Incurable Disease - Scoop!

Incurable Disease - Scoop!... Oh, what was the Power! ..

If they lead me in a modern Russian city to a keg of kvass, standing in the ordinary courtyard of a multi-storey building, a barrel, near which there is no seller, a barrel, from which everyone pours as much as he wants and puts in a box of trifle right there, according to the price, crookedly written in a cardboard glued to the orange side with an insulating tape, to a barrel, which it brings in the morning and takes away the carelessly shaking out money in the bag to the peasant on the tractor ... so, if someone does this now, I admit that “Raspat valeys kalaeen!”. Until then, I do not need to sing such songs. I will not believe.

And these barrels were still in 1991-m, by the way ... And there were also self-service ticket offices in public transport. People put money in them and pulled off a ticket ...

The conversation is not conducted about how sane those who collapses with attacks on Scoop. In order to immediately put an end to this question, I will simply say: those who criticize Scoop in comparison with modernity are mentally ill.

... But the terrible pictures of the hopeless life under Scoop, which we love to draw so much, are lies. Big and not too smart, because it was recently. Even those who lived there and saw everything did not even grow old, and the people who lie in the majority are too covered in another very different lie and are purely outwardly unpleasant.

But I will not speak about the Great Truth, but about my own, small one. About the truth: the city of Kirsanov, the population of 1980 year 23 thousands of people, today it has decreased by one and a half times I am sure that this was a typical district center of that time. I will say that I saw myself.

Start with a meal

This topic of liars always seems to be the most important, because they personally used to think first of all about their belly. Good.

So, the range in the stores was less than two orders of magnitude. It is difficult to imagine for today's adolescents or even for adults: you come - and there is neither cola, nor chips, nor Mars, nor much and very much. Not. Really not.


The soviet chickens did not swell from aspirin, and the genes of the fish did not plant the potatoes. And even additives in sausage are still not the kind of soy from which the sausage is made. Any sort, by the way, if someone does not know.

I understand, this is all imperceptible and not important ...


Indeed, almost all exotic fruits, if they appeared in our stores, then on major holidays (by the way, the taste of most of them is just the taste of strawberries, and no more, and some are frankly inedible, just the joys that are “exotic”). But let's look at the collective farm shops, which occupied two rows of basements in my town in the ancient Stone rows. From harvest to harvest at a stable temperature of + 8 degrees, there were always perfectly preserved and penny-worth potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears, plums, cabbage, carrots, beets, the richest assortment of canned fruits and vegetables of local production. (Understand? The place of production, which gives work and excellent earnings to about 20 to thousands of Russian men and women from villages and villages of the district!) Surely there was something else, I just forgot.

Bread is ridiculous to compare: Soviet was made from Russian grain, not from fodder.

Meat. On the collective farm market, it (and not only it, by the way, private traders traded there, and no one beat them up and chased them: “I sell strawberries made with my own hands!”) Lay in regular rows on the shelves. Yes, interest on 20, and even 40 is more expensive than in the store, but I remind you: then you could eat a day in Moscow on the ruble, and even go round the whole city ... And the store meat was any better than the current, grown on additives and dressings.

The picture, like someone in a ridiculous jacket, almost bowing humbly, takes from a “back door” from a fat, important seller, cousins ​​of cutting with double overpayment - this is nonsense of the late Soviet cinema. I’m not saying that many people considered buying meat as “indulgence” - their bull for slaughter, pigs, rabbits ... Forage for living creatures cost a penny, or simply “stole”, and there was nothing terrible about this “ stealing ”they all knew, it was something of a reverse tax, and no one tried to grab a wagon of compound feed in one beak. About the composition with non-ferrous metal, I just do not say. (By the way, a lot of things were done in the district: monuments, fences, welcome signs on the roads. And no one stole it.)

The notorious sausage was always in the shops. Seven varieties for sure. They began to drive to Moscow in 86, under the “Gorbat”, and these few years in the minds of many overshadowed the real and long past.

Sour cream, condensed milk, juices - of all this natural and local production (dairy plant, dry and skimmed milk plant, fruit and vegetable canning factory we had our own!) Were the seas poured. For pennies. For a trifle. I even now think: it would have been more expensive - they would not have been ruined, but would have been valued higher.


Work was all. Point. Oily. Critics go the word without words.

Work - do not bring, bring and not speculation. I understand that now this is something scary for many! But what to do! In the USSR, parasites and speculators were harshly (in 80, already not enough) they were pursued ... In Kirsanov there were several factories that supplied their products — textile machines, clothes, some agricultural machines — abroad, not only in socialist countries and in developing countries but also ... to the capitalists. I found out about it not so long ago, and for me it was the same discovery as the data on the sales of Zhiguli cars to Belgium, France and Norway that I received 3 a year ago. It turns out that in the first half of the 80-s they were sold there by several tens of thousands per year. Is the same story was with Kirsanov products. Our city sent it to nearly thirty countries, including ... the USA. And small brick factories, bakeries, sausage shops were almost in every collective farm respecting themselves.

... In 1985, my mother received 28 rubles a month for 140 hours a week, her grandfather 180 rubles for her “reinforced” pension, and grandma 120 rubles for pension. My mother refused alimony for me, we got 110 rubles per person per month. The 50-80 rubles a month were spent on various savings books (there were three of them in the family, and there was no inflation in the country — I had seen it myself in XRUMX years in the form of a rat strangling the unfortunate American eagle with a dollar coin) m, it seems, such a caricature in the "Crocodile", crashed into the children's memory ...). Then this money was stolen from our family by the First Popularly Elected One. Now they are “returned with indexation” to the mother - grandmother and grandfather are dead, and indexation in real life covers the interest 16-81 of the value of those Soviet contributions applicable to the purchase price of money.

The lowest salary limit in the city was 45 rubles, it was possible to live quite normally. Let me remind you that the light, gas and water were popular and simply cost pennies! - on the forty. (By the way, I started to earn 1987-25 rubles a month “for myself” from 40 onwards.)

Clothing and footwear

Here I have a personal attitude to the question. I never considered it important and did not understand such a thing as fashion. I didn’t put pressure on my close ones at all - so my mother loved, loves and knows how to dress beautifully, but I desperately desperate in incompetence in junk — I bought something, and I wear it. I do not remember that in the years before 13-14, I generally had questions or suggestions about clothes and shoes. Therefore, I can not judge, perhaps the shortage of things really existed. Although, in my opinion, 30-year-old man, pleading with the consciousness of owning Jeans (!), Looks ridiculous and disgusting.

I scream in response: you see, to what people brought Scoop! They dreamed of such nonsense, it was not available to them!

Meanwhile, in many families, children in the times of my childhood were simply sewed themselves on patterns from magazines or something else. Clothes turned out great. And there was also the Daisy atelier, where I dressed the year with 86. Beautiful, convenient, and years from 14 - also to the best of my imagination (it was easy for a teenager to earn 20-30 rubles a month, and the rural guys hammered 200-800 (!) Over the summer season!) ...

... I remember that I was very sad when the indestructible Austrian mountain boots, bought for the occasion at the Sunday “wild” bazaar - in a meadow near the river, were completely small for me. I do not know how and from where they came to us, why they were of a teenage size, but they turned out to be truly invincible.


Yes, in those days it was possible to see how the boy jumps out of the house in the morning, forgetting to wear sandals or sneakers, and then worn like this until the evening. And it did not shock anyone even in the “urban center” (the concept was then very conditional - the center of Kirsanov resembled some wild park). And his parents recalled him ... well, to put it mildly, in the evening (or if he “merged” without doing some work assigned to him, it is also not uncommon). And notice, not at all from heartlessness. Just ... what could have happened to him? Well, what?

Mom was afraid for me often. But what was she afraid of? I break my leg. The dog will attack. Utonu. I will beat an eye. And thirty-three more fears - all the maternal fears of that time, except for one thing: never, never, under any conditions, could it have come to her or my head that any adult would consciously do something bad to a child. Even the most drunk-drunk. Even the most frostbitten. Blue from tattoos (such sometimes we came across) or angry as a dog (and these were). But to hurt the child? "Che, I am a fascist, is it ?!"

Rumors about some maniacs, murderers, kidnappers occasionally broke through. But what rumors? Tales from another reality. In reality, the Soviet child had no more chance to cross with them than to fall under a meteorite, they were told to each other in the same section as the Green Curtains and human meat cutlets in the mysterious “one canteen”.

However, there was one. Year in 1981-1982, a boy and a girl were stolen from us by Gypsies. The police freed the children in 15 kilometers from the city, and the entire camp went with funny songs somewhere to the north. It seems eight years old.

Another kid (he was 15 years old, I was less) shot a friend from his father's gun - they were foolishly played, and he kicked out a classmate's brains. For six months, literally one shadow of the unfortunate killer walked around the city, and everyone avoided him - not from evil, not from sympathy ... they simply did not know how to communicate with him. Then their family left the city ... My age-mate - but from another school - in 1985, drowned in one of the ponds (there are many around Kirsanov now), entangled in the nets; I was terribly sorry for him, almost an unfamiliar person, and it was still very scary when I imagined how he was dying - he was excellently swimming, literally at a distance of a school line of thirty centimeters from the surface. It’s good that in 88, when I myself was drowning in a swamp, I didn’t remember about this incident - surely there would have been a flood of panic!

No, children, teenagers, of course, died and more - but how? From what? Why? With the present days can not be compared ...

Leisure and Health

I refuse to talk about child rest. Not a single state of the world has ever had and will not have such a well-functioning and global system of children's recreation as in the USSR. Point. Everything.

And an adult ... Yes, the state simply could not cope with the influx of tourists! Do you think so many “savages” are not an indicator of the high standard of living of citizens, each of whom could spend two weeks relaxing on the sea for 30 ruble? And under the permit and at all for free? Almost every small company has its own holiday homes, camp sites, stadiums. For their slightest underfunding of the head of the enterprise could be removed. And could and plant. For delaying leave, failure to provide a voucher, and neglect of a person’s needs, any boss could fly off the throne. To the very top.

Abroad? My mother was in the GDR. By the way, she was offered vouchers both to capitalist Finland, and to socialist Hungary, and not to go through the SFRY — but she refused (there were personal reasons). Tens of thousands of Soviet people rested abroad every year! And when now a different audience confesses from the screens about the fact that “I don’t moff,” it even makes me laugh. And where were you, unfinished, was let out? You guzzled port in a boiler room, did not dry, posing as "the not understood genius". Or even found prostitutes in the USSR and “lit” with them. Or just quietly hissed on "this country", receiving from her a salary for idleness on the spot "wasted" or "Krytaga." Why on earth should you have been let out somewhere? So that there you, the disgrace of the world, judged the USSR? Not. Those who worked normally, who knew how to behave in society, who were really capable of not dropping the high rank of a Soviet man, traveled. And what, need something else? It was not the world of capitalism, where any schmuck who stole money could go to Thailand to have fun with children ...

... Medicine in the USSR was the highest level. In our Kirsanov the most complicated operations of the capital level were done. Of course, here we must say a special thank you to Ivan Efimovich Frolov, a surgeon from God. But other doctors, both in the hospital and in the clinic, were a little worse! But there were also FAPs - in every village, in every village. There was another hospital in the large village of Inokovka. And in Sokolov - hospital ...

I do not know if our doctors took bribes. Apparently, some took, although I know for sure that in the circle of my friends and their families, no one ever paid for treatment of any kind or type. But in our Kirsanov in those days it was possible to be born - in the maternity ward. Dairy cuisine provided moms with advice and excellent local produce. The nurses went to homes where the babies were, to consult again. God forbid it was somehow hurt the health of the child, to show him indifference or neglect!

Of course, people still grumbled, found flaws and were offended. But if they were shown the Kirsanov hospital and the polyclinic of “Raissey who stood up in the skullcap!”, Where practically no one qualified specialist was left in the brilliant renovated offices, and they take money for consultations and cannot help in any way, people from my childhood would hardly have believed in the opportunity SUCH.

Another thing is that people were sick then much less than now. And we, the children, were almost completely healthy. Disturbing bells sounded - for example, the increase in the number of scoliosis associated directly with the sabotage of officials who replaced the "inclined" desks with "less stringent." And, of course, no one has heard of childhood hepatitis, syphilis, massive cardiovascular and nervous diseases. THIS IS NOT JUST IT!


Yes, we had a toilet in the yard. And I - a boy from an intelligent family - ran there. And envied those who have warm and beautiful toilets. But not so much. Do you know why?

At 70% of my friends the toilets were there too. This time. And two - approximately 120 apartments were commissioned annually in our town. And there were 800 families standing in line for them, and ours was the fourteenth in 1989.

Apartments were waiting for a long time. But these were FREE apartments. When I use the word “free” in relation to the USSR, the reader should understand that in reality this was not at all the case: the USSR was a HUGE COOPERATIVE, where there was nothing “free” in reality — all through the most complex, subtle system of interconnected-netting distribution, inaccessible to wretched capitalism even “in the first approximation”, was paid for in one way or another: with labor, knowledge, mining, protection of external and internal ... Uncomfortable in such a system, only those thirsting for cleanliness and impunity for ki ”of one scale or another - they literally howled in anger, unable to“ grab ”cash flows. Money, a loot-speculation could then. So what? It is worth such a “business man” to sit down properly in a restaurant or start building a coveted summer cottage, just as peasants appear in civilian clothes with a sacramental question: “WHERE?”. A person received an apartment - and “loans” and “interest rates” did not hang over 25-50 for years, which completely carried the psyche to the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of the present world.

So here. Guess what power a mother, having worked 30 for years at school, did NOT get an apartment? So, shit diggers who are looking for the most disgusting and dirty "deep cause" in everything can calm down - I have quite mercantile reasons for hatred and aversion to the current government.

Water and sewage system was not held by me for this state. I myself. He himself earned money, he found people himself, he spent it. At one time, my grandfather was ashamed to use his “privileges”, veterans and parties, he postponed everything, although he was offered these connections a hundred times - he deserved it! And he said: "What will people think? .. Yes, we then ... No, I will not ...". Everyone was afraid to take something extra from his state. Something optional ...

... USSR, I could have something to be - for everything that he gave his citizens. RF I should not do anything.


Years in 13 I was embraced by the itch of journalism - the journals were very interesting at the time, I must say, there was a lot of information in them, and delusions were many times less than now. Our family then subscribed, in addition to the local newspaper, Pravda, Teacher's Newspaper, Arguments and Facts, Zdorovye, Krokodil, Roman-Gazeta, Science and Life magazines and (still) " Twinkle, ”although they had already begun to spit on him, and for me, Komsomolskaya Pravda and Pioneer magazine. I stated that I have an information hunger, and my relatives treated this with understanding.

I received a subscription to the newspaper "Red Star";

• "Military knowledge",
• "Foreign military review",
• "Equipment and weapons",
• "Technology - youth",
• "Marine collection",
• "Soviet warrior",
• Military Historical Journal,
• "Soviet military review",
• "Around the world",
• "Soviet border guard",
• "Military collection" (problems from which I solved with interest even then).

I am not kidding!!! Numbers - practically all - are still intact. I subscribed to these magazines right up to the 1991 year (some later, though, but ...). At one time, not for long, I even wrote out Polish and GED military journals ... My grandfather helped me in Polish, but he was chasing me with German - he moved his eyebrows and looked at his grandson with distress. It acted strongly ...

Yes, in the USSR there was no Internet. But those who say this - sometimes quite seriously - do not think that he was not in the West either. But a lot of inventions - such as converters, CDs and handheld cameras, LCD screens and other things - were made right here. And I read about them in these same magazines. That's right, right there.

Television in the USSR was frail in terms of the number of programs - only two of us were received. And, as I now understand by the adult mind, it did suffer from excessive parade. But as far as information is concerned, its quality and presentation on Soviet television was much more literate and professional. And most importantly - the amount, how strange it may sound, was much more information than it is now.

It is not joke. We are drowning in TV programs and messages, but ... there is no information there, or it is submitted in such a form that only psychiatrists are interested in. Advertising, idiotic messages about the life of stars, endless horror stories - all this is mixed into a completely inedible rotten clot, bleeding, pus and rosy snot. This information can only be called by a person who fulfills an order, or a patient with stupidity in a lethal form.

There were libraries. Some. And very good ones. And the IBA operated - an interlibrary subscription, which allowed ordering books and magazines from the regional, central, library of Tambov, "Pushkin", as it was called.


To focus on this particular, I will not. I can only say that education was really free. When in one of the schools in the middle of 80's, an ugly story with parents' exactions (a cheap one, not even close with today's everyday ones!) Swam out, several people went to court. Under this court - dared to take money for what the state provides for free.

The level of knowledge ... I catch myself in the fact that in physics, algebra and geometry I am the one who hated these subjects with the greatest hatred that didn’t get out of the T-paul on them after the 7 class! - I know more than the current horoshisty from 10-11 classes. Let not good students, but are good.

Of course, the demands that were imposed on us could no longer be compared with the “Stalinist” ones; they had already got into the school - “to partner with children” - their “elder comrades”, tearful-eyed “innovators” with sloppy hairs on balding heads (not daring yet openly showing one’s true - pedophile - inside, but already some kind of unpleasantly unpleasant ...), muddy whirlpools swirled around the "vulnerable child's personality" and his "complex mental movements" ... But still, the school still demanded. Tough enough. And the parents acted here with the school in a united front, forcing us to acquire knowledge in very different ways, depending on family traditions, from the good old “vitamin R” to “I would be ashamed of you” (by the way, it worked, and very well!). It remains only to thank both the parents and the school for the abuse of unique childish personalities. Clearly remembering what we were (actually, and not in the eyes of experimenters' head injured by pedagogy!), I am well aware of the mess we would have arranged in schools and what we would have become if " innovators "already won the victory and hoisted the banner of pedocentrism on the ruins of the education system ...

... In addition to the actual city schools - the 1st (elite), 2nd (later, after a fire, reduced from the 1st to one new building), 3rd (my own), 4th (SOMovsky - factory skimmed milk powder and skim milk) and the 85th railway (with excellent funding and all sorts of other “bells and whistles from sponsors” - SEE) in the city there was a solid agricultural school (foreigners studied), two vocational schools (graduates were immediately picked up by collective farms) and one of two schools in the USSR civil aviation - A paramilitary organization with strict discipline that trained even African "comrades."

Dreams and fun

Here I have the same prejudice attitude as to fashion. Well, I do not understand what kind of "entertainment" and from whom a person needs. Normal, not sick, not disabled ... Okay. Let's go back to Kirsanov of my childhood ...

What were we dreaming about? Since the books were then read by everyone, they served as the basis for fantasies. Discuss books (and movies) and think out their stories we could endlessly. Our fantasy worked like a powerful machine - compared to it, the fantasy of today's children is miserable and boring, because it is “stitched” with ready-made bright (too bright, sharp colors that kill imagination!) With plots, like a cell phone after repair. They will not be able to make a machine gun out of the stick. And I do not understand those who are happy about it - they say, why with such abundance, you can also buy a toy machine gun in the store !!!

Toy - yes, you can buy. And the ability to see and dream? Not. Do not buy ...

... What is interesting, our dreams were not earthbound at all. After the lesson of history we had nothing to begin to discuss where it was possible to put a machine gun at Thermopylae (!) So that ... well, clearly. Honestly, I’m not lying, we, with one of my namesake, somehow a whole couple (two lessons of labor) were working on a project ... the relocation of Indians from the USA to the USSR. I swear it was. And I was 11-12 years, something like this. I already didn’t really believe (as opposed to the namesake) to “noble Indians” (I don’t know why), but the idea captured me with its scale.

I do not remember that someone wanted to become an astronaut, honestly. But we talked a lot about space and greedily, and the “unwillingness to become an astronaut” did not result from indifference to this work, but rather from the understanding that we would not “pull”, which resulted, in turn, from admiration for these people. But almost all the boys wanted to be the military. The military was the ideal, the war - necessary and important business, the business of men. At the same time, I must say, we completely understood what a real war is - and grandfathers told without embellishment, and those who “fulfilled international duty” were also enough around, and they were not at all embarrassed. But the paradox: all these stories only strengthened in us the desire to be military. There was no question of how to "hang out". I do not remember such conversations at all. And years in 14, the conversation in the courtyard somehow went before the lessons - and all the boys said that they "would like to go to Afghanistan." Everything. Not only me and a couple of the same ones who had already visited the Kandahar Club by that time — everything in general.

But no - we did not dream of war as such, as the meaning of life. Our dreams ultimately boiled down to the fact that life should be interesting. It can be difficult (we can handle it, are we, girls, afraid of difficulties ?!) - but surely, certainly interesting. And you know what? Money, wealth, career success were not included in this concept. Just did not fall. We knew very well what money is, why they are needed, but ... but we could not be bought. A boy from my childhood could rather be forced to commit a crime by deceit by powdering his brains with “romance” or even “struggle for justice” (such stories were in the USSR). One of the three real-life maniacs in the USSR, Slivko, lured the boys to death, seducing them "by participating in secret trials." But none of us would ever go with him for money ... For any.

Do you understand what I mean?

We were naive. Bold. Are open. And honest.

I sometimes think, remembering my peers: if the Leader ruled the country, not the tired old people, he would have found support in our generation of unprecedented strength and perseverance. And he could crush the world bourgeoisie to the end. Totally. Forever and ever.

It's a pity! We had us - our fists, our dreams, our friendship, our hopes. And there was no Leader for all this.

It's a pity...

In the nineties, there was a fairly well-known children's writer Alexei Birger. He did a lot in his books, but in the story “The Mystery of the Machine of Stirlitz” dedicated to the 70's children, he, in my opinion, grasped the essence of the USSR amazingly accurately ... He wrote about Moscow, but the same can be done say about our whole country, about the dreams of all her boys ...

“... The whole system was strung together, as if on a rod, into a gloomy, almost military, discipline with which it was received. And because when the wind blew the harsh smell of iron from the nearby factories or the lush, almost fairytale-like gingerbread smell of freshly baked bread, it seemed that there was a great deal going somewhere, and these are not aggregates stamping car bodies or ball bearings, the endless loaves and loaves, and somewhere blacksmiths in leather aprons beat their swords with hammers, and bakers in white caps take bread out of the ovens with wide shovels, and their apprentices make crackers from yesterday's unsold bread, and these crackers even half a year can stored in a backpack ...

And pipes and banners seemed to be imagined, and the subtle smell of sulfur from the match struck in the kitchen seemed like a smoky puff of hand-cooked gunpowder from the barrel of an old musket ... There was in this also evil sorcery, and good. Evil - because this tension, as if the great city had always lived in anticipation of the enemy, could only be explained by the evil charms imposed on its inhabitants. And good - because through this expectation of the enemy, completely different expectations burst through and flourished: great trips for silk and spices, great wanderings in the world where the traitor will always be punished and dismounted for a second to take a sip of a glass of red wine, dusty boots and dust in a crimson coat always gives the children around him to touch his sword ...

And he rode into one of the places with the wondrous Old-Moscow names ... These names themselves also sounded like music of expectations and hope, and this was an expectation of a world in which there are no enemies, except bad and mean people, a world in which nobility does not die, but to the villains and informers not to see how the hero's head rolls with the chopping block ... And evil witchcraft, faced with these expectations, dilapidated and crumbled, weathered from human souls ... the boys were expanse! Who will say that the Krutitsky Teremok is not a Scottish castle where Alan Brek Stewart used to sit, or not a bastion in which D'Artagnan and three Musketeers held defense, or the gladiatorial arena on which the fantastic Spartak fights - Kirk Douglas, idol of the boys those years? In this courtyard, an imaginary enemy (no one wanted to be a villain) hardly lifted his head and asked: “Is the arrow ... black?”. And I heard in response: "Yes, black."

... We had a cinema. Moreover, there were films from 12.00 to 20.00. On Sunday and during the holidays, there was also a children's session at 10.00, and “holiday passes” were sold in schools. I do not remember exactly ... it seems at a discount. The ticket cost 10 kopecks for children; from 30 to 50 kopecks is an adult, depending on which movie and which session.
There was still a cinema in the club of railway workers, but it was dangerous for the boys from our places to go there for a year before 88, they could have been beaten up. They saved only a very small age (to shake money from kids, I don’t remember this), or a girl walking with you (iron law).

There was a district House of Culture, two blocks from my house. But personally, I have hardly ever been in it until 88.
There was even a slot machine hall! I still remember this nook - the entrance from the courtyard, an oblique porch, several rooms (there was some kind of artel of hearing impaired people there, in my opinion ...), and in one of them there were a dozen "cabinets". “Battleship”, “Teletir”, “Not a Fluff or a Pen!”, “Crane”, “Torpedoes - Ori!”, Some more ... The game cost 15 kopecks. By the way, I don’t remember that there was some kind of excitement or queues, although in general everyone loved them to play.

In 89, for the first time, I sat down at a computer — the Bulgarian Corvette, a machine that exceeded most of the modern Western computers in class. And then he became acquainted with computer games. They were let out of cassette tapes - people remember that, I think. I played three or four times in some kind of thing - I had to shoot the enemy airplanes and paratroopers - and then it became deadly boring for me to do this nonsense, and I was not interested in computer games anymore.

But the most important thing! Most importantly - there were streets and bicycles. There were a stadium, the best of the district's regional stadiums, a lot of small sports grounds and hockey boxes in each schoolyard (at the entrance to which then there were no alarm systems, video cameras and security guards ...). There was a great sports school. There were some magnificent construction projects - real mysterious cities and fortresses with dungeons, towers and bridges (how many swords and swords were broken there ...) Small river ... Well, we had a poor one, but there were ponds and rafts, and in winter - ice floes . Landings were behind the outskirts, and a little further away - real forests. A hefty dump lay right behind the railroad. Finally, there were just heads, arms and legs.

The boys of my time

We used the same hands and feet with rusty pieces of iron and glass, we smashed these heads about everything. So it came to us that you have to be more agile, faster and bolder - then there will be no bumps and bruises. We did not know anything about the magic “reset” button and somewhere in our hearts we understood that we could be killed for good, but that made everything even more interesting! We blew homemade bombs and put illegally obtained cartridges into the fires. We broke off the ice and came home in boots full of cold water. From the walls of construction projects, we also fell. And more often jumped to show that we do not care this height. (I didn’t care about it, I was terribly afraid of it - and I jumped because I jumped.)

It cost us nothing to turn a sheet of plywood into a tank, and this tank went. We were thinking about making our own glider. Praise to the gods, this was not enough technical capacity, otherwise ... otherwise they would definitely fly! We played the war according to absolutely brutal rules and didn’t intend to suffer from this with guilt complexes and not sleep at night. We simply fought on the most stupid reasons, and more often with the best friends. What to share with someone else ?! We ate different green unripe crap from neighboring gardens, although many also had their gardens, but this is not interesting!

In 87, we discovered tourism for ourselves - and it was from that moment that our parents, I think, began to really gray ... And I beg their pardon and bow low to them (all at once) for being wise and patient precisely where you need to be wise and patient, and very ruthless where needed ruthlessness; for the fact that they loved us, and for the fact that they did not lisp with us.

We clearly knew that we were men, and men were warriors and explorers. Our girls were, by the way, like us. They did not seek to “take a gender role of the male type” - they did not need it. They liked to wear beautiful dresses and giggle over different nonsense ... But they did not rust behind to get into comfortable old pants, shirt and sneakers and show the whole world that “there are women in Russian villages! "At the same time, the fact that we are men, and they are women, remained an unshakable truth and was not subject to any doubt, because the grass is green in summer and the snow is white in winter ...

... In a day — a normal, unremarkable day — we managed to subject our only life to death, without a joke, at the risk of a dozen different, including the most idiotic, ways. We did not tell about this to our parents. Something about which they guessed, something learned by chance. But we could not and did not want to share with them as with friends, because we clearly understood: they are not friends to us, they are Mom and Dad, and they need to be kept, they are over thirty, they are already old. Some who overlapped this noble motive was not so noble, but also clear motive of concern for their only ass, which has a lot to sit on. To complain about the parents, come even to one of us, such a twisted thought came to mind, there was no one and it was useless, for which I also thank the USSR.

The school could not attract us. If I sincerely thank the school for my knowledge, the “educational process” in it was active, comprehensive and ... meaningless. We did not trust the school and any of its attempts to involve us in “social work”, “organized rest” or in any way influence us outside the framework of the “educational process” were silently ignored or were frankly greeted with hostility. We tolerated her because there is no other way. But the lessons were missed very often, especially when it was warm outside ...

I respectfully recall some teachers, readily recognize the professionalism of almost all the others, I personally indifferent or even unpleasant - but all the adults, not family members who actually had a serious influence on me, had nothing to do with the school: coaches, instructors from the club ... In addition, apparently, even then, we boys subconsciously with all our forces pushed away from us the “school-woman kingdom”, which obviously could not understand either our craving for risk, or dangerous games and experiments, or hobbies, dreams and aspirations boys - alas ... Men and only men formed our character and worldview. Not always and not everywhere, fathers, alas, but - men. I remember when Moscow boys came to us a couple of times. We were amazed at their unjustifiable arrogance, at the same time of ordinary household helplessness and, admittedly, dullness, mixed with nagging and thrift, unaccustomed to the then boy; in our eyes they resembled women, in the sense of the worst female specimens. Not everyone was like that, but most ...

The average modern boy, if he got into our company at that time, simply would not have survived as an individual. We appreciated in each other the ability “not to give ours”, physical strength and the ability to be interesting ...

"... There are no others - and those are far away ..."

Fate did not spare us. Scattered, crushed.

Now I sometimes ask myself: what about Arnis? How is that tough boy with a funny incorrigible accent, the second boxer in our squad is that Arnis ... the captain of the Lithuanian army A. Skalnis, who kicked my tooth at the Pskov railway station many years after .. How is he? Really and then - and then! - he carried in himself a hatred for the "invaders", among whom he lived ?! What did he think, sitting with us at one fire, crossing over the ropes, which he taught us to knit, through forest streams, sharing bread with us - in the truest sense of the word ?! Really wore like a stone in his bosom, hate ?! To me?! But for what? For the fact that his father and mother all 3 year trip from the Lithuanian SSR to the RSFSR was paid almost twice the salary? For ... for what?

After all, it turns out that so ... No! Not this way.

That Arnis did not hate us. He was my friend. He was from ours. Then he was probably deceived and bewitched. After all, he was bold and trusting, as we all are. They bewitched and forced to kill, to sacrifice to some monstrous demons of the Lithuanian boy Arnis, who, when he laughed, blinked blue eyes and leaned back a little. Who would never betray any of us, because childhood is not betrayed. Friends do not throw. Never. Not for any price, anointed "independence" by prescriptions from the UN.

I remember you, Arnis. I will take revenge for you too. I swear to you, twin. I swear

As long as I live, I will avenge all.

For everyone. I will not forgive the "lisberoids" for no one's death - ridiculous and terrible, how ridiculous and terrible was the death of the Union ...

... I am a scoop. An incorrigible scoop.







And nothing else! I have the honor!
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  1. +137
    20 May 2013 07: 10
    A cry from the soul, not an article.
    From the heart, plus.
    1. +43
      20 May 2013 09: 06
      Quote: GEORGE
      A cry from the soul, not an article.
      From the heart, plus.
      I agree. Only here I, as that kid, from that very time, did not like the last lines. We didn’t have revenge, let the author forgive me. One on one to go, against the rival quarter to go shoulder to shoulder with friends is an honor, but to catch the kid who escorts the girl from our quarter and to peel off was fraught with general contempt and even a couple of broken teeth ...
      1. alex popov
        20 May 2013 10: 40
        I, apparently, are 8-10 years younger than the author. But everything that he writes easily falls on my memories of that time! I still remember that we walked home from the kindergarten ourselves, played at the entrance until late at night, played football, hockey, "stick-banks" (shkolota do not understand), drove bikes all over the city without fear of being hit by a drunk the asshole in the car, although there were scratches, abrasions, bruises up to the 9th grade up to the top of my head, from the fact that I practically did not sit at home. In the morning, at about 5-6 in the summer, we went fishing past the bakery and always bought 2 loaves of freshly baked, incredibly fragrant and tasty bread. One for yourself, the second for feeding. We easily and freely went to visit each other and our mothers were not SADDLES, because we had not been at home for an hour, although there were no cell phones then ... Games. Cossacks-robbers, three to fifteen, many more games, I don't remember the names already, and of course in the war! All the yard! With all the attributes! And we often made toys ourselves. My friend Oleg's father made a wooden PPSh, in comparison with which the shop rattle seemed wretched and ridiculous. And what did we do with the greats! And what kind of mopeds they themselves made from simple "Carpathians" and "Rig"! Yourself !!!! And the Pioneer Camps, with their first and unforgettable "adult experience". It was really mysterious, interesting and exciting! (shkolota, in the age of "pornography-on-a-click" and "suck at prom" this is also not understand). I was at sea until 92 every summer, in the Crimea. And I also managed to go to Elbrus and Bulgaria. Yes, in the early 90s, especially in 91-93, we drank grief. But this does not apply to the union in any way ...
        I HAD A HAPPY CHILDHOOD! I lived in the greatest country in the world, and I knew that I have a future in this country with a great past! And my parents did not "feel burdened in the captivity of the dictatorial regime", but lived happily and FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe because they had a lot of friends, they didn’t rush out of the country, didn’t tore their clothing for a pair of jeans and didn’t dream of the "air of freedom", as they themselves were free!
        I am very sorry that with all my desire, I can not plainly explain to my son WHAT my childhood was then. Alas.
        1. +26
          20 May 2013 12: 42
          After such lines, I want even more in the USSR
          1. +2
            23 May 2013 23: 32
            Take me too !!!
          2. yak69
            24 May 2013 20: 23
            Quote: elmir15
            After such lines, I want even more in the USSR

            I am simply convinced that having shown perseverance and devoting part of his free time to participating in the project USSR 2.0 this may become a reality in the coming years. You just need to apply YOUR REAL FORCES. I myself am taking part in the Essence of Time movement, the main task of which is the revival of the USSR. The movement is growing, gaining strength, multiplying. Nobody except ourselves will return our country to us! Only we ourselves, with our hands and feet, with our own efforts, can do this. Here is a real opportunity for you to work to return the greatness of our country. Not only nostalgic on the Internet, but in life, in fact, to return to themselves and their descendants a happy and dignified life.
            The choice is each of us. Do you want Come back!

            I love the movie "Big Family" very much, and when I recently watched it, tears involuntarily came to me, it became embarrassing for sentimentality.
            We have lost this country, we must return this country!
        2. +10
          20 May 2013 17: 47
          Quote: alex popov
          I HAD A HAPPY CHILDHOOD! I lived in the greatest country in the world, and I knew that I have a future in this country with a great past! And my parents did not "feel burdened in the captivity of the dictatorial regime", but lived happily and FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          I join, now the bulk of the children are more at home sitting alone with a computer and a TV. By the way, about the barrel with kvass without a seller and everyone who was not too lazy to serve themselves, I don’t remember something.
        3. +10
          20 May 2013 20: 36
          In the pioneer camp we had household jobs a couple of times. That is, walk around the territory with a rake, clean up papers and other garbage. Do you know what was "other rubbish" in the Yubileiny pioneer camp near Roslavl? They were bullets. Bullets and casings. In a pine forest, in a dry sandy soil, there was so much of this "good" ... just now I read your post, I remembered it and was a little stunned.
          There, from under any rake, kilograms of this rubbish flew! But we were not afraid. God knows how adults managed to do this under these conditions, but there were no accidents ... but I’m lying. I know. We were not scared, we were taught. What to do after finding a mine, for example. There were many strong people, honest people ... happy people! And they also wanted to make us strong, honest, happy ...
          But I cannot but remember another thing. How all this collapsed before my eyes, how strong the people were helplessly drinking, how to dive into the bottle, how smart they were, how happiness was leaving people ... The USSR was already dead when it fell.
        4. +14
          20 May 2013 21: 01
          There are no words to add anything! Huge advantages to the author of the article Oleg Vereshchagin and the author of the commentary alex popov. I am ready to subscribe to their every word. I would like to add one more thing. Those who lived then must remember the slogan: Thanks to the Party for our happy childhood! ". I do not think that modern children can say so in relation to" United Russia. "Oh, too her" care "hits the pockets of parents and children.
          1. YuDDP
            20 May 2013 22: 16
            How to define a young man soul or old?
            If he thinks about the future - young, if he recalls the past - old.
            I try to think about the future and not remember the past.
            I thought now: could I write such memoirs. No.
            Although, of course, "when we were young and carried wonderful nonsense ..."
            1. +4
              21 May 2013 18: 06
              Quote: YuDDP
              I try to think about the future and not remember the past.

              He who lives in the past has no future!

              Beautiful slogan, in the best present-day Tolerastic traditions.
              That's just
              He who does not remember the past has no future!

              But now it seems more accurate to me
              Those who do not remember their past are doomed to survive it again.

              he who controls the present controls the past. Orwell George

            2. YuDDP
              21 May 2013 20: 12
              It is gratifying that there are those who give me advantages.

              "Abram Moiseevich, how is your health?"
              "Don't wait!"
              1. YuDDP
                25 May 2013 00: 29
                Today was in a boarding house for veterans. Three respected veterans are sitting on a bench and praising Stalin, scolding Khrushchev and today's little things. But not unanimously, but arguing with the opposition (there was one of them - dissenting), with shouts, with mates ...
                déjà vu
          2. 0
            26 May 2013 15: 05
            When I hear or read references to criticism of the USSR, I regret every time. It's too late to criticize. It's time to look for ways to AVOID abominations in the future. And part of the Soviet rot in its current volumes is negligible.

            Do not give up, the time will come and there will be application to our current developments. The descendants will dare OFFICIALLY evaluate the contribution of our contemporaries.
      2. +18
        20 May 2013 12: 10
        we, too, in childhood fought one on one, but no one finished up lying
        1. +3
          20 May 2013 20: 29
          If you don’t want to fight, go away ... That's all. And with whom he had a fight, he suddenly becomes a comrade. I don’t know how to fight, but the scoop is 99%.
      3. wax
        20 May 2013 12: 17
        Sorry, but the author (Oleg Vereshchagin) doesn’t even mention what you didn’t like. And about revenge at the end of his monologue, he talks about something completely different, the one that befits for social betrayal. How else? And in this, the ator also acts as a whole person born of the Soviet way of life.
        Thank you Oleg. I read it in one breath and did not find a single unfair offer. It was exactly the same with us in the city of Zhizdra, Kaluga Region. Destiny security and freedom were unparalleled. Years will pass, maybe centuries, and these Soviet achievements and guarantees will become epics, legends about the golden age.
        1. +14
          20 May 2013 16: 00
          I really hope that the golden age will return to us again.
      4. +11
        20 May 2013 16: 08
        I agree with you, Alexander, but in part.
        I will not forgive the "Lisberoids" for anyone's death - absurd and terrible, just as absurd and terrible the death of the Union ...

        I think Oleg had in mind something more than a showdown. Here we are talking about taken away friends, lifestyle.
        Quote: domokl
        One on one to go out, against the rival quarter to go shoulder to shoulder with friends is an honor, but to catch the kid who escorts the girl from our quarter and to peel off was fraught with general contempt and even a couple of broken teeth ...

        Here I agree unconditionally. I had to hear stories from the elders about "street etiquette". For me it all looked ... nobler or something.
    2. +23
      20 May 2013 10: 29
      Quote: GEORGE
      A cry from the soul, not an article.
      From the heart, plus.

      I agree and also definitely plus - I remembered a happy childhood and youth, thanks!
      1. alex popov
        20 May 2013 10: 55
        By the way, in the 90s, the scoop sounded somehow humiliating and contemptuous. From whose submission, we remember everything perfectly. But after what they did to my country in the 90s, these same "not scoops" and what is going on now ... You know, and I, perhaps, ALSO SCOOP, like the author. I was born in the Soviet Union and I am proud of it!
        1. +9
          20 May 2013 20: 43
          I'm not ashamed of "SOVOK", I'm even proud! Born 66 Severodvinsk. At the age of 8, I could safely go to my grandmother's 200 km with a transfer in Yemetsk alone, and no one doubted that I would get there.
        2. 0
          1 August 2018 15: 24
          How can one be proud of being independent of you?
      2. +33
        20 May 2013 12: 38
        And this is not nostalgia for childhood, but a pure, conscious desire to live and raise their children in TOE.
        And if they ask me - am I ready to refuse an imported car, a salary of 50K, etc.?
        - My answer is without thinking - YES!
        1. 0
          20 May 2013 20: 48
          And I have nothing to refuse. Children need time and love ...
        2. 0
          1 August 2018 15: 26
          What a wretched you are.
    3. Gari
      20 May 2013 10: 56
      Quote: GEORGE
      A cry from the soul, not an article.
      From the heart, plus.

      I completely agree with the article plus
      each of us has the same in our hearts we are from the USSR
      Youth Author Oleg Vereshchagin

      We were naive. Bold. Are open. And honest.
      All right
      1. Ruslan_F38
        20 May 2013 14: 37
        Never with such pleasure and sadness did I put an article plus! +++++
      2. +24
        20 May 2013 15: 20
        we lost it forever, there will never be such a country, and since we have nowhere to return, let's build our own USSR, even without the former territories, but in the image and likeness, we need the desire of each of us and a constant struggle, the struggle for the brains of children, for our brains, we are not lazy and do good deeds disinterestedly, there may be wise politicians without a pro-Western vision of our future (the whole government) and these attempts will turn into legislative acts.
        dare you? spite everyone!
        1. Gari
          20 May 2013 15: 27
          Quote: afire
          such a country will never be, and since we have nowhere to return to, let's build our own USSR,

          I fully support, there is the main premise, as far as I can tell, the desire of most ordinary people in the territory of the former USSR
        2. +6
          20 May 2013 21: 02
          I am for! To everyone in spite and in spite of everything! But not found. We have to start ourselves. Who to decide first? And How? And so the country of high fences. Slightly incomes appeared - a piece of Russia and a high fence from the evil Russians.
        3. +9
          20 May 2013 23: 41
          A huge amount of work will have to be done: to nationalize the bowels, remove bookmarks from the constitution, create political intelligence from scratch (so that people like Khrushchev andropov Gorbachev do not even appear on the horizon), restore Soviet education, and there’s still a lot of things to do.
    4. +15
      20 May 2013 18: 40
      similarly ... I lived at that time ... nostalgia torments ... I hate the humpback and Yeltsin with all my soul ... scum !!! Such a country turned into hell knows that ... I explain to my children and grandchildren too ...
      1. +4
        21 May 2013 14: 09
        But many inventions - such as convertiplanes, CD-ROMs and handheld camcorders, LCD screens and other things - were made with us. And I read about them in these same magazines. That's right, right there.

        And the world famous Tetris was invented here.
  2. Owl
    20 May 2013 07: 13
    Unfortunately, they have changed too much and very quickly, compared with the Soviet years, the people inhabiting Our Country have changed not for the better. An unhealthy careerism appeared, bordering on and often (almost always) turning into betrayal, toadying and stabs in the back. Good People, much more often (almost always) are and are simply noticeable in extreme conditions, I have seen them in the "war" and I see them in the service.
    1. +36
      20 May 2013 07: 57
      It’s a good article. Most of us were born and raised in the USSR. We saw both good and bad. I don’t know if this is typical of human nature, but people usually remember the era better than bad. First of all, people had a goal. Not to make a lot of money as it is now, but to live a worthy life. Yes, TVs caught only 2-3 channels, but these were channels! What a transmission! What films, what culture! Yes, there was censorship, but there were no half-naked, and sometimes completely naked, voiceless choristers and mediocre actresses. Now there is nothing to watch with an abundance of channels! Yes, it was sparse in stores, but everything was tasty and healthy. Of course there were bribe takers and crooks, but how they look pathetic compared to today !!! The kids dreamed of being astronauts and scouts, and not grabbers and prostitutes as they are now. But of course, there were phenomena that I didn’t want to remember. To get into the number of lucky tourists, we had to have a fellow a lot of references and characteristics, and even to get to the wrong place, but first to socialist countries. There were QUEUES, starting with high-quality consumer goods and ending with DEFICIENCY delicacies. And in recent years, almost all products fell into the category of deficit. I will never forget queues for bread! Everything was in a word, and sadness and joy. But by any means, these were the years of our youth, and you always remember youth with warmth!
      1. +5
        20 May 2013 08: 43
        Quote: xetai9977
        But of course, there were phenomena that I don’t want to remember. To get into the number of lucky tourists, you had to collect a lot of references and characteristics, and even to get to not where you want, but first to the socialist countries. starting with high-quality consumer goods and ending with DEFICIENCY delicacies. And in recent years, almost all products have been in the category of deficit

        - about bread - already under Gorbat. But all the same, the USSR had disadvantages. The part you marked. Part of the author of SABZH noted himself, forcing people to judge and live in their own image. We learn to speak only for ourselves - if the author of SABZH was never interested in fashion (by the way, me too, I went well in clothes from Bolshevichka and in suits from Voskhod, purely woolen, by the way!), Then for other people, and especially for girls on looking fashionable was critical. There are instincts, nothing can be done. And again - not to let go of the "unrecognized genius, howling in his stoker, so that he would dishonor the USSR abroad"? I mean, the author of SABZh suggested not letting out, say, abroad, Viktor Tsoi? This singer had a period of work in a stoker. And Vysotsky was very reluctant to be released abroad. So what? They disgraced the USSR there? Here the author of the SABZH was skidded at the turn, if he knew his place, otherwise criticize "those who howl in the stoker" - and the "critic" grew up for this? Something on SABZh I do not see, despite the fact that I agree with many of his statements, even with most of his statements.
        It's simple - we take the pluses of that state, we take the pluses of present-day Russia, check for compatibility, then unite and build. And all the disadvantages of both the USSR and today's Russia - in a landfill. For example, the USSR had elements of egalitarianism; in today's Russia, in the heat of the struggle against this egalitarianism, a child was thrown out in a basin with dirty water, hence an absolutely indecent stratification of society. And the truth is in the middle. Most people do not require leveling at all, like, "I'll take my own and earn mine myself." They require exactly the same starting conditions FOR CHILDREN who have not yet started a professional career. Since they have not started their careers, there is no reason to put them in different conditions. Alas, this provision is not observed even by ministers, to whom I have a positive attitude. The presence of Shoigu's daughter in the top management of the Ministry of Emergencies and Rogozin Jr. hanging out in the top management of private companies planning close cooperation with the Russian Ministry of Defense can be a fly in the ointment. Fortunately, they did not, but ALL MINISTERS would draw conclusions from this - remember Stalin's children and even Beria's children! The son of Lavrenty Palych did not begin to make a career in the NKVD, but could, as I see it now. In many post-Soviet countries, the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a son at the age of 30 already heads the Department of Internal Affairs, and this is a big city! Beria the Younger became the founder of an important area of ​​the Russian arms industry, which one is a big secret. Something like that...
        1. folds
          20 May 2013 10: 46
          the USSR had elements of egalitarianism
          - starting with the reign of Khrushchev. Under Stalin, there were various labor participation rates, various bonuses, and artel production that fed and dressed the country — a lot of everything that the humpbacked man then tried to give out for his perestroika, selling his homeland to the west. How to build a country in which people would be happy is very well described in the history of the USSR. Only to do this we need to strain, but we have forgotten how to ..
          1. +5
            20 May 2013 13: 21
            Quote: plis
            starting with the reign of Khrushchev.

            - According to the Sabzh, it is not about the era of Stalin; according to the Sabzh, it is generally about the USSR, even more about its late, post-Khrushchev period. I understand the article. I think this is exactly the argument.
        2. ed65b
          20 May 2013 11: 20
          I do not think that the author had in mind Tsoi and Vysotsky. Of the children of Stalin, one can recall Vasily also moved at the expense of the pope (maybe not directly but indirectly for sure)
          1. +13
            20 May 2013 11: 54
            Quote: ed65b
            I do not think that the author had in mind Tsoi and Vysotsky. Of the children of Stalin, one can recall Vasily also moved at the expense of the pope (maybe not directly but indirectly for sure)

            - It is clear that I meant the mediocre analogues of Tsoi and Vysotsky, those who could not sing like that, but there are even more ambitions than the aforementioned singers. Nevertheless, "not letting them go abroad" is not an option, let them roll sausage along Malaya Spasskaya.
            As for Stalin's children, Stalin refused to exchange one of his own for Paulus. I cannot imagine such a situation with the current morals. What "indirectly tried to move at the expense of his father's name" is the choice of Vasily himself, his personal choice. And he does not influence Stalin's name in any way, as if his father did not encourage him to do this and did not contribute to such a movement in any way. The proof is Vasily's very modest personal career successes. Material - Vasily may have, but I would not attach much importance to this. When choosing "the golden child is provided for everyone" or "the golden child at the helm", I would choose the first - the damage is less for the state, much less. laughing Or somehow you interpret it wrong? Explain.
        3. +17
          20 May 2013 14: 22
          Quote: aksakal
          take the pros of today's Russia

          Excuse me, but what "advantages" do you see in today's Russia? The ability to travel the world? This is available to the minority. Opportunity to buy a decent car? The answer is the same. A variety of products in stores? If we discard all the low quality Mr., the answer is again the same. Where are the pluses, ay !? Medicine, defense, education? Safety? Is television interesting to watch? !! Affordable housing? Or maybe "free" culture has blossomed? No, no and NO! Will we remember the freedom of religion and gender identity? So I think - better not.
          Quote: aksakal
          the USSR had elements of egalitarianism

          Yes they were. But not equalization, but equal starting conditions. The absence of which, you rightly complain in modern Russia, citing even specific examples. Any child from the country, in any town-village, could get a good school education and enter a university for free, in order to be a worthy and respected member of society in the future. And he could have finished vocational school and become a worthy and respected member of society. And in any case, they would be citizens of a great country, protecting their interests, caring for them and respecting them. Part of a multinational people. And not the population, the electorate and "come in large numbers here"! Something like this...
          1. +3
            20 May 2013 15: 04
            Quote: matRoss
            Excuse me, but what "advantages" do you see in today's Russia? The ability to travel the world? This is available to the minority. Opportunity to buy a decent car? The answer is the same. A variety of products in stores? If we discard all the low quality Mr., the answer is again the same. Where are the pluses, ay !?

            - Yes, you are right, the ban on travel abroad has turned from an administrative to a price one. It exists, but it is already a step forward. When some bureaucrat looked at your face and put the seal "forbid" - who is he to decide whether to go abroad or not? Does he read on faces or did he just not like his nose? The second prohibition is purely for money, it is more surmountable and generally more logical. Although you are right - there is a prohibition and both prohibitions are not correct.
            Nevertheless, there is one plus - permission for a private initiative. Although I would have truncated it to a level like in China. In the PRC, private owners cannot engage in raw materials, large-scale construction, banking, and the arms business. There is a big list. But there is also a large list of activities allowed for private initiative. What is bad? Who did not find himself in the factory and in the bank, he opened a private shop and is happy. Why not? Why do you want to break it?
            Quote: matRoss
            Any child from the country, in any township, could get a good school education and enroll in a university free of charge in order to continue to be a worthy and respected member of society.

            - do not make me laugh. I lived then and I know. Theoretically, yes - anyone could
            Quote: matRoss
            free admission to university

            - in practice, the son of the Chairman of the local executive committee or the first secretary of the district committee had much more chances. Even the son of the warehouse manager of the Raypotrebsoyuz, or of a business there, had a much better chance of entering a popular university than the son of a simple hard worker, BE IT AT LEAST SEVEN FAN on the forehead. It was all over the place. Does it need to be proved? No need to idealize. I understand that memory leaves only the best, but not so much to forget
            1. 3 inches.
              20 May 2013 15: 11
              and what? and now how is it done? and the main thing is not what they’re coming from these universities now. Have you come across any modern doctors? I can say about the Kuibyshev Aviation, then try to offer a bribe to the teacher, they will give you in the face. even at the beginning of 90 the truth is polite, but the son of the governor was transferred to another university because he was stupid.
            2. +5
              20 May 2013 15: 22
              Quote: aksakal
              Nevertheless, there is one plus - permission for a private initiative. Although I would have truncated it to a level like in China. In the PRC, private owners cannot engage in raw materials, large-scale construction, banking, and the arms business. There is a big list. But there is also a large list of activities allowed for private initiative. What is bad? Who did not find himself in the factory and in the bank, he opened a private shop and is happy. Why not? Why do you want to break it?

              I fully agree with this proposal. I do not want to break off. And never offered. I consider the private service business under strict antitrust laws to be useful.
              Quote: aksakal
              do not make me laugh. I lived then and I know. Theoretically, yes - anyone could

              And I lived. And he studied. And I know. Maybe there were 5-7 universities in the whole country of "thieves", but they also had mandatory quotas "for the province" and "for national cadres." Even MGIMO is no exception.
              Quote: aksakal
              the son of the warehouse manager of the Raypotrebsoyuz or foreign business there was much more likely to enter a popular university than the son of a simple hard worker, BE IT AT LEAST SEVEN FAN on the forehead. It was all over the place.

              And here, let me categorically disagree with you. Considering my own experience. And the experience of peers who entered Soviet universities. It never occurred to anyone to give a bribe upon admission. Well, "telephone law" ... I have not come across, but I think it worked only at a level not lower than the regional leadership.
              1. +3
                20 May 2013 16: 02
                Quote: matRoss
                Even MGIMO is no exception
                - MGIMO in those years, let me, for the son of a simple hard worker was generally unavailable, alas. Although our Marchenko (the main banker of Kazakhstan, competed with Longard for the post of IMF Chairman), he managed to act. But then Marchenko - in his own words, no childhood at all, cramming and studying all day. laughing I’ve even driven football and fat in the yard laughing Even in Kazakhstan, Narxoz, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics of the Kazakh State University, and the Medical Institute (AGMI) were inaccessible to "mere mortals". If there was such a case for each Republican Republic - isn't the list of "thieves" universities too big? Technical universities suffered from shortages, I confirm. BUT ... The labor of an engineer in the USSR was valued less than the labor of a qualified locksmith-turner-welder-carcass woodworker, etc., despite the fact that during study you break your head while you master the materials, TMMs, descriptive geometries and probability theory hellish student labor - 120 rubles at the research institute "mailbox". I passed it myself, believe me.

                Quote: matRoss
                It’s never occurred to anyone to give a bribe upon receipt
                - I confirm. They didn't take money. "Greyhound puppies", that is, future usefulness. You come and show off in front of the Chairman of the Admissions Committee "Applicant of such and such a year" and in front of the entire commission, and they assessed whether you will be useful in the future or not? Can you get the adidas sneakers? It was with me and I can confirm it. Because I also wanted to go to Narxoz, but went to the technical one. Almost a Gold medal at school, the noise was raised, prove that it is wrong in my answer, why is there a four, because of which I do not pass the competition (only one point) - in a showdown, yes "the answer is correct, but not detailed enough, therefore only a four , I am so appreciated. " "And can I see the answer of that one over there? Yes, yes, that son of a persek of something, what is his answer (I just know how he studied, he is still a dumbass!)"? Shchaz, I was shown ten times! Alas, there was also "Telephone Law". Give at least one name of the first secretary of any district who has served in Afghanistan. Gorbach has nothing to do with Aganistan, the troops were brought there in 1979, then there was no smell of lumpy.
                How would I repeat - the subject is not about the era of Stalin. Sabzh about this period, which we remember.
                1. Gari
                  20 May 2013 16: 42
                  Quote: aksakal
                  The labor of an engineer in the USSR was valued lower than the work of a qualified locksmith-turner-welder-carpenters, etc.

                  My father was a civil engineer and no one except by name addressed him and raised us three, mother really worked too, and went in for sports and everyone got higher education, and not just a diploma.
                  1. +1
                    20 May 2013 17: 59
                    Quote: Gari
                    My father was a civil engineer and no one except by name addressed him and raised us three, mother really worked too, and went in for sports and everyone got higher education, and not just a diploma.

                    So even now I know a bunch of builders who are appreciated in their companies and they get them - well, not the oligarchs, but they also raise three. And if the private builder - so also the surplus in the form of a very decent car remains. It is clear that all this is in-demand builders. It is clear that there are those who call themselves a good builder, are offended by the whole world, that they don’t earn well ... At first, to fix such an injustice, I placed an order with them. And still I regret it, because upon acceptance there such jambs surfaced! Well, that did not collapse and did not kill anyone! And if where it collapsed, then at night there was no one. No, definitely in the current regime, when those who do not want to become a professional are left with no destiny, there is still something, whatever one may say. Some positive points. I do not speak globally, there are simply moments that were lacking in the USSR. They fussed with drunks there, took offenders on bail, they forgave everyone for truants ... And now - if you are a jamb, then you are NOT AT CASE. Everything is simple -))))
                    1. Gari
                      20 May 2013 20: 03
                      Quote: aksakal
                      So even now I know a bunch of builders who are appreciated in their companies and they get them - well, not the oligarchs, but they also raise three.

                      Dear, my father was a construction engineer and department head, in a large design institute, which, although it was located in Yerevan, designed and built large objects, factories, mainly defense, mailboxes, their institute was serviced all over Union. He and the new year, could come with a melon, meaning where he was in Uzbekistan, or vice versa where he came from Siberia
                      It was a Power, and other scales
                      1. -5
                        20 May 2013 20: 49
                        Quote: Gari
                        Dear, my father was a construction engineer and department head, in a large design institute, which, although it was located in Yerevan, designed and built large objects, factories, mainly defense, mailboxes, their institute was serviced all over Union

                        - Dear, you just ask how much the civil engineer receives - the head of the department in a large construction company, a contractor of a large oil company. Design institutes cannot survive on their own, they are with large construction firms. I’ll give you the numbers - believe me, ten children can be raised there, and mom does not have to work! laughing Now it’s even strange for me to hear that your father was essentially a big shot, and only three children were enough, and even then, provided that your spouse also worked. And this is in the Kazakhstan large construction company. I can only guess how much the head of a department of a Russian construction company on a federal scale can receive. Maybe someone will voice these numbers? And if we imagine, how much could such a department head in a company already of Eurasian scale receive (if the Eurasian Union would take place like that)? It was like that - the USSR was underpaid. Or are they overpaying now? Well, the question is big. Lakes was a great commentator. He was paid only 20 rubles for a commented match. Now, commentators whose sound you turn off just to silently watch football get hoo-hoo. But I am against paying too little. Always against.
                    2. Novel
                      21 May 2013 02: 27
                      About / kosyachnikov / -Exactly, there are a lot of random people now at construction sites. This is only because there are nowhere to go, there are no jobs! There are no waiters, sellers, army of security guards and taxi drivers. I myself was forced to become a builder a few years ago, during this time in Russia, I’ve been to .. I’ve been in full, I've seen enough shit And I can say with full responsibility, the jambs of the international poor fellow performers, a direct consequence of the abominable organization of work, bestial attitude towards people, the lack of professionalism and knowledge of most engineers, and most importantly, the organizers of construction projects , often the same random people as ordinary builders .. And this is one of the few industries that more or less breathes. The USSR is a huge monolith and bark beetles in it basked, RF-shed painted \ tekkuriloy \.
                2. +9
                  20 May 2013 17: 01
                  Quote: aksakal
                  MGIMO in those years, let me, for the son of a simple hard worker was generally unavailable, alas. Although our Marchenko (the main banker of Kazakhstan, competed with Longard for the post of IMF Chairman), he managed to act. But then Marchenko - in his own words, no childhood at all, cramming and studying all day. laughing I at least football and fat in the yard drove from the heart

                  Dear (without irony), aksakal! You deny yourself. Or fat and football and a technical university or cramming all day and MGIMO.
                  Quote: aksakal
                  The labor of an engineer in the USSR was valued lower than the work of a qualified locksmith-turner-welder-carpenters, etc.

                  It's true. This was the ideology of the state of workers and peasants. Therefore, there were enough workers and peasants for normal production. And now there are more and more lawyers and managers (ugh!). Everyone believes that he cannot live without a "higher" education, the quality of which, by the way, makes hair stand on end in all places. Although, do you know how much a good turner earns now? That's it, managers smoke. And you won't lure anyone to become a turner - "not prestigious". Better to mess around in offices for a penny (figuratively, of course) than to drive in. Generation Pepsi, bleat!
                  Quote: aksakal
                  If there was such a case for each Republican Republic, isn't the list of "thieves" universities too big?

                  For the national republic I will not say, not in the know. You know better. There was a local flavor all the way. Let's narrow it down to the RSFSR.
                  By the way, thank you for starting to contact me with a capital letter. smile
                  1. +3
                    20 May 2013 18: 21
                    Quote: matRoss
                    Dear (without irony), aksakal! You deny yourself. Or fat and football and a technical university or cramming all day and MGIMO.

                    - Well, excuse me, that's how I want - I want my child to have a childhood and a decent education. In fact, the USSR made a choice - either your child will not have MGIMO and childhood, or there will be childhood, but what the hell is a good university then? At the same time, the child of the first secretary of the district committee had both childhood and a superuniversity. It won't go like this. I'm not going to prove anything to you - now everyone who rules in Kazakhstan - everyone had a Moscow education and they were all "sons". The same Rakhat Aliyev who was on the run - he was finishing Moscow honey. The same Ablyazov, also a fugitive - the Moscow "Plekhanovka". Did they do that much better than I did, without one gold medalist grade? Why such crap in the USSR? These are facts, you can't write anything against them! In the USSR, this was and this was not the last reason for the collapse of the USSR!
                    Quote: matRoss
                    Such was the ideology of the state of workers and peasants.

                    - Agree, not quite right. Why push an engineer into a corner? He is the creator of new equipment and new technologies, not a turner. Turner was given a blueprint and a technological map, he turned on them - is this aerobatics? The engineer will do the same.
                    I will summarize - in the late period of the USSR, processes of violation of social justice and stratification processes began - not property stratification, but stratification according to potential opportunities to settle in a warm place or to attach a child to a good university. This turned out to be enough for the processes to go even further and take a generally avalanche-like character. Under Stalin, a small-town "persek" for the illegal extension of his child to a good university (subject to a "knock" or "cart") was sent to the north, and his son was expelled from the university. Do not be convinced, the USSR of the late period was a good state, but unfortunately it did not have a future.
                    1. +2
                      20 May 2013 18: 49
                      Quote: aksakal
                      Do not convince, the late USSR was a good state, but it did not have a future, unfortunately.

                      Well, if you can’t convince me, I won’t start to tear myself up. One question - only no offense - are you Russian? A lot of mistakes for an almost gold medalist. If you think the question is inappropriate - do not answer. respectfully hi
                      1. 0
                        20 May 2013 21: 01
                        Quote: matRoss
                        Well, if you can’t convince me, I won’t start to tear myself up. One question - only no offense - are you Russian? A lot of mistakes for an almost gold medalist. If you think the question is inappropriate - do not answer. respectfully

                        - I will be grateful if you indicate at least one mistake in a higher post. Perhaps somewhere I deliberately switch to "common", I write "like", or "walk", "little children" or even "push", because to print academically verified text on this site is not included in my plans, I have enough of this at work in the form of slugs. A deliberate mistake, not a mechanical one, that's why you type quickly, namely because of ignorance of grammar. Can you specify? Waiting
                      2. 0
                        20 May 2013 21: 43
                        In the "superior"? Please
                        Quote: matRoss
                        Late USSR was
                      3. 0
                        20 May 2013 22: 07
                        Ok there was laughing The union was, and so what? print speed, I don’t see here. I re-read my posts posted above, I see a bunch of such mistakes, so what?
                        Quote: aksakal
                        About how much can the head of department of a Russian construction company of federal scale receive

                        Quote: matRoss
                        The absence of which, you rightly complain in modern Russia, giving even specific examples.

                        - mark the punctuation marks and the correctness of their placement laughing Continue essentially or on this topic?
                      4. +1
                        20 May 2013 22: 16
                        Yes, do not make excuses. You write correctly. Sorry, argue another time. I have a garrison hang up smile hi
                      5. +4
                        20 May 2013 22: 47
                        Quote: aksakal
                        A deliberate mistake, not mechanical, is why you print quickly, namely because of ignorance of grammar.

                        And I will add. Of course, not in a previous post, but nonetheless
                        aksakal (1) August 9, 2012 14:00 p.m. ↑
                        - Yes, I was already in fairly high school and all heard the news on the news personally
                        Maybe I don’t have enough education, but in my opinion, this phrase is written not much not in Russian, and not much competently. Although, of course, there is no grammar limp. And further
                        This is clearly not 95%, but finding you unpleasant for me
                        listened to the news ......... So I'm almost an eyewitness,
                        So here it is; listened to? - almost an eyewitness!
                      6. 0
                        20 May 2013 23: 59
                        Quote: Normal
                        So here it is; listened to? - almost an eyewitness!
                        - I can, I'm a devil non-Russian, almost unchrist tongue laughing There is such, the word "enough" in the first phrase is superfluous, "I heard the news on the news" - a tautology + the word "listened" is better. About detection - I do not understand. As for the "news and eyewitness" - heh, it is torn out of context here. I vaguely remember that post, but the meaning was just that - "I listened to something personally in real time on the news during the Soviet era, so I'm almost an eyewitness of this something!" Do not take out of context here, here it is already permissible laughing
                      7. +2
                        21 May 2013 07: 16
                        Quote: aksakal
                        I can, I'm damn non-Russian, almost unchrist

                        Yes, okay, elder. laughing
                        It's just that you are so worried about your education that it is not a sin to "ground" you sometimes
                        Quote: aksakal
                        About detection - did not understand.

                        The phrase can be built formally competently, but the eye and ear breaks, well, they don’t speak Russian like that. Although, you can ....
                        Quote: aksakal
                        As for the "news and eyewitness" - heh, it is torn out of context here.

                        Everything is fine, I removed some of the text on purpose so that its absurdity would not be lost due to the length of the phrase. There is such a saying "It is better to see once than hear 1 times! In addition, the word" eyewitness "has a very specific meaning -" he saw with his own eyes. "So, almost an eyewitness (regardless of the amount of what he heard), like being almost pregnant Quote in full:
                        I remember listening to the news on our Soviet news and on Radio Liberty - it was not always jammed. So I'm almost an eyewitness, and here someone G-SI proves something to me. The facts in the studio, we will analyze.
                        Everything in context .... laughing hi
                3. 3 inches.
                  20 May 2013 19: 12
                  who argues the telephone right was. but how is it now? and they trained specialists and not just what comes out at this time. funny but half are not literate! they answer the question how do you study at the institute with such errors, so I study technical. there the letter is not important.
            3. +4
              20 May 2013 20: 57
              I agree with many. But, we acted with classmates in the same institute. Received: I can be called a major - father is the head of one of the city enterprises. Two of my friends (they really studied a little worse than me), one son of a stoker, another fatherless, mother is a cleaner. Another guy, also without a father. Other guys who wanted higher education and were ready to endure - the majority entered, though I went to other universities, I don’t remember exactly where.
              We were all residents of a town with a population of less than 10 000 people. Of the institutions that could not be entered, I can name only two. MGIMO (to no avail. Demanded fluent languages ​​and much more. Yes, the corporate was a university. Although ...) and Moscow State University. At MSU it was possible to break through ... but a real talent was required. Without this, it was really impossible to do from our town ... but the son of the first secretary of the district committee could not do either. Believe me, I know all this very accurately wink In such towns here everyone knows absolutely everything they want. While living there, it was enough to ask the mother about anyone lol So, about SEVEN SPAN ... you would try, most likely it would. You shouldn’t be so ...
            4. +1
              21 May 2013 15: 39
              Quote: aksakal
              - in practice, the son of the Chairman of the local executive committee or the first secretary of the district committee had much more chances. Even the son of the warehouse manager of the Raypotrebsoyuz, or something else out there, had a much better chance of entering a popular university than the son of a simple hard worker, BE IT AT LEAST SEVEN FAN on the forehead.

              Maybe this was the case in Central Asia - I will not say, but in Russia it was not practiced, which I myself witnessed. 1992, Soviet installations and guidelines were already operating on the verge - the son of a colonel in one of the units of the North Caucasian Military District did not enter our school due to the fact that he had not passed the tests. Yes, I retook 2 times, but that’s all that his father could do - and none I didn’t take responsibility to accept the applicant, despite the fact that he passed the other exams well and excellently, and my father asked for it - and you, dear AKSAKAL, say priority. By the way, children of drivers and collective farmers, as well as military and teachers, studied with us on the course - this is, by the way, about equal opportunities hi
          2. +5
            20 May 2013 21: 39
            I once came here to Siberia at the age of 9, but I have recently gotten into little shoes, but I don’t feel any support from the state. A daughter (3 children) is undesirable for the state. And the fourth warrior Oleg is a hindrance. And we still grow and survive ...
        4. +11
          20 May 2013 16: 01
          Modern youth cannot understand how the sons of Stalin and other leaders of the USSR could be sent to the front and die there. They cannot understand how people held leading positions and did not have large mansions, huge summer cottages of several hectares and a whole fleet of limousines. they will never understand. Other times and other people.
        5. +3
          20 May 2013 21: 20
          The main thing is children. Their upbringing and education. They are new Russians. The school curriculum is stupid and overloaded, Second-grader instead of Pushkin Japanese tales and poems, English ... What would the teams better understand?
      2. +2
        20 May 2013 23: 55
        Yes, there was such a shortage of consumer goods. In the USSR, several strategic mistakes were made: 1 spending on developing the infrastructure of the social camp (and not on oneself); 2 putting on an oil needle (like Saudi Arabia and increasing dependence on the buyer); 3 insufficient production of consumer goods. 4 bookmarks under the constitution ( raising the status of republics to autonomies)
    2. Ruslan_F38
      20 May 2013 15: 15
      People, of course, have changed a lot since then, and not for the better, no matter how sad it sounds, it’s more disconnected or something.
    3. +1
      20 May 2013 18: 50
      Quote: Eagle Owl
      Unfortunately, they have changed too much and very quickly, compared with the Soviet years, the people inhabiting Our Country have changed not for the better. An unhealthy careerism appeared, bordering on and often (almost always) turning into betrayal, toadying and stabs in the back. Good People, much more often (almost always) are and are simply noticeable in extreme conditions, I have seen them in the "war" and I see them in the service.

      Everyone chooses a social circle for himself to suit himself.
  3. +11
    20 May 2013 07: 18
    Remember the golden childhood
    1. Gari
      20 May 2013 10: 57
      Quote: krasin
      Remember the golden childhood

      And youth
  4. +53
    20 May 2013 07: 24
    As for food, then they said that toilet paper was added to boiled sausage laughing Eh, now I would have that sausage, without dyes and the rest of the Mendeleev table. There was natural juice, and not an assortment of all kinds of dyes and flavor enhancers. There were no sneakers, but when we tried them, it became clear that our Potato cake tastes better-UPS, but it is so!

    For money, but money was not the meaning of life, there were other values. Now the loot has been elevated to success. Then Zvereva and Moiseyev were kept in mental hospitals, and did not show them to the whole country through all channels.

    As regards security, back in 1985, there was a lock on our door at home, but the door was locked only at night. During the day the door was always open, just closed and that was all. The keys were left under the rugs.
    The author is well done generally good On the other aspects, you can write for a long, very long time, and today the USSR is poured with mud by those who did not live in it, who were born after or at the very end, not remembering how and what happened. There are others, but those political prostitutes seeking personal gain, like this happens in some republics of the once one country.
    And thanks again to the author.
    1. +22
      20 May 2013 07: 31
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      As for food, then they said that toilet paper was added to boiled sausage

      My daughter’s cat is turning its face from modern sausage, like you give me substance for the substance, I want meat.
      1. +8
        20 May 2013 07: 37
        Quote: Canep

        My daughter’s cat is turning its face from modern sausage

        The same garbage laughing
        1. +3
          20 May 2013 12: 28
          my dog ​​didn’t eat sausages.
          1. rereture
            21 May 2013 00: 53
            The cat doesn’t eat sausages, and it steals homemade pastries laughing
    2. +20
      20 May 2013 09: 01
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      During the day, the door was always open, just closed and that was all. The keys were left under the rugs.

      good morning Alexander! hi

      No comments

      1. +8
        20 May 2013 09: 25
        worth considering

    3. +27
      20 May 2013 09: 16
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      As for food, then they said that toilet paper is added to boiled sausage
      Hello carnivore hi I also remember these horrors that were told about the meat-packing plants ... And they add paper (but not the toilet, you forgot something and the gray wrapping), and the rats get into the meat grinder ... brrr. But when my mother dragged cheap, tea sausage, cats were walking behind the string bag, hoping to steal .. And now even my dog ​​turns away from the sausage.
      And about security ... What for the locks on the porches? Wooden doors are always wide open and in apartments the doors are from painted hardboard. laughing
      But the fact that the author recalls our pranks is true ... Some arson and scarecrows were worth something ... When my son saw in Brother -2 how Bugrov was ofigel doing a scarecrow ... Dad, that’s shooting ...
      It seems to me that at that time we were the one who we doused ourselves with mud-the Soviet people, one family. If you go out to smoke the bull that was found in the bushes, you will definitely see some kind of aunt Nadia from the balcony. I’ll tell my mother ... We had a good childhood. . Cheerful
      1. +30
        20 May 2013 10: 31
        During the years of democracy, the most tragic, people have deteriorated. The Soviet people had a different mentality and other values, which made it possible to have a high level of organization and security in society. In 1991, criminals and fraudsters who imposed their value system on everyone else fell to power.
        I believe that the greatest achievement of the USSR was MAN and the system of relations in society.
        PS I'm worried about my son. He is 9 years old, and he still hasn’t set fire to anything and didn’t blow it up.
        1. Atlon
          20 May 2013 10: 48
          Quote: Grenader
          PS I'm worried about my son. He is 9 years old, and he still hasn’t set fire to anything and didn’t blow it up.

          Heck! Exactly! laughing I don’t want to offend you, just a replica ... First, the children stop burning, then they don’t want to go to the Army, and then they become homosexuals ... Ugh, ugh! Good luck in your upbringing! wink
          1. +7
            20 May 2013 12: 35
            I, too, worried about my own, but grew up nothing and went to the army myself, recently served. Only while he served I turned gray and earned hypertension.
          2. +6
            20 May 2013 22: 03
            9, almost 5, daughter 3,3 - a gang! Most afraid of cars. Youngsters driving and with ambition! In the yard gazanut in front of the girls ... And so I give them a walk. The fourth contemplates the riot from the stroller and smiles differently.
        2. +4
          20 May 2013 14: 20
          Quote: Grenader
          PS I'm worried about my son. He is 9 years old, and he still hasn’t set fire to anything and didn’t blow it up.

          Well, bliiiinn, comrade.
          and put the firecrackers in a plastic jar and set it on fire,
          so that she either cuddles or jumps, can you show this to your son?

          and sticks the model of the tank (cardboard, sold everywhere), stuff it with saltpeter (but this one is not for sale), put it in the tower and mot / compartment along the building cartridge, and set it on fire.
          can you do it?

          and burn potatoes in the yard in the evening?


          even I worry about your son.
          1. Atlon
            20 May 2013 14: 52
            Quote: Rider
            and put the firecrackers in a plastic jar

            Ok, dear !!! What are firecrackers ?! Glory to the Almighty, matches, insulating tape, silicate glue and paper are still sold in stores! And in pharmacies potassium permanganate. Aluminum powder is harder ...
            1. +11
              20 May 2013 15: 08
              Quote: Atlon
              Aluminum powder is harder ...

              And in one hand a piece of aluminum, in the other a file, and religion or education does not allow cutting small chips. In our years, we sawed and actively !. laughing
              1. Atlon
                20 May 2013 18: 41
                Quote: Hedgehog
                And in one hand a piece of aluminum, in the other a file, and religion or education does not allow cutting small chips. In our years, we sawed and actively !.

                Sawed, but not aluminum, but magnesium! And there was a lot of powder in any household! And the powder is better in quality, you won’t cut it with a file ... wink By the way, to take "aluminum in one hand", you still need to find it! And preferably electrical, not an alloy. Find aluminum wire on the street now? laughing
                1. +2
                  20 May 2013 18: 54
                  Well, we didn’t get magnesium. For joy, we stood on our ears if someone managed to get a piece of magnesium alloy from the area of ​​the aircraft repair enterprise. But it was far away for us. ~ 35 km.
                  Today I watched as the homeless disassembled the old voltage regulator, there he received at least a kilogram of aluminum. In the form of a wire.
            2. +2
              20 May 2013 15: 17
              Quote: Atlon

              Well, you see, there is nothing to worry about.

              just show, interest.

              let Dad be an example for him, and not the Internet.
            3. Skavron
              20 May 2013 15: 45
              And what about the saltpeter rackets?
              And homemade gunpowder?
              ehhhh ...
              1. +4
                20 May 2013 16: 12
                And take a strip of ~ 10 mm wide chocolate foil. Screw 3-4 turns of a strip on a match head and clamp the free end. Seal. Put the match so that the head is on weight. Stand on the side. Heat the edge of the foil and show the result with the consequences to the child. They don’t know this! In a week, all the neighboring children will repeat your focus. laughing
                1. MG42
                  20 May 2013 21: 22
                  How we made firecrackers in childhood >>> you take a metal owl. dowel and with the help of a brick you punch a hole in the asphalt, then several. You scrape off the heads of matches there, the more the louder it will be, insert the dowel, and drop the same brick from above, hitting the dowel, the explosion is loud, it used to pull out several centimeters of asphalt. Or who is too lazy to spray a can from under an aerosol, for example, hairspray "charm" was such a fire, but you don't have to stand close .. laughing bully
                  1. +5
                    20 May 2013 23: 56
                    and also find a champagne bottle, cram carbide, fill it with water and plug it tightly, a little while later it’s shy !!!
                    1. rereture
                      21 May 2013 01: 00
                      For carbide plus + Although childhood was the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s, but I understand you all very well (the village is small far away, until the mid-2000s the Soviet banner hung on a recreation center) we shoved dry ice into water bottles and took it from movers who brought ice cream smile
                    2. MG42
                      21 May 2013 01: 25
                      Carbide still had to be mined, it was not lying underfoot, but any kid could find matches, dowels and bricks without any problems >>>
                      there were also <consumables> builds cartridges, you can find if you want to know the places where ...
                      1. rereture
                        21 May 2013 01: 37
                        We had carbide literally lying under our feet, since there was a lot of welding work in the yards) and that was))
                    3. 0
                      21 May 2013 20: 15
                      - Aha! And then push such a thing into a pipe dug into the ground (like a column, or something, we had one in our yard) how it burns! And when one day the broads were late, one tovarisch looked into the "trunk" .... The ambulance was called ...
                  2. +3
                    21 May 2013 01: 52
                    Quote: MG42
                    take a metal owl. dowel and using a brick you punch a hole in the asphalt ....

                    As I remember right now, a bottle of champagne is taken, the grass is shoved inside, you pour water 2/4 and the carbide stuck on top of the construction site, plug the neck, turn it over and make our legs farther ... surprise and candy, in their place we pour the composition cleaned from five sparklers, put it in a snowdrift, light one sparkler but not from the top, but from the bottom, insert it into the cracker and get a small fireworks.
                    1. MG42
                      21 May 2013 02: 10
                      Well, yes there were a lot of different things, not all recipes are probably worth disclosing on the net ..
                      Now much more can be done to the troubles with modern Chinese pyrotechnics in Ukraine I know of cases when the roof was ignited by night fireworks, here the news is a little off topic of course, the Chinese were unlucky
                      a lorry carrying pyrotechnics exploded on the Liankho expressway in the Chinese province of Henan. At the time of the explosion, the truck was on the bridge, as a result of which the 80-meter section of the structure collapsed. According to local media, 26 people were killed.

                      According to the website of the Zhongguo Xinwen Agency, at least ten trucks fell from a bridge into the Yichang River. According to eyewitnesses, the river bed is dry.

                      The total length of the bridge, according to media reports, is about 160 meters, height - about 30.

                    2. 0
                      21 May 2013 15: 08
                      Quote: Aleksys2
                      a bottle is taken

                      we handed over bottles and not .... bumbled but spray cans from under dichlorvos were in price))
                      ripped off the top cap with pliers punched a hole from the back side .. to which they then brought a match ... whole cannonade or dug a small hole in the clay .. silent water .. a can of sprat with a hole in the center and made a booming "frog") ))

                      perhaps not all recipes should be announced online

                      I will refrain)))
            4. +4
              20 May 2013 15: 47
              Quote: Atlon
              Glory to the Almighty, matches, electrical tape, silicate glue and paper are still sold in stores!

              And also an encyclopedic dictionary with the composition of gunpowder, a class in the fifth found and gunpowder made, YES WERE TIMES !!!!! good
              1. +1
                20 May 2013 16: 24
                Quote: ultra
                And also an encyclopedic dictionary with the composition of gunpowder, a class in the fifth found and gunpowder made, YES THERE WERE TIMES !!!!

                - Forget it, if you don't want problems for your son. Preparation for a terrorist attack, if not soldered, will definitely be registered. Then you will regularly meet gray personalities at your house and answer the questions of the district police officer with a trick, "What does your son believe in? Does the mosque go often? Do you drive yourself? Oppankki, this is already more interesting ... And what purpose do you drive there yourself? How are you? Do you belong to the current regime? Secretly, I will not tell anyone ... I also don’t like the fact that girls go without a headdress ... Come on, tell me, don’t hesitate! " I need this schoolboy for a hundred years, and my son sits perfectly at the tablet and the same tanks that are advertised here on the site, drives. Times are not the same ...
                1. +3
                  20 May 2013 20: 09
                  Quote: aksakal
                  and the son is sitting perfectly at the tablet

                  don't want to offend
                  but Zadornov is remembered.

                  "Dad - son, how many friends do you have?
                  Son - 120 in contact.
                  Dad - how many of them will stand with you shoulder to shoulder when bullies attack you? "

                  What is your answer?
                  1. +1
                    20 May 2013 22: 52
                    Quote: Rider
                    don't want to offend
                    but Zadornov is remembered.
                    - let's stop at the middle. Tomorrow I’m starting to drive my son out to play football. But no explosions, no young chemist kits. laughing And about friends ... This is a difficult question. I have them, but life has scattered it somehow far away, and new ones after a certain age, say, after thirty, somehow didn’t get acquired, more and more friends “drink beer, drink for politics ... eat, discuss women ". And if you take it according to the principle "friends are known in trouble", then there are very interesting incidents and effects. laughing The one whom he was counting on jumped away, but for some reason he stretched out the hand from whom he least expected laughing

                    Quote: Rider
                    Dad - how many of them will stand with you shoulder to shoulder when bullies attack you? "
                    - so I don’t really believe in this young romanticism, somehow I rely more purely on myself and on my strength.
            5. +1
              21 May 2013 22: 26
              Sorry, Atlon!

              I could not buy potassium permanganate in Moscow - they said, in connection with the terrorist threat (
        3. +1
          21 May 2013 15: 02
          Quote: Grenader
          During the years of democracy, the most tragic, people have deteriorated. The Soviet people had a different mentality and other values,

          Yes, even now, OUR people, many are not consciously drawn to that bright that was in us then ... It is because of the fact that in the souls of our people there is a viscous longing without Concretica this is it .. It is not for nothing that people went to "Legend No. 17" and they go to this film several times .. because they are there .. they sit and feel their involvement in the events of those days ... to the Greatness of those days .. and they will go to Gagarin and Yashin will go, Great Great Events .. they Unite the People, the People celebrating the achievement in technology, sports, science receives a "signal" of unity.
          It was chaotic but then the whole house knew each other .. and now they don’t know each other on the landing.
      2. +5
        20 May 2013 10: 57
        Quote: domokl
        Hello carnivore

        Wow Sasha hi
        Quote: domokl
        What nafig locks on the porches?

        Yes, I'm not talking about the porches, I'm talking about the door to the apartment. Although I arrived in Kamchatka in 94 and there were still no iron doors and bars in the shops.
        Quote: domokl
        Ignitions and scarecrows alone were worth it.

        Slingshots from the chatter are safer, and they also blew carbite and plowed wassat
        Quote: domokl
        We had a good childhood .. Fun

        And it took place on the street, and not at the computer.
        1. +6
          20 May 2013 12: 58
          Yes, which just did not). Over the summer, magnesium helicopter wheels were filed into small shavings and interfered with pruned mother from the factory in a bottle with manganese. They made explosive packets from it, as a rule, tealots, tried to make rockets) from an aluminum pipe and this mixture), as a rule, they burst after the third fourth launch). Meerk and silver were more scarce), for which they made explosive packages that explode from impact, with stones sparking inside the package). The technology of silite rockets was mastered very well). Father himself told how to make a crossbow, and not a cherkash but with a trigger and a trigger, where the striker hit the boot clove inserted into a small hole in the brass tube)).
          1. +5
            20 May 2013 14: 21
            This is exactly wink I made a working mock-up of a muzzle-loading gun in (not 1: 1 naturally). During the tests, the refrigerator in the kitchen was broken, and the gun crashed against the wall.
      3. ed65b
        20 May 2013 11: 25
        And you go into the bus and don’t pay, as it was a shame it seemed the whole bus was looking at you and now you throw the last five dollars into the machine and turn off one ticket for yourself.
        1. 0
          21 May 2013 15: 17
          Quote: ed65b
          you throw the last penny in the device

          but as passed "for a ticket"! laughing
          a lot of people who went into the back door as it is now before my eyes ...
          - Please hand over the ticket.
          and a trickle of little things starts to run from hand to hand .... and then a long ribbon came back from which everyone tore off their tickets and most importantly everything came to everyone)))
      4. +1
        21 May 2013 22: 24
        Hello domokl!
        I personally killed several of these rats at a meat factory ...
        That did not diminish the appetite at all ("not only valuable fur, but also highly digestible meat").

        And about the toilet paper (I also have this option as a native) - now I understand that there is a double irony: toilet paper was as if not a big deficit than a sausage)))
    4. Gari
      20 May 2013 11: 03
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      Eh, now I would have that sausage, without dyes and the rest of the periodic table.

      I remembered how in the 80s, my grandfather said, they say now that now the food is not what they had in their youth, and the environment, and tobacco, they smoked real,
      what would he say now
    5. broker
      20 May 2013 11: 05
      And they didn’t close the door for me, why and why, because it was not so bad to take .. and so everyone has one and all !!!
      1. +11
        20 May 2013 12: 41
        Well, don’t tell me, our doors in the North didn’t close, but where everyone knew the money - in the closet under a pile of bedding. Sometimes a neighbor comes in and gives ten, says he came in, you weren’t there, he took it and brought it to give.
      2. +5
        20 May 2013 13: 57
        Perhaps those who did not work did not have anything?
      3. +4
        20 May 2013 14: 29
        Quote: broker
        And they didn’t close the door for me, why and why, because it was not so bad to take .. and so everyone has one and all !!!

        Well, you would only speak for yourself. No need for all the polls. My family was considered wealthy for the USSR, and could afford a lot, and it allowed. And the door to the house happened and did not close at night, especially in summer, it’s hot after all. And that is characteristic, then nothing disappeared with us. But in the late 90s, in one night, everything that was not concreted or nailed was taken out of the yard.
      4. +3
        20 May 2013 15: 51
        Quote: broker
        but because it was neh to take

        Poor work DEAR! hi
    6. ed65b
      20 May 2013 11: 22
      And the doors were hollow interior type.
    7. d_trader
      20 May 2013 11: 43
      And when we had a hot summer, the door was just wide open.
    8. +8
      20 May 2013 12: 24
      And I remembered tomato juice in three-liter cans, such a thing for drinking vodka (3 rubles 62 kopecks a bubble)! And also his district police officer, who was busy with us until the army itself. He knew everyone in the village personally, and the big village was the central estate of the Voskhod collective farm in Altai. There was a Man with a capital letter. Now I have not met such. We have a district militia officer in the village, they even say two, but they are not visible or audible.
      1. +8
        20 May 2013 14: 22
        Well, you would have remembered two and eighty seven more. For a ruble - and we won't go to the bathhouse. Three rubles: half a liter of vodka, half a loaf of bread (16 kopecks a loaf) and 5 kopecks of salted sprat (if memory serves - 300 grams). In general, the article is huge +. No better for nostalgia. To grouse at least in old age. As Bykov said in the famous film: "And the sky is blue and the grass is green!"
        1. +5
          20 May 2013 15: 07
          Quote: sedoj
          No better for nostalgia. To grouse at least in old age. As Bykov said in the famous film: "And the sky is blue and the grass is green!"

          Of course, we recall childhood and youth, when the trees were large and all that. But it was better, and much, in everything, it was OBJECTIVE! Everything from sprats to space! It is a pity that the young cannot be explained already, for them it is only an old age farting ...
          Damn, about sprat-bread-half a liter so imaginatively presented ... mmm ... we need to drink it urgently. For the USSR! drinks
        2. ded10041948
          20 May 2013 20: 42
          Sadist! Don't step on calluses! It seems like not the first (not even the second) youth, but in my soul such a longing as I remember all this! And we had immeasurably more chivalry, in comparison with modern ones. Try to say filthy with a girl! For a week you will illuminate the road for yourself in the dark! And now I periodically replenish my vocabulary of profanity (although, as my commander said: "When Grandfather arranges" debriefing "of the boatswain of the tsarist fleet in coffins, with envy, they spin like an electric motor anchor!"), Hearing the conversation of 15-year-old snuffles ... Sad, damn it! The article is definitely a plus.
      2. +2
        20 May 2013 14: 31
        Quote: vjatsergey
        And I remembered tomato juice in three-liter jars, such a thing for drinking vodka (3 rubles 62 kopecks)

        a can of tomato juice rub ninety. but in Ukraine. 3.60 is Moscow. and 4.70 Andropovka.
  5. GHG
    20 May 2013 07: 25
    A huge PLUS "+". It is a pity that only one can. There is something to remember. smile
  6. +8
    20 May 2013 07: 26
    Yes, that’s how it was. And it is necessary that most of the Soviet times, passed into our real life. +
    1. Captain Vrungel
      20 May 2013 08: 22
      We have lost such a country. It's just that all the trash, Feces, were forced to flow through the pipe intended for them by the state and society. What is Democracy? This is what the rich came up with for money in order to make money. The pipe burst from such a pressure and all the feces with seething, but it does not sink, splashed to the surface and covered a completely clean reservoir of the light state. All those outcasts and scum of society, all that riffraff of life-mongers, speculators, black-eyed people, shady people, guilds, pop-men were seething free, and they added yeast with the slogan "Everything that is not forbidden is allowed" and we have what we have. Actively seething on the surface and hidden by it that clean reservoir of our habitat.
      Great material, especially for those born in the Soviet Union, grew up in the USSR.
      1. +10
        20 May 2013 09: 21
        Quote: Captain Vrungel
        Here we have lost such a country. Just all the trash, feces, were forced to flow through the pipe intended for them by the state and society.

        We sold this country for a ghostly opportunity to tell jokes on the street, not in the kitchen. For 20 types of meat in the store (I remember reports about food on TV from the time of Gorbachev), for a piece of soy sausage ...
        1. ed65b
          20 May 2013 11: 28
          Unfortunately, we were simply deceived. Threw. and now there's nothing to be done. Remember how the people poured out on the streets of Moscow to defend the EBN. That's how the Muscovites and prosrali the USSR.
          1. +2
            20 May 2013 15: 01
            Well, not so "nothing can be done". The main thing is to strive. Now we have realized exactly what we want and what we don't. It remains to materialize your aspirations and hopes.
        2. Misantrop
          20 May 2013 11: 40
          Quote: domokl
          We sold this country for
          WE didn’t sell. Sold US, naive and gullible. When a man at the station is “put on shoes for money” by a crowd of gypsies who pull everything from his pockets and bags while a couple of the most noisy distracts attention (familiar picture?) Does this mean that he “voluntarily enters into a commodity-money relationship with them”?
        3. +3
          20 May 2013 14: 32
          Quote: domokl
          For 20 types of meat in the store (I remember reports about food on TV from the time of Gorbachev), for a piece of soy sausage ...

          Immediately I remember a saying popular in the early 90s: - "In the Soviet Union, nothing was on the shelves, but everything was in the refrigerator, and now everything is on the shelves, and the refrigerator is empty, because there is nothing to buy."
        4. +3
          20 May 2013 22: 13
          I did not lose. My country was stolen.
  7. +18
    20 May 2013 07: 27
    The USSR was a HUGE COOPERATIVE, where there really was nothing “free” - everything through a complex, subtlest system of connections-offsets-distribution, inaccessible to wretched capitalism even “in the first approximation”, was paid in one way or another: by labor, knowledge, mining , protecting external and internal ...
    In the West, they somehow calculated all the free services and values ​​that the average Soviet family received. It turned out that the standard of living in the USSR was commensurate with the standard of living of the United States.
    1. +13
      20 May 2013 09: 25
      Quote: Canep
      It turned out that the standard of living in the USSR was commensurate with the standard of living of the United States.
      And it turned out right. We all had a perspective. Everyone knew if you want, you will become an engineer, athlete, officer .. Anyone. You just need to want to learn this. Of course there was blat and telephone law, but that didn’t diminish any person’s ability. you will ...
      1. Misantrop
        20 May 2013 11: 36
        Quote: domokl
        Everyone knew if you want, you will become an engineer, athlete, officer .. Anyone. You just need to want to and learn this.

        When I entered, the competition was 18 people per place. And it was not a purse contest
  8. +8
    20 May 2013 07: 31
    Great article, thanks to the author! Copied ...
  9. lexe
    20 May 2013 07: 34
    Yes, people are not afraid of the scoop, but the worst that was in it with the worst that is now. It strains how quickly the bright past passed. Well, the elite cannot live like people. And what is weak to take the best of 2 systems? And you should not oppose healthy collectivism and initiative. I think about inventions
    the breakthrough will be more serious than in the USSR. What is the use of inventing if everything goes to the left and is not implemented?
    1. +12
      20 May 2013 08: 30
      in my opinion, that "worst" of the scoop now looks like flowers and a walk on the lawn against the background of today's gray, unprincipled, with uncertainty about the future of life. I have always said and will say that we (thanks to our passivity, naivety and ignorance on the one hand and the activity of villains and traitors of all stripes in the ruling elite on the other) sold the country for beads. I bow to the author for the article. Thank you for giving me the chance to live in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for 22 years.
    2. +13
      20 May 2013 09: 30
      Quote: Lexi
      .... I think in terms of inventions
      the breakthrough will be more serious than in the USSR. What is the use of inventing if everything goes to the left and is not implemented?

      You're not right. Science and industry were at their best, yes, everything advanced went to the defense industry, but you are not even able to appreciate everything that was created, believe me. Thanks to our grandfathers and fathers who worked in science and industry. You are alive and you can criticize, Russia is alive, and many developments, this is the modernization of the old, or which has not yet had time to be embodied in the USSR - the whole world respected for science and was afraid of our military.
      1. Without a dream
        20 May 2013 10: 58
        Strongly support!
      2. 0
        20 May 2013 20: 52
        Quote: Aristarchus
        Russia is alive, and many developments, this is the modernization of the old, or not yet able to be embodied in the USSR - the whole world respected science and was afraid of our military.

        That's right. Now, after two decades after the collapse of the USSR, our industry, the energy component, is 80 percent of those Soviet times. What will happen to it in the current state of workers, workers, in the worst case, the shutdown of many production lines, at best, work through the stump of the kolda. The Soviet system of vocational education was destroyed and a new one was not built, even attempts are not visible.
      3. +1
        21 May 2013 22: 41
        (A knowledgeable person told me something like this in a confidential conversation: OTK divides semiconductor devices in the USSR into three categories. The first — the best — goes to science (!). The second — slightly worse — to defense. The third — to industry. into consumer goods ...
        And at the same time, our radio tape recorders were still working for themselves, and they were often repaired on their knees.)

        By the way, can you explain to modern children how the gramophone plays?
  10. Ynat
    20 May 2013 07: 35
    For - with two hands !!!!! Indeed it was !!!!
  11. +18
    20 May 2013 07: 42
    There are many things to remember. But here’s 1 memory of me simply ... well, no words, in short: very many went to the post office for newspapers and magazines due to the fact that the entire volume of periodicals was not physically placed in a standard mailbox! And the work of postmen was truly titanic! People read! And the informative load of the Soviet media can not be compared with modern!
    1. +8
      20 May 2013 09: 28
      Quote: retired
      the standard volume mailbox did not physically fit the entire volume of incoming periodicals!
      I agree ... I went all the time. It’s good that the mail is not far away. Some magazines were written out 5-7 pieces necessarily. I’ve got a glimpse of the Technique of Youth. They also made me write out at school and at work .. Pioneer truth, transport worker and more ... I remember this the waste paper was then exchanged for checks on which good books were bought in the store. Not for the interior, but for reading ..
      1. +11
        20 May 2013 10: 46
        Everything is 100% like ours. My father also subscribed to zh-ly "Communist", "library of an agitator and propagandist" - awesome magazines, I definitely need "Modelist Constructor" + an appendix to it, "Radio", "Science and Life", "Youth". There are several literary magazines. Mothers must be "Worker" and "Peasant". "Crocodile"!! Eh-h-h ... And now you buy "AIF", unfold it ... God forbid, there will be something for 15 minutes of reading. Everything else is a hat! I haven't bought a KP for 15 years. Izvestia went bad. MK reading is fun at times, but mostly disgusting. SE - a newspaper about nothing. And to stand with a newspaper rustling in the transport, and in the morning, until you get to work - a thrill!
    2. -1
      20 May 2013 20: 49
      Quote: retired
      And the work of postmen was truly titanic! People read! And the informative load of the Soviet media can not be compared with modern!

      Break off, and now they are reading, only the carriers have changed! There were paper carriers - they became electronic. On this issue, the present wins the past (regardless of whether the scoop or not).
      1. +5
        20 May 2013 21: 07
        Quote: Setrac
        Break off, and now they are reading, only the carriers have changed! There were paper carriers - they became electronic.

        And what is the audience of readers, and what exactly are they reading? Let's be honest, firstly, electronic media are not accessible to everyone, and secondly, I don’t really believe that modern youth reads what we called a newspaper, some isolated facts when certain questions arise. Electronic books? Yes, not it’s very obvious, but the lack of elementary knowledge comes out, I’m not talking about such things as physics, GEOGRAPHY, forgot how to write, complete lack of spelling, although most students prefer humanitarian subjects.
        1. rereture
          21 May 2013 01: 34
          As such knowledge is taught, a mathematics teacher taught physics in our school from the 7th to the 10th grade. Many teachers do not want to make efforts to attract student interest. And what are the textbooks now ... Biology, for example: 10th grade general biology, 11th grade general biology. The textbooks are the SAME, the authors of the chapter simply swapped places.
      2. Atlon
        20 May 2013 22: 10
        Quote: Setrac
        Break off, and now they are reading, only the carriers have changed!

        They read ... How many times Pugachev and Galkin, and Kabaev and Putin ... Read about this! Yes, what is the long-term broadcast of House-2! Do you think this nonsense would be shown without ratings? Does anyone remember how it started? What was the ultimate goal? Hardly...
        1. rereture
          21 May 2013 01: 08
          Well, do not. They read everything, and news, and fiction and scientific. Now it’s not fashionable to not be reading. And electronic media is accessible to everyone since everyone has multimedia devices: a phone, a smartphone, a computer.
        2. 0
          21 May 2013 01: 11
          Quote: Atlon
          They read ... How many times Pugachev and Galkin, and Kabaev and Putin ... Read about this! Yes, what is the long-term broadcast of House-2! Do you think this nonsense would be shown without ratings? Does anyone remember how it started? What was the ultimate goal? Hardly...

          You yourself have chosen for yourself such friends and acquaintances who "read" Dom-2, many of my acquaintances do.
          Quote: olegyurjewitch
          Let's be honest, firstly, electronic media are not accessible to everyone, and secondly, I don’t really believe that modern youth reads what we called a newspaper, some isolated facts when certain questions arise. Electronic books? Yes, not it’s very obvious, but the lack of elementary knowledge comes out, I’m not talking about such things as physics, GEOGRAPHY, forgot how to write, complete lack of spelling, although most students prefer humanitarian subjects.

          Several paper books stand as one electronic (device). Reading e-books is much cheaper (not even at times) than paper!
          1. rereture
            21 May 2013 01: 25
            And you can not buy books and download them for free, since there are a lot of things in the public domain on the Internet)
  12. ekama1
    20 May 2013 07: 47
    Gorgeous, true article.
  13. annenkov242
    20 May 2013 07: 47
    There is little left, to root out the genes of depravity of Western civilization, grafted into our "elite" !!!
    I fully support:
    Culture !!!
  14. +5
    20 May 2013 07: 50
    Today needs to live tomorrow too. The past cannot be returned, in 1991 it was necessary to scream and not now.
    Anticipating the question: I was 1991 years old in 14, so I could not do anything, since I still did not understand the whole depth of the situation
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 08: 32
      Quote: Ragnarek
      Anticipating the question: I was 1991 years old in 14, so I could not do anything, since I still did not understand the whole depth of the situation

      I was 22, but ... Then I also did not understand ... Thought: Freedom! And freedom from what? Now I understand, but late ... Here's more about our childhood, everything is compressed in one song.

      1. +8
        20 May 2013 08: 53
        Quote: Atlon
        I was 22, but ... Then I also did not understand ... Thought: Freedom! And freedom from what? Now I understand, but late ...

        And I'm 28. I still managed to help dissidents and the first "human rights activists". And this is me - the son of a convinced communist and the grandson of an ardent Chekist. It took 6-7 years to see the light.
        1. +16
          20 May 2013 11: 48
          At 91 I was 32.
          He was abroad more than once, a sailor, because.
          And, I did not perceive all this bacchanalia at once. I didn’t perceive organically.
          It all started in 1995, when it was flooded with magnificent colors - chatter, consensus, economical economy.
          Over the years, I managed to make sure that sweet, soothing chatter - leads to disastrous holes - in life.
          But when in the Navy, in the North, they inserted into all the holes - and the service went on, as you go along the highway, without a hitch, without a hitch.
          So with this tagged - a hero who climbed the throne only knows how to star pain.
          And a giant fraud went.
          It remains only to remember.
          The country knocked down at the top of the "loop".
          I lived there.
          1. +6
            20 May 2013 13: 50
            Quote: Igarr
            At 91 I was 32.

            91 years. 26 years were.
            He worked for 2 years as a foreman, became a production mechanic. A career on take-off, as they say. And then .... knowledge, the ability to solve production problems became unnecessary. The ability to sell, turn around, cut money was in demand, they talked about such people as untwisted.
            I recall those years, and frankly disgusting from some of my actions.
      2. +3
        20 May 2013 18: 02
        Quote: Atlon
        I was 22, but ... Then I also did not understand ... Thought: Freedom! And freedom from what? Now I understand, but late ... Here's more about our childhood, everything is compressed in one song.

        I was 15. Just then I was in Moscow. When the coup failed, everyone rejoiced and I was together with everyone. Everyone shouted "Freedom", "Freedom". Only after 5 years did it begin to reach, and what were we generally happy about and what "freedom" we were shouting about what
    2. Komodo
      20 May 2013 14: 20
      And I was 1985. In 9, with what event today can you compare the day when I was accepted into pioneers? Perhaps with no. The day you become part of a great and mighty power ...

      And now, bdb, we can’t win back our own Central Bank.
      Bravo! - a generation of Free, Enterprising, Successful.
      Modern, Effective h (m) strokes!
  15. k220150
    20 May 2013 07: 51
    People are always the same - they want changes, they are afraid to think, they hope for others ... The Union fell victim to the methodical wrecking work of enemies who knew they were losing, and our stupidity - we were too careless and reckless. The country was building a NEW LIFE MODEL, it is always not easy, today we are fighting off .... races. Their global offensive is the result of the assassination of the Land of Soviets. There is a simple test for human maturity - an attitude towards the Stalin era. Destalinizers are wretched, sick and stupid creatures, for example Fedotov, Alekseeva, Svinidze, Pozdner, ... Two-faced and vile.
    1. folds
      20 May 2013 11: 21
      "For patriots, Stalin is a patriot, for smart people - an intelligent ruler, for bastards, freaks and traitors - a bloody tyrant" (C) mute
      1. Rrv
        20 May 2013 13: 21
        Quote: plis
        "For patriots, Stalin is a patriot, for smart people - an intelligent ruler, for bastards, freaks and traitors - a bloody tyrant" (C) mute
  16. 0
    20 May 2013 07: 53
    Dear Lexi! I completely agree with you. There is good and bad in every system. For many years we have been able to adapt to the old bad, but not yet to the new bad. And to change something cardinally is again a revolution. And again, “We all came out of the people ...”, although we all know where we came from and we don’t need to compare us with this place.
    1. +1
      21 May 2013 22: 51
      IMHO the old bad also adapted to us. And we don’t need ... the new bad.
  17. +5
    20 May 2013 08: 00
    I recall a distant childhood, everything described is familiar to the pain, there is nothing to add. +++
  18. fenix57
    20 May 2013 08: 05
    The article is not just +, but very large A PLUS!!. Do not add, do not add ...Although, - AND THE FISH IN THE RIVERS WAS!!! AND RUBLE - THIS WAS RUBLE!
    1. politruk419
      20 May 2013 09: 56
      Quote: fenix57

      You are my little tree!
      As a schoolboy, I could go to the cinema for a ruble + dine in the dining room (first-second-compote) + ride a trolleybus three or four times and still buy ice cream and drink a glass of gas with syrup.
      1. +3
        20 May 2013 18: 04
        I won’t forget how in the 4th grade I found 3 rubles. This for me was something with something. 2 weeks booed)))
    2. +6
      20 May 2013 10: 48
      I have at work on a table under glass 1RUBLE stored! nostalgic!
      1. MG42
        20 May 2013 15: 07
        Quote: Baron Wrangel
        I have at work on a table under glass 1 RUBLE stored!

        Who doesn’t have them? and dozens and thrills, and rubles, as for metal so the whole collection, there are 3 ruble owls. metal, there are 5 rubles owls. metal.
        the most common ones were in circulation, of course, apart from paper ones, of course
        owls rubles metal
        1. MG42
          20 May 2013 15: 37
          But more rare met. rubles of the USSR, here in the photo there are three and five. Now, collectors have naturally much more than their face value >>
    3. Misantrop
      20 May 2013 11: 48
      Quite a serious amount. In the school buffet, you could buy 20 delicious jam pies on it. Or a liter of fruit wine with 2 sweets for a snack

      Now I carry a threefold in my passport. Just for nostalgic reasons. Once it was the SUM. Remember: "Borrow a three-month paycheck?" It was really possible to stretch the family for several days. And now those who see him there have their heads slightly wedged. Especially if the question "what is it and why?" the answer follows: "Stash!"
      1. Misantrop
        20 May 2013 11: 49
        Here he is on the other hand ...
        1. MG42
          20 May 2013 19: 21
          But some of those rubles that were not saved in collections, it is a real pity >>>
          Missile mine in Kostroma littered with Soviet rubles

          In Ukraine, depositors of the USSR Sberbank still have not received the lion's share of their money, the state of Ukraine is not able to pay, there are more than 100 billion UAH, in translation.
        2. 0
          21 May 2013 22: 56
          In 1985-86, there were just three rubles for the first ten jumps in the Airborne Forces. We got together in a company of four fighters, and walked in a soldier's "chipka" for four days: three was enough for a cake + 4 bottles of citro, some kopecks still remained.
          And from the eleventh jump we were already paying four rubles ...
    4. +9
      20 May 2013 12: 50
      Quote: fenix57

      Strange, it was called wooden ...
      BUT HE WAS PROVIDED BY GOLD! And the dollar was worth 61 penny!
      1. +2
        20 May 2013 13: 48
        Quote: AlNikolaich
        Strange, it was called wooden ..
        We called it leather or leather.
        1. 0
          21 May 2013 20: 54
          - And yet, "torn" ...
          1. +1
            21 May 2013 23: 01
            In 1983-84, as a nonresident and therefore a "common" he received food coupons from the student trade union of TIKHM. They cost us 30 kopecks, in the dining room they went for 60. Get a full lunch - salad, first, second, compote and bun - and the cashier to you: "Take another bun, I'm not going to give money for a change coupon!"

            So ragged ...
  19. +6
    20 May 2013 08: 11
    Yes! What we have, we don’t store .... I read it, walked through the places of childhood .... That's it, thanks to the author!
  20. +23
    20 May 2013 08: 20
    Thank you for the article. I think that everyone who was born at that time will agree with you on everything. On my own behalf, I will say that I remember those times with great trepidation, and at the same time I hate the "hunchback" fiercely - the loss is irreplaceable. And a special thank you for the translation of the abbreviation - now, I will proudly consider myself that way.
  21. Atlon
    20 May 2013 08: 24
    I will subscribe to every word ... Especially since I myself am from Tambov. But the question is ... there are still many of us born in the USSR who understand all this. So why can’t we hear us? Why did we become completely different? Why is it now easy to buy us for money, and not very large? It turns out we are also bewitched? Sad ...
    And finally, about our childhood:

    Wednesday candles and evening prayers,
    Among the trophies and peace bonfires
    Lived book children who did not know the battles,
    Languishing from their small disasters.

    Children are always annoyed
    They grow up and life, -
    And we fought for abrasions,
    To great insults.
    But latali clothes
    Mothers on time,
    We swallowed the books,
    Drunk from the lines.

    Lipli hair to us on sweating foreheads,
    And sucked in the stomach sweet from the phrases
    And our heads wore the smell of the womb,
    From the pages of yellowing flying to us.

    And tried to comprehend
    We who did not know wars
    For war cry
    Taking a howl
    The secret of the word "picaz"
    The meaning of attack and clank
    War chariots.

    And in boiling cauldrons of previous slaughter and distemper
    So much food for our little brains!
    We are on the roles of traitors, truses, judas
    In children's games, enemies were appointed.

    And the villain's footsteps
    They didn’t let it cool
    And the most beautiful ladies
    They promised to love
    And, having calmed my friends
    And loving others
    We are the heroes
    Introduced yourself.

    Only in dreams can not you completely escape:
    A short century of fun - so much pain around!
    Try to open the palms of the dead
    And take a gun out of a strained hand.

    Test capturing
    Still warm sword
    And wearing armor
    What, how much!
    Figure out who you are
    Or the chosen one of fate,
    And taste it
    Real fight.

    And when a wounded friend crashes nearby,
    And you will howl over the first loss, regret
    And when you are left without skin suddenly
    Because they killed him - not you -

    You will understand that you learned
    Distinguished, found
    By the grin he climbed:
    This is a grin of death!
    Lies and evil - look
    How their faces are lips!
    And always behind
    Crow and coffins.

    If, the way is broken with his father’s sword,
    You are wound with salty tears,
    If in a hot fight I experienced that how much, -
    So, you read the necessary books as a child!

    If meat with a knife
    You didn’t eat a single piece,
    If the hands are folded
    Watched down on me
    And did not enter the fight
    With a scoundrel, with an executioner, -
    So in life you were
    No way, no way!

    V. Vysotsky
    1. +6
      20 May 2013 09: 01
      You can add Kukin. Also youth, forest, bonfire, romance ... and hopes for a happy adult life. And confidence: what am I ...

      Mountains far, foggy mountains, mountains,
      And flying away, and dying snow.
      If you know - somewhere there is a city, a city,
      If you remember, it is not for everyone, not for everyone.

      Strange people filled this whole city:
      Thoughts across them and words across,
      And in conversations they only recognize disputes
      And there is no way out of there.

      Instead of houses, people in this city have sky,
      The hands of their loved ones instead of apartments.
      I've never been to this city, never been
      I'm looking for everything and I can’t find him in any way.
      If it hurts, they don’t cry, but laugh,
      If they have fun, they drink good wines.
      Women's hair, women's hair curly
      And their disorder will notice comfort.

      I sometimes went through this city -
      I would have to see, but I did not notice him.
      And for silence or for conversation
      I walked around the city, going out and not meeting.
      By train - no! I can’t get there by train.
      And the plane, especially, does not fly.
      He trembles with a mirage, he echoes.
      And I will find, I want, and I need to want
      1. ded10041948
        20 May 2013 21: 06
        Robot! Are you?
    2. Roll
      20 May 2013 10: 52
      am We were not bewitched, the war of capitalism with socialism never ended, we stopped fighting, and capitalism continued. Socialism had its Achilles heels and capitalism made full use of it. In the USSR, for the last decade, the state plan began to work disgustingly. This is one of the most important Achilles heels. The entire deficit, the majority of disgusting goods made at the end of the quarter, hundreds of thousands of supply engineers who traveled around the country knocking out products laid out according to plan, a drop in labor discipline, an expansion in the moral plan of the CPSU, Excessive bans for young people in foreign music, youth movements created an explosive mixture that dared The USSR and no one went to defend it. Capitalism won and grief for the vanquished, But capitalism is finite, further or an electronic concentration camp or communism on new principles. Let's see where they will lead us.
      1. wax
        20 May 2013 12: 49
        Real socialism, although it was imperfect, but it did not have barriers to development. And what new is born immediately perfect?
        Capitalism is a dead end living in wars and exploitation of entire nations. Under the USSR, capitalism was forced to mimic and incorporate elements of social justice into the system, to try to look decent. The USSR did not become, and capitalism is returning to its true essence, everyone can see it. The surrender of the historical bridgehead of the future - the USSR, dooms hundreds of millions of people around the world on the mountain without any hope of a better future. The pay for social progress will be huge, because there was no bridgehead.
        1. Roll
          20 May 2013 13: 03
          laughing China is our former younger brother, hope and a foothold.
      2. Rrv
        20 May 2013 13: 44
        Quote: Rolm
        Let's see where they will lead us.

        "When good is inactive, evil triumphs."

        If we just look, it is quite obvious WHERE.
  22. Borat
    20 May 2013 08: 25
    Thank you for the article! A plus! Together with you, I am nostalgic for my homeland.
  23. -16
    20 May 2013 08: 26
    In the USSR, there were positive moments laid back in the days of Stalin.
    After Stalin, people were disaccustomed to work due to equalization in wages and a "mechanical" reduction in prices for the manufactured product. The salary of a worker was more than an engineer, which did not stimulate citizens to obtain higher education ...

    So much for the scoop, who, on a subconscious level, understood that he was being fooled and did not want to put up with it anymore, silently expressing his protest with no desire to work and no desire to study. Widespread alcohol abuse ...

    The need for restructuring not from scratch has matured. The stagnation could not continue to infinity. Another thing is how she, perestroika, was carried out.
    1. +15
      20 May 2013 08: 32
      You will excuse me, but you are talking nonsense and absolutely did not understand anything from the article you read. It would be a shame, it’s at your age, to say it to those who lived and worked there.
      1. +19
        20 May 2013 09: 22
        Quote: Boris55
        After Stalin, people were disaccustomed to work due to equalization in wages and a "mechanical" reduction in prices for the manufactured product. The salary of a worker was more than an engineer, which did not stimulate citizens to obtain higher education ...

        So much for the scoop, who, on a subconscious level, understood that he was being fooled and did not want to put up with it anymore, silently expressing his protest with no desire to work and no desire to study. Widespread alcohol abuse ...
        What nonsense are you talking about. After the army, I worked at a factory and studied in parallel. And many did. So no need to sing. And about the fact that people did not want to work too nonsense. About alcohol. The percentage of alkanafts rose precisely during the Prohibition of the Hunchback, before that the culture of drinking alcohol was very high, there were certainly shots, but there were practically no alcoholics in the mass.
        1. ed65b
          20 May 2013 11: 35
          That's right and remember the sobering up. it wasn’t worse when I got into a teetotaler. 13, awards, trade union committee fuck .. etc. and the family was ashamed of dad in the detoxification center. Horror.
          1. -1
            20 May 2013 11: 42
            ashamed dad in the detox was. Horror.

            My deceased grandfather didn’t care deeply about it. I had it at the beginning of the workshop and 2 times was 15 days.
            1. +1
              20 May 2013 13: 22
              My deceased grandfather didn’t care deeply about it. I had it at the beginning of the workshop and 2 times was 15 days.

              Well, now you can compose anything. It was really embarrassing to get into the sobering-up center, and moreover, they were reported to the production facility for educational purposes. And if a person was a hard worker, or, even more so, in a leading position, then on the party line or on the trade union they would have been blown up so much that it didn't seem enough. So it's hard to believe about "violet" ...
              1. +1
                20 May 2013 13: 33
                would have blown up so that it didn't seem a little. So it's hard to believe about "violet" ...

                he was not a party man. He was demoted for fights and promoted as a good specialist. So I know better than you about my grandfather’s adventures.
        2. 0
          20 May 2013 11: 39
          The percentage of alkanafts grew precisely during the prohibition of the hunchback, before that, the culture of drinking alcohol was very high, there were certainly shots, but there were practically no alcoholics in the mass.

          Well xs, all my grandfathers thumped although they worked constantly and in good positions and received not badly. And as I found out, they started drinking after the war in the year 46-47 (I’m talking about the Ivanovo region) There was not much to eat, and for some reason vodka was like tobacco. And almost the entire generation of the 30s smoked and drank.
          1. +1
            20 May 2013 13: 51
            Quote: leon-iv
            at xs all my grandfathers thumped although they worked constantly and in good positions and received not badly. And as I found out, they started drinking after the war in the 46-47 year (I'm talking about the Ivanovo region) There was not much to eat, and for some reason vodka was like tobacco. And almost the entire generation of 30's smoked and drank.
            Well, duck and my grandfathers on Saturdays lit at home with friends, but on Sunday 100 grams, on Monday to work, and smoked packs on 2-3 on the day of the troika. I talked about the chronicles.
            1. +2
              20 May 2013 14: 02
              Zhen it’s clear what about the chronicles. Many really began to thump after the war. That’s the trouble.
              Threat IMHO must introduce an article for parasitism.
        3. +5
          20 May 2013 12: 59
          Quote: Mechanic
          After the army, I worked at a factory and studied in parallel. And many did.

          It is characteristic that the state encouraged study in every possible way! I remember the evening school (I graduated from it myself). Correspondence system of technical schools, universities. The country needed educated thinking people!
          Now you need a herd of rams! And the media in every way indulge this!
          Of course there was a drunk, and they were treated in LTP. The state considered alcoholism a problem! And now? Nevermind how many people drink too much ...
          1. +5
            20 May 2013 13: 53
            Quote: AlNikolaich
            It’s characteristic that the state encouraged study in every way! I remember the evening school (I graduated from it myself). Correspondence system of technical schools, universities. The country needed educated thinking people!
            The fact of the matter is that people sought to get a full, academic education. And the plant paid me 100% ЗП all the time of study and wrote out a premium for the fact that I’m studying.
          2. 3 inches.
            20 May 2013 14: 49
            and now it’s a disease. and they claim that they are sick people! well, treat us with sympathy! and at the same time give the loot for treatment. as far as they are not encoded by all to no purpose. and the money goes ..
            1. +3
              20 May 2013 15: 45
              Quote: 3 inches.
              and now it’s a disease. and they claim that they are sick people! well, treat us with sympathy! and at the same time give the loot for treatment. as far as they are not encoded by all to no purpose. and the money goes ..
              Previously, she was treated quite successfully in LTP. Our neighbor on the porch got into 83, so after that 10 did not drink at all. This is what needs to be revived, not encoded.
    2. 3 inches.
      20 May 2013 09: 15
      Well, about alcoholization. I perfectly remember how men drank. In the bushes away from all eyes. And were embarrassed when the kid flew out to their feast. And a walk with a bottle of beer on the street led to the fact that passers-by without waiting for the police could stick in the face.
      1. +8
        20 May 2013 10: 12
        And they only read about drugs in books!
        1. -5
          20 May 2013 10: 27
          You may have read, and near the doors of our apartment, while there were porch doors, anasha lovers constantly gathered. Or is this not what you are talking about? It seems to be trying to call him a soft drug.
          1. ed65b
            20 May 2013 11: 38
            Anasha smoked, I do not argue, but about heroin there were only rumors - "somewhere abroad."
            1. +1
              20 May 2013 11: 43
              And for gerych I must say a special thanks to Comrade Brezhnev who brought troops into Afghanistan and did not supply vodka there. Similarly, we are now observing in Asashai
              1. ed65b
                20 May 2013 18: 12
                In Afghanistan, there were no heroin addicts among military personnel. I have not seen one. Smoked a hemp. Heroin went massively after the collapse of the USSR.
                1. +1
                  20 May 2013 21: 31
                  Quote: ed65b
                  . Heroin went massively after the collapse of the USSR.

                  And from whom did he go? Could it be from the freaking-out instigators of Western life, freaking hangouts, of the same rockers, punks, and other informal carriers of the subculture? Of course, now it’s easier to blame everything on a poor social environment, lack of employment, lack of alternative educational institutions for the family, and so on, but no one recognizes from our current government that the state program for the development and education of young people is simply absent. many of the associations that exist are not able to cover the multimillion-dollar army of young Russians.
            2. -2
              20 May 2013 11: 55
              Quote: ed65b
              I did not argue for a smoke

              So I'm talking about anashists and anasha and I say. You leave the apartment, and at the entrance there is a smoke screen with a specific smell. Plus everything on the floor. Passive use is more than enough.
              Shchaz and these words someone will not like. Well, okay. laughing
              1. Atlon
                20 May 2013 12: 09
                Quote: Hedgehog
                Shchaz and these words someone will not like. Well, okay

                I would like to clarify ... Many, especially younger ones, confuse the USSR during its heyday, and the USSR during the dying convulsions. Let's distinguish between. The nostalgia of the author, according to the USSR of the 50-80s. What later is not the same USSR. Therefore, it is not necessary to mix what was good with what happened under Gorbachev.
                1. 0
                  20 May 2013 12: 32
                  So I am talking about the almost post-war period. Specifically, this happened after 1966. We moved from a dwelling isolated from the rest of the world to a large, so to speak, "humane". And if earlier, when I was young, I cooked in the juice that I created for myself, then in the new place no one asked me whether I liked it or not. Young people, a little older than me, did what was interesting to her. And I had to watch all this. Relocation to new, settled, areas of cities are always fraught with similar consequences. There are many people and they are all different.
              2. ed65b
                20 May 2013 18: 18
                One clarification, anacakuria as a common phenomenon was present in Central Asia. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan. I know the army and the Caucasus smoked. But did not prick. The old people said that God raised smoking, you can understand in Ugut under Samarkand. They also cultivated opium. high in the mountain villages. But this is a completely different story.
          2. 3 inches.
            20 May 2013 12: 29
            we have those who hollowed Anasha were pariahs. It sounds funny but you told them that you were sick? Can't you drink vodka?
            1. 0
              20 May 2013 12: 36
              In Russia and in the Caucasus, strange as it may seem, there are different tastes about this.
              1. Atlon
                20 May 2013 12: 40
                Quote: Hedgehog
                In Russia and the Caucasus

                He lived in Transcaucasia for 14 years. I have not seen ANY addict! However, the wino too. (1976-1978 Leninakan, 1979-1990 Yerevan)
                1. 0
                  20 May 2013 12: 49
                  And I'm 41 years old in Baku. Total managed to see enough. In 1991 they moved to Russia.
            2. The comment was deleted.
          3. 0
            20 May 2013 13: 23
            I first heard about drugs in the sixth grade when the film "Pirates of the 20th Century" was released. At that time it was not clear to me what kind of opium it was.
    3. ed65b
      20 May 2013 11: 32
      But now there are only managers and lawyers, and the engineer, as before, was left without a salary. Where's the money?
      1. +1
        20 May 2013 11: 44
        the engineer, as was without a salary, remained to him.

        It depends on what and where. I'm not talking about Gazprom now.))) If only.
    4. Rrv
      20 May 2013 13: 54
      Quote: Boris55
      equalization in wages and "mechanical" reduction of prices for the manufactured product ...

      The minimum wage in the 80s was 70 rubles, the maximum - in the region of 800 - classy leveling. laughing

      "mechanical" reduction (for example, the minimum wage) is the minimum wage of 25% of GDP per capita, plus another 25% in kind (apartments, holiday homes, children's camps, etc.). Such a system allowed for the mobile redistribution of funds towards problem sectors, maintaining the internal balance of the economy and the absence of unemployment.
    5. MG42
      20 May 2013 15: 00
      Quote: Boris55
      Widespread alcohol abuse ...
      The need for restructuring not from scratch has matured. The stagnation could not continue to infinity. Another thing is how she, perestroika, was carried out.

      Do you happen to work at the Gorby Foundation? lol Perestroika was a global mistake, glasnost, acceleration, "perestroika" searchlight, read what kind of chukhnya the magazine "light" 89 and 90, for example, printed then, and who published it.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  24. vilenich
    20 May 2013 08: 26
    Good article, stirred up nostalgic feelings for the lost USSR. Plus definitely!
  25. vladsolo56
    20 May 2013 08: 31
    I apologize to the author, I didn’t read the article to the end, I just remembered everything myself, and honestly I remember every day when I encounter the realities of today's life, We didn’t live richly, but happily, but now everything seems to be there, but somehow disgusting and disgusting. We used to live and, in fact, they all owed us, doctors had to treat us, teachers taught, transport people transported us. Now, on the contrary, we owe everything. How many times I repeated in the USSR I was a freer person than now. Tax officials, bandits, and useless police squeezed from all sides.
    1. vilenich
      20 May 2013 09: 25
      Quote: vladsolo56
      We didn’t live richly, but happily, but now everything seems to be there, but somehow disgusting and disgusting.

      It seems to me that everything positive under the Union can be expressed in one phrase: there was confidence in tomorrow! What is now not close. I will not develop and confirm this idea with examples, I think it is already clear to everyone ...
      1. folds
        20 May 2013 11: 29
        and besides confidence, the country had a great goal. But it cannot be a buy-resell target. For the sake of what does the Russian Federation exist? But with the Soviet Union everything was clear, what we were going on, how to achieve this. And now - survival for the sake of survival, for the sake of devouring. They lowered their heads, and we see stars only in puddles of mud under their feet ..
    2. Rrv
      20 May 2013 14: 13
      Quote: vladsolo56
      in the USSR I was a freer person than now.
  26. +20
    20 May 2013 08: 35
    Gentlemen, Comrades, Citizens - after all, we need to unite, those who are sick of today's capitalist bullshit, those who are not indifferent to their children in the trash heap or will be respected citizens of their country, those who are not indifferent to their future, because for a few more years and for us even an ambulance will not come, as it was with my wife's grandfather. I'm not talking about the revolution, but I want to achieve this in a legal way, because everyone, without exception, wants a future for their children, even the ghoul oligarchs. We were littered with Solzhenitsyn, poisoned with "shock therapy", killed with "Black Tuesdays". But what was in the USSR cannot just go away, just disappear in a series of endless capital. We are a nation! We are the people! We remember and honor everything that made us so! Even if you are not with us now, you will understand how the Belarusians, Ukrainians, the peoples of Transcaucasia and Central Asia understood this in their time. Our banner is red! And this color means that everything that we have, everything that we are proud of, is obtained by the blood of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. I do not know what to call our association, let it be called whatever you like, even "scoop". We just want not to return to the USSR, but to create a society on the ruins of capitalism that will be responsible for its actions and not allow various evil spirits into our ranks.
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 09: 08
      Quote: dddym
      We just want not to not return to the USSR, but to create a society on the ruins of capitalism that will be responsible for its actions and prevent various evil spirits from entering our ranks.

      That's right, except for one ... Maybe you don't need more debris? Of course, abruptly changing course on the slippery road of history, such a huge and heavy car like Russia could not but bring. But, most importantly, we did not fly off the road, and did not fall into the ditch! We exit the drift. Drivers will understand me, when skidding, the main thing is not to make sudden movements, neither by the steering wheel, nor by the brake, nor by gas. Now at the helm is a man who understands this. And God grant him patience and wisdom, do not make sudden movements! I believe that a lot will come back, but building is much longer than breaking. We broke in the 17th, then painfully built ... We broke in the 91st, now we are painfully raking the rubble. Enough mind and patience, and get to the construction! And if every time we break an unfinished house, we will be homeless for life ...
      1. Volkhov
        20 May 2013 11: 34
        Quote: Atlon
        We exit the drift.

        Quote: Atlon
        Now at the helm a man who understands this

        Now at the helm is a man driving the Russian Federation into the Syrian war for Israel.
        Count the submarines - they are few.
      2. +2
        20 May 2013 18: 25
        The wreckage is a quotation - I wrote - I do not propose a revolution, but a legal way. We need to unite - I propose to write a joint manifesto and publish it on various sites.
    2. ed65b
      20 May 2013 11: 40
      How? let's recipe. Who will unite? Where is the leader? I myself am for. just no reason.
      1. Atlon
        20 May 2013 12: 12
        Quote: ed65b
        Where is the leader? I myself am for. just no reason.

        Wipe your glasses ...
        You will not follow any leader! If you just drive with a stick ... And while the stick is not being driven to the "construction sites of the century", you can continue to stuff your belly (to the best of your ability), and grumble about unlit lamps in the entrances, which Putin has no time to come to replace ...
      2. +1
        20 May 2013 19: 48
        The leader will grow - it would be on what!
        and the recipe is like this:
        1 we take a universal manifesto, mix with a sound ideological platform
        2 Abundantly water the electorate
        3 bake until fully cooked :)
        4 Through thorns we make our way to the Duma and the government
        I apologize for the humorous tone but the way it is hi
        1. +1
          20 May 2013 21: 46
          Quote: dddym
          Through thorns we make our way to the Duma and the government
          I apologize for the humorous tone but the way it is

          Yeah, keep your pocket wider! You can’t smoke a cockroach poison in the Duma, and then the heirs will go there. According to the constitution, it’s possible, but in reality it’s otherwise.
          1. +1
            20 May 2013 22: 52
            Well, if you’ve failed, it’s okay - according to the constitution, you can knock with your fist am
      3. 0
        29 May 2013 21: 57
        I am impressed by the position of Kurginyan, although until recently I did not treat him cautiously, but even with antipathy. However, after reading what he writes, what he does on television, how he works - honestly, if you can think at least philosophically - he is just perfect both in terms of movement and in terms of promoting yourself as a leader. Many ideological and political positions agree precisely with Kurginyan. Perhaps I came under his influence, but I practically do not see my life beliefs that do not coincide with him.
    3. Rrv
      20 May 2013 14: 23
      Quote: dddym
      ... a few more years and even an ambulance will not come for us ...

      "The Ministry of Health cancels the norms on the time of arrival of an ambulance" 13.02.2013
  27. Dimkapvo
    20 May 2013 08: 41
    Many thanks to the article and the author personally, and a giant plus, if it were possible, I would put 300 pluses !!! I subscribe to every word !!! To my heartache, I regret the Great Country that our fathers and grandfathers created, and we stole mediocrely ... I hope with all my heart that Russia will no longer be the pale shadow of its former greatness and still find the strength in itself to be reborn, to become a strong and proud country again !!!
  28. +9
    20 May 2013 08: 43
    Wow, I caught myself thinking that I seem to be living in this country, in the same city, and the feeling that I was in a foreign land. Now I have known all the bitterness and meaning of the word is nostalgia.
    Thanks a lot to the author, all emotions are overwhelming.
  29. +5
    20 May 2013 08: 44
    I will subscribe to every word!
    The author is a huge plus and many thanks!
  30. +1
    20 May 2013 08: 49
    there are a couple of controversial points about food and fashion, the author did not mention the queues by appointment for sausage and milk, 7 varieties of sausages too much, yes, there was "Doctor" 2,20 rubles and "Special" 1,80 rubles, plus sausages, raw smoked meats I saw only in food sets as well as red caviar, I first tried salami at the Olympics 80, Finnish, already cut in brine, yummy. now about fashion, nothing fashionable could be bought in stores, everything was terrible monotonous, my brother brought my first jeans from Murmansk "Montana", bought on "checks" of Vneshposyltorg in "Berezka", later, Indian AVGN worth up to 100 rubles appeared in stores. , a suit for the school graduation mother brought from Moscow, and two more pairs of white Romanian sneakers, At the prom, in a suit and white sneakers, a nightmare, by the way, in this regard, the school uniform helped out a lot. article +
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 09: 18
      Quote: seller trucks
      sausages of 7 varieties too much, yes, there was "Doctor's" 2,20 rubles and "Special" 1,80 rubles, plus sausages

      Also: "amateur", "chopped ham", "Krakow", "liverworm" (oh, how delicious !!!), "home" (or "Ukrainian").
      1. +7
        20 May 2013 09: 37
        All the same, it was a good thing GOST
        1. Atlon
          20 May 2013 10: 00
          Quote: seller trucks
          All the same, it was a good thing GOST

          Yes, he is now ... They only do more and more according to TU

          In this regard, I remembered my grandfather. They lived in a village in the Saratov region. This is the post-war USSR of the 50-60s. So here. He always had an economy. and he made sausage, ham, and smoked meats himself. So he always said (according to the stories of his mother) that eating what is sold in the store (sausage) is impossible! Can you imagine ?! This is 30 years before perestroika! By the way, at that time (according to the stories of mom and grandmother), there was an abundance of shops (I was born in 1969). I wonder what he would say about modern sausage ??? laughing
          1. +3
            20 May 2013 10: 29
            it’s not something anymore, GOST shouldn’t be voluntary, but it should be obligatory, in retail stores (not network) and markets, knowledgeable sellers often focus on guest products, I want to say, young people don’t know this anymore, but in vain the system was right certification incl. and products. And with 01.07.2010, they abandoned it
      2. +7
        20 May 2013 10: 16
        In Belarus and now sausage is made in the "old fashioned way". Delicious of any name!
        1. 0
          20 May 2013 10: 33
          within the framework of the CU, it has become even very affordable in Russia, I want to note that there are Belarusian food stalls in any market and the prices are very small.
          1. +1
            20 May 2013 11: 18
            fiercely plus like Belorussian pigo. Meat products are not always
            Milk current sour cream like.
          2. +1
            21 May 2013 23: 15
            A friend came from Belarus (he has parents there), he says that it’s difficult to buy good Belarusian products there: they’re squeezing an old man, you have to drive good food here to get money. In Belarus, there’s neither oil nor gas.
        2. +1
          20 May 2013 12: 56
          only here it costs from 900 to 1200 rubles a kilo, although very tasty sausage from Belarus. And they also seem to have chocolate from Spartak, very tasty.
      3. +6
        20 May 2013 10: 32
        Quote: Atlon
        Also: "amateur", "chopped ham", "Krakow", "liverworm" (oh, how delicious !!!), "home" (or "Ukrainian").

        A liverie !! Real only. Mind eat!
      4. +5
        20 May 2013 10: 53
        ... they forgot the blood, but the liver was what was needed, even the cats cracked it.
        1. +1
          20 May 2013 11: 13
          I remembered that "Horse" was still there, but "bloody" was found only on the market
        2. +1
          20 May 2013 11: 14
          Quote: Strashila
          ... the bloody forgotten

          How could I!!!
          1. Atlon
            20 May 2013 11: 28
            Quote: retired
            How could I!!!

            FULL assortment of Soviet sausages:

            full document here:
            1. 3 inches.
              20 May 2013 12: 33
              better not to read. saliva drowning ...
              1. +1
                20 May 2013 14: 05
                Urgently vulture chipboard at least!
      5. wax
        20 May 2013 12: 58
        Now you can’t find either a doctor’s, or Krakow’s, or Odessa’s, to at least lie closely with the same Soviet sausages. And there are ten kinds of doctoral for me, in which meat can be found only in the laboratory, and even then not in any sausage.
    2. +2
      20 May 2013 12: 59
      Quote: seller trucks
      there are a couple of controversial points about food and fashion, the author did not mention the queue for recording sausage and milk,

      This is true, the author apparently did not know about the so-called "lists" according to which settlements were supplied. So my city until 75 was supplied according to the 1st list, and there was enough in the shops. And how this list was removed, there was liverwort, blood yes squid with kombihir. Yes, you could go to a co-shop or to the market, but there prices were twice as high. And about condensed milk, and now I remember, a resentment in my soul, a special department in the store. And "large" - please, and we, (us, children, there were two in the family) -figa. And then the neighboring children, "large", will pierce a can of condensed milk, and run around the yard, savoring, but our parents cannot buy, even though they have money. for residents of rural areas. "The store" Sports goods "in the city, the villagers go and buy on the certificate, and we, for our money earned, horseradish. The same is with clothes, shoes, rest. There was a dairy plant, a meat processing plant, but no butter , no sausage, everything went to Moscow. There, yes, there you could buy our own products. It was not fair, are we, second-class people? Why the state in some it pampers, and to others because of our earned money, hell? These are precisely such cases, which were many, and undermined the basis of the USSR-belief in justice. And in the new Union of such a division into "more needed" and "more equal" to be shouldn't. And so I completely agree with the author, and if something depended on me, I agree to the restoration of the USSR right now, with all its shortcomings and ADVANTAGES. I just need to know what needs to be done for this ...
      1. +4
        20 May 2013 14: 09
        Quote: revnagan
        This is true, the author apparently did not know about the so-called "lists", according to which settlements were supplied. So my city until 75 was supplied according to the 1st list, and there was enough in stores.

        What was - was. what a sin to conceal. My wife is from the Kurgan region. From her stories it seems that they lived on different planets. My childhood passed in a mining town. Even the coffee beans were on the shelves. No one took it! Everyone drank the kakawa! But it was not to buy.
      2. +2
        20 May 2013 21: 59
        I don’t know if it was different in Saratovskaya. Let’s say it was moto and bicycle, without any reference, whether you are a collective farmer or not. Condensed milk, uncooked smoked sausage at the military service please. Very scarce goods, yes, to collective farmers' shareholders, first of all, collective farmers in the presence of a unit book and for the delivery of their products. In the early eighties it was so. The loan was without interest.
        1. +1
          21 May 2013 23: 24
          I myself am from Michurinsk in the same Tambov region as the author.
          Our meat-packing plant worked strictly for Moscow. Who could, then drove back. I myself in the early eighties, while studying in Tambov, drove home for the weekend "a pound of beef ham, a pound of pork", the family had enough for a week.
          I agree that such "tricks" are great undermining any state. Yes, grub, clothes are not the meaning of life. But nobody canceled the transition from quantity to quality.
          With both hands for the Soviet Union, and again to step on the same rake is not permissible.
          1. 0
            22 May 2013 18: 25
            Quote: Quzmi4
            Our meat factory worked strictly for Moscow.

            If I am not mistaken in 1973, L.I. Brezhnev visited our city, was surprised and delighted with the food assortment in stores, though after his visit this assortment thinned. They redirected the identity to starving Moscow.
            The old story _ The river, along the banks on either side of the collective farm. Both millionaires! True, millions have different signs!
  31. +11
    20 May 2013 08: 54
    Author Oleg Vereshchagin We are of the same blood !!!
  32. Flying Dutchman
    20 May 2013 08: 56
    I do not know whether it is possible to revive again that great country where we were born, but I think it is in our power to preserve that bright memory that remained in us from the USSR and tell the new truth to new generations.
    1. ed65b
      20 May 2013 11: 45
      It is absolutely right to tell the truth about the USSR to your children and grandchildren and more often so that they are remembered and not perceived as a myth. Although it’s already a myth - it can’t be said.
  33. +10
    20 May 2013 08: 57
    Thanks to the author, I completely agree and subscribe to each item. At that time, people had a confident future. After reading the article, I once again wanted to go to Lodndon to find and strangle humpback labeled mold.
  34. +3
    20 May 2013 09: 01
    About entertainment is good. And study. Pay attention. Modern children do not ask about anything. Do not explain why. They all know. They are not interested in anything.
  35. +13
    20 May 2013 09: 01
    Sparingly praise the author. Grew up in similar conditions.
    I add that the officer was little concerned about where his family would live. His wife calmly drowned the stove, went into the courtyard, then lived in an apartment with all the amenities in Europe, then sat in the middle of the desert ...
    The everyday achievements of civilization corrupts a person.
  36. +1
    20 May 2013 09: 05
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. 3 inches.
    20 May 2013 09: 26
    Yes there was a time. There were no jeans, but I remember very well how my father, a simple Soviet loader, went to Cyprus on a trip in 80. Well, it’s not quite simple, and with a salary of 500-600 rubles a month, he went anyway. And they got a 3-room apartment as an apartment 82. and how to read Polish I learned from a pack of magazines sklidkat polska. It was interesting. And how those who didn’t get into the army looked askance. And how they played the whole court from young to old and try to offend someone from ours. All to help came running.
  39. Mr. Truth
    20 May 2013 09: 26
    What can I say, For our Soviet Motherland !!!
  40. 0
    20 May 2013 09: 27
    Incurable Disease - Scoop!
    Well, as we see in practice, it is very "detectable".
  41. +3
    20 May 2013 09: 31
    And this is about my childhood ...

    It was a hot summer, where 5 cents is a coin.
    And the USSR is like a planet, and on the quiet a cigarette.
    A poster hangs that somewhere there is a movie from the DEFO studio,
    You slip without a ticket and Goiko Medic - forever!

    And again superbisons in Arizona mirages!
    A neighbor came back from a zone completely different in reason
    Like these superbisons! And Chingachgook ammo
    Lie down in the dust of Arizona!
    Then again the garrisons!

    The behavior of a deuce, garages and garbage.
    A neighbor is a girl Zoyka, a puff was stolen in a cafe.
    For chewing gum, all of the tar, changed two old shoulder straps
    And siphon lemonade, and in the cache two cartridges!

    And again superbisons in Arizona mirages!
    A neighbor came back from a zone completely different in reason
    Like these superbisons! And Chingachgook ammo
    Lie down in the dust of Arizona!
    Then again the garrisons!

    So the summer ended, where the CSSR is like a planet.
    Our rocket takes off in the New Year’s sky.
    A tired father came and said - "Well done, son!"
    And in the end, CSKA had a fight with Buffalo Sabers!

    And again superbisons in Arizona mirages!
    Bro came back from a zone completely different for reasons
    Like these superbisons! And Chingachgook ammo
    Lie down in the dust of Arizona!

    Superbisons (Diverse people group)
  42. 101
    20 May 2013 09: 52
    Yes, the feeling of security was comprehensive. People should be taught how to treat them. They should give work and housing a vacation. Children should get a ticket to a pioneer camp and an extended-day group. We were not afraid of the Chinese. NATO terrorists were criminals. which is to whom everyone was sure of tomorrow Well, except for thieves and other rubbish
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 10: 27
      The history of the USSR in one song.

  43. Boot under the carpet
    20 May 2013 10: 00
    The article is a huge plus! oh, my friend do not poison the soul! He himself was born in 1990, at the very sunset of our socialism. But I still remember the remnants of the USSR in young Russia, and these were my best years. To return such a thing will be almost impossible! If only by the Stalinist methods of punishment, education, exile and executions.
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 10: 35
      Quote: Boot under the carpet
      He himself was born in 1990, at the very sunset of our socialism. But I still remember the remnants of the USSR in young Russia, and these were my best years.

      Well, if a generation of the 90s writes this !!! So not everything is lost! I have the most negative memories of the 90s. Probably the worst years of my life from 1990 to 2000 in the 90th, I returned from the Army. while I served two years, the country has changed beyond recognition! Had to survive ...
      1. wax
        20 May 2013 13: 23
        I agree with you. 90s - early 2000s - cursed years. Years of accelerated devaluation of the concepts of conscience and honor, justice and mercy. The decade of theft, elevated to the rank of state policy by Gaidar and Chubais. Who could not - almost turned into a beggar, collecting bottles because of a piece of bread. And how terrible it was to think how to feed the children today, tomorrow. And complete impotence to change anything. Sooner or later, a trial must be held, albeit posthumous, over the foremen of perestroika - traitors to the Soviet people.
        1. +2
          20 May 2013 16: 57
          turned almost into a beggar, collecting bottles because of a piece of bread.

          Recently, my family and I sat at the table and recalled these 90s. My wife recalled how I washed soap bottles on bread, although I worked a bit on a drill and didn’t give a month for 3, there was no shame that I couldn’t provide my wife and daughter. Before that, I didn’t remember it, I’m trying to preserve memory, I’m trying to keep it us, does not allow self-flagellation.
          The article is huge +.
  44. +6
    20 May 2013 10: 06
    All this is so - it was a human experience of building a just society and those who lived according to the conscience of those were satisfied with this society, but the unquenchable HUMAN AVE AND PRIDE turned out to be stronger than JUSTICE. Remember with what self-righteousness Gorbachev chatted in the West - he left millions of people in need for the sake of his beloved, and the majority wanted to consume more and more goods (tape recorders, carpets, etc.). As a result, we live in a consumer society (the notorious American dream - "to get rich and become famous at any cost.") In this society, justice has been replaced - false media and TV that serve human weaknesses (gossip-lies on talk shows about each other, scenes of violence All institutions of society are corrupt, whether in the States, Nigeria, Norway or Russia.
  45. +15
    20 May 2013 10: 09
    Article to the point ... Everything was so, now only memories remain.
    The Americans, having learned that in the USSR there was an article for parasitism, commented as follows: It is necessary to be idiots to ruin such a country!
  46. Phoenix-D
    20 May 2013 10: 13
    Yes, there was "nothing" in the stores - but no one was starving. There was a real article for parasitism - I don't know who was convicted of it, but there was enough work for everyone. My divorced mother with two children lived quietly on 90 rubles a month, I remember well how we went to the sea every year - either to the Crimea or to Odessa ... I went to different circles and sections that were in each school, in minutes walk from home, and now I have no idea where to give my son to work out so as not to go to the other end of the city ...
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 10: 37
      Quote: Phoenix-D
      where to give your son to work out, so as not to go to the other end of the city ...

      At the same time, paying big money, dubious "educators" ...
      1. +2
        20 May 2013 11: 21
        Well, for Ukraine, I won’t tell my daughter goes on gymnastics for 10 minutes on foot. There is also wrestling \ boxing \ speed skating \ athletics. To the other side is the FC school tester with 3 great new lawns. On the way to work, I see the construction of another 3 centers. In a neighboring yard a new sports ground is being made.
    2. wax
      20 May 2013 13: 52
      No one has yet recalled our excellent Soviet humor. Now, after all, the jokes have become vulgar. And then (inspired by Phoenix-D):
      7 wonders of socialism:
      1. Everyone had a place of work.
      2. Despite the fact that everyone had a place of work, no one worked.
      3. Despite the fact that no one worked, the norm was 100% fulfilled.
      4. Despite the fact that the norm was 100% fulfilled, there was nothing in the stores.
      5. Despite the fact that there was nothing in the stores, everyone had everything.
      6. Despite the fact that everyone had everything, everyone stole.
      7. Despite the fact that everyone stole, everything was enough.
      I love you my socialism
      1. -3
        20 May 2013 18: 38
        That's right. But how could one not steal, if in his opuses he himself (Sam!), The esteemed Leonid Ilyich, shared the experience of stealing individual food boxes when unloading cars during his student years. I think that, in his simplicity of his soul, he believed that since everyone is stealing, then he should increase his standard of living.
  47. +6
    20 May 2013 10: 14
    Thank you for the article.
  48. +9
    20 May 2013 10: 17
    I will not write a new article in rebuttal or proof. Not necessary.
    And such barrels were still in 1991, by the way ...

    You may not believe such barrels exist today. With us, they crawl out into the light of day with the beginning of a hot period. True, with sellers. :)
    I scream in response: you see, to what people brought Scoop! They dreamed of such nonsense, it was not available to them!

    And in the mid-60s, as a school student, I preferred to sew myself a suit from a good tailor. Try it today! And those very jeans now called "classics", "indigo" are not so easy to find. Although they are still, somewhere.
    Bread is ridiculous to compare: Soviet was made from Russian grain, not from fodder.

    And at the same time, unlike Oleg, I remember corn-filled bread in the early 60s and trays of black caviar in the refrigerators of mid-late 50s stores. Not everyone could buy that caviar, but it was! In these trays, current sellers are holding a weighted herring.
    Yes, everything was in the USSR, and many good things too!
    I will stop there
    1. folds
      20 May 2013 11: 53
      Quote: Hedgehog
      You may not believe such barrels exist today.

      the question is not the yellowness of the paint on these barrels, but that no one had any idea - pour kvass and not pay even in the absence of sellers. I remember, instead of 5 kopecks, I threw 3 to the cashier on the bus - I was no longer with me, so I blushed for the rest of the trip - I was ashamed .. One of the main troubles of today is that people were killed in conscience. She is somehow unprofitable ...
      1. +5
        20 May 2013 12: 17
        Quote: plis
        conscience was killed in people

        In some cases, you are absolutely right. Fortunately, not all. But it seems that this is just a matter of time. Someone really needs it. Someone is actively seeking to destroy Russia now. Are they not those who support and applaud the authors of such crafts, which they call high art?
    2. +1
      21 May 2013 23: 38
      Forgive the old bore, but in the seventies and eighties the bread was mostly from the state-Canadian grain - that "oil needle" in action. There was a period when some kind of sanctions were introduced against our country, just under a crop failure, so bread with a fair share of barley and pea flour appeared in our city. If insanity doesn't lie to me, then even the kids on the way home from the store WON'T OVERGUE him.
      When Smart People talk about Food Security now, I remember that bread. It seems like grain in Russia is even better now than then. But with all the rest of agricultural products ?!
  49. muk89
    20 May 2013 10: 18
    An article on a few pluses! It's true about people and relationships. We schoolchildren went on hikes with an overnight trip to the mountains. And my parents were not afraid for us. And I lived in Azerbaijan on the border with Iran. And now I don’t want to talk, and that's all. know the charms of "crap"
  50. avt
    20 May 2013 10: 19
    It's like that good Even if we remove nostalgic emotions and ignore the shortcomings, which were an order of magnitude less, yes - they used to live easier, but more worthy. And no matter how much the liberoids screech about the hated "scoop" - the truth still comes out. And what is interesting - it seems that the USSR was ruined, packed with money, but there is no happiness - one depression and anger at everyone and the whole world. ... laughing
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 10: 43
      Quote: avt
      yes - used to live easier, but more worthy

      Here !!! Already a thousand times I tried to explain to opponents who write about a "decent life" for people that the concept of a decent life is not at all what they were taught! This is not a warm toilet, and not a jacuzzi in every bedroom. This is not a house in Spain or a Bentley in the parking lot. This is not a warm job in the office, where sitting all day in classmates you can get 100 thousand rubles. (for Moscow). This is not a fully renovated apartment in the center! But many continue to persistently write about a "decent life", which, in their opinion, implies only material wealth. Poor in spirit ...
      1. 0
        21 May 2013 23: 46
        And about Worthy death?
        They recently recalled an old joke.

        Aliens flew in, announced that in three days - horses of light. They fly to the Earth, examine. They rob banks in the States, and go to Vegas. In Europe they drink and copulate. And the Soviet Union is all in the slogans "Give a five-year plan in three days!"

        Whoever, but I don’t laugh, but I want to be proud.
    2. broker
      20 May 2013 11: 14
      Liberals scoop and they created it and destroyed it !!!
      PSLearn the story guys !!!
      1. folds
        20 May 2013 12: 07
        LIBERALISM (lat. Liberalis - free) - socio-political teaching and social movement, the main idea of ​​which is self-sufficient value of individual freedom in economic, political and other spheres of society.
        “It’s hard for me to imagine what“ personal freedom ”can be for an unemployed person who goes hungry and does not find the use of his labor. True freedom exists only where exploitation has been destroyed, where there is no oppression of some people by others, where there is no unemployment and poverty, where a person does not tremble that tomorrow he may lose his job, home, bread. Only in such a society is real, and not paper, personal and any other freedom possible. ”IV Stalin.
        But it is impossible to create everything that Stalin listed under liberalism, an example is outside the window, the whole world.
        So it was not the liberals who created the Soviet system, but our grandfathers and great-grandfathers — people who were ready for the sake of future generations and for limitations and sacrifices. And my grandfathers were not liberals, they were the ruling class - WORKERS.
        1. broker
          20 May 2013 12: 13
          1) The scoop was created by revolutionaries !!!
          2) The revolutionaries are a liberal movement !!!
          3) The first revolutionary Satan (lucfer) !!!
          1. ded10041948
            20 May 2013 21: 41
            Did not try to be treated?
  51. dmb
    20 May 2013 10: 46
    Of course, the author slightly exaggerates regarding food abundance. I had to travel around the Union a lot, and there was something to compare. Somewhere, like in the Astrakhan region, there was a shortage of meat, somewhere there were no imported clothes, but there were no HUNGRY people. As a rule, it was alcoholics who became beggars, and not large families; everyone received a fairly high-quality secondary education. By the way, the same imported clothes and shoes, for which you had to choke in line in Moscow, could be freely bought in Khabarovsk and Vladivostok, because the state was developing the Far East not with slogans and cutting money, but by actually attracting the working population there. Well, that's about the past, now let's talk about the future. Here, dear Atlon, sharing the ideals mentioned in the article, nevertheless proposes to leave everything as it is today. It doesn't happen that way. Either we return to the social Society in which we lived (minor changes like small business in the service sector are quite possible), or we continue to enjoy capitalism with Putin, Chubais, Timchenko and Usmanov. Do you want to do without shocks? Who among us is against it? I know who is against it and who will prevent the return. All of the above plus their lackeys, relatives, and a bunch of other people, constituting a hundredth of the population of our country. It is first of all that we should contact them regarding shocks.
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 11: 05
      Quote: dmb
      Dear Atlon, sharing the ideals discussed in the article, nevertheless proposes to leave everything as it is today.

      Please, show me WHERE I suggested this??? belay
      1. dmb
        20 May 2013 12: 37
        “Now there is a person at the helm who understands this. And God grant him patience and wisdom, not to make sudden movements! I believe that a lot will return, but building takes much longer than breaking. We broke in 17, then painfully built... We broke it down in 91, now we are painfully clearing away the rubble. If only we had enough intelligence and patience to get to the point of construction! And if we break down an unfinished house every time, we will be homeless all our lives..." Isn’t that what you’re writing about? Or do you want to say that the person at the helm intends to build the society discussed in the article? Well then, I would like to hear at least something that testifies to this desire of his. Even if only in speeches. Although the speeches of politicians are empty. Those (myself included) who talk about the return of socialism indicate how they think this can be done. These proposals can be discussed and criticized; unfortunately, apart from the general phrases “Well, so that everyone can have a good time,” you do not provide specifics.
        1. Atlon
          20 May 2013 12: 48
          Quote: dmb
          Isn't that what you're writing about?

          Absolutely not about that! It’s not about leaving “everything as it is.” Because everything is CHANGING, maybe slowly, but surely!

          Quote: dmb
          Or do you want to say that the person at the helm intends to build the society discussed in the article?

          “You can’t step into the same river twice” (C) You can’t go back to the USSR of 50 years ago, and you don’t need to! But we need to move forward, raking up the wood that was broken in the 90s. And Putin is raking them in. And if earlier the party said “We must,” the people answered: “Yes!” Now there is no such thing. We are all sitting in our holes and waiting for Putin, or someone else, to do everything alone, for us and for us. Then we can perhaps praise him. But that doesn't happen!

          Quote: dmb
          Unfortunately, apart from the general phrases “Well, so that everyone can have a good time,” you don’t give any specifics.

          You're making things up again! If not to say you're lying... Where did I say THAT??? belay
          1. dmb
            20 May 2013 13: 56
            Taking phrases out of context is not a new technique. What about the proposals I talked about? You are delicately keeping silent about them. If it were a three-volt gentleman in your place, the correspondence could be stopped, but this does not suit you. You just say that “Putin is raking everything up,” i.e. in fact, you expect him to build a society that will suit the majority. And he is not going to do this. Do not agree? Give examples to the contrary. I think you are unlikely to be satisfied with the new systems of education and medical care, and they are the ones that lay the foundation for the future of the country. Or maybe you are satisfied with science, read Alferov, he understands this issue much better than you and me. Perhaps food security has improved, but again it has not, and it is clearly not being strengthened by joining the WTO. I repeat, I would like to hear how you see the Society in which you and your children would like to live, and how you are going to build it.
            1. Atlon
              20 May 2013 15: 09
              Quote: dmb
              What about the proposals I talked about? You are delicately keeping silent about them.

              I rewinded and didn’t see any of your “suggestions”, sorry...

              Quote: dmb
              You just say that “Putin is raking everything up,” i.e. in fact, you expect him to build a society that will suit the majority. And he is not going to do this. Do not agree?

              I'm not waiting. I don't agree. I won’t give examples, it’s too long to write, and the site is already buggy (lots of comments).

              Quote: dmb
              I repeat, I would like to hear how you see the Society in which you and your children would like to live, and how you are going to build it

              This is a topic for a separate article. When I have time, I’ll write.
              1. dmb
                20 May 2013 15: 16
                I meant your suggestions. I will look forward to your article.
  52. alex popov
    20 May 2013 10: 46
    Quote: aksakal
    But the USSR still had shortcomings.

    There were those who argued. But at the current moment they sometimes seem to be the advantages of those times.
    Not long ago my mother told me that she considered the biggest drawback in the 80s to be “special rations”, “special tables”, “special travel packages” and so on... BUT! If we compare this with the current state of affairs, when the mayor of Zanyukhransk, with a hole in the budget of 10 million, buys himself a “official jeep” for 5-6 million, and the wives of “conditionally deputies” “earn with their labor” ten times more than the “servants of the people” themselves.. .. Comments are unnecessary.
    1. Captain Vrungel
      20 May 2013 11: 26
      When I watch how oily, pig-faced masters of life with their walking hangers in haute couture rags gather at the Opera House for some celebration (to which they not only have no relation, but also no idea), the thought comes to my mind: “What have we built?” May the Almighty forgive me, a “black” desire comes, to install a machine gun on the window and get rid of these gentlemen. It’s a pity, there is neither Mishka Yaponchik, nor Sonya the Golden Hand, nor Kotovsky to expropriate what was expropriated from the state and the people, including the underwear (so that they don’t get pulled out from anyone cooler) and clearly saw that everyone is equal naked.
  53. +5
    20 May 2013 10: 51
    “Clothes and Shoes”... the film Hipsters is noteworthy in this regard... when, after arriving from the States, a diplomat says that they dress there the same way as here... but he doesn’t believe it. With clothes it was easier, for me personally it was difficulty with my far from slender figure, I bought it... I took the bus and went to the birthplace in the area... and there I calmly bought it in the general store, it’s funny but there was import quietly lying there... the Yugoslav raincoat and Finnish jacket weigh in the wardrobe to this day
    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 11: 01
      Quote: Strashila
      “Clothes and Shoes”... the film Hipsters is noteworthy in this regard... when, after arriving from the States, a diplomat says that they dress the same there as here... but he doesn’t believe it.

      You can compare now... Look at the photos of how they dress there. And compare with how we dress now. What was instilled in us and shown in beautiful Western films turned out to be a lie and a deception...
      1. 0
        20 May 2013 11: 22
        Someone’s American jeans were very, very good in the 80s.
        1. Roll
          20 May 2013 11: 49
          wassat As for jeans, they were also produced in the USSR, albeit disgusting in appearance and accessories, but then they began to sell Italian Rifle jeans for 70 rubles for mass purchase in Moscow. Profitability, any shuttle would be envious. The quality of those jeans was excellent, now only Tourette (Motor) can compare with them. There was a cult of jeans back then.
          1. +1
            20 May 2013 11: 53
            but then they began to sell Italian Rifle jeans in mass purchases in Moscow for 70 rubles

            Now imagine giving half of your salary for trousers? this is nonsense, recalculating to the current salary is 6000-7000 thousand rubles, this is nonsense.
            1. Roll
              20 May 2013 12: 17
              drinks I agree that it’s nonsense, but it was a fetish, a dream for many; for speculators, Lee or Levi’s jeans cost 200 rubles. But that’s not what I mean, the state could have smoothed out the problem if it wanted, but they realized it too late, I remember tape cassettes for 9 rubles GVC. Socialism is an order of magnitude better than capitalism, but it has its own systemic shortcomings, which is why it lost, no in weapons, no science in heavy industry, but in the everyday sense, YES, it lost.
              1. Atlon
                20 May 2013 12: 32
                Quote: Rolm
                Socialism is an order of magnitude better than capitalism, but it has its own systemic shortcomings, which is why it lost, no in weapons, no science in heavy industry, but in the everyday sense, YES, it lost.

                For some reason, earlier, at the dawn of the formation of the USSR, people did not look at Western clothes and the Western standard of living. Why? Why did they start staring under Brezhnev? It's gone from the nomenklatura... They've lost their "revolutionary vigilance." They missed out on educating the youth. So we fell for jeans... Like savages for beads. Not because life was worse, we lost, but because life became more important than principles and beliefs! That's why.
                1. Roll
                  20 May 2013 12: 53
                  wassat Previously, we didn’t look at it because after the war there was no time for that, but after the Khrushchev Universiade the first dissidents appeared - poets, dudes. Then in the West, until the 60s, the moral character was not much different from ours. But when in 60 the Beatles and the Rawlings proclaimed a new youth revolution, we chose the wrong ways to fight it, and so the collapse began. We began to envy the West and therefore lost. I agree about the nomenclature, but the nomenclature of that time did not boast of wealth, as it does now Quite a secluded lifestyle. The sons of golden youth began to boast somewhere from the mid-80s.
                  1. 0
                    21 May 2013 23: 59
                    The dudes were the first bell. I think it started with them that “to have” became more important than “to be” and “to be able to”. Using my parents' money, I put on jeans and sneakers - and no longer, but better than anyone else.
                    And it was the nomenklatura that was the first to understand that there is no need to bother with light industry and agriculture if you can drag jeans-furniture-toilet-salami, etc. from over the hill.
                    And that’s why MGIMO has become such a price among the majors. And the children of the Stalinist Central Committee, with all the “golden youth” (what happened, happened) studied at the Artillery School, and then entered military schools, and then went to the front and died there. Examples - Yakov Dzhugashvili, the sons of Mikoyan, Frunze, and the same Khrushchev.
            2. Atlon
              20 May 2013 12: 19
              Quote: leon-iv
              recalculating to the current salary is 6000-7000 thousand rubles, this is nonsense.

              They still cost that much, if not Chinese ones. However, I’m fine with Chinese ones, which cost 600 rubles.
              1. 0
                20 May 2013 13: 37
                They still cost that much, if not Chinese ones.

                lol I’m giving advice, don’t buy from our hucksters, order on ebay, I paid 501 rubles for 2680 Levis with delivery.
                1. Atlon
                  20 May 2013 15: 13
                  Quote: leon-iv
                  I give advice, do not buy from our hucksters, order on ebay, I paid 501 rubles for 2680 Levis with delivery.

                  I don't need jeans for 2680 rubles. I COMPLETELY have enough of those that I order on Tao-bao for 300 rubles per piece. Here they retail for 600 rubles. Understand that jeans are “working clothes” and cannot and should not be a “fashionable” or stylish thing! I have them for work. And in general, I’m not obsessed with rags.
            3. 3 inches.
              20 May 2013 12: 53
              and now you pay the same for good pants. Only these jeans were worn for 10 years without problems. And recently I bought a Levi Ostrich in a company store. The jeans frayed along the bottom in 2 months. To put it mildly, they were crazy
            4. +1
              20 May 2013 13: 24
              Here's today's price. Why talk about her so much? Open the link and check it out. This is, of course, not 210-220 rubles from a speculator. But still today’s 3700 rubles. Not bad either.
              1. 3 inches.
                20 May 2013 13: 30
                After this incident I don’t wear jeans at all. I was probably offended.
            5. +2
              20 May 2013 18: 50
              This is roughly what they cost now for those who are sick of clothes. They pay more for jeans too. and for handbags, shoes.....
  54. +9
    20 May 2013 10: 54
    It corresponds to a point with my views on the time - these are the advantages not even of the system, but of the entire society. Genus. in 1974, I remember how the boys were hiding and trying to smoke - any adult who saw them would DEFINITELY pull them by the ears! Here is another characteristic of that time - there was no indifference!
  55. sxn278619
    20 May 2013 10: 59
    Labor productivity in the USSR was 4 times lower than in the USA, therefore the standard of living was 4 times lower. Lenin wrote that the socio-political system with higher labor productivity will win.
    The party-nomenklatura elite of the USSR has degenerated since the time of Khrushchev (it was he who banned the KGB from opening cases against party workers).
    And so that they could live well, they zombified the rest of the population with the propaganda of the right life.
    And then they decided that it was necessary to pass on this good life by inheritance, and then Gorbachev appeared, whom the middle nomenklatura supported.
    And our besotted population watched silently as their common wealth floated away.
    "Any liberal economic reform in Russia has as its ultimate end result the emergence of a new super-rich Jew in London." Pelevin.
    1. +4
      20 May 2013 11: 11
      Quote: sxn278619
      And our besotted population watched silently as their common wealth floated away.

      Well, you are deeply-o-o-ok. Just like a toilet. weren’t you the one who wrote Ponomarev’s lectures? No? Don't be modest. The master's hand is visible...
    2. Atlon
      20 May 2013 11: 19
      Quote: sxn278619
      "Any liberal economic reform in Russia has as its ultimate end result the emergence of a new super-rich Jew in London." Pelevin.

    3. +2
      20 May 2013 11: 26
      Quote: sxn278619
      Labor productivity in the USSR was 4 times lower than in the USA,

      With these words, do you want to confirm the fact of your personal work at the enterprise in the 60-70s? Or later, in the 80s? Have you experienced everything on your own skin?
      And the fact that in “Beryozki” and their analogues the ruble was worth 25 cents is true. Maybe you got the 1:4 ratio from here?
      1. 0
        20 May 2013 23: 50
        Quote: Hedgehog
        With these words, do you want to confirm the fact of your personal work at the enterprise in the 60-70s? Or later, in the 80s? Have you experienced everything on your own skin?

        - unfortunately, despite his black shoulder straps, for the sake of objectivity I am forced to confirm his words about labor productivity. I personally tried to increase this damn labor productivity at the plant where I worked. I didn’t do anything! I cut the prices for turners so that they could work more for the same salary. Team contracting was introduced - the so-called. Ipatiev method. The Labor Collective Council (STK) was created. We used the Labor Participation Rate (LCR) - are you at least familiar with all these abbreviations? If not, then what is the argument about? If you are familiar, then let's continue. So all this is like a poultice for the dead. Unfortunately, all this did not help to increase labor productivity (LP). Hedgehog, I experienced it personally! I confirm that labor productivity is the main reason for the loss of the USSR. This is not to say that the Soviet Union did not try to do something. I tried, and what I listed is still a small fraction of all attempts to raise PT. Alas, alas. Life does not tolerate sentimentality and knows no pity for those who have low TP laughing Stop idealizing the USSR. It was a good power, I love it, but let’s use common sense and brains. There are objective laws, incl. and economic ones, you need to take them into account and skillfully apply them. There's no point in being nostalgic.
        1. Misantrop
          21 May 2013 00: 49
          Quote: aksakal
          What I didn’t do! I cut the prices for turners so that they could work more for the same salary. Team contracting was introduced - the so-called. Ipatiev method. The Labor Collective Council (STK) was created. We used the Labor Participation Rate (LCR) - are you at least familiar with all these abbreviations?

          Have you tried to discipline your heels with bamboo sticks? The Chinese say it helps a lot lol Say thank you to Nikita Sergeevich. All REAL productivity records occurred during Stalin's reign. And the NKVD is not the reason for this at all, then it was possible to EARN money. And then the equalization began. And all KTUs crashed against the unofficially established earnings ceiling. Even if you strain yourself and give out a record, by next month they will definitely cut the prices. And you will have to issue NEW standards at the OLD salary. But the equalization was a salvation for the “close to the body” idlers (who were sponsored from other sources). Is it any wonder that in the 70s the rhyme was popular:
          "Do you see the hammer, do you see the sickle?
          This is our Soviet coat of arms.
          At least work, at least net,
          You'll still get x..." request
          But where plant directors had the courage not to cut their salaries (most often in the structure of the military-industrial complex, their products were too important for the country), there both quality and productivity were really at their best. Take the same SMP, and a worker could earn up to 2000 rubles a month. But in other years, two nuclear-powered ships were issued. With very decent workmanship. Such productivity is not available to Americans even now.
          1. Kaa
            21 May 2013 00: 57
            Quote: Misantrop
            But the equalization was a salvation for the “close to the body” idlers (who were sponsored from other sources).
            “Kosygin’s foreign economic innovation logically complemented the intra-Union economic reforms he carried out. It was he who initiated experimental market innovations in the economic activities of many enterprises: partial or complete transition to self-financing and self-financing; a combination of volume (gross) and quality indicators in sectoral planning and socio-economic incentives; direct dependence of new capital investments on their production efficiency for the previous period (that is, on the output of marketable products per previously invested ruble); priority of resource conservation and reduction of financial costs, rather than waste in the name of exceeding purely quantitative plans, etc.
            On Kosygin's initiative, in the second half of the 1960s, a reform of industrial wholesale prices was carried out. The profitability provided for in such prices now took into account, in particular, the need to create economic incentive funds at enterprises. Thus, an economic, and not a purely directive-planning basis for the development of industrial sectors was created. Funds for material incentives and production development were proposed to be formed not on a directive, but on a normative basis, and in direct dependence on fund-forming indicators. And in the future, it was planned to abandon planning “from above” the wage fund - first in industry, and then in other sectors (that is, in fact, these sectors were planned to be reformed according to the Yugoslav model). True, Brezhnev, Kirilenko and Patolichev argued that the new wage system could well “bury” the tariff schedule developed over many decades. So the Politburo of the Central Committee did not allow the refusal of directive salary planning...
            It is noteworthy that one of the then leaders of “Tito socialism,” Edward Kardelj, in an interview with Yugoslav media in the summer of 1967, noted that “the Soviet economy and the industrial management system are beginning to gradually reform, in my opinion, taking into account Yugoslav practice. We will probably have to exchange experience with the USSR and in this area." According to available information, the “Brezhnevites” were dissatisfied with such blatant analogies, which naturally affected the balance of power in the Politburo, and even the Kosygin reforms themselves.
            Nevertheless, the Kosyginites also managed to partially reform the structure of industrial management: the September (1965) plenum of the CPSU Central Committee decided to return to the sectoral principle of managing industrial enterprises. But this did not mean the automatic “reanimation” of the previous ministries (instead of the “Khrushchev” economic councils). “The newly organized ministries,” A.N. Kosygin said at that plenum, “will work in completely new conditions, when the functions of administrative management of industry are combined with a significant strengthening of self-supporting methods and economic incentives, when the economic rights and initiative of enterprises are significantly expanded.”
            The mentioned and other similar reforms began in the mid-1960s, they actually involved 80% of the country's enterprises, but many reforms were curtailed already in 1971-1973: the Brezhnev Politburo considered them too bold and, they say, undermining socialism, or rather, barely or not communism for the nomenklatura and the impoverishment of the majority of the “builders of communism”.
          2. +1
            21 May 2013 01: 36
            Quote: Misantrop
            Have you tried to discipline your heels with bamboo sticks?
            - strange, a minus is usually given if he told a lie or distorted the facts. I don't see either one or the other in my post. Moreover, he correctly stated that the cause of the death of the USSR was, after all, low labor productivity, and you yourself confirmed it. The main thing is to be right, minus sculpting laughing Come on, I don’t care about these disadvantages, Misanthrope, in general SABZH is not about the Stalinist period of the USSR, read the article. About a later period.
            And think about why they were forced to cut prices? Why set an unspoken earnings ceiling? This is where I am puzzled by the behavior of the USSR. And there is no answer yet. On the one hand, he desperately needs to increase labor productivity, on the other - suicidal cuts in prices, completely killing the desire of workers to increase this very productivity. Why did this happen? Were you afraid of excessive pressure from unsatisfied demand (alas, in the USSR there was unsatisfied effective demand, expressed in queues for cars and other good durable things) on the consumer market? But it was precisely increased labor productivity that made it possible to produce more goods. This is where the behavior of the systematic and very contradictory response of the Soviet authorities, and indeed the USSR as a social system to this problem, is incomprehensible.
            1. Misantrop
              21 May 2013 02: 11
              On the downside, it's not for me. I EXTREMELY rarely put them on. But about:
              Quote: aksakal
              This is where I am puzzled by the behavior of the USSR. And there is no answer yet.

              I personally got the impression that this economic stupidity grew somewhere in the middle echelon of management. At the top they were more concerned with their global problems, lower-level managers were more often competent business executives, but the “middle echelon”... Another saying of those years: “If you want to get rid of a fool, send him for a promotion...” Let me emphasize that it is most often necessary to get rid of ordinary fools it wasn’t a problem, but from someone’s protégé... And it was much more important for these idiots not to get something prestigious for themselves, but to limit those around them in getting the same. Otherwise, what kind of prestige is there if everyone has it? So they hacked, reaching the point of outright insanity. I myself once observed how a failure in the payment of money to the crew was carried out under the heading “saving money”. Where to next? By the way, according to my observations, the commodity and food famine in the country (serious, and not due to the bungling of individual officials in the regions) began only under Gorbachev, and even then not immediately. Nowadays they like to talk about “there are only galoshes for the whole family...” laughing in pursuit of gullible listeners. Indeed, if most people of the older generation still dressing from second-hand stores is considered indecent, then...
          3. +1
            22 May 2013 00: 21
            I know that at a defense enterprise around 1980, when developing new products, turners earned 700 rubles. per month. They “caught microns”; this was required by the production of aviation instruments.
            In terms of labor productivity, Russia-USSR-Russia has always been catching up in the Old World, and the culture of production, which had just begun to get on its feet under the Union, is now almost completely finished.
            And something is not very noticeable for the authorities to worry about it, that’s where the trouble is.

            Cunning Japan, with the anecdotal quality of products before WWII, during the war forced the States and others like them to respect their products. Then - defeat and occupation, aircraft manufacturing was banned, defense industry was banned. But electronics went to the people, they began to copy and modify cars, then they began to develop their own and little by little, by the seventies and eighties, they had already surpassed the States in terms of production culture. And I don’t need to talk about the market. I don’t believe that first the Japanese miracle, and then all the Young Tigers (the same South Korea) is possible without the political will of, first of all, governments.
    4. 0
      20 May 2013 11: 33
      Seriously, where are Russia and where are the liberal values?
      Although the country really needs democracy, BUT only at the Regional / Municipal level.
      1. Atlon
        20 May 2013 12: 21
        Quote: leon-iv
        where is Russia and where are liberal values?

        Hmm... Are you missing gay marriage? Or what other liberal “values” are you talking about that Russia is supposedly far from? Where should we liberalize next? If only homosexuals were legalized! And so all Western poop is already available...
    5. vladsolo56
      20 May 2013 11: 53
      When it comes to productivity, listen less to Western propaganda. They don’t even sing that well. You can tell babies in nurseries about zombies.
      1. -4
        20 May 2013 11: 56
        When it comes to productivity, listen less to Western propaganda.

        Productivity is not only the number of products produced per unit of time. Yes, she really was and is lower. Which, for example, goes into the final cost of the product.
        1. Atlon
          20 May 2013 12: 23
          Quote: leon-iv
          Productivity is not only the number of products produced per unit of time.

          That's it! Well, evaluate the level of labor productivity during the post-war restoration of the national economy?
          1. +1
            20 May 2013 13: 44
            labor productivity during the post-war restoration of the national economy?

            I'll say what's below. FOR example, the final cost + transportation costs along an undeveloped/destroyed road system + lack of transport + climatic features, etc., etc. I used to laugh at the logistics too, but not anymore.
        2. Roll
          20 May 2013 12: 25
          crying We lost in productivity, but only because the state did not care about the workers and did not introduce small-scale mechanization and comfort for the workers, and most importantly did not want to solve an important dilemma: if a worker can do a quality job in 4 hours, then he must then be sent home, but it was so difficult for the ideologists of the CPSU, so the worker stretched out the work for 8 hours and this is a fundamental miscalculation. Therefore, labor productivity was low.
    6. avt
      20 May 2013 12: 07
      Quote: sxn278619
      Labor productivity in the USSR was 4 times lower than in the USA, therefore the standard of living was 4 times lower.

      Quote: retired
      Well, you are deeply-o-o-ok. Just like a toilet. weren’t you the one who wrote Ponomarev’s lectures? No? Don't be modest. The master's hand is visible...

      good laughing In the 90s, one American came to teach life, he also talked about low productivity, and when after the lecture he relaxed with vodka until he was drunk, he said that in basic industries your productivity is eight times higher laughing Well, how they compared the standard of living, I myself remember from the Voice of America program, how they took the amount of the secretary’s salary from them and from us and broadcast how much butter one and the other could buy, yes, the comparison was powerful! laughing An American could buy almost tons of oil. laughing
      1. Atlon
        20 May 2013 12: 35
        Quote: avt
        An American could buy almost tons of oil

        Correction... Margarine... Or as they now write on the packages "Spread". laughing
      2. Rrv
        20 May 2013 15: 17
        Quote: avt
        In the 90s, an American came to teach life and also talked about low productivity
    7. Rrv
      20 May 2013 15: 03
      Quote: sxn278619
      Labor productivity in the USSR was 4 times lower than in the USA, therefore the standard of living was 4 times lower.

      How did you think, what did you compare with?

      I generally agree with the rest of the commentary.
  56. +12
    20 May 2013 11: 03
    A similar topic was discussed here a few days ago. Seems to be on topic.

    for the free radio circle in which I put together my first transistor receiver,

    And I'm on the lamps !!! In 1977 was at a review of the achievements of the DYUT circles.
    it was something !!! From large-scale models of aircraft and ships to robots and radio-controlled aircraft and high-speed cars! That would revive these circles ... The kids will be pulled there, I'm sure.
    1. +2
      20 May 2013 19: 37
      absolutely right - and we will have new Antonovs and Tupolevs
      it is necessary to revive the system of children's creativity, including technical and sports
      I myself assembled radio equipment as a child, but I did not become a genius. but I work in the IT industry, and quite successfully.
      We need to give OUR children the opportunity to choose a vector of development, although not unidirectional. So that our children are fully developed - both physically and morally, erudite, and most importantly - so that they can think, dream, fantasize, which current education cannot give them in any way, and, in fact, does not want.
      1. 0
        22 May 2013 00: 29
        The Russian Federation does not need either Antonovs or Tupolevs.
        There are enough competent oil and gas producers. And for the rest...
        In vain, perhaps, the ringing started:
        “Under the USSR, the school prepared the Creator, but we need a qualified CONSUMER.”
  57. +4
    20 May 2013 11: 08
    from the Don.
    To the author -+.
    While I was reading, I was remembering. This is my first life! 60-70 - not only youth, but interest, excitement, dreams...
  58. -7
    20 May 2013 11: 14
    Scoop chickens did not become plump from aspirin, and fish genes were not injected into potatoes.

    Oga, only the blue chicken meme is still alive.
    And chickens are not given aspirin. They are vaccinated at birth. And diets. They also give antibiotics. In the USSR they also gave them, yeah. In fact, in the 90s, people immediately became addicted to American chickens, and since the 2000s, under the bloody Putin, we began to eat our own chicken.
    And in the USSR they were engaged in genetic modification and terminator genes were grafted and these plants were planted no less massively.
    potatoes, onions, garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, pears, plums, cabbage, carrots, beets, a wide range of locally produced canned fruits and vegetables. (You understand? Local production, providing work and excellent income to about 20 thousand Russian men and women from villages and hamlets of the region!) There was probably something else, I just forgot.

    oga plum oga))) well, well
    And the others are still lying on the shelves, even though you, like parrots, grab the washed carrots and not your dirty ones.
    Bread is ridiculous to compare: Soviet was made from Russian grain, not from fodder.

    In general, the quality of bread is 90% dependent on water with the same composition. The USSR bought grain and Russia exported it. Let's close the question here.
    1. 3 inches.
      20 May 2013 12: 59
      Well, dear, you say the quality of the bread... Soviet-made bread did not spoil in the bread bin for 3-4 days. Now on the 2nd day you can’t eat it. And I can still make out the taste of potato starch in the bread. In the USSR, the directors of the bakery would have been strung up for such bread.
      1. +1
        20 May 2013 13: 15
        Quote: 3 inches.
        taste of potato starch in bread

        You know, as a kid I once loved to break off a piece of loaf with a crispy crust on the way from the store and home and chew it. Bliss!!! After moving to Russia, I was always very interested in the question of why the bread here is without a crispy crust. And one day I found out that this crust was a manufacturing defect. Strange as it may seem. Although the Gosts are the same, the tastes are different.
        1. 3 inches.
          20 May 2013 13: 25
          It’s not a matter of taste. It’s that even bread has become ersatz. That in our country, with the peasant roots of the majority of the population, it’s generally not acceptable. People usually added all sorts of rubbish to bread only out of starvation.
          1. +1
            20 May 2013 13: 38
            But, to my credit, today I have the opportunity to choose from what is available on the counter.
            In the early 90s, stores carried bread produced only at the local bakery. It’s not for me to tell you that people vote for quality with their money. If today our town is filled with bread from different parts of the region, what can we say about local products. For so many years it has not changed! And the plant is on the verge of bankruptcy.
          2. 0
            20 May 2013 13: 48
            ersatz bread

            Your receptors are not an indicator.
            Bring laboratory tests.
            1. 3 inches.
              20 May 2013 14: 52
              a reasonable person does not need to ask the opinion of British scientists on every occasion. He has his own head. Get used to using
      2. -1
        20 May 2013 13: 47
        Now on the 2nd day you can’t eat it. And I can still make out the taste of potato starch in the bread. In the USSR, the directors of the bakery would have been strung up for such bread.

        Bullshit, this is all the guests in the direction of tightening. The quality of bread depends on WATER.
        1. 3 inches.
          20 May 2013 14: 52
          The water doesn't taste like potatoes, even if you kill yourself
        2. +1
          20 May 2013 22: 11
          Quote: leon-iv
          . The quality of bread depends on WATER.

          First of all, the quality of bread depends on the type of flour and grain from which it is milled. In the USSR, durum wheat varieties were used for these purposes.
        3. Misantrop
          21 May 2013 15: 13
          Quote: leon-iv
          The quality of bread depends on WATER

          The village of Gvardeiskoye of those years. Three bakeries. In two the bread is very ordinary, and in one it is GREAT. They weren’t too lazy to drive after him especially 4 km away. And all three bakeries fed from one well. By the way, the quality of the water was not very good, it was too limed
    2. +5
      20 May 2013 19: 57
      Quote: leon-iv
      The USSR bought grain and Russia exported it. Let's close the question here.

      Before writing, you should at least find out what grain the USSR purchased. So, let me explain, the USSR purchased feed grain from Canada, since the country mainly grew food grain, and since the livestock population was very large and had to be fed, and food grain was prohibited from being used as feed, it was necessary to purchase feed. True, from this fact, some individuals, after the collapse of the COUNTRY, note the GREAT COUNTRY, made a political career for themselves.
    3. +3
      21 May 2013 02: 40
      I report as a buyer of dirty carrots. The washed one will sit for 3-4 days, and then it starts to fade stupidly and shrivel up like crazy. Dirty ones lie in the refrigerator for weeks and do not lose their properties. Doesn't lose at all.
  59. +3
    20 May 2013 11: 14

    In my city, buying meat from neighboring villages is not a problem at all. I recently bought half a hryundel myself.
    The notorious sausage was always in stores.

    Ivanovo specifically called my grandmother and asked if they had been going to Moscow for a yam since the 50s.
    Sour cream, condensed milk, juices

    And now you buy all this stuff from abroad. I feel sorry for you.
    Work was all. Point. Oily. Critics go the word without words.

    And now everyone has it. Whoever wants it earns it. Whether in the city or in the countryside. Dot.
    Those who don’t want to whine about how bad my life is.
    Clothing and footwear

    Briefly fecal matter. But since there was nothing else, they wore this.
    If there was a good one, people wouldn’t start selling the country for chewing gum and jeans. The same applies to other consumer goods.
    It’s just... WHAT could have happened to him? Well, WHAT?

    You should take a walk around the working outskirts for fun))))) then you would understand. And now it’s the same.
    Now here’s the nuance: back then people didn’t have LJC internet and other twitter contacts, so it was hard to disseminate information beyond your street/district.
    No state in the world has ever had or will have such a well-functioning and global system of children's recreation as in the USSR. Dot. All.

    I won’t argue here because it’s true
    ...Medicine in the USSR was of the highest level.

    It’s not entirely true that the level of overall coverage has decreased, but if we take into account the technical equipment of hospitals, it has increased significantly.
    I don’t know if our doctors took bribes.

    They took and will take, but they take only after. And not all of them have rules either. And for them this is called gratitude. If there is interest, I will write it down.
    1. +1
      20 May 2013 13: 43
      Quote: leon-iv
      Ivanovo specifically called my grandmother and asked if they had been going to Moscow for a yam since the 50s.

      I came to visit my closest relatives in the Moscow region. 1963-64.
      They ask me adults! A long, green thing rolls along the rails, smelling of sausage. What is this?
      Answer: Tula electric train.
  60. -1
    20 May 2013 11: 15

    But I’ll tell you how a person increases the amount of information absorbed by 10-15% every 20 years
    But these were FREE apartments

    To be honest, it was rather a minus. I mean free housing. But this is a topic for another long conversation.
    than today's good students from grades 10-11.

    But you can’t write the Unified State Exam))) I say this for sure
    The Soviet education system had both pros and cons.
    BUT now everything is back to normal
    1 Unified textbooks
    2 School uniform
    3 Status of teachers
    The Soviet system, for example, in physics, had problems with clarity. But they are now solved, for example, by interactive whiteboards and projectors in almost every school.
    And extortion is a personal matter for everyone.
    Dreams and fun

    This is an individual question, but in my yard the children mostly walk, rather than sit at the computer.
    The boys of my time

    Yes, there were people in our time, Not like the current tribe: The heroes are not you! (c)
    And there is also an anecdote about the grandfather of the USSR, RI and
  61. Roll
    20 May 2013 11: 22
    wassat The problem is that socialism has a systemic defect, the protection of people's property. Let's say people built the Gas dam. it is popular, and if you privatize it for free, you immediately become a billionaire. And who can protect the people's piggy bank? Unfortunately, only the leader. Unfortunately, the people are not able to protect themselves. The example of the Libyan Jamahiriya is noteworthy here. There socialism was cooler than ours, and only a handful of people went to defend the leader. And she paid for it much worse than we did. Unfortunately, it is impossible to create a mechanism that will protect the people’s piggy bank for a long enough time, so any model of socialism for a long enough period of time is, alas, DOOMED. Then the communists managed to raise a new generation of people, Homo Soveticus, but they did it clumsily, although we thank them for that. We, the generation of Homo Soveticus, decomposed very quickly, everything that was brought up with such labor, all the good things quickly evaporated, and not only among the Russians, but both in the entire CIS and in the countries of socialist Europe.
  62. fenix57
    20 May 2013 11: 25
    Quote: Mechanic
    The percentage of alkanafts grew precisely during the prohibition of the hunchback, before that, the culture of drinking alcohol was very high, there were certainly shots, but there were practically no alcoholics in the mass.

    It might be a little boring, but:

    In the Soviet Union, attempts to combat drunkenness were made more than once. The first anti-alcohol campaign was received by the Bolsheviks as an “inheritance” from the Tsarist government. In addition, immediately after coming to power, the Petrograd Revolutionary Military Council issued an order on November 8, 1917, which stated, “until further notice, the production of alcohol and any “alcoholic beverages” is prohibited.”
    The second attempt to attack alcohol consumption was carried out in 1958, when a resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Soviet government “On strengthening the fight against drunkenness and on establishing order in the trade in strong alcoholic beverages.”
    The third attempt was marked by the release on May 16, 1972 of Resolution No. 361 “On measures to strengthen the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism.” And finally, the fourth attempt, the so-called “Gorbachev Prohibition Law” was carried out with the release on May 7 and 16, 1985 of a number of legislative acts of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers on strengthening the fight against drunkenness and moonshine.

    [b]And what we have in the end[/b]: a complete mess about the quality (oh try to disagree!), the introduction of a ban on “night” sales is UNCONSCIOUS nonsense!, whoever is looking for it... (taxi price +price),[b]moonshine[/b]- [b]and the quality of the product is something to be envied by factories![/ B]
    1. Misantrop
      21 May 2013 15: 08
      Quote: fenix57
      and the quality of the product is something to be envied by the factories!

      Baba Dina lived near the school and sold moonshine for the cadets. Once they accidentally spilled it on the floor in the barracks. The paint bubbled up RIGHT all the way to the wood. Looking at this, I was glad that she had never stocked up... laughing
      1. 0
        21 May 2013 19: 58
        Alcohol and moonshine are the same solvent, especially for oil paints and drying oils, etc. At work, we use alcohol to remove paint and grease from parts. Although there is a solvent, but due to the smell and
        We do not use any harm.
        Drinking alcohol.
  63. yustas
    20 May 2013 11: 31
    Everything is correct, the author from the heart +, it’s a pity that such a country was destroyed by the tagged one. Thanks in general Oleg! I remember how I carried a can of condensed milk in my briefcase to school every day and drank it during recess =)
  64. +1
    20 May 2013 11: 31
    Yes! And I forgot about subscription books!! "Pioneer Library" - awesome publication, A. Gaidar, G. Wells. a few more... And records on cash on delivery from the Aprelevsky recording plant!. After all, when some Bonnie M comes, it’s an event!!
  65. avt
    20 May 2013 11: 44
    Quote: Strashila
    “Clothes and Shoes”... the film Hipsters is noteworthy in this regard... when, after arriving from the States, a diplomat says that they dress there the same way as here... but he doesn’t believe it. With clothes it was easier, for me personally it was difficulty with my far from slender figure, I bought it... I took the bus and went to the birthplace in the area... and there I calmly bought it in the general store, it’s funny but there was import quietly lying there... the Yugoslav raincoat and Finnish jacket weigh in the wardrobe to this day

    I will tell you the secret of the attractiveness of imported goods in the USSR, I myself learned from knowledgeable people in the 80s. Collections from NEXT year were often imported! Moreover, the nomenclature was stocked in Moscow, for example, on the 4th floor of GUM, with its stickers, and the rest was thrown into the retail chain. Naturally, we bought in bulk - it was government money, and the quality was good good . This is how, for example, one trade unionist from a large factory bought imported skis for his family - he ordered 2000 for the enterprise and bought a pair for himself, and rolled back three.
  66. Volkhov
    20 May 2013 11: 44
    If from everyday life to the essence - then there was a large percentage of the Russian leadership, including front-line soldiers, Gorbachev replaced them with Trotskyists and now the process has reached its maximum.
    The desire to work honestly is naivety; an organized political force will always subjugate good-natured savages.
    We still need to study and organize.
  67. +7
    20 May 2013 11: 59
    We are probably the same age as Oleg Vereshchagin, the author of the publication.
    Everything written is absolutely correct, only the place of residence and the names of friends change.
    It's painfully difficult to comparehow life was organized in the USSR and in modern Russia.
    There was natural development, worthy overcoming of difficulties, a protected childhood and a completely predictable future.
    The main thing was reliability in everything.
    All this has already been lost.
    The task of the new generation is to instill in young people the moral foundations of education, to discard everything brought from outside, alien to our people.
    The main thing is not to start with a blank sheet of paper.
    Read the instructions of your fathers, honor your mother and take care of the truth about the history of your family, your country.
  68. ed65b
    20 May 2013 12: 07
    The article is a big plus for the authors of the comments too, we all remember how it was and the positive overpowered the negative. I grew up in Samarkand. My parents bought me jeans for 200 rubles. The military and tape recorders brought them from Afghanistan and much more was in thrift stores. And most importantly, there was enough money. My parents earned money; my father, a mechanic at an elevator building plant, received 250-300 rubles. Mom is the chief accountant in the trust, 200 rubles. I went to work after being 17 years old and earning 120, working as a beekeeper + honey. A Moscow-Kharkov ticket cost 3 rubles for a reserved seat. An uncle from Vladik sent caviar in jars in parcels. I ate so much of it that I still can’t eat, I really can’t. I remember smoked pink salmon fish, a delicacy that was considered a box, taken from the Ocean store. The video was the first to see Sharp 800 rubles. It stood for a long time in a lump of cassettes. There were no cassettes. And the video was already there. At the age of 16 I bought a Java motorcycle for 1080 rubles. I went to my dad to pick him up in Volgodonsk. This was my insurance, which was accumulative, thanks to my mother. Later, my friends and I rode motorbikes across the entire union to Lvov and back. Living in tents was great.
  69. ed65b
    20 May 2013 12: 10
    And I also cried when they took down the USSR flag in Moscow and for a very long time I could not try on the Russian one.
    1. +3
      20 May 2013 12: 58
      I also remember, I was in Moscow in the kmndr in 91. A decent crowd had gathered in some square (I don’t remember which one) and were waving the future flag (the current one). Well, I didn't like him. Red with the hammer and sickle was incredibly pathetic. He perceived his refusal as a sacrifice that must be made for the sake of a new life. IDIOT
  70. +5
    20 May 2013 12: 37
    awareness is gradually coming, back to the USSR.

    1. Atlon
      20 May 2013 14: 44
      Quote: Apollon
      awareness is gradually coming, back to the USSR.

      “You need the feeling that behind you is a Great Country, and not just a cottage with a garage...” - the last phrase of the film is simply magnificent!
      I also liked the girl who spoke out: “I have a rather negative attitude towards the USSR, but only because... it seems like this is the accepted attitude...” - it’s still “accepted,” but you must agree, is this really an argument?! So we can “go back”!
  71. +3
    20 May 2013 12: 38
    The article is a big plus for accurately conveying the atmosphere and spirit of that time. BUT I would like to make some amendments.
    1. I have always been irritated by the stupid communist ideology, from kindergarten on up, the October students, the pioneers, the Komsomol, the party, all these “scientific communisms”, etc., etc. All these “leaders and guides,” “GLORY to the CPSU.” The author is much younger than me and did not touch on all this in detail.
    2. Regarding the abundance in stores, I also embellished it somewhat. There was abundance somewhere in the early 70s, but it was simply impossible to buy this abundance, because... they lived quite poorly. I remember my friends and I often went to the grocery store and looked at the display cases with chocolates and chocolates and swallowed our drool. It was very expensive to buy them only if it was for the New Year. By the end of the 70s, people began to live a little richer, BUT goods disappeared from stores and the quality of the goods themselves dropped sharply. EVERYTHING of lesser quality (imported) could not be bought, but “obtained” through “connection” or acquaintance. This is where there was rampant “corruption” with a Soviet bias. And there were legends about the quality of Soviet-made goods.
    The rest of the article is 90 percent correct.
    PS. To judge life in the USSR, it is not enough to listen to a writer nostalgic for his youth; you need to live there yourself, and not for 2-3 years, but for 20-30 years. (For reference: started working in 1979). I won’t compare it with the present, both now and then had their pros and cons.
    1. -2
      20 May 2013 20: 28
      I agree with every word. This is the real truth without propaganda. Thanks for the comment.
  72. +2
    20 May 2013 12: 41
    In the 80s, the middle, but even before Gorbaty, my mother, an engineer from the “box” of Space and Air Defense in Moscow, had a salary of 13 rubles with the 420th salary, bonuses and travel allowances calculated per month. My father had a smaller one in another “box” for the Navy, he did not go on business trips much - 330-350 rubles per month. Normal, right? And now?
    1. +4
      20 May 2013 12: 51
      I have a father - ch. was a mine engineer. Mother is the director of a clothing store (lucky here, yes). But. The miners at the coalface earned more than my father. Working class, however!!
    2. +4
      20 May 2013 13: 09
      Quote: fzr1000
      And my mother, an engineer from the “box” for Space and Air Defense in Moscow, had a salary of 13th salary, bonuses and travel allowances, calculated per month at 420 rubles. My father had a smaller one in another “box” for the Navy, he did not go on business trips much - 330-350 rubles per month. Normal, right? And now?
      And now at our defense research institute, the average salary of a turner and milling operator is 25000 rubles. There are more engineers.
      1. +2
        20 May 2013 13: 23
        Yes, it’s understandable and that still doesn’t count as anything. Previously, things were even worse.
      2. +1
        20 May 2013 13: 49
        Is this an initial wage fork? or in fact more?
        1. +1
          20 May 2013 15: 04
          Quote: leon-iv
          Is this an initial wage fork? or in fact more?
          The initial fork is from 20 to 30 thousand rubles from the capacity + quarterly, processing, R&D, totaling somewhere around 35-37.
          1. 0
            20 May 2013 15: 08
            In short, your salary is quite good)))
  73. air defense veteran
    20 May 2013 12: 49
    And in 91 I was 34... And I was a major in the Red Army... The country's air defense forces... And until 87, no one crossed our air border with impunity! We couldn’t understand then how Matthias Rust got to Red Square? It’s no longer a secret that Gorbachev and his hangers-on provided him with the corridor in order to disgrace and disperse the military elite... Hmmm... We didn’t expect, however, that we would be put on the back foot in the “Cold” War: we always “ We were preparing hotly, and we simply didn’t have any worthy opponents in this matter... In behind-the-scenes games, we have a “weakling” mentality: we don’t know how to play dirty tricks even on our enemies. And we judge others by ourselves... This is a mistake...

    Recently I had a chance to listen to the Green Beret. Before that, I thought that “the American people are the same as ours, only they have been brainwashed by the government”... I was wrong... This “expert” has been to Afghanistan 6 times. He supervised the training of local snipers there. He says: “First we teach some how to kill others, and then vice versa.” Why is that so? “So while they are fighting, we are keeping bases there and pumping oil into the region cheaply! We have our own, but why spend it if we can get it cheaper from the foolish Arabs?” Now he drinks beer on vacation, and then goes to Qatar to train the Syrian “oppositionists”... A simple cynical American sergeant. Not a politician or a banker... So...

    But there were problems in our country... And the main one was the lack of JUSTICE, and not jeans and sausage. If the head of the Political Department, followed by the deputy for the rear and others, were stocking up at Voentorg from the back porch during lunch break, what respect could officers and soldiers have for the command? I’m not even talking about the distribution of apartments and so on... So the fish was slowly rotting... and, as usual, from the head... We didn’t know then that rot had broken through to power in ’53... Comrade didn’t have time Stalin uprooted everyone... So in the end, the country was destroyed. Alas. Now the occupiers are telling our children through all channels: how to despise the Motherland... Cool, bastards, they worked...

    However, “it’s not evening yet.” Bankers have brought the whole world into a dead end with their greed. Deceit and violence flourish between countries. Within countries there is depravity and hopelessness. The States are wacky. We have the thousand-year experience of our ancestors in building a huge power, which NO ONE HAS! If we can turn the situation around and gain independence, the West will have 100% HAN!
    1. +1
      20 May 2013 13: 53
      In 91 there was a Soviet Army, everything else is correct.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      21 May 2013 01: 40
      Quote: Air Defense Veteran
      And the main one is the lack of JUSTICE,

      I’m for the exact same statement above in this thread, only using the example of admission to a university, the minuses were shoved laughing And here for this same statement - pluses laughing The souls of forum members are inscrutable laughing
    4. +1
      21 May 2013 20: 18
      But there were problems in our country... And the main one was the lack of JUSTICE, and not jeans and sausage. If the head of the Political Department, followed by the deputy for the rear and others, were stocking up at Voentorg from the back porch during lunch break, what respect could officers and soldiers have for the command? I’m not even talking about the distribution of apartments and so on... So the fish was slowly rotting... and, as usual, from the head... We didn’t know then that rot had broken through to power in ’53... Comrade didn’t have time Stalin uprooted everyone... So in the end, the country was destroyed. Alas. Now the occupiers are telling our children through all channels: how to despise the Motherland... Cool, bastards, they worked...

      Word for word, as my father told me, only instead of the military there were civilians, and of course not ordinary people, but he was the party organizer of the plant, considered the second boss after the director. I asked him if he would like to go back there. Absolutely not. Although life was not bad then...
  74. Grigorich 1962
    20 May 2013 12: 54
    Good article....thanks to the author. I wrote everything honestly and with my soul. The country was great and the people were strong! The general patriotic mood was always present1...We knew who was our friend and who was our enemy!.....We could endure a lot if only there was no war!.....In 1991, he served in one of the Soviet Union's missions Now I remember this referendum on the USSR......they decided to keep it, but what did they get?....yes, we were betrayed by the Gorbachev-Yestsin much grief and misfortune they brought to the Soviet people. My son is 11 years old. So he considers everything Soviet to be the, clothes, food!!......I hope that such a time will come. Temporary people in power will leave and real patriots of the Motherland called Russia will come
  75. +7
    20 May 2013 12: 56
    I agree with almost all the postulates, BUT!!! About food: no need here! An example from my life: Rybinsk is an industrial center on the Volga. 1964 - my first grade: I go to the store - there are 4 types of butter: Vologda - 3,80 rubles, regular 3,60 rubles, salted - 3,50 rubles, chocolate - 3,40 rubles. Sausages, meat in the state. there was no trade anymore, there was cheese, there were chickens, there were dairy products (our own dairy). The “sausage train” to Moscow came to the rescue. 1974 - 10th grade, admission to college in Leningrad. So: THERE WAS NONE OF THE ABOVE LISTED IN THE STORE!!! When going on vacation, I took EVERYTHING home with me: meat, butter, cheese, chicken, butter, etc. So we ate well and (as in one of the previous articles, where statistics were given about protein consumption), we didn’t go hungry - sorry - LIES!!! Mother was spinning around, getting (!!!) - NORMAL TERM (?!) everything listed, between my visits. And I was carrying TWO travel bags that my hands were dragging away, with food. About shoes and clothes: why were there giant queues for Czech, Austrian, Polish shoes, and the products of Skorokhod and Severokhod filled the shelves of shoe stores, but they took them so as not to walk barefoot, if they failed to buy imported shoes. Since wearing such shoes was reminiscent of torture with a “Spanish boot”. And also from food: we fought in lines for Hungarian green peas in cans (Globus), why we didn’t have our own, but now there is enough of our own in the stores, and it’s cheaper than Bonduelle, and no worse in quality. And they buy. Why couldn't socialism do this? And let me also remind you of an anecdote from those times: “Where is the border between socialism (empty stores) and developed socialism (there is something in the stores)? Answer: Along the Moscow Ring Road! (This is about the cry of Muscovites that arose at that time: “Let’s come in large numbers!”) And "Where is the border between developed socialism and communism? Answer: Along the Kremlin wall!" Like this. This anecdote was clearly not born in the depths of the CIA, but from the realities of our “life”
  76. The comment was deleted.
    1. +7
      20 May 2013 13: 04
      With you, Abakan, we will go far into the future...
    2. 3 inches.
      20 May 2013 13: 17
      you say you’re lazy... well, well. I was able to earn money for an apartment and that’s because I started buying out a communal apartment even before the wild rise in cost. I look at my friends who are 5-6 years younger. Apartment? Is that only if parents help or a mortgage - hard labor for 20 years. And when to raise children? Apartments in the union were given not for nothing. But for work and children. If you don’t have them, then your number is last. The state was thinking about the next generations. Including you. or Did you study with your own money? And you also went to kindergarten while earning money? Nowadays brains and hard work are far from being the main criteria for hiring.
    3. +3
      20 May 2013 14: 57
      I, too, like the author, am an incorrigible Scoop. No, that’s how the author deciphers it - S.O.V.O.K. This is if in this understanding. If in the literal sense of the word (a scoop is a metal or plastic spatula for collecting garbage), then it is more appropriate to call our current state a scoop. Because of the contents of SUCH a scoop, the Country is not moving into the future.
  77. MAG
    20 May 2013 13: 03
    I read how everything was written about me and it was not without its drawbacks. If I choose where my children would grow up, then WHERE I grew up at that time.
  78. +3
    20 May 2013 13: 05
    I found this time, and I regret that now is not it. Yes, there were some problems, but with the current ones, for the majority of the population they were nothing.
  79. DuraLexSedLex.
    20 May 2013 13: 11
    Not a single normal and sane person would call his homeland disparagingly, like “Rashka” and “Savok”. This is just a word.
    1. alex popov
      20 May 2013 15: 33
      And this is a stupid tribe of “nameless trolls”. Somehow I accidentally crossed paths with an IT guy at work. He accidentally let slip that he was sitting on the same forum, and as it turned out, so did I. Show-off... taller than a skyscraper in the Emirates, and not enough brains for a twisted pair cable, his nickname by date of birth and initials was revealed at once... yes, “the great and terrible forum troll”, “the storm of everyone and everything” (I I’ll quickly find you by IP and you’ll regret it..." he turned out to be a pimply, shabby asshole... And he’s a show-off on the Internet, and what a conceit. And of course, a continuous “ra...a”, through the word.
  80. lexe
    20 May 2013 13: 13
    I respect the opinion of those who are nostalgic. BUT who will prepare the return? WHO will be the stove in the kitchen? Today's government? Yes, they will prepare...))). They will introduce an article for parasitism (there are no factories - Skolkovo is the only one in my head), an article for drunkenness (shops are bursting with alcohol), an article for childlessness (there is no medicine and food technologists with high salaries) and people will go to build toll roads.))) - this will be the worst crossed with the worst. If this does not happen, then I am for a return. Progress always goes against) with fertility. Example? Why is there light in the villages in the evening? After hard work in the field, a peasant needs to plow another field.) - without any problems). And everyone is so praising this light bulb of Ilyich). Tired of the dark paradise in the village, go to the city. Well, the tsarist ministers were not fools. In this sense, Russia before 1917 was quite an ideal. And the tsar fiercely kept his oath to multiply the people, which is the main task of any government. And the elite did fight (not even the elite, but the middle class). And the tsar became a martyr - that’s all as befits the authorities... And how they prepared for the collapse in 1917. And the great-grandfathers won the 1st World War with a minimal percentage of those called up to the front from the entire population! Compared to all the countries of the conflict! The Tsar played for victory and without the devastation of 1945. in the USSR. And what about the Mendeleevs and Popovs - are they a product of Soviet education? And we seem to have problems with the birth rate and are dying out, as it were. Under the tsar, they didn’t bother with international love. Do you respect the Russian people? - respect and honor to you. And everyone’s right .And there is no need to reinvent the wheel. Yes.. and who was Kornilov by nationality? A lot of people with different surnames defended the tsarist power and not at all from their stupidity and lack of knowledge of their roots.
  81. -7
    20 May 2013 13: 14
    As expected, it all came down to memories of SAUSAGE! This is our food supply. All over the world there are two types of livestock: dairy and beef, and we have a third - dung.
    1. 3 inches.
      20 May 2013 13: 28
      It’s not about sausage. It’s about the fact that everyone knew it would be there tomorrow. But now no one is sure about it tomorrow.
    2. MG42
      20 May 2013 14: 28
      Quote: a.hamster55
      As expected, it all came down to memories of SAUSAGE!

      What does the sausage have to do with it? There is simply something to remember and something to compare with. As for food, there is of course more choice now, if there was money, but the quality of food raises big questions; in the pursuit of profit, capitalism simply poisons people. Compare at least the dumplings then and now, what kind of minced meat is inside and how much meat is there.
      1. +3
        20 May 2013 16: 40
        Quote: MG42
        There is simply something to remember and something to compare with.

        Look, I remembered. At least 12 people categorically did not accept it. It’s not offensive, but they are quite old people, although some of those present are old enough to be children. They seem to need a specific type of memory. BUT not everything.
        1. MG42
          20 May 2013 19: 00
          Quote: Hedgehog
          Look, I remembered. At least 12 people categorically did not accept it. It’s not offensive, but they are quite old people, although some of those present are old enough to be children.

          I didn't give you a minus. There are different points of view on the forum, that's why it is a forum. I can+ to compensate a little.
          1. +2
            20 May 2013 19: 32
            Quote: MG42
            I didn't put a downvote

            laughing Yes, and I just, for your information, to be careful. laughing
            Quote: MG42
            There are different points of view on the forum, that's why it is a forum. I can+ to compensate a little.

            That's why I'm not angry laughing That's right, someone didn't see all this. Fate is like this. I am sure that many civilians did not jump out of bed due to the midnight roar of armored vehicles and the crack of machine guns.
            I just don’t understand why people reacted this way? What did he dislike so much about the memories? Maybe these are the ones who claimed that there was no sex in the USSR? laughing laughing My scent senses that they will hit me here too. Not everyone likes it.
          2. +1
            20 May 2013 19: 38
            Quote: MG42
            to compensate a little.

            Thanks, but not at all necessary.
            Now and later other people will come who think similarly and the situation will change radically. Good luck!
  82. +5
    20 May 2013 13: 44
    My parents told me that they should do any job no worse than others, so that they would not be ashamed, that bad work is akin to theft. And my mother, MOM!, always responded to complaints by saying that it was her own fault. Most young people were taught the same thing. From the first months of work, I was tormented by the question of whether I was getting more than I earned. This was the strength of the country. We expected only the best and worked for the best.
    Was it bad? Was. But such a minuscule amount compared to what it is now! Those who truly lived in the “soviet”, lived and truly, became ill with it forever.
  83. +2
    20 May 2013 13: 49
    Thank you to the author)))) to tears.... I can’t even imagine a happier childhood...
  84. optimist
    20 May 2013 13: 51
    As one of my colleagues said: “We had communism, but we didn’t notice it.” Until now, the whole world is groaning at the stupidity of the Russians, who managed to screw it all up. However, this is not surprising: for many, the presence of 200 varieties of GMO sausage and a used foreign car are still the main argument.
    1. Rrv
      20 May 2013 15: 42
      Quote: optimist
      For many, the presence of 200 varieties of GMO sausages and a used foreign car are still the main argument.

      Talk about the lack of sausage then and its availability now looks especially wild against the background of the fact that now, not just sausage, not everyone can afford meat.
  85. +11
    20 May 2013 14: 00
    Recently my wife and I tried to remember what we ate and wore in our youth, in the 80s,
    they barely remembered some fragments and without saying a word decided that this was not the main thing, that they did not starve and did not wear rags - that’s for sure. Special thanks to the USSR for education and housing. Even as young specialists, after 6 years of work we got a two-room apartment. There were many shortcomings in the USSR, we don’t hide this, but life was more honest and calmer.
    And most importantly, there was faith in justice.
    1. 0
      21 May 2013 20: 35
      You were lucky with the apartment then, but my wife and I waited 15 years and lived in a dorm, and only thanks to the collapse we got a mortgage and an apartment with a car. Otherwise, I’m already ashamed to look my daughter in the eyes.
  86. +10
    20 May 2013 14: 07
    Plus, the article...

    Somehow we sat down here with the men and began to remember... And it turned out to be such a joyless picture - from 40 to 80 percent of our generation (born in the early 70s) died for no apparent reason (listed by significance) - gang warfare , wars, economic stress, they simply drank themselves out of hopelessness, and quickly got tired of life. Moreover, if we take the north-west of the former USSR, then there is a higher percentage of deaths in gang warfare, and if we take the “curb” of the former USSR, there is a higher percentage of deaths from wars and as a result of wars.

    Taking this opportunity, I will express a special, “heartfelt, deep and sincere” thank you to the “banner” of the liberal, still living, 3.14-dru purulent, tagged cattle, used rubber product number two ... in general, the creatures of the Hunchback...
  87. MG42
    20 May 2013 14: 11
    A good article, those who were born and raised in the USSR have something to compare with, how it was and how it is now, but they managed without computers and without mobile phones, they spent more time in the fresh air, the products were of better quality, I recently accidentally discovered a concentrate of vermicelli soup with dried meat in bags was made back in 1989, it hasn’t spoiled!, >> I cooked it as an experiment and what do you think, it’s much tastier than all the current concentrates sold here in Ukraine request , as for free education, healthcare and trade union vouchers, going on vacation is not a formality, here many people remember a glass of soda in the vending machines, drinking without fear of getting poisoned after others, and they also had vaccinations with reusable syringes >>> they remained alive and well. Confidence in the future was important. And the rent, compare then and now. There are much fewer cars, more living space, and cleaner air. The hunchbacked bastard ruined such a great country!
    1. +5
      20 May 2013 15: 50
      Quote: MG42
      vermicelli soup concentrate with dried meat in bags

      mmm... vermicelli with stars...
      They took these to the dacha.
      1. ded10041948
        20 May 2013 22: 38
        Well, you (this is not out of disrespect, just the plural!) are all kidding me! I have excess stomach juice from the memories. So it’s not far from a stomach ulcer. And the article is a plus. Trust the old stump, finishing his seventh decade. There were some disadvantages, but I remember the advantages better!
  88. +7
    20 May 2013 14: 13
    Incurable Disease - Scoop!

    Perhaps the only disease that I would gladly have for the rest of my life!
  89. +9
    20 May 2013 14: 16
    I myself was born in 1978, but I remember very well the notorious barrels of kvass and beer, near which small queues would form in the heat, and travel on public transport, when we were ashamed not to pay the fare if we had money in our pockets. And then we dreamed not of 100 varieties of sausage, but of space flights. There was no way to pull him out of the street by the ears. They constantly competed either on the court in the yard or on the sports ground. They respected strong guys, but they also valued smart ones. I don't remember anyone smoking. This started already in the 1990s, we had seen enough of all sorts of “Rimbauds”, etc. And they didn't drink. And by the way, we rode bikes all the time, we had no problems with the purchase. Grandfather always had 3 bikes. Otherwise, the grandchildren will come - here’s the transport. It's not close to swimming on foot.
    1. 0
      22 May 2013 00: 51
      I grew up in a non-poor family. BUT
      I didn’t have my own bike until the eighth grade. But they rented it for the summer!
      And somehow, from an early age, they already looked askance at “certain comrades” who used their parents’ money to ride around on a moped, or even on a mokika.
      Single mother, cleaning lady, working three or four jobs for her beloved idiot - “Riga”...
      These spoiled ones have long been 2 meters below ground level, and without any Afghan.

      Everything we lived was bad!.. But now it’s good: who can say why?
  90. P-15
    20 May 2013 14: 20
    Excellent article, upvoted from the bottom of my heart.
    To be honest, while I was reading there were mixed feelings. I remembered a lot and many people and it was so offensive. Such a country.....
    For some reason I remembered the words: “We believed that we were protecting the Motherland, which the barbarians would soon invade us... I just can’t.”
  91. Best novel
    20 May 2013 14: 35
    And yet, I think it’s not worth idealizing those times so much. I associate the concept of “sovok” with the concept of “sovdepia”, and the latter still comes to mind when faced with rudeness, indifference on the part of bureaucrats or petty clerks, office workers or there are still a lot of sellers, raised by that system that inspired that everything and everyone depends on them. And the “Iron Curtain” did not protect us from jeans, chewing gum, Snickers, drugs, violence and other crap inherent only in a decaying (until now since) capitalism, and from the shock that it turns out you can live a little differently, a little calmer, more fun, better in everyday life and other ways. The only difference between “then” and “now” I see is that in the USSR a person was a cog in a huge mechanism that works only “for the benefit and in the name” of proving to the whole world the benefits of socialism, and for the mechanism to work properly, it needs to be lubricated and have a set of screws to replace worn ones. And today people (in the majority) are trying to tear off their piece from what was long divided on top of the pie. And crumbs are periodically shaken off from above - and thank you for that. And only a select few are allowed into the pie.
    1. alex popov
      20 May 2013 15: 48
      And you know Roman, people didn’t feel like “cogs” and didn’t know that they were living in a “totalitarian terrible state”; they lived, gave birth to children, worked, rested, loved and hated, and so on. My father-in-law told me this a long time ago. About 10 years ago. And his fate was deserting him: his grandfather’s family was dispossessed (and according to his words, they did the right thing, since he followed the lead of the outbids and hid the grain), they were sent from Ukraine in the same trousers with small children to Kazakhstan, then the war, a hungry post-war childhood, and so on. .. You don’t need to consider yourself “smarter than those who lived then.” All the shortcomings of the Soviet Union have long been listed on the site. So, as you put it, “being a cog” in a working mechanism is better than being a free chip flowing in a stream of crap... and now the majority of the Russian population is left to its own devices, like such a chip.
      1. Best novel
        20 May 2013 17: 17
        Most likely, the citizens of North Korea also do not feel like cogs, they also give birth to children and are also happy. And they think that they live in the best country.
        1. ed65b
          20 May 2013 17: 57
          Have you seen at least one North Korean live or communicated? I had construction teams working in Irkutsk and Kemerovo, I communicated closely with them and with their commanders and party officials and commissars. They really live in the best country and believe in it. And no one is ready to run across, to move.
          1. alex popov
            20 May 2013 19: 19
            The number of suicides, divorces, abortions, diseases on nervous and mental grounds is an excellent litmus test of the “degree of happiness” of the citizens of a particular country. Will we compare the USSR and Russia?
  92. +7
    20 May 2013 14: 39
    Few people know, but the author of the article is a first-class writer.
    His books such as “The Scout Tie” and “Nobody But Us” can be safely recommended as extracurricular reading for high school students.

    These are books (primarily) about CHOICE.
    about the MOST IMPORTANT CHOICE for a person - WHAT he should be.
    (books are available for download in librusek) (if you are interested and if there is a problem with downloading, write in a personal message)

    You can also download a bunch of magazines, just don’t be lazy.
  93. +4
    20 May 2013 14: 41
    They say the USSR is still in Belarus? When I retire, I’ll take the children to see what they lost! And I’ll show the Brest Fortress!
    1. -5
      20 May 2013 14: 48
      Do they still say the USSR in Belarus?

      Which is supported by subsidies from the Russian Federation.
      1. 0
        20 May 2013 17: 14
        But it’s holding on! So, is it really the USSR?
  94. +5
    20 May 2013 14: 41
    And an adult ... Yes, the state simply could not cope with the influx of tourists! Do you think so many “savages” are not an indicator of the high standard of living of citizens, each of whom could spend two weeks relaxing on the sea for 30 ruble? And under the permit and at all for free? Almost every small company has its own holiday homes, camp sites, stadiums. For their slightest underfunding of the head of the enterprise could be removed. And could and plant. For delaying leave, failure to provide a voucher, and neglect of a person’s needs, any boss could fly off the throne. To the very top.
    really brought tears to my eyes :(
  95. The comment was deleted.
    1. 3 inches.
      20 May 2013 15: 04
      go scratch yourself. They sprinkled dust on the fleas...
    2. +7
      20 May 2013 15: 23
      Quote: Flea
      Red-bottomed monkeys are nostalgic.

      Not mine, copied from a newspaper a long time ago, but it seems on topic.


      Incredibly, we survived! If you were a child in the 60s, 70s or 80s, looking back, it's hard to believe we managed to survive until today. As children, we drove cars without seat belts or airbags. Riding a horse-drawn cart on a warm summer day was an unspeakable pleasure. Our cribs were painted with bright, high-lead paints. There were no secret lids on the medicine bottles, the doors were often not locked, and the cabinets were never locked. We drank water from the water pump on the corner, not from plastic bottles. It would never have occurred to anyone to ride a bike wearing a helmet.
      Horror. We spent hours making carts and scooters from boards and bearings from piles, and when we rushed down the mountain for the first time, we remembered that we forgot to attach brakes. After driving into thorny bushes several times, we sorted out the problem. We left home in the morning and played all day, returning when the street lights came on, where they were. For the whole day no one could find out where we were. There were no mobile phones!
      It is hard to imagine? We cut arms and legs, broke bones and knocked out teeth, and no one sued anyone. Anything could happen. We were the only ones to blame and no one else. Remember? We fought until we bled and walked around with bruises, getting used to not paying attention to it.

      to be continued
    3. +10
      20 May 2013 15: 24

      We ate cakes, ice cream, drank lemonade, but no one got fat because we were running around and playing all the time. Several people drank from the same bottle, and no one died from it. We didn’t have game consoles, computers, 165 channels of satellite television, CDs, cell phones, the Internet, we rushed to watch the cartoon with the whole crowd at the nearest house, because there were no video cameras either!
      But we had friends. We left the house and found them. We rode bikes, blew matches along spring streams, sat on a bench, on a fence or in the school yard and talked about whatever we wanted. When we needed someone, we would knock on the door, ring the bell, or just go in and see them. Remember? Without asking! Sami! Alone in this cruel and dangerous world! Without security, how did we even survive? We made up games with sticks and tin cans, we stole apples from orchards and ate cherries with pits, and the pits did not grow in our stomachs. Everyone signed up for football, hockey or volleyball at least once, but not everyone made it onto the team. Those who didn't get in learned to deal with disappointment. Some students were not as smart as others, so they stayed for a second year. Quizzes and exams were not divided into 10 levels, and grades included 5 points in theory and 3 points in reality. During recess, we doused each other with water from old reusable syringes!
      Our actions were our own. We were prepared for the consequences. There was no one to hide behind. The concept that you could pay off the cops or get out of the army practically did not exist. Parents of those years usually took the side of the law, can you imagine!? This generation has created a huge number of people who can take risks, solve problems and create something that simply did not exist before. We had freedom of choice, the right to risk and failure, responsibility, and we somehow just learned to use it all. If you are one of this generation, I congratulate you. We were lucky that our childhood and youth ended before freedom was bought from young people in exchange for roller skates, mobile phones, a star factory and cool crackers... With their common consent... For their own good...

  96. alex popov
    20 May 2013 14: 51
    Quote: Grenader
    PS I'm worried about my son. He is 9 years old, and he still hasn’t set fire to anything and didn’t blow it up.

    Crap! aaaaah! this is actually true!!!!! When I start telling him about how we “Kirabit” were sniping at construction sites and making bombs from cans of dichlorvos, he asked, “Dad, did you play terrorists?”!!! But I’m trying to tear him away from TV horror and don’t let him touch the computer forever and so on.
    1. +1
      20 May 2013 17: 23
      And thanks to the excellent education system of the USSR, we learned in chemistry lessons and made a sva based on sodium nitrate for 78 kopecks per package! We fooled around until my classmate’s white bottle exploded in his hands. After that they stopped!
  97. Grigorich 1962
    20 May 2013 14: 52
    in Sovka it was better compared to today (I think they’ll come up with a name for it as well) was calmer...we felt confident in the future...everything was simpler.....we wanted to serve in the army.. .we didn’t have drugs or straight vodka.....the cops weren’t so evil and didn’t take bribes.....even though the party members stole, they did it shyly and stealthily....and now thing the word nostalgia
  98. +1
    20 May 2013 14: 59
    Since Oleg Nikolaevich was born in 1973 (if I’m not mistaken), by 1979 he was still in his tender childhood. But in 1979, the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU issued a Resolution on providing the population with meat and sausage products, which stated that 40% of these products should be sold in the morning, and 60% from 16:1979, when the working class returns from work. What do I remember about 16? And my wife and I went on a tour, first to the Sea of ​​Azov in the cities of Berdyansk and Primorsk, and two weeks later, from there to Zaporozhye, where we arrived exactly at XNUMX:XNUMX. My expectations are the worst, where can I get food in an industrial city after riding for many hours on a bus, now the working class will start sweeping sausages off the shelves. I was amazed and pleasantly surprised when in one or another store I saw the presence of two varieties of sausages. I repeat. Not the mythical seven varieties, as the author claims, but only two. But this is Ukraine. And at the same time, on the shelves of Leningrad stores, only a huge number of jars of seaweed could be seen in the public domain.
    In the years 56-58, my father took me to his homeland, to a village near the city of Pronsk, Ryazan region. My grandmother practically had her own food, not store-bought. What's in the stores? Bread. Not black or white, as in Leningrad. Then I saw gray bread for the first time. The grandmother went to the store once a week and brought back loaves of this gray bread in two large bags. It was not her fault that she did not own a piece of land to grow wheat, rye and oats on her own. What happened in Leningrad at the same time? Not far from our house, in a regular store: on the wall behind the counters there were hooks, on which various sausages hung in bunches, incl. and semi-smoked. On the shelves there were trays in which, in some, dried smelt, in others, black caviar and red caviar, and they were sold by weight, and not in cans. In the 60s everything disappeared. Then I learned that Khrushchev abolished the special order for supplying Leningrad and it became like everyone else.
    Yes, not everything was bad, there was either a feeling of stability, or (not yet Brezhnev’s stagnation) of the immutability of our existence. You can look at those times from different perspectives and compare them. But I think that today’s youth wouldn’t really like it if they were stopped on the streets by other young people with “Nashi” armbands (as was previously practiced by vigilantes with Komsomol armbands) and cut with scissors. I wish they had clothes. But they don’t like these clothes and that’s it! Fashion, they say, is not the same according to their beliefs and worldview.
    The worst thing about the Soviet Union, in general, was that food and education were not guaranteed. Study - I don’t want to! Just when studying at a university, don’t get a bad grade in Marxist-Leninist (and compulsory study) ideology. And society was dominated by the established rules imposed from above: “how should I live and how should I think.” That’s why they fell in love with kitchens for conversations, where they can show off the authorities and tell an anecdote about Brezhnev.
    1. +5
      20 May 2013 15: 39
      Quote: Valery-SPB
      I think that today’s youth would not really like it if other young people with “Nashi” armbands stopped them on the streets (as was previously practiced by combatants with armbands from the Komsomol) and cut their clothes with scissors.

      Or, for example, I wanted to go to a gay club, but that was not the case - no club, no gays!
      Quote: Valery-SPB
      kitchens, where you can show the authorities “whatever” and tell an anecdote about Brezhnev.

      But now, at least tell jokes from the balcony. At least about Brezhnev, at least about Putin. Fuck everyone! Fine. Freedom!
      1. -2
        20 May 2013 16: 54
        I’m not convinced that you know the Russian writer A. Averchenko. How is his story about the resistance of the intelligentsia to the regime? “We resisted, we kept the “fig” in our pocket!” This is what we are talking about, and not specifically about jokes. Double standards. At work and in service (especially at meetings and not necessarily party ones) everyone is sincere Marxist-Leninist, but at home, in the kitchen, they are straight “resistance to the regime.”
        And for “gayism”, and even for “geishism” they were sent to the zone, in full accordance with the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, which I personally did not object to and do not object to. And that our domestic “geisha” of both sexes, who were “knocked” by the KGB, did not suffer from sperm toxicosis even under that government.
        Years 60s. Scene at the entrance to the cinema. The ticket attendant won't let a middle-aged woman in trousers in. And why? But this is how she believed that the moral character of Soviet people was being violated! Are you really in favor of the idea that if someone, having formed for themselves and for their reference group certain rules of behavior and their own ideas about the correctness or incorrectness of certain tastes and standards, receives a monopoly right to distribute to everyone around?
        If you really want to go to a gay club, then this does not give you the right and others to go there at your direction. “Today you listen to jazz, and tomorrow you will sell your homeland!” Propaganda! The same ones with scissors, from Nevsky Prospekt, flared trousers that were cut too “fashionably”. By force, with the full concentration and non-resistance of the Soviet people, with the presence of a corresponding article of the RSFSR Criminal Code prohibiting such acts on damage to other people's property, with the full approval of the Soviet official press.
        Don’t you remember Y. Mamin’s film “Window to Paris”? There, one hero “from Paris” (A. Urgant) wanted to “get nostalgic” and in what panic was he when he was taken through the window, right to the monument to the founder at the Finlyandsky Station?
        1. +1
          20 May 2013 17: 45
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          I’m not convinced that you know the Russian writer A. Averchenko.

          Famous. Do not doubt.
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          The ticket attendant does not allow a middle-aged woman in trousers to enter

          It’s better not to let in 100 middle-aged women in trousers, so that then 1 middle-aged man in a skirt doesn’t come! And thanks to that unknown usherette who
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          believed that the moral character of Soviet people was being violated!

          Moral! Appearance! Even the usherette at the theater thought about this!!! And you’re talking about some bell-bottoms on Nevsky...
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          with the full concentration and non-resistance of the Soviet people,

          Not non-resistance, but approval!!
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          with the full approval of the Soviet official press.

          Right here for sure! Approval. "Official seal" - ha ha ha!! There was no other one in the USSR. The yellow press is a phenomenon of a later period. And then, if necessary, they made do with burdock somehow laughing
          1. -5
            20 May 2013 18: 28
            There is some fish, but it doesn’t eat anything entirely, but it likes to bite off the fins of other fish! Ha ha ha!
            1. +2
              20 May 2013 18: 44
              Quote: Valery-SPB
              There is some fish, but it doesn’t eat anything,

              Most often, aquarium fish from the barb family, mainly Sumatran, were noticed in this. They did this not out of hunger, but to protect themselves. Typically, this schooling fish is kept in numbers of at least 15 individuals. When there are only 1-2 of them in the aquarium, they commit this barbarity on the other inhabitants of the aquarium. They don't touch their own!
              There are still cases of fins being bitten off, but they are not so common. laughing
            2. +2
              20 May 2013 19: 07
              Well, why only fish? This is common to many creatures. I assume you won't eat the whole fried chicken either? No? Let's start with the most delicious ones, right? And leave the skeleton as indigestible and unnecessary. Will you spit out the husks from the seeds? Or will you start looking?
          2. 0
            22 May 2013 01: 04
            Rather, this lady was from the category “the smaller the bug, the stronger the stink.” The less power, the more you want to show it.
            And as for listening to jazz = selling your homeland - look around, if you take a philosophical approach.
            Medved flaunts his rock records. Just like that, right?
        2. Atlon
          20 May 2013 19: 01
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          The ticket attendant won't let a middle-aged woman in trousers in. And why?

          And you go to an elite club in “plebeian” clothes. They won't let you in either... why? “Face control!”, but in general, I don’t see anything wrong with that! Anything is better than seeing naked torsos in the store...
    2. +1
      20 May 2013 16: 00
      Quote: Valery-SPB
      It was not her fault that she did not own a piece of land to grow wheat, rye and oats on her own.

      Do you even know how much land you need to provide yourself with flour FOR THE WHOLE YEAR?
      Here you won’t limit yourself to 6 acres of country houses.

      what about plowing, planting, harrowing?
      and the inevitable losses from drying out, wind weeds and pests?
      and then collect, thresh, grind.


      you take an interest in the productivity of private owners (odnopoltsev) before the revolution.
      and on the same lands at state farms.

      I ate white bread every day instead of white bread.
      1. -3
        20 May 2013 16: 11
        Where is the hay and where is the straw? What did they tell you about? About what they bought that they could not grow themselves. What does productivity have to do with it? What does 6 acres have to do with it? You have to understand the irony!
        1. +4
          20 May 2013 16: 22
          Quote: Valery-SPB
          . You have to understand the irony!

          irony, IRONY!?

          and then refer to irony!?

          we had a summer cottage where we (the whole family) planted potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, etc., etc.
          so I know perfectly well what it means to GROW WITH YOUR OWN HANDS.
          and you complained about gray bread and wished it prematurely... to your grandmother.

          and most importantly, DO NOT CONFUSE the 50s/60s (nothing happened after the war), and the 70s and early 80s

          different times, you know.
          1. -12
            20 May 2013 17: 39
            Have you read everything carefully? I claim that the author is lying about seven types of sausage in stores in the 80s, because... even in one grade, doctoral grade, it was already inaccessible in the 70s. According to the general thesis, it is worse than before. What disappeared in the 70s could not miraculously appear in the 80s.
            As a major specialist, I tell you with confidence. As soon as the Soviet authorities gave permission, I raised a wetland area of ​​6 acres with my own hands not far from the Sinyavinsky Heights. We swam, we know!
            What does this have to do with my grandmother in the Ryazan region and me, still a school student and living dependent on my parents in Leningrad? Should I run to grandma’s garden every day after school? Please understand, what is the available transport? You were just informed about the different levels of food supply in comparison, but I didn’t seem to give you a reason to mock my late grandmother.
            Soviet propaganda loved to compare the achievements of the USSR and the Russian Empire of 1913 and was very fond of explaining certain “non-achievement” by the still existing consequences of the past war, especially in terms of why the expected communism was not about to arrive. Below are some facts.
            V.I.Lenin. 3rd Congress of the RKSM (grandfather is still alive, therefore not the Komsomol): “Those who are 16 will live under communism!” Are they alive or not?
            I.V.Stalin. After the adoption of the new Constitution: “Socialism has won completely, but not completely.” The reason is the enemy environment.
            N.S. Khrushchev. XX-XXII Congresses of the CPSU: “Socialism has won completely and finally, by 1980 the material and technical base of communism will be built!” Hurray, comrades!
            Years 70s. L.I. Brezhnev: “The classics of Marxism-Leninism were wrong; between socialism and communism there is another stage - developed socialism!” People joked that what would happen under communism if the shelves were empty under developed socialism.
            Years 80s. M.S. Gorbachev: “We built the wrong kind of socialism. Now we will build socialism, but with a human face!” The bestial grin of the old socialism whispered to the new one: “But still, the economy must be economical!”
            Well, the one who, on the crest of a popular wave, promised that we would all be in chocolate in 6-8 months (!) and what do we need? That's right, just be patient!
            Since 1917, the Russian people have been standing on tiptoes, trying to look over the fence, beyond which there is a bright future. Everything is waiting and waiting.
            The most striking fact is that it is disappointment in the future that gives rise to nostalgia for the past.
            However! As the Chinese said: “If you stand on your tiptoes, you can’t stand for long!”
            1. +4
              20 May 2013 18: 27
              About 7 varieties of sausage - the author missed it! As for the promises to live under communism - it’s true, there were promises. Now they are gone. None. Where are we going? For what? Towards developed capitalism? Do we need it? Are we integrating into Europe? It’s cramped there even without us, and it’s disgusting. To Islamic Asia, to Sharia? We thank you humbly. Kiss the Chinese? They are also on their own. We had our own path, the socialist one, many other countries followed us, respected us, but we abandoned them. They screwed themselves over in the end. Now we’re sitting and discussing sausage...
              1. 0
                20 May 2013 19: 14
                Quote: matRoss
                Now we’re sitting and discussing sausage...

                and indeed, it turns out that SOCIALISM has been reduced to varieties of sausage.
                1. jump master
                  21 May 2013 04: 00
                  Well, you’re right, it all came down to sausage! And we slowly forget about people, it’s a shame.
            2. +3
              20 May 2013 18: 29
              Quote: Valery-SPB
              I claim that the author is lying about seven types of sausage in stores in the 80s, because... even in one grade, doctor’s grade, it was already hard to find in the 70s.

              but I remember (early 80s, Tselinograd, Kazakh SSR)
              and doctor's and liver and half-smoked.
              yes, not always, and with queues
              BUT SHE WAS!
              and accusing the author of lying is the SAME LIE.

              What does this have to do with my grandmother in the Ryazan region and me, still a school student and living dependent on my parents in Leningrad? Should I run to grandma’s garden every day after school?

              despite the fact that you wished her the IMPOSSIBLE.
              (complaining about the lack of land for sowing grain)
              but they simply said something stupid.

              and about “promises of a bright future”


              right now we are all being fed the same stories
              YOU ARE HAPPY ?

              Or are you happy that you can buy sausage not for 100 rubles but for 1000, and thus compare favorably with half of the population?

              So I’m happy for you, but what about those who buy at a stolnik?

              ahh, they are scoops, why worry about them.
              just think their children will not be able to get higher education (because it is now paid)
              but you have the opportunity to fly on vacation to any country in the world.

              You and I look at the world differently.
            3. jump master
              21 May 2013 03: 57
              Well, as I understand it, you are also from St. Petersburg! Do you know the Vyborgskaya Hotel near the Ch..Rechka metro station?
              Buffet on the second floor (though it’s 81) and not 79, a sandwich with caviar is 56 kopecks. with black 93 kopecks. Sausage in supermarkets - well, not seven varieties - BUT 4 types 1000%, butter 3 types, I remember everything clearly! I was born much earlier than the author, so it was very comfortable in St. Petersburg!
              But I went on a business trip to a town in the Kirov region in 1983 (two stone buildings for the whole city, the regional department of the KGB and the Regional Consumer Union) and realized that Peter was just nervously smoking!!!! There are 6 types of stew, that’s when I first learned that there are so many! Local department store, shoes Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Finland, clothes the same. BUT!!! The locals are disgusted with purple! kirzachi and sweatshirts (although a normal occurrence for this area!) And I’m generally silent about Alcohol, I was so shocked by the abundance!
              So, you can compare with a plus sign, or you can compare with a minus sign!
  99. ed65b
    20 May 2013 15: 00
    Pole says
    Może być czerwony
    - @Internauta
    I have lived under Polish capitalism for the same number of years as I lived under communism, and I have learned the hard way where it was better for me. They say that history repeats itself, so I hope that the commune will return in a new version and the worker will regain the respect that is due to him. And let the robbers of the people's property, revived by the Poles after 45, and those who distributed Polish property to Jews and other Western swindlers, know that they will have to answer for this.
    So we are not alone.
  100. +4
    20 May 2013 15: 26
    Great article! I remembered how at the age of 14 I brought home my first salary - 10 rubles! Cleaned up
    1. 3 inches.
      20 May 2013 15: 31
      and most importantly, he was not at all ashamed that he was chalking the street. The person worked and was useful - that was the main thing.
      1. +7
        20 May 2013 16: 10
        and my dad hired me as a handyman mechanic (bring, take, give...) at the age of 15 - 45 rubles, 7-hour working day, 2 days off (per week).

        There was a barrel of kvass in the workshop for FREE!