Maxim Kalashnikov: Time for jesters and idiots

Maxim Kalashnikov: Time for jesters and idiotsPolitics in the postmodern world is show business and constant “gurgling”


I know that you will tell me in reply, but I will still write what I think. My friends! As a cognitive examining the events of December 2011, I came to the conclusion: we were in the world of fools. In the ecumene of contagious nonsense. The so-called "people" will never rise. The stupidity and lack of will of the broad masses finally became the determining factor of the rule of the current regime. No, he can fly away - but only as a result of an “elite” coup, when his position will undermine the global crisis (the bribes will end). Stupid masses will be used as a controlled mindless force. But in their (the masses) position it will not change anything: after the possible overthrow of the regime they will remain in a deeply controlled state. History now only rich and powerful players are sending.

It is necessary to somehow adapt to the life-being in the world of the weak-minded. I do not mind them. I am writing to the few who have still preserved the Roman (Russian-Soviet) mind and education.


What happened was what Maxim Kalashnikov and Sergey Pereslegin and Andrey Fursov both feared so much: politics degenerated into show business. In order to please the electorate, you need to constantly “dink” (the apt expression of Andrei Kobyakov) and engage in jestering. Well, like the Pole Palikot, who took a large percentage of the recent elections in his Commonwealth. Palikot constantly fumbled, jumped out onto the podium with rubber horseradish in one hand and a pistol in the other, demanded all sorts of freedoms for the fagots. So what? Yes, for him the Polish youth unanimously voted. This is fun! It's a tin! The story was repeated in Italy with the “Five Stars” movement.

But even without that it is clear that a massive electoral subhuman has come. With him it is impossible to talk seriously about serious. He must be constantly entertained. He does not know how to read (more than three lines on Twitter - “too many beeches”). At the most, it stands up - these are half-minute videos in U-Tube. Further, as in the weak-minded, his perception is lost, there is no concentrated attention. That is, it can consume only miserable thought-stamps, clichés. And the fact that such a massive idiot does not like Putin does not make him clever at all, capable of composure and understanding of the situation. He needs a permanent farce, and not something serious. These nonhumans will no longer be able to delve into the programs of raising the country, the nation, the economy, and disputes with the monetarists: they are bored. They do not understand. They are something simpler and more fun give.

It was established experimentally: you can remove the program with smart people and a serious problem of national importance. With a report and departure to the field. For example, the fate of the agrarian sphere or futuropolis. The maximum that will get such a movie - a couple of tens of thousands of views, and usually - 3-5 thousands. But if Konstantin Babkin and I would have naked for half a minute around the Torum combine (y-oops, y-ops, gunmen Style!), And also surrounded by naked girls from the Party's affairs (they are beautiful), then views it would be two hundred thousand - no less. And if Vasily Melnichenko were to join, so much more.

By the way, the fate of Vasily Melnichenko’s “Bengal-fiery” fame is proof of that. I know him a little since 2010, and I deeply respect him for his remarkable wit, will and practical wit. So, when he fool around in his speech at the Moscow Economic Forum, giving a speech in the style of a simpleton-fool, this video was watched by 400 of thousands of viewers of the Runet. Well, yes, Melnichenko, with jokes and with a sweet Ukrainian (Little Russian) idiom, said about how bad things are around. But as soon as Vasily Alexandrovich moved from the statement “Everything around is bad” to some constructive presentations and to plans for concrete actions that require efforts in real life, so the views of the videos with his participation immediately fell to a maximum of fifteen thousand. Why? Yes, because the mass of idiots, he was already tired. Bengal fire broke out - and quickly went out. A lot of dummies-inhabitants of the Runet do not want to really act. She needs to have fun all the time, looking for more and more new stimuli, sources of "fun and tin." Melnichenko no longer "hooks" - let's give us a new show!

When Vladimir Kvachkov was free, the clips of his speeches and broadcasts gathered 150-200 thousands of hits on the web. But as soon as it was necessary to simply go to Suvorov Square and leave signatures on the demand for his release (the beginning of 2013 of the year), five hundred souls came to the rally. Although everywhere in RuNet reported about the upcoming meeting. All the vaunted paratroopers, all this fighting fraternity had disappeared without a trace.

Here you have the whole diagnosis. All the explanation of why the so-called people for a long time fell under the yoke. For he himself is now guilty of this. Yes, I hate our power, and since the end of 1991, for sure. I consider it a community of criminal fiends. But everything is clear with her for a long time, her nature has remained unchanged since the time of Yeltsin. But the so-called people - isn't it time to deal with them? Is it time to say about his fault in what is happening to him?
Why are you, the people, with such pleasure dropped to all fours and grunted when it was allowed to you? Why did you turn so quickly into those who can scold the rulers on the Internet, but don’t even want to go to a protest rally?
Why can you, at least in some significant number, go out on an insignificant occasion, such as a march to defend the "rabies' queens" or in order for the Yankees to take the children out of here, but you cannot be raised to a rally against WTO, against strangulation of fuel prices, against inflation of prices by energy monopolies and utilities? Why do you not want to protest against what is really destroying you and selecting the future of your children?

Why are stocks of the left gaining an insignificant number of participants?

Why did the nationalists, like Pavlov's dogs, learn that it was necessary to go mass on the Russian march of November 4, but already on the Russian May Day participants — already many times less? Why nationalists can not gather in the slightest degree a decent number on operational grounds in defense of their own brothers, who fell behind bars. Why do nationalist fans throw tens of thousands of football games on, but they can’t go out to protest in the same number?
There is one explanation for this. And it is scary.


The explanation is that our people (I repeat this not for the first time) have been dismantled and shattered into shrapnel islands, into many isolated groups. This is not the people, but the population. Moreover, this population is losing its mind more and more, turning into neurotic and non-passionate fools. And it doesn’t matter how some individuals of the population call it - left, liberals or nationalists. They are still governed by the same principle: clip, joke, balagan, cliché memes, showmen at the head.

This population likes to complain: “Oh, if we united! If there was a man of action, Leader - we would have followed him! There are no leaders, everything is around — Surkov's agents and provocateurs! ”

But we, the Kogi, perfectly understand: for this to happen, we need an acceptable level of will and passionarity of the mass itself, a certain minimum level of solidarity. If the mass is passive and if all its energy goes into words and into mutual insults, if it does not want to go out by itself, nothing will happen. No leaders will arise, for grain cannot grow on dry and barren land. The flames of popular anger will not soar, if the population is not smoldering even coals, but gray ashes that have cooled down. Moreover, the mass is so neurasthenic, prone to evil gossip (it believes them most willingly) and so suffers from mutual, pathological suspicion that the leader will not appear. For as soon as someone starts to stand out from the crowd and do something, as it is overwhelmed with mud and mud. Moreover, tricky manipulators from power need only be done a little: throwing gossip skillfully cooked into the mass through the I-no. And the mass of "dissatisfied" will itself announce the potential leader either as an FSB agent, now as a hired provocateur, now as a half-breed, now as a creature of the Putin administration, now as a cunning businessman, now as a hidden Jew, etc. According to Kvachkov, I know that. And thousands of inhabitants of the Runet without any payment, for the love of art, will spread it over the network. Placed on forums and websites. Draw demotivators.

If the leader appears, then only if some external forces create it, pumping funds into his promotion and covering his creature outside the Russian Federation. This is my deep conviction.

These are the realities of the world of mass idiocy, the era of universal postmodern. Therefore, there are no mass parties and movements in the Russian Federation: postmodern half-mongers, a dismantled people, cannot pathologically unite. Any organization will instantly pounce on factions (smaller and smaller!), Any “coordination councils” will become incapable. Well, you yourself have already seen it.


Yes, this breed of disconnected fools and psychopaths (former Russians) was specifically bred for the post-soviet 22 years. Television, consumerism, the cult of acquisitions and money, the cult of obsiration of everything lofty and ideological, the cult of total cynicism, the destruction of the culture of reading and the destruction of education. At the same time (Pereslegin is right!) Nonsense is contagious: many of those who were once fully intelligent and capable of solidarity have lost their mind.

Was she taken out on purpose, with the help of secret developments of the Zion or Anglo-Saxon psychologists? I do not think. Even a few centuries ago, the ruling class could sense the need for social engineering, could create and apply it. Well, did the German feudal conquerors on the lands of present-day Latvia and Estonia have enough intelligence to issue serf women for the most stupid and submissive peasants - Estonians and Latvians? So, to breed breed wordlessly submissive to the point of thought? Did the Russian landowners have enough sense of mind to recruit 25 for years to join the army of the most passionate and recalcitrant guys from the villages, keeping the most obedient serfs for themselves? I think that in this case the top leaders also used their instincts in half, in half - they simply adopted the tried and tested Western political technologies and brainwashing facilities. For those who lived in the United States and Europe, they say: what is happening in the Russian Federation is what happened 20 years ago in the West.

But be that as it may, the breed of nervously quashed, mutually suspicious, cheap-selling and incapable of uniting, weak-willed stupid bred. She is now an electorate. Its bulk.

We, the Kogi from the USSR, already feel how we have drifted away from this mass. It is impossible to appeal to the assembly of the Nerds (new tormans), appealing to examples from great literature or at least to quotes from Soviet cartoons. They did not read all this and did not look. They need to contact with quotes and jokes from the retarded "South Park". Kholmogorov somehow brought a look. I honestly could not. For watching all this is somehow disgusting. I can not accept the degree of stupidity of those who like it. The masses no longer understand normal, literary Russian language. She cannot comprehend the simplest logical constructions and comprehend even the most complex texts. It is harder to talk with them: they have everything - jokes, rzhach and gurgling.

These are slaves forever. Slaves who are not even able to realize their slavery. And give them free elections - you end up with the dominance of crazy clowns in politics, and then a new tyranny.


The future masses of forever making fun, frivolous idiots is easy to predict. Since they are fragmented and sluggish, since they are corrupt, prone to vices and drugs of all kinds, because they do not bear children and cannot create stable families, they will simply be forced out of the once Russian lands. Who! Yes, even the newcomers from the Caucasus and Central Asia. For they have retained much greater capacity for cohesion and mutual aid, they multiply children, they have preserved the patterns of behavior of traditional society. Another five years of continuation of the current trends - and nothing we can not do with them. We'll have to learn Uzbek. And Chechen.

For the point of no return will be passed.

Mass does not like North Caucasian dudes. Yes, I myself do not like them. But why are they so free to walk here?

I must say now to myself, and honestly: the highlanders use our current national decay. Once again, not paying attention to the screams and snot, I will declare: there are no more Russians as a people, they have dismantled it. And now the task of the future government is to create a new Russian people. There is simply no other way. This has already happened: Radonezh could, from a completely decomposed Old Russian ethnos, generate the present Russians six hundred years ago!

The current Russians are miserable beings who will be jostled around by everyone who is separated from the Russian Federation. I am writing from impressions of communication with caring people from the Sverdlovsk region. The current Russians have become passive brewers (as I hate this “cult of beer” in Erefii!) With beer belly and sagging muscles. They can blow beer and stare at the TV box. They even can not caress women normally. Young Russian women complain: beer is inflated - and, sorry for the expression, they all pop into their mouths. And what's the point, if, excuse me, they are no longer worth it? Already young pivosos - impotence!

At the same time, a team of puny Kirgizians (in comparison with the beer bakers who had just come from the army), at the same loading rates, three trucks can “hack” for a working day. Whereas the beer beetles, incredibly sweating - only one.

At the same time, these beer-TV-minetnye creatures are cowards in front of any power. They instantly shut up the language in one place and scatter in different directions, not supporting the cause of those who decide to fight for their rights and to attack the thieving bosses. The current Russian-Russian mostly - fragmented and quarrelsome creatures. In Erefii, they strive to destroy anyone who thinks for himself, who is energetic and does not live like a gray flock of "lemmings." According to Vasyl Melnichenko, it was in the USSR that they were exterminated through one such person. Now - all.

A crowd of rams voting for the chiefs who buy elections for small handouts, not wanting to think about the future, she lies under the highlanders. Picture from life: in the current army, three Dagestani conscripts after the end of the game are knocking out the whole company. The Russian guy, who had just arrived, decided to rebel and call on everyone to fight back the Dagas. As a result, three highlanders blizzard him with the indifferent observation of other Russian conscripts.

But the next night the Dagestanis invite the only “spiritual” and militant Russian to the storeroom, treat him with food and booze, recognize him as a real man - and then invite him to go along with them to tantrum the rest of the company.

Of course, I am already under fifty, and in such years it is difficult to look the same as in more than twenty. But Maxim Kalashnikov still weights the barbell and after a workout can wave a kilometer in the pool. I remember how I did classical wrestling in 1988, for example. Moscow University in the USSR, the real republic of happiness - learn, play sports! So your humble servant managed to both read, and learn, and engage in sports. But who was going to fight? Few Russians and most of the Highlanders. And most of my Russian fellow practitioners preferred to blow beer and whip vodir. Well, the Russians came to this miserable, white-blue-red state.

Guys, that's why I tell you: there is no problem of the North Caucasus - there is a problem of the Russians themselves, who have turned from people into a liquid-amorphous, weak-cowardly population. You need to start with yourself. With the revival of us as a people.

For despite the fact that we have, there will never be either a wide protest uprising, no uprisings in the army. The fact that Serdyukov worked with impunity with his army with impunity proves this very well. Nobody dared openly rise against the Stool. And a weak attempt of paratroopers, retirees to speak out against the raging boor, came upon the arrival of a horde of generals with the titles of heroes of both the USSR and the Russian Federation, who called in unison to obey the minister of defense. The reasons for this are the same ...


Why did I write all this? Yes, so that you, my Russian tribesmen, piss off. And make you think. So that you first take on yourself. For it hurts me for what happens to my people.

Yes, not all - helpless stupid flock. But we, intelligent and passionate, are few. We are still lost in the gray bland “kissel” of the electorate population, among which were new lemmings.

What to do? I am sure that sooner or later it will come to someone from industrialists that you need to spend only a few million in "green" to create a new social network. But not a simple "chat", where steam is released and the photo is hung out, but the network intertwined with the real. The network, where its members work together in business projects, has a mutual aid fund, joint protection of their business, joint legal protection, joint leisure, joint civil actions and their schools. Social Network Cause, real Russian Jamat, mafia, community. The germ of a new Russian nation.

Unfortunately, my proposals on the PD's councils on this issue did not find a response. The old stereotypes are too vivid, there are still unfounded hopes that it is possible, de, to build a party of the old type.

But massive, cohesive parties of the old type (as in the twentieth century) cannot be created where both the people and society are dismantled and turned into “gray kissel” from quarrelsome morons. No party: neither left nor liberal, nor nationalistic.

But I hope that sooner or later such “network building” will occur. With or without us, the main thing is to happen. The question is in very large initial investments, which, on the principle of crowdfunding (collecting a penny from thousands of volunteers), cannot be drawn. All one needs is the primary core of people with capabilities and with the understanding that congress-declarations are not going anywhere. It is bitter to admit, but the raw oligarch, not a Russian oligarch, came closest to this - Prokhorov. Alas…

If this does not happen, then nothing will save the Russians. Death from mass stupidity, lethargy and disunity will become inevitable. The power of the marauding regime will become eternal, and it will - albeit in different guises - rule us until we just fade away. And we will not hide in the waves of new citizens of the Russian Federation who do not speak Russian ...
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  1. +1
    3 June 2013 15: 19
    In my opinion, he did not read Gumilyov well
    1. +4
      3 June 2013 15: 29
      Quote: leon-iv
      In my opinion, he did not read Gumilyov well

      I agree and it seems very carefully "My fight" ...
      1. avt
        3 June 2013 15: 38
        Quote: svp67
        I agree and it seems very attentive to "My fight".

        Even if I read, I didn’t understand anything.
        1. +2
          3 June 2013 16: 24
          Quote: avt
          Even if I read, I didn’t understand anything.

          If you are talking about his acquaintance with "..wrestling", then somehow read his book, I assure you just one to understand where "the wind of his ideas is blowing"
        2. +8
          3 June 2013 16: 46
          Understood, understood, this is a very reasonable populist ... pay attention, he believes. that the people were stupid precisely because they did not want to climb the barricades and overthrow the bad Pu .... at the same time, it rightly indicates a change in the mentality of the people from Soviet times. Everything seems to be true, but there is a small detail - he forgets that a significant passionary part of our people rejoiced at the collapse of the country, climbed onto the barricades in August 91 ... how it ended, it is known ... so this detail destroys its entire construction .. . it turns out that if the people do not support him, the wisest, destructive appeals, then the people heh .. you.
          ... Narcissistic populist, struggling to arrange with us a fun, and most importantly, very useful civil war ...
          1. +6
            3 June 2013 17: 38
            Yes Gerasim, sorry Maxim suffered ...I put the minus article.

            Here is a separate representative of the people Maxim Kalashnikov accuses the whole people of passionarity (the word is what))) and in a number of "bad habits" -mol does not unite in a party, is silent about "Vova" and so on and so forth ...
            Yes, We are not bloodthirsty, we are also patient, most likely we will not engage in "woodcarving", although the Chechens cut our women with a chainsaw, we will probably regret the Asians (who suddenly arrived)), although they rape and attack the Russians .. ...They spoil the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs covering them))))
            We Gorbachev spit in the face, Shoigu, that betrayed the country in 1993, put a monument (if he wins at least one war)) and Putin for the collapse of the country and the Army probably will not punish too much))) After all, he’s trying hard when his American friends threatened him the fate of Colonel Gaddafi (ALSO A BIG FRIEND OF THE WEST))

            Our people are wise and kind, I don’t know if it’s too good, but I know that the Russian People can be in one PERSON, they will make a choice when it’s necessary, and not when they are forced to ...
            We unite for two reasons - to drink)) and to defend the homeland ...
            The fact that M. Kalashnikov "broke down" and showed disrespect to others, tells us not only about Maxim's incontinence, but also that everything will happen soon ...

            Well, Maksimka is no longer in the forefront, you have to be more seasoned))))
            1. +3
              3 June 2013 21: 27
              Well, Maksimka no longer be in the forefront, we must be more seasoned

              laurels of the site-scale guru (Volkhov), who predicted the "star of light" in late March - early April, haunt you?
          2. +1
            4 June 2013 04: 54
            Quote: smile
            Everything seems to be true, but there is a small detail - he forgets that a significant passionary part of our people rejoiced at the collapse of the country, climbed the barricades in August 91 of the year ...

            and you can clarify what kind of "a significant part of our people passionate rejoiced at the collapse of the country, climbed the barricades in August 91" ??? Very curious! :) A few drunken Muscovites who crawled under the tracks of tanks and the mechanized drivers did not have time to "slow down" (not a Zhiguli)? If any lice from the capital and something there screamed in the streets, then 95% of the country's population did not ask anyone at all! And it was quiet and peaceful everywhere in the country. And even after the referendum on the USSR, the "authorities" did not give a damn about its results, and the people calmly rubbed themselves off with it! And what, it turns out, he, the author, is not right? :)) A decent people would scoff such power for this, but we ... in the end have us!
        3. 0
          6 June 2013 13: 41
          How much I am here .... I read 90% of cliché speeches, I’ll catch up with you, we won’t shame, and so on. Kalashnikov is 100% right.
          The swamp in the country is complete.
          And speaking in Russian, pease ... there are a lot of baubles, nobody cares.
      2. Atlon
        3 June 2013 22: 02
        Kalashnikov! Do not disgrace the name! Drink yadu!
        1. +6
          4 June 2013 00: 35
          Quote: Atlon
          Kalashnikov! Do not disgrace the name! Drink yadu!

          Here, here and this electorate came running! Wasn’t it hard to finish reading? Probably more familiar than YouTube videos, and read messages on Twitter ...
        2. Merchant
          4 June 2013 03: 32
          I totally agree.
          Last name is good and g ... but !!!
    2. +5
      3 June 2013 17: 55
      Quote: leon-iv
      In my opinion, he did not read Gumilyov well

      And what did the author of the article want from a people who systematically nay, volume and robbed ??! They say difficulties make a person stronger. But look at what bullying and genocide do. However, we have no other people, and now it is not necessary for those in power to complain about quality! If they continue to do so, they will remain completely without people, the amers will take them with their bare hands. Good, from this popular semi-finished product, it is necessary to make highly developed patriotic Russian society by competent actions of the authorities. And do not complain, what a shitty people we have! fool How they treated the people and got it! wassat
      1. +3
        3 June 2013 20: 45
        You can’t joke with what you say, you will foolishly say, you will receive in full.
      2. 0
        4 June 2013 05: 02
        I agree, but we must admit that the people as a whole have degraded and continue to do so! How is it with Vysotsky in "Kanalchikova Dacha": "... there are few real violent ..."!
    3. +3
      4 June 2013 00: 37
      But now he sees the surroundings well.
      Of course, the author exaggerates a little, but I assure you, colleagues, very little. I’ve been to all kinds of alterations (in ordinary life), I’ve looked enough. So it's joyless all. Again, it all depends on us. I can’t wait any longer for the Russians to break the chain, hence the alterations happen ...
      1. +1
        4 June 2013 11: 13

        "I agree and it seems very attentive to" My fight "..."

        Pay attention - the author addresses her hatred and contempt to her own people!
        What is fascism or neo-fascism?
        This, in general, is a difficult term to choose.
  2. -1
    3 June 2013 15: 25
    looks like pigs, he copied from himself when he looked in the mirror. There are a lot of thugs around, but also a lot of decent young people! And this little article smacks of (I would even say that it stinks) depression, alarmism, and decomposition! Like "everything was lost, the client left, the plaster was removed." And these scribblers are combing themselves with the "elite who understands everything and knows everything" ?! Beaumond x .. figs!
    1. DDW
      3 June 2013 15: 35
      I will not justify the author of the article, I will not, no ... BUT!
      Ask ten normal and positive young people who is V. Pikul ??
      Six will roll their eyes, two will laugh stupidly, one will faint, and one will say that this is the sculptor who wrote "Onegin" ...
      Here's an article about it ... About the masses of people, unfortunately with scanty brains ...
      And what are you thinking ??
      1. +9
        3 June 2013 15: 41
        You know! Pikul was not even an indicator of intelligence in my time (unless of course you take the boiled beau monde of that time).
        You can argue a lot and give arguments, and all arguments, both yours and mine, may turn out to be absolutely right, but what we want to justify may turn out to be different.
        You can not go to church and not be religious (but believe in human values) and live an honest and righteous life, and be religious, put candles, go to church holidays to serve and live very humanly (justifying that these are temptations beyond our forces but I will sin, pray and be clean).
        So with respect to you, at the expense of Pikul (and with respect to this writer), I do not agree with you!
      2. +7
        3 June 2013 16: 10

        Lack of education is not yet a sign of idiocy.
        Idiocy cannot be fixed, but V. Pikul can always be read.
      3. +14
        3 June 2013 16: 13
        Quote: DDW
        Six will roll their eyes, two will laugh stupidly, one will faint, and one will say that this is the sculptor who painted "Onegin" ..
        Memorize the passage from the Word about Igor’s regiment ... Knowledge and patriotism are somewhat different things. In the modern world, a person simply does not have the opportunity to devote much time to books ...
        However, it is precisely those who do not know who Pikul fought in Chechnya, fought with the Georgians, who are now clearing the Caucasus of bandits.
        1. alexkross83
          3 June 2013 16: 43
          Believe me, my friend, the people who are now performing tasks in the North Caucasus ... just know and read Pikul. But the majority of young people who just do not perform these tasks are well aware of what a good party in a club is. The author of the article is largely right.
      4. +8
        3 June 2013 16: 59
        You're not right. The main idea of ​​the article is I, a fighter with the regime. the most intelligent, correct and perspicacious, and when the people who are so mean do not listen to me, it means ... the people are .... this creature does not notice that if people like him listened, the country would be furry the animal ... instantly .... since you cannot call him a fool, therefore he is ...
        And the mention of degradation is a fleur, designed to prove it right ... notice, he knows that millions of passionate people went to barricades at 91 ... actually contributed to the fact that the country was ruined ... but he does not consider those idiots to be degradants, for everything is fine with him, they were destroying the country ... and now, of course, a mess, since we don’t want to destroy the country. then we are degenerates .... radish, a bad person.
        1. avt
          3 June 2013 17: 38
          Quote: smile
          radish, a bad person.

          Reincarnation, the favorite of the party "Koli-balabolki laughing Remember? He famously testified against everyone when Athez was offended by his pretzel, when, according to Bukharin himself, ... I ran from you to Kamenev and then back ... "
          1. 0
            3 June 2013 18: 02
            Right! By the way, according to the postulates of Hinduism, an individual is reborn according to his lifetime merits ... that is, he was reborn ... by an insect. :)))
        2. +3
          4 June 2013 00: 40
          smile (2) you contradict yourself: ... "The main idea of ​​the article is that I, a fighter against the regime. I am the most intelligent, correct and perspicacious, and when the people do not listen to me, such a rascal, then this is ... the people ... . "- this is about Kalashnikov.
          And just below your statement: "he knows that in 91 millions of passionaries came out on the barricades ... who actually contributed to the fact that the country was ditched ... but he does not consider those idiots to be degraded, everything is fine for him ..."
          And, you mean, the better if you consider those millions of passionaries who came out in the 91st .. ". Idiots degradants"?
          1. +3
            4 June 2013 14: 47
            Ivan Kalinovich
            Have you forgotten hundreds of thousands of demonstrators crowding in Moscow? Have you forgotten the millions of Soviet people who were happy about the collapse of the Union in the republics? Did you forget when you went on a massive seizure of weapons? ... Yes ... damn it, I remember the train with the miners sent to Lithuania. which expressed solidarity to the Lithuanian nationalists ... denounced us Russian acupants who supported the coup? In Vilnius, helmets pounded ... parasites ... since then I hate miners ... :))))
            And he called them idiots and degradants because they themselves for the most part believe that they were idiots ... though they are righteously indignant, they supposedly deceived us ... Because of these passionaries, their mother’s children, I lost my Motherland and just my home I didn’t have a chance for a decent life in Lithuania ... therefore I am better than him - we both know how it all ends, but it requires a continuation of the banquet ...
            1. Vasilić
              6 June 2013 19: 20
              Quote: smile
              Have you forgotten the millions of Soviet people who were happy about the collapse of the Union in the republics?

              the question was not for me ... but in Kazakhstan, I don’t know people who were happy about the collapse ...
              ... how can one even enjoy the collapse of one’s country? .. and what country ...
              ... though ... it may only have been like this ... or maybe I didn’t communicate in those circles ...
        3. 0
          4 June 2013 05: 09
          what kind of nonsense are you !!!!!!! What are the millions of passionaries on the barricades in 91? How many of you yourself were in 91, feel free to ask ???
          1. 0
            4 June 2013 14: 53
            old man54
            Most of the country did not support the collapse of the country ... but millions supported not only in the republics, but also in Russia itself ... no matter what nationality, it was the Soviet people ... forgot?
            Regarding nonsense ... in view of your advanced age I will not put you in your place, but henceforth I ask you to refrain from such statements.
      5. +1
        4 June 2013 05: 05
        and I thought about the (Russian) Slavic spirit, about the free people, about that people that once, some 300 years ago, were admired by the little shaves and said that he, this people, did not even understand his inner strength! where is it all ???
        but I put "+" for you. :)
    2. +15
      3 June 2013 15: 43
      And why not get angry because he calls for this. And I mean that he sees a lot of things both on the street and at work. In some ways, he is right. And the hysteria of writing is attracting attention. But it was always so about disunity in the army, perhaps it simply depends on the region, although I don’t know.
      1. +6
        3 June 2013 16: 39
        Those who can read will be angry. And for others, too much bukaf. But there is a reason to be angry. Perhaps I'll get angry and repost. To start.
        1. +3
          3 June 2013 17: 04
          I did the same.
          1. +19
            3 June 2013 20: 22
            Yes, I agree, the article is provocative. But there is also some truth. For example, at my work 80% of employees are young people from 21 to 27 years old and there is no one among them, I emphasize - no one! - who could think independently and reasonably. Just think and communicate normally on topics of literature, art, world politics, history, technology, space exploration, without reducing the conversation to endless clothes, new googlephones, cars, tweets and other indicators of material wealth. They do not know elementary things and, worst of all, they do not want to know! And here the author (despite other stuffing) is completely right with examples from YouTube. The other day I talked to the head of the mortgage department (for reference, she is five years younger than me, has one commercial higher education and receives a salary of 135 pieces), so this sheep has no idea what the Motherland is and in which city this monument, symbol, monumental the memorial is located! Despite the fact that her grandfathers fought! About the Warrior-Liberator memorial, the one in Treptow Park, I didn't even ask.
            And there are dozens of such sheep and rams in our bank! And it would be fine if they didn't know shit, weren't interested, didn't develop, especially since the feat of the hero of the wonderful film "Groundhog Day" is, in principle, not possible for them, because they actually work so hard every single day that I am 4 years of work here has earned neurasthenia, my heart is pounding and I myself already feel how morally and intellectually I am degrading ...
            Therefore, of the entire staff of the office, I closely communicate with two men from the security department (both over 40) and the sales office of one subsidiary (she is 30 and we generally think the same, probably because we found the same time, received comparable education and upbringing, absorbed those ideals) that's all. There is nothing to talk about stupidly with the rest.
            Usually I don’t write like that, but today it’s just boiling up (all from the same work), and the article was kindled additionally. Sorry recourse .
            1. phantom359
              3 June 2013 23: 38
              Quote: Raphael_83
              Yes, I agree, the article is provocative. But there is also some truth. For example, at my work 80% of employees are young people from 21 to 27 years old and there is no one among them, I emphasize - no one! - who could think independently and reasonably. Just think and communicate normally on topics of literature, art, world politics, history, technology, space exploration, without reducing the conversation to endless clothes, new googlephones, cars, tweets and other indicators of material wealth. They do not know elementary things and, worst of all, they do not want to know! And here the author (despite other stuffing) is completely right with examples from YouTube. The other day I talked to the head of the mortgage department (for reference, she is five years younger than me, has one commercial higher education and receives a salary of 135 pieces), so this sheep has no idea what the Motherland is and in which city this monument, symbol, monumental the memorial is located! Despite the fact that her grandfathers fought! About the Warrior-Liberator memorial, the one in Treptow Park, I didn't even ask.
              And there are dozens of such sheep and rams in our bank! And it would be fine if they didn't know shit, weren't interested, didn't develop, especially since the feat of the hero of the wonderful film "Groundhog Day" is, in principle, not possible for them, because they actually work so hard every single day that I am 4 years of work here has earned neurasthenia, my heart is pounding and I myself already feel how morally and intellectually I am degrading ...
              Therefore, of the entire staff of the office, I closely communicate with two men from the security department (both over 40) and the sales office of one subsidiary (she is 30 and we generally think the same, probably because we found the same time, received comparable education and upbringing, absorbed those ideals) that's all. There is nothing to talk about stupidly with the rest.
              Usually I don’t write like that, but today it’s just boiling up (all from the same work), and the article was kindled additionally. Sorry recourse .

              For what? (sorry). You have written everything correctly, there are enough boobs in any industry.
          2. 0
            3 June 2013 22: 35
            Quote: klimpopov
            I did the same.

            Greetings Klim! hi
            I wanted to do the same, but then I suddenly remembered whether it was Kalashnikov who first served with Chubais, either as a bodyguard, or as a clerk !? winked
            Then, having quarreled with him, he went to Kvachkov, after which the authorities safely accepted their strong embrace! If so, it was Judas’s conscience that woke up, or worse, provocation of clean water. beautiful bukaf, having a little thought you can write a lot, especially when there is good motivation, or avert suspicions from myself. I’m not vindictive, just evil and I have a good memory. And Kvachkova I will not forgive him.
    3. 0
      4 June 2013 00: 26
      Oleg147741: you yourself do not plow by chance ... what are you talking about?
      In addition to delirium, Kalashnikov has reasonable thoughts!
      And you?
  3. fenix57
    3 June 2013 15: 31
    Chitalis, with this work ... a little earlier.
    "Today's Russians are pitiful creatures who will be pushed around by everyone who is not separated from the Russian Federation ..."-so can say only the ENEMY OF RUSSIA. angry THIS IS AND AN ORDER! And this is TROLL ...
    TROLL DENIAL: This enemy is unmasked. This man calls our country "rashka" ("scoop"); says she’s worthless, has no right to exist; he denies its history, culture, denies everything. ... “Nothing good has ever been done; they tortured themselves and others, and if this country ceases to exist, then everyone will be fine. First of all, to its citizens. ”

    Again, such a troll is trying to separate people and power. But he shares less skillfully than a sympathetic troll. He says that people are bad, power is even worse. Well, because in Russia there can be nothing good in principle. This is the concentration of vices and hell on earth. In a sense, such a troll (sometimes) unites the people and power, but his power is worse than (the people). am

    1. 0
      3 June 2013 18: 03
      But in vain, you have a good opinion. why not convince yourself that you are right?
    2. +2
      3 June 2013 18: 34
      Comment "+"

      Article "-" for:
      "Yes, this breed of disunited fools and psychopaths (ex-Russians)"
      and other guano in a text pretending to volition.

      ZY Either I'm paranoid, or the trolls' interest in TopWar has grown.
      1. +1
        3 June 2013 23: 58
        Quote: fenix57

        Not only yours. It seems that they didn’t succeed on the swamp in the multi-colored, they decided in a roundabout way, to go from the rear. These are the articles that are being pushed into the VO; they want a wave of dissatisfaction with Putin’s struggle with corruption to saddle and further rock the revolution. fool
        Quote: habalog
        ZY Either I'm paranoid, or the trolls' interest in TopWar has grown.

        And there is.
        "Maxim Kalashnikov": Time of jesters and morons "," Politics in the postmodern world is show business and constant "dope" ... A very realistic article, probably the author from nature wrote with his own. Judging by the number of pluses and minuses of the article, the wedge was driven in. Although I ask myself, who put the advantages of the article? Where does such tolerance on VO come from? We decided to recognize the essence of the article, so this is tantamount to recognizing yourself as a sea stop, as the author points out, or someone thinks that this is not about him, but about someone far, naive. The author unceremoniously insulted the audience, the people, the Russians, and they also applaud truth-seekers. In short article, aftora into the sewers forever. negative:
        ZY Maybe people have their downsides, but not in such a tone, not in such expressions, and not "such Ka ... m" to speak about it.
    3. +3
      4 June 2013 00: 52
      Sorry, I disagree with you. He does not share history, culture and Russians. We were once great! And now ... Now Russia is pitiful, it is now "Rashka", despite the fact that its greatness was only recently. The author, of course, is a troll, only, I think, is right about our government and about cowardice, irresponsibility and us..stvo on everything of our people. Here is a real example, just 8 days ago: at the bazaar, two boors from the Caucasus beat a Russian (or even of a different nationality), everyone turns away and walks past; I interfere, I catch by physics, but these types somehow retreat very quickly; the girl, without saying a word, is washed off; leaving the bazaar, I see - a dozen cars roll up, a lot of monkeys of the same origin are unloaded from them ... Well, I'm not a superhero, I quickly washed away myself. This is everyday life! Nobody but me, damn it? .. :( How to awaken OUR people?
      1. +4
        4 June 2013 12: 08
        Quote: Uhalus
        He does not share history, culture and Russian

        Look at the article rating.
        Quote: Uhalus
        We were once great!

        Great were our ancestors! Then someone forgets about it, I wonder what would they say to the local whining whining and sprinkling heads with ashes?
        Quote: Uhalus
        Now Russia is pitiful, it is now "Rashka"

        This is your opinion, as the descendants of the current "Rashka". Forgive me, but my RUSSIA WITH ITS PEOPLE IS GREAT AND UNLIMITED, STRONG AND KIND AND INVINCIBLE! Perhaps even the last resident of Burkina Faso thinks about his country the same way.
        Quote: Uhalus
        The author, of course, is a troll,

        I agree with that
        Quote: Uhalus
        only, I think, is right about our government and about cowardice,

        The government is that, wipe the snot on the heat of everyone should allocate protection? Everyone let him start with himself and from his own corner, restore order!
        Quote: Uhalus
        Here is a real example

        There is safety in numbers…
        Z.Y. How is the author of the article different from Gozmans, Alekseevs, Novodvorsky and other outcasts who hate their people? Yes, nothing, but there’s a lot of “similar”. Judging by the comments, it turns out that the author is really right: people really have devastation in their heads, it’s necessary to get to such a state that you would count, call names, pour dirt on your country, yourself and your people and agree with this, even if it’s three times true, well, they don’t have such rights. Yes, there are probably problems, but not everything is so bad, and we should not give up and lose heart.
        1. 0
          5 June 2013 23: 03
          Yes, the ancestors were great; and "We" is the USSR With Russia at its core, which was not so long ago. As one Chinese sage used to say, "we are the pitiful descendants of great ancestors." By the way, I am still a Soviet person, I remember a lot ...
          You don’t need to sprinkle your head with ashes - this makes sense both in the literal and figurative sense. We must realize the problem and correct it, first of all from ourselves, our children, our environment, unite and counteract destruction together. Well, combining is a separate issue ...
          The government should not wipe everyone snot. It should lead to the solution of state problems, take care of the people as something united. And we will somehow solve our problems ourselves.
          Not a warrior. So I got away from the crowd :))) At least I did something, corrected my karma: D (joke)
          Is different. First of all, by the fact that he has no hatred of the people. I read his books - he writes about great inventions, about great deeds, grandiose achievements ... and about missed opportunities, sometimes missed due to stupidity, meanness and betrayal. The author, drawing such an unpleasant picture in the article, calls to shake oneself, organize and start doing something - at least, as I understand this article, and I think I should not compare it with the abomination you mentioned.
  4. 0
    3 June 2013 15: 31
    What is verbiage? The hash in the head of the afftor. (-)
  5. avt
    3 June 2013 15: 37
    Quote: leon-iv
    In my opinion, he did not read Gumilyov well

    Just do not about the passion lost and not so luminous Sun. I do not want to discuss the political preferences of the gentlemen of the candidates for leaders of the left and right patriots. I'm interested in something else. How, for example, Kalashnikov wanted to relate to the current Communist Party after the 1996 presidential election? What, Zyuganov is not a pissing clown, well built into the political system? Well, is the wise author himself ready for the idea to suffer, or is the Duma buffet still pulling? But let’s say he will raise at least someone, but for those whom he will raise the answer to keep ready? Or should pawns happily die for the king, and he is only ready to throw bright thoughts? The people are stupid, lazy, according to the author. But what about a handful of Bolsheviks in an almost completely illiterate country that turned around so childishly? Well, maybe today's good dancers get in the way of their eggs? Funny, Mr. Comrade again, like the classic liberoids, the wrong people slipped. But Lenin and Stalin, and even some of their monarchist predecessors, somehow managed to do what they had and did business for whole volumes in History. The campaign is just another bored intellectual - verbiage with attempts to impersonate an intellectual, with enormous self-conceit and hatred for everyone else. A kind of barchuk, komchatvstvo and rushing.
    1. brr7710
      3 June 2013 17: 06
      But what about a handful of Bolsheviks in an almost completely illiterate country that turned around so childishly?

      It sounds somehow strange: "... a handful of Bolsheviks ...", but the fact that since the end of the 19th century the soil has been prepared for them since the end of the XNUMXth century, even if not by the Bolsheviks, but they have created a whole network of underground printing houses, etc.
      1. avt
        3 June 2013 17: 47
        Quote: brr7710
        but they created a whole network of clandestine printing houses, etc.

        Exactly what a handful and exactly what they did in clandestine printing houses and what you called etc. The current, with all the calls and clever thinking of this very thing, etc. they won’t be engaged, it’s already good for them, but it serves as an excuse ... well, that’s what he says about the people, it serves. Well, right, why, with such a people, yes for an idea and under the threat of death, they would not appreciate the cattle from an emotional impulse with.
        1. 0
          4 June 2013 05: 25
          people deserve their ruler (government)! tarai as the world TRUE
  6. ramsi
    3 June 2013 15: 41
    no, in many ways he, of course, is right. But this is our eternal problem - we harness for a long time. In my opinion, according to the memoirs of everyone, we are always not ready for anything, but we have stubbornness, I hope that there is still something left - and all hope for him
    1. +2
      3 June 2013 16: 07
      Quote: ramsi
      no, in many ways he, of course, is right. But this is our eternal problem - we harness for a long time
      Read Mine Kampf and understand where the thoughts come from ... Only the people of Olin are replaced by another ...
      1. avt
        3 June 2013 16: 23
        Quote: domokl
        Read Mine Kampf and understand where the thoughts come from ... Only the people of Olin are replaced by another ...

        Already noted and received a minus, I will get more. This barchuk, of course, I read, but I definitely didn’t understand, I traced only a bit of what was on the surface. He sits on a sofa and argues - these didn’t come out, they didn’t go out the wrong way, and they don’t go as if they weren’t standing. They didn’t get anything, but I said something clever to them. So what ? Is this the type of leader? They never follow such people, and they are not in a hurry to lead something. So, they appoint themselves gray cardinals and are very offended when their people in their arms do not carry them to the Duma buffet. These are not creators or leaders - whistlers with a splurge.
        1. ramsi
          3 June 2013 17: 03
          so it’s not about him - about us
          1. avt
            3 June 2013 17: 24
            Quote: ramsi
            so it’s not about him - about us

            Caane. It’s like Svanidze’s argument that the Soviet People won the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet people won over Svanidze through their teeth. And Stalin only fired off innocent guards, and SMERSH scolded the writing of the great summer over the great summer, but here the mirror image is an outstanding thinker, whose words and stupid cattle people do not want to catch the word from the fly. And will you go after that? Yes, even to the end, as in 41m? How is it, combined - For the Homeland and Zyuganov or Kalashnikov?
        2. Gemar
          3 June 2013 18: 25
          Quote: avt
          Is this the type of leader?

          Sometimes he calls himself a fascist ("... everything was in the shops of the Third Reich. [...] I am not a communist, but a fascist. But with the utmost respect for Stalin."
          From the end of 2002 to 2004 - editor of the Security department of the socio-political and business magazine Russian Entrepreneur
          In early 2005, together with Vitaly Averyanov and A. Kobyakov, he co-founded the Center for Dynamic Conservatism (CDK).
          In 2005-2007. - one of the developers of the project "Russian Doctrine"
          In 2006 he founded the network community "Russian Brotherhood"
          In 2006-2009 worked in the online magazine RPMonitor; since 2009 - in the online journal Globoscope A. Kobyakova.
          Since May 2009 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the Delo Nation Party
          In August 2009, he spoke in his LiveJournal with a project of actions in case of "Russia falling into chaos" (Concrete of saving nationalism)
          September 15, 2009 in response to the article by President D. A. Medvedev, “Russia, go!” published an open letter with proposals for innovative development.
          ================================================== =====================
          I read his books. I agree with something, but not with something. In essence, he is a Nazi in a good way (if someone takes this approach).
          Quote: avt
          These are not creators or Leaders - whistlers with a dance.

          There are few real violent ones - there are no leaders. But we have ravings about the machinations and ravings of the network, And the evil machinations of enemies will not spoil our poverty! .. (V. S. Vysotsky).
          1. avt
            3 June 2013 19: 32
            Quote: Gamar
            I read his books. I agree with something, but not with something. In essence, he is a Nazi in a good way.

            At the time of EBNa of All Russia, the drunkest one, when Abramich was still in juice, established Birch Prize "Triumph" and came to one of his gangplanks his Excellency, he is the Eminence Pitirim, now deceased, as Birch was styled in front. and the public, there Zhvanetsky was sitting as a member of the jury, Birch and gave out ... Russian fascism is still waiting for us ... ". Here you look at the author and the dummies are not good - Kvachkov is sitting, Mironov, not dumak, also somehow not very good, and here such a luxurious character broadcasts and no article for extremism. request But even Pedichka Limonov was closed, and PISAtel pulled from bell to bell. request
        3. +5
          3 June 2013 20: 10
          Quote: avt
          Already noted and received a minus, I will get more. This barchuk, of course, I read, but I definitely didn’t understand, I traced only a bit of what was on the surface.
          Well, minus is just an assessment ... It means someone’s beloved has come on the corn ... It’s just one of the signs described by the author of the article ... Bukof is a lot .. We really don’t like it when they open a seemingly masked lie and claim superhumanity ... We love ourselves beloved. Respect and value lol
          1. avt
            3 June 2013 22: 34
            Quote: domokl
            ..We love ourselves beloved. Respect and value

            Yes, it’s not a mortal sin, but when you turn into pride, then you don’t notice people and you go over their heads, and you don’t feel sorry for people anymore, but you don’t feel sorry for him. "yes, we are like that, one word," scoops ", to push the slave inside us. And now the well-worked scheme is launched again, we changed the" scoop "to the" rashka "and everything else remains the same and, they have democracy there , civilization "and it is necessary to press the slave, preferably on the barricades, well, the choice, and the people again, savages, well, in general, they have no luck with the people. And what is interesting is that the scheme is launched, as it were, by people with different political views, and singing in different voices in one choir, one song in different voices, laid out by an arranger.
        4. 0
          4 June 2013 05: 27
          but nevertheless he is very much right! He thickened the paint strongly of course, but he kind of said that he intentionally did it.
          1. avt
            4 June 2013 09: 15
            Quote: old man54
            but nevertheless he is very much right! He thickened the paint strongly of course, but he kind of said that he intentionally did it.

            So that's just the point !!! ,, ... there is no difference between truth and falsehood, unless of course you undress both of them ... "V.Vysotsky.
  7. +11
    3 June 2013 15: 42
    It’s not a shame to read it, but the truth is in this article .. Hacked us or hacked .. But the most important thing is not broken !! !! One thing that was not taken into account in this article is such a concept in Russia as rebirth and purification. (Periodic). What is happening now .. And with us God and Russia are invincible like our Soul!
    1. +5
      3 June 2013 15: 46
      So the truth is that we are the No. 1 enemies of the Americans, the question is from what point is this all going to be considered! So to speak about reference systems (or values ​​that are more true) it is necessary to remember! And the partisans during the Second World War in the Belarusian (and not only) forests turned out to be terrorists!
  8. fisherman
    3 June 2013 15: 44
    The prospects are really bleak, but I want to hope for a MIRACLE!
  9. +7
    3 June 2013 15: 49
    Quote: DDW
    Here's an article about it ... About the masses of people, unfortunately with scanty brains ...
    And what are you thinking ??

    I totally agree. It is very rarely possible to talk or even argue (he is not old), but the difference is on the face. They just do not need anything, in bulk. But far from everyone, there are very decent ones, even at work, a young guy came after college (a lawyer by training), but they were brainwashed but read with pleasure what I give and generally open to new things.
  10. -1
    3 June 2013 15: 52
    Now we need people to softer and look at the questions wider
  11. +2
    3 June 2013 15: 52
    It seems cleverly written, but how stupid ... The calculation is precisely on those about whom the author writes. On the watchmen of clips. How easy it is to put a label on a whole nation, even on all the peoples of Russia.
    He doesn’t even hide what he is calling for. The people, but a bunch of scumbags (sorry, passionaries) should lead this into a bright future. And the opinion of this cattle is of no interest to anyone.
    And a stupid example is given about Caucasians. Something they don’t really bullish in Siberia. They live like everyone and behave quite normally. Moscow does not need to be compared with Russia.
    1. 0
      4 June 2013 05: 35
      in Siberia they are already bullied, but not so far as beyond the Urals, but the trends are also the same!: ((
  12. Gemar
    3 June 2013 15: 53
    Isn't this the same Kalashnikov who wrote "The Broken Sword of the Empire"? If he is the one, then I am amazed at the abrupt change in the style of presentation ... and I partially support him. If back in the early 2000s I had a small hope for the Tsar-Father, now only for myself and my loved ones.
    And we will not hide in the waves of new citizens of the Russian Federation who do not speak Russian ...

    In my city, this is becoming very relevant. request
    1. AK-47
      3 June 2013 18: 53
      Quote: Gamar
      Isn't that the same Kalashnikov who ...
      The same. Vladimir Alexandrovich Kucherenko, pseudonym Maxim Kalashnikov. Secretary of the Central Council of the Motherland: Common Sense Party. Member of the Federal Council of the Party of Affairs. Calls himself a man from another Reality, a citizen of the Empire. In his work, he repeatedly stated the need for faster innovative development of the country through the introduction of unique technologies and tough anti-corruption measures. He put forward the idea of ​​creating a state corporation. Considers himself a fascist.
      1. Gemar
        3 June 2013 19: 17
        Quote: AK-47
        The same one.

        Quote: AK-47
        Considers himself a fascist.

        Well then, it is clear. Read, we know! I do not consider myself a fascist, but a nationalist ... perhaps yes!
        Quote: AK-47
        Calls himself a person from another Reality

        And he calls for sobriety! request
        And how do you feel about the author - hostile \ positive \ skeptical?
        1. AK-47
          3 June 2013 20: 16
          Quote: Gamar
          And how do you feel about the author - hostile \ positive \ skeptical?

          How to a spoon of honey in a tar barrel, if you're interested, negatively.
          1. Gemar
            4 June 2013 03: 50
            Quote: AK-47

            hi Your full right. +++
            But still, I am glad that there are such and those in our country. The presence of patriotic pluralism (so to speak) makes one think not to hang in place, but to scour between hostile and consciousness-friendly ideologies.
            On the other hand, in China there is not even political pluralism (although there are several parties, everyone looks into the mouth of the CCP), however, they live much better than us. They work, give birth, copy, sell ... They have no time to engage in self-flagellation and search for a national idea. There are specially trained people (CCP) for this.
            PS But why did I stick to you with a question about the attitude to the author ... It was just interesting: "How does Kalash relate to Kalashnikov \ Kucherenko?"
            With respect.
  13. +2
    3 June 2013 15: 55
    Something completely "polundra" with "network construction" and "kopeck" utter. Nope ... Better to "run" while I'm not going anywhere. And sooner or later something will happen - definitely.
  14. +2
    3 June 2013 16: 05

    "The stupidity and lack of will of the broad masses has finally become the determining factor in the dominance of the current regime."
    "But even without that, it is clear that a massive electoral subhuman has come."
    "But be that as it may, the breed of nerve-racked, mutually suspicious, cheaply sold and incapable of uniting, weak-willed dumbass are bred. It is now the electorate. Its bulk."
    "Today's Russians are miserable creatures who will be pushed around by everyone who is not separated from the Russian Federation."

    And this gentleman, apparently, does not classify himself as a "broad masses"?
    Does he consider himself an elite? And all the rest (i.e. people) are subhuman?
    And why is he so sure that the "electorate" should be interested in the jerking and buffoonery of the authorities after 20 years of deception?
    In addition, Russia is a multinational state. So why does the author speak so angrily about the Russian people?

    Very dangerous misconception!

    Only in "Auschwitz" is it necessary to work with this way of thinking.
    You can fully answer this article - but the time and format of the forum does not allow. Most likely - this is a provocation and probing of the sentiments in the "broad masses" of "subhumans."
    1. +4
      3 June 2013 17: 07
      He is not mistaken in anything - this is the usual consistent enemy of Russia and the Russian people ... he wants to get us lost and is very suffering that he doesn’t succeed ... Abydna him, yes!
      1. Gemar
        3 June 2013 18: 34
        Quote: smile
        it is an ordinary consistent enemy of Russia and the Russian people ...

        You have found the enemy in the wrong person ... the author calls upon himself to seek the "enemy".
        If this article is not written for you, then why are you reacting so violently? Worried that young people will listen to a person who calls to stop the collapse of the country from the mid-90s and begins to believe that Russians are degenerating? So maybe a little resentment will stir from resentment for the State.
        Personally, I respect him only for the fact that he violently hates the Tagged and EBN.
        With respect.
        1. +3
          3 June 2013 18: 52
          Yes, he probably hates them. At the same time, he hates power as such, and Pu at the same time. He did not see degradants among the millions who supported the collapse of the country. But now, when people realized that those who are calling for barricades will not bring anything good to the country, the people immediately became bad.
          Pay attention - he does not suffer about degradation, he explains. that we have degraded because we are not following him ... he considers this a sign of degradation ... did you catch the difference?
          I believe that he is an enemy because he actually calls on the people to arms. And it is dangerous because it successfully disguises itself. And if they follow him, 91 years will repeat. If you want to repeat, take a white ribbon and go to the swamp. you have a place there. or go to the barricade, maybe. if you succeed in killing someone, consider that you made Russia happy. ... You are a good intelligent person ... but you didn’t make out the nits ... it’s a pity.
          The article is written for everyone, only it will not work for everyone.
          1. Gemar
            3 June 2013 19: 10
            Quote: smile
            hates power as such and Pu at the same time

            Oh, be careful, Dear ... Here one threatened to "kill everyone" if Putin once again abbreviated someone else. stop
            Quote: smile
            I believe that he is an enemy because he actually calls on the people to arms.

            It is difficult to argue ... however ... Serdyukov, Chubais, Kadyrov. Yes, the author sometimes drives the blizzard (probably after all, he indulges in beer lol ), however, what he calls to fight for is fiercely hated by "Serdyukov, Chubais, Kadyrov" ...
            To be more specific, I do not in any way support the methods that the author proposes to achieve the noble part of his message (and in the message itself there is a selfish and selfless purpose). However, to some extent I support his goals of making the Russian Federation a superpower. I read these goals not in this article, but in his books.
            In short, goals are noble, methods are treacherous.
            Remember the oldest joke about how to achieve universal equality?
            "The year 1917. Granddaughter of the Decembrist hears a noise in the street
            and sends a servant to find out what is the matter.
            Soon, the servant is returning.
            - There is a revolution, mistress!
            - Oh revolution! It's great! My grandfather was also
            revolutionary! And what do they want?
            “They want the rich not to be.”
            - Strange. And my grandfather wanted the poor to be gone. ”
            1. +1
              4 June 2013 02: 05
              Gamar I agree with you in the assessment of the author!
              In order to understand the author (Kalashnikov), you need to shovel all his books and let them through you, separate the grains from the chaff, discard the husks and collect sound ones by drop! .And this is not an easy task!
              1. Gemar
                4 June 2013 04: 20
                Quote: Ivan Kalinovich
                Gamar I agree with you in the assessment of the author!

                Thank you! +++ drinks
                However, do not rush to draw a conclusion about my attitude towards the author. I do not have a positive or negative attitude towards him (perhaps you are the same). I'm only interested in some of his postulates. But there is something that I don't like about his books. Let's take the most famous one - "The Broken Sword of the Empire". In this book, 40% is politics, 30% is history, 30% is scientific information. It seems that everything is unobtrusive, understandable ... However, there are so many fables and inaccuracies in the book (history + scientific information), which raises doubts about the author's desire to educate young people. You involuntarily begin to pay attention to the political background of the book.
                Quote: Ivan Kalinovich
                separate the seeds from the chaff

                Here is the desire to "search, find and hide", you have a big + in a personal!
          2. 0
            3 June 2013 23: 05
            smileThey said everything correctly! hi
            A lot also depends on the person who is giving out such "masterpieces"!
          3. 0
            4 June 2013 16: 29
            Quote: smile
            I believe that he is an enemy because he actually calls on the people to arms.

            I didn’t think so. Moreover, according to an analysis of several of his books, which I happened to read, we can conclude that he does not consider weapons at all as a means of achieving the stated goals. I judge for the same purposes. At the same time, I personally could not “catch” him in logical contradictions and did not see attempts to manipulate consciousness. Indeed, what is happening to us? People, we even forgot how to read, either we don’t see anything in the text, or we see something that is not there. Our completely understandable suspicion prevailed over us - in our assessments there are entirely speculations that there are suspicions without reason.
            What is the article about? Read it again. In this particular case - the reasons for subsequent calls are given without false modesty - people wake up, "get angry, think, start with yourself", where is your active life position? After all, more recently, with a half-turn, not realizing anything, they were ready to climb into hell. And now, almost everyone understands everything, but no one wants to move a finger, even to identify themselves according to their views without mutual suspicions. Where is your life energy, generated at least by the instinct of self-preservation. And then, I quote: “What to do? ... you need to spend only a few million in the "green" to create a new social network. But it’s not a simple “chat room” where steam is released and photos are posted ... Social Network Cases, ... community. The germ of the new Russian nation. "
            Well, where is it about weapons, barricades? You, too, are not a stupid person. Take a look at the situation without emotions - it will become clear that you personally are not offended in the article.
  15. +3
    3 June 2013 16: 16
    Quote: domokl
    It seems cleverly written, but how stupid ... The calculation is precisely on those about whom the author writes. On the watchmen of clips. How easy it is to put a label on a whole nation, even on all the peoples of Russia. He doesn’t even hide what he is calling for. The people, but a bunch of scumbags (excuse me, passionaries) should lead this into a bright future. And the opinion of this cattle is of no interest to anyone. And a stupid example is given about Caucasians. Something they don’t really bullish in Siberia. They live like everyone and behave quite normally. Moscow does not need to be compared with Russia.

    I agree completely. I do not agree for Moscow. Normal Russian people live in Moscow, who, if necessary, will be put in their place no worse than in Siberia!
    Quote: klimpopov
    I totally agree. It is very rarely possible to talk or even argue (he is not old), but the difference is on the face. They just do not need anything, in bulk. But not everyone, there are very worthy
    That's it, and worthy of these, thank God, there are still enough! And the article was written by a "superhuman celestial", I do not like when it is about people ... haughty, detached. People are not a herd and the author is clearly not a shepherd!
  16. +5
    3 June 2013 16: 17
    Auto RU. The purpose of the article "to anger" the people cannot be achieved by some of its representatives, and due to the loss of passionarity due to the syndrome of emotional burnout from prolonged anger and powerlessness to influence what is happening.
    I read the comments - I recalled a joke:
    - That's it, Sveta, let's go, goodbye.
    “Kolya, I expected you to accompany me.”
    - Sveta, you seem to have a humanities degree by education ...?
    - Yes.
    - So I see that it’s not your hope.

    This article is not for us. It looks like it's not ours. And I don't think there are any "subjects of strategic action" on the site.
  17. Kowalsky
    3 June 2013 16: 21
    This is not the same Kalashnikov who methylated himself in the tsar of Russia? :)
  18. optimist
    3 June 2013 16: 22
    The guy wrote everything correctly !!! Personally, I am ready to subscribe to his every word. I see some complain that they offended the Russians? I, the Russian, do not feel insult, for only fools are offended by the truth !!! And if nothing is done now, then black ... they mix us with shit and dirt completely ...
    1. sashka
      4 June 2013 02: 45
      Quote: optimist
      And if nothing is done now, then black ... they mix us with shit and dirt completely ...

      It’s already customary for us to mix something with something. And there’s nothing else to mix with ..
  19. +15
    3 June 2013 16: 23
    Unfortunately, I also come to the same conclusion as the author.
    The debilitation of the Russian population by the Zionists was successful.
    But I do not live in non-rubber, though not in Siberia.
  20. Whale
    3 June 2013 16: 30
    cool all fools and life without stress
  21. +12
    3 June 2013 16: 37
    Why did I write all this? Yes, so that you, my Russian tribesmen, piss off. And make you think. So that you first take on yourself. For it hurts me for what happens to my people.

    And the people cannot even get angry. The author was declared an alarmist and follower of Hitler. And that’s it. Ostriches stick their heads in the sand at the sight of danger. Well, we strive to shove someone who shouts about danger into the sand. Let him not scream, so be calm.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -1
      3 June 2013 17: 35
      This selfish prophet believes that we are not good just because we didn’t follow him as the wisest .... he actually calls on the barricades to overthrow the government .... here you are not like an ostrich .. but for some reason you didn’t try to think about what will the realization of the dreams of this provocateur lead ... the war wanted, barricades? Syrian happiness does not give peace, jealous? As someone said above - his words are designed exclusively for faraway people. And for this, this comrade is really worthy to be dug.
      1. +3
        3 June 2013 19: 08
        Quote: smile
        This selfish prophet

        This is the only thing I agree with.

        Quote: smile
        he actually calls on the barricades to overthrow the government ....

        Where? In which place? I see that he writes the truth about the situation with the Caucasians. The threat is not that they can, but that we cannot. It’s high time at school to introduce compulsory sambo classes, otherwise it grows unclear what.
        Kvachkov approve of everything verbally, but in reality nobody cares. In general, here, on the Internet, are all heroes and patriots. But in life - far from everything.
        And the love for the show, noted by Kalashnikov, is really a reality ...
        And you are attracting Syria here for some reason, war, barricades. This is your sore imagination, not Kalashnikov. And not even imagination. This is your shame and fear of reality.
        1. -4
          3 June 2013 20: 42
          When they want to provoke, they always speak and write the truth. Only such fools can be provoked by lies that the provocateur himself will be shot.
          I didn’t want to, but ... When a person chooses a profession, he, by default, agrees with the restrictions imposed by it. For example, tasters eat only fresh and slightly warm - you can’t spoil the taste. Everyone chooses a profession according to the principle - whether he is able to withstand its limitations for the sake of the income it brings and the desire to do it specifically. In general, how strong you are - you can keep such restrictions.
          Choosing a share of the military, the defender of the country, you have to put up with a simple restriction - you cannot participate in political activity. It’s hard, yes ... Having retired ... not that it’s completely impossible, but not worth it. And what exactly is impossible, what should not be done under any circumstances is to promote the army. Campaigning in military units ...
          I look Kvachkov - just an idol. But in Dvoroshch, I won’t say the right one, but at least Kvachkova should be shot about public security. Do not shoot, namely shoot. And spit on the grave ...
          1. +6
            3 June 2013 22: 04
            Quote: Mikhail3
            I look Kvachkov - straight idol

            No. But this is a man who tried to do something.
            Spit on the grave - how liberal it is! This is the height of courage in your understanding.
            1. fisherman
              3 June 2013 23: 25
              with all due respect to Kvachkov - "there is an easy solution, but there is a correct one" (western saying)

              we have synonymous sayings - "there is a bright life, and there is a long one" and "you drive quieter, you will continue" ...

              you have to go to the masses, to the people, to the province ... to gather people around you by personal example, then a party, then to the Kremlin ... it's a long, but reliable ...

              and from the TOP, start this path of the Bolsheviks (liberals) and this method will again lead ("they wanted the best, but it turned out ...") to the same endless rushing from one extreme to the other (the so-called "excess of passionarity")

              if you want to "educate the people," then go to the people, and do not ask the state for money ...
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +1
                4 June 2013 01: 18
                Quote: fisherman
                with all due respect to Kvachkov - "there is an easy solution, but there is a correct one" (western saying)

                Quote: fisherman
                if you want to "educate the people," then go to the people, and do not ask the state for money ...

                Where is the connection? Kvachkov asked the state for money?

                Quote: fisherman
                you have to go to the masses, to the people, to the province ... to gather people around you by personal example, then a party, then to the Kremlin ... it's a long, but reliable ...

                What an example? And name at least one US party that has emerged in the province over the past 50 years and its leader has become the president of the United States? Maybe there is such an example in the UK? France? Germany? Why are you pushing us to something that is not found anywhere in the world? Even in the most advanced democracies?
                1. fisherman
                  4 June 2013 02: 51
                  the connection is visible without an armed eye - what is the METHOD? ..

                  revolution or evolution? ..

                  "So that improvement is established on Earth, you need to improve yourself, first of all, your inner man" (Confucius)

                  I will explain - if not against ... in modern Russia there are two radically different points of view on the way of harmonizing everything and everything ... the first (simplified - liberal) is that an earthly paradise can be built - if you start this construction from TOP - that is, by replacing a bad ruler good ... he will appoint good managers, officials, judges, police officers, doctors, teachers, kindergarten teachers .......

                  it should be noted right away - that in the 90s, supporters of this. people began to urge the gray masses, who were astray in the search for communism, not to pay attention to the Kremlin’s reformation and to finally begin personal enrichment (that is, the ruler is already good - and the invisible hand of the market will put everything in order - including turning Soviet society into a Western-type society )

                  the second (let's call it simplicity - Narodism) that earthly paradise can only be built BOTTOM ... that is, to learn how to clean the fish first - that is, to grasp the head and strip off the scales ... it doesn’t matter if the head is rotten - you can throw it away .. .the main thing is mothers and fathers-kindergarten educators-teachers-doctors-police -................

                  in this case - the head is NOT IMPORTANT - as it is now in the Western world - Reagans-Bush-Clintons ......... if-shredders-Merkel ........ it's all transitory ... and the cleanliness of the boulevards -streets -... and the whole society (mentality) - enduring ...

                  this is a constant - independent of the variable (presidents), that is, to do everything slowly but reliably and (worst of all for people with revolutionary fervor in DNA) for a long time ...

                  not only that, it’s the dominant ... because only the people are CREATIVE NATURES - and hides their main role as the driving force of the historical process by a) cooling the power or b) erecting monuments ... that is, what images of presidents and comments on them will be stored in a repository of memory (in people's memory) depends only on this hard-to-know NATURE ... the presidents themselves (like poets) can only guess their future ... and the devil knows about himself :))

                  Confucius himself believed that it would take at least one generation ... in general, the "theory of small matters" plus the "sacrificial generation" ... at least one ...
                  1. 0
                    4 June 2013 10: 13
                    Quote: fisherman
                    the connection is visible without an armed eye - what is the METHOD ?.

                    The link is not visible. You are linking the unconnected. A revolution in a state "produced" with the money of that state. Moreover, Kvachkov, with whom you start, has nothing to do with either one or the other. In the garden there is an elderberry, and in Kiev there is an uncle.

                    Quote: fisherman
                    that earthly paradise can be built - if you start this construction from the TOP - that is, by replacing a bad ruler with a good one ...

                    Quote: fisherman
                    Confucius himself believed that it would take at least one generation ... in general, the "theory of small matters" plus the "sacrificial generation" ... at least one.

                    It does not interfere.
            2. +2
              4 June 2013 16: 56
              Liberalism is personal freedom. Such freedom that everyone around us cries. For example, the freedom to marry men, and to adopt children, despite the fact that the vast majority of normal people are against it. Or - freedom to ignite a fratricidal war in your country, because you do not like power. If your "do something" is to raise the army to a riot, as Kvachkov tried with all his might, think about it - maybe just kill those you don't like? Start with the neighbor, you bastard, right?
              As for my courage ... on the Internet, the military is enough without me. I won’t shine with coolness smile
              1. 0
                4 June 2013 19: 43
                Quote: Mikhail3
                If you think "to do something" is to raise the army to revolt, as Kvachkov tried with all his might

                I strongly doubt it. Because at first they made an attempt on Chubais. Not proven. So in the next case, I see just revenge on the part of the nano-manager. And when you consider that at first Chubais arranged for privatization with the help of CIA agents and now the Americans have not forgotten him - he is a member of JP Morgan & Co, an international advisory board, this is revenge on the part of American capital and the government.
                In addition, until recently, only a change of power in the country could save the situation. Since this is politically impossible, there is no real candidate for the presidency, I personally would support any division commander or brigade that would capture the Kremlin. And not just me. The people of the army trust. Putin understood that. Hence the reduction of the GRU special forces and such an army reform, more similar to its destruction. And a wonderful payment system that existed for some time when a subordinate could receive more than a boss.
                Luckily, the Arab spring began and Gaddafi’s brutal death had a profound effect on Putin. Apparently, he decided that his warriors at least more humane and turned to face the army and the people half-turn. Now you can watch at least one more term, what will come of it. Improve yourself and the world ...
                But Kvachkova must be released. If they’re so afraid of him, to send him to Kunashir, let him study the Japanese threat. And in prison there is nothing to keep a well-deserved person.
      2. +1
        4 June 2013 18: 35
        "he actually calls on the barricades to overthrow the government .." He actually calls to become men, and not a gray mass in his native country. Call to Arms! I personally did not notice in the article, but to self-respect - yes. Maybe in our country everything is so fine that there is no need to worry? Or maybe I don't see the world like that with my crooked eyes. And in all your numerous comments, only your personal dislike for the author is noticeable. Alas.
    4. +2
      4 June 2013 05: 51
      . Author declared an alarmist and follower of Hitler

      Why did you announce it? It’s his self-name. Have you ever wondered why those who really did something for Russia (in business, in our wars, in other spheres of life) take this person like that?
      And the answer is simple. We don’t need a SS .. And we don’t need a racial theory. We lived by the principle-We will destroy the whole world of violence ... Enough already. All these revolutionaries are pushing the boobies of boys to shed blood, and they themselves remain at the feeding trough. See how much marsh sits and who sits ... And who is still under investigation and will remain at large ...
      1. 0
        4 June 2013 09: 59
        Quote: domokl
        And the answer is simple. We don’t need a CC .. And we don’t need a racial theory.

        In this article I did not see a word about SS. As far as I have read Kalashnikov, he does not pull on the Fuhrer. This is a "strategist-theorist" who lives by selling his theories. In many ways, he himself creates the show he writes about. Apparently, incomes began to fall, he told us everything that he thinks of us. Or conscience tortured ...
        But, nevertheless, what he says in this article is worth considering. And to draw conclusions, and somehow start to change.

        Quote: domokl
        .You never thought about why those who really did something for Russia (in business, in our wars, in other spheres of life) perceive this person like that?

        But Mr. Medvedev, when he was president, was very inspired by the ideas of Comrade Kalashnikov. Skolkovo founded the whole. Investigators work there now, though smile And no one then compared Kalashnikov with Hitler. Many considered Medvedev an idiot. But judging by the fact that the investigators still dug up something there, he’s not so far off, he just can’t hide the ends.

        In general, no matter how "Fuhrer" Kalashnikov was, the questions he raised in this article are relevant.
  22. +23
    3 June 2013 16: 38
    The late Academician Aleksandrov, after the collapse of the USSR, sadly said in his last TV interview: "I am sad to talk about this, but ... there will be no" new "" great "Russia ... That's it. The era of heroes is over, the time has come bourgeois and scoundrels ... "
    And, Zhores Alferov in those days when the crowd was jubilant about the collapse of the USSR also said sadly: "Many have not yet understood, and, most likely, they will not understand at all, never, but now, indeed, we have not even sold our country , but simply, they exchanged it for "Snickers" and "chewing gum", in short, just ... whether "
    1. The comment was deleted.
  23. +2
    3 June 2013 16: 47
    I fundamentally disagree with the author regarding "the dismantling of the people into the population .., loss of mind, will, passion, etc."
    It seems to me that Maxim, either by prudent intent, or by virtue of his personal stupidity, extrapolates some part of the Internet "movement" to the whole society, giving him a deadly diagnosis. Because, otherwise, how could he count more than 140 million people? But, this is a "trap".
    Chess word, I myself sometimes had such thoughts, such as: where the people are heading, how they become dull, simplified, etc. Such a feeling arises if you communicate on forums with a very broad topic, such as regional, city, automobile. Yes, everything about everything who knows dunce is a bit too much: ((Sometimes it seems that the whole space is filled with them :))) But there are not so many of them personally, they seem to be omnipresent because they climb everywhere with their "knowledge" and "opinions". They spend a lot of time on the net. Obviously they sit on the necks of their parents, daddies, or they float their butts in the office, not doing anything seriously. And those who are busy on the Internet are few.
    Thus, the basic statement about the quality of the people of erefii is completely blown, built on the impression of the Internet. And the latter does not reflect the whole nation.
  24. alexkross83
    3 June 2013 16: 50
    From time immemorial, it was as soon as the power was de-credited, as well as its policy, a new (old) national idea arose that broke everything in its path.
  25. +14
    3 June 2013 16: 52
    And yet, I think such articles need to be read and analyzed .. Otherwise, it will be drunkenly like in the 41st and 90s "The armor is strong and our tanks are fast .." and "The unbreakable union .." .. I hope everyone knows the result .. Now it goes the most terrible war is the War for Souls !! If we lose it, then there is no Russia .. With children, grandchildren need to spend more time (taking them away from their cell phones for a while ..) it’s difficult, but still .. (they are smart and the questions are tricky ask ..) fishing hunting night fires with a guitar and a conversation "for life and the meaning of life" just don't get tired "Nowadays the water was watery .." that's what I think so .. and I'm trying to do ..
    1. -2
      3 June 2013 17: 43
      What do you think, if they sang in the 41st - "everything is fucked up by polymers, everything is gone, the chief" would survive? You think carefully ... and you may come to the conclusion that it was not in vain that they were attracted for alarmism at that time ... and this zap..nets not suffer from a drop in the level of education, but that they do not follow his orders to the barricades ... At 41 he would have just been spanked against the nearest wall ... and that's where he is.
  26. +3
    3 June 2013 17: 00
    The purpose of the article is to anger the population? Which part of it is interesting?
    The one who is used to assessing the situation in the country from the perspective of her own stomach? It is usually filled (bread is still crumbled into the feeder), and a full stomach is silent. And why jerk, we are all decent, educated and courageous young people. We are many and we look at life with optimism.
    Or the part of it that lost its passion due to “burnout syndrome” from years of anger and the inability to influence the situation.
    Not addressed article, however. Yes, and there are no "subjects of strategic action" on the site, I think.
    Nietzsche seems to have a “falling push." Yes, someone else compared Russia with the Phoenix bird, but I do not like it. However, from the history of Russia, a nationwide tragedy always played a unifying role, which made even fools grow wiser. So with optimism we will wait for trouble. The Ministry of Emergencies is ready for trouble ...
    1. +1
      3 June 2013 17: 06
      I apologize to the forum, the first post did not go through, did not cut off for whatever reason, wrote another option. And then both came up. Dubbing however. I will continue to write with a draft.
  27. +12
    3 June 2013 17: 01
    At the beginning, the meaning was sharply disliked. Then, making corrections for emotions, I put "+". You can talk as much as you like about "mean trolls", all kinds of "labels" for the people. Talk about Gumilev and his "great" art. But I have not read this, perhaps wise, Jew. Well, I have not read it, I will not lie! But the harsh truth on the streets of our cities is accurately described. And it is far from a ghostly future, if our youth does not cease to live as drones, goners with beer and cocktails in their hands.
  28. karate
    3 June 2013 17: 05
    He wrote everything correctly, it’s time to face the truth.
    1. nickname 1 and 2
      3 June 2013 22: 52
      Quote: karate
      He wrote everything correctly, it’s time to face the truth.

      And so the hat on ...? Do you recognize? And all?

      Then it's about you (and here's a couple above)
  29. Andrew 121
    3 June 2013 17: 09
    To the author + about beer little men I also think about the passivity of the people correctly. Degradation on the face. The apathy of the masses and the sale of others for the loot is also true, not the right way, we are comrades. Laziness and profanity are the motto of our time.
    1. Gemar
      3 June 2013 18: 52
      Quote: Andrey 121
      Degradation on the face. The apathy of the masses and the sale of others for the loot is also true, not the right way, we are comrades. Laziness and profanity are the motto of our time.

      Well, at least someone read to the end! drinks And then everything is wrong, but the author is myduck ...
      Yes, the scribbler toughly approached the topic, but went too far in something. However, I will give an example, the rise of the PRC began with the fact that Densyaoping recognized the presence of starving people in China ... If you do not admit to yourself that there is a problem, then it will be impossible to solve it. Think about it!
  30. Vtel
    3 June 2013 17: 09
    It is necessary to somehow adapt to the life-being in the world of the weak-minded. I do not mind them. I am writing to the few who have still preserved the Roman (Russian-Soviet) mind and education.

    I mean for the Roman passionaries. Russia has its own history and destiny. The Jews in Babylon were also a long time in slavery, and now we are in slavery: from the outside with the Jews, and from the inside with their sinful passions. But for there to be changes in Russia for the better, everyone needs to overcome himself as a sinner inside, then with God's help we will throw off the slavery of the kosher and the outside. And about brothers and sisters, that is, he speaks in a derogatory manner about his people - it’s not good, it’s not in Russian, although you can agree with many things. But fleeting revolutions are not necessary until a large part of the people are ripe for this, otherwise there will be a lot of blood as in the 17th, and no good - only harm. In conclusion, we can say that without God in the soul live, howl like a wolf.
    1. 0
      4 June 2013 05: 59
      [quote = Vtel] [quote] But there is no need for fleeting revolutions until most of the people are ripe for this, otherwise there will be a lot of blood as in 17, and no good - only harm. In conclusion, we can say that without God in the soul live, howl like a wolf. [/ Quote]
      OOOO, finally saw the smart words, although I read all the comments! I am glad for you, although I myself have the same opinion !!
  31. diesel
    3 June 2013 17: 32
    Again, the people were out of luck. The author needs to "plow" in the field of propaganda and education, and not be offended by his people. He (the people) has suffered a lot over the past 20 years, and he (the people) really wants to live using every peaceful moment, he (the people) does not know, but he feels that the world smells of gunpowder more and more. The strong and intelligent author of the article (no kidding) is not seen in Orthodox patrols, work in student dormitories and work collectives. Pounding on the keyboard out of indignation is not a patriot's way out.
    1. Gemar
      3 June 2013 18: 08
      Quote: dizelniy
      He (the people) really got in the last 20 years

      The Chinese people got it for a couple of hundred years. I know it's a bad example, but the German and Japanese people also got it. However, they have a national idea, and for the slightest attempt to defile the honor of the "Tsar" and, albeit not entirely fair, but the recognition that not everyone in "our kingdom" is calm ... they call them "troll", "tolerast", "scoundrel", "alarmist" ... But how to form a national idea? Recognizing that we are following the right course, that there are no problems and cannot be, you cannot form a national idea. Yes, there are those who need such an idea like a dog's fifth leg - they work two jobs without an idea, bring up three children each and, if Motherland calls, will repay her debt in full.
      BUT DO NOT FORGET! We are not Germans, we are not Japanese. Our society will not be able to organize itself. So for those who are not able to pull themselves together, quit thumping, addict, laze, lie to themselves ... they need articles that make them offended, angry, THINK!
      I read the author’s books. Three or four ... I don’t remember. The author does not want to be a leader, but wants to arouse the desire in every Russian to become one.
  32. Tambov we ...
    3 June 2013 17: 40
    He put on the toga of the Roman without asking. What kind of freaks will not splash out of the Russian depths.
    1. +2
      3 June 2013 21: 39
      Quote: We are from Tambov ...
      What kind of freaks will not splash out of the Russian depths.

      Tambov we.
  33. -3
    3 June 2013 17: 56
    Quote: Andrey 121
    To the author + about beer little men I also think about the passivity of the people correctly. Degradation on the face. The apathy of the masses and the sale of others for the loot is also true, not the right way, we are comrades. Laziness and profanity are the motto of our time.

    These are the words that have been heard in Russia for centuries! In different interpretations, but in the same sense! Mother Russia is gone! Shredded the people! We've spent on drink Russia! Various Decembrists, commoners, Narodnaya Volya ... all thought about the people! Really never believed in him! In general - in the morning I smear a sandwich at once a thought, but what about the people ?! And in spite of all these "thinkers and guardians of the people's cause" Russia stood, stands and will stand! And all thanks to the Russian people, who have no translation!
  34. BAT
    3 June 2013 17: 56
    Yes, we have already heard such nonsense repeatedly.
    In the "enlightened" geyrope from time immemorial tverdioli about unwashed, stupid, illiterate, dense, sivolapy Russia. But nevertheless, they always received high quality tinsel from the Russian Peasant. I am sure that if necessary they will receive it more than once.
    And the author who wrote this opus needs to change his surname (because it shames her) and dump him into his "enlightened" and tolerant geyrop.
    Such mu-dacs are not with us along the way.
  35. ilya63
    3 June 2013 18: 08
    there are a lot of freaks on this site and the article just shows their number, you’re just here. they gathered and everyone thinks he is a strategist and authority, sit sucking beer and comment on the thoughts of others since there weren’t your own, the article is just about you kind - get busy talking enough
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      3 June 2013 18: 20
      Quote: ilya63
      there are a lot of freaks on this site

      Another lover of native jewelry on uniform fool
    3. alexkross83
      3 June 2013 20: 29
      I completely agree, the blind do not see their vices, but where are they to others
  36. BAT
    3 June 2013 18: 19
    Well, if, in your opinion, there are only freaks here on the site, then with what wind you got here. You must have come to us after the work of the righteous, you are our business. Directly made happy with our presence all of us poor and wretched.
    We are all so happy, Ilya63 himself visited us.
  37. 0
    3 June 2013 18: 34
    Millions are always right than units. Something means that you are doing wrong or wrong, that they are not following you.
  38. +3
    3 June 2013 18: 41
    The way forward starts with a good kick from the back. All Russian history proves this. Until the bloody snot is p ... t, until all the "chicken, egg, woman" is taken away, so there is nothing to live with - the Russian will not move.
    True, then he can demolish half of Europe, but will there be enough time this time?
  39. +3
    3 June 2013 18: 44
    Everything is written correctly in the article! B ... it is ... If it were different, we would have lived differently.
  40. Backfire
    3 June 2013 19: 07
    Quote: s.melioxin
    Millions are always right than units. Something means that you are doing wrong or wrong, that they are not following you.

    Since the crowd is dominated by the unconscious, the crowd is mediocre, to put it simply, stupid ... "The whole world ", as is often said, cannot be smarter than Voltaire, but on the contrary, Voltaire is smarter than" the whole world " if by this word one should understand the crowd. "

    This is a quote from Gustav LeBon's "Psychology of the Mass".
    The book is over 100 years old, but what is written there is becoming more and more relevant.
    Read at your leisure
    1. +4
      3 June 2013 20: 50
      As I read about the "gray, faceless and weak-willed mass" I immediately recall an example from the work of the wonderful absurd comic group "Monty Python":
      "The preacher gives a speech on the platform in front of the crowd:
      “You are all personalities!”
      “Yes, we are all personalities,” the faceless crowd of zombies mutters the mantra obediently.
      “You are all unique!”
      “Yes, we are all unique,” ​​with the same refrain and without changing intonation.
      And then an indignant is heard from the back rows: "But I - no!"
      I’m not sure of the verbosity of the example, because I am writing from memory).
      An example for those who are not familiar with the work you mentioned (I confess, I did not read it myself) hi .
      1. Aava
        3 June 2013 23: 46
        If you haven’t read it, why are you commenting?
  41. +4
    3 June 2013 19: 13
    At least Kalashnikov is a patriot.
  42. enot555
    3 June 2013 19: 14
    argument 1 - article provocation! What the hell are the leaders again imposing on us FROM THE BORDER? TEMPLE PAYED? It seems as if according to history (Schlesser) is not Lomonosov
    was that already?

    argument 2 - you can’t see this pseudo-leader as a free labor in the form of a Slav. Here he says that Tajiks or Uzbeks are unloading the car for a penny, and WHAT ??????????
    Pay a normal salary and our guys will work no worse, and let your Asian friends work for a pack of noodles.
    And at the expense of laziness - look at the world map, which country is the largest? can a lazy build so much? Considering the Union republics, a lot of effort was also invested there !!! RUSSIAN, AND EXACTLY SLAVIC FORCES !!!! And to conquer such a territory? OR SOMETHING IS SIMPLE TO US SO SUCH SIBERIA, THE FAR EAST, CRIMEA AND THE CAUCASUS GIVEN? AND WHO AFTER THIS BEST WARRIORS ?????

    argument 3 - now a lot of people have taken the right path, look at how the VARKAUT movement is also moving around the country, built horizontal bars, parallel bars and guys engaged, and many have now actively gone into boxing, wrestling, etc. and don’t need to shout that these are Caucasians alone! yes there are problems, but they are solved, with the same animals everything is quickly solved - do not be a sheep and the question is solved, how to put yourself so it will be!
    1. Gemar
      3 June 2013 19: 35
      Quote: enot555
      Pay a normal salary and our guys will work no worse

      Do not go! I myself could not find those - I had to halve the price and call the Uzbeks. Subscribed instantly! They even stole some trifle, so their elder then brought it himself.
      And on the bill no worse ... Every month we buy our own welders food, cigarettes, etc. If you give an advance (on the move of the legs, for living), then get drunk \ prick \ run away. I asked others on the construction of the facility - the same problem.
      And modern youth will not do such a job. She will not breathe dust, carry heaviness and most importantly ... lose the Internet!
      Thank God not everyone is. But still there is a problem. And the solution does not lie on the surface!
      1. +1
        4 June 2013 02: 29
        [quote = Gamar] [quote = enot555] Pay a normal salary and our guys will work no worse [/ quote]
        "They won't! I couldn't find one myself - I had to halve the price and call the Uzbeks. They signed up immediately! They even stole a trifle, so the elder brought them himself later."
        Gamar, I have exactly the same situation (in Ukraine) and I had to hire Uzbeks ...
        Unfortunately, our guys, as they are, unfortunately do not want to work.
        even for good money!

        1. Gemar
          4 June 2013 04: 26
          Quote: Ivan Kalinovich
          Gamar, I have exactly the same situation (in Ukraine) and I had to hire Uzbeks ...

          We are gradually turning into Europe ... request
          Putin and Medvedev promised to start raising engineers and workers in the country. Let's see, see ... Unified State Examination to help them!
  43. +10
    3 June 2013 19: 34
    Hooked M. Kalashnikov, hooked.
    To those about whom he writes - on the drum. They don’t read this. They drink beer and try to stick it out.
    And those who care, are present here.
    So, he achieved the goal. Pissed off. Us, at least.
    Well, it was very pleasant to read mistakes - in angry posts. Not the mistake of "Klava" - but elementary illiteracy.
    I understand that this is not the point. But - another carnation in the lid of the coffin.
    "Everything passes".
    It will pass.
    1. nickname 1 and 2
      3 June 2013 23: 07
      Quote: Igarr
      Pissed off. Us, at least.

      In vain gloating! On the contrary, it made it possible for many to be convinced that they were not mistaken in the main thing, in their vision of modern reality. The fact that many people think so.
      Running around screaming and throwing stones at the cops? We can’t do such little things. We’ll go to full length. Remembering your REMOVED! What then?

      And what in return?
  44. +6
    3 June 2013 19: 42
    34plus 31minus, i.e. 50 to 50, does the author have a lot of consonants, but what is it that everything is bad, that the people shredded and don’t follow him, that it’s time for barricades or everything taken together? In general, I understand that 50% want drastic changes in their state, it is time for the authorities to start doing something, or that radicalization will spill onto the streets, which is not buzzing.
  45. fisherman
    3 June 2013 20: 25
    a lot of truthful information ...

    and the purpose of human intelligence is to seek the best, that is, to seek profit, therefore the conclusions of any person are called private, or subjective, or speculative, that is, speculative ...

    An objective opinion is possessed only by the people, not the presidents, not the authors and visitors of this site ...

    and I’ll express my subjectivity: on the face of the usual is not a coincidence of the author’s personal hotunchiks with popular requests ...

    this often happens, I will not give psychiatric concepts or terms, I can only say that such a situation really strongly affects (as it would be harmless to call it) inner peace ...

    by the way, in Gumilyov's work - "When the personal begins to dictate its demands to the national, the state, such a nation needs to order a funeral march."

    I am very brief ...
    1. Gemar
      4 June 2013 10: 46
      Quote: fisherman
      An objective opinion is possessed only by the people, not the presidents, not the authors and visitors of this site ...

      belay That is, we, site visitors, are not people ??? crying
    2. 0
      4 June 2013 17: 16
      Quote: fisherman
      Only the people have an objective opinion ...
      It is not true. This is not scientific. Any opinion is always subjective. In general, what is an objective opinion? The sum of the opinions of hundreds of thousands of subjects regarding any object, process, phenomenon of reality? Then what is ...? Put in the blank what you want, interview a hundred people on the street, and then contact a specialist. You will learn many new material properties, which you will probably be able to call the objective properties of an object, but objective opinions do not exist. This is a common ("colloquial") term. There is a concept of "adequacy". My ideas are adequate about anything, but they still do not correspond (are not equal) to the object of reality, therefore it is impossible to prove the adequacy of the model (opinion, representation) of the object (just like a lie) and one should not even try to do this, in the end it will be useless ... Adequacy (falsehood) can only be refuted.
  46. alexkross83
    3 June 2013 20: 34
    Cons are put by those who are completely indifferent to everything that happens to the Russian people ... this state of affairs suits them .... the author does not call for revolution or any kind of upheaval .. he actively expresses his life position !!!
  47. +12
    3 June 2013 20: 40
    I agree with the author about youth. It is degrading, and rapidly.
    We didn’t seem to sell it on 1 in June. In the morning of the second I leave at five in the morning in the yard and oh ..... on the number of bottles of beer and energy drinks. They do not need girls, well, if only for beer to drive. Songs will get drunk and bawl, later the critical stage will probably come, graters about the meaning of life begin, often turning into fights. Well, like a fight ... Get up in a rack and yell at each other.
    A section on karate in the area opened, passed by, they just did a run, warming up ... decided to count how many people are running ... 6 of them 1 is a girl ... like this.
    Two 12 (13) summers, from a local boarding school, are squatting a little at a distance. One says to the other: let me finish it ... listen bro open a pack, take a new one, I want to smoke ...
    There are good guys and girls, but they are invisible behind all this gang ... but I’m sure of one thing, you need to break this system in any way, otherwise ...
  48. +11
    3 June 2013 21: 21
    Hi guys! Haven't been on the site for a long time. I read with interest the comments on Kalashnikov's article. Yes-ah! How is it that some of this article "kicked". Saliva almost spattered from the monitor. Article plus. Let me explain. Since it touched many, it means there is a grain of truth in it. Otherwise, some would not be so "splashing saliva." I will tell you my opinion. Lazy. Too many divorced "FSUs ...... comrade". Brains in the brains swam with fat, and many have not formed from birth. The article was written in order to shake at least that part of the population that cares about what happens to us next. So let's not only work on ourselves, but let's not forget about acquaintances and friends. Sincerely.
    1. nickname 1 and 2
      3 June 2013 22: 34
      Quote: suharev-52
      Brains in the brain swam with fat, and many have not formed since birth.

      With a fool, you can also deprive the mare of virginity!
      War is to whom mother is native and to whom ....

      Do your hands itch? And what is the result? A lot of blood, trash, ruins? Will we destroy it to the ground? Let the NEW FISHERMAN have a "goldfish" in the muddy water?
    2. Vovanchyk
      4 June 2013 11: 17
      Thank you for the adequate assessment of the article.
  49. +5
    3 June 2013 21: 29
    So I read most of the books by Maxim Kalashnikov, everything is written correctly and what would have happened if there were an energetic patriotic leadership at the head of the USSR, and what could be done in the well-fed 2000s, everything is clearly written there before innovative technologies and what is needed for Russia made this leap, many technologies and a description of their capabilities, which was written 10-12 years ago in books, has already been implemented, only not with us, but in China, or in the USA through the notorious DARPU, and there is a lot of things explained correctly, I remember him I wrote an open letter to Medvedev, where I set out many questions up to specific scientific enterprises that need to be supported and there will be a breakthrough, and that no, we have invested billions in Skolkovo and Rusnano, but received an unforgettable Chubaisky smile ... So we want it or not, if we need to change it certainly not through the "talking shop" otherwise we will all piz ...
  50. +4
    3 June 2013 21: 33
    The article is correct.
    Exceptions to the rule rules confirm ...

    The only thing seems to me. that not only political technologists have corrupted the people.
    There are many reasons for spinelessness. One of the main ones is the independence of the living standard from the reality of being (for the skins).
    As a result, you can not study, not work, the grandmother’s pension will be enough for the pupil and booze, and if there is a parent, then it will be for football, and for motik, and for girls.
  51. nickname 1 and 2
    3 June 2013 22: 25
    ///Why did you people get down on all fours with such pleasure and grunt when you were allowed to do so? Why did you so quickly turn into those who can scold the rulers on the Internet, but do not want to at least go to a protest demonstration?
    Why is it that you can go out into the streets in any significant number for an insignificant reason like a march in defense of “rabies queens” or so that the Yankees can take children out of here, but it is impossible to rouse you to a rally against the WTO, against the genocidal policy of monetarism, against strangleholds on fuel prices, against price gouging by energy monopolies and housing and communal services? Why don’t you want to protest against what is really destroying you and taking away the future of your children?///

    YES according to KACHAN!!!!
    Mil is a man! Yes, WE ARE NOT SRAMS to go after all sorts of goats and nurse them!
    What do you want???? Raise US to that same TERRIBLE RUSSIAN REVOLT?
    Fuck the ears! WE KNOW WHAT WE CAN FUCK UP!

    WE WILL KEEP THIS FOR THE VERY TERMINAL CASE! And so, to go over the little things and GIVE all sorts of half-witted people the OPPORTUNITY TO SCRATCH THE TONGUE, so we see from the example of Ukraine that there is NO benefit from this!

    And if a PERSON is, THEN THIS IS, as a rule, FOR A LONG TIME, or forever. What else should we make of him and a leader? Such little things don't get through?

    So we wait, we wait, for that SMARTEST, or better yet, GENIUS!
    1. +5
      3 June 2013 23: 37
      Quote: nick 1 and 2
      Yes, WE ARE NOT SRAMS to go after all sorts of goats

      That is, if people go out into the streets (and this sometimes still happens) to protest against rising fuel prices, against price inflation by energy monopolies and housing and communal services, then they are sheep? And who doesn’t come out as a statesman?
      What do you want???? Raise US to that same TERRIBLE RUSSIAN REVOLT?

      What a riot, as long as there is beer.
      Quote: nick 1 and 2
      So we wait, we wait, for that SMARTEST, or better yet, GENIUS!

      Kalashnikov is right, you will wait for the emir.
      1. nickname 1 and 2
        4 June 2013 16: 24
        Quote: Karabin

        That is, if people go out into the streets (and this sometimes still happens) to protest against rising fuel prices, against price inflation by energy monopolies and housing and communal services, then they are sheep? And who doesn’t come out as a statesman?

        Dear! He is outraged that you can’t get US out onto the streets, to rallies and marches! This is why I write that we are not sheep. those. we must consciously come out and express OUR opinion and not what he wants! Do you understand the difference?
        In 1905 priest Gapon persuaded them to bow to the Tsar (well, something like that) They shot at the people AND THIS WAS THE REASON FOR MASS ACTIONS!
        Why should I go? Listen to the basement guy and the dog, etc.? Yes, they are not interesting to me even if they paid me 5 thousand. rub.
        You have to have something to say ONCE, and SECONDLY = you have to beat the one WHOM THE PEOPLE WANT TO LISTEN TO!!!!!!!!!!!
        AND DOGS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED ON THE TRIBUNE! This is a negative irritant for people! You have to think!
        Quote: Karabin
        Kalashnikov is right, you will wait for the emir.

        But what are we waiting for? THIS is our business!
        We won’t follow just anyone!!!!!!!!!!

        Hear Kalashnikov = WE WILL NOT FOLLOW just anyone!!!

        1. 0
          4 June 2013 23: 30
          Quote: nick 1 and 2
          He is outraged that you can’t get US out onto the streets, to rallies and marches!

          Read more carefully, I am outraged not by the fact that he or someone else will not make it through the demonstration, but by the fact that the majority have lost the ability to resist destruction and even understand the danger of destruction. Namely, the process of destroying the country is now taking place. Economically, through privatization and the WTO. Demographically, through unbridled migration. Humanitarianly, through education reform, show business and television. The overwhelming majority are indignant, but do not really resist.
  52. +6
    3 June 2013 22: 34
    Great article. Sharp, impartial, frankly provocative, controversial in many ways, but very necessary for understanding what is happening to us. And there is no need to accuse the author of hatred of the people; in the article, on the contrary, there is pain and resentment from our indecent state. The fact that the current government will sell the remnants of the power is a matter of price and time. The fact that the people cannot or do not want to prevent this, or even simply understand it, is also true. Goals are blurred, and many people no longer need them, and I agree with the author, soon there will be a majority of them. I don’t see any calls for revolution from the author; there are no driving forces. But a riot is possible when the authorities lose control of the situation. Judging by the “highly professional personnel” in power, a riot is possible at any moment.
    we need a primary core of people with capabilities and with the understanding that congresses and declarations will not get you anywhere.

    I completely agree with this.
  53. +2
    3 June 2013 23: 00
    I read paragraph after paragraph and my head was pounding - Yes... Yes!... Yes!!! Everything is right, everything is right... But! Not a damn thing right! Are the people not satisfied with the author? Well, let them look for another people.
    Do they build Russians? Why do the Dougs have a capter? Because the Dags were supported by officers, so as not to deal with the personnel themselves. Now the Dags are already building officers.

    The author considers himself and his like-minded people to be passionaries and treats the masses with contempt. The mass, you see, is amorphous and incapable of great achievements. What did the author do to make the masses follow him? Did you graduate from Moscow State University and play sports? A great thing... Lenin (one can treat him differently, but one cannot help but recognize his achievements, even if they are not unique achievements) was kicked out of the university for participating in student protests. Was Kalashnikov kicked out? Or did the author graduate successfully?
    In his youth, Stalin took the banks and imposed tribute on the oil oligarchs for the needs of the party. And Kalashnikov dreams of a rich industrialist who will spend several million dollars on a new social network. A good passionary... And he has the audacity to blame everyone except himself for passivity.
    What did the Author manage to convey to the masses? What idea did you formulate? How was he able to ignite at least a few hundred of his followers? Complaints about the stupidity, laziness and apathy of the population... Well, condescend to the masses and give them what they will follow you for. Can not? Then
    "There's no point in bothering people.
    They actually took him...
    The people, the population, the masses have always been and will be amorphous and passive. The authorities are outplaying the Kalashnikovs and this is the problem of the Kalashnikovs, not the people. As Stalin said: “I have no other writers for you”
  54. Aava
    3 June 2013 23: 31
    You, Maxim Kalashnikov, seem to be a specific stupid person, and this is already obvious.
    Are you trying to convey something to the Russian People with your small brains?
    Jewish thoughts?
  55. nickname 1 and 2
    3 June 2013 23: 38
    Quote: Normal
    Well, condescend to the masses and give them something for which they will follow you.

    We also NEED to remind you of this: .... revolutions are made by geniuses, but rogues enjoy the fruits of revolutions! ....

    And in the crowd there will ALWAYS be: scoundrels, provocateurs, thieves, murderers, and other uncontrollable filth.
    And walking around with placards and creating conditions for these types is extremely unreasonable.

    TO THE AUTHOR: It is ALLOWED to create parties...... please...
    1. brr7710
      4 June 2013 09: 42
      [quote=nickname 1 and 2]

      We also NEED to remind you of this: .... revolutions are made by geniuses, but rogues enjoy the fruits of revolutions! ....

      I completely agree!!!!
  56. +2
    4 June 2013 00: 01
    The author of the article is COMPLETELY right. The Russian people, who have ALWAYS defeated their enemies, now will not be able to withstand the IDIOTISM imposed on them... And will quietly fade away... No, of course, this people will have their brains soaring, praising them... But the reality will be that the people will disappear, turn into a herd idiots, and the cunning ones will rob these idiots, while praising them... Well, to hell with the people, if he could not withstand modern technologies of duping...
    1. brr7710
      4 June 2013 08: 08
      Quote: I think so
      The author of the article is COMPLETELY right. The Russian people, who have ALWAYS defeated their enemies, now will not be able to withstand the IDIOTISM imposed on them... And will quietly fade away... No, of course, this people will have their brains soaring, praising them... But the reality will be that the people will disappear, turn into a herd idiots, and the cunning ones will rob these idiots, while praising them... Well, to hell with the people, if he could not withstand modern technologies of duping...

      and those who do this are already convinced that we cannot be defeated by military means, so they want to disintegrate
  57. Vasilić
    4 June 2013 00: 04
    Although I have no moral or other right (except for the “freedom” of the Internet) to speak out about this article... but..
    I'll speak out.
    I liked the article, even if it was personal, but because it was frank.
    And because that people no longer exists. And that we need to create a new one - on the basis of historically established values, coupled with modern realities. That if you don’t do anything yourself, then nothing good will happen.
    My people were also dismantled... and my country was dismantled... and now there is neither that country nor that people...
    And all that was needed was to organize some kind of incomprehensible riots in one city, organized by no one knows: Western interventionists or their own ghouls, greedy for power.
    By the way, I watched the first reality show on TV in 1991... and then the continuation of the show in 1993...
    Regarding degradation...
    Watching any kind of video (from cartoons and YouTube videos to news), you have the phrase “how stupid!” and so on.? And if it occurs, how often?
    Discussing (if this happens) with anyone (from relatives to work colleagues), was there at least some satisfaction with any innovation in the same area of ​​housing and communal services or a new law?
    Of course, to love your Motherland and be a patriot, you don’t need any special education...
    But in order to know how to help the Motherland in “difficult times,” education, to put it mildly, will not hurt.
    And I’m not talking about the “crust”, but about education that develops intelligence.
    Are you, those present here, who received a “different” education, satisfied with the way your children are taught?
    What books are used and how is the acquired knowledge tested?
    Don’t you notice that the dumber the movie (show, cartoon, etc.), the “funnier” it is?
    This, of course, has always been the case... only before, only the negative or wretched were stupid... and now?
    About alcohol, etc.
    And who sells the same beer to young children? Putin? Jews? Greedy West?
    Who's at the counter? Chechen? Dagestani? Tajik?
    Which of us has pulled a cigarette out of our mouths when we were young? Who punched you in the sack for swearing?
    And now to all the comments (and of course to my own)...
    You can blame everyone...
    you can protect everyone...
    You can beat yourself in the chest...
    You can crack your ear...
    You can throw mud...
    You can drink or not drink...
    You can climb or not climb...
    You can... mate... you can flatter...
    But until you start...
    You won't be able to eat...
    After reading one line, you can’t immediately understand the volume...
    Without bending down to the ground you can’t pick mushrooms...
    Without uniting into one, you can’t even recruit an army...
    ..easier to say...
    "let them...I don't give a damn"
    “blindness”... “deafness”... “dumbness”...
    ...longitude is like that...latitude... the old beauty...
    ...and the country is like that..
    ...not that one...
  58. reichsmarshal
    4 June 2013 00: 05
    Kalash, as always, is right, but in this case he doesn’t say anything! The main question is: WHY did this happen? Why doesn’t the USA and Europe have this, but we have it? The answer is simple: in the USA and Europe, EVERY person has the right to bear arms! And even a snotty nerd is already a force, since the bullets don’t care who pulled the trigger: the only thing that matters is how accurate the aim was. There, EVERYONE is simply FORCED to respect EVERYONE, because without this, mountains of corpses begin. To revive Russia (I emphasize - not in 1-2 or 5-10 years, but in 50-70 years) everyone must be given the right to bear arms and use them. When people understand that they have the right and opportunity to protect THEMSELVES, the issue of protecting the Motherland from external and internal enemies will be removed by itself.
    PS: I know that I will be downvoted: there is nothing to object to!
    1. Vasilić
      4 June 2013 00: 12
      How can you (legally) protect yourself from rising tariffs when you have a huge amount of resources with legal weapons in your hands?
      How can you protect yourself from police brutality if you have the same weapons? From poor quality medical care?
      From inadequate education?
      But from anything other than hooligans (and that’s not a fact)?
      1. reichsmarshal
        4 June 2013 22: 22
        Protecting yourself UNDER THE LAW is nonsense! According to the law, a person can only die without disturbing anyone.
        If by life, and not by law, please:
        from rising tariffs

        The rally in front of the city hall can be dispersed by riot police, and no one in the so-called. “free” media will not talk about this. That’s why, by the way, they stopped holding rallies (in Ivanovo). A rally of people with pistols and rifles... will the riot police even go to work?
        from police brutality

        Even the theoretical risk of getting shot from an unjust arrest or banal revenge in 6-7 months will lead to a sharp reduction in those willing to be these punishers.
        From poor quality medical care

        Was there any conversation about him at all? I am a doctor myself, I can say that I think about all this, but few people will like this truth-womb.
        From inadequate education

        EVERYONE can get an education in Russia. If you need to get a diploma with a warm place, that’s not what we’re talking about. A meaningful education is possible where it has value. This is not the case in the current state.
        Yes, from anything other than hooligans (and that’s not a fact)

        Firearms for everyone (even frail nerds) will sharply reduce the number of hooligans - a bullet (even over the heads) sobers up faster than any pickle: everyone who has been under fire knows this.
        1. Vasilić
          6 June 2013 17: 59
          Quote: reichsmarshal
          A rally of people with pistols and rifles... will riot police even come out?

          he won’t just come out... but run out... and the matter won’t be limited to arrests...
          Why did you decide that the riot police could be scared?
          Quote: reichsmarshal
          Even the theoretical risk of getting shot from an unjust arrest or banal revenge in 6-7 months will lead to a sharp reduction in those willing to be these punishers.

          The nature of a person in a police uniform is such that any physical resistance only aggravates the process...
          Quote: reichsmarshal
          Was there any conversation about him at all?

          Well, there was no conversation about weapons... You asked the topic of weapons... I asked “how to solve real problems using weapons”
          Quote: reichsmarshal
          A meaningful education is possible where it has value.

          but has it lost its value?... do parents really care what kind of education their children have?... okay, the state is missing out on this... okay, society is making it worse... but why does it matter to parents?
          Quote: reichsmarshal
          Firearms for everyone (even frail nerds) will sharply reduce the number of hooligans - a bullet (even over the heads) sobers up faster than any pickle: everyone who has been under fire knows this.

          I wasn’t under fire, I won’t lie... but:
          1 - owning and using are not the same thing (even shooting into the air over people)
          2 - to own, use and not “lose” - this is even more difficult...
          3 - to own, use and not “get used to the power” is the most difficult thing... because as you say, “nerds” can get a little carried away... to put it mildly... and then shooting will begin in schools... You are satisfied news from American schools?...metal detectors there?...
          sometimes we, people, are plagued by problems (our problems), difficulties, certain people interfere... etc. and so on. and it may seem to us that having a weapon in our pocket will solve many problems...
          ...we think...
          ...let's think before we act... soberly... without emotions...
          ...and then there will be fewer problems...
          1. reichsmarshal
            6 June 2013 23: 38
            he won’t just come out... but run out... and the matter won’t be limited to arrests...
            Why did you decide that the riot police could be scared?

            From Chechnya from 1994 to this day, where everyone has a weapon, and where any unjust action of the cops is severely punished by the people.
            The nature of a person in a police uniform is such that any physical resistance only aggravates the process...

            Have you heard about the coastal partisans? They were arrested by an entire regiment of military officers. And there were only eight of them. And if the whole country becomes partisans...
            has it lost its value?

            Half of our regular kids don’t want to go to school, because it’s become possible to live in life without it. The wishes of the parents have nothing to do with it.
            and then the schools will start shooting

            All the better! I could have spanked half the kids myself. This scum should be burning in hell for a long time. More shooting means less bullshit in other schools.
    2. fisherman
      4 June 2013 00: 42

      most likely, it seemed to you, very often people have the feeling that they have found the Truth, which will benefit the broad masses...

      You proposed a so-called “quick” solution, the price for which would be the accelerated destruction of tens of millions of Russians (an ordinary everyday thing, which with its statistical example refutes the author’s main thesis)

      there are a lot of comments here, try to define the consensus of a given social group at least as an arithmetic mean... “The truth is somewhere in the middle”...
      1. reichsmarshal
        4 June 2013 22: 45
        accelerated extermination of tens of millions of Russians (ordinary everyday life

        Vodka, bears, nesting dolls and other cranberries, bast Russian men don’t know how to think... demshiza is immortal!
        statistical example

        link to the studio, please. preferably not from Levada
    3. brr7710
      4 June 2013 08: 06
      In order to revive Russia (I emphasize - not in 1-2 or 5-10 years, but in 50-70 years) everyone must be given the right to bear arms and use them. When people understand that they have the right and opportunity to protect THEMSELVES, the issue of protecting the Motherland from external and internal enemies will be removed by itself.
      PS: I know that I will be downvoted: there is nothing to object to![/quote]

      with the mentality that many people have now, there will be mountains of corpses
      1. reichsmarshal
        4 June 2013 22: 47
        the first few dozen corpses will instantly change the psyche. But there will be mountains of corpses one way or another, and this cannot be changed. no one has the power to prevent a second civil war in Russia.
        1. Vasilić
          6 June 2013 18: 01
          Quote: reichsmarshal
          no one has the power to prevent a second civil war in Russia

          the people have the power to prevent this..
          1. reichsmarshal
            6 June 2013 23: 39
            The people thirst for it like rain during a drought. There are just no funds!
  59. +2
    4 June 2013 00: 08
    About revolutions.
    Spasmodic changes in nature exist in different forms, so not all processes can be developed using the method of evolution alone.
    Social contradictions are resolved only by revolutions. For this reason, nature provides for aging - a person retires from active work, and in the family power passes to a young leader, usually a son. Agree, for many families the transfer of management of the family budget is a true revolution.
    It's not like that in teams.
    In a capitalist society, when it was healthy, for example, in America during the time of Henry Ford the Elder, the institution of bankruptcy operated. Weak companies perished, and for most of their employees the changes were truly revolutionary.
    In socialism, unfortunately, the theory of catastrophes was not introduced into the circulation of scientific humanitarian thought. We know how it ended for the USSR.

    So, if anyone denies the possibility of a revolutionary path of development, then Lady Nature will not forgive him for this.

    Vysotsky was right: “There are few truly violent ones, so there are no leaders!”
    1. fisherman
      4 June 2013 00: 46
      but for now, in fact, Nature most of all takes revenge on those who deny (or do not see) the possibility of an evolutionary path of development...

      for example, banal aging...

      "there is a bright life, and there is a long one"
      1. Vasilić
        4 June 2013 00: 55
        I dare to disagree that the laws of nature and society can be placed in “one line”
        fortunately, we have nothing to do with the creation of the laws of nature... in nature, without our participation, everything, as they say, “works”...
      2. brr7710
        4 June 2013 08: 02
        Quote: fisherman
        but for now, in fact, Nature most of all takes revenge on those who deny (or do not see) the possibility of an evolutionary path of development...

        for example, banal aging...

        "there is a bright life, and there is a long one"

        evolution is better than revolution
    2. brr7710
      4 June 2013 08: 03
      We already had a revolution in 1917, and we still can’t sort it out!
  60. Tolik.Skiff.
    4 June 2013 01: 06
    And the article made me happy! As in the joke about Ilya Muramets - ("And Ilya lay on the stove for 33 years and 3 months... Yes, Mother Russia had never seen such a hangover."...) After reading I remembered the cologne - "Chypre" from Kortava (Lenin with a log. He also brought crap to the masses, for German money. You read his “glorious” works... Dracula is resting!) and Gapon’s priest. Yes, in Russia every second is a philosopher, and every third considers himself a missionary... But , times are different, but we won’t destroy the “scoop”... hi
    1. fisherman
      4 June 2013 02: 59
      "The rain does not cry over Russia

      the rain is not crying... why?

      here the color of the sky is blue-blue

      The wind of change died here" (c)

      The Inertial Mass wants to sleep, when it gets enough sleep, it will have a desire for change, and then woe to anyone who resists this, in general, as always
      1. Vasilić
        6 June 2013 18: 03
        Quote: fisherman
        The Inertial Mass wants to sleep, when it gets enough sleep, it will have a desire for change, and then woe to anyone who resists this, in general, as always

        and here I completely agree..
  61. sashka
    4 June 2013 01: 15
    Auto RU. Do you have someone in particular in mind with this “article”? Like Putin or Medvedev?
  62. 0
    4 June 2013 01: 38
    Maxim Kalashnikov is that same jester.
    Just look at his opuses “Broken Sword of the Empire”. Populism, incompetence, sickening Manilovism and technofascism, the very sight of which will make Tom Clancy hysterical
    1. reichsmarshal
      4 June 2013 22: 09
      Why is technofascism bad? Tom Clancy - the ultimate truth?
      1. 0
        4 June 2013 23: 57
        Quote: reichsmarshal
        Why is technofascism bad?

        Because unhealthy fanaticism is always bad
        Quote: reichsmarshal
        Tom Clancy - the ultimate truth?

        The same buffoon as M. Kalashnikov (real name Vladimir Kucherenko)
        1. reichsmarshal
          5 June 2013 23: 54
          Unhealthy fanaticism is the best cure for HEALTHY fanaticism, IMHO. If they have Clancy's 3,14 zdabol, why shouldn't we have someone like Kalashnikov? How to talk about fools, my boss: let them live!
  63. +4
    4 June 2013 01: 46
    Provocation or not, it is worth admitting that there is a lot of truth in the article.
    New generations are deteriorating.
    This is clear as two and two. Just take and compare letters from the front, where most of the authors, God forbid, graduated from a couple of three classes. And scribbles on the Internet left by the Pepsi generation.
    Thank God, I found those days when they wrote paper letters to family and friends. How every word was valued. After all, it will not be possible to simply take and edit or immediately send a new one, as on the Internet.
    Thank God that I served when there were no cell phones and the Internet. Mom still keeps my letters from the army. How I valued every word then, how important it was for me to convey the most important thing when talking about everyday things (weather, feeding, everyday life, etc.).
    What now? It is impossible for me to explain to modern teenagers, to whom I use letters from the front as an example, why a soldier (WWII) in a letter calls his wife Dear and by her patronymic name.
    But I don't agree that everything is lost. Everything can be changed. We need a good shake-up, so that it's complete!!!
    Yes, we will instinctively try to ensure that our children, nephews, grandchildren, children of friends live in peace and contentment. BUT the opposite will save them.
    Only a specific Piz....ets will allow them to re-evaluate everything.
    1. sashka
      4 June 2013 01: 55
      Quote: NeSvyatoy
      . Everything can be changed. We need a good shake-up, so that it's complete!!!

      We just need war. To boost industry. There are always two options. Yes or no.
      1. Vasilić
        6 June 2013 18: 05
        Quote: Sasha
        We just need a war. To boost industry

        if this is so...then it’s not us anymore...
    2. fisherman
      4 June 2013 03: 01
      New generations are deteriorating.

      all over the world like this, somewhere less, somewhere more
      1. brr7710
        4 June 2013 06: 27
        Quote: fisherman
        New generations are deteriorating.

        all over the world like this, somewhere less, somewhere more

        and don’t give a damn about the whole world, because not so long ago it didn’t happen like this for us!!!
        1. fisherman
          4 June 2013 14: 11
          and no one says that this is good...

          you can check all the comments...
      2. Vasilić
        6 June 2013 18: 07
        Quote: fisherman
        all over the world like this

        “if you want to achieve the best, strive for the best... equal the best...
        If you want to justify inaction, don’t come up with anything.. just look around..”
  64. -2
    4 June 2013 01: 52
    But the so-called people - isn’t it time to deal with them? Isn't it time to say that he is to blame for what is happening to him?
    Why are you, the people, with such pleasure dropped to all fours and grunted when it was allowed to you? Why did you turn so quickly into those who can scold the rulers on the Internet, but don’t even want to go to a protest rally?
    Actually there is nothing to comment on here. The author is a typical demagogue who should already be examined by a psychiatrist. It’s not surprising that people don’t follow people like him. People are wiser, they see a fool from afar. After reading, only one desire arises. Go wash!!! negative
  65. +1
    4 June 2013 02: 51
    Quote: piotr534
    ...After reading, only one desire arises. Go wash!!!

    You can't wash yourself off!
  66. Seraph
    4 June 2013 04: 16
    At the same time, there is an article on the website “Why I don’t give up anywhere-2”. Who cares! Kalashnikov, aka Kucherenko, has hopeless darkness and cruelty. One size fits all, everything. And between the lines - goyim. I used to read it sometimes, but now I won’t even pick it up. No need to pollute your brain with hopelessness. Because such smart people privatize the title of thinkers (cognito from the Latin cognito - I think), they do not become spokesmen for the aspirations of the Russian people. Rather, they reveal their Russophobic nature: they no longer have the strength to tolerate stupid Russians, they rather need to create their own network and make money for it. Marginalism
  67. DDW
    4 June 2013 04: 22
    Quote: domokl
    Quote: DDW
    Six will roll their eyes, two will laugh stupidly, one will faint, and one will say that this is the sculptor who painted "Onegin" ..
    Memorize the passage from the Word about Igor’s regiment ... Knowledge and patriotism are somewhat different things. In the modern world, a person simply does not have the opportunity to devote much time to books ...
    However, it is precisely those who do not know who Pikul fought in Chechnya, fought with the Georgians, who are now clearing the Caucasus of bandits.

    I can even quote “Anchar”, “Onegin”, “Danko”, etc.
    Will this help?
    You know, in one higher educational institution we were taught, but at the same time they repeated the same thing - “We do not give knowledge, but only expand your narrow horizons.” Great words. An outlook often helps one to understand the world around them and draw adequate conclusions. And the “Walking Encyclopedias” are now like uncut dogs... Are they any use?
    V. Pikul, by the way, teaches what is called patriotism. We're in trouble with him. Or is this not true? I once asked the soldiers: Are you ready to fight for the Motherland? They are silent, looking at each other... Are you ready for the Boys? Forest of hands!! People don’t even understand that the Motherland is themselves...
    How they fought in Chechnya, it’s better to keep quiet, right??? This topic will remain for historians. This is a very difficult topic, war... and, in fact, no one knows how to fight correctly...
  68. brr7710
    4 June 2013 06: 24
    Quote: optimist
    The guy wrote everything correctly !!! Personally, I am ready to subscribe to his every word. I see some complain that they offended the Russians? I, the Russian, do not feel insult, for only fools are offended by the truth !!! And if nothing is done now, then black ... they mix us with shit and dirt completely ...

    Why interfere, we ourselves will die out
  69. +1
    4 June 2013 07: 00
    They infuriate the scoundrels who consider the people “cattle” (this one “facilitated” or deciphered the “term” - he called them weak-minded, stupid and weak-willed).
    Who appointed this freak to be smart? who appointed him as a beacon in the Russian darkness?!!
  70. 0
    4 June 2013 09: 57
    Maxim is right in many respects. What we deserve, we have in stock.
  71. +2
    4 June 2013 10: 28
    I read his books, they are interesting and patriotic, although from the point of view of a Yakut (me) they are a little nationalistic; to be honest, I didn’t know that Maxim Kalashnikov is one of those who wants to overthrow Putin.
    1. 0
      5 June 2013 12: 28
      Quote: Gavril
      ...from the point of view of the Yakut (me) a little nationalistic,

      It’s a pity, of course, that 70 years of historical and social experience of our multinational Motherland have passed past our comprehension and I myself am already sick of my own tediousness, but I will answer: “Nationalism is the desire of one nation to assert itself at the expense of another.” Let's think so.
  72. Dronord
    4 June 2013 12: 20
    Good article. Russia is dying out. The Caucasus and Asia will help us
  73. +1
    4 June 2013 19: 46
    Quote: Vasilich
    I dare to disagree that the laws of nature and society can be placed in “one line”
    fortunately, we have nothing to do with the creation of the laws of nature... in nature, without our participation, everything, as they say, “works”...

    The laws of the development of society and the behavior of social groups also relate to the laws of Nature, albeit not yet formalized in clear formulations.
    1. Vasilić
      6 June 2013 18: 20
      I don’t know (I don’t have sufficient education in this matter) who refers to this...
      My personal opinion is that everything that a person “touches” is no longer according to the laws of nature..
      I’d be happy to expand my opinion, but not here... there’s a lot of unnecessary stuff here anyway
  74. lexe
    4 June 2013 23: 36
    The Russian people need only one sport - shooting - I am a proponent of wrestling (the author of the article). Or better yet, running and swimming. So that breathing is even...
    And now to the essence of the text. The author compared the Russian people of the 21st century and our other peoples who were in the Middle Ages and are there now. 1 month of the country without the media and the Russian people will already be half healthy. And the author kicked us all saying that you are not slaves in shackles tear it up. Well, let’s live like in the Middle Ages, I’m sure we’ll tear it up.
    Step 1 - the law on weapons - I’m in favor. And this is not even the Middle Ages. And we’re the mafia, forget about science.
  75. 0
    2 March 2014 16: 54
    the author is corrupt, with a bit of propaganda

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"