"Big Game" and its Greek chapter

"Big Game" and its Greek chapterOver the centuries, the Greeks and Russians felt great sympathy for each other, feeling that in their fate and stories there is something deep in common. Nevertheless, this emotional closeness has not yielded appropriate political results. Why? What could be the relationship between Greece and your country in the current dramatic circumstances?

First of all, it is necessary to recall the enormous role that Greece played in the formation of Russian identity. We owe almost everything to Greece - faith, the alphabet created for us by the Greek saints Cyril and Methodius, culture, vision of the world, concept of the Orthodox Empire, which was Byzantium, social ideal (community, κοινωωωα), philosophy, right ... about all Europeans, but our connection is deeper, more organic, more direct. We Russians are indebted to the Greeks.

However, in the history of the Greeks and Russians there were many dramatic turns. Sometimes we find ourselves together, sometimes - apart, while always remaining brothers in the faith. The interview format does not allow for a detailed review of each of these episodes, so it’s better to concentrate on the most important ...

The world around us is changing, and we are changing with it, but some things remain unchanged - these are bottom, deep-seated identities. In the Greek concept of space, special importance is attached to the concept of essence (ουσία), the inner side of things. Following this principle, it is necessary to single out in Russian-Greek relations those points that are related to deep-seated identities and relying on which one could begin a new era of bilateral relations. In other words, we must rediscover what Greece is and what Russia is. In the true sense. Only this will help create a solid foundation for the renewal of true friendship between our peoples. I think now is the time to think and act in the indicated direction.

Critical intellectuals and politicians in Greece are convinced that through “debt weapons”And imposed agreements with the“ troika ”of international creditors represented by the EU, the ECB and the IMF, our country was turned into a special kind of debt colony of financial capital. The Greek state and its citizens largely lost their sovereignty and independence that they had before 2010. If tomorrow the Greek people and / or government decide to reset this colonial regime and denounce the underlying agreements, what assistance can they expect from Russia ?

In order to predict the likely Russian reaction to such a scenario (which I think is quite realistic), it is necessary to understand the attitude of Russia to contemporary postmodern financially oriented world order. It is important to consider several factors:
1. Putin himself is opposed to a unipolar globalization controlled by the highest strata of the cosmopolitan financial elite. He seeks to resist any attempts to undermine national sovereignty, especially when it comes to friendly countries. However, Putin’s opportunities are limited, and, being a realist, he never insists on his in deliberately losing cases.

2. Russia's wealthy class is partially integrated into the world order and continues to carry out the instructions of Western centers of power, despite the president's fight against the oligarchs and his efforts to stop encroachments on sovereignty. This elite will put pressure on Putin, urging him to stay away from what is happening in Greece, and not to interfere.

3. Russian people as a whole is experiencing a growing aversion to the West, with its cosmopolitan and liberal values. If Greece will rise up against the global order and its financial architects, he would prefer to Putin stood up for the Greeks.

4. In the end, much will depend on when exactly the alleged “Greek revolution” happens, as well as on the balance of power in nearby countries and regions - Turkey, Syria, Southern and Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

How do you assess the current crisis in the EU? How do you see the future of the European Union? What are the possible geopolitical consequences of the crisis, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean?

There are many aspects here. First of all, neither the US nor the global financial oligarchy is interested in the existence of a stable, prosperous and independent continental Europe embodied in the alliance of French Gaullism and German industrialism. Hence it is obvious that they are using the tools at their disposal to destroy Europe, to shake its unity and to harm its economy. Southern European countries, and especially Greece, are convenient facilities for such a game. A complex, intricate situation in the Greek economy is ideal for their purposes. The crisis that began in Greece can easily spread to Italy, Spain and Portugal, which are in a similar position. The withdrawal of Greece from the EU is capable of provoking a chain reaction and causing a fatal blow to the entire European Union.

From a geopolitical point of view, this will mean the defeat of the land forces (since France and Germany are the European “Heartland”) and the victory of the atlantist pole in the person of the United States, Great Britain and the global oligarchy.

This is the basic geopolitical model, but the reality is much more diverse. There is a difference in the position of the United States as a state and global financial circles, personified by figures like George Soros or the Rothschilds. On the other hand, Europe is not fully aware of its geopolitical identity, underestimates the geopolitical value and value of the European Union, considering it exclusively in economic and liberal public categories. Germany itself at times acts as a European power, protecting Europe and the euro, and sometimes acts solely in its national "selfish" interests. Yet Berlin remains the main continental player in this drama.

If Russia wants to play a more active role in these processes, it must unite with Germany and France in an attempt to save European unity as one of the necessary axes of a multipolar world, balancing the power of the United States and violating globalistic designs or, if you like, "conspiracies" ...

What, in your opinion, the deep strategy of financial capital and the United States against Europe?

I do not know the details. I believe that no one knows them, except for a small group of "initiates." At the geopolitical level, I have already answered this question. Greece as such does not matter much for the US or the global financial oligarchy. Nevertheless, Greece is the "solar plexus", "fragmentation belt" (if you use the terminology of the American geopolitics of Colin Gray). Therefore, even a small Greek problem can provoke serious geopolitical consequences on a global scale.

It remains to be seen whether the current state of affairs is truly dangerous for the world elite - so much so that it is ready to take extreme measures, such as probable dismemberment of the European Union or provoking serious regional conflicts in the Mediterranean. Or are these positional battles leading to an increase in tension, but not implying a final collapse ... It all depends on many factors ... Some of which are deeply hidden from us ...

How do you assess the situation around Cyprus? There is a point of view according to which the Cyprus crisis has a hidden geopolitical background: “lock up” Cyprus in the sphere of influence of Israel and push Russia out of the Mediterranean (Note: the interview was recorded before a recent surge of tension around the financial problems of Cyprus).

Such assumptions are not without reason. The US (and the atlantists in general) view Russia as an adversary in all “sensitive” regions. Russia is too big, too powerful, too independent (especially now under Putin), so that it can be controlled from Washington or from Wall Street. It is logical that the forces of the Sea seek to squeeze Russia out of all strategically important areas. Cyprus is an example of such a confrontation.

Some analysts believe that the episode with the attack on the Turkish ship the Israelites, led to the death of several people, was aimed at the convergence of Greece and Cyprus with Israel on the basis of anti-Turkish, reformatting the balance of power in the Mediterranean and the reduction of Russian influence. If we look at the specific effects of this incident, this version seems quite plausible.

In recent years, between Ankara and Tel Aviv was a lot of conflict. How deep their contradictions? What are the prospects of Turkish-Israeli relations?

Both Israel and Turkey are geopolitically important sub-hegemon. They serve US strategic interests in the same way as, for example, Saudi Arabia or Qatar. A real “cooling” in Turkish-Israeli relations, in my opinion, is possible only if Ankara makes a Eurasian (that is, anti-Atlantic) reversal. A few years ago, this was quite realistic, but after the “Ergenekon case” and the repression of Tayyip Erdogan against Eurasian and nationalist-oriented representatives of the Turkish military leadership, the issue was removed from the agenda. The current confrontation between Turkey and Israel cannot be taken seriously - after all, they serve the same gentleman. The prospects for their relationship are completely predetermined by their position in relation to the third force - the United States. They are simply not sovereign enough to act on their own. That's all.

The interaction of the United States and Russia in the Middle East is ambiguous: on the one hand, there are signs of a new “cold war”, and on the other, there is another rapprochement that some analysts even dubbed “new Yalta”. Yes, there are serious disagreements over Syria and Iran, and at the same time Gazprom obtains contracts from Israel and Iraqi Kurdistan. How would you characterize the relationship between Russia and the United States, as well as between Russia and Israel?

The geopolitical strategy of modern Russia is extremely contradictory. On the one hand, Putin is interested in creating a multipolar world order. This explains the Russian position on the Syrian issue and our other actions directed against American hegemony. On the other hand, as I have already said, the global elite exerts constant pressure on the Russian economy, which is in the hands of liberals and Westerners. Moreover, one can not exclude the presence of purely opportunistic motives. Therefore, Russia's relations with the US and Israel (as well as any other bilateral and multilateral relations) can not be understood linearly. All these factors act simultaneously, creating something like a multi-level game with constantly moving situational goals.

What is the probability of a war with Iran? What shape can purchase this conflict?

There is a lot of talk about a possible war with Iran, and such a scenario seems quite likely. Inflating tensions is important in itself, since constant pressure contributes to the destabilization of the political and economic situation in Iran. The internal opposition uses the threat of war with the West (US and Israel) to attack the conservative Iranian circles in the person of President Ahmadinejad and to confirm the correctness of their demands for political reform. And yet I am not sure that those who predict a war with Iran really consider it possible. The influence of Tehran extends far beyond national borders - this is the core of the Shiite world. If Iran is attacked, the consequences of this attack will be felt in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Afghanistan, Bahrain, as well as in Saudi Arabia. This will consolidate Iranian society and encourage Russia and China to side with the victims of the invasion. In other words, Iran will prove to be a much more difficult “enterprise” than the second Iraqi campaign.

War happens or not depends on the depth of the current crisis, the true extent of which is held in deep secrecy. The outbreak of war will mean the collapse of the existing world order and its imminent disappearance.

It is risky to get involved in such an adventure, as long as the possibilities remain for maintaining the “status quo” by less expensive means.

We live in the era of the American Empire or financial empire?

This is an interesting question ... They overlap. On the one hand, there is American unipolar hegemony (in terms of the school of realism in international relations), on the other - the global domination of the cosmopolitan financial elite, which is also “hegemony” (this time in the sense that it was understood by Antonio Gramsci). where they act in complete agreement with each other. What is good for the United States, good for financial hegemony. This is not always the case, but I would not exaggerate the contradictions between them. This is akin to conspiracy theories in its worst form. In fact, in the USA there is a group of decision-makers who are primarily guided by the national interests of their country - in the understanding of the classical realistic or neorealist school, it does not matter. There are also liberals and neoliberals (transnationalists / globalists) promoting the idea of ​​creating a world government. In addition, there are a large number of mixed or hybrid options. Nevertheless, they all express their views quite openly, and their controversy is the content of the academic discipline called “International Relations”. Lovers of conspiracy theories operate with caricature interpretations of this discipline.

With this in mind, we could reformulate your question as follows: how is the internal dispute between realists and liberals developing? The altercation continues, which does not negate the existence of a certain fundamental consensus: heated discussions about methods should not hide the unity of goals and values. These values ​​are Westernist, liberal, capitalist and, in a broad sense, racist (as English expert in international relations brilliantly demonstrated in international relations, John Hobson, in the recently published book “Eurocentrist Model of World Politics”).

How do you see the future of Latin America after Chavez?

Hugo Chavez has been a kind of symbol. He accomplished his mission and did it well. I think that the policy of strengthening the independence of the United States will continue in other Latin American leaders. The uniqueness of Chavez that he expressed the highest level of thought and aspirations of the overwhelming majority of ordinary Latin Americans. This is a great politician who survive his death. I'm sure.

How do you see Russia in 21-century?

Russia is transformed into the Eurasian Union - a large space that unites the vast territories of the post-Soviet republics around the Russian nucleus and acts as an influential and independent pole of a multipolar world. The Eurasian Union will become an important center of attraction for various European and Asian countries. I hope that Orthodox Greece, as well as some other Eastern European societies, will one day join the zone of common Eurasian prosperity.

Relations with Europe will depend on the path it has chosen: with continental (and therefore European) Europe, they will be closer and more friendly, with Atlantic Europe, following the US wake, rather cool. It cannot be excluded that the European Union will collapse and some of its components will be included in the sphere of Eurasian influence. In the South, one of our closest allies will be Iran, as well as India. China is an independent power center. It can become a completely reliable partner of Russia in a multipolar world if it directs its demographic energy in a southerly direction and does not threaten our vulnerable positions in Siberia.

The Islamic world is likely to break up on the Saudi-Wahhabi pro-American part of a hostile Russia, and our friendly traditional Muslim society. The main opponent of Eurasia, under the laws of geopolitics, will continue to be North America, while the southern part of the American continent, showing the desire for a multipolar, with a high probability come over to our side.
The future is the Eurasian and multipolar. In the Greek Orthodox brothers have a good chance to participate in it.

You are known for being skeptical about the idea of ​​Progress. Can any other ideology or faith save humanity?

Progress is a false idea. It is based on the premise that Genesis depends on Time. This is unprovable and is a kind of irrational myth. The notion that the future is better than the past is immoral. It humiliates the past, not to mention that the concept of Progress, being Western and European in origin, was used and continues to be used to assert the superiority of Modernity over the Premodern, the "developed" West over the "underdeveloped" East, that is, the rest of the world. This is a racist attitude. In my opinion, it is the modernist Eurocentric universalism that is the root of all evil. In the value dimension, it manifests itself today in the ideology of human rights, liberalism, individualism, capitalism, etc. At the geopolitical level, it is embodied in the financial oligarchy and the American unipolar imperial hegemony, which self-proclaimed themselves to be the “essence of Progress”. For me, this is the bottom of the abyss.

My ideology is the Fourth Political Theory, overcoming the framework of the classical ideologies of the modern era - liberalism, communism and nationalism. My faith is faith in Christ and Eternity, His Coming, suffering, and Resurrection.

I believe in the significance of the Holy Empire and the symphony of the authorities - the Church and the State.

I believe in man, his freedom and the ability to go to the end in the struggle with the world of Antichrist - the world in which we now live.

And I can admit that this belief was derived from the Greeks, from the great teachers, and a thousand years ago, brought my people to the Light of Truth. And I'm very grateful for that.
All honest people on earth are Greeks. And if Jesus Christ saved the human race, then Plato taught him to think.

Interviewed by Dimitris Konstandopoulos.
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  1. +5
    21 May 2013 06: 20
    Greece is a small European state that objectively has little influence on geopolitical events in the world. Therefore, it is pointless to make Russia emphasize it, with the goal of whatever geopolitical goals. Ordinary ordinary diplomatic relations.
    The search for Russia in the geopolitical international game, if it wants to remain a major power, must be conducted in alliance with large, potentially large or especially influential states, such as India, China, Brazil, Israel, etc.
    1. 0
      21 May 2013 12: 32
      Greece is not only a "small European state". Greece is Russia's legacy. It is because of this that the Russian Empire participated in the First World War. As Churchill said, the Balkans are the underbelly of Europe. Therefore, the geopolitical status of Greece should not be underestimated.
  2. +5
    21 May 2013 06: 32
    If Russia wants to play a more active role in these processes, it must unite with Germany and France in an attempt to save European unity as one of the necessary axes of a multipolar world, balancing the power of the United States and violating globalistic designs or, if you like, "conspiracies" ...

    If Russia does what the author advises, then it will be "the twenty-fifth offensive on the European rake," history has shown more than once that it is by no means necessary to do this. No alliances with Europe will bring Russia anything other than wars and destruction, they stay away from such alliances as far as possible because we have a completely different understanding of the word "ally", for the Western elites and just the population of these countries - an ally, with a slight movement of the hand turns into a lamb on the slaughter.
  3. +1
    21 May 2013 06: 37
    It is annoying that the material presented is made so carelessly. The author of the answers A. Dugin is not indicated in the text, questions and answers are not separated.
    And the answers are sensible)).
    1. +2
      21 May 2013 09: 01
      Quote: ctepx
      And the answers are sensible)).

      The answers are standard. Nothing new. Whatever you say, the main thing is to get into the stream.
      1. 0
        21 May 2013 13: 50
        Quote: baltika-18
        Whatever you say, the main thing is to get into the stream.

        I mean, after all, the answers, and not the verbal ... at the end)).
      2. dmb
        21 May 2013 13: 55
        Yeah. About Putin’s struggle with the oligarchs. Licked to the glands. The whole struggle lies in the fact that instead of Berezovsky, Gusinsky and Khodorkovsky appeared Usmanov, Timchenko, Sechin, Shuvalov. The poor one sweated so much, so he fought. Apparently, the increase in tariffs for housing and communal services and gasoline is the fruit of this successful struggle. It is better not to comment on the ending of the interview, it’s a complete shame. The philosopher (to the category of which Dugin attributed himself) lacks only a shamanic tambourine.
  4. +2
    21 May 2013 07: 56
    Interview recorded prior to events in Cyprus (article author)

    I carefully read to the phrase about Russia's unpaid debt to Greece with a list of `` gifts '' ...
    Then I just scanned it briefly.

    The Cypriot tycoons, you see, either did not read this interview, or since they were inveted, do not consider ...
  5. +6
    21 May 2013 08: 47
    Judging by the statements of all these so-called highbrow, we talked on our fingers to Cyril and Methodius and Rurik drove the Slavs, dressed in skins from the forest and swamps, to create a state, and now they are forced to live according to Western patterns, we got it already. Maybe they should go to Europe and spud people there?
  6. +5
    21 May 2013 08: 56
    The article is interesting, but it is a mistake to consider that Russia owes Greece its existence. Yes, we adopted from the Greeks (and not from Greece) Orthodoxy and reading and writing. This is a great legacy, but otherwise the development of Russia was independent. With the hero we have little connection in the spiritual sense. In economics, yes. After all, Russia and Germany could unite (with a view to creating an alliance), but we don’t have a different MENTОliteracy. We still need to rely only on ourselves and the nationalization of the property of oligarchs pursuing an anti-Russian policy is extremely necessary.
    1. +5
      21 May 2013 09: 05
      Quote: valokordin
      that Russia owes Greece its existence a mistake

      I only minus the article for this.
      Quote: valokordin
      Yes, we adopted from the Greeks (and not from Greece) Orthodoxy and reading and writing.

      I won’t talk about religion, but the fact that the Greeks gave a letter is a myth.
    2. 0
      21 May 2013 12: 40
      Even under Grozny, the Russian Orthodox believed that we (Russians) accepted faith from the apostles, just like the Greeks. The Greeks from Paul, and the Slavs from Andrew. If we turn to historical sources, then the Bulgarians brought Baptism to Russia (the Archdean Archbishop was the head of the Church under Prince Vladimir).
      Greek influence became decisive only after the death of Vladimir and the defeat of the troops of his son Yaroslav.
  7. +3
    21 May 2013 09: 02
    Starting from the beginning of the article, what is common between Russia and Greece? Nothing. As for sympathy, I personally do not feel any sympathy for the Greeks, and why should I feel sympathy for the Greeks? What role did Greece play in the formation of Russian identity? I don’t understand How the relations between Russia and Byzantium developed, and as a slave with a master, Byzantium always looked down on Russia and there never was any equal relationship, Byzantium has always been and will remain in history as a two-faced and deceitful state that abandons its allies at the first opportunity, and 1453 the year became a fair payback for everything. The fact that Russia is in an "unpaid debt to Greece" is apparently we have to pay off the Greek debt? I won’t tell you how the Orthodox faith was chosen for Russia, otherwise I’ll hurt someone’s religious feelings, I can only say that it’s dirty This is a story.In general, I don't see any connection between Russia and Greece, and if this European outsider goes to the bottom with his euro, I will only be glad, but if he is with him and the European Union will I will be doubly glad.
    1. pot-bellied
      21 May 2013 09: 52
      very nice, educated and progressive pop. if you don’t quite understand what Orthodoxy and Cyrillic are for Russia, I’ll explain the popular Karamzin only invented the letter Y, and the letters X, P and F invented Cyril and Methodius.
      1. folds
        21 May 2013 11: 19
        And in the life of these two enlighteners it is written that in Korsun (Crimea) they studied the gospels and the psalter, written in Russian. So, if they came up with Russian writing, then they also had a time machine.
    2. itkul
      21 May 2013 10: 43
      Quote: Standard Oil
      In general, I do not see any connection between Russia and Greece, and if this European outsider goes down with his euro, I will only be glad, and if he pulls the European Union along with him, I will be doubly glad.

      Damn, how much can you tell these tales about the European crisis, and now we read the news about supposedly impoverished Greece



      On May 18, Greek Minister of Shipping Kostis Mussurulis announced that Greek shipowners had recently signed contracts to purchase 142 new vessels from Chinese shipbuilding companies, Xinhua News Agency reported.

      Orders, contracts for which were signed in April, account for more than 60% of the recent global orders of Greek shipowners. Over the next 10 years, China will remain an important global exporter and will become an increasingly important importer, K. Mussurulis noted.
    3. folds
      21 May 2013 11: 12
      How did relations between Rus and Byzantium develop, and how was a serf with a master
      Well, not only :)
      "Your shield is at the gates of Constantinople!"
      1. +1
        21 May 2013 12: 26
        It was also, but tell me, do you yourself consider Byzantium a state friendly to Russia?
        1. +1
          21 May 2013 13: 35
          Who honored "Primordial Rus"? Except for the scum from Byzantium, which hounded the Khazars on the Slavs, we received nothing more!
  8. not good
    21 May 2013 09: 43
    Maybe they have to buy some kind of island for the Navy. And we are good and the Greeks money (though it is still just ... t)
    1. +2
      21 May 2013 10: 30
      Quote: Negoro
      Maybe they have to buy some kind of island for the Navy. And we are good and the Greeks money (though it is still just ... t)

      It is necessary to redeem the rights to the part of Cyprus occupied by Turkey. All the same, they themselves will not return it. And if such a turmoil in the BV continues, Turkey might get bogged down in a conflict with Kurds and Muslim extremists - it will not be up to Cyprus.
      1. not good
        21 May 2013 18: 45
        After they all rolled with Cypriot banks, they could laughing and donate. Well, or offer Russia a place on the basis of which the British now occupy (and after all have not paid for a long time). Our understandable, by its modesty wassat they would refuse, but the fact that the whole EU would grab onto the heart, and England ... well, you won’t pick up the censored word, it would be very upset, but there’s nothing to say about the Turks, for sure the ghost of Usak Pasha would appear at night
  9. +4
    21 May 2013 09: 52
    Greece, we owe almost everything - faith, the alphabet created for us by the Greek saints Cyril and Methodius, culture, vision of the world, the concept of the Orthodox Empire, which was Byzantium, social ideal (community, or κοινωνία), philosophy, law ...

    In fact, by the time Cyril and Methodius came to Russia, there already existed for centuries 4 types of writing. Cyril and Methodius themselves created a Church-Slavonic letter based on the alphabet that existed many centuries before them, for millennia. Those who are interested can read about it here: http://chudinov.ru/venera/#more-4095 These studies of Chudinov are carefully hushed up everywhere, although they quite clearly prove that writing existed on the territory of Russia for millennia. hi
  10. VDV 80-82
    21 May 2013 10: 05
    yes ... too tendentious! To whom should we forgive everyone ... why should Russia save the geyropu? let them die ... and indeed, is it time it’s time to arrange not ethnic but gender cleaning? and then they went crazy with these same-sex marriages ... damn, how are people not afraid for all this in hell to burn in pans?
  11. +2
    21 May 2013 10: 48
    Ancient Greek civilization may be the greatest era of mankind. On the road from ignorance to knowledge, this was a seven-mile step. Greece may be proud of its past, but what remains of this past even by the time of Byzantium? Why did ancient Greece lose its drive, fell to the margins of history, giving way to Rome? This is not an idle question, because Russia is also in a period of changing its culture.
    As a possible option - what if the Greeks lost their gene pool? Filling Greece with the imported slaves, they inevitably assimilated into a completely different people.
    1. +2
      21 May 2013 12: 48
      The inhabitants of Constantinople considered themselves Romans (Romans), spoke the Aroma language (close to Greek) and did not even suspect that they would be called Byzantium in Russian or Biazantium in English.
  12. +1
    21 May 2013 13: 04
    "First of all, it is necessary to remember the huge role that Greece played in the formation of Russian identity."
    Well, with what fright all these "highbrow" thinkers identify Greece with Byzantium. A small fragment of a former empire. In fact, Rus (Russia), having assumed the burden of Byzantium, considered itself responsible for all Orthodox Christians, incl. and Greece. Of course, geopolitical interests should not be discounted either. Simply, if you believe the author, then with the same success you can talk about the huge role in the formation of Rus (Russia) and the formation of Russian identity on the part of the Serbs, Bulgarians, Vlachs, Cossacks and hundreds of other peoples. The role, of course, was, but by no means huge. Rather, the mass of droplets that took part in the formation of the sea.
    P.S. Okay, let the Greeks have two drops)
  13. Eric
    21 May 2013 13: 43
    I return to my thoughts on the creation in Russia of a gate from Asia to Europe. Only Berlin and Tokyo, only Hardcore!
  14. +1
    21 May 2013 14: 06
    As soon as someone is feeling bad, they immediately recall Russia.
  15. Kostya pedestrian
    21 May 2013 15: 48
    Brotherhood is not bad, but can Russia feed so many relatives? Moreover, Greece is not Byzantium. I even formed the opinion that the Greeks even welcomed the collapse of Russia with views of the Crimea and Ukraine, apparently they also considered themselves the third Rome, and wanted to take this privilege from the tsars of Moscow and all Russia. This is not brotherly. Here, the teachings of our common Saint Alexander Nevsky to his children are just in time. Let’s let them join the CIS, as it were, in the family of fraternal Orthodox peoples, thus prove their sincere faith and solidarity with us.
    As Ivan the Terrible Russia said - the Third Rome and the fourth will not happen!
  16. Kostya pedestrian
    21 May 2013 16: 07
    And I would also like to note that "Progress" is a movement, and where there is no progress - a swamp with toads and ghoul mosquitoes.

    So the SS-20 is not a false idea, but the Shield of the Archangel Michael.