Operation "Storm-333" the beginning of the Afghan war


25 December 1979 of the war began, which took 14 427 in the lives of Soviet soldiers, which lasted 9 years 1month 18 days and gave a powerful impetus to changing the geopolitical situation in the world.

In the spring of 1978, a coup d'état occurred in Afghanistan, which was a big surprise for the leadership of the USSR, as a result of which the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) came to power. Having come to power, it began a radical restructuring of Afghan society, traditionally under the authority of Islamic religious and secular authorities, supplemented with anti-religious proletarian policies, and this provoked the creation of a powerful anti-government opposition.
And by the beginning of the summer of 1979, control over the military-political situation in the country by the new government was almost completely lost.

Operation "Storm-333" the beginning of the Afghan war

The Afghan leadership, unable to cope with the sharply aggravated situation on its own, increased the flow of appeals to the Soviet leadership to send a Soviet limited military contingent to help, but was refused every time.
But in the autumn of the same year, the events in Afghanistan forced the Soviet leadership to drastically change its position towards the introduction of troops into this country.
In September, 1979, the Afghan Prime Minister, Hafizullah Amin, eliminating President Taraki, headed the government and stood at the helm, starting violent political repression, which further destabilized the situation in the country and threatened the USSR with instability on the southern border. Even more strongly, the Soviet leadership was worried about Amin’s foreign policy, which was leaning more and more towards the West and the United States. It was decided to take the situation under control, liquidate Amin, put "his" predictable leader and send troops to support the Afghan people.

To study the situation a group of KGB officers was sent to the Kabul, they settled in the embassy villa and worked for a while as ordinary employees in various departments. In early December, they were joined by another task force, and later another. From 9 to December 12, a “Muslim” battalion, fully equipped with an Afghan military uniform, was transferred to Bagram air base in Bagram.

December 12 The 1979 of the year in the office of Secretary-General Leonid Brezhnev made a political decision on the introduction of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan. At the same time, it should be noted that at this stage the military leadership warned politicians that such a decision would further strengthen the rebel movement, which would turn against the troops, but were skeptical, to put it mildly, as it turned out later in vain.

The operation to capture and liquidate Amin was given the code name Storm-333.

And already December 13 personnel received an order to start fighting. The task was to capture Amin’s palace, at that time there were no plans for the palace or information about his security system, and it’s not known what this rash assault would have ended if there had not been a new order to cancel this adventure. After a series of unsuccessful assassination attempts, the heads of the special services decided not to rush and develop a plan of assault in detail, taking into account all the features and nuances.

On December 25, 1979, the troops received an order, signed by USSR Minister of Defense Ustinov, on the passage and flight of the state border of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan by troops of the 40th Army and aviation The Air Force to begin on December 25 at 15.00.

The entry of troops began at the appointed time, in 15: 00, on a pontoon bridge over Amurdarya, a motorized rifle division located in Teremze began its crossing. At the same time, an airborne division was landed by airplanes on the Kabul airfield.

And on December 27, the special unit of the KGB of the USSR “A” began the legendary assault on Amin’s palace. Simultaneously with the assault by the 345 forces of the landing regiment, with the help of the KGB special forces in Kabul, the buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KhAD, the general staff and the communications center were captured. The coup d'état in Afghanistan was accomplished, Amin destroyed, with minimal losses, using minimal forces.

A large-scale introduction of Soviet troops into the country began, by 1 in January of 1980, the contingent numbered 50 000 troops: 2 motorized rifle divisions, 2 airborne and rear support units. Also in the first half of January, two more motorized rifle divisions were introduced to 1980, the total number of the Soviet contingent increased by another 30 000 people. By mid-January, the entry of the main forces was completed. The final limited contingent of Soviet troops (OKSV) in Afghanistan after all re-formations and refinements included:

3 Motorized Rifle Divisions

1 Airborne Division

4 Combat Aviation Regiment

3 Helicopter Regiment

1 Pipeline Brigade

4 separate brigades (1 special forces, 1 assault, 2 motorized infantry)

4 individual regiment (1-artillery, 1-parachute, 2-motorized rifle)

1 material support team

At this initial stage, the task of deploying troops was solved quite successfully, as combat missions our troops were assigned to guard the infrastructure of the transport arteries and the convoy of convoys with economic cargoes.

But later the situation made its own tough adjustments to combat missions, this was only the beginning of an uncompromising, bloody, Afghan war ...

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  1. Anatoly Shibaev
    29 March 2013 02: 06
    The article is clearly tendentious and embarrassing. The author either does not own the topic or deliberately distorts and holds back the facts. More than 30 years have passed since those events and all materials have been declassified for a long time. The 103rd Vitebsk Airborne Forces began landing at the Kabul airfield on the evening of December 25, 1979. Although, in Soviet times, it was officially announced that Soviet troops were introduced on January 1, 1980.
    On December 27, the division advanced to Kabul and seized and blocked all more or less important state and military facilities, as well as military units stationed in Kabul. Thus, ensuring the Storm 333 success to a certain extent. Moreover, the commander of the 103rd Airborne Forces, General Ivan Ryabchenko, personally Andropov and Ustinov, was tasked with neutralizing the second person in Afghanistan, the chief of the General Staff of Yakub, brother-in-law Amin, who really could give an order to the Afghan army for armed resistance. Ryabchenko and the division’s officers, while in the office of Yakub at the time of the explosion of the communications well, which served as the beginning of the operation, physically did not allow him to do this. Although the telephone connection was interrupted, there was a working and switched on radio station in Yakub’s office. The third battalion of the 350th Guards. RAP without any specialists, independently stormed the complex of the General Staff of the Afghan army. The second most important facility in Kabul.
    The author (authors) of the article either unknowingly or deliberately keep silent about all this. However, do not forget to indicate 345 OPDP. The situation could be called like this: "But the elephant was not noticed ..." Two companies took part in those events in Kabul from the 345th, the main part of 345 carried out an operation rather unsuccessfully at the Bagram airfield ... But a whole division, they prefer not notice. Although, the 103rd Airborne Division, the only airborne division in the Union, for its skillful actions during the operation STORM 333 in 1980 was awarded the highest order of the USSR - the Order of Lenin !!! Apparently, deleting from the history of the actions of 103 Guards. VDD, the authors want to bring more glory to the specialists and the heroic 345 OPDP. Only real heroes do not need inflated glory. History will put everything in its place anyway. I ask our brothers (normal ones, with many of whom we were in the same training) from the 345th OPDP not to take offense and not consider my comment as an attempt to somehow belittle your merits. But, deleting 103 VDD from the history, some of your figures are likening to the well-known saying "Well done, among the sheep !!!" Near the 103rd Airborne Division, this is not very successful. So, we must simply forget about it. And what is this if not exaggerated glory?
  2. Anatoly Shibaev
    29 March 2013 02: 06
    The article is clearly tendentious and embarrassing. The author either does not own the topic or deliberately distorts and holds back the facts. More than 30 years have passed since those events and all materials have been declassified for a long time. The 103rd Vitebsk Airborne Forces began landing at the Kabul airfield on the evening of December 25, 1979. Although, in Soviet times, it was officially announced that Soviet troops were introduced on January 1, 1980.
    On December 27, the division advanced to Kabul and seized and blocked all more or less important state and military facilities, as well as military units stationed in Kabul. Thus, ensuring the Storm 333 success to a certain extent. Moreover, the commander of the 103rd Airborne Forces, General Ivan Ryabchenko, personally Andropov and Ustinov, was tasked with neutralizing the second person in Afghanistan, the chief of the General Staff of Yakub, brother-in-law Amin, who really could give an order to the Afghan army for armed resistance. Ryabchenko and the division’s officers, while in the office of Yakub at the time of the explosion of the communications well, which served as the beginning of the operation, physically did not allow him to do this. Although the telephone connection was interrupted, there was a working and switched on radio station in Yakub’s office. The third battalion of the 350th Guards. RAP without any specialists, independently stormed the complex of the General Staff of the Afghan army. The second most important facility in Kabul.
    The author (authors) of the article either unknowingly or deliberately keep silent about all this. However, do not forget to indicate 345 OPDP. The situation could be called like this: "But the elephant was not noticed ..." Two companies took part in those events in Kabul from the 345th, the main part of 345 carried out an operation rather unsuccessfully at the Bagram airfield ... But a whole division, they prefer not notice. Although, the 103rd Airborne Division, the only airborne division in the Union, for its skillful actions during the operation STORM 333 in 1980 was awarded the highest order of the USSR - the Order of Lenin !!! Apparently, deleting from the history of the actions of 103 Guards. VDD, the authors want to bring more glory to the specialists and the heroic 345 OPDP. Only real heroes do not need inflated glory. History will put everything in its place anyway. I ask our brothers (normal ones, with many of whom we were in the same training) from the 345th OPDP not to take offense and not consider my comment as an attempt to somehow belittle your merits. But, deleting 103 VDD from the history, some of your figures are likening to the well-known saying "Well done, among the sheep !!!" Near the 103rd Airborne Division, this is not very successful. So, we must simply forget about it. And what is this if not exaggerated glory?
  3. Anatoly Shibaev
    29 March 2013 02: 07
    The article is clearly tendentious and embarrassing. The author either does not own the topic or deliberately distorts and holds back the facts. More than 30 years have passed since those events and all materials have been declassified for a long time. The 103rd Vitebsk Airborne Forces began landing at the Kabul airfield on the evening of December 25, 1979. Although, in Soviet times, it was officially announced that Soviet troops were introduced on January 1, 1980.
    On December 27, the division advanced to Kabul and seized and blocked all more or less important state and military facilities, as well as military units stationed in Kabul. Thus, ensuring the Storm 333 success to a certain extent. Moreover, the commander of the 103rd Airborne Forces, General Ivan Ryabchenko, personally Andropov and Ustinov, was tasked with neutralizing the second person in Afghanistan, the chief of the General Staff of Yakub, brother-in-law Amin, who really could give an order to the Afghan army for armed resistance. Ryabchenko and the division’s officers, while in the office of Yakub at the time of the explosion of the communications well, which served as the beginning of the operation, physically did not allow him to do this. Although the telephone connection was interrupted, there was a working and switched on radio station in Yakub’s office. The third battalion of the 350th Guards. RAP without any specialists, independently stormed the complex of the General Staff of the Afghan army. The second most important facility in Kabul.
    The author (authors) of the article either unknowingly or deliberately keep silent about all this. However, do not forget to indicate 345 OPDP. The situation could be called like this: "But the elephant was not noticed ..." Two companies took part in those events in Kabul from the 345th, the main part of 345 carried out an operation rather unsuccessfully at the Bagram airfield ... But a whole division, they prefer not notice. Although, the 103rd Airborne Division, the only airborne division in the Union, for its skillful actions during the operation STORM 333 in 1980 was awarded the highest order of the USSR - the Order of Lenin !!! Apparently, deleting from the history of the actions of 103 Guards. VDD, the authors want to bring more glory to the specialists and the heroic 345 OPDP. Only real heroes do not need inflated glory. History will put everything in its place anyway. I ask our brothers (normal ones, with many of whom we were in the same training) from the 345th OPDP not to take offense and not consider my comment as an attempt to somehow belittle your merits. But, deleting 103 VDD from the history, some of your figures are likening to the well-known saying "Well done, among the sheep !!!" Near the 103rd Airborne Division, this is not very successful. So, we must simply forget about it. And what is this if not exaggerated glory?
  4. Anatoly Shibaev
    29 March 2013 14: 23
    Vladimir Kuznetsov

    http://www.kadet.ru/lichno/Koshelev/Shturm06.pdf Вот более правдивое повествование о событиях 27 декабря 1979 года. Там и о действиях вашего самоходно-артиллерийского дивизиона,о том,что именно ваши подразделения и захватывали,а в дальнейшем охраняли тюрьму. И о захвате генштаба моим родным 3 батальоном "полтинника". И даже о действиях нашей 7 роты и моего первого взвода. Автором делается вывод, что именно подразделения десантников, в частности 103 ВДД и являлись основной ударной силой в этом перевороте!!!