Life - to the Fatherland, honor - to anyone!

Life - to the Fatherland, honor - to anyone!Today the theme of the Great Patriotic War is perverted. The concepts of civic duty, honor, heroism have no place on the screens, in government programs, literature. Running gear - adaptability and courtyard slang: "Without a sucker, life is bad." All thrown for the sake of career - family, health, friends. And if someone from the stands proclaims his high feelings for the Fatherland, he clearly pursues selfish goals. Because love is never public. Public is anti-love. “Fear those who shout“ Motherland! ”,“ People! ”They will be the first to sell,” the sages argued.

In order not to turn into a herd of “ivans,” one must periodically turn to the past, bright historical examples where duty and honor were considered the highest values, a sign of nobleness of the soul, and the defense of the Motherland was identified with the defense of one's dignity. When there was no other greatness, except for the greatness of the Motherland and its fulfilled duty to it.

To pleasant surprise, May 9 both in Lviv and Kiev showed that old values ​​are still alive. Ukraine came out to pay a debt to the winners in the war, rightly called the Great Patriotic War. Because there was probably no family in the USSR that she had not touched. And consequently, the victory in it is Great, albeit with "tears in their eyes."

This was confirmed on the eve of the All-Ukrainian poll: 82% of citizens consider 9 on May Day as the Great Victory. If Western Ukraine had experienced even a small fraction of the horrors brought by the fascists to Greater Ukraine, the number of people who bowed before the feat of the people would be close to 100%.

1941 year - the least lit, covered with secrets and the richest in the tragic events. The resilience of military units and formations, the heroism of the fighters and commanders could not change the course of the general retreat, disorder and mass of prisoners of war. There were so many prisoners that it came as a surprise even to the Germans. Frustrated, disorganized, abandoned by commanders or executed a command to throw weapon and disperse ... And how many were consciously surrendered, waiting for this hour? Who did the authorities treat unfairly and who did not consider it their duty to protect it?

It’s easy to talk about duty when you don’t face a terrible choice, when life doesn’t beat or feel. Even easier when safely coming to an end. And if it is crippled and the soul is angry, and there is neither the strength nor the desire to curb it?

Something similar is now experiencing citizens to Ukraine, which has become an evil stepmother. Especially the Russians in its western part, where they were born, lived, considered it their little homeland and suddenly turned out to be undesirable agents of the enemy and even occupiers.

How to treat such a homeland? Is it worth separating it from the government, from the state?

The problem of treason in the first year of the war was quite serious at all levels of the Red Army. And double betrayal: surrendered in the captured German military units. Historians and experts have counted such up to 1,5 million for all 4 year of war. Of these, Russians are 400 thousand, Ukrainians 250 thousand, “Muslim units” 400 thousand. This means that every fourth Soviet prisoner of war was more or less fighting against his Homeland. Some of revenge, some of cowardice, and some of greed.

True, there have been quite a few cases when entire subunits went to the partisans from the police formations and the ROA. But it was mostly since 1943.

The most shameful phenomenon was the betrayal of the elite of the army - generals, commanders of divisions, corps, armies. Some ran to the Germans voluntarily, as General A. Vlasov or deputy. Chief of Staff of the North-Western Front, General F. Trukhin. Others agreed to cooperate, being already captured. Unfortunately, there were many such cases.

The warlord who changed the oath is the extreme baseness of the soul. Betrayal in the high ranks is unnatural and rare. The act of the general looked more natural, moral for the generals of the Red Army. D. Karbysheva, who declared: “I am a soldier, and I remain true to my duty.” He accepted a martyr's death, but became a symbol of resilience.

At the same time, in the units where measures were taken in a timely manner, without waiting for directions where they were preparing to defend themselves, the first days of the war did not become unexpected and discouraging. On June 22, the Navy did not lose a single ship or aircraft, repelled all the raids aviation thanks to a pre-ordered order to open fire without warning if an enemy appears. Where, from the beginning of hostilities, commanders controlled the situation, inspired subordinates by personal example, combat efficiency was up to standard. Such units were neither crushed nor broken. There was no mass surrender there.

Even then, the German generals, having marched across Europe, had realized that the USSR was not Poland, not France, not a "colossus with clay feet."

In general, 1941 has exposed the unhealthy state of the Red Army, with which it approached 22 June. Repressions in the country, including in the army, were not in vain. A significant part of the surviving commanders and advanced from the recent commanders of the battalions were demoralized, afraid to make responsible decisions, to take the initiative. The remaining marshals turned out to be mediocre. Military decisions were often made by political leadership, which often led to even greater losses.

The tragedy of 1941 was rooted in the political opposition of the 1920-30-ies, Trotskyism and the fight against it in the country. For the first time, an accusation of treason or political unreliability was thrown to such a number of soldiers. Moreover, in a country that was in a hostile environment and on the eve of the war. This is contrary to common sense. This was confirmed by the commanders released in the autumn of 1941 from the camps: by leading large military units, they stabilized the situation on the fronts by the end of the year. Thus, they proved their innocence and loyalty to the Fatherland.

Only two of the 68 liberators went to the enemy.

Putting civic duty above insults and personal tragedies is possible only for strong personalities. Regardless of ranks, positions and age. Most of the prisoners who were prematurely released from the Gulag and transferred to the Red Army, and these are almost 1 million, have adequately shown themselves in battles. More than 100 thousand were awarded orders and medals, 5 became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The war conducted a test of professionalism and morality. Primarily among the leadership and commanding staff. Demonstrated the moral qualities of the people. And here we cannot do without mentioning Soviet prisoners of war who refused to fight on the side of the enemy. Until now, they have been undeservedly ignored by the authorities, historians and writers. During the war years, about 3 million of former soldiers and officers died in concentration camps, another 1,5 million survived in those inhuman conditions. So, 4,5 million did not dare to change the motherland. Is this not a sacrifice, not a feat?

Put yourself in their place. You will be able to resist the temptation to extend life under normal conditions, and maybe even stay alive when you are from 20 to 30 years, propaganda insists that Germany is near victory, and the recruiters manipulate 270’s order number 16.08.41 from which most of those caught in captivity equated to traitors? The alternative to refusal is likely death from hunger, disease, torment. Behind their backs there were no detachments that became "talk of the town", each deciding its own fate. The inner rejection of betrayal and hope for a favorable outcome of the war took over, after which they will be dealt with on every occasion.

Galicia, where serving as a policeman or a warden in the camps was considered a prestigious occupation, does not understand how this “skidnyak” to despise the former policeman living in the neighborhood. Until his death, he had no name or patronymic, only the nickname "policeman." With that nickname he died.

This is the difference in the mentality of the two parts of Ukraine. The aversion to betrayal, like the rejection of any cooperation with the enemy, is on a subconscious level with the Russian person. No matter how hard or harsh his life was, it was his life. Armed alien in her place was not. He was the enemy always when he came to Russia. And he always came from the West, with the exception of the Tatar-Mongols.

Even for this reason, quite a few of our citizens are wary of Europe, despite the longstanding riotous propaganda of the “European choice” and the actual absence of counter-propaganda. In Belarus, through which the main streams of conquerors passed, the majority of the population is still hostile to Europe.

The willingness of the people to defend themselves, to make sacrifices does not depend on the forms of government. Power comes and goes, the Fatherland is unchanged. Democratic France capitulated after 6 weeks. The descendants of the daring and powerful Vikings, the Danes, did not dare to resist. England, a master of political intrigue and backstage deals, a potential victim, sighed with relief only after 22 June, turning in one step from the worst enemy of the USSR into his friend. Nevertheless, she did everything to avoid participation in serious combat operations.

In Soviet times, at the time of publicity, the order of NCO No. 227 from 28 July 1942 of the year - “Not one step back!” Was ambiguously interpreted. There have always been heroes in the fight against the enemy. There were also cowards and alarmists who were subjected to harsh measures at all times. And it was considered moral among nations who did not want to kneel. Order number 227 - extremely harsh, even cruel. He testified that, by retreating, the country was in a dangerous situation. Retreat spawned disbelief and cowardice. Needed a victory, as in Moscow.

“... After the loss of Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Donbass and other areas, we have much less territory. We lost more than 70 millions of people, more than 800 pounds of bread, and more than 10 million tons of metal per year. We no longer have dominance over the Germans, either in human reserves or in stocks of grain. Retreat further - it means to ruin yourself and ruin, at the same time, the Motherland. Not one step back! That should now be our main call ... ”.

“Not one step back!” Put the rank-and-file and the generals before choosing how to die - with dignity or being shot. He introduced inner peace in some, acted soberingly on others. Activated the initiative. At the same time, he condemned unjustified victims in carrying out erroneous, sometimes senseless orders, which, unfortunately, were also present.

War is always a bloody process when fighting to win.

The result of the application of the order number 227 affected already in Stalingrad. The victory inspired not only the army, but also the rear. Hope received the population, which was in the occupation.

From Stalingrad, "the land spun to the west."

Ukraine has much to be proud of in that war. Our countrymen received more than 2,5 million orders and medals, 2069 people. - Heroes of the Soviet Union, 400 full gentlemen of the Order of Soldier's Glory. Only one 100-thousandth city of Kramatorsk in the Donbas gave 23 Hero!

Ukrainians fought in the national armies of Poland, Czechoslovakia, France, Canada, and the United States.

Among the Heroes of the Soviet Union:

• I. Kozhedub, three times Hero at the age of 25, who shot down 62 aircraft;
• K. Olshansky, commander of 68 marines who distinguished themselves in the capture of the city of Nikolaev. All participants were awarded the title of Hero, 55 of them posthumously;
• V. Bereznyak, the legendary "Major Whirlwind", who saved Krakow from destruction. Honorary citizen of Krakow, but declared an enemy of the UPA;
• P. Rybalko, Marshal. Thanks in large part to the breakthrough tank Germans left the army of Lviv, which saved him from the bombing and destruction. "Independent" city authorities renamed st. Fishing in Lviv in honor of S. Petlyura, who sold Galicia to the Poles. The Czechs still honor his name for the liberation of Prague;
• A. Marinesko, submariner, "Hitler's personal enemy";
• I. Chernyakhovsky, commander of the front at the age of 38;
• S. Kovpak, A. Fedorov - legendary partisan commanders;
• V. Margelov, father of the Soviet Airborne Forces;
• A. Berest, who together with Egorov and Kantaria raised the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag;
• V. Porik, national hero of France.

Not everyone knows that the pilot I. Datsenko, the main character of the Ukrainian film about the leader of the Indians in Canada, was shot down over Lvov, captured by Bandera and handed over to the fascists. Other pilots, M. Lihovts and A. Krasnyansky, also Ukrainians, but who dared to shoot back, Bandera burned alive, doused with gasoline. This is to the assertion of the nationalists that the UPA fought only with the NKVD.

In the ranks of the Red Army, there were about 600 thousand women. They were not only doctors, orderlies, signalmen, but also participants in the fighting — snipers, machine gunners, and tank drivers. Many women were in the air, the entire female squadron and regiments. And here Ukrainian women showed themselves worthily:

• E. Zelenko - the only one among women who committed an aerial ramming;
• L. Litvak shot down 17 planes;
• M. Dolina made 72 successful bombing missions.

Quite a few women participated in the partisan movement, the underground. But the main burden fell on their shoulders in the rear. In production, in agriculture, in the fields, it was necessary to master the male professions. Together with old men and teenagers, we worked in hunger and cold on 12-14 hours without weekends and holidays, cared for younger children, stood in line for groceries. They still managed to live a little for themselves ... “I and the horse, I and the bull. I am a woman and a man! ” And that was true.

Incredibly, where did so much strength come from!

Over the years of the war, about 200 thousand women workers in the rear, front-line soldiers, partisans and underground workers were awarded orders and medals. More 150 became Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Socialist Labor. "One metal is poured a medal for the Battle, a medal for the Labor." It is natural that the image of a woman is embodied in the symbol of Motherland!

Having redefined a somewhat well-known statement, we will repeat it after saying: “If it were possible to gather flowers from the whole world and put them at your feet, then even with this we could not express our admiration for your courage and devotion to duty.”

A separate topic is the children of war. Sounds inconceivable and incompatible: children and war. The war deprived them of their childhood. In the rear, they quickly grew up, working on an equal basis with adults, they were undernourished, they did not sleep; besieged military registration and enlistment offices, often overestimating the age, ran to the front, becoming there the sons of the regiments, the young men. In the occupation, all its disasters experienced, went to the partisans. In the concentration camps died from exhaustion and medical experiments.

Therefore, the definition of "children of war" is extremely wrong. Exact will be the "victims of war." The children of war are born at the end of the war and in the years of devastation.

On the fronts there were almost 3,5 thousands of young fighters. Even more - in partisan forests. Many of them took part in the hostilities.

We all remember the Heroes of the Soviet Union:

• Z. Portnova, a 17-year-old intelligence officer who was shot after being interrogated and tortured;
• L. Golikov and V. Kotik, 14-year-old bombers who died in action;
• M. Kazei, a 15-year-old demolition worker who blew himself up with a grenade and the fascists who surrounded him.

But there were still order bearers: N. Bogdanova, V. Kaznacheev, M. Glazok, V. Dubinin, V. Zhayvoronok, V. Korobko, M. Davidovich, who had blown himself up and the policemen, who had been shot twice. And many more others ... “I love life, I am still very young,” wrote N. Kuznetsov, “but the Fatherland demands that I sacrifice my life. I will do it".

Dead teenagers did not live to his age. But the duty of the defenders of the Fatherland managed to fulfill.

The German children did not commit such feats, did not derail the trains, did not undermine themselves "in 15 boy years." The women did not participate in the troop detachments, did not ram the planes. The soldiers and officers did not cover them with their embrasures, did not cause fire on themselves. In Germany there was no partisan movement. She, Germany, long before 9 May resigned herself to defeat.

The German is a practical person. Russian - sincere, and therefore sacrificial.

On the feat can not be persuaded, and you can not force him. This is a state of mind. How to rush into a burning hut or snatch the baby from under the wheels. You can not do, do not risk life. But after will be a shame. And who feels shame, he feels a debt.

Loving the Fatherland does not mean wearing an embroidered shirt or singing a hymn. Love for the Fatherland is the fulfillment of civic duty when required.

During the war years, for the courage and heroism, the defenders of the Motherland were awarded over 38 million orders and medals, 11 thousand people were recognized as Heroes of the Soviet Union. Many posthumous.

Try to realize: 74% of Heroes - under the age of 30 years! The heyday of life.

To them, the well-known and remaining unknown Heroes who have fallen in battles and have already departed, are dedicating the lines from the Song of a Falcon:

"Let you die ... But in the song of the brave and strong in spirit you will always be a living example, a call proud of freedom, light."

Today, when villains are imposed on us as heroes, this is blasphemy over history. When they try to humiliate us, calling Ukrainians and Little Russians, they expose our fathers and grandfathers as invaders - this is from the powerlessness and worthlessness of “true Ukrainians”.

When the graves of fallen warriors, about half of Ukrainians, are desecrated in Lviv region, this is the instinct of genetically underdeveloped creatures.

Keep your head down, friends! In the history of Ukraine, "Ukrainians and Little Russians" were invariably cleansed by such "pyski", they were and remain leaders in culture, science, industry, and sports.

We are the heirs of the empire, and this should not be ashamed. Great Britain, France, Germany are still imperial powers, but their population does not suffer from a guilt complex for the unjust actions of the past authorities - colonial wars, looting of nations and other crimes. The United States is the world's gendarme, and the Americans are proud of it.

Not every nation is able to create an empire. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians created it. That empire was bad and good. But this is the way a person works, that the bad is forgotten, but the good remains.

Hope for the best.
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  1. Lech from ZATULINKI
    24 June 2013 07: 20
    Do not bow your head, friends! -I agree

    All the same, fascist crap .... I can’t confuse anything, we must oppose it at all levels of our lives.
    1. +4
      24 June 2013 07: 32
      Even among the authors claiming to be the "heirs of the empire" the text turned out to be a mess of Svidomo and liberal myths, revised by a large volume of Soviet history.
      1. cartridge
        24 June 2013 10: 29
        I recommend to deepen the topic an excerpt from the book of Major General Peter Vershigory, intelligence chief at Kovpak.

        The book is called "People with a Clear Conscience"

        ... Even from Mikhailovtsy we learned that in the south passes a certain border. They knew that the Germans declared it the border of the state. We rummaged with Vasya Voitsekhovich in our staff chest: just in case, the most diverse administrative and topographical maps were stored there. Finally, we realized what was happening.
        It was here that the old border of the Russian Empire with Austria-Hungary passed nearby. Along the Zbruch river, separating the Kamenets-Podolsk province from the Ternopil "Podill", and then turning north-west along the land route, wriggling like a snake, it stretched to Berestechka-Brody and further to Vladimir-Volynsk.
        "Have the Germans restored it? Why?" - the staff officers were perplexed.
        Intelligence sent forward and a survey of the villagers in which the detachment stopped on the second day confirmed this. Of course, it was not the presence of German border guards who walked in pairs along a conditionally alienated lane that stopped Kovpak. And not a barbed wire in one stake.

        ... In the village in which, by order of Kovpak, we began to be accommodated at dawn, people answered one thing;
        - Behind that cordon - "district"!
        - What? - Rudnev narrowed his eyes. - What is this "district"?
        “Galychina,” the uncles answered. - District - in German.
        - What is that? the commissar asked me.
        But neither I, nor Bazym’s teacher, nor engineer Wojciechowicz, nor Tutuchenko, an architect, have ever heard such wisdom in my life. I began to ask men about the meaning of this word.
        “Well, what is there behind that wire?” Are there other orders?
        - Yeah, yeah! - the men answered. - Other orders, other pennies, other power.
        - How is the other government? The Germans too?
        - That Germans. Only the power of a friend. There Croats from Pavelich and policemen are mute and in sight.
        - This is already interesting! - said Rudnev.
        He especially did not like this dirty trick. They are quite tired of us in the Rivne region and Volhynia.
        - And what money?
        A mustached peasant, apparently a former soldier, came out from the crowd.
        Coughing his throat, he began to politely and sensibly explain:
        - There, proshane Pan Comrade Commissioner, Polish anger go. We, for example, have Ukrainian Carbovans, and there are Polish zloty. We have ten carbovanets for one brand. And zloty is only two per brand. There is a zucer, gas-carasin. So - and the clothes are. They go there for smuggling.

        Already in the forest Vasya Voytsekhovich caught up with me and, showing a thick dictionary, said joyfully, a little burr:
        - Petrovich! It seems that I saw through this wisdom ... Huh?
        The dictionary was Latin-Russian.
        - I borrowed from a local priest. He says - the word is the origin of the Greek, but rather looks like Latin. In these parts the Germans are focusing more on the pope ... Here it is, a tricky word ... And now let's think, why would it be a Galician uncle ...
        The dictionary said: distracto - disconnect.
        - From here, not otherwise, went this very district. There is a whip policy, and here is a carrot. And all in order to rule over the bread and lard of Ukraine, - Vasya finished his research.
        1. cartridge
          24 June 2013 10: 33
          And here is another passage about the moral character of the Galicians.
          I think that today their mentality has remained at the same level.

          Has our driver already told you? About children and about Zhinka?
          - Told. How can they ... children ...
          - So he himself killed them ...
          I stopped amazed. The carter sharply turned his face towards us, distorted by a grimace of madness. Raising his fists over his head, he wheezed:
          - Vasilyu-oo-yo ... - further in his throat gurgled, and he fell face down into the straw.
          We are behind. Vasyl spoke quietly:
          - I know him. He was Black Crow's liaison. Before your Shvaika, on the instructions of Saburov, I was in the cikh lands. He also worked on the connection. He was considered educated by them. Reading books about "Vilna Cossacks". He even went for a promotion ... And then they issued an order: to slaughter the Poles ... And he has a wife, Ruzya. They cut everyone around. At first he saved his own people. He also brought his wife's sister and uterus to his place. This killed them. We thought nobody would touch me. And then these chiefs arrived. Kurkul sons - they are all sitting at the headquarters. "Come on, my friend, prove to us that you are a ugly Ukrainian ..." And they forced: first a zhinka with their own hands ... And then they went into a rage: "And cut the children!" - they say. But he couldn't. So they finished the children before his eyes. He was like a madman for a long time, twice he was taken out of the loop. This is how Ukraine is independent! he said with bitterness and contempt. - And who invented it?
          Do not know?
          1. cartridge
            24 June 2013 10: 36
            Sorry for the abundant quotation, but I think that many will be interested.

            What devil has unleashed this senseless massacre?
            The shots of the civil war had not yet died out in the memory, the failed atamans and hetmans were still dragging across the back streets of Europe, but the ideological successors of Skoropadsky, Petlyura, Konovalets again brewed their enemy poison. In the dungeons of fascist Germany, on the "kresas" of the Polish landlord, the bourgeoisie prepared it, correcting this stinking smell with Parisian perfumery.
            The political chameleon Grushevsky, with the shaman's beard, was whining already in 1925 that "old forms of technology, habits, methods of labor are being destroyed. The images of the old and related beliefs are mournfully dying."
            And Petliura thugs, such as Evgen Onatsky, drank the fascist "culture" of Mussolini, propagated Galician fascism in the image and likeness of the "Duce". Onatsky shouted in Lvov and Krakow: "The history of all nations is the history of endless imperialism, imperialism holy and lawful."
            He yelled: "To the East! In the East there are potentially rich nations ... They represent a wonderful field of economic and intellectual expansion. They will give us what we do not have ..."
            So the paths of unsuccessful Petliura atamans converged with the path of a corporal who brewed the diabolical brew of World War II.
            In the meantime, the heir to Petliura and Konovalets - Stepan Bandera - mastered the difficult craft of a saboteur, spy and provocateur in the schools of Berlin, sponsored by Colonel Nikolai and Frau Doktor, fascist types
            "studied" the history of Ukraine.
            1. cartridge
              24 June 2013 10: 39
              And another quote from the book of partisan Peter Vershigory.

              On the shoulders of German fascism, in a train of the German imperialist army
              burst into the fertile lands of Ukraine is a greedy raven. To seize
              rob, eat, get rich. They swore by faith and truth to act only like this:
              ... Yak nimets even
              That before history
              Our box for us.
              Come back! Good come
              According to the German show I started talking
              So, sho nimets
              not in a hurry,
              Great teacher
              And not those people who want simple people.
              And whack! but scream!
              But their limit is Shchutspolitsaysky black uniform. The murder of Jews, Poles, the hijacking of millions of Ukrainian youths and girls to Germany, the torture of Komsomol members and communists in Kiev, Poltava, Rovno, Lvov, executions of prisoners of war in camps — that's their business. Gallows and provocation - this is the "glory" of Stepan Bandera, Himmler's faithful lackey.
              1. cartridge
                24 June 2013 10: 43
                And also from there

                Back in the eighteenth year, as a boy, I had to travel along this road from Vapnyarka, through Zhmerinka, to Proskurov, to Dunaevtsy, near Kamenets-Podolsk and Volochisk. Ukraine was then also in the hands of the German-Austrian invaders. I remember that near Dunaevtsy Germans in helmets took us, civilians, off the train. They were kept in the basement for two days. Then for the first time, from a German sentry, I heard the incomprehensible word "partisans".
                - Ferfluhter guerrillas! muttered the Kaiser sentry, poking a wide bayonet at the woman's blouse with a child in her arms.
                She stood in front of him, trembling like an aspen leaf.
                Not knowing the German language, I nevertheless understood. The partisans are probably us - Russians and Ukrainians; I realized that the enemy armed to the teeth is afraid of this word alone. And this word engraved in children's memory for life.
                1. cartridge
                  24 June 2013 10: 44
                  But the partisans, except for intelligence on
                  himself, always obliged to conduct reconnaissance in the interests of the army. therefore
                  I was also interested in how the road works. To each of the scouts, I
                  set the task of getting a "language".
                  “And not necessarily German!” Take the railway workers if possible!
                  Either the scouts tried their best, or unexpectedly drove, but
                  by the middle of the day, a substantial group of railway workers was sitting at the headquarters. There were
                  twenty two people.
                  They spoke that western Ukrainian
                  dialect, which not only Volodya Lapin, Ivanovo weaver, but, perhaps,
                  many Ukrainians do not understand.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                2. cartridge
                  24 June 2013 10: 49
                  Another paragraph from the memoirs of a partisan general:

                  Intelligence brought little comforting news. The bridge is guarded. On the
                  the German team is heard. This is either the local police with the German gendarmerie, or some unit from the SS "Galicia" division. It is formed in Galicia by "Professor" Kubiyovich and "General" Karmanovich. These are old hardened Petliura wolves. They are on the instructions of the Germans in collaboration with
                  bandits and policemen are mobilizing in Galicia. For the second week I have been regularly reading "Lvivski Visti". A ridiculous newspaper full of all sorts of rubbish. There, and about marriage and commercial affairs. And about the "permission of the Fuhrer" Galicians to have their own SS division.
                  1. cartridge
                    24 June 2013 10: 52
                    The initial stage of the war passed by the Zapadents, which only strengthened their faith in the power of the Nazis.

                    The war in the forty-first year passed by. She not only spared, but did not at all touch upon the town standing aside. The main forces immediately bolted to the north, there, beyond the Dniester, on the highways of Lviv,
                    Exactly, Kiev. And the first guns that spoke near Stanislav in the summer of 1943 were partisan.
                    1. cartridge
                      24 June 2013 11: 00
                      And here is an episode of dialogue explaining why part of the Western Ukrainian intelligentsia turned away from Soviet power:
                      - I was not enthusiastic. Didn't wear flowers. I thought. And I realized that I had been waiting for this day all my life. The best, the most beautiful came, which I did not dare to talk about even to my favorite students. I sat down for the labors of Lenin and Stalin. I read the Constitution and was delighted ... And then ... Then Narobraz sent a new director of the school, she just graduated from the pedagogical school. She came to my lessons and looked at me dismissively. I put my heart and soul into my business ... And then I spoke to my friend, but so that I could hear: "An uncut bourgeois" ... This is me - an uncut bourgeois ...
                      - It was a fool and an ignoramus ...
                      - Thank you. I know. But she was not alone.
                      - You are not mistaken?
                      - Not. Maybe I'm wrong in arithmetic. I am a professor of literature. But didn’t you understand that we, too, became Soviet citizens. Not all - I agree. But many believed in it, wanted it, strove for it. Do you think I read books and the Constitution in full view of everyone? I did not want to be suspected of flirting with the new system. I read them, as poems read, a poem. Maybe it's sentimental. But you have to reckon with people as they are. Not in the same varnish boots did you build socialism? And now you build it with us. Although we are ... undercut bourgeois.

                      We, many of us, were ready in those days to bow to your coarse-haired costume ... like the apostle's hair shirt! And suddenly we were surprised to see the chase of some, including my director, for the rotten Lodz goods stored in the basements of Lviv, and we were perplexed, not knowing how to understand this ...

                      I suspect that today’s appointees from Medvedev-Lebanon’s Ministry of Education would be even worse than then. am
                      1. cartridge
                        24 June 2013 11: 13
                        But about the galitsai. fighting for the purity of the Ukrainian nation:

                        The population of the surrounding areas is mixed. Since ancient times, Poles, Ukrainians and Jews have been living here.
                        Occasionally, purely Polish villages are found, more often Ukrainian, and more people live mixed. Tonight, a group of fifty armed men burst into one of the small Polish villages, a thirty-hut forest farmhouse. Unknown people surrounded the village, set up posts, and then began to walk from house to house in a row and destroy the inhabitants. Not execution, not execution, but brutal destruction. Not with shots, but with oak stakes on the head, axes.
                        All men, old people, women, children. Then, apparently drunk from blood and senseless killing, they began to torture their victims. Cut, pricked, strangled.
                        Having a decent experience of the war and knowing well the style of the German punishers, I still did not fully believe the story of the scouts. I haven’t seen this before.
                        - Yes, you guys, wait! Maybe you have come across someone with fear?
                        - What a mess! - in a hurry to tell Lapin. - We ourselves were in this village ... We quietly, gardens, made our way and saw everything with our own eyes.
                      2. cartridge
                        24 June 2013 11: 16
                        The story of a Polish boy about the atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists:

                        The boy, who had still looked at us with wide eyes, suddenly spoke:
                        - The won entered the hut and immediately began to twist our hands to the oytsu ... "Speak, Mazurian muzzle, where is the gold? .."
                        “And the tat's bones crack, and we cry ...” the girl said.
                        - Then one took the ax and chopped his head.
                        - Yeah, and then they began to beat everyone, and torment, and chop.
                        - And the rest choked the granny on the stove ...
                        Children vied with each other to tell us the details of this terrible picture. They spoke childishly, simply, maybe to the end without understanding the terrible meaning of their story. They, with childish impassivity, which the most fair court cannot have, spoke only of facts.
                        - But how did you yourself survive? - escaped from Bazym.
                        - And in the courtyard of arrows began, and they quickly ran out into the street. The last run Sashko, he scored our armor from a pistol ...
                        - And we are alive, we are with mom. We shuffled under the meadow ...
                        - And then yours, he, they went into the hut and found us ...
                        - So, so, moreover, it was so. Dzyatki truth has been moved, ”the old man mumbled.
                      3. cartridge
                        24 June 2013 11: 23
                        And here is the recipe for solving national problems in German:

                        ... many nationalists left Rivne, Lutsk, Vladimir-Volynsk, Dubno and other centers of Western Ukraine at the signal of their leadership, until then faithfully serving the Germans in the Gestapo, police, and gendarmerie. Gone into the woods, the whole world divulging their desire to beat the Germans.
                        They beat the Germans in words and in declarations, in leaflets, one of them even had the visa of a German printing house in Lutsk. But in fact, engaged in the massacre of peaceful Poles.
                        Naturally, the civilian population turned to the German authorities, begging to protect them from this arbitrariness. And the German authorities in different cities and regions answered word for word the same thing: “Our troops are all busy at the front.
                        The only way we can help you is to give weapons. Defend yourself.
                        But we will give weapons on condition that the Poles go to the police and put on the shutsman uniform. "
                      4. cartridge
                        24 June 2013 11: 33
                        Soviet partisans about Ukrainian nationalists:

                        ... we became more and more interested in nationalists. I conducted several instructive conversations with the scouts, demanding from them information about this new enemy that we have not yet studied. By the time of our arrival in the area of ​​Bolshoi Shame, we already had a lot of facts, but we still did not understand them. The data indicated a direct connection between the nationalists and the Germans, with the Gestapo, with the gendarmerie. Especially where the Galicians ruled, a connection with the Germans immediately appeared, sometimes very secretive, carefully conspiracy, and sometimes open.
                        Even while we were staying in Glushkevichi in December 1942, we heard vague rumors about some Taras Bulba. In Big Shame, we heard more and more a new name - "Fly". We already knew that most of the nationalist chieftains carefully hide their real names and operate under nicknames or, as they called their fictitious names, "pseudo".
                      5. cartridge
                        24 June 2013 11: 39
                        Continuing the previous post:

                        Why did they so carefully hide their names? Is it because the cause they were doing was dirty and, stained with betrayal, treason and blood of innocent people, they wanted to hide their names?
                        The second thing that united them: both the pimply kid - a semi-literate intellectual who came to us with Mukha, and Captain Vuiko, with whom I had a chance to meet six months later, expressed this in almost the same words. "What do you want? What are you trying to achieve?" - we asked. They answered: "We may perish, but we will go down in history." And Vuiko said even more clearly: "We want to manage."
                        In each one was seen primarily a candidate either for hetmans, or for chieftains, or ministers, or governors.
                        Not only to serve the people, but both of them passionately wanted to sit on his neck, and they achieved this with their whole vile life.

    2. FOX.
      24 June 2013 07: 43
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      we must oppose it at all levels of our lives.

      We must counteract, I agree, and we must start with the authors of this article !!!
      1. Gari
        24 June 2013 10: 25
        And if someone from the stands proclaims his high feelings for the Fatherland, then he clearly pursues selfish goals. Because love is not public.
        Public is anti-love. "Fear those who shout" Motherland! "," People! " They will be the first to sell, ”the sages claimed.
        Oh, how many people we heard of such patriots with such fiery speeches and love in the early 90s, and everything ended in a chair in a cozy office, and now it is repeated regularly before the elections, and I’m sure in all republics CIS countries.
        1. Gari
          24 June 2013 10: 31
          As far as I remember, I managed to live in the USSR and read on the new history of that Great country.
          I can say Patriots were precisely the leaders
          The USSR, laid down by Comrade Stalin, continued until this Judah the humpback came
      2. sapiens
        26 June 2013 15: 05
        Comrade FOX, you remind me of a soldier’s spoon, which consists of “bread”, “held” connecting by means of a narrow jumper. Well, you can’t be so "simple", read at your leisure ... something!
        I. Icon.
      3. sapiens
        26 June 2013 15: 22
        Comrade FOX, you remind me of a soldier’s spoon, which consists of “bread”, “held” connecting by means of a narrow jumper. Well, you can’t be so "simple", read at your leisure ... something!
        I. Icon.
  2. FOX.
    24 June 2013 07: 39
    The most shameful phenomenon was the betrayal of the elite of the army - generals, commanders of divisions, corps, armies. Some ran to the Germans voluntarily, as General A. Vlasov or deputy. Chief of Staff of the North-Western Front, General F. Trukhin. Others agreed to cooperate, being already captured. Unfortunately, there were many such cases.

    In general, 1941 has exposed the unhealthy state of the Red Army, with which it approached 22 June. Repressions in the country, including in the army, were not in vain. A significant part of the surviving commanders and advanced from the recent commanders of the battalions were demoralized, afraid to make responsible decisions, to take the initiative. The remaining marshals turned out to be mediocre. Military decisions were often made by political leadership, which often led to even greater losses.

    WHAT IS IT??? Two mutually exclusive opinions of one person or is it written by two authors sequentially one after another?
    These two paragraphs most vividly illuminate the half-truth policy that is now characteristic of many unfortunate historians in the process of displaying the events of the Great Patriotic War and the Stalin period as a whole.
    Who knows what could have happened if Stalin hadn't put all this liberal trash before the war ?! And now the descendants of those who were still released are raising their brave little heads and screeching about the "evil tyrant" at every corner with asexual voices, forgetting the main culprit and initiator of this whole orgy - TROTSKY, and the ideological inspirer of his supporters - YAKOV SVERDLOV ...
    But Stalin and Beria only helped the Russian people survive by killing all this Jewish infection (most of it) and directing state building in the right, popular direction.
    1. +22
      24 June 2013 08: 40
      Confirm your text
      1. FOX.
        24 June 2013 09: 01
        "They will build their future on our past"

        Correct and can not be said.
        1. mansur
          24 June 2013 16: 27
          Without the past there can be no present, and without the present there can be no future
    2. sapiens
      26 June 2013 14: 46
      ... as in a joke, “whoever we will cheat will beat him in a cunning, red face”, even despite three stars on the chase. Comrade FOX, what kind of education do you have, I hope that there are, "academies" have passed ...? You have a concept of dialectics, philosophy, well, there is no absolute truth in nature. That “liberal trash” is officers, people with different destinies and concepts of duty and honor. Yes, there were traitors. Stalin cleaned the party, state apparatus, and did not forget the army, where the Trotskyists also were. It is impossible to cover all the issues of the difficult, tragic period of the life of the first proletarian state in a short article, and we did not have such a task. We tried to show heroism, inconsistency, horror and danger of the first months of World War II.
      You have a concept of what is “in general” and “private” ..., yes, I recommend reading our other works written in Lviv. And it’s better to come to us in Lviv and show your brave daredevil ....
      I. Icon.
    3. sapiens
      26 June 2013 15: 22
      ... as in a joke, “whoever we will cheat will beat him in a cunning, red face”, even despite three stars on the chase. Comrade FOX, what kind of education do you have, I hope that there are, "academies" have passed ...? You have a concept of dialectics, philosophy, well, there is no absolute truth in nature. That “liberal trash” is officers, people with different destinies and concepts of duty and honor. Yes, there were traitors. Stalin cleaned the party, state apparatus, and did not forget the army, where the Trotskyists also were. It is impossible to cover all the issues of the difficult, tragic period of the life of the first proletarian state in a short article, and we did not have such a task. We tried to show heroism, inconsistency, horror and danger of the first months of World War II.
      You have a concept of what is “in general” and “private” ..., yes, I recommend reading our other works written in Lviv. And it’s better to come to us in Lviv and show your brave daredevil ....
      I. Icon.
  3. +3
    24 June 2013 08: 44
    Not every nation is able to create an empire. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians created it. That empire was bad and good. But man is so arranged that the bad is forgotten, but the good remains.

    I really hope that the day is not far off when we will be together again!
  4. +4
    24 June 2013 08: 44
    "You cannot be persuaded to a heroic deed, and you cannot be forced to it. This is a state of mind. How to rush into a burning hut or snatch a baby out from under the wheels. You can not do it, not risk your life. whoever feels ashamed feels duty. " Wonderful words! The readiness for the feat lives in our united Slavic people, passed down from generation to generation, despite the efforts of Western puppeteers to make us a herd of wolves!
  5. +3
    24 June 2013 08: 57
    The article says that Russians suffer from a "guilt complex" for the empire, and it seems to me that no one except a handful of loud liberals (they generally suffer a lot) suffers from any "complex".
  6. +3
    24 June 2013 09: 04
    Strange ...
    the authors seem to be people in years. But my own opinion is kind of ... loose.
    So, neither approval nor denial of the article.
    And just bewilderment.
    Right FOX- smart fox, right.
  7. +1
    24 June 2013 09: 21
    Article - vinaigrette. Two authors - two directions. The connection is not always useful. What is the main conceptual idea of ​​the article?

    Is everything not so bad in Ukraine with the memory of the Great War?
    The memory is saved because "Ours" also fought and fought well?
    They fought badly, because good commanders were imprisoned, but as soon as they were released, did the Germans become ill?
    They began to fight even better as soon as order 227 appeared.
    Not all military leaders were good (mention), but there were bad ones (no mention).

    It’s better to write one thing, but it’s good than just about everything, but bad!
  8. +7
    24 June 2013 09: 28
    During the war, my grandmother's sister worked in Leningrad ... in modern times, it seems like in a bank, and in 42 or 43, somewhere there was a breakthrough in the Karelian forests, and in this breakthrough, it was decided to evacuate everything that you can make it, well, and my 19-year-old grandmother, accompanied by three pensioners with rifles on three carts full of money and some papers, decided to send there. Before leaving, she was warned "You will take her ... well done, thank you all over the world if you lose your load ... shoot" and they went, if I'm not mistaken, they wandered through the woods for a couple of weeks until they came to their own. Many years later I asked her, “It wasn’t scary,” and she replied, “Now when I remember ... yes, it’s scary, but then death was such a frequent occurrence that it was not perceived as a human being, because everyone was going to die, and I am WHAT SPECIAL?, Again, Motherland is not an empty phrase "
  9. +2
    24 June 2013 09: 30
    Come on! Good article for Lviv residents. Stay in their place. An acquaintance after the institute in the 70s worked on distribution at LAZ. I told about the "zapadentsev". On the outskirts of Lviv, one could get punched in the face for speaking Russian at night.
  10. 0
    24 June 2013 10: 25
    But man is so arranged that the bad is forgotten, but the good remains.

    a good article, but the conclusion, unfortunately, is not true, in any case in Ukraine: the UPA - white and fluffy, Bandera and Shukhevych, national heroes, the Soviet regime, Stalin - a tyrant.
    1. sapiens
      26 June 2013 14: 54
      Here I read your words "UPA - white and fluffy, Bandera and Shukhevych, national heroes, Soviet regime, Stalin is a tyrant" - where you see, where we write this, guys. Look at the Lviv KOMINFORM, there is already information about 22.06.2013/XNUMX/XNUMX I. Ikonyak
  11. Vtel
    24 June 2013 10: 25
    Russian-Ukrainians-Belarusians = Russia, and Bendera-the western litter.
  12. +3
    24 June 2013 10: 29
    It’s good that there are also brave, sane people in Lviv! Article +
  13. Lukich
    24 June 2013 13: 28
    The article is controversial, but I put a plus for rational grain.
    And the State should be able to defend itself and protect its people from those who, hiding behind sweet words, strive to destroy and enslave the people.
    Trotsky was probably not alone, and probably both Lenin and Trotsky were given money not for strengthening the Empire, but for its collapse, and Stalin simply destroyed their plans and restored the Empire.
    And today, the descendants of the failed rrrevolutionaries are trying to work out the grants received by their ancestors in 1917, and even their new income from various goodies from behind the hill ...

    And the fact that the democrats trumpeted the repressions against Khrushchev and graphomaniac Solzhenitsyn, well, there were simply no more worthy candidates ... for lack of a stamp we write on the toilet ...
    History must be taught - otherwise there will be neither Debt, nor Honor, nor Homeland !!!