The country needs a "factory of thought"

Effective analytical support of defense and control today is vital for the security of Russia

A round table was held at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on the topic “Economics, defense and security: analytical support for management and control”. It has become an important contribution to the development of the idea of ​​consolidating analytical organizations. The event, which continues the theme of analytics development in Russia (“MIC”, No. 4, 2013), was attended by representatives of the Presidential Administration, the Federation Council, the Accounts Chamber, the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Defense, and other departments.

The consequences of voluntarism

Modern processes in the sphere of defense and security of the state, especially in the conditions of modernization of the Armed Forces, need to search for optimal solutions to complex issues that require intellectual accumulation. Without a deep analytical study of the problems here is not enough. Unfortunately, the Russian specificity is aggravated by the lack of a single information space, the heterogeneity of the development of the country's regions, and the lack of readiness of local managers for operational actions. Therefore, to the fore for the highest bodies of state and military control are the tasks of improving the quality of management.

The country needs a "factory of thought"

The decision-making process at the state level differs from the management of, say, a business primarily by the scale of the possible consequences. In order to choose the most correct option, the task assessment must be comprehensive, otherwise it will not provide a complete picture of the problem. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is the creation of a single information space that could combine not only interdepartmental analytical resources, but also regional ones.

Taking into account the formation of the new command and control system of the Armed Forces, the modernization of weapons and military equipment and unprecedented defense spending, it is advisable to pay close attention to the following tasks.

Define the concept of financial control of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, its place in the system of government. Formulate the principles of financial control in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, establish its functions, and empower them to effectively solve the challenges. On the basis of scientific analysis and expert assessments, prepare proposals for the improvement of federal legislation regulating the activities in the field of financial support and control in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the bodies exercising supra-departmental and interdepartmental financial control.

In domestic legislation, to provide such a form as attributing to the aggravating circumstances actions of employees of the Ministry of Defense aimed at undermining the country's defense capability, which fully can lead to tougher penalties when committing unlawful acts and, as a result, reducing crimes in the field of defense and security.

In addition, in the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation it is advisable to provide for the implementation of comprehensive expert and analytical work aimed at identifying the facts and causes of corruption risk, analysis of positions on corruption, the formation of anti-corruption mechanisms.

Evgeny Mokhov,
Head of the Department of Analytical Department of the Council of Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor

Where does the money go?

Today, defense spending is growing, but the effectiveness of these expenses leaves much to be desired. The reason for their low efficiency lies in the lack of expert and analytical support for both planning and the use of resources allocated by the state.

One of the main goals of the development of the Armed Forces is to give them a look that would correspond to the economic possibilities of the state and at the same time be sufficient for guaranteed armed protection. To a greater extent, the solution of this problem depends on the military-political situation and the economic power of the country.

The basis of the formation of plans for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their resource support should be based on a comprehensive military-economic analysis, which is based on both economic laws and the laws of warfare, together linking the goals, objectives and resources. This will allow the country's leadership to choose the preferred options for solving the problems of the development of the Armed Forces according to the “cost-effectiveness-feasibility” criterion.

The basis of this analysis, in our opinion, should be based on principles, the essence of which is as follows.

1. A comprehensive account of the laws of warfare and the development of the Armed Forces.

2. The unconditional translation of strategic and operational tasks into the language of quantitative and qualitative indicators, carrying out detailed military-economic calculations of the needs of troops (forces) in material and financial resources.

3. Concentration of material and financial resources in priority areas.

4. Minimal risk during structural reorganization.

5. Maximum use of resources and the modernization potential of existing weapons and military equipment, focusing on maintaining them in combat readiness.

6. Formation of plans for the construction and development of the Armed Forces on the principles of program targeted planning.

7. Analysis and evaluation of the development processes of the Armed Forces on a single methodological basis, based on the results of coordinated scientific research, methods and techniques of military-economic analysis, economic and mathematical models, information and analytical support tools.

Victor Partyin,
Head of the Accounting Chamber Inspectorate, Candidate of Economic Sciences

The role of situational centers

For more than ten years, the problems of situational centers have been discussed on the basis of the Russian Academy of State Service, and now the national economy. Our approaches were widely scientifically tested, and ultimately they were heard at a meeting of the Information Security Commission of the Security Council. After that a list of orders of the head of state appeared.

Since 1996, since the creation of the president’s situational center, the Security Council situational center, the 50 order has been built at such centers of various levels. The task of integrating their ability to provide analytical public administration is obvious. Moreover, we still have to create 100 order of situational centers at various levels of government, at enterprises of strategic importance, including Rosatom and Roskosmos.

The decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which introduced the National Security Strategy, for the first time included the term “system of distributed situational centers operating under a single regulation”. This is a decree on the basics of strategic planning, where, through a system of distributed situational centers, it is intended to collect information on the state of socio-economic development and national security, to make appropriate decisions.

The architecture that we propose to implement includes three main levels. Federal level: situational centers of the president, government, presidential administration, ministries and departments. The level of federal districts and the level of subjects of the Federation. The integration base is the information and telecommunication capabilities of the FSO network, which today really exists and is currently being seriously modernized.

The main purpose of creating a system of distributed situational centers is to increase the efficiency of government in peacetime and in wartime, as well as in the event of crisis and emergency situations. It should not duplicate the existing systems, but combine the best designs for obtaining a political, social, economic effect.

It is clear that each federal executive body has its own specifics. We cannot compare the situational center of the Ministry of Defense and the situational center of the subsidized subject of the Russian Federation. They have different possibilities, but the only thing is that each must have visualization, integration, telecommunications equipment, etc.

In order to overcome the problem of technical incompatibility, the Federal Protective Service of Russia prepared methodological recommendations and sent them to all federal executive bodies, and made critical remarks.

As for personal information systems that provide the activity of a manager of one level or another online, now information systems of project management have become in high demand. An example is the sochi2014 portal, where all information is concentrated - from the process of preparing athletes to building facilities. This information system reflects all the pain points of the construction of infrastructure facilities in Sochi. To the extent that during the meetings of the Olympic Committee there even protocol decisions are prepared using this system.

It seems that this year we will be able to combine situational centers that already exist. At the second stage, those that are necessary for the full functioning of the system will be completed. And by the year 2015, as stated in the guidance documents, we will launch the entire system.

Alexander Baranov,
Head of the Federal Security Service of Russia, Candidate of Political Sciences

Border security

Border security is one of the areas of national security. Russia has a unique geographical location - more than 61 thousands of kilometers of sea and land borders. Many of its plots are still not equipped after the collapse of the USSR. Today, a multi-level geographically distributed information and analytical system has been created, which operates in three modes.

But we are not here to evaluate technologies within specific departments, but to come up with questions of a general problem nature that impede the development of systems at the organizational and system-technical level. Among them are organizational difficulties in ensuring interdepartmental cooperation. There is a tremendous need to use the information resources of other departments at the regional level. Suppose there is a situational center in Chelyabinsk. It is necessary to receive information from the Federal Migration Service, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Security Service and so on. For some reason, these problems are addressed to the chief designer. But he can answer them only after the decision of organizational interdepartmental issues and the receipt of relevant regulations. This is problem.

The imperfection of the regulatory framework that determines the procedure for placing state defense orders is also an extremely acute problem. The existing base provides loopholes for the penetration of incompetent organizations that have neither experience, nor specialists, nor the corresponding potential.

There is no integrated approach to the organization, work. Enough and organizational confusion. Previously, traditionally, each military institution was subordinate to the appropriate military command and control body. The institute of communications — to the commander of communications, the Rocket institute — to the commander-in-chief of the rocket forces, etc. But in recent years this system has been destroyed. As a result, the Gostov concept was lost - the research institute of the customer. The customer in submission now had no institute.

The Ministry of Defense, as a customer, says that it does not want to develop equipment, it has eliminated all its institutions. But this is nonsense. Although the law on the state defense order is written: IWT can be ordered only by federal authorities, which have armed forces. Almost no corresponding specialists left. Therefore, it is necessary to re-create the infrastructure of the development of weapons and military equipment - the one dictated by the logic of events and challenges. Need a general designer with the appropriate rights. But the rights cannot be given to him within the framework of the current Civil Code, since the scientific, technical, military and scientific support, the procedure for developing weapons and military equipment samples, I repeat, have been violated.

Now we must help the new Minister of Defense and his deputies to formulate these questions, including from our public position. Without this, we can’t seriously talk about the development of weapons, the economics of industrial enterprises.

Alexander Zatsarinny,
Deputy Director of the Institute for Informatics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

How to avoid a catastrophe

I see everything completely different. It said that we have 50 centers and things are not so bad. But let's look around. Consider the same defense order.

"Mistrali" - a huge failure of Russia. Despite the resistance of the Academy of Military Sciences, this decision was pushed through. As John Kennedy said, "I have thousands of specialists who know how to build a pyramid, but there is not one who knows whether to build it or not." In my opinion, situational, and more generally, cognitive centers should support, first of all, the specialists who determine the strategy. But this is not in sight.

We had a situational center on the Russian island. They spent more money for the APEC (with full control of the FSO) than at the previous 23 summit. But embezzlement and marriage in the works could not be avoided. One of two things: either the centers are no good (for this there is no reason), or there is no connection between the centers and decision making. In my opinion, the second reason is especially acute.

What is being said about the situation centers comes down to the following. A big screen is bought, expensive equipment is purchased and a good table is put. And that's all. At the same time, a revolution occurred in the world in this sphere. It became clear that in making well-considered decisions neither the big screen nor the perfect equipment would fundamentally solve anything.

We do not have a national model for the development of Russia. It is not at the level of regions, branches of the economy. In a sense, what we are doing is late years on 20. It is necessary to proceed to the next stage: the creation of cognitive centers, which allow you to work with mathematical models and large information flows, to receive distributed expertise and predict crises. If a similar center had been created, for example, at one time in Japan, then it could have done without 250 in spending billions of dollars on Fukushima.

It was about the Crisis Management Center of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. We were engaged in this center. Not a single mathematically meaningful model relating to risks and crises, which was proposed by the Academy of Sciences, has not been established. And the situation is this: what is proposed in most documents is a technique somewhere 10 – 15-year-old. Although the world has gone far ahead.

Situational centers that are created by FSO, should analyze events in the current time and in the dynamics of their development. But sometimes we just do not have enough information. Today it becomes clear what the systemic cause of many accidents and disasters is. But, unfortunately, precisely in this direction, many situational centers of Russia do not work.

The regions have been banned from conducting research activities, they do not have their own scientific budgets, and their leaders with whom we met simply do not know what to do. They should be helped, prompted, and most importantly - taught to ask questions. They are demanded of paper, and they report that everything has already been done. But this is not what is necessary.

The current situation is not only unfavorable - it is extraordinary. At one time, the Academy of Sciences and the Bauman Institute proposed a monitoring system for the same dams. Each ruble invested in the forecast and warning allows you to save from 10 to one thousand rubles, which have to be invested in eliminating the troubles that have already occurred. But not for nothing that they say that the miser pays twice. Until now, RusHydro, for example, has not begun such work. Although we are talking about flood zones and people's lives. We were lucky that the dam of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric station at the time of the last emergency resisted. But if a war happens, the first thing the enemy will do is strike a blow at our dams. In the flooded area of ​​the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, there will be 300 thousand people, the Volga Hydroelectric Station - 1,1 million, Krasnoyarsk - 1,1 million, Saratov - 1,2 million, Cheboksary - 1,4 million, and Zhiguli - 1,6 million. This is comparable to a nuclear strike. Therefore, the Federal Security Service, the Russian Emergencies Ministry, RusHydro should consider this problem as one of the most important. But so far, what has been done for this at the Academy of Sciences, our institute, still in the top ten institutions, has not been claimed.

We completely ignore the risks of tomorrow. But the huge uranium enrichment plant in Iran was disabled by a single computer virus. Honestly, we are defenseless in this area too. The last report of Mr. Kaspersky shows: when a separate state does not inflict a computer attack, but a whole state, then this simply has nothing to oppose.

Now in Russia the strategic course is changing. We turn to planning at the state level, declaring that we will have a defense order on a new basis. But there are a lot of inconsistencies, a lot of expensive unnecessary weaponswhich will never be claimed. We need to talk about how to save these 20 trillions of rubles, because it is already visible: the mass of expenses is expected to be extremely inefficient. And a mechanism that would allow to hear experts, to find alternative solutions, simply does not exist.

In which areas are cognitive centers vital for us? First, it is the management of the regions. We currently have no mechanism for coordinating the interests of the objects of management. That is, we make decisions, but we do not foresee what will happen in 5 – 10 – 15 years. And cognitive centers will allow to see the consequences of decision-making, to seek a compromise at the levels of the region - the Federation, the region - the region, the region - the region.

The second. No goal setting. We are going to execute something, to carry out some orders, but, for example, the General Staff does not explain what the 2030 war of the year will be. That is, goal setting lags far behind specific accomplishments. A simple example: almost two and a half times more money is allocated for the fleet for the GOZH than for the Ground Forces, although we are a land country.

On the territory of Russia 50 thousands of dangerous objects and five thousand especially dangerous. The threat of acts of terrorism and catastrophes is great. In order for this not to happen, you need to monitor these objects in real time. OJSC RKS has created a system that allows it to be done through the space segment. But as already noted, no agency is willing to give their information. In addition, we do not have any organization that could collect and synthesize information of such a degree of importance. Each department, including the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense, says that it will not give this information to the wrong hands. Although each of them is trying to do something separately, without having any cognitive centers or sufficient scientific studies. This is one of the most important problems to be addressed and where the attention of researchers should be focused, to develop developmental works.

Legislation is also needed to end the privatization of information now available. According to Russian laws, we have the right to coordinate the activities of several ministries only three people: the president, vice-president, prime minister. All the others, for example, the Minister of Emergency Situations or, say, the Minister of Defense, simply carry out their tasks, often without a general picture. And here is a full legal vacuum.

Gennady Malinetsky,
Head of Sector, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences

There is no main thing - “brains”

I propose to look at the analytical support of management and control in the field of defense and security in a broader, conceptual terms.

For more than 20 years I have been a supporter and implementer of the idea of ​​enhancing analytics in Russia. The main misfortune of the country is not in the lack of resources, but in the lack of “brains” - analytical support of management processes. This applies both to the sphere of state and municipal government in general, and to the military-industrial complex in particular. Millions of dollars have been spent on situational centers, and the result of most of them is very small. Not a single problem, more or less stately significant, in these centers has been either posed or solved.

Many centers were created as a tribute to fashion. The emphasis was on the technical component, and the analytical one was extremely weak everywhere. And this is at a time when there are burning problems all around that could be put and solved in them. For example, the problem of traffic jams in major cities of Russia.

A purely technocratic approach (multimedia complexes, multiscreen systems) dominates in situational centers. There is a lack of the main thing - “brains”. For the system to enter the combat analytical mode, we need training. At least once a week, people need to collect.

In the Russian economy, the resource of competent management is used sporadically, with low efficiency. And the main reason for this is the lack of a well-established attitude towards management as a creative activity. Usually, management is interpreted as strict adherence to pre-prescribed norms, regardless of actual situations. And management technologies introduced from outside, primarily from Western Europe, as well as American and Japanese, do not work in Russian reality.

Finally, many managers who are accustomed to insurance, seeing the administrative resource, are not at all inclined to make decisions for which they will have to bear personal responsibility. A significant part of managers of all ranks get used to constantly being busy with something, without accomplishing anything. Thus, it is not necessary to talk about the effectiveness of management at all levels.

I think it is necessary to assist the project “Russian Analytical School” (RASH). It has three conceptual blocks. The first is the training of analysts who no one in Russia seriously prepares. The second is research work on the analytical support of all management processes in the country, which analytical centers abroad do. The third is conducting basic research.

One of the tasks of RASH is to train analyst experts who are responsible for the security of development management. I support the idea of ​​creating a textbook on the fundamentals of analytical work. It is also necessary to organize and conduct a contest for young analysts of Russia in the second half of 2013.

Yuri Kurnosov,
Head of the Russian Analytical School Project, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
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  1. +2
    April 24 2013 15: 43
    I agree that we need centers of analytics, forecasting and planning, BUT, all this should correspond to the aspirations of the people inhabiting the state! Otherwise, we get a bunch of parasites!
    1. skeptic-
      April 24 2013 19: 26
      The main problem is the lack of a national idea. As a result, we are building something, but no one knows what. Everywhere, the main principle is "to find bucks". We are now in the era of amateurs, and this trend is spreading to all spheres of state life, like a cancerous tumor. People with no specific knowledge or experience are appointed to responsible positions. The main principle of appointment is nepotism, kinship, personal loyalty, without regard to professionalism.

      The future of Russia lies in the development of a technocratic society as a promising development model. The main criterion should be professionalism. Yes - each responsible position should be approved only on the basis of competition. A kind of business can become more optimal - the work plan of one or another structure to which applicants go. Firstly, the future leader, before moving to the position, is aware of his further actions, the main advantages and disadvantages of the future position. So it should be in all spheres of the life of the state. The country must be run by professionals, they must be run by professionals. There should be, at the root, a revised learning stimulation system when a personal recommendation of teachers is drawn up for a graduate student. If the recommended graduate receives positive feedback from the place of work, teachers receive additional monetary incentives. With a marriage complaint, a loss in salary. Freebie lovers go to work with their relatives if they want to take them. Increasing professionalism will intensify competition not in favor of amateurs and other ghouls. At the initial stage, it is necessary to create tenders for the selection of highly qualified professionals to create expert centers in the necessary sectors (without age qualifications). The main selection criterion should be provided with concept ideas in the required direction. Who will review - RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.

      It is necessary to start with the creation of highly professional, expert centers, with personal financial responsibility, for the selection and recommendations of specialists in the relevant field.

      Only professionalism, with personal responsibility for the final result of the work, can save Russia. Like that.
      1. 0
        April 24 2013 21: 29
        The principle is to "find bucks" - this is the national idea.
    2. 0
      April 25 2013 00: 31
      Quote: krez-74
      I agree that we need centers of analytics, forecasting and planning

      And the centers of misleading your opponent, such as breaking their brain:

      *Peace enforcement.
      * Children's plastic rail.
      * Fresh canned food. * Illegal gangs.
      *Eau de Toilette.
      *Middle ear.
      * Cold boiling water.
      * McDonald's restaurant.
      *Old New Year.
      *Dry wine.
      * Peacekeeping troops.
      * The true truth.
      * No, I guess.
      * Probably for sure.
      *Baby tooth.
      * Two degrees of heat.
      * Starts to end.
      * Broken hour!
      * The patient has severe weakness.
      * SMS message.
      * Kill to death.
      * I'm going to the store.
      * Fluid stool.
      * Make the fire quieter.
      * The maximum allowable rate.
      *The death penalty.
      * Federal Drug Control Service.

      You can continue indefinitely.
      1. 0
        April 25 2013 00: 37
        Cross out the first point. Peace enforcement is an American term. Created together with the term "humanitarian intervention" during the war in Yugoslavia.
        Little Russian Alaverdi to the Americans
  2. +3
    April 24 2013 15: 47
    It’s kind of decided. We’ve decided something. Again, the snag
    There is no main thing - “brains”
    There are successful businessmen on government posts, but they have no brains! They have brains to steal.
    To disperse the hell out of Medvedev’s platoon of successful businessmen and start to raise the economy again. There is only one way out. angry
  3. +3
    April 24 2013 15: 58
    Good article. Correct. Analysts are needed, you need to calculate the consequences of decisions for several moves forward.
    And we have.
    One of two things: either the centers are worthless (there is no reason for this), or there is no connection between the centers and decision-making. In my opinion, the second reason is especially acute.

    As the left heel of DAM or GDP wants it, it will be so. And FSU for everything and everyone.
  4. avt
    April 24 2013 17: 02
    A round table and loose stools, with all participants in the assembly. negative A bunch of intellectuals pouting from their own occupied posts. That's what they actually thought up? What incoming information needs to be analyzed and conclusions made corrective decisions made? So what ? They wiped their sweaty forehead, put their evil spirits in their pants and parted, demanding to find the necessary generators of ideas? Can they also raise money for this? It’s interesting, but how did Stalin manage without round tables, and even having time to send such philosophers to the logging site? For the benefit of the national economy. And somehow the brains were, again, without talkers at the round table, and such that only now the legacy of those creators is ending. negative
  5. 0
    April 24 2013 17: 15
    One of the tasks of the RAS is just the training of expert analysts who are responsible for the safety of development management.

    The idea is correct, but here's the catch, for some reason, analysts (not all of course, but some part) are constantly inclined to come up with all kinds of ingenious corruption schemes. It seems that the guys working there are young, not infected with the bacillus of money-grubbing, and their salaries are decent, but nonetheless (APEC summit does not go far for an example).
    We had a situational center on the Russian island. They spent more money on APEC (with full control of the FSO) than on the 23 of the previous summit. But theft and marriage in the works could not be avoided.
  6. +3
    April 24 2013 17: 18
    Dear Professor! There are brains and managers, but the current government does not need them! We need slaves, performers, those who so well emphasize the greatness of the boss. Development tasks are set only at the verbal level, in fact, there is a systemic process of degradation of our state. We are no longer needed, for us there are so many universities, there is no need to develop the education system, starting with the elementary grades, this is not necessary in a country in which whole industries of the "fourth" economic structure are dying out, there are no branches of the "fifth", and is engaged in the "sixth" destructive Chubais.
  7. UFO
    April 24 2013 17: 27
    Yes, if such centers are run by Dvorkovichi and Chubais, and unfortunately it will be (like "Count" Shuvalov for the APEC summit), then the expediency of creating such centers raises serious doubts. Everything will depend on who will be in charge. hi
  8. 0
    April 24 2013 18: 07
    I completely agree with Gennady Malinetskiy. But I can add from myself that you must first create a single state analytical center, in which there should be structural units working in various areas - defense, industry, security, prospects, etc., but in a single system. this is where the most interesting part begins. If a system for the selection of specialists in mental abilities and a tendency toward analytical thinking is not created, this center will instantly turn into a feeding trough, where a large number of politicians no longer needed will be added, someone's friends and retired generals. That is a small political bureau with all the ensuing consequences.
  9. Volkhov
    April 24 2013 18: 35
    There is no main thing - “brains”

    But if they appear - there will be no regime, therefore there should be no.
    The ancestors of the present Trotskyists did not just carry out the Red Terror ...
  10. and she
    April 24 2013 18: 46
    As long as the Medvedev’s government sits in its place, nothing good will be done. They are engaged in anything, but not on what they would have been obliged to do. They are not able to create. Here is the most striking example - the story of Skolkovo. Why did Medvedev begin to realize it, spend a lot of money and get shame, shame and a headache on the way out. Well, for Vekselberg, whom DAM adapted to oversee this project, everything turned out fine at first - Skolkovo’s money suddenly appeared in his bank. Deputy Ilya Ponomarev became a notable innovator and propagandist of modernization, inviting foreign investors to Skolkovo in America. They also did not get into the Massachusetts technological one - they had to pay three hundred million (!) Dollars to write the concept of this scientific center.
    All these nimble guys are the winners, only we are on the loose. Even those tasks that our insignificant prime minister tried to invent were not solved. Instead of the innograd - a clean field, and the money has already disappeared offshore and in the pockets of the frisky deputy Ponomarev.
    There is no result - and this is a verdict to a team of mental paralytics led by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. As long as they are in power, neither science nor industry will develop, but there will only be dough sheltering and patching of holes with our own money. So no matter what analytical centers arise, there will be no sense from them. Who will demand their analytics? An incompetent cabinet of ministers? They have better ideas for themselves - to privatize everything that remains and dump it quietly on the warm sea.
  11. +1
    April 24 2013 19: 34
    I offer the following innovation:
    1) Enter the ratings of enterprises - how to pay taxes, whether there are any complaints from partners, etc.
    2) To oblige state enterprises to conclude contracts only according to the rating scale; with a low rating it is forbidden to do business at all (and banks do not have the right to transfer money from the state enterprise's account to an unrated account).
    In any competition only enterprises with a high rating participate - when declaring a tender, the minimum rating of participants is also called.
    3) For enterprises with a high rating - tax incentives.
    Then: The most widespread loophole for theft will close when contracts are concluded with one-day firms at inflated tariffs. Any contract with a company with an absent rating is a reason for verification.
    Well, gradually, private business will also look at these ratings, and the reputation will receive material reinforcement with positive feedback.
    And for foreigners, the rating will be especially strict - here at the same time there is the possibility of protectionism and lobbyism.
    1. 0
      April 24 2013 21: 49
      The rating is calculated as follows: When registering an enterprise, it is assigned a zero rating.
      Based on the results of tax payments (and if there were no violations), the company is awarded rating points depending on the amount of taxes paid.
      Then those firms that pay taxes in offshore companies do not have a rating and, of course, getting a contract or government order from such a company is equal to zero (well, only from other private owners and from the state - not a single one).
      Foreign companies, since they do not pay taxes here, they also have a rating of zero, except for those that have a local branch or a joint venture and pay significant taxes domestically.
  12. UFO
    April 24 2013 19: 47
    I think that the GDP will start a shake-up of the government, and those who will "fly out" and be assigned to "new centers of verbiage and cuts" are still doing nothing, but after all, "our friends".
  13. +2
    April 24 2013 20: 43
    1. The first is the training of analysts whom no one is seriously preparing in Russia.
    Candidates for the analytical service should not be among those who have studied abroad, much less in the United States. Enough of the Yakovlevs, Kalugins ...
    2. "Mistral" - a huge failure of Russia. Despite the resistance of the Academy of Military Sciences, this decision was pushed through.
    There are a lot of controlling bodies, and rollback, first of all. Everything in the country depends on several individuals.
    First, we need strong financial intelligence and the impartiality of the judiciary. Otherwise, we get another parasitic structure.
  14. +1
    April 25 2013 00: 19
    Finally many managersaccustomed to insurance ...They are not inclined to make decisions for which they will have to bear personal responsibility.

    Only "techies" can create weapons, but not managers ...
    If the manager is given money on the condition that he will be obliged to report the result for it and if something happens to answer with his head, he will refuse. His element is "optimization" of what has already been done before him.
    Only "techies" can set tasks and solve them!
    They are interested, they know what and how to do it. Provide resources - and any task will be solved!
    "Effective managers" must drive a filthy broomat least from the defense ...
  15. 0
    April 25 2013 01: 52
    "Effective analytical support of defense and management (I would add - foreign and domestic policy, economy) is vital today for the security of Russia.

    A constructive approach to the very source of the problem is the ability to effectively manage Russia's vast resources for the benefit of it.
    If this idea comes true and does not turn out over time
    in the "swamp" -Russia will go far.
    Only entry to this system should be paid:
    "Entrance" -RUB.
    "Exit" - two.
  16. 0
    April 25 2013 13: 07
    Classics of the genre: "I have a thought and I think it"!
    But there were no real results either.