Victory Day

Victory Day

Victory Day. Russian Glory Day Weapons. A day washed with the blood of almost 27 of millions of Soviet people. The only holiday that still unites all residents of Great Russia. 9 May we remember our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who were able to crush the dark force that carries death and slavery to the peoples of the planet.

In the troubled years of “perestroika” and “democratic” reforms of various kinds, traitors from small-town nationalists to liberal cosmopolitans tried to steal Victory Day from our people. Tarnish historical memory, to put on one level the Soviet Union and the Third Reich, Stalin and Hitler, the Soviet warrior-liberator and Nazi invaders. Nevertheless, victory cannot be stolen from us. Eternal Glory to the Generation of Winners! A low bow to all front-line soldiers and rear workers! Your Victory is not forgotten and a bright star disperses the darkness even now. Reminds all of us of eternal human concepts - Homeland, Truth and Labor.

The end of the war and the surrender of Germany

The last battles of the Great Patriotic War were the Bratislava-Brnovskaya offensive operation (March 25 - 5 May 1945), the Grazko-Amstettine operation (April 15 - 9 May 1945), the Berlin offensive operation (April 16 - 8 May 1945) and Berlin, the Offensive operation (April 6 - 11 May 1945) and Berlin, an offensive operation (April 2 - 3 May 8) and Berlin, an offensive operation (April 1945 - 9 May 1945) and Berlin, an offensive operation (April 17 - 1945, XNUMX) XNUMX May XNUMX). In the course of the Bratislava-Brno operation, the troops of the XNUMX of the Ukrainian Front, commanded by Rodion Malinovsky, liberated Slovakia and captured the Bratislava and Brno industrial regions. Conditions were created for an attack on Prague. The Grazko-Amstetta offensive operation ended in that parts of the XNUMX of the Ukrainian Front, under the command of Fyodor Tolbukhin, liberated most of the territory of Austria. XNUMX May XNUMX, after a powerful air strike Amstetten was taken by storm. It must be said that the last foci of resistance of the Hitler units were crushed by the Soviet troops after XNUMX in May of XNUMX. The capitulation of the troops of the army group "Austria" ended only XNUMX May XNUMX.

The main battle of the final stage of the Great Patriotic War was the Berlin offensive operation. It was conducted by the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front under the command of Georgy Zhukov, the 1st Ukrainian Front - Ivan Konev, the 2nd Belorussian Front - Konstantin Rokossovsky. The 2nd, 4th, 16th and 18th Air Armies, the Baltic Fleet and the Dnieper Military also took part in the operation flotilla. About 2 million soldiers and officers were involved in this grand operation, 6250 tanks, more than 41 thousand guns and mortars and more than 7,5 thousand aircraft.

The area of ​​Berlin was defended by units of the Vistula Army Group under the command of Colonel-General Gotthard Heinrici (he was replaced by General Kurt Student from 28 April), and the Army Group Center under the direction of Field Marshal Ferdinand Scherner. 4 and 6 air fleets, Reich air fleet supported them from the air. On April 24, the German 12, under the command of infantry general V. Wenk, who had previously defended the Western Front, entered the battle for Berlin. Total Berlin defended about 1 million people, 1,5 thousand tanks and assault guns, more than 10 thousand guns and mortars, 3,3 thousand aircraft.

The battle for Berlin was very bitter, many German units fought with the despair of the doomed. Therefore, the losses on both sides were huge. According to official figures, the Soviet troops lost more than 352 thousand people killed and wounded, Polish troops lost about 9 thousand people. The loss of German troops - about 400 thousand people, about the same was captured.

In 11 hours 30 April began the storming of the Reichstag. The first attacks of the German garrison repelled. 14 hours 25 min. assault units under the command of battalion commanders S. A. Neustroev, K. Ya. Samsonov and V. I. Davydov broke into the building. The battles were for each room, for each corridor and floor. The Reichstag and the Reich Chancellery were defended by selected SS units. Only on the night of May 2 did the remnants of the Reichstag garrison lay down their arms. At the same time, there were fights in other quarters of the German capital, as well as north and west of Berlin.

April 30 committed suicide by the German leader Adolf Hitler. He wrote a will in which he handed over power to the new government headed by Grand Admiral Denitz (appointed Reich President), Goebbels was given the post of Reich Chancellor, Borman - Party Minister, Zeiss-Inquart - Foreign Minister, Hanke - Minister of Internal Affairs. The head of the armed forces became Field Marshal Scherner, Colonel-General Jodl headed the High Command headquarters, and General Krebs became the headquarters of the ground forces.

Krebs on the night of May 1 came into contact with the Soviet side and, on behalf of Goebbels and Bormann, offered the command of the Red Army to temporarily cease fire in order to create conditions for holding peace talks between Germany and the USSR. This was reported to Zhukov, and then to Stalin. Krebs was told that the German command was demanded immediate and unconditional surrender. Realizing the futility of further delaying the time and the futility of recognizing the new German government on a Nazi basis, Goebbels committed suicide. Bormann made a breakthrough attempt from surrounded Berlin and, being wounded, committed suicide. Krebs shot himself.

The battle continued. On the morning of May 2 crossed the front line and General Weidling, the commander of Berlin’s defense, surrendered. By 15 hours the remnants of the Berlin garrison laid down their arms. The victory of the Soviet troops in the Berlin operation was the decisive factor in the completion of the military defeat of the Third Reich. Moscow in honor of this historic event saluted 324 guns.

The last strategic operation of the Soviet troops in the Great Patriotic War was the Prague operation. By early May, after the fall of Berlin, Grand Admiral Doenitz was still trying to save the remnants of the German Empire. The new German government wanted to withdraw the remaining troops to the west, hand them over to the western allies of the USSR, and feverishly searched for opportunities to conclude an agreement with the United States and Britain, directed against the Soviet Union. In the diary of the OKW (Supreme Command of the Armed Forces) of 2 May, it was written: “For the high command, from today, the main line of action was the principle: Saving the greatest possible number of Germans from capture by the Soviet troops and negotiations with Western allies ...”.

After the defeat of the German troops in the Berlin area, the Nazi government and the OKW had significant groups in the north and south of Germany, in Italy. In fact, German troops ceased hostilities against the Anglo-American forces on the Western Front. The situation was different with quite large groups of German troops on the Eastern Front. Their main forces were in the south of Czechoslovakia, in Austria and Yugoslavia. Army groups "Center" and "Austria" under the leadership of Scherner and Rendulich on the territory of Czechoslovakia totaled 1 million, to 10 thousand guns and mortars, 1,9 thousand tanks and 1 thousand aircraft. They continued to hold back the advance of the 1, 4 and 2 of the Ukrainian fronts. Scherner was ordered to turn Prague "into a second Berlin" and gain time for possible political combinations.

In principle, the German leadership correctly considered the moods of the British and American ruling circles, they closely followed the situation and were ready to break off allied relations with the USSR in order to get all the fruits of victory in World War II. It was at this time that Churchill instructed Field Marshal Montgomery to painstakingly assemble the weapons of the German army and store them so that they could, if necessary, arm German prisoners. A plan of Operation Unthinkable is being born - the plan of the war of the Allied forces against the Soviet Union, with the participation of the remnants of the German armed forces.

5 May in Prague began an uprising. Hitler’s Minister for the Protectorate of the Czech Republic and Moravia, Frank, with the aim of gaining time, began negotiations with representatives of the rebels. At the same time, the commander of the Army Group Center gave the order to suppress the uprising "by all means." Communications went through the district of Prague, through which the Germans were going to retreat to the west, it was impossible to lose the city. From the north and east, the Reich and Viking armored divisions were deployed to the Czech capital, and the Reich division was reinforced from the south. The air force was ordered to bomb the neighborhoods occupied by the rebels. We received orders to crush the uprising and the formations located directly in the city. On May 6, the head of the Czechoslovak military mission in Moscow, General Pika, handed over to the Soviet leadership an official request for help.

The Soviet command was already preparing an offensive to complete the liberation of Czechoslovakia, but now it was necessary to speed up its beginning somewhat. For the operation were involved troops 1-th. 2-th and 4-th Ukrainian fronts. Directly Prague had to release the troops of the 1 of the Ukrainian Front, commanded by Konev. In total, the composition of the three fronts were more than 2 million people, more than 30 thousand guns and mortars, more than 2,1 thousand tanks and SPG, over 4 thousand aircraft. May 9 The 1945 of the 3 and 4 of the Guards Tank Armies of the 1 of the Ukrainian Front entered the capital of Czechoslovakia. Behind them, units of the 13 and 3 Guards armies and the mobile group of the 4 of the Ukrainian Front entered Prague. In 13 hours, troops and 2 of the Ukrainian Front approached the city. The remnants of the defeated German troops laid down arms east of Prague. In total, during the Prague operation by three Soviet fronts, about 40 thousand people were killed and wounded, about 860 thousand German soldiers and officers were captured. 10 May, Soviet troops came in contact with US forces. The Red Army during the liberation of Czechoslovakia in 1944-1945. lost more than 140 thous. soldiers and officers. The soldiers of the 1 Czechoslovak Corps, who lost 4 thousand people, fought along with the Soviet troops.

Surrender. The Germans until the last maneuvered, entered into negotiations with the command of British and American troops on the one-sided capitulation in the West. 5 May with the morning 8 in agreement with Field Marshal Montgomery came a truce in Holland, in the north-west of Germany, as well as in Denmark, including the coastal islands. The truce was extended to ships and vessels of the navy and merchant navy. At the same time, the Germans continued to resist on the Eastern Front. 6 May with the command of the Anglo-American forces was reached a truce in Italy.

Colonel-General Jodl flew to Eisenhower’s headquarters in Reims to conclude an armistice on all fronts. In the second half of the day, Jodl held talks with the chief of the supreme headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces of Europe, US General Lieutenant Smith. However, the negotiations were unsuccessful. The war for Germany was lost, the Nazi leadership of the United States and Britain were no longer taken into account. An attempt by the German command to delay the date for the surrender of the surrender until the second half of the day 10 May was rejected.

Eisenhower demanded immediate surrender from the German leadership, and its entry into force on 9 May in 0 hours 00 minutes. After receiving agreement from Doenitz, Jodl in 7 on May at 2: the nights in Reims signed the act of unconditional surrender of the German Empire. The document was signed in the presence of General Smith - on behalf of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, General Susloparov - on behalf of the Soviet High Command (he had no authority from Moscow) and the French General of Sevez as a witness. In 41 hours 12 minutes, the Imperial Minister Count Schwerin von Krosig reported through the Flensburg radio station to the Germans about the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich.

The Soviet Union insisted on the signing of another act, so as not to have the impression that Germany capitulated only to the United States and the British Empire. The act signed in Reims began to be considered preliminary. Stalin believed that the act of surrender should be signed in Berlin, the center of Nazi aggression, in front of the High Command of all countries of the anti-Hitler coalition, and not just before the High Command of the allied forces. The allies were forced to agree with the opinion of Stalin. So the Soviet leader showed that the main burden of the war was borne by the Soviet people, not the allies, and the USSR had the decisive word on the capitulation of the Third Reich.

The act of unconditional surrender of all German armed forces was signed in the eastern suburbs of Berlin Karlhorst on May 8 in 22: 43 Central European Time (in 00: 43, May 9 Moscow time). On the part of the Third Reich, the document was signed by Keitel - the commander of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, Colonel-General Stumpf - a representative of the Air Force, Admiral von Friedeburg - a representative of the fleet. Zhukov and Marshal Tedder, deputy commander-in-chief of the allied expeditionary forces, accepted the surrender. The witnesses were General Spaats from the United States and General de Tassigny from France. At 10 Moscow time, Levitan informed the Soviet people about the capitulation of the Reich.

The German troops, who had not yet laid down their arms, should have capitulated. On the night of May 9, 180-th did not resist. Army Group Kurland - 16-I and 18-I German armies, Latvian Legion. The Kurland grouping, remnants of Army Group North (about about part-time 30 divisions), was cut off from the main German forces in October 1944 of the year, but could not be destroyed. The final grouping ceased to exist on May 15.
At the mouth of the Vistula River, east of Danzig and on the Baltic Spit, in the region of Gdynia, the resistance around 75 of thousands of German soldiers and commanders ceased. On May 9, units of the 2 of the Belorussian Front landed from the Baltic Fleet ships on Bornholm Island, where 12 thousands of German soldiers laid down their arms. In northern Norway, the Narvik group surrendered. In all, from 9 to 13 in May in the south-western sector of the former Soviet-German front, more than 780 thousand enemy soldiers and officers and 35 generals surrendered to Soviet troops. On the Austrian and Czechoslovak territory, separate small groups of German troops tried to resist until May 19. In all, from 9 to 17 in May, Soviet troops captured about 1,4 million German soldiers and officers and the 101 general.

The German Empire and the German armed forces ceased to exist. On the initiative and pressure of the Soviet side of 24 in May of 1945, the government of Doenitz ceased to exist, and its members were arrested. The same measure was taken in respect of the leaders of the supreme command bodies, the Wehrmacht Supreme Command (OKV) and the Army High Command (OKH). The top military-political leadership of Germany was regarded as war criminals who were to be brought before the International Military Court. All power in Germany passed to the governments of the four victorious powers - the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France. Legally, this was formalized in the Declaration of the Defeat of Germany on 5 June 1945. In the future, questions of the future of Germany were decided at the Potsdam Conference by the leaders of the three great powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain.

The victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany and its European allies was of great historical importance. The USSR persevered in the struggle against the forces of evil and won, giving hope for a bright future to all mankind. The Soviet capital celebrated Victory Day with 30 festive salute with artillery volleys from 1 thousand guns. June 24 on Red Square, the famous Victory Parade.
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  1. +77
    9 May 2013 07: 52
    Happy Victory Day of Veterans of the Liberators. Honor and praise be to you. Thanks for the victory. We bow to you. Health and long life. All a happy holiday.
    1. vadimus
      9 May 2013 08: 43
      Raise the cup to whom health allows for all those who gave their lives for you and me .... Eternal memory ....
      1. Yashka Gorobets
        9 May 2013 08: 59
        "There is no such family in Russia,
        where would not be remembered was his hero ... "
        For grandfathers and grandmothers: the fallen, the deceased and the few still alive
        1. +35
          9 May 2013 11: 16
          Happy Victory Day!
          Playing in the columns - Victory Day
          The mood is now - Winners!
          Congratulations to all on the great holiday of Victory Day!
          How few of them remain, those thanks to whom we are now alive.
          On the next anniversary there will be very, very few of them ...
          Let everyone find the opportunity TODAY to say “THANKS” to them.
          So that over the years there would be no feeling that something very important, a feeling of bitterness, had not been fulfilled, he could, but he did nothing, and now it’s too late, no one.
          Thanks to them, ordinary soldiers and officers, nurses and generals, children who stood behind machine tools and partisans, peasants who managed to feed the whole country in difficult years, and workers ... EVERYTHING ...
          1. -24
            9 May 2013 11: 44
            What a mumbled clown with a painted braid?
            Why even in such a question, and on such a day everything is done through the "cat's tail"?
            1. Gahprom
              9 May 2013 14: 15
              Quote: Stas57
              What a mumbled clown with a painted braid?
              Why even in such a question, and on such a day everything is done through the "cat's tail"?

              This is how designers see the winners -

              taking a man with a fishing rod, in the form of the 70s, drew him a scythe, and in Slavic script, such that it was labor. Nothing, in a couple of years they will begin to draw Germans on postcards by May 9, ignoramuses and gulpts are ineradicable, although good words are written.
              A few zaminusovatyvshie- you do not worry, children are here, grow up, understand.
              Happy holiday
            2. +7
              9 May 2013 15: 16
              Quote: Stas57
              What a mumbled clown with a painted braid?

              This clown, as you say, personifies a soldier from the times of World War 1 and 2 who fought against the Germans, so that you live now. And do not dare insult the feelings of war veterans who shed blood for our present and future
              1. Gahprom
                10 May 2013 11: 57
                This clown, as you say, personifies a soldier from the times of World War 1 and 2 who fought against the Germans, so that you live now. And do not dare insult the feelings of war veterans who shed blood for our present and future

                country victorious fascism a problem with the personifications of the victorious warrior?
                This clown represents a clown, born 55, with a scythe painted instead of a rake.
                you look only at the original photo

                The winner soldier personifies only the soldier the winner.

                but clowns like the perversion of the image of a victorious soldier
              2. Gahprom
                10 May 2013 12: 04
                This clown, as you say, personifies a soldier from the times of World War 1 and 2 who fought against the Germans, so that you live now. And do not dare insult the feelings of war veterans who shed blood for our present and future

                here is your personification of the Hero of the winner, gentlemen minus, 3 minutes of Google opens the gut of many
          2. +5
            9 May 2013 11: 55
            Congratulations to all on the Greatest Day of Victory over Fascism comrades !!! drinks
        2. +14
          9 May 2013 11: 31
          Quote: Yashka Gorobets
          "There is no such family in Russia,
          where would not be remembered was his hero ... "
          For grandfathers and grandmothers: the fallen, the deceased and the few still alive

          You have a serious koment, it is a pity in Ukraine and Georgia, Moldova and some other places, I will not point your finger, they forgot it.
          Well, there’s nothing, there are people who have a memory, how a magnetic film erases with time. Well, there’s nothing, the truth has always won and life itself, it will put everything in its place.
          Happy Victory Day Happy Victory Day Russia!
          1. sgv
            9 May 2013 15: 51
            Dear forum users! I congratulate you all on the Great Victory Day! It is with great pleasure that I report that in the city of Riga at the monument to the Liberators in the morning thousands of people with flowers, the whole foot of the monument is covered with a carpet of fresh flowers and people go and go! And this is despite the fact that the day is always working and educational, but there are people in Riga and Latvia who celebrate this holiday and for whom the memory of the winners is sacred! And it’s even more joyful that we are MORE than those who are trying to review the results of this terrible war and forget about the sacrifices to achieve the Great Victory! Once again, all a happy holiday !!! Riga With you !!! HOORAY !!!!! soldier
          2. +8
            9 May 2013 17: 30
            Christ is Risen!
            Happy Victory Day over evil spirits, Slav brothers!
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            sorry in Ukraine and Georgia, Moldova and some other places, I will not point a finger, it is forgotten.

            Do not forget. They are trying to erase our memory, picking their sticky little hands in their minds and souls, but have not yet reached the most holy.
            In Chisinau today is a real holiday! Full area!
            Thundering and taking war songs performed by Kobzon and Leshchenko for their hearts.
            The people are rejoicing! Wickedness rages ...
          3. German
            12 May 2013 13: 15
            do not touch Ukraine! Lviv, Ternopil and the rest are not all of Ukraine! Although there are also many worthy and decent people who understand what for what and shed blood for the common, VICTORY for all! Low bow to Veterans! Happy Holidays to everyone! And "Svolota" ...? Nothing and we'll get to them!
      2. +8
        9 May 2013 14: 21
        With a great holiday for all of us - Victory Day in Great Patriotic War!

        One of the most favorite holiday songs:
    2. +34
      9 May 2013 08: 49
      All with a VICTORY !!!! Glory to the people of the winner, greetings from Chisinau, right now I’m going to put flowers in the memorial to the eternal flame.
      1. +32
        9 May 2013 08: 59
        Happy Victory Day, Glory to the Red Army- Soviet Army and Navy! Glory to the whole USSR!
        1. +26
          9 May 2013 09: 07
          All with the Victory Day !!!! soldier
        2. +36
          9 May 2013 09: 14
          Happy Victory Day! hi
      2. Gari
        9 May 2013 11: 33
        Quote: Alexander Petrovich
        All with a VICTORY !!!! Glory to the people of the winner, greetings from Chisinau, right now I’m going to put flowers in the memorial to the eternal flame.

        Happy holiday, Victory Day !!!
        big greetings to all from Yerevan and sincere congratulations
        1. +13
          9 May 2013 13: 43
          HAPPY GREAT !!!
          Hello from Kharkov !!!
      3. +15
        9 May 2013 13: 02
        Greetings from Kiev.
        1. +15
          9 May 2013 13: 15
          Hello everyone from Minsk! Let's raise faceted glasses for the Great Victory Day! No one is forgotten! Nothing is forgotten!
        2. +13
          9 May 2013 13: 36

          hi drinks Hurray! Aaa !!!
          1. +7
            9 May 2013 15: 37
            Quote: Karlsonn
            Hurray! Aaa !!!

            Yes, Soviet logistics have no equal.
            My favorite song
            And for those who are with us with unkind intentions
            1. +10
              9 May 2013 16: 09
              Quote: saturn.mmm
              My favorite song

    3. +27
      9 May 2013 09: 18
      HAPPY GREAT VICTORY! Watching the Battle of Moscow on TV. Great movie! Eternal memory to the heroes, those who saved our Motherland.
      1. +39
        9 May 2013 09: 38

        All with a HOLIDAY!
        1. bezumnyiPIT
          9 May 2013 11: 03
          alive! Takes the soul! crying
        2. +7
          9 May 2013 13: 30

          Find one minute and follow the link.
    4. avt
      9 May 2013 09: 39
      Quote: regin

      1. +8
        9 May 2013 13: 26
        From the first days of the war, my grandfather attached a map of Europe not to a wall and constantly "pricked the front line" with colored flags ... I remember very well the general jubilation of the Victory at Stalingrad, the liberation of the country from the Germans (sorry, that's what they called it). will not be forgotten!
    5. +17
      9 May 2013 09: 40
      All with the last GREAT holiday! Happy Victory Day !!!
    6. +18
      9 May 2013 09: 44
      1. +22
        9 May 2013 09: 49
        1. Beck
          9 May 2013 13: 14

          My father, at 19, in 41, volunteered for the front. He was sent to an artillery school. In 42 g. In the rank of ml. lieutenant in the army, platoon commander 76 mm. guns (Zis-3). Since 43, in the 39th army of the second formation of General Lyudnikov. He ended the war as a captain, battery commander, in Port Arthur.

          Rewards: Left combat. From left to right. Order of the Red Star. Order of the Great Patriotic War 1 and 11 degrees. These three orders in those days were called the officer set. Anniversary Order of the Patriotic War.

          Order of the Red Star for; The junior lieutenant went from the front line to the headquarters. I stumbled upon an ambush by fascist scouts who had come for the "language." With one TT he clashed with three Schmeisers. He killed one, wounded the second, took the third prisoner. The prisoner was brought to the headquarters, which was dragging the wounded fascist.

          Order of the Patriotic War 11 degrees for; Professional excellence in adjusting the fire of our batteries on the offensive. Minimum sighting shells.

          Order of the Patriotic War of 1 degree per; Reflection of the tank breakthrough of the Germans. At the same time, the battery lost 3 out of four guns.

          Medals. "For the capture of Konigsberg", "For the victory over Germany", "For the victory over Japan", Jubilee medal of Marshal Zhukov.

          Labor awards. Order of the Badge of Honor. Medals. "For the development of virgin lands", two medals "For Labor Valor", "Veteran of Labor".

          At the bottom of the anniversary medals, their father did not wear.

          These awards are prominently in my home. As a memory of ALL WINNERS.
          1. Shuriken
            9 May 2013 15: 59
            And why then do you sometimes have a negative attitude towards the Soviet Union? It was our pride and glory!
            1. Beck
              9 May 2013 18: 12
              Quote: Shuriken
              And why then do you sometimes have a negative attitude towards the Soviet Union? It was our pride and glory!

              I have a negative attitude to communist ideology, and not to a common state. And we will build the Allied EurAsEC.
          2. +8
            9 May 2013 16: 54
            Dear fellow countryman, I congratulate you and the rest of the forum on a HOLIDAY OF VICTORY!
            I WISH THE BEST.
            Chic iconostasis, if these awards are not on a tunic, then a blessed memory to your father !!!
            I just know the price of the awards
            With respect to YOU ​​and YOUR FATHER.
            1. Beck
              9 May 2013 17: 42
              Quote: marshes
              Dear fellow countryman, I congratulate you and the rest of the forum on a HOLIDAY OF VICTORY!

              Respected! Thank you very much for the words of Memory to my father.

              Happy holiday.
          3. Beck
            10 May 2013 16: 50
            Quote: Beck
            These awards are prominently in my home. As a memory of ALL WINNERS.

            No one asked. I’ll say it myself.

            Above the orders of the Order Ribbon of the Order of Victory. This is the widest order ribbon. Her colors include the colors of all orders ribbons of military orders - the orders of Kutuzov, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Nevsky, Ushakov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky.

            Great efforts were worth getting this tape.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    7. The comment was deleted.
    8. +27
      9 May 2013 10: 02
      Happy Victory Day, comrades! Hooray!
    9. +26
      9 May 2013 10: 07
      The dispute about the war is not acceptable to us!
      We know there is no doubt about it!
      Broke the backbone of fascism!

      And in the red banners shot
      The victory of the peoples of a mighty country
      At that price paid
      What we must remember forever!

      Today our hearts are filled with joy and pride, and our eyes are sad!
      At our holiday tables we will drink for our victory! Pour and wish all our veterans and defenders of the FATHERLAND long life and health. Pour and commemorate all our warriors who died for our homeland !!!

    10. +13
      9 May 2013 11: 06
    11. +14
      9 May 2013 11: 28
      Happy Victory Day!
    12. +5
      9 May 2013 13: 47
      I am connecting! A low and sincere bow!
      1. +10
        9 May 2013 14: 51
        Happy Victory Day, friends !!!

        Grandfather, I'm sorry ...

        Red star above the grave
        And around the boiling spring
        Hello grandfather, I came here again
        On the feast of the end of the war.

        Do you remember the red flag over the Reichstag?
        You signed there on the wall
        He was mortally wounded in those battles
        He left his orders to me ...

        Only there is no more that Country
        For which, not sparing life,
        Went to the West, courage is full
        The name on the lips carrying the Leader

        Tore into small pieces
        In their barns smashed
        We didn’t know anything then.
        And they couldn’t intervene

        Somewhere again, the bais rule the ball
        Somewhere the SS looked up
        Someone slandered your memory
        Ascending the Nazis to heaven

        Grandfather, I'm sorry, the country is not saved
        For her you gave your life
        Failed or failed
        Do we have forgiveness? Hardly…
    13. mankurt
      9 May 2013 17: 44
      I completed all the business yesterday by 23-00 p.m., sat down at the computer, typed “Twenty days without war” in my own search on the right, checked that I had five blog posts about this film. Then he turned it on and looked numerous times. While watching - May 9 came. Why should I look for another old poster if I don’t know anything better than this war film?

      I understand - everyone saw, many more than once, and still - let him be again today. Even if one or two casual young guests see it for the first time, it’s more useful than a beautiful picture. Great art.

      And you and I all know about that war. Let this holiday be forbidden or declared a day of mourning - it is with our souls, you cannot corrode it from there.

      Happy Victory Day, friends! Happy holiday!
  2. +39
    9 May 2013 07: 52
    Eternal memory to the dead and eternal glory to the Victors! Happy holiday to all. Happy Victory Day!
    1. +30
      9 May 2013 08: 30
      Remember! We are proud! Do not forget!

  3. +37
    9 May 2013 07: 52
    Happy Victory Day, fellow countrymen!
    Happy holiday, dear!
    Brings us back
    In the years of the front.
    May we not be in battles
    They didn’t lose loved ones
    Did not feel fear
    In the fascist camps.
    But from birth we have
    Before those worship
    Who saved our Fatherland!
    You are our respect!
  4. +33
    9 May 2013 07: 54
    Remember, proud!
    1. +18
      9 May 2013 08: 01
      They did not fail.
      1. +15
        9 May 2013 10: 05
        We must live as if they see our every act now.
        1. +6
          9 May 2013 12: 49
          Thanks to those who remember.
  5. +36
    9 May 2013 07: 57
    Thank you veterans that we are. Happy Victory Day.

  6. MG42
    9 May 2013 07: 57
    On Victory Day, everything blooms, exults,
    Old men donned orders.
    God give them more to live in the world,
    Let the war pass away!
    Let the fireworks and fanfare sound
    Glorifying those who won the war.
    Happy Victory Day, I wish everyone
    Enjoy life and spring!
  7. +30
    9 May 2013 07: 59
    Happy Great Victory Day!
  8. MilaPhone
    9 May 2013 08: 00
    On a glorious holiday - Victory Day
    Congratulations to you friends!
    Happiness to adults, laughter to children,
    I wish you peace!
  9. +33
    9 May 2013 08: 03
    We have come. We won.
  10. +31
    9 May 2013 08: 03
    Recall all by name! Happy Victory Day!

    In Vladik Parade has passed!
    1. bask
      9 May 2013 08: 27
      Only thanks to their feat WE are all living now !!!
  11. +30
    9 May 2013 08: 03
    Happy Victory Day! Honor to the Winners!
  12. +28
    9 May 2013 08: 05
    Since childhood, this has been my main holiday for me. Glory to the Victorious People! Eternal memory to the fallen! Holiday with tears in my eyes. Happy Victory Day!
    1. +14
      9 May 2013 11: 05
      Happy Great Holiday !!! A deep bow and huge gratitude to the Great People! Do not forget yourself and do not let anyone forget!
      The Victory Parade passed, the country and the whole world saw this triumph!
  13. pribolt
    9 May 2013 08: 07
    Congratulations to all on Victory Day !!! Special congratulations to the veterans, I wish the veterans the most important thing in their age- HEALTH !!! And as someone already said above THANKS TO YOU for what we are.
    1. +28
      9 May 2013 08: 12

      Great and Holy day !!!
  14. azgard
    9 May 2013 08: 09
    Thanks to the veterans for their feat of courage and bravery, thank you for not sparing yourself for the future, for our sake. Let no one ever forget about it !!! comrades with a great holiday !!
  15. kudwar68
    9 May 2013 08: 14
    I congratulate everyone on the great holiday, Victory Day !!! A LOW BOW TO ALL THE VETERANS OF THE BOB !!! I REMEMBER I AM Proud OF MY GRANDFAD DIED IN THIS WAR !!!
  16. +31
    9 May 2013 08: 16
    1. +12
      9 May 2013 11: 54
      glory to the Russian .. Russian soldiers!

  17. +24
    9 May 2013 08: 19
    Happy Great Victory Day! "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten"!
  18. Rusich
    9 May 2013 08: 19

    IN ONE WORD VICTORY Uraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    1. Rusich
      9 May 2013 08: 29

      Music Igor Mikhailovich Luchenok, words poet - front-line soldier Mikhail Yasen, performed by Yaroslav Evdokimov
    2. bask
      9 May 2013 08: 33
      Not who is not forgotten, not what is not forgotten !!!!
  19. Shuriken
    9 May 2013 08: 23
    Happy Holidays, guys1We remember all the dead and the living! Eternal Glory !!!!
  20. Yarbay
    9 May 2013 08: 24

    Happy Victory Day !!
  21. +24
    9 May 2013 08: 24
    Happy Great Victory Day of the Soviet People! ! !
    Hurray, Hurray. Hurray !!!
    1. opkozak
      9 May 2013 09: 36
      Eternal glory to the Victors! Happy Holidays. Happy Victory Day!
      May 9 in the CIS celebrate Victory Day. This date remains the "exclusive" of the post-Soviet space - in European history, the seventh and eighth of May are considered the day of German surrender. Time zones, the rush of wartime, and big politics are the three factors that created this historical confusion.
      Since the last days of April, large parts of the German armed forces have gradually capitulated to the Allies. On April 29, Army Group C surrendered (stationed in Italy). On May 2, the garrison of the German capital laid down its arms. This was all part of the plan of the German military leadership led by Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz - since it is impossible to surrender only to the Anglo-American forces, then large military formations should lay down their arms in an “individual” order. Therefore, on May 4, the German Navy capitulated to Army Group Marshal Montgomery’s army group, and the next day, German Army Group G surrendered to US General Devers.
      The Germans least of all wanted to capitulate to the Red Army - even in April-May 1945, opponents of this idea were in the ranks of the German command. On May 5, the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Third Reich, Friedeburg attempted to meet with the command of the American forces and Dwight Eisenhower. However, the latter refused to discuss anything if the surrender is not universal and does not affect the Eastern Front. The German command, in turn, did not agree with this condition. As a result, Eisenhower began to put pressure on the commanders of the Reich - he regarded what was happening as an attempt to drag out time and threatened to close the roads to the west for German refugees. As a result, Grand Admiral Dönitz agrees to surrender. It is signed at Reims on May 7, and it is due to take effect on May 8. On the Soviet side, the document was signed by General Susloparov and Colonel Zenkovich, from the French - General Sevez, from the German - General Jodl. Already after signing Susloparov received a telegram from Stalin, in which it was forbidden to sign the document. Moscow was unhappy with the surrender, at the conclusion of which the Allies played a leading role - and insisted on a new signing procedure - this time in Berlin.
      The Kremlin asks the Allies not to disclose the fact of the surrender of Germany. However, information was leaked to the Associated Press and to German radio. In the USSR, no news of surrender on May 7 appeared at all.
      A day later, on the night of May 22, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst, the second surrender of German troops was signed - the very one that George Zhukov sighted from the Soviet side. Its text was not much different from the previous document. According to Central European time, the clock was 43:9, and in Moscow it was already morning on May 0th (43:22). This is the reason for the next “bifurcation” of the date. By the way, the citizens of the USSR found out that Germany had capitulated only after 7 hours - at ten o’clock in the evening of the same day. Later, Moscow agreed with the Allies that surrender in Reims is tentative. In Soviet historiography, it is practically not mentioned, while in the countries of Western Europe the events of May XNUMX are considered as the actual signing of surrender, and the events in Karlhorst are only the ratification of the document. And nowhere to go from this polyphony of dates. If only because historical events are like trees: every year they take root deeper and any attempt to transplant them is doomed to failure. In the end, the debate about which day to celebrate the victory over fascism is secondary amid the fact that this victory nevertheless took place!
      1. +6
        9 May 2013 15: 11
        History has never been straightforward and unambiguous anywhere. There will always be a "dissenting" opinion and even dissatisfied. Well, let some DAT! The main thing is VICTORY! As in a song - one for all! And the fact that we celebrate later than everyone else is so good. This is the victory of life over death - after all, you cannot congratulate in advance, and later - please! HAPPY HOLIDAY! VICTORY!
  22. +24
    9 May 2013 08: 26
    My MOM with Victory Day!
    In the 14 years she worked in Novosibirsk at the cartridge factory for 16-18 hours.
    Kowtow and God grant health!
  23. +28
    9 May 2013 08: 29
    Happy Victory Day, the souls of the perished and deceased Soviet people!
    Happy Victory Day, living Soviet people and their descendants!
    Happy Victory Day, the Spirit of the great People!
  24. +28
    9 May 2013 08: 31
  25. +25
    9 May 2013 08: 34
    Happy holiday! Great Victory will not be forgotten in the hearts of our peoples! All together stood up against a powerful and treacherous enemy! Broke the ridge of a fascist reptile! We remember and honor all veterans who are alive and have not survived to this day! Who, through his work in the rear, contributed to one common cause! We won! There are forces that want to belittle our victory, it won’t work out, the spirit of victory is inherent in our hearts, in our genes! The memory of that war, our tribute to veterans! Happy Victory Day! HOORAY!!!
  26. +26
    9 May 2013 08: 36
    Happy Victory Day!
    We will remember.
  27. Shuriken
    9 May 2013 08: 39
    All of us on the Great Victory Day! On a day uniting everyone who feels RUSSIAN, he is Ukrainian, Jew or Armenian .... It was the Victory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, which means this is our Victory !!!! 25 years ago, ALIENS came , and all this time they tried to defame and humiliate the feat of the Soviet Soldier, at the instigation of their western masters .... But our genetic memory is alive, then we won, and now we will win! Because we have no choice. Because we are RUSSIAN, and they are pathetic fagots! And it will always be so! THE ENEMY WILL BE BROKEN! THE VICTORY WILL BE OUR US !!!
    1. +4
      9 May 2013 15: 13
      palm of the SUN does not close! VICTORY!
  28. +27
    9 May 2013 08: 40
    We know all charters by heart.
    What do we die? We are even higher death.
    In the graves we lined up in the squad
    And we are waiting for a new order. Let it go
    They don’t think that the dead can’t hear
    When descendants talk about them.
  29. +21
    9 May 2013 08: 40
    All with a holy holiday !!! I wish everyone no more warrior!
  30. +26
    9 May 2013 08: 47
    Happy Victory Day!
    1. +10
      9 May 2013 11: 55
      Thank. Tears in the eyes of both the frames and the song. This is probably the last Great Frenchman. All a Happy Holiday. I remember my grandfathers, this is their day!
      1. +10
        9 May 2013 12: 06
        near the eyes get wet. especially at this place
      2. +3
        9 May 2013 15: 15
        He is an Armenian :) BUT all the same - great!
        1. +4
          9 May 2013 16: 09
          Zhaman Urus said everything correctly. They don’t have an origin. He is French. Who cares, an ethnic Armenian is explained to them, or a Frenchman of this origin .. Michael Tyson is exactly the same as an American, no one remembers his African origin as and Pushkin’s roots. and I completely agree with that. We had Soviet people — Utesov, Bernes, Levitan, Sorge ..
          today it’s one Russian, another Russian and they still argue
  31. Tambov we ...
    9 May 2013 08: 48
    Happy Victory Day !!!
  32. +23
    9 May 2013 08: 52
    Hello everyone!
    Happy Great Victory Day !!!
    This day you brought closer as you could. Thank you !!!
    1. +14
      9 May 2013 10: 39
      Quote: GEORGE
      This day you brought closer as you could. Thank you !!!

      Happy Great Victory Day! Already went to the local monument, where the names and surnames of all the villagers who had left and never returned were knocked out! My first in Kiev will be held, they will simply congratulate the veterans, and then they will come and congratulate my mother, who is also a member of the Great Patriotic War. During the war, they dug trenches near Moscow, were on duty on the roofs, and then left with a front-line brigade of artists. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren will come today, look at her medals, remember everyone - dad and uncle, who are no longer with us, only portraits where they are with orders and medals. And of course, remember comrade I.V. Stalin.
  33. AK-47
    9 May 2013 08: 52
    Eternal memory to the winners.
  34. +20
    9 May 2013 08: 59
    Happy Great Victory Day!
    Glory to the heroes!
    Eternal memory to those who died for our Soviet Motherland!
    For many years, health, low bow and honor to veterans, home front workers!
  35. +19
    9 May 2013 09: 03
    HAPPY GREAT VICTORY !!! With the conquest of peace and life, torn from the Nazis, fascists and their henchmen!
    The Soviet people survived this terrible war and won! And he proved his superiority over any force!
    Glory to our ancestors, soldiers and workers of the rear, all who forged these victories in these terrible times and brought them closer at the cost of their lives! Hooray!!!
  36. +17
    9 May 2013 09: 06
    very nice clip
    1. +13
      9 May 2013 10: 02
      Sorry EVERYTHING, but I didn't like the clip. The touched faces of the conquering Germans with tears in their eyes? If according to Stanislavsky, then I DO NOT BELIEVE. In order for them to have tears, they had to be led around Moscow on foot. And while they won, they were smug faces. "Uterus, egg". And figs they were songs to cajole. Only the heroism of our soldiers and the victory of our weapons made them remember humanity and philanthropy.
    2. +14
      9 May 2013 12: 07
      My grandfather, the commander of a mortar battery, put a group of the same Aryan warriors who surrendered from the PPSh, with the words "You came to my land to kill my children!" I am proud of him, he went through the whole war and then served in the NKVD and after Khrushchev's speech at the XX Congress he threw his desk ticket on the table to his superiors and went into a simple hard worker, of course he drank, but it's not for me to judge him. Glory to the Winners!
  37. BAT
    9 May 2013 09: 07
    Happy Holidays to you, Friends !!!
    For me, this is the most important holiday of our people. Happy Victory Day !!!
  38. Captain Vrungel
    9 May 2013 09: 09
    Victory Banner on the main flagpole in ODESSA on May 9, 2013.
    1. +21
      9 May 2013 09: 12
      Blessed memory of the fallen heroes! Health and all the blessings of the living!

      How to care for the graves of Soviet soldiers in Germany
  39. +31
    9 May 2013 09: 12
    From military songs, a lump in the throat.
    It seems that he was born under Brezhnev, he did not have a chance to fight. Probably genetics.

    I went to you for four years
    I have conquered three powers ...
    1. +12
      9 May 2013 13: 07
      To remember !!!
    2. Tambov we ...
      9 May 2013 15: 49
      Genetics, one of the defining components of humanity in this world, is another important, but also the most important component - education. Happy Holiday, comrade!
  40. Ghost of darkness
    9 May 2013 09: 13
    Happy Victory Day !!! I would like to wish everyone not to forget the veterans and not experience the horror that they experienced, our brave grandparents, mothers and fathers ...
    Happy People !!!
  41. +24
    9 May 2013 09: 14
    May ninth
    somewhat sad
    Bitter joy
    difficult feeling.
    Memory thread
    thinner over the years.
    All that happened
    It didn’t happen to us.
    In parades
    troubling copper
    To feel in my heart
    must be able to.
    Bitter and joyful
    the memory is alive
    Just harder
    you select the words ...

    Happy holiday dear veterans! Remember, remember, and do not forget.
  42. +29
    9 May 2013 09: 14

    Thank you, Veterans.
    I bow to you.

    It's hard to die four years in a row every day, even for the sake of their families.
    You are DONE.
    We remember you, and proudly tell our children about your EXPERIENCE.
  43. +23
    9 May 2013 09: 15
    1. Cat
      9 May 2013 10: 13
      They were not only Russian.
      1. Krasnoyarsk
        9 May 2013 11: 36
        there were more than 80% of Russians
        1. +4
          9 May 2013 15: 37
          there were all primarily "Russians", especially for "true Aryans." And they beat the reptiles all together and "in Russian!" GLORY TO THE WINNERS!
        2. Cat
          11 May 2013 14: 49
          Well yes. The rest were simply confused underfoot and prevented from fighting. You, dear, do not say such names:
  44. +25
    9 May 2013 09: 17
    All Happy Victory Day! "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten" - I hope it will ALWAYS be so!
  45. Sarus
    9 May 2013 09: 18
    Thank you for the victory to all who fought against fascism and enemies.
    For our calm present and bright future.
  46. GG2012
    9 May 2013 09: 20
    Happy Great Victory Day!
    Great thanks to Veterans of War and combat rear! We remember how you forged Victory!

    PS I hope ... that hour will come, and the British-American-Zionist flags will lie under the Mausoleum!
  47. +26
    9 May 2013 09: 21
    Congratulations to all on Victory Day !!! Low bow to veterans !!!!
  48. dred
    9 May 2013 09: 22
    Congratulations to all veterans on the great holiday of victory! Thank you grandfather for the victory!
  49. Cat
    9 May 2013 09: 26
    Happy Victory Day, dear forum users! This is the only holiday that I celebrate seriously. Both grandfathers fought for me, both on my father and on my mother. The first was an artillery officer, started the war in 1941 as a commander of a fire platoon, and ended up as a lieutenant colonel, commander of an RGK regiment. The second grandfather in 1944 was only 17 years old, he attributed to himself a year to be called. In 1941, he and his whole family were evacuated from Kiev to Kazakhstan, he worked there as a combine operator, and was naturally assigned to the tankers as a mechanized driver. As he said: in the first battle the German infantry was driven, but there was almost no second - the convoy was ambushed, the crew barely managed to jump out.
    And my father-in-law (now deceased) fought with the Japanese (his wife is a very late child). When we celebrated Victory Day, he said:
    "For me, the war was remembered as a continuous march. First, on foot in a column, then they put us on the students - and forward! If there was at least some resistance, they drove the artillery, then the IL-2 worked. Then again the march, and so on to Korea itself."
    It was a great generation!
    1. 101
      9 May 2013 09: 42
      Our grandfathers paid for our day with our blood because we are one with our ancestors. Glory to our people. Glory to our victories.
  50. +24
    9 May 2013 09: 27
    Congratulations to all members of the forum on the Great Victory Day! Hello from Riga!
  51. +28
    9 May 2013 09: 28

  52. +22
    9 May 2013 09: 32
    Happy Victory Day
  53. +18
    9 May 2013 09: 43
    Congratulations to all on the great Victory Day!
  54. CkoTuHa
    9 May 2013 09: 43
    Glory to our people!
  55. late
    9 May 2013 09: 44
    I remember my grandfather let me play the harmonica as a teenager, so one of the first songs I learned was “In the Dugout.” - The fire is beating in the cramped stove, the tar on the log is like a tear, it’s not easy for me to reach you, and there are four steps to death... HAPPY VICTORY DAY!!!
  56. ed1968
    9 May 2013 09: 47
    Happy holiday, friends! Happy Victory Day!
  57. +25
    9 May 2013 09: 50
    On Holiday
    dear comrades!
    The people of the USSR repelled external aggression
    but we must reflect the inner one!
  58. Anti
    9 May 2013 09: 52
    Happy Victory Day!
  59. +19
    9 May 2013 09: 53
    Happy Holidays, comrades, Happy Victory Day!
  60. The comment was deleted.
  61. +25
    9 May 2013 09: 57
    Dear friends
    Congratulations to everyone on the Victory Day!
    We will be worthy of the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers.
    Let us remember their dedication and heroism.

  62. +23
    9 May 2013 09: 57
    The children's pop ensemble "MultiKeys", which sang an original song about the Great Patriotic War (this clip blew up the entire Internet) made millions cry.
  63. The comment was deleted.
  64. +19
    9 May 2013 10: 01
    Happy Great Victory Day everyone! Low bow to veterans! Eternal memory to those who fell in this war!
  65. WW3
    9 May 2013 10: 03
    The Second World War was the most difficult test experienced by the Soviet Union. The duration of the Great Patriotic War was 1418 days and nights.
    Happy Great Victory Day!
    1. +14
      9 May 2013 11: 37
      Quote: WW3
      Happy Great Victory Day!

      Yesterday the grand opening of the monument to Ya. Shvedov took place in the village of Penye, Tver region. Konakovsky district, where the author of “Smuglyanka”, “Eaglet” and other famous songs was born and lived. I'll post a photo later.
      Happy holiday to everyone - Victory Day!!!
      1. The comment was deleted.
  66. The comment was deleted.
  67. +21
    9 May 2013 10: 09
    Victory Day, as he was far from us,
    Like a coal melting in an extinguished fire...

    Happy greatest holiday - Victory Day!
    Eternal glory and eternal memory to our veterans - the soldiers-liberators, those who walked from the walls of the Brest Fortress to the banks of the Volga and from the walls of Stalingrad to the walls of Berlin! Low bow to you from all of us!
  68. The comment was deleted.
  69. +16
    9 May 2013 10: 12
    HAPPY HOLIDAY friends!!!! Happy Great Victory Day!
  70. +20
    9 May 2013 10: 13
    I'm watching the parade right now! THE SOUL SINGS! Especially the PATRONS, such faces! Such guys! If I were the Americans, I would look them in the eye and shit them in my pants! Hurray comrades!
    1. Cat
      9 May 2013 19: 29
      Airborne Forces - hurray! We'll tear everyone apart!
  71. Skavron
    9 May 2013 10: 13
    Happy Victory Day!!!
    And the theme song of course:
  72. The comment was deleted.
  73. +19
    9 May 2013 10: 15
    Happy holiday everyone! Eternal memory to the fallen. Long live to you. And further. My uncle Zvezdin Ivan Dmitrievich’s brother, Alexey, died in Germany at the end of April 45. He almost didn’t make it...And Uncle Vanya didn’t have children after his injuries. Truly a “Celebration with Tears in Our Eyes.”
    1. +8
      9 May 2013 17: 53
      Quote: retired
      Happy holiday everyone! Eternal memory to the fallen. Long live to you. And further. My uncle Zvezdin Ivan Dmitrievich’s brother, Alexey, died in Germany at the end of April 45. He almost didn’t make it...And Uncle Vanya didn’t have children after his injuries. Truly a “Celebration with Tears in Our Eyes.”

      This is true. I sit listening and have tears in my eyes. I remember and remember my own.
      1. +3
        9 May 2013 17: 57
        Quote: Garrin
        I sit listening and have tears in my eyes.

        1. Gari
          9 May 2013 22: 22
          Quote: Garrin
          Quote: Garrin
          I sit listening and have tears in my eyes.

          Happy holiday, I just returned home, we celebrated the Great Holiday at the dacha
          Now I’m listening to my favorite one, in general I adore songs of the war years
          but this one is special
          Dark night
          Dark night, only bullets whistle across the steppe
          Only the wind is buzzing in the wires, dim stars twinkle.
          On a dark night, you, darling, I know, do not sleep
          And secretly you wipe away a tear from the crib.

          How I love the depth of your tender eyes
          How I want to press my lips to them!
          The dark night separates us, my love
          And the alarming, black steppe lay between us

          I believe in you, my dear friend,
          This faith kept me safe from a bullet on a dark night...

          Death is not scary, you have encountered it more than once in battle...
          And now she is circling above you.
          You wait for me and you’re not sleeping by the crib,
          And therefore, I know nothing will happen to me!
  74. lilit.193
    9 May 2013 10: 15
    Thank you Veterans for your Victory, for giving us life! We remember, we have not forgotten! love love love
  75. AK-47
    9 May 2013 10: 16
    Happy Victory Day!
    The medal “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” was established on May 9, 1945. The first soldiers in the Armed Forces were awarded to front-line soldiers - participants in the Victory Parade.
  76. irka_65. irina
    9 May 2013 10: 18
    Let us bow to those great years, Those glorious commanders and fighters. And to the country's marshals and privates, Let us bow to both the dead and the living... . Happy Great Victory Day!
  77. +17
    9 May 2013 10: 20
  78. +27
    9 May 2013 10: 20
    I'll share the song.
    Not very well known, but catchy... to the spine.

    There is a bell tower on the mountain,
    And with her a machine gun hits the pole,
    And lies on the field with boots to the sun
    Our heroic platoon is with our dear mother.

    1. +9
      9 May 2013 12: 15
      Just fucking awesome!!! Thank you. Happy Victory Day!
    2. +3
      9 May 2013 23: 50
      Yeah, the video is memorable, eternal memory to the soldiers! We were shocked by the images of fallen soldiers with weapons in their hands. In war, death can strike anywhere, and everyone thinks that they will be spared, but in reality this is not always the case. Such videos should be shown in schools to the younger generation for patriotic education.
  79. +21
    9 May 2013 10: 20
    Happy holiday everyone! Happy Victory Day! Not a single day was as long-awaited as Victory Day in the war over Nazi Germany. It was expected and at the same time feared, the joy of victories and the bitterness of losses. Eternal memory of the fallen. Health to veterans. Happy Victory Day!!!
  80. +25
    9 May 2013 10: 23
    This is our common Victory! Everyone who lives from Brest to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, and from Dikson to Kushka! The victory that we, the peoples of the USSR, won together! Together we are a force that no one can ever break!
  81. +19
    9 May 2013 10: 27
    Happy holiday to EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! Happy Great Victory Day!!!!!!!!!!! Eternal memory to the fallen, eternal glory to the living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Glory to the Soviet People - the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! soldier
    Happy Victory Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  82. +23
    9 May 2013 10: 28

    youth, remember the great feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers! praise and honor to them! THINK!
    and God forbid we go through what our veterans went through!
    1. +11
      9 May 2013 15: 55
      I'M CRYING... AND REMEMBERING MY GRANDFATHER WHOM I'VE NEVER SEEN. The Nazis shot him (the Cossack) among tens of thousands of prisoners of war and Rostov Jews in Zmievskaya Balka in 1941. ETERNAL MEMORY TO ALL THE FALLEN! AND ETERNAL GLORY.
  83. +19
    9 May 2013 10: 29
    Happy Victory Day! Happy holiday to everyone who is proud of our country Hurray!
  84. dc120mm
    9 May 2013 10: 31
    Happy Victory Day! ! !

    გამარჯვების დღეს გილოცავთ! ! !

    Congratulations to all veterans. Today I’m in my grandfather’s cemetery. He was my veteran, and I’ll drink to my grandfather’s honor drinks he loved pete wink
    1. +10
      9 May 2013 16: 46
      My grandfather, although he was drafted by the Crimean Military Infantry School (now the city of Krymsk), but studied at the First Tbilisi Military Infantry School, always spoke only good things about Tbilisi and the Georgians. Happy holiday to you, and may Georgia and Russia never oppose, but always be together, just like during that War... Happy holiday to you and all Georgians drinks
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. dc120mm
        9 May 2013 17: 49
        Quote: Rebus
        Happy holiday to you, and may Georgia and Russia never confront each other, but always be together, just like during that War...

        God forbid!!!

        Happy Holidays! drinks
  85. +19
    9 May 2013 10: 35
    Happy Day of the Great Victory over Fascism! Low bow to veterans!
  86. lilit.193
    9 May 2013 10: 35
    For the women veterans who, equally with men, shared all the hardships and hardships of this war!
    1. +14
      9 May 2013 10: 38
      For fighting friends!!!
      1. lilit.193
        9 May 2013 19: 34
        That's right, Comrade Sergeant Major! soldier
  87. +16
    9 May 2013 10: 42
    Happy Victory Day, friends, comrades... on the greatest Day of the year. Congratulations to everyone who went through this war, alive. And I drink to those who did not reach the Great Victory...
  88. +17
    9 May 2013 10: 42
    I remember... I am proud... And I will kneel at the marble wall... at the Eternal Flame...
    And many, like me, will certainly bow down - after all, everyone who died died for me...
  89. +17
    9 May 2013 10: 43
  90. Odissey
    9 May 2013 10: 58
    Happy Victory Day! Happy this bright, but a little sad holiday. It’s sad because there are even fewer of those whom we thank so much in the world today.
  91. +15
    9 May 2013 11: 01
    Happy Victory Day!!!
    While we are one, we are invincible!
  92. +16
    9 May 2013 11: 05

    drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks
  93. +11
    9 May 2013 11: 07
    SS Great Victory Day! soldier
  94. mogus
    9 May 2013 11: 10
    no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.
    When I tried to ask my grandfather in more detail about the Second World War, he spoke reluctantly and sparingly. After all, war is an unnatural state for the Slavs.
    Happy Victory Day everyone!
    1. +14
      9 May 2013 11: 33
      Quote: mogus
      ...After all, war is an unnatural state for the Slavs...

      We basically discourage others from fighting. And in this matter you can’t live without war :)

      I.A. Ilyin “On Russia”: “Soloviev counts from 1240 to 1462 (over 222 years) two hundred wars and invasions. From the fourteenth century to the twentieth (over 525 years) Sukhotin counts 329 years of war. Russia has been at war for two thirds of its life."
      Alexander III, the “Peacemaker,” argued that Russia has never fought in its 1000-year history, only under him.

      Well, what about the unnatural state...
      Goebbels quotes in his diary, dated April 45, the words of Adolf: The Slavs showed a greater will to survive and win in this war than the Germans. Therefore, we must perish, and Berlin must fall.
      All! Round.
      But, the consequences of the “cold shower” have passed, and some people are again talking about the revival of Western civilization AT the expense of Russia and on Russian territory.
      Getting ready for the next round. And we consolidate in memory the psycho-physical state of Victory :)) Without this memory, there will be a lot of blood.
      1. +5
        9 May 2013 16: 00
        We can ONLY be defeated from within. Let us remember the Slav Julius Fuček: “BE ALERT!”
  95. The comment was deleted.
  96. Kaa
    9 May 2013 11: 15
  97. +16
    9 May 2013 11: 16
    Happy Great Victory Day, comrades! As long as we remember this, we are invincible!
  98. honest jew
    9 May 2013 11: 17
    Happy Victory Day!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +8
      9 May 2013 12: 12
      Ummmm... I could, of course, be wrong - but still, compare your photo with the one below. Still, you should be more careful... You... there are so many photographs of the wartime era, and you chose this one... hmm...

      1. +1
        9 May 2013 16: 04
        this is a joke!!! and the dome is not the Reichstag...
        1. +1
          9 May 2013 17: 50
          Ah... exactly... I apologize, then... *) over the White Regional Committee, it’s high time to hoist the Red Banner of Victory... *)
    3. rodevaan
      9 May 2013 13: 14
      Quote: Honest Jew

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      - If they climb, then so be it! History has proven this more than once!

      But still, God forbid! Let that terrible war that ended 68 years ago be the last for our people. God forbid such a repetition.
      1. Shuriken
        9 May 2013 16: 21
        No, brother. We need war now! I really don’t want to. Even though I know how to fight, otherwise how will everything change for us. You know...
    4. 0
      13 May 2013 00: 15
      "...a soldier sat, a tear rolled down, a captured saxophone played - and on his chest a medal for the city of Washington shone..."
      (I don’t know who the author is)
  99. +22
    9 May 2013 11: 23
    Congratulations to everyone on the greatest and most joyful holiday in the history of our country!
    Eternal memory to the fallen!
    Thanks to the veterans and home front workers for the Victory! Happy Holidays!Happy Victory Day!
  100. +22
    9 May 2013 11: 27
    Our grandfathers won the most terrible war. In a war, defeat in which meant the destruction of us as a people. The Great Victory is what holds us together to this day as a single nation, and the attitude towards it clearly defines who is who. The remaining differences are minor. Happy Great Victory Day!!!
    1. +2
      10 May 2013 19: 45
      Eh... we wouldn’t completely waste all the fruits of their Victory...