"Evroholui" and the myth of the "civilized countries"

Another article by the permanent observer nstarikov.ru Evgenia Chernysheva talks about how easy it is to become “Euro-Troll”. Far more difficult to stop worshiping the West.

[Center]"Evroholui" and the myth of the "civilized countries"
[/ Center]
Whenever the Russian civilization needs to do any harm, the decisive argument of the liberals-Westerners is a reference to the "civilized world" or "normal European countries." Nothing else to expect from them. But the most regrettable thing is that until now these mantras have worked for many people without fail, completely paralyzing the ability to think independently at the mention of "developed countries". So strong is the hypnosis of the "civilized world." But ... where is it? It would seem that everything is clear - we are talking about Western countries that have reached a "high standard of living" and are an example to follow and an object of worship. But now I will try to show that it is not.

“In Europe, people live like people and cleanliness is around, not like here,” says the average man in the street, throwing a bottle into the bushes. Have you ever watched something like that? I am sure that I had to. I myself have repeatedly witnessed. Look around - it happens on every corner: tons of cigarette butts fly from the balconies, millions of bottles, stones, pieces of paper, and they follow curses to “this country”, which cannot clean up the situation “like in Europe”. “The country is like this,” says the man in the street, not wanting, however, to take responsibility for what is happening, but to shift it to the notorious laws that allegedly do not work. “Laws will work - I will keep order, and so what’s the point? Because of me, one thing will not change anything, ”the majority reasons like this, unaware that the law will never work if it is not backed by its willingness to abide by its service to the Fatherland. And here I want to put forward my suggestion explaining the origin of this apparent paradox - on the one hand, admiration for “developed countries” and laws (supposedly) working there, and on the other hand, unwillingness to move a finger in order to improve one’s own country.

In fact, this is no paradox. Pay attention: when referring to the “civilized world”, they usually do not bother themselves with specifics, but get off with general phrases like “in the West for a long time ...”. But if public opinion can be understood as manipulators (they are liberals, then), the common people often take everything at face value for another reason. Why does it not occur to him to clarify where it is “in normal European countries”? But the fact is that the very expression “normal European countries” means: anywhere, not here. It is easier to feel than to explain. The emphasis falls not on THERE, but on NOT HERE. And sometimes, at all, "just not here." That is, with this expression we do not send our thought somewhere, but expel ourselves from here.

In this terrible phrase there is a deep inner disregard for the native land, country, people, inspired to us by the Westerners for a long time and supported by ourselves. Taking for granted the concept of the “civilized world”, we thereby renounce the Fatherland, believing that we live better than we can and “like people”. This is faith, and at its core is contempt for the native and worship overseas, and specifically Western. After all, we will never cite the example of Iran or India. Even China is almost always mentioned only in the context of the notorious "Chinese threat". (By the way, the lie about “high standards of living” in the West is easily exposed at least in these two materials about France: http://oko-planet.su/politik/politwar/118591-pora-valit-mozhet-byt-vo-franciyu .html

On the day of this writing, I saw with my own eyes a sticker in the bread department of one supermarket. There was a piece of paper hanging under the rye bread at the price tag: “In the West it is believed that rye bread ...” This is what you need to walk in servility and reptiles before the West in order to endure your illness for bread: and what is there in the “developed countries” think about bread !? Yes, let them even eat the stones, we care about them !? (Although, in fact, all European food has long been a tasteless poison. Here, truly, "The West has long been ...".)

But we have been eating our bread for a thousand years without any signs from the West. But the liberals consider it necessary to verify: are we not breaking away from the “civilized world”? Because to be eurholy is their destiny: why should our western masters deign? And now, for rooting in the minds of monstrous self-exaltation and hatred of native culture, the idea of ​​"universal human values" and "a high road of civilization" is suggested. The goal is to instil, as an axiom, the thought of "our backwardness" and ultimately - that we fight against our own country.

This position is very convenient - I am good, and the country is bad, but in the West they live “as people”, therefore the Fatherland can be repaired - still it is not a pity. The basis of this is cowardice. In fact, how many people have found a good niche for themselves - throw mud at the Motherland, justifying it with “backwardness”, and slowly parasitize on its wealth. This is me about the "creative class". But not only they, and ordinary people, by their own delusions, often take a position - to snatch for themselves, while there is a possibility in “this country”. But the most important thing is that they do not want any improvements, because the revival of the country will necessarily impose on them additional and genuine responsibility for the future. That is why democrats of all stripes are afraid of real improvement - they will lose their resource of parasitizing on difficulties, their legitimacy, for their lies and intentions will become clear. And they are trying with all their might to instill in us hatred of themselves, our stories, to our ancestors, to our culture, spreading the chimera of “normal European countries” and infecting it with everyone who can be infected.

But their song is sung. Only this can and should be our position. Having cured of the disease of Euro-centrism ourselves, we must treat everyone around us for it. She feeds on lies, but cannot stand against the truth. That is our duty.

We are warriors of truth. And we must fight for it always and everywhere!
141 comment
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  1. Belogor
    April 20 2013 06: 07
    Unfortunately, Russians have such a fad, and for a long time. And in Soviet times they did not get rid of this habit, which is confirmed by a fable written in 1945 by S. Mikhalkov.
    "I know: there are still families,
    Where our screaming and scolding,
    Where they look with emotion
    On foreign stickers ...
    But fat ... eat Russian! "
    Although the trends in Europe in recent years, show that in general there is nothing to envy.
    1. +21
      April 20 2013 06: 14
      Old as a mortal world.
      Liberoids screaming about allegedly primordial Russian savagery, and how great and enlightened the Western world is ....
      Only these so-called advanced nerds, in their praise to the West, forget and modestly remain silent about what the advertising picture is hiding, and behind it excuse me a huge pile of feces, wildness and a complete lie.
      1. +31
        April 20 2013 06: 33
        Quote: Sakhalininets

        Liberoids screaming about allegedly primordial Russian savagery, and how great and enlightened the Western world is ....

        They said this 50 and 300 and 800 years ago, they always said the same thing. talked about their civilization, drowning in mud and mud. Destroying nations around the world also called themselves civilized. Now glorifying gays and other perverts, supporting terrorists, overthrowing governments, they are again the most civilized.
        If a thief served 10 times for theft, then he will never be a hard worker again! It is enough to look at the past of the West to understand their future.
        1. Murat 09
          April 20 2013 08: 17
          Alexander, now you say that Europe is bad and our enemy, what did you reproach me when I called Europe the enemy of Russia and was glad about the problems of the enemy, that is, its problems, and ???
          1. +10
            April 20 2013 11: 08
            Quote: Murat 09
            why did you reproach me when I called Europe the enemy of Russia and rejoiced at the problems of the enemy,

            With you, we had a topic about Islam, if there is a decline in faith, then I won’t be happy about it! the more they depart from faith, the greater enemies they become for us, so why rejoice?
            1. S_mirnov
              April 20 2013 12: 12
              "With you we had a topic about Islam, if there is a decline in faith, then I will not rejoice in this! The more they deviate from the faith, the more enemies they become for us"
              Finally, Romanov admitted that faith and religion are the cause of conflict and war. wink
              1. +9
                April 20 2013 12: 40
                And, in my opinion, it’s far from always .. much more often clergymen simply simply prepare an ideological base, prepare and motivate their population for a war, the decision to start which was made by the top for reasons far from religion ..
                1. S_mirnov
                  April 20 2013 18: 59
                  Of course you are right, the church is one of the instruments by which the state governs the people, though sometimes they change places (the church governs the state-um).
                  1. Seraph
                    April 20 2013 21: 07
                    It is not necessary to primitize such an important topic as faith and the Church. And insult the faithful readers of this site. Otherwise, I can walk through atheists too
                    1. S_mirnov
                      April 20 2013 22: 12
                      Atheists differ from religious fans in that they calmly discuss the problems of faith and atheism. wink
                      1. -1
                        April 20 2013 23: 41
                        Quote: S_mirnov
                        Atheists differ from religious fans in that they calmly discuss the problems of faith and atheism. wink

                        Especially "calmly" they blew up churches in the 20-30s, and in the 60s, under Nikita, they played with might and main
                      2. S_mirnov
                        April 21 2013 00: 33
                        "Especially" calmly "they blew up churches in the 20s and 30s," they rarely blew up, they were mainly used as warehouses, in my city, for example, in a former church there was an institute laboratory (thick walls excluded vibration from transport and trams). The building performed a very useful function. By the way, I am in favor of a pool in the center of Moscow instead of the HHS shopping center.
                      3. Shawnee
                        April 21 2013 19: 16
                        Quote: S_mirnov
                        By the way, I'm for the pool in the center of Moscow

                        This is by chance not your porch?
                  2. +3
                    April 20 2013 23: 39
                    Quote: S_mirnov
                    Of course you are right, the church is one of the instruments by which the state governs the people, though sometimes they change places (the church governs the state-um).

                    Orthodoxy unites the Russian people, and therefore strengthens its state
                    1. S_mirnov
                      April 21 2013 00: 37
                      "Orthodoxy unites the Russian people" - on the contrary, it divides it into believers and atheists. I was brought up in the USSR and I can do well without a church, by the way, I clearly distinguish between Faith and the Church and put knowledge above faith.
                2. +3
                  April 20 2013 19: 32
                  Football War (born Football War ,, Spanish: Guerra del Fútbol) is a fleeting military conflict between El Salvador and Honduras, which lasted 6 days (from 14 to 20 July 1969 years). According to international media, the direct cause of the war was the loss of the Honduran team to the Salvador team in the playoff matches of the qualifying stage of the World Cup, which explains the name given to the conflict.

                  Despite the transience, the conflict cost both sides dearly; total losses amounted to about 2000 people [3]; according to other sources, 6000 people died [4]. The war buried the Central American Common Market regional integration project. The peace treaty between the countries was signed only 10 years after the end of the war.

                  Wars are different and for different reasons, but they have only one thing in common - "I want!"
                  1. +3
                    April 20 2013 20: 28
                    A good example :)))), but agree, a rather rare example of a war ... in every sense :)))) and by idiocy too ...
                    1. +5
                      April 20 2013 22: 07
                      I wanted to publish an article by the United States for half a century in the war - but apparently not in the way I designed it and the article was deleted. I’ll tell the United States a lot of incidents - certainly not because of football, but also not for religious reasons, that's for sure. And they fought in the second half of the 20 century on almost 50 wars. And with their active participation in the next world went from 20 to 30mln people around the world. A remarkable way to deal with objectionable governments. For example, the invasion of the Dominican Republic by 42000 marines with the support of the 82 Airborne Division against the 5000 paramilitary with guns and several machine guns. 2.500 thousand killed. 3.500 thousand injured. 100 captured.
              2. 0
                April 20 2013 19: 27
                Well, straight ... But what about the war between Russia and Georgia? War arises for a different reason. Religious wars are only private.
                1. +3
                  April 21 2013 12: 39
                  Quote: dddym
                  Well, straight ... But what about the war between Russia and Georgia? War arises for a different reason. Religious wars are only private.

                  It seems to me that today's military conflicts are very difficult to characterize as WAR. As far as I remember, such an event as a war should be ANNOUNCED officially and so on. etc., because WAR is a continuation of state policy, but in other ways ...
                  And here, local conflicts simply do not fall under the definition.
                  1. +2
                    April 21 2013 19: 10
                    Dear stalkerwalker, no one has officially announced the third world. But we see the result: there is neither the USSR, nor the Warsaw Pact.
                    1. +4
                      April 21 2013 20: 27
                      Quote: Lankov Victor
                      nobody officially announced the third world

                      So this is the problem - officially no one is fighting, and weapons are firing around the world, redrawing the geopolitical map faster than during the Second World War.
                      And how it will be called - it does not matter ...
            2. Murat 09
              April 20 2013 19: 59
              on the contrary, when the decline of faith in Europe, it degenerates and becomes weaker, which benefits Russia, and I rejoiced at this, I don’t understand why you distort the facts, when Europe was strong, it was an enemy, the more it degenerates, the more immersed it is in its problems and she is not up to us, is it not clear?
        2. +4
          April 21 2013 05: 32
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          They said it 50 and 300 and 800 years ago

          All the warriors in which Russia fought began with exactly this that accused us of savagery and cruelty. That we did not have democracy. False! In Novgorod in the 8-10th centuries there was a republic with such a level of democracy to which we and the West are still far away. They then both in Europe and in America ran in the skins and many still did not get off the palm tree ..
        3. SASCHAmIXEEW
          April 21 2013 09: 57
          Everyone forgets the Russian proverb: in the wrong hands, x ... always thicker !! So they all went in the woods !! West is not a decree for us .....
      2. vadimus
        April 20 2013 07: 25
        .American Anusling is a fashionable thing. Hope this coming ....
        1. +5
          April 20 2013 07: 49
          "Where I was born there and fit." Such have always been, are and will be, this mental disorder is characterized by the exfoliation of reality in the brain. It is treated only with intense physical labor, for the good of the Motherland. I would give out a broom to all activists on the swamp, let them combine business with pleasure.
          1. +2
            April 21 2013 19: 13
            Dear COSMOS, you are right in assessing the significance of labor. For example, some RR-Revolutionary penal servitude benefited from the fact that he became a world-famous classic writer - this is F.M.Dostoevsky.
        2. 0
          April 20 2013 23: 44
          Quote: vadimus
          Anusling is a fashionable thing.

          ??? We do not understand your French verbiage fool
      3. +3
        April 21 2013 07: 03
        At the expense of savagery, isn't it wild? Kiselev, in which the final collapse of the Russian post happened, after his dismissal will receive a bonus of 3 million rubles (((...

        I don’t know, maybe this happens in Europe, but for me it’s important that this is the norm. It is especially enraging that the average wage ordinary mail employees 6-10 thousand
    2. +6
      April 20 2013 12: 30
      Unfortunately, it’s worth counting from Peter the Great as one of these times, he, with some merit, laid the foundation for the rejection of the whole Russian, stupid imitation and, as a result, a colossal rupture of the people with the so-called elite .... and our tilition, terribly far from the quintessential people of this gap .. the tragedy of the country ... and, in some places, the shame of the nation ...
      1. yak69
        April 20 2013 14: 49
        The figure of Peter 1 is very ambiguous. He introduced dubious "values" to Russia. Smoking tobacco alone is worth it! Obliged the children of the nobility to study in Europe. As a result, we have Voltaireanism and liberalism. All this dirty trick from there. The problem of fathers and children began with him, tk. From time immemorial, children in Russia grew up and were brought up by their fathers and worked alongside the fathers, ate the same food. There were no grounds for disagreement. But, behold, the children went to Geyrope's. There they are taught other "values", they eat croissants and foie gras, drink coffee and smoke English tobacco, about Italian shoes, French pantaloons, perfume and English powdered wigs, and I just keep quiet. And now, get it! This pomaded Hamburg rooster arrives and Dad tells him to be engaged in farming, and to be with peasants in a field, forest or factory. Oh, oh, sorry, merci, lamur-tuzhur! It’s useless, and then talk about bastard, backward Russia and the enlightened west begins. And this is one point.
        Second moment. The true genocide of Peter in relation to the Old Believers, the harsh and uncompromising bearers of true Orthodoxy. He burned them whole villages! With women and children.
        The third point. "Freemasonry was introduced to Russia by Peter himself, as if he was attracted to Freemasonry by Christopher Wren himself (or Wren), the famous founder of English Freemasonry; the first lodge existed in Russia at the end of the 1717th century. Lefort was the master of the chair in it, the first overseer Gordon, and the second was Peter himself. According to another story, Peter took the Masonic statute out of his journey (the second, in XNUMX) and, on its basis, ordered to open or even opened a box in Kronstadt himself. "

        Draw your own conclusions.
        1. +7
          April 20 2013 15: 00
          Well, from Peter the Cossack freemen got much more than the Old Believers (and much more than during the Civil War - at times), and the Old Believers were engaged in self-immolation much more often than they helped in this ..... and so - that's right .
          The decrease in the population by almost a third in a couple of decades of rule is also largely due to his merit (nevertheless, he also has real and very serious merits), where is the "bad Stalin" before him, whom the brainless part of the tiligence uses as a horror story .. ...
        2. yak69
          April 20 2013 15: 05
          And two more stories, of which he was a participant.
          First one. Sokolniki. Guys got drunk pivasika, got drunk on all sorts of rubbish and all this is scattered across the lawn. He came up, made a remark, made me collect everything and throw it into the trash can. One of them says "we are not like that, life is like that!" (our TV implements this slogan through all sorts of garbage serials). Accessibly and popularly explained their mistake to them. Let's hope they get it.
          Second. In western Ukraine I am eating with a local friend. He's driving. He argues that Ukraine should move to Geyrope and not to Russia. Ahead is a pedestrian crossing with citizens walking along it. Buddy: "Here! Can't they see that the car is going and I need to slow down, waste time! We could have waited!"

          So, you must ALWAYS start with YOURSELF.
        3. caprall
          April 21 2013 13: 23
          Something is not clear, do you suggest that we begin to walk in rags in canvas shirts?
          It is necessary to steal lime with fire and iron, otherwise everyone bazaars in Europe, and there they do not steal so impudently and with impunity. Some jerk for a year and a half for abuse of the flag, although I don’t argue, you need to be punished for that, well, there’s 1000 hours of community service. But the thieves made an army of billions, so this action is less flawed .... apparently. You need to take the best from any culture and implement in your own country so that our country develops. And then only one thing - we have our own way .. And where did he lead? Already 22 years some way to nowhere ... Straight strange reasoning.
      2. +4
        April 20 2013 15: 52
        "Unfortunately, these old times should be counted from Peter 1 - it was he, with certain merits, laid the foundation for the rejection of everything Russian, stupid imitation"
        -It was he who "opened the window" to Europe in us and until now in the navy they use their terms instead of using the rule of word formation to create Russian analogs, + the introduction of drunkenness is generally an ambiguous ruler.
        1. yak69
          April 20 2013 16: 15
          Here is a good article about the relationship of Peter 1 with Freemasonry.
          1. +1
            April 20 2013 19: 10
            Quote: yak69
            The figure of Peter 1 is very ambiguous

            I apologize for interfering in your conversation, but you mentioned Peter the Great.
            Yes, In something, you are right that everything is not so simple, in the history of Russia, everything is ambiguous, who is safe from mistakes? But Peter, still a GREAT man. Like Stalin and Ivan the Terrible, these are the pillars on which Russia is held. It is just necessary, first of all, to take as a basis for the future, all the same, the positive side of their activity, I do not forget the negative. Is the West and East so unambiguously proud and exalting their rulers in their history? You know, I try to perceive the whole history of Russia as a whole, but with positive aspects, without giving preference to any era. Today the problem of Russia is precisely that we ourselves divide by epoch, dividing each other into red and white ... I am not even against liberals and democrats, because I understand that these, too, are our people, with their views on life and future RUSSIA and not always these views are not correct. But I am against any confrontation, and especially, against its extreme manifestations, be it red, white, baptized, and pagans, ALL THERE ARE THE FACES OF THE CURRENT MENTION OF RUSSIA!
            My Russia, our Motherland, and I will always be on the other side of the barricades from those who will water its dirt, whoever it is, be it American, Chinese, liberal or communist, baptized or atheist!
            Z.Y. If you believe Klyuchevsky and his historical portraits, Peter did not perceive Europe in one color, and said that it is dirty and stinks ... and later you can turn back to her! As for the article, today too there is much to learn from the West, and from the East too. “Studying, studying and studying again” V.I. Lenin.
            1. +1
              April 20 2013 22: 06
              [quote = COSMOS] [quote = yak69] “Learns, studies and studies again” V.I. Lenin. [/ Quote]
              A small clarification may not be in the subject, but these words were written by St. Basil the Great in the second half of the 4th century. hi
              1. +1
                April 20 2013 22: 52
                The words are simple and correct, who should have said them first. This fact only increases their importance. And this is the main thing to learn, and from whom we ourselves choose.
            2. +2
              April 20 2013 22: 24
              Quote: SPACE
              Studying, studying and studying again ”V.I. Lenin.

              Let me disappoint you. V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin) did not utter these words. "Study, study and study again" said I. Stalin at one of the congresses of the Komsomol in the late 20s, early 30s of the last century and attributed them to Lenin. Since then, it has become the custom.
              IN AND. Lenin said in his speech at the 3rd Congress of the Komsomol (the speech was called "The tasks of youth unions") not "Learn, learn and learn" (this was attributed to him later), but "The task is to learn"
              1. 0
                April 20 2013 23: 05
                No, you won’t disappoint, it has already been mentioned here. 8 years sat in school under a poster, with the words of Lenin. Yes
                1. +1
                  April 21 2013 10: 40
                  Quote: SPACE
                  No, do not disappoint

                  That's fine. The stone fell from the heart. good
              2. +3
                April 21 2013 12: 42
                Quote: Hedgehog
                "Learn, learn and learn" (this was later attributed to him), and "The task is to learn"

                In our current situation, more
    3. -1
      April 20 2013 23: 36
      Quote: Belogor
      But fat ... eat Russian! "

      And not only
    4. bezumnyiPIT
      April 21 2013 08: 11
      The thought is true and correct, it is necessary to fight with cosmopolitanism! But I put the article in the negative - it is written in a deeply religious-empire style
    5. opkozak
      April 21 2013 19: 37
      “In Europe they live like people and cleanliness is everywhere, not like here,” says the average man in the street, throwing a bottle into the bushes

      I saw this in Karlovy Vary.
      1. +5
        April 21 2013 20: 28
        Quote: opkozak
        I saw it in Karlovy Vary

        This is Pearl! Masterpiece!
  2. +7
    April 20 2013 06: 09
    I don’t know how others, but this reptile specifically begins to enrage me ... I really want to beat someone ... oh, they will bring the people to the Lynch court!
    1. +13
      April 20 2013 10: 41
      Quote: ausguck
      I don’t know how others, but this reptile specifically begins to enrage me ...

      All this is true, but why don't we adopt what is rational in Europe. Not everything in a row, but what may be useful. Well, here's an example, why in Europe (Germany) the police can FORCE people living in a private house Don't make noise after 21.00? And at us? At 2 am Mouzon thunders in a high-rise building, the cops came, shrug their shoulders, "We can't do anything." Why are the streets of Belarusian cities clean, there are no beer bottles, cigarette butts, and we have a garbage can? And try to litter, you will find out for yourself. Citizens do not want to voluntarily and consciously be HUMANITIES, they will be forced to do this, and no screams about democracy will help. That's what you need to learn. Well, of course, you need to start with yourself, at least not shit where zhivesh.A for those who do not want, please, the European (or Belarusian) version.
      1. +8
        April 20 2013 14: 30
        Quote: revnagan
        Why are the streets of the cities of Belarus clean, there are no beer bottles, butts, but do we have trash?

        So it turns out that for the general culture REQUIRES to apply a RIGID administrative resource with a personal responsibility.
        But the issue of "rights and obligations" in our country somehow "smoothly slid" towards an amazing division: administration - rights, ordinary population - obligations. One of which is to pay for the work of the janitors. I don’t know how anyone else, but in our region this is a complete "paragraph".
        1. skeptic-
          April 20 2013 17: 51
          Quote: stalkerwalker
          So it turns out that for a general culture, it IS REQUIRED to use a Tough administrative resource with personal responsibility.

          good smile
    2. yak69
      April 20 2013 16: 06
      Quote: ausguck
      oh, they’ll bring the people to Lynch’s trial!

      Don't Lynch! We have our own method - Pugachevschina, Russian revolt! And it will be worse. Judge Charles Lynch is resting.
  3. UFO
    April 20 2013 06: 18
    Self-criticism is a useful thing! The only irritants are "werewolves", "shape-shifters" and other "former compatriots" who, having barely had time to "change their skin", begin to shit on the "graves of ancestors", on everything "left here", on us, who remain "in rushka"
    1. +10
      April 20 2013 09: 34
      Described is not self-criticism, but an artificially grafted inferiority complex, an element of ideological warfare. It is necessary to distinguish!
  4. +4
    April 20 2013 06: 56
    European civilization is itself a myth about its "civilization"
    1. +6
      April 20 2013 10: 27
      Quote: horoh
      European civilization is itself a myth about its "civilization"

      The myth of civilization easily flows into the myth of exclusivity and sinlessness in thoughts and deeds. No matter how wild, but this is the basis for both fascism and piderasty.
  5. +4
    April 20 2013 07: 16
    To paraphrase - "We see a speck in our own eye, but in someone else's ..." Forgetting and not even admitting that we are to blame for many of our troubles.
  6. fenix57
    April 20 2013 07: 24
    And it seems to me that the former states of the Eastern Bloc, who have "joined" the EU, have already understood that they are "second class" THERE.
    1. Kaa
      April 20 2013 10: 41
      Quote: fenix57
      And it seems to me that the former states of the Eastern Bloc, who have "joined" the EU, have already understood that they are "second class" THERE.
      And "those who have left for democracy, too."
      “People leaving Ukraine often try to find some kind of excuse for this .... And for some reason, almost no one said that he just liked the Mediterranean climate better or that he dreamed of living in the city of giant skyscrapers since childhood ... of the total number of today's emigrants who decided to look for a better life, but never found it. This happens especially often with people who emigrate at random, “where the curve of the American dream will lead.” Can you imagine what unsettled emigrants are? These are crowds crowding the ghettos, wandering in search of some kind of income. People without the necessary profession and work skills. Without education, and often not knowing the language. Woe-businessmen and projectors. Spoiled lovers of comfort who mistakenly believed that in the West they would immediately be offered a good job in the office and a package of all social services. Frank losers. And with the increase in the number of Ukrainian emigrants and migrant workers settling in compact groups, those who simply went “to ours” appeared. As a rule, failed emigrants return to their homeland with a proudly raised head, and not with a tightened tail - for it is a shame. They assure us that they were on earnings, underwent “exchange training” or internship abroad, were engaged in business there, simply stayed with relatives. Very few of them will tell the truth. Emigrants who managed to settle in their new homeland have to make excuses in another: why did they abandon the old one. Perhaps this constant grumbling was not heard only from emigrants of the first wave - those who left Galicia and South Russia before 1914. The most noisy and restless were the second (1916-1925) and third (1939-50) waves of Ukrainian emigration. Through the politicized crowds of nationalists, bourgeois and kulaks, policemen, Petliurites and Bandera. These people created the Ukrainian diaspora of the West, giving it a nationalist, anti-Soviet and anti-Russian character. And although the new life in Germany, Canada and the United States was much better for the former than the former, they did not stop regularly shedding a crocodile tear on the lost Nenko and assuring that they left her only because of the mortal threat from Bolshevism. For years, they have been writing articles and books about starving, haunted, and mortally-stricken Ukraine. They made plans for her release and her triumphal return, created committees and convened congresses, beg for hundreds of millions of dollars to do this holy work. But when in 1991 they finally had such an opportunity, out of the whole multimillion-dollar fraternity of large Ukrainians of the Diaspora, only a few hundred people returned home to Nenko. Basically, politicians and social activists who settled here well at the expense of various funds. Until now, the Ukrainian diaspora in the West prefers to love Ukraine at a distance - and at a distance to give us all sorts of advice and directions. The emigration of the fourth wave (from the beginning of “perestroika” to this day) gave rise to a new type of “runaway h.h.lo.h.o.v”, which found new excuses for their choice. Today, many of them live on benefits, in complete oblivion, therefore they themselves go out on blogs and twitter in order to angrily fall upon the “regime” prevailing in their country and mock the “cattle” living there. In certain circles (especially among young people in the capital), “refugees” are reputable gurus who expose Ukraine’s shortcomings and show its dark population the path to the light of Western civilization. http://from-ua.com/voice/425fd35df5dd0.html
    2. +7
      April 20 2013 12: 57
      Understood, many regretted how we were about the union, but ... here I often criticize Poland ... but it has something that I envy - total patriotism ... they can have different beliefs, they can love Russia ( such too), but they are all patriots .. polls !!!! A politician, like our marshes, would have been devoured at the moment, we’ve been swearing about it with a patriot, they wouldn’t understand this ... the intelligentsia, who bleats about their country through their lips, like our creative class, would be trampled into dirt and would have been put (there are articles of the Criminal Code) to the joyful hooting of the people ... and nobody’s protests, even striped ones, would not help .... insulting ...
  7. +12
    April 20 2013 07: 34
    Yes, you need to start with us, ordinary people. The culture of behavior in public places is completely absent. The boorish attitude of Russians towards each other simply kills. And about the proper attitude to the work of others - here you can generally be silent. What has become of us? And how to fix it? Everyone just has to realize this, one must begin with oneself.
    1. avt
      April 20 2013 10: 31
      Quote: DEDUCHKA
      And about the proper attitude to the work of others - here you can generally be silent. What has become of us? And how to fix it? Everyone just has to realize this, one must start with oneself.

      Like what , request removed a thin layer of Soviet education, replaced the basic, basic values ​​with “universal ones.” Everything according to Dales, now the remnants of Christian morality will be cleaned up with a new gay religion, well, that's all request The consumer society is in its prime, especially in "civilized" countries.
  8. +7
    April 20 2013 07: 42
    European "civilization" is based on fear. Fear of the Inquisition, fear of being killed for vagrancy in the Middle Ages. And nowadays there is a fear of losing a job or not getting a loan. Fear is in their blood, they will do everything so as not to fly into a fine.
    In our country, everything was treated more condescendingly. Historically, we are freer than Europe. We always hoped for FAMILY, for FRIENDSHIP, in Soviet times (and maybe not only) for the STATE. And it relaxes us.
  9. djon3volta
    April 20 2013 08: 03
    The goal is to instill, as an axiom, the idea of ​​“our backwardness” and, ultimately, so that we fight against our own country.

    this is what local hamsters are doing on this site, especially when they start singing about western salaries of 3-7 thousand euros. if you are not satisfied with 10-15 thousand rubles and you suffer in Russia, then bring down to your America and Europe, nobody that you are always whining like dogs, about pensioners and beggarly salaries, how do you want to show it? If you don't like Putin, go to Obama, Merkel to Oland, they will give you 5 thousand euros a month, maybe more, Navalny 9 lyamov "earned" and Putin only 5 in a year, only Putin every day I see at work and his activities, and Navalny is unclear how he earned 9 million. If you want to be millionaires, do not work then, all these fighters against corruption do not work anywhere. have millions of incomes, you see it is not more profitable to work if you are a megahamster like Naval or Nemtsov.
    1. +9
      April 20 2013 10: 35
      Quote: djon3volta
      you do not like Putin, go to Obama, Merkel to Holland,
      At your time, you don’t like Putin (a state where equality before the law is determined by his position, connections and tight wallet) so you must leave! This is my homeland, my ancestors are in this land and I’m not going to leave anywhere personally! hi
      1. djon3volta
        April 20 2013 10: 47
        Quote: ultra
        At your time, Putin doesn’t like it (a state where equality before the law is determined by the position, connections and tight wallet), so you must leave!

        I don’t say NECESSARY, I say as an option - I don’t like that you are suffering? Why did the Arabs fill Europe? Because they don’t like living poorly, they go to Europe. They don’t want to suffer for beggarly money. But millions haven’t crossed into Europe Arabs, hundreds of millions will continue to suffer in their countries. Why then do not they leave? like tormented or what?
        For example, I’m not going to move abroad, I like to suffer in Russia. Because I’m 100% sure that if I leave with my bare ass, my torment will increase by tens of times! It’s not a fact that I will have my own housing and decent pay there , I have my own logic about this. for me it’s better to have a tit in my hands than a crane in the sky !!! it’s better to live in Russia, I understand that those who fear it are aware of this, like a hanged hamster in Holland who wrote this in a suicide note .Where did he live? in an iron booth of 3x2 meters and 60 euros per week, and in Moscow he had a job in the defense industry, a decent salary, his own housing (parental) and freedom, and there he lived in the ghetto behind a thorn. He realized this late.
        1. itkul
          April 20 2013 11: 03
          Quote: djon3volta
          For example, I’m not going to move abroad, I like to suffer in Russia.

          You’re suffering right now. Tatarstan and Chechnya are pouring huge investments, and the second and beloved wife of our leader speaks Tatar, so that he favors you and allocates tremendous money. And what about those who do not live in Tatarstan.
          1. +4
            April 20 2013 16: 57
            I wonder who is pouring money into Tatarstan. Think about what to write. Tatarstan is a very rich republic. We have oil. A developed industry. Aviation. Automobile. Chemical, etc. It’s quite adequate leaders.
            1. djon3volta
              April 20 2013 17: 29
              Quote: leonardo_1971
              Tatarstan is a very rich republic. We have oil. An advanced industry. Aviation. Automotive.
              1. djon3volta
                April 21 2013 09: 59
                Quote: djon3volta
                Tatarstan is a very rich republic. We have oil. An advanced industry. Aviation. Automotive.

                Why was my comment overwritten under the quote? because it is not profitable to know such a truth ???
                2012 Tatarstan in fertility reached the level of 1987, as in the USSR we have a fertility, glory to Russia, glory to Putin, glory to Tatarstan !!!
                put at least a billion minuses-Putin will rule Russia and not those who minus.
                1. +2
                  April 21 2013 20: 57
                  Why was my comment overwritten under the quote? because it is not profitable to know such a truth ???
                  2012 Tatarstan in fertility reached the level of 1987, as in the USSR we have a fertility, glory to Russia, glory to Putin, glory to Tatarstan !!!
                  put at least a billion minuses-Putin will rule Russia and not those who minus.

                  Tatarstan? - Easy! Fertility reached and my daughter was taken to kindergarten for 6 years soon. And before registering her in the kindergarten, they demanded to buy 10 buckets for 627 rubles each. Cool! Is not it? And all the other kindergartens - under the new-fangled offices were dismantled such as customs, cadastral chamber, etc. etc. And now they are trying to solve the child's problem with apartment nurses for 3000r per month. They have reached fertility and the single mother still receives 300 rubles and the maximum is in the queue for the kindergarten.
            2. itkul
              April 20 2013 17: 44
              Quote: leonardo_1971
              I wonder who pours money into Tatarstan. Think about what to write.

              We know how to use the Internet, or not.

              It would seem that one can only rejoice at such successes in Tatarstan and set it as an example to most other regions of the Russian Federation. But here's the problem: a further analysis reveals that the rapid growth of the republic was achieved largely due to the generosity of the federal center, unprecedented for most other subjects of the Russian Federation. And this means that Tatarstan was placed in a privileged position, that is, it ultimately developed rapidly due to underfunding of other regions of Russia. Judge for yourself.

              In 2012 alone, Tatarstan attracted loans from the federal budget in the amount of 9,1 billion rubles, Alexander Salagaev recalls. The total debt of Tatarstan to the federal budget has reached 85,855 billion rubles, which is comparable with the annual budget of the republic. For comparison: the debt of the Tula and Kursk regions to the federal center is 1 billion rubles, the Smolensk region - 2 billion, and even the neighboring Bashkiria of Tatarstan - 10 billion rubles.

              As a result, Tatarstan now has the third largest debt to the federal center among all subjects of the Federation, and the local authorities intend to “pay off” it with the help of new borrowings from the federal budget.

              Read more: http://www.km.ru/v-rossii/2012/10/18/razvitie-regionov-v-rossii/695158-mechty-ob
              1. djon3volta
                April 21 2013 10: 02
                that’s why I and 80% of Tatarstan citizens voted for Putin. In Chechnya, 99% generally voted for Putin. And Moscow campaigns worse than anyone else since 45% voted for Putin there. It turns out that hamsters rallies are organized by poor destitute Muscovites, that’s what’s the matter laughing
                1. +5
                  April 21 2013 12: 45
                  Quote: djon3volta
                  poor destitute Muscovites, that’s what’s the matter

                  Yeah ...
                  This is the most unfortunate social layer of the Russian people.
                  Only gophers of the field live worse.
                  1. +1
                    April 21 2013 19: 26
                    Yes gophers are fattening! - all two remaining recourse the rest died across the country, apparently from gluttony :)
                    1. +4
                      April 21 2013 20: 33
                      Quote: dddym
                      died, apparently from gluttony :)

                      ... or from constipation along with indigestion ...
            3. +2
              April 21 2013 13: 02
              Quote: leonardo_1971

              Administration why I put a minus to this koment, and it turned into a plus?
              Quote: leonardo_1971
              Tatarstan is a very rich republic. We have oil. A developed industry. Aviation. Automobile. Chemical, etc.

              The current wealth of Tatarstan, a merit, first of all, of the entire USSR, therefore, selfishly boasts of its wealth at least ugly.
              1. 0
                April 21 2013 18: 04
                Quote: SPACE
                Administration why I put a minus to this koment, and it turned into a plus?

                Apparently, while you were reading, someone got a message, it turned out +1
  10. +7
    April 20 2013 08: 38
    It is an established fact that during the time of the Roman Empire, many sold themselves into slavery for several years to earn Roman citizenship. So in our time, people agree to go into slavery with the hope of "living" later when the documents are received. However, they do not realize that he is rich because they are slaves working for him. It would be better to defend their lives at home and work for themselves.
    1. densiaophyng
      April 21 2013 19: 48

      Here is such a school now ...
      1. +5
        April 21 2013 20: 31
        Quote: densyaophyng
        Here is such a school now ...

        "... my mother said - learn, son, the Chinese language. You can't learn anything good from the French ..."
      2. +1
        April 22 2013 22: 24
        Yes, the school is such that there’s nowhere to go.
        Not only do the parents inspire disrespect for the children in the children, but also the Jumblers in the zombie hate them. So jokes go:
        - Vovochka, two by two, what happens?
        - Gangbang, Maryivanna.
  11. +4
    April 20 2013 08: 53
    Yes, half of European politicians escaped from some kind of asylum. You look at them and it is unclear whether neighing or sadness.
      April 20 2013 22: 45
      and you have not seen our politicians for a long time
  12. +4
    April 20 2013 09: 04
    Of course, bottles are thrown into the bushes. And this is not good. And among the "civilized" 3,14 ... they rule. No, thanks. We ourselves will somehow live without your ideology)
    1. +10
      April 20 2013 09: 24
      Quote: magadanets
      Of course, we throw bottles into the bushes. And this is not good.

      You know, this is another question why and how to deal with it.
      Example: 1. I personally walked three blocks along the central street of Kiev with my granddaughter and there was no urn anywhere so that I could throw out a piece of ice cream. This is normal?
      2. In Belarus, in Minsk, the purity is absolute! Europe can also envy! But the police also make sure that no one spoils in the parks, because there are enough trash bins there. It remains only to show himself as a cultured person, and if someone prefers to be a pig, he will be "reminded" of the benefits of cleanliness.
      Worship of the West has already plagued everyone! But still, in my opinion, in Russia it is less. Not that in Ukraine! Here is the latest news: (I hope we still remember a bus like LAZ). The fact is that the birthday of Lviv Bus Plant is 21 on May 1945 of the year! In the second week after the Great Victory!
      On April 13 on 1945 of the year, a government decree was adopted to establish an automobile assembly plant in Lviv, and on May 21, measures for its construction were determined.
      In 1949, by a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers, the future plant is required to master the production of electric vehicles and buses.
      LAZ occupied a niche in the USSR as a manufacturer of medium and large class buses for suburban, intercity and tourist transportation. He became the leader in the production of buses in the Soviet Union .... I will not list all the advantages and achievements of this enterprise, BUT "On the official website of the company, which is already written in English, we read:" Lemberg is a fundamentally new, modern tourist one and a half-decker bus of the XXI century It is a pleasure to own it, it is easy to manage it, it is comfortable to travel in it. Lemberg is a reliable source of income for many years. "
      And now I have two conclusions from everything written. The first conclusion. There would be no victory for the Soviet people and the Soviet army in the Great Patriotic War - there would be not only such “clever people” from Lemberg, but also Lviv itself and the giant auto enterprise created by the Soviet government.
      The second conclusion. For me, proud LAZ, Soviet LAZ, as well as for millions of my other compatriots on the whole one sixth of the land, will always remain a legend, dearly called "Lasik". For those who, to the tune of Western puppeteers and "national-Svidomo" morons, climb into "Europe", like their ancestors, who for centuries have been accustomed to lie under the Poles, then under the Lithuanians, then under the Germans, I found another dictionary in the dictionary the interpretation of the three letters: Laz (masculine) - a narrow, cramped hole for passage to somewhere ...
      Threat. What is especially insulting is that today a citizen of the Russian Federation owns LAZ - I. Churkin !!!!
      1. Horde
        April 20 2013 10: 24
        Arrested Igor Churkin, owner of Lviv Bus Plant LLC

        According to the press service of the prosecutor's office of the Lviv region, on March 26, the Lvov prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against the director of Lviv Bus Plants LLC for intentional non-payment of wages to employees of Lviv Bus Plants LLC (on the grounds of a crime under Part 1 of Article 175 Of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) and for the deliberate evasion by company officials of insurance premiums for compulsory state pension insurance, which led to the actual non-receipt of funds on an especially large scale to the Pension Fund of Ukraine (for signs of a crime under Part 3 of Article 212-1 of the Criminal Code Ukraine).

        The entire industry in Galicia has been destroyed: the Electron TV plant, the Ternopil Combine Plant and the KhBK, the Saturn and Orion radio electronics plants and thousands of other enterprises, the message says. - The region returned to the state of the 30s of the last century, when the largest enterprise in Galicia was the Lviv brewery. Galicians live only due to the fact that a third of the population works abroad and sends money here. Those who stayed in Ukraine sell Chinese panties to each other and sell beer. Children squander the dollars and euros sent by their parents in taverns, and in the intervals between drinking they go to Nazi gatherings. "
    2. AlexW
      April 20 2013 09: 55
      Yeah ... a bottle in the bushes is better, you can pick it up, but 3.14 will get rid of the bute more difficult - they pull each other
  13. Horde
    April 20 2013 10: 45
    we know one nation, "Homeland, where it is good" we will shit in one place, we will move to another place, we will piggy, throw cigarette butts, bottles there, until we dirtied the WHOLE HOUSE, and then we will see.
  14. +4
    April 20 2013 10: 45
    As in the Russian proverb "It's good everywhere, where we are not"
    1. +3
      April 20 2013 13: 12
      Quote: andrey777
      As in the Russian proverb "It's good everywhere, where we are not"

      Our deputy head of the department once put it more bluntly: "Everywhere is good until we come!"
  15. N.I.K. 163
    April 20 2013 11: 24
    The saying is good where we are not there for me. It is necessary that it is good where we are. And you need to start with yourself. I was brought up in the family of a serviceman and absorbed patriotism for my Motherland with mother’s milk. Sometimes it was a shame for the Motherland, but for what, but for the fact that it gave birth to such freaks as Gorby, EBN, for whom they would betray their Homeland to praise the Western laberasts and destroy what had been built and built by our ancestors. Yes, we rolled back, but how many were similar in our history and still we were reborn, raised, and beat and will beat this nursery of base vices the so-called west. Our sacred Russia will stand and stand on it.
  16. +3
    April 20 2013 11: 31
    What is the formula for determining the "civilization" of a country? And which authority issues a diploma of civilization? Maybe we just did not go for the necessary piece of paper certifying our civilization? request
    1. folds
      April 21 2013 01: 07
      This piece of paper will be given only in exchange for all the resources and sovereignty of the country. I heard the Washington Regional Committee writes such.
      1. caprall
        April 21 2013 14: 32
        Enter the "regional committee" ?? laughing But..
  17. fenix57
    April 20 2013 11: 55
    [quote = NIK 163] Yes, sometimes it was a shame for the Motherland, but for what, but for the fact that it gave rise to such freaks as Gorby, EBN, for whom to betray the Motherland for the praise of the Western Leiberst and destroy the conquered and built by our ancestors. Yes, we rolled back , but how many similar things were in our history and still we were reborn, rose, and beat and will beat this hotbed of base vices, the so-called west. [/ quote FAMILY IS NOT WITHOUT MORTALITY. AND THEY WERE AND ARE RUSSIAN HISTORY ... And so they were ..
  18. +4
    April 20 2013 12: 36
    The article is accurate, correct. Unfortunately, it does not answer the main question - what should society do to recover from Euro-folly? Yes, we will start from ourselves, but try to explain it to friends and acquaintances. But without massive counter-propaganda of Westernism we will achieve much. But this propaganda will fall under the Russian article by default.
  19. northwest
    April 20 2013 13: 24
    Why can't Russians find the strength to get rid of the eternal search for the enemy? Either inside and everywhere he sabotages, then in the West he throws his enemy fashion on clothes, music and architecture. Maybe this is a way to justify its inability to build its economy under normal conditions? Why the Japanese or Chinese do not complain that philharmonic societies are being built everywhere, where Beethofen, Chopin or Glinka music is played, that instead of kimano they wear European-style costumes, get education in the USA or England, learn from Siemens or BMW, copy road support system and build houses in the European layout, etc. They are moving forward, and in Russia, there is still a lot of talk about patriotism and about the Russian special purpose. Possessing such wealth, you can work endlessly for the prosperity of the homeland and, instead of searching for enemies, seek partners.
    1. +7
      April 20 2013 13: 54
      Because these riches of the Russian land do not give a quiet life to the West. Yes, and to the East also in principle.
      1. northwest
        April 20 2013 14: 15
        Yes, there are riches in other parts of the planet, whether in this case it is worth sitting on wealth and not doing everything to serve its people. Capitalism is an insatiable system based on the growth of production and will swallow everything in one way or another. The main thing is who and in whose favor will make him work.
    2. crest 57
      April 20 2013 15: 07
      Why can't Russians find the strength to get rid of the eternal search for the enemy? [quote = Nordwest]

      After Napoleon and Hitler, we have a right to it!
    3. +7
      April 20 2013 15: 09
      Why the Japanese or Chinese do not complain ... Having such wealth you can work endlessly for the prosperity of the homeland and instead of looking for enemies to seek partners.

      The Japanese and Chinese hate the West, not without reason considering it to be enemy No. 1 and are not at all committed to the Western way of life, but rather, on the contrary, they prefer everything national in both music and clothing. And the fact that they adopt and copy something in the West is because there is none of their own. Why spend if you can adopt and copy?
      The Russians do not possess any wealth, all that we have is accessible thanks to the hard work of many generations of our ancestors in a harsh climate.
      In the resort conditions of America, this arrogant Saxon got untouched subsoil with minerals reaching the surface, and rivers with a golden bottom.
      For only 200 years, only the Yusovtsy have been blown away, everything has survived and they live only by robbery and fraud.
    4. +7
      April 20 2013 15: 28
      And why does Western European society and subsequently their accomplices from the former North American colony not just not get rid of the image of the enemy. but also in every possible way cultivate and expand it? Why do they create this image, with the rarest exception, then. when it is desirable to colonize and rob someone? Why rassssolivaya about our complexes, you forget that it is not we who 1-2 times a century go to capture, enslave and rob Europe, and this exclusively peaceful Europe regularly does this? Do you think that the reason for the appearance of the enemy’s image is just that we have to bury another horde of united Europe, arranging another invasion for Namm ... to see from excessive peace ... is that what evil commissioners in dusty helmets came up with? By the way, regular invasions were justified in different ways ... they either eradicated schism from us, or slavery tsarism, then bad Bolsheviks, atheists .... but the main goal is always the same - to capture. rob and destroy like a state .... and nothing changes ...
      Talking about Southeast Asia, you hit the sky with your finger - I don’t know about China, but the Japanese are much more committed to their national culture than all Europeans (who almost killed their culture with multiculturalism) along with us sinners ... from the fact that the Japanese he put on a suit — he did not cease to be proud of Japan and its best culture, in his opinion — Japanese girls come to the kimono for graduation (by the way. a very expensive pleasure), they are proud of him. as your flag ... do you often see girls in folk sarafans? Have you seen a graduate in bast shoes? And they even have crazy (in European opinion) schoolgirls know how to go to geta ...
      despite. that they actively take over everything, in their opinion, the best they remain so patriotic and consummate - in their own way, of course, if we had such patriotism and such admiration for their culture (however, they would without a doubt consider Europeans inferior in all senses, that does not interfere with the borrowing of everything and everything) then your gentle soul, I am afraid, could not stand it ...
      by the way, the Japanese have a culture. including production and science there is a big jamb - they are more sharpened for modernization, improvement is not invented by them, bringing to perfection than on creativity and search and invention of a new ...
      And in the end .... of course, cooperation is necessary, but it is difficult to look for partners among those. who claims that our Siberia must be divided (between them of course), among those. who diligently and actively tries to destroy us, as a strong state ... the one who forgets this risks it. that they will soon forget it - completely!
  20. +9
    April 20 2013 13: 51
    Yesterday, on shift, I quarreled in a squabble with a young partner. The classic picture is "here they have there yeah, but here we have uuuuu." They swore for a long time, reasonedly. I really closed him up with a simple question, Why do you still live here? finished off, you are still young, pack up and go where you think it's good.
    1. +3
      April 20 2013 15: 39
      And you advise your handsome man to get some seasonal work in Europe (naturally not in the East - there is nothing for yours to do there), for example, in the Netherlands for tulips or Germany for strawberries ... there are his Polish colleagues (who are full of unskilled work everywhere in view of the fact that they have such a good life - they tried to convince me of this with the help of their official statistics - that in Poland itself - soon there will be fewer able-bodied Poles than in Britain and Germany) they will quickly explain what Europeans think about Russians (I think languages he doesn’t know, therefore, communication will be limited to those who know Russian), let him rent a house, try to get a residence permit, get to know a European ... anyone will learn a lot about them and about himself .... including on your own skin ....
      1. +5
        April 20 2013 16: 00
        It’s a sensible thought. Only in his conversations do I attribute such people to the sort of freeloader talkers. The main idea: this country owes me only because I live in it. For such people it would be an ideal option for the state to contain them and not require anything in return. The generation of net consumers is shorter. He, by the way, is well aware of this and will therefore never go anywhere.
        1. +4
          April 20 2013 18: 18
          + You ... I myself have repeatedly met with such ... The limit of their dreams is lamas and there was no need to give them back ... A recent example - a guy of about 23 years old got a job in my shop, came and looked what needs to be done (and I'm doing assembly of power electrical equipment) and left .... Then I met him in the Euroset ... And my boss voiced his words to me: - And I thought you should screw in the lights here -
          Unfortunately, nowhere can I find the film "The Man from 5th Avenue", Soviet still, it shows very well WHAT is hidden behind beautiful facades and advertising lights in the same "blessed" America ... request
          1. caprall
            April 21 2013 14: 39
            I don’t know, everywhere it is necessary and necessary to work, and it’s good to work, and not beat the bacilli. Then everything will be on the shelves. Wherever people live, it is always difficult to start. If they notice they will invite, then you can bargain about priorities.
      2. +5
        April 20 2013 17: 23
        Quote: smile
        advise getting a seasonal job in Europe

        You know, a few years ago I talked with a Dutchman living in Amsterdam. And he unequivocally told me that in any case, if you come to work with us, you will earn, with all the equal knowledge and abilities, 2 times less than the Dutchman. Suppose they need turners. The Dutchman will earn 2000 euros, the East European will not earn more than 1000. Question. What is the point of going to hell with pies if I am here able to earn this money ???
        1. +4
          April 20 2013 17: 57
          All right. Twice - it's still divine :)))
        2. folds
          April 21 2013 01: 17
          there is still a joke .. by injecting and paying taxes you will receive only one and a half times more than an emigrant living there on benefits
        3. caprall
          April 21 2013 14: 42
          well, suppose it’s not entirely true, because according to the laws, a person cannot earn less than another for the same work done, the natural difference is only with the difference in length of service .. but this is not 2: 1.
      3. northwest
        April 20 2013 17: 39
        Share what Europeans think of Russians.
        1. +1
          April 20 2013 18: 05
          They think differently .... should I write an article for you about my experience? If you think that I am not aware, you are mistaken. Parents live in Lithuania, the bulk of relatives-Poles (on the granny line) in Poland, partly in Britain. Brother (Lithuanian citizen) goes to sea. lives mainly in the country where he works - Britain. Ireland, Norway ... already earned a pension, albeit a small one, from the Norwegians, despite my 30 years ... I traveled all over Europe ... I've never been to Turkey-Egypt ... :))))
          1. northwest
            April 20 2013 20: 05
            But is it not normal when they think differently? We all went somewhere and what is the reason? Aware of what something that is unknown to someone is unlikely. I personally have never been bothered by the fact that they speak about me in absentia. And in order to demand respect from someone, you first need to learn to respect yourself and others.
            1. +2
              April 20 2013 22: 17
              The question is precisely what you did not visit or on vacation, but how frank you are at least in conversations ... about the fact that you are not worried about how you are treated - tell this to the Jews who lived in Germany until November 35 years - before the adoption of the Nuremberg laws ... the position of Russians in the Baltic states is about the same. and in some places you can compare with the 36th year ...
              Tell me, but the fact has not taught you anything. that our policy of preventive concessions only led to an increase in claims? Why do we need to start with ourselves if we have never cultivated a negative attitude towards the Europeans ... Even our propaganda told us that the damned capitalists were to blame for everything, but they weren’t just ordinary people ... and they have the opposite - all the negativity it poured specifically on the Russians .. for more than three centuries, and no significant changes have happened ... they even have our criminals, mostly ethnic criminal groups from the former republics are still called the RUSSIAN Mafia ... it’s only now our began to realize that Russophobia is a well-thought-out state policy of Europeans, and it firmly took root in their minds and in RESPONSE to this we began to relate to them accordingly .... so that about tolerance and about starting with yourself you made a mistake with the address - broadcast where it is more relevant ...
        2. +4
          April 20 2013 18: 31
          Quote: Nordwest
          Share what Europeans think of Russians.

          If this is a question for me, then briefly. Literally in a nutshell. They, for the most part, do not really know anything about us. Mostly according to media reports. We have been talking with this guy for over 10 years. They seemed to make friends a bit. He knows my whole family, we are all his relatives. But in the beginning there were many different questions. Sometimes we even share news about new serious acquisitions. And that’s interesting. We did not reach consensus on LGBT people and decided to stop and not persuade each other. For it is useless.
          Honestly, if you do not go too far in persuasion, it is quite possible to communicate with them. They also know how to stop. Although, maybe I got such a quality copy? We seem satisfied with communicating with each other.
          1. +1
            April 20 2013 18: 57
            But this, by the way, is really an ideal option for a relationship with them. Moreover, with this kind of communication, they gradually come to the conclusion that their media - as in the joke about Gerasim and Mu-mu, do not agree on something ... or misinterpret ... :)))
            1. +2
              April 20 2013 19: 58
              Quote: smile
              do not finish something ... or misinterpret ... :)))

              Rather, they are presented with information that is beneficial only to them. This comrade once tried to convince me that everything is not the way I see it. You see, his TV said that. As a result, after scanning, difficulties with translating our information, he changed his mind. Today, before telling his vision of the problem, he asks me for my understanding and how our media presents it. And I'm not trying to prove to him that all LGBT people and drug addicts are in Holland, he is not trying to prove to me that our fighters in Chechnya are killing civilians and only civilians. laughing
          2. +4
            April 20 2013 19: 07
            Quote: Hedgehog
            They, for the most part, do not really know anything about us. Mostly media reports

            Very close.
            Nobody there cares about anything other than the well-being of their country, and, accordingly, their beloved.
            There are literate people who are interested in the "outside world".
            But there is no analogue of our forum there.
            1. +2
              April 20 2013 20: 01
              Quote: stalkerwalker
              Nobody there cares about anything other than the well-being of their country, and, accordingly, their beloved.

              Quite the opposite. Beloved himself, above all. The accumulation of funds, the main thing that Protestantism teaches them, is common. smile
  21. Phoenix bird
    April 20 2013 14: 08
    Quote: DEDUCHKA
    Yes, you need to start with us, ordinary people. The culture of behavior in public places is completely absent. The boorish attitude of Russians towards each other simply kills. And about the proper attitude to the work of others - here you can generally be silent. What has become of us? And how to fix it? Everyone just has to realize this, one must begin with oneself.

    The explanation is probably simple. It's just that the Russian people in their country are not the boss, but a tamed and frightened herd of people whom the authorities treat like cattle. The people are able to draw conclusions. Only by drawing the right conclusions, in general, he is not doing anything to change this situation. From the time of Catherine, Germans pushed Russia, from the time of Lenin-Trotsky (Leib Davidovich Bronshtein) to the present, Jews rule (under beautiful slogans that by 2018 they will be able to correct the economic situation). That's when the people wake up and claim their rights to power, rather than confine themselves to talking in the kitchen that they again cheated in the elections, then there will be pride in their people and country, respect for each other and clean streets.
    1. -1
      April 20 2013 15: 14
      The Russian people have always been and will be the master of their country, no Germans and Jews decree to him.
      Why are you, a liquid, here thinking to dump your rotten smelly thoughts on decent people?
      1. northwest
        April 20 2013 17: 55
        I did not live during the time of Catherine and under German influence, although this is undeniable, but if I switch the Russian television channels, it seems that the Russians are taking part in Israeli TV shows. The same thing in large business, what can I say.
        1. +3
          April 20 2013 19: 09
          I did not live during the time of Catherine and under German influence, although this is undeniable

          In the time of Catherine, the Ostzey Germans were subjects of the Russian Empire, they did not rule the empire and did not influence, and they served it not for fear, but for conscience. Who dares to throw a stone at Vitus Bering, Leonty Benningsen, Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, Thaddeus Faddeevich Belingshausen, Minich and others.
          \\\\\\ The media do not yet mean that the country is \\\\\\ and that they rule it \\\\. Now everyone who has loot can buy a TV channel or newspaper and defecate all his paranoia on any topic, at least about the greatness of \\\\, at least about the greatness of Hitler, who crushed these \\\\\. So it is in big business, on the sign \\\\, and in business, Russians.
    2. +4
      April 20 2013 15: 58
      Phoenix bird
      Ay, thanks for the faithful and trouble-free recipe - for that. for our people to become the master, it is necessary to do nothing, to wipe Germany and Israel off the face of the earth, but the main thing is to destroy the AUTHORITY !!!! Oh, let's live! Hurray, gentlemen! (after all, gentlemen from the cohort of liberals - well, those fellows, if you remember, who ruined the country in the 90s) speak mostly of bad Power
      Ah, how glorious it will be to breathe in a free Arkanar, after the Power is destroyed (do not tell me - at what level should the power be destroyed by the Ent, and suddenly we’ll not shoot anyone, huh!)! What clean streets we will have after the onset of anarchy in the country! What fair elections will the representatives of the mink opposition and comrades arrange for us to regularly visit Congress for reports and for wages!
      Yeah, isho, the main thing is that the yavreis are soaked ... and Enti, too, is the most sinister (which, if you remember, Stalin absolutely correctly removed to the side of the steering wheel ... the ice ax, they say, helps in the solution of personnel issues :)))) they’ll rule Russia right now .... but the men don’t know ...
      sadly read your simple explanations .... you have not tried to hypothetically imagine their implementation and consequences ... by the way. and where are the shots for implementing your recipes from?
    3. bezumnyiPIT
      April 21 2013 08: 18
      The Magyar would be silent
  22. +4
    April 20 2013 14: 26
    "... This position is very convenient - I am good, and the country is bad, but in the West they live" like people ", so you can find fault with your Fatherland - you don't mind anyway. This is based on cowardice." (by the author).

    It seems to me that blaming the whole macro environment is a banal trick of the psyche of a failed person.
    Hanging all the "dogs" on the country balances the internal conflict of a person who has not been able to find himself in life, has not realized.
    I personally know such. Sorry for them: ((I do not enter into discussions with them love
  23. fenix57
    April 20 2013 14: 52
    Quote: smile
    A politician, like our swamps, would have been devoured at the moment, we’ve been swearing about it with a patriot, they wouldn’t understand it ... the intelligentsia, who bleats about their country through their lips, like our creative class, would be trampled into dirt and still put in

    And what can I say, there is truth in your words, because the SIZES of the COUNTRY (STATE) are INCORRIBLE - FOR THESE RUSSIA IS ONE SIXTH ALL SUSHI ... Imagine a rebellion of this magnitude (especially RUSSIAN!) - it will turn out KOSI-KOSA ... There do not stop ... THIS MEN WILL SPEAK .... And the geyrope will become closely .... hi
  24. Phoenix bird
    April 20 2013 15: 24
    Quote: BigRiver
    The Russian people have always been and will be the master of their country, no Germans and Jews have given him a decree. Why are you liquid, then decided to dump your rotten smelly thoughts on decent people?

    So you are one of these rulers, premature. Close your mouth, and then choke with foam. Although it may be for the better. Russia will breathe a sigh of relief ..
    1. +2
      April 20 2013 19: 20
      Yeah, you’ve already choked, Monica is unhappy, serving the Euros and Yusovites.
      Divorced you in the forums of the judotrolls, the deputies of the State Department, really hoped for suckers and find on this forum?
      1. +3
        April 21 2013 12: 51
        Quote: Corsair5912
        Divorced you in the forums of the judotrolls, the deputies of the State Department, really hoped for suckers and find on this forum?

        We need to look at it with a positive - but not boring. There is something to laugh about ...
    2. 0
      April 21 2013 10: 23
      Quote: Phoenix Bird
      Quote: BigRiver
      The Russian people have always been and will be the master of their country, no Germans and Jews have given him a decree. Why are you liquid, then decided to dump your rotten smelly thoughts on decent people?

      So you are one of these rulers, premature. Close your mouth, and then choke with foam. Although it may be for the better. Russia will breathe a sigh of relief ..

      Be careful with the authorship.
  25. Anti
    April 20 2013 16: 02
    This is the culture of driving a car, it would not be a sin to adopt, since the culture of driving a car in Russia adversely affects demography. smile
  26. +3
    April 20 2013 16: 49
    Guys, please:
    I have a friend, the director of one of the best regional libraries in the Kaliningrad region ... having studied the fund, I mercilessly criticized it, with rare exceptions - solid Pig meat-boletus-corned beef ... with interspersed cutters and other gifts from the Soros Foundation ... after a thorough discussion, I was asked to make a list of one and a half to two dozen books on historical and socio-political issues ..
    the main requirement for books is the possibility of acquiring through the Internet, they won’t read a calm tone without undue academicism, and an easy syllable .... if anyone has an offer, I will be grateful, something needs to be done to get rid of the black stereotypes imposed on young people about our country and the European promised land ...
    1. djon3volta
      April 20 2013 17: 40
      Let N. Starikova read the same, there you can download books there on the Internet and there is a website, infa is updated every day. Here is the same article also from Starikov’s site.
      1. 0
        April 20 2013 17: 52
        Thank you, Starikov is taken into account - "Shershe la oil", the rest is still in question - limits, I try to choose books that comprehensively cover the topic, while it has competitors ...
    2. +4
      April 20 2013 19: 13
      He hated Russia and the USSR about the war and the pre-war period well in W. Churchill's book "World War II", but he never stooped to outright lies, like rezuns and solzhenitseurs, he knew that the book would be published during his lifetime and that eyewitnesses would read it.
      1. 0
        April 20 2013 19: 54
        Thank. Churchill is there, but not everyone will read it, and not everyone can read between the lines, but when reading this smartest, most seasoned enemy, this skill will come in handy ...
    3. +2
      April 20 2013 19: 50
      Huge to you +! Just an example worthy of imitation! Not "graters" on the site, but the real deal. hi
      1. 0
        April 20 2013 20: 00
        Thank. By the way, I was surprised to learn that they still go to libraries, and young people go and are quite active .. they just don’t know what to read and when choosing books on a historical topic they mainly focus on those authors who are seen on TV .. .a library aunts, with rare exceptions, in historical literature, too, in my experience, do not screw ...
        1. +3
          April 20 2013 20: 57
          For starters, I suggest "Fear at the Foot of the Throne." In due time they gave me. Written simply, it explains a lot even today, fascinates, makes you think and arouses curiosity. Also "The Diplomatic Struggle on the Eve of WW2". These books are not commercial. In general, I advise you to look for books from the 80s, or reprints of those publications. Now the covers are beautiful, but there are many contradictory, subjective opinions of the author, the syllable is worse, and there are many spelling errors.
          1. +1
            April 20 2013 22: 18
            Thank you.
    4. +4
      April 21 2013 12: 55
      Quote: smile
      if anyone has a proposal, I will be grateful, something needs to be done to get rid of the black stereotypes imposed on young people about our country and the promised European land ...

      It seems to me that you need to start from the beginning.
      I propose "History of Russia" by VO Klyuchevsky.
      This will be the "alpha" of the study of history.
  27. +3
    April 20 2013 18: 30
    Do not interfere with the reception at the state. service to conduct a psychological test for worship of a western lifestyle.
  28. +1
    April 20 2013 18: 39
    The impending economic and political collapse of Europe, the demographic sentence (excluding visiting Muslims), the rise of Russia “from its knees” cause fear and hatred in the “wild west”.
    Regarding the inferiority complex. We were baptized by the Greeks. They gave Byzantine culture. Cyril and Methodius gave writing. Under Peter 1 (and later), a mass of Germans, Dutchs appeared ... Mb therefore there was a reverence for foreigners (strangers).
    Some do not like our beer, others "b ... o" interferes, the third lack freedom ... But such people are a minority. Euro windows, European-quality renovation, German quality, buffet ... and at the same time we drink our moonshine, snacking on bacon, cucumbers, cabbage. We drink tea with jam, and not with their jam, which even flies do not sit on. And the fact that people like "foreign cars" is simply recognition of their quality.
    There is no normal information, literature, publications, in general, normal (not malicious) propaganda. Jews, African Americans have achieved their goal in the West. It is time for us to take measures to counter Russophobia.
    PS How ugly our domestic man in the street can be seen in the example of our emigration. There is no worse emigration in the world than Russian. It can only settle accounts with each other, substitute, “shoe”, “knock”, they can unite only around the money of Western intelligence services.
    The "Russian" colony in the USA, despite its impressive size, is unable to create its own lobby. At the same time, the tiny Estonian Croatian and even Albanian communities have created powerful lobbies in the United States.
    And after all, these people, first of all, are judged about us!
    1. +7
      April 20 2013 19: 32
      You have quite fully voiced the official versions of Westophiles and Russophobes.
      That's just in vain you believe in them.
      The Greeks did not baptize us, did not give us any Byzantine culture. Cyril and Methodius did not give us any writing, they only translated the Gospel into Slavic languages ​​using the Slavic writing that existed 3000 years before baptism.
      Peter bought the Baltic States from the Swedes, where many Germans lived, many of whom moved to St. Petersburg, and there were no Germans in the rest of Russia.
      Etc. etc.
      Russians quite often visited Europe, took Paris, took Berlin several times, etc. and there was no worship of the West among the people.
      Before the West, Mr. Nation has always creeped and creeped and voiced his sexual fantasies in the press and the media, and the people, some foolish ones, believe them.
      1. alexanderrus.
        April 20 2013 22: 35
        Yes Yes! And how "Vladimir the Great baptized" RUSSIA, the red sun, "it would be better if he had not been born!
        1. +3
          April 21 2013 13: 03
          Quote: alexander rus.
          how "baptized" RUS "Vladimir the great-red sun"

          History has no subjunctive mood.
          Moral and ethical standards are constantly undergoing changes.
          In order to fully evaluate how this happened, one must live in a time that is unattainable for us.
          Today, many events rated as “barbaric” were “the norm” of the time.
          AND THIS RECEPTION OF EVALUATION - the main weapon of the "civilizers" of today, like "... how you have everything started ... YOU are unworthy to be called civilized community ... ".
          1. +3
            April 21 2013 21: 19
            Quote: stalkerwalker
            In order to fully evaluate how this happened, one must live in a time that is unattainable for us.

            You just need to consider history not in one country, but to show the layer of historical events in different countries at that time. Those. "Ivan the Terrible executed in Russia .... but let's see what they did in England, France ..." etc. Then it will be clear that our country did not differ from other countries in anything special "brutal". And vice versa "In Russia, many people were literate, including women. How many birch bark letters have survived to our time! At the same time, in France, even the king did not know how to sign, put a cross ..." And where are the "Russian barbarians" and an enlightened Europe?
          2. alexanderrus.
            April 22 2013 13: 55
            SlovoblUdiom sin, comrade. A CIVILIZED COMMON! - "SPEAKED, CRASHING HANDS REDNOBY AND BALAMUT ..." V. Vysotsky.
  29. +2
    April 20 2013 20: 02
    Corsair 5912 ... there were no Germans in the rest of Russia.
    And the so-called "German settlement" in Moscow, which arose during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich.
    Etc. etc.
    By decree of Peter I in 1706, the first medical and surgical school was created in Moskvebylo. At the head was a doctor from Holland - Nikolai Bidloo, an outstanding surgeon and teacher of that time. Chicks of Petrov’s nest: Gordon, Bruce, defense hero of Poltava Kelin, discoverer of new lands and seas Bering, generals Lassi, Minih, organizers of the south of Russia Deribas and Langeron .. And artists, architects ... They found their second Fatherland in Russia, gave all their knowledge and talents. Their personal contribution to the victories of the Russian army and navy over two centuries, starting from the era of Peter the Great, should not be forgotten.
  30. +2
    April 20 2013 20: 30
    I agree one hundred percent, but !, and! respect for order and the law must be literally driven into our brother with "sticks", at this time with money, you just need to ruthlessly fine for any violation. I know from Soviet times, both for myself and for those who had to be punished - money is the best incentive, sorry for my own work and sorry for my family. In proposing this, I naturally try on the wish for myself, an ordinary pensioner, and for the same poor - the lack of money, responsibility does not remove, as long as the law works for everyone without exception. And then, after a generation, we will definitely only switch to "green", and the cities will become clean, and our thoughts towards the homeland will radically change.
  31. 0
    April 20 2013 20: 31
    I agree one hundred percent, but !, and! respect for order and the law must be literally driven into our brother with "sticks", at this time with money, you just need to ruthlessly fine for any violation. I know from Soviet times, both for myself and for those who had to be punished - money is the best incentive, sorry for my own work and sorry for my family. In proposing this, I naturally try on the wish for myself, an ordinary pensioner, and for the same poor - the lack of money, responsibility does not remove, as long as the law works for everyone without exception. And then, after a generation, we will definitely only switch to "green", and the cities will become clean, and our thoughts towards the homeland will radically change.
  32. Seraph
    April 20 2013 21: 20
    Wonderful works on the topic: "Eurocentrism is the Achilles heel of the intelligentsia" by Kara-Murza and "Europe and Russia" by Danilevsky. The attitude of our contemporary and the Russian people of pre-revolutionary Russia is also very indicative. Thinking and observing people have always known the value of the West. Even though the same holy noble Alexander Nevsky ...
  33. +2
    April 20 2013 22: 44
    In a civilized world, individuals of the same sex do not fuck each other.
    There are some species of fish and amphibians that change sex depending on environmental conditions, temperature, etc. I did not know that this applies to EU countries. request
  34. 0
    April 21 2013 00: 54
    There is some truth in this article.
  35. honest jew
    April 21 2013 10: 49
    I completely agree with the author of the article!
  36. imperiologist
    April 21 2013 11: 49
    it is necessary as the Chinese: to adopt only the NECESSARY!
  37. +1
    April 21 2013 14: 23
    The German hackers said they had broken into the government spy program "Bundestroyan", which allows online searches of citizens' computers and eavesdrop on Skype calls. This virus allows the police to go far beyond their powers and even quietly plant evidence. Interestingly, the server is located in the USA. That is, the virus is German, and the data is stored in the USA ... outside the jurisdiction of Germany. The developers of the program did not pay attention to its protection and data from a compromised computer can fall into the hands of anyone.
  38. +2
    April 21 2013 16: 25
    Norway ranks first in the world in terms of living - it is presented. What are they hiding? Removal of children from families in Sweden and neighboring Scandinavian countries.
    Sexual norms.
    1. +3
      April 21 2013 16: 55
      Quote: Sonik
      Norway ranks first in the world in terms of living - it is presented. What are they hiding? Removal of children from families in Sweden and neighboring Scandinavian countries.

      "..All families are equally unhappy ..." regardless of country of residence. There are many single mothers in Norway with children in their arms, abandoned by husbands, or alcoholic husbands and family tyrants.
      The meaning of juvenile justice is simple - to protect children from abuse by adults.
      But what is hidden behind this term, and how it, the law, is interpreted ...
      I wrote here and will write again.
      The Jesuitly tricky move is to put on one board human rights and the rights of pederasts of both sexes.
      1. 0
        April 21 2013 18: 13
        Quote: stalkerwalker
        The Jesuitly tricky move is to put on one board human rights and the rights of pederasts of both sexes.

        Equality is a Jesuit trick. How to give equal rights to different people. Human rights should be proportionate to the social burden that this person carries, roughly speaking - usefulness for society. On the contrary, it is necessary to cut back on rights, and to cut cruelly, a lot.
        1. +3
          April 21 2013 18: 19
          Quote: Setrac
          Human rights should be proportionate to the social burden that this person carries, roughly speaking - utility for society

          "... And what he deserves ..."
          So this is the whole Focus - how to transform the Society into "The wholeness of everything and everyone" and present it as a product of "progressive humanity ...
    2. 0
      April 21 2013 19: 28
      This video proves that the war is not between countries but between Light and darkness.
  39. +2
    April 21 2013 19: 50
    Looking at the modern West, one involuntarily compares it to a "cool" toilet: oh, what doors, a golden toilet, tiles ... But the essence remains the essence of a toilet (in moral, cultural ... meanings).
  40. 0
    April 21 2013 21: 33
    Quote: knn54
    And the essence remains the essence-outhouse (in moral, cultural ... senses).

    Yes, the essence is the same, only this essence is more pleasant to do clean.
    And here the recipe is simple - you need to cultivate cleanliness, and preferably the ruble.
    Zoshchenko has a story about how his hero in the West peed somewhere, and the toilet did not open until he drained the water .... and concludes, "They are not born that way, they are brought up !!!"
  41. Oleg Rosskiyy
    April 21 2013 23: 06
    Here's another mystery of nature, coming to the west, our compatriots do not hesitate to abide by their laws, and it does not occur to them to circumvent them, at least to most of them, and in their homeland there are a thousand reasons for not observing and condemning similar laws.