Major of the SS Division "Galicia" Yevgeny Running: "The Germans allowed us to sleep only in the stables"

The only commander of the battalion, Ukrainian, in “Galicia” complained about the Germans.

Major of the SS Division "Galicia" Yevgeny Running: "The Germans allowed us to sleep only in the stables"

Between the two banks. To escape from the issuance of the USSR, the Galician SS men called themselves "Poles"

Today, some argue that the SS division "Galicia" was a "Ukrainian" formation - almost the "cradle" of the national army. But there are myths, but there are facts. The modern Ukrainian army is the successor of the Soviet. In the same way as present-day Ukraine is the successor to the UCCR. From the division "Galicia" nothing grew. Moreover! In 1945, its soldiers, who survived the battles and surrendered to the Anglo-Americans, escaped the extradition to the Soviet Union only because they officially declared themselves ... "Poles."

By agreement between the USSR and the Western Allies, all former Soviet citizens who became traitors to the Motherland and went over to the Nazis were extradited. That is how the British and Americans handed over to the Soviet Union soldiers of the Vlasov army and the Don Cossacks who fought in the corps of the German General Pannwitz. But Western Ukraine before the Second World War was part of Poland. The vast majority of ordinary soldiers of the SS "Galicia" to 1939g. legally were Polish citizens.

As the British researcher Gordon Williamson writes in the book “The SS is an instrument of terror”: “The fact that the Allies confused the status of these people, called Galicians, allowed many of them to avoid forced deportation to the Soviet Union. Despite the fact that they served as part of the Waffen-SS, the Polish general Anders preferred to consider the situation from a pragmatic point of view and decided to forgive them of their past, and considering their potential usefulness as true anti-communists, supported their claims that they were POLES ".

This once again testifies that no “heroes” of Ukraine, and indeed the heroes of the SS “Galicia” were any heroes. For courageous recognition of themselves as “Ukrainians,” they preferred a loophole to hide behind the official status of the “Pole”. Approximately how today many “patriots” in Western Ukraine prefer to stand in line for the so-called “Pole's card” in order to make it easier for them to travel to the European Union.

AGAINST PARTISAN. Heroes behave differently. They do not make deals with conscience and never betray their convictions. Especially piquant in stories with the "polonization" of the soldiers of "Galicia" (oh, the great Western Themis, who can do any miracles!) it looks like they received the baptism of battle in battles with the Polish Resistance fighters and the Ukrainian partisans of Sidor Kovpak who performed their famous Carpathian raid.

Guta Penyatska. Plaque on the site of the burnt village

Even before 1944 got into the Soviet environment under Brody in July, which is most often considered the beginning of the military way of the Galician SS, the soldiers of the notorious division took part in the destruction of the Polish village of Guta Penyatska. The Poles claimed that the villagers were herded into sheds and simply burned. Memoirists from "Galicia" justified that this village was a base of partisans with their own self-defense detachment. Anyway, now there is nothing on the site of Guta, except for a memorial to the exterminated local residents. But the fact of the "feat" is recognized by all.

After the burning of Guta. SS "Galicia" buries its two dead

BURNS VILLAGE. The commander of the SS “Galichina” battalion, major Eugene the Runner (up to 1939 of the year, the captain of the Polish army himself) was acknowledged in his memoirs: “In the early days of fierce 1944 rock, the Divizzy team won the command of the SS commander and the police officers in charge of the General Directorate of the Nazis. against the Bolshevik partisans, the gene. Sidor Kovpak, who made their way to the territory of the General Governorate, tobto in the parts of Galicini. In order to win the command, the team of the Divine team was not able to defeat oneself if one did not know of a viscolene. Ale y vdpovіd nspіlo pov_domlennya, scho nagan having given Himmler ".

Yevgeny Running: "Kozhny, hto marching todo, prigadu при, yak had to freeze in the steaks"

According to the Pobedushchiy, this battle group included an infantry battalion, a battery of light artillery, a sapper platoon, a platoon of fighters tanks and liaison unit: “Fight against the good wishes of the Bolshevik partisans and the Bolshevik partisans.” The partisans saw the bridges, the first group needed to roboticly go far in fields and meadows, and on the other hand, it was extravagant to shred the present group in the thorns. Until then, the police general’s command in Peremishli got there, there wasn’t anything to worry about in the military tactics, not having dubbed about the group and it was shamelessly crippled ... It’s okay, because of all the fighting, they didn’t take such a commander . Not prepared for winter fights and without winter clothes, the group took part in the battles of the Lyubachev, Chesanov, Tarnogorod, Bilgoruy and Zamostya districts, so that in the Galicia Regions, they had to turn off. "The warriors drugged, right, don’t want winter warm clothing, they were freezing cold, they were sleeping on the field."

Thus, the punitive police action was the baptism of the soldiers of “Galicia”. The same Runner recalls: “The attacking units on Gutu Punyatsku, the Poles, who were settled in the form of fire, would be defensively defended the village. In battle, Kostol and Ruddy Budinki, ale Nashi, warriors or Nimtsy Nykogo did not fight with the baiters near the houses, but they did not rostry. Awesome, sci populated patient vtrati. Inak was not able to buti. "

But, I repeat, Guta Penyatskaya does not exist today, nor does the Belarusian Khatyn. Its inhabitants were simply destroyed. The rest is nuances. They drove them to sheds or killed them in their own homes. The fact that everyone has DISAPPEARED. As if they were not there. Only the "memoir" remained.

Summer xnum th. Somewhere in Western Ukraine

SONGS IN MASKS. Fighting with the Red Army was much more difficult. In the summer of 1944, she was at the peak of her combat uniform. Offensive operations were planned competently. Soviet reigned in the air aviation. All surviving participants of the battle near Brody from the Galicia side remembered the Bolshevik tanks and planes, with the Germans completely lacking air cover. "Galicia" was immediately surrounded. Most of her soldiers died or ran into the woods. Out of 14 thousand people only 3 thousand survived. The division commander, German General Freitag, lost control at the start of the battle and fled to the rear, leaving his soldiers behind. How could this happen in the vaunted German army? Why?

By and large, the division "Galicia" joined the battle with a large shortage of junior commanders. She had no combat experience. Yes, and trained it can be called a stretch. Officially, the preparation of Galician SS men took almost a year. But in reality, the division was directly engaged in combat training for only four months. With a language barrier between officers and soldiers and, to put it mildly, an incomplete training system.

Calculation of anti-aircraft guns. In the sky over Brody in July, the 1944-th was fully reigned by Soviet aviation.

We have decided to idealize the German army and laugh at the Red. Anyone serving in the Soviet Army will remember senseless training in gas masks in the sun. But this is not only the Russian tradition. Rational Germans were engaged in the same nonsense. Roman Lazurko, one of the non-commissioned officers of “Galicia”, recalled how the Germans forced them to march with songs in gas masks at a training camp in Holland: meni, sci ne mi buli and sco tse all tilki removed. That ni. Tse not a dream

None of the parties used gases in the Second World War as prohibited weapon. In addition, you can learn to wear a gas mask in fifteen minutes. What is the point of chasing soldiers in rubber muzzles with songs? None other than the usual army stupidity.

Himself KILLED. But there was not enough time for combat training. In the memory of the battle participants at Brody, an episode remained as one of the Galician soldiers by the name of Vovk fired at a Soviet tank from a foust cartridge, not paying attention that there was a brick wall behind his back. The guy alive was burned by a stream of hot gas that bounced off the wall! This happens only with untrained soldiers who do not know the characteristics of their weapons. Shooting from a grenade launcher (faust-cartridge was one of its first varieties), you need to have an empty space behind you. But this skill is brought to automatism only by training. To act in battle without thinking. Performing songs in a gas mask will not help here.

But, as the commander of one of the “Galicia’s” mouths, Pavel Sumarokov, recalls, everyone was literally shocked by the moment when what they considered to be regular haystacks turned out to be disguised by Soviet tanks. "Hay" suddenly set in motion, and armored monsters spewed fire through the trenches of the hapless SS, turning them into a bloody mess.

From where, you ask, in the division "Galicia" took an officer by the name of Sumarokov? And this is generally the former lieutenant of the tsarist army, graduated from the Kiev military school and awarded for the First World Soldier George IV degree and all orders up to St. Vladimir IV degree with swords. In the years of the civil war he was at the Petliurists - in the cavalry regiment of the Black Cossacks. Then he emigrated to Poland. During the battle of Brody, he was already fifty years old. By all measures, a military retiree.

Because of the hatred of the Bolsheviks, the Russian nobleman Sumarokov fought on the German side in the “Ukrainian” division, where his name was altered in “Sumarok”. The same fact that should be taken into account. There were such unique ones. And in the Red Army in the same year, 1944 served as a former Sich archer and Galician Major General Stetsya. Nobody, by the way, did not reproach him with Galician origin. And after the Great Patriotic War, he still had time to serve in the army of the Polish People's Republic, where he was sent to "strengthen". So the story goes. And you need to know it without censorship.

General Freitag was very upset to find ordinary lice in the SS "Galicia"

PROFETABLE GERMANS. The entire top commanding staff of the “Ukrainian” SS division consisted of Germans. I emphasize - all! Not only General Freitag, but all the commanders of regiments and battalions. Except for one - a veteran of many armies with an eloquent surname Running. Before 1944, this amazing subject managed to visit a soldier of the Galician army of ZUNR in 1918, reach the captain in the Polish army, be captured by the Germans in 1939, enter the service and command the Ukrainian sabotage battalion “Roland” in the 1941. , then head the Ukrainian police battalion, engaged in hunting for partisans in Belarus, sit a little in a German prison and then emerge again - already in the “Galicia” division.

In 1944, the Germans didn’t have to particularly choose. The division commander and most of the officers were also bad. General Freitag had never commanded a combat unit before — only police units. German officers were sent to “Galicia” by occupational incompetence - of those that were not needed in real “Aryan” units - cowards and fools. Figuratively speaking, those in the highest race were the lowest caste. And the company commanders-Ukrainians from the veterans of the UPR and ZUNR armies earned their resources — the grandfathers exchanged the sixth dozen, they didn’t know or didn’t know German at all, and had long since fallen behind the demands of modern warfare.

German need to listen! Instruct Galician SS

IN GERMAN “NO BE, NO ME”. Yevgeny Pobegushchy recalled that the soldiers did not understand the German instructors who were teaching them because of the language barrier: “Vishkilniki boules mayje nimetsky elders ch pidstarshini, that was important, bulo vidbuvati goutyrki, more needed bulo perekladachіv, 2014

The Germans treated the Galicians, as a second-class people. One day, General Freitag literally became furious when he learned that lice had been found on his soldiers. He shouted that the Germans didn’t have that, because they are clean and follow the rules of hygiene. Freitag had never been at the front before. With great difficulty, both Ukrainian and German officers managed to convince him that the parasites were inflamed by German soldiers. Only after that Freitag somewhat calmed down.

A striking example of the attitude to the SS "Galicia" servicemen on the part of the German command is that during marches through German territory they were forbidden to stay overnight in houses - only in barns, so as not to disturb the peace of respectable German citizens. Major the Runner, with sadness, stated: “Bouv has an order from a visually demanding march from Slovachchini to the EU, just like in Austria, our fighters are not really quartered in huts, lost in kunyakhs. Kozhny, hto marching todo, prigaduє, yak had to be cold in the stems. "

But the Galician SS, like the Germans, took the oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer! They paid for their choice with blood, and they were kept in barns like cattle! Like the "non-European"!

Ukrainian SS officers were afraid of the German officers more than the Red Army.

Lviv, summer of 1943. Major of the SS division “Galicia” Yevgeny The Runner salutes volunteers on the wires

Sleeves rolled up to the elbow, a “trendy” automaton in which the cartridges, a mouth organ and a sandwich with lard never end - these are the stereotypical attributes of the German soldier in Soviet films about the war. Just an advertising picture of the benefits of "Western lifestyle"! Join us, Little Johnny! We will make of you superman! You will ride the "Tigre" in a beautiful form, drink schnapps and be glad that you have become a part of the "European" civilization. No wonder that this simple image captured the mass consciousness of Soviet and post-Soviet citizens. The current fans of the SS division "Galicia" are sure that this was the case - like in the movies. That in the Red Army discipline was maintained exclusively by special departments and detachments, and in the Wehrmacht ... by an additional portion of sausages with beer. And gentle stroking the palm of the Fuhrer on the clever baby's head.

Reality looked different. A detachment called the “field gendarme group” was state-waged for each German infantry and tank division. And the most effective means to maintain order in the troops was considered the execution. At least, for units formed from "non-Aryans" (and the SS "Galicia" belonged to them), it was this pedagogical tool that was the main one. Field courts passed sentences easily and executed them immediately. Disregarding the peculiarities of the gentle Slavic psyche of the "Tyrolese of the East", as the Galicians in Austria-Hungary were called.

September 1943. Departure to the SS division in Drohobych. Where is the enthusiasm?

Shot for a joke on the evening check. To be precise, the first "losses" SS division "Galicia" suffered not during the destruction of the Polish village of Guta Penyatka in February 1944, when two of its lower ranks died, but in the training camp Neuhammer on the Oder - even before the end of combat training. One of the soldiers, a certain Burlak from under Chertkov, decided to make a joke during the evening verification and threw a blanket over the head of the non-commissioned officer who called the company over. In vain the Galicians convinced the division commander, General Freitag, that this was such an innocent Ukrainian humor and that the noncommissioned officer on duty was a fellow countryman and friend of a voluntary clown. Strict German considered the incident the worst violation of discipline. The military court sentenced the humorist to be shot, and General Freitag immediately approved the sentence, ordering the shooting the next morning.

The SS Chaplain of the Galichina Division, the Greek-Catholic priest Isidor Nagayevsky, recalled this episode as follows: “I visited the prison cells usyu nych іz convicted. The trial of death and sv_dom_st, sco tomorrow morin die die, smash the yogi to the glibins themselves. Having upset a great pity for his life and the fear of death, I cannot speak. Tіlo tsogo 18-lіtnogo, athletic ов budovi yunaka Mayzhe all the nich pidkidaласьsya on lіzhku u uves hour vіn voice crying. Already above the ranks they decided to shake him, nache before death drifts. Already here are 6-год Godini wound me in the distance to calm him. I’m grabbed my head, pinned my garna head and pressed it up to my breasts and poked it in my face. Vin having embraced me for shi, nache of svogo dad ... I do not wait for my own words. І to sjuodnuyu chuy in my yogi wuhah quiet voice: "And I want to fight for Ukraine" ...

Until the last moment, Feldkurat Isidor Nagayevsky believed that Freitag would cancel the sentence. But the German “father-commander” of the unfinished Ukrainian SS men believed that the “ordnung” was more important than the life of some Burlak from the village of Gudinkovtsy near Chertkov, and without being shot, the rest of the soldiers of “Galicia” would never understand what real military discipline is. The poor fellow was shot at dawn around 7 in the morning under some kind of brick wall. The chaplain remembered forever his simple-hearted wish: “Father of the Spirit, to write the whole truth to my father and prosit, they greet everyone in honor of Marusya” ...

Chaplain Nagayevsky was present at every execution in “Galicia” for breaching discipline

And all this is not an excerpt from "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik!" This is the true story of the SS division "Galicia"! A nonfiction chronicle of her first steps into a free Europe.

It was not the last execution for disciplinary offenses in the division. Major Yevgeny Pobigushchy (I remind you that he was the only Ukrainian officer in the division who rose to the battalion commander) complained: “At the divine court, I couldn’t have known if my elders knew their own military service and internal service in his army. For example, since he was ordered to read warriors to soldiers, for example, as a warrior, you can punish the court. Few hto know, scho for zabranі z rozbitogo vґonu kіlka other words of warriors can be rozstralіnyy.

Between the German officers and the Galician soldiers lay a language and psychological barrier, which was not overcome until the very end of the war. Most Germans believed that they had the misfortune to command some half-savvy people who did not understand the human language. General Freitag calmed down only when, after Brodsky’s defeat during the reorganization of the division, he managed to bring the number of Germans in Galicia to a thousand. All more or less important posts (even a pharmacist!) Are now occupied only by true Aryans. “Nimetska vishche vіskove command of that gene itself. Frayta, ”recollects Major Pobigushchy,“ interpreted our Divizia, yakbi tse bula Novimetska diviziya, just popovnya Ukrainy ”.

The solemn oath to the Führer of Great Germany on the square in Lviv, parting words of the head of the Galicia district brigadeführer Otto Wechter, warm to the train station were poorly linked in consciousness with the harsh discipline of training camps. “Chuti bulo galasivi screams of імцьці і подекуди vzhe svoyh Інstruktorіv, pereplіvuvani hour-to-hour with vulgar temples, and often punishments for the punishment,” Isidor Nagaevsky daily life of new recruits. - It is extremely carnal bulo “fall” on the ground and “rise” on the order: “Vpad!” (“Glenєґen” and “avf”). Throw up and come up twenty years ago, even before that in the swamps, the dullness of the punishment of the punishment, more for the people of Khilin vicherpa, all the forces, the young people ... But the other way around the harness of the goddess. I vvrazuvav, scho naizvichaynіyuyu cause of the car of the Bula Nіmetska Mova, yak not all the boys of roses ”. And non-commissioned officers, hastily produced from Ukrainians (“pidstarchins”), according to memoirs, drove recruits with even more frenzy than natural Germans.

Desertion began almost immediately. “Vzhe in the 1944 quartet to the rock in the Neugammer village of Maya, the pride of the youth of the field priest” continues Nagyevsky in his Memories of the Field Priest.

In German form. One of the training camps "Galicia", where they prepared "podstarshin" - non-commissioned officers

DESERTERS Usually it happened like this. The soldier received a holiday ticket, but did not return to the unit. On suspicion of forging such documents, an officer of the 6 Company of the 30 Regiment was arrested by Lieutenant Baranenko, a former commander of the Red Army, who was captured by the Germans and agreed to join the SS division "Galicia". By the time the division’s speeches on the front near Brody in prison were under investigation for various misdemeanors, there were about fifty servicemen. Chaplain Nagaevsky, to whom the soldiers confessed their feelings, and therefore informed about the psychological state of the flock from the first hand, once even admitted to General Freitag that many of the rank and file on the front line deserted: “I’ve lost my mind, ale nd bagatyokh ukrainsky elders ".

It is unlikely that this recognition has strengthened the confidence of the German divisional commander in his mysterious alien tribe. He immediately demanded to name the names of those Ukrainian officers who think so. The diplomatic father, Isidore, dissuaded that he could not do this, since he had learned this military secret at confession - she was supposedly sacred to him.

A funny episode happened in Krakow, where, after the defeat of the division at Brody, its remnants reached. Some of the companies were located right in the building of the Ukrainian Central Committee - a collaborationist organization that collaborated with the Nazis. Galician-SS men, who escaped from the front-line hell, went on a spree and started singing drunken songs. Then a nasty shriek in glasses put his nose through the door of the hall and declared that he, himself, Kubiyovich, himself, was the head of the UCC and the initiator of the creation of the Galichina division: “It's worth it! You know, hto me? I am a prof. Kubiyovich, schobw by one of the creators of the divine, and now we are klopit ”... Someone from the“ Heroes of Brod ”immediately repulsed:“ You’ve given us a task, and now you have to take it away from the recruit .. Smell trohi powder dima on the front "... But the cunning professor instantly disappeared, fearing that he would really be taken away with him - after the war he, despite all the borders, surfaced ... in Paris!

Departure They still do not know what real German discipline is.

IF YOU CAN, RUN! After the defeat at Brody, where Galichina lost about 80 percent of personnel, the division was used mainly for anti-partisan actions. First in Slovakia. Then - in Yugoslavia. General Freitag still maintained discipline by draconian methods. In the Slovak city of Zilina, two officers-Ukrainians who did not have enough apartments for permanent residence (one of them, Vladimir Murovich, is a lawyer of the divisional court!) Foolishly broke the seal on someone else's apartment without paying attention that it was sealed by the Gestapo.

Both were put under arrest and sentenced to death. Murovich ran away, as in a joke: waiting for the changing of the guard, he told the guards that he had "already talked to the prisoner" and wanted to leave. Those who did not suspect anything, released a clever lawyer. Murovich first went to Vienna. Then he moved to Munich. And in the mess of the decaying Reich survived. But his less fortunate friend, remaining under lock and key, was, as usual, shot for disregard for discipline.

The same fate fell to eight SS deserters who hit the run while they were patrolling the area. Before the divisional court, the cunning ones made excuses that they were “caught by the Slovak partisans”, from whom they allegedly fled and just returned to the disposition of their native unit. But General Freitag did not believe the Galician storytellers - the execution became for them the finale of earthly torments. According to Nagaevsky, who, as usual, accompanied his fellow countrymen on his last journey, this sentence was “to destroy the hostile enemy in all parts of Diviziya.”

SOLDIER SHOULD BE AFRAID. The awareness of the “volunteers” of the glorious SS unit should not be exaggerated. In the summer of 1943, the young people of the Galicia district had little choice: to be taken out to forced labor in Germany and get under the bombardment of Anglo-American aviation, go to the forest to the UPA, which most didn’t entice, hide or wait for the arrival of the Red Army or respond to the call of the UCC and Professor Kubiyovich and enlist in the SS division. Many literally did not know where to go. They were torn between all options and deserted at the earliest opportunity.

General Freitag believed that Ukrainian soldiers were best influenced by terror.

The same Nagaevsky recalls how, having arrived in Lviv in 1943 for the party from 400 recruits, he took only two hundred - the rest disappeared somewhere, never reaching the station. And this despite the fact that the Germans treated the Galicians in a completely different way than the real Ukrainians. Yevgeny Pobigushchy, having been on vacation at home in Ternopil region in March 1942, noted this difference in his memoirs: moreover, it was lagged on the central and central lands of Ukraine, de TRUEWORK NIMETSKY TEROR and de Ukraїnciі traktuvali brunatni okupanti yak "Untermenshіv". Let them take note of this recognition of the former major of the SS division of the current Ukrainian "admirers" of Hitler. One cannot suspect him of “Bolshevik propaganda.”

The foot crossing from Slovakia through Austria to Yugoslavia in the winter of 1945 was remembered by Galician SS men with frosts, lice, overnight stays in barns (it was forbidden to enter German houses) and another execution of the marauder. One of the soldiers of the SS division “Galichina” stole a bicycle from a Slovak, the field gendarmerie drew up a protocol. Court, sentence - cover! It was necessary to march at night - in daylight English fighters flew in the air, watering the retreating columns of machine guns.

FOR A PIECE OF SAUSAGE. In order not to fall discipline, General Freitag, on arrival in Slovenia, ordered to shoot 17-year-old SS officer Kulbabu from Borschowitsy village near Lviv. Kulbaba got hungry on the march and ate his NZ without the permission of the command - in the German army this was called the “iron portion”. It consisted of biscuits (Galicians called them "palanichki"), vitamins, sugar and other "delicacies" weighing about 200 g. A noncommissioned officer was spotted by Kulbabu at the time of the crime, the villain was immediately arrested and tied with a cord to a carriage.

“Ale famine was so much annoying to his campaign,” recalled Chaplain Nagaevsky, “having found the marina and ryv, who had been caught on the wicked one at a time, was raised to the side of a marry ryin phovfunt. For the price trial, having condemned you to death, and in the hour of a short service, people in the regiment called to her regiment to prepare him for death.

We offended to the closest churches-chapels, de vіn shchiro reprimanded and received St. Maspasvyattya. Turn your head to the hundreds of people, say yakby to yourself: “And I’ll think, I’m just like Divyaзa, then I will help my dad, I’m boredy, I st ... now I’m driving in peace ... I’m so xotic їIsty і not thinking, just for those Palanichka will memeni streli "...

- Chi ti mash yke bazhannya? - I fed yogo.

- I want so much.

Yomu brought Khlib and Kovbas. Win troch z'їv, and reshtu viddav.

After the volley the poor fellow was still breathing. The doctor, at the request of the priest, confirmed this fact, and “the Dijurni First Sergeant, having given your Yomu“ Kulya affection, ”did not suffer from the scob”. A cross was placed over the grave, on which a German helmet was hung.

That was a wonderful discipline in the German army! And neither the field priest, nor the comrades of the Kulbaba even dared to utter a word in protest against the decision of the court! After all, they all took the oath, where there were such words: “I swear to the German Leader and the Supreme Commander of the German Army Adolf Hitler in constant loyalty and obedience. I solemnly pledge to execute all orders and orders of the chiefs ... It is clear to me that after my oath I am subject to all German military disciplinary actions. ”

You can tell a lot about the Red Army. But they didn’t shoot 17-year-old boys for the eaten NZ. For comparison - an excerpt from the memories of the Soviet tanker Nikolai Popov: “There was always a four-person tank in the NZ tank. But hunger is not an aunt, if the stomach is empty, then the NC also ate. ” And not a single tribunal arranged a circus with executions from this, like German commanders in the SS “Galicia”.

The last shot in this insane division was General Freitag. He made the sentence himself, putting a bullet in the head of 10 of May 1945 of the year - the day after OUR Victory.
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  1. +51
    9 June 2013 07: 36
    It is a pity that not all the ghouls from this division SMERSH and NKVD caught for all the wretches of the SS uniform a fair retribution can only be a rope. It’s a pity to spend a bullet on such an abomination; it was not for nothing that the Germans shot these cowardly mongrels.
    1. +42
      9 June 2013 10: 00
      Quote: ....
      "The Germans allowed us to sleep only in the crib"

      And where else is the cattle to sleep?
      1. bask
        9 June 2013 10: 20
        Quote: Vadivak
        And where else is the cattle to sleep?

        It was a select BEAST, worse than Syrian cannibals-militants.
        They were the NOBLE Nazis ... therefore, the, work, did the dirtiest ((brutal killings of civilians)).
        And the descendants of these lackeys in Chechnya served as lackeys for Chechen fighters.
        And they despised them no less than the Nazis. For them, they were Salaeda. In 96, they barely took their feet. The militants themselves almost finished.
        But they killed the local, Russian inhabitants of Grozny, with brutality.
        FROM SCARLY BORN ONLY SCRUB. ((I myself saw in Grozny in 95 of these bbl.y.u.d.ko.v)).
        I don’t want to call them Ukrainians. It's just a beast !!!!
        1. +16
          9 June 2013 10: 47
          Quote: bask
          And the descendants of these lackeys in Chechnya served as lackeys for Chechen fighters.

          Not only some of them, and theirs dad went to the presidents of Ukraine during the war, collaborated with the Germans, first in the role of a "camp policeman", and then as an infiltrator-informant. Yushchenko himself once said "our family drank good coffee every day, to which my dad was addicted in captivity."
          1. +14
            9 June 2013 11: 04
            Good article. But not enough.
            It is necessary to write more and more the truth about those who are marked as models for Ukrainian youth. About what kind of "heroes" and whom they put up monuments.

            Young people are not bad, but in their minds everything is turned upside down. They only know what they have been invested in their heads for dozens (!!!) years. Whole generation grew up on lies.
            1. +17
              9 June 2013 13: 59
              Quote: Skating rink
              Good article. But not enough.
              It is necessary to write more and more the truth about those who are marked as models for Ukrainian youth. About what kind of "heroes" and whom they put up monuments.

              Young people are not bad, but in their minds everything is turned upside down. They only know what they have been invested in their heads for dozens (!!!) years. Whole generation grew up on lies.

              The author, one of not many in Ukraine, who reveals the long-standing abscesses of Ukrainian nationalism, his journalism, revealing, including the hidden Calaborist policy of the current authorities, provokes a sharp reaction and a stormy response from readers, leaving no one indifferent. On both sides of the barricades ...
              1. leshijy
                10 June 2013 00: 03
                The author replaces the concepts "Shukhevych and Bandera are heroes of Ukraine" (this is really what Bandera's people say) and "SS Galicia are heroes of Ukraine" (no one has ever declared or demanded them heroes. They are heroes only in the imagination of Buzina - the author of this article). The author of the article is a fat troll.
                1. MG42
                  10 June 2013 01: 38
                  The court stripped the ranks of the heroes of Ukraine and Bandera and Shukhevych, which they received by decree of Yushchenko when he was already leaving his post ..
              2. leshijy
                10 June 2013 00: 04
                The fact is that Shukhevych and Bandera have never commanded a division of the SS Galichin. Bandera generally spent the whole war in a German concentration camp and his brother was killed there for refusing to cooperate with the Germans.
                1. MG42
                  10 June 2013 01: 47
                  Shukhevych took the oath of allegiance to the Führer as part of the Nachtigal battalion: "on Fidelity to warriors to Hitler to death." Nachtigal was merged with another Ukrainian unit created by the Nazis, the Roland detachment, into the 201st security battalion, which was used to fight partisans in Ukraine and Belarus.
                  in 1941, with the consent of the German authorities and with their financing, a battalion of eight hundred people was created, armed and trained in reconnaissance and sabotage activities - the so-called Ukrainian Nakhtigal Legion (Nightingale), in which Shukhevych was responsible for political and ideological work with personnel and combat training.

                  In the very first days of World War II, following the German troops, Nachtigal entered Lviv, where the legionnaires carried out a mass punitive action on the nightly lists of June 30, 1941 — the destruction of the Polish, Jewish and Ukrainian intelligentsia, Soviet and party workers, ordinary people who sympathized with the Soviet regime, members of their families.
                  1. +3
                    10 June 2013 02: 38
                    Shukhevych took the oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer as part of the Nachtigal battalion. Nachtigal was merged with another Ukrainian unit created by the Nazis, the Roland detachment, into the 201st security battalion

                    This quote is crumpled and not entirely accurate. The actions of the punitive battalions of the military police of the Third Reich in Belarus, including 201, relate mainly to 1942.

                    Battalions "Nachtigall" named after S. Bandera (commander R. Shukhevych) and "Roland" named after E. Konovalets and S. Petlyura (comm. E. Pobigushchiy) were part of the regiment "Brandenburg-800", subordinate to the sabotage department " Abwehr-2 ".

                    The topic is disclosed here:
                2. +2
                  10 June 2013 02: 01
                  again, all the permafrost troll climbed !!! Normal Ukrainian modern guys, when will you deal with such people there? Already wait no urine !!!
                3. +4
                  17 August 2013 22: 17
                  And ate from the restaurant. Enough about his captivity, already sick. He is the same prisoner as the father of the second scum - Bzduschenko.
        2. Avenger711
          9 June 2013 13: 02
          No, this is a Ukrainian, a man without a homeland, without culture, duped by the Poles, Austrians, and God knows what enemies of Russia the Russian Little Russian, trained to hate everything Russian. Until the beginning of the 20th century, there was no such word "Ukrainian". I was still in school, I read "Taras Bulba", I was interested in the question why the h_o_kh_ly_y call themselves exclusively Russian, but not Ukrainians, but what else should they call themselves if the Little Russian Gogol did not even know such a word. And I myself do not use it either, and I called my grandfather by my mother's name, I call and will call him Little Russian.

          Khatyn, by the way, was also not burned by the Germans, but such are the Ukrainians.
          1. +9
            9 June 2013 13: 58
            My father's first place was "Ridna Nenka." But here's what he remembered: we must drive the Hans, and these Westerners shoot in the back, and had to spend on the scum. Little Russia has not disappeared, will not disappear. Because Ukraine has stood and will stand on the outskirts of the vast ALL RUSSIA. Looking to the West? Only there you, the Ukrainians, are despised, the same Poles, the lords of the Lion. The name "Ukraine" is an invention of 1.
            1. Avenger711
              10 June 2013 00: 02
              No, the name, as the outskirts distorted by the Poles, the outskirts of Russia, one of many. Amers at one time had a similar frontier. Only no one says that it was not Americans who lived there. More precisely, Indians lived, but who are white, those of their own.
          2. +4
            17 August 2013 22: 46
            And people like you, the Black Hundreds of Jews, mucked during the "Union of the Archangel Michael". However, teaching you the history of Ukraine, apparently, is useless - the brain is not adapted.
        3. Nicotine 7
          9 June 2013 14: 33
          I have less hatred for the Czechs than for these ,, countrymen ,,.
        4. +3
          9 June 2013 22: 05
          Critters !!!! Forgive me guys, but they are creatures !!!!
      2. +2
        9 June 2013 12: 15
        Quote: Vadivak
        Quote: ....
        "The Germans allowed us to sleep only in the crib"

        And where else is the cattle to sleep?

        And who just interested in this Galician? They didn’t master even further than the first paragraph, and I regret the time spent. No need to remember all the scum here, let them disappear.
        1. +3
          9 June 2013 12: 55
          I do not recognize Oles Buzina. What kind of shortage he writes about when in the first weeks of formation more than 80 volunteers came! ~ 000 thousand in the district of Lemberg and ~ 61 thousand in the district of Krakow. This is the division! As a result, the Germans made the staff of this division 19 thousand! There were not enough qualified Galician military commanders against the background of an overabundance of rank and file! And how will such commanders appear as a result of punitive operations? Before the battle near Brody, the division supposedly studied for a year. Where did this happen in wartime? They just taught everyone in turn, combining with practice. Someone in 20 was still in training.

          And before the SS "Galicia" Beating, together with his deputy hero of the Yushchenko Ukraine Shukhevych, commanded one of the many punitive Schutzmanschaft battalions under number 201.
        2. +4
          9 June 2013 14: 18
          Our attention is not worth it. But you must not forget - it can happen again. We are not Ivana, who do not remember ourselves
        3. +2
          9 June 2013 20: 56
          Quote: Geisenberg
          No need to remember all the scum here, let them disappear.

          You need to remember this, and understand WHO it is! After all, they claim a "leading" role for the whole of Ukraine !!! And they even declare themselves as a separate nation !!!!
          member of the Galician discussion club "Mitus" Vladimir Pivv.
          Well, now it’s the turn to ask this question to ourselves - what could the Galician census use for us? To us Galicians, I mean those for whom the Galician identity .... well, you know what I'm writing about. So, here - to us this census can serve as an opportunity to declare ourselves as a separate community. Yes Yes - interfaith, super-national, multi-cultural community of patriots of Galicia.

          To do this, when entering our data into the census questionnaire, it is enough to require that column nationality we are recorded as "Galician / Galician"

        4. +2
          10 June 2013 02: 05
          Quote: Geisenberg
          No need to remember all the scum here, let them disappear.

          no! It is necessary to remember that all others, especially young ones, should read and know this !!!
      3. +6
        9 June 2013 13: 21
        I am amazed at the lack of elementary self-esteem among Ukrainian nationalists!
        The Germans considered them to be small-horned cattle, but even today they are ready to curse their hatred of the Communists on the contrary: in unbridled love of fascism! Here they are non-stop!

        And we from Russia are still trying to tell them something about the memory of the war, we are telling about our conscience ....
    2. +5
      9 June 2013 14: 41
      Yes, rabble - it is rabble. And the Germans belonged to these tips, respectively. And there were no other ways to maintain discipline on this subject and, except for shooting for every trifle, I think, was not.
      I drew attention to the following: they won excellent "victories" in the villages with women, children and old people, and how they met the Red Army - it was then that their luck ended. I especially liked with camouflaged tanks ...
      And now infrom it ... but nationalists in Ukraine make heroes! What do they think there?
    3. Vovka levka
      9 June 2013 15: 00
      Quote: Sakhalininets
      It is a pity that not all the ghouls from this division SMERSH and NKVD caught for all the wretches of the SS uniform a fair retribution can only be a rope. It’s a pity to spend a bullet on such an abomination; it was not for nothing that the Germans shot these cowardly mongrels.

      I had occasion to communicate with the former district chief of the MGB in Western Ukraine, a Russian from the Urals. So he told a slightly different story about all these cases. He went to negotiations with the UPA more than once, without weapons himself. The uncle was very serous, now they are called "Pros".
      And about religion, knowledge was such that not every priest knows so much. Before blowing up the church, they dropped the crosses. And there was a volunteer, an electrician who did it. Electrician, he said you think very well what you are doing. But he did not listen, he said that this was all nonsense. After a while, that electrician crashed to death, falling from a pole. And people said, "I fell like a cross."
      When his son was born, he secretly baptized him. And after some time, a grenade was thrown into the house where he lived. And she got into the stroller where the son was sleeping. And surprisingly, she did not burst. How many times have they encroached upon him, and in what trouble he has never been, it is impossible to convey.
      The authority of the local population is very high. He always kept his word.
      He once said these words: in 1939 we were greeted with flowers, but for two years we were so enamored that in 1941 the Germans could recruit more than one division. People were driven by hatred, and the desire to take revenge. And in war, the most popular phrase was; so that these bl ... leave and they do not come. He said that we did everything so that the UPA would appear, we ourselves made a problem for ourselves, out of the blue.
      PS Its time to listen to this was, to put it mildly, very surprising. But this gave reason to think, and a little study of history and draw certain conclusions.
      1. +5
        9 June 2013 16: 20
        Quote: Vovka Levka
        PS Its time to listen to this was, to put it mildly, very surprising. But this gave reason to think, and a little study of history and draw certain conclusions.

        A lot of letters about furry volunteers in executioners. What this abomination was doing does not have forgiveness, understanding and statutes of limitations. Struggling for ideas do not burn the civilian population with whole villages. Your post is typical blah blah blah in the style of liberoids trying to repaint black in white.
        1. Vovka levka
          9 June 2013 16: 43
          Quote: Sakhalininets

          Your post is typical blah blah blah in the style of liberoids trying to repaint black in white.

          In life, there is not only black and white, there are other colors. Failure to understand this leads to the following errors, that is, to the victims. And the war does not have a childish face.
          1. +2
            9 June 2013 19: 15
            Vovka levka
            I do not welcome the excessive zeal of some in their struggle with the church. but the horror stories about the slaughtered electricians who suffered God's punishment ... worthy of reproduction in the summer pioneer camp.
            About the same level, the rest of your tales ... and it was with the help of such tales that they tried to influence Ukrainian youth, turning them into killers, destroying their own people ... oh, yes, you won’t tell me, the nakhtigail personnel that the Nazis dragged to was we offended by the envekedites remotely, so to speak? Or were these scum originally raised Russophobian?
            1. Vovka levka
              9 June 2013 23: 24
              Quote: smile
              Vovka levka
              I do not welcome the excessive zeal of some in their struggle with the church. but the horror stories about the slaughtered electricians who suffered God's punishment ... worthy of reproduction in the summer pioneer camp.
              About the same level, the rest of your tales ... and it was with the help of such tales that they tried to influence Ukrainian youth, turning them into killers, destroying their own people ... oh, yes, you won’t tell me, the nakhtigail personnel that the Nazis dragged to was we offended by the envekedites remotely, so to speak? Or were these scum originally raised Russophobian?

              To believe not to believe is your own business. Personally to ourselves, we all went through this, it's about religion. I am sure that if it were not for the prayers of my mother, I would not have spoken to you.
              And about the rest of the tales, those who survived write the story. And they write so that it would be convenient for them.
          2. +1
            10 June 2013 15: 50
            Quote: Vovka Levka
            In life, there is not only black and white, there are other colors. Failure to understand this leads to the following errors, that is, to the victims. And the war does not have a childish face.

            In life, there is no concept of black and white, there is a concept of truth and falsehood. The truth is that those whom you are trying to whitewash in such a non-forced manner are the executioners of the civilian population towards whom these "heroes" were very brave. In a real battle, disgruntled underwear, they ran ahead of their own screeching, but now those like you are trying to prove that these great fighters did not do it out of fear, but from fierce hatred to the Radianska Vladyka and sworn commissars.
            1. Vovka levka
              10 June 2013 16: 26
              Quote: Sakhalininets

              In life, there is no concept of black and white, there is a concept of truth and falsehood. The truth is that those whom you are trying to whitewash in such a non-forced manner are the executioners of the civilian population towards whom these "heroes" were very brave. In a real battle, disgruntled underwear, they ran ahead of their own screeching, but now those like you are trying to prove that these great fighters did not do it out of fear, but from fierce hatred to the Radianska Vladyka and sworn commissars.

              Firstly, no one bleaches anyone; secondly, the soldiers of the Galicia division did not participate in war crimes. And the fact that they write all sorts of nonsense is another matter. It was an ordinary military unit, the name "SS" was given to all divisions that were not manned by Germans and there were many such divisions.
              There were, of course, police detachments, punitive detachments, and so on, and there were people of different nationalities, including Russians. Take an interest in how many Russians were in the service of the Germans and the numbers I think are shocking. This can be continued for a long time and the truth can no longer be found here.
              Read Beria’s reports on the situation in Western Ukraine, especially after the death of Stalin. Do you know in which year the last bandit in the North Caucasus was destroyed after the war?
        2. Oleg
          9 June 2013 19: 04
          is it your mom told you or was the shit on the internet read? Would you listen to our grandparents ....
      2. Avenger711
        10 June 2013 00: 06
        Done, but not after the 39th. Polish agents from the territory did not disappear anywhere and the surge should be associated with it. And they forget why the UPA didn’t run away in the 45th, the forces were unequal at all. They were waiting for war with former allies.
      3. +1
        10 June 2013 00: 46
        If they were avengers, they would only fight with the soldiers, with the Red Army, and not with the civilian population. There is no honor or vengeance to atrocity over the weak, and then scatter before the strong and renounce their people, calling themselves Poles (I am not against the Poles, it just seems to me that the Ukrainians and Poles have always ... some kind of historical antagonism, let's say so )
        And about the church: such stories - that someone offended the temple there (priest, icon, etc.), and then was terribly punished, and who did not offend, he was lucky, they walked around, and in my city too. Those who in my city - during the investigation, not one was confirmed (how is it known? - an interested student from the history department of our university wrote a thesis about this; by the way, he is Orthodox).
  2. +14
    9 June 2013 07: 46
    Well, send Western Ukraine, Galicia, in their nineteenth century! Create a separate state. About the nineteenth not just wrote, their consciousness has not changed. The rest will be easier to decide on the union with Belarus and us.
    1. -13
      9 June 2013 09: 09
      Quote: My address
      Well, send Western Ukraine, Galicia, in their nineteenth century! Create a separate state. About the nineteenth not just wrote, their consciousness has not changed. The rest will be easier to decide on the union with Belarus and us.

      the notorious red commissars should be sent there ... that would be order
      1. skeptic-
        9 June 2013 10: 58
        Quote: Civil
        the notorious red commissars should be sent there ... that would be order

        Oh well. Shaw is not winter, then I will bite. Here it is the essence of the Galician kugutni, about .... to all - look at this background and they themselves want to look more fluffy.
    2. +6
      9 June 2013 10: 54
      I wish you could convey your words to the current Russian rulers. But a gang of selected criminals now rules in Ukraine. Their motto is "only business - nothing personal".
  3. +5
    9 June 2013 07: 47
    Yes, they are not mongrels and not Poles at all, pi ... ry they are all. But they do not need to be shot, but just necessary and now too
    1. +2
      9 June 2013 10: 32
      No, they were not pi ... rams (Germans, as a rule, did not favor such people and allowed them to use soap). Just cattle!
  4. cartridge
    9 June 2013 07: 48
    The Germans treated the Galicians as second-class people.
    ... during marches on German territory they were forbidden to stop for the night in houses - only in barns, so as not to disturb the peace of respectable German citizens.
    But the Galician SS, like the Germans, took the oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer! They paid for their choice with blood, and they were kept in barns like cattle! Like the "non-European"!

    Around the same place will be the place of Ukrainians in Europe today. It is a pity that the brains washed by Svidomo propaganda stubbornly do not want to believe in the evidence.
  5. +19
    9 June 2013 07: 51
    And are modern Svoboda members proud of these "heroes"? Monuments are being erected. Clowns are mummers, however, very evil clowns.
    1. +8
      9 June 2013 11: 00
      If only clowns. They are also hired clowns, fulfilling someone else's political will.
  6. +11
    9 June 2013 08: 02
    On the one hand, I’d like to say that these SS men received from their masters by right, and on the other hand, they tricked the head of a simple, young boy and threw him to death for a possessed one. And this is all the vile Uniate class and now they are stupid Slavs, damned Bandera, led by Tyagnibok.
  7. +2
    9 June 2013 08: 11
    Share the thief and flour.
  8. terp 50
    9 June 2013 08: 17
    ... were and remained bitches! Everyone has the same attitude towards traitors
    1. Oleg
      9 June 2013 19: 14
      Well, tell me whom they betrayed? Maybe the UPA fought in Perm or Sverdlovsk?
      1. Marek Rozny
        9 June 2013 20: 46
        Who were you betrayed? The rest is the Ukrainian people who fought against the Nazis, realizing what the Nazis were going to make of the Ukrainians - slaves. Moreover, illiterate, of course, and small in number, so that in the future they would not bring concern to the German race.
        All who fought against the Red Army are traitors to their own (Ukrainian, Russian, Kazakh, Georgian, Tatar, Belarusian, etc.) people.
        It was necessary to be a complete d.e. beater in order not to understand the ultimate goals of the Nazis in relation to the Ukrainians. Or just an outspoken Judas, to look at it according to the principle "my house is on the edge, so long as they don't kill me and give me a stew on a regular basis."
      2. Avenger711
        10 June 2013 00: 08
        Triune Russian people.
  9. +8
    9 June 2013 08: 30
    "The last person to be shot in this insane division was General Freitag. He personally passed the verdict by firing a bullet in the forehead on May 10, 1945 - the day after OUR Victory."

    There and the road.
    1. +4
      9 June 2013 13: 58
      Quote: Vladimirets
      There and the road.

      And then the bastard ran away from the rope laid for business.
  10. vilenich
    9 June 2013 08: 35
    A rather interesting statement by the author:
    Anyone serving in the Soviet Army will remember meaningless training in gas masks in the sun.

    Why pointless? Perhaps the author does not know that without lengthy training in gas masks it is impossible to complete a combat mission with the real use of explosives.
    In addition, wearing a gas mask can be learned in fifteen minutes.

    You can learn to wear, of course! But you need to not only learn how to dress, but also get used to being in this position for a long time. And this is far from as easy as it seems to many who have not tried this procedure.
    1. Avenger711
      9 June 2013 13: 06
      And the Americans in the War had such a series of military propaganda cartoons in the style of the then Disney and Warner Bros, called Private Snafu (available on youtube), there was also a series about "gas mask - a friend of a soldier".
      1. vilenich
        9 June 2013 14: 13
        Quote: Avenger711
        gas mask - friend of a soldier

        And who doubts this?
      2. +1
        9 June 2013 14: 15
        Avenger, I'm sorry, accidentally minusanul. hi
        1. +1
          9 June 2013 19: 19
          Fixed. :)))
          1. +1
            9 June 2013 20: 01
            Quote: smile
            Fixed. :)))

            Thank you. drinks good
    2. Felix200970
      9 June 2013 18: 22
      Quote: vilenich
      Why pointless? Perhaps the author does not know that without lengthy training in gas masks it is impossible to complete a combat mission with the real use of explosives.

      And the author does not know. O. Buzina is a journalist and a brawler, but not a military man. Incidentally, the remarks about the pointlessness of training in gas masks also surprised me, until I saw the name of the author of the article
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. +6
    9 June 2013 08: 50
    It is a pity the Yugoslavs did not arrange the second Brody for these warriors, if you look from this scum, few would return to Ukraine.
  13. +4
    9 June 2013 08: 53
    The fact that the VV "Galicia" was not a Ukrainian, but a Polish formation is evidenced by the fact of a photo with the inscription "After the burning of Guta. SS" Galicia "buries two of its killed", where a fragment of the Polish emblem is clearly visible.

    Emblem of the 14th SS Wafen Division "Galicia".
    1. +8
      9 June 2013 10: 09
      Quote: individ
      Emblem of the 14th SS Wafen Division "Galicia".

      This emblem commemorates the brotherhood of arms with the Swedes. Do you remember Mazepa? Since that time stretches
      1. alexkross83
        9 June 2013 21: 12
        Itnrest, and whom did they not see during Mazepa? If they say that during the Second World War they didn’t see the commissars .... it’s not at all clear where such hatred for the brother of the Russian people comes from? All dogs have a dog’s death ... and this abomination that didn’t even fight ... but simply looted and slavish, is now leaving on Lviv Square? ....I have no words...
      2. leshijy
        9 June 2013 23: 59
        Ignorant you. Coat of arms of Galicia - Leo since the time of the Galicia-Volyn principality and blue-yellow is found on heraldry of the 14-17th centuries throughout Ukraine. The Swedes came only in the 18th century. Learn history and do not mislead people.
      3. +1
        10 June 2013 02: 15
        Quote: Vadivak
        Quote: individ
        Emblem of the 14th SS Wafen Division "Galicia".

        This emblem commemorates the brotherhood of arms with the Swedes. Do you remember Mazepa? Since that time stretches

        5 points to you! :))))))))
    2. +2
      9 June 2013 11: 35
      And this is Lviv today, the grandchildren of Kov continue the business. [Media = http: //]
    3. +2
      9 June 2013 14: 16
      Quote: individ
      The fact that the VV "Galicia" was not a Ukrainian, but a Polish formation is evidenced by the fact of a photo with the inscription "After the burning of Guta. SS" Galicia "buries two of its killed", where a fragment of the Polish emblem is clearly visible.

      Emblem of the 14th SS Wafen Division "Galicia".
    4. +3
      9 June 2013 20: 18
      Quote: individ
      The fact that VV "Galicia" was not Ukrainian, but Polish formation

      For some reason, he always believed that the SS were formations of Nazi Germany, according to the results of Nuremberg, recognized criminals, and it does not matter what nationalities they are formed from.
  14. +6
    9 June 2013 08: 58
    All these ghouls and ghouls from "Galicia", OUN, Bandera, who are now praised and to whom monuments are erected, transmit genetic memory not only for the betrayal and murder of the unarmed, but also for the fact that the Red Army will come and again have to run, hide and pray for mercy.
    And the west, he will, as always, send into the swamp all who lick him today, and tomorrow he will not be needed!
  15. ded10041948
    9 June 2013 09: 02
    Were they hoping to be "panami"? "Sheep in the stall" ("Prisoner of the Caucasus").
  16. +3
    9 June 2013 09: 07
    Such articles should be posted on Ukrainian forums. We then about them already know what kind of creatures they were.
    1. +2
      9 June 2013 10: 50
      Quote: Polar
      Such articles should be posted on Ukrainian forums.

      I also thought that articles such as leaflets should be hung on every post in Galicia
    2. Avenger711
      9 June 2013 13: 07
      And will someone read there? For some reason, all Ukrainian Nazis are sitting here and carefully writing about how bad it is with us.
    3. Hudo
      10 June 2013 07: 15
      Quote: Polar
      Such articles should be posted on Ukrainian forums. We then about them already know what kind of creatures they were.

      It seems to be located. True, very rare. For example, in the Internet edition "Today". As a result, a flock of Galitsai fascist troll floats and instantly foul the forum with a flood, preventing adequate discussion of the article. The administration of the Internet resource that posted the article is silent.
  17. CaptainBlack
    9 June 2013 09: 10
    How did they get all these bendersos ??? !!! And so it is clear who and who then was .... angry
  18. +6
    9 June 2013 09: 19
    Great article! The true patriots of Ukraine fought in the Red Army, and all evil spirits and lost souls were on the side of the "superior race", whose Fuhrer had a clear program to reduce the Slavic population. Total Slavic population!
  19. VkadimirEfimov1942
    9 June 2013 09: 22
    In vain the western Ukrainians are "buzzing", they are just like the Poles, the "instrument" of the influence of the Anglo-Saxons on Russia, and they will also face the same fate as the volunteers-Galicians of the SS. Not all were destroyed during the war - metastases remained, but it's a pity now Ukraine would be our good neighbor.
    1. +1
      9 June 2013 16: 52
      -VkadimirEfimov1942: In vain, Western Ukrainians "rage", they are just like the Poles "instrument" of influence
      No comments:
      -poljakam /
      UPA fought against the Red Army with the help of the Poles. PHOTO. COPIES OF DOCUMENTS
    2. +2
      9 June 2013 19: 24
      For them, everything is even worse — they are tools of anyone who gets in — sometimes an instrument of tools — they were used as an accessible girl by anyone, not even the Poles ... it is simply amazing. that they still have the audacity to yell about their independence ...
  20. +5
    9 June 2013 09: 51
    And the Germans were not fools.
    Scott must know its place
  21. 120352
    9 June 2013 09: 52
    Modern Galicians, it seems, also have a place in the stable, like pigs. Nefig on mother Russia to raise a leg! Repent, maybe let go home.
  22. +1
    9 June 2013 10: 04
    Well, we RUSSIANS understand this and in Ukraine, many think differently
  23. +4
    9 June 2013 10: 35
    from the Don.
    Nothing changes under this sun! 68 years have passed, but history is repeating. As were: zapadentsy:: second-rate: they remained.
    1. +4
      9 June 2013 23: 52
      Yes, they occupied Kiev and are trying to teach us how to live in real Ukraine. They have in the West. Ukraine, where the authorities are completely fascists from "freedom" - collapse, corruption and desolation. Those who have not fled to the West as dirty laborers live from border speculation. "Ukrainian Piedmont", however ... But those who have crept into the Kiev authorities can only be smoked back home with chlorophos. Hold on to Kiev like a louse for a casing, patriots are bad.
      In addition to the sent widow of the fascist accomplice Stetsko and the small CIA officer assigned to her as a lackey, the novel Zvarich with a fake legal diploma (with the YUSCHENKA, the son of the camp capo, he was even ... the Minister of Justice), none of the girls who fled to the West did not come to wake up Ukraine "- their patriotism is distant.
  24. Borat
    9 June 2013 10: 39
    So this funny division is the "cradle" of the Ukrainian army ?! belay
    Guys, you need to do something! It's somehow ... shame, probably ... feel
    1. 0
      9 June 2013 10: 48
      And then there was the battalion "Nightingale" (Nachtigall) - these are generally animals!
  25. +8
    9 June 2013 10: 41
    “The power of Russia can be undermined only by the separation of Ukraine from it ... it is necessary not only to tear off, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia. To do this, you just need to find and cultivate traitors among the elite and with their help change the self-consciousness of one part of a great nation to such an extent that it will hate everything Russian, hate its clan without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time. ”
    Otto von Bismarck.
  26. +11
    9 June 2013 11: 13
    Big "reshpect" Olesya Buzin is one of the most intelligent and sane authors in our Ukraine. I always read all his materials with great interest. Orangemen and Banderlogists hate him with mortal hatred. May God grant him health, strength and courage.
    1. Anti com
      9 June 2013 11: 54
      Doo, well ... O. Buzina will be strangled by the loot and write anything. As, however, most of the Ukrainian pseudo-literary beau monde is not dependent on color.
      ZY SS "Galicia" is a shameful page in the history of Ukraine, which must be torn out and thrown away, and not sucked from year to year. Moreover, it is no longer interesting even for the Galychan people. It is simply beneficial for someone to constantly draw out this messy card, stirring up the contradictions between the West and the East of Ukraine.
      1. +6
        9 June 2013 14: 33
        Quote: Anti Com
        SS "Galicia" is a shameful page in the history of Ukraine, which must be torn out and thrown away, and not sucked from year to year. Moreover, it is no longer interesting even for the Galychan people.

        Tell THIS pan from the picture(do you recognize the character?), he will catch your comment!
        Where then to draw "hate fiercely to moscow"?
        Indeed, the creation of the image of a destitute, oppressed Ukraine is one of the pillars, the basis of Ukrainian statehood!
        And whatever they say, the radical nationalist currents find fertile ground for development (and not only "Zakhodochin"), fueled by an indifferent contemplation of what is happening on the part of the Government
        1. Anti com
          9 June 2013 20: 47
          By this, as you said, "Nazis" (see photo) before the real Nazis, as before Jupiter with cancer. A bunch of poor people who, oddly enough, are financed for some reason by representatives of the nation most affected by fascism ... The top of the Ukrainian "Svoboda" is no different from representatives of other parties, incl. and communist. They all have the same grin. Like God is the dollar.
          So to be afraid of fascism in Ukraine, in my opinion, is stupid. Everything is bought and sold here, even an idea. Russia has a better chance of the rise of fascism (IMHO).
          1. +4
            9 June 2013 21: 05
            Quote: Anti Com
            The top of the Ukrainian "Svoboda" is no different from representatives of other parties

            Are different! not a single deputy from Freedom served in the army! laughing
            1. Anti com
              9 June 2013 21: 28
              So what that did not serve? Yanukovych may still throw to them the idea that no one was sitting there. So, what is next!
              1. 0
                9 June 2013 22: 23
                Quote: Anti Com
                So what that did not serve?

                Well, uh ... SUCH patriots of their Ukraine, but how to visit the defenders of the Motherland - so others go (
                Quote: Anti Com
                Yanukovych may still throw to them the idea that no one was sitting there.

                "What are you !? Want to make a fool of me?"
                - My dear! Why do that ?! "(Shakespeare, 12th night)

                "The Wrong Side of Freedom." Pulp Fiction
                What is common between the nationalist Oleg Tyagnybok and the legendary bandit Vova Morda, who was recently shot in Lviv? You won’t believe it - the party!
                The search for a force you can trust has trapped voters in Kiev and other “new converts” in the country. The criminal nature of VO “Freedom” has already been written. In passing. We took this vinaigrette in pieces. From petty crooks to handsome thieves in law. Something makes me laugh. But most of it is shocking ...

                Very interesting and detailed! Take a look, please.
                1. Anti com
                  9 June 2013 23: 12
                  Nonsense! Vova "Muzzle" is our client. Tyagnibok was not lying there ... Of course, and this is no secret, in the dashing 90s, many of today's "patriots" were in brigades. Some as an ordinary "torpedo", some as a "squadron" ... Lviv Svobodists were more often than not simple errands.
          2. +3
            9 June 2013 21: 12
            Quote: Anti Com
            Russia has a better chance of the rise of fascism (IMHO).
            Well, the chances are the same everywhere, but answer who is marching around Kiev
            1. Anti com
              9 June 2013 21: 31
              These are the brothers from "Trident". You should not be afraid of them ... One thief from Bankova is a hundred times worse than a hundred of these naive fools. Let them walk. I know them as peeling - shushara.
              1. 0
                9 June 2013 21: 36
                Quote: Anti Com
                They should not be afraid ...- Shushara.
                For the time being, they thought so about Völkisch, and as a result, Hitler appeared ... and the whole world "trembled" for a decade.
                1. Anti com
                  9 June 2013 21: 40
                  Well, you know ... Such comparisons do not climb into any gates. Compare Germany with Ukraine-Little Russia ... I do not know. There are no words.
        2. +2
          10 June 2013 00: 00
          this is a murlo - a certified ... philosopher, a graduate student of the philosophy faculty of Kiev University. Moreover, he is the son of a cameraman, director and artist, treated kindly in the USSR (see the film "Newton Street, Building 1), Ilyenko, a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, People's Party, laureate, etc., who fell into some kind of insanity after 1991 and did not film practically anything. manifested * What a bastard brought up!
          1. 0
            10 June 2013 02: 29
            who are you talking about? not pont, RoTTor?
      2. +3
        9 June 2013 16: 08
        Quote: Anti Com
        It’s easy, for someone, to constantly draw out this trash card

        And the greasy map about the "genocide" of the Ukrainian people, about the centuries-old "slavery", about the fact that Ukrainians are flesh from the flesh of Europeans, who have nothing to do with "yami" ... - is it time to stop pulling?
        1. Anti com
          9 June 2013 20: 55
          Genocide, unlike the SS "Galychina", is not a shameful, but a tragic page in the common history of Ukraine and Russia. For me personally, Ukrainians, like Russians, and Belarusians are Europeans ... I do not want to consider myself an Asian and will not. Therefore, for me it is not a "greasy" map, but the reality of life.
          1. +4
            9 June 2013 21: 07
            Quote: Anti Com
            The genocide, unlike the SS "Galychina", is not a shameful, but a tragic page in the common history of Ukraine and Russia.

            And what was the genocide? belay
            1. Anti com
              9 June 2013 21: 25
              For someone it was, for someone not. I do not care. Personally, my grandmother in the village (v. Magdalinovka, Dnipropetrovsk region) had cases of cannibalism ... And I believe that. And as you call it, I do not care. For me, this is an unambiguous tragedy and genocide.
              1. +1
                10 June 2013 14: 50
                But how does Ukraine explain the fact that in Siberia, for example, there was no famine? A Russian-Masonic conspiracy? The Ukrainians took everything clean, but the Russians did not? wassat
                1. 0
                  16 June 2013 19: 25
                  And who said that there was no famine in Siberia, this is a fallacy.
            2. +6
              9 June 2013 21: 29
              Of course there was - this is such an infectious disease in which the cells of the brain are genocided .... when a sick person loses his brain, he turns into a hydrocephalus - another name is Bandera. The body is content with the spinal cord, confidently remembers several phrases about genocide, Holodomor, gulag, often uses the word "give" and experiences an inexplicable addiction to Nazi ideology ..
              The disease is difficult to cure and unpredictable, sometimes the victim recovers from a kick with a boot in the ass. sometimes lead seals do not help ... only prevention is effective ... noticed. that organisms that initially have small brain volumes are affected .. :))))).
  27. cartridge
    9 June 2013 11: 42
    And non-commissioned officers hastily made from Ukrainians (“pidstarshini”), according to memoirists, drove recruits with even greater frenzy than natural Germans.

    Before Afghanistan, I ended up in a school in Ashgabat. We, young soldiers, were mercilessly tormented by the castle platoon of the sergeant sergeant Nechitailo from the Ivano-Frankivsk village I had already forgotten, who had been called up to the ranks only six months earlier. He kept us under the Turkmen sun for hours, forcing us to pull our sock on the parade ground, or forcing some to faint from heatstroke at the next household work ... At the same time, I did not show any other commanding qualities and talents. Neither on the sports camp nor on the shooting range did not shine. A dumb and ruthless sadist with a vile peasant accent ... Even before I went to Afghanistan, I found out that he was left after graduation in school because of the banal bribe that his arriving rodaks handed to the company-old, also a native of Zap. Ukraine. Nechitailo himself was afraid to shiver literally to Afgan. His platoon periodically scared him and he changed his face instantly.
    It was wild and incomprehensible to me. I’m a soldier, here is our company and we must be together. And the future service in Afghanistan then seemed just a romantic adventure. At least there was no fear. And it is impossible to describe the contempt with which the last weeks of service in school, I and the others belonged to this Nechitayla, having learned about the story with a bribe. And he turned sour when he found out that we know about it. On the night before departure, they arranged for him dark ...
    This I mean that I was sure that he was pressing us precisely because we were not Ukrainians. And now I read and see that the nationality of subordinates has nothing to do with it. It’s just a genetically innate tendency of natives of those places to trample those who, by the will of circumstances, are lower than them in the hierarchical ladder and at the same time a passionate desire to curry favor with higher ones.
  28. +3
    9 June 2013 11: 54
    The article put a plus. The country must know its "heroes".
    Here are just: "Anyone who served in the Soviet Army will remember the senseless training in gas masks in the sun. But this is not only a Russian tradition. Rational Germans were doing the same nonsense."
    The same fascists did not use OM in large quantities for only one reason — in the Red Army, chemical protection issues were at their best. And the Soviet army was preparing to fight NATO in a nuclear war and the use of the same OM. In our unit, one day a week was completely devoted to chemical protection. On this day, we carried out military works in chemical protection. And on alarm, we were often treated with chloropicrin. Amazing thing. smile They could easily put on a gas mask from a camping one with one hand. Refueling tankers (if anyone doesn’t know, one of the components is acid.) -Te generally .... Indirectly about the severity of the danger now can be the remains of bomb shelters in cities, or rather their number.
    And here, let me ask you a question. Not sure everyone will answer right away. Can a gas mask protect against carbon monoxide? wink
    1. +4
      9 June 2013 13: 31
      insulated current will save from carbon monoxide
    2. vilenich
      9 June 2013 14: 20
      Quote: There was a mammoth
      Can a gas mask protect against carbon monoxide?

      An ordinary gas mask does not protect against carbon monoxide, but there are special filters to protect against CO2, and of course an insulating gas mask.
      1. Borat
        9 June 2013 14: 40
        Correct: not CO2, but COXNUMX. And so - that's right!
        1. +3
          9 June 2013 14: 53
          Quote: Borat
          Correct: not CO2, but COXNUMX. And so - that's right!

          I am sure many on the VO website will be able to correctly answer this question. Because many have served or are serving, or there is an interest in military affairs. But many do not know. I checked it myself. A good article was written by the author. It's a pity that there were little things like stories with gas masks.
          1. +2
            9 June 2013 19: 34
            Was mammoth
            Frankly, after reading your question, I didn’t know how to react, because we were taught this at school at the lessons of non-state students ... so that, in theory, the vast majority should answer this question ... but then I thought and realized that you were right. Now (but not on this site) the bulk of people do not know. I, for the sake of fun, even did a blitz poll, the results are depressing ...
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +1
              9 June 2013 20: 52
              Quote: smile
              the vast majority should answer this question, in theory

              Sorry that it turned out off-topic. I just think that you need to form your own opinion, having learned often opposite points of view, and not having heard something once. Therefore, I asked a question addressed to "fans of gas masks" a simple question. Maybe they will think. Although I do not exclude that the Germans were so "making fun" of the "under-raiser".
        2. vilenich
          9 June 2013 17: 14
          Quote: Borat
          not CO2, but COXNUMX

          Borat, I absolutely agree with you, something has jammed a little ...
    3. Felix200970
      9 June 2013 18: 37
      Quote: There was a mammoth
      And here, let me ask you a question. Not sure everyone will answer right away. Can a gas mask protect against carbon monoxide?

      Wow, what a maladets! I asked a very correct question! I know from my own experience that often even colonels do not know what a gas mask is for. DO NOT BELIEVE? Look at fire fighting training in the troops. Everyone runs with gas masks, but they don’t have a single insulating gas mask
  29. +4
    9 June 2013 11: 59
    >> What's the point of chasing soldiers in rubber muzzles with songs? Nothing but the usual army stupidity

    : facepalm: Yes, it strengthens the breathing room very much.
  30. Mr. Truth
    9 June 2013 12: 01
    In general, I’ll tell you a secret, but the substrate of the population of Galicia and other areas of the west and part of the south of Ukraine and where cannon fodder was gathered was considered Untermans at the level of Jews and Gypsies with the only difference that they could be convinced to fight for the Reich.
  31. +2
    9 June 2013 12: 11
    But what else did the Germans start expecting from the Germans? After all, for them ALL were not people. Only to a different degree.
  32. +1
    9 June 2013 12: 15
    Major of the SS Division "Galicia" Yevgeny Running: "The Germans allowed us to sleep only in the stables"

    That's all this trash unfinished now grunts ...
  33. +1
    9 June 2013 12: 20
    They themselves recorded in subhuman and became them ...
  34. misham
    9 June 2013 12: 26
    What can I say as it is. We are not ashamed of our story.
    18-20 year old boys then understood little about the differences between Hitler and Stalin. The regime in the General Government was softer than the Ukrainian Reich Commissariat. but they remembered Soviet Galicia 39-41 years. no Goebel propaganda is needed. Piles of corpses with traces of terrible torture were discovered in the basements of the towers of western Ukraine after the retreat of the Red Army. Someone's brothers, sisters, friends in the reports of the NKVD-NKGB were listed as "losses in the first category"
    Only volunteers were enrolled in the SS Galicia Division to fight with the Soviets. The flow of volunteers did not stop even after the Battle of Kursk and the liberation of Kiev. For the German command, the division was limited to combat worthiness, and therefore the unfit command staff was rafted there. In the yard for 44 years, there were nowhere to take competent combat commanders and non-commissioned officers (the ridge of the German army). Therefore, the division was used only against the partisans of Poland, Slovakia and Yugoslavia. And operations against partisans are everywhere in a similar pattern.
    The Second World War is ambiguous and multifaceted. People made their choice or someone decided for them and fought not for those. Poles, Czechs, French (Alsatians) fought in the Wehrmacht upon conscription. Danes, Swedes, and other Aryans signed up for the Waffen SS. The British fought with yesterday's allies (now Vichy). Finnish Jews fought against the Red Army.

    It is easy for Russians to stigmatize the collaborators of Galician-Bandera fascist henchmen. Please deal with your heroes objectively. 70 years have passed, it's time to give an objective assessment of those events
    1. +8
      9 June 2013 12: 37
      Quote: misham
      Mountains of corpses with traces of terrible torture were found in the cellars of the towers of western Ukraine after the retreat of the Red Army.

      Where. When exactly. How much. Link to source and archival documents.
      Infa from the category "grandfather told me" and liberal rags are not accepted for consideration.
      1. Avenger711
        10 June 2013 02: 51
        There were many such provocations, "good" corpses were produced by the Germans in abundance, the overwhelming majority no one remembers, except Katyn, the hysteria around which was caused by Polish pigs in exile, who, after Goebbels, immediately issued a statement almost directly blaming the USSR for this. I hope that Poland's punishment for this trick will not be limited to the pack of punishments that broke up near Smolensk and that someday they will beg to forgive us for it.
      2. 0
        16 June 2013 19: 32
        Captive Poles shot in Katyn
    2. Avenger711
      9 June 2013 13: 15
      Hey, you don't have to lie about the NKVD. Although absolutely finished, to whom the Fritzes showed who were shot by them, and they believed, there was undoubtedly a certain number. Goebbels' propaganda has announced more than a dozen such "shootings of the NKVD", all of them are elementarily proven fakes. As the scum from NTV recently sat down in a puddle in front of the cameras, pulling out German handcuffs from the burial and announcing the corpses of a victim of the NKVD, the only bad thing is that they were not beaten in front of the camera with these handcuffs and they were not buried right there, so that others would not slander the USSR. Before your liberation, the Poles did not consider yours as people, well, actually, as it was for centuries.
    3. +2
      9 June 2013 13: 46
      We figured it out ... came to the conclusion that an excessively kind Stalin reacted too softly to Bandera ghouls ... and even before the war it wasn’t all trash, apparently they shot it ... a flaw.
    4. +5
      9 June 2013 14: 25
      I know one thing - it’s far away from power, but local people always lead the field, this leadership from the highest to the highest can be visitors, and the performers are all LOCAL. So do not trick the grandmother about the NKVD-NKGB. Yes, and comrade is right Cartridge, I myself saw that Ukrainians are normal kind people, but as a zapadenets - so feisty obscurantist, if you give him power, you yourself know what is happening.
    5. +3
      9 June 2013 16: 36
      So they figured it out already. In Russia, as the successor of the USSR, VERY MANY HEROES of different nationalities.
  35. +5
    9 June 2013 12: 32
    Once General Freitag was literally furious when he learned that lice were found in his soldiers. He yelled that the Germans do not have this

    Yes, of course! Let Baba Rose tell these tales of the Vienna woods! Special formations up to and including divisions were formed from the number of dysentirians (a true Aryan should not wash his hands before eating!), Etc., who were not able to continue to fully carry out service. The Germans were such a frequent occurrence that, judging by the memoirs of front-line soldiers, attention was paid to them just didn't pay. The "subhumans" in the "Asian" Red Army were much better in terms of hygiene.
    For those who wish to debate, I send to see the chronicle during the war with personnel returning the submarines of the RKKF and Kriegsmarine from combat duty. Compare the clean and tidy Red Navy with the homeless Röder and Doenitz. And this despite the fact that the Germans went to the cinema in the USA and sunbathed on the islands, and the Russians broke through the ice fields in the Baltic ice water.

    We decided to idealize the German army and laugh at the Red. Anyone serving in the Soviet Army will remember the pointless training in gas masks in the sun. But this is by no means only the Russian tradition. Rational Germans were engaged in the same nonsense.

    Physical endurance and the ability to perform a task despite discomfort and hardship - is this nonsense for a soldier? Hmm ...
    1. 0
      16 June 2013 19: 42
      The German submariners' military campaigns were somewhat longer than ours, as was the number of sunk targets.
  36. -1
    9 June 2013 13: 33
    I read on the Internet that former UPA members who fought against the Red Army receive большие benefits than veterans of the Second World War.
    1. +1
      9 June 2013 22: 27
      Quote: Ivanovich47
      former UPA members who fought against the Red Army receive more benefits than WWII veterans.

      This is the activity of local councils. Surcharge from the budget .... They find money for this, but for the repair of bridges, the elimination of natural disasters - no! All the time in the center they ask! am
  37. +1
    9 June 2013 13: 50
    the most interesting thing is that all these Bandera Vlasovites .etc. quickly neutralized ... SMERSH worked clearly .. !!
    1. +2
      9 June 2013 13: 59
      Until the 56th year they ran into them.
  38. Marek Rozny
    9 June 2013 13: 53
    I don’t know where you saw the Ukrainians in the photo.

    Here in the photo - Ukrainians:
    1. +1
      9 June 2013 14: 01
      They simply got the unfinished ghouls with their cries (sorry, grunts!) So much that they no longer want to see the differences between am-Bendera and Ukrainians.
      This is bad, of course, but as it is.
    2. +3
      9 June 2013 15: 01
      Marek, hi ..
      But how did you determine the Ukrainian in the battalion commander?
      For example, I would say - that is a Chuvash.
      Or a disguised swab. Moreover, the earlobe is fused.
      Moreover - the left hand is why it is clenched into a fist? Not typical for Slavic gestures ..
      but in general, but in general ..
      This photo has a proper name - Combat. And who is depicted on it is also known.
      Russian. By last name, at least.
      Frolov, it seems. If I am not mistaken.
      Too lazy to look for ... own memory.
      Damn, I decided to search ..
      Here is what I found:
      . ".. The picture was taken on July 12, 1942 in the Luhansk region (then - Voroshilovgrad region), in the area of ​​hostilities, in which the 220th rifle regiment of the 4th rifle division took part, where in those days the Red Army was leading a stubborn bloody defensive battles with superior [specify] enemy forces The picture was taken on the battlefield near the village of Horoshe (now the village of Horosheye, Slavyanoserbsk district, Luhansk region) between the rivers Lugan and Lozova.
      The photographer took a position in the trench just in front of the defense line. At that moment, the German attack began, an air raid took place and shelling began. Alpert saw the commander rising and immediately took a picture of him. At that very moment, a splinter broke the lens of the camera. The correspondent considered that the film was dead and the frame was lost forever. While tinkering with the broken apparatus in his trench, for some time he did not follow the situation, but he heard a chain say: "They killed the battalion commander." The author’s name and position remained unknown to the author, but what he heard subsequently gave rise to name the picture in that way [1].
      Attempt to establish identity [edit]

      The author received many letters from a variety of people who recognized their relative in the commander [1]. At least one war veteran considered himself depicted in this photograph [2]
      In the early 1970s, journalists from Komsomolskaya Pravda and members of the Luhansk regional youth organization Molodogvards (Russian Molodogvardeets) attempted to establish the identity of the person captured in the famous photograph. He, allegedly, turned out to be a native of the village of Tersyanka [3] of the Volnyansk district of the Zaporozhye region, Aleksey Gordeevich Eremenko, a junior political instructor of one of the companies of the 220th rifle regiment of the 4th rifle division. "
      So you're right .... by last name and patronymic-Ukrainian.
      1. +2
        9 June 2013 15: 09
        Quote: Igarr
        Marek, hi ..
        But how did you determine the Ukrainian in the battalion commander?

        how did you determine that this is a battalion commander? He has "kubari" in buttonholes, meaning the maximum is a senior lieutenant, and this means a platoon commander or a company. But since he is raising people to attack, then most likely a platoon ...
        1. 0
          9 June 2013 15: 11
          I tweaked my post.
          Everything is stated there.
          1. Marek Rozny
            9 June 2013 15: 50
            Hello! Yes, I just remember that he had a Ukrainian surname. So I posted it. Here he is - a Ukrainian. And people in all sorts of "Galicia" - rootless, stupid and very cowardly. Tell them "shoot at mom" - and they will shoot at mom. Because they are afraid. The NKVD, of course, made a mess of things, but it acted correctly in relation to such mankurt.
            But most of all I am enraged by those people who were career commanders of the Red Army, and in captivity, SUDDENLY became "fighters against communism." This is generally not understood in my understanding. They should not be shot, but they had to be taken to the clinic for medical experiments.
            1. Marek Rozny
              9 June 2013 16: 26
              In general, if I didn’t know the name of this political instructor, then (if I dream up) I would have decided that he is a Tatar, Chuvash, Bashkir, well, or just a mestizo - Kazakh with Russian. Indeed, something hidden Mongoloid is felt in him. However, some Ukrainians differ from Russians in their strongly pronounced "Tatar" appearance, which Gogol emphasized.
        2. Marek Rozny
          9 June 2013 16: 37
          Quote: svp67
          He has "kubari" in buttonholes, meaning the maximum is a senior lieutenant, and this means a platoon commander or a company.

          In general, yes, but there were exceptions. For example, Bauyrzhan Momyshuly commanded a battalion in the Panfilov division as an elder. And after the famous battles near Moscow, in 1941, with the rank of senior lieutenant, he became a regiment commander (just a month later at the front). He became a colonel "only" in 1944, but already commanded a division. So in theory the starley could be a battalion commander. Although in this case, as you know, junior political instructor.
    3. BAT
      9 June 2013 17: 36
      I read somewhere that this political officer is from Zaporozhye. The picture was taken a few seconds before his death.
      1. Marek Rozny
        9 June 2013 19: 50
        Igarr above has already written about him.
      2. Marek Rozny
        9 June 2013 19: 50
        Igarr above has already written about him.
  39. The comment was deleted.
  40. DmitriRazumov
    9 June 2013 13: 54
    Maj. SS "Galicia" divisions Eugene Pobeschiy
    There were no such titles in the SS. Is this an attempt to mow under the rank of Wehrmacht, so as to whitewash himself, not to identify with the criminal organization SS? Not the major, but the Sturmbannfuehrer (Sturmbannführer).
    1. +1
      9 June 2013 18: 19
      The ranks of the SS (starting with "Schutze" and further upwards) were assigned only to true Aryans. All the rest were assigned similar Wehrmacht titles with the addition of the prefix Waffen-SS, respectively, the title of this pepper was Waffen-SS major.
      1. DmitriRazumov
        9 June 2013 20: 16
        Quote: siber
        The ranks of the SS (starting with "Schutze" and further upwards) were assigned only to true Aryans. All the rest were assigned similar Wehrmacht titles with the addition of the prefix Waffen-SS, respectively, the title of this pepper was Waffen-SS major.

        Can you confirm this information with anything?
        It is interesting about the prefix words in the Waffen SS, for example: "legion (s) -rottenfuehrer SS" and "Waffen-rottenfuehrer SS". K. Semyonov "SS troops. Soldiers like everyone else" (Art. 32). I have no information about the assignment of military ranks to foreign legionnaires in the SS.

        According to information on the Wiki, the division had the following rank system:

        Schutze (page)
        Oberschutze (senior officer)
        Sturmann (vistun)
        Rottenführer (Senior Student)
        Unterscharfuhrer (ten's manager)
        Scarfuhrer (no analogue)
        Standartenyunker (foreman-piedhorun)
        Oberscharführer (senior ten)
        Hauptscharfuhrer (municipality)
        Sturmsharfuhrer (no analogue)
        Standartenoberunker (chotov-pidhorunzhiy)
        Untersturmfuhrer (coronet)
        Obersturmfuhrer (surety)
        Hauptsturmfuhrer (centurion)
        Sturmbannfuhrer (major)
        Obersturmbannfuhrer (colonel)
        Standartenfuhrer (Colonel)
        Oberfuhrer (no analogue)
        Brigadeführer (Major General)
        Gruppenführer (Coronet General)
        Obergruppenführer (Assistant General)
        Oberstgruppenführer (Colonel General)
        Those. Ukrainian counterparts - this is not the title of the SS, but only their Ukrainian interpretation.
        1. 0
          10 June 2013 06: 32
          I read on this topic, I don't even remember the title of the book, perhaps "Foreign formations of the SS", maybe at Zalessky, maybe somewhere else. The meaning there was this - only a true Aryan could join the SS and receive the title, with the provision of a list of ancestors to check the purity of blood, it was impossible for a non-Aryan to join the SS, it was impossible to get the title and the right to wear runes in buttonholes. Those recruited into the formations received titles similar to those of the Wehrmacht with the addition of the Waffen-SS prefix to indicate belonging to the SS units.
          PS Perhaps the books were from the series "Enemies and Allies" - Ponomarenko, Zalessky, Semyonov "SS troops without a stamp of secrecy", Navruzov "14th SS Grenadier Division" Galicia "", in separate books Drobyazko, Semyonov "Foreign formations of the Third Reich" , Drobyazko "Eastern formations as part of the Wehrmacht 1941-45gg" or Zhukov, Kovtun "Russian SS men" from the series "1418 days of the Great War" although it may be elsewhere.
          1. +1
            10 June 2013 11: 25
            Quote: siber
            ranks similar to that of the Wehrmacht with the addition of the prefix Waffen-SS to indicate belonging to parts of the SS.

            Wrong. The titles were similar to those in the SS, with the addition of the prefix Waffen-. For instance -
            Pridon Tsulukidze, Kuchuk Ularay, Vardan Sargsyan and Maromed Israfi, respectively, were in the head of the military groups; all in the rank of waffen-? standartenfuhrer

            This is from Drobyazko Semyonov's book "Foreign formations of the Third Reich", p. 397, about the Caucasian formation of the SS troops.
            1. DmitriRazumov
              10 June 2013 15: 06
              Quote: siber
              Wrong. The titles were similar to those in the SS, with the addition of the prefix Waffen-. For instance -
              Pridon Tsulukidze, Kuchuk Ularay, Vardan Sargsyan and Maromed Israfi, respectively, were in the head of the military groups; all in the rank of waffen-? standartenfuhrer

              You are a plus, but most likely ...
  41. +7
    9 June 2013 14: 40
    But something else struck me guys ...
    Here, taken separately .. spherical horses in a vacuum ....
    The overwhelming mass (for some reason I do not want to believe that the personnel recruitment was regular .. although I do not know this) - I just tried to - BEND ..
    Dismiss from service in the Red Army, because they didn’t take the German ..
    slope away from the UPA, from ZURN ... slope away from the partisans, from the Home Army .., .. Lyudova.
    slope - from concentration camps ..
    Got it?
    Kissed - for the eaten dry food. And in the Red Army - the first thing they did was to throw out a gas mask, stuff a bag of ammunition and EAT NZ. Right here. There was a sign - you will not gobble up, you will get surrounded. Uncle told.
    No one was judged. Mat wings.
    So it was worth it. To bite off?
    For all the good - DEATH!
    In the eighth grade of school, I had a chance to sing a song - Spotlight fumbles carefully on the hill .....
    Well, peers know her.
    So there are words - ".. we didn't even take care of our heart, like NZ ..."
    And all business.
    RS..Createness goes sideways.
    ...... and right 9 grams in the heart.
  42. Abakanets
    9 June 2013 14: 44
    The USSR itself is to blame for the creation of the UPA, ROA, and so on. And with "Galicia" everything is clear, the USSR brought a lot of evil to Western Ukrainians, collectivization, repression against the population, and so on. It is worth recalling that not a single Russian fought against Russia in the First World War, and at least half a million only Russians fought against the USSR.
    1. +4
      9 June 2013 14: 56
      Nice man ...
      "..that not a single Russian fought against Russia in the First World War .." - FACTS ????? WHERE ????
    2. +5
      9 June 2013 15: 03
      1.Russkih traitors who fought with their people were several tens of thousands, along with the police (if you do not take into account the unarmed "hi-vi"). Mostly other nationalities went to the SS and other punitive formations, it is very easy to check, so do not lie, please ..
      2. It is worth recalling that most of all the grief the Bandera cannibals brought to the Ukrainian people ... in fact, they destroyed their people, or rather zealously helped the Nazis in this matter ... tell me, this is because these bastards tried so hard to destroy their own people, that there were repressions in the USSR ? ... And you do not think that the existence of these nonhumans is simply a flaw in the NKVD? :)))
    3. Marek Rozny
      9 June 2013 15: 31
      According to this logic, the Kazakhs were supposed to massively go over to the side of the Wehrmacht at the front and rip off the heads of the Red Army, because the Kazakhs suffered even more from collectivization and repression than the Ukrainians. Only from the famine of 1932-1933, the Kazakhs lost half of their numbers. And there was also the famine of the 20s. Absolutely the entire Kazakh intelligentsia was shot by 1937. But what is surprising, the Kazakhs (like other steppe-Turks), who were captured, and then into the Turkestan Legion and Idel-Ural, not only refused to fight against their own people, but at every opportunity they turned their weapons against the Germans and switched en masse to side of the partisans and the Red Army. Saboteurs from among ethnic Kazakhs, recruited by the Nazis and abandoned in Western Kazakhstan to conduct anti-Soviet sabotage activities, the first thing after landing on the territory of the Kazakh SSR went to the nearest police station or NKVD to report on their arrival from German captivity (knowing full well that by they will not iron their heads for this). Famous heroines of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova and Aliya Moldagulova are both from families of "enemies of the people". However, many other Kazakh Red Army men who received high awards for courage on the battlefield are from unreliable families. The elder brother of my own grandfather (on the paternal side) was shot as an enemy of the people, although he was a simple railway engineer. But it never occurred to my grandfather to turn weapons against the Soviet Union; he was at the front from 1941 to 1945. His awards adorn the museum in the regional center. My mother is also from a family of repressed people, my great-great-grandfather was a bai (one of the richest people in South Kazakhstan), he had awards and titles from the king. The Soviet regime went hard on all my mother's ancestors. But nevertheless, my mother's father, while still a minor, upon learning that enemies had attacked his homeland, stole his elder brother's documents and went with them to the military registration and enlistment office, and from there to the front in 1941 (though he got to the front in 1942). Now try again to prove to me that
      Quote: Abakanets
      The USSR itself is to blame for the creation of the UPA, ROA, etc.

      Kazakhs are a nation that is allied with the "enemies of the people". There are no Kazakhs whose ancestors did not suffer from the famine of the 20-30s or repression. And nevertheless, when the Nazis attacked, it never occurred to anyone to go over to the side of the enemy. Although the Germans promised the Soviet Turks a separate state ("Big Turkestan") in the event of the defeat of the USSR. But in response to Hitler's tempting offer, prisoners of war Turks in the Turkestan and Volga-Tatar battalions of the Wehrmacht restored communist party cells, as it should be for normal units of the Red Army laughing
      1. +3
        9 June 2013 16: 04
        Wow ... bye ... Marek ....
        I'll know...
        In Bystroletov's book "The Feast of the Immortals" there is just an episode with a train of convicted Kazakhs. Professors of the Alma-Ata State University with their families.
        So interestingly written.
        And - not a gram - of anti-Stalinism.
        Anti-humanity is condemned.
        There is a homeland. And there are - PEOPLE who have absorbed this concept since childhood.
        And, otherwise, it is a tumbleweed. Mankurts, right.
        1. Marek Rozny
          9 June 2013 17: 24
          On the mother's side - bai, on the father's side - simple steppe people. But both there and there - military and biys (people's judges). The anniversary of Syrlybai's great-great-grandfather was celebrated two months ago - several hundred people celebrated together in the Dzhambul region. The Taraz Museum (formerly the city of Dzhambul) keeps his documents from the king - awards and all sorts of different things. And the name of his descendant Temirzhan Syrlybaev (my grandfather) is in the Museum of the Siege of Leningrad, he fought there since the winter of 1942. At the same time, he was deeply religious and even partially (as is sometimes the case with Kazakhs) was still a mullah. Faith in Allah did not in the least prevent him from fighting for the Bolsheviks. Because good or bad Bolsheviks are their own. And the Germans are strangers. I can be at enmity with my younger brother, swear and fight with him, but if someone tries to offend him, then I will not even think about what to do - in the face with a fist at my brother's offender, period. No options. Your country has been attacked - you have to fight for your country. Even if it is ruled by a bad ruler. And if you think that the ruler is very bad for you, then first kick out the invader, and then kick out your khan. But not the other way around. "On the contrary" is already a common betrayal of one's country. No options.
          And I never heard of Bystroletov. Only now I typed in a search engine, looked who it is and what the book is about. I will look for a book to download. Rakhmet for the tip. I love to read that. Moreover, as I understand it, the author is "in the subject", and not a hack "based on";)
          1. +2
            9 June 2013 18: 33
            Ho ho ..
            The author is not in the subject ... read it - marvel at it ...
            And in our affairs, mournful and grave .. as I expected ...
            There are - patriots ... it doesn’t matter the noble (bayan) rank, or just the peasants. I myself .. from the peasants, I know for sure until 1824. Checked personally. Then the books ... disappeared .... What is interesting .. -all free .. no such serfs ... a riddle .. for guglovodov !!!
            We are all of the same blood ... in the territory of the Soviet Union.
            The territory did not disappear.
            Could share.
            Shared ... in 1236-1237 ...
            it was necessary ... to create the "Putin" of his time - BATU-tina-Khan ...
            Process - Go ... as they say.
            And we are only at the beginning ...
            how I am afraid to be ... as a consumable.
            And where to go ... ????
            Pop my eyes .. it became envious.
            Look, you can tell so much about your grandfather.
            And where, and how, and why ... and rewards.
            I can also ... tell. But me ... mine ... will slander if I make a mistake with the document.
            What are we ... fucking ...
            Looks like - purely - for the FUTURE - tuned ...
            they say .....
            1. Marek Rozny
              9 June 2013 20: 50
              Quote: Igarr
              We are all of the same blood ...

              And that means we will end up everything;) And our own doubts, and the opposition of "sworn friends". But only we are not expendable material. A consumable is when you are thrown to death against your will. And if we consciously do something, in the name of the greatness of our country, in the name of our descendants, with the names of our ancestors on our lips, then we ourselves are the arbiters of our own destiny. Then life is not scary, and dying is not scary.
              The other day, the diaries of a Kharkov professor who survived the occupation were published on the site. It would seem a purely peaceful person, aged, what the hell of a fighter for him? But he also harbored Red Army soldiers from the Germans, and he made homemade anti-fascist leaflets around the city. But it was easier to bend under German authority, under local nationalists, to receive extra rations for this, and not to starve like many Kharkovites. But no. The professor was ready to starve to death, but he did not allow his thoughts to do anything for the invaders. I liked this man. And it is not surprising that his son went underground against the Germans. An apple usually always falls close to an apple tree, as Russians say.
      2. Avenger711
        10 June 2013 03: 03
        It may be enough to tell tales about the "horrors" of collectivization and repression. By the beginning of the War, the collective farmer would not have been able to make ends meet in a nightmare, as it was before the collective farms and equipment with the MTS. I’m already silent about the fact that the collective farmers in the rear during the War quite robustly profited from food.

        And your repressed relatives 90% were repressed for the cause and it doesn't matter what they told you later. As you know, the largest concentration of innocent people is a prison and it is in the order of things to lie that they were imprisoned for nothing. Very few then have enough courage to answer the question of why he was imprisoned: "For the cause."

        Now there is no particular reason to reproach someone that his grandfather or great-grandfather was sitting with him, but I recommend that you reconcile that they were, most likely, for a banal criminal act and quite deserved.

        But the nations were traitors. Now they also declare that Brest also stood on them and fled ahead of everyone, and the whole country does not like them even now, to put it mildly.
        1. Marek Rozny
          10 June 2013 11: 43
          If this did not affect your relatives, it does not mean that it did not happen. Among the Kazakhs, famine and repression affected the vast majority of Kazakhs. Let me remind you once again that only in 32-33 years the Kazakhs lost half of their number, and this figure was not particularly hidden even in Soviet times (although under Stalin there was an attempt to correct the data of population censuses). Goloshchekin himself (the first leader of the republic) for bringing the Kazakhs to such a state was shot. What are these "fairy tales"? Read who he is and how he became famous.
          About repressions: by Russian standards, all Kazakhs looked like bays (kulaks), because even the most impoverished steppe dwellers always had cattle, like a Russian, a very prosperous peasant. Livestock is the main wealth, the pride of the steppe. Until now, the phrase "How are your cattle?" in Kazakh means the analogue "Hello!"
          The Soviet power, having strengthened itself in Kazakhstan, looked through the eyes of the first leaders (and usually they were not local natives) at the Kazakhs as on head kulaks and decided that it was necessary to "walk through the Kazakh aul of Maly Oktyabr" (the official formulation of that time). So they went for a walk - dispossessed "bays". Who only got off with cattle, and who had to sacrifice their heads. Look at the number of Kazakhs in Russia during tsarist times and under Stalin according to the official state censuses - compare the numbers of losses. So much for the "fairy tales".
          Read the ethnographic descriptions of the "Kirghiz-Kaisaks" before the revolution - all Russian orientalists describe the Kazakhs as a people very rich in cattle. They note the amazing cheerfulness and optimism inherent in Kazakhs. Kazakhs have never been particularly poor. Everything that a Kazakh needed for everyday life, he easily exchanged for surplus of his cattle from traders from Uzbekistan, Tatarstan or Russia. All Kazakhs (even the poor) tried to dress smartly in rich clothes. Absolutely any picture / photograph of the pre-revolutionary period confirms this. And then - photographs from the 20-30s - photographs of a completely different people. The eyes are muted, the clothes are flawed, the faces are emaciated by malnutrition, the skulls are covered with skin. These are not Kazakhs. A Kazakh always has a twinkle in his eyes and well-fed cheeks. And in those photos - the lost views of a confused nation. Losing 10/2 of the nation's size in 3 years is a disaster. You "tales", but I wonder how the Kazakhs generally survived as an ethnic group and were not completely crushed.
          I've been collecting biographies of Kazakhs who took part in World War II. Almost all are from repressed families, I have already written about this. Look at the biographies of the Heroes of the Soviet Union from Kazakhstan - in many cases you will find that their parents were shot or died during the famine of the 30s. These are the official biographies. So much for the "fairy tales".
          My grandfather's elder brother was shot as a "Japanese spy", although he had never seen a single foreigner in his life and did not even know in which direction this very Japan was. Then, of course, they rehabilitated, but the scars in my family remained. After the execution, they began to beat his brothers (including my grandfather), everyone had to move to other regions of the republic and change their surname (which I now have). Only after the war did everyone come back together.
          Documents about the execution of my grandfather's older brother and documents confirming his innocence are kept in my family. We received them in the early 90s from the archives of the KGB of the Kazakh SSR (then already the KNB of the Republic of Kazakhstan). They were issued almost on demand (perhaps it helped that the father was a military man). So much for your "fairy tales".
          For you "fairy tales", but for me the story of my family and my people.
          1. 0
            16 June 2013 20: 04
            It's nice to talk with a smart person! In our Trans-Urals, people before the revolution also lived quite well.
        2. +2
          10 June 2013 15: 00
          Quote: Avenger711
          And your repressed relatives 90% were repressed for the cause and it does not matter what they then told you. As you know, the largest gathering of innocents is a prison and lying that they planted for nothing is in the order of things.

          In the mid-90s, one of my teachers, then still a graduate student, in order not to go to the country of eternal hunt from hunger, was engaged in looking for data on the repressed relatives of anyone who wished for $. According to him, in 9 cases out of 10 people fell into sediment, learning the truth about the "victims of the regime." The grandmother, who was imprisoned for belonging to the noble class, turned out to be a banal wasteful, the grandfather, who was imprisoned for a "mustache joke", turned out to be convicted of armed robbery, etc.
          ZY In my family, it is not customary to lie to its own people, therefore 2 out of 3 deported (maternal great-grandfather and paternal grandmother) simply kept silent, and my father's grandfather, from the Kuban Cossacks, bluntly said, “sent? And thank God. spanked ... "
          1. Marek Rozny
            10 June 2013 20: 51
            So what? Then they rehabilitated your looters and robbers? Of course not. And my relatives were rehabilitated in Soviet times. Because they were repressed on completely far-fetched charges. Do you understand the difference?
            And besides, your relative, after serving her term, simply kept silent from questions, and mine were shot a few weeks after the arrest.
            Yours served time for the cause, and why were mine executed? Let's not hang our criminal biography on others. I have relatives who were imprisoned (for fights), but none of the relatives would think of writing them down as "victims of the regime."

            I already mentioned the biographies of the Kazakh Heroes of the Soviet Union. Apparently concrete examples should be given:
            Alia Moldagulova - a sniper who died near Leningrad. The father was persecuted by the authorities as a Bayan son, was forced to hide. Officially not arrested. A starving mother was shot dead for trying to pluck wheat ears from a collective farm field.
            Manshuk Mametova - machine gunner who died near Nevel. Father during the famine was accused of stealing flour and convicted. Mother Manshuk could not stand the slander and the unfair sentence and died. Manshuk was brought up in the family of an uncle doctor, who was arrested and shot in 1937. In the 50s, completely rehabilitated.
            Or, for example, Rakhimzhan Koshkarbaev (who was the first to set up the Red Banner with Grigory Bulatov at the Reichstag, which was officially confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry, was presented to the Golden Star, but Kantaria and Egorov received it) - his father was also repressed as an enemy of the people in 1937, sentenced to 10 years in camps. In 1960, fully rehabilitated for the lack of corpus delicti.
            And this is often in the biographies of Kazakhstanis of those years. You would not measure everyone with your standards. I am talking about unjust cases, not banal criminality.
            In those years, to find a Kazakh who would not be a relative of the "enemy of the people" - it was necessary to look more. I'm not even saying that all of them had family members who died of hunger in 1932-1933.
            So I say, what a paradox - the Kazakhs, according to logic, should really give up on the side of Hitler, who promised the Kazakhs a separate state, but the Kazakhs, on the contrary (being almost universally affected by the "excesses" of the Soviet regime) gouged the Fritzes, sparks flew from the Aryan eyes ...
        3. 0
          16 June 2013 19: 57
          Read the memoirs of the participants and learn the horrors and terrible dreams of collectivization.
    4. +5
      9 June 2013 22: 34
      Quote: Abakanets
      The USSR brought a lot of evil to Western Ukrainians, collectivization, repression against the population, etc.

      Yeah! But in this, etc. includes education, not only secondary, but also higher, medicine, construction of houses and the provision of apartments, industrial development. And all for free! Well, what bastards, these Soviet! And how they mocked us - recognized them as equal to all other nations, abolished the rule that a Ukrainian, meeting a Polish Pane on the street, should give him the way and go down the sidewalk to the roadway. And finally, they even held elections to some councils and made it possible for SAMIM to manage in their field! Fiends! Where are you without the lords?
  43. +3
    9 June 2013 14: 46
    General Freitag believed that Ukrainian soldiers were best influenced by terror.

    The impression is that Ukrainians are sadomasochistic and they like the fact that "enlightened" Europe has them in a perverted form.
  44. +2
    9 June 2013 14: 59
    The Poles are tearing them with the Romanians .... to the evil of the Russians ... we are silent for now .. (we read the archives) ...
  45. +9
    9 June 2013 15: 30
    My uncle fought against Bandera in 1944-1948, in the troops of the NKVD (then the MGB). He said that the Bandera members of the local population (from the Ukrainians, and not from "her" or "Poles") took the last piece of bread and left the choice - to die of hunger immediately, or gradually, eating bark and grass. All those suspected of sympathizing with the Soviet regime (moreover, in sympathy, and not in specific deeds), were killed in the most brutal ways. No proof was required, it was enough to suspect. Their own bandits were also often killed, it is not clear why. Often found in the forest Bandera, shot or strangled by their own. The NKVD fighters even joked gloomily: "Maybe we don't need any operations against them? They themselves will strangle themselves a little."
    According to his uncle, Bandera tried to avoid fighting whenever possible. If you were not surrounded, always retreated. They didn’t shoot well, some even didn’t know how to handle weapons. The interrogation of prisoners showed that many bandits never served in any army, or served in the pre-war Polish army, often non-combatants (cooks, grooms, stokers, etc.). There were few bandits with good combat training. But they knew the terrain very well, and often during the retreat they disappeared unclear where, how they evaporated.
    1. Avenger711
      10 June 2013 03: 06
      And why am I not surprised about the Polish army. I would not be surprised if half of Bandera was Poles.
  46. +5
    9 June 2013 16: 12
    "The Germans allowed us to spend the night only in the crib" - even they admitted that these Bandera were just cattle !!!!
  47. +4
    9 June 2013 16: 12
    I read how the Germans taught the "poor Galicians" order and discipline, and I thought: - a dog, a dog's death. Let their descendants remember this, tearing off the orders from veterans and St. George's ribbons from those wishing to lay flowers at the eternal flame.
  48. +3
    9 June 2013 16: 31
    Very interesting. Article plus clearly.
  49. Stock captain
    9 June 2013 16: 37
    It's a shame that heroes are made of this trash in modern Ukraine.
  50. misham
    9 June 2013 16: 54
    Dear Russians, first deal with the Vlasovites, policemen, Khiva, Eastern battalions, Lokot formations and others. One million former Soviet citizens served the Germans. Let this figure is German. What is the point of lying to themselves how many former Soviet citizens they served. In the memoirs of veterans, the Vlasovites constantly fought against them (most likely separate rear units of Khivi). No one asked for mercy. Not for soldering the same NZ, they sold themselves to the Nazis. The ghoul of Stalin is to blame.
    Putin and the company, in order to distract people from real problems, are thinking about falsifying history and denying victory in the Second World War. The war ended a long time ago and then there are enemies around. Thank God in Ukraine a different understanding of war as the greatest tragedy in the history of mankind.
    1. BAT
      9 June 2013 17: 48
      Dear Russians, even without your advice, they sorted out their traitors and scum who fought against their own people. They were both traitors and traitors and remained. And the attitude towards them is corresponding. And no one puts monuments to them and does not assign them heroic titles. Unlike Western (Galician) Ukrainians. who officially honor SS men and Hitler’s minions. They erect monuments to them, confer titles on the hero of Ukraine, organize marches and increase their pensions for burning and shooting civilians during the war.
    2. Marek Rozny
      9 June 2013 17: 59
      For example, here I am neither a fan of Stalin, nor even a supporter of communist ideology. Moreover, I am on the site, no, no, talking about the downsides for the Kazakhs from the Soviet government. But! Like any ordinary state system, Soviet power was not only bad or only good. She gave a lot to the Kazakhs and other peoples of the country, including both Ukrainians and Russians, of course. Denying in one fell swoop the positive aspects of our recent past (including in the Stalin period) is silly. Ukraine received excellent industry in the 20s and 30s (at the cost of the famine, this should not be forgotten either, but this is also not necessary to stick out). Ukraine in the Stalin era became a competent region, many ethnic Ukrainians gained access to the highest posts, which, of course, could hardly have been dreamed of being part of Germany. Yes, the Bolsheviks sometimes used idiotic, or even just cruel ways to quickly solve problems. However, in general, the Bolsheviks were indeed able to pull the deeply backward country into a number of world leaders. In a very short time. During the life of one or two generations, the Communists, led by Stalin, unrecognizably transformed the whole country. For this it was possible to fight. But the Germans were going to make Ukrainians just slaves. How could you fight for it? Only out of a sense of cowardice that instead of a slave you will be made just a corpse. Then a person will fight (or rather, do what he is ordered to).
      And do not forget that if 1 million Soviet citizens wore German uniforms, then another 70 million Soviet citizens plus 4,5 million POWs in the occupied territories did not turn into collaborators. And from the 1 million people mentioned, cross out those who were part of the Khivi in ​​order to survive (and not fight against their own), and those who ended up in the East Battalions in order to seize the moment and return back to their own with weapons in their hands.
      The fighting efficiency of the Vlasovites and other mankurts was low, although many fought fiercely, because they realized that they won’t be able to betray them the second time, if they were captured, they would shoot them without talking. There remains one way, as far as possible, to extend your miserable life by killing others (preferably those who cannot resist). It was for soldering bread that they sold out. They decided that their own life is more expensive than honor, more expensive than ideals, more expensive than their native land. General Karbyshev and General Vlasov - one forever became a model of courage and honor, the second forever became a synonym for betrayal. How would you act in their place?

      Z.Y. In Ukraine, they perceive the war - just like a tragedy? And in Kazakhstan, it is also perceived as a striking feat of ancestors. That is why when the war begins, my grandson will hoist a banner in Brussels, not yours.
      1. 0
        9 June 2013 19: 03
        And in Kazakhstan, it is also perceived as a bright feat.
        All .. Marek ...
        there is no need to speak further !!!!
      2. Avenger711
        10 June 2013 03: 08
        At the cost of famine?
        And where does the famine go? The hunger in Russia was constantly, after the famine, when the guilty scum was shot, transplanted and resettled, it just stopped.
        1. Marek Rozny
          10 June 2013 12: 01
          do not even compare the number of deaths from starvation in the RSFSR with similar losses in Ukraine. In Ukraine, far more people died. And do not forget that the famine was caused not by crop failure, but by confiscation of grain. Now you are like a person who is told:
          - Citizen, you crushed a man in your car!
          - Nonsense, he died of old age under my wheels. I have nothing to do with it. This is just a coincidence. I do not pay attention, and I advise you to do the same.
          You completely deny the mistakes and crimes of the Soviet regime. Then what right do you have to cling to the achievements and achievements of the same government? There is not enough strength to recognize the tragic excesses of the USSR, then you should not bother with pride in Victory or Gagarin. This is not your state, no matter how you shout "Glory to the USSR! Praise to Stalin!" This is my state, because I recognize its mistakes and its merits, because I share everything that was in the history of this state. And you only cling to "nishtyaks" and pretend that you have nothing to do with the black pages. You either accept the country as it was, or stop punching in the chest, making yourself a "successor to the USSR".
          1. 0
            16 June 2013 20: 29
            Offset! There is absolutely nothing to add.
    3. Kirgudum
      10 June 2013 00: 50
      You will tell tales about the "million" to your children - in the USSR, the Nazis did not serve even 900 thousand. But let it be so - in Russia at least they do not make heroes out of them, as from Bandera in Ukraine!
    4. Avenger711
      10 June 2013 03: 07
      You’ll answer for the ghoul, fascist.
    5. 0
      10 June 2013 20: 56
      Quote: misham
      Dear Russians, first deal with the Vlasovites, policemen, Khiva, Eastern battalions, Lokot formations and others. One million former Soviet citizens served the Germans.

      Somehow I didn’t think much about the national component of people who committed an unconditional feat in that war, but in the light of all the current “divisions”, I looked at this list and somehow I was not surprised and even more understood why J.V. Stalin was at the banquet about Victory raised a toast to the RUSSIAN PEOPLE
    6. 0
      16 June 2013 20: 22
      Heavi, in my understanding, had no weapons. Stalin may have a ghoul or a tyrant, but he won the war and saved the country, and Nikloai was a democrat and liberal, but lost the war and ruined them!
  51. 0
    9 June 2013 18: 07
    "The Germans allowed us to sleep only in the crib"
    Poor things, I'm about to cry.
  52. 0
    9 June 2013 18: 45
  53. MG42
    9 June 2013 18: 57
    The video perfectly illustrates how German soldiers looked at the auxiliary police = Ukrainians, a fragment from the film "Our Mothers, Our Fathers" produced in Germany >>
  54. waisson
    9 June 2013 19: 14
    I’ll give you an honest question for the patriots of your homeland if you served, click plus, if not, click minus, I’m not interested in additional answers. The answer should be like in the army, or not at all, and then we’ll draw conclusions
  55. Oleg
    9 June 2013 19: 21
    elderberry, as a plant, is very rare, even in Ukraine! The article is pure provocation, the same as a Ukrainian soldier collecting volunteers for Syria... conclusion - blue!
  56. MG42
    9 June 2013 19: 26
    In principle, the Germans did not particularly trust this division; they began their first and last serious battle in the 2nd line of defense, 20 km away. from the front, in July 1943 they took part in a counterattack against Soviet troops, in 3 days they were then captured in pincers and eventually ingloriously boiled in a cauldron near Brody; out of 15 soldiers of the division, only 500 small groups managed to escape from encirclement and 500 joined didn't get into the boiler...
    then it was re-formed in 1944, but did not particularly participate in serious battles, mainly against partisans..
  57. MG42
    9 June 2013 19: 33
    Oath of members of the SS division "Galicia"
    “I, a Ukrainian volunteer, with this oath, voluntarily place myself at the disposal of the German army. I swear allegiance and obedience to the German leader and supreme commander of the German army, Adolf Hitler. I solemnly undertake to carry out all orders and instructions from my superiors, as well as to keep all military, state and official affairs strictly secret, and thereby faithfully and devotedly serve the German army and at the same time my homeland. It is clear to me that after my oath of office I am subject to all German military disciplinary sanctions. The end of my service as a Ukrainian volunteer is determined by the German army.”

    Below in the video is a modern “offspring” of this division >>
  58. smersh70
    9 June 2013 19: 49
    laughing good he would also like an MP-40))))
    1. MG42
      9 June 2013 20: 09
      He’s worried that the number won’t be rented, it’s a conspiracy from his grandfathers, but damn it, there are no conspirators... there was a case in Dnepropetrovsk, also one such amateur drank a lot of schnapps in the morning, put on an SS uniform and started shooting at passers-by with a trauma weapon when he went out onto his balcony, When the local grandmothers saw this, they thought it was war, the cops packed him up, and first of all, the examination will take place in the hospital..
      1. MG42
        9 June 2013 20: 40
        By the way, he has old-style license plates from the Dnipropetrovsk region... apparently a fellow countryman of that hero...
      2. +6
        9 June 2013 20: 43
        Quote: MG42
        the amateur drank a lot of schnapps in the morning, put on an SS uniform and started shooting at passers-by with a trauma rifle when he went out onto his balcony,

        The cops had to play along, dress in the NKVD uniform, and shoot him in the yard, from the traumatome wink
        1. MG42
          9 June 2013 21: 01
          Something like this>>
  59. +3
    9 June 2013 20: 28
    Quote: Marek Rozny
    In Ukraine they perceive the war only as a tragedy? And in Kazakhstan it is also perceived as a brilliant feat of our ancestors. That is why when the war begins, my grandson will hoist the banner in Brussels, and not yours.

    Well done! Brief, clear, and most importantly - cultural!
  60. bubble82009
    9 June 2013 20: 48
    Apparently Galicians cannot live freely. they need a tough German order. they are ready to lick the boots of the Germans.
  61. Misantrop
    9 June 2013 21: 15
    Quote: Egoza
    Quote: Anti Com
    The genocide, unlike the SS "Galychina", is not a shameful, but a tragic page in the common history of Ukraine and Russia.

    And what was the genocide? belay

    So the tragedy is that it has to be sucked out of thin air... request
  62. +4
    9 June 2013 21: 46
    Remembering Eskin:
    “For more than 20 years, Nazi revanchism has been walking unhindered in the post-Soviet space. Immediately after the collapse of the USSR in Ukraine and the Baltic states, forest and other Bandera devils crawled out of all the cracks, declaring themselves winners. The seemingly unshakable and sacred truths of the Great Patriotic War were subjected to cynical erosion everywhere. Thus thus paved the way for marches of SS veterans in Riga and Tallinn and the glorification of Nazi criminals at the state level in Ukraine..."
    “For example, I believe that one of Stalin’s mistakes was not taking a tough enough line towards Western Ukraine and the Baltic states after the war. The fact that he did not clear these territories of real collaborators, but allowed many of them to later become party leaders, and their children later appeared on the crest of perestroika, this is Stalin’s big mistake..."
  63. Bobrovsky
    9 June 2013 22: 15
    Here they write about the famine of 1933 and the death of many people from it. The main promoted legend is that Stalin took away all the grain and there was a famine. And the bread was sent abroad. In fact, in the Kursk region in 1932, we had little rain and a weak harvest. And in 1933, not a single rain fell during the entire summer. Accordingly, there was famine. And in the Kolpnyansky district of the neighboring Oryol region in the middle of summer there was one heavy rain and there was no famine there. Our guys went there to beg. And no Stalin starved my relatives and fellow countrymen. Grandfather, grandmother, father and mother and all the old people remembered this famine as a terrible crop failure.
    As for the Banderaites, I can say that they were beasts. In 1947, the OUN leadership came to the conclusion that there were many NKVD agents among the militants. It was decided that everyone who was absent from the gang for more than two hours and was alone should be shot. Whether he went to see a girl or for some other need is no one’s business. They took me into the bushes and shot me in the back of the head.
    As for our traitors, I will say that the overwhelming majority went to the Germans for a very simple reason. The German is strong, he is hurting our people, we must run over to them. After 1943, those who were not dirty in punitive affairs were also not against running back. Usual selfishness. If war started now, many lovers of the West would do the same.
    1. Marek Rozny
      9 June 2013 23: 38
      I don’t know what and how happened in the Kursk region, but in Kazakhstan the famine was caused precisely by the forced expropriation of livestock from the Kazakhs. Goloshchekin, who was sent to command the republic, so “briskly” began to carry out collectivization among the Kazakhs, as well as to replenish the export resources of the USSR (it was necessary to pay for the services of American engineers who carried out industrialization in our country), that in two years half of the Kazakhs - if not it happened. Some died of hunger (and for the steppe herders, the concept of “hunger” was almost an abstract concept before Soviet power), some fled to neighboring Xinjiang (China), Iran, and Afghanistan. All materials concerning the causes of the famine have long been declassified by state security agencies; many documents can be found on the Internet. Goloshchekin (who, before ruling Kazakhstan, was noted as the organizer of the execution of the royal family) was eventually shot himself for committing “excesses.” If in tsarist times the Kazakhs were the largest Turkic ethnic group in the empire, then after the 30s the Kazakhs suffered such damage that we are still inferior to the Uzbeks in quantitative terms by 2,5 times, although at the end of the 19th century there were 4 times the number of Kazakhs more than Uzbeks and Sarts. Plus, the nation was crippled by the famine of the 20s (as a result of the “food appropriation system”) and repression. And before that, there were still losses in 1916-1917, when the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz rebelled en masse against the tsarist power, but this no longer applies to the Soviet government, of course.
      In a word, the Soviet government did a lot of things in the first decades. The Kazakh steppe was greatly depopulated. So don't call it a propagated legend. In Ukraine and the Volga region, grain was taken away. Everything went for the sake of rapid industrialization to pay for the services of Western companies (they also paid in church gold, Siberian timber and other material valuables). They didn’t pay with Soviet banknotes. On the other hand, there would not have been these bloody victims, there would have been no industry that helped us fight off the Germans, because from Tsarist Russia the Soviet Union inherited a weak, backward industry, and many industries did not exist at all. I'm not even talking about other infrastructure.

      Regarding your simplified “tumbleweed” scheme, I will object. For example, out of 1,8 million former Soviet prisoners of war, only about 200 thousand were recognized as traitors to the Motherland and punished for their minor and major offenses with prison terms. The rest turned out to be absolutely untainted even in the eyes of the “bloodthirsty” NKVD and their titles, positions, and jobs were returned to them. If a person just voluntarily ran over to the side of the Germans, then this skin would then receive a sentence in the camps from the Soviet government. So there is no need to indiscriminately accuse everyone who was among the Khiwis, the eastern battalions, or simply among civilians in the occupied territories, of selfishness or simply cowardice (a punishable military crime).
      All this was not particularly disclosed in Soviet times (or rather, the true scale of voluntary and forced collaboration was not reported), but it was not kept silent either. Remember serious artistic works like “The Fate of Man”, “Road Checks”, where the topic of the reasons for the inclusion of Soviet military personnel in the Khivi and Vlasovites was raised.
  64. +6
    9 June 2013 23: 19
    And all sorts of imperfections squeal: “Stalin is a tyrant!” And, in my opinion, Joseph Vissarionovich was a great humanist, since he didn’t shoot all these creatures in the Gulag, since they are now old and marching around Galicia and ruining the air! And such “heroes” shouldn’t even have graves left!
    1. +2
      9 June 2013 23: 39
      I absolutely agree with you! He was too soft a man! How did he overlook this corn farmer? I will never forgive him for this!
  65. leshijy
    10 June 2013 00: 01
    The author replaces the concepts "Shukhevych and Bandera are heroes of Ukraine" (this is really what Bandera's people say) and "SS Galicia are heroes of Ukraine" (no one has ever declared or demanded them heroes. They are heroes only in the imagination of Buzina - the author of this article). The author of the article is a fat troll.
  66. +3
    10 June 2013 00: 02
    The traitor of Christ, Konstantin Morozov, in 1991, Major General of Aviation, commander of the 17th VA, who in the USSR was a greater Leninist than Lenin, betrayed his Oath and became the first “Minister of Defense” of independent Ukraine, tried to rename the SS division “Galychchyna” into 1- make the XNUMXst Ukrainian division (by order of Himmler, just before the defeat of the Nazis) ... the day of the Ukrainian army.
    Now he’s a KPESS member... Comrade STALIN was right, who regularly fucked the leading cadres so that they wouldn’t rot like that.
  67. vitek1233
    10 June 2013 07: 42
    all who were in the SS troops are clearly Enemies of Humanity
  68. Bobrovsky
    10 June 2013 21: 33
    Bread was taken away from everyone in 1933, but in the Kursk region there was a common shortage of food due to severe drought. Miracles in a sieve. During collectivization, many Kazakh families went abroad with their herds. Shaya Goloshchekin, of course, worked miracles, for which he responded. Ukraine had its own creators with whom they later also settled accounts. In general, you need to understand that most of the perversions are done locally. In the same “Virgin Soil Upturned”, the collective farm board decided that individual farmers should deposit seed grain in collective farm barns. Did Comrade Stalin force them to engage in such nonsense?
  69. Bobrovsky
    10 June 2013 21: 38
    In the nineties, I came across an article by a justice worker. I don’t remember his position, but it doesn’t matter. He wrote a dissertation on the psychology of convicts. He had great opportunities and he traveled to prisons and talked with inmates. He asked a variety of questions, but among them there was one - what do you think, are you sitting for something or in vain? And 95% of prisoners answered that they were in prison for nothing.
  70. Bobrovsky
    10 June 2013 21: 42
    I have a portrait of the leader of the OUN gang, Shukhevych. Looking at him, except for the word beast, nothing else comes to mind, this freak has such an evil look and look.
  71. Security2012
    11 June 2013 10: 14
    scum. There are no other words.
  72. 0
    16 June 2013 18: 27
    let him say thank you for the barn
  73. 0
    28 May 2014 19: 27
    Quote: leshijy
    The author replaces the concepts "Shukhevych and Bandera are heroes of Ukraine" (this is really what Bandera's people say) and "SS Galicia are heroes of Ukraine" (no one has ever declared or demanded them heroes. They are heroes only in the imagination of Buzina - the author of this article). The author of the article is a fat troll.

    Everything fell into place. Now we hear and see people in the streets shouting who gets the glory. Everything is visible - now there is no hiding!
  74. 0
    13 November 2018 06: 45
    They all stayed alive thanks to the corn farmer. Nikita didn’t leave his people in trouble, as I remember how, as a child, they lined up for white bread at night. Now I would be the first to finish!
  75. 0
    3 December 2018 21: 00
    The author forgot to mention what atrocities these degenerates committed in Yugoslavia before their division finally collapsed. There is a documentary photograph where two soldiers of this division cut off the head of a partisan.