Who and how will tear Ukraine

The emerging socio-political situation in Ukraine and relations with the main foreign policy players indicate a widening systemic crisis and the possible collapse of the political system established in the country after the collapse of the Union. This condition is explained as internal historicalpolitical and economic factors, as well as negative international processes for Ukraine.

Who and how will tear Ukraine

Of the internal, decisive are the territorial split of the country into Russian and Galician Ukraine, the inability and unwillingness of elites to solve the socio-economic problems of society, the split of elites into two roughly equal in strength clan and the loss of legitimacy by the ruling and opposition elites in the eyes of the population ..

From foreign policy - the worsening world economic crisis, easing the pressure of the European Union and the United States on Ukraine and the reluctance to deal with the power of the regionals, the strengthening of Russia's role in the international arena and the desire to return the post-Soviet countries to the orbit of their influence.

All this together, as well as the lack of understanding by the Ukrainian elites of the essence of what is happening, turn Ukraine into an object to satisfy other people's national interests, in which the future of the state and its integrity will be decided beyond the Ukrainian borders.

The crisis of society and the delegitimization of elites

Since the Orange Revolt, Ukrainian society has remained extremely unstable, since not one of the Ukrainian problems - territorial, social and political - finds its solution. The main thing is the territorial instability of the state, accidentally combining lands completely different in population, history, faith and language, which led to the ongoing confrontation of Bandera Galicia and the pro-Russian Southeast (New Russia), which is striving under the Euro-Atlantic umbrella.

The confrontation could be nullified by allowing each region to live its own life, but the unbridled desire of the Ukrainian elites to impose the Galician-Bandera worldview on Novorossia leaves no chance for maintaining unity.

In social terms, the blatant stratification of society and the desire of elites to solve economic problems at the expense of the majority of the population is aggravated by the growing discontent of big business, offended by the “family” of the president. The aggravating intraspecific struggle of the Ukrainian oligarchy may be no less destructive than the interclass struggle for its rights.

The political confrontation of the regionals defending the interests of their clans and the post-orange opposition has reached a stalemate in which neither of the parties can achieve their goals. The killing on both the West and the unwillingness to consider integration into the Eurasian space is also killing. The decision is simply absurd due to the fact that due to economic problems, the European Union is not up to Ukraine. Moreover, the EU, burdened with its own problems, does not want to see it in its ranks, while Russia, on the contrary, is beginning to restore its power. All this has led to the fact that neither the authorities nor the opposition are willing to seriously talk to either of them or others, and are waiting for everyone to wait for the disassembly of the Ukrainian elites to end.

The situation is particularly unattractive for Yanukovych and his entourage, who cannot understand in any way that in Moscow and Brussels he was written off as an international player and put into circulation. Yanukovych needs to think more not about the second term, but about the prospects of his not quite bright future.

The problems of Ukraine are aggravated by the fact that all Ukrainian elites continue to rapidly lose their authority and support of citizens. Taking into account that the legitimacy of any government is determined by the recognition by society of the right of elites to govern the state and act as an unconditional and uncontested carrier of the benefits needed by society, many people have a question - what are the benefits of today's elites and why they should be at the helm of the state.

The answer is more than transparent - no elite is carried. Having come to power under the slogan "the Muscovites ate our fat" and, having received a rich inheritance, they used the power only to preserve and increase their capital. On this occasion, one of the bloggers very aptly put it: “... the goons have come to power and are trying to unite everyone around the zhlobskaya idea of ​​filling their own bean” More precisely you will not tell.

The two clans who tried to cut each other by their actions completely discredited themselves, they had long since exhausted public credibility and lost their foothold in society. In the absence of more worthy ones, they are still voted for and supported, but almost all sectors of society want only one thing so that they leave the political scene as quickly as possible. By the way, this also partly explains the success of the radical national ists of Freedom.

The ruling clan of the regionals, being an alien and hostile force in the west and in the center of the country, managed to discredit itself in the eyes of the population of New Russia, having lost the support of that part of the population that brought them to power. Disappointment and rejection of the Party of Regions in society has already turned into hatred of it, and the moment when the electorate supporting the regionals refuses their support has already come. Just do not bet on anyone.

The POSTOREGNYES cannot take power from the regionals, since they have lost their legitimacy even earlier because of their worthlessness and the lack of alternative ideas for the development of society. They turned out to be so insignificant that not only ideas, even worthy leaders from their midst could not be put forward and now frank fascists rule the ball among them.

The inept and ill-considered actions of the power and opposition elites are destructive not only for society, but also for themselves, putting them on the verge of self-destruction. To discredit each other, they did as much as any other political force opposing them could do.

In such a situation, the political system becomes unstable and at any time irreversible processes of disintegration of the system and the state can begin, which can be provoked by an internal or external cause, which is not very dependent on the actions of the elites, and the power can be turned to completely unexpected forces that have found support in society.

Disintegration or preservation of statehood

In terms of political passions and socio-economic problems, Ukraine has already potentially matured to break the existing political system and is very close to the point where, in the words of the classic, “the lower classes cannot, but the tops do not want” to live as before. This does not happen only because the state's economy is somehow kept afloat, the opposing clans cannot defeat each other and are preparing forces for the fight for the presidency, and the main foreign policy players have not yet intervened and are waiting for how this will end.

But this is seeming calm. Social explosion can occur very quickly, for this purpose it is enough only an occasion which will start the mechanism of general disintegration. In this sense, the example of Romania is vivid, when in 1989 a rally organized in support of Ceausescu turned into a popular uprising, in just five days he was overthrown, put on trial by a military tribunal and executed. All of this suggests that in the event of popular anger, events develop rapidly and leave no chance to the hated regime.

In Ukrainian realities, both internal and external reasons can be grounds for paralysis of the central government bodies. Of the internal ones, an economic collapse can be called, with devaluation of the hryvnia, delayed and unpaid wages and pensions, turning into street pressure and a general spontaneous riot, provocations and a riot of the right-wing radicals, a coup through the dissolution of parliament organized by offended oligarchs.

The external reason may be an aggravation of the global economic crisis, entailing the collapse of the Ukrainian economy, the refusal of the West to provide loans and / or “hitting” of regional power under the far-fetched pretext of protecting democracy, Russia's economic blockade when Yanukovych makes a final decision to go under the West. The latter is almost inevitable when Ukraine signs an association agreement, part of which is an agreement on a free trade zone. They open the border of Ukraine for any European goods (or Chinese, coming from Europe). Not only is it fatal for Ukrainian producers, but Russia and Belarus and Kazakhstan will close their customs borders, protecting their market and their producers.

With the escalating contradictions in Ukraine, in the event of a collapse of state power, the question of preserving the integrity of the state will inevitably arise, since the two irreconcilable ideological views on their past and future formed in Galicia and Novorossia will require their resolution. The society on this issue has split roughly in half, while the interests of the first began to express the post-orange, and the second (due to a misunderstanding) regionals.

In this regard, it is of interest who will pursue what goals in such a development of events. For obvious reasons, all Ukrainian elites strive to preserve integrity, since in this case there is more territory and population, greater opportunities for their robbery and more authority at the international level. Unable to cope with the ideological confrontation of the regions, they found a patron in the face of the West and, in gratitude, contribute to his aspirations to create an anti-Russian bridgehead from Ukraine and, at the same time, a raw material appendage of Europe with a junk market.

The attitude of the population of different regions to territorial integrity is different, depending on what they receive from the state and what they give to it. Galicia, obsessed with the maniacal idea, to make everyone happy with the banderization of consciousness and not able to secure a decent existence for itself, is ready not only to lay with the bones beyond the existing borders, but not averse to extending them almost to the Caucasus.

Hetman, as usual, is economically ready to take everything into its own hands, believing that if the capital is on its territory, then all regions should pray to her and give thanks for the fact that with a lordly hand from the central government something falls to them.

Only Novorossia, which is capable of supporting itself and feeding others, is forced to enforce the demands of the central authorities in orderly rows to join the “Ukrainian nation”, to forget their Russian roots and native language. Of course, the territorial integrity of the population of this region is an eyesore and it would breathe a sigh of relief, getting rid of annoying Ukrainizers.

The USA with the European Union and Russia, proceeding from their geopolitical interests, is also far from indifferent to the future of Ukraine. For Russia, this should be, if not friendly, then a neutral state would be, taking as far as possible the borders of a geopolitical competitor in the person of NATO. For the latter, Ukraine is needed as a tool for weakening Russia's position in the foreign-policy balance of power and a constant irritant for the Russian leadership. That is, the collapse of Ukraine is not profitable for the main foreign-policy players and they are not taking and will not take steps aimed at dismembering this artificial education. At the same time, each of the parties will strive to bring political forces friendly to it to power.

All this suggests that the preservation of the integrity of the state is most preferable within Ukraine and abroad, but its territorial instability provokes the disintegration of the state. Which, under certain conditions, can become not only probable, but also inevitable. With all the consequences.

The trigger for the start of the disintegration mechanism will be the paralysis of the public authorities, for whatever reason. And then the two warring clans will meet in a mortal fight for the right to be at the helm. Each clan has its own electoral field, tied to certain territories, and in each territory there is a strong rejection of “alien” elites.

Since none of the opposing sides will be able to win a convincing victory over the enemy and impose their will on the whole society, in the event of a collapse of power, they will each have to leave to “their” territory and mobilize the electorate to confront with “hostile” force. All this will lead to the almost inevitable territorial confrontation and the split of the country.

In this situation, it is no longer the Ukrainian elites, but the main foreign policy players will decide what to do with Ukraine. And it will not happen in Kiev. And not in favor of the Ukrainian society. They will decide in Moscow, Brussels and Washington taking into account their geopolitical interests. A good example is the partition of Yugoslavia.

Options may be different. Separating only the Ukraine, for example, in the geopolitical sense, does little for Russia, since practically on the same borders a Russophobic state will be formed from Hetman and Galicia and integrated into Euro-Atlantic structures. Therefore, Russia cannot leave the Hetmanate at the mercy of its opponents and will fight for it, while Galicia does not represent a serious geopolitical interest for it with the adjacent territories.

For the West, there are additional problems with the section. What to do with the fragments that do not fit into the sphere of Russian influence and who will have to take on their content, which the United States had to do with Georgia in its time? It is impossible for him to keep Novorossia under control with the Russian population of mentality and it will have to be given away. As a prize, the West will receive Galicia, who dreams of a “European paradise”, and the Hetmanate, as usual, will seek to choose where it would be more beneficial to join.

So with the general collapse of the main struggle will unfold for Hetman. This is where the main battlefields will be. What is formed on the territory of "Ukraine" is now difficult to say. Most likely there are three entities - Novorossia with gradual integration into the Russian state, Ukraine itself in its historical borders under the light or tough protectorate of Russia and Galicia as a provincial European periphery and an eternal candidate for the European Union.

Decay driving forces

With the beginning of the process of decay, the forces of the clans will be far from equal. A clear advantage in post-orange. They are unconditionally supported in large quantities by Galicia and to a large extent the central regions. Regionals will have no one to rely on.

Because of the betrayal of the interests of the population of Novorossia, the regionals here the overwhelming majority of the population simply despises and will not stand up to defend them. They do not enjoy any serious authority anywhere, and the power of the Party of Regions is seriously shaken. They will try to organize in their support the remaining "sympathizers", diluting them with criminal and semi-criminal elements, but this will already be a pathetic parody of nationwide support.

The most organized today are post-orange forces that are doing everything possible to rock the boat of state stability and who are trying to show that they have the necessary forces and means to overthrow the regionals. In fact, their actions are more like well-directed clownery, and this is clearly seen in the “Get Up Ukraine!” Campaign they are conducting. They cannot afford to gather a large number of supporters in one city for their actions, and they have to organize and deliver extras from other regions and create the appearance of mass protest.

I had to watch their action in Kharkov and see it from the inside. The city authorities surrounded this place with trams, leaving a narrow passage and it was easy to count them. Participants turned out to be about four thousand, although they publicly announced ten. The overwhelming majority of them did not represent Kharkiv citizens and were brought from other places. Under the banner of the “Blow”, some teenagers stood en masse, and only at the end of the column I found a man of two hundred Kharkiv citizens. Around this gathering stood five - seven hundred curious, who came to watch the show. Having shouted prepared slogans for about an hour and having listened to their leaders, the professional post-orange dispersed, not evoking any emotions in the 1.5 million city.

Outwardly - a serious action, but essentially a dummy. These marginals do not enjoy mass support of the population, the maximum they can do is to shout and organize a provocation, and it’s obviously too hard for them to raise and lead the masses.
Unfortunately, there is no real “third force” capable of withstanding the current elites and ready to intercept their power. But this does not mean that it can not appear. In society, the understanding is already beginning to ripen, that it is necessary not to shuffle in the power structures of the regionals with post-orange, who have the same goals, but to fundamentally break the existing political system of government and the established social hierarchy.

The practice of such social and political transformations shows that they are far from being carried out by the people, but by a passionate minority capable of capturing the minds of the passive majority, raising it and leading the way. In order to break the political system, the current elite must be replaced by a new one that can offer and implement a different path of social and state development.

The replacement of elites takes place in different ways, from evolutionary, mainly through elections, to revolutionary through all sorts of riots and coups. It is almost impossible to replace the Ukrainian elite with the help of elections, since it has worked out effective mechanisms for clearing the political field from potential competitors and puts everyone in front of a fact - choose only from us, slipping to the society for each election the same greasy and modified stack of political parties that do not express not in the least public interest. Elections are relatively fair, but there is no one to choose from.

Our people, to my deep regret, no matter how much I want to talk about it, turned out to be so stupid that it voted for them and conducted for primitive advertising, pitiful handouts and empty promises.

The passive majority is able to rise on its own, but, as a rule, this results in a social rebellion that will remain “meaningless and merciless” until it is led by a force capable of redirecting social protest in the right direction and at the crucial moment to put pressure on the ruling elite with the purpose of removing her from the levers of power. So, at the head of the popular uprising, leaders inevitably appear and the only question is who will they represent and where will they be sent to.

According to the classical scheme, parties and leaders should stand at the head of any movement. But if among the elites there are no authorities and ideas capable of defending the interests of society at a critical moment, it itself puts forward ideas and leaders and brings them to power.

In confirmation, we can recall the events after the February revolution of 1917, when the government began to flow from the losing legitimacy of the Provisional Government to the Soviets, which eventually became power. Similarly, the Polish independent trade union Solidarity, which at the beginning of 80's on the basis of economic demands succeeded in shaking the regime so that even the imposition of martial law in the country did not help it retain power. The driving force behind the velvet revolutions in Eastern Europe at the end of the 80s was also the mass protest movement of the people, which left no hope for the ruling regimes.

In all these cases, the protest movements were headed not by specific parties, but by spontaneously arisen or previously prepared socio-political movements that managed to unite the broad masses of the people and direct them to overthrow the authorities that had lost their legitimacy.

I would especially like to highlight a vivid example of national unity during the 1612 riot, when the elite of that time betrayed the interests of Russia and its statehood was on the verge of extinction. And who saved the day? The people's militia, raised not by the princes and boyars in Moscow, but by the Nizhny Novgorod district warden Minin, who inspired the people, organized a collection of money for the militia and invited Prince Pozharsky to lead it. The people believed him, defended the Russian land, threw the Poles and rogues out of its borders, and in the general veche determined their future.

All of this to the fact that the passive majority very easily surges and to unite it into an organized mass movement, able to remove the existing elites from the levers of power and decide the fate of the state, a catalyst for civic activism is needed, as well as a simple and understandable idea that inspires everyone to fight. The Bolsheviks went to the masses not with “Capital”, but with three simple slogans — peace to the peoples, factories for the workers, land for the peasants (they simply stole the latter from the Socialist-Revolutionaries) and reared Russia.

Such a catalyst could be a real possibility of the coming of the Galician-Bandera power, which in a critical situation would be a signal for the immediate mobilization of the population of New Russia against the impending plague. What actually happened in 2004 year. Then, in response to the “orange” revolt and the refusal of Galicia to obey the central government, the popular wave in Novorossia, which put the state on the verge of collapse, cynically extinguished and taken under control by the Regions, rose. With today's alignment of forces and a tough confrontation of the regions, the situation can be repeated on a larger scale.

An attempt by all elites without exception to bet only on the West has not led to anything worthwhile, and now the time is coming when it is necessary to place other bets and offer other ideas. As such an idea, there can be a concept of integration of the Russian civilization space, which allows for the most severe global competition to acquire a large (the largest in the world) space with a large market and corresponding resources, which is a condition for survival in the modern world. The political force that put forward such a concept should clearly convey to the citizens a simple idea that this is a real chance to achieve better standards of life, which many dream of receiving as manna from heaven, buying into the myths of "European integration."

When setting as a goal a change in the socio-political system in the country, one must be aware that with simple convictions, a deep-rooted ideology and the power to defend it cannot be changed. This is an ideological war, and in such wars, victories without sacrifices are extremely rare. Both staunch supporters and random people go to the slaughter.

Any idea is implemented by specific people and the success of its implementation will depend on what they represent. These people should be ready, including, to forceful confrontation and possible bloodshed, since their opponents will be Galician neo-Nazis, who are ready to shed their own and other people's blood without hesitation.

Only those self-righteous people, who are also capable of pouring their blood without fear, can stand against them and win. It is well known that the humility of the victim gives rise to the rage of the executioner, so the anti-Nazi force must clearly and unambiguously give a message to its opponents that it will not stop even before such an extreme measure. The very fact of the threat of sobering many, and the most frostbitten only the threat of the use of force and can stop.

There are, of course, such people among the Novorossovs, but they are not organized and out of habit wait for the critical moment when it will be impossible to endure. In everyday life, it is rather difficult to raise them for serious accomplishments, but in a critical situation, their cowardly Svoboda will become their stimulator, in their folly calling on their supporters to "go beyond the Dnieper and put everyone on the knives." They have little idea what a furious blow will follow in response and the unity of the state can then be forgotten forever.

The political tension of passion so far results in the mutual destruction of monuments in the west and east of the country. But in these regions they are implicitly ready for more decisive actions. Galicia hopes that they will put Novorossov on their knees with their pressure. But this is an erroneous assumption. Southern Russian society has a demand for its radical power, and this power will inevitably manifest itself.

The process is likely to be spontaneous, when the masses from their midst will nominate leaders and form a counter-elite, ready ideologically and physically to take decisive actions in confrontation with a collapsing regime. It will accelerate its approaching paralysis of state power and the attempt of the Galician-Bandera leaders to become at the helm of the state during the presidential campaign of 2015.

Any election results will not suit the opposing clans, each of them wants only victory. They will inevitably aggravate the situation with catastrophic consequences for themselves. By taking advantage of this, the baboons of the baboons can spin out of control and, if convenient, try to attempt a coup d'état, which will put an end to the existence of a single state.
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  1. +27
    28 May 2013 06: 22
    Zadolbali! am Maybe enough already to share the native camp? Maybe it's time to just pass everyone along ... negative Already there is not enough patience for the fact that Kiev is a foreign capital in a state that seeks a geysion fool Well, if you can’t solve this issue without massacre, can it be time to break it? angry
    1. +14
      28 May 2013 08: 53
      Quote: Ruslan67
      Well, if you can’t solve this issue without massacre, can it be time to break it?

      Ukrainian people (despite disagreements on some issues) are able to solve their problems without massacre. now the representatives of geyropa and ardent supporters of shit democracy (and simply provocateurs) stick their nose into all the affairs of Ukraine, and try to indicate what to do (either Tymoshenko’s release, then pid ... allow the races to hold a parade ...). it would be worth these shit to break.
    2. orkibotu
      28 May 2013 08: 56
      Yes ! to overcome? you say this to the Westerners ... damn it ...! and insert their brains!
      1. +15
        28 May 2013 09: 15
        Quote: orkibotu
        you say this to the Westerners ... damn it ...! and insert their brains!

        Do you think that all the problems are due to the "Westerners"? Perhaps it will surprise you, but the inhabitants of the western part of Ukraine are people too. and quite adequate. and a handful of constantly screaming nationalists are not all "Westerners"
        1. Gluxar_
          28 May 2013 09: 49
          Quote: self-propelled
          Do you think that all the problems are due to "Westerners"? Perhaps it will surprise you, but the inhabitants of the western part of Ukraine are people too. and quite adequate. and a handful of constantly screaming nationalists are not all "Westerners"

          This is not a territorial definition of people, but an ideological one. Unfortunately, there are some personalities in western Ukraine, mostly provocateurs who distort the picture of Ukrainian society so much that some believe that half of Ukrainians are Bandera and fascists. However, there are not as many true Westerners as it seems, they are simply well organized and financially fed by the West.
          1. -1
            28 May 2013 13: 42
            Quote: Gluxar_
            Unfortunately, there are some personalities in western Ukraine, mostly provocateurs who distort the picture of Ukrainian society so much that some believe that half of Ukrainians are Bandera and fascists

            That's it, and I'm about the same. besides, such provocateurs are lacking not only in Ukraine. now there are a great many pseudo-and false historians who have taken up the rewriting of history ... request
        2. +3
          28 May 2013 12: 50
          Quote: self-propelled
          but the inhabitants of the western part of Ukraine are also people. and quite adequate.

          They are adequate, when in a private conversation he himself. Should they get together more than 2x- "glory to the heroes !!!".
          1. Hudo
            28 May 2013 14: 10
            Quote: revnagan
            Quote: self-propelled
            but the inhabitants of the western part of Ukraine are also people. and quite adequate.

            They are adequate, when in a private conversation he himself. Should they get together more than 2x- "glory to the heroes !!!".

            Dear revnagan, I think your assessment most accurately reflects the true essence of the inhabitants of western Ukraine. He comes from Donbass himself, he served in the western region for almost 8 years. There are some of them hanging on their heads, almost all of them are filled with some kind of exaggerated and false messianism. To all the counterarguments to their delirium - one answer: "You do not love ukrayinu", then according to Professor Preobrazhensky

            Further more, they give out something like "Tviy did buv ynkavydistom", argue and prove something - just like peas against the wall.
        3. Atlon
          28 May 2013 13: 12
          Quote: self-propelled
          and a handful of constantly screaming nationalists are not all "Westerners"

          European democracy is the power of a minority, with the obligatory submission to its will of the majority!
          1. +4
            28 May 2013 17: 20
            Quote: Atlon
            European democracy is the power of a minority, with the obligatory submission to its will of the majority!

            Bravo! +! How short and aptly said! need to remember. America and Europe are striving to "democratize" the whole world, and who is against means enemies. Unfortunately, the USSR fell under their onslaught, and even this is not enough for them - they undertook to "democratize" Russia, the war is already going on in the media, and apparently the liberals are their "bayonets" against us. Thank God we have an army, a navy and nuclear weapons, otherwise the fate of Yugoslavia would await us
    3. Gluxar_
      28 May 2013 09: 41
      Article minus. The usual nonsense, seasoned with some kind of analysis and scans of drawings of a map of Ukraine from a school notebook. Although the author tries to create the semblance of an "objective" analysis of the situation and himself, as it were, "above the fight," in fact, its sabotage character is clearly visible.
      The author tries to describe the situation as critical for Russia and at the same time, as it were, throws a bone in the form of Eastern regions. It seems to have divided Ukraine between Russia and Europe in half and everyone is happy.
      The author gives a lot of "it is not clear what" calculations, sucked out of the finger, about how bad everything is and who supports whom. Who speaks what language and a lot of similar things. Thus, drawing the inevitable collapse of Ukraine into antagonistic blocs. However, the author is biased in his assessments and clearly overestimates the importance of opinion polls.

      In fact, the situation is completely different. And there can be no question that the "hetmanshina", as the author calls the central regions of the country, will go to Europe. In Ukraine, there are Western nationalists and collobrationists in the government, moreover, they have been there since independence. They are an insignificant minority, but they have seized the information space of the entire country and are trying to impose their vision on all residents of Ukraine. However, for 20 years they have not managed to stupefy everyone. And today the people have endured all the "Westerners", both orange and blue. The people have already understood everything and can see where they are being pulled. So in the event of the outbreak of unrest, if a truly pro-Russian force appears, then 90% of the territories and population will support the pro-Russian course. The only question is control over the media.

      As for the latest trends and the decline in the rating of regionals, the process is being decided. Yanukovych, of course, the dog is still the same, but he is not just sitting in his place, his head is thinking. No matter how Ukraine was pulled to the West, Viktor Fedorovich flew to Sochi without hesitation.
      What were the agreements? Well, at least the issue of the Ukrainian GTS has been resolved, and if this fundamental issue has been resolved, then joining the Customs Union is also a matter of the near future. And within the CU, the entire gangster-oligarchic "junta" will be either crushed or integrated with pro-Russian interests. This means that all the financial support for the machine of intoxicating Ukrainians and the rewriting of history will be stopped and the reverse processes will be launched.
      In the context of the economic advantages of cooperation with Russia, with all the mega-projects implemented by the Russian Federation, the impetus for the restoration of the Ukrainian economy will also go into the socio-political field, which will affect the mood and doubting part of Ukrainian society.

      So the picture is not as apocalyptic as the author draws it. Russia will not only leave the eastern part of Ukraine, but there will be a reunion of a great country for the benefit of the whole people.
      1. +12
        28 May 2013 09: 45
        Quote: Gluxar_
        a great country will reunite for the benefit of the whole nation

        Your words yes to God in your ears!
        In the meantime -
        Yuriy Lutsenko will soon return to Ukraine from Germany, where the ex-minister is undergoing treatment. He also intends to meet with Angela Merkel.
        “I am now in Berlin, I have an invitation from the German Chancellor’s office regarding a meeting for political consultations. The meeting is planned this week, ”Lutsenko said in an interview with Radio Liberty.
        “In the near future I plan to return to Ukraine. The active phase of my “repair” is over. I want to return in order to organize a round table of intellectuals on writing a plan for the third Ukrainian republic, ”he said.
        “Yulia was offered treatment in Germany, and Bankova agreed, but so far she has refused,” a source in the Fatherland told us. “Although I think Julia will eventually agree, but only in the fall.”
        Political scientist Kost Bondarenko believes the version about Yulia Tymoshenko’s refusal of treatment in Germany to be real: The fact is that she does not care about this relative freedom, but the status of the victim and the problems that Yanukovych has in foreign policy because of her. In addition, for sure it is not only a question of treatment, but also a significant restriction of freedom, which is unlikely to suit her. However, I can well assume that in the fall Tymoshenko will nevertheless agree. And present his departure as a decisive contribution to the signing of the association agreement.
        Europe, Germany, in particular, will actively put a spoke in the wheel, will use charismatic leaders "affected by the regime," but will not allow the situation in the country to be stabilized, and will strive with all its might to prevent unification. In this case, this is not a game FOR UKRAINE, but AGAINST RUSSIA.
        1. Gluxar_
          28 May 2013 10: 34
          Quote: Egoza
          Europe, Germany, in particular, will actively put a spoke in the wheel, will use charismatic leaders "affected by the regime," but will not allow the situation in the country to be stabilized, and will strive with all its might to prevent unification. In this case, this is not a game FOR UKRAINE, but AGAINST RUSSIA.

          And who is this yurok? Pardoned Yanukovych criminal. He can say anything, it does not affect anything.
          What’s important is that Yanukovych flew to Sochi to speak with Putin. What is the weight of this event compared to a private meeting with the little guy?
          1. -1
            28 May 2013 11: 22
            Quote: Gluxar_
            And who is this yurok?

            Oh this Yurok, a person who is already quite well-known in Germany ... How gloriously he "played pranks" at their airport, being the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine ... this is a shoto ...
            1. MG42
              28 May 2013 11: 29
              Cases of bygone days, on a booze, he scolded the Hans, and did the right thing ...
            2. Gluxar_
              28 May 2013 18: 58
              Quote: alex13-61
              About this Yurok, a person already quite well-known in Germany ... How gloriously he "played pranks" at their airport, being the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine ... this is a shoto.

              The fact of the matter is that this is a clown. Media persona and nothing more. The important thing is that the Ukrainians themselves have almost suffered all this crap. And if so then they might already start to think with their heads. I believe in it.
          2. MG42
            28 May 2013 11: 24
            Quote: Gluxar_
            And who is this yurok? Yanukovych pardoned the criminal

            Yuriy Lutsenko = ex-Minister of Internal Affairs was convicted of supposedly luxurious celebration of the police day lol , in short, complete nonsense ... and the fact that he gave the benefits to his own driver. And who is Yanukovych I hope there is no need to explain?
            Quote: Gluxar_
            What’s important is that Yanukovych flew to Sochi to speak with Putin.

            They said more than once with Medvedev, too, after the discount of $ 100 for gas for extending the lease until the year 2042, the Black Sea Fleet base was nothing real ... blah blah blah .. and sitting on 2 chairs ..
            1. Gluxar_
              28 May 2013 19: 10
              Quote: MG42
              They said more than once with Medvedev, too, after the discount of $ 100 for gas for extending the lease until the year 2042, the Black Sea Fleet base was nothing real ... blah blah blah .. and sitting on 2 chairs ..

              Do you think that extending the lease for 25 years is a trifle? The United States could not agree with Manas. The Ukrainian political junta has only a few "streams" of feeding. This is the Crimea and the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, this is the gas transportation system and the geopolitical position of Ukraine itself. It is these 3 levers that have allowed them to feed "out of nothing" for more than 20 years.
              However, no matter how Westernized Yanukovych was, he did quite a bit in the interests of the Russian Federation, no matter how anyone looked at him. he’s just a wolf of the old school and works slowly.
              The lever with the Black Sea Fleet is settled. The regional status of the Russian language is resolved. The GTS issue is also most likely already resolved, and this was at a time when the EU was still pushing the competitor's projects for the southern stream through Greece-Albania-Italy. If the Russian Federation receives the GTS of Ukraine, then the need for the construction of the South Stream will disappear. This will save a tremendous amount of money to the Russian Federation, while retaining all control over European markets. and in such a situation, all alternative flows will lose their meaning. if Europe also wanted to compete with South Stream by exhibiting its Nabucco, then under the conditions when one side needs to be built from scratch and the other only needs to be repaired, Nabucco has no economic prospects. For Russia, this is beneficial in that it does not risk investing in a project that may not pay off due to a decrease in demand for natural gas in Europe in the next decade.

              So this is not blah blah, this is geopolitics. And it is not reasonable to blame "snickering boars" for the fact that they bargain for themselves the loot. Any merchant in their place would behave the same way, just to fill their pockets. there are few heroes and patriots in Ukraine now.
              1. MG42
                28 May 2013 19: 23
                Quote: Gluxar_
                Do you think that extending the lease for 25 years is a trifle?

                I didn’t write about "little thing" ..
                Quote: Gluxar_
                The regional status of the Russian language is resolved

                Yes, the Russian language was equated in status with Romanian, Polish, Hungarian, etc. that's what it means "regional" = it's not state. language.
                Quote: Gluxar_
                If the Russian Federation receives the GTS of Ukraine, then the need for the construction of the South Stream will disappear.

                South Stream has already begun to build follow the news
                Anapa. December 7, 2012 OilCapital.ru. A solemn ceremony was held to mark the start of construction of the offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline, through which from the end of 2015 Russian gas is to flow to consumers from southern Europe. On the Russian coast of the Black Sea near Anapa, from where the future gas pipeline will begin, its first joint was welded.

                Quote: Gluxar_
                heroes and patriots now в Ukraine is not enough.

                are you Ukrainian
        2. -1
          28 May 2013 11: 28
          Quote: Egoza
          Europe, Germany, in particular, will actively put a spoke in the wheel, will use charismatic leaders "affected by the regime," but will not allow the situation in the country to be stabilized, and will strive with all its might to prevent unification. In this case, this is not a game FOR UKRAINE, but AGAINST RUSSIA.

          Not certainly in that way:

          The EU is experiencing, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the largest crisis after the Second World War, and it is not up to expansion. There would be to cope with the problems of Greece, and not allow the euro zone and the EU itself to fall apart. In addition, Ukraine is the largest post-Soviet state, which has a lot of internal problems. However, one should not forget that the signing of the association agreement does not mean the automatic entry of our country into the European Union, it will take at least a dozen years to finally resolve this issue.


          Countries - old EU members are not interested in Ukraine joining the European Union, I am sure a member of the European Parliament, a member of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament Boguslav Liberadski.
          "Look, where is the center of decisions (in the EU - IF)? Berlin, Paris. Who said that an agreement between Kiev and Warsaw is impossible (in the event of Ukraine joining the EU - IF)," B. Liberadski told journalists in Kiev on Monday.
          According to him, now the EU is in crisis, but "the problem is not in the new, but in the old countries." At the same time, the accession of new EU members may acquire new opportunities, the MEP is sure.


          No one will go to Ukraine and does not want to accept Ukraine, this has been said more than once.
          1. MG42
            28 May 2013 11: 43
            Quote: seller trucks
            Countries - old EU members are not interested in Ukraine joining the European Union

            What is the entry into the EU ?? = association agreement only this max. + visa-free regime, and even if Tymoshenko is released ...
            EU Free Trade Agreements
            EU Agreements
            Albania - Stabilization and Association Agreement (2009)
            Algeria - association agreement (2005)
            Andorra - European Customs Union (1991)
            Bosnia and Herzegovina - Stabilization and Association Agreement (signed in 2008, pending entry into force)
            Egypt - association agreement (2004)
            Israel - association agreement (2000)
            Jordan - association agreement (2002)
            Iceland - EEA (1994)
            Lebanon - association agreement (2006)
            Liechtenstein - EEA (1994)
            Republic of Macedonia
            Morocco - association agreement (2000)
            Mexico - association agreement (2000)
            Norway - EEA (1994)
            Palestinian autonomy - interim association agreement (1997)
            San Marino - European Customs Union (2002)
            Serbia - Stabilization and Association Agreement (2011)
            Tunisia - association agreement (1998)
            Turkey - Agreement on the Customs Union of the EU and Turkey (1996)
            Faroe Islands - as an autonomous subject of Denmark (1997)
            Croatia - Stabilization and Association Agreement (2005)
            Montenegro - Stabilization and Association Agreement (2010)
            Chile - association agreement (2003)
            Switzerland Free Trade Agreement (1973)
            South Africa - association agreement (2000)
            South Korea - free trade agreement (2011)
            Black highlighted are not European countries will never be in the EU ..
            1. +1
              28 May 2013 12: 35
              Quote: MG42
              Black highlighted are not European countries will never be in the EU ..

              so I am about the same, in addition, the UK announced its desire to leave the EU (-1), France and Germany, in the end, will not want to feed the freeloaders, so Ukraine "is trying to jump on the train flying into the abyss"
              1. MG42
                28 May 2013 12: 57
                Quote: seller trucks
                so am I about the same besides

                Accession to the EU is not even considered only in "Svidomo" heads, Germany will definitely be against it, and does Gazprom have some leverage in Germany to influence? France will also oppose Ukraine's membership in the EU ... the only thing is that the signing of an association agreement and a free trade zone with the EU in October = then it will be very difficult to talk about the CU + Ukraine ..
                But Gazprom can "crush" by taking Ukrainian. GTS, and the Black Sea Fleet base in Crimea also interferes with European integration, NATO is not on the agenda at all .. hi
                1. +2
                  28 May 2013 13: 13
                  Quote: MG42
                  NATO is not on the agenda at all ..

                  I’m a new person for you, I came from a Russophobic politforums, I want to say that the Ukrainians are convinced that it’s about, and they are Europe and almost NATO. I look at you x ... os .... cha the same is enough
                  1. MG42
                    28 May 2013 13: 25
                    Quote: seller trucks
                    I’m your new person, I came from Russophobic politforums

                    + There is enough of everything on the Internet, there are trolls who are amazingly active ..
                    Quote: seller trucks
                    Ukrainians are convinced that it’s about, and they are Europe and almost NATO

                    Svidomo talking heads are already here wink, only when the Romanians shelf pressed out near about. The serpentine was silent in a rag .. also when the monuments to Bandera and Shukhevych were demolished all the fighting fervor disappeared due to the demolition of the monuments to Lenin ..
                    Happily, it did not work out either to receive the MAP, which is now membership under Yanukovych, they have been afraid to hold a referendum on this issue for how many years ...
                    1. +3
                      28 May 2013 13: 44
                      Quote: MG42
                      Happily, it did not work out either to receive the MAP, which is now membership under Yanukovych, they have been afraid to hold a referendum on this issue for how many years ...

                      my mother came to visit (after the Maidan): "Vitalya, we will live better than you" well, imagine my reaction, not the point, I could not even imagine that a person can "you ... t" the brain. Most of all, I was struck by the fact that in Ukraine everyone is “in the know” of events, so many are “svidomo” that there is nowhere to go. Zomboyaschik was brainwashing so much that he stopped communicating with some childhood friends, phrases like "leave Ukraine alone", "we are Europe" and other garbage, discouraged going to the Motherland and this is Crimea, so 20 years of independence did their job.

                      PS. and great respect for the moderators, they are struggling with trolls not childishly.
                      1. MG42
                        28 May 2013 13: 55
                        Quote: seller trucks
                        visit (after Maidan): "Vitalya, we will live better than you"

                        wassat... you remembered, now I would like to see at least one unafraid idiot in Kiev in orange with the inscription "Yushchenko so" .. even the Orange people do not celebrate this anniversary of the revolution, and Tymoshenko and Yushchenko = fierce enemies ..
                        if you look even further, when there was the collapse of the USSR, slogans like "Ukraine = Europa's breadbasket !!!" ..Ukraine will be the second France, etc. Well, that 20 years have passed, Ukraine = the most fertile land in Europe, chernozem, there is a huge potential in agriculture, only you need to steal less, corruption from the very top, corrupt courts and cops ... what we have is what we have ...
                      2. -1
                        28 May 2013 14: 27
                        Quote: MG42
                        you remembered, now I would like to see at least one unafraid idiot in Kiev in orange with the inscription "Yushchenko like that" .. even the orange people do not celebrate this anniversary of the revolution, and Tymoshenko and Yushchenko = fierce enemies ..

                        I beg you, they say, Maidan, and they also boast that they were participants, Yushchenko and Tymoshenko & Yanukovych, the Angels of God, remember, "qi did not steal hands!" last year I was greatly amazed when I was warned "Tymoshenko, do not touch" well, very much in authority and again in the Crimea.

                        Quote: MG42
                        if you look even further, when there was the collapse of the USSR, slogans like "Ukraine = Europa's breadbasket !!!" ..Ukraine will be the second France, etc. Well, that 20 years have passed, Ukraine = the most fertile land in Europe, chernozem, there is a huge potential in agriculture, only you need to steal less, corruption from the very top, corrupt courts and cops ... what we have is what we have ...

                        So what? Rapeseed, after which nothing grows for 5-7 years
                      3. MG42
                        28 May 2013 14: 54
                        Quote: seller trucks
                        I beg you, they say, Maidan, even as they say

                        A small group gathered to commemorate, but without <Yushchenko so!> ..
                        Quote: seller trucks
                        and still boast that they were participants, Yushchenko and Tymoshenko

                        there are wiretaps of the network as Tymoshenko spoke about Yushchenko feel
                        Quote: seller trucks
                        remember, "the qi of the hands did not steal!

                        I remember Yushchenko standing at the bag with sovereign pennies, I remember in the televised debates he showed his palms, by the way there is a version that he caught leprosy here, a photo down those days ..
                        Quote: seller trucks
                        So what? Rape

                        This is again a conversation about bioadditives in fuel = biodiesel, the soil is depleting yes, while exporting rapeseed
      2. +1
        28 May 2013 12: 00
        Quote: Gluxar_
        90% of the territories and population will support the pro-Russian course.

        I would like to believe you ... But on the spot it’s more visible ... but he’s right, after all, the author of the article. And plus him for, well, a very, deep analysis.
        1. MG42
          28 May 2013 12: 09
          I would like to .. but there are opinion polls there different data for example one of them
          Actually, the sympathies like on the cards show a split in the presidential election, nothing really changes ..
      3. -5
        28 May 2013 15: 41
        Gluxar_ to you + 1000 for the correct and balanced comment)))
    4. 0
      28 May 2013 15: 59
      Quote: Ruslan67

      I absolutely agree with this. Ukraine wanted independence - here. The author is apparently from Ukraine himself and is worried about his homeland, only to us it is already cut to a candle, cut off chunk. It is true whoever comes to power there, orange, blue or Zhovtoblakitnye just fall off with your whining. They wanted freemen so get it in full.
      1. MG42
        28 May 2013 16: 08
        Quote: Geisenberg
        The author is apparently from Ukraine himself and is worried about his homeland, only to us it is cut off a chunk before the candle. It is true whoever comes to power there, orange, blue or Zhovtoblakitnye just fall off with your whining.

        I'm not an author, but many people here are “not up to the candle”, I don't like the branch = just don't go to it. Judging by the number of comments on the branches about Ukraine, your opinion is not particularly shared.
      2. +3
        28 May 2013 16: 45
        Quote: Geisenberg
        Ukraine wanted independence - here.

        are you sure what "she" wanted? in my opinion, nobody asked the people's desire in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. there is such infa that when signing the agreement on the collapse of the USSR, Kravchuk asked Yeltsin: "But what will we do with the Crimea?" He replied: "Yes, take it ..." everything was predetermined in advance, and during the referendum on secession from the USSR there was an outright forgery, not many people know that, for example, in Saki there was a mass demonstration against the referendum. There is also an interesting fact that when conscripted into the Ukrainian Navy, they were recruited mainly by immigrants from Z. Ukraine.
        1. MG42
          28 May 2013 16: 52
          March 7, 1991 was the only referendum in the 70 year period of the existence of the USSR.
          The citizens of the Soviet Union were asked the question: "Do you consider it necessary to preserve the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics, in which the rights and freedoms of a person of any nationality will be fully guaranteed?"
          In the Ukrainian SSR 70,2 percent answered "Yes"; in the Byelorussian SSR - 82,7%; in the Uzbek SSR - 93,7%; in the Kazakh SSR - 94,1%; in the Azerbaijan SSR - 93,3%; in the Kirghiz SSR - 94,6%; in the Tajik SSR - 96,2%; in the Turkmen SSR - 97,9%.

          RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/history_spravki/
          1. +3
            28 May 2013 17: 09
            Fragments from the book of Edward Hodos "Jewish Syndrome-2,5"

            ... The collapse of the USSR is also one of the links in the terrible chain that bound the World with the same Hand. Readers of the Jewish Syndrome already know that in October 1991, just between August and December - the GKChP and the Bialowieza Forest - I was in New York at the headquarters of Chabad. It was there that they confidentially informed me that the Soviet Union was living out its last days, that it would follow the collapse and even specifically called the Union republics, whose leaders would sign their country.

            The New York "headquarters" already knew that in these three republics, thanks to the hard work of the Chabad assault, the "process" went ahead and took on an irreversible character. After all, it was precisely Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus that concentrated the main attention of overseas “demolition workers” here, thorough training of “personnel” was conducted, and plans for further actions were developed.

            I remember how amazed I was when the Khabadniks dedicated me in detail to the “backstage” of the August “coup” of 1991 of the year and the events that followed. Prior to this, like everyone else, I sincerely believed that the "scammers" were to blame for trying to unlawfully overthrow the "legally elected President", forcibly seize power, crack down on "young Soviet democracy", etc. But in New York, I regained my sight ... In addition, they painted a clear picture of the "final phase" of the infernal plan, which was yet to be implemented in the next two months. As I later became convinced, the Chabad “script” was embodied with perfect accuracy.

            If we summarize all these events that put a bullet in the biography of the Giant State, we will clearly see who ruled the ball on the bones of the defeated Soviet Empire. On June 2 on June 1990, “a fighter against the privileges of the party apparatus,” Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Boris Yeltsin proclaimed the “state sovereignty of the RSFSR” and the supremacy of its laws over the union ones. Then, to the loud applause of the "world community", a chain reaction of the "sovereignty" of other republics within Russia began. Yeltsin strongly encouraged them: "Take as much independence as you can digest."
  2. +6
    28 May 2013 06: 33
    This usually starts the guide, and then it starts
    1. +3
      28 May 2013 07: 04
      The leadership of (Ukraine) has already begun and has long been .... the process is underway. The question is how to stop him?
      Because a lot of blood will be shed.
    2. Captain Vrungel
      28 May 2013 08: 03
      The leadership of Ukraine has a more Jesuit plan to enslave Ukraine by one family.
      A proposal was put forward in BP by regionals. 24 regions and the Republic of Crimea to enlarge.
      Create 8 regions and Crimea.
      What is the meanness. In that where they have no influence. 4 areas are driven into one region.
      Carpathian-Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi.
      Kiev-Kiev, Kirovograd, Cherkasy, Chernihiv.

      Its 2, in Donetsk, Lugansk and Donetsk.
      2 more, in Dnieper, Zaporizhzhya, Dnepropetrovsk.
      Where the precarious position is combined by 3.
      Podolsk-Vinnitsa, Khmelnitsky, Ternopol.
      Black Sea-Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson (finished Novorossia).
      Polesskaya-Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr.
      In this way, the power of Yanukovych wants to bend under himself and seat governors in almost all of Ukraine.
      There will be one problematic Carpathian region. But regionals will simply turn it into a reservation.
      If the regionals and their loyal prostitutes communists legitimize administrative reform, then there will be 9 specific principalities with feudal lords and vassals. The pink dream of Yanukovych, the blue dream of the regionals.
      1. +1
        28 May 2013 09: 01
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        If the regionals and their loyal prostitutes communists legitimize administrative reform, then there will be 9 specific principalities with feudal lords and vassals. The pink dream of Yanukovych, the blue dream of the regionals.

        Unfortunately, the fact is that at the moment in Ukraine the vast majority of politicians are primarily thinking about their ass, and not about problems in the state.
        1. Captain Vrungel
          28 May 2013 09: 32
          Oh, you think well of our policies. 100% of our crooks in power (in order, politicians) think only of the ass, of course their own.
        2. avt
          28 May 2013 09: 57
          Quote: self-propelled
          Unfortunately, the fact is that at the moment in Ukraine the vast majority of politicians are primarily thinking about their ass,

          How to better attach it to Europe.
          1. MG42
            28 May 2013 12: 32
            It is needed as a buffer zone from Russia and the CU, that's all >> there are enough of their own freeloaders like Romania, the Europeans are no longer happy that they were accepted into the EU, the Roma crawled ...
          2. +1
            28 May 2013 13: 37
            Quote: avt
            How to better attach it to Europe.

            yes Ukraine needs Europe as a hare a stop-signal. there are enough of their beggars. and all these, so to speak, "flirting" with Ukraine so as to annoy Russia
        3. MG42
          28 May 2013 12: 30
          Quote: self-propelled
          unfortunately the fact is that at the moment in Ukraine the vast majority of politicians are primarily thinking about their ass

          Throughout the years of independence, politicians in Ukraine have thought this way and that way.
      2. +3
        28 May 2013 09: 41
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        What is the meanness. In that where they have no influence. 4 areas are driven into one region.

        It should also be noted that far from everywhere such a division will satisfy the people. For instance,
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        Carpathian-Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi.
        The Transcarpathian region does not fit into this composition in terms of its political views. Many Hungarians, Poles, Rusyns live here, who will either be "strangled" or there will be eternal clashes that can lead to demands for protection from fraternal Europe (Hungary)
      3. Gluxar_
        28 May 2013 09: 52
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        The pink dream of Yanukovych, the blue dream of the regionals.

        And what is the dream? Ukraine is not the United States, people vote and not electors.
    3. +1
      28 May 2013 08: 21
      The main player is the States. The civil war in Ukraine is in their plans.
  3. fenix57
    28 May 2013 06: 45
    Without sarcasm and irony. We know, there is the Great Wall of China, there was the Berlin Wall ...
    As if I didn’t want the UKRAINIAN WALL to arise (DO NOT BECOME THE LORD) ... sad
  4. +3
    28 May 2013 07: 22
    It is necessary to fully support the eastern regions (and not just in a word), and central Ukraine, realizing that it can lose half the territory, will lean towards Russia ... or lose Little Russia! Nothing personal, just worried! hi
    1. 0
      28 May 2013 17: 01
      we do not need friends forcibly !!!
  5. pinecone
    28 May 2013 07: 24
    Ukraine and the EU.

    1. Gluxar_
      28 May 2013 10: 06
      Quote: pinecone

      The last attempt to take Ukraine back to the "Sinai desert" for 40 years. Yanukovych made his choice, hesitated for a long time, but still made it and flew to Sochi.
  6. Belogor
    28 May 2013 07: 24
    We only have to sympathize with the Ukrainians, they are facing difficult times.
    Just as their state was created in a new history, so it can collapse into the same fragments. And the core will join where it is more profitable to be.
    1. Gluxar_
      28 May 2013 10: 08
      Quote: Belogor
      We only have to sympathize with the Ukrainians, they are facing difficult times. Just as their state was created in a new history, so it can collapse into the same fragments. And the core will join where it is more profitable to be.

      How can we correlate the potential of the western regions and the eastern industrial center. In the case of Russia, this is the same thing that Muscovy will choose between the Ural-Siberian region and the Kaliningrad region.
  7. +2
    28 May 2013 07: 25
    The article objectively shows the position of a neighbor. And he has trouble. Golden calf collects tribute again. The country is on the verge of a civil war. Uncle Sam will come running with his "peacekeepers" and Russia will have no choice but to intervene. It will turn out to be Transnistria, but on a different scale. Probably not in vain the south go enough tough exercises?!
  8. +3
    28 May 2013 07: 25
    In fact, the situation in Ukraine is more and more like a snowball. Bookmakers at the time to accept bets on the timing of the collapse of Ukraine. In half a year? In a year? But seriously, all this worries, since the revolution with us is always blood.
  9. UFO
    28 May 2013 07: 27
    It should not be assumed that the Russians certainly want to break the railway line to Ukraine into several parts. It is better for us that the unification of 100% of the territories nevertheless takes place. But it is impossible to calmly observe the "freaks" of the ruling circles of an independent (not the people), therefore the deterioration of the situation in Ukraine seems to "satisfy" the expectations of the Russians, since brings to the logical end and certainty (who is with whom and against whom). Only THIS and nothing more, there is no need to perceive this deterioration as a joy that hoh ... their ambition is heard, when people suffer - we are not happy, we want certainty, rather, we are for the unification of one people. Just tired of waiting, that breaks through the notes of nationalism and sarcasm. hi
  10. waisson
    28 May 2013 07: 42
    the fish rots from the head. sadly, of course, I wouldn’t want Ukraine to be torn to pieces as the USSR has always been to crush wherever.
    1. folds
      28 May 2013 15: 11
      As long as there is at least one bastard who dreams of a personal small principality, and does not have it, there is where to split up. As long as the interests of such bastards are supported by Western money and promises, separation will remain a real possibility. As it is in the article and in the comments, there is now no political force that could prevent the worst possible scenario. The only chance of its formation is a "wave of popular anger", and it cannot exist without blood.
  11. +6
    28 May 2013 08: 13
    already in Ukraine you look like some sort of long-playing horror movie. like every movie ever has a logical conclusion. I think in the near future we will still see Ukraine to the end
  12. +1
    28 May 2013 08: 21
    How many of these cards have I seen enough ... When will they calm down. All the time of the collapse and freebies the reverse process has gone and quite rapidly !! No matter how the States themselves fall apart if we apply their technology to the collapse of states ..
  13. niskifss
    28 May 2013 08: 23
    torn where badly sewn
  14. +1
    28 May 2013 08: 29
    The slogan-assertion that Ukraine is a bunch, and in a bunch - 3-4 pieces, was raised in the 2004 elections of Yushchenko-Yanukovych. Almost 10 years have passed, and while traveling around Ukraine, I did not notice the massive seething of shit on this topic. Only on the Internet, often from citizens not living in Ukraine, and from some Ukrainian media activists such as Buzin, Korotkov, Chalenko. Crimea stands apart, but Crimea is ruled by the Crimeans themselves, for they have been granted autonomy. Crimeans see that their chosen ones and the local establishment can only shout loudly about the Russian language, and "Sevastopol-Crimea-Russia!" in fact, they are not professionals and materialistic personalities. As a result, even in Crimea, separatists or pro-Russian politicians are in a deep minority in parliament. for they have discredited themselves. The rest of the South-East is the same Kiev, where 2/3 of the population speaks Russian. This does not bother anyone, because Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are our native and convenient means of communication. The Party of Regions took a strong political step, "legitimizing" the natural state of affairs, giving the Russian language a status. Typically, they can always claim that they saved the Russian, etc. Type if there is no bread, take the show - Russian.
    1. DeerIvanovich
      28 May 2013 09: 52
      Quote: Aeneas
      in Ukraine

      minus you an accomplice of the bourgeois
      1. Skavron
        28 May 2013 09: 57
        and you for literacy
        1. DeerIvanovich
          28 May 2013 11: 09
          another fighter against the dominance of mosk "v" alikov appeared ...
          and in the matter of advocating for literacy, the minuses are not scary lol
          1. Skavron
            28 May 2013 11: 14
            I somehow one more one less
            just tired of explaining that you can write this way and that
            and when we write "in" when "on"
            but you can’t explain it. Rather, you understand that, but because of the fierce hatred of the fraternal people, you are ready to tinker even in small things ...
            1. DeerIvanovich
              28 May 2013 13: 58
              Quote: Skavron
              and when we write "in" when "on"

              this is the demagogy of pure water.
  15. +2
    28 May 2013 08: 39
    Pans fight (power is shared), and at lackeys forelocks crack. Well, at least one pa ...., I'm sorry, the political force thought about the people ... No, figs to you. They will tear Nenko to shreds, then each shred will be driven deeper into railway station and will live better ... The idiocy of those in power.
  16. pinecone
    28 May 2013 08: 41
    Excerpt from an archive document.

    August 3, 1944 - A recording of the conversation of IV Stalin with a delegation of the Polish government in exile, led by Prime Minister S. Mikołajczyk on the German question, on the creation of the Provisional Government, the state of the AK, the borders of Poland.

    Comrade Stalin says that if you approach the problem of Slavism from a historical point of view, you can see that Poland was resurrected and restored as a result of the First World War. He, comrade Stalin, thinks that as a result of the current war there will be
    especially the Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples have been resurrected, and it would be unfair to offend them.
    Hrabsky states that the Belarusian and Ukrainian peoples will not be offended if they divide the disputed territories in proportion to the population of Polish, Belarusian and Ukrainian nationalities and if then to relocate.
    Comrade Stalin declares that the Poles will receive Breslau instead of Lvov12. They will have enough ore and coal in Silesia.
    Hrabsky says that with the loss of Lviv in Poland there will be no oil.
    Comrade Stalin replies that there is a lot of oil on the opposite side of the Carpathians. These deposits need to be explored by the Poles. In addition, the Poles will have chemical plants in Silesia for the production of synthetic fuel.
    Hrabsky states that Poles have a lot of historical and other traditions associated with Lviv.
    Comrade Stalin asks, what about the Ukrainians.
    Grabsky replies that Ukrainians have Kiev.
    Comrade Stalin notes that the Poles have Krakow and Warsaw.
    Comrade Stalin states that the first time the Poles and Russians were walking together at Grunwald when they defeated the Germans. Then the Poles had quarrels with the Russians. In the XVII century, under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, there was the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ordin-Nashchekin, who proposed to conclude an alliance with the Poles. For this he was driven out. Now you need a turn. The war taught our nations a lot.
    Hrabsky agrees.
    Comrade Stalin states that if Mikolajchik has no questions, then the conversation can be completed at 12 o’clock.
  17. +4
    28 May 2013 08: 47

    Here in my opinion and a video in the topic!
  18. +8
    28 May 2013 08: 57

    Here is another interesting vote on Ukrainian TV smile
    1. +3
      28 May 2013 18: 37
      laughing laughing laughing Neighing, but generally sad! In Russia, of course, not sugar, but Ukraine is something !!! Judging by the program, 90% of Ukrainians want to choose Putin as president.
    2. MG42
      28 May 2013 18: 56
      Yes it's a fact Yes = From the set of politicians that exist in Ukraine, it is now difficult to choose someone there is no obvious leader Klitschko? only at the beginning of the journey, therefore, sympathy in the East South and Crimea can be on the side of the GDP, Lukashenko can only compete, Yanukovych and Obama did not have a chance in this vote on the video lol
  19. +7
    28 May 2013 09: 04
    The same thing about the same.
  20. +2
    28 May 2013 09: 18
    We all don’t like it when foreign strategists make plans for the future of Russia and give us advice on how to live. Why do we ourselves with such pleasure climb with our forecasts and advice to others? Let the Ukrainians decide the fate of their country themselves, they are not dumber than us. And we better deal with our problems. We have enough.
    1. +3
      28 May 2013 18: 01
      Quote: rus9875
      If Russia can make the lives of its citizens such that they are not envied by integration problems, everyone will be asked to join Russia

      Do you need allies of a prostitute?
      I do not.
      Life is long, there are ups and downs, if we will only recruit allies who want to be with us, when everything is fine with us, then who will we stay with in difficult times?
      Will you take for yourself a wife who is doing fine with you so far, and when it’s bad then she has a neighbor?
  21. Skavron
    28 May 2013 09: 45
    Oh, again divided Ukraine. Particularly touched by some commentators prophesying a civil war ...
    1. +5
      28 May 2013 11: 16
      Do not bother to share trophies. tongue
  22. +7
    28 May 2013 10: 14
    For me, the fate of Ukraine is not indifferent in that there are the graves of my ancestors, starting with my grandfather and grandmother, my close relatives, brothers, sisters, their children and grandchildren live there. And the events in Ukraine cause a storm of emotions in me, starting from hatred of its rulers, pity for fellow tribesmen and a desire to yell to our rulers, why are you delaying !!!!. The solution to the Ukrainian question is more important than Syria, Tajikistan and other and other garbage. Will Ukraine and Russia 80% of foreign policy problems will be solved much faster and easier. What? we cannot financially strangle someone, but simply interest someone and give some kind of guarantee that they will retain their influence in the economy and politics, someone simply reset it to those who are directly tied to the west. But this is not done due to the fact that we also have an ec. there is a struggle between elites and there is no unity of strategic tasks, foreign secret services work for this, supporting terrorism in all its manifestations, from Wahhabism and other radicals, ending with support for the growth of corruption, the destruction of traditional Russian religious, moral, ethical, spiritual values, and Finnish support for the opposition. Knowing all this, you understand; one can’t do without an economic blockade, closing the market and stopping cooperation in the military-technical sphere; we need non-standard decisive moves in politics and economics, which ones? Let Putin and Lavrov think for this and intelligence and diplomatic missions. the corps and analysts do not sit in hell with crowds, they only wash themselves with snot after regular kicks from the west, and hasty for the state hasty departures of the stolen billionaires to London.
    1. 0
      28 May 2013 10: 56
      And even so, we sell gas to Ukraine one and a half times more expensive than to Germany, how much further will it be economically strangled "And decisive, non-standard moves" - is it obvious to go to war? And then wonder why the Ukrainian brothers are not very eager to integrate with Russia? When we are already cured of the "elder brother" complex and finally understand that other peoples have their heads on their shoulders and they have the right to decide for themselves who to rule them and in which direction to go.
      1. +3
        28 May 2013 11: 06
        Quote: rus9875
        - Is it obvious to go to war?

        It was only this thought that could come to you, or in a sweet dream to Brzezinski and his ilk.
        1. +3
          28 May 2013 11: 14
          No, I'm just asking you what you mean by "decisive moves"
          1. +1
            28 May 2013 11: 39
            Quote: rus9875
            No, I'm just asking you what you mean by "decisive moves"

            I wrote about the main points of application of efforts in this matter (economic tycoons of Ukraine).
      2. Gluxar_
        28 May 2013 11: 06
        Quote: rus9875
        And even so, we sell gas to Ukraine one and a half times more expensive than to Germany, how much further will it be economically strangled "And decisive, non-standard moves" - is it obvious to go to war? And then wonder why the Ukrainian brothers are not very eager to integrate with Russia? When we are already cured of the "elder brother" complex and finally understand that other peoples have their heads on their shoulders and they have the right to decide for themselves who to rule them and in which direction to go.

        Russia is just promoting on the world stage the idea that every nation has its own head and that it is not worth cutting it off. But what does this have to do with Ukraine, a country where a handful of oligarchs plunder their people?
        1. +2
          28 May 2013 11: 12
          As the saying goes, "find ten differences"
      3. 0
        28 May 2013 14: 41
        Quote: rus9875
        We sell gas to Ukraine one and a half times more expensive than Germany

        hmm, Germany is a partner, Ukraine is a competitor, but how did Ukraine "twist its hands" with the transit of gas, and stealing? And remember how the "brothers" said that Russia should give gas to Ukraine almost free of charge, and the Ukrainians in Europe traded this gas. Basta, there will be no freebies.
  23. +12
    28 May 2013 10: 30
    I am in Ukraine, now on vacation and I will tell you that when words like "party and politics" are used, people spit on the ground and say - "How did they get all of us!"
    1. MG42
      28 May 2013 12: 00
      This speaks of total disappointment ... it is no secret that Ukrainians go to rallies only when they are paid, the fee is about 100 UAH. / Person. If there is just a riot without leaders .. recently there were demonstrative clashes in Kiev, the power has dropped to the point of hiring athletes to beat protesters ..
  24. pa_nik
    28 May 2013 10: 44
    Quote: Skavron
    Oh, again divided Ukraine.

    I would say: "How similar it is ...". Don't you think, dear members of the forum, that the comment of the Ukrainian blogger: "... goons came to power and are trying to unite everyone around the goon idea of ​​filling their own money box", can be applied to our country? As long as "people with money" will look "to the left" in the direction of the West, with the hope of dumping "there, if anything ..", such zh.p. will be .. that we have, that in fraternal and beloved Ukraine ... Until trouble comes, a la June 22, uniting everyone and everything, until the Motherland calls everyone, regardless of class and regalia, the situation will not change. The oligarchy will continue to sit on the neck of the people, hoping that everything will be okay, they will somehow slip through, agree with whomever they need. Judging by the unfolding events and incoming news from the zombie box and the Internet - it WILL NOT BE POSSIBLE! hi
  25. +4
    28 May 2013 10: 49
  26. Vtel
    28 May 2013 10: 52
    At the edge stood Krajina,
    Russia is without a helm
    But together we are power
    And God will not leave the Child.
    1. +3
      28 May 2013 11: 31
      Quote: Vtel
      At the edge stood Krajina,
      Russia is without a helm
      But together we are power
      And God will not leave the Child.

      God helps someone who helps himself. hi
  27. +8
    28 May 2013 11: 11
    More than once until the 92nd I was in Novorossiya and Kiev, rested in the Crimea. People (in the sense of general qualities), industry, agriculture, nature - everything for a good, prosperous life. And they lived pretty well. True, under the late Gorbachev "miracles" began with food. And now?
    AND NOW?? For example, where are the good and cheap Ukrainian engineering and electrical engineering?
    And regarding the price of gas, and what Russia is not good with such prices, you can remember very interesting things. In 90-x, with the connivance (if not worse) of EBN and Co., Ukraine almost did not pay Russia for gas. And where did the huge add. arrived? The people of Ukraine? Schchas! Who needs it, went there.
    1. Skavron
      28 May 2013 11: 30
      Quote: My address
      inexpensive Ukrainian engineering

      I don’t know about inexpensive, but what is there, is successfully popular in Russia
      Yes, and Russian companies are still investing in production. So there is something else that has not been sawn and has potential. Nobody would just throw out money. And HUGE money.
      1. +4
        28 May 2013 11: 48
        are there any proofs? for example, since the new year, the Ukrainian auto industry, in particular ZAZ, has completely squeezed out of the Russian car market, the same fate befell "Bogdan" and "Kraz". I don't want to talk about gas conflicts at all, cooperation in the military-industrial complex will soon come to naught. You have other data, please.
      2. +1
        28 May 2013 11: 55
        Quote: My address
        good and inexpensive Ukrainian mechanical engineering and electrical engineering

        I do not understand the indignation ... The assessment is positive.
    2. +5
      28 May 2013 11: 31
      Quote: My address
      For example, where are good and inexpensive Ukrainian mechanical engineering and electrical engineering?

      Where,? Where the Russians are in "Karaganda".
    3. +3
      28 May 2013 11: 52
      gas cost a penny in the 90s so there couldn’t be huge profits. Good engineering and electronics at such high energy prices simply can’t stand the competition and goes bankrupt due to lack of demand, by the way, and the same thing happens with us especially after joining the WTO. The same happens in agriculture and with us and for the same reason Until our great economists understand that fuel and raw materials for domestic producers should cost several times less than for foreign ones if we really want to boost our industry and our rural economy, nothing will move, we will remain a raw materials appendage The only question is - are they really so stupid that they don’t understand the obvious or are they just good at fulfilling someone’s order?
    4. +2
      28 May 2013 12: 25
      And Sumy electron microscopes? Yes, a lot of things are already NOT and the most unpleasant thing - WILL NOT be ever. There will be no Ukrainian ...
  28. +4
    28 May 2013 11: 22
    Eh brothers Slavs, it is necessary to unite. We need an ultimatum for the Ukrainian authorities, it needs universal unity in thoughts and deeds. The question is, are our RUSSIAN authorities ready to make such a decision if the wind starts blowing from you? Again fucking politics. Geyrop himself, the State Department himself, have spawned an NGO, any "FEMEN" and other evil spirits. Yes, and we have a lot of it. We need your word brothers Slavs! And we will try too hard! ... drinks
  29. Apostle
    28 May 2013 11: 33
    Frankly, I didn’t read the article, I just read the title and immediately wanted to answer: They will tear up by the whole world and into all holes ...
    1. +2
      28 May 2013 11: 44
      NOT the brother of Russia it is not profitable for Ukraine to be torn, let’s not say, well, if only the western one falls off and not for long (why the hell do they need them? Feed them for free)
      1. Apostle
        28 May 2013 12: 13
        You would have lived here for a year or two, and you would have understood everything ... on the one hand, the Nazis, on the other, criminals, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the most dangerous gang group in the country, any law can be circumvented ... and now also buggers with a rainbow flag are "tolerant" stomp across the country, people are beyond poverty ... But in general, I'm talking about the fact that they have been RAPING for a long time and HAVE ...
  30. -9
    28 May 2013 11: 56
    Dream, dream ...
    1. +9
      28 May 2013 12: 35
      Dreams come true ... GAZPROM.
  31. +11
    28 May 2013 12: 14
    Himself from the Crimea. This forced Ukrainization got it.
    1. +8
      28 May 2013 13: 52
      From the Donbass. I confirm.
      1. Hudo
        28 May 2013 14: 46
        Quote: 1c-inform-city
        Himself from the Crimea. This forced Ukrainization got it.

        Quote: imrek_ua
        From the Donbass. I confirm.

        Donbass. Lugansk. Not just got it for *** !!!
        News or an analytical program on local TV - guests of the program speak Russian, the program is watched by RUSSIAN viewers, and the presenters of the Galician Yodel are flooded in the Bandera dialect. FOR WHOM???!!! And this is with the existing but not working law on regional languages!
        My youngest daughter is the 2nd grade of the school, the language of instruction is RUSSIAN, the teacher is usi ukrayintsi ... ridna mova solovyina ... I came to school with three parents, took my metrics with me. We explain, we are RUSSIAN !!! In response: "There is a training manual from Kiev ..." I am trying to correctly remind her that her grandfathers beat the Nazis, while the unfinished Nazi lackey-chickens took refuge in Canada, and these training manuals are sent from there. Is she aware of what she is doing? In response, muttering about instructions from above, tears, the headmaster ... After two such conversations, the class lady and the headmistress were slightly tolerated. But the stinking soul of forced ukrainization the wind is blowing from Kiev.
        1. +4
          28 May 2013 14: 59
          + Handsome, not in the eyebrow but in the eye,

          Quote: Hudo
          My youngest daughter is the 2nd grade of the school, the language of instruction is RUSSIAN, the teacher is usi ukrayintsi ... ridna mova solovyina ... I came to school with three parents, took my metrics with me. We explain, we are RUSSIAN !!! In response: "There is a training manual from Kiev ..."

          I graduated from school in 89, for 10 years I was raped by studying "Mova" without fail, Shevchenko, Sosyura, "a tractor in a field of holes-holes-holes", in the 10th exam in mov, certificate, grades first line: native language, mandatory in all republics, second assessment: Russian as a language of interethnic communication, what was wrong? no, wow, the "imperials" spread rot "MOV". Devils, they turned everything upside down.
        2. 0
          30 May 2013 13: 45
          Come on, it’s from Kiev, otherwise it’s not even from Lviv or Uzhgorod. From overseas, b ....!
      2. Apostle
        28 May 2013 14: 46
        From Kharkov, the same situation.
  32. +3
    28 May 2013 12: 15
    The gap between Ukraine is subject to too big differences between some regions and 25 years of propaganda are worth it. If Russia cannot subjugate the whole of Ukraine, then at least a part is necessary. The bad thing is that Russia does not have a clear position on internal and external construction and this lack of clarity puts us off.
    1. +2
      28 May 2013 15: 42
      Quote: apro
      The gap between Ukraine is subject to too large differences between some regions

      oh, you won’t believe how subsidized Lviv and Ternopol swear at subsidies in the Donbass, and the fact that Lviv lives off of its guest workers



      Quote: apro
      If Russia cannot subjugate all of Ukraine, then at least part of it is simply necessary

      Well, why, I like the policy pursued by the Kremlin, not whining so hard, why bother the "world" public, economically as well as politically Ukraine is a corpse, only the Ukrainians do not carefully notice this.
  33. deviljaga
    28 May 2013 13: 28
    Probably the pre-election boom of shit begins again.
    In general, it is necessary to somehow follow democratic principles (the right to choose), so they came up with the division of Ukrainians into several (two actually enough, most importantly, what would be the choice) groups, but since all Ukrainians are from the same ethnic group, divide them very difficult; To separate the Ukrainians, they came up with: regional languages, division by economic zones, Bender and Stalin, gay parades, the Republic of Galicia, etc.
    And that in the end, a pseudo-public opinion has been formed that all the media broadcast, in which there are a lot of Ukraine and they all support their candidates
  34. gura
    28 May 2013 13: 38
    From Minsk. The article, it seems to me, is a semi-fiction, a semi-personal fantasy. The fact that the author was at the national meeting in Kharkov and was not impressed by the number does not prove anything. Just as watching a war film does not make a soldier out of "b" otanic. Comments like "give Kiev!" "To Crimea!", Except for a smile, do not cause anything. Transferring the tracing paper to Belarus, I will say, not a single person in the minds of Ukraine, nor in Belarus can now aspire to the criminal zone under the abbreviation - RF. Russian media are available in any number and in Ukraine and Belarus. Information about what is going on with you - the sea. What the Russian Federation can offer besides the "brotherly love to the grave, "free, but not free gas and oil? Oh, a full gentleman's set. Let's start. Total theft at all levels? Ukraine has enough of its own. Two bandit clans, it will not stand. Corruption? Drug addiction? Crime, several times higher Belarusian? Finishing off agriculture? Directions instead of roads? And further down the list. You at least start to solve your problems! But all the same! The best! All to us to the heap! Then we'll figure it out, according to concepts ... And, sorry, elementary grammatical wretchedness kills many "Russian sovereigns" in the comments, and on the site in general, as well as open racism. "Kultur-multur", "panimash".
    1. +3
      28 May 2013 13: 57
      Well, if we have a criminal zone, then you generally have a wild west ...
    2. -5
      28 May 2013 17: 17
      Do you have Nazism flourishing in the highest authorities in Belarus? Comparison here with you Ukraine is not appropriate ...
  35. +3
    28 May 2013 13: 43
    It all started with Yushchenko, who came up with (rather prompted) a scenario of the inevitable financial, economic, energy and political collapse of Ukraine. Until we destroy Westernism in all its manifestations, nothing will come of it. Just no one - there is no PATRIOTIC party / force and FATHER, PEOPLE'S leader in the country.
    PS The bad news is that they often started to run such articles. This means that someone at the top has already decided everything. Personally, I am very worried. There is total manipulation, and they pass it off as the will of the people.
  36. djon3volta
    28 May 2013 13: 52
    All this suggests that in the case of popular anger, events develop rapidly and leave no chance for the hated regime.

    how will the Kremlin react in this case? But Putin suggested that Kuchma introduce tanks so that Yushchenko and Orange would crush them when they rallied, so then Yanukovych lost. Kuchma was frightened of the Euro-homics and their reactions ... but the Chinese relished tanks very well in 1989 and crushed Chinese hamsters. China and bloggers are being jailed for writing about crap, and they’re doing it right!
  37. 0
    28 May 2013 14: 04
    after the civil war it will become part of Russia as a province ... such games do not end well ...
  38. -6
    28 May 2013 14: 21
    Ukraine, of its own free will, will never be divided. Only by force and with rivers of blood. Why? Because between a resident of Lviv and a resident of Kharkov there is much more in common than, for example, between a resident of Moscow and Ufa. We do not take into account the stubborn ones from the west and east, the SBU is engaged in them.
    1. +2
      28 May 2013 14: 46
      She has not been blinded for 20 years ... And that there is much in common between Kharkovites and Galicians, it was someone who deceived you ...
    2. Apostle
      28 May 2013 14: 50
      Between a resident of European Lviv and Russian Kharkov there is as much in common as there is between a Somali and an Eskimo, as a resident of Kharkov has repeatedly told you this in Lviv ..
    3. Hudo
      28 May 2013 14: 53
      The SBU (Ukrainian Security Service) is mainly engaged in the protection of all kinds of illegality.
      Quote: Sergey_K
      Ukraine of its own free will will never be divided

      It is already divided de facto.

      Quote: Sergey_K
      Because between a resident of Lviv and a resident of Kharkov there is much more in common than, for example, between a resident of Moscow and Ufa.

      Agitation from the site of the ukro-fascist tyunnybok is not an argument. You didn’t go further than your farm?
      1. Apostle
        28 May 2013 14: 59
        Absolutely true. I support! Down with the Ukrainian fascists, damn imperfections !!!!!
    4. Olaf
      28 May 2013 23: 46
      I support. It's good that at least someone on this forum thinks soberly. And the flock from the opera "about a beam in one's own eye and a speck in another's" is, in short, an old disease of Russians. Yes, you first deal with Caucasians and "natsaniks" with all sorts of colored people in your house, otherwise soon a mosque will be built instead of a church on Red Square, and only then scare Ukraine with partition and war. In short, a primitive order.
      1. Hudo
        29 May 2013 00: 02
        Quote: Olaf

        Support your salwar. It seems that you are sending your "madman's notes" from somewhere in the cache. Do you generally go outside to a bakery, for example?
        1. Olaf
          29 May 2013 08: 22
          I go out, unlike you. And I can predict that in 20 years or so your women will wear "salwar", Muslim, of course, if you instead of your own affairs will be engaged in others. The collapse of the union is a confirmation of this - while they were solving matters in Afghanistan, Angola, etc., they missed their country. And "notes of a madman" - 80% of comments on this forum.
  39. Prishtina
    28 May 2013 14: 56
    It is difficult to draw conclusions while living in Russia (Siberia), much less to predict. Feeling_ insulting for the state (and after all, once we were a state with a capital letter). But the thought does not leave me that in order to get out of the political swamp for Ukraine, it is necessary to act as our ancestors - to call the "Varangians" to rule. (who will be the Varangians, from the east or west, south or north) must be decided by the Ukrainians themselves.
    1. +1
      28 May 2013 15: 11
      Six months ago, a Ukrainian political scientist painted a similar picture ... which is typical. events develop exactly in the direction that was predicted ... the tendency for a split in society, and therefore the state, is intensifying ... You do not need to have a geopolitical mind to understand things really are bad for Kiev.
  40. pinecone
    28 May 2013 15: 11
    Quote: Sergey_K
    Because between a resident of Lviv and a resident of Kharkov there is much more in common than, for example, between a resident of Moscow and Ufa.

    "Inhabitant" is a very vague concept. There are Moscow Georgians, there are Lviv Armenians, but Russian Muscovites and Russian Ufa residents are much closer to each other than Kharkiv and Lviv Ukrainians.
  41. Algor73
    28 May 2013 15: 35
    And why is Ukraine worth a thorn to many? Everyone wants to share it. Some also, "Western", "Bandera", etc. People, wake up. Not everything that is shown on TV is true. I agree, there are a few freaks. But there are a few of them everywhere, both in eastern Ukraine, and in the Crimea, and in Russia. And the fact that the political strategists themselves "tear" Ukraine, for some reason are silent. And pass the obvious as the truth. Only for the "truth" that they themselves want to see and hear. Well, the Ukrainian people do not want to share, that's all. And the fact that they want, as before, to live in the "great and mighty", is another matter. But do they want to live in a different format, not in that distant, allied, but present? You can write and shout a lot, especially while sitting at your computer and never visiting Ukraine, but who lives in YU or VU, in Western Ukraine. Of all the comments I read one or two under the Russian flag that there is no need to forcibly annex Ukraine, to tear it up. You need to make it so that she herself asked. And not to choke it with gas or other sanctions, if only it suffocates, collapses ... I consider the Russians to be a brotherly people, many relatives live in the Russian Federation, but I think that the Russians themselves need to decide how to arrange their internal life. This is my subjective opinion as a resident of Ukraine.
  42. slvevg
    28 May 2013 15: 35
    Hello, I watched the Ukrainian program * freedom of speech * until late at night. There were MPs from the ruling party as opposed to MPs from the opposition. The CU or EU? I think that the deputies from the ruling party were more convincing, but not by much, and to a greater extent because they did not have women with holes in their heads in their team. But the main thing is that EVERYONE understands that Ukraine has an internal problem that has been going on since 91, and no one will solve it except ourselves. We agreed that the best option, of course, is a free trade zone with both the EU and the CU (as it is in our opinion). But since the categorical requirement of the interested parties (Germany, Russia) to choose only one chopping block, you have to butt. All the statements of the deputies from the opposition in relation to Russia were respectful, which cannot but rejoice (political correctness is present). And the bullet point, in my opinion, was put by people who prefer the Customs Union: why is the association agreement and the FTA with the EU classified and has about 150 seizures, while all the documents of the vehicle are publicly available? Will not a free trade area with the EU be unilateral and beneficial only for the EU?
  43. Algor73
    28 May 2013 16: 09
    And why is Ukraine worth a thorn to many? Everyone wants to share it. Some also, "Western", "Bandera", etc. People, wake up. Not everything that is shown on TV is true. I agree, there are a few freaks. But there are a few of them everywhere, both in eastern Ukraine, and in the Crimea, and in Russia. And the fact that the political strategists themselves "tear" Ukraine, for some reason are silent. And pass the obvious as the truth. Only for the "truth" that they themselves want to see and hear. Well, the Ukrainian people do not want to share, that's all. And the fact that they want, as before, to live in the "great and mighty", is another matter. But do they want to live in a different format, not in that distant, allied, but present? You can write and shout a lot, especially while sitting at your computer and never visiting Ukraine, but who lives in YU or VU, in Western Ukraine. Of all the comments I read one or two under the Russian flag that there is no need to forcibly annex Ukraine, to tear it up. You need to make it so that she herself asked. And not to choke it with gas or other sanctions, if only it suffocates, collapses ... I consider the Russians to be a brotherly people, many relatives live in the Russian Federation, but I think that the Russians themselves need to decide how to arrange their internal life. This is my subjective opinion as a resident of Ukraine.
  44. +3
    28 May 2013 16: 33
    damn, got it, I will not save negative remember once and for all, Russian and Ukrainian non-fraternal peoples. We are one people artificially and maliciously divided. Divide the old truth and conquer. Nobody should think about how Ukraine will fall apart, think better how to unite the people together, for only together we will survive ourselves and will be able to leave something for our children hi
    1. -2
      28 May 2013 16: 57
      Quote: montemor
      Do not think about how Ukraine will fall apart, think better how to unite people together, because only together we will survive and we can leave something for our children

      To begin, return the Crimea, then we will see
      1. 0
        28 May 2013 18: 10
        Quote: seller trucks
        To begin, return the Crimea, then we will see

        And who took it from you?
  45. MG42
    28 May 2013 16: 46
    Quote: montemor
    damn, got it, I will not save

    Have you emigrated to Portugal from Ukraine, or are you just a migrant? Soul for nenka hurts?
    Quote: montemor
    better how to connect people together

    How to connect Galicians with Russians?
  46. +5
    28 May 2013 17: 14
    (unprintable word) Bendery, you need to crush them like bugs, until you start to bite .....
  47. +2
    28 May 2013 18: 13
    It is very unpleasant to read about the almost inevitable division of such a beautiful country and, as a result, the suffering of the citizens of Ukraine. But Westerners are unreasonable - Europe does not need them nafik, and because of their extreme views, nothing worthwhile can be built ... At least the inhabitants of the eastern regions will not be humiliated migrant workers, but equal with us, as they were ... Many Ukrainian workers worked for us and it works - they are annoyed by their policy of "independence" (sorry, if I wrote it wrong - the meaning, I think, is clear). Their rulers undeservedly humiliated them. I hope we will be together.
  48. DAOSS
    28 May 2013 21: 23
    It was disgusting to read! To call Ukraine Little Russia-this is generally BEAR !!!
    Who put the article +, signed up to the fact that they consider the Ukrainians to be some kind of appendage to Russia and must definitely select their original Russian.
    This, ladies and gentlemen of Russia, is called imperial manners and does not bode well in our relations !!!
    1. +2
      28 May 2013 21: 40
      Yes, you have my friend inferiority complex. Learn the materiel (history).
  49. Skavron
    28 May 2013 23: 34
    Poor things ... Ukraine will not be divided in any way.
    You really leave a tantrum. Ukraine will not share, however much you would like to ...

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"