Celebration of the Great Victory. Rewriting the history of the Great War - a weapon against us

Celebration of the Great Victory. Rewriting the history of the Great War - a weapon against us

We celebrated the brightest holiday for every Russian person - the Day of the Great Victory.

But how do we perceive our main national holiday - Victory Day? Brainwashing 22 of the population of Ukraine did not pass without a trace.

My daughter, 11, graduates from a high school 5 class, occasionally turning to help summarize a textbook topic. stories. You have to be creative, because in every sentence, in every thought of the current school textbook of history, Russophobia is manifest, designed to shape the image of the enemy in the person of Russia. Already from school, our children are inspired by the idea: Russia is the enemy. And so 22 of the year! What is going on in the heads of our children? Our children are taken away from us before our very eyes.

If you look at the youth - those who are now 18-25 years - we find that we are surrounded by a completely different people. No, they are good, good guys and girls. But after talking with these young people, you discover that they are "aliens." This is no longer the traditional problem of fathers and children, it is the substitution of a people by another people.

You can have different attitudes to the predictions of Zbigniew Brzezinski, but even 20 years ago he said: "we will take away your children from you ...". As they say, it is said - done.

In my native Donetsk, which historically is Russian land not only in the aspect of the unity of Russia, but also because the territory of Donbass is the original land of the Don Army, the youth are already embarrassed by their Russianness! Belonging to a great nation, great culture, great history has been considered almost shameful! Belonging to subethnos and marginal provincial culture has become the subject of quiet (and not very) pride!

And this is by no means the principle “say a hundred times to a person that he is a pig — he will grin.” No, thin and run-in technologies work here.

The West has been studying us for a long time. And it does not study like a zoologist studies an elephant: what is the skeleton of an elephant, what is the digestive, nervous systems, etc. The West studies us like a hunter: where the elephant has a heart and how to hit it with one shot (a statement by Andrei Fursov).

The technologies, to the development of which in the West at one time the best minds were involved, in practice proved to be extremely effective. However, they are invisible and act as weapon mass destruction. We can not oppose anything, because we have no response technologies. We also have no information security strategy.

The Russian Orthodox Church and Orthodox public figures offer salvation in Orthodoxy. Yes, this is the most universal and, perhaps, the most reliable way to survive in the information war and preserve its identity. But there is a trap set. The West is attacking the Church with the hands of our local liberals, constantly discrediting the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church through blatant lies. However, the Church was not ready for massive information attacks. And here again looms the ominous figure of Brzezinski. In the 90 years he said: “Communism in Russia is over, now our goal is Orthodoxy.”

But let's talk about the celebration of the Great Victory.

Recently, TRK "Ukraine" has released a film «1941». I will not talk about this fake ... The bottom line is that thoughts are being introduced into the minds of Ukrainian citizens by all means:

1 Stalin, if not unleashed, then provoked the Second World War,
2 people won the war against Stalin,
3 if it were not for Stalin, then there would be no war,
4 Germans in the war just threw corpses
5 Soviet soldiers at the beginning of the war, surrendered to the millions, until Stalin established defensive squads,
6 The Red Army fixed atrocities on German territory in 1945.
7 “bloodthirsty” Stalin conducted brutal repressions against the Orthodox clergy before the War, but, frightened, during the War began to open the temples previously closed and to release priests from the camps,
8 "vile" Stalin divided Poland according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, etc. etc.

For a man who grew up and was brought up in military memoirs, he read at least part of the memoirs of Winston Churchill, and also listened to the stories of his grandfathers of war veterans, all this orange military historiosophy is an obvious lie. But after all, they are aiming at young people who not only didn’t read, hear or study, but 22 has been under the brainwashing.

So, we have witnessed how the story turned into a specific weapon against us, into a technology of reformatting the consciousness of the people. And the main shock weapon became the history of the Second World War.

I propose to skip through the above points with a simple logic. It is the logic. Thus, everyone, even knowing nothing about the War, will be able to refute the lies about this War.

Stalin, if not unleashed, then provoked the Second World War

It was in the West that tons of literature were published, proving that American financial oligarchs brought Hitler to power. The goal of bringing Hitler to power in Germany, financial pumping the German economy and creating a powerful military machine - world war. In turn, a big war for the United States is a means of writing off foreign debts, strengthening the dollar, destroying competing European economies and national monetary units, obtaining profit from military supplies to belligerent countries, and concentrating the gold reserves of belligerent countries in the USA.

So let's answer ourselves - did Stalin unleash a war? The Roman principle of "who benefits" works iron!

The people won the war in spite of Stalin.

The people, of course, carried the brunt of military hardship and showed massive fighting heroism. But the process of managing military operations in a war of world scope is so complex that no, even the most heroic people, can only withstand the war machine, the military system. This is equivalent to the fact that the French people fought their victorious wars in Europe in spite of Napoleon. Any big war is a confrontation of military and state systems. The Soviet Stalinist military and state system turned out to be stronger than the combined military machine of fascist Europe.

If it were not for Stalin, then there would be no war.

The only fair thesis of the liberals - the thesis that there would be no Stalin - would not have been the Second World War. That's right. The catch for the ignorant lies only in the fact that if it were not for Stalin, then Hitler and the war would not have been lost. Russia was supposed to disappear as a result of the Bolshevik coup 1917. Before the war, the matter simply would not have come. But, contrary to the hopes of the Anglo-Saxons, who were entrusted to the revolution, Stalin revived and multiplied the state and economic potential of Russia already in the Soviet Socialist model.

Germans in the war just threw corpses

In connection with the corpses, which, allegedly, Stalin threw the Germans, there is a dry statistics, recognized by the international Nuremberg process. Soviet casualties are about 9-10 million against German 7,5-8 million. For some reason, the losses of the personnel of the satellite countries of Germany (Italy, Romania, Hungary, Spain) are not taken into account. Soviet citizens who fought on the side of Hitler (Bandera, OUN-UPA, Vlasov, forest brothers). However, the bulk of the losses of the Soviet side accounted primarily for the civilian population.

The Red Army soldiers at the beginning of the war millions surrendered to captivity until Stalin established barrage detachments

For millions of prisoners of war, there is a discrepancy in numbers. Where are all these millions contained and where did they go? For a moment, just try to imagine these millions of prisoners of war. What number of German soldiers would it take to capture them ?! This is reminiscent of Solzhenitsyn's "sensations" about 40-60 million shot by bloody Stalin. Who does not remember - I remind you: when asked where he got the 40-60 million shot, Solzhenitsyn replied that it was all “according to his feelings!” .. I don’t know how massive it was about barrage. My grandfather did not say anything about it. Perhaps, in some decisive cases, when the fate of the whole country and a turn in the war were at stake, this was applied. Mass, clearly, was not. But how the Germans fought "heroically", my grandmother, who survived the occupation, told me. Before being sent to Stalingrad, some German soldiers cried and said: “Stalingrad is Kaput, Stalingrad is Kaput”. They were driven like cattle to the slaughterhouse. But this is far from 1945 and even not 1944! This is the second half of 1942! You can not judge the worst war in the history of mankind by the yardstick of peacetime, watching TV on the sofa with a can of beer in your hand!

The Red Army fixed atrocities on German territory in 1945.

Such information began, for some reason, to emerge just now. Float in striking consistency with the TV movie about the Second World War, which was released at the beginning of the year in Germany. And it came out again, amazingly in sync with the Ukrainian 1941. It is difficult to judge the psychological state of the Russian soldier who passed through the fire of war and, often, having lost a family in the rear. But it is incontrovertible that the atrocities of the Hitler army were not only encouraged, but were purposeful policies aimed at intimidating the population of the USSR. Separate manifestations of cruelty of the Soviet soldiers were not just repulsive, but also qualified as military crimes, for which the tribunal and punishment followed. Examples of punishments can serve as a criminal punishment for the looting of Lieutenant-General Kryukov - the husband of the singer Lydia Ruslanova, as well as the oral accusation of Stalin in the looting of Marshal Zhukov himself. Looting meant some kind of trophy property brought from defeated Germany. This is the fundamental difference between the Soviet laws of Hitler.

The bloodthirsty Stalin conducted brutal repression against the Orthodox clergy before the War. But, frightened, during the War began to open the temples that had been closed before and to release the priests from the camps

Modern liberals do not cease to amaze, like their predecessors - the Bolsheviks. Their profession is as follows: a professional revolutionary, a professional liberal, a professional human rights activist, etc. Ukraine, the country of the victorious liberal-oranzhizma, for example, is unique in that it commemorates both the victims of the famine and the victims of the Stalinist repressions. The victims of the Stalinist repressions in Ukraine are both those who died of hunger 32-33, and those who have repaired this famine. In Russia, propaganda and the state of minds are no better. There, at the same time, the clergy, the Cossacks and the officers, as well as the cannibals and Trotskyists, whom Stalin eliminated, thereby ending the genocide of the Russian people, are considered victims of Stalinist repression. And this is not a paradox, but again the classic Anglo-Saxon technology, according to which all the blame lies on the victim himself. I do not call Stalin a victim, but the Russian people, who are trying to blame for all the troubles. Stalin is only a symbol.

The treacherous Stalin divided Poland according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, colluding with Hitler

You can make various moral assessments of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, but for us Russians, this is a non-aggression pact that allowed us to delay the start of the war for another couple of years. For Ukraine, this agreement is a fundamental document on the basis of which Ukraine became Ukraine in the form in which we can see it on the map. And the Galician passionary elite subsequently received the opportunity to come to power in this country. The question is not even in the illogical condemnation of this treaty, the abolition of the results of which would mean the return of a good third of Ukraine to its neighbors. At the same time, Galicia would return to Poland. The question is in the black ingratitude of the Oranjoid and a complete lack of understanding that even nowadays the fact of the existence of Russia is a guarantee of the existence of the state of Ukraine. Do not become Russia, even mentally, there will be no dust from Ukraine. It will not even be the dismemberment of Yugoslavia. Ukraine will be pulled apart by neighbors. And even a poor, useless Romania will grab his piece in the form of the Chernivtsi region right up to Odessa and will not disdain! By the way, Moldova and Transnistria will grab.

All this is purposeful politics and the corresponding technology of exterminating the Russian people through information warfare. And the main targets of strikes are the Great Patriotic War and the personality of Stalin, as the main symbols of Russian victories in the twentieth century.
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  1. Lech from ZATULINKI
    22 June 2013 06: 27
    So what is the problem - the answer to the WESTERN media is to be given with their own weapons to use the same technology against them.
    And this must be done without sparing money and strength, for the consequences of pacifist peace have already been felt by many peoples who believed in it.
    1. bask
      22 June 2013 06: 45

      All this is purposeful politics and the corresponding technology of exterminating the Russian people through information warfare. And the main targets of strikes are the Great Patriotic War and the personality of Stalin, as the main symbols of Russian victories in the twentieth century.

      I liked the article. The author arranged everything correctly. There is a fierce attack on Russian culture, history, the Orthodox Church. On the part of the Jewish world, through the looking-glass Zionist centers of the United States and Israel ... What would make of the Russian people ,,, Vanek not remembering kinship, that Then they would be exploited as biorobots !!!

      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      what is the problem - the response to the WESTERN media should be given

      The problem is not in the Western media, but in our, our, Russian, really belonging to the world Zionist centers ... The media have not been Russian for a long time and, work, only to the detriment of Russia and the Russian people ...
      Today is the day of great tribulation for the millions of people who perished and brutally murdered the nation of our compatriots. Russian-Soviet people.
      But the enemy will be defeated and the VICTORY WILL ALWAYS BE AFTER US !!!!!
      1. Lech from ZATULINKI
        22 June 2013 06: 49
        In order for us not to be plunged again on June 22, we must believe in ourselves and do what you think is necessary. WITHOUT ATTENTION TO ALL TOLEROST LIBERASTS.
        1. cartridge
          22 June 2013 07: 35
          Lech from ZATULINKI RU Today, 06:27 a New
          So what is the problem - the answer to the WESTERN media is to be given with their own weapons to use the same technology against them.
          And this must be done without sparing money and strength, for the consequences of pacifist peace have already been felt by many peoples who believed in it.

          Good idea! Definitely + to you! They praise the work of RT, I think that to fill up YouTube, and indeed the Internet, with truthful and interesting materials about the war for them is a perfectly feasible task!
        2. bask
          22 June 2013 07: 50
          Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI

          For all 100 FOR good
      2. sincman
        22 June 2013 10: 43

        In a speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin announced several sensational decisions that will fundamentally change the economy, industry, infrastructures, and domestic politics of Russia. And in fact, they will lead the country to accelerated development and decoupling from the dollar system.

        FIRST. Putin announced a moratorium on tariff increases for monopolies. Now they cannot be higher than inflation, which means that the population and industry will be relieved of the pressure of inflated expenses. And the monopolies, having lost the opportunity to compensate for their shortcomings by raising prices, will be forced to improve their economic activities.

        SECOND. Putin announced the start of the extraction of money from reserve funds and their allocation to infrastructure projects. Thus, the volume of domestic investment increases sharply, without which it is impossible to carry out industrialization. 450 billion from the NWF - this, as Putin said, is just seed money, and further funds will be allocated. In fact, for the first time, Russia openly declared to the West that Russian money should work for Russia, and not be withdrawn into Western securities and not pay its debts. This is the first open financial step to untie the dollar system.

        THIRD. Putin is directing this money to developing infrastructure and industry. The first large-scale projects: the Moscow-Kazan high-speed railway, the central ring road and the modernization / expansion of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Obviously, other projects will follow.

        FOURTH. Putin warned that all investments and loans will be controlled by the Central Bank’s mega-relugator, which will, in the case of misuse of funds, suppress such activities and punish the guilty. In other words, it announced the creation of a mechanism to control and regulate financial flows aimed at reindustrialization.
        1. sincman
          22 June 2013 10: 45
          Fifth. Through the mega-regulator, pension funds will be invested in long-term investment projects. This is the most important and fundamental decision about which the supporters of development and modernization have long spoken.

          Putin has announced a consistent offensive on offshore companies and the withdrawal of business from the shadows. In particular, a sensational decision was announced on the amnesty of economic criminals if they were convicted for the first time and were ready to recover losses. For this step, I am sure Putin will be severely criticized by patriots and many citizens. But the mechanism of this amnesty indicates that it is not aimed at protecting the criminals, but at purifying the elite and restoring the people's confidence in it. This is similar to an amnesty for those militant terrorists in the mountains who have not stained themselves with serious crimes and are not complete thugs. It is more profitable and easier for the state to forgive these sane persons, to lure them to their side, than to drive them into a corner, strengthening the insane. This, of course, is a risk. But such a risk that could benefit the country and people.

          THE SEVENTH. Putin called on the ONF to create a mechanism for civilian control over the expenditure of public funds, including public procurement. Navalny can safely go to jail. In addition, Putin said that Russia has created an effective tax system that will allow for industrialization and prevent money from being diverted.

          A separate point should be noted yet another sensational decision to unite the Supreme Court and the Supreme Arbitration Court, which will finally streamline the judicial system and become a precedent for amending the Constitution. The first step is to change the Constitution and adopt the one necessary for the nationalization of Russia.

          Putin's speech at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2013 is landmark and landmark. She will enter history books as a speech in which the accelerated development of Russia after the stage of its concentration was announced.

          With which I congratulate all of us!

          TOGETHER we will win any enemy!
          1. +4
            22 June 2013 16: 15
            Quote: sincman
            Putin's speech at SPIEF 2013

            I was waiting for this all, really, I thought I won’t wait. For almost thirty years I haven’t really been touching the glass guys. Today, after the bath, the bottles will sob, the glasses will ring, the surprised wife will walk no less than a week, but there is a reason.
            1. sincman
              22 June 2013 20: 19
              Quote: Jura
              Guys, for almost thirty years I have not really touched the glass, today after the bath the bottles will sob

              Do not get carried away very much. In the new future, alcohol is no longer our friend! A sober mind, a fiery heart and a willingness to surrender are our helpers for the near future.
              1. +3
                23 June 2013 13: 27
                Nothing, they broke through, today I’m like a fresh cucumber, for the next thirty years (if I have them released) I will remember yesterday.
      3. S_mirnov
        22 June 2013 10: 52
        I agree, first of all, our history is being destroyed in the Kremlin! And only then in the west!
        Here is the speech of two politicians about Katyn. I recall the decision on Katyn was made at the Nuremberg Tribunal and we are dealing with a real distortion of history.
        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAuCc06AaBU&feature=related - президент

        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI-sEhX4ygQ&feature=related - патриот
        1. +7
          22 June 2013 14: 28
          Unfortunately, no decision was made by the tribunal regarding Katyn. Which made it possible for various insinuations. The only judicial act adopted in Katyn is the refusal to satisfy the claims of the Poles against the Russian Federation in my opinion last summer. The refusal became possible thanks to the competent defense of the Russian side. It was thanks to a change in the position of the leadership of our country in comparison with the times of the Ebon and the spotted one that the defense itself became possible - after all, these two unconditionally recognized all Polish fabrications. Now everything has changed. It is strange that you did not notice this.
          1. sincman
            22 June 2013 15: 13
            Quote: smile
            It was thanks to a change in the position of the leadership of our country in comparison with the times of the Ebon and the spotted one that defense itself became possible - after all, these two unconditionally recognized all Polish fabrications. Now everything has changed. It is strange that you did not notice this.

            Their tasks are different, so they do not notice the positive tectonic shifts that are taking place with Russia both inside the country and on the world stage! They do not notice the clear progress of Russian diplomacy in defending their positions. Those positive tendencies that have emerged within the country are the reanimation of the country's armed forces, the rise of self-awareness of the population through the cleansing of history from "Gozman's" templates on TV and on the Internet. Yes, not 100% yet, but this is just the beginning! Gradual cleansing of the authorities from the liberal guard. A clear tendency towards the gradual nationalization of "Russian" business. All this is simply not noticed at close range!
            As if this all happens on its own, without the participation of the president! In their eyes, Putin is an absolute evil for the country, and all that is good in the country and at the international level is done by some invisible, good gnomes at night, while everyone is sleeping! It’s probably they are forcing the deputies to pass laws banning gay propaganda among young people and banning property abroad and registering Foreign Agents!
            Maybe Evgeny Fyodorov is exaggerating somewhere, in some way, but his explanation of what is happening looks much more convincing and logical than all this groan of his opponents. At least none of the opponents of Putin and Fedorov provided a logically formed theory of what is happening in Russia (both positive trends and events and negative ones). Usually it all comes down to banal emotional statements like "All around are enemies, traitors and liars + ask ... are all polymers!"
            1. S_mirnov
              22 June 2013 17: 33
              "At least not one of the opponents of Putin and Fedorov provided a logically formed theory of what is happening in Russia (both positive trends and events and negative ones)." - Nothing of the kind! For example, Y. Mukhin's books describe the events of Putin's Russia very clearly and logically. And it is very clearly shown who is the GDP. This is also expressed in the speeches of V.I. Ilyukhin. Petrov has a lot of material on this topic.
              Only to notice these people is not included in the plans of the "Bipolar" ones. does not fit into the scheme "Either Putin or Swamp" actively imposed by the media.
              1. sincman
                22 June 2013 20: 05
                Quote: S_mirnov
                For example, the books of Y. Mukhin very clearly and logically describe the events of Putin's Russia. And it is very clearly shown who is the GDP. This is also expressed in the speeches of V.I. Ilyukhina.

                Thanks for the tip. Be sure to read.
                Quote: S_mirnov
                Petrov has a lot of material on this subject

                Unfortunately, he is already in the past. And the material regarding the views on Putin could lose relevance.
          2. S_mirnov
            22 June 2013 17: 49
            "It was thanks to the change in the position of the leadership of our country in comparison with the times of Elbon and the spotted that defense itself became possible"
            and what has changed the position of our leadership? Here are the words of GDP:
            "I think this is my personal opinion that Stalin felt his personal responsibility for the tragedy (associated with the Soviet-Polish military conflict of the 20s) and carried out this execution out of a sense of revenge," the Russian prime minister said.
            So how does his position differ from EBN?
            And protect Russia for a long time and successfully V.I. Ilyukhin, without any GDP and Doom!
            1. sincman
              22 June 2013 20: 15
              I think today's Putin would answer the same question in a completely different way. And this is very clearly seen in those statements that he shuffles over and over again with the western man in the street! Including regarding Stalin. His diplomatic language is becoming tougher and tougher, without regard to the powers that be. I think it would be wrong not to admit it.
      4. +3
        22 June 2013 11: 56
        Quote: bask
        the problem is not in the Western media, but in our, our, Russian, truth-owned Zionist world centers too ... The media have not been Russian for a long time and, work, only to the detriment of Russia and the Russian people ...
        They fight, already bones, not, tongues crack!
        Sergei Mironov spoke for the introduction in the CIS space of responsibility for the deliberate distortion of the history and results of World War II, as well as responsibility for the glorification of Nazism. "These are forced measures, but they are necessary," he said. 2009g
        State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov supports the introduction of criminal liability for denigrating historical memory. He told reporters about this today. "In recent years, we can increasingly observe in the post-Soviet space the facts of distortion of the history of the Great Patriotic War, discrediting the role of the USSR in this war and in the liberation of Europe from the fascist invaders," the speaker said. He noted that there are such examples in Ukraine and the Baltics. The issue of developing a bill establishing responsibility for denigrating historical memory has undoubtedly been long overdue, Gryzlov believes.2010g
        Co-chairman of the Supreme Council of United Russia, head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry Sergei Shoigu again proposes to introduce criminal responsibility for distorting history and non-recognition of the USSR's victory in the Great Patriotic War.2009g
        President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree establishing a Commission to counter attempts to falsify history to the detriment of Russia's interests. This was announced on May 19 by Interfax.2009g
        And what? Where is the landing, damn it? Did anyone answer?
        1. ded10041948
          22 June 2013 15: 08
          But Natsik every day more! I have been saying for a long time: while the law is not valid and there is no result, this is not the law, but ink traces on paper!
          1. Airman
            22 June 2013 20: 01
            Quote: ded10041948
            But Natsik every day more! I have been saying for a long time: while the law is not valid and there is no result, this is not the law, but ink traces on paper!

            Guys, let's patriotically educate our children ourselves. My father started the war in September 1942 at the age of 17, and graduated in 1945 near Konigsberg in 126 Gbap under the command of the Hero of the Soviet Union, Guards. Colonel Zhivolup. My father died in 1991, but his orders and medals hang in the "red" corner, and all my children and grandchildren know what their grandfather and great-grandfather fought for. And they will NEVER become NAZIs!
    2. +2
      22 June 2013 09: 42
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      So what is the problem - the answer to the WESTERN media is to be given with their own weapons to use the same technology against them.

      The fact of the matter is that we do not know how to play on their field!
      After all, the media are horrified like greedy for all sorts of sensations, hence their rating and income naturally.
      Western media will spread any information voiced by the president into quotes. And if you can poke your opponent in the face with it .... why not, but ours continues to swallow silently.
      Hence the reports of the State Department "on human rights in Russia", "on slavery", various ratings ...... where Russia is at the very end of the list!
      But this information and policy links in one chain - to show the whole world that we are Neanderthals, we can’t have our own opinion and act without a hint.
      1. S_mirnov
        22 June 2013 11: 28
  2. Damask
    22 June 2013 06: 34
    22 years long term
  3. pinecone
    22 June 2013 06: 46
    To the author. Why "Moldova" and not Moldova. Don't please them. This is like the liberals with Kyrgyzstan, Bashkortostan, and so on, which is impossible to pronounce.
    1. -8
      22 June 2013 06: 50
      that is, it is correct to call not Uzbekistan, but Uzbekistan? not Kazakhstan but Kazakhstan, not Dagestan but Dagia, Tatarstan-Tatarstan?
      1. Horde
        22 June 2013 10: 05
        about is it right to call not Uzbekistan, but Uzbekistan? not Kazakhstan but Kazakhstan, not Dagestan but Dagia, Tatarstan-Tatarstan?

        it is necessary to speak RUSSIAN i.e. as they always said, and not to invent nonsense and not to repeat the nonsense invented by others. All the guttural sounds of "KYRGYZSTAN" are not characteristic of our Russian people. Speak correctly.
        1. 0
          22 June 2013 10: 45
          you didn’t answer what do you think those republics and states should be called? but Khabarovsk is typical for you? Beshtau? Sterlitamak? Isilkul? Du

          mercury, Babayurt, Astrakhan, Birobidzhan ... in
          You can't even imagine how many words are not "typical? So how will you speak correctly?"
          you dig into the meanings of the words that you use every day and then tell us about Russianness.
          otherwise you might think that if I say Bashkiria and not Bashkortostan it will smell of the Russian spirit and a characteristic will appear
          1. Horde
            22 June 2013 11: 39
            Quote: Gleb
            you didn’t answer what do you think those republics and states should be called? but Khabarovsk is typical for you? Beshtau? Sterlitamak? Isilkul? Du

            mercury, Babayurt, Astrakhan, Birobidzhan ... in
            You can't even imagine how many words are not "typical? So how will you speak correctly?"

            Well, where are these guttural sounds in your words? All these words are easily pronounced in Russian. The fact is that such nations as Kazakhs and Kyrgyz speak like Russians and Tatars do not have their own PHONETICS, but this does not mean that Kyrgyzstan is not right to speak, it’s just right and historically and phonetically, but KYRGYZSTAN is a remake.
            you dig into the meanings of the words that you use every day and then tell us about Russianness.

            I’m digging up so much that you have never seen such an example.

            Here is Dmitry Donskoy's coin. On one side there is an inscription in Russian: Grand Duke Dmitry; on the other in Arabic: "Sultan the highest Mohammed Uzbek Khan"
            What kind of Muhammad is this? Over this riddle, historians and new historians of the FiN group fought. But they could not give a clear answer. Well, the official version is the imitation of the Horde’s money and the transfer of their names to coins ... Although it’s not even clear in chronology why Dmitry turned out to be Uzbek Khan Sultan Mohammed ... Khan Uzbek lived even before Dmitry Ivanovich TI-chronology ...
            So in those days, during the time of Dmitry Ivanovich and later before the Petrine reforms, ALL RUSSIANS had Tatar nicknames, so Prince Dmitry had the Tatar nickname Muhammat.
            Therefore, the Tatar language is not alien to the Russian ear, but without guttural pronunciations. Do not confuse this.
            1. -4
              22 June 2013 11: 55
              Yes, it’s the larynx that interferes with you, although I don’t have problems with them, for example. But someone is hindered by the x, h, s in the Turkic names of our cities. Keep your personal preferences with you
              1. Horde
                22 June 2013 12: 04
                Yes, it’s the larynx that interferes with you, although I don’t have problems with them, for example. But someone is hindered by the x, h, s in the Turkic names of our cities. Keep your personal preferences with you

                don't you seem to understand what I'm saying? I wrote to you in Russian that it IS HISTORICALLY AND PHONETIC to speak correctly with the use of guttural sounds, you want to YOK your right only imagine how they will look at you in the Russian environment as illiterate and uncivilized.
            2. +1
              22 June 2013 19: 23
              About coins. I saw something like this somewhere, for me there is nothing surprising. Officially at that time there were two state languages ​​in Russia - Old Russian and Turkic. Afanasy Nikitin in his "Walking Beyond Three Seas" freely operates in two languages.
              I put +
          2. Horde
            22 June 2013 11: 54

            otherwise you might think that if I say Bashkiria and not Bashkortostan it will smell of the Russian spirit and a characteristic will appear

            that is how Bashkiria has been spoken for hundreds of years and the Bashkirs also do the same, but Bashkortastan is already a MODERN ZAKIDON and we still need to figure out what kind of word u_rod came up with. This is from the same series as u_kry-NEWLY clean water.
            Surprisingly, even u_kry, and that word is not justly forbidden, well, what’s up, they call themselves that, but it’s impossible for others.
            1. -3
              22 June 2013 11: 56
              and Tataria yes? with Dagestani)) was and will be Bakortostan, at least burst)
              1. Horde
                22 June 2013 12: 09
                Quote: Gleb
                and Tataria yes? with Dagestani)) was and will be Bakortostan, at least burst)

                Do you argue for the sake of argument? but on the Internet is what’s called ???
      2. +6
        22 June 2013 10: 22
        And why do we speak Georgia and Armenia, although the names of these countries in their native languages ​​sound like Sakartvelo and Ayastan. You need to respect yourself and your language and not engage in cheap flirting with others who may call themselves what they want. It is not necessary to follow the lead of states for which this is a way to assert themselves, since they have no others.
        1. -2
          22 June 2013 10: 48
          answer the question above?
      3. +5
        22 June 2013 14: 37
        Tell me, when do you speak Russian with Russians, you do not speak Great Britain, but Great Britt, not Washington, but Washington? Moldova is the correct Russian name of the republic, what claims can there be?
        1. -5
          22 June 2013 16: 37
          Yes, I’m not even hooked on Moldova. But ... what are you illiterate ...
          Moldova is the official name in our country.all documents in Russia appear from Moldova and not Moldova.and you just confirmed that they have great brit, we have Great Britain. they have Deutschland, we have Germany. they have japan, we have Japan. they Republica Moldova - we have the Republic of Moldova.all of these countries appear in the register of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ... Japan, Germany, Moldova. and therefore I can say both Soviet Moldova and Moldova.
          ignoramus ...
          1. Horde
            22 June 2013 17: 24
            Quote: Gleb
            Moldova is the official name in our country. All documents in Russia are from Moldova and not Moldova. And you just confirmed that they have great Britain, we have Great Britain. They have Deutschland, we have Germany. They have Japan, we have Japan. they have Republica Moldova, we have the Republic of Moldova. All these countries are listed in the register of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

            well, now everything is clear where such righteous pathos came from, you probably work at the Foreign Ministry, and are you all so literate in the Foreign Ministry? And there was nothing that before the revolution of Moldova it wasn’t, but Bessarabia (without Arabia) was in the Tsar’s Foreign Ministry, it means that they weren’t as literate as in the present on this, what do you say educated? laughing
            1. -3
              22 June 2013 17: 36
              we have two terpils today: Belarus and Moldova. go show Belarus to the forum users. and about the Foreign Ministry, the Horde be a man and look into the eyes and don’t go up the slopes ... your illiteracy is your destiny. there is a fact-Moldova and I don’t have to prove (present to Lavrov for Moldova) you can continue to ply each other’s ignorance here.
              1. Horde
                22 June 2013 18: 57
                Quote: Gleb
                about the Foreign Ministry, the Horde be a man and look in the eye and do not go up the slope ... you. your illiteracy is your destiny

                Well, your Foreign Ministry literacy is really just the LIMITATION of your education because of the narrow horizons, and, as a result (Moldova), the inability to see beyond your own nose.
                1. -1
                  22 June 2013 19: 16
                  laughing Do you understand what really brings you here? What limitations? I just don’t understand the people who reproach me or let the author
                  Why "Moldova" and not Moldova. Don't please them

                  what Foreign Ministry if everyone should know
                  this one doesn’t miss at all! is it worth taking japan and Deutschland from my comment to expose my wit? although I wrote offhand and with a capital letter. He still managed to call China the name, what language is this pronunciation from? If it was always pronounced from English CHINA.
                  what you gave out below for the logic of Gleb, thanks for the humor! wink but crazy.
                  in short, you guys are fine so spend the evening))
                  1. Horde
                    22 June 2013 19: 42
                    although I wrote offhand and with a small letter. he still managed to call China a rank, from what language is this pronunciation? if from English then CHINA was always pronounced.

                    but it doesn’t come to mind that in the world it’s not only English with its i-ah, but also in other languages, where And, like And normal, and not spoiled? and imagine then it turns out CHINA, not tea. Yes, and the first European in China by TI was clearly not English.
                    1. +1
                      22 June 2013 21: 08
                      Quote: Horde
                      imagine then it turns out CHINA, not tea. Yes, and the first European in China by TI was clearly not English.

                      Where did you buy it? Müller asked.
                      In the department store on Red Square - Stirlitz answered and thought:
                      “Did I blurt out too much?”
                      Dear Gleb simply betrayed himself with this e-ah head. Maybe he is an American shpuyun?
                      1. Horde
                        22 June 2013 22: 30
                        Quote: Setrac
                        Dear Gleb simply betrayed himself with this e-ah head. Maybe he is an American shpuyun?

                        rather an influence agent, but only a low-skilled one, the task of working with suckers on the Internet. The goal is to influence the plebs, to prove what is right to say, this is how documents are written in the Foreign Ministry, and the English language is the most faithful in the world laughing
          2. +1
            22 June 2013 17: 48
            Quote: Gleb
            .Japan, Germany, Moldova. And therefore I can say both Soviet Moldova and Moldova.
            ignoramus ...

            China - China, Germany - Deutschland, then my favorite is Saudi Arabia, which is not Arabia at all, but Arabia.
            Ignoramus himself.
            Yes, I almost forgot, Japan - Japan or Nippon - the external name, self-name - Yamato.
            1. Horde
              22 June 2013 18: 33
              Quote: Setrac
              China - China, Germany - Deutschland, then my favorite is Saudi Arabia, which is not Arabia at all, but Arabia.

              funny China generally the word Russian, but what do the peoples themselves call themselves
              CHINA-chung-middle land
              China-dance-under heaven
              huasia chinese
              Han Chinese (Khan people)
              China-rank from the Qin-dynasty of sovereigns
              In short, following the logic of Gleb, we must say China-HAN, stunned. laughing it’s good that we don’t HUASYA, otherwise our people would laugh without stopping. laughing laughing laughing
              dumb Germans in Russian, backward with undeveloped speech
              interesting in Ukrainian and by the way it seems to me right

              BELARUS-Belaya Rus - there are no contradictions with the rules of the Russian language in this word.
              1. Ruslan_F38
                23 June 2013 19: 23
                Horde +++++. Well, something like this, but you do not see a way out in the comments to your article "Information Wars".
                smile +++++
  4. fenix57
    22 June 2013 06: 59
    Quote: bask
    I liked the article. The author arranged everything correctly. There is a fierce attack on Russian culture, history, the Orthodox Church. On the part of the Jewish world, through the looking-glass Zionist centers of the United States and Israel ... What would make of the Russian people ,,, Vanek not remembering kinship, that Then they would be exploited as biorobots !!!

    In the most "bull's eye".!Indeed, it is informational influences that give the result not immediately, but after a while. Judging by everything, this time has come, lose your children is NOT! ... time to answer, that's just, as they say: Who wants, he cannot, who can, he has no desire. recourse
    1. bask
      22 June 2013 09: 40
      Quote: fenix57
      me: He who wants, he cannot, he who can, he has no desire
      I agree with you. Many in their families are trying to give their children the knowledge that they have not received at school or in the media.
      Only home education, parenting, their children can make a difference.
      The overwhelming majority of young people under 30 do not know their history. This is alarming. What memory of WWII will they give to their children ???
  5. +1
    22 June 2013 07: 08
    We prevent them from living! We interfere with vampire and cannibalism. They did not interfere when they stood in front of the Tatar-Mongols with an obstacle, and began to interfere and disturb from the time of Ivan the Terrible and until now. Well, we do not fit into the "harmonious" system of the Anglo-Saxon world order, well, others are not quite "correct". Only one thing calms down - all the signs of degradation and agony of the West are evident. Patience and perseverance to all of us ....... They bite a couple more times and .....
  6. +5
    22 June 2013 07: 15
    The correct article.
    The worst thing is that not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia, textbooks are copied with the help of Western consultants. My son studied according to the 2100 system.
    This is something else.
    I will not tell. Long, not the scale of the comment.
    The textbook on literature contains "The Confessions of a Young Drug Addict".
    And the first phrase of this confession.
    "Today is my happiest day. I tried weed for the first time."
    That's it.
  7. sashka
    22 June 2013 07: 39
    Again twenty-five. If an OFFICIAL official declares that there is no Russian nationality. what is there to talk about? There is no point in History textbooks. We're not there .. What would that mean? Where is the "guarantor"?
    1. Airman
      22 June 2013 23: 32
      Quote: Sasha
      Again twenty-five. If an OFFICIAL official declares that there is no Russian nationality. what is there to talk about? There is no point in History textbooks. We're not there .. What would that mean? Where is the "guarantor"?

      You can say "halva" a hundred times, but this will not make your mouth sweeter. One can say a thousand times that there are no Russians, but this will not make the people disappear!
  8. +5
    22 June 2013 07: 39
    Many authors do not understand in any way with their limited minds that the "barriers" help against deserters, but not against those who wish to surrender, otherwise these "barriers" must stand in front of the front line so that they do not surrender. The article is too small for such a topic, superficial, but thank God that there are such authors.
  9. +3
    22 June 2013 08: 38
    article plus is horrified only by the state of affairs with this in Ukraine, soon they will start saying that they were occupied as the Baltic states ... However, our textbooks are also not better, many young people now really don’t really know, but reading and delving into them is better for house 2 or gum club will look. Whatever one may say, the USSR instilled patriotism, and when I read some stories or stories about the Second World War, sometimes even I would break a tear for our WARRIORS
    1. +3
      22 June 2013 16: 06
      only the state of affairs with this in Ukraine is horrifying, soon they will begin to say that they were occupied as Baltic states
      What do you mean start? They already say. And how long...
  10. -6
    22 June 2013 09: 31
    The author of the article clearly feels discomfort over the fact that young people in Ukraine are proud that they are Ukrainians.
    Take off your helmet, the war is long over.
    1. +3
      22 June 2013 12: 26
      Quote: Burbulator
      The author of the article clearly feels discomfort over the fact that young people in Ukraine are proud that they are Ukrainians.

      I would like to remind you that Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians are one people living in different territories, while in different!
    2. Misantrop
      22 June 2013 16: 09
      Quote: Burbulator
      Take off the helmet, the war is long over
      With you, yes, with the arrival of Lukashenka. Belarus "got sick" though hard, but not for long. Ukraine was less lucky with this
    3. +2
      22 June 2013 16: 32
      Quote: Burbulator
      The author of the article clearly feels discomfort over the fact that young people in Ukraine are proud that they are Ukrainians.

      You are wrong, and this is putting it mildly, the author "feels discomfort" from the fact that our children grow up on a lie, today those who began to feel embarrassed that he is Russian, tomorrow they will have complexes about why he is not an Englishman, and here they promised him a passport and This nationality for what services can this unfortunate man go to?
    4. +2
      22 June 2013 19: 26
      Quote: Burbulator
      the war is long over

      The war is still going on. And today its decisive phase begins. Losing it is death for us !!!
  11. +2
    22 June 2013 09: 42
    For a man who grew up and raised on military memoirs, he read at least part of Winston Churchill's memoirs

    I read. Relying on the opinion of an outstanding political leader, I affirm that the author of the article is trying to refute the non-refutable, because according to Churchill, the second world war is a continuation of the first, and therefore, according to the rules of logic, the roots and causes of the second world are the same as the first.
  12. +5
    22 June 2013 10: 02
    Posted by Pavel Dolgiy, Union of Citizens of Ukraine, Donetsk

    Thank you Pavel for the article, the tone feels pent, but the old man's (N. Starikov) restraint strains:
    American financial oligarchs.

    the main sponsors were Rothschild and the Bank of England and other British and American sources like Kuhn, Loyb
    "The third project: Immersion", M. Kalashnikov, S. Kugushev

    the last "Kune and Leib" were seen in financing the February coup in 1917 and during the formation of the Federal Reserve in the United States, and also allocated huge loans in the Russo-Japanese War, naturally to Japan.

    N. Starikov, Pandora's Box - So who was Hitler?

    glorious little Jewish company, however

    liberal thesis

    who are liberals in Russia? ...... the answer is unequivocal, in any case, communism was brought to Russia by Jews in Russia

    Starikov writes about this, but he retouches it with the word either "Anglo-Saxon" or, correctly, "liberal."
    Klimov’s books, almost all
    Douglas Reed, The Zion Controversy

    I really liked the work on Stoleshnikov's topic "There will be no rehabilitation or Anti-Archipelago"

    I liked the book very much; a Jewish conspiracy against Russia at the beginning of the 20th century is described

    in general, your article is even very personal, write more.
    1. +2
      22 June 2013 19: 28
      Quote: seller trucks
      glorious little Jewish company, however

      And if they were not Jews, but, for example, Pashtuns or Thais, would they act differently somehow?
  13. +1
    22 June 2013 11: 06
    Yes, there is no problem. People in the future will be judged by the facts, say the Germans unleashed a war and in the 45th our flag fluttered over Berlin, and for atrocities ... so if in fact ... then more than 20 million casualties of the Union with the hook block all the losses of Germany, along with their allies, it seems to me that it’s easy to draw conclusions from who atrocities. The current completely incomplete person can peck at these ... let's say unsuccessful and not at all smart attempts to rewrite history.
    1. stroporez
      22 June 2013 13: 12
      Quote: Bosk
      People in the future will be judged by the facts
      - a friend's son is studying in college ... so I learned from him that Russia is the only country that carried out nuclear bombing of civilians ---- Hiroshima and Nagasaki. give other similar "facts" ???????????????
  14. +6
    22 June 2013 11: 20
    Several generations have already been lost, just look at the comments to the article. Stop reading Starikov, for him history is just a prostitute, through which he earns. Take the honest memoirs of WWII veterans, take the literature about the Tehran and Yalta conferences. Read, think and understand for yourself that the newly-minted "historians" are lying.
    Give the children not a computer as a gift, but a book of publications from the time of 1960-1980, they are more honest than the current school, internet or television.
    1. fisherman
      22 June 2013 22: 19
      just giving a book is very small, they will put it aside if you yourself will not read with them and read to them, constantly finding moments for praise

      then they will read, compare, develop
  15. sky17176
    22 June 2013 11: 42
    “Moldova is the“ Romanian territory ”.
    Forgotten Relationship Page »

    June 22 is the day of the beginning of the great struggle of the former countries of the Soviet Union with the brown plague of fascism.
    Recently, opinions about this Great War have diverged. But with the main thing - almost everyone agrees that fascism should not be repeated.
    Moldova was under the occupation of the Romanian army, Hitler's ally.
    So what was at that time:
    reunion of two nations;
    or occupation.
    "This is our finest hour! I’m not afraid that History will call us barbarians. The Roman Empire at one time committed a lot of barbarism, and yet it is considered the greatest state."
    And further:
    “I don’t know when, maybe only after a few hundred years, the Romanian people will be given such complete freedom of action, such an opportunity for ethnic cleansing and national renewal. . . And therefore, with full awareness of what is happening, I take full legal responsibility and tell you: existing laws are not for us, existing laws do not oblige us! ”
    Ion Antonescu Bucharest July 8, 1941
    In Bessarabia, in Bukovina ... Every new day is marked by new barbaric murders. New blood streams.
    3 July 1941 th in the town of Miracles 450 Jews destroyed, in the town of Starozhinets - near 200, in the town of Cidin - more than 470 ... On the streets of Novoselets there are hundreds of mutilated corpses lying around, and the streets of the township of Ropchea, Jordaneshty, Patreuche, and Patreucher, in the town of Novoselts, there are hundreds of mutilated corpses. on the battlefield, the number of Jews murdered there will probably never be established.
    4 July killers entered the town of Hertz. Local Jews, who considered themselves “Romanians,” were delighted by the arrival of the Romanian army. Having dressed festively, they went outside the neighborhood to meet their “liberators”. The “Liberators”, too, were apparently pleased to meet with the Jews. They immediately forced all of them to strip naked, brutally beaten and shot.
    On July 5, 460 people were killed in the village of Zhuchik-Nova, all Jews were killed in the villages of Hamnitsa and Drušanyna, and only one Jewish boy survived from 400 of the Jews in the town of Kosteshti. Left orphaned. 6 July in Chernivtsi simultaneously killed about 2000 Jews, in Edinet - 1000, in Novo-Sulitsa still 975 ... And on July 7 it was the turn of the Jews Perlitz, Lipkan, Falesht, Merkulesht, Floresht, Zbrichan. In Zabričany, people were first beaten with rifle butts, then hung upside down on trees, and only then shot. The 80-year-old Leib Kormansky, beaten to a pulpit, was thrown in the middle of the street, where, under the laughter and hooting of the mob, mounted gendarmes turned the body of an unfeeling old man into a bloody mess.
    One of the Romanian officers, by his own admission, shot eight-year-old Jewish children eight times, and still could not kill the unfortunate child. In the end, the child was buried alive in the land. 15 July, a Jewish 123 was killed in Alexandrens, including 38 people who fled from the city of Balti. Witness of this crime - a resident of Alexandren Grigory Mosintsev told (10):
    “My heart was breaking from shots and heartbreaking screams. ... Entire families were destroyed, neither the elderly, nor children, nor even pregnant women spared. Before my eyes, the Rechtel family was killed: two 75-year-old old men, Rechtel’s daughter and granddaughter of 4 months. Six people were killed in the Peretz family, including two children of 6 and 8 years old, and Peretz’s daughter-in-law was killed at the time of delivery ... ”They say that the Romanians did not kill.

  16. +3
    22 June 2013 11: 46
    There is a very simple "asymmetric" answer to the distortion of history by neighbors:
    Remember how in Soviet times the "underground" samizdat Solzhenitsyn was perceived - as the truth in the last word! Everything that was taught at school was forgotten by the fly! The thought "now I know the TRUTH" was spinning!
    I think similar propaganda methods can be applied in this situation.
    1. sashka
      22 June 2013 11: 54
      Quote: engineer74
      There is a very simple "asymmetric" answer to history distortion

      You just need to go to the library. Until then, they haven’t gotten there. It turns out there is so much interesting. I’m more than 50. He opened a new world for himself.
      1. +1
        22 June 2013 12: 05
        I did not crawl out of the libraries from 8 to 35 (I use electronic media now) smile
        In my commentary I had in mind the psychological trap of "secret knowledge" as a countermeasure to the Russophobic official propaganda in the Slavic countries.
    2. +1
      22 June 2013 18: 18
      Quote: engineer74
      Remember how in Soviet times the "underground" samizdat Solzhenitsyn was perceived - as the truth in the last word! Everything that was taught at school was forgotten by the fly! The thought "now I know the TRUTH" was spinning!

      Then Rezun appeared, then Medvedev, Yakovlev, and then THIS began ... And most importantly, you look at the title of the book - well, not otherwise than: "The most terrible truth about the war" or "The real truth about the war." Someone orders such books. Fees are paid. Yes, to collect in court the cost of a print run a couple of times from such "historians", so that the rest are not confused. I have several such books. Some were specially bought, and some were bought out of thoughtlessness. I can lay out. And the asymmetric answer is very correct! There is where to turn around ...
  17. +7
    22 June 2013 12: 15
    I asked the child today for interest - did they tell you at school anything about June 22? Child (10 years old) no NEVER SPEAKED. What time!
    1. chauvinist
      22 June 2013 16: 36
      Why should such a 10 year old child know? In life, he will still watch and hear a lot of cruelty.
  18. +5
    22 June 2013 13: 09
    The author, in his article, talks about the distortion of the history of the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine. And in Russia the same thing. In Russian history textbooks, the war is stated so that the greatest battles of the war (the battle of Moscow, the Stalingrad, Kursk, Berlin, etc.) are allotted lines. But the actions of the Western troops are described in detail, on many pages. And this is taught in Russia, a country that has lost tens of millions of its best people in the war. Apparently the matter went to the limit, nowhere is there and the country's leadership decided to create a history textbook that would not only educate our children, but also educate patriotism, most importantly, that the little citizens of our country always know what price our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers paid our peaceful life. Unfortunately, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who give a lot of energy to the education of our youth, are leaving. So what is next? Who (God forbid not Brzezinski) and how will educate our youth depends on us. Judging by the article, Ukraine is losing (ideologically) the younger generation. We will not allow this in Russia!
  19. VkadimirEfimov1942
    22 June 2013 13: 24
    It seems to me that our liberals are to blame for rewriting the history of the Second World War of 41-45, who bow to the West. And the same Medvedev tried to "assent" to the Poles and the West that the Soviet special services were to blame for the tragedy near Katyn - what nonsense from the leader! Teutons only respect strength. Our history has confirmed this more than once. And therefore, we should not humiliate our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers in front of them. Germany pays 6 million Jewish victims for the controversial Holocaust, and why do we hold back 30 million victims. About 9 million military losses, and why does the West forget about over 20 million of our civilian population, including women and children, who died not only in the bombing? Therefore, we should talk to the West only with a sense of our superiority. The article is very timely and relevant, I fully support it!
  20. levinson 1st
    22 June 2013 14: 18
    I am against any fraud. And to fake the history of the war, I am categorically against it.
  21. pinecone
    22 June 2013 14: 31
    Quote: ranger
    And why do we speak Georgia and Armenia, although the names of these countries in their native languages ​​sound like Sakartvelo and Ayastan. You need to respect yourself and your language and not engage in cheap flirting with others who may call themselves what they want. It is not necessary to follow the lead of states for which this is a way to assert themselves, since they have no others.

    I agree completely. We do not pay attention to the fact that the Germans call our country "Rusland", in the English-speaking nations they use the absolutely idiotic word "Russia". They, in turn, do not insist that we say "Deutschland" or, say, "England", but why should we obey the demands of the bosom friends of donkeys and rams.
  22. +3
    22 June 2013 14: 38
    It is high time to pass a law on punishment for distorting the history of the Second World War. Pouring mud over Soviet soldiers should be criminally punished, and all the snot about freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. In the West there is a law, for denying what is there, and nothing is all sort of shitty.
  23. sashka
    22 June 2013 15: 03
    Today in Engels, in a 1-year-old at 20.00, the People will gather. To honor the memory of the dead. Let us also honor here and now. Just a minute of unwriting ..
    1. +3
      22 June 2013 15: 10
      I agree with you, you can say anything and a lot, and respect only a minute of silence.
  24. 0
    22 June 2013 15: 55
    There were times, We had a former unit commander working from the Far East, talked about Donetsk (its small homeland), how Jews and Armenians and Russians and Ukrainians lived together, as if the international, it turns out, but the international with a catch - those who were different ( probably by virtue of upbringing), Negroes, gobobs often beaten. And they weren’t in such a situation, as I understood from the stories, they considered themselves males and often cared for local girls. The people didn’t like it, and it happened that they started to such a poor fellow as to throw in the air at holidays. And then they didn’t catch it. I don’t know the truth, but there was such a story.

    As for the theses listed above, my opinion is:

    for us Russians, this is a non-aggression pact that allowed us to postpone the start of the war for another couple of years. For Ukraine, this agreement is the fundamental document on the basis of which Ukraine has become Ukraine in the form in which we can see it on the map.

    1 Stalin, if not unleashed, then provoked the Second World War,

    As well as England, France, the USA and Hitler himself. It is strange that the first three countries do not blame this.

    2 people won the war against Stalin,

    The ideology won, in which a large number of people believed. And the feeling of homeland that was inherent in the absolute majority, even many traitors, won.

    Stalin had mistakes. Many errors. But no more than Hitler’s.

    3 if it were not for Stalin, then there would be no war,

    If there were no Hitler, then there would be no war.

    4 Germans in the war just threw corpses

    It was an attempt at lightning war. A large number of soldiers were surrounded. Then the losses equalized.

    5 Soviet soldiers at the beginning of the war, surrendered to the millions, until Stalin established defensive squads,

    A large number of soldiers were surrounded, Then, when the normal front of prisoners appeared, it was incomparably smaller. It may be worth noting that the entire German army capitulated.

    6 The Red Army fixed atrocities on German territory in 1945.

    But the American army did not repair? Well, in the sense, there were prostitutes and we were raped. In addition - as the author replied, the tribunal was extremely strict. And To burn the population of villages in baths in revenge, something I have not heard of. Speaking of rape. Were they in the USSR?

    7 “bloodthirsty” Stalin conducted brutal repressions against the Orthodox clergy before the War, but, frightened, during the War began to open the temples previously closed and to release priests from the camps,

    There seems to agree. The clergy was given air at that time, so that the war was not just World War, but Patriotic War.

    8 "vile" Stalin divided Poland according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, etc. etc.

    I also completely agree with the author:

    for us Russians, this is a non-aggression pact that allowed us to postpone the start of the war for another couple of years. For Ukraine, this agreement is the fundamental document on the basis of which Ukraine has become Ukraine in the form in which we can see it on the map.
  25. ded10041948
    22 June 2013 16: 01
    All this evil spirits perfectly understands that the older generation, those who are now 35 years old or more (with rare exceptions, but in the family - not without freaks!) Are too tough for them. Therefore, a course has been taken to fool the younger generation. Unfortunately, among the powerful, they found their emissaries. The results are there!
  26. 128mgb
    22 June 2013 16: 49
    Ukraine is being repelled from Russia as soon as possible. Here's an example, they’re tweaking a movie on TV: cheerful children shout, I'm Ukrainian, I'm Ukrainian. But others do not seem to exist. National self-affirmation pancake. In contrast: by satellite, Russia 24 is so different, but the country is one. By the way, in Ukraine there is not a single Russian-language channel, in contrast to, say, Germany.
  27. chauvinist
    22 June 2013 16: 49
    Another article saturated with Ukrainophobia.
    1 Stalin, if not unleashed, then provoked the Second World War,
    I think it is worth remembering that Stalin banned the German Communists from cooperating with the Social Democrats, which helped Hitler to come to power
    2 people won the war against Stalin,
    They fought for the MOTHERLAND, and not for the mustachioed line and the CPSU.
    3 if it were not for Stalin, then there would be no war,
    A controversial judgment, but thanks to the incredulity of Stalin and his entourage, the Germans were already at the gates of Moscow in winter
    4 Germans in the war just threw corpses
    The judgment is controversial, but the fighting near Rzhev, the offensive in 1942 proves this point of view.
    5 Soviet soldiers at the beginning of the war, surrendered to the millions, until Stalin established defensive squads,
    Such a number of prisoners is explainable by monstrous miscalculations, and documents by fences. detachments are classified to this day.
    6 The Red Army fixed atrocities on German territory in 1945.
    There were atrocities, the memory of recent events was fresh, but there were disproportionately fewer them.
    7 “bloodthirsty” Stalin conducted brutal repressions against the Orthodox clergy before the War, but, frightened, during the War began to open the temples previously closed and to release priests from the camps,
    With the clergy it turned out simply, they marred and left.
    8 "vile" Stalin divided Poland according to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, etc. etc.
    According to this pact of the USSR, the lands seized from Russia back in the days of Russia.
  28. +2
    22 June 2013 16: 53
    <<< Technologies, to the development of which the best minds were attracted in the West at one time, turned out to be extremely effective in practice. However, they are invisible and act as weapons of mass destruction. We cannot oppose anything, because We have no response technologies. We do not have an information security strategy either. (And as a result)
    young people are already ashamed of their Russianness! Belonging to a great people, a great culture, a great history has come to be considered almost shameful! Belonging to a subethnos and suburban provincial culture has become the subject of quiet (and not so much) pride! >>>
    And why be surprised if we have an information policy, education, and culture left at the mercy of home-grown liberals paid by the West who stink of western gemocratic values, which, using unlimited freedom of speech, (you can interfere with Russian shit directly on the central channels of Russian TV), freedom of information, purposefully hang up information-ideological noodles on our ears for our young generation, prepared by Western specialists, whose general idea is veiled and open that Russia, like a story Reagan is an evil empire, a fiend of hell, an uncultured, uneducated, bloodthirsty country that does not have any achievements and merits before terrestrial civilization, has no prospects for development and is therefore doomed to leave the world stage and give way to the most advanced, most shitty western consumer society, Snickers eaters and hamburgers. As long as we DO NOT get rid of all this liberal liberals and DO NOT put an informational and ideological barrier to the sweeping harassment of Russia and the great Russian people, pouring geymocratic dirt on them, we will lose in the struggle for the minds of the young generation!
  29. +1
    22 June 2013 17: 54
    Quote: zvereok
    4 Germans in the war just threw corpses

    A. Isaev on this occasion said something like this: filling up the enemy with corpses has become problematic since the invention of shrapnel and machine gun.
  30. crest 57
    22 June 2013 19: 39
    "If you look closely at young people - those who are now 18-25 years old - we will find that we are surrounded by a completely different people. No, they are good, kind guys and girls. But after talking with these young people, you find out that they are" aliens " . This is no longer the traditional problem of fathers and children, it is the substitution of another people for the people. "

    Unfortunately it's true.
    Now, at work, I come across mostly young people under 30 (with knowledge of English). One with full conviction calls the USSR "an empire of evil", the other generally asked if I recognized the fact of the genocide of the Ukrainian people by Russians. When I try to explain something to them, citing historical facts, comparisons - I come across a concrete wall. Sometimes you want to take a stake and beat them (like knocking out a carpet from dust) until all this crap gets off them.
  31. -1
    22 June 2013 20: 07
    Quote POP 57 "If you look closely at young people - those who are now 18-25 years old - we will find that we are surrounded by a completely different people. No, they are good, kind guys and girls. But after talking with these young people, you find that they are" aliens " ...
    The existence of politicians determines the consciousness of the younger generation. I often visit my homeland, Ukraine, and see the "broadcasting" of the media, which is directed against Russia, 25 hours a day (I saw). Would you like to be on the moon please ...
  32. +2
    22 June 2013 21: 09
    I remember in childhood, when my grandmother spoke UkrAina, my ears were cut, as most (including parents) spoke Ukraine. I thought my grandmother illiterate pronounces this word. He was stupid. Now I understand that the old people then used the real Russian language. Indeed, in Russian chronicles the concept of Ukrainian land is quite often found, i.e. at the edge. For example, Ryazan land has long been Ukrainian Ukraine, then the same thing applied to Volyn and Galicia, where the ancient Russian cities of Vladimir, Galich, Cherven, Lutsk stood. So, changing the stress in the word, we turned it into complete nonsense.
  33. 0
    23 June 2013 01: 24
    All this is a purposeful policy and appropriate technology for the destruction of the Russian people through the information war.
    And all 22 years, the leadership of Ukraine has been indulging in this. In this regard, a fair question arises. And who exactly is Ukraine to us, friend or not friend? All the time they talk about the brotherhood of nations or they say we are of the same blood. So why then in 22 years, this brotherly people has never chosen one who would not forget that we are brothers? My opinion is that such a leadership policy is in line with the mood in Ukraine and it is in demand. Ukraine recalls brotherhood with Russia only when it wants to have a profit and if from the west they wave it with a thicker piece of fat, then it immediately turns to the west. Such an interesting friendship turns out, with a fig in your pocket. request
  34. True
    23 June 2013 10: 50
    They tried to rewrite history for a long time. I will give specific pictures from the foreign Internet.
  35. True
    23 June 2013 10: 52
    Or like that
  36. 0
    23 June 2013 20: 49
    For me, this is the GREAT VICTORY DAY OF OUR ANCESTORS and I personally will not allow anyone to speak ill of this Day !!!