Victory Day - a thorn in the eye of Russophobia


However, in our time the feat of the Soviet people in the war is called into question. In particular, on July 3, 2009, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius, in spite of protests from Russia, adopted a resolution called “Reunification of a Divided Europe”, in which Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were given equal responsibility for the outbreak of World War II. The resolution requires, in particular, Russia, as an OSCE member, to abandon demonstrations for the glory of the Soviet past. This means that it is necessary to hide the Victory Banner, to ban Victory parades. Based on this provision, do not show them in Europe in summaries. News.


The adoption of the resolution is probably due to the fact that more than half of the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly who voted for it are countries that fought against the Soviet people on the territory of the USSR together with Nazi Germany. By accusing the Soviet Union on a par with the Third Reich of unleashing World War II, the politicians of these countries get rid of the historical guilt of their countries as true accomplices at the start of the war and its participants on the side of Germany.

Something similar in relation to Russia has already taken place. In the year of the 400 anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, it will be appropriate to quote the Book of Memories of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich (1866 – 1933), which was the uncle of Russian Tsar Nicholas II. He wrote that Alexander III often liked to say to his ministers: "In the world we have only two true allies - our army and navy. All the rest will turn against us as soon as possible. ” “The bitter experience of the 19th century,” wrote Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, “taught the tsar that every time when Russia took part in the struggle of any European coalitions, she had to regret it only bitterly. Alexander I saved Europe from Napoleon I, and this resulted in the creation of the mighty Germany and Austria-Hungary on the western borders of the Russian Empire ... The French, the British, the Germans, the Austrians - all in different degrees made Russia a tool for achieving their egoistic goals. Alexander III had no friendly feelings towards Europe. Always ready to accept the challenge, Alexander III, however, at every opportunity, made it clear that he was only interested in the welfare of 130 of Russia's millions of people. ”

Someone may say that it was all in the XIX century, then almost all European countries were monarchies without friendliness to the Russian Empire. And in modern conditions, when Europe is democratic due to the fact that it was saved from Nazi enslavement in fact only by the sacrificial feat of the Soviet soldier, everything remained the same.

First of all, the West seeks to deprive Russia, as the successor of the Soviet Union, to the aura of the winner of Nazism. By portraying the Soviet Union as an aggressor on a par with Germany, the conclusion is being imposed on the aggressiveness of Russia. This thesis was used to justify the need for the expansion of NATO, created by the United States "in the event of Soviet encroachment on Europe." Despite the pledged assurances of Western politicians to the leaders of the former USSR that the alliance did not move to the east a single step, the expansion took place and continues.

Last October, National Interest in the article “Russian Romney Gambit” wrote: “NATO brought Poland’s old-fashioned paranoia toward Moscow and unsuccessful geostrategic decisions taken in Washington and Brussels under Clinton and Bush to the western borders of Russia.” In an interview with Euronews in December 2009, national security adviser George W. Bush, Brent Scroufort, speaking of foreign policy mistakes that the United States made after the fall of the Berlin Wall, indicated, in particular, that the Americans were pushing NATO toward eastward expansion, which he said , was the humiliation of Russia. The fact is that after joining NATO, many countries have intensified anti-Russian rhetoric. By the way, one of the initiators of the OSCE resolution was the representative of Lithuania. And the Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis on the day of his country's entry into the alliance announced that now she can speak with Russia in the language of force.

For such a conversation and the corresponding preparation. So, in the autumn, NATO will conduct Steadfast Jazz 2013 exercises in the territory of Latvia, Lithuania and Poland, where the actions of the Alliance's rapid reaction forces will be improved. Estonian Minister of Defense Urmas Reinsalu said that "in the course of these exercises will be practiced Estonian defense in case if we become the victim of an attack and will be used the fifth article the NATO charter." Geographically, only Russia can be such an aggressor on NATO maneuvers. However, during his visit to Vilnius in February, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen publicly reassured the Baltic countries, saying: “We do not consider Russia a threat to NATO - and NATO does not pose a threat to Russia, but, of course, we have all the necessary plans to protect and allied defense. "

In fact, such military plans are developed only against a real enemy.


As you can see, the attitude of the West towards Russia consistently regardless of whether it is monarchical, or communist, or embarked on the path of democracy. And this fact, by the way, is documented. In the 1978, the book "Control was published in the United States. Documents about 1945-1950 American's policy and strategy ", which sets out extracts from the National Security Council Directive US 20 / 1« US Objectives in relation to Russia. " This Directive formulates the main strategic goals of waging an informational and ideological war against the USSR with the aim of overthrowing the Soviet power, which were to: “a) reduce the power and influence of Moscow to a minimum; b) make fundamental changes in the theory and practice of foreign policy, which the government in power in Russia adheres to. ” After the collapse of the Soviet regime, the Directive also defined the US goals with respect to Russia in the future. It states: “We must create automatic guarantees that ensure that even a non-communist and nominally friendly regime for us: a) does not have great military power; b) economically strongly depended on the outside world; c) did not have a serious authority over the main national minorities ”, that is, over the union republics.

Since they became independent states, the United States used NATO to eliminate Russia's influence in order to implement this item. Some former Soviet republics have already been accepted into the alliance, others have promised membership in the near future. At the end of last year, Hillary Clinton, while still in the position of Secretary of State, said about those republics that, together with Russia, participate in various integration associations within the borders of the CIS: “We note a certain shift towards re-Sovietization of the region. Only it will not be called the Soviet Union. It will be the Customs Union, or the Union of Eurasian countries, or something like that. We know exactly what is their goal, so we're trying to think about all the ways to slow down the process or prevent it happen. " Apparently, Mrs. Clinton decided to recall that the directive “US Goals for Russia” is in effect.
It is easy to see that all the efforts of the census takers and falsifiers of the history of the Second World War also fully correspond to the letter of this document, since they are aimed at “minimizing the power and influence of Moscow”. Representing the USSR as the culprit in unleashing World War II, the falsifiers of history undermine the authority of Russia as the successor of the Soviet Union and, naturally, reduce its influence on the world stage, which can even be expressed in initiating the issue of depriving Russia of the status of a permanent member of the UN Security Council. In this, apparently, is their main goal. Therefore, the stake in the “historical” game is the future of Russia as an independent civilization and political center.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, who still advises American politicians on foreign policy issues, in his book Choice. World domination or global leadership, published in 2004, wrote: “A new world order with US hegemony is being created against Russia, at the expense of Russia, and on the ruins of Russia.” However, there can be no “new world order” under US hegemony, if there exists on the globe a country with a nuclear potential comparable to that of the US, that is, Russia. This fact does not allow, using the "results" of rewriting and falsifying history, to proceed to practical actions: to forcefully put forward various demands on it, primarily on issues of territorial concessions.


The fact that the drafters of the aforementioned resolution can completely contradict the assessments of the same historical events by the direct participants and witnesses can speak about the reality of all these plans. In addition, they consider them in isolation, and not in the general context of what was happening at that time, that is, they act on the principle of antihistoricism. Take, for example, evidence of an outstanding politician, one of the most determined fighters against fascism and at the same time a consistent opponent of communism, Winston Churchill. In his six-volume memoir entitled “The Second World War,” he, in particular, writes: “In September 1938, the USSR proposed to start negotiations on means and ways of assisting Czechoslovakia ... The Soviet proposals were practically ignored ... they were treated with indifference, not to say with contempt ... Subsequently we paid dearly for it. "

The fact that the Soviet Union and France 2 May 1935 in Paris signed a bilateral agreement on mutual assistance in the event that one of the parties subjected to military attack in Europe. Soon the USSR signed a similar treaty with Czechoslovakia, which provided for the provision of assistance in the event of aggression, subject to the provision of such assistance by France. However, France did not take this step in September 1938, and the Western powers decided to sign the Munich Agreement. In the days leading American columnist Walter Lippmann wrote: "After giving Hitler Czechoslovakia in sacrifice, Britain and France, in reality sacrificed their alliance with Russia." This was what Hitler wanted, since “he himself so harshly condemned the war” for Germany on two fronts. In Nuremberg, Field Marshal Keitel directly stated this: "The goal of Munich was to oust Russia from Europe, gain time and complete the arming of Germany."

Germany’s plans were voiced by the Nazi elite in a narrow circle, where they mocked Munich partners. Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, so appreciated the role of Neville Chamberlain in Munich: "This old man today signed the death warrant of the British Empire, giving us to put down the date of bringing this sentence." This was clear to Churchill, who, after the conclusion of the Munich Agreement, said in the House of Commons: “You had a choice between war and disgrace. You chose to dishonor, now you get the war. "

Assessing these events, an American journalist, historian who lived in 1934 – 1940 in Nazi Germany, William Shearer writes that “although the USSR was linked by military alliance with Czechoslovakia and France, the French government went along with England and Germany and, without protesting, excluded Russia from Munich. " In fact, Munich opened the way for Hitler to conquer world domination.

Winston Churchill also wrote that has been ignored and the Soviet proposal made in April 17 1939 years "to create a united front mutual between Britain, France and the Soviet Union." 4 May 1939, commenting on the proposal of the USSR, Churchill wrote: “There is no way to keep the Eastern Front against the Nazi aggression without the active assistance of Russia. Russia is deeply interested in hindering Hitler’s designs in Eastern Europe. It may still be possible to rally all states and peoples from the Baltic to the Black Sea into a single solid front against a new crime or invasion. If such a front were created with all sincerity with the help of decisive and effective military agreements, then in combination with the power of the Western powers he could oppose to Hitler, Goering, Himmler, Ribbentrop, Goebbels and company such forces that the German people would not want to challenge. ” .

However, as Churchill writes, “the negotiations seemed to have come to a hopeless impasse. Accepting the English guarantee, the governments of Poland and Romania did not want to make a similar commitment in the same form from the Russian government. The same position was held in another very important strategic area - in the Baltic states. ” By refusing, immediately, according to Churchill, “Estonia and Latvia signed non-aggression pacts with Germany. Thus, Hitler was able to easily penetrate into the weak defense of the belated and indecisive coalition directed against him. ” Presumably, as Churchill wrote, in this regard, "the reluctance of Poland and the Baltic states to be saved by the Soviets from Germany ... the Soviet government proposed that the negotiations continued on a military basis with the representatives of both France and England." As if anticipating these negotiations, Churchill notes: “Munich was behind. The army of Hitler had another year to prepare. His military factories, backed up by Skoda’s factories, worked at full capacity. ”

Nevertheless, the Anglo-Franco-Soviet negotiations of military delegations on the establishment of a military alliance against Germany, which began in the summer of 1939 in Moscow, also led to nothing. The Polish leadership prevented their successful completion by refusing to give permission for the Red Army to pass through Poland to meet the advancing German forces in the event of an attack. That is, the USSR could go to war with Germany only on its territory after the death of Poland! We read Churchill’s explanation of this incident: “The heroic traits of the Polish people should not force us to close our eyes to his recklessness and ingratitude, which for centuries had caused him immeasurable suffering ... The bravest of the brave too often were guilty of the nastiest vile ones! And yet there were always two Poland: one of them fought for the truth, and the other was creepy in the meanness. ”

The fact that Poles are not the USSR refused a request for the passage of the troops, and their allies, and creators in 1919, the independent Poland - France and Great Britain, whose ambassadors in Warsaw tried to convince of the necessity of the Polish government. In the evening of August 19, Polish Foreign Minister Jozef Beck told the French ambassador: “We have no military agreement with the USSR. And we don't want it. ” On the eve of the French Prime Minister Edouard Daladier repeated three times US Ambassador: "If the Poles rejected the proposal Russian help, he will not send any of the French peasant to defend Poland." And did not send in September 1939 of the year. But Poland, disrupting the talks in Moscow, helped Hitler. Churchill wrote: "The alliance between Britain, France and Russia have caused serious concern in Germany in the year 1939, and no one can prove that even then the war would not have been prevented." “I think it was then that the last historical chance was missed; In the remaining time before 1 September 1939 of the year and 22 of June 1941 of the year, apparently, it was impossible to fundamentally change the strategic decisions of Berlin, ”stressed Winston Churchill in his memoirs.


In the current situation, the USSR, in the interests of its own security, was forced on August 23 to sign a non-aggression pact with Germany, which in the West is considered to be the cause of the outbreak of World War II. Meanwhile, Churchill wrote about it: "Munich and more convinced the Soviet government that neither Britain nor France would fight until they are attacked, and that even in this case from them will be of little use. The approaching storm was about to break out. Russia should take care of itself. ”

Therefore, all the accusations of the USSR for signing this pact are politically hypocritical (today, in a much less dangerous situation around Cyprus, the democratic West, taking care of itself, did not consider anyone’s interests, even in a half asleep state, ignoring Russia, as in Munich in 1938).

Giving an assessment of the pact as a whole, Churchill emphasized: “The fact that such an agreement was possible marks the depth of the failure of British and French politics and diplomacy over several years. In favor of the Soviets, it must be said that it was vitally necessary for the Soviet Union to push back the original positions of the German armies as far as possible to the west so that the Russians would have time and could gather forces from all over their colossal empire ... They needed to occupy by force or deception The Baltic states and most of Poland, before they are attacked. If their policy was cold-calculating, then it was also at that moment highly realistic. ” By the way, about the entry of the Red Army into the territory of Western Belarus and Western Ukraine, Lloyd George to the Polish ambassador in London 28 September 1939 wrote: “Russian armies entered territories that are not Polish and were annexed by Poland by force after the First World War ... It would be an act of criminal madness to put the Russian advancement on a par with the advancement of Germany. " As we see, this famous politician did not believe that the USSR had delivered a “stab in the back to Poland”.

After the outbreak of the war, Churchill declared in his radio address on 1 on October 1939 of the year: “Russia is pursuing a cold policy of its own interests. We would prefer the Russian armies to stand in their current positions as friends and allies of Poland, and not as invaders. But to protect Russia from the Nazi threat, it was clearly necessary for the Russian armies to stand on this line. In any case, this line exists and, consequently, the Eastern Front has been created, which Nazi Germany will not dare to attack. ”

On this occasion, he wrote: “The Russians mobilized very large forces and showed that they were able to quickly and far advance from their pre-war positions. Now they border Germany, and the latter is completely deprived of the opportunity to expose the Eastern Front. To observe him will have to leave a large German army. As far as I know, General Gamelin (Maurice Gamelin in 1938 – 1939, Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of France. - IM) determines its number in at least 20 divisions, but they may well be 25 and even more. Therefore, the Eastern Front potentially exists. ”

These divisions could not be transferred to the Western Front because of the threat of the Soviet Union for Germany and thus he actually participated in the Second World War in alliance with France and Britain to 1939 years. This is perhaps the main evidence of Churchill, which completely refutes all the speculations that the USSR, together with Germany at the first stage of the Second World War, divided the world. Thanks to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in the western direction, a favorable geostrategic situation was created for the USSR, which Churchill explains in a popular way.

It should be noted that Winston Churchill worked on his memoirs at the height of the Cold War. Nevertheless, the author had the political courage to tell the historical truth. This view of the events is not a professional historian, but a person who was among those who actively made this story, influenced many of its processes. It does not at all follow from his memoirs that the USSR was guilty of unleashing World War II. On the contrary, Churchill clearly shows the Soviet Union’s insistence on concluding a military alliance with Britain and France to prevent war, emphasizes the wisdom and fairness of the USSR’s actions on those fateful days, and considers its policy “highly realistic”.

The same modern historians and politicians who point out that Churchill’s testimony doesn’t seem to seem to regret that their countries did not help Hitler defeat the USSR. In particular, Professor Pavel Vechorkovich, a popular historian among the Poles, set out such a position in 2005 in the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita: “We could find a place on the Reich side almost the same as Italy, and probably better than Hungary or Romania. In the end, we would be in Moscow, where Adolf Hitler and Rydz-Smigly would take on a parade of victorious Polish-German troops. ”

It seems that nostalgia on the part of historians of "missed" opportunities in the fight against the Soviet Union during World War II led to the continuation of today to deal with it and its legal successor, Russia, by rewriting and falsifying history of the war.

Today, one must be a completely naive person to argue that if the USSR had not concluded a non-aggression pact with Germany, then Hitler would not have started a war. The decision to attack Poland was finally made by 23 in May. In order to guarantee the exclusion of the creation of a new Entente and a war on two fronts, Hitler sent a proposal at the same time to 21 in August London to accept Goering to meet with Chamberlain and "settle differences" at the Anglo-German talks, and Moscow - Ribbentrop to sign a non-aggression pact (similar pact UK signed 30 September 1938 of the year). Both London and Moscow responded with consent. Hitler chose Moscow, canceling Goering’s visit to London. The secret of the preparation of negotiations kept the British archives. If the Kremlin refused to accept Ribbentrop, German troops would start aggression against the USSR from the 30 line west of Minsk, German-Finnish forces from the 17 – 20 km from Leningrad, German-Romanian - to 45 km from Odessa ...

In conclusion, we note that it is precisely small countries, however strange it may seem, that in the pre-war years they played a significant role in world politics. Something similar takes place today with the participation of the same countries. Currently, they have led to NATO’s borders because of “old-fashioned paranoia”. In the pre-war years, these countries brought Nazi Germany closer to the borders of the USSR, even with the loss of independence. Their “old-fashioned paranoia” did not prevent Hitler from unleashing World War II. In order to hide this fact, history is being rewritten and falsified, all kinds of resolutions are being initiated, which may provoke a review of the decisions of the Crimea and Berlin conferences of the leaders of three allied powers - the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, in particular, on territorial issues and above all on Poland’s western border. Today in Greece they remembered the reparations with Germany, tomorrow somewhere they will recall the annexation of the ancestral homeland. The process has begun, and not in the cinema, but in real life.

Churchill said: "I am absolutely convinced that if we allow quarrel between the past and the present, we will lose the future." Great words of a great politician. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to forget the lessons of the prewar years and the events of World War II, which will be the best manifestation of the memory of the greatness of the feat of the peoples of the USSR, the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition at the cost of incredible efforts and losses that saved civilization from enslaving the Victory.
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  1. +55
    April 27 2013 19: 00
    The article correctly assesses the situation with the outbreak of World War II, but unfortunately, the Western citizen has almost lost interest in analyzing and studying real facts, his intellect has degraded and cannot perceive objective reality, perceiving only an empty shell provided by the so-called "independent" Western media. The war continues, so far only informational, but perhaps this is just preparation for more radical actions ...
    1. +40
      April 28 2013 08: 03
      Quote: Nick
      ... but unfortunately, the western man almost lost interest in the analysis and study of real facts ...

      The real facts ?! But when did they have an interest in them? They themselves will come up with a convenient and enjoyable past, mainly for something to benefit in the present.
      What good is it for them from the PRESENT past, they are in it, the ugly stokers of concentration camps, the preemptions who worked for the occupying power.
      A much nicer Fictional story, where they, thanks to their own fantasies, have no sense of their own insignificance ...
      1. +6
        April 28 2013 09: 37
        That's right, in order to realize your own insignificance, you need a critical component of the mind .... and there ... people hawala ... no, of course, compared to the USA in Europe this is still completely nothing .... but the trends are however that they have no options for development ... there are only options for degradation and degeneration ... moreover, the countries of Eastern Europe are rapidly catching up with the old Europeans ... and all together they are striving for the ideal American ruminant .... I would, in principle, and not a snag ... but onizh our neighbors, we live next to them ....
        1. +7
          April 28 2013 09: 43
          Quote: smile
          ... there are only options for degradation and degeneration ...

          Why so? They seriously believe that all of the above you have, is evidence of their superiority over us, freedom, pah-pah and other tolerance, pah again ...
          1. +8
            April 28 2013 10: 48
            :)))) They only declare it .... :)))) Although ... to be honest, I’m not able to imagine what their politicians think (well, I don’t have enough brains for this, my attempts to find a rational component they regularly crash in their actions), but the inhabitants of a generation of commercials over 50 - began to boggle like that old Romualditch who sniffed his footcloths .... and became self-absorbed ... focused on survival ... young people are rapidly cosmopolitanizing and eagerly assimilating the slogan - live for yourself and where it’s convenient ... the absolute kirdyk came to national cultures - dear dear, it’s not enough .... well, here I am frankly gloating - bring only thanks to the Russians who finance these ritual dances of the Baltic natives this culture previously existed and developed ... so that perhaps we should not be particularly afraid of them yet - this conglomerate is not a serious force ... in spite of any quantitative indicators .... they have no core ...
        2. opkozak
          April 28 2013 20: 26

          In fact, the victory in the Great Patriotic War is not a thorn in the eye, but the plug is the real one, because you can live with a splinter, and the plug must be removed under anesthesia. In 1945, the entire map of Europe was redrawn. So disabled people flicker, they can’t die peacefully in retirement.
        3. +2
          April 29 2013 00: 12
          The rhinoceros has poor eyesight, but it doesn’t bother him. The Anglo-Saxon world is in such a situation. Even the Angloamers broke the bank in the 20th century 2 times. They poisoned two heavyweights (Germany and the Soviet Union) .Then their people were implanted in the USSR. And voila, the right of Britain to the world.
      2. +6
        April 28 2013 12: 06
        Exactly. History in the Western sense is a bunch of positive myths about oneself and negative for everyone else.
      3. +8
        April 28 2013 16: 27
        Quote: Bulls.
        What good is it for them from the PRESENT past, they are in it, the ugly stokers of concentration camps, the preemptions who worked for the occupying power.
        True. But it is also true that, unlike the West globally, we practically do not carry out any propaganda for our Victory. What our filmmakers are shooting now is more harmful than elevating the soldier’s feat. Soviet cinema was shot all the same for the sake of the socialist camp. We hush up the anti-Soviet actions of the same Poles, we hush up what the Poles burned in the camps of our prisoners. We are ashamed ..
        And it’s time to make good films about the exploits of soldiers and Soviet soldiers. Understanding this also those who now live in neighboring countries.
        When did they publish books about the war? Not just market conditions, but the memories of sarshals, generals, ordinary soldiers ... Where is the Great Patriotic War encyclopedia? But it was under the USSR, it was beautifully designed, with tabs and maps ...
        1. +1
          April 28 2013 21: 06
          B ... b! s ..... capitalism in my country !!!!
    2. +13
      April 28 2013 08: 13
      Quote: Nick
      but unfortunately, the western man has almost lost interest in analyzing and studying real facts,
      Unfortunately, in our schools, high school students do not study the real facts, do not know the heroes of the war. The generation that lived in the USSR will leave, and the glory of Victory will die out ...
      1. +12
        April 28 2013 09: 45
        You know, for some reason I’m sure it won’t go out .... on the contrary, I’m currently noticing a noticeable revival of the interest of the teenage shift in learning our history .... you will laugh, but, in any case, it became fashionable among high school students to be in Kaliningrad patriot .. (in contrast, for example, from the 90s-early 2000s.) ... it’s shitty, of course, that their knowledge is poor and also based on stereotypes .... but the fact itself allows you to quietly rejoice and not lose hope ... . I hope this is not only with us and not because Kaliningrad. unlike many others, not a hero city, but a trophy city .... :)))) here, perhaps, you will not forget about the War .... even if you want ...:
      2. +5
        April 28 2013 13: 37
        Quote: treskoed
        The generation that lived in the USSR will leave, and the glory of Victory will die out ...

        I hope no! What are we doing for what? Communicate with young people, open their eyes ... Tell us about your grandfathers, fathers, uncles who defeated fascism. By the way, there is a wonderful site, Feat of the people. I found many of my relatives there who were awarded during the Second World War. Here it is true, there are scans of award documents and a description of the exploits ...
    3. +3
      April 28 2013 09: 29
      Western layman has not lost interest in the analysis of anything ... he was kicked off to him by massive propaganda ... degradation is simply the result of deliberately turning him into a homo-consumer ... and consumers ... and homo at the same time ... the brain dies as unnecessary .... that's the result - a radically narrowed outlook and the construction of a picture of the world based on the simplest set of simple stereotypes .... involuntarily there is an association with psychotronic towers from the "Inhabited Island" of the Strugatskys .... cripples ...
      1. Scarte
        April 28 2013 11: 17
        You know, for some reason I’m sure it won’t go out .... on the contrary, I’m currently noticing a noticeable revival of the interest of the teenage shift in learning our history .... you will laugh, but, in any case, it became fashionable among high school students to be in Kaliningrad patriot
        ... I want to completely agree with you, maybe this is far-fetched by me, maybe I want to see it that way, but it seems to me more and more that the people are slowly reading to understand their importance, they are beginning to be proud of their Motherland ... the time is over when our Western well-wishers drummed into us that we were "shit" and we believed in it ...
      2. +1
        April 28 2013 13: 41
        Quote: smile
        The Western man did not lose interest in the analysis of anything .... he was beaten off by massive propaganda ... degradation is simply the result of his deliberate transformation into homo-consumers ...

        But the fact remains ... If Western pop divas, a priori belonging to the elite of society, defend all sorts of "crazy stuff" and cancel concerts in Russia in protest, then what can we say about the townsfolk ...
    4. Reasonable, 2,3
      April 28 2013 10: 39
      Actually, the geyrops have a lot of urgent problems today: Islamization, migration, the collapse of education, etc. Then again, help Rossi. Avot fuck you now. We will stand by and see. And then we will find out who is the boss in Eurasia.
    5. +8
      April 28 2013 10: 46
      Quote: Nick
      Western layman has almost lost interest in the analysis and study of real facts, his intellect has degraded and cannot perceive objective reality, perceiving only an empty shell provided by the so-called "independent" Western media

      In order to understand and analyze, you need to read books, not articles in the media.
      1. +7
        April 28 2013 11: 11
        I support you! The truth is in the Book, only here you can stop, THINK, or even return to what you read ...
        1. Genady1976
          April 28 2013 11: 41
          All that Russia does not say that it does not EVERYTHING will be used against us.
    6. +4
      April 28 2013 14: 24
      We will not curtail our banners. And actually, we saved their cowardly asses later.
      1. bilgesez
        April 28 2013 19: 46
        We did not save them, we did not finish them.
        1. German
          April 29 2013 14: 03
          it’s a pity that they didn’t finish it ... however, it’s better late than never! I want to see how it will creep and lick the boots of the geyrop with its Wed ... tolerance and liberalism ... probably this dream is not possible during my life but the youth can still look at this circus !
    7. +1
      April 28 2013 21: 33
      Under US hegemony, a new world order is being created ... against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the wreckage of Russia.
      Z. Brzezinski. Giant Chessboard: America's Superiority and its Geostrategic Imperatives
    8. +14
      April 28 2013 22: 06
      And what kind of layman are you talking about? Do you hope that in Europe we will all be loved for our liberation? Who! These same-sex tolerasts? What are you, dear colleagues? There we can be loved, appreciated and respected by a few, an obvious minority !!! How can one demand sympathy for Russian and generally anti-fascist victories from Goebbels, for example?
      You yourself count:
      Germany - national socialism,
      Italy - fascism,
      Spain - francism,
      France - split in half into Vichy and Gaullists,
      Hungary - Hortism, then Salashism (they are allies of Hitler),
      Poland - Hates Russia, regardless of conditions, circumstances and historical context, they can only tolerate us at the edge of death, and only by clenching their teeth and biting their lips to the blood,
      Croatia - allies of the Axis countries, fought for Hitler in their majority (although it must be admitted - Tito is a Croat),
      Albanians - Axis allies,
      Turkey - sympathetic to "Axis",
      Romania - fought with the USSR, a military ally of the Reich, by the way, the wife of Paulus (the Pope of "Barbarossa") is a Romanian aristocrat),
      Bulgaria - Germany’s military ally, formally did not declare war on the USSR,
      Sweden - the whole war voluntarily supplied Germany with strategic resources,
      Finland - a military ally of the Reich, fought with the USSR, on their conscience, millions of victims of the siege of Leningrad,
      Norway - a significant part of the population is Quislingists (the last of the Quisling collaborator),
      United Kingdom - everything is clear with her and without comment, this country is an egoist, she’s only interested in her own problems, for her the penetration of the USSR Bug and Vistula into Europe by Europe is a tragedy of the 20th century! ..

      And here's another question: where in Europe should we look for allies and sympathizers? My friends, they all fought with us! They were broken by us! Have you often heard that the vanquished rejoice together with their victors? No, there we have nothing to look for sympathizers! In 1941, the situation of 1812 was repeated, remember, as in Tolstoy: "... the forces of Western Europe crossed the border of Russia ..."!

      Only ourselves can rejoice at our Victory - we, the Great PEOPLE A WINNER!

      And zapadentsam - God is their judge !!!
      1. +5
        April 28 2013 22: 20
        In the war against the Soviet Union, along with the troops of Nazi Germany, the armies of Italy, Hungary, Romania, Finland, Slovakia, and Croatia participated. The army of Bulgaria was involved in the occupation of Greece and Yugoslavia. Large military contingents of France, Poland, Belgium, and Albania fought against the USSR. As part of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front, battalions of the Dutch, Norwegians, and Danes fought with the Red Army. On the Eastern Front was the Spanish Blue Division.
        About 100 thousand Latvians, 36 thousand Lithuanians and 10 thousand Estonians served in the German army, mainly in the SS troops.
        And also the Nachtigall battalion - the first foreign battalion of the German army. It was created in February 1941 in Krakow from Ukrainian legionaries to participate in the war with the USSR. It included up to 400 members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) under the command of Roman Shukhevych. In the summer of 1941, Nachtigal fought against the Red Army on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR, and in October 1941 of the year was reorganized and sent to Belarus, where before its disbandment in December, 1942 fought with partisans.
      2. +2
        April 29 2013 07: 05
        it was necessary after the defeat of Germany, to roll out the entire geyropu under the rink, so that you wouldn’t ... eat more!
    9. +1
      April 29 2013 03: 10
      Let's be honest,
      a splinter in the eye,
      and lower
      and on the other hand laughing
      and let them say thanks
      what else is so polite
      and subtly reminded
      who in the house is Khazarin
    10. 0
      April 29 2013 05: 39
      Quote: Nick
      The article correctly assesses the situation with the outbreak of World War II, but unfortunately, the Western citizen has almost lost interest in analyzing and studying real facts, his intellect has degraded and cannot perceive objective reality, perceiving only an empty shell provided by the so-called "independent" Western media. The war continues, so far only informational, but perhaps this is just preparation for more radical actions ...

      It will only get worse ...
    11. artemiy
      April 29 2013 07: 21
      In the Euro-ass they forgot 1945! But the Russian people can remind !!! Oh, do not provoke the Russian
      Ivan !!!
  2. +33
    April 28 2013 07: 29
    In particular, on July 3, 2009, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius, in spite of protests from Russia, adopted a resolution called “Reunification of a Divided Europe”, in which Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were given equal responsibility for the outbreak of World War II. The resolution requires, in particular, Russia as an OSCE member to abandon demonstrations in honor of the Soviet past. This means that it is necessary to hide the Victory Banner, to ban Victory parades. On the basis of this provision, do not show them in Europe in the news bulletins.

    Let all their assembly make sucking movements without breaking away! My grandfather didn’t do so in the Barents Sea that he disappeared so that these assiduous subhuman people from Chukhland and other Pshekistanov would yap.
    And all that geyropeysky evil yapping for a bone from the sub-mattress of the State Department is no more than the desire of mongrels to curry favor with the owner.
    1. Hudo
      April 28 2013 07: 37
      Quote: Sakhalininets
      In particular, on July 3, 2009, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius, in spite of protests from Russia, adopted a resolution called “Reunification of a Divided Europe”, in which Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were given equal responsibility for the outbreak of World War II. The resolution requires, in particular, Russia as an OSCE member to abandon demonstrations in honor of the Soviet past. This means that it is necessary to hide the Victory Banner, to ban Victory parades. On the basis of this provision, do not show them in Europe in the news bulletins.

      Let all their assembly make sucking movements without breaking away! My grandfather didn’t do so in the Barents Sea that he disappeared so that these assiduous subhuman people from Chukhland and other Pshekistanov would yap.
      And all that geyropeysky evil yapping for a bone from the sub-mattress of the State Department is no more than the desire of mongrels to curry favor with the owner.

      The world is so arranged that quantity, sooner or later, goes into quality. Gunpowder in this situation is best kept dry.
    2. vilenich
      April 28 2013 09: 22
      ban Victory parades. On the basis of this provision, do not show them in Europe in the news bulletins.

      Not that words, even letters, are not enough to express my attitude to such resolutions !!!
      They still dare to raise their voice against the Great Victorious Power, dictate their conditions, what should we do! Like jackals around a weakened sick lion, but it is fraught, the lion is recovering!
    3. +7
      April 28 2013 09: 58
      So now they are no longer capable of other movements .... even the most unreasonable citizens of the Baltic states and Poland have already realized that the European Union and its causals, like the OSCE, have no meaning and are only engaged in devouring money and redistributing funds and resources from some European countries to others .... and they hate his bureaucracy no less than we do ours .... the only difference is that their dynamics are inversely proportional to ours ... and don’t yell that I support Putin ... I just I see that the standard of living of the inhabitants of Eastern Europe has also worsened, how much our budget has grown since the beginning of the 2000s .... though they publicly criticize their bureaucratic system since we cannot, if anyone forgot. I remind you that in a number of non-European countries criminal liability was introduced for mentioning the crisis .... well, no one canceled U's article .... democracies, adnaka ...
    4. +2
      April 28 2013 15: 34
      And I have five grandfathers paid with their lives for the Victory. Therefore, I’m not talking about a splinter (as in the title) I am inclined to drive an aspen stake to non-remembered gayropeytsy
      1. German
        April 29 2013 14: 12
        and better iron scrap hot on one side and white with a cold end to a known place! why cold? what a hot grab and pull it was impossible! amPS Actually, I myself am a kind person ....
  3. +6
    April 28 2013 07: 46
    This myth - about the friendship of peoples (countries), about "close integration", partnership and cooperation between countries - is just a myth. Created in order to somehow calm themselves and feel imaginary safety. Like if anything, a neighbor will always help. But in reality what? But in fact, man is a wolf to man. It has always been that way. Any help to a "friendly" state, first of all, pursues selfish goals. There is no need to look far for an example - the Middle East. Who helped Iraq, Libya, Syria? Everybody said something there, were indignant, so what? Even neighboring states, it would seem, are interested in how they helped? Everyone is busy with their problems, someone quieted down with their fingers crossed behind their back - mind me, mind you. And Vietnam, our help was essentially not help to Vietnam, but a confrontation with the United States. It was a clash of two regimes on foreign soil. Europe, in general, is like feces in an ice-hole (excuse me), on the one hand, Russia (a missile umbrella, energy resources, raw materials, borders), on the other hand, the United States with its ideas of democracy and hegemony. Common sense says to Europe - be friends with Russia, but ambitions make you do the opposite. Everyone thinks they are independent and "great", but as it touched (the crisis) they run to us to ask for money. Something the United States is in no hurry to give money. And the rottenness of ambitions and the blind hatred of certain countries for Russia nullifies all the imaginary agreements on "friendship and cooperation." And I'm not even talking about not big countries. Who will ask them what? put before a fact and that's it. A small example from the USA. There is Southern California and Northern California. The northerners have shot themselves, while the southerners have very little water. So instead of sharing it with a needy neighbor, the northerners sell them this water, and not cheap. This is the kind of "friendship and mutual assistance." And the "cold war" never stopped. Against the background of the deliberate stupefaction of the population and the brainwashing of the media, the truth about the Second World War is being etched out of the minds. Russia is again presented as a wild, barbaric country. Aggressive and bloodthirsty. But what to say, if in the same States, most people believe that they defeated the fascists and Hitler fought with the United States. And the rest do not know what they are talking about. History has always been manipulated, but since now it is some kind of obscurantism. What is worth what England did - a couple of thousand documents related to the colonial past of Great Britain (hard-hitting facts, executions, genocide) disappeared from the archives without a trace. And that's it, since there is no document, then there was nothing.
    1. Kaa
      April 28 2013 09: 05
      Quote: Averias
      What is worth what England did - a couple of thousand documents related to the colonial past of Great Britain disappeared from the archives

      "Manuscripts do not burn" - "By the beginning of the Second World War, the Baku oil industry provided 80% of high-grade aviation gasoline, 90% of naphtha and kerosene, 96% of motor oils from their total production in the USSR. Attention of the Anglo-French allies to the Baku oil fields and the search for possible ways to disable them appeared almost immediately after the start of the war between Germany and Poland, in which the USSR took part from September 17, 1939.The theoretical possibility of an air attack on Soviet oil fields was first considered as early as September 1939 by a liaison officer between the General Staff and the French Foreign Ministry, Lt. Col. Paul de Villilleum... And on October 10, French Finance Minister P. Reino posed a specific question to him: is the French Air Force capable of "bombing from Syria oil development and oil refineries in the Caucasus." In Paris, it was meant that these plans should be implemented in close cooperation with the British. Although the French and the British coordinated their plans, the latter were not far behind them in the development of their similar projects. One of the first English documents proper was dated October 31, 1939 and is a letter from the British Minister of Supply to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The letter pointed to the vulnerability of Soviet oil sources, the largest of which was Baku, and then went Grozny and Maykop. On January 15, the Secretary General of the French Foreign Ministry, Leger, informed the American Ambassador W. Bullitt that Daladier had proposed sending a squadron to the Black Sea to block the Soviet communications and bombing Batumi, as well as to attack Baku’s oil exploration .. Leger said: “France will not break off diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union or declare war on it, it will destroy the Soviet Union, if possible - if necessary - with the help of cannons. On March 7, General Weygand held a meeting with the commanders of the British and French air forces in the Middle East. Such was the situation with the Anglo-French strategic plans to attack the USSR from the south by the time the Soviet-Finnish or "Winter" war ended on March 13, 1940. Conclusion with Finland. the peace treaty did not remove the problem of confrontation with the Anglo-French allies from the USSR. Diplomatic relations between the Soviet Union and these two Western countries reached a critical point - the British ambassador left Moscow, the Soviet envoy to France on March 19 was declared "persona non grata"The aerial photographs have already been handed over to the headquarters of the British and French Air Force in the Middle East. At the same time, already in January 1940, there was a task of the British and French governments, simply a" grandiose "plan: an air strike on the Caucasian oil fields in the Soviet Union. Within 10-45 days, nine squadrons of bombers were to destroy 67 oil refineries in Baku, 43 in Grozny and 12 in Batumi to the ground. The influence of the "English factor" (the "allied" or Anglo-French factor simply ceased to exist from the end of June 1940) remained in the concrete sketches of Soviet military plans until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. This is not surprising, considering that even on May 10, 1940, the day of the German offensive in the West, Reynaud called Churchill to inform him of Weygand's readiness to bomb Baku from May 15, and the British circles themselves did not rule out the possibility of strikes against / history / locwar / europe / eng-fr / eng-fr.html
      1. +6
        April 28 2013 10: 21

        A small minor addition - just before the surrender of France, the 9th Panzer Division captured one of the variants of this plan of air attack in the headquarters train of the French Army. Carelessly printed documents lay in the folder on which it was written by hand: “ATTAQUE AER1 ENNEDU PETROLE DU CAUCASE. Liaison effectue au GQC Aerien le avril 1940 9
        “Large stamp with the words“ TRES SECRET ”10
        made these documents even more serious .... unlike the frivolous military machine of France, which the Germans had thrown out of the sandbox by then .... The Germans cheerfully published all these documents together with the Anglo-French plan for the invasion of Norway under the pretext of helping the Finns .. .. A curtain...
        It’s also worth adding that ours knew about these intentions of the countries of Western democracy and therefore were preparing to deliver air strikes in response to the Mediterranean air bases and bases of the Navy of France and Britain .... I don’t remember if our DBs managed to fly into reconnaissance, but what the operation was worked out by aviators (there were even aerial photographs of targets) and they were able to carry out a combat mission, I remember exactly ...
      2. +3
        April 28 2013 13: 57
        Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact put an end to all this planning. Which was a resounding success, an incredible achievement of Stalin and his diplomacy. England and France did not attack us only for this reason.
    2. Heccrbq
      April 28 2013 09: 32
      I also wanted to add that half of the biorobots that live in Japan believe that the USSR dropped an atomic bomb on them.
  4. djon3volta
    April 28 2013 07: 57
    a little off topic, last year's news, but interesting.
    maybe this year it will be!
    Cuban TV will show in prime time recording of the May 9 parade in Moscow
    Cuban TV will prime time on Tuesday 15 May, a recording of the military parade that took place in Moscow on 9 May, which will be broadcast during the program Round Table, the main socio-political program of local television, which starts at 18:30 p.m. local time and runs until the evening news broadcasts at 20:00. The program is also broadcast on a number of national radio stations. In addition, a nationwide educational channel will broadcast the parade on Wednesday night. Earlier, last Friday, the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro, in an article from the series of Reflections, noted that the military parade held in Moscow on May 9 showed "impressive opportunities" for Russia to give an adequate and versatile response to "traditional weapons and nuclear forces of imperialism." The leader of the Cuban revolution then said that the victory over fascism was "the fruit of the heroism of a number of peoples" who united socialism and revolution, and that "the Russians were always proud" to lead this revolution.
  5. +5
    April 28 2013 08: 22
    In the West, it may come to the point that the war between Germany and the USSR will be called the dismantling of the colonial powers, which thus decided among themselves who owns the whole of Europe.
    1. Kaa
      April 28 2013 09: 21
      Quote: Canep
      In the West, it may come to the point that the war between Germany and the USSR will be called the dismantling of the colonial powers
      Naglichians, out of eternal love for Russia, have almost "matured" to this point - they write about the 19th century: "In an interview with the journalist of the Voice of Russia radio station, Tim Ecott, the former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray told. I think that diplomats understand well the goals of Russian policy, but the problem is that they see them as directly opposed to British political interests, so Russia is perceived as a rival and potential enemy. What is surprising is that it lasts for centuries. For example, the first Anglo-Afghan war, which I am talking about now I am writing a book. ”In 1839, Britain made its first attempt to invade Afghanistan, only out of fears that Russia was intent on conquering that country, and then British possessions in India. This completely untrue perception led Britain to be embroiled in the most failed war of its stories. Great Britain mistakenly sees Russia as a rival and a potential adversary for the past 200 years. Britain was afraid of the expansion of Russia's influence in Central Asia and Turkey, which could lead to the Crimean War. The British were also afraid of the potential Russian invasion of the territory of the British Empire. Throughout the 19th century, stories appeared in the British media that Russian soldiers landed in Aberdeen. These fears are still alive and have not disappeared anywhere either during the time of the Russian Empire or during the times of the USSR. Russia was considered an adversary and feared armed conflict.
      - It turns out that regardless of who is in power in Russia, the country is still considered an adversary and a threat?
      - And there is. But in reality, Russia never posed a real threat to London. Russia was never going to attack the UK and is not going to. It is amazing how this false perception has influenced bilateral relations over the years. You can recall how we constantly make Russia an enemy of Great Britain, while Russia is not at all an enemy. Strong economic and political interests are affected here. Every government needs to present an enemy to the world in order to justify its existence and financing. I mean military structures and security services.
      1. +1
        April 28 2013 15: 50
        The British seem to judge Russia by themselves. Those if we capture, then they will be. As far as I know, most of the territories joined Russia voluntarily under the threat of external destruction (Kazakhstan is for sure).
  6. +1
    April 28 2013 08: 29
    tell me why the Victory Day - we began to celebrate already in the 60's. And until this day, May 8-9 were a normal working day?

    Request for Stalin - as usual, do not push.

    There must be a reason! Maybe the reason is just at the beginning of the Second World War?
    1. +5
      April 28 2013 08: 44
      Quote: Takashi
      tell me why the Victory Day - we began to celebrate already in the 60's. And until this day, May 8-9 were a normal working day?

      Request for Stalin - as usual, do not push.

      There must be a reason! Maybe the reason is just at the beginning of the Second World War?

      Who told you they did not celebrate? A working day, this does not mean that there is no holiday.
      My grandfather, my grandmother, was always celebrated. Just celebrated differently. Veterans gathered, recalled terrible times, murdered comrades and relatives, and cried to war songs sitting in the evening at the table with 1 bottle of vodka for 10. And then they went home.
    2. AK-47
      April 28 2013 09: 06
      Quote: Takashi
      why Victory Day - we began to celebrate as much from the 60s.

      Officially, Victory Day - May 9 was announced on June 24, 1945. In honor of the holiday, a parade was led by Rokossovsky. However, in 1948, Victory Day ceased to be a day off. The country's leadership, therefore, decided that people should at least temporarily forget the terrible events of the war years. But as before, May 9 maintained the status of a holiday: holiday cards were issued, front-line soldiers received congratulations. The holiday was widely celebrated only under Brezhnev. Victory Day again became a day off for workers; bright military parades were held in major cities of the USSR, the end of which was a salute. However, one should not forget that for front-line soldiers May 9 is not just Victory Day, but also a day of bitter memories.
    3. +4
      April 28 2013 09: 17
      Quote: Takashi
      tell me why the Victory Day - we began to celebrate already in the 60's. And until this day, May 8-9 were a normal working day?

      Do you mean that there were no magnificent parades and weekends? So what time was it! After all, they cost a lot of parades. And here it was necessary to raise the country. And how many more to bury! And with Japan, the situation is still ... to this day have not figured out. Yes, and the former allies - it is not clear where they were ready to turn. But then the first grocery cards were canceled! But by the holidays, albeit a little, but prices were falling. And people understood this, and rejoiced. Of course, they gathered in the evening, recalled. Celebrated, but not so magnificent.
      1. +2
        April 28 2013 14: 43
        But now there are a lot of different "holidays" !!!
        (Yes, collected in one heap for those who hold power to frolic in warm resorts)
    4. Heccrbq
      April 28 2013 09: 40
      We did not celebrate, because we fought with "meat", type in the search engine --- Nikolayts Nikulin "Memories of the War." (Not an artist, but a professor of the Hermitage). And here is an interesting link Actors who fought in the Great Patriotic War http: //
      1. +1
        April 28 2013 10: 07
        There is no need to generalize, they fought with meat and art. In different ways. You can’t only look at one source, many others
      2. +18
        April 28 2013 11: 45
        Dumb did not come up with anything? Although what am I talking about, it’s not you who came up with .... this is Rezunov’s proprietary canoe ...
        But in principle, yes ... we fought with meat, after the army of 550 million Britain, take an interest in the number of its population with colonies, 107 million France, 35 million Poland, and even any other European schushra, about a hundred were crushed by the Wehrmacht independently and in the shortest time (Italy, which allocated ridiculous forces in Greece and successfully managed there ... I don’t count.) After that. how the industry of almost 400 million Europe began to work for Germany (which allowed the Germans to call up a larger percentage of soldiers without any damage to production), well, for example, Czechoslovakia. which Hitler shared with good Poland at 38 was the leading exporter of the planet’s weapons ..... After he intensified, he gathered allied armies (by the way, I hope you know. Even tiny Luxembourg gave Hitler 13000 soldiers, 1500 of which we took to captivity - not in the SS, they were called to the Wehrmacht, just like the mass of semi-Germans semi-French, semi-Poles, semi-Germans, etc.)
        u, so, having gathered all this shobla, creating the Best Army in the world, having the resources of half a billion people, Hitler attacked us ... a concentrated Wehrmacht with a million associates, having prevented in deployment, the dispersed Red Army, creating a numerical superiority in manpower in the direction of the main strikes up to twelve times .... and we began to fight ... with meat ... our own ... and a stranger .... at first we were beaten ... but not at the same gate as the Europeans - for example, in the period from the beginning of December 41 to the beginning of January42 The Wehrmacht and comrades suffered irrevocable losses greater than the Germans during the capture of all of Europe and the destruction of the armies of countries that provided nearly a billion people (only Britain = France with colonies - over 660 million). in December 41, Halder shrewdly shrewdly - we wouldn’t have such a Wehrmacht as on June 22 ... he didn’t get rid of it .... as a result, we, having been fighting for a long time alone with the Hitler version of the European Union, lost losses, Hitler’s henchmen are not even one to one, but closer to 1.1 on their part and 1 on ours ..... so. that dear, our meat was very specific and slaughter - with each of our bodies we ended up extinguishing no less, and sometimes more than one European bandit and a murderer ... well, here is such meat .... But in general, judging by the statement, you have meat in your head ... instead of the brain .... and why do you need it, is it not? Type in a search engine .... maybe a good googel will advise you how to get rid of dementia ...
        1. korm-yurii
          April 28 2013 21: 53
          Indeed, the losses in our army were almost equal to the German ones. So many civilians were beaten so much that so far no one knows how many.
      3. +14
        April 28 2013 12: 24
        Quotes by N. Nikulin:
        “I was a useless soldier. In the infantry, I would either be shot right away for example, or I would die of weakness myself ... I was probably despised, but put up with in the regiment. ”
        “Brothers in arms either silently disapprovingly sniffed and turned away from me, or expressed their feelings with a strong obscenity:“ Here is a stupid girl imposed on our neck! ”
        “I was entertained by catching an unprecedented amount of horseflies (they were from a bumblebee), tying long strings to their paws and letting go.”
        “Now we had to answer amicably:“ We wish good health to Comrade Guard Senior Lieutenant! ” I simplified this complicated ceremonial formula and, together with everyone, yelled loudly: “Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! " It turned out very well, but the senior lieutenant heard and slammed two orders out of turn. ”
        “For me, Pogost was a watershed. There I was killed and crushed. ”
        “I lived in a delirium, thinking poorly, poorly aware of what was happening ... I was forgotten, not understanding where reality is, where is delirium, where are dreams, and where is reality.”
        “Once an alert political instructor stopped me in a trench: Your mother, that you walk here without weapons, with a flower in your hands, like Eugene Onegin! March to the cannon, your mother! ”
        “Since then, I have never been able to“ seize the moment ”and have never climbed into a common mess because of a piece of cake.”

        Memoirs N.N. Nikulin are just fantasies of an inflamed brain of a war-broken man. War is the hardest test for the human psyche. Nikulin did not pass this test. Alas.
        Therefore, it makes no sense to seek the truth about the war in Nikulin's memoirs. There is no story about tactics of ours or the Germans, nor about relations in the team, there is no exact reference to the place or date. Here there is only the emotions and mental anguish of a single soldier. Very often, Nikulin uses Solzhenitsyn's favorite trick, starting another story with the words: “They told me ...”. That is, he wrote another crap, and blamed the responsibility for truthfulness on others.
        The advantage of Nikulin's memoirs is that they show the inner world of a certain part of Soviet soldiers. Those soldiers who were not adapted to the heavy burden of the defender of the Fatherland because of their low moral and volitional qualities (cowardice, dullness, Russophobia, infantility) or violent anti-Sovietism.
        Read better I.F. Stadnyuk.
        1. korm-yurii
          April 28 2013 21: 57
          And V. Bykova. And Solzhenitsyn is a sad shit with his artistic research like "The Gulag Archipelago"
    5. Volkhov
      April 28 2013 10: 30
      Quote: Takashi
      There must be a reason! Maybe the reason is just at the beginning of the Second World War?

      The reason at the end of World War II - the Reich evacuated, they couldn’t get it, although they hoped to make war and arrange a carnival, and then say that the mistake had come out, let’s do it again just in an atomic way.
      Then they refused a real victory because of unreality, but they began to celebrate and moved to live in the invented world all the time, before that they were only partially in it.
    6. korm-yurii
      April 28 2013 21: 49
      They also paid for orders and medals to the soldiers who received them in battles. But in the year 48 (I don’t remember), these payments were stopped.
  7. +6
    April 28 2013 08: 58
    and what to expect from zadapodusov. how many centuries under the Catholic Church go, and there the princes of the church are mostly homosexual throughout history. here, in my opinion, where the ears grow from. I personally do not care about their opinion, I am proud of my ancestors and will never stop considering Victory Day one of the many greatest holidays of our country
  8. +5
    April 28 2013 09: 00
    Good morning everybody! hi
    I agree with all those who wrote and gave it to everyone. One of the rare topics where there are almost no disagreements between forum users.
    1. +7
      April 28 2013 10: 12
      And I want to say that they never were, disagreements. Here, mainly patriots of Russia, and real patriots think in one direction. There are several foreign forum users, they defend the interests of their states. This is normal. I do not think that we can have the same views with Israel, the USA or France. I do not say geyropes about other countries, they are all influenced by the American government
  9. Hudo
    April 28 2013 09: 37
    In Lviv, Nazi Ukrainians banned Soviet and Nazi symbols on Victory Day, and the current Gauleiter Yanukovych, as usual, chewed the contents of his nostrils, like he didn’t notice anything reprehensible.

    Pets and pets of the current regime are especially clearly characterized by their comments on the information provided in the link.
    1. vilenich
      April 28 2013 09: 53
      Quote: Hudo
      In Lviv Ukrainian fascists banned Soviet and Nazi symbols on Victory Day

      Yes, these are the problems of the anxious Natsik. Let's wait on May 9th and see that people will come out to celebrate Victory Day with the flag of Cumach!
      1. Hudo
        April 28 2013 10: 38
        Quote: vilenich
        Let's wait on May 9th and see that people will come out to celebrate Victory Day with the flag of Cumach!

        Not only will we see, but we ourselves will go out and take our children.

        Quote: vilenich
        Yes, these are the problems of the anxious Natsik.

        No, dear! These are my problems, because I, as a normal person, really want to see Nazi scum exclusively in the cell of the zoo, with a mandatory explanatory sign.
        1. +8
          April 28 2013 12: 05
          Quote: Hudo
          I, as a normal person, very much want to see Nazi scum exclusively in the cell of the zoo, with the obligatory explanatory sign.

          Nothing! Let there be no military parade in Kiev, but
          In Kharkiv "for the May holidays" they demolished a memorial sign to the UPA soldiers
          "There is no memorial sign. It seems that it was demolished by machinery. Now the police are working there," eyewitnesses said.
          Traces of a truck are visible next to the destroyed memorial sign.
          As reported, on the night of April 8, unidentified men broke a marble stele in Morshyn with a portrait of Roman Shukhevych, as well as a monument on which were placed busts of Evgeny Konovalts and Stepan Bandera.

          Kovpak partisans offered to be honored at the state level
          In Ukraine, in 2013, at the state level, they can recall the "Carpathian raid" of the partisan formation of Sidor Kovpak.
          The Parliamentary Committee on Pensioners, Veterans and Disabled Affairs at its meeting approved the corresponding draft resolution. The document was submitted to the parliament on 21 on March 2013, the authors are people's deputies (faction of the Communist Party of Ukraine) Olga Levchenko, Petr Tsibenko and Victoria Babich.
          The draft resolution is supposed to celebrate the 12 anniversary of the "Carpathian raid" of the partisan formation of Sidor Kovpak at the state level on June 2013 of June. According to the authors, this will help preserve and develop the glorious traditions of the Ukrainian people, strengthen their unity and will contribute to the patriotic education of the younger generation.
          Source: Bagnet
          In connection with the growing nationalist threat, society is forced to develop mechanisms to counter nationalism. The head of the Odessa regional organization of the Communist Party of Ukraine Yevgeny Tsarkov announced the creation of a movement SMERSH - to physically resist attempts at vandalism in the region. The initiative has been taken up in other areas of the country. The abbreviation SMERSH for this voluntary association of citizens was not chosen by chance - after all, Bandera remained Bandera, despite the past years. And the glorious abbreviation will help in the struggle, raising the imprinted fear from the depths of the memory of “forest heroes” at the genetic level.

          Well, the most joyful - A large group of party members loudly left the VO "Svoboda". "The Zhytomyr organization" Svoboda "has become a business project for the elite, - the statement of twelve yesterday's" Svoboda "members, quoted by Express, says. Recall that on April 26, the head of the" Svoboda "faction Nazar Goruk in the Chernivtsi Regional Council said that he had nothing to do next with people "who drive Lexus and fly charters for 30 thousand euros" and left the party.
          The nationalist party of the OUN_UPA heirs is falling apart !!!!
          1. Hudo
            April 28 2013 12: 30
            In Kharkiv "for the May holidays" they demolished a memorial sign to the UPA soldiers
            As reported, on the night of April 8, unidentified men broke a marble stele in Morshyn with a portrait of Roman Shukhevych, as well as a monument on which were placed busts of Evgeny Konovalts and Stepan Bandera.

            The normal reaction of normal people to top-encouraged attempts at ukro-fascist revenge. And where is the opposition to Nazism from the current occupation regime? It is not enough to pinch a rabid fascist beast by the tail at the household level, it must be beaten with an ugly head at the state level, and this is not visible even in the future.

            In connection with the growing nationalist threat, society is forced to develop mechanisms to counter nationalism. The head of the Odessa regional organization of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Yevgeny Tsarkov, announced the creation of the SMERSH movement in the field of movement - to physically resist attempts to vandalism in the region.

            And how did the authorities in Kiev react to this? I will answer - YES NO. And in the case of real clashes between representatives of this movement and the Natsyuk, the police will beat them with clubs and pack them into autoruns, not the Natsyuk.

            And the most joyful thing is that a large group of party members loudly left the VO "Svoboda"

            I do not understand you, joy in what? That the Nazis reforged and ceased to be fascists? Well, come out, then they will create an even more radical fascist organization, but the Justice Ministry will undoubtedly register, what kind of enthusiasm can there be? They need to be destroyed, imprisoned for long periods of time and not bred shusi-pusi.
            1. 0
              April 28 2013 18: 32
              Quote: Hudo
              And how did the authorities in Kiev react to this? I will answer - YES NO.

              You are right about Kiev. Only the fact is that the local authorities began to decide WITHOUT KIEV. Likewise, in Kharkiv, police squads have already been sent to guard the monuments of the Second World War. it all depends on the local government. Where there is a corresponding "mood", the police support with all their hearts! Svobodists were already running in and complaining to the same Kiev "Why, if they are detained, then Svobodists, while others are released?" And Kiev ... again does not react. fellow
              Quote: Hudo
              I do not understand you, joy in what?

              They will not create a large party. Once the pieces began to break off, there were already fewer adherents, especially in the localities. Well, there will be (perhaps not a fact) new small parties, but they WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TAKE POWER! And in general they will not break through, even to local councils. This is what I am glad about. And "oppa" is also falling apart. All hetmans want to be, but not come out! laughing
              1. Hudo
                April 28 2013 19: 36
                Quote: Egoza
                Svobodists were already running in and complaining to the same Kiev "Why, if they are detained, then Svobodists, while others are released?" And Kiev ... again does not react.

                Few arts on the part of the fascists from Svolot? So who is sitting, who is under investigation? Why would such a capricious mood?
                Excuse me, Elena, the pink glasses do not press the nose bridge?
                1. +2
                  April 28 2013 21: 44
                  Quote: Hudo
                  Excuse me, Elena, the pink glasses do not press the nose bridge?

                  "Svobodovets" Miroshnichenko detained for the destruction of the monument to Lenin
                  On the fact of hooligan actions, police officers began criminal proceedings under Art. 296 Criminal Code of Ukraine "hooliganism."
                  Persons who destroyed the monument to Lenin in the city of Akhtyrka in Sumy are facing up to four years in prison.
                  1. Hudo
                    April 28 2013 22: 09
                    Quote: Egoza
                    "Svobodovets" Miroshnichenko detained for the destruction of the monument to Lenin
                    On the fact of hooligan actions, police officers began criminal proceedings under Art. 296 Criminal Code of Ukraine "hooliganism."

                    Svolotovets Miroshnichenko is a people's deputy, so to speak. And the fact that this fascist baboon will be deprived of parliamentary immunity is poorly trusted. The Nazi bastard will continue to frolic until his serpentine head is rolled up.

                    Quote: Egoza
                    Persons who destroyed the monument to Lenin in the city of Akhtyrka in Sumy are facing up to four years in prison

                    Forgive me magnanimously, but I do not believe that under the current regime, these Natsyuk courts will set real terms for their sentences. Already so many curtsies and connivance by the authorities have been made by him - already the edge !!! So the Nazis can frolic only feeling complete impunity.
            2. +2
              April 28 2013 22: 06
              IN “Freedom” is the last Nazi bystryuk from the SS from the Nazi Guards of Galicia, mercenary punitive from the Nakhtigal battalion and the Bandera population friendly to the troops of the Third Reich. And the so-called Western Ukraine - Galicia has never been Ukraine! Until the 1939 year, the ghetto of Europe (actually not even having its own industry, however, as now) and the litter for Poland, Austria, Hungary and fascist Germany. If it were not for the Soviet Union with the “m. Oskaly” in the 1939, which made it possible for it to exist and be called Western Ukraine as such, and its inhabitants - Ukrainians (!), Then they would still be sucked off and proud of these Europeans by this! Yes, and now they mostly plow guest workers with nostalgia. Throughout their history, they fought with Kievan Rus, the Ukrainian Cossacks and Orthodoxy, therefore, in fact, Ukrainians do not have the right to be called - rather, the "Austro-Hungarian-Polish-fascist agglomerate" such as "eternal Jew".
              1. Hudo
                April 28 2013 22: 22
                Quote: Apologet.Ru
                IN “Freedom” is the last Nazi bystryuk from the SS from the Nazi Guards of Galichin, mercenary punishers from the Nachtigal battalion and the Bandera population friendly to the troops of the Third Reich

                Now we are reaping the fruits of Khrushch's deeds - this corn moth curtailed Stalin's plans for the selection of the Galitsai ethnos ... And later there were also figures - I once watched an interview with the Nazi dissident Levko Lukyanenko, this stinking bastard told how to his camp near Perm came "intellectuals" from the KGB, they talked with him. He should have smashed his head with an ice pick, but no - a conversation. So we talked to the handle.
                1. +2
                  April 28 2013 22: 34
                  I fully agree with you colleague!
            3. RUSSIA 2013
              April 29 2013 07: 03
              no, it’s just not possible, our special services are simply obligated to eliminate these bastards. and these oligarchs need to be taken forgive me eggs. that is, at least freeze accounts.
          2. a jacket
            April 28 2013 19: 44
            Finally! Let's relatives! Just don't stop! And unite. I can imagine what and who you have to fight with. Courage must be comic.
            1. 0
              April 28 2013 21: 48
              Quote: jacket
              Finally! Let's relatives! Just don't stop!

              Anton Davidchenko, leader of the social movement "Youth Unity": we are opposed to nationalist organizations walking around Odessa. We have repeatedly stated that we will act in a legitimate way, we have already submitted five applications for events at the same time and place. We hope that the authorities will understand that the inhabitants of Odessa do not like the marches of nationalists, and will make a decision either through the court or through law enforcement agencies and simply will not allow this. We hope that the court will ban it. Second, we will bring out our supporters who will be present there. And the police will have to block the path for both us and them.
              “Youth unity” also threatens the trial with the leader of the Odessa “Freedom” Pavel Kirilenko. The youth accuses the people's deputy of slander. Recall that after the events of January 22, when a brawl took place between representatives of Freedom and the antifa, Kirilenko appealed to law enforcement agencies with a request to ban the activities of Youth Unity as a pro-Kremlin organization.
              One of Odessa sports clubs is going to conduct free classes in boxing, kickboxing and wrestling for participants in anti-fascist rallies held by the Youth Unity organization.
              march of anti-fascists in Odessa
              Reports about it "Duma".
              As it became known, young anti-fascists will train in sections to fight with representatives of the ultra-radical party “Freedom”. In addition, athletes plan to take part in volunteer and patriotic events.
              Recall that the anti-fascist fighters have already participated in the protection of patriotic events - in particular, they pushed the radical neo-Nazis from the peaceful protest against Freedom on January 22 on the Day of Unity of Ukraine.

        2. MG42
          April 28 2013 21: 14
          Yes, this is an old video, now these faces of stormtroopers are not burdened with particularly intelligence already in parliament in Kiev sitting.
          Quote: Egoza
          In Kharkiv "for the May holidays" they demolished a memorial sign to the UPA soldiers

          There, a resolution is being prepared by European lobbyists for freedom, Natsiks are definitely not expected in Europe, >>> they also slaughtered the Poles, now this topic has been raised again, there is a version (mine) that a series of destruction of these monuments to Bader Shukhevych and UPA = is no longer just revenge for Lenin, as I thought earlier from the communists, is it rather an order to clear the rubble on the way of signing an association agreement with the EU? ? since no one officially expects freedom there and symbols of an ambiguous past?
        3. 0
          April 29 2013 04: 49
          Dear, you need to see them all in the cemetery, with a sign. And in the zoo this evil spirits still have to be fed.
    2. +1
      April 28 2013 22: 15
      This is what it was necessary for (Yanukovych) to bring the people of his country that he voted and introduced the National Fascist Party into the Supreme Council. Even P.indostan and Misty Pydrion were horrified!
    3. Kaa
      April 28 2013 22: 45
      Quote: Hudo
      In Lviv, Ukrainian fascists banned Soviet and Nazi symbols on Victory Day, and the current Gauleiter Yanukovych, as usual, chewed the contents of his nostrils, like he didn’t notice anything reprehensible
      Well, firstly, he is not a Gauleiter, this was more suitable for EBN, for the Boldian presidents, and secondly, in such a situation as now, let it be better to brawl in their "goblin reserve" than to disperse their marches along Khreshchatyk. In our city, on the day of Bandera's degeneration, about fifty of them marched, so there were 3 times more police around so that no one inadvertently caught them. Is it such a crap in the center of the capital? And in Banderstadt, Dermopol, Ivano-Z.a.s.r.a.s.k., I feel sorry for the veterans, but don’t touch the D.E.r.m. - it will not stink, how it will be - let's see, only the "dons" with all their shortcomings are not the people who have a short memory of offenses, some gop-positioners have already seen this.
      1. Hudo
        April 28 2013 23: 14
        Quote: Kaa
        In our city, on the day of Bandera’s degeneration, they marched from about fifty, so there were 3 times more police around so that no one inadvertently hooked them. Is it such a crap in the center of the capital?

        Do you, by chance, remind me how many voters in your city of Kiev voted for the Nazis from VO "Svolot"? And along the way, be so kind, remember how unceremoniously the Svolotov fascists behaved at polling stations in your city. So by the 2015 elections, with this approach, so no one hooks, Natsuki at the end unbelted. Political mnogohodovki with the fascists of the brilliant brilliance will end in the same way as all previous games with the brown - sadly. And do not console yourself with the illusions that they’ll carry it. It will not carry, as it did not in 1933.
        1. Kaa
          April 28 2013 23: 38
          Quote: Hudo
          Do you, by chance, remind me how many voters in your city of Kiev voted for the Nazis from VO "Svolot"?
          I am from the South-East, Kiev does not touch me much, we have Natsiks and outside the elections they receive a deadline, so if something happens - in 2015 it will be, as in the romance "There were meetings without love, separation will be without sorrow." in my post yesterday hooked) - put up your candidacy, familiarize with the program, maybe I'll become your apologist. As there Stalin said about the generals, “I have no Hindenburgs.” And Kiev, rather the people of Kiev, is no longer even a pity, even though relatives live there. They themselves will choose Lenya-Cosmos, the country is a laughing stock, now the heady air of "Freedom" can play a cruel joke with them. There are many Ukrainians, but in the minds of many it is a single state. Formally, yes, but in reality - we have one of the BYuT elected as mayor, on the second day he was reforged into the faithful "dons", otherwise they would "eat" and not choke - traditions, however. These are the political “mates in one move.” “White-blue” starts and wins ...
          1. Hudo
            April 30 2013 08: 21
            Quote: Kaa
            I’m from the South-East, Kiev is not enough for me, we have Natsik and they’ll receive a term outside the elections

            I myself am from the Donbass. Where does the Natsik get the deadline? Did I miss something? Please reference s.

            Quote: Kaa
            And about the zavgar (he hooked you in my post yesterday)

            I was hooked by Zavgar when in 2011 he twisted feints with his ears with the law on the Banner of Victory.

            Quote: Kaa
            put forward your candidacy, familiarize with the program, maybe I will become your apologist. As there Stalin said about the generals "I have no Hindenburgs

            Do not exaggerate. Not only the light that is in the window.

            Quote: Kaa
            These are the political “mates in one move.” “White-blue” starts and wins ...

            Judging by how turnout in their base regions falls from election to election, this statement is highly controversial. Their indulgence to the Banderastas is bearing fruit.
  10. UFO
    April 28 2013 09: 38
    And what will Russophobes say if OUR Victory Day, we want to celebrate with fireworks from "Iskander", "Topol" and "Yarsov"? !!! And before that, let's take a deep breath and say: "Rejoice with us!" wink
  11. pinecone
    April 28 2013 09: 43
    Quote: Takashi
    tell me why the Victory Day - we began to celebrate already in the 60's. And until this day, May 8-9 were a normal working day?

    Request for Stalin - as usual, do not push.

    There must be a reason! Maybe the reason is just at the beginning of the Second World War?

    In a war-ravaged country, holidays were generally few. People worked one weekend a week. By the mid-60s, after the national economy was fully restored and the USSR economy was growing steadily, the party and government leaders considered it possible to switch to a five-day working week and introduce two additional non-working days — May 9 and March 8.
  12. estray
    April 28 2013 10: 07
    Good afternoon.
    Non-living liberals have such an expression in use.
    The Munich Agreement is our mistake, and the pact
    Molotov-Ribbentrop criminal conspiracy.
    And based on this Jesuit logic in unleashing
    the wars are more to blame for the USSR, and they are all white and
    fluffy. More details are described in Rezun.
    1. +4
      April 28 2013 11: 58
      And the most detailed deliberate lie of the rezun is exposed in the book - Rodent. "How Viktor Suvorov composed history" ... as they say - we were hired to make a fairy tale come true.
    2. +2
      April 28 2013 19: 30
      Quote: Estray
      More details are described in Rezun.

      Twist this cutter into a tube and ....
      1. a jacket
        April 28 2013 19: 55
        Quote: cherkas.oe
        Twist this cutter into a tube and ....

        Judging by the amount of "work", the cork will turn out to be quite good. It remains only not to be mistaken in the choice of the object. But seriously, who pays for his re-editions? We seem to have a law on responsibility for distorting historical facts. At least we actively discussed it. Is it accepted? And those who do not flinch all this g ... on the shelves, what do they think? Or someone else's will?
        1. estray
          April 28 2013 22: 33
          actually, dear, I wanted to say that such as Rezun are the guides of theories that it was the USSR that wanted to unleash a warrior in Europe.
  13. +3
    April 28 2013 10: 08

    "History repeats itself twice: the first time in the form of a tragedy, the second - in the form of a farce" (Hegel)
    "History is not a teacher, but a warden. She does not teach anything, but only punishes for an unlearned lesson" (Klyuchevsky)
    1. SEM
      April 28 2013 14: 55
      Quote: Boris55

      "History repeats itself twice: the first time in the form of a tragedy, the second - in the form of a farce" (Hegel)
      "History is not a teacher, but a warden. She does not teach anything, but only punishes for an unlearned lesson" (Klyuchevsky)

      HERE and will once again have to punish these Clever Europeans who do not remember their history ......
  14. +4
    April 28 2013 10: 11
    Quote: Nick
    unfortunately, the western man in the street has almost lost interest in analyzing and studying real facts, his intellect has degraded and cannot perceive objective reality, perceiving only an empty shell provided by the so-called "independent" Western media.

    Ha! If only western. Thanks to the current education system, which wears away thinking and massive brainwashing, in Ukraine, for example, a whole generation has already grown up, with a huge percentage of people who believe in a new version of history. It is worth going to ukroforumy and reading what srach there goes on this topic. It turns out that Stalin fully armed Hitler and he learned all the commanders, and they wanted to conquer the world for a couple, but they quarreled. In short, rare nonsense.
    And there are more of these every year. I am almost sure that in 25-30 years at the current rate of fooling, most of the young citizens of Ukraine (if such a state will still be on the map) will believe that the UPA, together with the United States and the EU, fought against Hitler and Stalin.
    1. 0
      April 28 2013 10: 20
      Quote: Anphy
      Thanks to the current education system that wears away thinking

      This trouble is not only yours. This is to blame not so much for education as for the clip-like perception of the world formed by TV. The constant interruption of films, television shows by advertising wean people to focus on anything.
    2. 0
      April 28 2013 12: 12
      Quote: Anphy
      And there are more and more of them every year.

      Do not wait! And it all depends on the family, despite all kinds of fooling. See my post in a previous topic about Lat. America.
      The more they hang noodles on their ears at school - the more SHOULD TELL those who are still alive and gone through this war!
      1. +1
        April 28 2013 13: 40
        Quote: Egoza
        The more they hang noodles on their ears at school - the more SHOULD TELL those who are still alive and gone through this war!

        Unfortunately, soon there will be no one to tell firsthand, the front-line soldiers are leaving. There remain memoirs that are not published very well nowadays, commercially unprofitable, instead of memoirs, more and more often dubious "works" of modern authors of historical analysis are published. Not all of them, of course.
  15. +10
    April 28 2013 10: 15
    abandon demonstrations for the glory of the Soviet past
    And arrange festivities in honor of the victory of the United States in World War II. But you eared for the cheek. Ned.onoski, do not wait
    1. +2
      April 28 2013 20: 46
      Quote: Hedgehog
      abandon demonstrations for the glory of the Soviet past
      And arrange festivities in honor of the victory of the United States in World War II. But you eared for the cheek. Ned.onoski, do not wait

      The other day, a rather remarkable event took place. It became known that The editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets Pavel Gusev has been appointed to lead the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense.
      And so on the website of the radio station "Echo Matsy", beloved by the liberals, a blog of a certain Ayder Muzhdabaev appeared. Character introduced: Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets, Mr. Gusev. He gave birth to a variation on a theme that has long been loved by the liberal community. About the uselessness and even harmfulness of the military parade on Red Square in honor of Victory Day.
      The article is called no less "Victory Day ritual killings."

      Parade rehearsal he calls
      “The deliberate killing of innocent people", which "is no better than the Holocaust, albeit on a smaller scale. This murder is just as intentional and cold-blooded. "
      He further writes:
      “This is fascism. Arranging transport paralysis in a metropolis during rush hours is tantamount to shooting and burning in a gas chamber. ”

      And here we are stigmatizing the West in Russophobia when we have Judas Gusev appointed as Chairman of the Public Council at the Moscow Region. and he sang along, comparing preparations for the parade with fascism, the Holocaust and gas chambers. Well, remember this face too ...
      Enemy need to know in person

      Until this and other Svanidzepivovarov scum try to cast doubt on the relevance of the Victory then, it must be celebrated until doubts run out, or until these scum runs out ...
      You can destroy a country, you can destroy a people, you can destroy a single factory or the inner world of a single person, but completely change the minds of an entire people, this is a much more difficult task, which, as the example of Victory Day shows, is not always solved. Anyway, 20 years of attempts have not yielded the necessary results.
      Dogs bark, the caravan goes on, people remember. And let the Russophobia discreditors succumb to the Jewish silver coins.
      1. Hudo
        April 28 2013 21: 08
        And here we are stigmatizing the West in Russophobia when we have Judas Gusev appointed as Chairman of the Public Council at the Moscow Region. and he sang along, comparing preparations for the parade with fascism, the Holocaust and gas chambers. Well, remember this face too ...
        Enemy need to know in person

        I clicked on the link you indicated, Ascetic, I read the comments of the liberoids ... Article 58 is too early to cancel. This is how many useful things Russia can do if this liberalistic shelupon is brought into creative work ... Mountains can be collapsed.
      2. a jacket
        April 28 2013 22: 14
        Quote: Ascetic
        Enemy need to know in person

        Eyes then squint. Yes, and a kind of wary: "Oh, not just work out grants. That and look pi..lin will rake off."
        1. Hudo
          April 28 2013 22: 27
          Quote: jacket
          Quote: Ascetic
          Enemy need to know in person

          Eyes then squint. Yes, and a kind of wary: "Oh, not just work out grants. That and look pi..lin will rake off."

          You look closely, the nose of this individual straightening has not yet passed. Most likely receiving grants from his own people (through the person’s cabin) is still ahead of him. Usually, such mucus gets into a squeal like a woman-trader at the Berdichev bazaar.
  16. SEM
    April 28 2013 10: 16
    Described in the article is true !!! We all need to understand only one thing - soon they will want to conquer us again, since there is simply no other explanation for everything that happens. Enough time has already passed to forget everything that happened in the 20th century and the "gentlemen" who are interested in this are doing everything for this. like a bone in your throat.
    1. +2
      April 28 2013 22: 36
      Russia was, is and will be an enemy for the “Western” world, so that they do not hypocritically proclaim and no matter what curtsies towards Russia, languidly smile or “do not build eyes”. The whole historical experience of relations with them shows this. We, for our mentality, are aliens to them, incomprehensible and unpredictable - wild Asians in European clothes - this is terrible (and not the army). And those who are afraid of that and are at war. And no matter what Russia is — a monarchy, a Soviet of Deputies or a democracy. To paraphrase a classic - only that nation is worth something if it knows how to defend itself!
  17. +8
    April 28 2013 10: 18
    Representing Stalin as a war culprit as Hitler is the basis of Western propaganda. They will soon say that Hitler was forced to attack the USSR and he is a poor sheep. This is normal. The West needs to cover up its role in raising Hitler and pushing him to war with USSR. The best defense is attack. Only we need to attack, defend our homeland both in the information field and not only in this forum, but also in other, liberal forums
  18. +3
    April 28 2013 10: 29
    Peace to your home! It’s very funny, and at the same time it’s unpleasant that all of this society makes such absurd decisions about the fact that they shouldn’t touch them at all! It’s scary to think what the world would be like, and what would be with Europe (and all these pathetic little people who are now trying to rewrite history, pursuing their dirty goals!) if the RUSSIAN PEOPLE did not win the Second World War!? But in any case, no matter how hard they try, WE RUSSIANS know who and at what cost, he won the worst war, in the history of mankind! This is the most important thing !!! And our task is to keep it in our hearts, from generation to generation !!!!

    Regards to YOU!
    1. +3
      April 28 2013 10: 42
      Quote: Vitaliy-46

      1. +3
        April 28 2013 14: 10
        My Motherland RUSSIA !!! And I call myself RUSSIAN !!! There is no bad nation !!! There is a bad MAN !!!
        1. 0
          April 28 2013 14: 43
          "A nation is a historically established stable community of people, which arose on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life and a mental make-up manifested in a common culture ... Only the presence of all the characteristics taken together gives us a nation."
          "Russians" do not fall under this definition. In details:
          1. SEM
            April 28 2013 15: 02
            We inhabit that part of the land that Russia, RUSSIA has already been called for a long period of time, and no Zhidomasson (I have nothing personal and hostility against the Jewish nation) will have the right to say what I and your people living on this land should be called !!! Let your wives be taught cook .........
        2. +6
          April 28 2013 21: 19
          Quote: Vitaliy-46
          My Motherland RUSSIA !!! And I call myself RUSSIAN !!! There is no bad nation !!! There is a bad MAN !!!

          Why in federal Germany no one calls the citizens of the country Germans? Have you thought about this? Think ... the Russian is the first step to the universal man and citizen of the world.

          Aware of his responsibility to God and people, inspired by the desire as an equal member of the path towards the unification of Europe to serve the world of peace, the German people, based on their constitutive power, adopted this Basic Law.

          The Germans in the lands of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Maclenburg-Presumptions, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony, Reyland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein-based and free self-determination finally affirmed the unity and freedom of Germany. Therefore, this Basic Law is valid for everything German people.

          From the Constitution of Germany.

          We have The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.
          No Russian people and other indigenous peoples of Russia and an incomprehensible multinational people that is scatter(according to EBN and laws written by the hand of American advisers). We don’t have a word about the Russian people in the Constitution, and even more so its state-forming status is not defined ... And now every bastard takes advantage of this in any Russian conflict, it can be declared a kind of national warfare, but there is no Russian relation to it, because there in the Law, it does not exist, but it is proud of the realization of its own significance, it is like a national minority or small people whose status is defined and protected by the Law (read the Constitution). When will the RUSSIANS reach you?
          Or do not consider yourself Russian already?
        3. +5
          April 28 2013 23: 10
          And I am Russian and I am proud that I am RUSSIAN! And there is nothing wrong with the fact that the citizens of Russia are Tatars, Ukrainians, Georgians, Chechens and other nationalities. Since its inception, Russia has been a multinational state and this is its strength! I highly recommend watching the film "Battle for Russia". The battle of Russia (1943, USA) The film was released presumably in 1943, during the Second World War, filmed by the US Special Services Office and the Department of Communications ... http: // V = btfRA4Sj6r4 & feature = player_detailpage
          1. +2
            April 28 2013 23: 15
            Quote: Apologet.Ru
            I am Russian and proud that I am RUSSIAN! And there is nothing wrong with the fact that the Tatars, Ukrainians, Georgians, Chechens and other nationalities are Russian citizens. From its creation, Russia was a multinational state, and this is its strength!

            without words. good and +
  19. +6
    April 28 2013 10: 49
    There are such instances ...
    "Leave alone"
    Boris Berman, TV presenter
    Standing in a dead traffic jam on the occasion of the parade rehearsal, I tried to understand when my dislike of these rumbling false actions began.
    My father Isaac Borisovich Berman went to war in July 1941. He returned to 1946. For some reason I didn’t put any medals on, but for some special, very rare occasions I pinned award straps on my jacket. I didn’t talk about the war, but for some reason I didn’t particularly ask. However, my first yard fight (about six years old, probably) was connected with the war: someone of the same age in the yard shouted to me that “all Jews spent time in the war in Tashkent” ... As far as I remember, my father was sick all the time , coughed and coughed ... They said that pleurisy, that it all started at the front. And then it turned out that tuberculosis.
    We lived in a communal apartment - in the basement on the 3-th Meshchansky. And although it was believed that this was a basement (which I was very proud of: after all, it wasn’t a basement), there was enough dampness there. In general, when they began to actively build under Khrushchev in Moscow, my mother went to ask the front-line soldier family (there were four of us on 14 square meters) to be given an apartment. There were long hikes, kilometers of information, attempts to break through to the "bosses" ... And then one day such a boss (I still remember his last name) told his mother: “Now if your husband had an open form of tuberculosis, we could solve Your question". My father had a closed form of tuberculosis.
    Father died without waiting for a move from the basement. Guard Corporal Isaac Borisovich Berman moved to the Vostryakovsky cemetery. The Soviet homeland could not prevent this move.
    I have always disliked most Soviet war films. With their false optimism in the ironed tunics, with their stupid wisdom of the fathers-commanders in neat gray-haired wigs. I found the truth about the war in the books of Svetlana Aleksievich, Vasil Bykov, in the films of German, Chukhrai, Tregubovich ... The list can be continued, but it is not large.
    Leave 9 May alone. Let people be in silence, alone with those who are dear to them.
    I want a silence? Why not Borenka to leave the village? APK in silence to raise?
    He scored a lot of comments:
    1. 0
      April 28 2013 15: 21
      Quote: ImPerts
      I want a silence? Why not Borenka to leave the village? APK in silence to raise?

      I didn’t see my dad, Boriska.
      Berman and he in Africa Berman ..... a Jew is shorter.
    2. +1
      April 28 2013 18: 46
      Quote: ImPerts
      I want a silence? Why not Borenka to leave the village? APK in silence to raise?

      Thanks Egoza, I read this nonsense of this boruch, and remembered the words of his father, he said that in the war, illness stuck to cowards, or Jews. To cowards, because they could not fight not only with the Germans, but even with themselves, and a Jew, even if not a coward, still did not understand why he should fight for Russia.
    3. a jacket
      April 28 2013 20: 15
      Quote: ImPerts
      There are such instances ...

      What can I say -. And in it there is not an ounce of falseness. You watch his interview with some conventional Fellini and think: "How lucky he is to talk to the Berman himself."
  20. +8
    April 28 2013 10: 52
    Lyudmila Alekseeva, head of the Moscow Helsinki Group

    - I ... believe that the parades are fun for our federal authorities, which, apparently, in childhood did not play enough of the soldiers. In no normal state do holidays mark with a parade, at best, demonstrations of workers, people, and citizens. And we have a parade, you see ... It is necessary that the equipment go, so that the soldiers make a step. This is a mockery of those who participate in the parade, their m
    teach rehearsals, completely unnecessary, and torture citizens with traffic jams. A. Mudzhabaev "Moskovsky Komsomolets": "On Thursday, April 25, the capital of Russia got stuck in dead traffic jams. Or rather, not like that. It was put in traffic jams. Deliberately, planned, cynically. And these traffic jams are dead without quotes. In our media, what is happening is called a rehearsal for the Victory parade. And I would call it a deliberate murder of innocent people. Which is no better than the Holocaust, albeit on a smaller scale. This murder is the same deliberate and cold-blooded. The next execution dates are April 29, May 3 and 7. Get ready. And also on May 9 proper. To die on this day, probably, should be honorable. "
    From myself - these American citizens and citizens somehow forgot about the dream of their youth - to defeat the terrible USSR and now they are simply fighting already with Russia and the Russians ...
    1. +8
      April 28 2013 12: 01
      Madam Alekseeva is a stupid old grandmother without a homeland and crazy. And to quote her is the same as to quote crazy. Found authority!
    2. +1
      April 28 2013 15: 05
      Alekseeva, I consider you, your group and other human rights defenders to be enemies of Russia, because you have nothing to do with protecting any rights, but simply work out the money received from your overseas owners. But in this case, I am almost entirely with you I agree. Only you need to learn how to correctly express your thoughts-briefly, clearly and without emotions.
    3. +1
      April 28 2013 18: 37
      What? Traffic jams = holocaust? Yes, you have gone completely furious in your talerastiy and liberalism? Veterans were ready to put their whole lives for your future, but you can't travel to your "offices" for a couple of days, creatures?

      Such scum as these "critics" I want to first publicly flog on the place of execution, and then tied to the pillory, make all the rehearsals and watch the parade itself! So much so that the passing servicemen could freely express all their emotions in relation to such "left-wing defenders"! As the saying goes, to remember these curvas thanks to whom they live in the world! To see tears of happiness and joy in the eyes of veterans!

      Let these nits, these Bermans, Alekseevs, Posners, Svanidzas and other cattle choke on their hatred of everything Russian, bright, great!
  21. +3
    April 28 2013 10: 57
    We have no one to rely on in Europe, and in the world there are few states that support us, and therefore the right words about the army and navy, and the young generation who are cleansed by the brains, let them stay there, but let the whole family leave, otherwise parents here rob Russia and the population, and then the child will be here in opposition
  22. Maximus
    April 28 2013 11: 07
    The question is, was the occupation of the Baltic states in 1939 the Soviet Union?
    1. 0
      April 28 2013 12: 09
      And the Baltic states in various periods of history was part of Russia.
      Is this considered an occupation or is it liberation?
      1. Maximus
        April 28 2013 14: 19
        Well, if the liberation of the Baltic in the 39th, then from whom?
        It is clear that Stalin, as it were, they said now, "sent troops", playing ahead of the curve in the Baltic States, because Hitler would have walked there in the 39th or 40th. Poland and Hitler were divided even together they held a parade, but the Baltic states were not given an "hour's drive" to Leningrad, is it better for the Balts with us or with the Germans, too? One thing is clear, the Balts were not asked .......
        1. +3
          April 28 2013 15: 13
          Quote: Maximus
          Poland and Hitler were divided even together they held a parade, but the Baltic states were not given an "hour's drive" to Leningrad, is it better for the Balts with us or with the Germans, too? One thing is clear, the Balts were not asked .......

          Poland was not divided, but returned to the areas occupied by Poland in the 20s (the main goal of the Polish leadership, headed by Jozef Pilsudski, was to restore Poland within the historical borders of the Commonwealth in 1772, with the establishment of control over Belarus, Ukraine (including Donbass), Lithuania and geopolitical domination in Eastern Europe). There was no joint parade - the Germans left Brest, the Red Army entered, and they did not intersect.
          The Baltic states were asked:
          Latvia - July 21, 1940 - the Sejm proclaims Latvia as the Soviet Republic (Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic) and decided to ask the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to accept the Latvian SSR into the USSR.
          Lithuania - On July 21, the People’s Sejm proclaimed the formation of the Lithuanian SSR and decided to ask the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to accept the Lithuanian SSR into the USSR.
          Estonia - On July 21, the first session of the new Riigikogu decided to establish Soviet power in the country and establish the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic. On July 22, a declaration was adopted on the accession of Estonia to the USSR. The Riigikogu requested the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
          1. Maximus
            April 28 2013 15: 37
            They proclaimed themselves the Union Republics, only after the introduction of the Red Army, try not to proclaim ... And the Finnish War, the liberation of enslaved Finns from white Finnish bourgeois? Would you like to move the border from Leningrad deep into Finland? Or focus on the similarity as with the Baltic? And about Poland, in the 20s there was a Soviet-Polish war, the result of the war: Poland was independent, and until the 39th kept Western Ukrainian lands, and largely populated by Poles.
            1. -1
              April 28 2013 20: 00
              Quote: Maximus
              And about Poland, in the 20s there was a Soviet-Polish war, the result of the war: Poland was independent, and until the 39th kept Western Ukrainian lands, and largely populated by Poles.

              Have you heard anything about the "Curzon line"? Apparently not.
              “Kerzon Line” - the name of the line conditionally drawn through Grodno – Yalovka – Nemirov (to the northwest from Brest, near the village of Novoselki of the Kamenetsky district [to the west from Volchin) - Brest-Litovsk - Dorogusk (Dorohusk) - Ustilug, east of Hrubieszow (Hrubieszów), through Krylov (west (Z-S-Z) of Novovolynsk; from Nemiruv to Kryluv - along the Bug) and further to the south-west with a practically straight line (west of Rava-Russkaya and Nemirov, east of Peremyshl (Przemysl)) to the Carpathians (Middle Beskydy, Bieszczady, reserve. Bieszczadzni; including Oyster), which was recommended on December 8, 1919 by the Supreme Council of the Entente as the eastern border of Poland and set in a note by Lord Curzon.

              The line basically corresponds to the ethnographic principle: to the west of it there were lands with a predominance of the Polish population, to the east - territories with a predominance of non-Polish (Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian) population.
              1. +1
                April 28 2013 23: 06
                And who here we do not agree with the Curzon line? I wonder why?
  23. +1
    April 28 2013 11: 48
    Was the occupation of Ukraine and Belarus in the XNUMXth century a principality of Lithuania?
    And the occupation of Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine by Germany in 1914 ???
    And the occupation of Crimea and parts of Ukraine (Kherson, Nikolaev, Odessa, Sevastopol) by France in 1919 ?????
    Wasn’t it?
    1. Maximus
      April 28 2013 14: 13
      You even get to the Mongols, a simple question: Was the occupation of the Baltic States, the Soviet Union in the 39th, yes or no?
      1. +2
        April 28 2013 15: 15
        Quote: Maximus
        simple question - Was the occupation of the Baltic states the Soviet Union in the 39th, yes or no?

        No, there was not any occupation.
        Occupation (from the Latin occupatio - “capture, occupation”) in the general case - the occupation by the armed forces of the state (the occupying army and navy) of the territory not belonging to it, not accompanied by the acquisition of sovereignty over it, usually temporary. The occupation should be distinguished from annexation, the act of annexation by the state of all or part of a foreign territory unilaterally.
        1. Maximus
          April 28 2013 15: 45
          It turns out like in the movie, "the intelligence officer is ours, and if not ours, then the spy." So is the occupation if it is to us, but if we are the annexation? Lenin signed the independence of Finland, and Stalin interestingly wanted to annex or occupy Finland, or how then explained the cause of the war, to return the lost lands together with Vyborg?
          1. +1
            April 28 2013 19: 45
            Quote: Maximus
            and Stalin interestingly wanted to annex or occupy Finland,

            Neither one nor the other
            1. Maximus
              April 28 2013 22: 14
              Neither one nor the other.
              Just play war games fellow
  24. Bashkaus
    April 28 2013 11: 55
    You know, my grandfather defended Sevastopol, my grandmother survived the whole blockade.
    I don’t know about you, but in my opinion, the silence and connivance of such dirt in relation to the 27 mln of the dead Soviet people (our fathers and grandfathers, grandmothers and mothers, brothers and sisters, children and just friends) is a much more disgusting desecration of their graves than just dirty ones. words from our "friends and partners"
  25. +6
    April 28 2013 12: 00
    Happy holiday, Orthodox !!
    We still have a lot of sensible people, including young people. It is clear that reforms in school education caused great damage. It was not in vain that the GDP suggested systematizing all history textbooks. But it depends on each of us on our upbringing of our children and grandchildren. they know and remember our history, remember our grandfathers and great-grandfathers!
  26. Prishtina
    April 28 2013 12: 04
    The article liked the quotes imp. Alexandra 3. about the only true interest - the population of Russia. Having read the article to the end, I clearly imagined - Jihad in Europe (15-20 years later), groans and appeals to Russia to help ... But I would very much like to have "Alexander 3" of the 21st century at the head of Russia ... condescendingly contemplating on the agony of Western European civilization.
  27. +18
    April 28 2013 12: 05
    Neofascists, wait!
  28. +4
    April 28 2013 12: 12
    "Alexander III often liked to say to his ministers:" In the whole world we have only two loyal allies - our army and navy. All the rest, at the first opportunity, will take up arms against us. "

    By the way, he was a drunken drunkard. But even with such baggage he managed to make an absolutely correct (as history has shown) conclusion.
    The West can be understood - they want to rob for free, but we Russians, why bother with their maxims about our aggressiveness? If these gentlemen do not know history (not only Russia, but also their countries) - this is their problem and grief. You can only sympathize with them and not notice, ignore their statements. As China acts, it does what it sees fit.
  29. +6
    April 28 2013 12: 19
    "the world has been divided in order to remake it - it takes a war ..." © VIL
    The preparatory period and the separation of forces is before our eyes ...
    And it is not necessary that a new division of the world will take place under the roar and canada of the god of war, but there are means and quieter ...
    The drums of the future war are already rehearsing and slogans are being prepared and the scapegoats are planned ...

    Under the slogans of the liberalization of Faith, family and marriage - we are slipping the newest "values ​​of mankind", which, under the sweetest and "good intentions" of the Vakkurat, lead one knows where ...
    The legions of the "fifth column" have already been trained and tested ...

    What should we, simple connoisseurs of the traditional values ​​of the Russian world, for whom Memory, Truth, Justice, our Faith and Love for the Fatherland, Family and Descendants, make up the unshakable foundations of our world order?
    For those living, only two scraps of our History remained in our memory, which we had the chance to see or hear from the direct participants - this is the Great Victory and the Great Flight of Jura ... Although the history of the Russian people is not limited to these events ...

    It is quite understandable that our enemies by all available and inaccessible ways and by force are trying to procrastinate and smear our History with dirt. Sometimes they quite succeed - representatives of the "Pepsi generation" and yes, and yes ...

    But new generations are growing, which by some miracle manage to recognize and neutralize the stench and the suffocating fog of deception in the soul. Look, among their values ​​again - the USSR, Stalin, Victory, Gagarin ...

    Songs of Igor Rasteryaev - the voice and Soul of our people, even without TV and Radio - are as popular among the people as the once military songs of Volodya Vysotsky!

    So not everything is lost, then we have the strength and people to stand up for our world!
    1. UFO
      April 28 2013 12: 55
      Thanks for the "Russian Road", I myself sometimes listen. good
    2. SEM
      April 28 2013 15: 08
      The time will come and we will stand up for our land, for our Motherland, for Russia! Well, this can be seen in the Russian mission in this world to put different "freaks" in place ...
    3. +1
      April 28 2013 19: 03
      Quote: Rus2012
      Songs of Igor Rasteryaev - the voice and Soul of our people, even without TV and Radio - are as popular among the people as the once military songs of Volodya Vysotsky!

      The song is certainly good, but the clip was edited by some kind of udak, Mikhalkov could be dressed in a German helmet only by an evil train, in revenge for his talent and love for the Motherland.
  30. +2
    April 28 2013 13: 18
    Recently I read another book by Viti Suvorov "The Snake Eater", but now it's not about that. This "fighter against totalitarianism" has lines that if his beautiful Motherland does not stop trying to teach life to other peoples by armed means in the 21st century, then he himself will take up a machine gun and go to the front line. Here is the 21st century, thank God, the Motherland does not threaten anyone, the neighbors literally rush into it in droves, but a completely different country forces them to change their lives by force (but not alone !!!), and Victor, to fight for justice, is an automatic in no hurry to take hands !!! (he is most likely a deceiver)
  31. +2
    April 28 2013 13: 21
    The thief shouts loudest of all: "Stop the thief!" With the beginning of the declassification of pre-war and military materials (by the way, despite the fact that more than 70 years have passed, a lot of information remains classified as "Secret" from the main champions of "democracy and freedom of speech" - the United States and England), it became documented: how the oligarchs of the United States and Britain led to Hitler's power, how they incited against the USSR, how they contributed to the start of World War II, how they supplied Hitler during the war, how they wanted to continue the war together with the Wehrmacht troops against the USSR after Germany signed the act of surrender, how they helped and help Nazi criminals to hide from retaliation and this is how you can continue ... Now, in order to hide the truth, history has begun to be rewritten not only in the countries that fought or sent their citizens to the German troops, but also in the countries that fought against Germany.
  32. +5
    April 28 2013 13: 58
    The USSR lost the Cold War, and the loser is wrong everywhere, and as long as there is a hidden occupational administration in Russia, do not wait for the truth, the truth will appear only when the Russian people get tired of this clownery and some well-known people are not hung on lanterns, they understandably do not want this and will I am sure that the truth will soon be revealed because the current Western model is so rotten that it is already beginning to eat itself. I will honestly say that I admire the United States during the Cold War and those people who ruled this country, but when I see their current leaders, I understand why the United States was in such a hurry to destroy the USSR, there is a complete disintegration of the state apparatus and the ruling elite, the crown of which was the election of an unknown Negro to the highest post in order to please the emigrant cattle. There is nothing left in America that would unite these people besides the usual fear for their fat ass, which evil Russians / terrorists / Chinese will come and take everything away. Well, since our so-called. "elite", at least they call themselves that, exactly copied from the American, then they are also afraid, but not overseas Russians, namely their own people and try to separate it, and since Victory Day is the most popular holiday, unlike the full-time independence day (from whom?) or what holidays did they invent there? That is precisely on this great holiday that they will try to pour out as much slop as possible and equate the USSR with the Third Reich. In general, most likely soon we will see how slowly and in convulsions "the empire will rot good ", and all their henchmen, like the current government of Russia, will rush like mice in a cage from corner to corner trying to save their skins. Justice will finally prevail. am
    1. +1
      April 28 2013 14: 48
      Tell me the truth about Ukraine, and you, like me, are being thrown black balls. The site has hidden censorship, apparently, these are former colonels from special departments. Initially, they have a high and unkillable rating, and they do what they did in the army shut up their mouths objectionable. Nobody hides the purpose of the site, it is a work to increase patriotic moods in society. Only words and deeds are not the same thing.
      1. 0
        April 28 2013 19: 27
        And aren’t you hiding the black balls with these big spoons, with your big spoon, what would you earn for every minus in the green?
        1. 0
          April 28 2013 21: 29
          I served in the SA as an ordinary fighter, 1971-1973 VCh21803,10 ORAP, aerial reconnaissance, decoder. And what were you doing at that time?
    2. +1
      April 28 2013 16: 39
      Sorry, maybe at the time of writing this comment you were in a bad mood. I just would like to remind you that you can win a battle against the Russian Army, even several battles, using all the newest technologies and tactics together with a strategy, but you can't defeat it, like our people ... Evil times and conquerors came to us their mother ... Well, it’s not the first time for the enemies to repay according to their deeds - it’s just our generation and the next generation that has come to stand up for Russia and for our own, in general, we will live !!!
  33. +2
    April 28 2013 14: 00
    Yes, this Europe has gone, one half fought along with Hitler, the second stamped weapons and food, and blather something else. It is important for us and our children to remember and not allow anyone to belittle the role of the USSR in the Second World War.
  34. 0
    April 28 2013 14: 08
    Quote: Aleksys2
    “I was a useless soldier. In the infantry, I would either be shot right away for example, or I would die of weakness myself ... I was probably despised, but put up with in the regiment. ”

    Quote: Aleksys2
    “Brothers in arms either silently disapprovingly sniffed and turned away from me, or expressed their feelings with a strong obscenity:“ Here is a stupid girl imposed on our neck! ”

    Quote: Aleksys2
    Very often, Nikulin uses Solzhenitsyn's favorite trick, starting another story with the words: “They told me ...”. That is, he wrote another crap, and blamed the responsibility for truthfulness on others.

    All these three things in Nikulin’s memoirs do not fit together. Everyone turns away, but then they all tell.
    1. 0
      April 28 2013 15: 19
      Quote: ImPerts
      Everyone turns away, but then they all tell.

      Not the fact that they tell him. Two fighters speak among themselves, the third listens, and then says that they told him.
      1. +1
        April 28 2013 19: 47
        Quote: Aleksys2
        Two fighters speak among themselves, the third listens, and then says that they told him.

        Are you reassuring yourself? These are usually driven away far away, so it remains to invent and fantasize.
        1. +1
          April 28 2013 20: 06
          Quote: ImPerts
          Are you reassuring yourself?

          Why am I reassuring myself? It was just an example. I already wrote that it’s pointless to look for the truth about the war in Nikulin’s memoirs.
  35. +4
    April 28 2013 14: 17
    No need to prove anything to anyone or anything. WE WIN THE POINT !!! Who is not clear, we can win more !!! soldier
  36. +1
    April 28 2013 14: 18
    These memoirs are much more interesting and informative:
    “I outlined the meaning and significance of the struggle for power that went on between Stalin and the opposition currents, and told what ideological ballast Stalin threw overboard when it became clear to him that on the basis of the communist doctrine alone, a healthy state organism capable of resisting all Keeping in mind Stalin's efforts to replace revolutionary enthusiasm with new Soviet patriotism, I mentioned the revival of the glorification of national heroes, old Russian traditions, recent measures to encourage family life, the reintroduction of strict discipline in the army, in industrial enterprises and in schools, and also on combating experiments in theater, music and the visual arts. "
    Hilger G. I attended this / 1989 Diplomatic Yearbook. - M.: International Relations, 1990. - 512 sec. - Circulation 14000 copies. ISBN 5-7133-0246-6 ≡ Hilger G. Wir und der Kreml. Deutsch-sowjetische Beziehungen 1918 – 1941. Erinnerungen eines deutschen Diplomaten. - Frankfurt aM: A. Metzner, 1955.
  37. Vtel
    April 28 2013 15: 57
    In particular, on July 3, 2009, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Vilnius, in spite of protests from Russia, adopted a resolution called “Reunification of a Divided Europe”, in which Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were given equal responsibility for the outbreak of World War II. The resolution requires, in particular, Russia as an OSCE participant to abandon demonstrations in honor of the Soviet past.

    If it were not for our "venal" (their main thing is money, because their homeland is not here!) By hand, then it is high time for these Balts to turn off the gas and other joys for such raids, and then, as a need, then come on Russia, but how did you get it, then they started with a patch.
  38. AndreyAB
    April 28 2013 16: 40
    Oh, they are damn children, the Western "democratic society" fostered the last war, pushed Hitler to attack the USSR, and when our fathers and grandfathers cleaned their sopatku, they offer us to admit all the abomination under the carpet, that's the bastards, of course, modern Western democrats understand, like their predecessors, only in the face and in no other way, all this fraternity understands any manifestation of friendship as weakness and such statements and decision-making for Russia should be a signal to be strong, and it is in military terms that the "enlightened west" again leaves us no choice, again, English ears are peeking through, the bastards will not calm down.
  39. +1
    April 28 2013 16: 51
    If we continue the logic of the thoughts of the Council of Europe, then the "great democracies of the world" (the USA and the World Bank) should be accused of complicity with the Stalinist regime and also assign some of the responsibility for unleashing WW2.
    IMHO. England and France are the main initiators of the "World War-2" project
  40. Rrv
    April 28 2013 17: 19
  41. +1
    April 28 2013 18: 23
    Victory Day, as he was far from us
    As in the fire the extinct thawed ember
    There were mounds, burnt, in dust
    This day we brought closer as we could ...
    Who refutes these words, take a chance at the arctic fox and you will recognize the power of the Russian people !!! angry
  42. sled 1912
    April 28 2013 18: 46
    It would certainly have won without Ukraine because we are a victorious people - so Ukraine can be said to be in the war sideways.
    1. +4
      April 28 2013 19: 20
      Quote: Sledge1912
      It would certainly have won without Ukraine because we are a victorious people - so Ukraine can be said to be in the war sideways.

      It’s you sled, from the side of the bake, and Ukraine has made a very big contribution to the victory and only people like you, provocateurs, from behind the hill, can bark in such impotent rage that they would try to quarrel Russia and Ukraine and our united Slavic people.
    2. +2
      April 28 2013 21: 39
      [quote = sledge1912] It would certainly have won without Ukraine
      So can say either a schizophrenic sufferer of insanity, or a provocateur.

      [quote = Sanek1912] so that Ukraine can be said to be in the war on the side. [/ quote]
      After these "conclusions" of yours, you want to swear hard, drink a glass of vodka and block that gyrus which you consider to be your brain with one blow to the forehead. Otherwise, it doesn't come to such ...
    3. MG42
      April 28 2013 21: 55
      Quote: Sledge1912
      so that Ukraine can be said to be in the war sideways.

      Victory parade. The first Ukrainian Front. June 24, 1945
      there were 4 Ukrainian fronts, not to mention the fact that the Great Patriotic War passed throughout Ukraine and at the cost of many casualties and destruction, Ukraine contributed to the Victory, and many factories were evacuated from Ukraine to the east together with specialists and worked in the rear.
    4. chex2418
      April 29 2013 14: 11
      Sanya1912, with what kind of business with such views do you consider yourself a winner among the people?! ... Correctly diagnosed you morpex !!! ... and prescribed the right treatment ... :))) Maybe it will help !!! .. maybe so everything is hopeless, as it seems at first glance ... hi
      The people are the ONE WINNER !!!! ... This is a SOVIET soldier who walked from Stalingrad to Berlin and all those who were behind in the rear without sleep and rest in inhuman conditions, in hunger and cold, from small to great brought Victory closer! !! And Soviet - this means not only Russian !!!! It's not a matter of nationality !!! In general, it’s true capital ... It is a pity that your brain is not affected ... hi bully
  43. +2
    April 28 2013 19: 31
    We only need to believe in ourselves in our country in our people, the army and navy
  44. +4
    April 28 2013 19: 36
    We have always celebrated, we are celebrating and will celebrate! And if it is necessary, we will obtain Victory for the Motherland. And let all the scum of the fascist-liberal-geyrope-Amero-Jew’s come as much as you like.
  45. +4
    April 28 2013 20: 22
    in which she placed equal responsibility for the outbreak of World War II on Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

    WTF? The war began in 39 g, and we pulled ourselves in only 41 g, how are we guilty at the beginning of the Second World ???
    After reading the article, it seems that all the proposals of the Union were ignored, no one wanted to take control of the situation, and the Baltic countries were just waiting for the Germans to come.
    1. +3
      April 28 2013 21: 17
      To remember: long before the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact there was a similar Germany-Poland pact! Within the framework of this pact, Poland seized Czechoslovakia like a jackal and tore a tiny piece from it ... More simply, the Berlin hosts did not allow it! When the Wehrmacht had already smelled of fried and the western border of Poland was overturned, the Poliks rushed to the last, but still did not allow the Red Army to go west ... The representatives of France and Britain, as it later turned out to have no authority, left Moscow, just stretching their time, 9 hours before the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact! But everything could be different !!! And the Balts ... they just forgot what 400 years is under the boot of a German baron or crusader! Also, as now they don’t want to remember!
  46. zuzu. 1968
    April 28 2013 20: 30
    We have always celebrated, are celebrating and will celebrate! This is our Victory Day!
    It’s a pity that the Europeans forget that their freedom was liberated by a simple Russian soldier Ivan!
    We remember our fathers and grandfathers!
  47. +2
    April 28 2013 20: 47
    And my granddaughter asked me the other day (heard our conversation with friends) "Grandfather, I also want to go on a tank tour around Europe, will you take? My grandson is 3,5 years old. But seriously, the article is correct, with the right message.
  48. +7
    April 28 2013 21: 01
    The war probably did not pass by more than one Soviet family! In our family, everyone fought both on the part of the mother and in the father’s family. My brother and I grew up on war stories. May 9 is a holy day in the whole post-Soviet space! Honestly, I don’t want to talk about Europe especially, and my grandfather and grandmother who liberated Poland, judging by their stories, did not harbor any illusions about the brotherhood of nations! I want to say something else - there is no and cannot be any respect and generally normal attitude on our part to those countries where they are trying to rewrite history! Such an attitude should be at the state level and from ordinary people! I will not go to Lviv because I am disgusted! I won’t go to Latvia and I won’t spend my money there, and without sprats, it’s not warm to me! Polish squeals and squeaks about the West 2013 exercises are absolutely parallel to me, because I know what will be needed - there will be 2014,2015 ...
    My wife is a Latvian citizen, the circumstances were such that we needed to marry in this ..., in general, there! I will not talk here about all the bullying at the Latvian consulate in Moscow; in general, I have not received a visa as much as 2 times. Lastly, slamming the door told their employee that they would put the visa next time on the tank!
    So, what I want to say is that we will all celebrate Victory Day, Our Victory! We congratulate our veterans, commemorate the fallen, watch good Soviet films, take a walk with the children and tell them about that war as our grandfathers told us!
    And let all of them with their Soviet covens sit very quietly and do not even hiss in our direction! We don’t need their Latvia and Poland! And OUR TANKS DO NOT NEED VISAS!
    1. +2
      April 29 2013 02: 18
      Anecdote: "A German says to a Russian - I go to work in a Volkswagen, and on vacation in a Mercedes. And you, Vanya, on what? -I'm on a Zaporozhets ... Well, and on vacation? To Europe, for example? Ah! So for that we have tanks! "
  49. +3
    April 28 2013 21: 30
    Yes, the West hates us, under any regime it tries to destroy us, but by the way, such a way of life as we have now, such a form of government and state structure for the West is more preferable than a centralized monarchical Russia. And this is not idle chatter, at the moment I am reading W. Churchell's memoirs "The World Crisis" in which he straightforwardly declares that it is good for the world if Russia is organized on a federal basis with the autonomy of some regions, so it is less dangerous. And in general, the self-determination of peoples was invented during the First World War, because it is easier to manipulate small powers, "Big powers behave like bandits, and small powers like prostitutes" :)
    1. +1
      April 28 2013 22: 38
      “The world seems so unfair when no one is at war with Russia!” British Prime Minister Palmerston
  50. +2
    April 28 2013 22: 02
    And the conclusion is a simple war in any form is a feeding trough. And Russia will be the eternal enemy of everyone and everything. It's just that someone needs a war for the sake of enrichment. And politics has nothing to do with it.
  51. shitovmg
    April 28 2013 22: 44
    To hint that we will exchange “clean” bombs for “dirty” ones - let them scratch their turnips!
  52. +1
    April 28 2013 23: 12
    I strongly recommend that EVERYONE watch the film "Battle for Russia". The battle of Russia (1943, USA) The film was released presumably in 1943, during the Second World War, filmed by the US Office of Special Services and the Ministry of Communications... - =player_detailpage
  53. 0
    April 29 2013 00: 51
    And the Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis, on the day his country joined the alliance, announced that it could now speak with Russia in the language of strength. This Lithuanian PIG is not friendly at all, even the Americans don’t allow themselves such impudence. What are they smoking there?
  54. +2
    April 29 2013 00: 55
    And the Lithuanian politician Vytautas Landsbergis, on the day his country joined the alliance, announced that it could now speak with Russia in the language of strength.
    This Lithuanian PIG is not friendly at all, even the amers do not allow themselves such impudence. What are they smoking there?
    1. chex2418
      April 29 2013 14: 25
      really... the smaller the POG, the more disgustingly it barks, sitting in the owner's bosom...:))))
  55. shpuntik
    April 29 2013 01: 15
    It is necessary to pass a law: “There is criminal liability for denying the role of the Russian people in ridding Europe of fascism.” Similar to the punishment for publicly denying the "Holocaust". Recognize the genocide of the Russian people—identify and celebrate the mournful date of the “Slavic Genocide.” Make a museum of the Slavic Genocide. Why Slavic? Because there is documentary evidence: Hitler's public statements. Why the role of the Russian people? Because Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, with all its external debt. And secondly: there are Stalin’s public words about the role of the Russian people in the Second World War.
  56. +2
    April 29 2013 01: 36
    It would be worthwhile for knowledgeable people to translate the article into English and show it on specialized forums.
  57. 0
    April 29 2013 06: 34
    European fagot fascists!
    I hate you, fig sadomites, dermocrats
  58. +1
    April 29 2013 06: 53
    The fat toad Novodvorskaya once said, “I don’t celebrate May 9 and I don’t advise you to.” How this is possible in Russia and in general in the former USSR is beyond my comprehension!
  59. +1
    April 29 2013 07: 47
    Quote from I. Malevich:
    (Western countries) “apparently, they still regret that their countries did not help Hitler defeat the USSR. In particular, this position was expressed in 2005 in the Polish newspaper Rzeczpospolita by Professor Pavel Wieczorkovich, who was a historian popular among some Poles: “We "We could find a place on the side of the Reich almost the same as Italy, and certainly better than Hungary or Romania. As a result, we would be in Moscow, where Adolf Hitler, together with Rydz-Smigly, would host the parade of the victorious Polish-German troops."
    This is the reason for their disagreement with the results of our Great Victory and the end of the Second World War - the victorious result of the policy of the USSR, Russian weapons and the valor of the Russian soldier. When Stalin’s policies forced them to follow the interests of the USSR. And now they whine in the helpless rage of a missed chance to rule
  60. +2
    April 29 2013 09: 15
    The only thing I am sincerely glad for is the fact that we no longer have such allies!
    I am glad that there is no Warsaw Pact - there are no illusions! You look at the world more realistically, which certainly helps to truly strengthen the country’s defense capability!
    Everyone knows the strength and fighting spirit of the Baltic armies! The whole world knows that the Bulgarians will not betray! The honesty of Poles is legendary! I'm glad for the USA and NATO in general. Sleep well - these soldiers are protecting your peace!
  61. Phoenix-D
    April 29 2013 09: 57
    Victory Day can only be mourning for the losing side.
  62. +1
    April 29 2013 10: 42
    Quote: Oper
    I'm glad for the USA and NATO in general. Sleep well - these soldiers are protecting your peace!

    As they say, God, protect me from my friends, and somehow I’ll deal with my enemies myself! ))))
  63. BAT
    April 29 2013 13: 05
    Let Our Common Great Victory become not only a thorn in their eye, but also a stake in one place.
    And personally, I don’t give a damn about all the liberals, Russophobes, Gay Europeans, etc.
    The Great Victory was, is and will always be!!! Whether they like it or not. And let them rewrite history as they please, this is our Victory!!! You can't remove the words from the song.
    Glory to the Soviet People - the Victorious People!!!
    And if necessary, we will win again...
  64. +1
    April 29 2013 14: 46
    Live only by our national interests and not allow us to be manipulated through corrupt officials, leading to collapse and degradation.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"