Comments on the “Russian track” in Boston

Foreign Twitter users are vigorously debating news that the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in Boston allegedly comes from Chechnya. Many people notice that the attack and the subsequent attempt to detain the perpetrators led to an exchange of fire with the police and remind us that just the other day the US Congress did not miss the bill on control over weapons.

Comments on the “Russian track” in Boston

English Twitter users:

@Peter_Bridgman Almost funny. A BBC expert on Chechnya says the suspect is a zealous Muslim. The interviewer immediately switches to the topic of Chechen politics.

@rineer07 Chechens are NOT Russians ... This is a separatist republic in which Sunni followers live!

@fleetstreetfox And a fake Boston terrorist account has already appeared. Stupid people, I wash my hands.

@RileyRebel129 Anyone who asks why Chechen terrorists organize a terrorist attack against the Americans clearly does not know how Russians deal with terrorists ...

@iboudreau So, that is, the Chechen rebels staged a terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon, so ... Okay, you have to start drinking in the afternoon, otherwise you will not understand.

@mikeyfranklin My wife is a school teacher and she is proud that she is American. And she comes from the USSR. Just try to attach to its origin - I hope you ass.

@BBCDanielS Um! If you are a Chechen from Kyrgyzstan, you did not live long in Dagestan, and then moved to America, where you lived more than 10 years, the connection with Chechnya is rather conditional.

@mattyglesias If all of this is part of an international conspiracy to secure Chechnya’s independence, it’s a little hard to understand what its authors are hoping for.

@ yaffaesque Suspect from Boston Johar Tsarnaev 19 years - this means that he was born in 1994 year, when the First Chechen War began. A whole generation knows nothing but conflicts.

@OliverBullough It seems that Chechens have never organized terrorist attacks against non-Russian targets outside of Russia (except for the terrorist attacks in Turkey on 1990).

@RagHolmas @OliverBullough Generally, a Chechen tried to blow up the Jørgensen hotel in Copenhagen in 2010, and was convicted of attempted terrorist attack.

@MiriamElder A spokesman for Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen leader, turned off his phone at an untimely time.

@asteris It's time to come down from heaven to earth: a guy with a gun just single-handedly led to the collapse of a huge city in the US, two days later after the Congress, ruled by the National Association of Gun Owners, hacked an already weak weapon control bill

@hsofia I am very sorry for Boston, we are all terribly worried about you, and for Muslims from Chechnya, who, by the way, cook excellent food.

@Soma_G Dear Indians on Twitter, we miraculously managed to avoid the label of a nation of terrorists. Let's refrain from stupid jokes about Chechens?

@baratunde The suspects are Chechens. That is white and muslims? And what will Fox News do with this fact ?!

@Whisky_Jean I remember, not so long ago Chechen "rebels" were honored as freedom fighters. Now imagine, they are called fundamentalists and terrorists.

@MarkAdomanis If your first wish, when you learned that the terrorists are Chechens, is to blame Russia for everything, look first in the mirror.

Comments in Japanese Twitter

Eiji Sakai @elm200
The explosions in Boston were the work of Chechens? .. mmm ... again a headache.

お ば け う さ ぎ @pantasmacoello
And then the Chechens turned out to be criminals. So what? Will America again confront Russia? Will the people that they pointed to suffer? Will there be an invasion of Russian Chechnya?

日本国 皇帝 @nihon_koutei
Why precisely Chechens? After all, Russia will not have them, with which they already have strained relations, to ask for something ...

masanorinaito @masanorinaito
Mdaa ... It's hard to say something. But after all, the enemy of Chechnya is Russia, not America. It is clear, if there are connections with foreign countries, and now this is some kind of home-grown terrorist ... What is happening at all?

菜 雪 @nasetsu
What is the point of Chechens blowing up bombs in America? .. And, by the way, where did the talk about the North Korean trace go?

俊 @shun1sta
Alkaida was initially sponsored by America as a militant group, and then when the Americans stopped supporting, she responded with a terrorist strike. Maybe this time we are dealing with a similar case?
It is likely that America supported the Islamic community in Chechnya, and when it was left to the mercy of fate, the sight of the terrorists shifted from Russia to America itself. Something tells me that it really was.

ら か ・ マ ヤ @KL @KK_KL_PP
But after all, they are from the neighboring republic, what is the need to specifically specify their Chechen origin? The only thing that comes to mind is to mislead the people.

atsushi @atsu74
If you recall the conflicts in Chechnya, then it was all in Russia, and if the brothers from Chechnya are guilty of the Boston bombings, then is it really Russia and America to unite in the fight against terrorists?
America already does not have time with Iran and North Korea.

zenju @Doctormucha
I accidentally saw a shoot in which a Chechen soldier cuts with a knife the throat of a living Russian soldier. Such things really happen all over the world, many people slaughter cows and pigs in exactly the same way. I could never understand such cruelty and from childhood I have not eaten animal meat. For more than fifty years.

寺 尾 智 史 Satoshi TERAO @SATERAO
And the Boston brothers along the way come from Kyrgyzstan, it is from Chechnya as from Moscow to London. And when I hear American big news agencies report that “it comes from a region not far from Chechnya,” I once again marvel at the deepest knowledge of all Americans, including journalists, in geography. All for educational courses on retraining. Although the Japanese media that repeat this nonsense is no better.

French-speaking Twitter users:

@Souuf Wait, do you have oil in Chechnya too?

@Kfb1701 Take the trouble, illiterate! The word you are trying to write is written as Chechnya. And better shut up ...

@Ohundniquitweet Well, considering that Chechnya is a Muslim region, they are probably Islamists, this explains the attack.

@Tokko_Tai Chuyu, the attitude of the American administration towards Russian policy towards Chechnya will change a little.

@SiMo_HaMM Chechnya. I doubt that Americans are aware of the existence of this African country bordering Nepal.

@Alxjdn Currently, 98% of those who write about Chechnya would not be able to find it on the map.

@Antaeus79 Straight I can see Putin calling Obama: “I told you so”

Turkish Twitter users

Sami Yasin Çolak @ yasin_colak: Two Chechens locked up Boston residents in their homes. Just two people.

TerbiyesizHerif @ TerbiyesizHerif: They say the Boston terrorists are Chechens! All news coming from the USA is either misinformation or outright lies! Chechens are an excuse, democracy is fantastic!

Fatih Tezcan @ fatihtezcan: I guess the Boston terrorist attack was planned by the United States. In the ranting of the United States will never believe. I do not get tired to greet our Chechen brothers.

Fatih Tezcan @ fatihtezcan: AP: The performers of the explosions in Boston are two Chechens. NBC: One of the Chechens arrived from Turkey. They almost said that he was from Kasimpasi ...

cüneyt özdemir @ cuneytozdemir: Alas, the Boston terrorists turned out to be Chechens ... So, the roots of this question somehow reach Turkey ...

Irem Koker @ ikoker: According to the murdered suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev, having fled the Chechen war to Kazakhstan in the 1990s, he subsequently moved to the United States as a refugee.

tolga b. @ toutologue: The persecuted terrorist is a Chechen who was born in Kyrgyzstan. The ground is ready for the establishment of an al-Qaida trail or at least a Taliban.

İlker YİĞİT @ ilkoFb: If I were born again, I would like to be a Chechen ...

Czech readers comments

agent Orange
The end of the empty speeches, ololo!
Chechens were. America has a snake on its chest

In the morning they were Indians, now they are from Russia. Waiting for the evening and put on Syria.

In this case, there are all signs of a CIA action.

Bobnik bobek
By chance, did not the Americans so harshly criticize the uncompromising approach of the Russians to the Chechen murderers?

žiji a sázím on-line
I walked away for a moment. Well what is it? Who leads? What is the score? How many dead are on the side of good / America / Israel / CNN, and how many are on the side of evil / Muslims / Iran / Al-Jazeera? Bets made?

Milan Korityák
The September 11 attack - in response, an attack on Al-Qaida, an attack in Boston - in response, Chechnya. Well, we have something to wait for, because Chechnya is a former republic of the Soviet Union .... Or did the United States and Russia plan all this to seize Chechnya? I'm not surprised at anything

German readers comments

Der Spiegel

Where were all these special news releases and tickers in real time when a couple of dozen people were killed and injured a couple of days ago in Mogadishu during a bomb blast? Probably, the lives of American citizens are valued more expensive.

The suspects are, in all likelihood, two brothers from Chechnya. Thus, the Islamist background becomes more likely.

Should we consider nowhere to provide more shelter to all these people, especially from war zones? It may be inhumane, but is it humane to allow potential terrorists into the country, who may have many people's lives on their conscience? Or those people who were mutilated, probably dozens of people, as happened in Boston? The state accepts these people under pressure from humanitarian organizations and for reasons of "humanity", and as a token of gratitude, they kill people in the name of their faith ...

It seems that the US authorities are more efficient than the German police, the Federal Criminal Police Office, the Constitution Conservancy, and so on. All of them for 10 years could not catch the killers of the "National Socialist Underground" (NSU), despite the availability of accurate information.

Chechen gangs are clearly Islamic. A large number of Chechens who fought on the side of the Taliban were killed or captured in Pakistan and Afghanistan. The United States has never taken action directly against the Chechens, so the Chechen terrorist attack in the United States can, in fact, be explained only from the standpoint of Islam. But we must first wait until the facts about the intruders are known. I already in advance rejoice in the emergence of numerous conspiracy theories that will explain why the CIA / Mossad / Merkel are behind the “supposedly Chechen” terrorist attack in the United States.

The World

Hans Hermann
This is how it is done! Two days later, the two suspects were not only identified, but also detained. The fact that one of them died during this action is regrettable. I would love to see him in court. In contrast, Germany has long been unable to cope with their problems. There, the protection of criminals is above the protection of victims. Respect the United States!

It remains to hope that these "suspects" will ultimately prove to be "correct."

I have already ceased to understand anything. First, it was about a Saudi who was arrested, and then expelled for reasons of national security. First there were blacks, then Russians and someone else from the former USSR. There are other absurdities. I hope that in the coming days everything will become clearer.

Oswald spengler
It turns out that not all Chechens ended up in Syria, and a couple of their representatives lost their course and got into the United States.

Respect! Not only for the murder, but also for the rapid detection of suspects.

Comments from French readers

The Huffington Post

Boston received two Chechens ... let's hope that others will direct their energy to peaceful purposes ... My condolences to the victims of the terrorist attack.

"We will pursue terrorists everywhere ... we will soak them in the toilet"
Vladimir Putin, September 1999

So they are Russian. Chechnya and the surrounding regions are Russia. Why talk about proximity to Chechnya? If a Greek commits an act of terrorism in France, they will not say that they come from a region close to the Peloponnese, they will say that the Greek did it - right? Why all these vile insinuations?

New fashion: if you can’t solve your national problems, export them. Or has it always been and is it just a boomerang effect? Who then first began?

Le Figaro

Chechens are terrorists of the religion of the world.

These two brothers are Chechens, well, yes, another blow to the "religion of love."

"One suspect was killed." Had it happened in France, these thugs would have already burned two dozen cars and threw stones at the police station - and all this with the support of our associations!

Amy lum
I can not understand! How can such a sweet, peaceful country that cares for poor countries without robbing them have so many enemies? Just the head does not fit!

Le Renard 3
Because of the atirus ideology, we take women and insurgents Chechens, feed them, provide them with housing and keep them on our taxes. And in return we get death. Excellent result!

Comments from Spanish readers

El País

That's right said !! This damn Islamists - evil, which must be wiped off the face of the Earth. The only thing they can do is sow death, terrorism, wild fanaticism, ignorance, etc.

I wonder why there should be mosques in Europe.

That's the way to fight terrorism. To block everything so that the fly does not fly. Check everything centimeter by centimeter, and when terrorists are discovered, if they do not give up and open fire, they are destroyed. Why keep them behind bars 30 years at public expense? No, they must be destroyed! Did they leave the chances of life to those who were killed? This is the way to deal with all the terrorists in the world. I remember how the Baader-Meinhof gang was destroyed in Germany. Brilliant operation!

And why never explode bombs in mosques of European cities? Why?

What nonsense! You think that all bad things happen because of the USA. It is the United States who invented fascism, communism, Islam, etc. And then begin the war, in which they are sent their guys to die for these ideologies. Clearly, everything can be explained by the fact that the Jews control the United States. Together with weapons manufacturers, they need constant wars to enrich themselves. And the American people are solid fools who believe everything they are told and are ready to waste their resources and ruin their lives. Rave! It seems that you do not know anything about the United States, but you hate this country very much. Do you have an inferiority complex? Are you a loser?

Many here believe that if you are anti-American, then you are Muslims. Let us remember who were the friends of the United States in Afghanistan in the 80s? Who was removed and who was put in power in Iraq and Libya? Who is being supported in Syria? About Chechnya, I really keep quiet.

To tell the truth, I just can’t understand how there are still people who don’t understand (or don’t care for them, for whatever reason) the danger that this religion represents. Tolerance - no! I am writing from an Islamic republic where I have been living (unfortunately for myself) for almost five years now. I know what I'm saying because I know them well. They have no place in any of the civilized countries. If they want to live in the Middle Ages, let them roll to their home with their fellow tribesmen. We absolutely do not need them! None of them!

Latin American reader comments
La nación (Argentina)

Chechens who flee from Grozny, provide shelter and save them from being destroyed by the Russians, and they respond with terrorist acts to the country that received them and gave them freedom - incredible!

Imagine how much money was saved for the country by a policeman who fired a shot? A bullet costs no more than 20 cents, but how much does a lawsuit cost and 30 years of prison content?

What are the cunning, found a scapegoat and sewn it.

El Espectador (Colombia)

Americans, as always, if the terrorists are either Russians or Muslims

Well done! It is also necessary in Colombia to deal with terrorists, and not to appoint them as mayors!

Americans love to make a show! let them call for James Bond ...

Comments of Polish readers

Gazeta Wyborcza

Well, please, as recently as a couple of months ago, Gazeta Wyborcza went through a whole series of reports about poor Chechens who ILLEGALLY came to Poland and were kept in a refugee camp. Everyone shouted that they needed to be released. A couple of weeks ago, Poles from the same town were accused of not wanting to see a Chechen camp in their neighborhood. And here you are: a demonstration that Chechens can arrange, if you give them freedom. In Russia, the Chechen mafia is considered to be the most dangerous and merciless for no reason.

Why Chechens staged a terrorist attack in the States? They could not do more harm to Chechnya and help settle in Russian. I see this as a second bottom. Some more similar actions and people will start burning mosques with the faithful.


It's hard to believe. What could Chechen independence fighters have against the USA? What did they want to achieve in this way? Chechen traitors who cooperate with Russia, or Chechen mercenaries who are ready to order, for money, do anything, to those who pay them (as befits mercenaries) is another matter. These could be Chechen Muslim fanatics. Or maybe they are innocent people who have been involved in this matter: they can no longer object to the murdered ones, because, as the rule of the special services of the whole world says, “no one is better than a corpse”. It cannot be ruled out that the accusation of Chechens is a friendly service of Barak Vladimir.

virtual Poland

Now the Russians will have all the cards in their hands, and they will be able to swing them everywhere, although they themselves are exactly the same bandits. But at the same time I was once again struck by an American truly cosmic stupidity. Russian and Chechen mafiosi, Islamists of all stripes calmly receive visas and residence permits, and completely harmless people of other nationalities put insurmountable obstacles ...

Zyga pozdrawia
“Chechens are our brothers,” our right-wing politicians are praising them with might and main, accept with open arms and are called liberators, because they attack the Russians. It is very curious how they will behave now, after the terrorist attack in America. What hypocrisy and duplicity!

Comments from Brazil readers

Luciano ribeiro
Well, where are these human rights defenders from the United States? When the dude was arrested, he was not injured, and the corpse was brought to the hospital? Is there really no one responsible for this murder?

Danilo Silva
I had a dream to live in the USA, because in Brazil life is disgusting. But with such chances of becoming a victim of a terrorist, it is better to stay here.

Afraniuo lucas
I agree with Danilo ... Quite a lot of people died here in Brazil, becoming victims of bandits who are defended by human rights defenders, both local and from the United States. And they defended this terrorist. But better here than there.

Jose souza
Who allowed the US to kill this guy? Where are international human rights organizations? Why not protect him? Here in Brazil there are no criminals, there is only a certain number of poor fellows who are victims of the political system, because of which they kill and rob without any measures!

Patricia soares
Dudes I know this suspect !!!! He was in my school, he is Brazilian !!! I'm in SHOCK, anyone. give the US police phone number !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Osmar pineli
Holy Mother of God. I read all this ignorant nonsense here ... Dudes talk about human rights. Bu-ga-ga.Tut and thrown bombs there, and they, the poor, need human rights ... ha ha. Why would these common people not go there, to meet with the families of those who died or were injured due to an explosion? In the name of the love of God .... Is it not a shift of values?
And here there are commentators who did not even bother to read the news, but they already make a hunchbacked one in full. Pipets.
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  1. +27
    April 22 2013 07: 18
    We were pleasantly surprised by sound reviews and in a small number.
    1. Gemar
      April 22 2013 07: 53
      Quote: Denis
      We were pleasantly surprised by sound reviews and in a small number.

      Indeed, in considerable quantity! good I wonder what criterion was used to select "sound reviews"? If by the number of minuses per comment, then everything is logical ...
      Quote: SOMETHING Vicious JAPANESE
      Will there be an invasion of Russian Chechnya?

      And in Dalian (they studied with the Japanese together), these suspicious Japanese claimed that Hiroshima and Nigerssaki had bombed the USSR. Moreover, a Japanese granny (on the course many old Yap people taught Chinese), who sang to us somehow! Russians! romances in Japanese, she said that in Japan there are many such "educated" about the atrocities of the USSR!
      Quote: Married American
      Just try to get attached to its origin - I'll kick your ass.

      hi Malorik! If no one dares to become attached to the origin of his wife, still tear up! For prevention, so to speak! angry
      1. Kaa
        April 22 2013 10: 13
        Quote: Gamar
        I wonder what criterion was used to select "sound reviews"?

        I think, according to the principle of the absence of Polish roots in origin. It is necessary to think of this before - "After all, it cannot be ruled out that the accusation of Chechens is a friendly service of Barak to Vladimir."I can imagine a telephone conversation:" Listen, Barak, something has become quiet in Chechnya, is it possible for the Chechens to organize good PR, I owe it ... - OK, Voldemar, how many victims are needed, is 150-200 enough? - Quite, we agreed, before the connection "AND WHAT IS THIS FENCED POLE SMOKING ?!
        1. Gemar
          April 22 2013 10: 43
          Quote: Kaa
          I think, according to the principle of the absence of Polish roots in origin.

          Logically ... good
          Quote: Kaa
          OK, Voldemar, how many victims are needed, is 150-200 enough?

          Tc! Special services ... Head ... Penetrating rays ... Shhhhhh! (don't think I'm mimicking the sizzle of a boa constrictor hi ).
          Quote: Kaa

          PSHEnitsu. wink
          1. Kaa
            April 22 2013 11: 58
            Quote: Gamar
            Special Services ... Head ... Penetrating Rays

            This is how they even act on animals ... "It's a pity for the bird ..."
            1. Shawnee
              April 22 2013 23: 27
              Yes, no rays of greed and immortality. They usually come from Iphone 5, usually near the heaps.
          2. ughhh
            April 22 2013 12: 29
            Quote: Gamar
            Tc! Special services ... Head ... Penetrating rays ... Shhhhhh! (don’t think that I am parodying the hiss of a boa constrictor).

            More and more information that it was a circus, not a terrorist attack.
            For example,
          3. skeptic-
            April 22 2013 16: 27
            One can be glad for the sane comments in the world. But if only the amerovskie special services did not draw a "Russian trace". Like the Russian special services "forced" the poor guys to commit an atrocity, "under pain of killing relatives in Chechnya." It is no coincidence that amers went to violate their, the FIREST LAWS IN THE WORLD, during the arrest. And the desire to send Johar, as a prisoner of war, to Guantanamo, can be interpreted in such a way that torture and other measures will be taken against him. And under torture and "gingerbread" you can break even more persistent than this young lad. Again, there must be a logical explanation for the untimely arrival of another batch of disarmament peacekeepers. Like we are for world peace, but "Russian animals, what they are doing". God forbid that it would not be so, in fact.
        2. +3
          April 22 2013 15: 31
          I totally agree with you!!!! Amers can be understood, but Psheks, that is not koment, then a bucket of poison !!! that’s a nation of jackals-undeveloped !!! Yes Chechen freedom fighters, generally funny !!! laughing bandits of the lowest damage !!! Yes
    2. NKVD
      April 22 2013 09: 18
      Quote: Denis
      Sound reviews and pleasantly surprised

      Especially Russophobic reviews from Pshekia ... It would be nice if the Chechens blew up the Poles, how would they then "sing"?
      1. +10
        April 22 2013 10: 03
        Quote: NKVD
        Especially Russophobic reviews from Pshekia ... It would be nice if the Chechens blew up the Poles, how would they then "sing"?

        And these generally two-faced scum, only one sane Pole
        spoke adequately:
        Quote: cyniczne_oko
        Well, please, just a couple of months ago in Gazeta Wyborcza there was a whole series of reports about poor Chechens who illegally came to Poland and were detained in a refugee camp. Everyone shouted that they needed to be released. A couple of weeks ago, Poles from one town were accused of not wanting to see a Chechen camp in their neighborhood. And here you are: a demonstration of what the Chechens can do if they are given freedom. In Russia, it is not just that the Chechen mafia is considered the most dangerous and merciless.

        It means that the Poles themselves do not want to see Chechens at home, and, crying out for respect for human rights regardless of nationality and religion, they contribute to their deportation in every way - and immediately accuse Russia of brutal opposition to Chechen criminals. am
      2. +9
        April 22 2013 10: 14
        5 points wink
        The Poles for the most part are vile cowards, in general, like the whole Baltic, shnyaga blather like a small chopper
        1. Kaa
          April 22 2013 13: 03
          Quote: afire
          Most Poles are vile cowards

          "It is necessary to consider the secret and tragedy of European history the fact that a people capable of any heroism, some of which are talented, valiant, charming, constantly showing such shortcomings in almost all aspects of his public life. Glory in times of rebellion and grief; infamy and shame during periods of triumph. The bravest of the brave too often have been led by the most infamous of the vile! And yet two Poland always existed: one fought for the truth, and the other crawled into meanness ” (Winston Churchill. World War II. Book 1. M., 1991) .http: // Show = 55083
          1. +3
            April 22 2013 15: 45
            Cite Pilsudski’s statements about the Poles. They relate to zapadentsev.
            1. Kaa
              April 22 2013 20: 31
              Quote: Vasya
              Also give Pilsudski’s statements about the Poles
              Piłsudski is strongly arrogant, better "a view from across the ocean" - "As noted in his book by the American researcher Henson Baldwin, who worked as a military editor for the New York Times during the war years:
              "They were proud and too self-confident, living in the past. Many Polish soldiers, imbued with the military spirit of their people and their traditional hatred of the Germans, talked and dreamed of a "march to Berlin". Their hopes are well reflected in the words of one of the songs:
              ... dressed in steel and armor,
              Led by Ryds-Smigly,
              We will march to the Rhine ... "And we went ... in columns of prisoners of war.
              March 31, 1939. British Prime Minister H. Chamberlain announced Anglo-French military guarantees for Poland in connection with the threat of aggression from Germany. As Churchill wrote about this in his memoirs: “And now, when all these advantages and all this aid have been lost and discarded, England, leading France, proposes to guarantee the integrity of Poland - the very Poland that was only six months ago. eagerly the hyena took part in the robbery and destruction of the Czechoslovak state. "
              "Immediately after the conclusion of the Munich Agreement on September 30, the Polish government sent an ultimatum to the Czech government, which was to be answered in 24 hours. The Polish government demanded the immediate transfer to him of the Teszyn border region. There was no way to resist this gross demand.
              The heroic character traits of the Polish people should not force us to turn a blind eye to his recklessness and ingratitude, which for several centuries caused him immeasurable suffering. In 1919, it was a country that, after many generations of division and slavery, the victory of the Allies turned into an independent republic and one of the main European powers. Now, in 1938, due to such an insignificant question as Teshin, the Poles broke up with all their friends in France, in England and in the USA, who returned them to a unified national life and whose help they should soon need so much. We saw how now, while the reflection of the power of Germany fell on them, they hastened to seize their share in the plunder and ruin of Czechoslovakia. At the time of the crisis, all doors were closed for the British and French ambassadors. They were not even allowed to see the Polish Foreign Minister. "From the book by W. Churchill "World War II", volume 1, "The Coming Storm"
              "Chapter Eighteen"
              "MUNICH WINTER"
        2. +2
          April 22 2013 15: 49
          e = afire] 5 points wink
          The Poles for the most part are vile cowards, in general, like the whole Baltic region, shnyak blathering like a small hoe-- old Duc Churchill (she is still bending) at one time VERY aptly named Pshek-jackals GEUROPA !!!! wink laughing
      3. +1
        April 22 2013 11: 55
        Quote: NKVD
        .. It would be nice if the Chechens blew up the Poles, how would they then "sing"?

        that what is the Russian trace, the KGB, Putin personally instructed. fellow
      4. +1
        April 22 2013 15: 34
        [= NKVD] [= Denis] Pleasantly surprised by sound reviews and not in a small number [/ quote]
        Especially Russophobic reviews from Pshekia ... It would be nice if the Chechens blew up the Poles, as if they were then; they sang-- but at once the Psheks would say that they were Russian mercenaries !!! belay these passengers are always like that feel - this is just a pathology at the gene level !!!! wassat
    3. +2
      April 22 2013 10: 49
      Quote: Denis
      Denis RU Today, 07: 18 New

      We were pleasantly surprised by sound reviews and in a small number.

      Everyone was surprised, except psheks, they are in their repertoire. Well, a couple of Japanese people who accuse the US of stopping the financing of Chechen terrorists.
      1. +5
        April 22 2013 12: 30
        The American media very cleverly turned the arrows from internal problems to the threat that came from outside.
        The people were led to this "transfer of arrows".

        The truth is that AMERICAN citizens, albeit of Chechen origin, staged a terrorist attack in Boston.

        In the comments, this is omitted everywhere.
        Russian trace is for the West, "balm on the heart."
        It’s so convenient, let’s omit our American terrorist, Chechen, Chechnya, Russia - here is the new look of the "external terrorist" and ready!
        It became clear to everyone in the world ("We thought so ...") that Russia is to blame for this.
        And here, on their own internal tragedy, they try to "fan up" the anti-Russian fire.
        1. Kaa
          April 22 2013 13: 05
          Quote: zanoza
          AMERICAN citizens, albeit of Chechen origin, staged a terrorist attack in Boston.

          Purely by chance, was this not a secret letter sent from Obama to Putin NON-LAST before the attacks?
          1. +2
            April 22 2013 15: 54
            = Kaa] [= zanoza] The attack in Boston was staged by US citizens, albeit of Chechen origin. [
            Purely by chance, wasn’t this a secret letter handed over from Obama to LASTLY before the terrorist attacks? - he was exactly asking the GDP, how can terrorists be declared 2 or 200 !!!! laughing
            1. Kaa
              April 22 2013 20: 17
              Quote: datur
              he asked the GDP, how quickly can terrorists be declared 2 or 200 !!!!

              He just found out the etymology of the words "Czechs", Czechs, Chechens, in order to know in which direction to "drive the wave."
    4. +3
      April 22 2013 12: 49
      Quote: Denis
      We were pleasantly surprised by sound reviews and in a small number.

      For the most part, people are smart from birth, and de bi la mi (and cinema censorship) they are made by the media and specially prepared educational courses.
    5. djon3volta
      April 22 2013 13: 47
      Quote: Denis
      We were pleasantly surprised by sound reviews and in a small number.

      Yeah, yesterday on NEWS OF THE WEEK the Americans also showed a twitter feed, and as they openly hate Russians, they even created a special group.
      I personally will never bring any condolences to Americans, never. even if they are even 1000 times civilians.
      1. +3
        April 22 2013 16: 05
        [quote = djon3volta] [quote = Denis] Pleasantly surprised sensible reviews and in a small number. [/ Quote]
        Yeah, yesterday on VESTI WEEKS, they also showed the Americans a Twitter feed, and how openly they hate Russians, they even created a special group-- and you remember what were the comments of these fast-food men about the bombing in DOMODEDOVO? anger- joy, ernism !!! Yes And the EARTH is round !!!! laughing
      2. 0
        April 22 2013 20: 32
        I put you +, almost on the machine, because I share many of your views, not even too popular. However, in this case he hurried.
        Quote: djon3volta
        they openly hate Russians

        This is hardly an expression of the majority opinion of American society. They are wary, perhaps, mainly from a lack of education. And in the news of the week they’ll show something else! There we have independent courts and we will curb inflation, and Tolya Serdyukov is a good guy.
        PS And the group may be on Twitter such. There are many different. You can pull from some domestic 3,14doorsky and push it: so here they are - some Russians !!
  2. +15
    April 22 2013 07: 20
    The only thing I can say is that the US media defeated themselves. Their lies hit them, most no longer believe the American media. They don’t believe at all !!! Media control of the crowd does not work.
    1. Gemar
      April 22 2013 07: 59
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      Media control of the crowd does not work.

      How it works! I almost believed that
      what Americans know about the existence of this African country bordering Nepal.
      1. +4
        April 22 2013 08: 15
        Quote: Gamar
        How it works! I almost believed that

        These are problems of education, here the media do not play a big role. The level of education is low, and fractions, as someone said on the site-element of higher mathematics in the United States. hence ignorance hi
        1. Gemar
          April 22 2013 08: 28
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          These are problems of education, here the media do not play a big role.

          Yes, I wanted to laugh at the sarcasm of the French commentator ... At the expense of the media, I will cite as an example a small but proud and rebellious Syria. Thanks to Western media, how many citizens of democratic countries consider terrorists to be "rebels"? How many people condemned pressure on NGOs in Russia? We would have such an ineffective crowd control system as in the US or in the PRC ... Not a system for promoting homosexuality and unhealthy lifestyles as on TNT. Although we also have achievements ... only negative ones:
          TNT - debauchery, stupidity, drug addiction
          NTV - crime, indifference to crime

          Chet is not written today ... It seems that the FSB shone its head with a ray, it seemed like it was printed somewhere ... It seems ... it seems ... mu ... dumb ... TNT! wassat
          1. +4
            April 22 2013 09: 59
            Until such freedom fighters appear on the threshold of American, German, Polish, etc. houses will not reach the snickering west.
          2. +4
            April 22 2013 10: 04
            Quote: Gamar
            ... Thanks to Western media, how many citizens of democratic countries consider terrorists to be "rebels"?

            Thanks to YouTube videos, not many.
            Quote: Gamar
            How many condemned the pressure on NGOs in Russia?

            Reading the comments of the Germans about NGOs, they are on the side of Putin. And not Merkel !!! Another thing is that citizens in the west have lost the right to condemn their own government.
            Quote: Gamar
            We would have such an ineffective crowd control system as in the USA

            The US system is built on lies and fear, such a system will fail and very soon.
            1. Gemar
              April 22 2013 10: 54
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              The US system is built on lies and fear, such a system will fail and very soon.

              So you all seem to have correctly parried ... hi However, their propaganda in the media is an order of magnitude better (more effective) than ours. How quickly did we manage to convey to the world community the fact of aggression by Georgia, not the Russian Federation ??? And how quickly did the Western media denigrate the "Russian invaders" ???
              I am not suggesting that you copy a system based on "lies and fear". I suggest learning some effective techniques from Western propaganda. Then use the modernized system for the good of the Russian Federation ... Sorry ... forgot about propaganda ... For the good of the Customs Union! winked
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              Another thing is that citizens in the west have lost the right to condemn their own government.

              Soon they will lose the right NOT to SUPPORT their own government. wink
              1. 0
                April 22 2013 21: 08
                They thought so too. In the sense - with the help of mass propaganda it is necessary to harm the enemy (us) and do good to ourselves. Did the Russians win the World War because of the highest moral and volitional qualities? It is necessary to weaken these qualities. And make your population more ... more ... well, look at these Russians!
                197 nations and nationalities are fighting for damned Russia! And we, the best Anglo-Saxons, have lost all while pacifying the riots among these dirty natives. Gurkhas were hired, and all successes. The rest are not troops but completely stupid savages. And these Russians are all together! We need to teach all our subjects how to tolerate each other, so that they fight better for us. Call it, for example ... tolerance!
                Do you think, picking up the bluffing cudgel, the Anglo-Saxons wanted to flush their "golden billion" down the toilet? But now even mass executions will not help, you will have to painfully wait until this multi-colored scum will die out. Just try to "learn some effective methods from Western propaganda" and the result will be such "people" that you will understand that you should not fight for them ... Yes, they already exist. Ymtsov with Oval, their leaders ...
            2. +1
              April 22 2013 16: 40
              The US system is built on lies and fear, such a system will fail and very soon wink - the us system is a police democracy !! belay fart fart, but everything is on our orders !!! wassat if there is no enemy of the American people !!! wassat laughing
          3. +1
            April 22 2013 16: 27
            for sure especially club gum products !! rotten initially !!!! wassat laughing
    2. +9
      April 22 2013 09: 17
      The gap pattern in all its glory.
      1. 0
        April 22 2013 21: 49
        I wonder what the Western media will say if Zakayev blows up a landmine in central London? If this were the case, I would like to look at the face of the English prime minister.
    3. S_mirnov
      April 22 2013 10: 07
      "that just the other day, the US Congress did not pass the arms control bill." - This is the reason for the attacks! Shooting at school and all recent events in the United States are purposefully leading to one thing - to take away weapons from the population! Because an armed citizen can tolerate injustice towards himself.
      1. Kaa
        April 22 2013 13: 10
        Quote: S_mirnov
        all the latest events in the USA purposefully lead to one thing - to take away weapons from the population!

        Then you need to take away the damaging elements - balls from bearings, nails, fittings, not to forget about backpacks - it’s convenient to hide bombs in them. Sell ​​only to adults and under license!
        1. +6
          April 22 2013 17: 04
          Quote: Kaa
          damaging elements - balls from bearings, nails, fittings, do not forget about backpacks - they conveniently hide bombs

          Take all the pots home and bring the housewives to tantrum.
          Everything is at McDonald's!
          1. S_mirnov
            April 22 2013 19: 38
            Nothing funny, the government is very afraid of weapons in the hands of the population, in the United States it’s easier, it’s more difficult for us. The results are basically the same.
            And if the citizens had weapons, the freak would be shot. Cops a hell can not ensure the safety of citizens, and how, when mired in corruption.
      2. +1
        April 22 2013 16: 52
        AND LOTS IN 1917, the people had weapons in their hands / belay
        1. S_mirnov
          April 22 2013 19: 34
          "A LOT in 1917 the people had weapons in their hands /"
          a lot, the war was recently.
          1. Kaa
            April 22 2013 20: 01
            Quote: S_mirnov
            the war was recently
            The war was still in full swing, and arms and soldiers became uncontrolled after the infamous order No. 1 of the Provisional Government, and then, instead of the army and navy, in fact, multi-colored bandit formations with weapons did not spoil them at all.
        2. +1
          April 22 2013 21: 18
          A lot of. Moreover, no such "Great Revolutions" in life would have happened if not for the Socialist-Revolutionaries. Do you know how they organized the "revolutionary situation"? They walked the streets and ... they shot policemen! Almost all the rank and file of the police were killed with revolvers.
          The Russian Empire was largely organized according to the concepts of honor, therefore it was so strong. But only at a decisive moment at the head of her stood such a dwarf sovereign that it was simply incomprehensible to the mind. The Romanovs shamefully failed not only to reign, but also threw their own lives in the trash. I read the biography of this family before the collapse ...
          In general, all of Russian society at that moment was aware that these shameful clowns needed to be changed. And in defense of such a king his hands did not rise. It is difficult, incredibly difficult to manage a state of strong people. Free people, armed people. Failed - everything collapses. It’s scary ... On the other hand, there is no external threat to such a country. Crush without noticing ...
    4. +2
      April 22 2013 10: 52
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      The only thing I can say is that the US media defeated themselves. Their lies hit them, most no longer believe the American media. They don’t believe at all !!! Media control of the crowd does not work.

      Even as a blow, judging by the messages on YouTube, the majority "do not believe the government and the false media" and all this is a setup. And 20 percent of the natural biomass, which stood and had fun after the capture of 1 kid by nine thousand policemen writes that "we need to bomb the Czech Republic, glory to Omerika!"
    5. Kaa
      April 22 2013 11: 41
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      US media beat themselves
      The snake bit its tail ... Like an honest boa constrictor, I will say that in the Chinese tradition it is a symbol of infinity, in this case, the infinite arrogance of the United States and its media, as well as their sticks and toads.
      1. Gemar
        April 22 2013 13: 09
        Quote: Kaa
        The snake bit its tail ...

        The children are watching us! No. 18+
      2. djon3volta
        April 22 2013 13: 50
        Quote: Kaa
        The snake bit its tail.

        This is a thief and a crook Navalny is fighting corruption. A key fighter.
    6. +4
      April 22 2013 16: 11
      [Alexander Romanov] The only thing I can say is that the US media defeated themselves. Their lies hit them, most no longer believe the American media. They don’t believe at all !!! Media control of the crowd does not work - so how much does not twist Yes - and the end will always be !!! wassat laughing walked on the defeat of the USSR and everything ended in their laf !! well, you get used to the good QUICKLY !!! laughing
  3. +5
    April 22 2013 07: 23
    Oh, it all hurts like that in time. The US budget is "bursting", in the economy, which means that "not happy days" are coming in the fate of millions of people, and then, get America a new enemy, in the fight against which it is necessary to rally ... I would not be surprised if "ears stick out" here "American intelligence services.
    I will say one thing - "evil is sown, like a boomerang returns." Simple people are just very sorry ...
    1. +2
      April 22 2013 12: 17
      Yes, of course, these two doves were framed, the FBI did this more than once, even gave them weapons and then arrested. And these are good because you can talk about Russia, as well as pity the poor Chechen people, for the fact that they are so "oppressed" in Russia, that they go to the United States and blow up everything. Alas, the zombie machine of fascincton is in business.
  4. Hudo
    April 22 2013 07: 23
    In the morning they were Indians, now they are from Russia. Waiting for the evening and put on Syria.

    Good comment, but I bet on the CIA.
    1. +3
      April 22 2013 08: 04
      And I bet on the US intelligence services - they themselves got entangled in their lies. Now there is a ridiculous attempt to blind the hunchback in the media and give out a convenient version to justify new bloody actions by America in the regions of the Earth they need. And ignorance of the geography of the "educated" and "civilized" West simply knocks down, and they also try to teach others about life?
    2. +7
      April 22 2013 08: 19
      Quote: Hudo

      Good comment, but I bet on the CIA.

      As for the CIA, there is an interesting topic on Military materials, and there are backpacks too.
      The version with the two Chechens who blew up Boston raised too many questions, moreover, not in vain. For almost the entire past day I collected information on the network about this terrorist act and now I can safely and confidently state that these two guys are not guilty of anything, the perpetrators of the attack were mercenaries from a private army company BlackWater. Details here ... http: //
      1. SSR
        April 22 2013 09: 50
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        from a private army company Blackwater.

        a little bit wrong. people with a chevron were seen there - "Kraft International"
        On their form a chevron with the image of a dead head - mark of the military firm "Kraft International", founded by Chris Kyle, a famous American sniper killed in strange circumstances 2 months ago. A man in the same clothes fell into the frame on the roof of the house, under which there was an explosion. Another shot at the finish line, with some kind of remote control in his hands.
        1. Kaa
          April 22 2013 10: 05
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          the perpetrators of the attack were mercenaries from the private army company BlackWater

          Quote from S.S.R.
          a little bit wrong.

          This is the answer of the Doku Umarov guys to the murder of Berezovsky. In England, they did not want to shit, they live there, and perhaps they suspect the United States of liquidating their sponsor - and so they have shown that they can put a superpower on their ears with hunger.
          1. +7
            April 22 2013 12: 34
            Quote: Kaa
            This is the answer of the guys of Doku Umarov to the murder of Berezovsky

            It seems to me that WE ALL are victims monstrous falsification.
            Explosion footage live.
            Then "voluntary help" in viewing the NECESSARY video frames.
            Then they "pulled" freeze frames of guys of "Caucasian nationality" with saucepans in their backpacks.
            Then a shootout at the university campus.
            The finale is a driven, wounded "hot" Americanized young Chechen.
            It is not difficult to calculate the "psychotypes" of behavior.
            Organizing the necessary footage is even easier.
            To play blindly "hot Caucasian" guys for the special services - like "two fingers on the asphalt" - remember the conflict between Zidane and Materazzi.
            After all, these are not liners to "run" over skyscrapers.
            1. Murat 09
              April 22 2013 13: 56
              That's right, Valentin, I’ll add from myself, one of the Chechens was killed during the arrest, the second was shot in the throat and he cannot speak, that is, he cannot justify himself. Amusing coincidence right ??? Do you believe this is a coincidence ??? Me not!!!
            2. 0
              April 22 2013 16: 02
              amers fantasy ended, fast food however !!!! wassat
        2. +5
          April 22 2013 10: 11
          Quote from S.S.R.
          a little bit wrong. people with a chevron were seen there - "Kraft International"

          Well, it doesn’t change the essence, there are more questions than answers, like September 11, 2001
          1. SSR
            April 22 2013 10: 27
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            more questions than answers

            stopudovo .... we can only essentially observe .. who will be sacrificed.
            as with Oswald.
          2. Murat 09
            April 22 2013 13: 58
            Precisely noticed, Alexander !!!
      2. Murat 09
        April 22 2013 13: 53
        Alexander, well, finally, I agree with you, a big plus for you for this post, otherwise some people scream, Muslims, Chechens blew up again, terrorists, etc. And I’m already tired of proving that it’s not Muslims who blow up, but Westerners and blame it on Muslims. Thanks again for this link)))
    3. +2
      April 22 2013 16: 13
      [quote = Hudo] Venca
      In the morning they were Indians, now they are from Russia. Waiting for the evening and put on Syria.

      Good comment, but I put it on the CIA .-- SO they put it on themselves too !!! wassat
  5. +3
    April 22 2013 07: 24
    Global gap pattern! smile
    Victims of propaganda ...
  6. +10
    April 22 2013 07: 31
    You read and marvel at the kind of naive and illiterate people living abroad. With rare exceptions ...
  7. +11
    April 22 2013 07: 45
    Lord Understand terrorists of all stripes - inspire them with the idea that only in the USA can you really come off.
    1. Hudo
      April 22 2013 07: 49
      Quote: retired
      Lord Understand terrorists of all stripes - inspire them with the idea that only in the USA can you really come off.

      Tss-ss-ss-s !!! Please pray more quietly so that it will be fulfilled exactly. lol
      1. dusha233
        April 22 2013 09: 14
        I support the pensioner in his prayers !!!!
    2. +2
      April 22 2013 16: 47
      [quote = senior citizen] Lord! Understand terrorists of all stripes - inspire them with the idea that only in the USA can you really come off. so they already know it Yes Internet however !!! wassat laughing
  8. UFO
    April 22 2013 07: 48
    Impressed by the realism of the Spaniards, and the "idiocy" of the Brazilians. Europe, as always, about everything and about nothing, "liberalism" is their mother. feel
  9. +6
    April 22 2013 07: 51
    Once again, most of the negative towards Russia comes from the comments of Polyakov. Even English-speaking "friends" are somehow more sensible about this, and this is all itching to do.
  10. +2
    April 22 2013 07: 56
    As if after the call, the invasion of the Marines in the formidable was not followed)
    1. Gemar
      April 22 2013 08: 02
      Quote: Clever man
      Marines in formidable)

      The Marines ??? Oh well...
      1. k220150
        April 22 2013 09: 47
        Which Terrible? What Marines? Are you friends with the head? Remember the sad fate of "Delta" in Mogadishu (Somalia) and General Aidid. It's also good to remember the storming of Grenada. Then you are unlikely to carry such a blizzard.
        1. Gemar
          April 22 2013 11: 01
          Quote: k220150
          Which Terrible? What kind of marines? Are you head = friends?

          And why should I address it ??? It was the Clever Man who said it, not me! I just expressed my doubt that the marines would be able to land on the "coast" of Chechnya (for the dull ones - SARKAZM!).
          He still threw friends with the head. Now the ladies are friends with her, but I control!
          Quote: k220150
          Then you are unlikely to carry such a blizzard.

          Minus you for excessive expression and disrespectful tone to the Clever Man. I do not agree - justify correctly, maybe a person is sincerely convinced of his innocence. And with the phrases "you are with your head = then you are friends" and "carry such a blizzard" you only emphasize a gap in your upbringing!
    2. +5
      April 22 2013 08: 22
      Quote: Clever man
      As if after the call, the invasion of the Marines in the formidable was not followed)

      Zassssat "gallant" marines. An evil Chechen is not an Arab, he will not roll cotton wool. They put it well into the minds of their soldiers when they were still children through the media.
    3. +4
      April 22 2013 08: 30
      "As if after the call not" was followed by the invasion of the Marines in Grozny) "
      First, the channel for aircraft carriers will have to dig. smile
    4. dusha233
      April 22 2013 09: 15
      So already they are planning this invasion directly from Afghanistan !!
      1. +1
        April 22 2013 18: 10
        Quote: dusha233
        So already they are planning this invasion directly from Afghanistan !!

        Is this when escaping from Afghanistan through Chechnya?)
        1. Kaa
          April 22 2013 21: 35
          Quote: Phantom Revolution
          Is this when you escaped from Afghanistan through Chechnya?

          Yeah, even from the Indian Ocean for air support AUG will be pulled through the sands to the mountains - according to their strategy, without it - well, nothing request
    5. 0
      April 22 2013 16: 55
      [quote = Clever man] As if after the explosion, the Marines did not invade the formidable, then the Chechen landing in Boston !! drinks wassat laughing
      1. 0
        April 22 2013 19: 28
        [quote = datur] [quote = Clever man] As if after the explosion, the Marines did not invade the formidable, then a Chechen landing of 2 people
  11. +3
    April 22 2013 08: 08
    No wonder ... that these guys easily got a green card.
    1. +7
      April 22 2013 08: 25
      Quote: Strashila
      No wonder ... that these guys easily got a green card.

      Well, they were rebels and related to resistance against the Russian authorities, which is surprising.
  12. +3
    April 22 2013 08: 30
    The American political collider has spawned its own "black hole of terror," which no longer separates boundaries and sucks in everyone, including its ancestors.
    What goes around comes around!
  13. Belogor
    April 22 2013 08: 38
    there are not so many adequate comments as they still have in their head porridge, including in geography. Well, the Poles are the Poles!
  14. +3
    April 22 2013 08: 41
    The most inappropriate comments are from France, Spain and Poland. The Poles historically do not like us, any muck about Russia will be eaten and will not choke, and the French and Spaniards, it seems, are learning poorly.
    1. Hudo
      April 22 2013 08: 59
      Quote: koni
      and the French and Spaniards, apparently, are learning poorly.

      Or vice versa, it’s good and sorry not for what you need!
    2. +1
      April 22 2013 16: 57
      [quote = koni] The most inappropriate comments from France, Spain and Poland. The Poles historically do not like us, they will eat up any nasty things about Russia and will not choke, and the French and Spaniards, apparently, are learning poorly. - But no, they just have a RECESSION !!! laughing And ON Pshek we even-- yes, we, like the Baltic states-- do not notice them !!! Yes (except for those who like sprats) !! wassat laughing
  15. +2
    April 22 2013 08: 57
    Among foreign users there are a lot of sound reasoning, but such

    @SiMo_HaMM Chechnya. I doubt that the Americans are aware of the existence of this African country bordering Nepal.
    1. Hudo
      April 22 2013 09: 07
      It’s a pity they don’t understand pin-dos in Nashinsky.
    2. Prishtina
      April 22 2013 09: 23
      it's sacred winked
    3. +6
      April 22 2013 10: 03
      The Frenchman speaks with sarcasm about the Americans, who know Canada and Mexico in geography, and there is Europe, and al-Qaeda (such a camp).
    4. +5
      April 22 2013 10: 15
      Quote: darksoul
      Among foreign users there are a lot of sound reasoning, but such

      @SiMo_HaMM Chechnya. I doubt that the Americans are aware of the existence of this African country bordering Nepal.

      I’ll tell you a secret - the Frenchman made fun of the mustache in geography hi
    5. 0
      April 22 2013 17: 02
      [= darksoul] There are a lot of common reasoning among foreign users, but there are some

      [quote] @SiMo_HaMM Chechnya. I doubt that the Americans are aware of the existence of this African country bordering Nepal-- so this is the main American secret !!! belay wassat laughing
  16. +9
    April 22 2013 09: 20
    quote-Foreign Twitter users are vigorously discussing the news that the perpetrator of the Boston bombing allegedly comes from Chechnya.

    and we are participants in the VO forum, too, are not shy, I would advise foreign users to come visit us and read our comments. Let us give a head start to visitors to Twitter and Facebook laughing
  17. +13
    April 22 2013 09: 21
    Polish commentators leave no doubt about which people are our main "friend" in Eastern Europe. A miserable, notorious nation of traders
    1. k220150
      April 22 2013 09: 50
      A nation of goons, prostitutes and cowards. Read F.M. Dostoevsky characteristics of psheks.
      1. +1
        April 22 2013 17: 14
        [quote = k220150] A nation of goons, prostitutes and cowards. Read F.M. Dostoevsky characteristics of psheks. - CHURCHIL- and this is enough !!! Yes the bastard was the one but correct !! hi
  18. +5
    April 22 2013 09: 52
    It's a pity that you can't put more than 1 plus. The Poles have pleased the "duzya" - as much as p..ts "would kiss", the hucksters bl .. finished.
  19. +3
    April 22 2013 10: 04
    in the comments it is noticeable that everyone was fed up with "democracy", everyone wants to sort out their problems on their own, without involving stupid ideologues ...
  20. +4
    April 22 2013 10: 08
    Nothing has changed in the STAFF, as in the good old days of the "cold war" - Russia is to blame for everything. Even the assassination of Kennedy by local conspirators was so informationally packed that some still believe that Kremlin agents killed him. So the reaction of the US masses is not surprising - propaganda has been going on for many years.
    1. 0
      April 22 2013 14: 18
      Everything for brainwashing and creating an imaginary danger, in this case, the US embezzlers will no longer ask why they brought the country to debt that they cannot pay.
  21. +5
    April 22 2013 10: 34
    It was very interesting to read. A lot of common sense and frank stupidity. And they still suspect each other of something bad. Regarding the comments from Turkey - if I had doubts before, now they are scattered - these are our enemies and I am right did that he went to serve in the 102nd base.
  22. Alexander-81
    April 22 2013 11: 08
    Quote: Clever man
    As if after the call, the invasion of the Marines in the formidable was not followed)
    in the float to Chechnya wassat
    1. 0
      April 22 2013 12: 47
      Judging by the knowledge of geography then to the Czech Republic.)
  23. Petrospek
    April 22 2013 11: 17
    Here is a link from Fontanka, a rather entertaining read, a Russian student in Boston, and just a story "about them." Including about tolerance.
  24. +5
    April 22 2013 11: 30
    By the number of Russophobia in tweets, the Poles won.
  25. aleks71
    April 22 2013 11: 35
    Remember ... I DON'T BELIEVE, I don’t believe a single word .. As for "September 11", and now .. everything is too sewn with white threads .. The bastards are stirring up another dirty trick ... I wonder what they will sing when they really break will begin .. Such a "child" and the parent will eat when he stops eating him or the old toy gets tired ...
  26. +1
    April 22 2013 12: 14
    Smiled a comment, [@ Antaeus79 I can directly see how Putin calls Obama: “I told you”, with a sense of healthy malice))
  27. Prishtina
    April 22 2013 13: 05
    Hmm .. to Lawrence of Arabia do not pull laughing
    feature = player_embedded & v = ahwSmcZxBAU
  28. +1
    April 22 2013 13: 28
    Yeah ... from the comments you can immediately see the essence of the people. what can I say: Poles, for example, are purely evil for us ... saturated with Western ideology, brainwashed .... they probably would have dumped the end of the world on Russia.

    Europe is generally illiterate, although it seems that the Germans' comments seem more or less true. In general, one can note hostile sentiments towards Islamists and, in general, to people professing Islam around the world. sooner or later this barrel of gunpowder will explode sooooo much!
  29. 0
    April 22 2013 14: 16
    Quote: Gentleman
    in the comments it is noticeable that everyone was fed up with "democracy", everyone wants to sort out their problems on their own, without involving stupid ideologues ...

    Everyone was just tired of lying in the Western media.
  30. WW3
    April 22 2013 14: 22
    Tamerlan’s older brother, who was killed by the police during a night chase, suddenly became interested in Islam two years ago and prayed five times a day. It was he who could influence the younger brother. In January 2012, Tamerlan, according to some reports, came to Russia for six months. What he did and with whom he met is not yet known. This remains to be found out by both the American and Russian special services. If there is any trace, then the hunt for the Tsarnaev brothers can continue
    In 2011, Russia requested information on senior Boston terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev. The FBI claims that the request for a future terrorist described as a radical Islamist, ready to join an underground group.

    From the FBI statement: “This request was based on information about
    that Tsarnaev was a follower of radical Islam and a deeply religious person. "He has changed dramatically after 2010, when he was preparing to leave the United States to go to Russia and join unnamed underground groups."

    In 2011, FBI specialists checked the US government databases and other information, information about telephone conversations and Internet activities of Tsarnaev Sr., as well as his possible “dangerous” connections. The FBI interviewed Tamerlan himself and his family. But no traces of the terrorist activities of the future bomber, either domestically or abroad, were found.

    Tamerlan Tsarnaev was the owner of the "green card", and his brother Dzhokhar was a naturalized US citizen, reports Reuters.

    Read more:
  31. +7
    April 22 2013 15: 04
    Yes, the Chechens here can finally decoy, or for some kind of sinners had to pay so much, or maybe for citizenship or something else that they sucked ...

    The campaign of the attack was carried out by the Americans themselves, who killed the CIA / FBI, what then did the people from the famous Blackwater company with headset and backpacks directly at the places of the explosion, who started looking for them at first but then abruptly switched to the Tsarnaev brothers ...

    Snapshot from CNN news, April 19, 2013. The elder Tsarnaev, Tamerlane, 26, is being led into a police car. Strip it to make sure it is not explosive. Then it turned out that "his younger brother had run over him." Video removed from all video services

    but one of the victims ...

  32. 0
    April 22 2013 15: 47
    Thanks for the notch, but most of it has already been seen on the site. I hope to continue since I have weak tongues.
  33. Irek
    April 22 2013 16: 25
    One of the Livejournal bloggers posted his version of the explosion with pictures, with an analysis of
  34. Vtel
    April 22 2013 16: 33
    @mikeyfranklin My wife is a school teacher and she is proud that she is American. And she comes from the USSR. Just try to attach to its origin - I hope you ass.

    Our man, only his wife would have explained that we should be proud of the country that gave birth to it.
    masanorinaito @masanorinaito
    Mdaa ... It's hard to say something. But after all, the enemy of Chechnya is Russia, not America. It is clear, if there are connections with foreign countries, and now this is some kind of home-grown terrorist ... What is happening at all?

    Shaw was scared - shit of the West, and when they blew up houses in Moscow, it seems nothing.
      April 22 2013 22: 17
      A friend of mine was born in Madagascar when my parents worked there. After a year returned to the Union, the remaining 46 years he lives in Russia, so according to your opinion he should be proud of Madagascar? You smart guy ....
  35. 0
    April 22 2013 17: 12
    Link to explosive photos with layout

    And then think it is worth believing the United States yes or no. For me it’s not! My opinion is that we urgently need to rearm and the sooner the better, and the most advanced.
    And there let the USA whine as much as it wants.
  36. +1
    April 22 2013 17: 24
    [Semyon Albertovich] Nothing has changed in the STATES, as in the good old days, the Cold War - Russia is to blame for everything. Even the assassination of D. Kennedy by local conspirators was so informative that some still believe that agents of the Kremlin killed him. So the reaction of the US masses is not surprising - propaganda has been going on for many years so far - FSB agents have spanked everything accurately and LINKOLNA too! ! wassat laughing ANIMALS !!! angry
    1. Kaa
      April 22 2013 18: 57
      Quote: datur
      some still believe that agents of the Kremlin killed him.
      And the media are feeding it hard. Here's from a relatively recent delirium: "Lawyer Vincent Bugliosi, in his book Reclaiming History, spent 1979 million words to prove that Oswald was a lone killer. Many disagree with him, and not the last in this row - the special committee on political assassinations of the House of Representatives, which in 1979 concluded that at least two armed men were involved in the assassination attempt, and therefore Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy. In its conclusion, the special committee made another conclusion that the Soviet state was not involved in this murder. ”In 1963, there was still ten years before the end of the nuclear confrontation between East and West, and such a conclusion was just as necessary as in XNUMX, when statements about Soviet involvement could provoke a thermonuclear war. may have acted alone, says Holmes, but he must have been driven by outside power. ”In his new book, A Spy Like N o Other ”(a spy like no other) he makes the assumption that Kennedy most likely fell victim to the evil and uncompromising KGB Stalinists, who, by virtue of their upbringing and customs, could not accept humiliation in Cuba. They conspired behind Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Khrushchev to get even with Kennedy, whose firm and decisive stance, backed by overwhelming American superiority in missiles and bombers, forced the Russians to withdraw their medium-range nuclear missiles from Cuba, led by Fidel Castro.
      “Cuba has become a colossal humiliation for these people,” says Holmes. - They believed in the Stalinist methods: hit your enemy, and hit as hard as possible. In 1959, Serov was appointed head of the Soviet military intelligence of the GRU. Its obvious decline coincided with the Cuban crisis when it was revealed that GRU officer Oleg Penkovsky was a British agent. Penkovsky was shot, and Serov was lost in the unknown. Rumor had it that he shot himself without enduring such a shame. In fact, he lived until 1990.
      Holmes believes that Serov’s “shame” was only a cover for his participation in the matter immeasurably more important than Penkovsky’s betrayal. This trio, Serov, Andropov and Kryuchkov, most likely stood at the head of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy. “These three were unwavering people,” says Holmes. - They wanted to act. Kennedy was a bitter enemy. But Oswald? Out of control, chatty Oswald? He would surely have told everything if Jack Ruby hadn't been shot in the stomach. “If he hadn't shot Cop Tippit after Kennedy's assassination, he might have escaped that day. And I am sure that the KGB would either kidnap him, take him to the Soviet Union, or kill him. There was no way they could have allowed his arrest. "-" The Telegraph UK ", UK Original publication: The assassination of President John F Kennedy: the finger points to the KGB
      Опубликовано: 24/10/2012 17:22
  37. 0
    April 22 2013 19: 02
    Just do not throw minuses at me. For the sake of interest, I decided to assume that all this was a setup of the special services of amers. I took 150 vodka on my chest, closed my eyes, exhaled and presented. And the first question I had at the same time, and what is it normal to start shooting to the police when they are trying to detain you. Understandably, the special forces tied them up, but the cops seemed to have nerves and they gave up. The "jeep run over", mediocre cowboyism began. can never, he was somehow successfully shot in the throat. But in general, of course, the matter is extremely muddy. I feel sorry for the citizens of Boston. They die because of their politicians.
  38. 0
    April 22 2013 19: 04
    Another thing is Chechen traitors who cooperate with Russia, or Chechen mercenaries who are ready to order, for money, to do anything, to the one who pays them

    the Poles in their repertoire ... the situation can not be described; they always have the same answer: the Russians are to blame
  39. 0
    April 22 2013 19: 14
    @mikeyfranklin My wife is a school teacher and she is proud that she is American. And she comes from the USSR. Just try to attach to its origin - I hope you ass.

    Again, everything is sewn with white thread! First, the Saudis were looking for, now Chechens.
    Actually, the version "about the American trace" is not even considered, an artist is needed who will not have a chance to justify himself.
    The elder brother died strangely - although for the investigation he should be of greater interest !!
    And even Kennedy’s murder will be hanged on his younger brother!
  40. 0
    April 22 2013 19: 34
    2 Czechs and Boston "quieter than a mouse, a cat on the roof" .... do these people want world domination? ....
  41. Anton Russian
    April 22 2013 19: 36
    I would say that in this story there is rather a fat American trace)
    The saddest thing for Russia is that anti-Caucasian sentiments rise again, people will judge some of the peoples of Russia on this special occasion. We already have a hard time with it) I can’t believe that these people, being successful and assimilated in US society, did such a thing, there is clearly something unclean, too senseless act of terrorism.
  42. 0
    April 22 2013 19: 37
    You know, gentlemen, I read the opinions of the Americans themselves on foreign media and a pretty curious picture is cut out. It seems that the older Tsarnaev is right in that his sons were framed. No, the older one, the terrorist is without question. It’s just who sent them. They just rolled the law on weapons and tightening police rights, explosions. Public opinion there turned out to be great towards the law that was not passed. And the small number of dead is noteworthy. Not in the tradition of the Islamists. A muddy affair, definitely murky. The younger will most likely die. And ends in water.
  43. 0
    April 22 2013 20: 45
    In the comments, the Germans were pleased and, strangely enough, the Czechs! Thank God, there are enough normal thinking people! Poles are traditionally afraid of themselves! But the Brazilians seem to have similar problems with "human rights defenders"!
    1. 1lexsander
      April 22 2013 21: 54
      Totally agree with you.
      “Terrorists need to understand, they are forced to act extremely cruelly”

      C. Kovalev (Human Rights Defender) Chairman of the Memorial Society.

      1992 - Medal of Remembrance on January 13 (Lithuania) [38]
      1996 - Award of the International League for Human Rights.
      1995 - Czech award "Man in Need".
      1995 - Nuremberg Human Rights Award.
      1996 - Human Rights Award of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.
      1995 and 1996 was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
      1996 - Order “Knight of Honor” of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (awarded in Moscow in January 1997) [21].
      1993 - Honorary Doctor of Medicine of the Kaunas Academy of Biomedical Sciences.
      1996 - Honorary Doctorate in Human Rights from the University of Essex.
      1999 - Grand Commander's Cross of the Order of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas [39]
      2000 - Kennedy Prize.
      2004 - Olof Palme Award
      2006 - Officer of the Legion of Honor (France) [40] [41].
      2009 - Andrey Sakharov Prize “For Freedom of Thought” [42]
      2009 - awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit for the Republic of Poland by the decree of the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski “for outstanding achievements in the field of protecting human rights and promoting civil liberties” [43] (awarded 2010 [44])
      2011 - “Freedom Award” (Lithuania) [45]
  44. 0
    April 22 2013 20: 57
    Poles as always. I am a peaceful person, but after their comments, one thought didn’t work somehow with Katyn, in the sense that it was not enough, it was necessary more, much more, the world would still not lose anything.
  45. cared
    April 22 2013 21: 34
    Strange, but I thought that everyone would say that Russia was again to blame for everything, and that we sent Chechens to weaken America, etc. .. But it’s strange that some spoke of completely opposite expressions, and not about that Russia is to blame, but that SAMA America faked this attack. Strange, weird, weird.
  46. 1lexsander
    April 22 2013 22: 00
    The Americans, as always, found scapegoats in their style unclearly as hell since September 11 and are playing the Russia Evil Empire card. Be afraid of it, but private opinion has no boundaries and in general it is understandably ambiguous but uniform.
  47. Nameless Warrior
    April 22 2013 23: 11
    Interestingly, on September 11, was there anyone in the collapsing buildings? ............
  48. Nameless Warrior
    April 23 2013 01: 11
    "The Canadian police prevented a series of major terrorist attacks in the country" Do you still do not believe in our fascinating show-terrorist attack with ketchup smeared with firecrackers hastily in abundant smoke? safety plan .. hmmm .. hmmm .. more precisely, the news that in the neighboring country there is also a danger and there are terrorists! so we have this not a show! no, no! in general, I got the whole circus of theirs, it's already sick to watch am negative
  49. Nameless Warrior
    April 23 2013 02: 21
    It’s just another performance for playing cards of their venal and arrogant amer’s elite. Tomorrow they’ll say don’t support Assad, now you support Kadyrov and now you see the terror spreading from there to America’s white fluffy doshol (which has 800 military bases abroad and 1 place in the world in sales weapons) they say that the poor we are not bombing anyone with drones or torturing us in guantanamo and military prisons. They fool people by throwing a cat in a poke to distract them from the right thoughts with their performances and performances, attempts to justify all their criminal military operations abroad.
  50. Nameless Warrior
    April 23 2013 02: 28

    Well, I can’t believe it after this is a real attack
  51. Nedquody
    April 23 2013 12: 09
  52. Kostya pedestrian
    2 June 2014 04: 32
    Curiosity that didn't kill the bear. I have just watched The Day after Tomorrow movie where you can see the "IDR 627" named ship driving through the streets of New York and underneath it breaks the bus with British flag just on side of the building entrance that looks just like the entrance to the Metro in Minsk where they had filmed explosion aftermath.

    Don't tell me it is just a coincidence. What is funny is that I can offer you - MVD study center Belarus just opposite a Lutheran park a theory that Nissan smuggle TNT for the terror attack.

    To prove it, check out google maps Toyoata nissan dealership in Boston opposite Burger King on the asphalt path you can see some sort of marking NGR 6 ID.

    O'yes, don't mix your AliAns with our Art of War Camouflage. FYI - check out Misnk old bus route 38 from Dom Kino that LIAZ wanted to steal. [LIAZ vs UAZ]

    welcome to sewerage - personally I like money because they make people look good not like those geisha outfit and skirt men from ai ki do. For russians I would recommend to read a book called "a fighting methods of Hyperborear people"

    Just look at the police in the vest, I had just like this one but mine was "ace of Spades" which I left at Shell refinery when was discharged just right after the fukushima disaster - which was just a "return a bad spell to whoever tried to kill me." Look at Luberscy town map which look like a funny devil from Futurama with someone putting a red dot through his throat. IT seams that that red dot was pilot-assessed in the pacific rim. And those Egos couldn't win.

    My assaumption is that Japanese lurvs are too greedy and now want to have the whole world not just under their control but to kick anyone which is not a Japanese to the outer space.

    By the way this Christian forgive and good mouth your enemy is their invention to kill off our instinct for survival and victory.

    PS: I am a huge fan of KODAK therefore all my IT alien vs Tallinn has a Easy share options.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"