Russian history and its assessments are very important for the future of the country.

Russian story XX century is composed of great victories and the most terrible betrayals. There is no time to give an assessment, but we can no longer postpone the investigation of crimes. This is necessary to preserve our civilization community.

Today's spirit of individualism, which is fully consistent with the Roman saying “Homo homini lupus est” (“wolf to man”) is alien to Russian civilization. It is inherent in the West and is now actively implanted to us.
1929 year - the universal collectivization.

Russian history and its assessments are very important for the future of the country.The current financial system is interested in the fact that there are no associations of people, because it is much easier to manipulate each one individually, to direct it in the right direction. A person as a physical unit must consume the money created by this system “from nowhere” and spend it on himself. This is the ideal of the world order that is being imposed on us today. The average individual is trying in every way to get rid of any "unnecessary", from the point of view of merchants, concepts. Such as homeland, conscience, honor. Because it is difficult and even impossible to measure with money. So, in their opinion - too much. However, the planting of such individualism comes across from ancient times inherent, transferred at the genetic level from generation to generation, catholicity, collectivism, patriotism — remarkable qualities due to which our people, the country of old, were able to withstand all the ordeal.

By the way, this is why our “popular masses” for the good two centuries do not justify the hopes of various kinds of revolutionaries. The people of the people knitted and did not let the simplest people throw bombs at them. Suffice it to recall the peasant Osip with the “ahead of time” last name of the Commissars, who took away the hand of Karakozov, who shot at the Emperor Alexander II. And in the first Soviet years, those who were engaged in the reorganization of the world had to struggle with ordinary Russian peasants who professed patriarchal, grandfather's values.

In the end, the Soviet government won precisely because it corresponded to some deep notions of justice that existed among the people. Including - used the roots of communal management, modernizing the age-old Russian way into collective farms.

True, to maintain a given rate of collectivization (and of course, industrialization) without a certain violence failed. There have also been tragedies, but not because the country's leadership was about to kill millions of its inhabitants - of course not. With a shortage of specialists in the field, there were fools-servants, and even direct traitors, who not only did their job not as it should, but on the contrary, tried to make it worse.

Confirmation of this - the terrible famine of the beginning of the 30-s in Ukraine, which is much written about, and in Kazakhstan - much less is known about it. Comrade Goloshchekin, one of those responsible for the execution of the royal family, organized a mass plague there.

Here is how it was. The progenitors of the present-day Kazakhs are the Kipchaks-Polovtsi, known from the ancient Russian chronicles. The history of their relationship with the Russians is rather complicated, but for many centuries our peoples coexisted peacefully. The Kazakhs for centuries led a nomadic lifestyle. And suddenly a decision is made - to make them sedentary farmers. Agree that this is not possible in a short time. Perhaps, if necessary, a similar problem can be solved, but gradually, gently. Goloshchekin, on the other hand, forcibly began confiscating livestock from the Kazakhs, which supposedly should have prompted the population to engage in farming.

Imagine: you take away millions of heads - what will you do with them? If you want to slaughter livestock - you need to build cold storage facilities, meat processing plants, to ensure the delivery of products across the country. Then (what a famine!) There will be an abundance of meat, even for a short time. If you just want to pick up animals from nomads, pushing them to agriculture - you must equip pastures, create farms, ensure the reproduction of cattle and care for them.

Philip Goloshchekin, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan in 1920 – 1930.

Neither one nor the other was done. The animals were “socialized” and starved to death. Soon after the cattle, people began to die of starvation, who were deprived of their usual diet, but they did not know how to cultivate the land and did not want to.

The question is: can this be an accidental mistake, and on the scale of a huge region? Of course not. No need to be a rocket scientist in order to foresee terrible consequences. But everything happened according to the most bitter scenario. The state, for its part, assessed this terrible crime: Goloshchekin and his accomplices were shot.

And today, in order to stop the emerging speculation, it is important to emphasize: what Goloshchekin did, not only was not the policy or task of the country's leadership, but direct betrayal and sabotage (both in the rhetoric of 30's and in today's concepts), that followed a fair sentence.

And Goloshchekin did so not because he originally understood the task of building a new world, but because he was a Trotskyite. And he performed the task of a banker behind the scenes, who had to create unrest within the USSR and, most importantly, the unattractive face of the Land of the Soviets. So that the neighboring states distance themselves as far as possible from the “Red Russia” and flee to the zone of influence of the very same Western powers.

Certainly, collectivization is a very painful point in our history, and it is difficult to say whether the idea, which fully corresponded to the traditions of the Russian community, was carried out as it should. Assessing this is probably more correct to look from the position not of the present, but of that time.

Let us recall: since the West declared the “golden blockade” to the Soviet Union, it gradually refused to accept not only gold, but also oil and timber as payment for industrial equipment, grain remained the only export commodity. This inhuman act of political and economic pressure on the USSR was carried out consciously by the capitalist world — in order to cause the same famine in Russia, which happened in some of our regions.

The Stalinist plan in the current situation was simple. First, by purchasing industrial equipment and technologies in the West, to build enterprises for the production of machinery, including agricultural ones (and tractor factories were established). And then with the help of this technology to get an increase in yield and finally pay for the supply of grown grain.

But this required large enough farms. It is clear that you will not plow a six-hundred-square-meter tractor; the plot should be large. And since after the revolution the land was divided into small plots, it had to be somehow united, gathering the peasants into certain collective farms.

This, by the way, was ahead of its time, because today in the West most of the products are produced by large multinational companies. Or the so-called farms are also huge farms where high-performance equipment is used.

VDNH, end of 1980's

In reality, without the intervention of the state, the process of enlarging farms would probably take several decades. But we know: from the beginning of collectivization to the Second World War, there was one and a half decades left. There really was no time. And the words of Stalin: “we must run this distance in 10 – 15 years, otherwise they will crush us,” turned out to be prophetic.

Therefore, when you analyze how collectivization took place, on the one hand, it is incredibly painful to read about human losses, but on the other hand, you understand: if there was no industrialization and collectivization in super-short periods, we would have been defeated in the war with Hitler and the complete destruction of our people as such and Russia as a state.

I think that a final, objective assessment of what happened, after analyzing all the available facts and documents (and they continue to appear) should be given not by ours, but by subsequent generations.

Meanwhile, indisputably, it was possible to win the worst war in the whole history of mankind because the Soviet Union had already become an industrial country, and most importantly - a united and mighty power, with a united not a population, but a people united by a common idea, a patriotic impulse.

Neither ethnicity nor living in different national-territorial formations prevented this community. If at the time of the German invasion, the Soviet Union was several times smaller and fragmented, for example, on 15 independent states - Hitler and his English friends would have excellent opportunities to play on this, conquering each republic one by one. But against the economic power of a united Europe that worked for Hitler, the enormous economic and human potential of the Soviet Union came out.

Yes, the British and the Americans helped us, but their participation, firstly, was not decisive, and secondly, before setting us on an allied shoulder, they zealously strengthened and armed fascist Germany. And France worked for Hitler, and Czechoslovakia. The people's liberation uprising in Prague began a week after Hitler's Berlin fell. And before that, Skoda factories regularly produced Tanks, self-propelled artillery and aircraft for the Wehrmacht.

Then, due to the unity of the state and the people, it was possible to revive the country from the ruins, create a nuclear shield, guaranteeing security not only for our country, but keeping the world from a global catastrophe, step into space, become a great power, which was reckoned on the planet. Although, of course, the “cold war” and the arms race exhausted our economy, took away the forces necessary to solve the same social problems. But we would have stood these tests if it were not for the monstrous crime against his native state on the part of Gorbachev and his accomplices.

The restructuring announced by Gorbachev became a global betrayal of the country, carried out by an insignificant but active part of the elite in the interests of foreign "friends". And when the head of state changes the motherland, the consequences of this are very difficult to prevent.

We have experienced similar tragedies for the twentieth century twice. In 1917, Kerensky, who led Russia, betrayed her, doing everything to break up the country and start a civil war. And at the end of 80-x - the beginning of 90-x Gorbachev did everything that the USSR was dismantled as a geopolitical force.
Certainly, patriots from the state-political elites could destroy the insidious plans, but, alas, there were no people willing to risk their well-being, or even life on the Russian Olympus.

Stories are known when betrayal was stopped at a high enough level.

For example, during the Seven Years War, Empress Elizabeth felt unwell, and certain political circles waited for her death from day to day. As is known, the heir to the throne, Peter Fedorovich, the future emperor Peter III, was an ardent admirer of Frederick, the whole of Prussian and German. And in a situation where the empress could die, the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops Apraksin acted very “peculiarly”. After winning the battle of Gross-Egersdorf, he began a completely unmotivated, in terms of strategy, retreat. Lost during his "flight" part of the army.

Why did he do that? Because the successor of Elizabeth should have rejoiced at such a “course” of war. It should be remembered that Apraksin was appointed to the post of commander-in-chief thanks to his friendship with Chancellor Bestuzhev, who headed the pro-British “party” in Russia and openly took money from the British. Another thing is curious: Frederick, with whom we then fought, was the "sword" of England on the continent. Of course, Apraksin’s behavior can only be regarded as treason. And Elizaveta Petrovna qualified it that way. A new commander-in-chief was appointed, Apraksin was recalled from the army and left in Narva to await an investigation. But he suddenly died suddenly, although he hadn’t been ill before. The investigation did not even have time to carry out, but Chancellor Bestuzhev was also dismissed.

In the 80 and 90 of the twentieth century, the country was sold at the highest level. There was no one to stop the betrayal. By the way, an impartial investigation of what exactly happened at the turn of 80 – 90-s did not really exist, but it will be sooner or later, this is an objective necessity.
It is not by chance that the popular movement rises to deprive Gorbachev of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the highest award of the Russian state, and call by name: who and to what extent is responsible for the destruction of the Soviet Union. There is an internal need for unification, for the restoration of power, for restoring order and justice, for residents of all regions of Russia and even in a large part of the former Soviet republics.

We are a unique civilization. National self-consciousness may temporarily succumb to strong external influences, but what is called the “Russian spirit,” as history shows, is indestructible. In our society, collectivism and patriotism, as usual, always oppose individualism.

Under the Soviet system of distribution, the system acted according to the principle “to all the sisters - according to the earrings”, evenly smearing a certain layer of “oil” of the created social product, over a piece of bread that everyone had. Therefore, all lived "average", almost the same, but no one was in misery. It was possible to live both on retirement and on a student scholarship. Today, the situation is different: someone is bathed in gold, but someone does not make ends meet. By and large, this Western model, which has existed there for centuries, does not take root on Russian soil. Society feels acute internal disharmony: something is wrong, unfair.

There is no wealth piety in our mentality. Our “rich” does not mean “dear”. Recognition is not received for the size of the wallet, but for specific cases. A wealthy person can gain credibility if he conducts socially useful activities or earned his capital with his own mind and talent.

Today the people of the rich are not valued, because part of the moneybags simply stole a piece of national wealth during the predatory privatization of 90's. Naturally, this not only can not cause the slightest respect, but on the contrary, it accumulates in society a certain irritation and tension.

Therefore, today's very important task is to reduce the distance between the poor and the rich; at the existing abyss, people simply cannot feel themselves as particles of one civilization, one people. By the way, intuitively feeling this, the Russian super-rich people send their families to London, they live there and keep money - because they do not identify themselves with the Russian people, but tend to assimilate with the citizens of Great Britain. This will never work out, because for an Englishman, even a super-oligarch from Russia will still be a second-rate man.
The damage done to us by Gorbachev and his accomplices is enormous.

Trotskyite Goloshchekin staged a pestilence in Kazakhstan that claimed more than a million lives. General Secretary Gorbachev went further. For example, in the same Kazakhstan, the population has just reached the level of 1991 of the year. During the transition to the “market”, even what was passed down from generation to generation was practically destroyed. Say, the outskirts of Almaty were famous for their magnificent gardens with delicious apples. There is even an assumption that it is this region that can be considered the “birthplace” of their garden-industrial cultivation. The symbol of Alma-Ata is an apple, and one of the translations of the name of the southern capital from Kazakh: “Alma” is an apple, “ata” is the father, ancestor. To date, the richest gardens are cut down, ruined, and in the stores of the apple capital - Chinese, Polish, Chilean fruits.

Question: why such reforms and transformations, after which it took more than twenty years to return to the starting point? By the way, Nursultan Nazarbayev had a premonition of the tragic consequences of the destruction of the Soviet Union, and the Kazakh SSR was the last to leave the country. And in the future, it was the president of Kazakhstan who supported the Moscow initiatives for the construction of the CIS, and for the formation of the Common Economic Space.

Life itself suggests the need for integration in the former Soviet Union. Even Ukraine, seemingly aimed at joining the EU, is seeking closer cooperation with the Customs Union. In addition to purely economic benefits, there are also geopolitical preferences related to the collective security of the states of the Commonwealth, where Russia plays the first violin.

The war is getting closer to our borders. To prevent global bloodshed, another general redivision of the world, to which the West pushes events, is possible only if there is an unification of states that do not want to fulfill transatlantic will.

It is necessary to respect ourselves, to understand that we are a separate, unique civilization, and no one except ourselves is interested in its preservation. Therefore, they are necessary: ​​on the economic and political level, the Customs and Eurasian Unions, and in the moral, in every country, propaganda of the exploits of fathers and grandfathers, and all kinds of obstacles to Western attempts to “reformat” our young people. Our books and films, our music, visual arts are the common heritage of the Commonwealth. And we must by all available means drive out Western culture, Western ideas from our living space. No one talks about total prohibition. The best examples of Western art, of course, will be presented in a common palette, but they should not dominate. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in different “coordinate systems”, in different “civilizations” even with our own children. And sometimes our Russian kids sometimes no longer know who the Wolf and the Hare are, but they love Mickey Mouse. It should be the other way around. Let them know Mickey Mouse, but in addition to the heroes of domestic fairy tales and cartoons.

A shot from the movie "Legend number 17".

An example of self-identification is intended to show Russia, it will lead other peoples behind it.

At the same time everyone should start - from himself, first of all, getting rid of his own indifference to what is happening - at all levels: from the everyday to the state.

We know the wild stories when the girl felt bad in the subway, she fell on the rails, and no one who was nearby tried to even stop the train. But after all, there are other examples where people, risking their lives, save children from the fire, pull out failed people under the ice.

It is necessary to talk more about human actions, not to be afraid to call betrayal and heroism by their names, to announce bastards as bastards, and characterize heroes as heroes.

After all, there is not a single negative comment about the magnificent film “The Legend of 17” - although it would seem that it is special? The older generation respected the remarkable hockey player Valery Kharlamov even without this tape, and the young people did not know at all.

But this film is watched even by those to whom hockey is not interesting. It shows an honest, purposeful man who is ready for self-sacrifice for the sake of his country and a big idea. He goes to his dream, and even with a broken leg fights with the Canadians - just to win one match. This is important to him. And when today's youth sees this, it raises inherent in our man at the genetic level, but dormant collectivism, the willingness to give everything for the Motherland.

Poster of the film "Russian victim".

These best qualities are not claimed today, but they are and manifest when the Act is required.

The clearest example is the feat of the 6 Company of the Pskov paratroopers. It was not the best, frankly, the period of our history, when the children were no longer taught patriotism, they barely talked about the exploits of their grandfathers and fathers. But when before our ordinary guys, representatives of the “Pepsi generation”, the question arose - to skip the militants or die, they chose to die.

It is difficult to explain with words: it’s just that a Russian is like that. The Anglo-Saxons would have surrendered, they do not understand. And the Russians could not do otherwise, because for many centuries, our soldiers, without hesitation, went on the feat, gave their lives for their homeland.

And in this, from the top of the centuries, the greatest meaning is concluded: those with whom we fought began to realize that it was better not to mess with us. You can kill a hundred Russian soldiers, but for their lives you pay a price that makes this victory meaningless.

This is a kind of immunity, developed by opponents, that you should not go to Russia - and every time we gave in the face to those who climbed here, for a hundred years we were left alone.

Then again, more and more forces were gathered, they fell into coalitions - they saw that neither Karl XII nor Napoleon, who crushed the whole of Europe, could in no way defeat Russia. Prepared by Hitler, it would seem, did everything - and nevertheless lost. And always will be.

However, in order to be stronger, in order to repel the desire of anyone once again to test our strength, it is important not only to keep the powder dry, to revive science, industry, economics, education, but also to strengthen the Russian spirit. We need a state ideology, a national idea.

It is unfortunate that the concept of state ideology itself is not defined in today's Constitution, while the article 13 proclaims “ideological diversity”, emphasizing that “no ideology can be established as state or obligatory”. And article 6 guarantees that “a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship”. How to be with traitors to the Motherland? By the way, in some countries even the Minister of the Interior has the right to deny citizenship ...

Apparently, for the revival of Russia, it is time to consolidate at the highest legislative level both the values ​​that determine the national ideology and the responsibility for betraying the interests of the state.

Such recognition will make each of us - and therefore, the whole country - stronger.
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131 comment
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  1. +21
    6 July 2013 07: 22
    The article is interesting and useful, especially for modern youth - to schoolchildren. The formula Divide and conquer (lat. Divide et impera) is the principle of state power, which is often resorted to by governments of states consisting of heterogeneous parts, and according to which the best method of managing such a state is to incite and exploit hostility between its parts. What we have been observing over the past decades is the USSR, then the countries of the Warsaw block, now the east. The most amazing thing in this situation is that with what ease, countries are destroyed, by the hands of their own population, under a plausible pretext of independence. Yugoslavia (former) from which it is now independent, Libya, Iraq. And they continue to harass us in Russia, because you won’t take us for a war, and having put discord in society, just spit, it's like a broom that you won’t break when it’s intact, but stretching it out, bluff about independence, all will be broken, and destroyed. So far this is not bad at the democrats.
    We are a unique civilization. National self-consciousness may temporarily succumb to strong external influences, but what is called the “Russian spirit,” as history shows, is indestructible. In our society, collectivism and patriotism, as usual, always oppose individualism.
    That’s why, it’s not possible to break us. I’m only worried about this. When there are attempts to divide Russia from OUTSIDE, this is understandable. But then, such attempts occur inside the camp, it is alarming. Recent examples of such attempts (Min. Defense, Zhel. Dor, Roskosmos and many examples) In the end, what do we have? Or do they have us? our businessmen so to speak grief Golden Taurus. If we take the history of all revolutions, then, oddly enough, all these RIPS suited strangely enough not just ordinary people, but so to speak GOLD generation, which swam in abundance, Just like now. They are trying to bring us Good, intentions to HELL.
  2. Yarosvet
    6 July 2013 08: 03
    Mr. Starikov is another (along with Edros Zhenya and Comrade What a Purginy) Kremlin project.

    This gentleman, who would have looked extremely organic in pace, is trying to convince everyone that the country is threatened by the Orange Revolution by a handful of liberals whom, God forbid, 1% of the population support, reducing all their message to the fact that the population should endure and support the most disgusting Power, so otherwise, the evil West will come and divide, rule and oppress the population - that is, do the same thing that the Government is doing at the moment.
    1. +15
      6 July 2013 10: 35
      The evil West has already come to the country. And the most disgusting power (?) So far is crumbling together a matrix uniting the people in order to force out this evil West. And this disgusting power has not allowed an orange (white) revolution.
      ... Open your eyes. Turn on the memory - what was in Russia and what was Russia 15 years ago (even with regard to feature films - would the film "Legend No. 17" appear then?) And what is it now. Not all government officials want this, that's the problem.
      It is not necessary to find fault in ideological - emotional expressions, but to think. And shoulder substitute, maybe, then, feeling support from below, this disgusting power more actively and boldly acted. In the meantime, all - and groaning. and support - only on the forums.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. RPD
          6 July 2013 12: 56
          yes you are more like a hysterical woman)))) "shit, glasses, pimples" - typical hysteria and no specifics
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. RPD
              6 July 2013 13: 40
              I don’t understand what makes a person in decent society swear dirty?
              1. The comment was deleted.
                1. +7
                  6 July 2013 17: 07
                  Quote: Yarosvet
                  and in psychiatry I’m not cutting too deeply

                  And she seems to be crying for you for a long time ...
                  1. Yarosvet
                    6 July 2013 17: 16
                    Quote: retired
                    And she seems to be crying for you for a long time ...

                    You will read the Economics - and it will roar for you. crying
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. +2
                      6 July 2013 17: 27
                      Quote: Yarosvet
                      You will read the Economics - and it will roar for you.

                      That's why I don’t read it. And you see, I read ... And I even understood ...
              2. +4
                6 July 2013 16: 28
                Quote: RPD
                I don’t understand what makes a person in decent society swear dirty?

                ... democracy allows, cultural degradation ... tired of living in the "dirt" ...
        2. +3
          6 July 2013 15: 21
          Quote: Yarosvet
          Sweet Anya

          Is this a form of male chauvinism? Or you just do not know how to adequately contact people?
          1. Yarosvet
            6 July 2013 15: 28
            Quote: Setrac
            Is this a form of male chauvinism? Or you just do not know how to adequately contact people?

            Both this and that are possible.

            Tell me, Sergey - Are you ready to formulate criteria for an adequate appeal to inadequate people?
            1. +3
              6 July 2013 15: 37
              Quote: Yarosvet
              Tell me, Sergey - Are you ready to formulate criteria for an adequate appeal to inadequate people?

              Well then, the specifics that you requested.
              It may not be so obvious to you from within the dispute, but it can be seen from the outside that you are wrong, not on the topic of the article, but on the issue of petty rudeness.
              P.S. We have a free country and every citizen has the right to be
              D e r m m
              The postscript is not about you, but in general.
              1. Yarosvet
                6 July 2013 15: 42
                Quote: Setrac
                We have a free country and every citizen has the right to be
                D e r m m

                Yes, it does. But some, for some personal reasons, directly or indirectly, are trying to violate this right hi
        3. +5
          6 July 2013 17: 43
          Well mine should be closed. At the end of the 70s, the guys were queuing up at the military registration and enlistment office, at the end of the 90s they were queuing up for a doctor's office, at the end of the 90s they were queuing up to fill the military commander's face (just like that, because he was), at the end of the 90s - there are no queues, but the trend of the 70s is also not observed. And the children of those who did not bawl and raised their children calmly go to serve, while the truth is not observed in the 1995s, but this is already a matter of society (but not only the state). And your crafty figures regarding GDP - Please, provide data on GDP for 2012 and XNUMX.
          How about specifics?
          1. Yarosvet
            6 July 2013 18: 13
            Quote: rexby63
            Please provide data on GDP for 1995 and for 2012.
            How about specifics?
            Specifically - do you have PPP or nominal? smile
            1. +6
              6 July 2013 19: 51
              It is possible at parity, it is possible and nominal, but it can be real, but only with reference to the years, because the main dynamics, isn’t it? And the most important thing is, of course, the numbers in the budget. By the way, I went to meet you, did not notice? According to your remark, we should compare 2012 and 1998. In 98, in front of my eyes, one nurse fell into a hungry faint, what a budget. And the 95th wasn’t the worst .. at that time the jackal
              1. Yarosvet
                6 July 2013 20: 24
                It is possible at parity, it is possible and nominal, but it is possible and real

                95 - 339 lard cabbage rubles
                12 - 2 trillion 220 lard

                According to your remark, we should compare 2012 and 1998. In 98, in front of my eyes, one nurse fell into a hungry faint, what a budget.

                In this case, it does not play any role, except that data on the budget of 95 cannot be found.
                1. +4
                  6 July 2013 23: 28
                  Don't look. In 95, a salary of 500 Baku was a dream even in Moscow, but now in Kostroma, a guard in the parking lot receives almost the same amount (400). Well, yes, inflation, and all that, but in general, the current watchman lives about the same as the average manager in 95. But we, fools, thought, looking at the middle class a la '95. that this is the pinnacle of prosperity. but it turned out that this is almost the very bottom. Now they are trying to prove to us that everything stolen in the 90s should be selected and divided, only some one-sided evidence of theft is offered. For example, Khodorkovsky is not a thief, but an innocent victim, Deripaska is the main swindler. Prokhorov, while "nagging Raseya", was a thief. as soon as he yapped at GDP, he is already a hero. And there are plenty of such examples, a young man, over the past 20-odd years. The same United Russia, according to your idol Navalny, is the Party of crooks and thieves. Is this all two million and crooks and thieves? I will never say that Navalny is a swindler, and I do not believe in the machinations with Kirovles, but the fact that he is a don and a cheating su. And, I will always prove and say
                  1. Yarosvet
                    7 July 2013 15: 50
                    Alexander, you have a mess in your head.

                    Once again: before Putin introduced the flat taxation scale, tax collection was 20% of GDP - now reduced to 14%. At the same time, with subsequent changes, the burden on ordinary workers, small and medium-sized businesses increased, and large capital received preferences. Unearned income (interest on deposits, etc.) is generally taxed at 9%, that is, the de facto taxation scale is not flat, but regressive.

                    And then the fake opposition anal?

                    Nationalization do you think is to select and redo?
                    If so, then you are raving: nationalization is the transfer of assets to state administration with the subsequent use of income from them in the interests of citizens of the country, and not shoving these revenues into the pockets of a narrow circle of people - as it is now, but pedriot Fedorov convinces you of the opposite, and you , because of your own laziness and unwillingness to think - stupidly conducted.
                    1. -2
                      8 July 2013 16: 49
                      the burden on ordinary workers, small and medium-sized businesses increased, and large capital received preferences.

                      Let's play an alternative and suppose what happened the other way around. And name in history both the newest and the newest at least one state that placed the tax burden on big capital.

                      Nationalization do you think is to select and redo?

                      Nationalization only begins with the words: "transfer of assets to state administration with the subsequent use of the proceeds from them in the interests of the country's citizens.", And ends with the slogan "Rob the loot". You, without hesitation, expound thoughts of centuries ago, while not remembering what such "good" undertakings led to.
                      1. Yarosvet
                        8 July 2013 20: 05
                        Quote: rexby63
                        Let's play an alternative and suppose what happened the other way around. And name in history both the newest and the newest at least one state that placed the tax burden on big capital.
                        Take an interest in the tax systems of the current: France, Britain, Switzerland, Finland, Australia ...

                        Nationalization only begins with the words: "transfer of assets to state administration with the subsequent use of the proceeds from them in the interests of the country's citizens.", And ends with the slogan "Rob the loot". You, without hesitation, expound thoughts of centuries ago, while not remembering what such "good" undertakings led to.
                        I remember very well - to this:
                      2. 0
                        8 July 2013 22: 16
                        France, Britain, Switzerland, Finland, Australia ...

                        Well well well. Let's get better than China, USA, the same Britain, but the sample of the 30s

                        I remember very well - to this:

                        So what? 70 years old and kirdyk
                      3. Yarosvet
                        8 July 2013 22: 40
                        Quote: rexby63
                        Well well well. Let's get better than China, USA, the same Britain, but the sample of the 30s
                        You already somehow decide what you want.
                        They asked to name the countries where the tax burden for large capital is higher? I called - what's next?

                        So what? 70 years old and kirdyk
                        So you are not eternal.
                        And if you start to blame, as blamed the Union, then you will live less than nature let you go.

                        Why in general is your verbiage? Did I come up with something? Am I pointing out the false causes of existing problems?
                        You decided to show me an example on the numbers, to refute me - so let's - show, refute. And if you can’t, why bother? hi
                      4. 0
                        9 July 2013 21: 39
                        I do not bustle. I know that you are a demagogue and are trying to attract attention with populist slogans

                        They asked to name the countries where the tax burden for large capital is higher? I called - what's next?

                        You named countries neither by territory, nor by population, nor by polit
                        other tasks are not comparable with Russia. After my suggestion to compare with China and the United States, you have actually left the answer.

                        And if you start to blame, as blamed the Union, then you will live less than nature let you go.

                        The comparison is incorrect. The USSR is a country, and I am a man.
                        And the reasons you indicate are not false, but the methods ...
                      5. Yarosvet
                        10 July 2013 05: 20
                        Quote: rexby63
                        I do not bustle. I know that you are a demagogue and are trying to attract attention with populist slogans
                        Seriously, don’t you? Can I talk about my demagogy in more detail?

                        You named countries neither by territory, nor by population, nor by political tasks comparable with Russia. After my suggestion to compare with China and the United States, you have actually left the answer.
                        I am not leaving answers - clearly state the task conditions.
                        The size of the territory and population in this case does not matter - we are talking about a model of the tax system, and not about a model of the economy.
                        Political tasks in Russia are determined by the president.

                        Is it more convenient for you to analyze the question using the example of the USA or China? No problem - both there and there is a progressive scale.

                        The comparison is incorrect. The USSR is a country, and I am a man.
                        And the reasons you indicate are not false, but the methods ...
                        Sorry, but to give an example of the collapse of the Union without examining the reasons for its collapse and implying a priori the non-viability of the administrative-planning model - is this correct?

                        And what do you mean by "methods"?
      2. batalin15246
        8 July 2013 00: 30
        Totally agree!
    2. +9
      6 July 2013 15: 46

      You know, the pace would have been better for you ... look, because you are putting so much effort into exalting the supermen who you think are Jews ... or rather, propagating their image of Batmen ... because, in your opinion, it turns out that a bunch of these heroes captured the galaxy (without spacesuits!), governs all the states of the planet as he wants, starts and ends wars ... in short, the top of human civilization, because otherwise they would not be able to curb all other nations .... you are Zionists with a star of David in diamonds and with oak leaves have not been awarded yet? ... if not, you were greedy — you are quite worthy of it! It’s worth it to boldly turn to the Knesset with claims, I say, I’m laying my bones, claiming that you are the most, and you are here .... :))))

      At the same time, do not forget to demand an increase in s.p. in the State Department, because you, not sparing yourself, are trying to destroy the power in the host country, trying to bring your colleagues there, who are hanging around the embassies for instructions ... they have earned money ... or is it from you ... unreasonableness? ... You know, a person who does not know the consequences of his actions and cannot manage them is usually recognized as incompetent ... well, that's better. than to put to the wall for a direct betrayal of the interests of their country ....
      1. Yarosvet
        6 July 2013 16: 15
        Quote: smile
        look, you are putting so much effort into exalting the supermen whom you consider the Jews ... or rather, propagate their image of the Batmen
        You are mistaken - I have nothing to do with any denomination of messianism.

        in short, the peak of human civilization, because otherwise they would not be able to curb all other peoples
        Again, you are mistaken - I am saying the exact opposite (see my comments).

        have the Zionists not yet awarded you a star of David in diamonds and with oak leaves? ... if not, you were greedy — you are worth it! It’s worth it to boldly turn to the Knesset with claims, I say, I’m laying my bones, claiming that you are the most, and you are here .... :))))
        So contribute! - diamonds won't bother me.

        At the same time, do not forget to demand an increase in s.p. in the State Department, because you, not sparing yourself, are trying to destroy the power in the host country, trying to bring your colleagues there, who are hanging around the embassies for instructions
        I don’t know whether this is good or bad, but I don’t get money from mattresses.
        I’m not trying to destroy the power, but I see the need to replace it with a more socially and nationally oriented one.
        And on the embassies, in general, everyone hangs around - from the deputy to the guarantor.

        Well, that’s better. than to put to the wall for a direct betrayal of the interests of their country ....
        Oh no, dear: you have to put up against the wall for betrayal, and those who supported the traitors should be sent to penal servitude - to build roads with social housing. bully
        1. +4
          6 July 2013 17: 51
          Yes, you are saying the opposite ... but the way I interpreted your words is simply a logical conclusion from your words, which simply cannot help asking itself after comprehending the postulates that you put forward .... it is very unfortunate that you do not understand of this ... in the place of Jewish ultranationalists, I would finance Natsik of non-Jewish nationality in all countries in order to justify my ultranationalism ...
          It’s even more unfortunate that your calls to overwhelm a bad government with the goal of changing it to a socially oriented one are precisely the good intentions that lead, if successful, to the mink opposition coming to power, successfully saddling popular discontent ... which cannot be for sure It’s also impossible to get the country out of peak instantly ....
          I also do not like all the actions of the country's leadership, I understand ... but I try not to turn a blind eye not only to the bad, but also to the good ... and I really do not like it when the opponents of the government slip into a blatant lie, like that Pu goes to the embassies for instructions .... and I have already seen. what is the opposition. including the Duma is not at all truer than Pu, on the contrary, they lie even more ....

          well, and about the traitors we have no disagreements ...
          1. Yarosvet
            6 July 2013 18: 28
            Quote: smile
            in the place of Jewish ultranationalists, I would finance Natsik of non-Jewish nationality in all countries in order to justify my ultranationalism ...
            I am not a Nazi, but I also do not dismiss observations.

            these are precisely the good intentions that lead, if successful, to the mink opposition coming to power, which successfully saddled popular discontent
            You repeat as a mantra ... Tell me - how can the mink opposition come to power without the support of the overwhelming majority? Ukraine could serve as an example, but there the alignment was 50/50 - and in the end, where is now Yushka with timothy? Elections for what - in order to be afraid of mistakes and keep one, despite all of its mistakes?

            I also do not like all the actions of the country's leadership, I understand ... but I try not to turn a blind eye not only to the bad, but also to the good ...
            Is a direct violation by the president of the Constitution and Federal laws - is it good or bad?

            and I really don’t like it when opponents of the government slide into a blatant lie, like Pu goes to embassies for instructions .... and I have already seen it. what is the opposition. including the Duma is not at all truer than Pu, on the contrary, they lie even more ....
            That is - when a deputy meets with the mattress ambassador - is it a betrayal, and when the guarantor talks without witnesses with the same ambassador - is this the norm? And why so - because you believe one for some reason, but not another? Is that logical?

            well, and about the traitors we have no disagreements ...
            At least in something ...
    3. MG42
      6 July 2013 15: 56
      Quote: Yarosvet
      Mr. Starikov is another (along with Edros Zhenya and Comrade What a Purginy) Kremlin project.

      I don’t know whose project he is doing, but he earns pretty well, there is a video where he sits in the palace interior and furniture, all the palace gilding is stucco molding, maybe of course lol there are other photos ..
      1. Yarosvet
        6 July 2013 16: 18
        Quote: MG42
        I don’t know whose project he is doing, but he earns pretty well

        Prokhanov & ko - from the same series, but adapted for senior citizens.
        1. MG42
          6 July 2013 16: 25
          Quote: Yarosvet
          Prokhanov & ko - from the same series, but adapted for senior citizens.

          I'm used to just trusting my eyes, before bringing it out to society, please, I haven't seen a photo and video of "Prokhanov in gilding", I came across Starikov on YouTube .. I don't know, maybe a state-owned interior, but it's not a photoshop for sure ..
          1. Yarosvet
            6 July 2013 16: 44
            Quote: MG42
            please photo and video

            This is difficult.

            It was like this: recently he had a jubilee and REN interviewed him at home or in the country - not of course gilding, but a European-style fireplace. The plot was in the news and where to look for this video ...

            There is a little bit on the tube
            And there is an interesting sponsorship of the Izborsk Club by the authorities.
      2. +2
        6 July 2013 17: 56
        Quote: MG42
        Quote: Yarosvet
        Mr. Starikov is another (along with Edros Zhenya and Comrade What a Purginy) Kremlin project.

        I don’t know whose project he is doing, but he earns pretty well, there is a video where he sits in the palace interior and furniture, all the palace gilding is stucco molding, maybe of course lol there are other photos ..

        Starikov has dozens of videos with a variety of interiors, what’s in the photo is an ordinary office
        judging by some sort of Soviet rug and grand piano in the corner, this is most likely some kind of public building ..
        1. MG42
          6 July 2013 18: 11
          Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
          Starikov has dozens of videos with a variety of interiors, what’s in the photo is an ordinary office
          judging by some sort of Soviet rug and grand piano in the corner, this is most likely some kind of public building

          And here? breech again?
          1. MG42
            6 July 2013 18: 35
            Does it look like a real study with a luxurious fireplace?
          2. -2
            6 July 2013 22: 41
            Quote: MG42
            Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
            Starikov has dozens of videos with a variety of interiors, what’s in the photo is an ordinary office
            judging by some sort of Soviet rug and grand piano in the corner, this is most likely some kind of public building

            And here? breech again?

            Well, you, of course, is the real gold of the 999 test !!!
            what are you trying to prove with this decor? even if this is his house, which I doubt is just an option for finishing, go to any building materials store and buy your health, moreover, this is a classic Russian style, and not some kind of European design.
            1. MG42
              7 July 2013 01: 44
              I cut this photo from Starikov's video, why did you copy it, there is a manual on top of any branch of the school of a young fighter = a forum member how to quote so as not to cling repeatedly videos and photos >>>
              Now in essence >>>
              Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
              what are you trying to prove with this decor?

              I doubt that the standard of living in Russia has grown so much that everyone can afford it, a gilded fireplace and palace furniture

              Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
              it’s just a finishing option, in any building materials store

              quite often I go to large construction hypermarkets in Ukraine, true >>>> since I am doing repairs at my place, so we have nothing like this, only Chinese kaminy..dvortsovaya furniture is being built. not for sale seen only in exquisite design stores, but there is also a price for moneybags ..
              Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
              This is a classic Russian style, and not some kind of Eurodesign.

              of course <hermitage> to the general public lol
              can dream
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +2
                7 July 2013 12: 51
                Nothing to say, richly.
                1. MG42
                  7 July 2013 13: 05
                  I just want to clarify >>> the last photo of the dining room with arched windows naturally has nothing to do with Starikov ..
            2. 0
              7 July 2013 09: 03
              Well, let’s say from Magazin, so it won’t sparkle! This is 100% gilding!
              1. MG42
                7 July 2013 12: 33
                Quote: ia-ai00
                Well, let’s say from Magazin, so it won’t sparkle! This is 100% gilding!

                I agree. I know some prices, for example, how much does it cost to lay a floor with art parquet bully , a window sill made of natural stone, stucco molding is real and how much is the work, not polystyrene,
                as for the marble fireplace and real gilding, it’s generally only an exclusive, there can’t be any talk about any building hypermarket. Work in such cases, price = negotiable depends of course on the customer’s coolness ..
          3. -3
            7 July 2013 03: 46
            Yes, drop it! Starikov can be respected already because he is making his way to the Duma without buying a place in other parties.
            And his project "Russian Billion" really makes you think.
      3. +2
        7 July 2013 16: 57
        Everything is true palace gilding, there are not a few palaces in Pitir, and the shooting was for a documentary, hence the interior, not the cabinet.

        PS Photos one strange shirt alone, see everything spent on the office.
        1. MG42
          7 July 2013 18: 39
          Quote: Prorox
          Photo different strange one shirt, I spent everything on the office.

          You are not careful, his shirts are different >>> 1-photo has vertical stripes on the shirt, I cut out the 2nd photo from the video, the shirt is monochrome.

          17th minute ..

          Quote: Prorox
          shooting was for a documentary

          The shooting was carried out for about sci-fi nonsense Ren-tv, about aliens and sectarians.
    4. prophet190
      6 July 2013 16: 25
      Dear, we would not go in the ass!
      1. +4
        6 July 2013 17: 57
        Damn, it’s a sin for me, of course, such a hamlu, to ask you not to say that, but I want to refer to Alexander Romanov with his killer request - "in general, be rude within the site rules" ... :))) No, well, really, it jars ....
    5. 0
      6 July 2013 17: 17
      Quote: Yarosvet
      Mr. Starikov is another (along with Edros Zhenya and Comrade What a Purginy) Kremlin project.

      This gentleman, who would have looked extremely organic in pace, is trying to convince everyone that the country is threatened by the Orange Revolution by a handful of liberals whom, God forbid, 1% of the population support, reducing all their message to the fact that the population should endure and support the most disgusting Power, so otherwise, the evil West will come and divide, rule and oppress the population - that is, do the same thing that the Government is doing at the moment.

      try to tear yourself away from all the prowlers and start thinking yourself
      For example, tell me what exactly do you disagree with in this article?

      the article is not small and speaks very much about many aspects of our history, to the court on a sharply categorical transition to personalities you disagree with almost everything, but then it is unclear what you are doing on this site

      Regarding your idea that the West may come, it is fundamentally wrong, because both Starikov and Fedorov and Kurginyan say that the West is ALREADY in Russia since 1991, and today this very West is systematically squeezed out of the country by a team of statesmen, if you do not understand what is happening, then at least just monitor the foreign press, if Russia is scolded, then everything is fine, if they praise, then most likely they will surrender something

      about 1% of the population infected with liberalism, in my opinion no one considered them, but the fact that the bulk of these gentlemen are in Moscow and St. Petersburg is not subject to doubt, and this is a great danger for Russia

      learn the materiel otherwise you are not different from the 5 column ...,
      try to read the same Starikov, it’s written very easily and it doesn’t cause anything but profanity among the same liberals, they cannot refute it and immediately break down on emotions
      1. Yarosvet
        6 July 2013 17: 53
        And where do you come from - patriotic for good, but, as Zadornov says - "with a virgin mind"?

        Quote: Andrey Skokovsky

        Tell me, what do you disagree with in this article?
        For example with the phrase: “It is a pity that in today's Constitution the very concept of state ideology is not defined in any way. smile

        Starikov and Fedorov and Kurginyan say that the West is ALREADY in Russia since 1991
        Yeah - but how, thanks to whom, to what extent and form the West is present in Russia - they are modestly silent.

        and today this very west is systematically squeezed out of the country by a team of statesmen
        How to squeeze?

        if you do not understand
        Do you understand? smile Well, give examples of what you understand.

        if Russia is blamed, then everything is fine, if they praise it, then most likely they will surrender something again
        Well, yes - they scold in impotent rage and hope that swearing will take effect, and all politics is for your eyes.

        and this is a great danger to Russia
        And what exactly is the danger?

        teach materiel otherwise you are not different from the 5th column
        What materiel?

        try to read the same Starikov, it’s written very easily and it doesn’t cause anything but profanity among the same liberals, they cannot refute it and immediately break down on emotions
        No, I didn’t read Starikov - I fill posts from the bulldozer.
        And what should I refute if you have not bothered to talk about anything specific?
    6. 0
      7 July 2013 17: 42
      read something for the authorship of this `` gentleman '' and then your comment, perhaps you will understand why so many people so `` appreciated '' him
      1. Yarosvet
        7 July 2013 18: 09
        Quote: T-73
        read something for the authorship of this `` gentleman '' and then your comment, perhaps you will understand why so many people so `` appreciated '' him

        Are you familiar with the term "sarcasm"?
        Or are you also one of the specially gifted ones, as a result of which you imagined my lack of understanding of the reasons for such a "assessment"?
        1. 0
          7 July 2013 20: 01
          I didn’t notice sarcasm (although I know it personally), and yes, I’m not particularly gifted, and I don’t see anything
          1. Yarosvet
            7 July 2013 20: 30
            It seems laughing

            You carefully read my first post? I gave him a characterization of Starikov and two other figures, and expressed my opinion regarding the direction of their activities.
            There were 55 (at the moment) comrades who disagreed with me and rejected me - I don’t understand this in your opinion?

            And tell me - how could I form my opinion about Starikov without being familiar with his "works"?

            So it turns out that you most likely belong to especially gifted personalities, about which I wrote above. hi
    7. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 00
      1. Do you really say such things seriously? 2. Do you believe what you say?
      1. Yarosvet
        8 July 2013 00: 10
        Specify - what kind of things do you mean?
  3. +11
    6 July 2013 08: 22
    Live conscience or profit? These concepts are the watershed between us and the west.
    Conscience, collectivism, mercy and patriotism these features are inherent only to our people!
    1. +3
      6 July 2013 10: 24
      Quote: omsbon
      Conscience, collectivism, mercy and patriotism, these features are inherent only to our people!

      These qualities are inherent in all the peoples of the world, and the state can manipulate the state in such a way that it doesn’t seem to the people. As one hero from a film based on real events once said. "You just have to love your homeland"and possibly do something for her.
      1. RPD
        6 July 2013 12: 59
        yes yes inherent. a Tajik who carries heroin to Russia also loves his homeland, his own. only conscience there and does not smell
        1. +1
          6 July 2013 18: 26
          Quote: RPD
          yes yes inherent. a Tajik who carries heroin to Russia also loves his homeland, his own. only conscience there and does not smell

          I don’t argue that every nation has enough lousy sheep that spoil the whole herd, but still they don’t have to row all under one comb. And we have such people, robbed and robbed the country and are still surprised for what their people do not like. And most importantly, water is like a goose (goose). Laws are not a decree for them.
    2. +2
      7 July 2013 00: 21
      "Live by conscience or benefit? These concepts are the watershed between us and the West."

      These two concepts do not contradict one another.
      Maybe you meant "shamelessly benefit"

      "Conscience, collectivism, mercy and patriotism, these features are inherent only to our people!"

      You offend the North Koreans, offend.
  4. +7
    6 July 2013 08: 25
    History is like a deck of cards, there are red, there are black or suits. Cheaters from this deck can lay out any solitaire to you, even from 32 sixes, and if you only carry black ones, then there will be darkness ... Then divide the story, divide the people, eventually divide the state ... If there is no official ideology in the state, that is also
    Quote: Sirocco
    National identity
    it is like gravity, which has no barriers. But national identity is the foundation of the house, which is history. History must be understood in its entirety, but positive aspects must be used for life.
  5. +3
    6 July 2013 08: 26
    Judging by the first comments, the article has reached its goal. Here are the first "accusers" have appeared. Yes, with what passion this "Yarosvet" brand patriotic article, and whose money is your song? And other names also appear (for greater persuasiveness). What hates the fact that we are finally standing up to our full height or have the "shit-crafters" paid for it?
    1. +2
      6 July 2013 10: 26
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      Judging by the first comments, the article has achieved its goal. Here are the first "accusers" appeared. And with what passion this "Yarosvet" brand patriotic article,

      Yarosvet expressed his opinion.
      The article is normal. Starikov is not original. He has already begun to repeat. Personally, I have a restrained attitude towards his work, I have read all his books.
      I don’t like the fact that he never says directly who is stirring up the water, the Anglo-Saxons are a very vague concept. And the story is simple, 1694 year-the creation of the Bank of England by the Rothschilds, the Jewish project comes into full force. Everyone knows that, but Starikov prefers vague Anglo-Saxons. Still, tolerance. Vladimir Vladimirovich Berel Lazar is very sympathetic to how Nikolay Viktorovich will tell the truth. Because patrons in the Kremlin will not understand. Jews are sacred, do not touch .....
      1. +2
        6 July 2013 14: 01
        Why is this Anglo-Saxon fuzzy concept?
        It is even concrete. Like the Jews, the Mongols, the Chinese.
        More than specific.
        For Anglo-Saxon, the main idea - man to man is a wolf - divide and conquer.
        They grew up and developed on this idea as a civilization, as a people.
        The Jews in this regard are much closer to the Slavs with the main idea - together and the Old Man beat dexterously.
        The only thing that slavs the Jews in the Jews is their deliberate isolation with a sweep of the eternity of their features and the prelate of personal survival over maintaining the homeland.
        But it’s good that they created a separate country for them. Thus, the Jews are inculcated with the realization that the fatherland is above any gesheft.

        And the Anglo-Saxons ...
        That's truly - John doesn’t remember kinship, they sell their mother for a penny.
        1. +1
          6 July 2013 14: 48
          Quote: dustycat
          Why is this Anglo-Saxon fuzzy concept?

          BES-Anglo-Saxons is the general name of the Germanic tribes of the 5-6th century AD.
      2. 0
        6 July 2013 17: 42
        Quote: baltika-18
        Quote: kartalovkolya
        Judging by the first comments, the article has achieved its goal. Here are the first "accusers" appeared. And with what passion this "Yarosvet" brand patriotic article,

        Yarosvet expressed his opinion.
        The article is normal. Starikov is not original. He has already begun to repeat. Personally, I have a restrained attitude towards his work, I have read all his books.
        I don’t like the fact that he never says directly who is stirring up the water, the Anglo-Saxons are a very vague concept. And the story is simple, 1694 year-the creation of the Bank of England by the Rothschilds, the Jewish project comes into full force. Everyone knows that, but Starikov prefers vague Anglo-Saxons. Still, tolerance. Vladimir Vladimirovich Berel Lazar is very sympathetic to how Nikolay Viktorovich will tell the truth. Because patrons in the Kremlin will not understand. Jews are sacred, do not touch .....

        Yarosvet is one of the "patriots" who are worse than the liberals, but at least everything is more or less clear for those - the guys are patriots of the USA and England, but this damn is like his own,

        about the fact that Starikov and so on are repeating, I probably don’t agree, maybe you shouldn’t confuse everyday socially-explanatory work with the analysis of the current situation

        about the specifics, watch the video "Andrey Fursov visiting the Trade Union of Russian Citizens" is one of the few where it says a little about the world elite today
        1. +1
          6 July 2013 18: 46
          Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
          about the fact that Starikov and so on are repeating, I probably don’t agree, maybe you shouldn’t confuse everyday socially-explanatory work with the analysis of the current situation

          All his explanatory work boils down to the implementation of the following thought: Putin is great, he alone confronts the enemies around him. Changes must occur slowly, we must endure and wait, we are moving in the right direction. Socialism is evil, an Anglo-Saxon project to destroy Russia. No need to resist capitalist model, you need to educate the capitalist patriots, who will be socially advanced in relation to people. Isn’t this all foolishness?
          1. -1
            6 July 2013 23: 05
            Quote: baltika-18
            Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
            about the fact that Starikov and so on are repeating, I probably don’t agree, maybe you shouldn’t confuse everyday socially-explanatory work with the analysis of the current situation

            All his explanatory work boils down to the implementation of the following thought: Putin is great, he alone confronts the enemies around him. Changes must occur slowly, we must endure and wait, we are moving in the right direction. Socialism is evil, an Anglo-Saxon project to destroy Russia. No need to resist capitalist model, you need to educate the capitalist patriots, who will be socially advanced in relation to people. Isn’t this all foolishness?

            what you wrote is false interest on 90
            1 Starikov does not praise Putin, but the actions of him and his team, and if he does not agree, he says so, just as he says that in his opinion it’s right
            2 about slowly, also a lie, Starikov constantly says that there are too many concessions to the liberals, and does not agree with the compromises of his team, watch the video.
            3 Starikov is categorically against revolutions, he purposefully creates a party, by the way it already exists (Great Fatherland Party, Air Defense Party) which will be a pillar of patriotic forces, what is the expectation, these are real actions, although if you prefer sailor Zheleznyak’s methods, then you certainly don’t along the way ...
            4 Starikov kind of chewed in detail how the Anglo-Saxons provoked a revolution and the collapse of Russia, and how they lost control of this project, you learn to teach me a part .....
            5 Well, as for socialism, it’s capitalism, I’m sorry but you can’t enter the river twice, another question is that Russian civilization does not need pastors imposed on 1991, and it has been developing and living for thousands of years ......
    2. Yarosvet
      6 July 2013 12: 27
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      Yes, with what passion does this "Yarosvet" brand a patriotic article, and whose money is your song for?

      And you see yavp Starikov pays? laughing

      Please answer - but did you have an seditious feeling that we were getting up off our knees a little longer than it should be, and do not you think that the article and its publisher would be more logical to attribute to the section of quasi-patriotism?

      PS Where are you, my dear, have you seen the excitement? We have, you see, without emotions - bare facts. laughing
      1. RPD
        6 July 2013 13: 00
        But do not break it - did you hear the saying?
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. RPD
            6 July 2013 13: 41
            even swearing with errors)) 0
            1. Yarosvet
              6 July 2013 14: 15
              Quote: RPD
              even swearing with errors)) 0

              It seemed to you.
  6. nepopadun
    6 July 2013 08: 47
    Excellent article
  7. anomalocaris
    6 July 2013 08: 58
    The author of the article is also a talented writer. I highly recommend reading his books. They, in some matters, of course limp, but in general they give a fairly true and logical understanding of history, and not only of Russia. At least I did not notice obvious forgeries, distortions and lies.
  8. +11
    6 July 2013 09: 00
    Live conscience! Every Russian spirit knows what it is! Each living person puts his stone in the foundation of a strong and just Motherland - Russia! It’s just that the Russian road bequeathed to us from God! We have no other way and we do not need it.
  9. +11
    6 July 2013 09: 19
    ... purposeful man who, for the sake of his country and big idea, is ready for self-sacrifice. He goes to his dream ... This is important for him. And when today's youth sees this, it rises inherent in our person at the genetic level, but dormant for the time being collectivism, willingness to give everything for the Motherland ... These best qualities are not in demand today, but they exist and are manifested when the Act is required.
    That's right, pretty damn right. The article is very "to the point" ... In general, Starikov is very accessible, clear, and most importantly ... correctly expresses his thoughts. And those who saw in him a "project" - do not follow his publications and speeches ... he is critical of the authorities in the Kremlin (WTO, USE, LIBYA, JUVENAL JUSTICE, OFFSHORE, Central Bank, Constitution of the Russian Federation and much more) ... are themselves, someone's "project". Being a very cultured person and, most importantly, loving his Motherland, who does not have financial resources, understands the destructive and bloody power of revolutions, he set the task of entering power exclusively by an electoral method ... Of course, a respected person ... about the party, I would have joined the air defense ...
    1. Yarosvet
      6 July 2013 12: 40
      Quote: papss
      And those who saw in him a "project" - do not follow his publications and speeches ... he is critical of the authorities in the Kremlin (WTO, USE, LIBYA, JUVENAL JUSTICE, OFFSHORE, Central Bank, Constitution of the Russian Federation and much more)
      Kurgenyan does not remind?

      Being a very cultured man and, most importantly - loving his homeland, lacking financial resources, he understands the destructive and bloody power of revolutions - he set the task to enter power exclusively by the selective method ... Of course, a respected man ...
      From this moment in more detail: there is very little information about him on the network - what are such conclusions based on?
      1. +2
        6 July 2013 18: 14
        Quote: Yarosvet
        Quote: papss
        And those who saw in him a "project" - do not follow his publications and speeches ... he is critical of the authorities in the Kremlin (WTO, USE, LIBYA, JUVENAL JUSTICE, OFFSHORE, Central Bank, Constitution of the Russian Federation and much more)
        Kurgenyan does not remind?

        what is in the hairstyle ???
        there are specific problems and a specific human attitude towards them, how else are you going to draw up your opinion on politics ???
        or are you for the WTO, for the Unified State Examination, for the destruction of LIVIA, for juvenile justice, for offshores, for the Central Bank, for the CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation written in the United States ????
        Well then, as they say, there are no questions for you, but we will however remember you .......

        Quote: Yarosvet
        Being a very cultured man and, most importantly - loving his homeland, lacking financial resources, he understands the destructive and bloody power of revolutions - he set the task to enter into power exclusively by a selective method ... Of course, a respected person ..
        From this moment in more detail: there is very little information about him on the network - what are such conclusions based on?

        in his words and actions, information is more than enough ...
        or do you need a house-xnumx format?
        1. Yarosvet
          6 July 2013 18: 48
          Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
          there are specific problems and a specific human attitude towards them, how else are you going to draw up your opinion on politics ???
          When possible - on specific matters.

          or are you for the WTO, for the Unified State Examination, for the destruction of LIVIA, for juvenile justice, for offshore
          Not - for all this, Fedorov votes with us.

          for the Central Bank, for the CONSTITUTION of the Russian Federation written in the United States ????
          Well then, as they say, there are no questions for you, but we will however remember you ...
          In order not to repeat Fedorov’s nonsense, take care at last to read the Constitution and the Federal Law on the Central Bank, and if you don’t get it the first time, read the comments on them.

          on his words and actions, information is more than enough
          That is, on the whitening of a black male?

          or do you need a house-xnumx format?
          Not - you need a video format in the Fedorov-old man-Purgenyanov interpretation, I read the normative acts. hi
    2. +4
      6 July 2013 15: 01
      Quote: papss
      And those who saw in him a "project" - do not follow his publications and speeches ... he is critical of the authorities in the Kremlin (WTO, USE, LIBYA, JUVENAL JUSTICE, OFFSHORE, Central Bank, Constitution of the Russian Federation and much more) ... are themselves, someone's "project".

      I regularly visit his website, I follow publications. I looked at the program of the anti-aircraft defense party that he creates. The main idea that he put forward was nationalization, that’s where he gained the necessary popularity. In the party’s program, there’s not a word about it, general phrases about general well-being.
      And they interpret the concept of nationalization with Fedorov in an original way, everything should be private, but patriotic. It is very strange.
      Therefore, I concluded for myself, the project Nikolai Viktorovich, there are certain Kremlin forces behind it.
      And publications for being in a jet cannot earn popularity without criticizing the authorities. But he criticizes it within the limits of what is permitted. It’s a framework design.
      1. -3
        6 July 2013 18: 25
        Quote: baltika-18
        Quote: papss
        And those who saw in him a "project" - do not follow his publications and speeches ... he is critical of the authorities in the Kremlin (WTO, USE, LIBYA, JUVENAL JUSTICE, OFFSHORE, Central Bank, Constitution of the Russian Federation and much more) ... are themselves, someone's "project".

        I regularly visit his website, I follow publications. I looked at the program of the anti-aircraft defense party that he creates. The main idea that he put forward was nationalization, that’s where he gained the necessary popularity. In the party’s program, there’s not a word about it, general phrases about general well-being.
        And they interpret the concept of nationalization with Fedorov in an original way, everything should be private, but patriotic. It is very strange.
        Therefore, I concluded for myself, the project Nikolai Viktorovich, there are certain Kremlin forces behind it.
        And publications for being in a jet cannot earn popularity without criticizing the authorities. But he criticizes it within the limits of what is permitted. It’s a framework design.

        I'm sorry, but you’re wrong, nationalization is just like privatization one of the mechanisms of the economy, and only a populist can write such things into the party’s program
        c% d0% b0
        read the program and think about what you really disagree with?
        and nationalization will really be considered when the party has power, and now there’s nothing to talk about
        1. 0
          6 July 2013 19: 22
          Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
          read the program and think about what you really disagree with?

          And he has a standard set there for attracting people. The guys do not shine with originality. All that people have been waiting for many years.
          Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
          nationalization will really be considered when the party has power,

          You look at their speeches about nationalization, what they understand by it and everything will become clear in whose dude the guys are blowing.
          Here Old Men all the time scolds "Anglo-Saxons", right of course, but the daughter himself studied in England, however, a patriot ...
          Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
          read the program and think

          I read it more than once. I was a fan of Starikov, but managed to figure out his web. It was easy for me to do, because I have always adhered to and adhere to only one system — socialism, the future lies with it.
          1. +1
            6 July 2013 23: 31
            Quote: baltika-18
            Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
            read the program and think about what you really disagree with?

            And he has there a standard set for attracting people. The guys do not shine with originality. All that people have been waiting for many years ..

            that is, in the party program exactly what you have been waiting for many years, but you are still against !!!!
            Do you know that this is the position of a woman - yagi? What originality do you need, and most importantly why?
            Quote: baltika-18
            Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
            nationalization will really be considered when the party has power,

            You look at their speeches about nationalization, what they understand by it and everything will become clear in whose dude the guys are blowing.
            Here Old Men all the time scolds "Anglo-Saxons", right of course, but the daughter himself studied in England, however, a patriot ...

            Well, now there is no power to carry out nationalization, which is not clear, they just crush
            about a daughter, stupidly a lie, she once went with him for an exchange to England and lived there in a family, lives and studies in Russia
            Quote: baltika-18
            Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
            read the program and think

            I read it more than once. I was a fan of Starikov, but managed to figure out his web. It was easy for me to do, because I have always adhered to and adhere to only one system — socialism, the future lies with it.

            socialism, as we know it, is impossible, but elements of socialism and state ownership are necessary, and this is what Starikov proposes
  10. +3
    6 July 2013 10: 18
    Apparently, for the revival of Russia, it is time to consolidate at the highest legislative level both the values ​​that determine the national ideology and the responsibility for betraying the interests of the state.
    So they will establish it for the common people, and they will set themselves above them. And there are enough examples of this in the media today.
    1. +2
      6 July 2013 14: 04
      So maybe enough to live by the principle of my hut from the edge?
      When the far corner of the village burns, any hut may be closest to the fire.
  11. Asan Ata
    6 July 2013 12: 25
    Goloshchekin, aka Shaya Itsovich-Isakovich, being the new first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, sent a note to the Kremlin, which was only declassified recently. It said that to destroy the Kazakhs, it is enough to remove livestock from them. To which he received approval. Famine victims 1 million 750 thousand people of Kazakhs, or 42% of the population. Thus, according to official data, according to the All-Union Population Census of the USSR of the 1926 year, there were 3 968 289 people in the USSR, and already in the 1939 year, according to the 1939 census, there were a total of 3 100 949 million people (information taken from Wikipedia). By the way, in the Great Patriotic War of Kazakhstan, about 400 000 people died, and the United States lost only 300 000 people. Today, there are only a little over 10 million people in Kazakhstan.
    1. RPD
      6 July 2013 13: 10
      yes washed Moscow
      among Kazakhstanis, how many Russians were there?
      1. Yarosvet
        6 July 2013 13: 42
        Quote: RPD
        yes washed Moscow

        among Kazakhstanis, how many Russians were there?

        It turns out you can think - when you want. laughing
      2. Asan Ata
        6 July 2013 22: 02
        The figure is for Kazakhstanis, see the text.
      3. Marek Rozny
        8 July 2013 17: 36
        Quote: RPD
        among Kazakhstanis, how many Russians were there?

        by 1932-1933, there were Russians in Kazakhstan with a gulkin's nose. and they did not suffer much, tk. the famine was not "natural", but on the orders of the Bolsheviks, who considered that the Kazakhs were too rich in cattle, that, they say, the Kazakhs still did not realize proletarian solidarity, and it was necessary to walk "Small October" through the Kazakh aul "(the official formulation of those years) The "Small October" in 1932 (in other words - the forcible expropriation of cattle in full) was carried out only among the Kazakhs. The Russian settlers did not fall under the pressure of this "October".

        As for the combat losses, sorry, but the Kazakhs consider themselves from birth adapted for war. And the Kazakhs have a simple logic in the war: "not to die for the Motherland, but to kill the enemy for the Motherland." The fact that the Kazakhs died in percentage terms less than the Russians does not mean that the Kazakhs did not fight or were sitting out during the battle behind the backs of Russian fellow soldiers. Any Kazakh is a soldier. Since childhood, we have been brought up on military epics and stories about direct ancestors.
        I personally call the genus "argyn" (one of the interpretations of the translation is "staunch Hun"), the subgenus is called "karauyl" ("guardsman"), the division of the subgenus is "zhaulybai" ("the one who seizes foreign lands"). Everyone in my family was military. Both grandfathers went to the Red Army in 1941. Both fought on the Japanese front after the defeat of Germany. You may be offended, but Kazakhs are proud of the fact that they are born wars. And if you admit the idea that Russians are better wars than Jews or Georgians, then Kazakhs think that they are better wars than Russians.
        You can make fun of Kazakh traditional occupations and habits, but in military affairs, Kazakhs will at least wipe their nose. By the way, the only person - the hero of the USSR and the hero of Russia for military merit - ethnic Kazakh (Kayyrgeldy Maidanov).
        In a word, statistics on losses by nationality in this case does not say anything. And the percentage of mobilization in the Kazakh SSR was the highest in the USSR during the war.
        Z.Y. Keep in mind that there were relatively few steppe inhabitants (Turks and Mongols) among the prisoners, and even then, most of them later moved from camps to Turkestan battalions of the Wehrmacht, and actually continued to fight the Germans from the inside (unlike any ROA).
        1. Warlock
          8 July 2013 20: 01
          we have reason to believe that we are better warriors than Georgians, for example (080808).
          why do you think you're better than us?
    2. Corneli
      6 July 2013 13: 16
      Quote: Asan Ata
      Goloshchekin, aka Shaya Itsovich-Isakovich, being the new first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, sent a note to the Kremlin, which was only declassified recently. It said that to destroy the Kazakhs, it is enough to remove livestock from them. To which he received approval. The victims of hunger were 1 million 750 thousand people of Kazakhs, or 42% of the population.

      If it's not a secret, how long ago did the topic of "Holodomor" begin to be discussed in Kazakhstan? Previously, I didn’t see anyone writing about this on the site, but recently they have often begun to remember ...
      1. RPD
        6 July 2013 13: 20
        every nation has legends about the Holodomor perpetrated by the Russians, while the fact that with all the "Holodomors" the number of peoples only increased
        1. Corneli
          6 July 2013 14: 26
          Quote: RPD
          every nation has legends about the Holodomor perpetrated by the Russians, while the fact that with all the "Holodomors" the number of peoples only increased

          As for the "increase", you bent it what And if, for example. in general, take the topic, my great-grandmother back in the USSR, told me little about hunger, in general, little pleasant things ... But it never occurred to her to blame the Russians ...
          P. What infuriated me at one time Yusch. dug up this topic, found the "guilty" and let's rivet monuments (nifiga not cheap) all over the country. The army rusts, more money from the budget they shish, factories zagibayutsya (gas rose 2 times, thanks to his antics), and it spends millions on monuments. From such figures they themselves make hunger ... and external enemies are not needed (
          1. +2
            6 July 2013 18: 17
            I beg you to watch Leontyev's film "Orange Children of the Third Reich" - make sure. that Yusch hadn't dug anything up - he was given a propaganda program that had been worked out since the fifties ... apparently. you are not familiar with the details ...
            Sorry, I wanted to put you +, but it turned out -... I will see your any comment- I compensate ... :)))
        2. +3
          6 July 2013 18: 13
          I do not agree - the peoples have no legends ... there is a CIA program "enslaved nations". Established in the 40s ... then they established "the day of the enslaved peoples" - of course, Russians, there were no other enslavers on the planet ..... tales about the Ukrainian Holodomor were created by the end of the 40s by the soldiers of the psychological war of the relevant departments .. . by the end of the 70s and beginning of the eighties, having made sure of the effectiveness of this propaganda find, they are trying to pull the topic on all other peoples ... you see, oligophrenics appear who religiously believe in this ... note that all the Nazis of all nationalities of the Union (local nationalists ) operate with the same cliches, terms, techniques ... and not only propaganda, this speaks of leadership from one center ...
      2. +4
        6 July 2013 14: 13
        And about the famine in the Volga region, too, have not heard?
        By the way, my grandmother is from Ukraine, from that very collective farm in which the same Petrusha was riding girls on a tractor. And she told how she pulled a hefty Swede in a boot so that Petrusha would fight back from this.
        And if he didn’t touch everyone, his lads wouldn’t pour oil upon issuing the cradles. And he set himself on fire. He wanted to smoke after getting cots and rinsing with kerosene oil. So blazed.
        So the grandmother quite clearly said about the Holodomor - their own chairmen of the comedians arranged it. They chased orders and thanks.
        1. RPD
          6 July 2013 14: 47
          So grandmother quite clearly said about the famine - their own chairmen and they arranged it for kombedov. They chased orders and thanks.

          everyone died, the Holodomor as a means of political influence is akin to the Holocaust
      3. Asan Ata
        6 July 2013 21: 40
        Back in 1965, I remember a thin book with a story about how a family, a father, a mother and a small child, got out of the steppe, and the mother kept the father from eating her own child, who, having frightened off the eagle, got a caught hare. In my mother's aul, in northern Kazakhstan, there is a grove "Adamolgen" - where people died. This grove bordered on the steppe, and the steppe Kazakhs, having reached it from hunger, in many cases died there. My father's teacher, Moscow professor Vozdvizhensky, whom Lenin personally gave a mandate to study the geology of Kazakhstan, said that while driving in Kazakhstan by rail in the 20s, he saw an endless number of dead, dying Kazakhs along the railway, who were trying to get hold of something there. We have never forgotten this, parents passed on to children. The steppe Kazakhs, for the most part, died, only those who were close to the forest or rivers survived. On Balkhash, on the northern shore, local aksakals said, a lot of people died. They thought that the lake would feed, but they did not know how to fish. If you purposefully drive through Kazakhstan, you will collect a lot of such information. Yes, this topic began to be discussed politically after the Ukrainians announced the Holodomor. The Kazakhs in the 20th century have endured everything, but the spirit was not broken. And also for those who do not know: in the hungry war years, Stalin resettled entire peoples to Kazakhstan, these people were thrown right into the steppe, and if it were not for the Kazakhs, they would not have survived. In my grandfather's small room, two large families of such wanderers spent the winter with our family.
        1. +2
          7 July 2013 00: 42
          "In my grandfather's little room, two large families of such wanderers spent the winter with our family."

          Well, what can you say? Thanks you.
        2. RPD
          7 July 2013 03: 03
          what can you say .... each cherishes his sore, but strangers do not notice
    3. 0
      6 July 2013 14: 13
      Ek, how unsuccessfully the USSR occupied you ... Almost three times they have bred ...
      1. Marek Rozny
        8 July 2013 17: 30
        Quote: dustycat
        Ek, how unsuccessfully the USSR occupied you ... Almost three times they have bred ...

        Look at the data on the number of Kazakhs during the Russian Empire in the 19th century and compare with Soviet censuses. The Kazakhs were able to make up the number of the 19th century after the tragedies of the 20-30s only in the stagnant years. Before Soviet rule, the Kazakhs were the largest Turkic ethnic group in the country, and the second in the world (after the Turks). The Uzbeks were a grain of sand compared to us. However, from the 20s to the 30s, the nation was hardened severely, as the Kazakhs generally survived in the Stalin years - an incomprehensible mystery to me. No Soviet people have experienced such a loss in numbers. So your ernichnost is generally inappropriate.
    4. +1
      6 July 2013 18: 33
      Quote: Asan Ata
      Goloshchekin, aka Shaya Itsovich-Isakovich, being the new first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, sent a note to the Kremlin, which was only declassified recently. It said that to destroy the Kazakhs, it is enough to remove livestock from them. To which he received approval. Famine victims 1 million 750 thousand people of Kazakhs, or 42% of the population. Thus, according to official data, according to the All-Union Population Census of the USSR of the 1926 year, there were 3 968 289 people in the USSR, and already in the 1939 year, according to the 1939 census, there were a total of 3 100 949 million people (information taken from Wikipedia). By the way, in the Great Patriotic War of Kazakhstan, about 400 000 people died, and the United States lost only 300 000 people. Today, there are only a little over 10 million people in Kazakhstan.

      you didn’t understand the meaning of the post, or didn’t you realize that in Moscow, like today, there were patriots and liberals of that time?
      the liberals said they would take the cattle, and he took it away, for which he was then shot by a team of patriots of that time. Why is it not clear?
      1. 0
        6 July 2013 19: 25
        Quote: Andrey Skokovsky
        or did you not realize that in Moscow, as there were today, both patriots and liberals of that time?
        the liberals said they would take the cattle, and he took it away, for which he was then shot by a team of patriots of that time. Why is it not clear?

        How old are you, Andrey?
        Have you read anything besides Starikov’s books?
  12. olegol
    6 July 2013 13: 11
    A very ridiculous statement by the author:
    "Today the situation is different: someone is bathed in gold, and someone is struggling to make ends meet. By and large, this Western model, which has existed there for centuries, does not take root on Russian soil."

    There is no such model in the West for a long time. There is a middle class - 85% of the society that lives successfully, well off and does not envy five percent of billionaires.
    After such stupidity, reading on does not make sense. Awareness of the author about the West - 0 integers, 0 tenths.
    1. RPD
      6 July 2013 13: 14
      There is a middle class - 85%
      and then what rebels Europe?
      1. olegol
        6 July 2013 13: 34
        Go and see with your own eyes (not on ORT) whether Europe is rebelling. Europe lives for itself, as 40 has lived for years. Well fed and free. Local population outbursts are by no means a rebellion against the system. This is a normal protest on specific occasions. Which change naturally as society develops and changes. This is the reaction of society to changes in itself. No Stenka Razin is observed in the European brain.
        1. RPD
          6 July 2013 13: 46
          and forex analysts are talking about rising unemployment, in Spain up to 25% say
          1. olegol
            6 July 2013 14: 18
            And when was the last time you saw an unemployed Spaniard near your home in search of a better life? Something not very puzzled by forex analysts, Europeans are heading east ...
            So far and so far - the opposite.
            1. RPD
              6 July 2013 14: 31
              is that you apparently talking to yourself? maybe you are some kind of seasoned specialist, but in Russia, the rubbish removes garbage, the Spaniards are unfit for this business
            2. Constantine
              6 July 2013 16: 23
              I was, lived and saw. Oleg, you need to engage in such propaganda in LJ, where the bulk of you will appreciate it.
            3. +8
              6 July 2013 18: 33
              But then I saw that the population of Lithuania over the past 20 years has decreased by a quarter. At the same time, according to their official data, 600 thousand Lithuanians are migrant workers abroad, mainly as cleaners and builders of the lowest category (think about it out of 3 million! Like unfortunate Tajiks), but I saw how much the wages for 10 years fell in France and Germany- and not in absolute numbers and not taking inflation into account, but I saw that, for example, in London, the Poles are trying to monopolize the prestigious plumber profession ... and they are yelling about unemployment, they are screaming ... :)))))
              By the way, the Spanish unemployed will not reach us, he simply does not have money ... :))))
        2. +5
          6 July 2013 18: 43
          Quote: olegol
          Go and see with your own eyes (not on ORT) whether Europe is rebelling. Europe lives for itself, as 40 has lived for years. Well fed and free. Local population outbursts are by no means a rebellion against the system. This is a normal protest on specific occasions. Which change naturally as society develops and changes. This is the reaction of society to changes in itself. No Stenka Razin is observed in the European brain.

          it looks like until bombs are sprinkled on your heads, or a person walking towards you doesn’t turn the line in your direction, as is happening in Syria today, you’ll soar in the clouds ...
    2. +4
      6 July 2013 18: 23
      After your ... thoughtlessness, I agree, you don’t need to read, it’s useless to feed the horse .... you don’t tell us about the middle class, many here in this Europe live and can observe this rapid collapse of the European tales about the middle class ... which did not form in Eastern Europe ... why are you lying? Or just believe in propaganda cliches, but do not know anything yourself? :)))
  13. +4
    6 July 2013 13: 13
    Apparently, for the revival of Russia, it is time to consolidate at the highest legislative level both the values ​​that determine the national ideology and the responsibility for betraying the interests of the state.
    That's right, it’s time to change the constitution. Recall that it was imposed on the people immediately after the Yeltsin revolution of 93. The state cannot exist without dialogue. A holy place does not happen.
    Now Western liberalism is being introduced in Russia, with all its abominations, consumption, worship of bagatism, debauchery, etc. .. That was one of the reasons that led to the degradation and depopulation of our people. The foundations of ideology should include values ​​and traditions that unite society, and not disrupt it. In Russia, the traitors acted harshly both in Soviet times and in tsarist times. Political will must be shown to change the constitution and adopt appropriate laws.
    1. Yarosvet
      6 July 2013 13: 47
      Quote: slaventi

      Yes, do you leave the Constitution alone - it was popularly accepted, or did someone forbid you to read it beforehand?

      It is not the Constitution that matters; the current one is not respected either.

      The rest of the commentary is clumsy, but true.
  14. +5
    6 July 2013 13: 27
    Thanks to the author! More such articles!
  15. +6
    6 July 2013 13: 45
    Any assessment of our history should proceed from the simple concept "This is MY HOMELAND, and I love it"
    The rest is secondary.
  16. +8
    6 July 2013 14: 04
    People who do not know their history have no right to the future! My personal opinion is that history should study naked facts, then there were such and such events, and not like that, whoever is in power extols convenient facts, and revolts inconvenient facts, everyone, on the basis of his mental inventions, will decide what is good in history , and what is bad. And it really shouldn't be like in America, when they invent their own facts of history to the detriment of the truth, in my opinion Russia should have long ago thrown the background of contempt in relation to the "American history" of the Second World War, and of other facts!
    1. Yarosvet
      6 July 2013 14: 10
      Quote: Prapor Afonya
      My personal opinion is that history should study bare facts ...

      Golden words!
    2. +2
      7 July 2013 00: 56
      "The people who do not know their history have no right to the future! My personal opinion is that history should study the naked facts, then there were such and such events, and not so, who is in power, he praises convenient facts, and vilifies inconvenient facts, everyone he himself, on the basis of his mental inventions, will decide what is good in history and what is bad. "

      That's right, manipulating, juggling and changing facts is already propaganda.
    3. Warlock
      8 July 2013 20: 47
      >> My personal opinion is that history should study the naked facts ...

      DD Where? at school? if so then most likely it will be a big mistake
  17. iOfficer
    6 July 2013 14: 47
    In fact, the trend is becoming more and more noticeable when people start to enjoy their homeland not only on the Internet, but also beyond. Not only with words, but also with deeds. We are all representatives of a great nation and should work for the common good, although now it is not so fashionable, but clear prospects are poorly visible. Everyone needs to start with himself, first of all, and without regard to the neighbors.
  18. 0
    6 July 2013 15: 40
    Starikov manages to write on his blog, now for topwar, to meet with his audience, to speak with Fedorov, to star in any programs. How many books have already written! I just can’t understand how many hours he has in a day. fifty? 50? Or are there just a lot of Starikovs? or is Starikov a marking-pseudonym of a whole group of agit-writers? request And I somehow forgot my once favorite law on the Central Bank, which on my blog promised to "graze" before it was adopted in the State Duma ... as if on command from above. Maybe with the memory, what happened? Or not relevant? elections are long gone
    1. 0
      6 July 2013 19: 28
      Quote: LetterKsi
      Starikov manages to write on his blog, now for topwar, to meet with his audience, to speak with Fedorov,

      By the way, he is also the commercial director of OJSC "Channel One-St. Petersburg".
  19. +1
    6 July 2013 15: 57
    After all, there is not a single negative comment about the magnificent film “The Legend of 17” - although it would seem that it is special? The older generation respected the remarkable hockey player Valery Kharlamov even without this tape, and the young people did not know at all.
    heh .. would go to hockey sites and learn a lot about this movie ...

    The famous Russian TV commentator Vasily Utkin criticized the film "Legend No. 17" about the Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov.

    - In this film, I saw the general squalor and the absence of any connection with reality. And the film is not a match, you will speak out sharply about it - questions will immediately arise: why, and why so suddenly. I will say again: I consider the film "Legend # 17" to be bestiality. A disgusting, malicious sh * t, - said Utkin.

    According to Utkin, the film "Legend # 17" is completely untrue: "I think this film is shit, not because it is made in a too light or too heavy genre, not because it is overly or insufficiently patriotic, and not because it is good or poorly filmed. This film should be washed away because it is completely untrue. "

    - Here in this film there is neither Kharlamov nor the Super Series. Absolutely. Anyone who wants to understand something from the movie "Legend 17" will go crazy. Here is a simple example, the most striking one. This is when Tarasov took the team off the ice. As far as I know, in the film it looks like this: the USSR national team is playing a friendly match with Spartak, on the podium Brezhnev, who is a fan of Spartak, the judges for some reason condemn Spartak and at some point Tarasov can no longer do this endure and takes the team to the locker room, as a result of which he is removed from the national team. My friends, Brezhnev was rooting for CSKA, but this is nonsense! It is ridiculous to imagine Soviet judges giving advice in a friendly match. What for? Why? This is not just hack. This is a forgery, - wrote Vasily Utkin in his conference

    poll for example:
    1. -1
      6 July 2013 22: 31
      Quote: Gleb
      The famous Russian TV commentator Vasily Utkin criticized the film "Legend No. 17" about the Soviet hockey player Valery Kharlamov.

      Regarding the film, I will support you and Utkin. A rare rubbish that has nothing to do with that reality. To this day, I have the files of the weekly Football-Hockey magazine of that time, and I don’t suffer from memory lapses, I remember a few things.
      1. 0
        7 July 2013 06: 20
        for those who are interested in hockey, the bloopers in the film are obvious. the chronology of events is violated thoroughly. he met his wife at 75, but not at 72. the accident happened with his wife later than in the film. Tarasov took CSKA away from the ice and not the national team. why did Bobrov, Chernyshev is hardly mentioned. Well, you can talk about plastic colored seats in the stands and other mistakes. Of course, from the point of view of patriotism, the film is good, but about the same as Rocky, the best film about boxing, but with the reality of the problem
    2. +1
      6 July 2013 22: 33
      Quote: Gleb
      To imagine that in a friendly match the Soviet judges condemned is ridiculous.

      Alas, but he is NOT RIGHT. there is a TV interview of Tarasov, where he described this incident ...
  20. -2
    6 July 2013 16: 12
    Quote: LetterKsi
    Or are there just a lot of Starikovs?

    Only one old man. The rest in the office are "negros".
  21. -5
    6 July 2013 17: 56
    I didn't like the article. Behind the correct slogans and appeals is a poorly concealed desire to ensure the eternal rule of the current powers that be. Excursions into history for those who were not interested in history and studied it in the high school curriculum. The explanations for collectivization are not convincing. In general, the author is a slippery type, unpleasant. The feeling that they want to "dissolve" me and use it not in my interests does not leave. The authorities' real actions are at odds with what Starikov credits her with. In general, the Project ...
  22. The comment was deleted.
  23. denort
    6 July 2013 18: 35
    Quote: Normal
    The feeling that they want to "dissolve" me and use it not in my interests does not leave.

    "The current financial system is interested in the existence of no associations of people, because each individually is much more convenient to manipulate, direct him in the right direction. A person as a physical unit must consume the money created by this system" out of nowhere "and spend it on himself. This is the ideal of the world order, which is being imposed on us today. The average individual is trying in every possible way to get rid of any "unnecessary", from the point of view of merchants, concepts, such as Motherland, conscience, honor. Because it is difficult and even impossible to measure with money. In their opinion, it is superfluous. However, the implantation of such individualism has been confronted from ancient times with the inherent conciliarity, collectivism, and patriotism, which are inherited at the genetic level from generation to generation - wonderful qualities thanks to which our people, our country, have been able to withstand all the hardships since ancient times. "

    And you are all worrying about your interests ... The article is not at all about your personal interests :)
    1. -1
      6 July 2013 20: 52
      Quote: denort
      And you all care about your interests ...

      Do you know me long enough to say so?
      Current financial system
      What exactly is meant? The global financial system or the financial system of Russia? If the former, then why the latter is actively embedded in the world system and is embedded precisely by the existing Russian authorities?
      This is the ideal of the world order that is being imposed on us today.
      Who is being imposed and why is the government in Russia not actively opposing, but rather contributing to this process?
      However, the planting of such individualism has been confronted with from time immemorial inherent in us, collegiality, collectivism, patriotism, passed down from generation to generation at the genetic level - wonderful qualities thanks to which our people, the country from time to time managed to withstand all the ordeals.
      Therefore, the Starikovs and Fedorovs appear, who claim that from time immemorial inherent in the people qualities are supposedly properties demanded by the authorities and almost its merit.
      And my interests coincide with the interests of Russia. But this does not mean that the interests of Russia coincide with the interests of the comprador bourgeoisie.
  24. QWERTY
    6 July 2013 20: 37
    And article 6 guarantees that "a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of his citizenship." What to do with traitors to the motherland?

    One religious leader stated, “not a man for the Sabbath, but a Sabbath for a man.” People who disagreed with him killed him and generally remained Jews.
    Is such a constitution for the people, or is the people under the yoke of the constitution?
    Why can’t the Novodvorskaya enemy be deprived of citizenship? There are more than enough reasons.
    1. +3
      7 July 2013 01: 14
      "Is this a constitution for the people, or a people under the yoke of a constitution?
      Why can't the enemy Novodvorskaya be deprived of her citizenship? There are more than enough reasons. "

      Are you fucked up? Do not touch the clowns! I have been laughing at her pearls for weeks.
  25. +3
    6 July 2013 21: 35
    Here is a quote from Mr. Starikov: "The current financial system is interested in the fact that there are no associations of people, because each individually is much more convenient to manipulate, direct him in the right direction." It just isn't true. It is in the West - in Europe and the United States - that a huge number of public organizations exist. For example, there are 1,5 million public organizations in the states. They deal with a wide variety of issues and solve a wide range of problems. What is not there is also independent trade unions, associations of people with disabilities, associations of retirees, boy scouts, Greenpeace, committees to help the poor, sports associations, organizations dealing with the protection of children and motherhood, flower growers' associations and so on. There is an interesting group, I read in Popular Mechanics, men in garages make rockets and then they gather from all over the country and launch them in the desert - romantics.
    And these public organizations play a big role in the political life of the country in local and federal elections. Therefore, when they say that the West is exclusively individualism - man is a wolf to man and so on. So I reply that maybe it’s worth taking a closer look at the processes that are taking place in Western society and not in a hurry to make unambiguous conclusions. And all the more so as we follow this path. We also have public organizations, some of which have existed since Soviet times, for example, associations of war and labor veterans. This also includes associations of veterans of Afghanistan and Chechnya. And I think that it’s normal when people unite according to their interests or to solve some problems. This is civil society.
    1. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 17
      And the Cossacks, isn’t this a public organization?
  26. Xnumx kopeek
    7 July 2013 02: 12
    Quote: Setrac
    Quote: Yarosvet
    Sweet Anya

    Is this a form of male chauvinism? Or you just do not know how to adequately contact people?
    -1 - "Miliy An"
    -2- "Dear Anno"
  27. -1
    7 July 2013 09: 18
    Corneli U.A.
    Quote: Asan Ata
    Goloshchekin, aka Shaya Itsovich-Isakovich, being the new first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan, sent a note to the Kremlin, which was only declassified recently. It said that to destroy the Kazakhs, it is enough to remove livestock from them. To which he received approval. The victims of hunger were 1 million 750 thousand people of Kazakhs, or 42% of the population.

    If it's not a secret, how long ago did the topic of "Holodomor" begin to be discussed in Kazakhstan? Previously, I didn’t see anyone writing about this on the site, but recently they have often begun to remember ...

    This is done in order for the Kazakhs to hate the Russians, to embroil our peoples. The AMERICOS and BRITANAS have done a good job! Already at the everyday level, alienation is felt. No further than yesterday a Kazakh was hit by a Russian on the road, and an accident almost happened. To the question: - "What are you doing, crazy or what?", In his address from the Kazakh side rushed a selected swearing in Russian and the words: - "What are you doing here at all, have you forgotten on whose land you live?" Wt so it! (Alma-Ata city)
    1. Asan Ata
      7 July 2013 10: 08
      Well, let's say that in Moscow there are two orders of magnitude more such goofs. In the first years of independence, a million and a half Russians left Kazakhstan, and even now there are Russian youth who do not see their future in Kazakhstan. However, these twenty-odd years have changed not only interethnic relations (Russian chauvinism and Kazakh nationalism were dominant in Soviet times, do not forget about the 5-7 million virgin lands from Russia and Ukraine, who changed the general way of interethnic relations, but all this was seriously diluted with the traditional Kazakh hospitality and openness), but also created the preconditions for a stable comfortable life for the non-indigenous population in Kazakhstan. Today, in this environment, the study of Kazakh culture and language is practiced (which was simply ignored in the Soviet years), and, as a result, the complete adaptation of young people. This is not a violent way - those who understand that Kazakhstan is their homeland, assimilate in the environment, acquire Kazakh friends, including inter-ethnic marriages, and everyone treats this calmly, those who want to live in Russia after school, or even further, they study in Russian schools and Russian departments of universities. I must say Kazakh Russian is mentally very different from Russian - he drinks much less, is more open and efficient. Emigration to Russia showed that for the majority it was a mistake. Today it is not uncommon for Russians and Germans to return to Kazakhstan "with a sigh uff", as if back home. Knowledge of the language, respect for foreign culture - this is the pass to the comfortable life of a Russian in Kazakhstan.
      1. FRIGATE2
        8 July 2013 20: 04
        Quote: Asan Ata
        However, these twenty-odd years have changed not only interethnic relations (the dominant in Soviet times were Russian chauvinism and Kazakh nationalism, do not forget about 5-7 million virgin lands from Russia and Ukraine, which changed the general pattern of interethnic relations, but all this was seriously diluted with traditional Kazakh hospitality and openness), but also created the prerequisites for a stable comfortable life of non-indigenous people in Kazakhstan.

        Or as it was said "Kazakhstan is a laboratory of peoples' friendship"
    2. Marek Rozny
      8 July 2013 16: 53
      Quote: ia-ai00
      This is done in order for the Kazakhs to hate the Russians, in order to embroil our peoples. The AMERICOS and BRITANAS have done a good job!

      Fun though! Was it the British and amers who liquidated half of the Kazakhs in a couple of years of Soviet rule? Be honest - when Kazakhs talk about tragedies in their history - you want them to shut up, because this does not fit into your mythical image of "the blessed years of the Soviet (Russian - in your understanding) system."
      What are we going to do with the dead? And if you don’t want to hear about it, then don’t talk about the fact that in Soviet times only "nishtyaks" fell on the Kazakhs' heads. Then the Kazakh will not remind you of these events once again.

      Quote: ia-ai00
      No further than yesterday a Kazakh was hit by a Russian on the road, and an accident almost happened. To the question: - "What are you doing, crazy or what?", In his address from the Kazakh side rushed a selected swearing in Russian and the words: - "What are you doing here at all, have you forgotten on whose land you live?" Wt so it! (Alma-Ata city)

      Today, on the Astana-Karaganda highway, eight Russians ate a Kazakh child in public. Yesterday a Russian passer-by in Karaganda scolded the old Kazakh with the words "The unwashed churks came in large numbers" and kicked the old man in the ass. Let's not get out of here and write frank bullshit. You have an understandable position - to show the Russians how hard it is for Russians to live in Kazakhstan. Why don't you get out of here, since "terrible savage people" live here?
  28. +1
    7 July 2013 10: 30
    I will not give you a plus or a minus. I was born in Kazakhstan and there have never been any unfriendly attacks on me personally, but now here and there you hear about such facts, and you know, the impression is that further disrespect for the Russians will be manifested even more, just like in Kyrgyzstan. Kazakhstan is a lot of a national republic and everyone lived in peace and harmony, no one oppressed anyone and no one was "running errands" for anyone. Young people raised on the false "recent history" will grow up and Kazakhstan will become a mono-state, because 99% of Russians will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves, they will simply leave Kazakhstan!
    1. Asan Ata
      7 July 2013 12: 06
      Well, you, apparently, have not been to Kazakhstan for a long time. You know, Kazakhstan cannot be compared with any former Soviet republic, here the most tolerant population. If you have lived in Kazakhstan, then you probably have not seen chauvinism, because you are Russian. You didn't care much that, for example, there was only one Kazakh school in the capital of Kazakhstan. And if now someone says something bad about Kazakhstan, you actively support it, as a person who left this region. Today, among young people under 20 years old, 75% of Kazakhs, in our families now three or more children are popular, the Kazakh language has become more popular than Russian, and in this environment, in order to feel comfortable, we must forget about Great Russian chauvinism, which, like a ragged flag, some hanging in the backyard, and sprout culture and life of the common environment. I have many Russian friends, and none of them aspires to Russia, which is nowhere stranger to them (they travel, they see). They are already Kazakhs more than Russians, they understand the Kazakh language, traditions, love beshbarmak, kumis, shubat, but they also do not tolerate humiliation. If our Russian decides to leave Kazakhstan, then, of course, not to Russia, but, like my classmates, to Canada, Australia or New Zealand. But, you know, it's far away, you need to know English, there are no beshbarmak and Kazakh friends.)))))) And one more thing: you shouldn't be so about history. In Soviet times, the history of Kazakhstan was taught in a tiny book, where pre-revolutionary history was only one and a half pages long. The fact that national identity is growing today is the result of development, access to historical archives, and a careful study of its history. Well, who could tell us about Kul Tegin, a Turkic kagan of the 7th century, on whose stele it is written in a Turkic runic script: "O great Turkic people, live and be glorified for centuries"? I saw a translation of this inscription in 1974 in the UNESCO magazine, but for us it was forbidden. Live good, remember Kazakhstan as a native place!
    2. Marek Rozny
      8 July 2013 16: 39
      Quote: ia-ai00
      I was born in Kazakhstan

      This doesn’t mean anything. You know about Kazakhstan and Kazakhs just as much as a resident of Tver or Khabarovsk. And it is very strange that this does not reach you.

      Quote: ia-ai00
      I personally have never had any unfriendly attacks, but now here and there you hear about such facts

      you are tired of scaring each other with tales of "Kazakh nationalists". The Russian diaspora has been composing its own brains for 20 years with this x_ney "somewhere in Kazakhstan, Russians offend." And by your actions you create a false impression among the Russians that "Russians are being oppressed in Kazakhstan." How have you already got it with your delirium. When will you "restrained" calm down already? Well, or at least poke your finger in a specific person and say: "this Kazakh is oppressing me on a national basis!"
      Quote: ia-ai00
      further disrespect for Russians will be even more pronounced
      The attitude towards Russians, Chechens, Uighurs, Koreans, Kurds is the same. Is it necessary to isolate the Russians somehow? What special respect do you need? Three times "ku" to do? And it would be okay for the Russian Kazakhs who are complimentary to the Kazakhs to get excited, but where are you going? What is your respect for the Kazakhs (as well as their culture, language, history) is manifested? Do not treat Kazakhs here by telling how white and fluffy you are. All your "respect" for Kazakhstan and the Kazakhs is expressed only in the fact that you are not going (yet) to dump from here. But judging by your way of thinking, sooner or later it will happen. And you will be a copy of Vasilenko and other "disadvantaged refugees" who "fled" without forgetting to take away the piano and doorknobs.
      There is no need to comb about the ideal national policy in Soviet times. Kazakhs do not believe that the policy of forced Russification is an "ideal national policy". What is not clear to you again? They will arrange a forced Kazakhization for you - then tell them that it is wonderful.
      Quote: ia-ai00
      Young people will grow up, brought up on the false "recent history"
      Have you ever opened a textbook on the history of Kazakhstan at least once in your life before flogging such garbage?

      Quote: ia-ai00
      Kazakhstan will become a mono-state

      Normal Russians won't go anywhere. But the sooner the hysterics with phantom chauvinist pains, who did not leave in the 90s, get out of here - the better for Kazakhstanis and for you, "refugees".
      1. -4
        8 July 2013 16: 46
        Quote: Marek Rozny
        Normal Russians won't go anywhere. But the sooner the hysterics with phantom chauvinist pains, who did not leave in the 90s, get out of here - the better for Kazakhstanis and for you, "refugees".

        That is, Kazakh nationalists believe that there is no place for a Russian with a developed national consciousness in Kazakhstan, I understand correctly?
        1. Marek Rozny
          8 July 2013 17: 20
          with exaggerated national consciousness-no place.
          do not distort. Kazakhs have a negative attitude towards those who begin to behave like a shape-shifter. if a Russian renounces his nationality and his national culture, he will receive nothing but contempt from the Kazakhs. this is "satkyn", i.e. traitor.
          Russians should be proud that they are Russians, but Russian Kazakhstanis must not forget that they not Russians, but Kazakhstanis. if they consider themselves more Russians than Kazakhstanis, then let them go to Russia and not fool anyone. What kind of citizen of the country who has no idea what the name of the Minister of Defense is in Kazakhstan, but is up to date on all matters in the Russian Defense Ministry? This is normal? What for us such citizens? Madame ya-ay doesn’t know a damn thing about Kazakhstan, about Kazakhs, about Kazakh culture, not to mention the fact that she cannot connect two words in the state language. What kind of citizen is this? Yes, and with the undisguised nat.gonor (although it does not reach her).
          Kazakhs calmly perceive the fact that Russians are burning stuffed animals at the Maslenitsa, singing Russian songs in karaoke, eating pork, studying / working using exclusively Russian. For God's sake. I am also pleased that the Koreans of Kazakhstan make their kimchi and go to the Korean theater in Almaty, or that Kurds and Turks cook cheese and make their own mosques. This is all great. But if a Kurd, Russian or Korean consider themselves a Kazakhstani, then in their culture there is something of ours - Kazakh / Kazakh. Well, if they live exclusively in their own national compot, then this is called the fifth column. Not a single Kazakh is going to assimilate non-Kazakhs. But non-Kazakhs should be Kazakhs not only by passport, but also by spirit, and not "Russians / Kurdistanis / Germans" or someone else. What is not clear to you again? How are Russians ready to perceive ethnic non-Russians who absolutely do not know either Russian, Russian culture or Russian history, and moreover, are hostile to everything Russian? Wasn't Russia overwhelmed by the cries of "drive out all these lesson"? So why should Kazakhstan be populated with such entities? The majority of Kazakh Russians are adequate people who combine both their Russianness and their Kazakhness. But there are enough people like Vasilenko, Han Solo, Ya-ai, who have not been and are not Kazakhstanis in the least. And if they are absolute Russians, then take them away. Why do we need them? Most of my Russian acquaintances I always willingly call "the fourth zhuz", emphasizing their right to this land. Kazakhs are proud of their Russian compatriots who glorify the country and our Kazakh people with their work. But ya-ay got to do with it? She is an ordinary guest worker with a corresponding mentality. She is here exactly as long as there is an opportunity to chop grandmother. Tomorrow she will be fired for professional reasons, she will announce that it was the Kazakhs who kicked her out of her job on a national basis. Obosr_t all Kazakhs (both the people and the authorities), declare himself a refugee and dump them to Canada. We have been looking at this circus with "refugees" for 20 years.
  29. +3
    7 July 2013 16: 37
    good article
  30. rodevaan
    7 July 2013 17: 18
    Today's spirit of individualism, which is fully consistent with the Roman saying “Homo homini lupus est” (“wolf to man”) is alien to Russian civilization. It is inherent in the West and is now actively implanted to us.

    - Nothing will come of this liberoid freedom! Yes, many Russian people in the 90s stumbled, and took as a principle the false primitive and vicious so-called pseudo-"values" implanted from the West, which are alien to the Russian spirit, the Russian mentality of camaraderie, collectivism, and solidarity. All sorts of rubbish are planted every day on the zomboyaschik: They are trying to sniff us a vile dermo about the defectiveness of the Russian nation, about the uselessness of our great Victories, the feat of the people and veterans in the Great Patriotic War is denigrated, the Russian soldier is denigrated, there is always swotting that the Russians are a nation of drunks and neither that incapable people, individualism and bestial notions are implanted that a person is not a friend, comrade and brother, but a wolf and an enemy, we sniff out that pederasty is creative, the norm and meaning of life, but a strong family, children, support for elderly parents - this is an unnecessary old-regime rubbish that must be thrown into the trash. The concepts of duty, honor, homeland, conscience, education and, in general, adherence to human and not animal principles are ridiculed in every possible way, denigrated, corroded by the thirst for profit, grub, violence! There is a purposeful transformation of people into a stupid, obedient, cruel herd of rams, hating each other and blindly obeying their masters. This is already in full swing in Geyropstan. This project has also been launched in Russia!
    But the mentality is the mentality and temporary momentary gingerbread cookies and pieces of paper do not corrode it! I am glad that many people already open their eyes and there is a fair indignation and rejection of all this dirt that pours on us from the west!
    Earlier in the forums, in the late 90s and early 00s, my position shocked many, made fun of me, I was often the only one who argued with the whole forum about this! I am glad that now more and more people are seeing and sharing this point of view!
    1. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 14
      I completely agree with you
  31. -4
    7 July 2013 17: 30
    Mr. Starikov is a strong professional. But not a historian, but a manipulator. By obsession with the fix-idea, it is at the level of Prokhanov, an obvious senile. But that one seems to be disinterested. And this one?
    1. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 13
      And you, of course, are a historian. Or is it still not?
  32. -2
    7 July 2013 19: 14
    Mr. Starikov is clearly not drawn to the disinterested fighter for the idea, as well as to the serious historian. Many of these divorced in the era of shit democracy:,_%

    Starikov, Nikolai Viktorovich

    Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov
    Nikolai Starikov (MIBF 2010) 2.JPG

    Date of Birth:

    August 23 1970 42 (XNUMX years old)

    Place of Birth:

    Leningrad, the USSR



    writer, publicist

    Years of creativity:

    With 2006 year

    Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov at Wikimedia Commons

    Nikolai Viktorovich Starikov (born August 23, 1970, Leningrad) is a writer, publicist (author of several books on modern and recent history, which caused an mixed reaction in the scientific community [1] [2]).

    Founder and ideological leader of the public organization Trade Union of Russian Citizens. Together with the founder of the IT company Ashmanov and Partners, Igor Ashmanov created the New Great Russia party [3]. On April 10, 2013, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation registered a new political party - the “Great Fatherland Party” (Air Defense) [4]. The change of party name was caused by the fact that the previous version of the name was consonant with the names of already registered parties and the Ministry of Justice refused to register.

    Several times he acted as a guest lecturer at St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology [5] and Ural State Economic University and other institutes. Commercial Director of Channel One - St. Petersburg OJSC [6].

    1 Biography

    Born on August 23, 1970 in the city of Leningrad. In 1992 he graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Economics and Economics named after Palmiro Tolyatti (diploma of an engineer-economist of the chemical industry) [7]. In 2002, he participated in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, but did not become a deputy, gaining 230 votes (0.95% of the number of voters) [8]. At the time of the nomination, he worked as a sales manager for CJSC Europe plus St. Petersburg [9]. He is currently the commercial director of the St. Petersburg branch of Channel One [2] [10].
    1. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 11
      And you, of course, pull. Or I'm wrong?
  33. -2
    7 July 2013 19: 21
    I thought that the author was just a psycho-graphomaniac in need of inpatient treatment. I looked at his opuses: I was convinced that he was a self-serving fraudster from Putin's small henchmen. That’s why he is being promoted like that.
    1. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 10
      And you, of course, are not crazy or hafoman? Or I'm wrong?
  34. 0
    7 July 2013 19: 56
    The collective farm is voluntary - if you want to join, you want not to join, they will force it anyway.
    By the way, who is Starikov, and why is everyone rushing with him like that?
    1. batalin15246
      8 July 2013 00: 21
      Are you talking about kibbutzim or what are they called there?
  35. 0
    7 July 2013 20: 38
    Asan Ata KZ
    Well, you, apparently, have not been to Kazakhstan for a long time.

    I was born in Kazakhstan, and have lived here all my life, so I didn’t bring the facts out of the blue.
    You know, Kazakhstan can not be compared with any former Soviet republic, here the most tolerant population ...

    I completely agree with this. And I would not want to change the impression of Kazakhstan!
    1. Asan Ata
      8 July 2013 00: 39
      You know, you can wait for someone to make the country beautiful, or you can influence society yourself and form the right attitude to life. For example, the aul guys so unloved by you: once walked through the park of 28 Panfilov Guardsmen, they just refreshed him, new benches, sidewalks, lights, beautiful. I walk along the diagonal alley, there, on the benches with our legs, our aul sits and click seeds, 5-6 benches, each with 5-6 guys and girls. Well, unpleasant. I went to the church itself, returned to the first bench and spoke to the guys: Students, huh? They: Yes, yeah. Me: And where from? They started telling someone from where, in general, from all over Kazakhstan. Me: And who do you study for? They began to talk about themselves. Me: Do you like Alma-Ata? They: Yes, yeah, a very beautiful city. Me: Well, then why are you shitting here? You know, the reaction was cool - they looked surprised under their feet, and only then noticed that they were shitting. They: Yeah, we'll clean. Me: Well, quickly. I was not too lazy, walked along all the benches, and they cleaned everything after themselves. You know, these guys will definitely no longer crap. Just in the villages, where they come from, there is no asphalt, and the husk on the grass is not visible))))). The Kazakhs retained, in most cases, respect for their elders, and this is valid. My civic position became clear to them and they meekly did what was required of them. By and large, you can beat, but it’s better to teach.
      1. rodevaan
        8 July 2013 12: 07
        You are absolutely right.
        Treating any person humanly, even if he is wrong, you will achieve much more than starting to wave your fists.
        1. RPD
          9 July 2013 12: 49
          with a kind word and a gun you will achieve even more)))
  36. The comment was deleted.
  37. 0
    8 July 2013 08: 04
    Asan Ata KZ
    For example, the aul guys so unloved by you ...

    And where did you read about the "unloved aul guys"? I have never mentioned them anywhere. Well, what you pointed out to their insufficient cultural upbringing is there. But it is one thing you made a remark to them, and another thing, if a Russian makes the same remark, the reaction will be more aggressive than understanding. And the gaps in the education of young people begin with the family, school and ending with the society itself. Every day I go to and from work in public transport and every day I have to face the fact that young people and guys and girls sit quietly when a pregnant woman or an elderly person is standing next to me, as they say, "well over 30" , I get up and give way, young people will sit next to me, and they will not lead by ear, with rare exceptions, when they see that I have given way, they offer me their place. And these guys and girls mostly come from the suburbs to study or work in the city. So I prefer not to reprimand them, but to act in accordance with my conscience, but their conscience turns out, no one woke up ...
    1. Asan Ata
      8 July 2013 08: 15
      Now imagine that you are making a comment to them on the Kazakh ... Effect? So I’m talking about this. You accept - they accept. Movement towards.
      1. Marek Rozny
        8 July 2013 16: 59
        Asan Ata, well, you said)))) She will choke if she has to say anything in Kazakh. This, in her opinion, is a vile primitive language. And she really doesn’t understand why the Kazakhs do not want to abandon him. But she always has in stock stories about uncultured Kazakhs)))) She has all the Russians - bearers of high culture and morality, and Kazakhs can be like that if they are Russified.

        Madame ya-ya, you wouldn’t be lying about buses and stuff. If a young man in a bus gaps and does not give way to someone, people around him will immediately squeak at him. You are so dumb about the ill-mannered young people (and the hedgehog is clear that you mean the Kazakhs) chat somewhere in the kitchen, where there will not be Kazakhs who will convict you of lies and distortion.
        1. RPD
          9 July 2013 12: 21
          and these people blame us for nationalism ??? 7
  38. moshshockerz
    8 July 2013 08: 14
    Oh, old people, Fedorov, Purgenians, popular-front, stability ... are there still idiots who believe in puteng and its stability?

    Here is a puteng proxy cutting the truth-uterus

  39. Asan Ata
    8 July 2013 20: 17
    Alas, chauvinism, as the legacy of an empire, does not allow the former titular nation to live normally. And it's not just about Russians, the British are experiencing the same problems. I remember Tony Blair, speaking at a business forum in London, compared English businessmen with German ones. He cited such data (and I, by the way, witness that) - that the Germans master a foreign language to the elementary level in one or two months, while the British in a foreign country seek to seek communication on their own. The result - the Germans pluck bananas, the British fall on their peels. Instead of learning a language, a Russian person blames the discomfort of others instead of learning the language - well, let's say, all Kazakhs speak Russian, but what, they don’t want to talk to me? And at the same time, Russian, fluent in Kazakh, is universally respected by the environment, they sell him goods and serve cheaper, smile and admire. You just need to overcome laziness and chauvinism.
    1. Warlock
      8 July 2013 20: 36
      DD how do you then explain the fact that Russians readily learn English, French, Italian, Spanish, German?
      1. Asan Ata
        8 July 2013 21: 59
        Yes, these are the languages ​​of the dominant nations in the understanding of Russian people, that’s all.
        1. Warlock
          8 July 2013 22: 14
          it turns out that we are selective chauvinists and total British or what?
          we are reluctant to learn the languages ​​of the CIS countries in which we live but readily study European.
          perhaps this is due not to some chauvinism as the legacy of the empire you are talking about, but to the banal lack of necessity? what for? if the language is relevant only in this country and nowhere else
          1. RPD
            9 July 2013 12: 20
            in the language of hunters and pastoralists do not teach higher mathematics
  40. RPD
    8 July 2013 20: 54
    Alas, chauvinism, as the legacy of an empire, does not allow the former titular nation to live normally.
    the white man’s burden does not give life))))) we are all trying to wean thugs from cannibalism
  41. RPD
    8 July 2013 21: 05
    DD how do you then explain the fact that Russians readily learn English, French, Italian, Spanish, German?
    pessimists, optimists ..... and realists learn the charter))
    1. Warlock
      8 July 2013 21: 25
      DD sorry I did not understand you =)
      1. Asan Ata
        9 July 2013 11: 18
        The habitat requires an adequate exchange of information. For example, you are in a mixed company where the conversation is conducted in Russian and Kazakh. It is clear that not knowing Kazakh, firstly, you do not understand the essence of what is happening, and secondly, you strain those who find it easier to explain something using Kazakh. By the way, this is an interesting practice, when they speak mixed languages, the speech turns out to be brighter, due to the specifics of a particular language. In Kazakhstan, only the elderly do not know English, but it is needed once a year when a person goes somewhere to relax. And once again about the languages ​​of the suzerain. In Soviet times, ignorance of Russian was tantamount to illiteracy. In our time, beyond the cordon, you will be considered "one" if you cannot explain yourself in English (well, except for France, probably). I would be glad to the same spread of Russian as English, although I speak English, probably not worse, just Russian is dearer))).
        1. Warlock
          9 July 2013 16: 14
          as I understand it, you didn’t answer me this comment but the one above? =)

          >> The habitat requires an adequate exchange of information. For example, you are in a mixed company where the conversation is conducted in Russian and Kazakh. It is clear that not knowing Kazakh you, firstly, do not understand the essence of what is happening, and secondly, you strain those who find it easier to explain something using Kazakh.

          I originally wanted to say that the reluctance to learn a particular language of the CIS countries is due not to chauvinism but to practical application. local Russian thinks that in Russia he lives in general in the same way as in Kazakhstan, but in Kazakhstan it is necessary to learn a language that is useful only in this country. therefore it’s easier to move. a visitor to Kazakhstan will calmly speak Russian with the rest without experiencing special difficulties

          >> Only the elderly do not know English in Kazakhstan, but it is needed once a year when a person goes somewhere to relax

          in Russia, too, they know eng, you can say everything except the elderly. but I do not agree that it is needed once a year. one way or another, he is needed all the time. on the Internet, on the gadgets to read the inscription =) on the little things but quite often used. and in IT universities, teaching is already in English only because there is no point in translating into some other language

          >> In Soviet times, ignorance of Russian was tantamount to illiteracy. In our time, beyond the cordon, you will be considered "one" if you cannot explain yourself in English (well, except for France, probably). I would be glad to the same spread of Russian as English, although I speak English, probably no worse, just Russian is dearer))).

          You see, such a change has occurred. after the collapse of the ussr, Russians dispersed all over the world. Russians can be found everywhere. therefore, even without the opportunity to speak with an ordinary Chinese, for example, in Russian, you will almost certainly find some kind of Russian quarter where all the signs are all the inscriptions and the cuisine is Russian! in my opinion, speaking English and Russian, you can survive almost everywhere

          By the way, the second most popular Internet language is Russian =), although English (which is in the first place of course), the gap from Russian is simply huge
          1. Asan Ata
            10 July 2013 00: 20
            1. You know, maybe the Russians are easy to climb, but the Almaty residents do not like to move somewhere. Our Almaty is just a cool city, it has some kind of magic. And if you in your favorite city can’t always explain properly, you must admit that it’s a discomfort. Those Russians who lived here in Soviet times have problems. Well, honestly, Kazakhs and Kazakhs went in the second grade, were not respected, and from there they went. We need to learn languages. By the way, the wives of a number of my acquaintances and friends are Russians from Russia: Murmansk, Moscow, Krasnodar. They relate to the language very pragmatically - not that they would directly speak, but bargain at the bazaar, report back to the taxi driver - they know and follow the customs, children and grandchildren are given to Kazakh schools and kindergartens. As for the children, they are mainly trilingual, and somehow they don’t think about it especially. It’s just convenient.
            2.And Russians abroad, in my experience, speak in a whisper in Russian - "Vasya, try on these shoes." Why in a whisper - well, apparently, they do not want to decipher and meet compatriots, all the more to walk around the Russian regions. And yet - the Russian accent in English cannot be confused, you can hear it very much, although you are always happy for the people that have worked on themselves)))).
            3. The first Internet language is Chinese, after all, then English, I think so.
  42. 0
    9 July 2013 11: 00
    1. The Zailiyskiy Alatau, at the foot of which Almaty lies, is the birthplace of the wild apple tree (which still grows here), from which all cultivated varieties of apples originated. Proven by genetics. Warning the ridicule of some, I will emphasize: we are not talking about the fact that all cultural apples were bred by Kazakhs. There is simply the concept of "centers of origin of cultivated plants" introduced into circulation by N. Vavilov. So, the center of apple origin is in the Zailiyskiy Alatau.
    2. The author of the idea of ​​the Eurasian Union is N. A. Nazarbayev. He did not just support some Moscow initiatives, as it is written in the article.
    1. Asan Ata
      9 July 2013 11: 28
      The only wild apple tree in the world, the Sivers apple tree, grows on the slopes of the Zailiyskiy Alatau, and it is not for nothing that our city bears this name - Alma, Almaty, Alma-Ata. "Yabloko" means "alma" in Turkic. The same word means "do not take". There is no such coincidence in any language of the world. Apparently, the legend about Eden, where God said to Eve "Do not take", migrated from the ancient Scythian legends to the Bible, as, by the way, many attributes and rituals of Christianity were borrowed from Tengrianism (cross, altar, psalter, etc.) ...
    2. RPD
      9 July 2013 12: 17
      the role of Kazakhs in the origin of the wild apple tree is not disclosed
      1. Asan Ata
        9 July 2013 12: 45
        )))))))) Why, it’s obvious that God spoke Kazakh)))))))))
        1. RPD
          9 July 2013 12: 47
          and wrote in cyrillic
          1. FRIGATE2
            9 July 2013 17: 17
            Quote: Asan Ata
            Why, it’s obvious that God spoke Kazakh)))))))))

            I wanted to ask, have you read the book by Olzhas Suleimenov "The Language of Writing", "The Smile of God"?
            1. Asan Ata
              9 July 2013 22: 11
              I read "Az and I" in the 70s, but I just looked over "The Language of Writing", but what?
              1. FRIGATE2
                9 July 2013 23: 00
                Quote: Asan Ata
                I read "Az and I" in the 70s, but I just looked over "The Language of Writing", but what?

                I consider him a brilliant writer, a historian of our century.
                Real poet
                1. Asan Ata
                  10 July 2013 00: 23
                  Olzhas Omarovich made a serious contribution to the history of language learning, his youthful poetry is impressive, to match the time - 60m. Beautiful time - beautiful people.
  43. +2
    9 July 2013 11: 04
    Quote: ia-ai00
    I was born in Kazakhstan and I have never had any unfriendly attacks, but now here and there you hear about such facts

    Exactly. All the Russians in Kazakhstan "have not personally encountered, but heard ..." At the same time, some people, foaming at the mouth, still insist that this is the truth. And they themselves begin to believe and inspire this belief in others.
  44. 0
    9 July 2013 15: 49
  45. 0
    24 October 2013 18: 28
    correct article
  46. 0
    2 December 2013 12: 40
    Quote: Yarosvet
    I’m not trying to destroy the power, but I see the need to replace it with a more socially and nationally oriented one.

    In our complex and fast-flowing times, the words "replacement" and "destroy" are equivalent. Look at Ukraine - even a hedgehog understands that she signs an agreement with the EU and a scribe for a kitten (Ukraine). Within a year and a half, they would have destroyed all enterprises that produce at least something plus agriculture. But on the other hand, they could safely travel to the EU without a visa, on vacation (if anyone still has money), but rather in search of work (Romania is an example of this). And one hell of a man drugged with the "carrot" of Western freedoms, human rights protection, etc. want to tear their Independent Ukraine apart, but get into the mumbled tent of the EU, with the help of "replacement for a more social ...." However, it is fraught.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"