Snowden, Assange, Manning

Snowden, Assange, ManningWe greedily breathe when there is not enough air, we greedily believe when there is not enough truth. We trust Snowden, Assange and Manning and are ready to carry them in our arms for having been hit by an epidemic of heroism and honesty. But, alas, we were struck by the epidemic of faith.

Three is already a trend. A wave of dedication and love of truth? In the good old tale - perhaps. But in the real cruel world for these guys, everything would have ended very quickly and, most importantly, quietly. Very quiet. But we see a grand show, their faces on billboards and editorials of newspapers and the loud glory of Hollywood stars. This, you see, is well worth it. And why should they, for example, not roll on the edge of a deaf ghetto in a dirty sewage ditch or not decompose in a barrel of acid? At the slightest threat for themselves, the CIA deceivers would have worked this way. But - all the world's media, about the "independence" of which legends, today in the fighting position. Scribbling machine-gun queue: Snowden-Assange-Manning, Snowden-Assange-Manning. So that lays the ears.

Flying ducks

Says, just embroidered with satin stitch, - which is not a word, it is a perfect stitch. All the answers are ready in advance, and the Guardian correspondent needs only to submit questions in time. Snowden is not like a selfless madman with an atrophied sense of fear, his voice trembles a little from excitement. He is a typical "good guy", they usually inspire confidence.

Nobody doubts the authenticity of the data disclosed by Edward - the NSA and the CIA, with the help of large companies, are holding the whole world on the cannon. There is only one snag - they knew about it before, and the special services, of course, were familiar with the intricacies of the case. Snowden's colleague (who knows which workshop) Julian Assange talked about this. And again, something common can be traced between the “sensations” from Wikileaks and the fact that Mr. Snowden revealed to the world. This is usually called an open secret. Yes, now this is documented. So what? What changed? The image of the United States, and so shabby, hit. But Obama is unlikely to face Watergate, the CIA is interrupted by work, and the US government is at least one serious lawsuit. However, Snowden himself - he is still Mr. X.

Why did he reveal his name? He could just hand over the documents to the newspapers. Moreover, if you do not want media attention, as he says. Who is he - a suicide, a madman, who does not understand the meaninglessness of his victim, or just a very good actor who has completely different goals? He left work, his girlfriend and family, a house in Hawaii. Now, waiting every minute for reckoning, he builds himself up as a sacrificial lamb. But he gave his relatives to the slaughter. The Guardian correspondent notes that when you are thinking about loved ones that Edward endangered, his eyes fill with tears, and his voice begins to tremble even more. “This is the only thing that keeps me awake at night,” he says. But conscience did not allow him to observe how the US government violated people's natural freedoms. How many lives has he saved? What war has stopped? Only proclaimed the well-known truth. No one in their right mind would go for it, and it's not about heroism, courage, and all the qualities that are unanimously attributed to him, note, the US government media. And who directed the light of all the spotlights on this unknown guy who suddenly became a star?

A small employee of the NSA and the CIA, system administrator Edward Snowden got a job only because of his talent, because he did not graduate from the institute or even from secondary school. But what is even more curious is that the ubiquitous journalists have so far not been able to find a single person who would remember him in his school years or in a short student period. Isn't it strange? However, he is far from his older brother in truth - Julian Assange, whose whole biography is one big dark spot. In a recent interview, Snowden said that he got a job at Booz Allen Hamilton office related to NSA and intelligence to get information about wiretaps. Previously, he talked about working for the special services as a career in the modeling business, a free opportunity to see the world.

He really happened to live in Japan and Hawaii. And then, one day, after three weeks of preparation, he threw off the terrible secrets of the United States on a USB flash drive, took a leave to heal from epilepsy, kissed a girlfriend and flew to Hong Kong. And then he became known to the whole world. If you think that the correspondents of The Guardian and The Washington Post found out about its existence shortly before you, then you are greatly mistaken. Back in January, Snowden wrote a letter to documentary director Laura Poitras, and Glen Greenwald from The Guardian had been receiving letters from him since February. Six months before the scandalous interview!

All of them showed unprecedented loyalty to professional duty and as if they had taken water into their mouths. Even the publicist Barton Gellman from the great and terrible The Washington Post, the mouthpiece of the United States, kept the secret. The communication, they said, was super-secret, but did the CIA and the NSA, filtering all the traffic and cracking such nuts, really failed to establish his identity during this period? And in Hong Kong, as we remember, both journalists and an employee of Wikileaks got to him, but not the cunning CIA-shniki. The answer is simple - we are dealing with a genius. After all, Snowden even theoretically did not have access to many published documents. It is believed that he got them, armed with talent and a wild thirst for justice. The sysadmin was not a blunder. Who would work at the CIA in higher positions ...

After an interview with The Guardian, Snowden spent a few more days in Hong Kong. He marked himself - literally across the road is the CIA rate. That is, for all this time, intelligence officers could not cross this very road and get Snowden from the hotel room? Could not trick him in the street, at the airport, on the plane, after all! Edward, if his name is Edward, tells in colors how he closed the doors with pillows and covered himself with a hood to enter the password on the laptop. It saved him. He apparently left the hotel with a pan on his head and a rolling pin in his hands.

In Hong Kong, he was joined by Wikileaks lawyer, a certain Sarah Harrison, and they flew to Moscow together. According to some information, it was she who helped Snowden with a canceled passport to buy a plane ticket. How this was done is still unclear, but neither the names of Snowden nor the names of Harrison are on the passenger lists of this flight. Aeroflot declined to comment, but obviously, fake documents were used. Who and how helped to arrange them is perhaps the main question.

Now Snowden lives in Sheremetyevo, and the authorities are in no hurry to act on his account. For special services, his revelations are not a sensation, it is only about image. But, I must say, the person is dark. Was it not his goal to gain a foothold in Russia, becoming a sort of “artificial irritant”? In this sense, he cleverly hooked China, noting in Hong Kong. He never flew to Havana, but whether he will fly to Ecuador is unknown.

There are two currents in this muddy water - China and Russia. Snowden prepared a sweet dessert for the Chinese in the form of data on US cyber attacks against the Middle Kingdom, earning the love of the Chinese authorities. Do you want to disarm the enemy - give him what he wants. After all, a good gambit is not just a concession in the small, but also in the most desirable for the opponent. And so, in today's hysteria around Snowden, we hear very curious notes. An anonymous source told The Washington Free Beacon that "China received everything Snowden had." This unknown who does not care about the evidence, but does not forget to hint that the NSA is concerned that Snowden could have access to the new US strategy in case of a nuclear war. And that means China - “received all.” Is this a “stimulus”? Former US Vice President Dick Cheney suggested in a timely manner that Chinese intelligence services could have recruited Snowden.

Among the scattered things of Edward in the room of a Hong Kong hotel, The Guardian correspondent saw a curious book. It was the biography of former US Vice President Dick Cheney. The name is very symbolic - "Fisherman". Snowden obviously loves to read. Or catch fish.

Gorgeous liar

The more the media sculpted from Assange the statue of freedom of speech, the brighter the features of provocation in the Wikileaks project appeared. As in his main character - blond, selfless Julian. According to some data, natural blond (prematurely gray), according to others - painted (for the sake of impressiveness). In his biography, everything is so: dual and vague. And most importantly, it is absolutely chaotic, the eye has nothing to cling to.

The only source of information is the rare interviews of Assange and his mother, who has recently become a real public lady. In the sense of - always in sight. Their words paint a pastoral picture of cloudless childhood in the expanses of Australia, where the mother-heroine cuts pineapple thickets with a dull machete and shoots snakes on the bed of her sleeping son. Lifestyle - gypsy. Allegedly, since her youth, Christine Assange was a nonconformist and did not tolerate monotony. In her personal life reigned circus tent. Julian's father left behind only a hint of the origin of the surname - as if from a distant Chinese ancestor Sung. And lost somewhere in the boundless Australian taverns. According to other sources, little Assange was adopted by his stepfather, an actor in a stray theater, and presented him with a resounding "second name." The receiver again knocks for unclear reasons.

The wandering theater did not promise the benefits of a quiet life, and during his childhood years Assange wandered around Australia, changing his residence more than 30 times. Julian tried out different schools for 37. Of course, he is not remembered in any one, but after all, his mother’s riotous lifestyle is to blame!

Meanwhile, Christine married again. But this time the chosen one let us down. The unknown musician (also a strayer) turned out to be a member of a terrible sect, whose head took away newborn children from their followers. Christine was unlucky - before finding out about this, she gave birth to a child from a musician. What was to do? Run again! Under the dashing Irish melody, the Assanjey family has traveled all over Australia, and at the same time our brains.

Sky-blue, cold eyes and red hair give Kristin Assange Scottish-Irish origin. This lady is less eloquent than her appearance: the answer to all is one, and wanders from one interview to another - she did not belong to parties and sects, she lived in intimacy with nature, my commitment to the truth, my son was chosen. Amen.

In 20 for years, the chosen Assange reached the pinnacle of hacking art: he was nominated for 10 years in prison for hacking into the server of Canadian central telecommunications company Nortel. By luck, I got off with a fine. But the most precious thing in life, after stupidity, is precisely happy accidents. Expert Igor Panarin expressed the opinion that this was not done without the hands of the special services. And in fact, why shouldn't they cash in on a talented but worthless guy? As the saying goes, your energy is yes to a peaceful course ...

In the 2006 year, after many years of preparation, Wikileaks was born. You can talk about him a lot, but the main question to this day remains: who “merges” documents there? Assange provided complete anonymity to his informants, thanks to a complex system of gateways and protocols. In addition, the site is designed in such a way that the materials from it can not be removed. Beneficiary - has a stable access to closed data and is interested in their regular disclosure.

Recall that the first and main goal of the project was proclaimed “exposing corruption in the countries of Central Asia, China and Russia”. But the project earned fame as anti-American. Fame, image - the most valuable capital Wikileaks (sources of funding are as muddy as the biography of Assange). Without publishing, in fact, any compromising evidence on the United States, he was consistently strengthened in the role of "mouthpiece of truth and freedom." And over time, he will be able to form the image of evil, publishing not a “plum” any more, but a deliberate lie. But the thirsty for truth will be happy to be deceived.

Branded "sensation" from Wikileaks - the so-called "Iraqi dossier." It opened the eyes of the world to the number of civilian casualties of the Iraq war. According to the site, there were 110 thousands of them, while even supporters of the United States — the United Kingdom and Israel — were approaching a million victims. Not impressive? And how about this: North Korea and Iran have medium-range missiles, and Hillary Clinton ordered foreign diplomats to be monitored. Yes, old Hillary, definitely clutching her heart ...

Wikileaks close easily as twice two. But he is thriving, and what's more, he has not yet seen a single lawsuit in his address. Newspapers condemn the US authorities for apathy and lack of attention to the "dangerous resource." In the first row - The Guardian, we have already met somewhere ... Even easier is to arrest Assange, but he lives, not knowing grief, in the London embassy of Ecuador and waving a handle from the balcony, like an English princess. Glory, recognition and love of all the women of the world are provided for him. After all, this "noble liar" is damn charming. He would act in films, but he chose a different role. And about the liar, this is so, by the way, - he had once had such a nickname, the very first one: Mendax. In Latin, with an allusion to the oxymoron Horace "splendide mendax". As I knew, as I knew ...

Private can not save

But what about the poor man Bradley Manning? He is somewhat knocked out of the total number of elusive heroes. Now who had everything quickly and quietly, they blamed, punished and mocked them. They say he is close to suicide and has already slightly slid off the coils from the constant beatings and humiliations. When his sentence is pronounced, it will most likely be the highest measure - the death penalty, or, at best, a life sentence. But Bradley will gladly accept the first option, if only all this is finally over.

In May, Private Manning's 2010, without explanation, threw him behind bars. He served as an intelligence analyst for the Iraqi contingent. A certain Adrian Lamo said that it was Manning who gave Wikileaks a scandalous video in which American soldiers in Iraq shoot civilians and journalists from Reuters. There is no evidence of this, except for the words of Lamo, and there was no, but for some reason, public opinion is only concerned with one question: is Bradley a hero or a traitor? Instead of the obvious and more important: is he guilty?

At the preliminary hearings of the case at the headquarters of the NSA, Manning refused to answer whether he admits his guilt. This opens the veil of secrecy on why its process drags on for so long, and why it is kept in such inhuman conditions. Endless tortures and beatings are replaced by the oppressive emptiness of a solitary cell. Unreasonable inspections and regular morning inspections, in which Bradley should appear naked, can have only one rational explanation. From him knock recognition. And they try to isolate as much as possible from other people so that he does not inform them of the real facts of the case. His correspondence is carefully monitored, and he is continuously observed under the pretext of protection against suicide. Relatives fear for his mental health.

But who is Adrian Lamo, who allegedly hurried to confess Manning? Church worker? Close relative? No, no. This is a former hacker who has chosen the right path and turned into an exemplary lecturer and journalist. He came up with the case of eight years ago, when he invaded the NY Times network and got off with a fine and several months of house arrest. Instead of ten years in prison. Given the fact that earlier his victims fell Microsoft, Citigroup, Yahoo and Bank of America. In this sense, he is very reminiscent of Assange, who likewise bade farewell to teenage foolishness. Did the same iron fist give them the brains?

Manning is listed everywhere as "accused of involvement." And it is fair. Because no one today can prove whether he is involved. Only accuse and seek recognition. There is a possibility that this “plum” was intentional, but did not Adrian Lamo himself organized it by choosing Manning as the scapegoat and the main character of the “show trial”? Then it is easy to explain this obvious difference in the treatment of the “traitors to the USA” - Snowden, Assange and Manning. By the way, even according to Assange himself, “Manning's revelations” did not harm anyone. Except, perhaps, poor Bradley.

And how strikingly different is the image in the media: a pimply homosexual with a mental disorder, unworthy of the “proud title of an American.” “Pervert” and “zudil”, “black sheep”, “goner freak”, “were offended to the whole world and felt like a woman locked in a man’s body” - those who sculpt images of ancient heroes from “freedom-loving Assange "and" selfless Snowden. " But Manning, by and large, wanted to spit what you think - he thinks about the head and neck, as before execution. And can not answer one simple question: for what? The next time you hear about the American presumption of innocence, know - before you the most blatant lie and chimera. Does anyone remember what “truth” is?

As in any good theater, the best roles go to those who are close to the director. Snowden - the role of a match, Assange - the role of the arsonist, well, and Manning - only the role of wood chips in a fire. “The show must go on” - it seems, says the inscription on the doors of the headquarters of the CIA in Langley. However, no, there was something about the search for truth.

1) "Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations", Glenn Greenwald, Ewen MacAskill and Laura Poitras in Hong Kong, The Guardian, 10 June 2013
2) Barton Gellman, Aaron Blake and Greg Miller, 9 June 2013, The Washington Post.
3) “Under the electronic cap of US intelligence”, Neil Nikandrov, Foundation for Strategic Culture, 24.06.2013
4) “The US looks at the world through PRISM”, Boris Kazantsev, Foundation for Strategic Culture, 26.06.2013
5) “A hero of our time: Edward Snowden - a man who passed the NSA”, Evgeny Zolotov, Computerra, 17.06.2013
6) “How and why do the CIA and the FBI remove witnesses,” Evdokia Kunkin, Newsland, 28.05.2013
7) “Journalists, Snowden and the Empty Chair Blog”, Alisa Sabitova, Arguments and Facts, 25.06.2013
8) “Why Edward Snowden chose freedom in the East”, Ilya Milstein, Novaya Gazeta, 24.06.2013
9) "China and Russia Got Access to Edward Snowden's Secrets", Russia Today, 27.06.2013
10) “Snowden hid copies of stolen documents in different countries”,, 26.06.2013
11) “WikiLeaks: There is a possibility that Snowden will remain in Russia forever,” Russia Today, 25.06.2013
12) "WikiLeaks: Russian FSB does not question Edward Snowden", Russia Today, 26.06.2013
13) “US threatens Russia and China in connection with the Snowden case”, Russia Today, 26.06.2013
14) “Assange - agent of British intelligence MI-6”, Igor Panarin, Newsland, 08.12.2010
15) “Caution - Wikileaks (Wikileaks)”, Nikolai Starikov
16) “Edward Snowden settled in Booz Allen to get data on wiretaps,” Russia Today, 25.06.2013
17) “Lavrov: Snowden did not cross the border of Russia”, RIA News, 25.06.2013
18) “Putin: Snowden in Russia, but we will not issue him”,, 25.06.2013
19) “Snowden will meet with Russian colleagues”, Izvestia, 24.06.2013
20) “Snowden left the territory of Russia”, Voice of Russia, 25.06.2013
21) “Run, Snowden, Run,” Alexander Gasyuk, Russian Newspaper, 24.06.2013
22) “Edward Snowden made new disclosures”, Maxim Makarychev, Russian Newspaper, 23.06.2013
23) “Edward Snowden: the man who stole the secrets of US intelligence”, Voice of Russia, 10.06.2013
24) “Snowden, Manning, Assange: Robin Hoods of Our Time”, Dmitry Babich, Voice of Russia, 10.06.2013
25) “From Snowden to Manning - one step: in the Russian Federation“ spy ”found both defenders and detractors”, Vlad Shlepchenko, Arguments and Facts, 23.06.2013
26) “Machine idle at idle”, Lisa Birger,, 17.08.2012
27) “The Snitch Is Not Needed: In the USA, the trial of the informant Bradley Manning has begun”, Matt Tabby, Rolling Stone, 13.06.2013
28) “Christine Assange always considered her son to be elected”, Ekaterina Zabrodina, Russian Newspaper, 15.09.2012
29) “True Private Bradley”, Newsland
30) “Who are you, American Anat Kam?”, Newsland, 31.07.2010
31) “Leaking American: The Adventures of Assange and Snowden”, RBC
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  1. +12
    4 July 2013 08: 32
    Much has been written and somehow ambiguous. It is clear that such people have been and will be, their motives for "betrayal of the Motherland" are different: money, desire for glory ... It's just that the special services need to use them wisely. Thanks to Snowden, yesterday there was another "democrat show" with a search of the plane of the president of an independent country ... I think now all Latin America in a single impulse will arrange actions at the American embassies, but Europe has once again shown that, by order of the "owner", it is capable of many violations of international law hi
    1. +7
      4 July 2013 08: 51
      The West did not when the Indians did not consider people to be that Morales, even the president, the idea that they had broken something would never even enter their heads!
    2. +7
      4 July 2013 08: 59
      Snowden Assange-Manning

      At first, Putin’s reaction to Snowden was surprised, and then she was there and will be, and they didn’t open anything new. There are a lot of screaming and little wool. Putin counted them at a time, a learning!
      1. +7
        4 July 2013 09: 37
        In fact, mattress covers could fill Snowden in the Sheremetyevo customs zone already ten times. But they do not do this, which means they need him alive. It looks like this is some kind of setup, Putin is doing the right thing, which is cautious. And then he (Putin) has more information than we do.
        1. +4
          4 July 2013 10: 01
          Quote: Canep
          In fact, mattress covers could fill Snowden in the Sheremetyevo customs zone already ten times.

          It would be a state attack. And do you really think that Snowden is sitting on some bench? It can’t even be found by zhurnalyugi ... wink
          But they don’t do it, so they need him alive

          No man, no problem. Snowden is now posing a problem for the United States precisely as a "living witness and accomplice"; with his death, any publications can be refuted. So Snowden is needed by the United States, as a corpse or as a prisoner in an American prison (isolation) hi
          Quote: Canep
          It looks like this is some kind of setup, Putin is doing the right thing, which is cautious. And then he (Putin) has more information than we do.

          Putin is playing his "trump card" and does it quite successfully, while the Americans "screw up" and the further, the more.
        2. Furnace driver
          4 July 2013 10: 09
          naturally, in the know - the "partners" warned in advance. it's like a spy with a compass and a wig. absolutely the same interaction of "partners"
        3. rumatam
          4 July 2013 12: 40
          Yes, he is not cautious, and he simply did not receive a command from above from the international government.
          1. 0
            4 July 2013 14: 30
            Yeah ... and you, presumably, are that telephone line through which Putin receives commands? Or did your grandmother from the neighbor's bench, who is the chairman of the enth government itself, accurately inform you of this? :)))
            Well, tada yeah, we will believe you. You can see right away how truthful you are ... even the well-known brainless brainlessness of wires (well, where the brains come from, one wire inside) does not prevent us personally from believing ... hallelujah! :))))
            1. rumatam
              4 July 2013 16: 48
              you forgot that dear, you bring me the news.
              1. 0
                4 July 2013 17: 24
                Ek has incurred something ... :)))
                No no no! Although I have compassion for sick people, I don’t look in the madhouse and don’t carry the gear out of my usual greed, and even the world government that Putin drives from there is unlikely to take me for my own .... you don’t accept ... :))))
    3. +1
      4 July 2013 11: 06
      Quote: seasoned
      Thanks to Snowden, yesterday there was another "democrat show" with a search of the plane of the president of an independent country ...

      It looks like Snowden is a trump card in their hand, thanks to his residence permit in Russia, they can now land all planes from Russia and search them, no matter who flies, tourists or the president of the country .. This already looks like some kind of world dictatorship.
      1. +5
        4 July 2013 11: 12
        Quote: DEfindER
        thanks to his residence permit in Russia, they can now land all planes from Russia and search them, no matter who flies, tourists or the president of the country.

        You are exaggerating the influence of the United States and European countries on Russia. Russia is not Bolivia, but there is no one who dares to land and inspect the plane of the President of Russia in the modern world. This will be regarded as a declaration of war.
        Quote: DEfindER
        It already looks like some kind of world dictatorship.

        It looks like a panic so far, when the US does not know what to do and in an attempt to do at least something they make one mistake after another. Time works against them hi
        1. rumatam
          4 July 2013 12: 45
          look for net vklip as at the summit of Putin’s guards the blacks were kicked out of the hotel. And the most shameful thing is that they are in English not without me, but if they guard in the same way? So be sure to inspect.
          1. 0
            4 July 2013 14: 35
            Poor little thing, you couldn’t even understand that they were not the guards of the head of our state ... until now you guys from chamber number 6 are gullible ... you are simply amazed ... maybe it's better to go to school than to shoot clips created by smart enemies to seek out semi-literate victims of propaganda?
            1. rumatam
              4 July 2013 16: 50
              Listen, step the respected Troll into your cave.
              1. 0
                4 July 2013 17: 28
                No, dear, go on your own ... well, where to go, I hope you know? After all, you obviously have to be there regularly - with such a worldview and an active (oh, sorry-passive) life position, you are obviously sent there regularly ... doesn’t it hurt? :)))
                1. rumatam
                  5 July 2013 05: 56
                  well, just a troll. "Troll" is a person who posts rude or provocative messages on the Internet, for example, in discussion forums, interferes with discussion or insults its participants.))))
                  Ignoring. The troll can not stand silence. Interest in the topic that was attacked, the troll loses quickly after the topic ceases to comment.
    4. Ataman
      4 July 2013 14: 27
      If the author alludes to Snowden and Assange as CIA puppets, would it be nice to explain what the CIA benefits from this?
      I don’t see anything unusual in the fact that the system administrator got into the hands of secret information. I myself am amazed at what secret information sometimes passes through the hands of ordinary programmers and administrators.
      1. 0
        9 July 2013 00: 32
        Quote: Ataman
        I myself am amazed at what secret information sometimes passes through the hands of ordinary programmers and administrators.

        To be precise - all information from the subject branch. From protection on the computer, only the password from the user laughing
        take and rule!

        Snowden is most likely a game figure in some kind of inner-states of the States. Most likely they want to give Obama again - after all, carts with pritenzia will be brought to him? So the Republicans. So the action is authorized. Benefits are calculated.
        But in fact: there is a crack in our world that will double it. All the hype surrounding Snowden deepens this crack.
        Nothing good shines for us from this split.
    5. 0
      5 July 2013 01: 30
      Quote: seasoned
      Much has been written and somehow ambivalently. One thing is clear, these people were and will be,

      Somehow not a healthy attempt at analysis, I would say attracting us readers to the thought of provocation. Here I recall right away - the devil's main trick is that he convinced everyone that he does not exist. Hey young lady, the devil that Chavez spoke about exists, don’t have to hang noodles on our ears.

      PS: The girl more than clearly fulfills the American fee. At the gut itself, it’s thin to do an act so it now pours mud over the boys.
  2. Kremlin
    4 July 2013 08: 34
    they are traitors in Africa and in papua new guinea traitors ...
    1. rumatam
      4 July 2013 12: 38
      it's like 4 to see, for the British, K. Filby is a traitor to us, he is a hero. And the article was written as commissioned by the author clearly vehemently about the American focus. In general, what is there to weave privacy monitoring under international law is a crime. So he is a hero, and the author simply did not meet real honest people, probably she herself, with a vile soul, apologize if not so, but from the article it sounds that she does not even believe herself.
      How old is the author interested in if 20 -25 everything is clearly grabbed by the democratic-American propaganda.
      1. Hans grohman
        4 July 2013 20: 46
        It is a pity that I can put the article only one plus !!!
  3. +2
    4 July 2013 08: 38
    While everyone is agitating on behalf of Snowden, there was no less serious scandal than "spyware", entailing a greater violation of international norms, which is somehow not much discussed .. and I'm talking now about the incident with Evo Morales.
    That would be such duality?
    I can imagine what a scandal would have been if Obamov had been hired and searched this way ... most likely the aircraft carriers would have grazed in these countries.
      4 July 2013 09: 03
      An interesting analysis! And for what purpose is all this done? What distracts attention?
  4. Grigorich 1962
    4 July 2013 08: 46
    The article is abstruse .... and the roles of the defendants are prematurely placed ... there are really a lot of questions about the Wikileaks site .....
    But all this somehow harmoniously fits into the fact that the States have accumulated a lot of problems in relations with the international community .... and they will hardly be able to save their "face" ..... everything is too black and white .....
  5. -4
    4 July 2013 08: 49
    I don’t know about Assange and Snowden, and Manning - 3.14door both in orientation and in life. If they rot him in prison, he deserves it.
  6. +4
    4 July 2013 08: 51
    Something thought visited (hehe ...). Isn't it all staged by the states themselves? Like: look - how cool we are! The whole world is in our hands! And the fact that some scoundrels dared to tell our secrets ... So we do not care! And we will catch the villains and punish them. And no one will dare say a word against us. Even the presidents of all sorts of Bolivia ... Like: "Sha! Stand, be afraid, do not hide money!" In general, they are trying with the help of these "fighters for the truth" to once again catch up with horror at all. And if among these truth-tellers they come across ideological ones - so it is worse for them. Significantly worse - as with Manning ...
    1. 46bob46
      4 July 2013 09: 11
      100% agree. Everything said by Snowden-guano on the fan. Nothing that would hit the interests of the USA. Not a word about the war in Iraq, Libya, riots in Tunisia, Egypt. Twin towers, Ben Laden. This is what the whole world knows . I also know that the Earth is round and tomorrow is Friday.
    2. 0
      4 July 2013 14: 39
      Yes, but if they don’t take him and arrange a show trial, then this will be a serious blow to the reputation of the United States ... and at the same time a good example of impunity for their potential traitors ..... and the image losses of the United States are quite significant, European servants have to make excuses publicly .... it is unlikely that they would go for it
  7. biglow
    4 July 2013 08: 52
    all these stories once again confirm the fact that there is no single secret center for managing the world, and there are several large clans that fight among themselves for power. Therefore, such stories will be repeated and further confrontation will only continue
    We are waiting for the second act - "retaliation" laughing
  8. fenix57
    4 July 2013 08: 53
    Snowden, Assange, Manning, as if and "again they are the World ....", and maybe everything is simpler; aha .... complicate something, not a trace ... If someone allows deception against Russia ....
  9. +9
    4 July 2013 09: 02
    Hearing Putin's speech about the conditions for granting Snowden political asylum, at the first minute I was in a stupor, how so? "American partners", "we can provide .... but stop causing damage", "we have never given out and we will never give out", etc.
    The whole speech was, as it were, from some contradictions, and to me "an ordinary citizen of Russia did not understand the whole meaning of this statement ... But in the future everything fell into place, Putin's speech, this is the speech of a politician, the speech of a KGB officer ... Fuck you. to whom and what did he promise? Where did he violate international rights and treaties ??? ...
    And about Snowden - Snowden is really a dark spot, but for the public, but not for the Russian special services, I strongly doubt that the Russian special services did not meet with Snowden. And if such an attitude of the former KGB officer to him, then there are good reasons for that. Does not provide much interest, a political pawn, a "sent Cossack" and other weighty and not very good reasons ...
    Something like this.
    1. ivachum
      4 July 2013 13: 13
      And yet you are not embarrassed that our "human rights activists" such as Alekseeva are against the extradition of Snowden to the United States? Snowden is a provocation against the image of Russia.
      1. 0
        4 July 2013 13: 18
        Quote: ivachum
        And yet you are not embarrassed that our "human rights activists" such as Alekseeva are against the extradition of Snowden to the United States? Snowden is a provocation against the image of Russia.

        Against what image? In front of the mattresses and Geyropa, as it does not care. we shone before them only in the days of EBN.
        For many others, on the contrary, this same image may increase.
  10. -4
    4 July 2013 09: 08
    A dirty article, commissioned by the State Department. The sole purpose is to discredit honest people.
  11. Dim1
    4 July 2013 09: 20
    Great article. Everything is far from easy with this "truth-bearer".
  12. 0
    4 July 2013 09: 38
    Thanks to Snowden, the whole world "suddenly" learned that everyone is spying on each other. This story has, in my opinion, a hidden subtext.
  13. Vtel
    4 July 2013 10: 11
    In general, an interesting layout. You can expect any trick from the addicts - controlled Chaos in one word.
  14. +1
    4 July 2013 10: 34
    Snowden, Assange, Manning

    Snowden, Assange, Manning - projects
    to create public opinion,
    the opinions of those whose opinions are not usually asked.
  15. Vtel
    4 July 2013 10: 41
    Just like in the fairy tale "About the Three Piglets" - "The Snowden case is similar to the one with Assange. They both consider themselves human rights activists and declare that they are fighting for the dissemination of information. Ask yourself whether it is necessary to extradite such people to go to jail. "In any case, I would prefer not to deal with such questions, because it's like cutting a piglet - there is a lot of screeching, but little wool."

    "- Elephants are useful animals.
    - Primus! Recognition of America! Moscow seamstress! Primus! Beer! A couple more! Beer! A couple more! Beer! A couple more! Beer! A couple more! Moscow seamstress! Moscow seamstress! Beer! A couple more! Bourgeois! Bourgeois! Do not push, scoundrel, get off the steps! I will show you, your mother!
    - In turn, bitch children, in turn!
    - Eh, talk, Moscow - talk, Russ! "
  16. +6
    4 July 2013 11: 09
    No comments

    Anna Chapman suggested Snowden get married

    MOSCOW, 4 Jul - RIA News. Former Russian intelligence officer Anna Chapman, who became one of the defendants in the US spy scandal in 2010, offered her hand and heart to the former CIA officer Edward Snowden wanted by the US authorities.
    "Snowden, will you marry me?" - wrote 31-year-old Chapman in English on Thursday night in his microblog Twitter.
    1. +1
      4 July 2013 13: 17
      Quote: Apollon
      No comments

      Anna Chapman suggested Snowden get married

      MOSCOW, 4 Jul - RIA News. Former Russian intelligence officer Anna Chapman, who became one of the defendants in the US spy scandal in 2010, offered her hand and heart to the former CIA officer Edward Snowden wanted by the US authorities.
      "Snowden, will you marry me?" - wrote 31-year-old Chapman in English on Thursday night in his microblog Twitter.
      And she is nice
      1. 0
        4 July 2013 13: 45
        Yeah ... And Snowden is an unenviable fiancé these days, he’s lost his salary (no stake, no yard), and is on the run. So it turns out that "honest girls" in the world have not died out yet! )))
      2. -1
        4 July 2013 14: 45
        Quote: igor67
        And she is nice

        and where it’s clear that she’s nice, so-so.
        For me, neither fish nor meat. wassat
        1. 0
          4 July 2013 14: 47
          Quote: Apollon
          Quote: igor67
          And she is nice

          and where it’s clear that she’s nice, so-so.
          For me, neither fish nor meat. wassat

          Well, my friend, how many of her suffered in the states? laughing
          1. +2
            4 July 2013 15: 10
            Quote: igor67
            Well, my friend, how many of her suffered in the states?

            Yes, the states with or without it still suffered and will suffer, their fate is like that.
            and in the photo, this is my ideal
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +2
                4 July 2013 15: 37
                Quote: Anti
                Mdaaa, well and taste !!

                Well and lack of culture belay So categorically declare other people's tastes negative
                1. 0
                  4 July 2013 15: 38
                  Quote: seasoned

                  from me too "-" laughing
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. 0
                      4 July 2013 15: 57
                      Quote: Anti
                      I apologize below

                      Got it again? Prospis, what you think is a joke is actually some kind of "twist" of a notorious and offended person.
                      "-" for the vulgar humor and mentioning my nickname along with a photo posted by another forum member winked
                      1. Anti
                        4 July 2013 16: 04
                        Quote: seasoned
                        Got it again? Prospis, what you think is a joke is actually some kind of "twist" of a notorious and offended person.
                        "-" for the vulgar humor and mentioning my nickname along with a photo posted by another member of the forum

                        in every joke there is some joke, your "-"
        2. +4
          4 July 2013 14: 50
          Quote: Apollon
          and where it’s clear that she’s nice, so-so.
          For me, neither fish nor meat.

          As they say in taste and color, but meat is also a figure feel
          1. +2
            4 July 2013 15: 14
            Quote: seasoned
            Quote: Apollon
            and where it’s clear that she’s nice, so-so.
            For me, neither fish nor meat.

            As they say in taste and color, but meat is also a figure feel

            Damn the dissidents or something to go, belay
            1. +6
              4 July 2013 15: 20
              Quote: igor67
              Damn the dissidents or something to go,

              Flag in your hands hi We have not yet attached Novodvorskaya wassat
              1. +5
                4 July 2013 15: 45
                Exactly, let him marry Novodvorskaya - then he will easily neglect it, for any psychiatrist recognizes him as moron laughing
                1. 0
                  4 July 2013 15: 53
                  Quote: Фкенщь13
                  Exactly, let him marry Novodvorskaya - then he will easily neglect it, for any psychiatrist recognizes him as moron laughing

                  But her fur coat is not cheap, love , and I can drink a lot
                  1. Anti
                    4 July 2013 16: 40
                    pardon mistakenly minus the fan !! hi
                    1. +1
                      4 July 2013 16: 42
                      Quote: Anti
                      pardon mistakenly minus the fan !!

                      I have corrected your mistake by giving Igor a "+". Your insults out of the blue of ordinary members of the forum will lead to even greater isolation negative
                      Well, the familiar already "-" lol Now for insulting a forum member
                      1. Anti
                        4 July 2013 16: 55
                        water truce? winked
                  2. +1
                    4 July 2013 17: 36
                    Nah, don’t drink so much! :)))
                    Remember the joke about Vasily Ivanovich, who admitted that he could drink five bottles to Petka’s question about a box of vodka, he answered no, that’s as much, probably only Lenin can ... :))))
                    So, nobody can drink so much ... and even then, Borovoy has already staked out the place! :)))
        3. Anti
          4 July 2013 16: 17
          Quote: Apollon
          and where it’s clear that she’s nice, so-so.
          For me, neither fish nor meat. wassat

          Quote: seasoned
          Well and lack of culture belay So categorically declare negative tastes of others

          We see a speck in the prying eye, but in our logs we do not notice

          belay wink winked
          1. +2
            4 July 2013 16: 22
            Quote: Anti

            People come here to chat and discuss topics that excite them, and not in order to "bully" those whom they themselves have appointed as enemies. Are there not enough emotions in real life? winked
            Well, as usual "-" lol
            1. Anti
              4 July 2013 16: 37
              Quote: seasoned
              those whom they themselves have designated enemies.

              too much honor for you to be nominated.

              accept my modest minus "-" hi
  17. 0
    4 July 2013 12: 26
    Surely competent comrades have long figured out their biography and their motives.
  18. ivachum
    4 July 2013 13: 09
    Quote: retired
    A thought clearly visited (hehe ...). But aren't all the states themselves directing it?

    Just got it now?
    1. +1
      4 July 2013 13: 24
      Quote: ivachum
      Just got it now?

      Well now ... And I do not hide ...
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. tifon
    4 July 2013 13: 13
    I completely agree with Mizhgan, only Assange is a double agent.
  21. +2
    4 July 2013 13: 26
    snowden infographics
    1. 0
      4 July 2013 19: 49
      It appears that these asylum requests are a farce or a gesture of despair.
    2. 0
      4 July 2013 20: 31
      Here, with the help of Google’s globe, I looked at how the shortest route from Moscow to Bolivia should go, it turned out that the presidential plane was supposed to fly over northern Germany, and then over Lamanche to the Atlantic. That is, he was not supposed to fly over the countries that closed his airspace. And the distance on this route is 12500 km. The Azores are suitable for refueling, just on the route.
      1. 0
        5 July 2013 09: 41
        Air routes are not laid along the shortest path, but where there are air routes equipped with a sufficient number of control centers.
  22. +4
    4 July 2013 13: 26
    Somewhere I heard a lot of exactly the same ... oh yes! There is such a legal form - reasonable doubt. That is, the defendant will never be sentenced to capital punishment, or even be found not guilty if the lawyer manages to sow a legitimate doubt about the guilt of the defendant in court. No arguments? Stir more muti! Twist, twist, dodge from scratch. No need to declare black white, they will just beat you up. It’s delicate to notice - there, in the left corner, something flashed gray! There, out! So what do you not see, there is a hue, I know! The author did not imagine a single realistic reason, which would contain at least a grain of answer to the question, why?
    Why is the SGA such tricks? However, this was not required. Start her to give "arguments", the readers will only laugh, it will be very stupid. She just tried to sow doubt. And look, readers themselves are already getting to anecdotal, completely wild ideas about, for example, that Snowden is an injected mole. And a reader who is proud of an intellectual breakthrough (since a "breakthrough" of this level means very rare) will also defend this ... um ... conclusion.
    I don’t know about Snowden, but whoever pays the author and supplies the blanks, I have little doubt ...
    1. itkul
      4 July 2013 14: 24
      Quote: Mikhail3
      And a reader who is proud of an intellectual breakthrough (since a "breakthrough" of this level means very rare) will also defend it ... um ...

      Indeed, I personally heard with my own ears and saw with my own eyes how Putin asked us not to offend our US partners. Then, before the election, he made heated speeches about the fact that we are the only country that can destroy the United States, and about the parasitic state. the leader, and for his daughters abroad, and the money for his campaign is stored there
      1. 0
        4 July 2013 16: 19
        Are you a strong person? Apparently not. Because the strong one does not walk the streets, clinging to everyone and running into a fight. On the contrary, he is really strong calm, modest and always ready to decide the world (if the face of the redneck waves his fists for any reason, he is not strong. He is a coward and desperately tries to establish himself with muscles. As a rule, a fighter doesn’t have to beat them like that).
        Putin will not give Snowden. But he will not build a goat, it is below him and our dignity. Among other things, a person either plays the lottery, or rewards himself, with his labor, intelligence and talent. Do not miss everything that they give you ...
        1. itkul
          4 July 2013 21: 33
          Quote: Mikhail3
          Are you a strong person? Apparently not. Because the strong one does not walk the streets, clinging to everyone and running into a fight. On the contrary, he is really strong calm, modest and always ready to decide the world (if the face of the redneck waves his fists for any reason, he is not strong. He is a coward and desperately tries to establish himself with muscles. As a rule, a fighter doesn’t have to beat them like that).

          They decided to throw arrows at me, although it’s about Putin. I recall the case of the late 80s. In short, three scum dragged a young girl into the basement and raped her, so the girl told me when they dragged her, an adult man passed by and she begged this man intercede for her and take her home, but the man (collapsed like Putin) and walked past. And what would you do in the place of that man?
      2. d_trader
        4 July 2013 17: 30
        Sometimes you need to be able to read between the lines, especially in such matters as politics and diplomacy, and not assume that everything is like in a rural dance club. And Putin’s daughters live in Russia, listen less to the Dutch media and our assenting liberals. And Putin does not have accounts abroad, Westerners would really like of course, but ... not fate. Can you imagine if Putin had accounts even in a tenth person that would not have remained a secret and an hour (we already know this officially thanks to Snowden), such a howl and a joyful champ would have risen so that my mother does not grieve.
        So calm down and breathe more evenly, do not pump hysteria tea in the yard is not 2012. The people became more discerning. bully
    2. +1
      4 July 2013 14: 31
      Quote: Mikhail3
      I don’t know about Snowden

      Yes. You can’t figure it out without a bottle!
      I do not claimthat everything will become clear and understandable
      I'm only voiced an occasion.
      Soon - Friday, however ...
      1. 0
        4 July 2013 21: 06
        Quote: Sukhov
        Soon - Friday, however.

        Пьfried eggs however soon wink
    3. +1
      4 July 2013 20: 58
      I fully support: +. By the way, I was kicked above for such a conclusion. What can people do often lead to cunningly propaganda propaganda. I recall an example of frantic propaganda on the first channel, to discredit Primakov. I talked with my acquaintances and could not explain to him that Primakov was full of strength and capable of effective work, and this whole campaign on the first channel is only an order.
    4. 0
      4 July 2013 21: 13
      Quote: Mikhail3
      There is such a legal form - reasonable doubt.

      Is there some more
      “No one can be found guilty of an offense, and also subjected to criminal punishment except by court verdict and in accordance with the law.”
      The presumption of innocence, as it were, tosses her into a swing!
      I just don’t understand why it should be applied to the statements of an employee of another intelligence agency?
      Or is he yours?
  23. explorer
    4 July 2013 14: 58
    Something like this was a long time ago: recourse
    disclosure by the Bolsheviks of the secret international treaties of the Russian Empire after coming to power:
    “Collection of documents from the archive of the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”

    And recently:
    09.06.2012. For the first time in history, the international rating agency S&P has downgraded the US credit rating from the maximum "AAA" to "AA +". This event took place after the resolution of the situation with a possible US default. hi

    So something "fighters" may well be agents solving the problem of diverting attention from something more important. wink
  24. Anti
    4 July 2013 16: 34
    The author is huge +, I am struck by the lack of immunity in people against lies.
  25. d_trader
    4 July 2013 17: 39
    Perhaps Assange is that bright, beautiful and fragrant flower that attracts honest and decent like bees to nectar. Catch the fish big and small as they say. We clean our shaky ranks from traitors and defectors so that others are afraid. Manning turned out to be that unfortunate bee who pecked at the bait thrown by the CIA. And with Snowden, the story is really muddy, looking at Putin’s reaction, far from everything is as it seems at first glance. We are waiting for the next steps of the USA, they are waiting for our next move, Snowden is waiting for something while sitting in Sheremetyevo ...
  26. +1
    4 July 2013 18: 12
    What is interesting today with friends was discussing just such a scenario of punctures of the Security Council of the American special services.
    Too good ... to be true , a cautiously ironic commentary on circumstances that are too (unusual, suspicious, etc.).

    A trap for fools.
    And the first victim is, but is the first? Maybe others have never, anyone, nothing ?!
    But Snowden, I think, was personally used (used? Yes! Just more reliable. Life is bad without a sucker. Blond damn in boots!) For Russia.
    I met somewhere
    If there is no reason for hostility, create it

    Indeed, in essence, now the United States has no obvious reasons for hostility towards Russia, but HERE ...!
  27. Annomka
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"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"