Russian - blood or culture?

Russian - blood or culture?

In recent decades, the problem of identity has become increasingly important. This phenomenon has a global character. For the Russian civilization, it is especially relevant, given the shocks that we had to endure in the twentieth century. But we are again trying to gain a foothold by feeling for our primordial - Russian - identity.
In this case, a logical question arises: what is Russianness and how to define it?

The range of possible views on this central problem is very wide, but I will note two extreme positions:

1. Russianness is only citizenship.
2. Russianness is only Russian blood.

First glance is fraught with amorphous "Russian" in the presence of a passport of a citizen of Russia. The second glance is fraught with extreme nationalism with a racial bias (“beat such and such”). Both views of good intentions lead to tragedy.

Meanwhile, even in such a painful issue, everything is very simple, but for this, it is necessary to logically strictly lay everything out. I propose to do this using the categories of Aristotelian logic, brilliantly set forth also by Saint John of Damascus, one of the fathers of the Church.

So, since Russianness applies both to an individual and to society as a whole, two concepts are necessary: ​​the individual and the species. For example, Paul, Peter, Andrew are individuals, and man is a species. The species is common, the individual is private. The species encompasses individuals and has greater commonality, because hugs many individuals.

If a characteristic belongs to the same species, it is called a property. A property is that which belongs to the same species, to all and always, and allows conversion. For example, the ability to speak. In fact, every man is able to speak, and every being who can speak is man.

Another example: a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. In fact, every citizen of the Russian Federation has a passport of the Russian Federation, and anyone who has a passport of the Russian Federation is a citizen of the Russian Federation. Hence, for citizens of the Russian Federation, the presence of a passport of the Russian Federation is a property.

However, there is another characteristic called accidents. Accident (lat. Accidentia - a case) is what characterizes many objects, generally differing in appearance. It may belong to the subject, and not belong to him.

For example, if we see Ivan with blue eyes, then this is an individual Ivan, belonging to a person. A property will be everything that always belongs to the human species - the presence of the soul, the ability to speak, etc. Accidents will be random signs that are not required for the whole species: blue-eyed, snub-nosed, curly, etc.

Depending on what we take as a species, we will get different properties, and some accidents can turn into properties. That is, what was more accidental (an accident) for a more general form, may become a property for the less common. For example, if for the human species the male genital organs are an accident, since for a man they may or may not be, then for a species a man may be a property, because without them it is impossible to belong to a man.

Now we apply these categories to the problems of Russianness, meaning by it a state where a person is a brick of the Russian civilization, a carrier of the Russian civilization code (I tried to outline it in the article "Who are we? (our identity) "), the builder of the great Russian state. In this sense, it is very simple to analyze how Russianness and culture relate to Russianness.

So, what kind of Russian is Russian culture? Obviously, without belonging to the Russian culture, it is impossible to be Russian. But does belonging to Russian culture mean belonging to a Russian species? Yes, it means our entire evidence of this story: all those who belonged to the Russian culture, felt the same fate and felt like one with the Russian people, were always considered Russian, regardless of origin. So, since belonging to the Russian culture belongs to the Russian mind and allows for its circulation, it is property (see definition).

What will be the characteristic for a Russian species such as “Russian blood”? Does the presence of "Russian blood" belong to the species Russian? Not necessary. For example, if Russian parents left for the USA and children were born and raised there, then these children will be almost Americans, and their children will have no Russian at all. This means that the presence of “Russian blood” does not necessarily mean that it belongs to a Russian species, but may also belong to another species.

Now let us put the question differently: is it possible that Russian does not have “Russian blood”? Yes, it is possible. This is evidenced by the numerous cases in which the representatives of our small ethnic groups and peoples became Russians, not having “Russian blood” by origin (for example, Stalin). So, since the presence of "Russian blood" may belong to the representative of the species Russian, and not belong to him, it is accidents (see definition).

Thus, we have established that for Russians, belonging to Russian culture is a property without which there can be no Russian, and Russian blood is an accident that may or may not be. The accident is very likely, equal to the share of the "Russian blood" people in the Russian people. But - an accident. This is well illustrated by the example of local universal liberals, who, having been born and raised here, do not belong to the Russian people (although they are demagogic for the Russian people).

It is also interesting and important that belonging to the Russian culture and the Russian people, which we have established as a property of the Russian species, allows for the treatment of the Russian species we define. In fact, Russian is a person who belongs to the Russian culture and is conscious of himself as part of the Russian people. The reverse definition is also true: if a person belongs to the Russian culture and is conscious of himself as part of the Russian people, then he is Russian. This means that the above formulation is the perfect definition, for the perfection of the definition lies in its ability to convert.

On this basis, the following definition of Russianness can be given: Russian is a person belonging to the Russian culture and conscious of himself as part of the Russian people.

This is the most important conclusion, which is obtained by a strict logical path, supported by the patristic tradition. Interested in details refer to "Philosophical Chapters" of sv. John of Damascus (first 17 chapters, especially the fifth one).

Please note: there is no “Russian blood” in the definition of Russianness. This is an accident. By virtue of this, the “degree of Russianness” in no way depends on the origin, on which nationalists with racial bias parasitize, justifying their radicalism by a large number of migrants. At the same time, I do not at all support uncontrolled "labor migration", which increases inter-ethnic tensions. But the attitude towards visitors should not depend on where they were born (for this does not prevent them from becoming Russian), but only on how they relate to Russian culture. The attitude towards Russian culture is not a direct consequence of their origin, but is due to many accompanying factors, including the difficult spiritual and moral condition of the Russian people themselves. After all the disasters of the twentieth century, we ourselves forgot the native culture. So what do we want from visitors?

Without in any way relieving them of responsibility, I still consider the most important thing to be the return of ourselves to our roots, and above all to the Orthodox Faith. From the very beginning of its existence, the Russian state had an imperial polyethnic character. So it was, so it should be. This is what has always attracted our neighbors to us, who have become their own and are expanding our Fatherland. And if we want rebirth, we are obliged to return in the deepest way to the fold of native culture.

Only by strengthening our own identity, can we count on the revival of Holy Russia, which will unite all our ethnic groups and peoples.
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  1. +1
    26 June 2013 06: 48
    Simplifies the author, Yes, and a little disingenuous. By the way, you can add about the character, a special attitude to history, lifestyle, attitude to the future, ingenuity and much more. It will turn out a completely different image. And from the definition in the article it’s hard for me, for example, to introduce Ilya Muromets and his friends as Russian
    1. Yashka Gorobets
      26 June 2013 09: 07
      If you do not know, Ilya Muromets of the Holy Russian Orthodox Church.
      1. +7
        26 June 2013 12: 20
        Quote: Yashka Gorobets
        If you do not know, Ilya Muromets of the Holy Russian Orthodox Church.

        And his relics are still preserved.

        However, I suppose that at the beginning of the 12th century, near the city of Murom, people from the "Muroma" tribe were still inhabitants, which, possibly, from the Mordvin tribe, which, in my opinion, both belong to the group of Finno-Ugric peoples.

        And this boy was baptized, presumably a Finno-Ugric, with the Hebrew name Elijah, which means "God Yahweh".

        And in that period, the church was Christian, the Greek faith, in fact the one that is now called Old Believers.
        And the church did not really like any paganism, especially all sorts of rituals, koi initiated from paganism were considered magicians, among the Finno-Ugrians they were called "magicians".
        And therefore they cured a man of Murom, an Finno-Finnish ugly man, namely people from his own tribe, the sorcerers - trained ministers of the pagan cult and herbal medicine.
        1. Yashka Gorobets
          26 June 2013 12: 36
          The Kaliki were cured by passers-by, Christian pilgrims, and not magicians.
          1. +4
            26 June 2013 13: 04
            Quote: Yashka Gorobets
            The Kaliki were cured by passers-by, Christian pilgrims, and not magicians.

            And I also have a book with epics, which Mr. Afanasyev collected in Russia. So in them the corrupted verb obscene state that Ilya is not the one under Prince Vladimir from the 12th century, but the one that was under Vladimir the Baptist in the 10th century. And the next Ilya is already defending Russia from the Tatars who came in the 13th century!

            And in one book it is stated that one very believer came and in the word of the Lord raised Elijah. Yes! And in another, seriously scientific, that they say that the Kaliki nevertheless, although they came with the name of the Lord, but, as it should be in Russia, they did not depart from their pagan customs and raised Ilya with a magic potion.
        2. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            26 June 2013 12: 41
            I apologize for the strangeness and repetition of the text. Some kind of glitch.
      2. 0
        26 June 2013 12: 24
        Yes, I know, in the know. About this and my post, if carefully read. But only by far not all the saints of our church can be proud and take an example. So being ranked is not an indicator of Russianness and, all the more, of dignity. And Valery plus ... Rarely anyone in this thread
    2. ughhh
      26 June 2013 11: 07
      Quote: smel
      And from the definition in the article it’s hard for me, for example, to introduce Ilya Muromets and his friends as Russian

      read only the selection plump, and in the last sentence all the salt:
      "Russian is a person who belongs to Russian culture and recognizes himself as part of the Russian people"
      Sobsno, what is incomprehensible? Read and say: Ilya Muromets, Pushkin, Stalin - Russian or not? And what does their attitude to the future, ingenuity and much more?
      1. +2
        26 June 2013 13: 58
        Quote: ughhh
        read only the selection plump, and in the last sentence all the salt:
        "a Russian is a person who belongs to Russian culture and recognizes himself as a part of the Russian people"

        I fully support!
        And there is no need to complicate, invent accidents. People will not understand, we still do not have academicians. The popular idea should be simple and intelligible, and expressed in one sentence.

        The Russian people are a superethnos, a separate civilization. The mistake is that constantly learned people try to apply European patterns, European concepts and patterns to Russians. But all these Dutch with Scots and French with Danes are small nations! Putting Russians in this Procrustean bed is unrealistic.
        Obviously, if you really want to draw parallels with the West, then you need to approach like this:
        all the small nations inhabiting Europe, nevertheless, feel themselves as a single community - Europeans.
        Yes, sometimes they fought with each other, but this is so, in a family way ... "Darling scold - only amuse themselves." And although there is a long-standing rivalry between the French and the Germans, or between the British and the French, the Germans and the British, they still feel themselves as a single culture, a single whole.

        So "Russians" - this concept is as collective as "Europeans".
        The confusion is that there is also a people with that name. Although, if you start to understand, then the Russians themselves are scattered into small nations with their own characteristics: the Novgorodians had a slightly different culture and dialect (although close) from the Tverichi, the Ryazanians from the Pskovites, etc.
        Therefore, all who "should be considered to belong to the Russian super-ethnos"belongs to Russian culture and recognizes itself as a part of the Russian people ".

        This is the most accurate definition.
        This explains why such a patriot as Russified German Egor Ivanovich Klassen can, is considered and should be considered no less Russian than any other Ivanovich who was born directly in one of the provinces of Russia.
      2. -1
        26 June 2013 16: 58
        I do not agree with the author of the article that belonging to Russian culture makes a person Russian. I think there are many examples of this: for example, some agent recruited by our special services and conscientiously working for the good of Russia, in my opinion, will be Russian, regardless of whether he is familiar with Russian culture or not. Russian is a person of Russian blood, even if he was born in a foreign land and has no connection with Russian culture, he will still be Russian for me. Russian is also a person who lives and acts for the good of Russia. The author is trying to politically correct distance from "Russian blood" - it smacks of liberalism. Russian blood is an accidation, yes, but it is necessary to consider the issue dialectically, only then everything will fall into place. Blood and the good of Russia are two moments of the dialectical process.
        1. ughhh
          27 June 2013 11: 33
          I have a friend who is 100% Tatar by blood, he tells everyone that he is a Tatar and looks like a Tatar. So he is more Russian than most of my friends. Put him next to the one who does not speak Russian and does not think Russian Vanechka from tolerant Sweden, from my mother, who in a cruel time jumped out to marry a fair-haired Swede and fled over the hill. And all his life, in Swedish to his son, the thought that Russia is a barbaric country of unwashed alcoholics. Yes, he will look at you like shit. "It's embarrassing for me to have a Ryusky mom!"
          And you are blood ... How does it look even, Russian blood?
  2. fenix57
    26 June 2013 06: 56
    Philosophy, however ... That is, everything can be "fit" into one phrase, namely: an individual belonging to Russian culture and conscious of himself as a part of the Russian people is RUSSIAN! Like so. winked
    1. FOX.
      26 June 2013 09: 30
      Quote: fenix57
      The philosophy however ...

      Oh yeah! In my opinion, the author himself got a little confused in his attempts to fit the Russians under any definitions and rules.
      As for me, RUSSIAN is not a nationality (in the strict sense of the word), it is a state of mind, and in this definition there are so many subtleties and nuances that someone will be able to put them on the shelves. It is not in vain that all foreigners from the former USSR are called RUSSIANS.
      The Americans tried to create something similar, but they did not succeed. After all, their society was created not on the basis of the indigenous people, but in the process of its destruction.
      In Russia, the Slavs were the very cement, which subsequently created a solid monolith called RUSSIAN!
      Something like this ... Perhaps it is somewhat crumpled, but, again, nobody has managed to sort this out on the shelves, and it will not succeed. My koment is just one of thousands of attempts to do this. hi
      1. +4
        26 June 2013 12: 31
        Russian spirit, become Russified, remember the "Ethiopian" from "Zhmurka". Even the Jews considered the Soviet non-Jews, and now they are called Russians in Israel. My personal observation (maybe I'm wrong) in the Russian man has an increased sense of justice and he is more sincere in on the one hand, the seller in the store should smile, but the Russian seller will smile at you if he liked something or is in a good mood. The West always flirted, deceived, captured. And Russia simply invited you to your company or offered help, and sometimes even defending, she annexed small peoples who are still alive thanks to this.
  3. kosmos44
    26 June 2013 06: 59
    In recent decades, the problem of identity has become increasingly important. This phenomenon is global in nature. For Russian civilization, it is especially relevant, given the shocks that we had to endure in the twentieth century .....

    How annoying you are with these themes! With its own monitoring of the mood and attitude in our multinational country to the state-forming nation. Better deal with Tajiks. Try to "take them apart", how we treat them about their culture, etc. The TV cannot be turned on, there are all topics about "poor Jews", it’s strange, how is it that there’s one program on all channels makes up. And the Russians, like whipping boys. Oh do not be famously while it is quiet!
    1. FOX.
      26 June 2013 09: 40
      Quote: kosmos44
      Oh do not be famously while it is quiet!

      drinks They are afraid of the "Russian revolt", not fully understanding its origins. That's why they try to get to the bottom of the truth with our help. So let them break their convolutions in a vain attempt to do this. Neither pimples with professors, nor experienced ones with snacks will be able to count us. Spit on them, colleague. They will pull the Russian bear by the tail and get everything in one fell swoop, but for now, apparently, the time has not come! Let them frolic ... drinks
  4. 0
    26 June 2013 06: 59
    Why "Or" ?!
  5. +17
    26 June 2013 07: 05
    "A Russian is a person who belongs to Russian culture and recognizes himself as a part of the Russian people."
    You can agree with this definition, but for some reason, again, the author all comes down to the Orthodox faith. And without it, a person can no longer be Russian? Can't help restore Russian culture?
    1. 0
      26 June 2013 07: 34
      Like smart women who are not afraid to show their mind and defend their point of view. I am not only to this comment.

    2. fisherman
      26 June 2013 12: 36
      it all comes down to the Orthodox faith. And without it, a person can no longer be Russian? Can't help restore Russian culture?

      of course maybe

      Orthodoxy is part of Russian culture, in terms of the author it is an accident (and this I say on behalf of believers for whom Orthodoxy is a common (property))

      there is no contradiction

      It’s another matter that under the aggressive external influence of Western culture (eastern Ukraine), many Russian people reached out to churches and temples (from accidents to properties, from private to general), reached for unification

      two years ago I was in Donetsk, many new churches and temples appeared
    3. gribnik777
      26 June 2013 13: 26
      Quote: Egoza
      but for some reason, again, the author comes down to the Orthodox faith.

      Remove everything from the history of Russia, Russia, even that indirectly related to FAITH, ORTHODOX - what will remain?
      N and h e g o!
      1. 0
        26 June 2013 16: 22
        Will stay !!! SPIRIT, RUSSIAN SPIRIT !!! And he will be able to reformat any faith for himself, even communism, even atheism, even Krishnaism, the only exception, I think, is Judaism. Russian is the RUSSIAN SPIRIT - it is enough for him to open up to be RUSSIAN, Russian is not a nationality, it is the very essence of nature, "in image and likeness" and therefore the epithet is unpredictable both to nature and to RUSSIAN !!!!
  6. Bokdan1700
    26 June 2013 07: 07
    I agree with the author-Russian is not only the genetic memory of our great ancestors, but also the Spirit. Russian Spirit! Dostoevsky said: "We are the more Russian, the more Orthodox we are!" and that's right!
  7. +17
    26 June 2013 07: 09
    Classic opinion:
    1. FOX.
      26 June 2013 09: 44
      Quote: avant-garde
      Classic opinion:

      Great demo, Alexander! good It’s hard to disagree with Tolstoy!
      1. +1
        26 June 2013 11: 03
        Thank you for rating drinks
    2. Furnace driver
      26 June 2013 14: 39
      I agree with Leo, though there is one. Weak in spirit is one who cannot perceive it.
      And Fidget is right - faith is not a determining factor. Tolstoy, in general, denied the Orthodox Church, I will make a reservation right away, he did not renounce Orthodoxy. But this did not stop him from being Russian and loving his homeland.
      1. FRIGATE2
        26 June 2013 19: 44
        Quote: Furnace Driver
        I agree with Leo, though there is one.

        Everyone has their own truth, and each one tries to impose it upon the other at least a little.
        The truth is one
  8. +10
    26 June 2013 07: 14
    Russianness is rather a way of life,
    but this is if very briefly

    an acquaintance once said: long ago, about 20 years ago, he married, and for a year 5th or 6th found out that she was half the face of her blood by blood ... well, they somehow didn’t think seriously about this before, both consider themselves Russian, and children - Russians ...
  9. +8
    26 June 2013 07: 30
    By blood, I am pure, as far as I know, Russian. Starting from school, friends were: the bulk of Russians, a Jew, a Korean, a Tatar. Interestingly, we, already adults, did not identify our Jew with world Jewry. For example, I once or twice in a certain state told him that he is the best friend, he is similar to me. And his weight is less than twenty by my kg, but he tries to drink like everyone else. We did not wear or wear crosses, neither now nor now. True wives began to go for holy water. My friends sometimes helped me out of serious things, but honestly, but I helped less and remained debtor. I consider all friends as patriots of Russia and just Russians.

    From here:
    1. The main culture.
    2. It is not necessary to be a believer.
    1. Yashka Gorobets
      26 June 2013 09: 10
      And the amount of vodka drunk is an indicator of Russianness or what?
      1. Cat
        26 June 2013 13: 53
        No, not an indicator. By the definition of the author, this is an accident. laughing
  10. +7
    26 June 2013 07: 32
    I recall my studies at the Irkutsk Polytechnic at the beginning of the 70s, alas, of the last century. A fellow student, Korsakov, studied with us, I don’t remember the name, whose mother was an Estonian, and his father was drilled. He was brought up in the Russian language environment and culture, and therefore naturally considered himself Russian and in his passport was written - Russian.
    And who should he consider himself to be if he has neither Estonian, nor Buryat, even his appearance?
    1. FOX.
      26 June 2013 09: 48
      Quote: vladimirZ
      I recall my studies at the Irkutsk Polytechnic in the early 70s

      Countryman??? It would be interesting to talk !!! drinks
      1. +1
        26 June 2013 18: 48
        Sounds like yes. He studied at the mechanical faculty, the operation of aircraft and engines.
        In those years, we did not divide anyone by nationality, it did not matter to us. We were friends not by nationality, but by what kind of person and character you are.
  11. +7
    26 June 2013 07: 39
    Russian is fate.
    1. +8
      26 June 2013 08: 58
      Briefly and clearly ! drinks
  12. Bokdan1700
    26 June 2013 07: 46
    Something like that!
    1. +7
      26 June 2013 10: 42
      Quote: Bokdan1700
      Something like that!
  13. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 08: 05
    Quote: smel
    Simplifies the author, Yes, and a little disingenuous. By the way, you can add about the character, a special attitude to history, lifestyle, attitude to the future, ingenuity and much more. It will turn out a completely different image. And from the definition in the article it’s hard for me, for example, to introduce Ilya Muromets and his friends as Russian
    -Ilya Mugomitz, Alex Popovitz, Dobginya Nikititz? winkand political instructor Wolfowitz fool
  14. Warrawar
    26 June 2013 08: 09
    Russian nationality is both an ethnic concept and a cultural-worldview. And it is not right to deny either the first or the second.
  15. Arthur 775
    26 June 2013 08: 31
    Mind does not understand Russia
    Arshin common not to measure
    She has a special
    You can only believe in Russia!

    And you can’t count national mixtures ....... Whoever loves our homeland is Russian!
  16. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 08: 44
    Quote: Arthur 775
    Mind does not understand Russia
    Arshin common not to measure
    She has a special
    You can only believe in Russia!

    And you can’t count national mixtures ....... Whoever loves our homeland is Russian!

    He wrote, sitting in Baden-Baden, as always. But one owl. dissident rephrased it like this--
    -It's time, it’s time, e..on mother, I understand Russia with your mind! wassat
  17. +5
    26 June 2013 08: 54
    Hello to all.
    Good article. Scientific.
    I finally understood who Aristotle was. It just "drove" John Damascene.
    It’s not bad that I’m Russian. But this is already ...
  18. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 08: 57
    Quote: Bokdan1700
    Something like that!

    -Mama Suvorova beat Armenian .-
    -I believe that culture and faith still determine the national. consciousness.-In the same Russia / retrospectively / people of "foreign nationality" lived, worked, etc. / starting with Fon-Vizin / in many areas of activity. / And / They created the glory of the country. Chromosomi, essno, has not been canceled, but there is something else. fellow
    1. Warrawar
      26 June 2013 09: 36
      Quote: 20 kopeek
      Mom Suvorov beat Armenian

      No need to replicate the pseudo-historical heresy that minors post, damages to demotivators.

      Suvorov's mother is Avdotya (Evdokia) Feodosievna Suvorova, nee Manukova. Very little information has been preserved about her. According to one version, her father, Theodosius Semenovich, belonged to the OLD KIND OF THE MOSCOW SERVICE OF THE nobility, from 1725 he was vice-president of the Votchiny college. Sometimes you can find a statement about the Armenian origin of Suvorov’s mother. THIS VERSION is not widely used in special literature and is considered a LEGEND.
      1. Gari
        26 June 2013 14: 19
        His father, Vasily Ivanovich Suvorov, a general-general and senator, was highly educated, was the author of the first Russian military dictionary, the godson of Peter I. Mother of Suvorov - Avdotya (Evdokia) Feodosievna Suvorova, nee Manukova. Very little information has been preserved about her. According to one version, her father, Theodosius Semenovich, belonged to the old family of the Moscow serving nobility, since 1725 he was vice-president of the Votchinoy college. Sometimes you can find a statement about the Armenian origin of the mother of Suvorov. This version is not widespread in the literature and is considered a legend.
        Mother was an Armenian or wasn’t the main thing so important, although in the history of Russia there are not a few commanders and statesmen with an Armenian origin, but the origin, and if you were born and raised in Russia and serve Russia you mean Russian
        Generalissimus Aleksandr Vasilyevich Suvorov is a national hero of Russia, a great Russian commander who has not suffered a single defeat in his military career (more than 60 battles), one of the founders of Russian military art.
    2. +5
      26 June 2013 09: 42
      Quote: 20 kopeek
      Suvorov's mother beat Armenian .-

      An interesting expression because of one changed letter turned out.
      1. FOX.
        26 June 2013 09: 57
        Quote: baltika-18
        because of one changed letter

        Hi Nikolay! It would be interesting to see who she beat with this Armenian !!! laughing laughing laughing Have fun in the morning! Thank you buddy! good
        1. +3
          26 June 2013 11: 05
          All that is interesting to you ..
          She beat her dad ...
          Therefore, the son - terribly beat ... others.
          1. FOX.
            26 June 2013 11: 46
            Quote: Igarr
            All that is interesting to you ..

            laughing Foxes are inherently curious and inquisitive ... Yes
    3. gribnik777
      26 June 2013 13: 35
      Quote: 20 kopeek
      -Mama Suvorova beat Armenian .-

      Another price 20 cents - trollik.
  19. +4
    26 June 2013 08: 57
    1. Russianness is only citizenship.
    2. Russianness is only Russian blood.

    First glance is fraught with amorphous "Russian" in the presence of a passport of a citizen of Russia. The second glance is fraught with extreme nationalism with a racial bias (“beat such and such”). Both views of good intentions lead to tragedy.

    Yeah. If Russian is a Black Hundred at once? As the Great Ones said, "Being Russian is good, but it is a big responsibility."
    A little off topic. I had a dream, as if Putin had dismissed the government. hi
    1. +7
      26 June 2013 09: 57
      Quote: KonstantM
      A little off topic. I had a dream, as if Putin had dismissed the government.

      Tell me what you ate and drank in the evening, on which side they fell asleep - I also want to see it !!!
      1. FOX.
        26 June 2013 10: 01
        Quote: IRBIS
        I want to see it too !!!

        Ha! Get in line !!!
        1. +6
          26 June 2013 10: 12
          Quote: FOX.
          Ha! Get in line !!!

          Not a fig! I am a veteran, I have privileges for an extraordinary viewing! And in general, you were not standing here! They go here, redheads ... I’ll bite my tail!
          1. FOX.
            26 June 2013 10: 39
            Quote: IRBIS
            Not a fig! I am a veteran

            laughing More like a "fig"! I borrowed five years ago! And the benefits are all right! drinks
            1. +2
              26 June 2013 13: 56
              And I have federal benefits, I can show you a tugament, but only from a distance! Here I show, have you looked? Stop dragging me away from such a sweet freebie! And finally I will become an invalid from your humors, okay, but "Who is the last one to look?"
              1. +2
                26 June 2013 15: 05
                Quote: My address
                well, okay, and "Who is the last one to just look?".

                Alexander, your document is in order. You will follow the impudent, red-haired beast. Only now "to look" into a dream is, in fact, to Freud. Better now, nevertheless, we will obtain the necessary information from KonstantM and figure it out for three.
                1. FOX.
                  26 June 2013 18: 25
                  Quote: IRBIS
                  still get the necessary information from KonstantM

                  I especially liked the word "we will achieve". It remains only to get the one who is hiding this miracle tool for viewing the desired visions and "GET" voluntarily issued for the benefit of the resulting queue. The order will be determined later. good
                  1. +1
                    26 June 2013 18: 32
                    Quote: FOX.
                    it's a miracle cure

                    Let me go, miracle grass ...
    2. FOX.
      26 June 2013 09: 58
      Quote: KonstantM
      I had a dream that Putin had fired the government

      It would be good...
  20. raf
    26 June 2013 09: 16
    Who are the Russians? Yes, in my opinion, it’s simpler than a turnip: Whoever considers himself Russian is Russian! As an example, during my service in the ranks of the Soviet army there was one guy in our division, black as shoe polish, hunch-bearing, the ancestors were both Greeks and Turks, and he considered himself Russian! They laughed at him, and he insisted I was Russian! And there was such confidence in him that he was right that aroused respect! And how not to consider him Russian?
  21. +1
    26 June 2013 09: 30
    culture or blood - The basis and superstructure are left to determine what is the basis and what is the superstructure.
  22. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 09: 35
    Quote: raf
    Who are the Russians? Yes, in my opinion, it’s simpler than a turnip: Whoever considers himself Russian is Russian! As an example, during my service in the ranks of the Soviet army there was one guy in our division, black as shoe polish, hunch-bearing, the ancestors were both Greeks and Turks, and he considered himself Russian! They laughed at him, and he insisted I was Russian! And there was such confidence in him that he was right that aroused respect! And how not to consider him Russian?
    -if he beat with shoe polish, then Nelson Mandela beat in the family? fellow
    1. raf
      26 June 2013 09: 52
      About Mandela lol I don’t know, but the Turks were definitely in the family!
      1. Xnumx kopeek
        26 June 2013 10: 22
        - by the way, about the Turks - Gorbin, papa-turkish. / nast, surname-Maksud ibn Ser Gay Gorbi Hachi Achi / emphasis on I / - feeding jokes-But! - fact - There is also art, brother-Ismail.-Mother- Russian / Molokan, such a sect is / -danny from the tour. print / - look at his photo, the same Turkish janichar! laughing
  23. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 09: 39
    - "culture on blood" -? - here Goebbels, as the word "kultur-mule tur" is heard, immediately grabbed at the Colt. He also did not like Tajiks very much belay
  24. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 09: 53
    Quote: baltika-18
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    Suvorov's mother beat Armenian .-

    An interesting expression because of one changed letter turned out.
    - laughing With a Russian clave, a problem, I use Blgrsky-vbsche ndo prbvt and srpsky request
    Voinovich is also a Serb / 50% /, by the way / mb. also a hammer /, he is wassat
    1. FOX.
      26 June 2013 10: 07
      Quote: 20 kopeek
      with a Russian clave, a problem, I use blgrsky

      So you are Bulgarian !!! That's where there is so much poison in the direction of Suvorov! Is it hard to survive that he saved your asses from the Ottomans? Well, what a nation, you cannot forgive us even our salvation from slavery ... request
      1. Xnumx kopeek
        26 June 2013 10: 40
        the same Bulgarian as Vi - Papuan. laughing
        1. FOX.
          26 June 2013 11: 55
          Quote: 20 kopeek
          Wee Papuan

          Hmm !? Didn't get it with the "Martian", so they decided to pick it up with the "Papuan"? As for me, at least call it a hobbit (just not a Jew), but you won't be able to hide your hatred.
        2. raf
          26 June 2013 12: 33
          Quote: 20 kopeek
          the same Bulgarian as Vi - Papuan. laughing

          20kopeek do not pay attention to FOX's, he wanted to hang out with someone (he loves it), he chose as a target you, everything and business! winked
          1. FOX.
            26 June 2013 13: 32
            Quote: raf
            do not pay attention to FOX, he wanted to hang out with someone

            Well, if crushing small dirty tricksters is called "making help", then yes! I cannot deny myself the PLEASURE both in life and on the website to crush another liberal critic and distortion of the history of my country and people.
            1. raf
              26 June 2013 20: 43
              Oh, what big words, you’re a direct guardian of the fatherland! Anyone who disagrees with you is a petty dirty trick, a liberal critic and whatever ... but remembered an orange talker! How do you like to hang up labels without even trying to figure out what a person writes!
  25. 128mgb
    26 June 2013 09: 55
    Russia took a different path than other states in conquering living space. The Russians merged with the conquered peoples, to some extent adopting their gene pool and features. And I don’t give a damn if a person who calls himself Russian doesn’t have a lot of different eyes or prominent cheekbones. The main thing is that he calls himself Russian.
  26. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 10: 14
    Quote: Warrawar
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    Mom Suvorov beat Armenian

    No need to replicate the pseudo-historical heresy that minors post, damages to demotivators.

    Suvorov's mother is Avdotya (Evdokia) Feodosievna Suvorova, nee Manukova. Very little information has been preserved about her. According to one version, her father, Theodosius Semenovich, belonged to the OLD KIND OF THE MOSCOW SERVICE OF THE nobility, from 1725 he was vice-president of the Votchiny college. Sometimes you can find a statement about the Armenian origin of Suvorov’s mother. THIS VERSION is not widely used in special literature and is considered a LEGEND.

    - what -1 - I do not sit on the Internet for 24 hours, only at night here .- Therefore, these addresses are not known to me. Manukyan is not Sidorov? -
    / like Pis.Dovlatov / Dovlatyan / dad is a lawyer, khe / -all are all-how-their - - primitive.-Look at Suvorov’s eyes. This is Byzantium.-Rurik also did not beat Russian- / grandpa Bulgarian Gastomisl, all the rest - Norman / Swedes and Norwegians, members of the European Union, and his wife beat the Norwegian, etc. ---
    -Wilhelm the Conqueror - not a franc, but also a Norman, Richard's grandfather Lionheart- / grandson of Mel Gibson / -it--
    such a labyrinth of chromosomes
    1. 0
      26 June 2013 13: 27
      Do not listen, daragoy ..
      let's go back to the Armenian mother ... more interesting somehow, who beat whom there? For what? How to beat. Or maybe - PIL .. mother with an Armenian. Or dad drank?
      And about Gostomysl - Bulgarian, and Greek Rurik ... we are not interested here.
      Even a year and a half ago, we all cheated so that my mother did not cry.
      So, ate !!!! mother is Armenian ..or not?
      1. The comment was deleted.
  27. 0
    26 June 2013 10: 16
    In my opinion, Russians are distinguished by a thirst for justice, which has become just as important a dimension of life as personal well-being, the domination of public interests over personal ones. And this institution of the public was the State, but since the mid-80s we have been indoctrinated with the idea of ​​the inferiority of the idea of ​​statehood and the “fifth column” did everything to confirm this idea. As a result, a bunch of "poets" own our property, and we must pay for what our ancestors obtained with their selfless labor for us, , that shall we leave to our children? Paid education, paid medicine, actually class inequality?
  28. +4
    26 June 2013 10: 25
    The greatness of the Russian person has always been in the fact that he did not get dirty with the fact that "he is Russian by blood, by culture, or something else"! He was open to everything open and positive, he longed for creation, justice, friendship and tolerance. He never put anything above his homeland! And if we begin to recognize Russianness based on blood or culture, we will simply weaken the Russian people in the first place.
    1. +1
      26 June 2013 11: 20
      Quote: krez-74
      The greatness of the Russian person has always been in the fact that he did not get dirty with the fact that "he is Russian by blood, by culture, or something else"! He was open to everything open and positive, he longed for creation, justice, friendship and tolerance. He never put anything above his homeland!

      Briefly and clearly. Immediately obvious, Russian wrote. Well done, Circassian, respect drinks
      1. 0
        26 June 2013 12: 59
        I study!drinks With a good man, sin is not a drink!
  29. Xnumx kopeek
    26 June 2013 10: 31
    Quote: FOX.
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    with a Russian clave, a problem, I use blgrsky

    So you are Bulgarian !!! That's where there is so much poison in the direction of Suvorov! Is it hard to survive that he saved your asses from the Ottomans? Well, what a nation, you cannot forgive us even our salvation from slavery ... request
    - the same Bulgarian, as V - the Martian. belay
  30. 0
    26 June 2013 11: 06
    In my opinion, the author's point of view is too one-sided. Yes, of course, a Russian must first of all have a Russian identity, just like a German has a German, and a Pole has a Polish one. But is that enough? Since a person associates himself with any people, it is necessary that representatives of this people perceive this person as their own. I remember the well-known crime comedy "Zhmurki" where one of the bandits with a pronounced African appearance constantly calls himself Russian, which causes ridicule and mockery from his comrades, who "put him in his place", calling him Ethiopian. For ethnic, and not civil, nations, to which the Russians belong, a certain racial type is inherent, a characteristic appearance inherited from ancestors in addition to language and culture. Very often in everyday life you can hear not very literate, but very characteristic expressions: "face of Caucasian nationality", "Slavic appearance". This suggests that in the people certain nationalities are associated with a certain racial type. And I completely disagree with the author that Stalin is Russian. He is Russian as a politician, not as a representative of nationality. Everyone in Russia was well aware that Dzhugashvili was Georgian. Just like the wonderful Russian military leader Bagration. And in the West, all residents are called Russians by the name of the state. For an Englishman, a person living in Russia is naturally russian (the word rossijanin is simply not there), just as for us all the inhabitants of England are Englishmen, and Belgium are Belgians. Nationality as well as surname is inherited by a person from his parents. We can say that a person has three names - a personal name, a generic name (surname) and a tribal name (nationality). And the fact that the tribal name was removed from the passports, and the generic and personal left it seems to me inconsistent and illogical.
    It seems to me that (although this may be a controversial opinion, there may be subtleties), a person's belonging to one or another nationality should be determined by the following parameters: 1) his national identity + 2) the nationality of his parents (nationality is inherited from parents as well as and culture and language and surname). 2a) if parents of different nationalities and a person, by self-awareness, consider himself to be the nationality of one of the parents (or is it an orphan who did not know the parents), then other representatives of this nationality should perceive him as their own, and not as, relatively speaking, an "Ethiopian".
  31. +3
    26 June 2013 11: 31
    And for me it’s so much simpler. Russian is the one who feels Russian.
  32. +1
    26 June 2013 11: 57
    Logic shine! Always respected syllogisms.
    Every herring is a fish, but not every fish is a herring!
    1. Cat
      26 June 2013 13: 32
      Logic shine! Always respected syllogisms.

      Similarly. And then get where it can laughing

      every creature capable of speaking is man

      Yes, here is a parrot, for example.
      1. +1
        26 June 2013 14: 08
        Quote: Gato

        every creature capable of speaking is man

        Yes, here is a parrot, for example.

        I do not understand. Why would someone substitute quotes for me!

        But scientists (people are annoying!) Found that parrots speak their speech consciously.

        Parrot - it sounds proud!
        1. Cat
          26 June 2013 14: 35
          I do not understand. Why would someone substitute quotes for me!

          Blame, did not put a quote on the author. recourse
  33. +2
    26 June 2013 11: 58
    Russians, listen to your language!
    German, Pole, English, Indian, etc. - it's him"
    Russian is "whose" is a Russian person!
    English man - can I say? It is possible, but somehow it is not in Russian.
    This is the answer of our ancestors inherent in the language: Russian is an attitude towards the cultural community - Russians.
    1. 0
      26 June 2013 13: 11
      Quote: srha
      Russians, listen to your language!
      German, Pole, English, Indian, etc. - it's him"
      Russian is "whose" is a Russian person!
      English man - can I say? It is possible, but somehow it is not in Russian.
      This is the answer of our ancestors inherent in the language: Russian is an attitude towards the cultural community - Russians.

      According to Nestor, the designation "Russian" indicates the self-identification of the Ilmen Slavs from the Varangian-Rus according to the principle, since the land, formerly Novgorod, from the Rus began to be called Russian, so are the Slovenian people, formerly Novgorod, and now Russian.
    2. 0
      26 June 2013 13: 59
      Quote: srha
      Russians, listen to your language! German, Pole, English, Indian, etc. - this is "he" Russian - this is "whose" - this is a Russian person! An English person - can you say? It is possible, but somehow it’s not in Russian. This is the answer of our ancestors inherent in the language: Russian is an attitude towards a cultural community - Russians.

      Absolutely wrong. In the Russian language there is a peculiarity when the adjective receives an accent, and the noun expressed by it is omitted. So we don't say "champagne wine", we just say "champagne". From the concept of "Russian people" we began to say "Russians". If you read the chronicles, the expressions "Novgorod people", "Moscow people" and so on are repeatedly used. It is understandable, if we are “people”, then all who are not we are “non-people”, although over time the word “non-human” has become a common noun-abusive word.
      1. 0
        26 June 2013 17: 30
        Yeah. It would be wrong if "German people" sounded. This time. And if the language included only grammatical features, but in fact there is something higher in it, which could be conventionally called the subconscious of the nation. And that's two.
        And three - you never said in your correct, but highly specialized grammatical analysis of the word "Russians" where did the Russian people themselves come from. Over there, a higher comrade wrote from the Varangian-Rus, but even then my grandmother said two or two ...
        And fourth, what do foreigners call us Russians or Russians?
  34. +1
    26 June 2013 12: 28
    In terms of logic, the article is flawless. The trouble is that life, at times, cannot be explained logically, no matter how you try.
    1. Cat
      26 June 2013 13: 39
      And for me, from the point of view of logic, the article is verbiage. Still, for some reason, the author dragged the accent along with John Damascene.
      The conclusion is simple and clear: Russian is the one who considers himself Russian. But whether it falls under logical constructions is the tenth matter.
  35. Volkhov
    26 June 2013 13: 16
    There are no Russians as a people, because never have national interests been jointly defended over the past 100 years, even when it came to the massacre in Chechnya, the collapse of the USSR, with the exception of Transnistria. This is now mainly a labor resource used by other peoples; it is not necessary to create your own people numerically, but through your head.
  36. Cat
    26 June 2013 13: 47
    Quote: Volkhov
    There are no Russians as a people, because never have national interests been jointly defended

    Well that's said too much. The Russian people exist as long as there is at least one person who considers himself Russian.
    Joint interest is an abstract concept, what joint interests were, for example, in 1919. red, white and green? But is it because of this they ceased to be Russian?
    1. Volkhov
      26 June 2013 14: 08
      Quote: Gato
      But is it because of this they ceased to be Russian?

      Biologically, they didn’t stop, but, having mobilized into the red or white army, they became puppets of external forces and engaged in self-destruction under the leadership of Trotsky or Kolchak, who came from America.
      The only way out could be in the elections from below, according to the type of Old Russian tenor / centurion / thousand, but this was not allowed by all political forces tied to Freemasonry, because then it is impossible to pull Kerensky or Navalny out of your pocket - they will not choose it even below. As long as this is not understood by the masses, we will not be the people.
  37. 0
    26 June 2013 13: 53
    I did not understand the author, some kind of balancing act by logic. Russian is a way of life, attitude to life, mentality. Most of the intelligentsia working in the field of Russian culture, despite the stamp in their passports, long ago acquired an alien mentality and broke away from the Russian people. At the same time, Russians of other nationalities are often much closer to a Russian than the "Russian intelligentsia" trying to lead him.
  38. Furnace driver
    26 June 2013 13: 59
    1. Russianness is only citizenship.
    2. Russianness is only Russian blood.

    The author forgot another option:
    3. Russianness is only "Russian" (light brown) hair. wink
  39. 0
    26 June 2013 14: 14
    "On this basis, the following definition of Russianness can be given: a Russian is a person who belongs to Russian culture and who recognizes himself as a part of the Russian people." How do you become Russian?
    I can offer the following thesis: "You can become a Russian, having received the appropriate education, and spiritually aware of Russian history and purpose, your involvement." The key is educational standards, unification based on a historical mission. Just a few words of communication and you already understand whether you belong to the same community.
    So, the unity of education has been violated, and the people from Central Asia are no longer coming to us from those that we saw during the Union. Degradation and decline.
    And they want to expel "Russian Jews" from Israel: they do not fit into the local flavor.
  40. Vtel
    26 June 2013 14: 18
    - This is in the character of the Russian man - not being happy himself, to strive to make everyone happy. Abdurahman Genazovich Avtorkhanov
    - Russians harness for a long time, but drive fast. Otto von Bismarck
    - The Russian people are a highly polarized people, that is, the combination of opposites. One can be charmed and disappointed by him, one can always expect surprises from him, he is extremely capable of inspiring strong love and strong hatred towards himself. Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev
    - A Russian person cannot be happy alone, he needs the participation of others, and without it he would not be happy. Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl
    - We have no middle ground: either to the snout or to the pen, please! - M. Saltykov-Shchedrin
    Here you have the Accident in Russian.
  41. Xnumx kopeek
    27 June 2013 03: 11
    Quote: gribnik777
    Quote: 20 kopeek
    -Mama Suvorova beat Armenian .-

    Another price 20 cents - trollik.

    Ti Port 3 Sevens wassat
  42. beer brewing
    27 June 2013 11: 13
    Russian - blood or culture?

    And blood, and culture - and nothing else.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"