding scientists, bright minds, and patriots of Russia work at the RAS

                Strongly and in business it is said, George!
                Comment +++++
              2. +5
                6 July 2013 06: 51
                Quote: yak69
                And I highlighted (very incompletely) just one of the failed global projects!

                you can add another statement by Poo about Snowden. Can you imagine the United States saying that it will not shelter a "dissident" if he does harm to Russia ?! Yes, here in general in black and white. And "big", "thoughtful", "thin", as some believe, there is no politics here. It looks like an open betrayal of the times of EBN. I notice for myself (which I really dislike and unpleasant myself) that I am beginning to transform from an ardent supporter of Putin V.V. into his not a supporter. And this is when unity and solidarity are tender among the people in the country.
            2. +1
              6 July 2013 00: 51
              Quote: yak69
              You, dear, even in close approximation did not understand what scale and what planned results were discussed. What is happening now is also good, but it did not become a locomotive and a beacon for the whole country. We started in 2003 and planned to finish the check-in in 2006 !!! 10 families! Do you even understand what it means to populate 000 families (to build housing for them) in two years ?! And what kind of quality returns when so many talented specialists are concentrated in one place ?! Space is torn to pieces! Such energy gives rise to the most brilliant breakthroughs of human thought! That's what it is about!

              Or maybe it’s worth, for a start, to evaluate the strength. To build housing for 10.000 thousand is already not an easy task in 2 years. Especially in Dubna. Moreover, you should have known that the main construction outside the city in a clean field. In addition, these 10.000 had to be provided with jobs, and this again was construction, equipment, etc. And as you wanted to keep within 12 million. For this money you wanted to build barracks for specialists. smile
              You, however, wrote that the project was turned in favor of Skolkovo (the decision on the creation of which was made in 2010 by Medvedev), although the decree on the creation of the zone was signed in 2005 by Putin at JINR. Then it was widely reported on local TV. The construction began practically in the open field, in 2007, as the project was being prepared, communications and other preparations began to be laid. Which also takes some time and you should know that.
              I apologize, but in your soul the separating opus, there are too many docks.
              Quote: yak69
              And you all about strawberries in your garden and mushrooms in the garden .....

              No need to hang labels on others ... especially since you are positioning yourself as an educated person.
              I built the house myself, although it took almost 5 years and yes, I prefer my strawberries from the garden good , but not Turkish from the hypermarket. What else and I wish you.
              1. yak69
                6 July 2013 17: 57
                Quote: Russ69
                To build housing for 10.000 thousand is already not an easy task in 2 years. Especially in Dubna

                First. It was not dreamers who worked on the project, but specialists with vast practical experience behind them. During my life, I have built several capital settlements (from 6 to 15 thousand families) for periods of 4 to 8 months. All after large-scale natural or man-made disasters. And before voicing the "on top" terms, we thought twenty times!
                Quote: Russ69
                And as you wanted to keep within 12 million. You for this money wanted to build barracks or something.

                The second one. There are many ways to finance the construction and your ridicule is completely inappropriate here.
                Quote: Russ69
                "Skolkovo" (the decision on the creation of which was made in 2010 by Medvedev), although the decree on the creation of the zone was signed in 2005 by Putin ... Construction began practically in the open field, in 2007,

                Third. There are decision-making stages: Proposals, Development, Decision. Then the Elaboration and Preparation of Solutions was carried out. The timing of the official approval may not coincide with the timing of their study (this is even a no brainer!). In 2002, I selected sites for the construction of Olympic facilities in Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory (although the general public was not yet aware of the Sochi 2014 Olympics).
                Quote: Russ69
                in your soul dividing opus, too many are not docking.

                The leaders of the state and the people preparing their decisions are obliged to look far ahead, at 30-50-70 years. I know the state projects about which will be widely discussed in 5-10 years, many of them are not at all secret, just a planned study is underway (only now, I'm afraid, the traitor liberals will win again with their "proposals").
                Quote: Russ69
                No need to hang on other labels ...

                Fourth. During my work in extreme conditions I learned to speak briefly and to the point, regardless of ranks and ranks. And now I’m not putting labels, but simply stating a fact - the narrowness of your horizons, superficial thinking and not knowing the essence of the problem that you undertake to discuss, looking from your garden.

                I did not learn curtsies and knicksen, but I also categorically do not accept rudeness.
                And least of all in my life I think about my "positioning" and about "what others will say about it", I just say the truth or keep quiet. I beg your pardon for the harshness, but the truth is, it is never sweet.
                1. yak69
                  6 July 2013 18: 17
                  I haven’t mentioned yet that, on the basis of this project, we planned to develop the technology for creating a science city and apply it in the construction of another 8 (!!) similar SEZs: in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East.
                  And you say "my kalubnik is the envy of my neighbors!" smile
                2. +1
                  6 July 2013 21: 39
                  First. It was not dreamers who worked on the project, but specialists with vast practical experience behind them. During my life, I have built several capital settlements (from 6 to 15 thousand families) for periods of 4 to 8 months. All after large-scale natural or man-made disasters. And before voicing the "on top" terms, we thought twenty times!

                  Relocating people after a disaster and relocating with the provision of highly qualified work is not the same thing.

                  The second one. There are many ways to finance the construction and your ridicule is completely inappropriate here.

                  So the amount was not planned 12 million? Or as in a joke; "Oh, I didn't even notice the elephant" smile In your case, a billion or two, but it’s such a trifle, why talk about them. So they would write, the real cost of the project, and an incomprehensible 12 million, for which at that time it was possible to build perhaps only one house.
                  Third. There are decision-making stages: Proposals, Development, Decision. Then the Elaboration and Preparation of Solutions was carried out. The timing of the official approval may not coincide with the timing of their study (this is even a no brainer!). In 2002, I selected sites for the construction of Olympic facilities in Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory (although the general public was not yet aware of the Sochi 2014 Olympics).

                  The decree on the creation of a "Special Economic Zone" was nevertheless signed in 2005. You said again that Skolkovo was chosen.
                  Is not everything you said is a distortion of the facts?
                  That's the way, and the zone.

                  There is a website for the SEZ Dubna, then they would write what was done, what was not. In this case, it would be true, and not what you painted at the beginning.

                  You undertake to reason, looking from your garden.

                  I did not learn curtsies and knicksen, but I also categorically do not accept rudeness.

                  I do not accept, but I continue ... wink
                  Yes, I'm not touchy, do not worry ... hi
                  1. yak69
                    6 July 2013 22: 38
                    Quote: Russ69
                    The decree on the creation of a "Special Economic Zone" was nevertheless signed in 2005. You said again that Skolkovo was chosen.

                    The work on the creation of the SEZ was carried out in parallel, and its initiators were the authorities of the city and the institute, since JINR is an international center. Whether there was a planned science city or not, the SEZ did not touch it. Another question is that it was planned to tie the benefits of the special status to the Russian "Silicon Valley", so that it would be easier and faster for the enterprise to rise.
                    Further. In 2003-2004 the price of sq.m. housing ON THE MARKET was at the level of $ 500-700. I emphasize on the market 500-700. The real cost of this sq.m. for the owner of the construction site 200-300 !!! And this is a separate topic for a big conversation about the REAL prices of a square meter, the bandits' profits from construction (because I cannot name these scammers with the noble word "builder"!), About who, how and why led the policy of artificially inflating housing prices (at the state level, this is a deliberate policy of the supreme power!) What schemes are used to divert real profits from taxation and who exactly is behind this, I repeat THIS IS A SEPARATE and DEEP TOPIC.
                    To describe the whole financing scheme means spending a lot of time, but I don’t have it - I also need to think about other things. So here. Simplified: financing involved the involvement of AHML (if you wish, go to their website and familiarize yourself with their working principle). We attracted up to 15 million dollars. and started housing construction. The city and the region built infrastructure, 2 bridges - the federal budget.
                    1. yak69
                      6 July 2013 23: 15
                      The workplace of the programmer was planned at his place of residence. Otherwise, it was assumed that further necessary cult and social facilities should be built from the profit of the science city. A. Karachinsky provided the work of these programmers from the very beginning, even before they moved to a new place of residence. Read what IBS Group does and how you will understand that this is more than possible. So we consider: 10 thousand families = 30 thousand hours (average), rate per person = 18 sq.m. = 54 sq.m. one apartment, 10 thousand square meters 54 sq.m. = 540 thousand sq.m. + infrastructure facilities and reaction = 1 million sq. m. 200 dollars per sq.m. = 200 million dollars. THE WHOLE PROJECT as a whole. 200 ppm we multiply by 26 rubles = 5 billion 200 million rubles.
                      Our 12 million dollars. these are the first 1100 apartments. Build was supposed to stream method. A zero cycle was made for the first 2 thousand square meters. according to the ACT of the Constitutional Court, a cycle was recorded and money from AHML was received for it. Next, the next 2 thousand zero cycles, and in the first at that time they put boxes under the roof. ACT works, get the next tranche under them, etc. What is pledged in AHML immediately takes the form of a security and is sold on the free market at interest. And this is the most reliable type of securities, as it is fully secured sq.m. That is, having put into circulation 12-15 million dollars. you build the whole village on them.
                      The return started on the first day - orders for software products are inexhaustible. Having hired the first 1000 programmers, the company immediately receives money for the work, pays a wage, deducts a part for the mortgage. Not to mention the solution of the long-standing transport problem of Dubna and transit to the neighboring region - it was planned to make bridges and some roads paid (for a quick payback on the project). One is the reconstruction of the dam and the road on it. Second, this is a new construction across the Volga. There, there were many comers among private investors. Indeed, in addition to the science city, there was planned a recreation area with a golf club, a stud farm, a yacht club. Understand, this was a large-scale project, which pulled a lot of components: the construction industry, the construction materials industry, I’m generally silent about science!
                      1. yak69
                        6 July 2013 23: 28
                        And instead of this "Skolkovo" !!!
                        How much does Skolkovo cost and what does it give ?! And this unfinished brainchild of iPhone began in 2010, not in 2004! Why do you know ?! Because even Kudrin (!!) resisted this project! Most of all I wanted an iPhone and its adherents (Dvorkovich, Shuvalov, etc.). There is also something to cut and who to cut there to cut. And you can't do that in Dubna - the city authorities are patriots, the scientific community and our team of like-minded people. Everything, normal, adequate people, and it will not work to cut.
                      2. 0
                        7 July 2013 01: 03
                        I, as it were, got into the discussion, not because you are lying, but because the first comment gives the impression of something completely different than it really is.
                        By the way, the cost price of a meter of 200 bucks is too optimistic for 2005. Moreover, the housing for specialists that was built had a full finish and part of the furniture.
                        Here, the fact that the bridge was planned and again not built, it’s bad of course. Already tired, standing on the dam in the traffic jam sad Although they say about the bridge as much as I can remember, but for now, alas ....
                        And instead of this "Skolkovo" !!!

                        I, as it were, would not be defending Skolkovo.
                        IBS Group in Dubna still works. So the project is more likely alive than dead ...
            3. +3
              6 July 2013 06: 54
              Quote: yak69
              I don’t know what Putin and C *’s praisers are guided by, like Esaul, but my tongue doesn’t turn to praise Putin and his team - I have personally experienced too many vivid and painful examples of his betrayal

              I think that in another half a year, the global sobriety of the people will begin. I convinced myself to the last (and in fact was engaged in self-deception) that Pu is a peregrine falcon of the people. There are two options, or I was wrong (but the fact that Russia began to get out of the abyss after the 90s says that there was Putin), and the fact that the current Pu is not the Putin who was. After all, there were cases of substitution of rulers in Russia as well. Recently, this is Yeltsin's "miraculous recovery" after such a complex "operation", after which even a young organism leaves for a long time, not like the body of a dead drunk. From this, the thought arises why they began to feed the army so well ?! Afraid of a script in Egypt ?!
        7. +2
          6 July 2013 03: 53
          Reformed itching. About RAS it is necessary to solve in the RAS. Amateurs away.
      3. +5
        5 July 2013 18: 23
        [quote = Joker] as a rule, in those things that Putin personally intervenes are doing well.
        WTO - everything is fine, no one can stop the expansion of our products. Domestic manufacturers, out of compassion for their foreign colleagues, constrain the production and supply of products. The people of Russia have gone astray in search of foreign products with GMOs.
      4. +1
        5 July 2013 18: 32
        I agree, Oleg. But do not chop off the shoulder. Think think
      5. AdAAkRuSS
        5 July 2013 19: 04
        Quote: Joker
        Do not be discouraged, as a rule, Putin is doing well in those matters that personally do, he doesn’t have a good reputation, and Pu understands this, besides, there is little left of the RAS RAS, grandfathers sit there, and money is jerking, it's time to arrange a shake.
        I envy you, you so firmly believe in Putin, but to my great regret, I see a different situation in our state, if you are not too lazy to read the article: http: http: //
    2. Troitsky
      5 July 2013 17: 55
      Perhaps I will reassure you :)
      President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Fortov announced the abolition of the liquidation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, according to online media.
      According to him, the parties made this decision during a meeting of scientists and deputies with State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin.

      “The Russian Academy of Sciences with its old well-deserved history is not being liquidated; management remains the same. The rule on the separation of the “club of scientists” and “research institutes” is excluded, ”Fortov said.
      1. +4
        5 July 2013 19: 02
        Quote: Trinity
        Perhaps I will reassure you :)

        I'm afraid it's too early to calm down. Obviously, there is a solution to "rip apart" the RAS
        and sanctioned from above. It was not possible to do it "on the sly", secretly, too
        a great resonance was obtained (the demarche of the Communist Party faction in the Duma, the press, etc.).
        None of the "reformers" obviously expected this. Now they will wait a little so that
        the noise has subsided, and in the fall with a silent glade, they will descend from the mountain ...
    3. 0
      5 July 2013 18: 29
      Stas, continue REFORMS.
    4. +2
      5 July 2013 20: 30
      hi Colleagues, highly recommend
      - Rogozin’s presentation of the military-industrial conference “Being strong: guarantees of national security for Russia”, just in topic Yes ...
    5. -1
      6 July 2013 09: 07
      [quote = Nevsky] [quote] The election of V. Putin in this election as President of Russia is a severe defeat for pro-Western forces in Russia, seriously weakening their influence on Russian geopolitics. [/ quote]

      All this is good, but I can’t move away from the liquidation of the RAS.

  2. +4
    5 July 2013 16: 04
    Under these conditions, Western control over Russia is a critical factor for restoring and maintaining Western domination in the world. The coming to power in Russia of the pro-Western leader in the 2012 election of the year was crucial for the United States and its allies.
    The election of V.Putin in this election as President of Russia is a heavy defeat for pro-Western forces in Russia, which seriously weakened their influence on Russian geopolitics.
    , but a lot of things are not growing together among them ... they got bogged down in Syria, could not oppose something to the South Stream, rearmament of Russia, not the ability to stop the integration of the EAC, but a whole series of adopted bills ... washing away their soil. The main thing that they do not understand and do not want to understand yet - we already think differently and talk about it...
    1. fisherman
      5 July 2013 18: 08
      do not want to understand yet - we already think differently

      it’s good, the new Soviet Union should be built in a quiet, as inconspicuous as possible :)
      1. VDV 80-82
        5 July 2013 18: 48
        enough of us all Unions ... you need to build ... or rather to recreate the GREAT RUSSIAN EMPIRE !!! and not all faceless RF and USSR
        1. Mikhail
          6 July 2013 17: 47
          Correctly. Russia should be called Russia.
          It was no accident that Lenin called Stalin a great-power chauvinist when he wanted to leave the name of Russia on the political map of the world.
  3. 0
    5 July 2013 16: 13
    "as well as the normalization of relations with Japan."
    Oh, I can’t believe it, something like that)))
  4. MG42
    5 July 2013 16: 22
    Outside the post-Soviet space, the Russian leadership refused to support and interact with virtually all traditional allies of the USSR, leaving this space to the United States.

    Under EBN, virtually all influence was lost on the former allies ..
    What to compare the geopolitics of Russia and the USSR, under the USSR, the world was bipolar, the USSR and the USA = plus and minus, now the world is unipolar, although Russia and China are certainly gaining influence ..
  5. +1
    5 July 2013 16: 26
    I did not find Ukraine in the article. In the list of priorities, it should be in the first place. Without it, any world is dull and unipolar.
    1. +4
      5 July 2013 16: 36
      I did not find Ukraine in the article. In the list of priorities, it should be in the first place.

      I completely agree - Ukraine and Belarus are the main vectors of geopolitics for Russia, without them Russia is "Polurossia".
        5 July 2013 20: 14
    2. +5
      5 July 2013 16: 44
      And Ukraine, we are like a bride, which you can’t drag by force at the crown ...
    3. +11
      5 July 2013 16: 59
      Ukraine as a whole country is sitting in wait and waiting for how all this geopolitics will end !!! :))) Do not rely especially on Ukraine as our elite will not let anyone into their garden - this will show the muzzle, the hand will shake and then vice versa !!! :))) In hohlov it’s in the blood - you can’t outwit the whole world, but you need to strive for this :)))

      In general, historically, Ukraine has never played any important roles in the history of Europe - invaders always trampled this land - either from the East, then from the West or from the South ... Only the invaders from overseas trample it now !!!
      1. +3
        5 July 2013 17: 13
        Quote: Selevc
        In general, historically, Ukraine has never played any important roles in the history of Europe - invaders always trampled this land - either from the East, then from the West or from the South ... Only the invaders from overseas trample it now !!!

        But agree between all these conquerors there is a big difference. Someone just needs to substitute Ukraine. Someone was burning on your land (I remembered how the Germans divided Ukraine into the Bauernhof (German farm) in the 41st). Russia has always tried to make you allies
        1. +7
          5 July 2013 17: 22
          And America just controls our Central Bank by the way and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation too - they don’t need anything else !!! This is the modern occupation - when mechanisms of pumping finance and other resources from it are built into the structure of the state ...
        2. +5
          5 July 2013 19: 24
          Quote: il grand casino
          Russia has always tried to make you allies

          And to me, being naive, it seemed that Little Russia has always been a part of Russia, and the division into republics after the revolution and the civil war is a tribute to the representatives of not so much national as territorial party leaders. One of the mistakes of the Lenin government, which was a time bomb. The weak point on which our "friends" struck throughout the entire existence of the Soviet Union.
      2. +3
        5 July 2013 17: 15
        Quote: Selevc
        historically, Ukraine has never played any important roles in the history of Europe - invaders always trampled this land - either from the East, then from the West or from the South ... They are trampling it and now only conquerors from across the ocean !!!

        We will be together, they will not dare to stomp! The choice is Ukraine, or rather, the Ukrainian people!
        1. +2
          5 July 2013 17: 47
          Quote: omsbon
          let's go together, they will not dare to stomp! The choice is Ukraine, or rather, the Ukrainian people!

          The last 20 years, little depends on the Ukrainian people - everything that has been done seriously in Ukraine for the past 20 years has been directed against the majority under the guise of beautiful words about Democracy and general prosperity !!! :))))))))
          1. +1
            5 July 2013 21: 40
            hi In order to understand what kind of mentality they want to "instill" in a modern citizen of Ukraine and his attitude towards Gay.rope, it is enough to watch an advertising video for beer "Zibert". When a group of Ukrainians at three o'clock in the morning (!), In fact, breaks open the doors to the apartment of a German drunk and demands from him to teach them how to drink beer! What kind of independence and intellectuality of the nation, and even more important role in the history of Europe, can we talk about? If for all the centuries since the times of Kievan Rus and modern independence, Ukrainians have not learned to simply DRINK beer, and even in this they need the "guiding hand" of Europe ?!
        2. fisherman
          5 July 2013 18: 12
          The choice is Ukraine, or rather, the Ukrainian people!

          in this case (Ukrainian people) the bipolar world has already revived :)
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. Mikhail
        6 July 2013 17: 51
        All enemies tried to conquer Little Russia, for they knew that tearing it off from Great Russia was a guarantee of the glorification of all of Russia.
        Brzezinskiy said this very well in "The Great Chessboard".
        So the role of Little Russia in Russian World is not just important, it is huge.
  6. 0
    5 July 2013 16: 43
    The most important and necessary task in geopolitics, DO NOT PLAY! For Russia, this is the most important thing!
  7. +2
    5 July 2013 16: 45
    Russia first has to put itself in the world politically and economically, and the rest pull themselves in. It has always been so for our history .. I think we will succeed (we have no easy way out)
  8. 0
    5 July 2013 17: 26
    Still liberoid dominance in the Government to remove. And then we can say that we will grow.
    1. +1
      5 July 2013 18: 19
      Who will remove it from the EBN’s reign monument? At the moment, the number of liberals has successfully increased by appointing Ulyukaev this pi (yes) 1 (ra) faithful follower of Gaidar’s affairs.
    2. +3
      5 July 2013 18: 27
      Quote: JIaIIoTb
      Still liberoid dominance in the Government to remove. And then we can say that we will grow.

      What, or who's stopping?
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +1
    5 July 2013 17: 48
    This gave rise to the “cold war” that began in 1947 during the Fulton speech of British Prime Minister W. Churchill.

    Churchill read the speech at Fulton on March 5, 1946.
    & id = 1141430298 & archive = & start_from = & ucat = 7 &
  11. +2
    5 July 2013 18: 23
    Quote: Joker
    Cheer up, as a rule, in those things that Putin personally intervenes are doing well,

    Well, of course, the drinking of young people, the destruction of the country, and so on will continue. I see if you are either Putin’s hawks, or you still live in pink glasses.
    1. +5
      5 July 2013 18: 35
      I’m watching Putin’s hawks here they’ve organized a specific chicken coop. And as they shouted half a year ago if they don’t put a mustache on us, we will be disappointed in our master. But time and Mr. Ernst are doing their dirty deed.
    2. +4
      5 July 2013 19: 48
      Quote: selbrat
      Putin's hawks

      What hawks? Cranes.
  12. georg737577
    5 July 2013 18: 38
    Quote: Joker
    those things that Putin personally does well

    ... It's time to put Putin in every Russian space carrier before launch; you really look
    will fly ...
  13. +6
    5 July 2013 18: 48
    Russia does not have geopolitics at the moment. Empty bloating of the cheeks about the vehicle, the Eurasian Economic Community and other OKKB, briks and shos. Of course, there are opportunities to pursue politics, but the authorities have no abilities, and there is no desire either. It is enough to look at the accepted foreign policy doctrine, where Russia’s place is defined as a good neighbor that suits everyone, and it is planned to defend the national interests solely through negotiations, on the basis of international law. But this does not happen. Either the country is the subject of politics and works with its elbows, or the object and adapts to others. By all the decisive parameters, Russia, unfortunately, continues to be an object.
    1. +2
      6 July 2013 00: 23
      Quote: Karabin
      Empty bloating of the cheeks about the vehicle, the Eurasian Economic Community and other OKKB, briks and shos.

      I absolutely agree with you. Everything is proved by a simple example. In Kyrgyzstan, when the trouble started, the CSTO did not even scratch it. (They say we can’t, then this) It’s interesting why they created it then.
      1. +1
        6 July 2013 00: 47
        And what a mess we had for the CSTO? Have I overslept?
        1. 0
          6 July 2013 13: 18
          And the next revolution, they themselves asked the troops to enter. They refused. Yes, and in South Ossetia, if anything, there would have been nothing. Don’t gather there several thousand local at the headquarters of our army. Well, they hinted, either trample or the Caucasus will be lost forever. Trust at least. Information from me, my father’s friend’s son is working in the FSB, he was present there. But now the hero is in GDP, and Medved with him supposedly stopped the war. If it weren’t for the crowd, they would have chased me again. Of course, so that we would be strong and twirl everyone on something. But until this is foreseen. The power is the same as under Boris, only the sign has changed. And a couple of handouts have been thrown to the people to shut up. I imagine the minuses now.
  14. 0
    5 July 2013 18: 52
    Yes, calm down you !!! It's not about Putin or Stalin Gorbachev, etc. Personalities are all coming and going .. It’s just that Russia is going its own difficult way .. And everyone who stands in our way will dare to f ... hair dryer ..
  15. +4
    5 July 2013 19: 10
    "... despite the fact that America still has a unique super-power, it is increasingly difficult for it to cope with increasingly accelerating global changes that are out of control at both the socio-economic and geopolitical levels. In the socio-economic terms, the world is becoming a single playing field dominated by three dynamic facts: globalization, internetization, deregulation. " Zbigniew Brzezinski.
    Russia should use the "dynamic facts" generated by the USA. First:
    - to tighten state control over the media, the banking system (up to nationalization), justice, the economy - including the revision of "privatization";
    -do EVERYTHING for social, class, national (Russian people are quite divided) population consolidation.
    ALTERNATIVES There is no course of Eurasian unity. Therefore, NEEDING rapprochement with the countries least dependent on the WEST (China, India, Belarus ...).
    All this will lead to geopolitical consolidation in Eurasia (for now) and will strike at “western” stability. Russia will become strong / great (there is no alternative!) And people will be drawn to it.
    It is BETTER to live in a free power of CONTROLLED right than in a raw materials appendage of VIRTUAL freedoms.
    1. +3
      5 July 2013 20: 15
      Quote: knn54
      It is BETTER to live in a free power of CONTROLLED right than in a raw materials appendage of VIRTUAL freedoms.

      Great quote. A plus.
  16. prophetic
    5 July 2013 20: 13
    eh, don’t talk about it .. we should shout this country, too many traitors have divorced
  17. +4
    5 July 2013 20: 54
    In Soviet times, I don’t remember such a word, geopolitics, we had the subject of political economy, our teacher precisely calculated how much of the then 386 billion US (military) budget is spent on every Soviet person (like to destroy us).
  18. 0
    5 July 2013 22: 01
    We shuffle from side to side, then we are friends with the USA, now we are enemies, then we are with Europe, then we are not with them, then we have a friend, China, then Vietnam, in short it’s not clear who we are with.
    Write correctly, and remember the rumors and talk about joining NATO that did not come true under Yeltsin ... But because we are not there, not at all ... we are still weak ... As soon as we take sides ... weak we’ll find ourselves a link due to many reasons and contradictions In general, reading your message is interesting ... everything is clear and deep, as it took a soul ... Definitely +
  19. +1
    5 July 2013 22: 03
    We have nothing to catch in puppet Europe. I believe that we need to be friends primarily with our fraternal states: Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
  20. +2
    5 July 2013 22: 48
    In 2003-2004, I was entrusted with a group of specialists to develop a project for the construction of a science city on the territory of Dubna with close cooperation with the leadership of JINR (the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) and the mayor of the city. The idea was this: A. Karachinsky, president of the IBS Group, a Russian IT company that produces software products for major Western companies, had to gather 10 thousand talented programmers from all over Russia and provide them with orders, Dubna provided the territory for building and placing these people in a picturesque place on the banks of the Volga,

    As a result, Medvedev's point of view (from the backstage filing of I. Shuvalov) about the construction of Skolkovo won. ALL!!

    Uh ... did the development project close?
    In fact, the project since 2005 of the "Special Economic Zone" has been launched and is working.
    As if living near the city, I see and know this. Housing for young specialists has been built for a long time and is still under construction. Science centers are built. The process is going on, maybe not in that volume, but it is going on.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      6 July 2013 00: 50
      Quote: Russ69
      In fact, the project since 2005 of the "Special Economic Zone" has been launched and is working.

      The project works, but the "special economic zone" does not. Well, at least the road was paved in its direction - there is a place for bikers to roam.
      Quote: Russ69
      As if living near the city, I see and know this.

      Your last name is not Proh ???
      Quote: Russ69
      Science centers are built.

      TsAGI, Altair, Atoll, NII PA, JINR and others were built in Soviet times. Name at least one recently built.
      Quote: Russ69
      The process is going on ...

      And it goes so well that almost the entire population of Dubna, and for the most part these are very educated people, voted in favor of the Communists in the last election. Remember that scandal?
      1. +1
        6 July 2013 01: 44
        Quote: Ribwort
        Your last name is not Proh ???

        Well, they immediately wrote to the mayors .... smile
        Quote: Ribwort
        TsAGI, Altair, Atoll, NII PA, JINR and others were built in Soviet times.

        The zone is not industrial, and the level of the above enterprises was not in terms of construction. The same IBS Group works as planned.
        in the last election, they voted unanimously for the Communists. Remember that scandal?

        Honestly, the election process in Dubna was of little interest.
  21. essenger
    6 July 2013 01: 03
    Was Italy a world power?
  22. +2
    6 July 2013 01: 47
    An article that is not possible to read. Abstracts in the form of paragraphs. Maybe on business, but it’s difficult to get to the end.
  23. +1
    6 July 2013 08: 39
    Quote: Essenger
    Was Italy a world power?

    The Roman Empire was like that ..
  24. Mikhail
    6 July 2013 18: 06
    Quote: andrejwz
    Quote: il grand casino
    Russia has always tried to make you allies

    And to me, being naive, it seemed that Little Russia has always been a part of Russia, and the division into republics after the revolution and the civil war is a tribute to the representatives of not so much national as territorial party leaders. One of the mistakes of the Lenin government, which was a time bomb. The weak point on which our "friends" struck throughout the entire existence of the Soviet Union.

    Lenin was not mistaken: he consciously submitted his black business. The defeat of 1991 is an echo of the February and October Revolution, a link in the same chain.
    From a legal point of view, the ground for the disintegration of Russia was prepared: the union republics, according to the constitution, had the right to freely withdraw from the Union, as well as their own legislation, which can only be in individual states (constitutions, codes, etc.). Tell me, what is the point of each republic to have, for example, its own Criminal Code and the Statute of road transport? Nothing, if you do not take care of the "proletarian solidarity of the working people", in the name of which each union republic adopted its own normative act on various branches of law, instead of adopting one for the whole country.
    Only Stalin managed to postpone the year 1991, pacifying the arrogant Marxist-internationalists (and at the same time Russophobia). If it weren’t for Stalin, Russia would have disintegrated not in 1991, but earlier.
  25. +1
    6 July 2013 19: 48
    Quote: yak69
    More than 100 billion rubles have already been spent on Skolkovo !!!
    So what?! Where is the return?
    She will be??!!!

    Where is the return? In the pockets of a thief, who with great pleasure mastered the budget infusions (((

    It would be necessary to shake out these 100 billion from Skolkovo bureaucrats and managers!
  26. 0
    8 July 2013 20: 15
    The hierarchy of power created in the USSR with the strictest discipline and severe responsibility for managerial mistakes (which was later called "unreasonable repression") was a key condition for the survival of the country ... a key element was removed from this system - the personal responsibility of leaders of all ranks for their activities.

    It concerns everyone ... including the RAS. The rest is a free talk on a free theme.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"