The fifth wheel in the wagon of the Customs Union

As the integration processes unfolded in the post-Soviet space in the form of a first amorphous EurAsEC, then a more specific Customs Union, as well as the foundations of the Common Economic Space, followed by the creation of a Eurasian Union, Kazakhstan will understand that this will be a “tango three . We are so accustomed to dealing with these decades in the first place with Russia and were tied (besides the high global geopolitics) to the affairs of Central Asia, that for us it was some surprise that we also had to enter into formalized institutional relations with Belarus.

Of course, over the 20 years of the existence of the CIS, we are used to signing with Minsk a lot of unimportant documents. Now everything is different: for several years now, there has been a rigid coordination of tariffs, expert discussions and diplomatic debates around each comma and columns in the product line have flared up. The time of empty declarations is gone, the time of practical commerce comes.

In such new conditions, it is quite natural to ask the question that we should ask ourselves: what do we know about the real Belarus? In search of an answer, we will encounter two types of stereotypes. The first one is also of Soviet origin: these are forests, partisans, the Brest Fortress, the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, “Pesnyary”, and all this together is a benevolent, hard-working and affable Belarusian people. The second type of stereotypes is associated with the post-Soviet era: the last bastion of socialism; cleanliness and (soviet) order; Soviet quality of goods (simply, but soundly); strict but fair Old Man (A. Lukashenko); and finally - a small but true (to Russia) Belarus in the hostile environment of NATO and the "traitors" from yesterday’s socialist camp.

As you get more objective and detailed acquaintance with modern Belarus, you begin to understand that all these stereotypes, both old and fresh, have little in common with reality, although many still guess. In the near future we will have to enter into close and much-binding intergovernmental relations with a country whose international position is radically different from Kazakhstan’s and which, most likely, will be soon awaited by deep upheavals and revolutionary changes in both socio-economic and political life and in foreign policy position

Our partner, the Republic of Belarus, is located on the extreme western tip of the CIS, is geographically and historically little connected with Central Asia and, from the point of view of the state model, is a rather specific post-Soviet state. Nevertheless, it is an important partner of Kazakhstan in many ways. Belarus is a member of almost all the formations and integration units in the post-Soviet space, in which Kazakhstan - the CIS, EurAsEC, CSTO, the Customs Union, the CES, the Eurasian Union and the SCO as a partner participate. Like Kazakhstan, Belarus has special relations with Russia, with which it is a member of the Union State.

The Republic of Belarus is also of major strategic importance for the defense of Russia, the security of the CSTO member states, the provision of air defense and missile defense and in general for the military-political stability of the CIS. In fact, Belarus represents the most western outpost of the Commonwealth, directly in contact with the North Atlantic Alliance. The Belarusian military-industrial complex remains an important component of the military-technical power of the CSTO.

An important factor is that Belarus also has an advantageous geographical position, being a transport and logistics hub of the CIS countries and their gateway to the European Union. Pipelines exporting hydrocarbons, including Central Asian, to the EU pass through the territory of the republic. The need to participate in the integration processes and interaction with the Russian Federation actually make the Republic of Kazakhstan and Belarus allies with many coinciding interests.

Economy in Belarusian

The Belarusian economic model repeats in a concentrated form many features of the economies of other post-Soviet republics and some socialist countries, which over time have lost. But the Belarusian economy remained in the form of a conglomerate of the remnants of post-Soviet socialism in the form of a monopolistic public sector, administration of enterprises of all forms of ownership and completely market structures of the Belarusian business under the control of the president, as well as individual sectors of the economy that have privileged conditions. It was in this environment that the Belarusian oligarchy was formed in Belarus over the past five years. In Belarus, economic modernization is of an enclave nature. Not a single truly large enterprise has yet been transferred to private hands.

For a long time, the Belarusian economic model (from the middle of 1990) operated on the basis of four main principles: the monopolistic importance of the public sector in the real economy (industrial assets, enterprises in the agricultural sector); unconditional and practically unlimited in scale supply of energy resources and raw materials from Russia to the republic at extremely low prices; unhindered access of Belarusian goods to the Russian market; the most closed Belarusian market.

These principles could be supported by a long-term political game with Russia in various forms of economic and political integration, which provided the Republic of Belarus with energy subsidies and subsidies. The total amount of subsidies, subsidies, loans, economic benefits from the sale of petroleum products derived from Russian oil, reduction of economic costs from cheap natural gas from the Russian Federation, access to Russian technologies, etc. have reached at least 17 billion over the past 60 years.

Receiving every year solid preferences and subsidies, the Belarusian leadership did not use them to change the structure of the Belarusian economy, modernize it, and integrate the national economy into the global one. The republic has so far preserved the archaic type of foreign trade. The EU markets from the Republic of Belarus mainly receive refined products from Russian oil and potash fertilizers.

Naturally, that could not last forever. In February, 2011, the republic was struck by a structural economic crisis. The 2011 crisis of the year began with the currency phase: within a few days, a freely convertible currency from banks and exchange offices (offices) completely disappeared. Its deficit warmed up the illegal “black” foreign exchange market, where the US dollar, euro and Russian ruble rates began to grow rapidly. In just a few days, inflation was dispersed. The population, expecting an undoubted devaluation of the Belarusian ruble, tried to save their money savings by buying currency, which ended very quickly in exchange offices. In the conditions of panic, people, trying to get rid of the Belarusian ruble, rushed to buy food, consumer goods, any imported goods. Began consumer hype. The authorities, unable to return the currency to the exchange offices, opposed the crisis with propaganda statements that the people themselves were to blame for what was happening.

Prices for food and consumer goods for April-May 2011 year rose to 200 percent. At 40 percent gasoline went up in price. Unemployment was about 1,5 million out of 4,6 million able-bodied population. Trying to change the situation, the President of the Republic A. Lukashenko in the middle of November 2011, once again ordered the government to stop the rise in prices. The result was inflation, which reached 10 percent over the 2011 months of the 89 year, a three-fold increase in the dollar rate, and real incomes of the population fell by 30 percent. During 2012, the Belarusian economy remained in a difficult state, as evidenced by the highest inflation in the CIS (more than 100 percent), an increase in 3,8 times in 2011 a year of public debt (about 17 billion dollars or more deep negative foreign trade balance (50 billion dollars).

The Belarusian authorities do not have any resources to solve economic problems. Despite the fact that the economy of the republic remains in the system of Russian energy subsidies and subsidies, the Russian market is open for goods from Belarus, Belarusian petrochemical enterprises continue to work actively and supply oil products to foreign markets, the currency entering the country does not solve the problem of currency deficit and increase gold reserves of the republic.

Many experts say that the economic system created by Lukashenka, built on administrative-command methods, has completely exhausted its potential, and it will not be possible to squeeze something out of it without changes. In fact, the government is forced to introduce market mechanisms and reduce social support. All of the above suggests that Belarus is facing new problems, and the situation is pushing the authorities towards privatization. While the process of folding social support is in its initial stage. Its consequences will be affected later.

Props and weak points of the political regime

It is impossible to consider the economic model of Belarus without a political regime created by Alexander Lukashenko for almost two decades of his rule. The political regime that emerged under A. Lukashenko is called by some experts “authoritarianism without an oligarchy,” that is, a peculiar Belarusian challenge not only to the democratic West, but also to Russia. That is, the Belarusian oligarchy that has emerged in recent years is extremely corrupt in its nature and is entirely due to its existence and its capital to the Belarusian president. According to informed experts, the basis of the financial well-being of the Belarusian oligarchy is the resale of subsidized Russian energy resources.

Directors of Belarusian enterprises are in the stage of partial readiness to seize enterprises that are managed and partially in fact already owned. They are in favor of nomenclature privatization, since the directors office cannot really gain access to industrial assets through tenders and auctions due to the lack of sufficient financial resources. The privatization of Belarusian assets by foreign investors, primarily Russian, cuts off the directors of enterprises from their own, as it seems to them, “property”. In addition, they feel quite comfortable in the conditions of the Belarusian economic model.

The security agencies, which, under the conditions of an authoritarian regime, acquired unprecedented opportunities and political influence, are not interested in structural economic reforms, since they can undermine the basis of A. Lukashenko’s power. Within the framework of the Belarusian economic model, law enforcement agencies are able to actually control certain sectors of the Belarusian economy and economic infrastructure (banking, customs, etc.), which makes them directly interested in maintaining the economic status quo.

Rural kolkhoz-sovkhoz "aristocracy" (the management of state farms and other agricultural production structures, producers of agricultural equipment, agricultural infrastructure) is a powerful support group for A. Lukashenko and at the same time an ardent opponent of any changes in the existing socio-economic and political structure of the republic.

It is believed that in the republic there are several elite groups that compete and at the same time cooperate with each other in order to survive and preserve the existing system. The most attention is drawn to the rapidly gaining strength of the group of Viktor Lukashenko. The eldest son of the Belarusian president, being his security adviser, by 2011 year concentrated under his control all the security forces of the republic, and also - in part - the Belarusian army. He introduced to the leadership of law enforcement agencies people from the Mogilev region, who were personally obligated to him for moving up the career ladder. But the main personnel reserve for him were the border troops of the republic, where he once served.

Among the oldest nomenklatura groups, it is necessary to include the group of Mikhail Myasnikovich, the specificity of which is that, despite its colorful composition, it has always been “based” in Minsk. A. Lukashenko, having come to power, intuitively felt the danger from the old, still, in fact, the Soviet nomenclature. He tried as quickly as possible to eliminate the influence of regional groups, strengthening his team by immigrants from the Mogilev region. However, it was not possible to create a Mogilev group of A. Lukashenko, for a number of objective and subjective reasons. The people who came to power with him, in most cases, were not ready for full activity in government posts.

Having appointed M. Myasnikovich to the post of head of government after the December election of 2010, A. Lukashenko apparently took into account that he was, by tradition, considered to be a person with broad connections in Moscow. Perhaps, appointing M. Myasnikovich to the post of prime minister, A. Lukashenko wanted to give a sign to the Russian leadership about his readiness to fulfill the December agreements with President D. Medvedev on the full participation of the republic in the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space.

Under the existing conditions, the presence of the so-called pro-Western group in the Belarusian leadership is a logical stage in the development of the republic’s political class. It is believed that the leader of this group is Vladimir Makei, the leader of this group. A peculiar team of top officials of the republic rallied around him, which are united by tough rejection of the “eastern vector” and orientation to the West. Among them is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus S. Martynov.

The main task of the “pro-Western group” is to incorporate the current regime into the Western world with minimal decorative democratic transformations, designed to remove the stigma of “Europe’s last dictator” from A. Lukashenko. It was the “pro-Western group” that stimulated the expansion of contacts between Minsk and Brussels in 2009 – 2010. The “pro-Western group” is organizing quite traditional political campaigns, on the one hand, to convince the Russian leadership that Belarus, disillusioned with Russia's unwillingness to expand subsidies for its economy, is ready to “go to the West”, on the other - at times when pressure Moscow is getting stronger, to draw the attention of the West to the “threat to Belarusian sovereignty” from the Russian side.

The weaknesses of his regime clearly emerged during the 2011 – 2012 crisis. In fact, A. Lukashenko failed to clearly articulate the meaning of the country's existence for the future and did not prepare a replacement for himself either as a person who shares his views on government policies, or as a system capable of ensuring at least a stable existence of the country at the present standard of living in the near future ( for example, a generation ahead). Instead, Lukashenka locked all the levers of governing the country over himself and, at the very first visible manifestations of the crisis, began with attempts to stop them, and not to seek solutions.

The internal political crisis in Belarus began on December 19 of 2010, and is entirely related to the consequences of the next presidential election. The crisis manifested itself in the physical elimination of the traditional Belarusian opposition from the political arena, the isolation of the president of the republic in the domestic and foreign arena, the threat of political destabilization as a result of terrorist acts and the manifestation of a new, rapidly gaining strength player - a non-systemic protest movement.

The structural reorganization of the political system of the Republic of Belarus is aimed at preserving the power prerogatives in the hands of the president and strengthening the central administrative apparatus. Prospects for diversifying participation in public administration remain blocked, even for quite loyal representatives of regional elites. The project to create a “party of power” on the basis of the public association “Belaya Rus”, as well as proposals for the reform of the electoral system, did not receive government support. The dominance of centralized administrative control is also maintained in the economic sphere, since the liberalization of the financial market takes place against the backdrop of foreign loans and various assistance, and the privatization that has begun is a point character.

In the conditions of economic and political crisis, the influence of the opposition will continue to fall. She is gradually marginalized and turns into a community of dissidents, which in the future could turn into a serious problem for the authorities. The fact is that the legal existence of the opposition provides the leadership of the republic with legitimacy in regular elections and recognition of the world community.

To this end, on the one hand, the leadership of the republic is trying to put under its control all significant figures in the elites, who in the long run are able to compete with A. Lukashenko in the political arena. On the other hand, there is a search for leaders capable of creating opposition structures under the control of the authorities. Their very existence provides the authorities with a certain legitimacy. However, the majority of elite groups in an authoritarian regime are markedly pro-governmental in nature.

The first oligarchs emerged in the field of trade weapons in the foreign market before A. Lukashenko came to power. At present, almost all more or less profitable industries in the republic have long been under the control of various privileged groups, who are just waiting for the opportunity to officially privatize them in their own interests. So far, the main defender of this order is the Belarusian president, who strongly opposes real privatization. As a result of the economic crisis of 2011, the influence in the oligarchic environment of A. Lukashenko began to fall rapidly. The Belarusian president was unable to fulfill his main functions, demanded by the holders of large states, to ensure the functioning of the economic model and guarantee the safety of accumulated wealth.

With a quality mark

Belarus has rightfully been considered the most “non-nationalist” republic in the post-Soviet space for a long time, and Belarusians the most tolerant people in a friendly Soviet family. However, the objective imperatives arising during the construction of a national state (namely, this happened in all the former republics of the USSR, and Belarus is no exception), inevitably trigger the mechanism of nationalism propagation as part of state-building. Only the forms and degree of nationalism differ. The closest neighbor, Ukraine, has shown extreme forms of such nationalism, Belarus is soft, but nonetheless the phenomenon of Belarusian nationalism exists.

Once A. Lukashenko declared that “Belarusians are Russians with a quality mark”. You can consider this phrase as a form of manifestation of patriotic pride, and you can, as a reservation by Freud - an unconscious manifestation of that very nationalism. Look at this phenomenon.

The identity of modern Belarus was shaped according to the model of a civil nation, somewhat similar to the model of the Soviet people, which turned out to be quite viable in a much smaller and practically mono-ethnic country. Belarusians are very close to Russians ethnically and culturally. The overwhelming majority of the population speaks Russian at work and at home, and the share of Russian speakers has noticeably increased during the years of independence.

After the appearance of a number of independent states on the splinters of the Soviet Union, the active work of local ideologists began to create a historical basis for the sovereignty obtained. Not bypassed these processes by the side and Belarus. The most powerful group that accumulated new demands was the Belarusian Popular Front, which was a symbol of opposition to the Soviet system.

Here one should pay attention to such a phenomenon as “Belarusian-morphism”, that is, giving the Belarusian normative features to people who are not directly connected with participation in the Belarusian national project. As a result, these individuals are perceived as Belarusians or acting from the point of view of benefits for Belarusians. It is also characteristic of defining state formations (for example, “the Grand Duchy of Lithuania is a medieval Belarusian state”), and for defining political events (for example, “the Belarusians reassured by force a revolt in Zhmudi and Aukshaytiya”). Thus, a certain Belarusian reality is being constructed, which from the pages of textbooks and scientific literature reaches the final consumer in the form of an externally scientific, but essentially ideological product, creating an idea of ​​the Belarusian subjectivity in stories.

During the construction of the Belarusian national state, a method such as quasi-self-identification is used - that is, endowing one's ancestors with the features and self-awareness of the current community. Thus, Russia's refusal to provide cheap energy to the Belarusian side caused a flurry of anti-Russian rhetoric, in which it was sometimes argued that this is an eternal problem in Belarusian-Russian relations, and Russia is permanently an empire seeking to colonize Belarus.

Another method is the so-called crypto-revisionism. This is a hidden, implicit revision of historical events, in which the outsider has the impression that there is no revision. For example, referring to the joint struggle against Nazism, some Belarusian experts gradually begin to assert that the history of the war is not very objectively presented, that the role of the Belarusian people in victory is obscured. Crypto-revisionism gradually penetrates everywhere, emphasizing the main role of the Belarusians in the victory over Germany and keeping silent about everyone else.

During the post-Soviet period, the desire of the ruling circles of the country to assert Belarusian identity through the directed suppression of other variants of self-identification of the population became increasingly active. It manifested itself not only at the level of public rhetoric, but also through the adoption of practical measures to narrow the space of the Russian language.

But there is a movement from the other side. According to experts, now in Belarus in the conditions of socio-political and economic crisis there are all prerequisites for the formation of a new state ideology based on "modern Western Russianism." His main theses are as follows: Belarusians are an original part of a large Russian ethnos; with real bilingualism, both the Belarusian language and culture can develop; Belarus needs to be built as one of the Russian states, which, while maintaining its sovereignty, will naturally integrate with two other Russian states - Ukraine and Russia; only in the bosom of Russian civilization is the true sovereignty of Belarus possible.

Obviously, this is an idealistic program, but in some circumstances it can be launched into action to justify broad integration with Russia. What does the statistics say? The results of the polls show that during the years of independence, not only Soviet self-identification has decreased, but also the desire to return it. Sociological polls show that about two thirds of the respondents are in favor of the sovereignty of Belarus, despite the fact that until the middle of the zero years, approximately one in two was in favor of integration with Russia. This indicates that both independence and integration are perceived as contradictory.

Numerous polls and studies show that Belarus is not two societies, “pro-European” and “pro-Russian”. There is an obvious correlation of geopolitical choice with age, education, involvement in the Internet. Young people, educated Internet users to a much greater degree than the population on average, tend to give preference to Europe.

It is symptomatic that the official policy of building national identity appeals to the “Polotsk core” of the Belarusian ethnos, which historically was formed on the territory of the present Vitebsk region (Lithuanian border area), but then lost its leading position. Thus, a characteristic feature of the social base of the modern regime headed by Lukashenko is the orientation towards the western segment of the Belarusian political space, which objectively represents a minority of the population.

In the arms of the Union State

The economic and political proximity of Belarus and Russia is institutionalized, no other country in the world is in such a large number of associations with the participation of Russia, the main of which is the Union State. In the world community, Belarus for Russia has long been the only trusted partner and the most reliable ally. The agreement on the establishment of the Union of Belarus and Russia 1997 of the year was, at first glance, a solid basis for relations between the two countries, but there are also serious contradictions.

In the 2000-s in the Russian-Belarusian relations, a number of serious problems arose, casting doubt on the effectiveness of bilateral integration processes. Difficulties in the development of dialogue were caused, in particular, by Russia's refusal from unconditional subsidies and the transfer of relations to a pragmatic basis. The Belarusian leadership took this new course with undisguised irritation and even threatened to suspend participation in multilateral associations (CSTO, Customs Union).

The confrontation between Minsk and Moscow reached the highest degree on the eve of the presidential election of 2010 in Belarus. 2011 year passed under the sign of the next thaw in the Belarusian-Russian relations.

According to some Russian analysts, the only reason why A. Lukashenko agreed to the project of the Union State was an adventurous desire to join the Russian political leadership and change B. Yeltsin. The construction of the Union State (SG) of Belarus and Russia has become protracted. In the legal context, the fundamentals of fundamental disagreements between the two states - Belarus and Russia - on the most important issues of union construction and on many other issues of bilateral relations are laid precisely in the fundamental treaties and agreements on the creation of the NG.

These treaties and agreements are drafted in such a way that in fact there is the possibility of discrepancies, completely different interpretations of the fundamental principles of the creation of the SG. So, not known, as you know, any supranational bodies, whose decisions would be binding. There are also no mechanisms for implementing both the agreements as a whole and the most important components of these agreements, for example, on the introduction of a single currency, on the adoption of the Basic Law of the SG, etc.

At the same time, Belarus retains its important military and strategic importance for Russia, but in the categories of the former standoff in Europe. Belarus is the most consistent and active state in the process of military integration within the CSTO. Between the armed forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus there is a so-called coalition approach, that is, the armies of the two states are a symbiosis and an imitation of common forces. This allows you to save on military expenses and optimize the control system. Between the Russian Federation and Belarus concluded over 30 treaties in the military sphere.

Russia, with 2001, has invested in Belarus in the form of preferences for the supply of fuel and raw materials to it about 50 billion dollars, which, apparently, was done taking into account the long-term strategy. In the RB infrastructure, Russia is interested in maintaining control over the two largest refineries - Naftan (Novopolotsk) and Mozyr. Thus, the oil and gas lever remains a powerful instrument of influence of Moscow on Minsk. Belarus is the only country where Gazprom managed to establish full control over the pipeline (Yamal - Europe).

However, it is dangerous for Russia to overreact in its actions with respect to Minsk. The economic losses of Belarus as a result of new conditions of oil and gas supply may be small. Minsk with the help of Ukraine and Azerbaijan can use alternative Russian sources of supply. The possibility of a transit union between Kiev and Minsk is not excluded. In the trade and economic sphere, Minsk can reorient itself to China, which for four years has been claiming to become Belarus’s leading trade and economic partner.

Experts point out that from a political point of view, Belarus is already fully prepared for breaking off allied relations with the Russian Federation. There are no independent pro-Russian political forces in the country; Russia's rating in the eyes of the population is low (10 percent), the idea of ​​Belarus joining the Russian Federation is supported by the entire 3 percent of the population. On the other hand, Moscow has no alternative figure in place of A. Lukashenko and, accordingly, the levers of pressure on the Belarusian president.

The main subjective reason for the inhibition of economic interaction between Russia and Belarus is as follows: the Russian-Belarusian integration association from the very beginning took place in conditions of the prevalence of politics over the economy. The most serious obstacle for Russian-Belarusian economic integration is the differences in the economic mechanisms of Russia and Belarus, formed as a result of different models of reforms, the impossibility of quickly overcoming serious differences in economic models of transition to a market.

It seems that in the near future, the topic of monetary union will again come out. And taking into account the factors of the CU and the EEC, this problem will inevitably affect Kazakhstan. The refusal of Minsk in 2007 to agree on the immediate adoption of the Constitutional Act and the introduction of the Russian ruble as a single means of payment testified to the incompatibility of the views of the ruling elites of the two countries on the scenarios for the development of bilateral integration. This conclusion is quite applicable to Kazakhstan.

Obviously, the Russian policy in relations with Minsk turned out to be unable to separate the pragmatic (energy sphere) approach from the “value” approach (automatic coincidence of the positions of Russia and Belarus). Russia approaches Belarus as a client state, which can sometimes be helped under certain conditions, but which should not have its own profile in international politics.

After the crisis events of 2007 – 2009, observers noticed that the relations between Moscow and Minsk began to move towards the so-called “Ukrainian model”. The basis of this model is the perception of its own independence as independence from Russia, which predetermines a conscious centrifugal geopolitical drift. The country's sovereignty, ideologically and in practice, has become the main instrument for protecting the power of the ruling elite, whose challenge may primarily be Moscow’s integrationist initiatives.

In the grip of the Customs Union

As in Kazakhstan, in Belarus there is no complete public consensus on the benefits of joining the Customs Union and other integration associations. Thus, the right-wing Belarusian Popular Front (BNF), the day after the meeting of the leaders of the three countries belonging to the Customs Union (November 18, 2011 of the year), launched an indefinite campaign against the country's entry into a new integration union. The Belarusian Popular Front is opposed to the participation of Belarus in the Union State with Russia, in EurAsEC, the CSTO and the Customs Union.

It may seem strange to the Kazakh reader, but in Belarus there was an impression (at the level of expert community and public opinion) that only Kazakhstan unconditionally won the creation of the Customs Union: Russian companies allegedly attracted by the liberal tax regime. Belarus states that it is not ready for such competition.

According to a number of Belarusian experts, the Customs Union has not led to a significant increase in Belarusian-Kazakh trade, but the difficulties experienced by both countries push them to a further rapprochement. At the same time, the implementation of the Kremlin project of Eurasian integration can aggravate the rivalry between Minsk and Astana. They note that Russia and Kazakhstan conducted negotiations with the WTO in private, despite the fact that they had previously promised to defend positions common to the customs troika.

Belarusian specialists pay attention to such a phenomenon as “competition of jurisdictions”. That is, as the CU and CES deepens, the bureaucracies of all three countries will have to live in a competitive environment and create the best conditions for the use of capital in these countries. Minsk cannot participate in “competition of jurisdictions”, local business is understandably weak.

According to Belarusian experts and official representatives, the fact that Russia continues to collect duties on oil sold to Belarus, within single economic borders, is an attempt to neutralize Belarus in terms of its two refineries. As part of the transition from the Customs Union to the Common Economic Space, Minsk prepared for sale state-owned seven most profitable Belarusian corporations. In April, 2012, President A. Lukashenko touched upon another aspect of the integration processes: the best specialists, attracted by higher Russian salaries, leave the country through the open border.

In March, at the EurAsEC Summit, Minsk 2012 unexpectedly put new initiatives (to transform EurAsEC into the Eurasian Economic Union) into doubt. The Belarusian side, in particular, insisted that before the approval of a treaty by the highest body of the organization, it must undergo internal procedures. Thus, the possibility of blocking the solution at the national level would remain.

The main reason that explains the position of Minsk on the transformation of the Eurasian Economic Community into an economic union is that the economy of Belarus differs markedly from the economies of Russia and Kazakhstan, where the share of the public sector is incomparably lower and the market competition is higher. Thus, it should be noted that the accession of Belarus to the Customs Union and the SES did not cause unanimous support in the Belarusian political class.

According to Belarusian specialists, the only, but very significant advantage of the participation of the Republic of Belarus in the CES in the medium term is low energy prices. However, experts warn that if Belarus does not embark on reforms, does not abandon directive management of the economy, this plus will be a minus, as it will increase dependence on Russia.

The lack of unanimous support of the Belarusian society at the next stage of integration in the post-Soviet space reflects the pro-European orientation of the majority of the Belarusian population and the overwhelming part of the establishment. It is necessary to take into account that the Belarusian traditional opposition also links the future of the republic exclusively with the European Union.

Between Russia and Europe

For a long time, the Belarusian leadership contended with the illusion that the EU’s policy was not aimed at changing the regime, but at its long evolution in the process of coordinating positions. There is no risk of losing sovereignty in building partnerships with Brussels. It is in this way that the direct path to the international legitimization of the Belarusian elite as the ruling stratum of an independent European state, which is its immediate interest, opens.

The president of A. Lukashenko has become an expression of the interests of the Belarusian elite. In many ways, the Russian-Belarusian contradictions are focused on the personality of this particular politician. In fact, voluntarily or involuntarily, he takes Belarus out of the integration plans of Moscow. However, the removal of Lukashenka from power will not solve the problem in terms of achieving the objectives of the Russian Federation on the full integration of Belarus. Most likely, regardless of the degree of pro-Russian orientation, any receiver of Lukashenko will be forced to continue
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  1. biglow
    16 June 2013 07: 36
    some rotten article .. It looks like the ravings of the opposition
    1. +31
      16 June 2013 07: 57
      Unfortunately, this is far from nonsense. The USSR collapsed also due to the fact that the elite wanted to legalize their "de facto" property and untie it from idiology.

      We (Russia) need to prepare for a change of power in Belarus. Old Man is not eternal, as in other things, and Putin (this also needs to be prepared).
      1. Warrawar
        16 June 2013 08: 11
        Quote: zvereok
        Unfortunately, this is far from nonsense. The USSR collapsed also due to the fact that the elite wanted to legalize their "de facto" property and untie it from idiology.

        We (Russia) need to prepare for a change of power in Belarus. Old Man is not eternal, as in other things, and Putin (this also needs to be prepared).

        That's it to the point! It is really difficult to predict what will happen after the departure of Lukashenko and Nazarbayev.
        But everything can turn with accuracy and vice versa.
        1. fisherman
          16 June 2013 10: 42
          There is such an anecdote in Belarus. The national radio is asked a question in "trasyanka" - a popular dialect: "Tell me, please, dakoli (until when - Belarusian) the country will be ruled by Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko?"
          “You answered your own question correctly - to Kolya!”, - the speaker optimistically comes.
          Six-year-old cute boy Kolya Lukashenko, taking parades in military uniform with the pope-president, coming to the CSTO summit and visiting the Vatican, lowering the ballot paper at the elections and having dinner at the same table with the presidents of the not great powers, is perceived as the future successor of Alexander Grigorievich.
          1. cartridge
            16 June 2013 11: 52
            The rotten tonality of the article is explained by the peculiarities of the author’s biography, which has been fed from the hands of Western grant teachers for 20 years.
            Kazakh Murat Laumulin, born 1959, in 1992 Internship at the Monterey Institute of International Studies (USA).
            In 1993 and 1994 held short-term diplomatic internships at the US Department of State and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.
            As a visiting researcher, Laumulin worked in various foreign centers - at the University of Maryland in 1994, the Center for Nuclear Non-Proliferation at the Monterey Institute for International Studies in 1995 (USA), the Center for the Study of European Integration (Germany) in 1997-98. Since 1992 M.T. Laumulin - Permanent member of the International Nuclear Non-Proliferation Study Group.
            Since 2009 - Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the OSCE Academy (Bishkek).
            Laumulin has been repeatedly awarded with grants and scholarships of various foreign funds - The Fulbright Foundation (1995), the MacArthur Foundation (1997), the Conference of German Academies of Sciences (1997), the Institute named after J. Kennan in Washington (1998) and NATO Defense College in Rome (2002).
            For this paid-for propaganda-hollow-bitch, pro-Western bias in looking at Russia, Belarus and the CU is the main condition for survival. Otherwise, who will give him grants in the future?
            1. Warrawar
              16 June 2013 16: 03
              Well, the fact that all sorts of "European integrators" are fed on grants from the State Department is understandable. And I must say not for beautiful eyes they feed - it is with their hands that absurd enmity is sown. This is done through pseudoscientific publications, speeches, rallies / pickets, through communication on various forums, etc. By means of these simple operations the "opinion" of the society is formed and directed in the right direction.
            2. +1
              16 June 2013 18: 53
              Quote: cartridge
              Laumulin has been repeatedly awarded with grants and scholarships of various foreign funds -

              Ge Laumulin! How much is opium for the people !? Share - how and what is paid? Makukhoi or what is more important? And if he said "A", then say "BK .... Stick in front of the people.
            3. 0
              17 June 2013 06: 07
              Well, it’s immediately clear from where the legs grow !!! And even if I’ve read Nestal, integration of the economy will be a difficult argument! but the main thing is that we will take into account all the problems we’ll solve! Everything written by prosperous personalities was once unobtrusive and has enough panic to breed Belarus for the sake of insult !! Lukashenko spin as much as possible and at least someone would be nice to learn from him how to lead the country without having any resources !!! but with the integration of Ukraine, there will definitely be problems and considerable ones, it’s definitely a pain for us!
          2. fisherman
            16 June 2013 17: 47
            What do you immediately minus? My parents live in Belarus. Everyone has this anegdote on their lips. If not, then there are two older sons from Alexander Grigorievich. So everything will be inherited and there is no need to worry. And there will definitely not be an orange revolution, Which is very pleasing. And shakes from this the Anglo-Saxons and Europans that it turns out the Customs Union, if they would not put a stick in their "fifth wheels"
            1. +9
              16 June 2013 19: 09
              Quote: fisherman
              ... My parents live in Belarus

              .. and I have a son .. grandchildren live there! .... There, in Minsk, they scold their rules and life ... they come to visit Russia ... they live for a week and say "no, we'd better live in Belarus than you have ... ". My wife, in October last year, at the invitation of the embassy, ​​went as part of a delegation of 90 journalists to get acquainted with the life of the country ... Like all journalists, she, before the trip, was very skeptical about everything ... she came and was unrecognizable. Where did her skepticism go ... a certain negative ... I don't know, but how did she want a simple, not intricate, but very fair order of Belarus in our country, in Russia. Now all TV, the media are packed with negativity about passing the exam! The eldest granddaughter took the same exam at her lyceum! Preparing for admission to study further ... How is their practice of passing and admission to a university different from our rotten system! And the article of this purchased journalist is an elementary order!
              1. Luna
                17 June 2013 00: 18
                It’s not Lukashenko’s matter, the author himself writes that Russia today has no alternative to it.

                The article is very objective and the fact that it received most of the minuses did not surprise me. Well, the people love fairy tales and after experiencing adversity in the 90s, he really wants to believe that there is a mini-USSR.
                The fact that the nomenclature de facto privatized enterprises is no secret. Everyone is waiting for Akela to miss and you can arrange de jure. Belarus is a mini-Ukraine, but with a touch of socialism. There is also an oligarchy that has made a fortune on Russian oil, but it does not stick out so as not to ruin the tale of social equality.
                When you praise life in Belarus, first of all, remember at whose expense the banquet. If it had not been for crutches from Russia all these years, then Belarus would have long been competing in poverty with Moldova for a long time.
                I was in Belarus last year. What I liked - peace, bordering on drowsiness. I was not afraid for my safety when we wandered around night Minsk. I did not worry about the safety of the car, which stood under the windows of the rented apartment. The roads are good And in general, everything that can be seen from the highway of national importance is clean and well-groomed.
                Salaries are very small, and I compare with my provincial, not Moscow. Therefore, getting to the market, it immediately catches the eye that people are present, but they buy a little and think well. One look at meat and meat products is enough to understand that they have been around for a long time, because it is expensive. Only hens are cheaper. Brest is more alive, but apparently because of the proximity of Poland and Lithuania, i.e. people prefer to be bought there.
                I know families who have moved from our North to live in Belarus, but who have apartments in Russia. They move because of schoolchildren to worry less about them. This, of course, is a plus for Belarus. But getting a northern pension, you can live well not only in Belarus.
                In general, my impression is good, but I would not want to live there.
                I will not say anything about the exam, my son graduated from school before the exam, and the granddaughter is still too small for the school.
                I repeat once again - the article is very objective, I have not read this for a long time. I don’t see a crime in the fact that the author had internships in the West or received grants. This is no worse than the friendship between Lukashenko and Berezovsky and his visits to Minsk, when Birch in Russia was put on the wanted list. Or Lukashenko’s presence, at first, of one adviser-lord from England, and then of the second, taken up by the same Berezovsky.
                By the way, the author did not mention that the 1812 war in Belarus at the state level was decided to be considered NOT Patriotic. Simply - the war of 1812.
                So let's see all the cockroaches, not the ones you like.
            2. 0
              16 June 2013 19: 24
              Well, as some inheritance we have is that the monarchy and as for their parents, ask them who they voted for and whether they will vote for Lukashenko’s sons
              Quote: fisherman
              What do you immediately minus? My parents live in Belarus. Everyone has this anegdote on their lips. If not, then there are two older sons from Alexander Grigorievich. So everything will be inherited and there is no need to worry. And there will definitely not be an orange revolution, Which is very pleasing. And shakes from this the Anglo-Saxons and Europans that it turns out the Customs Union, if they would not put a stick in their "fifth wheels"
          3. +4
            16 June 2013 19: 22
            it’s all gonna be clear to Lukashenko that we ourselves choose and all sorts of nonsense about the fact that there is some kind of falsification there is all nonsense so if we decide to choose another then we choose the zombie man that doesn’t really affect us and it’s up to us to choose Kolya or not to choose what his son is all bullshit just the elders grew up and he was struck by love and sentimentality and Kolya is 1000000 times better than any kind of district
            Quote: fisherman
            There is such an anecdote in Belarus. The national radio is asked a question in "trasyanka" - a popular dialect: "Tell me, please, dakoli (until when - Belarusian) the country will be ruled by Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko?"
            “You answered your own question correctly - to Kolya!”, - the speaker optimistically comes.
            Six-year-old cute boy Kolya Lukashenko, taking parades in military uniform with the pope-president, coming to the CSTO summit and visiting the Vatican, lowering the ballot paper at the elections and having dinner at the same table with the presidents of the not great powers, is perceived as the future successor of Alexander Grigorievich.
            1. fisherman
              16 June 2013 19: 36
              yourself.daaaaaaa? Especially when there is an early vote. "Turnout" breaks all previous records
              1. F117
                17 June 2013 18: 14
                You do not confuse America with a finger! Compared to what is happening there, in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, ..., Syria, Iran, China, the most is democracy.
                1. GP
                  17 June 2013 22: 42
                  Quote: F117
                  You do not confuse America with a finger! Compared to what is happening there, in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, ..., Syria, Iran, China, the most is democracy.

                  In fact, democracy was in ancient Greece and calmly got along with slavery. All current democracies are only variations on the theme.
                  1. -1
                    18 June 2013 00: 21
                    Quote: GP
                    In fact, democracy was in ancient Greece and calmly got along with slavery. All current democracies are only variations on the theme.

                    Did you learn this from a treatise written in the 18th century?
                    1. GP
                      18 June 2013 00: 56
                      Quote: Setrac
                      Did you learn this from a treatise written in the 18th century?

                      Which treatise do you mean, enlighten?
                      1. 0
                        18 June 2013 13: 46
                        Quote: GP
                        Which treatise do you mean, enlighten?

                        Enlighten! We do not know anything about ancient times, except false Western propaganda, therefore references to ancient states are meaningless.
                      2. GP
                        18 June 2013 14: 40
                        Quote: Setrac
                        Enlighten! We do not know anything about ancient times, except false Western propaganda, therefore references to ancient states are meaningless.

                        So history or propaganda?

                        The facts are presented by archaeologists. People live more than one millennium and as a result of their life activity leave a lot of evidence. The development of research methods allows us to shed light on the affairs of bygone days.
                      3. 0
                        18 June 2013 21: 36
                        Quote: GP
                        The facts are presented by archaeologists.

                        This is a mistake, the story is written on the basis of written sources, which for the most part have not reached us, or maybe they did not exist. And other methods only complement.
                        Quote: GP
                        People live more than one millennium and as a result of their life activity leave a lot of evidence.

                        Yes, someone is against it, only the interpretation of evidence goes to the benefit of the authorities, and not to historical knowledge.
                        Quote: GP
                        The development of research methods allows us to shed light on the affairs of bygone days.

                        This is generally the topic of a separate article about the pseudo-scientific methods of historians.

                        Tell me what such "methods" and sciences did people like Scaliger and Petavus possess in the 17th and 18th centuries when they wrote the chronology adopted now?
                      4. GP
                        19 June 2013 01: 02
                        Quote: Setrac
                        This is a mistake, the story is written on the basis of written sources, which for the most part have not reached us, or maybe they did not exist. And other methods only complement.

                        What are you ?! Archaeological surveys are not historical facts ???

                        Written sources themselves are the subject of study, the results of which sometimes directly contradict written. Even delusions, propaganda and lies are the subject of study, because they add particles of reality. Horseshoe, sword, sickle, shackles - you can’t get away from such evidence, but they themselves mean a lot about the location: the development of blacksmith craft, and the agricultural farm, and trade, and conquests, culture from preserved milling patterns, patterns on products . Indirect evidence speaks much more than a written interpretation.
                      5. 0
                        19 June 2013 02: 36
                        Quote: GP
                        What are you ?! Archaeological surveys are not historical facts ???

                        The fact is the extraction of some "crap" from the ground. And what you call archaeological research is an essay on a given topic, when historians work off the money spent on them by inventing a "past", and they need to stay within the given paradigm of vision of the history of the state of residence.
                        Pay attention to the "new" history of Ukraine, yes, it looks ridiculous from the outside, but do you really think that other states wrote their history somehow differently? The history of "ancient" Rome is no more truthful than the new history of Ukraine. There is a certain pattern, the later the history of a certain state was written, the more ancient it turned out.
      2. biglow
        16 June 2013 08: 31
        The Soviet Union collapsed for many reasons. And one must always be ready for an attack by enemies.
        1. +14
          16 June 2013 08: 50
          Initiated its decay from above and not from below, so 40 varieties of sausages have nothing to do with it.
        2. avt
          16 June 2013 10: 02
          Quote: biglow
          The Soviet Union collapsed for many reasons. And one must always be ready for an attack by enemies.

          There was only one reason - the party elite, who had lost faith in their own ideology, simply decided to become a new bourgeois aristocracy with the inherent attitude to property of this class. - nationalism, no better one has yet been invented. Well, from the outside they were beautifully bred, promising entry into the “world elite.” But the newly minted hozyuk forgot that they talk on equal terms only with the STRONG, only such EQUALS are recognized and afraid.
      3. +6
        16 June 2013 09: 06
        Quote: zvereok
        We (Russia) need to prepare for a change of power in Belarus. Old Man is not eternal, as in other things, and Putin (this also needs to be prepared).

        The only way out is to prepare a strong receiver!
      4. Captain Vrungel
        16 June 2013 09: 50
        What do you think Lukashenka represents for the capitalists of the customs union and all other capitalist entities. Who governs the states of the customs union - open capitalists or "loins". I do not envy Lukashenka surrounded by such "friends". But I envy the people of Belarus with such a president.
    2. avt
      16 June 2013 09: 55
      Quote: biglow
      some pretty article .. It looks like the ravings of the opposition

      request Pretend that the local elite does not want to give up property and power as an in-depth analysis? request What a discovery! As well as the statement of the amorphousness of the union state. But the article is rotten, this is so ---- ,, However, it is dangerous for Russia to go too far in its actions towards Minsk. The economic losses of Belarus as a result of the new conditions for the supply of oil and gas may be small. Minsk can, with the help of Ukraine and Azerbaijan, use alternative sources of supplies to Russia. "----- laughing It is not even possible to comment seriously on this, I would have written about the contract for liquid gas what Yanyk signed with the ski instructor. Well, this is ------ ,, Obviously, the Russian policy in relations with Minsk was unable to separate the pragmatic (energy) approach from the "value" (automatic coincidence of the positions of Russia and Belarus). Russia approaches Belarus as a client state, which sometimes and under certain conditions can be helped, but which should not have its own profile in international politics. "-------- Actually, this is what the great-wisdom and not bad was written for. an article stuffed with an overview of the real problems of Belarusian-Russian relations, and it was written not for Belarusians and Russians, understand, but specifically for the Kazakh audience. This once again convinces us that the national elites will not agree to create a real, stable state association with a single center of acceptance decisions binding on ALL and, accordingly, the creation of a unified command and forces within the CSTO. So, we are still waiting for a surge in the struggle against Russian neo-colonialism, which is actually briefly this article prepares for the example of the union state. And see ----- - “According to some Russian analysts, the only reason why A. Lukashenko agreed to the project of the Union State was avan a prisoner desire to enter the Russian political leadership and replace B. Yeltsin. "" As in Kazakhstan, there is no full public consensus in Belarus on the benefits of joining the Customs Union and other integration associations. "-------- clearly understand that they definitely won't have to steer.
      1. Luna
        17 June 2013 00: 29
        The economic losses of Belarus as a result of the new conditions for the supply of oil and gas may be small. Minsk can, with the help of Ukraine and Azerbaijan, use alternative sources of supplies to Russia. "----- laughing

        I didn't understand this passage either. Minsk can do anything, it received oil from Venezuela, but usually it ends with the "return of the prodigal son," because there will be no more "rich" than from Russia.
        And what is yelling about the dangers of the vehicle in both Belarus and Kazakhstan, is true.

        On June 18, Lukashenka goes to Kiev. Mass media, and especially Ukrainian ones, are lost in guessing - why? It seems that they are carrying a document on the ratification of the borders, someone suggests that they will tell Yanukovych about the carrots in the Customs Union, and someone that Lukashenko will offer to "befriend" against Moscow. In any case, the trip is significant, Lukashenko has not been to Ukraine for 3 years since he was not invited to the anniversary of Chernobyl. Why he now wanted to take a step towards ... we'll see.
    3. +2
      16 June 2013 12: 30
      I absolutely agree with you. It seems that everything is correctly written, but some kind of unpleasant aftertaste!
      1. +2
        16 June 2013 12: 36
        Quote: Den 11
        . It seems everything is correctly written, but some unpleasant aftertaste!

        so anek in the subject
        “Rabinovich, were you visiting us yesterday?”
        - “It was!”
        - “So after your departure, silver spoons disappeared!”
        - “But I did not take them, I am a decent person!”
        - We know, they were later found ..
        “So, can I come to visit?”
        - "Uh, no spoons were found, but the sediment remained!"
      2. 0
        17 June 2013 02: 42
        I absolutely agree with you. It seems that everything is correctly written, but some kind of unpleasant aftertaste!
        The truths and lies in the article are 50/50. It is written clearly for those who are not familiar with the situation from the inside out, for those who are not in the topic of the docking obvious.
    4. +6
      16 June 2013 13: 35
      Quote: biglow
      some rotten article .. It looks like the ravings of the opposition

      Well, it's not a little mixed there. Everyone understands that integration is the future and everyone will be better off from it, but in my opinion it is worth paying more attention to the admission of new members. It is not worth turning into a "donor" of all sorts of bays. It seems to me that the composition of the TS is now good (in the future I would like to see Ukraine in it). You just need to carefully work out the terms of interaction and financial control so that all sorts of "smart" do not use gaps in their affairs, such as:
      $ 15 billion was withdrawn from Russia through Belarus. This is more than a quarter of the net capital outflow from the country. This is evidenced by the first published data of the Central Bank on withdrawal volumes.

      The essence of the fictitious import scheme is, Kommersant writes, that Russian residents transfer funds under foreign trade contracts, under which the “import” of goods is carried out from Belarus and Kazakhstan, and the funds are transferred to the accounts of “sellers” in foreign banks outside these countries. Until now, the scale of the problem, which has existed for several years, has not been officially disclosed, the newspaper notes.

      The lack of customs control at the borders of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan prevents the verification of such supplies for fictitiousness.

      In the framework of the customs union, imports to Russia are drawn up not by cargo customs declarations, but by waybills that do not imply customs control. The existence of a customs union, the newspaper writes, provokes the emergence of various schemes.

      Surely the people who did it are known, for example, the Rosneft Bank withdrew about a billion dollars. It is necessary to punish exponentially and close the loopholes. We will become strong and when others see that the participants are making a profit and have a "+" from integration, than "-" they will line up and ask to start hi
      1. +3
        16 June 2013 13: 41
        Quote: seasoned
        Everyone understands that integration is the future and everyone will be better off from it, but in my opinion it is worth paying more attention to the admission of new members. You should not turn into a "donor" of all sorts of bays. It seems to me that the composition of the TS is now good (in the future I would like to see Ukraine in it).

        So, therefore, the former are outraged that Russia does not want to donate. It seems that they understand that they need to integrate, but they want to crush Russia for various buns, but the most sensible people decided to unite right away, while the conditions are equal with Russia. Then, as the situation in Russia improves, when the former go through the Soviet era, they will have nothing to offer Russia and, accordingly, the conditions for integration will be different.
        1. +1
          17 June 2013 03: 12
          So, therefore, the former are outraged that Russia does not want to donate. It seems that they understand that they need to integrate, but they want to crush Russia for various buns, but the most sensible people decided to unite right away, while the conditions are equal with Russia. Then, as the situation in Russia improves, when the former go through the Soviet era, they will have nothing to offer Russia and, accordingly, the conditions for integration will be different.
          Absolutely, they think that they will milk Russia forever, but Volodya has already made it clear to everyone that the freebie is over. stop For those who are quicker, it came to the fact that traditionally more bullish have to chew. fool But they already begin to reach them as the last piece of fat ends. laughing
    5. +5
      16 June 2013 14: 01
      Quote: biglow
      some rotten article .. It looks like the ravings of the opposition

      The avtyr indiscriminately whores the fraternal Belarusian people and country. With the same success, you can present a horse that it is a horse and that it is large and strong.

      Another near-political nonsense to incite ethnic hatred.
    6. +2
      16 June 2013 14: 32
      why do you refuse Belarusians to have their national elites with different outlooks on life
    7. theodorh
      16 June 2013 15: 24
      Murat Laumulin is not associated with the opposition. He works for KISI (Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies) under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
      1. 755962
        16 June 2013 16: 02
        Well, here's how not to remember ....
        1. +2
          16 June 2013 16: 21
          This must be known to all Russians (and Udmurts and Mordovians and Tatars and Caucasians, etc., and to all who consider themselves Russian not by their mother and father, who consider themselves to be such by mentality and want to create an empire!
      2. +3
        16 June 2013 19: 17
        Quote: teodorh
        Murat Laumulin is not associated with the opposition

        But this does not prevent him from writing "order" !!!
    8. +2
      16 June 2013 19: 13
      yes, on the whole I agree, but there are true thoughts, yes, we live hard, and in choosing between a Russian gentleman and a European owner, for us, a Russian gentleman is closer
      Quote: biglow
      some rotten article .. It looks like the ravings of the opposition
  2. +3
    16 June 2013 07: 40
    All the same can be said about Kazakhstan, but with an even bigger minus sign.
    1. +4
      16 June 2013 08: 00
      That's for sure. My opinion is that the CSTO needs to be soldered by "peacekeeping" operations, for our "common" benefit. Only in this case it is possible to understand who is an ally and who sucks a tit.
    2. Marek Rozny
      17 June 2013 10: 14
      Quote: Polar
      All the same can be said about Kazakhstan, but with an even bigger minus sign.

      What can you say "the same"? Does Kazakhstan constantly ask Russia for money? Not a penny. Kazakhstan asks for preferential prices for oil and gas? Nonsense, of course. Does Kazakhstan have a weak economy? Nothing like this. Does Kazakhstan have problems with a successor? This issue has long been resolved.
      And the article is quite balanced. The author does not have a goal to defile Belarusians. He just tells the Kazakhs what and how. Since the Kazakhs really do not know much about the realities of this country - partisans, Old Man, the Soviet economy, order on the streets, milk, begging from Russia - these are the standard associations with the Kazakh when mentioning Belarus. In-depth articles about Belarus are rare.
      ZY It is difficult to suspect Kazakhs (even oppositionists) of a hostile attitude towards Belarusians. We treat them very well. But the "Sovietness" of their economy and public administration raises many alarming questions - when and how are they going to modernize? The feeling that they are frozen in time and space.
  3. Warrawar
    16 June 2013 07: 41
    I watched, a couple of months ago, a speech by one Belarusian European integrator, and so he said that in 10-15 years Belarus will be in the European Union together with Ukraine. Until then, they will "milk" Russia.
    And Kazakhstan is also a "soyuznechek", I think our relations with it will break off after its Russian population receives Russian citizenship. And Kazakhstan itself will go to build "Great Turan" with fraternal Turkic peoples.
    1. 0
      16 June 2013 08: 00
      Surely, he also talked about same-sex union!
      1. Warrawar
        16 June 2013 08: 10
        Quote: treskoed
        Surely, he also talked about same-sex union!

        Well, there it goes.
    2. +6
      16 June 2013 08: 28
      Quote: Warrawar
      I watched, a couple of months ago, a speech by one Belarusian European integrator, and so he said that in 10-15 years Belarus will be in the European Union together with Ukraine. Until then, they will "milk" Russia.

      Do you really believe everything?
      And others for something in your faith you infect with doubt.
      1. Warrawar
        16 June 2013 08: 30
        Quote: ATATA
        Do you really believe everything?
        And others for something in your faith you infect with doubt.

        I don’t believe anything, I compare the facts. Yes, and the mood that roam Belarus I know about.
        A friend was in Belarus last year, he needed to go to the car market for a part, so a local friend went for him, said "they don't like maskals there." There, young people are already walking around with the flags of the SS "Galicia", as in Ukraine.
        By the way, a couple more facts - Belarus officially removed the status of "patriotic war" from the war of 1812 and erected a monument to Olgerd instead of the monument to Alexander Nevsky (and the nationally concerned rejoice - how good it is that the maskal won't be erected). So, the Belarusians get Napoleon and Olgerd (the primordial enemy of Russia) closer.
        So, what is needed here is not to think about Eurasianism, but how to keep the Federation, otherwise it will sprinkle in pieces.
        1. +10
          16 June 2013 09: 18
          Quote: Warrawar
          A friend last year was in Belarus,

          And my brother lives in Belarus. Since 1998, well, he married a Belarusian and liked him there, so tell me.
          ps That Olgerd for Vitebsk, that Sanya Nevsky for Novgorod. Although in Novgorod, Olgerd is mentioned. Well, they were like that, their principality was closer, they thought of him.
          1. Warrawar
            16 June 2013 09: 28
            Quote: perepilka
            Sanya Nevsky

            Not "Sanya" but Alexander. Sanya is a neighbor at the entrance.
            1. +5
              16 June 2013 11: 59
              Quote: Warrawar
              Not "Sanya" but Alexander. Sanya is a neighbor at the entrance.

              So guessed it. Exactly a neighbor. I am from the Arkhangelsk region.
        2. +7
          16 June 2013 09: 46
          Quote: Warrawar
          Quote: ATATA
          Do you really believe everything?
          And others for something in your faith you infect with doubt.

          I don’t believe anything, I compare the facts. Yes, and the mood that roam Belarus I know about.
          A friend was in Belarus last year, he needed to go to the car market for a part, so a local friend went for him, said "they don't like maskals there." There, young people are already walking around with the flags of the SS "Galicia", as in Ukraine.
          By the way, a couple more facts - Belarus officially removed the status of "patriotic war" from the war of 1812 and erected a monument to Olgerd instead of the monument to Alexander Nevsky (and the nationally concerned rejoice - how good it is that the maskal won't be erected). So, the Belarusians get Napoleon and Olgerd (the primordial enemy of Russia) closer.
          So, what is needed here is not to think about Eurasianism, but how to keep the Federation, otherwise it will sprinkle in pieces.

          Remain two allies army and navy?
          1. Warrawar
            16 June 2013 09: 47
            Yes. As always.
          2. avt
            16 June 2013 11: 54
            Quote: Semurg
            Remain two allies army and navy?

            In the absence of a single decision-making center binding on all, with the declaration of a SINGLE economic space, even YES. request I understand that against the background of the rhetoric about unity, brotherhood, and the joint history of coexistence, with the hugs and words of the leaders in front of the TV cameras, this sounds offensive, but this is a fact given into the feeling. Well, just look at how Europe was united. But in the military sphere, an amorphous formation a la CSTO is simply deadly under serious threats. Therefore, while expecting something more significant than the Customs Union, it is not necessary, everything revolves around variations on the CIS theme, which has long been played out, extremely dangerous for Russia, fraught with a new "parade of sovereignty" and is not suitable for unification, since it was created just to dismember a single The USSR, like Gorbachev's renewed union in fact of confederal states, was not signed in Ogarevo. request Alas, objective reality is given in sensation.
            1. +4
              16 June 2013 14: 44
              Quote: avt
              Quote: Semurg
              Remain two allies army and navy?

              In the absence of a single decision-making center binding on all, with the declaration of a SINGLE economic space, even YES. request I understand that against the background of the rhetoric about unity, brotherhood, and the joint history of coexistence, with the hugs and words of the leaders in front of the TV cameras, this sounds offensive, but this is a fact given into the feeling. Well, just look at how Europe was united. But in the military sphere, an amorphous formation a la CSTO is simply deadly under serious threats. Therefore, while expecting something more significant than the Customs Union, it is not necessary, everything revolves around variations on the CIS theme, which has long been played out, extremely dangerous for Russia, fraught with a new "parade of sovereignty" and is not suitable for unification, since it was created just to dismember a single The USSR, like Gorbachev's renewed union in fact of confederal states, was not signed in Ogarevo. request Alas, objective reality is given in sensation.

              So the glass is half empty or full?
              1. avt
                16 June 2013 15: 24
                Quote: Semurg
                So the glass is half empty or full?

                Good question ! It is with this that we must start. Namely, with sane formulations, who and what means by this, and it seems that everyone pronounces EVRAZES, but everyone thinks about their own. A vivid example of this is the Union State, remember how dad took offense when the GDP could not stand it and suggested flies from cutlets and what the project resulted in, now I don’t remember exactly, well, something like the Charter of the Union State. Even Pasha Borodin, who was actually responsible for this document, giggled and urged him on. Well, the current situation can probably be judged by indirect signs, personally, I think the situation is not entirely rosy. Firstly, after the last meetings, any real, binding documents on Eurasian were postponed to the 15th year, well, exactly according to the schedule of the union state. There, too, everything was postponed for a year or two, for example, the ruble zone and was never accepted, Secondly, Khristenko, being responsible for the process, somehow does not inspire, like the ex-Gaidar minister Glazyev, in the role of a patriot - unifier. "as expressed in Davos. request It seems that the tangle of problems and political ambitions is very tightly and confusedly wound up, and Clintonih’s fear of creating something like the USSR is premature.
                1. +3
                  16 June 2013 16: 47
                  Quote: avt
                  Quote: Semurg
                  So the glass is half empty or full?

                  Good question ! It is with this that we must start. Namely, with sane formulations, who and what means by this, and it seems that everyone pronounces EVRAZES, but everyone thinks about their own. A vivid example of this is the Union State, remember how dad took offense when the GDP could not stand it and suggested flies from cutlets and what the project resulted in, now I don’t remember exactly, well, something like the Charter of the Union State. Even Pasha Borodin, who was actually responsible for this document, giggled and urged him on. Well, the current situation can probably be judged by indirect signs, personally, I think the situation is not entirely rosy. Firstly, after the last meetings, any real, binding documents on Eurasian were postponed to the 15th year, well, exactly according to the schedule of the union state. There, too, everything was postponed for a year or two, for example, the ruble zone and was never accepted, Secondly, Khristenko, being responsible for the process, somehow does not inspire, like the ex-Gaidar minister Glazyev, in the role of a patriot - unifier. "as expressed in Davos. request It seems that the tangle of problems and political ambitions is very tightly and confusedly wound up, and Clintonih’s fear of creating something like the USSR is premature.

                  Well, at least there is a glass that you think is empty.
                  1. avt
                    16 June 2013 17: 57
                    Quote: Semurg
                    Well, at least there is a glass that you think is empty.

                    There is a glass. Here's what they pour in it? request Yes, and will they pour?
        3. kavkaz8888
          16 June 2013 10: 25
          Everywhere they don’t like Muscovites. And they didn’t like them. Still under the Union.
          1. -4
            16 June 2013 14: 54
            Leningraders-Muscovites --- n-sys, informers. I also remember from school!
            1. +5
              16 June 2013 15: 06
              Quote: Den 11
              Leningraders-Muscovites --- n-sys, informers. I also remember from school!

              There are no other pleasant memories left winked Born and raised in a town on the Middle Volga. There was a friend who came from Leningrad to his grandfather for the summer. He was a great kid, played football with everyone, sunbathed and "hung out" on the Volga, "fit" into fights when "misunderstandings" arose with other regions.
              In general, to divide and evaluate the population of one country on a geographic basis is stupid and dangerous for the integrity of any country. Maybe the USSR will remember how they shouted that one republic feeds all the others, while in others the local hares "squeeze" the locals and stand in all leading positions? Not full yet?
              Hitler measured the skulls, and you immediately "appoint" the regions of the Unter-Minor, a poetry lover fool
              1. 0
                16 June 2013 15: 23
                And what do you immediately minus? I just said (remembered) what it was! I don’t argue there were normal boys among them. At first, they all bent their fingers! Then, when they turned away, someone became the "right" kid, and who -that "spread rot" before the release. Any officer (Soviet) will confirm this to you! You are probably still young, but it was ALWAYS! No offense, such a life has always been and always will be!
                1. +4
                  16 June 2013 15: 30
                  Quote: Den 11
                  And what are you immediately minus?

                  I justified my position and minus. hi
                  Quote: Den 11
                  . At first they ALL fingers bent!

                  Delirium of pure water, who is there you bent what. At our school, those who came from the military from military service tried to "bullshit", but this case was first stopped by the platoon commanders and the company commander, and then, when classes began, they realized that it was better to live together, because during the service there were gaps in knowledge they had big smile
                  Quote: Den 11
                  Any officer (Soviet) will confirm this to you! You are still probably young but it was ALWAYS!

                  He studied at the military school in 1984-1988, so decide for yourself how young I am. By the way, there are 124 people in my company, there was 1 Leningrader, 1 Muscovite and 2 residents of the Moscow Region (Both from Zagorsk, now S.-Posad) are all normal guys, hi
                  1. 0
                    16 June 2013 15: 38
                    So you had normal guys. I, in fact, do not speak for all L.M. Nesporyu were normal, but at first ALL fingers bent (Minsk --- 91-95, the last Union set)
                  2. -1
                    16 June 2013 16: 23
                    Quote: Den 11
                    Leningraders-Muscovites --- n-sys, informers. I also remember from school!

                    There are enough talents
                    Den-11 and other numbers - ........ sy, ......... chi.
                    Baltika-18 does not concern you))) wink
                    Let's see how Den-11 keeps from the minus
                    1. -3
                      16 June 2013 16: 42
                      Did you personally address this to me? --- "Den-11 and other digits - ........ sy, ......... chi." Do you want to answer for the market? I just expressed from what I saw at my school. I stay with my own, and you can continue to minus. And this statement was not my idea!
                      1. 0
                        16 June 2013 20: 13
                        Quote: Den 11
                        Did you personally address this to me? --- "Den-11 and other digits - ........ sy, ......... chi." Do you want to answer for the market? I just expressed from what I saw at my school. I stay with my own, and you can continue to minus. And this statement was not my idea!

                        What are you catching up with? Personally to you!
                        I don’t know what you saw there in your sharaga, but you insulted all Muscovites and Leningraders, probably you were brought up like that. Usually not a minus, but I will make an exception for you.
            2. +4
              16 June 2013 16: 07
              Quote: Den 11
              Leningraders-Muscovites --- n-sys, informers. I also remember from school!

              Minus set. My friend is a Muscovite, we served together. Almost 30 years have passed ....
              All under one comb ... Bad, minus.
              1. 0
                16 June 2013 16: 23
                Everyone has their own stories. I'm not offended
            3. GP
              16 June 2013 17: 01
              Quote: Den 11
              Leningraders-Muscovites --- n-sys, informers. I also remember from school!

              Everyday childish and youthful egoism, who cocked up what was much, with the sticks the district went to the district and did other nonsense. A cheerful, though difficult childhood, is now pleasant to recall.
              1. -1
                16 June 2013 17: 07
                I agree, 17 years old. In my opinion this was said by our company company (remember) and we picked up
        4. try
          16 June 2013 13: 33
          guys. I live in Minsk. As far back as I can remember, I have never seen young people with SS flags. your friend was either drunk or high on something. she is also loved like in any other city in Russia. it is Russia, not the CIS. if drunken people, like any other "tourists", will pump their rights in someone else's house, I think no one will like it. and so everything is very Soviet in a good sense of the word. I don’t know about the Patriotic War of 12, but as one friend of mine in the Baltic states (even though they are in NATO), if God forbid, do you really think that I will fight against you ??? so who is closer to whom the answer is still unambiguous.
    3. itkul
      16 June 2013 12: 17
      Quote: Warrawar
      a speech by one Belarusian European integrator, and so he said that in 10-15 years Belarus will be in the European Union together with Ukraine. Until then, they will "milk" Russia.

      And the comments of Belarusians on their forums are about the same, for example

      Yes, Russian politicians have become cynical brutes ... Why not modernize the Russian factory and help Belarusians at the same time? There is a lot of money, and the peoples are really very close. Competition, especially after joining the WTO, is on a different level. "Relatively speaking," Chinese garment factories, compared to Russian and Belarusian, taken together, are an elephant and a drop of water, respectively. In short, with such an approach on the part of Russia, it is unlikely that anything normal will come out in integration. Maybe the next leaders of the Russian Federation will think bigger.
    4. +4
      16 June 2013 12: 49
      Quote: Warrawar
      He said that in years through 10-15 Belarus will be in the European Union along with Ukraine.

      Well, if together with Ukraine ... then 100 years "tovarisch" will wait.
      1. 0
        16 June 2013 15: 47
        Will there be an EU in 10-15 years ??? wink
    5. 0
      16 June 2013 21: 37
      Quote: Warrawar
      I watched, a couple of months ago, the performance of one Belarusian European integrator, and so he said that in 10-15 years Belarus would be in the European Union together with Ukraine.

      By then, there will no longer be any European Union. Problems in the geyrop are growing like a snowball. Demographic ones will be added to economic ones. There, if there is a future, then only Germany.
  4. Vladomir
    16 June 2013 07: 42
    Brevity is the soul of wit. It is said a lot, but stupidly.
  5. +19
    16 June 2013 07: 43
    In my opinion, the fifth wheel in the cart is the author of the article negative
    1. +6
      16 June 2013 08: 15
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      In my opinion, the fifth wheel in the cart is the author of the article

      Hello Sasha! And the article itself is a hare stop signal fool
      1. +1
        16 June 2013 08: 38
        Quote: Tersky
        And the article itself is a hare stop signal

        Hello Victor! As I understand it by written -beer in the morning wink
        1. +2
          16 June 2013 08: 42
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          As I understand it by written -beer in the morning

          Only coffee, and then two hours ago laughing...
  6. Warrawar
    16 June 2013 07: 49
    The point is that Russia has ceased to be a "center of gravity". Previously, Russia was a great Slavic-Christian state and the peoples close to us were themselves drawn into our fold.
    What is Russia now? A large cash cow, which everyone uses for the time being and is thrown at the first turned up case.
    1. +6
      16 June 2013 08: 06
      That's right, the fraternal people in the person of Lukashenka once said that "our recognition of the independence of South Ossetia will bring us economic costs, is Russia ready to compensate them?" What can we say about the possibility of Belarus joining hostilities on our side, for example, against China or Japan?
  7. +3
    16 June 2013 07: 50
    I have not mastered it to the end, but the meaning is clear - Belarus is the 5th wheel, then Syria is the 5th paw, and so on.
  8. CCA
    16 June 2013 07: 51
    A lengthy article ... But in short, the fifth wheel in the cart is the author himself ... Murat Laumulin ... I do not advise wasting time not reading ...
    1. +1
      16 June 2013 09: 56
      Exactly. Overpower the first two nonsense did not continue to waste time. How did people learn to do analyzes in other countries, better analyze their more.
      1. +1
        16 June 2013 10: 01
        In general, judging by the title of the article, at first I thought about Ukraine, but Belarus turned out to be, so under certain circumstances any country can turn out to be the fifth wheel, the TS is still too young as an education, so you should not let such circles on the water.
  9. +8
    16 June 2013 07: 58
    With a more objective and detailed acquaintance with modern Belarus, you begin to understand that all these stereotypes, both old and fresh, have little in common with reality, although many still guess.

    For an objective acquaintance, the author would have to drive along the ROADS of Belarus, look at fields 100% sown, try Belarusian PRODUCTS, talk with people ..
    The spokesman for the interests of the Belarusian elite was President A. Lukashenko.

    Then the author would understand that A. Lukashenko is an exponent of the interests of his people!
    Rotten article, it is not clear what the author wanted to achieve?
    1. +9
      16 June 2013 08: 41
      Quote: treskoed
      For an objective acquaintance, the author would have to drive along the ROADS of Belarus, look at fields 100% sown, try Belarusian PRODUCTS, talk with people ..

      If all this is done, and especially talking with people, it will become clear that WE ARE ONE PEOPLE! Temporarily living in different states.
      1. +5
        16 June 2013 09: 44
        Of course! There are no differences!
  10. +7
    16 June 2013 08: 00
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    In my opinion, the fifth wheel in the cart is the author of the article

    Bravo Alexander, more precisely, is not possible. Again we have a desire to spoil Belarusian politics and its leader. I remember at the beginning of the reign of the permanent head of Russia, he proposed that Belarus become the region of Russia, Lukashenko refused. I can imagine what would happen to Belarus if the Russian oligarchs ate it. Probably the partisans would have appeared again. Well, the rest of the normal Belarusian economy, its quality, does not give rest to the Russian bourgeoisie. I would like to grab everything, and Belarus clearly showed where effective managers are, and Russia has Chubais, who received billions and did not create anything.
  11. +3
    16 June 2013 08: 27
    The fifth wheel in the wagon of the Customs Union

    And who are the four wheels in the indicated "cart"? Moreover, the author should be aware that, besides the wheels, the cart has other parts and something else or someone is needed to move such a vehicle (also "ts", by the way). In general - a stupid identification from the author.
    1. soldier's grandson
      16 June 2013 16: 49
      Kamaz has 6 wheels and the fifth is not considered superfluous
      1. 0
        16 June 2013 19: 21
        Quote: Soldier's grandson
        Kamaz has 6 wheels and the fifth is not considered superfluous

        Absolutely agree! Type of cart, i.e. the basics, to which the wheels are attached - that's what matters. In addition, there are also "spare wheels", which is not unimportant for a long journey. wink
  12. LOKY
    16 June 2013 08: 29
    This Murat Laumulin, the author of the article, is a Kazakh "geopolitologist" who often opposes. Against the SCO, against the WTO, now against the Customs Union and, in particular, against Belarus. And why? Therefore, Lamulin believes that Kazakhstan is a great state and is a leading planetary player in the Asian region, where, in fact, all world processes should take place. For example, such as the transit and supply of hydrocarbons to the European Union. And Belarus interferes with Murat! Therefore, there, in Belarus, according to him, everything is bad.
    Not good, Murat! Get in the corner! You won’t get sweet! :)

    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    In my opinion, the fifth wheel in the cart is the author of the article

  13. 128mgb
    16 June 2013 08: 43
    The article is provocative. With a darling still that. And I also noticed that articles of this kind are very long, saturated with a mass of obscure facts and semi-facts, figures and links. You read the end of the article, but what was already forgotten at the beginning. All that remains is the unpleasant sediment.
    1. +3
      16 June 2013 09: 13
      Half-truth with speculation is the most powerful ideological weapon. In essence, everyone sees what he wants to see. recourse But anyway, thanks to the author for the article.
  14. +7
    16 June 2013 09: 01
    For supporters of the Belarusian model, I’ll ask the question: who saw Russian guest workers in Belarus?
    But in Russia there are enough Belarusian. What kind of economy can we talk about if 30% of the working-age population cannot feed themselves in the country of residence? I had to communicate with Belarusians, so here is their opinion: it’s better to work in Russia and live in Belarus, but at whose expense is it better to live in Belarus? Due to cheap gas and oil from Russia, due to import of Belarusian consumer goods that is not taxed by customs payments.
    1. +7
      16 June 2013 09: 17
      Quote: igor36
      Who saw Russian migrant workers in Belarus?

      No one. All Russian guest workers work in Moscow.

      Quote: igor36
      only at whose expense is it better to live in Belarus

      Due to the less arrogance of the local merchants. Lower prices wind up.
  15. +5
    16 June 2013 09: 04
    Something I didn’t even read ... Br-rr ... Is this Belarus the fifth wheel ?. Does the author live in Belarus? It seems to me that no ...
    1. +4
      16 June 2013 12: 20
      M.T. Laumulin - Doctor of Political Sciences, Chief Researcher, Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, Alma-Ata.
      Previously, he opposed the SCO and other integration into the post of Soviet space.
  16. +3
    16 June 2013 10: 07
    that the author was too clever.
  17. 128mgb
    16 June 2013 10: 14
    Quote: igor36
    What kind of economy can we talk about if 30% of the working-age population cannot feed themselves in the country of residence?

    Name at least one country of the former USSR where the situation is better?
    1. Marek Rozny
      17 June 2013 10: 26
      Kazakhstan) Only from there migrant workers are not sent around the world) Moreover, there are even more foreign workers per capita than in Russia. Given the fact that in the 90s Kazakhstan had total unemployment and beggarly wages, this is truly an impressive achievement.
  18. Ivanovic
    16 June 2013 10: 22
    If Belarus is the fifth ear in the EU, then what can we say for Ukraine.
  19. bulbashik-34
    16 June 2013 10: 25
    How many more articles will these Amer’s submitted write to us, in order to destroy the fragile vehicle? America is afraid of the integration of post-Soviet states !!!!!!!!!!!
    1. +1
      16 June 2013 11: 12
      Only for nickname +++++ you can bet!
    2. Warrawar
      16 June 2013 16: 08
      Quote: bulbashik-34
      How many more articles will these Amer’s submitted write to us, in order to destroy the fragile vehicle? America is afraid of the integration of post-Soviet states !!!!!!!!!!!

      They will write to victory. Clintonsha also clearly said "we will oppose any kind of integration in the post-Soviet space, in which Russia participates."
  20. +8
    16 June 2013 10: 32
    In Belarus, among the local "elite" there are too many people willing to take part in the privatization !!! But what about - so many undisclosed enterprises and so much property on which you can secretly lay your hands on the beautiful slogans about the European Union ... We already had this in Ukraine ...

    The author is clearly one of those who serves such scum !!! Here - because of Russia there are a lot of problems, here - everything is hopeless and everything is lost, here - we will join the EU and everything will be chiki-peaks ... How tired of all this nonsense !!!

    Maybe Ura-EU-Liberast will show me and tell me what real large economic projects were implemented with the help of the EU in Ukraine? The answer is simple - there are no such projects either in Ukraine or even more so in Belarus !!! But many years have passed already "nezalezhnosti" !!! And during this time, the West has not built a single large factory in our country - but every boss, from the minister to the smallest detail, has acquired a cool foreign car and fancies himself a king !!! What kind of economic cooperation can we talk about? There is a clear plunder and squandering of the economic potential of the former socialist countries and Soviet republics ...
  21. +5
    16 June 2013 10: 43
    Quote: zvereok
    That's for sure. My opinion is that the CSTO needs to be soldered by "peacekeeping" operations, for our "common" benefit. Only in this case it is possible to understand who is an ally and who sucks a tit.

    is it really incomprehensible that Russia does not have any allies? ... all the so-called "allies" only pull loot from Russia and will sell it with giblets at the first opportunity ... Lukashenka, by the way, will run in the front ranks ... they have recruited any corrupt trash as "allies", there will be no one to rely on in difficult times ... even in the smallest things it appears ... Lukashenka's murlo still does not recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia, by the way, like Kazakhstan ... which ally are you even talking here? .. there are sell-out skins ...
    1. +3
      16 June 2013 13: 22
      I’m wondering how Belarus is pulling loot from Russia? For gas, a little cheaper, Russia passed the gas transmission system. Russia does not allow oil refining, everywhere duties, restrictions, grudges are incomprehensible, I had to trade gasoline under the guise of solvents, and as the Russians cut through, howling was good. In order to sell tractors, cars and tires, you need to enter into some obscure self-regulatory organizations that cut loot, but do not solve problems. From Russia for a long time, about 20 years, no one except the Chubais loots pull, hammer it into your brain, if any.
      1. +7
        16 June 2013 13: 27
        Quote: Max Otto
        everywhere duties, restrictions, insults are incomprehensible, I had to trade gasoline under the guise of solvents, and as the Russians cut through, howl was good.

        This is All Economic Miracle. Batkino.

        Quote: Max Otto
        In order to sell tractors, cars and tires, you need to enter into some obscure self-regulatory organizations that cut loot, but do not solve problems

        The problem in the economy of Belarus. It is possible not only to sell Russia (if there is anything), only the situation is such that the main buyer is Russia, and whoever pays the money is dancing the young lady. hi
        1. +4
          16 June 2013 13: 34
          No one needs industrialized Belarus, including Russia, hence all the difficulties, including political ones. Do you think the geyropu is very worried that Lukashenko is slipping into a dictatorship? Nichrome like that, if he lay down under the United States, they would all go in a crowd to kiss him, though there would be nothing alive in the country, because they needed it. As examples, please - Qatar, Arabia. and all FSUs. that there are monarchies and dictatorships.
      2. itkul
        16 June 2013 13: 32
        Quote: Max Otto
        I’m wondering how Belarus is pulling loot from Russia? For gas, a little cheaper

        They even read the article or not. The same is written in Russian

        Since 2001, Russia has invested in Belarus in the form of preferences in the supply of fuel and raw materials to it about $ 50 billion, which, apparently, was done taking into account the long-term strategy
        1. +3
          16 June 2013 13: 44
          Is that all how to look? Where is it said that for free or for nothing? What Russia has invested in, so it has profits from that. The rest is loans, but they must be repaid. But it’s not about that, it’s all right, it’s normal, they invest money for profit. My post was that a comrade spoke out about the fact that Belarus was pulling money from Russia, and I asked to explain how it does it. So, too, read carefully.
          1. +1
            16 June 2013 13: 54
            Quote: Max Otto
            then Belarus is pulling money from Russia, and I asked to explain how it does it. So, too, read carefully.

            The price of oil and gas, selling them at underestimated (you will not deny it) prices is a loss of money or simply sponsoring Belarus.
            1. 0
              16 June 2013 14: 06
              Let it be called sponsorship (this Belarus is not so big) --- I’m only FOR! For our officials from Gazprom, it’s a penny. I’ll put thieves to the wall and there will be only one profit (not necessarily financial)
              1. +1
                16 June 2013 14: 19
                Quote: Den 11
                Let it be called sponsorship (this Belarus is not so big) --- I’m only FOR! For our officials from Gazprom, it’s a penny. I’ll put thieves to the wall and there will be only one profit (not necessarily financial)

                Yes, I do not mind the same, and even say that this is absolutely normal world practice.
                Super powers help and sponsor their allies.
              2. +1
                16 June 2013 14: 27
                Quote: Den 11
                (not so big this Belarus) -

                What pulls me today on aneki
                Abram marries Sarah and tells his friend about it
                He answers him - How can you, she after all overfucked with all Zhmerynka
                - So what (Abram answers), I was in this Zhmerenka - VERY EVEN SMALL GORODISHKO hi
            2. +2
              16 June 2013 19: 58
              You didn’t understand again, Belarus received this not for nothing, but for the delivery of the entire gas and oil transportation system. There is no guarantee that prices will remain low, but the estimated profit from the operation of these systems will always be. So there is no sponsorship, regular bargaining, and Russia, in my opinion, is in a big plus. I don’t think this is bad, just understand, Russia does nothing for nothing, especially in the oil and gas sector.
      3. soldier's grandson
        16 June 2013 16: 44
        completely agree so it is a few people upstairs have become the border between two peoples
    2. theodorh
      16 June 2013 15: 32
      Why should Kazakhstan recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia?
      1. +2
        16 June 2013 16: 27
        Quote: teodorh
        Why should Kazakhstan recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia?

        I want to add - and what will it change? Does the US listen to the opinion of Kazakhstan? Or Belarus?
    3. soldier's grandson
      16 June 2013 16: 46
      Lukashenko does not correctly recognize Ossetia and Abkhazia for the reason that they are nothing
  22. +7
    16 June 2013 10: 50
    Much has been written. When the author reveals the position of Belarus, he writes - Lukashenka, when Russia, then for some reason "WE" (once - Medvedev). But foreign policy is determined by the president. If anyone does not know, then we still have Putin. If in the EurAsEC, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Customs Union, there is a complete disagreement and its participants strive to join other unions, then this is a direct result of Putin's work (there is nothing to blame for the mirror, since the face is crooked). Scolding neighbors for their pragmatism in our relations is an ungrateful task, because our current leaders also build relationships to get their profit.
    But what I strongly disagree with is the opinion that Belarus should be developed as a Russian state. Such "ideas" harm our relationships - "you shouldn't confuse your sheep with those of the state." Bring order, Putin, to your country, and people will reach out to you ...
    1. +2
      16 June 2013 16: 10
      Quote: piston
      Bring Putin, order in your country, and people will reach for you ....

      Keywords and most importantly.
  23. +4
    16 June 2013 11: 21
    Reading was sad and somewhat sickening. To agree with the author is to give up. My opinion: Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine should gradually nationalize LARGE property and bring their economy closer to the Belarusian model. Only in this way can a socially just society be built.
    1. try
      16 June 2013 15: 01
      Well, idealizing the Belarusian model is also not worth it. You did not experience a devaluation of the currency in 2009 by 30% and in 2011 by 3 times. therefore, it is better to keep silent about models. but not to privatize or nationalize large-scale industry, especially the military-industrial complex - yes, I agree. however, in which case (lack of money, etc.), the authorities of the Republic of Belarus normally sell property. really quietly.
  24. +3
    16 June 2013 11: 29
    The author of the article M.T. Laumulin - Doctor of Political Sciences, Chief Researcher Kazakhstan Institute strategic research, Almaty.
    He writes: The generation of “born in the USSR” wholeheartedly for unification, but a logical question arises: in the name of what? And from here begins the negative view of the unifying processes around Russia.
    In his article "The Fifth Wheel in the Cart of the Customs Union" he smashes the Belarusian economic model.Stakes on the "Western" model of statehood. Tomorrow with the same success will smash Russia and extol the construction of the Turkish caliphate. Indeed, the Kazakh strategic studies, where M. Lamiulin takes the role of a leading researcher, led to the refusal of the written language of Kazakhstan in the Cyrillic alphabet and they transfer the alphabet to the Latin alphabet so beloved by them, emphasizing the strengthened independence from Moscow.
    Who wants the details read:
    Wake up in the caliphate? Turkish educational expansion.
    Imit Tulepbayev
    source -
    1. Marek Rozny
      17 June 2013 10: 43
      Yes, of course, the majority of Kazakhs want unification with the former Soviet republics (not only with Russia). But the main question is under what sauce all this will happen and whether the neighbors are ready for unification.
      Kazakhs absolutely do not burn with the ideas of communism / Soviet socialism, they are not attracted by the idea of ​​the dominance of Russian culture and language to the detriment of Kazakh culture, as it was before 1991, and they also understand that not only potential members of the future Eurasian Union, but also the current player of the Customs Union - Belarus is still not ready for the next integration steps in the economic sphere. At the same time, Old Man tries to run ahead of the locomotive and brandish his sword. But he is not really ready for further action. The unification of the Kazakh (Russian) and Belarusian economies in their current form is a stupid undertaking that will nafig kill the entire economy of Belarus, and this will cause a bunch of problems for the entire vehicle. If now Lukashenka does not start doing something in the economy, then in a year or two Belarusian migrant workers will be the same habitual thing in Kazakhstan as Uzbeks or Kyrgyz are now. And in Belarus itself, because of dissatisfaction with the president, signs of "disloyalty" to the authorities may well appear.
      And about the caliphate, "the defeat of Russia's policy" and so on - this is nonsense of an incomprehensible user. By the way, "Imit" - the Kazakhs have no such name. It seems to me that it is someone who is mowing down like a Kazakh.
      1. theodorh
        18 June 2013 14: 30
        Quote: Marek Rozny
        Yes, of course, most Kazakhs want unification with the former Soviet republics
        On the basis of what do you say so?
  25. alexkross83
    16 June 2013 11: 38
    Reunification is inevitable, it is simply due to the geopolitical situation, and the opinion of the author of the article ... well, it's just an opinion. If you understand this, integration has been going on for a long time, it’s not necessary to show it on the map, so as not to attract attention.
  26. +3
    16 June 2013 12: 17
    Yes, there are undoubtedly difficulties. But the author in the article evaluates only tactical steps. Unification is strategically beneficial for everyone, even the countries of Eastern Europe and Russia, just living together is easier! The author pushes water in a stupa, the conclusion is limited to groups of influence on individuals. We need to think broader, more voluminous, think in terms of state movement, people moving forward, the welfare of the masses, and not in terms of the director of the plant who wants to grab the 2 workshop for himself to receive a certain amount (cache) of money from him and quietly rot "with a stick of sausage in hand".
    Author troll and provocateur!
  27. Abakanets
    16 June 2013 12: 25
    The only countries with which Russia should integrate are Ukraine and Belarus. And the rest of the countries are not particularly needed, because they have decently shamed the Russians in the 90s, and if we integrate with them, we will get a new northern Caucasus, which is only more explosive and more subsidized. It is necessary to introduce visas with countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. It is necessary to adopt laws ensuring the priority of the device for work of citizens of the Russian Federation. It's time to strictly fix the percentage of migrant workers who may be in the region. And then our grandchildren will live under Sharia.
  28. neon2003
    16 June 2013 12: 34
    It’s time to unite, it’s time, it seems to me, that great changes are coming in the world, the United States is withering and can’t cope with wars, but it is still growling, the geyropa is already mired in its identification and gender, soon the Arabs will arrange a thrashing for them anyway. and we just need to restore order in our own country, plant gangsters, build a state, create a powerful state, whose opinion was not only considered to be, but also supported ...
  29. +2
    16 June 2013 12: 36
    Belarus is my second homeland! I studied there at a military school (and my first love lives in Minsk) and I won’t let anyone humiliate her! Comrades are not for you. Nostalgia., Because you could have stayed there, her relatives persuaded
  30. +1
    16 June 2013 12: 39
    Quote: Den 11
    Belarus is my second homeland!

    Where he was born? I'm in Gomel (though I have lived in Russia all my life)
    1. 0
      16 June 2013 13: 24
      Studied in Minsk. Until without a full name (Internet, his mother)
  31. +2
    16 June 2013 13: 04
    Foolish, like everything from McFaul.
  32. polkownik1
    16 June 2013 13: 25
    "... In such new conditions, it will be quite natural to ask ourselves the question: what do we know about real Belarus? ...."
    What we know about you is enough to choose Belarus without hesitation
  33. +1
    16 June 2013 14: 05
    A stupid article, maybe the author deliberately "pours" water on "someone's" wheel. It is foolish to assert that any "enlargement" of an alliance (military, economic, political) is harmful or inappropriate. Yes, not everything is smooth, everyone is trying to "get more" and observe their interests. But I am sure that everyone (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) has an understanding that the creation of this "union" will strengthen the position in the world of each of its members. The world is at war (cold, hot, for resources, for territories) and regardless of our desire we will have to participate in it. And the stronger (more allies) we are in it, the more chances we will defend OUR interests. And talk about the "fifth wheel" - " bullshit"
  34. +3
    16 June 2013 14: 26
    Only a provocateur could write such an article. Russia did not have, does not and will not have a closer ally than Belarus. And those who all the time reproach Belarusians with a piece of bread need to hammer this piece down their throats so that they no longer blurt out. The fact that the Belarusians did not let their own and Russian "privatizers" get the most tasty morsels of their industry from being "torn apart" should only be welcomed. Otherwise, the same "Topol" instead of MZKT tractors would now be dragged on their shoulders. Vaughn Ashurbeyli has already privatized ALMAZ. As a result, the S500 air defense system, as it was on paper, remains on it. The bar counter is still not at all the production line on which such air defense systems can be produced.
  35. 128mgb
    16 June 2013 14: 34
    Quote: atalef
    Quote: Den 11
    Belarus is my second homeland!

    Where he was born? I'm in Gomel (though I have lived in Russia all my life)

    Yes, yes, not born there.
    I'm sorry, I'm drunk.
  36. +1
    16 June 2013 15: 51
    Under the name of a Kazakh author, a hidden CIA agent appears. It is clear. I really do not want the peoples of Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan to create a strong economic union. And he began to pour rot on Belarus. Yes, so subtle that you won’t understand right away. The ears of Americans stick out of this entire article.
  37. 0
    16 June 2013 16: 19
    there is nothing to ruin Belarus. you can water the ally with the conclusions of the author for a long time. For the sake of objectivity, the author has never mentioned the number of times the Russian leadership framed Belarusians. Our grabbers plundered Russia. The economy is worth it. Now they dream of buying Belarus and finishing off what else lives and works. South Ossetia was not recognized and right. 57 Russian children were thrown off the train in North Ossetia on a cry in the grateful Ossetians. every 2 Belarusians died for our common Motherland. the author, along with the zapod, dreams of finishing off the Slavs with Ukraine, it almost happened. HANDS AWAY FROM BELARUS.
  38. skifo
    16 June 2013 16: 29
    Quote: gregor6549
    Only a provocateur could write such an article. Russia did not have, does not and will not have a closer ally than Belarus. And those who all the time reproach Belarusians with a piece of bread need to hammer this piece down their throats so that they no longer blurt out. The fact that the Belarusians did not let their own and Russian "privatizers" get the most tasty morsels of their industry from being "torn apart" should only be welcomed. Otherwise, the same "Topol" instead of MZKT tractors would now be dragged on their shoulders. Vaughn Ashurbeyli has already privatized ALMAZ. As a result, the S500 air defense system, as it was on paper, remains on it. The bar counter is still not at all the production line on which such air defense systems can be produced.

    I completely agree! I talked with many Belarusians and none of them rushed to the west. Besides, it has long been proven that the "archaic" economy of the USSR was correct. What has privatization led to in Russia? - Complete collapse of industry (in any industry) and a raw material economy concentrated in the hands of a handful of oligarchs living in London.
  39. soldier's grandson
    16 June 2013 16: 34
    Quote: tronin.maxim
    Quote: zvereok
    We (Russia) need to prepare for a change of power in Belarus. Old Man is not eternal, as in other things, and Putin (this also needs to be prepared).

    The only way out is to prepare a strong receiver!

    yeah there is already a successor i can and in russia and in belarus immediately edit vote don't be mistaken
  40. +3
    16 June 2013 16: 38
    much about Belarus in the article the truth is written, but the author of the Cossacks mixed everything in a heap he debil.
    Belarus is a Russian country, or rather, a Slavic one with a Russian mentality and without Russia, the Republic of Belarus simply won’t (tear it to shreds and everything).
    1. -2
      16 June 2013 17: 03
      The author is not a stupid person, he is a provocateur. Well, whoever, but not Kazakhs should teach Russia and Belarus whether they need integration or not. Let them worry for themselves - all of a sudden Belarus and Russia will care if they need Kazakhstan in the customs union. much more needed than in the issue with Belarus Starting from the transit of drugs, Chinese counterfeiting and ending with the transit of illegal migrants, Kazakhstan has no way out to Europe except through the TS so that it is he who needs the TS most
      1. +4
        16 June 2013 19: 09
        Starting from the transit of drugs, Chinese counterfeit goods and ending with the transit of illegal migrants, Kazakhstan has no way out to Europe except through a TS so that it is he who needs the TS most
        Do you really think that only for this Kazakhstan initiated the creation of the vehicle?
        1. -2
          17 June 2013 00: 30
          I don’t think that Kazakhstan just entered the CU for this (it was not Kazakhstan but Russia that initiated the creation of the CU) and I didn’t say that if a Kazakh political scientist makes a complaint against Belarus and believes that it was vainly accepted into the CU, he must first look back at your country and understand that if you want objections to Kazakhstan’s admission to the CU, you can find not less but much more. And to call Lukashenko a dictator of Nazarbayev’s subject is generally the height of hypocrisy. First make your khan a democrat and only then teach Belarusians how to live
        2. +4
          17 June 2013 00: 42
          I believe that the collapse of the USSR made Russia many times stronger in the world as a world power in many points of view.
          in a strategic plan, Russia has retreated from the borders of the USSR, but has shown the whole world that the promises of NATO are before humanity, what are their principles, what is their mentality, what are their plans in world politics, etc.
          when analyzing the actions of the CIS, it can be judged that the collapse was a kind of agreement between the republics, and over time, like the growing global threat, a decision was made to reunite on new principles and realities.
          Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan are only the beginning of the process.
          so Nazarbayev and Lukashenko first of all believe that urgently needs to be pulled to Russia, the initiator of the idea of ​​unification of the CIS + was Nazarbayev, but they have a dispute with the bow, before the media, who was the first)
          As for the access to the world of these countries: the WTO equalizes Kazakhstan in the right with Europe, and with any country in the world, to conduct any trade affairs without the participation of the Russian Federation, RB. Plus, this is or minus to judge you, I think Kazakhstan will only be a plus from the union. RB it will also be easier to push to the vehicle in Asia.
          I will say two rules, unification is a simplification of life for ordinary people and business (unification of the united, so to speak).
          reunification is a complication for the people (borders, customs, different rules of life, other laws, etc.)
          I am for the UNION.
      2. Marek Rozny
        17 June 2013 11: 14
        1) Why do Kazakhs have no right to express their opinions and concerns? The article does not offend anyone in the least. An attempt is underway to analyze the current situation in Belarus. I am convinced that the reaction of most commentators would be completely different if the article were written by a Russian journalist from Russia. And here it is! Some Kazakh dared to criticize the Slavic state ... Reread the Russian articles on the economy and politics of Belarus - the same thing is written there, only in harsher and more offensive terms. However, swallow them without batting an eye. I don’t remember how the Russian government TV in due time “soaked” Lukashenka. How long has it been, Russians?
        2) Kazakhstan is not at all worried about the question of "whether the Customs Union will do without Kazakhstan", since The very formulation of the question is idiotic, given that the CU and the EvrazSoyuz are 100% Kazakh ideas. In Russia, only now they started talking about these forms, interrupting each other and not listening to the opponent, while in Kazakhstan theoretical and ideological work in this direction has been going on since the early 90s.
        3) About the arguments "who is needed" your emotions are just playing and the desire to build a state on an ethnic principle. Therefore, you believe that Belarus is preferable to Kazakhstan. That's all.
        4) The transit of drugs begins not in KZ, but in Tajikistan, where, by the way, there are also Russian border guards. Secondly, synthetic drugs are being brought to Kazakhstan from the northern border from Russia. Ecstasy and "chemistry" are not brought to us from Afghanistan and not from China, but from Russia from Europe. What do not you say about this? Speak fully then about bilateral flow of drugs.
        5) Are all Chinese counterfeits in Russia from Kazakhstan? And where did you put the rest of the Russian border with China? "Is there a strong barrier for the enemy?"
        6) Migrant workers legally enter the territory of Kazakhstan in transit. We have no reasons for not letting them in. And these guests are legally entering the territory of the Russian Federation. They are UNLAWFUL. Do not confuse sour with salty.
        7) With Europe, we can easily trade through the Caspian-Azerbaijan-Georgia. This path has long been mastered for many types of goods from KZ. Anyway, it’s stupid to think that Russia does not need the transit of Kazakh goods to Europe. Russia makes money on the transit (and resale) of Central Asian oil and gas to Europe in the same way that Ukraine and Belarus make money from it. Want to limit the transit of Kazakh and Turkmen hydrocarbons to Europe? For God's sake laughing The Türks will sell this to China (or through the mentioned Caspian-Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan corridor), and Russia will wreck all its contracts with European buyers.
  41. -6
    16 June 2013 16: 59
    The structure of power in Belarus is much prettier than the Kazakh one. Old Man generally well done: the industry has preserved, agricultural compared to its neighbors is normal. And this despite the fact that they have neither oil nor gas. DO NOT be Lukashenko, Belarusians be the second Moldova.
  42. +2
    16 June 2013 17: 24
    the other day the news slipped that father wants to return the article to uk for sodomy. If it is true, then you can safely applaud. what is the pendell to european liberals
    1. +2
      16 June 2013 17: 29
      Quote: andrei332809
      the other day the news slipped that father wants to return the article to uk for sodomy. If it is true, then you can safely applaud. what is the pendell to european liberals

      Already there was a refutation, there will be no criminal punishment. Just the media made a sensation.
      In Russia, even funnier the media spread the information that Mizulina banned oral sekas wassat
      Today Mizulina on Twitter is already making excuses, like a "setup" laughing
      1. +1
        16 June 2013 17: 40
        Quote: seasoned
        that Mizulina banned oral sekas

        her husband wouldn’t forgive her
      2. 0
        16 June 2013 17: 41
        And why should she forbid it, she was also a young woman and in her hands held not only carrots! IMHO-setup
      3. fisherman
        16 June 2013 18: 16
        Mizulina's next bill will be associated with the destructive influence of the Chupa-Chups on the demographic situation in the country ... " laughing
    2. 0
      16 June 2013 17: 37
      Father of the young man! Holds his nose in the wind! He knows that we all this deeply disgusting and causes only a gag reflex. The Russians vote for father in the next election!
      1. +2
        16 June 2013 17: 40
        Quote: Den 11
        The Russians vote for father in the next election!

        I didn’t read more delirium ... Will Belarusians vote for Putin? belay
        1. 0
          16 June 2013 17: 53
          Eh, the servant! Maybe they need to ask and not me?
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. fisherman
          16 June 2013 18: 03
          yes. as for the prime minister. if in 4 years they change if the old man wants
  43. The comment was deleted.
  44. The comment was deleted.
    1. +4
      16 June 2013 19: 29
      SCAM !!! DO NOT get fooled! Entered false data, there were many relatives and asked to send as many 3 !!! SMS
  45. pinecone
    16 June 2013 20: 20
    It has long been noted that if someone refers to a pseudoscientific "clause according to Freud," it means that you are a liberal.
  46. +1
    16 June 2013 21: 00
    The fact that the author is incompetent on many issues is obvious. "For example, where did he see in our time the" unanimous support of society "about which he writes? In which country?
    1. -2
      17 June 2013 00: 34
      As where? In Kazakhstan, of course. There they have such a "democrat" who rules - mom, don't cry And they unanimously support him
      1. Marek Rozny
        17 June 2013 10: 50
        Why should we change the president if we are satisfied with practically everything? There is work, there is money, there is order, there is security, there is confidence in the future. What else does? He's sick and tired of us, like old furniture. But as long as it really moves the country forward and improves the well-being of every simple Myrkymbai, we will not change it for the sake of the "democratic" customs of Europe. And they are even ready to forgive him for some of Brezhnev's habits. You can call it whatever you like, but Kazakhstanis are really willing to vote for him. And what would not?
  47. +1
    16 June 2013 21: 24
    Same scam as tsiter. An attempt to pit the Slavic people to extract concrete benefits for themselves, beloved
  48. +2
    17 June 2013 01: 43
    After the first three paragraphs I stopped reading because the author knows almost nothing about the real half-life of affairs in the country being described. He has piled up a bunch of HIS fabrications that are not based on any facts and is trying to pass off this dregs as an objective analysis of the situation ... Well, God let this author frolic with him ... repeating his mantras many times, he will finally believe in them, most importantly, so that I didn’t have to work with such a cozl ...
  49. -1
    17 June 2013 05: 13
    Author kill yourself ..... be against the wall !!! For that, Kazakhstan is your mother ahead of the rest. Recognized fact that Kazakhstan is practically the only country in the world !!!! which sold almost everything !!!! Even the Papuans do not sell strategically important industries, and Kazakhstan sold everything !!! All large enterprises, from the energy sector to the bowels of the earth, are in private hands and the state cannot influence them in any way. To corruption in Kazakhstan, Russia, together with Belarus is far away. We recently wrote with pride that Kazakhstan lost 1 place in the list of the most corrupt countries (India took it) and moved to 2 place. wassat From recent events ... I can recall the sale of all, I repeat ALL !!!! rare earth metals in the exploration and mining of Germany. The state of the economy and enterprises in Kazakhstan from 3 countries is the worst. There is one more nuance of this Asian cunning !!! our elbasy always tries to eat a fish and climb a Christmas tree. He constantly flirts with the United States, then with China, then with Turkey (whose positions have recently been very strong). One thing is that the adviser in Kazakhstan, Tony, his mother Ka Bleer, says a lot.! So Kazakhstan is a mishandled Cossack who will spoil the blood of everyone. Like that prostitute who infects sexually transmitted diseases of all clients.
    1. +1
      17 June 2013 08: 44
      Quote: Boricello
      Author kill yourself ..... be against the wall !!! For that, Kazakhstan is your mother ahead of the rest. Recognized fact that Kazakhstan is practically the only country in the world !!!! which sold almost everything !!!! Even the Papuans do not sell strategically important industries, and Kazakhstan sold everything !!! All large enterprises, from the energy sector to the bowels of the earth, are in private hands and the state cannot influence them in any way. To corruption in Kazakhstan, Russia, together with Belarus is far away. We recently wrote with pride that Kazakhstan lost 1 place in the list of the most corrupt countries (India took it) and moved to 2 place. wassat From recent events ... I can recall the sale of all, I repeat ALL !!!! rare earth metals in the exploration and mining of Germany. The state of the economy and enterprises in Kazakhstan from 3 countries is the worst. There is one more nuance of this Asian cunning !!! our elbasy always tries to eat a fish and climb a Christmas tree. He constantly flirts with the United States, then with China, then with Turkey (whose positions have recently been very strong). One thing is that the adviser in Kazakhstan, Tony, his mother Ka Bleer, says a lot.! So Kazakhstan is a mishandled Cossack who will spoil the blood of everyone. Like that prostitute who infects sexually transmitted diseases of all clients.

      Your not love for the leadership of Kazakhstan is understandable. Question Your hatred extends only to the leadership or all together leadership, state, people.
    2. Marek Rozny
      17 June 2013 09: 54
      Boriselo, an eerie stream of concentrated psychosis ...
  50. 0
    17 June 2013 06: 06
    There are a lot of mistakes in the article. The author sleeps and sees himself in the role of the oracle and visionary of the world. How can one redirect the trade turnover of Belarus to China? The Chinese will take all the valuable in return for junk. It can be expanded, but it can’t be replaced by the Russian market. It was amusing how the author decided in one fell swoop to decide the dependence of the Republic of Belarus on Russian oil and gas, without a subsidized price for which all the products of the Republic of Belarus would immediately become uncompetitive. production to our thieves.
  51. 0
    17 June 2013 14: 51
    The fifth wheel in the wagon of the Customs Union

    1. 0
      17 June 2013 20: 22
      Quote: Petergut

      The fifth wheel - the spare wheel - is very necessary in a difficult situation.
  52. viktoxz
    17 June 2013 16: 52
    people you have not heard that the entire database of Internet users has been leaked to the network with open access! There is all the information from personal photos and videos to personal correspondence and copies of documents. There you can of course delete your data if you do not want everyone to see them. Here is the link-
  53. 0
    17 June 2013 17: 24
    Quote: Semurg
    Your not love for the leadership of Kazakhstan is understandable. Question Your hatred extends only to the leadership or all together leadership, state, people.

    Why should I love the government? And I have a wonderful attitude towards people. And there is no need to distort and provoke.
    1. +2
      17 June 2013 20: 23
      Quote: Boricello
      Why should I love the government? And I have a wonderful attitude towards people. And there is no need to distort and provoke.

      You see, dear, you aim at the government, but end up at the people. so keep your lies about “being good to the people” to yourself.
  54. Bumbik
    17 June 2013 20: 57
    It’s nice to see articles here that are close to reality, and not empty talk that Belarus is almost Singapore number two and the entire population bows at Lukashenka’s feet for this
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. denis90
    18 June 2013 00: 25
    complete nonsense article
  57. EDW
    18 June 2013 00: 26
    I was not lazy, I read everything, the article was custom-made, no doubt, but it was done quite well.
    As an eyewitness to the “Belarusian economic miracle,” I will say: although the facts presented are reliable, their interpretation and presentation follows the principle “everyone has their own truth.” In this case, under the guise of the real state of affairs, the author presented a “Western-style hodgepodge”: - facts + far-fetched conclusions + wonderful experts of “Vanga’s teacher”.

    I think this is the biggest nonsense: "Experts indicate that from a political point of view, Belarus is already completely ready to sever allied relations with the Russian Federation. There are no independent pro-Russian political forces in the country; Russia’s rating in the eyes of the population is low (10 percent); the idea of ​​Belarus joining the Russian Federation is supported by only 3 percent of the population On the other hand, Moscow does not have an alternative figure to replace A. Lukashenko and, accordingly, no leverage on the Belarusian president."
    What kind of f*ck are experts? Whose? I apologize for being emotional, but the author’s argument is clearly rather weak.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"