Aviation industry: rather alive

Aviation industry: rather aliveIn recent years aviation Russian industry, it seems, cannot complain about the lack of attention from the state, which initiated the consolidation of the industry by forming the United Aviation Corporation. At the most acute moment of the crisis in 2009, the aviation industry received the necessary financial support. Large contracts for the purchase of military aircraft were placed by the standards of Russia's economic and financial capabilities, and the production of commercial aircraft, with the exception of the Superjet, is generally supported almost exclusively through procurement in the interests of government departments.

The state sincerely believes that it has done everything possible and necessary for the national aviation industry. And since the success of the industry is still modest, there is a growing conviction that the industry could not meet the paternal care shown about it. This view is skillfully fueled by information work, which competitors, including, it would seem, “their own” Antonov, are leading against the Russian aircraft industry with highly undervalued efficiency in Russia. Black PR fits perfectly into the corrosive society atmosphere of universal pessimism, discontent and disbelief in their own strength.

Meanwhile, both of these promises — both about the incredible scale of state support and the lack of progress in aircraft construction — are incorrect. The volume of budgetary financial assistance to the industry amounted to a minimum that ensured its survival, but it is absolutely insufficient for development. Or, more precisely, which gave an impulse exactly to such growth rates as we observe today. At the same time, the state made a strategic, perhaps even fatal mistake for the prospects of the national commercial aircraft industry, opening the domestic market for civilian aircraft for foreign aircraft. In these unfavorable conditions, aviation production is slowly, but growing, and the financial indicators of the industry are improving. There is really no breakthrough, but to talk about the complete absence of positive dynamics is incorrect.

Volumes, structure and results of assistance

Over the period from 2007, the total amount of state and quasi-state financial investments in the aviation industry is estimated at 250 – 260 billion rubles. Moreover, this figure includes not only direct cash money (subsidies and contributions to the authorized capital) and indirect (government contracts) support, but also virtual government guarantees, as well as lending through bond loans and state banks refinancing the debts accumulated by the aviation industry enterprises to commercial banks. For comparison: the Olympics in Sochi will cost the country 1,5 trillion (!) Rubles. To prepare for the World Cup in 2018, the regions requested 540 billion rubles, while the costs for the Universiade-2013 in Kazan reached 110 – 120 billion rubles. Another landmark image project of recent years - the APEC summit - cost 680 billion rubles.

One can talk about how important it is for a country to get off the oil needle and develop high-tech sectors of the economy, but money spent is a true indicator of government priorities. It is obvious that the aviation industry is perceived by the government as something less important for the country than football and skiing in the subtropics.

Structurally, the entire flow of public funds can be divided into three parts: payment for the past, maintenance of current competitiveness and investment in the future. So, about 160 billion rubles, or about two-thirds of the total state support, was aimed at closing past liabilities, and only 60 – 70 billion rubles (about a quarter of all funds) can be considered investments in programs to create promising products.

Why was the price of payment for the past so abnormally high? Because the state was not interested in affairs in the aviation industry for a decade and a half, the industry was left to itself. Only Sukhoi and Irkut, which had military export contracts, could boast a more or less stable financial position and the availability of promising products in both the military and civilian market segments. Only two of these companies have invested in the modernization of production. All other assets were in a difficult financial situation, were burdened with excessive debt, backward technological base. In essence, from the point of view of pure commercial logic and momentary pragmatism, consolidating or even preserving such toxic assets does not make any sense at all. Voronezh and Ulyanovsk plants, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod Sokol - in 2007, these were all bottomless holes, generating billions of rubles in losses with production of two or three aircraft a year.

But the essence of the creation of the KLA and other large consolidated united companies lay in the fact that the state pursued not short-term commercial interests, but created prerequisites for physical recovery, financial reorganization and further development of strategically important, but depressed at that time high-tech industries - aviation, engine-building, shipbuilding and helicopter. Earlier, at the very beginning of the zero years, similar processes took place in the industry of air defense facilities and the production of aviation weapons. By the way, these measures of the state had, in addition to industrial, military, technological, also of tremendous social importance, since they ensured the preservation of high-quality jobs, wage growth, and through local tax deductions contributed to regional development. In addition, it should be remembered that the main efforts to save the industry came at the most critical moment of the financial and economic crisis, when a commercial loan became unavailable.

In general, from 160 billion rubles aimed at saving the aviation industry from the debt hole, 54 billion rubles fell to a bond loan, and 32 billion accounted for refinancing debts to commercial banks. That is, more than half of the funds are actually loans and are refundable. Only slightly more than 70 billion rubles went through as contributions from the state to the authorized capital of enterprises and companies, that is, they amounted to pure assistance. The main corporate recipients of state support were at this point RAC "MiG", which had just experienced a crisis due to the rupture of the contract for the supply of MiG-29 to Algeria. The company was provided 30 billion rubles to cover accumulated losses. This prevented the collapse of the corporation, and already in 2009 – 2010, MiG signed two export contracts for 410 million euros and 1,5 billion dollars, which to a certain extent compensated for and justified these costs and confirmed the correctness of the decision to save the company.

Ulyanovsk Aviastar-SP and the Voronezh Plant, which for two received about 30 billion rubles for the implementation of Tu-204 and An-148 projects, were the other largest beneficiaries of government measures to rescue the industry.

State financial investments, which are aimed at creating promising products and technical modernization of the industry, that is, are investments in the future, are estimated at 60 – 70 billion rubles. These are government contracts for conducting R & D and financing the technological re-equipment of the industry within the framework of targeted development programs for the military-industrial complex and civil aviation. Half of these funds went to the implementation of the program for the development and preparation of the production of the medium-haul aircraft MS-21, the development of the MTA medium transport aircraft and the civil aircraft Tu-204CM were also financed.

The main result of the measures taken by the state was the physical preservation of the industry. Now it is possible (and probably, in some cases it is necessary) to criticize the effectiveness of these investments, but at least there is something to be discussed. We repeat once again: it is the cost of rescue, and not the development of the aviation industry that constituted the most capital-intensive part of the support effort.

However, although state investments in the development of the aviation industry are very modest in reality, the dynamics of the industry’s development does not look so sluggish. Consolidated revenue of enterprises in the KLA increased from 80 billion rubles in 2007 year to 180 billion in 2012 year. At the same time, if in the 2008 – 2010 years, the operating loss ratio of the industry ranged from 9 to 15 billion rubles, in the last two years the industry has entered the green zone. The physical volume of aircraft production is also increasing. In 2008, a little more than 50 machines were produced in Russia, last year this figure exceeded one hundred. In the future, we can confidently predict a dynamic increase in deliveries in the interests of the Russian Defense Ministry of combat and especially military transport aircraft. Military exports are almost impossible to predict. Stable demand is now provided only by India, but with the entry into the Su-35 market, one can hope to return to the ranks of the large buyers of our fighters and China. The main zone of uncertainty and the main challenge for the industry and the whole country is the commercial aviation sector. Actually, when critics talk about the absence of a breakthrough, it is the production of civil aircraft that is meant. In fact, there is a positive dynamic here, and it is simply indecent to ignore it. Last year, for example, 18 civilian aircraft were transferred to customers compared to 7 units a year earlier. But it is clear that two dozen cars are a vanishingly small value for the world market, especially in comparison with the market for military aviation, where Russia lags only behind the United States. But it was in this key segment for the future of the aviation industry that the state dealt a backstab to the industrialists. In 2010, Russia almost completely opened its domestic market for foreign aircraft.

Alien invasion

Until June 2010, there was an 20-percent duty on import of foreign-made aircraft in Russia. In combination with 18% VAT, in principle, this protected the Russian market quite well. However, at the very moment when the domestic industry was ready to offer airlines competitive new generation - the regional An148 and SSJ-100 and the main Tu204CM, the state under pressure from air carriers removed barriers for almost all aircraft. Formally, the duties were preserved in the segments of machines on 51 – 110 and 171 – 219 places, that is, just in those niches in which domestic cars were ready to come. But in reality, even formally, foreign aircraft that do not fall under the action of the remaining barriers select a significant part of the market. The “superjet” with its 100 seating capacity came under the pressure of the European A-319 that rushed into Russia, designed as standard for 124 passengers. An-148 was hit by Canadian CRJ-100 / 200. But Tu204CM, not having had time to enter the market, turned out to be ousted from it by А-321 and no longer produced by Boeing 757 and 767. At the same time, “patriotic” Russian airlines order planes in exotic super-dense or, on the contrary, sparse layouts, in order to escape from the niches that fall under protection. The situation has become all the more critical since Western ships, especially from the secondary market, are cheaper than those produced in single copies of Russian aircraft. As a result, in recent years, a flood of foreign ships has rushed into Russia, and mostly, to put it mildly, not new. Since the cancellation of duties and until the end of last year, the airlines imported more than 270 ships, with only a little more than 50 of them - these are wide-body aircraft, the analogs of which are not produced in Russia. One hundred and fifty long-haul and sixty regional foreign aircraft are actually lost production of the An-148, Superjet and Tu-204CM. By the way, it can be assumed that part of the domestic market has already lost and promising MC-21. The cost of these cars is probably comparable to the total state support of the aviation industry. Budget losses alone from under-received duties and VAT are estimated at 2 billion dollars. At the same taxpayers cost the entire project Superjet-100.

In general, the work of the state and industry can be assessed positively when it comes to the military segment and special aviation. The situation with commercial aircraft is still far from ideal. Without harboring illusions that the industry has done everything in this area, the main complaints are addressed to the government, which, instead of pursuing a consistent policy regarding the aviation industry and other high-tech industries, sometimes behaves like an elephant in a china shop.
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  1. +11
    13 May 2013 06: 31
    skillfully fueled by information work, which competitors against the Russian aviation industry are highly underestimated in Russia
    Somehow, however, for a long time, there was a scandal about giving bribes by Boeing to officials. So it’s not poor officials. And it’s easy to throw a grant to a monkey with a microphone. They themselves choke in line after them. To say later, from the scene of events, nonsense like the plane itself has collapsed from old age, you need to buy Boeings. You don't need to wait for the commission's conclusions, they are the smartest
    And the fact that the planes were made with multiple, so that in case of war to use as transporters from unpaved airfields, to know the margin of safety is not at all glamorous
    1. +7
      13 May 2013 07: 31
      the industry was unable to comply with the paternal care shown for it. This idea is skillfully fueled by informational work, which competitors against the Russian aviation industry are highly underestimated in Russia, including, it would seem, “their” Antonov.

      I don’t know what “Antonov” corresponds to, but in all the Russian companies of Rosaviakosmos known to me personally, everyone is plowing, personnel are being recruited like a vacuum cleaner, workshops are being modernized, old production buildings are being destroyed, new ones are being built, etc. Modern products have appeared. I think there will be a breakthrough.
    2. +3
      13 May 2013 08: 22
      from the very beginning, a strong blow was dealt to the aviation industry, and now so-so, There is one condition: there is no production of commercial aircraft manufacturing; there is no movement forward; In the BRICS countries of Brazil, India, China, the commercial aircraft industry is being developed in full, It supports and makes military production move, It reduces costs for military production, of course I'm glad Putin signed contracts for the supply of transport aircraft for the Air Force, but in order to move the entire segment we need very large investments of capital, This is an industry where the latest technologies are concentrated, Only the production of aircraft over 50 can give a backlog to increase production and lower costs, Smaller production automatically puts products costly, Already there are results of neighboring production and it is growing in all directions, I mean the production of helicopters, I think the course in the production of aircraft is chosen about the same, Only obstacles In commercial production a lot more, Two years later, we will definitely know the right whether it is strong or not
  2. +6
    13 May 2013 06: 33
    The situation with commercial aircraft is still far from ideal.

    And this is still very softly said.
  3. MilaPhone
    13 May 2013 06: 37
    Quote from the author:
    Another epochal image-building project of recent years - the APEC summit - cost 680 billion rubles.

    Something I did not understand, that to collect moneybags from around the world you need to spend 23 billion dollars!
    For comparison, the market value of Boeing is about $ 40 billion.
    1. 0
      13 May 2013 13: 04
      And think? With this money, they built a bridge, but such that it just takes pride. Olympics - an "image venture"? Well, yes, image. And also these are tunnels through loose old mountains, the M4 road, which before the Olympic investments was a direct road to hell, a new resort area with fantastic sports facilities (I personally longing takes to wallow on the beach, but there will also be an opportunity to skate ...) , plus some of these structures in another city will leave after the competition. Still continue? All the scatters ...
      And overfeeding the aviation industry is not necessary. He is obliged to bring us money and not eat three throats! What was achieved. And how it was possible - the money went there, but without fanaticism, let's see how they master it. If they manage to use them intelligently, they will still give them.
      1. 0
        13 May 2013 22: 13
        Quote: Mikhail3
        And there is no need to overfeed the aviation industry. He is obliged to bring us money and not eat three throats!

        Apparently, the civilian sector of the aviation industry is still underfeeding ... The business axiom, in order to make a profit, you first need to spend money on investments ...
  4. pinecone
    13 May 2013 06: 48
    A highly indicative comparison of the amount of financial support for the aviation industry with the costs of the Olympics, Universiade, football championship and other "image" ventures.
  5. +10
    13 May 2013 06: 53
    Well, this is just another proof of the level of competence of "effective managers" and "galley slaves" and how they manage the state and the economy. It is clear that if a person controls something, then he builds a logical chain of decisions leading to the final result (taking into account all the "-" and "+"). Thus, if a person wants to develop the aircraft industry, then first of all he would be concerned with the subsequent sale of the products of his aircraft industry, for this is the ultimate goal - to sell as many manufactured aircraft as possible and ensure their further use. However, the state chose a different path - by adopting the path lobbied by the oligarchs - to use leasing, used airliners produced abroad, that is, by supporting not a domestic, but a Western manufacturer. That is, once again showing in practice that the authorities in Russia:
    1) Do not give a damn about your economy.
    2) The leadership of Russia works to the west.
    3) Decisions are made not in the interests of the development of the country and its people, but for the sake of a handful of confidants, whispering in the ear of the "king" directly.
    4) "Tsar" says, when visiting factories and factories, one thing, but signs decrees aimed at the completely opposite. That is, "Tsar" openly lies to ordinary people.
    5) The entire decision-making system in Russia is ineffective, which is not built on listening to as many opinions of professionals in a particular area as possible, but is based on making lobbied decisions, for the sake of a handful of particularly interested persons who have access to the levers of decision-making and in " lobbies of "power.
    Conclusion: the Russian economy is doomed, because it does not exist for the development of the country and, consequently, for improving the well-being of all parts of the population, but exists only for the enrichment of a handful of oligarchs close to the "ruler".
  6. UFO
    13 May 2013 06: 57
    Something VVP has ceased to "send doctors", it seems easier to "send" people. "Antibiotics" of the type - "confiscation" and "capital punishment" does not want to prescribe. Conclusion: EVERYTHING IS SUITABLE! What else do we want ???? Let them continue to steal ... request
  7. 0
    13 May 2013 07: 22
    It seems to me that aviation is such an important industry that extraordinary measures can be taken to develop it (in our case, to lift it from its knees). For example (albeit nonsense - as an option) to introduce a tax on the development of the aviation industry. With industrial enterprises, though, doing something for aviation, take less taxes. With non-production business -2 taxes on the aviation industry. For example, I am ready to give a handful of this matter. The situation is so neglected that only the efforts of all citizens can be corrected in a reasonable time. Will we help the state again (so that it hiccups at last)? But something needs to be done! Non-trivial. Otherwise, everything ...
    1. +1
      13 May 2013 23: 06
      "Will we help out the state again (so that it finally hiccups)?"

      Yuri, there Monster_Fat ES correctly stated everything in his comment.
      As long as the system is ill with the power of the supporters, who play incomprehensibly at which gate, investing in the economy of the latter is useless.
      1. 0
        14 May 2013 06: 06
        Quote: Simple
        As long as the system is ill with the power of the supporters, who play incomprehensibly at which gate, investing in the economy of the latter is useless.

        May be...
  8. Red777
    13 May 2013 07: 23
    Cool. With such expenditures on Sochi, and summits, why be surprised that in the army they fight at 30-year-old planes and tanks without a dynamic one? When will this scattering stop already?
  9. +3
    13 May 2013 07: 28
    The author contradicts himself. First, he draws a true picture of the financial condition of the aviation industry, and then complains that little money was given. Firstly, projects such as Sochi and Football can simultaneously accept financing in the amount of 1 trillion rubles, and what the aviation industry would do with this money, in that state it simply would not know what to do with this money. Secondly, no one seems to have set the task of immediately starting production of the old line of models; even domestic companies would not buy these aircraft. So, before the aviation industry, the task was to revive with brand new models, and this takes time. In addition, the money allocated for engine building, the creation of new materials, and so on are not included in the indicated amounts of financing. Aircraft engine building could take a lot of funding and, apparently, accepted, the facilities were modernized and the first signs will appear from this side. Regarding permission to allow foreign aircraft to enter the domestic market, it is also not so simple. If they didn’t allow it, then they could lose the Far East. Without an accessible means of communication with the central regions, he could isolate himself, and that the poorest consciousness of the population could make a turn away from the center. And there were simply no other planes then. I do not justify the decision made then, but it is necessary to take into account the mass of incoming questions.
    1. Grishka100watt
      13 May 2013 12: 15
      o It is necessary to take into account a host of questions.

      And why ... prosralysepolymers and that's it!
    2. WS
      13 May 2013 17: 58
      At the expense of communications of the Far East, were Tu-204, IL-96
  10. +4
    13 May 2013 07: 54
    No questions. Aviation is slowly (I would like to be faster), but it is UNSTEADY developing in a positive perspective. Let's hope that the planned tasks for the delivery of new aircraft to the Air Force will be completed.
  11. +7
    13 May 2013 07: 58
    Exactly - not everything is so simple. It is no secret that the aircraft produced in Russia should have been in demand, namely, in Russia, because the world aviation market is "overwhelmed" by aircraft of different manufacturers from different countries. What exactly were 270 aircraft purchased for the Far East? "Do not tell my horseshoes" ... - said the character of the famous cartoon. For this shop, simply, all companies decided to "cheaply" update their fleet, which, at least for the next 10 years, postponed the need for large-scale purchases of new aircraft by our companies. The opinion is often cited that leasing Western aircraft is profitable as it allows companies to accumulate profits by operating old aircraft, and when they become obsolete, then they will buy our new aircraft, which by that time will already be comprehensively. " run in. " Rave. By this time, the companies will already "sit down" on those types of aircraft manufacturers that they have operated and no one will rebuild the expensive infrastructure and logistics created for a certain type of aircraft, and besides, leasing is also called. "slow slavery", because it sucks profits for many years, not allowing companies to accumulate serious funds, keeping them at the very bottom of profitability.
  12. +3
    13 May 2013 08: 10
    Unfortunately, it turns out that the aviation industry is waiting for the fate of the car industry - in the best case, we will collect other people's models! And billions will not help - they will fly away without airplanes! While there will be connivance, permissiveness and impunity.
  13. +2
    13 May 2013 08: 15
    Why so much money for the Olympics ??? 1.5 trillion rubles divided by 145 million people, it turns out 103448,275862 rubles per person))) We would hold a referendum if there were more than 50% for the Olympiad, if there weren’t 103 thousand for every resident of the Russian Federation ... Choose or watch the zombie contest (BECAUSE that you can afford to go to SOCHI and buy a ticket to the stadium 90% of the residents of the Russian Federation can’t) or here you have 103 thousand people .. decide
    1. +1
      13 May 2013 10: 22
      You can't think of more stupid mathematics. And if we assume a referendum on military spending: "National defense spending should increase in 2013 to 2 trillion 345,7 billion rubles, that is, 23% compared with similar federal budget spending in 2012 ...."and divide this amount, I think the result will be predictable. We will lose our defense.
      Moreover, in 1,5 trillion. to the Olympics state. money is only 30% for several years.
      1. +2
        13 May 2013 15: 12
        Did I say something about defense ???
  14. +8
    13 May 2013 08: 54
    All these Olympics, Universiades, football championships, this is a way to steal money. Do those at the top think they support the country's image? fix you. Our image is spoiled to the utmost by our partners and they continue to shit on the country. It is difficult to imagine if Stalin had planned the Olympics for 1956, i.e. 11 years after the war. He would be called crazy, and now, after 15 years of devastation, worse than in the war, although there were much fewer victims, the authorities decided to throw trillions of dollars on physical education, instead of spending the money that fell on the restoration of the country. And the aviation industry is barely breathing. Who canceled duties on foreign aircraft and did not answer for this treacherous blow to our civil aviation. Who got into his pocket for this, not Yeltsin's son-in-law? Who set up a collective farm from the Tupolev, Yakovlev, Ilyushin, Sukhoi design bureaus, putting the chief builder of the main foreign assembler of the Pogost-100 aircraft under the Sukhoi brand on the leading post. All these are tricks of one kind, one direction, one source.
    1. +5
      13 May 2013 15: 12
      I agree, but here's the World Cup ???? Unas .... In the country of lopsided footballers ... why ???? The people make laugh ???
      1. WS
        13 May 2013 18: 07
        On the other hand they will build the RAILWAY, it’s also good, but again they will fly less on airplanes
  15. -1
    13 May 2013 09: 07
    "stab in the back. In 2010, Russia almost completely opened its domestic market to foreign aircraft."

    On the one hand, yes, on the other hand, a non-competitive environment leads to stagnation, they may cut less.
  16. +3
    13 May 2013 09: 59
    Well, what did you want? The entire aviation industry was created by the "bloody despot" Stalin, and they decided to abandon him as a relic of the "bloody communist regime", and we will fly on brooms to a bright democratic future.
  17. +6
    13 May 2013 10: 40
    The secondary aircraft market must be categorically banned in Russia, not such a poor country. And on the Tu-204 there was an order for 40 planes, but it’s been procrastinating for more than a year.
    1. +1
      13 May 2013 13: 29
      You can also try to figure it out with the primary one! Find "Onishchenko No. 2" in the country and clinging to everything to slow down the advance of "foreign" planes by all means - the seats are narrow, then very wide, etc. etc. But you need a strong-willed decision and it ...
      1. WS
        13 May 2013 18: 11
        In the course it will be the Western method
  18. Roll
    13 May 2013 10: 52
    crying The aviation industry is developing normally, it is necessary to cooperate more closely with China, India, Brazil and other normal countries. For example, the Chinese bought 1000 engines of the RD 93, which allowed the Moscow plant to survive. We must sell them the most modern equipment and technologies because it keeps our enterprises in good shape. You can’t sell substandard engines to the Chinese, you will immediately pay a fine, but our air force can. Only the envelope to whom it is necessary to bring. They also tried to foist defective Migi with Algeria, they immediately returned us back. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate more closely, here the Indians make on-board computers for the Su 35 and the plane flies well, the Chinese people can pull us up in the field of composites and software and drone stealth drones. Only in this way can our aviation industry develop so far, unfortunately, we are no longer the USSR.
  19. +3
    13 May 2013 17: 54
    he was thrown out for survival .... with the task of sailing on the brilliant ideas of Soviet scientists until the moment when we ended wild capitalism.
  20. 0
    8 February 2015 14: 06
    "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words or law." These words are attributed to the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius.
    The world speaks to us in its own language - the language of symbols, colors and shapes. The exclusion of such symbols "Tupolev", "Yakovlev", "Ilyushin" from the memory of the people is breaking the connection of time, depriving Russian civilization of pride in their achievements in any field, and especially in aviation. This is a lot of money and the dynamics of the development of its aviation industry. This is the gap in education from school to the finished product. The military-industrial complex and the aviation industry are the locomotives of the economy, pride and guarantors of our identity.
    Change the state symbols on the Kremlin towers to a Mercedes star or the Coca-Cola logo, and the city will slowly begin to degrade first in consciousness and then personally. So write and rewrite memory on a blank sheet. This is also a form of aggression of the “friends” of Russia through its creature with the goal of erasing the memory of the people and cultivating the generation of Ivanov Nepomnyashchi for future “Maidans”. The interception in control of consciousness begins with the interception of control of symbols. With this technique, the West makes a bookmark in the minds of young people that you did not have achievements in the aircraft industry, you just started to sculpt something like Lego, that is, we know how much Super Jet has a foreign component and will it slip through the press?
    Or, for example, your stamina, courage and heroism in Stalingrad in 1942 ended with the renaming of the city as meaningless for the memory of Volgograd. The city on the Volga in consciousness began to live from scratch and, as a result, not in the best way. So, the village. “Something was once here,” future schoolchildren will say, and then the people.
    What does the abbreviation MS-21 or Super Jet SSJ-100 mean for our memory and for the global market? Nothing! Empty sounds of a foreign language. Their main task is to cause confusion in thoughts, to make them illogical and incoherent in our history, to make a person doubt the steady truths of life, the historical trajectory of Russian civilization. This is not a fantasy. This is also a powerful and compelling psychotronic weapon.
    Talk about the problems in the aviation industry should begin with the return of our world-famous state symbols, the faces of Russia in the aircraft industry - “Tupolev”, “Yakovlev”, “Ilyushin”.
    The state symbols are soldiers on the battlefield yesterday, today and tomorrow, and they cannot be betrayed.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"