“Warsaw ghetto no longer exists”

Seventy years ago, on April 19, 1943, the largest Jewish uprising against the Nazis took place during the years of World War II - the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. His suppression took the Hitlerites more time than the conquest of all of Poland, and people who tried to defend their rights, their independence, the lives of their children and loved ones in an unequal battle with a powerful Nazi military machine forever remained in the memory of descendants as symbols of courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War.
It is well known that in all the occupied territories the German command pursued a policy of genocide, aimed at the destruction of races and peoples that were not acceptable to Aryans. The punitive programs invented by the Third Reich were brought to life with a special, perverted passion, focusing on the destruction and torture of the Jewish people. Not bypassed this fate and the Polish Jews, whose number before the beginning of the war was more than three million people. After the occupation of Poland in 1939, their situation deteriorated sharply. At the time of the entry of Nazi troops into Warsaw on September 29, about four hundred thousand Jews lived in the city, almost every third resident of the Polish capital. But this did not embarrass the fascists, who from the very first days of their stay on this territory introduced a whole series of anti-Jewish measures. Soon, residents were introduced to orders, according to which Jews could no longer work in official institutions and attend mass cultural institutions, that is, theaters, libraries, concert halls. They were forbidden to travel in public transport and drive children to regular schools, to trade and engage in crafts. An extreme manifestation of militant anti-Semitism was the Nazi order ordering all Jews to wear special identification badges. The same signs were supposed to stand on their houses and shops, and the property of Jewish families could be confiscated at any time for no reason or reason.
“Warsaw ghetto no longer exists”
German police cut beards to Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, while two Polish women grin at what is happening.

A child holds the head of a young man lying on tram rails - probably starved to death.

A passer-by gives the children outside in the Warsaw ghetto.

Two children begging on the sidewalk in the Warsaw ghetto.

Later, relying on information received from intelligence agents and spies about the active participation of Jews in anti-fascist activities and guerrilla warfare, as well as being guided by the "just" Nazi conviction, the principle of the distribution of all material goods, the German command in March 1940 of the year created a separate " quarantine zone. The entire non-Jewish population (more than one hundred thousand people) was evicted from the designated lands, and Jewish families from all of Warsaw and western Poland, whose number was five times the number of former residents, were settled in their homes by force. The creation of a “quarantine zone” by the Nazis was based on absurd statements that the free movement of Jews promotes the spread of infectious diseases.
In parallel with the anti-Jewish events, Reich ministers conducted mass propaganda work, stirring up the hate feelings and anger of the indigenous population towards people of Jewish nationality. The result of ideological pressure were widespread denunciations, unauthorized reprisals against Jews, unpunished robberies of their houses and property, which had an unprecedented scale, which further aggravated the already terrible and intolerable position of the representatives of this nation.
In October 1940, the German leadership issued an order establishing the Warsaw Ghetto. Historical The area of ​​Jewish residence before the war in the center of Warsaw was surrounded by a wall of brick and barbed wire. An unauthorized exit from the designated territory was initially punishable by a nine-month imprisonment, but later the ghetto fugitives were simply shot on the spot without trial.
An emaciated man sitting on the sidewalk in the Warsaw ghetto.

The corpse of a resident of the Warsaw ghetto, lying on the sidewalk.

An emaciated child lying on the sidewalk in the Warsaw ghetto.

On the streets of the Warsaw ghetto, more than ten people died of starvation every day. Every morning the funeral carriages gathered the dead and took them out for further cremation.

Initially, the population of the ghetto, which occupies about 2,5 percent of the territory of Warsaw, was about five hundred thousand people (or thirty percent of the total number of residents). However, the measures taken by the Nazis began to very quickly reduce the population. The large number of tenants in homes where there were sometimes more than thirteen people in each room, the meager food standards, which are about 180 calories per day (one fourteenth share of the normal needs of an adult), made the ghetto prisoners extremely difficult living conditions. The inevitable consequence of this situation were mass diseases (tuberculosis, typhoid, dysentery) and famine, which claimed at least one hundred and fifty lives every day. In the first year and a half, about fifteen percent of its inhabitants died in the ghetto.
But even in such terrible conditions, the inhabitants, in fact a huge concentration camp, tried not to lose their human appearance. Not only schools and theaters continued to work on the fenced territory, but also the internal newspaper Gazetovskaya was published. The entrepreneurial spirit and ingenuity of the Jewish nation, recognized at all times, have borne fruit. In the ghetto area, over time, small illegal factories began to work, producing clothing, haberdashery goods, fabrics, dishes and hardware. To provide the factories with raw materials, a complex system of smuggling of raw materials and even food from a “free” territory was created, as well as the export of finished products from a surrounded area of ​​the city.
Periodically, ghetto raids were organized on the streets to capture and send able-bodied men to forced labor camps. Most of them were destroyed in the 1941 year. And after the adoption of the plan for the "final solution of the Jewish question" at the conference, which was held on January 20 on 1942 near Berlin, the Nazi leadership quite openly launched a machine for the mass destruction of representatives of this nation.
In the spring of the same year, construction began on gas camps in Treblinka, Auschwitz, Sobibor, Majdanek, and Belzec, which, after Himmler’s visit to Poland in July of 1942, began to massively export Jews under the pretext of resettlement. Treblinka concentration camp from Warsaw was transported daily to four thousand trains of up to six thousand people, and those who resisted were shot on the spot. All this applies to children of any age. According to the total in the Warsaw ghetto, about ninety thousand Jewish children were killed.
As a result, until mid-September 1942, when the “evacuation” was temporarily suspended, more than three hundred thousand Jews were taken out of the territory of Warsaw to certain death within the framework of “Operation Reinhard”. At the same time, ten thousand people were killed or died of cold and disease during the "action", and thirty-five thousand prisoners were given permission to remain. Another twenty thousand Jews managed to escape from the ghetto territory in one way or another. As a result, about sixty thousand people remained on its territory by the end of the year, who did not want to meekly go to the slaughter and began active anti-fascist activities.
An unknown prisoner of the Warsaw ghetto holds the body of a dead, swollen from hunger baby.

Jewish rabbis in the Warsaw ghetto.

Despite isolated cases of weakness and cowardice of the fascists, forcing people to write denunciations of their compatriots, in order to save their own lives or the lives of relatives and relatives, most of the prisoners held on courageously. When the hopes of the survivors that the repression began to subside and the massacre was finally over, dispelled, the Anti-Fascist bloc, which had been operating in the ghetto since 1941, but did not have the proper support of the main part of the population before, decided to organize repulse hated invaders.
By the end of July, the 1942 of the Warsaw ghetto underground was represented by two organizations: the Zidovsk organization of warfare (the Jewish militant organization) or Z.O.V. for short, which carried out mainly public-political and agitation work under the leadership of an active member of the Resistance Movement Mordechai Anilevich and “Zidovski zvionzek troops" ("Jewish military organization") or ZZW, all of whose members had good military training. At the head of the ZZW military headquarters were: David Appelbaum and Pavel Frenkel, political leadership was carried out by Lyon Rodal, Michael Strikovsky and David Vdovinsky (the only survivor of all the leaders).
The representatives of Z.O.V. focused on the USSR and were looking for contacts with the Polish Communists. However, the communist underground in Warsaw was weak and small to give them at least some real support. Deliveries weapons in the ghetto, they were established mainly by ZZW supporters, who received it from various groups of the Craiova Army, from the independent Polish people's organization for independence, and also bought it from private individuals. Also, the ghetto prisoners managed to organize underground workshops in which they began to manufacture hand bombs and grenades.
In fairness it should be noted that anti-Semitic sentiments were spread among the members of the Craiova Army, and with the Jewish underground associated with the Communists, they refused to cooperate. In addition, the Polish underground was very heterogeneous. In addition to the Craiova Army, there also existed a group called “People's Forces Zbrane”, whose supporters killed both Germans and Jews. The organization had nothing to do with the Craiova Army, but at times it was very difficult to distinguish between members of the two factions.
When the 18 of January 1943 of the year, the Nazis embarked on the second stage of exterminating the Jews of the Warsaw ghetto, the locals were ready to meet the torturers in a worthy manner. In the fenced area, underground supporters distributed patriotic leaflets calling for resistance. The fascists who had entered the ghetto with great surprise received armed resistance in a number of places, and after three days of incessant attacks, they were completely forced to retreat. However, during this time about a thousand and a half prisoners died, and the Germans also managed to grab and send about six thousand more to the camps. But the morale of the defenders was not broken, members of underground organizations began preparations for the subsequent German invasion of their territory, and construction of underground shelters and tunnels began everywhere.
Despite the fact that the idea of ​​combining ZZW and Z.O.V. nothing happened, an agreement was reached on cooperation and coordination. In spite of certain political and ideological differences, the leaders of the military detachments understood that only together they were a real force capable of giving at least some resistance to the Nazis. The whole ghetto territory was divided into two military districts, each of which was responsible for its own organization. In addition, ZZW transmitted Z.O.V. part of the available weapons.
The number of Z.O.V. by the beginning of the uprising, according to various sources, ranged from three hundred to five hundred people, the number of supporters of ZZW ranged from one thousand to one and a half thousand. The necessary firing points and combat positions were created and prepared, the people responsible for each defense sector were distributed. By that time, the insurgents already had a lot of pistols and rifles, a couple dozen machine guns, several machine guns and mines, many resistance fighters were armed with grenades or bottles of combustible mixture. In numerous bunkers, storage facilities with water and food were installed, and ways of possible waste through sewers, attics and cellars were identified. With such preparation, the ghetto prisoners could already give a fitting rebuff to the fascists.
Captured Jews, participants in the East Warsaw ghetto.

Warsaw Jews are escorted to the ghetto.

They did not have to wait long for the case. Since the local armed resistance of the Jews led to the general intensification of the anti-fascist activities of all Polish underground groups and organizations, the German command decided on April 18 to immediately and completely destroy the ghetto. In the early morning of April 19, 1943, three thousand well-armed professional German soldiers supported by tanks under the leadership of SS Lieutenant-General Jürgen Strop, who distinguished himself in punitive operations against Soviet partisans, began the operation to liquidate the Warsaw Ghetto. The date was not chosen by chance. At this time, the central Jewish holiday of Passover was held, and to turn Jewish celebrations into mourning dates was the traditional entertainment of the Nazis. The first blow fell on the positions of Z. O.V., located on Zamenhof and Nalevka streets. The Nazis were met with fierce fire of resistance fighters. Thanks to thoughtful preparation and the mines laid in the territory of the ghettos, Jewish units managed to force the Germans to retreat, inflicting significant losses on them, which finally infuriated the German command, which decided to simply wipe this place off the face of the earth. Fighters Z.O.V. fought until 16 pm, destroyed several dozen fascists, set fire to one tank, and then retreated. After breaking through the defense, the Nazis reached Muranovskaya Square, which was the center of the ZZW district. The Germans were unable to take the position on the move, and a long positional battle ensued, lasting until April 22. In the battles for the square, the Germans lost more than a hundred soldiers and another tank.
Faced with a desperate rebuff on the first day, the German command resorted to using aviation and artillery, as well as special groups of flamethrowers, literally burning the houses of Jews along with their residents. Of course, the forces were too unequal, the majority of civilians, weakened by hunger, the defenders could not stop the regular troops, capturing the street behind the street under the guise of tanks and machine guns. However, the desperate prisoners fought with the reckless courage of people who had nothing to lose, who were well aware of the inevitability of death and wishing to take as many enemies as possible to the next world.
In April-May, an uprising of prisoners occurred in the Warsaw ghetto, 1943, which was brutally suppressed by the Germans. In the picture, the SS punishers and the SD staff interrogate a group of Jews to decide their future fate. The German in the foreground, with the “SD” sleeve patch and the MP-28 submachine gun on his shoulder — Joseph Blöshe, the famous executioner.

Ruins in the Warsaw ghetto after the suppression of the uprising by the SS forces. 1943 year.

Two Ukrainian SS members, known as Askari (“Askaris”), look at the bodies of the murdered women and children during the suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

SS soldiers escort a column of captured Jews in the Warsaw ghetto. The elimination of the Warsaw ghetto after the uprising.

size = 1] During the war, this area belonged to the Warsaw ghetto, and after the war it became part of the Defilad Square (Plac Defilad).

Meanwhile, the situation inside the ghetto was becoming increasingly hopeless. The ghetto was ablaze, shots thundered everywhere, shells exploded. 27 April, when it seemed that the uprising had already been crushed, the forces of the Craiova Army entered the struggle. Major Henryk Ivansky along with his men penetrated the territory of the Warsaw ghetto through a secret underground tunnel and attacked the Germans. At the same time, the surviving ZZW fighters attacked the fascists on Muranovskaya Square. When both groups joined, the defenders were asked to leave the ghetto, which actually was the goal of the whole operation of the Craiova Army. However, many fighters refused to abandon their comrades who continued to fight elsewhere throughout the ghetto.
Only three dozen defenders came out, carrying the wounded and covering up numerous civilian Jews. Few of them were lucky enough to escape from the city, the main part of the Jews was subsequently caught by the Nazis or surrendered by hostile Poles and shot.
The main part of the Poles remained to cover the waste. German troops constantly attacked their positions. Within a few hours, they lost a couple of hundred people and another tank, however, the resistance was not easy - David Applebaum was seriously wounded (28 of April, he died), Henryk Ivansky was contused, his son and brother, who also participated in the battle, died. On April 29, the defenders left the ghetto in flames following the same tunnel and later joined the partisan detachments hiding in the Mikhailinsky forests.
Although the bulk of the resistance was destroyed, individual outbreaks, open armed clashes and subversive activities continued until May 13. Despite the death of a huge number of people, the resistance forces continued to everywhere repel the invaders. 8 May SS men managed to seize the headquarters of the "Jewish military organization", but even this did not break the spirit of the rebels, the survivors continued to fight. People who found themselves in burning houses preferred to be thrown out of the windows than to surrender to the fascists. Many residents tried to hide in sewer channels, but Shtrop ordered to close the hatches and flood the underground waste routes. When the residents who were sharpened in the sewers managed to break down the partitions, the general ordered the poison gas to be sent through the channels. Later, a desperate picture of hundreds of corpses of ghetto prisoners buried there, opened to the SS men who went down to the sewer.
German prisoners captured by the Polish rebels near the wall of the former Warsaw ghetto on Bonifraterska street.

In mid-May, the Germans publicly announced the end of the "action". This was confirmed by the report of Strop, which is one of the most important evidence of the extermination of the Jews during the Second World War. He describes the German version of the suppression of the uprising. The document was conceived as a gift album for Himmler and was accompanied by fifty-two black-and-white photographs from the scene. According to the German archives during the uprising period (from 19 April to 16 May), thirteen thousand people were killed in the Polish ghetto, of whom about six thousand were killed in the fire of the houses set on fire and during the shelling together with the bombing of the area. However, despite the fact that all the leaders of the uprising died in the very first days of the confrontation, battles with scattered small Jewish groups continued until the end of the summer. Fifty thousand ghetto survivors were captured and taken to Treblinka and Majdanek.
April 19 is a memorial day for the victims of the Warsaw Uprising and the ghetto prisoners. This date is remembered and honored throughout the world. Despite the defeat, the uprising serves as a source of inspiration for all Jews and went down in history as the city’s first protest by the urban population against the Nazis. Soon after this event, enthusiastic, believing in themselves, oppressed residents of other countries will launch an active struggle against fascism.
1 August 1944, when the Polish Craiova Army, led by General Tadeusz Komorowski, rebelled against the Nazis, it was joined by survivors from the organizations ZZW and Z.O.V. They continued their military path, valiantly fighting alongside Polish patriots. Many of them died in the battles for the liberation of their country. By January 17, 1945, when the Red Army cleared Warsaw of fascist contagion, only about two hundred Jews remained alive, who managed to hide in the hidden shelters and ruins of the former ghetto.
Information sources:
-http: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/
-http: //jhistory.nfurman.com/teacher/07_192.htm
-http: //a-pesni.org/ww2-polsk/a-pravda.htm
-http: //www.megabook.ru/Article.asp? AID = 619347
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  1. +2
    April 19 2013 09: 14
    I read many books on the history of WWII, but still can not understand the reason for Hitler's hatred of Jews
    1. +1
      April 19 2013 09: 44
      It’s also incomprehensible to me. He also destroyed Gypsies, arguing that they did not do socially useful work. But among the Jews there are many scientists, doctors ... It’s not clear.
    2. andsavichev2012
      April 19 2013 09: 49
      You know, Comrade Umnik, I’ve been dealing with these issues for about 20 years and still can’t find a reason. In the 32nd year, the Union of World Jewish Veterans of the 1st World War supported the NSDAP, then some very good people lined up. complicated and still classified combinations of the USA-England-Palestine ... Hess could tell the truth, but the Angles declared him crazy ...
    3. +14
      April 19 2013 09: 52
      Why Hitler, the whole "Enlightened" Europe loved to do this - in five minutes he "googled" and he was in shock, this is directly inherited from them:
      The edict of exile is a document signed in 1290 by the English king Edward I, who, under pain of death, ordered all Jews to leave England
      In 1218, England became the first country where Jews were required to wear a distinctive sign.
      The expulsion of Jews from Spain (Alhambra Decree) - the expulsion of Jews from Spain, Sardinia and Sicily by decree of the ruling royal couple Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella the Catholic, adopted in 1492
      In 1182, King Philip II of August of France issued a decree expelling all Jews from France
      On July 19 (or July 22), 1306, King Philip the Beautiful issued a decree on the eviction of Jews from France and the confiscation of all their property
      In 1394, King Charles VI again banned Jews from living in France
      In 1287, a pogrom took place in Bern; in the 1290s, bloody libel and expulsion of Jews.
      In 1420, by order of Albrecht V, all Jews in Austria were arrested. 270 people were burned at the stake on charges of desecrating a guest in Ens. All the others, with the exception of those who agreed to be baptized, were expelled from the country, their property was confiscated
      In 1487, the municipal councils of Lisbon and several other cities adopted decrees on the expulsion of Jews.
      In 1495, Prince Alexander announced the expulsion of Jews from Lithuania
      and this is only in the Middle Ages - further more ... only probably the Nazis surpassed everyone with their henchmen

      request these are the pies ....
      1. +3
        April 19 2013 11: 30
        It all started with the expulsion of the Jews by Ramses the Second from Egypt. And in the Middle Ages, expelled Jews from Europe sheltered Turkey.
        1. +3
          April 19 2013 14: 15
          It all started with the expulsion of the Jews by Ramses the Second from Egypt.

          Not exile, but he released them only after 10 "executions" sent to him you know by whom.
          1. -1
            April 19 2013 15: 08
            And I liked this interpretation. And then the Jews have already composed tales of "10 executions".
            1. Yarbay
              April 19 2013 15: 24
              I didn’t want to read, but I did!
              I sympathize with all the victims of Nazism, especially women and children!
              The Jewish people suffered hard days and losses!
              Nazism must be destroyed in the bud!
              1. stroporez
                April 22 2013 12: 58
                totally agree !!!!!!!!!!
                Quote: Yarbay
                Nazism must be destroyed in the bud!
                when hit in Washington ??????
              2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +5
        April 19 2013 13: 05
        Well, in the Middle Ages, the persecution of the Jews could be explained by religious considerations: in the Gospels it is written that the Jews gave Christ to execution, having pardoned Barabbas (the robber), and to Pilate's statement about the fall of the blood of Christ on the entire Jewish people and its subsequent generations, the latter agreed with this statement. So the reason to rob (and the Jews were "rich Buratins" in those days: money changers, merchants, etc.) was "legitimate". But why did the Fuhrer get mad? As a World War I veteran, he was looking for the reason for Germany's loss of this war, and, besides, as betrayal, apparently, he did not find anything (by the way, in World War II, he also looked for betrayal during defeats), but the purebred Germans could not betray the Vaterland, which means they betrayed Gentiles, that is, Jews ... Apparently, somewhere like that ...
        1. +1
          April 19 2013 13: 42
          Nonsense, I don’t think that Hitler was such a big guy, this man was clearly not a fool, it seems to me that the meaning of the extermination of the Jews lies in a completely different direction. Either specifically - on the orders of the host financiers (the same Jews), or on the Old German Aryan religious basis, where Jews are directly considered evil.
          1. +3
            April 19 2013 21: 20
            In fact, the Germans offered to move all Jews from Europe to Madagascar. The British opposed this. What the result turned out to be is known.
      3. +4
        April 19 2013 19: 18
        It is worth remembering that the Jews were engaged in usury, rather not according to some plan, but for, so to speak, technical reasons. Money loves secrets, and Jews have always been adept at hiding. We need connections for financial transactions - the operational transfer of funds. Moreover, such connections, which you can seriously rely on, trade is not conducted in potatoes. And the Jews had it ... but no one else had it! The medieval world did not like travel (to put it mildly) and did not know how to move quickly except as part of armies. And here - reference points in any big city, experience ... how could you not use it in order to "earn a little"?
        It’s easy next. They occupied the Jews a lot and willingly. But to give ... not everyone wanted to give loans (and they could). Well, according to the standard - we will expel them, and we will take all the property to ourselves. And, most importantly, we will not pay debts! Sovereigns, even if they were not in debt themselves, have always contributed to this turn of events. Because financial mobility is a blessing for banks, and more for no one else, it harms the rest. That's how it is now - we’ll export production from your country; on the other side of the planet, human labor will cost us less. And we? And you at least die. Watching money disappear from your country and a bloodless economy slowing down - not for a good ruler.
        Popular hatred served as fuel for the mass pogroms. Also quite understandable - even Jews (and also for purely technical reasons) kept drinking establishments in droves. But even though a person drinks, he understands well that he is being destroyed. Shouldn't a weak person be angry with yourself? Only in Russia there were so-called "drunken riots" (find out, people, what it is - a Russian drunken rebellion. I guarantee - you will gasp!) In other countries people willingly killed those who poured them. Especially if the same nalivayka cleverly arranged the sale of property, land, tools for alcohol ...
        Well, the abomination played a human role, as always. Jews hardly defended themselves, and killing the defenseless is Europe’s favorite pastime.
        In general - there are no secrets and mysteries here ...
      4. Galina
        April 21 2013 22: 38
        Kings were very fond of using Jewish money, borrowed. But giving was difficult. It was easier to banish. A similar reason for such a strange relationship between the authorities and wealthy Jews, I once deducted long ago in historical work. Sorry, I do not remember the author.
      5. 0
        27 September 2013 23: 57
        Where there was a zhyd Slavs were not considered people. Tatars and others too. As it goes ZHYDOBOY, through the centuries, since the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, it is probably not for good reason, "just like that" people cannot be so hated.
    4. +7
      April 19 2013 10: 18
      Quote: Clever man
      but still can’t understand the reason for Hitler's hatred of the Jews

      Not only the Jews, leaving alive only one out of every ten citizens of the USSR, our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers, respectively, with families and children, should have been destroyed more than the current population of all of Russia.
    5. +6
      April 19 2013 11: 34
      I read many books on the history of WWII, but still can not understand the reason for Hitler's hatred of Jews

      To build "Greater Germany" it was necessary to rally the nation around an internal enemy, and money was corny. Jews were better suited to these two roles. They were accused of all troubles and took away all (not small) property. Well, then the wheels of the Holocaust began to spin, which the Germans were no longer able to stop (and they actually had no particular desire).
      1. Net
        April 19 2013 11: 50
        The reason is simple - all the juices were sucked out of the population wherever they appeared, engaging in usury, and if you give the whole list of countries from which the Jews were driven, there will be all of Europe.
        1. -2
          April 19 2013 13: 36
          Follow Hitler's footsteps?
          1. Net
            April 19 2013 13: 41
            No i just know
            1. -3
              April 19 2013 13: 49
              He also "knew". Your speeches are indistinguishable from his
              1. Net
                April 19 2013 14: 00
                But interestingly, Dostoevsky, Napoleon Bonaparte, Seneca, Tacitus, Martin Luther, Giordano Bruno, the list goes on .. Do they all also follow Hitler's footsteps, speaking about the essence of the Jewish people? I understand your cliche, tell a Jew - a usurer and instantly write you in anti-Semites. Funny to her Gd!
                1. +4
                  April 19 2013 14: 06
                  Quote: Netto
                  say to a Jew - a moneylender and instantly write you in anti-Semites. Funny to her Gd!

                  I agree. Is a moneylender an insult? They’ve been doing this for a long time (will someone prove that they didn’t do this?). Now they are called bankers. Either their conscience is not clear, since they do not like the word money-lender (and they themselves, therefore, put a negative concept into it, since it sounds insulting to them). This is just a banker.
                  1. +1
                    April 19 2013 14: 31
                    No, not an insult. The question is how to file it, and in what form. Here is a Netto spokesman presenting this from a clearly anti-Semitic perspective. Well, it’s more convenient for him to choose one thing and not notice everything else.

                    You for example the reason why the Jews were engaged in usury in the course? As well as gold-mining, and a bunch of other professions that were considered "dirty". Because there was a ban on engaging in other professions, there was a ban on land ownership, there was a ban on living outside certain territories.
                    1. Net
                      April 19 2013 15: 47
                      Benjamin Franklin (American physicist and politician, 1706-1790): “In all countries where Jews settled in large numbers, they lowered their moral standards, commercial honesty, isolate themselves and are not amenable to assimilation. They ridiculed and tried to undermine the Christian religion. They established a state in the state and, in case of opposition to them, seek to mortally strangle the country financially. If we, through the Constitution, do not exclude them (from the United States), then in less than two hundred years they will rush in large numbers, gain the upper hand, swallow the country and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will work in their fields to provide them with food, while the Jews will rub their hands in money-changing offices. "I warn you, gentlemen, that if you do not exclude the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves." (from a speech in the discussion of the US Constitution in 1787)

                      Ferenc Liszt (Hungarian pianist and composer, 1811-1886): “A Jew continues to monopolize money and frees the throat of the state or strangles it by releasing or pulling its financial strings. He equipped himself with a press mechanism used to destroy the foundations of society. He is at the root of every enterprise that will destroy first of all the thrones, then the altars and, finally, the civil order. In an hour of danger for the country, a Jew, opening or closing his moshna, is capable of either supporting it or contributing to its defeat. “The day will come when for all the peoples among whom Jews live, the question of their complete exile will become a matter of life or death, health or chronic illness, peaceful living, or eternal social fever.”

                      After all, how right they were!
                      1. -3
                        April 19 2013 15: 52
                        Quote: Netto
                        After all, how right they were!

                        It is shameful to see this in Russia, the country that passed the Great Patriotic War.
                      2. +8
                        April 19 2013 17: 40
                        Quote: Netto
                        In an hour of danger for the country, a Jew, opening or closing his moshna, is capable of either supporting it or contributing to its defeat.

                        This is true. Only now it was not the usurers who fell under the roller of repression, but the toilers - shoemakers, tailors, doctors, etc. But the usurers-bankers safely "escaped" to the United States and continued their activities there. I'm interested in something else. Is it possible that Israel has already come to the conclusion that it is strong enough to "ride" America?
                      3. Net
                        April 19 2013 19: 54
                        And what America itself is no longer saddled with? The Jewish minority itself recognizes that in America they feel at home. World financial institutions are close by, money is regularly sent to Israel, they protect. What else does?
                    2. +3
                      April 19 2013 19: 48
                      “For example, are you the reason why the Jews were engaged in usury in the course? As well as gold-mining, and a bunch of other professions that were considered“ dirty. ”Because there was a ban on other professions, there was a ban on land ownership, there was a ban on living outside certain territories. "
                      This feint has always touched me immensely. Remember this, from a television interview, imposingly lounging in an armchair: once the hard fate of an international journalist threw me to Paris ...?
                      Don't you think, well, for a second, that interfering with the difficult fate of the goldsmith with the "heavy share" of the usurer is ... too much, no? laughing Why, after such an "argument" in the dispute, read your opinion further? Everything is already clear ...
                      1. +2
                        April 19 2013 20: 24
                        There was a limited number of professions that Jews were allowed to pursue. Most of them were considered "dirty": trade, finance, gold mining, etc. Someone had the opportunity to engage in usury, someone - goldsmithing. It is now obvious that working with money is money. Then it was a high-risk enterprise - with a high risk of non-repayment of debts, losses, robberies, murders, etc. The banking sector is now insured. Then - at your own peril and risk
                      2. +1
                        April 20 2013 13: 25
                        Funnier and funnier. Do you even know how to talk with erudite people? The average life expectancy of people in those years ranged from 30 to 35 years. There was no such thing as "high-risk enterprises" then, because it could not exist. There were simply no low-risk businesses! The risk of being killed was almost the same for everyone. And about insurance ... why bad things always happened to those who attacked the bankers. Not sure what kind of rock it was? And someone (really the community ?! can not be! And even more so, stupid goyim should not know such complicated things) helped the families of the murdered, put up the children, generally did not spare money for help. But no one else in the medieval world had such "social protection" anymore.
                        The deepest contempt for the goim and rushing - "It is now obvious that working with money is money." This is how a person talks to you and considers you an impassable donkey, an idiot, a complete idiot. That is, the understanding that if a person works with money then he will find money for himself, could not descend on the people of that time? Only the Jews had a mind in their heads, the rest - a stone? So a roadside cobblestone, in my opinion, may well rise to such "heights" of awareness.
                        You are failing propaganda work. No way cyber war pay ...
                      3. AlexW
                        April 19 2013 23: 10
                        Italians (Lombardians) were not limited by anyone in their choice of professions, but they were actively engaged in usury throughout Europe. For some reason, they did not consider this type of activity "dirty", but rather highly profitable. But the Jews did it, you see, from no source. laughingAnd so they ate the Lobardians. Well, what else will the poor Jew get busy with - not going to farm laborers, cultivating the land, or hiring in the sea, or waving at the mine with a fork. So I had to bargain with a poor little coin, vodka fired, the re-purchase of everything and everything. Poor, ah miserable fellow -
                  2. Yarbay
                    April 19 2013 15: 29
                    Quote: Kashaverskiy
                    Is a moneylender an insult? They have been doing this for a long time (will someone prove that they did not do this?

                    Did the Jews only engage in usury?
                    That there are no bankers of other nationalities !! ??
                    1. Net
                      April 19 2013 15: 56
                      Of course not! But all people eat pasta, but for some reason they call Italians pasta. And there are many worthy people among the Jews! I liked the answer of the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berl Lazar to the journalist's question that how could you meet with Berezovsky if he was baptized !? So he said: "If he became as Orthodox as he was a Jew, it means nothing." I do not stigmatize nations, but I believe that the cause of anti-Semitism often lies in the Jews themselves.
                      1. -1
                        April 19 2013 15: 59
                        Have you considered the option that the reason for it is rather anti-Semites? There is such a human disease - xenophobia. And she is constantly inclined to take on extremely perverse and rigid forms.
                      2. Net
                        April 19 2013 16: 08
                        Yes, even if not harsh and not perverted, albeit at the everyday level, but for this there was a name - "everyday anti-Semitism"! What does anti-Semitism and common human vices have to do with it? The Jew is not accused of being a Jew. But they are already ranked among the anti-Semites. You see, dear Jewish rabbis, when asked who the goyim are, they will answer you that the goyim means, in general, "people", "people". When asked what is the chosenness of the Jewish people, they will answer that “being chosen” is primarily in greater responsibility before the Creator, BUT some citizens perceive these terms diametrically opposite. And by their attitude towards the peoples where they live, they incur anger on themselves and all the Jews.
                      3. +1
                        April 19 2013 19: 13
                        And yet there is such a disease - not far off. They never learn anything, but only believe that they will be told on TV
                      4. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 16: 10
                        Quote: Netto
                        ! But all people eat pasta, but for some reason pasta is called Italians.

                        and who is to blame, those who eat macoroni wrong ??
                        or all the same, those who call the Italians so ??
                      5. Net
                        April 19 2013 16: 24
                        Italians - eat pasta! smile But not all pasta is eaten by Italians! I meant it.
                      6. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 16: 26
                        Quote: Netto
                        Italians - eat pasta! But not all pasta is eaten by Italians! I meant it.

                        so am I about it))))
                    2. +4
                      April 19 2013 16: 11
                      Quote: Yarbay
                      That there are no bankers of other nationalities !! ??

                      It was full.

                      but the current power of the most intelligent people in the world guessed to make this way of business their creed.
                      something like (I don’t remember exactly)
                      give everyone growth, but don’t take it yourself.
                      and so soon all nations will owe you.

                      and nobody likes bankers
                      in France in the Middle Ages, Italians were bankers, so there were also practiced pogroms and confiscations.
                      1. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 16: 19
                        Quote: Rider
                        but the current power of the most intelligent people in the world guessed to make this way of business their creed.

                        You again inattentively read and not answer the topic !!
                        Are there few Jewish scientists, doctors, engineers, journalists, etc. ??
                        it’s not the Jews themselves who managed to make a creed, but people like you are imposing them to justify crimes against them!
                      2. +3
                        April 19 2013 16: 44
                        what a manner of mentoring!
                        I cited a specialist at the beginning of the post.
                        so that it’s clear what I’m answering.


                        it is easy to check

                        at least here http://www.bible.com.ua/bible/r/5/15
                        paragraph 6.

                        and they impose on you like you

                        henceforth I ask you to restrain yourself.
                        and read my posts carefully.
                        I have already expressed my attitude to the topic of the article.
                      3. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 16: 50
                        Quote: Rider
                        I cited a specialist at the beginning of the post.
                        so that it’s clear what I’m answering.

                        And where does it ???
                        why did you write this ??
                        After all, you yourself say that not only Jews are bankers!
                        At all you do not know what and why write!
                      4. +2
                        April 19 2013 17: 17
                        aaa caraull
                        Jews offend !!!

                        you asked for a creed - got
                        asked about bankers - similarly

                        and why now yell
                        "aaaa it has nothing to do with it!" ?
                      5. +2
                        April 19 2013 17: 24
                        Yes, against the background of the heroism of those people, all these bursts of hatred and stupidity look even more pathetic
                      6. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 17: 34
                        Quote: Rider
                        you asked for a creed - got
                        asked about bankers - similarly

                        What i got ??
                        Another stupidity on your part !!
                        You did not answer where the Jews are bankers, if bankers of other nationalities more ???
                        Why do you ascribe to them such a creed ??
                      7. +4
                        April 19 2013 18: 02
                        listen to "smart guy"
                        I brought you quotes of their creed
                        WHAT THEIR TEACHING IN SYNAGOGUES.
                        can you give the laws of other religions, where they teach the same?

                        and all that I heard from you is mentoring
                        and accusations of stupidity.

                        if you have no brains, then I am not responsible for this.

                        bother to behave yourself.
                      8. +1
                        April 19 2013 18: 08
                        Have you been to synagogues? Did they learn something there?
                      9. 0
                        April 19 2013 18: 19
                        I have enough opinions of 5000 not the most stupid people in Russia regarding the book of Kitsur Shulkhan Arrukh.
                      10. +1
                        April 19 2013 18: 29
                        Did they read Kitsur Shulchan Aruch? And something else besides her? Do you know something about kitsur being abbreviated? Which Kitsur Shulchan Aruch did they mean? Are you aware that there are several of them? Have you read anything else besides the letter 5000? Have the originals of the books on which Kitsur Shulkhan Arukh, and Shulkhan Aruch read?

                        Illiteracy, multiplied by fear and ignorance, by internal hatred gives rise to chimeras. Hitler relied precisely on such a joyful brain shutdown
                      11. -1
                        April 19 2013 18: 37
                        Illiteracy, multiplied by fear and ignorance, by internal hatred gives rise to chimeras. Hitler relied precisely on such a joyful brain shutdown

                        we ask you to check the printed confession of Rabbi Z. Kogan in the preface to the book that its more extremist prescriptions, withdrawn in the form of conspiracy and characterized by Kogan himself as insulting to non-Jews, are taught in Yeshiva Jewish educational institutions. Rabbi Kogan directly invites his fellow tribesmen there to study these insults. For verification, it is enough to limit ourselves to the analysis of educational material in well-known yeshivas of Moscow

                      12. 0
                        April 19 2013 18: 49
                        Illiteracy, multiplied by fear and ignorance, by internal hatred gives rise to chimeras. Hitler relied precisely on such a joyful brain shutdown
                      13. 0
                        April 19 2013 18: 52
                        your denial policy is a very effective strategy.
                        like I hid my head in the sand and you don’t answer for the trout pieces
                      14. -1
                        April 19 2013 20: 24
                        Illiteracy, multiplied by fear and ignorance, by internal hatred gives rise to chimeras. Hitler relied precisely on such a joyful brain shutdown
                      15. 0
                        April 19 2013 20: 41
                        Do you think that if you leave a comment in the afternoon, then like win in an intellectual dispute?
                      16. AlexW
                        April 19 2013 23: 31
                        Pimpled iron argues laughing quotes himself. Now will switch to calligraphy fellow Oh, and the Khazarites love to teach everyone - how are they the ultimate truth
                      17. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 18: 19
                        Quote: Rider
                        if you have no brains, then I am not responsible for this.

                        Apparently you have no brains!
                        Did you study in the synagogue ??
                        Jews officially declared to you about their creeds ??
                        Quote: Rider
                        aaa caraull
                        Jews offend !!!

                        If they * insulted * just as unjustly the Russians, then I would also write them off!
                      18. 0
                        April 19 2013 18: 24
                        Can you read?

                        I have attached a reference with a quote.
                        and you’re breaking the comedy.

                        I said for good reason THERE ARE ANOTHER QUOTE NOT ONE DISPUTE WILL BACK ON.

                        I have no desire to argue with a stack ... a stubborn individual to whom references do not help.
                      19. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 18: 32
                        Quote: Rider
                        I have attached a reference with a quote.

                        So where does the quote come from?
                        Have you read it carefully?
                        What does this quote have to do with my question ??
                        By the way, it’s not even for you!
                      20. -1
                        April 19 2013 18: 42
                        So where does the quote come from?

                        someone asked about the "credo" of the Jews.

                        I repeat the question can you give the laws of other religions, where they teach the same?
                        You can guess from three times who came up with the interest on interest.
                        in my opinion this makes it clear why they are not loved a bit more than the rest of the money lenders and bankers.
                      21. -2
                        April 19 2013 18: 49
                        Illiteracy, multiplied by fear and ignorance, by internal hatred gives rise to chimeras. Hitler relied precisely on such a joyful brain shutdown
                      22. Yarbay
                        April 19 2013 18: 50
                        Quote: Rider
                        I repeat the question, can you bring the laws of other religions, where they teach the same?

                        According to your teach ??
                        I do not understand the religion of the Jews well!
                        But even a cursory glance at this quote suggests that the quote was taken out of context, and that the Jew is not writing and saying to the Jew !!
                      23. 0
                        April 19 2013 19: 03
                        Listen, well, read a little more than a quote.
                        here in the first reference about deuteronomy from the Old Testament.
                        damn, there all the Jews say about the Jews

                        Well, at least n 3 (ibid.)
                        3. Seek from a foreigner, and forgive your brother.

                        damn, so you can say the current ABOUT YOUR PEOPLE.
                        they say, look from someone else's, but YOURSELF can be forgiven.

                        I will not begin to scold this particular point because it is logically correct in the sense of supporting your own.

                        but I can clearly see that n 3 and n 6 perfectly complement each other.

                        I still have a bunch of all kinds of quotes, but I'm not going to engage in empty-handed harassment of someone else's faith.

                        I just gave you a specific answer to a specific question.
                      24. Beck
                        April 19 2013 19: 04
                        Quote: Rider
                        I repeat the question, can you bring the laws of other religions, where they teach the same?

                        Similar anti, which is in all religions.

                        -If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, and his wife and children, and brothers and sisters, and, moreover, his very life, he cannot be My disciple (follower, Christian).
                        Chapter 14, verse 26. From Luke.

                        PETER. -That is, we left everything and followed you; what will be to us?
                        Chapter 19, verse 27. Matthew

                        JESUS. “Verily I say unto you, that you who follow Me are in Pacification, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you also sit on twelve thrones TO JUDGE the twelve tribes of Israel.
                        Chapter 19, verse 28. From Matthew.

                        And the apostles condemned the Jewish people for millennia. And the priests of other people cruelly judged in the Middle Ages. Raising them on their hind legs, torturing them with iron, drowning in the ice holes, raising them to bonfires. And all this under the banner of faith and with the name of Jesus on the lips.

                        Do not judge and will not be judged.
                      25. -2
                        April 19 2013 19: 14
                        the coolest thing is that the first Pope became the named Peter. So you think, and who bobbed someone?

                        Is this the first Judenrat?
                      26. Beck
                        April 19 2013 19: 22
                        Quote: Rider
                        the coolest thing is that the first Pope became the named Peter. So you think, and who bobbed someone?

                        I did not write about cool. You asked for an example from other religions where they teach bad. I brought it. There are other postulates in the Gospels that cannot be correlated with Good. But no one, because of this, does not gang up on All of today's Christians in the world.
                      27. -1
                        April 19 2013 19: 27
                        I did not write about cool.

                        and I wrote about how to become master of the world through my pocket.

                        and in the context of the discussion, this was related to the question "why Jews are not liked"

                        who will like it when they bend it, for its own money.

                        There are other postulates in the Gospels that cannot be correlated with Good.

                        and even the Old Testament, and splashes humanity.
                      28. Beck
                        April 19 2013 19: 40
                        Quote: Rider
                        and even the Old Testament, and splashes humanity.

                        Well, how to oppose like that. Did I write that the Old Testament is full of humanity? You asked for an example from other religions, I presented it and that’s it. Here, according to your example, I can end and so, in no way connected with the line - And that in the Manifesto of Communism there is philanthropy. So answer. Of course, this is in no way consistent with the line.

                        Like through a pocket ... So these are all bankers, regardless of nationality, all scientists, all writers, before becoming, began from a start, common to all. Well, and then of course they used the power of money, and not only Jewish bankers. But also the "Papuan banker" who kept bananas in his hut.
                      29. +1
                        April 19 2013 19: 58
                        Well, how to oppose like that ... Here, according to your example, I can finish and so, in no way connected with the line

                        we argue a little about different things, you are about spiritual superiority over other nations.
                        and here I agree with you, because every nation considers itself "chosen"
                        and we are Russians with our "God-bearing people, and Moscow - 3 Rome" is no exception.

                        but I’m talking about despicable bribe-taking through which financial superiority is forged.
                        and that this is precisely what has been commanded from the earliest times to Jews.

                        if I wanted to talk about the desire of the Jews for world domination, then without a doubt I cited references to God's chosen people and the utterances of the Jewish Rebbe, about which there are goyim.

                        but, again, it was about finances in the whole "love of borrowers"

                        and if you have already decided to argue verbatim, then give examples from, but at least Christianity, about how and to whom to repay debts, and who you can "throw" on the grandmother.

                        (by the way, I myself am interested, otherwise we can and Christians preach scam
                      30. +2
                        April 19 2013 18: 34
                        Let's take a magazine, cut the letters out of it, then put them together as we want, and say - here, that's what it was in the magazine. About the same level.
                      31. -2
                        April 19 2013 18: 44
                        there are such letters folded into sentences, a wagon and a small cart.
                      32. -3
                        April 19 2013 18: 49
                        Illiteracy, multiplied by fear and ignorance, by internal hatred gives rise to chimeras. Hitler relied precisely on such a joyful brain shutdown
                      33. +1
                        April 19 2013 19: 06
                        and if I also start to retype the same thing, will it fail for an answer?
                      34. 0
                        April 19 2013 20: 28
                        You retype. Without understanding, copy and paste what you have no idea about. Repeat other people's thoughts without worrying too much about knowledge
                      35. -1
                        April 19 2013 20: 32
                        and you carry a blizzard
                        hiding behind beautiful words.
                      36. 0
                        April 19 2013 21: 54
                        But at the same time, I know what I'm talking about, and you just project your ignorance outside.
                        Hitler was based precisely on this - hatred, illiteracy, xenophobia
                      37. +1
                        April 19 2013 20: 42
                        AND WILL BE LIVING OVER MANY PEOPLES, AND THEY WILL NOT BE ABOUT YOU. Maybe Hitler killed them for this?
                    3. AlexW
                      April 19 2013 23: 23
                      yes. but in the end, almost all banks are somehow controlled or dependent on one financial center
                  3. 0
                    April 19 2013 19: 10
                    I don’t like the word money-lender, give the banker too. But there were no peasants and workers among the Jews
                    1. +1
                      April 19 2013 19: 21
                      he will scourge the peasants, not sure, but there were plenty of artisans (google about the Pale of Settlement and who the Jews had to work to earn their bread)

                      another question. that at the slightest opportunity, they quickly climbed into the governing structures, and then squeezed their own.
                      Well, what happened after the revolution ...
                    2. +4
                      April 19 2013 21: 51
                      Quote: antidot
                      I don’t like the word money-lender, give the banker too. But there were no peasants and workers among the Jews

                      Internet to help. We are recruiting "Jewish collective farms".
                      1. +2
                        April 19 2013 21: 58
                        Quote: Aron Zaavi
                        Internet to help. We are recruiting "Jewish collective farms".

                        if my memory serves me. called the kibbutzim.
                      2. +1
                        April 19 2013 22: 29
                        Quote: Apollon
                        Quote: Aron Zaavi
                        Internet to help. We are recruiting "Jewish collective farms".

                        if my memory serves me. called the kibbutzim.

                        not. It is the collective farms.
                        In 1927, 48 thousand people lived in 35 Jewish agricultural settlements of Ukraine, cultivating approximately one hundred thousand hectares of agricultural land. At the end of the 1920's. the Soviet government provided these settlements with additional agricultural land, and administrative districts were formed in which the majority were Jews: Kalinindorf, Nai Zlatopol and Stalindorf. During this period, Ukraine had the largest concentration of Jewish agricultural population in Europe, which had its own schools, a newspaper (Der Stalindorfer Ames) and a theater. At the same time, about fifty Jewish agricultural settlements based on cooperative forms of farming were founded in Ukraine. Two more centers of Jewish agriculture arose in the 1920's. in the vicinity of Odessa and in the Pervomaisky district. New Jewish settlements also appeared in Belarus, although on a much smaller scale than in Ukraine. Jewish collective farms were organized in Georgia, Central Asia and the North Caucasus. The projects of the broad settlement activity of Jews in Crimea and Birobidzhan, proposed by the Soviet government and supported by Jewish organizations in the USA and Europe, did not lead to the expected results. Yet at the beginning of the 1930's. over 10% of the Jewish population of the USSR was engaged in agriculture.
                      3. 0
                        April 19 2013 22: 40
                        Quote: Aron Zaavi
                        not. It is the collective farms.

                        I mean, collective farms referred to in Israel
                      4. 0
                        April 19 2013 22: 22
                        Internet to help. We are recruiting "Jewish collective farms".

                        yes, I also liked when, in response to a request to make Crimea Jewish autonomy, the IVS allocated Birobidzhan to them.
                        the current "collective farmers" preferred to stay in Crimea.

                        I don’t understand, of course, who will go from a warm place, to hell with pies.
                        but then the question is, why ask for autonomy?
                      5. AlexW
                        April 19 2013 23: 47
                        The Jewish Autonomous Region of Birobidzhan was established in 1934. Autonomy was - the Zionists sought not just autonomy, but the creation of a Jewish state in Crimea. In February 1944, Mikhoels S. M., together with I. Fefer and S. Epstein wrote a letter to I. Stalin about this. It was simply blackmail - they say Jews around the world you raised money for the war with Hitler, so work it out.
                      6. YuDDP
                        April 20 2013 00: 12
                        [hide] [/ hide] By the way, the places around Birobidzhan are the richest.

                        And this is the flag of the Jewish Autonomous Region. Who invented this?
                    3. +1
                      April 21 2013 22: 29
                      Quote: antidot
                      But there were no peasants and workers among the Jews

                      In 1928, in the Poltava region, the Marusi gang killed the family of a Jewish land tenant (peasant). The tenant, since Jews could not own land in Russia. The family had 8 children, 2 girls survived - the 15-year-old (lost her mind after being raped by bandits) and the 5-year-old who hid under the stove. That was my grandmother. I myself was a worker before entering a military school. He was a worker even after being transferred to the reserve. I treat anti-Semites with disgust.
                2. +2
                  April 19 2013 14: 34
                  People ceased to be people who grew up in a certain environment and suffering from prejudice? Stopped being products of your nature and environment? Genius and villainy are incompatible?
      2. +5
        April 19 2013 12: 11
        you know professor, not everything is so simple.
        for the time being, the Nazis helped the Jews to reintegrate into Israel, armed them and considered them their allies in the BV.

        however, what the Germans did in concentration camps, ghettos, and on our occupied lands has no justification or forgiveness.
        The photos are just terrifying.
        1. 0
          April 19 2013 13: 30
          Allies in the BV? Sorry, this was not. There were attempts to establish a dialogue on the transfer of European Jews to Mandatory Palestine. But they were carried out by a rather narrow group and did not end with anything: the Germans were not really really interested in the result of such negotiations, but only in their fact.
          1. 0
            April 19 2013 13: 49
            Well maybe not allies
            but the fact of SS help to Jewish immigrant organizations in Palestine was

            there was a good article on this subject with photos and scans of materials, but the resource was subsequently closed.
            1. 0
              April 19 2013 14: 35
              Give, plz, facts, and not what they read in the yellow newspapers.
        2. +3
          April 19 2013 13: 53
          for the time being, the Nazis helped the Jews to reintegrate into Israel, armed them and considered them their allies in the BV.

          There was no such thing. The Jews of Kiev were also promised to be sent to Palestine in leaflets, and sent to Babi Yar.
          1. 0
            April 19 2013 15: 59
            I will answer both.



            but yes, you won’t believe it.
            yellow press and such use.

            there was a better article, with scans and photos.
            but alas tyrnet clean.
            many articles and documents cease to open.
            as well as much that is available in foreign countries, they simply do not translate.

            but I’m not going to have another fight over anti or just Zionism.

            regarding the article, I expressed my opinion.
            1. +4
              April 19 2013 16: 01
              Amazingly, during the years of World War II, Israel did not mobilize a single soldier from its entire hundred thousandth army in order to send them to fight the brown plague.

              "Excellent" article, you can immediately see how serious it is.
              1. +1
                April 19 2013 16: 21
                I say that, more thoughtful slaughtered in the bud.
                so there are such "eras"
                it is clear that having mixed each and some healthy grains look ridiculous.

                difference in views and presentation of material.
                almost the opposite.

                about Judenrat, in the articles (above) one
                and the wiki is completely different.
                there are just crying yaroslavny.
                as they did not want, but they were forced.
                but if you think logically.
                then in every nation the Germans found individuals who joyfully served the invaders, and treated their own even worse than the Germans.
      3. +5
        April 19 2013 13: 35
        Quote: professor
        Holocaust wheels

        Professor, for me personally there are things that are inappropriate and unjustifiable about the uniqueness or ambiguity, what fascism did in the Second World War is darkness, this should not be repeated with anyone, I cannot find words to express my feelings and rage. I looked at the photographs and recalled frames from the movie "Ordinary Fascism", for many years I have not watched it, it is impossible to look at it without shuddering, just like these photographs. To see this in documents and photographs is already a test, but what is it for them, those who got this share. Therefore, Professor, be a watchdog in this matter, there can be no options in the perception of what happened.
        1. +5
          April 19 2013 13: 59
          there can be no options in the perception of what was

          unfortunately it can. I bet that after a dozen comments there will be an urooooood who will declare that "none of this happened" or the Jews, gypsies, etc. "deserve what happened to them" or something like that. It is paradoxical that the Germans learned the greatest lesson by even introducing criminal liability for denying the very fact of the Holocaust. Explain the reason?
          1. +1
            April 19 2013 14: 36
            Unfortunately, this does not help them much either. The Nazis are multiplying, the lessons are forgotten.
      4. 0
        April 19 2013 13: 45
        And I partially agree with the Nazis that every race should live at home. It all started with the Jews and ends with Arabs and blacks. And all the Jews whom I know, for some reason, are very cunning people, born traders.
        1. +2
          April 19 2013 14: 30
          Quote: Alexander Petrovich
          And all the Jews whom I know, for some reason, are very cunning people, born traders.
          And of all my acquaintances, there is only one such Jew! hi
        2. Yarbay
          April 19 2013 15: 33
          Quote: Alexander Petrovich
          . And all the Jews whom I know, for some reason, are very cunning people, born traders.

          and all the Jews whom I know are very decent and decent people !!
          Maybe you are a cunning and natural born trader and therefore you are familiar with your own kind?
          1. 0
            April 19 2013 20: 16
            Mutually. But I am a man who does not leave others in trouble. And decency and dignity among the Jews is most often a mask, and we are only goyim for them.
            1. 0
              April 19 2013 20: 24
              Quote: Alexander Petrovich
              Mutually. But I am a man who does not leave others in trouble. And decency and dignity among the Jews is most often a mask, and we are only goyim for them.

              Well, for Jews, all are not Jews, they are "goyim", and for Russians, all are not Russians "nerus". So what ? By the way, in pre-Petrine Russia, all Europeans were called "Germans" from the word "mute", such as not speaking Russian. Well, initially there is nothing derogatory in the word "Goy". This is the direct meaning of "alien".
              1. -2
                April 19 2013 20: 43
                Jewish goy is equated with an animal. Remember the episode with Jesus, where he compared a non-Jew to dogs? So, since ancient times you consider yourself the highest race. Judging the Jews from their holy books, we can conclude that the first and main Nazi nationalists were precisely the Jews.
            2. 0
              April 19 2013 20: 30
              You are aware that the goyim are people, peoples. Any. Including Jews. You, rather, Bnei Noah are the children of Noah, to whom Judaism treats with great respect. After all, you don’t have an understanding that Jewish election is just a big measure of responsibility, and it does not apply to the earthly part of being. And that anyone can become a Jew - you also do not know.
            3. Yarbay
              April 20 2013 07: 06
              Quote: Alexander Petrovich
              . And decency and dignity among Jews is most often a mask, and we are only goyim for them

              Who are you ??
              1. -3
                April 20 2013 11: 50
                Gentiles so you know.
          2. +3
            April 19 2013 20: 34
            All Jews cannot be honest and decent, either you know little of them or are biased.
            1. 0
              April 19 2013 21: 00
              Perhaps, but I'm sure of one thing - their home is Israel. When the USSR collapsed. most of them showed themselves what kind of brothers they are - having fled abroad.
              1. -2
                April 19 2013 21: 53
                Quote: Alexander Petrovich
                Perhaps, but I'm sure of one thing - their home is Israel. When the USSR collapsed. most of them showed themselves what kind of brothers they are - having fled abroad.

                I am also sure that the house of the Jews is Israel. Jews who do not understand it are just foolish people, regardless of their degrees or pylons in the bank.
              2. Yarbay
                April 20 2013 07: 09
                Quote: Alexander Petrovich
                When the USSR collapsed. most of them showed themselves what kind of brothers they are - having fled abroad

                When the USSR collapsed, representatives of your people led !!
                The representative of your people has collapsed the USSR!
                Representatives of your people also fled abroad!
                1. -1
                  April 20 2013 11: 49
                  Dear, do not be angry, it’s better to tell in more detail how the representatives of the Moldavian people led the USSR, destroyed it and fled abroad - it’s really interesting here.
      5. +7
        April 19 2013 15: 00
        Quote: professor
        To build "Greater Germany" it was necessary to rally the nation around an internal enemy, and money was corny.

        Finally!!!! And then-well, a universal secret!
        Everything is commonplace - money and organization-dedilization of the people. Anti-Semitism is a joker in the sleeve of unscrupulous rulers, for it is always easier to wake the base than to instill the good.
        1. Yarbay
          April 19 2013 15: 34
          Quote: Chen
          Finally!!!! And then-well, a universal secret!

          it's clear!
          Just the question was why exactly the Jews ??
          1. AlexW
            April 19 2013 18: 19
            Read - "The Weimar Republic". How was it created, who was in the leadership, where did they go, to whose banks did the resources flow? And like a beggar, crushed Germany, suddenly after the "Weimar" government, having expelled the representatives of the international banking syndicate, it became a world power. After 3 years - "Anschluss", after another 3 years is able to wage a war for world domination. It is not for nothing that Chubais not so long ago became worried that the situation in Russia is becoming like in Germany after the "Weimar Republic" Russia is leaving the Rothschilds' influence and other Rockefellers
          2. Beck
            April 19 2013 18: 34
            Why are the Jews?

            My answer. The basis is a religious hostility nurtured over the centuries that have developed over the millennia. And only on the basis of myths and legends. Someone once laid out his opinion, which even then was not an axiom for everyone. And today's anti-Semites impose these myths on modern people as if everyone is an orthodox and read the Scriptures.

            Hitler first of all elevated this religious rejection, and, as a secondary incident, the money of the robbed and killed.

            Anti-Semites rely on usury and trade. And what is it? These are tools for the economic development of any civilization and the world as a whole. From banal usury banks were born. And how to live without banks? In America, 6 years ago, only two mortgage banks went bankrupt, the whole world sneezed a cold. Trade? Take away trade and modern civilization will collapse. Banks and Trade are developing the World.

            And if a large number of large bankers and directors of trading companies are Jews, it is not because they are Jews, it is a quality of gray matter. Most of them are on the list of Nobel laureates, and on the list of prominent figures of art and music, and on the list of significant philosophers of the world.

            And why so? My opinion. For others to achieve this it is necessary to go through 2000 years of persecution. So what kind of people today will agree to this.

            And it’s a shame to today's people who, at the same time, spit on the blood of our fathers and grandfathers who fought against fascism, at least somehow, a hint, a half-hint of the Holocaust crimes.
            1. +3
              April 19 2013 19: 28
              Quote: Beck
              And it’s a shame to today's people who, at the same time, spit on the blood of our fathers and grandfathers who fought against fascism, at least somehow, a hint, a half-hint of the Holocaust crimes.

              I have already ceased to hope that anyone will say this today, Beck thank you. And it was shameful to me and not at ease.
              1. Beck
                April 19 2013 19: 46
                Quote: Jura
                And then it was shameful to me and at ease

                Thank you for your support. Not my words, but for supporting the condemnation of the crimes of the Holocaust.
                1. +2
                  April 19 2013 20: 04
                  and I was touched by how you cited as an example SCAMERS profiting from burned-out investors.

                  Now it’s becoming even more clear for the bankers and traders do not like.
                  1. Beck
                    April 20 2013 13: 42
                    Quote: Rider

                    You distort again. I did not say anything about financial bubbles. And if about them, then in every human activity there are bends. In the economy, financial bubbles. In the Ministry of Defense, theft. In the science of false theory, etc. And all these excesses do not apply to the entire Jarean people, but relate specifically to greedy, vain people, hunks, etc. without their national division. The greedy are Kazakhs, Russians, and Papuans.

                    It is impossible to say that if Serdyukov robbed himself, then all the generals, officers, and soldiers are thieves.
                    1. +2
                      April 20 2013 20: 01
                      You distort again. I didn’t say anything about financial bubbles

                      I don’t understand that nobody reads yesterday’s branches, but let me poke you (like you can forbid) into your own ... uh, absurdity.

                      And how to live without banks? In America, 6 years ago, only two mortgage banks went bankrupt, the whole world sneezed a cold.

                      thereby, you acknowledge that inflation of financial bubbles. have a healthy banking policy?

                      you answer me please, I will then process the Thomas unbelievers in a crisis launched from exaggerated deposits.
                      let's tell it to those who bought houses in america and could not pay them, tady i will publish photos of empty cities of america bought as collateral.
                      Feel free to say that shale gas futures do not affect natural gas.

                      let me wait.

                      all the more so no one should agitate.

                      purely a cabal.
                      1. Beck
                        April 20 2013 21: 35
                        Quote: Rider
                        purely a cabal.

                        I am not an economist to sort things out. You distort again. Where I said that blowing bubbles is a healthy banking policy. You come up with it yourself, but you attribute it to me. Not good.

                        Generally. There are financial bubbles, and unscrupulous bankers are blowing them, and this is not all banks. And that close all the banks. Officials have theft and that they will expel all officials and write certificates to themselves, so where will they be valid. There are athletes who use doping and that prohibit all sports.

                        In banks, it is necessary to strengthen control and after crises this control is strengthened both in the USA and in Europe.

                        And that all Jews are to blame for all this? And the rest of the nations on the side bake. And among all nations there is no banker, no merchant. What would be better to engage in kind exchange?

                        If you juggle again, then we'll end there.
                      2. +2
                        April 20 2013 22: 21
                        I am not an economist to sort things out. You distort again. Where I said bubble inflation is a healthy banking policy

                        oh how nice it is to dunk you in your own ... mmm, illogical and incompetent.

                        your quote:
                        From banal usury banks were born. And how to live without banks?

                        oh my joy, and who is it, most recently, robbed offshore companies in Cyprus?

                        (especially when you consider who stuck Cypriot banks, buy bloated Greek stocks)

                        so it turns out that they want to continue further,
                        Virgin Islands offshore is next in line (British jurisdiction)

                        So usury and kidalovo not forgotten?

                        and write it down.

                        and here are the gold futures (pah damn language break)
                        fall, and they have time to throw real gold of current to the market.
                        I don’t understand, is it honest bankers who are trying to acquire a precious metal by dumping unsecured securities?

                        In banks, it is necessary to strengthen control and after crises this control is strengthened both in the USA and in Europe.

                        USA banks have long existed in order to buy up unsecured assets of the United States, and use these papers to purchase a REAL product around the world.

                        And that all Jews are to blame for all this? And the rest of the nations on the side bake.

                        Well, when you find out who organized the Fed, then argue.

                        I will follow the twig, you do not get lost.

                      3. Beck
                        April 21 2013 18: 18
                        Quote: Rider
                        I will follow the twig, do not get lost

                        Judging by your reasoning about the economy, you are not an economist either. And trying everyday assumptions, complex economic processes and the negatives of these processes, confidently make diagnoses. And only from the standpoint that the West is ... obviously guilty around the entire perimeter, as well as breadth and breadth alone Jews. It is biased, untrue, unfounded.
                      4. +1
                        April 21 2013 22: 24
                        I thought you say something clever, such a weighty one.
                        and you, as in the title post, threw agitation, such as a can, this is our mustache.

                        If you don’t want to believe who owns the banks, find out who controls the media.


                        Well, then let's talk about freedom of speech, etc., etc.
              2. +1
                April 19 2013 20: 33
                And it’s a shame to today's people who, at the same time, spit on the blood of our fathers and grandfathers who fought against fascism, at least somehow, a hint, a half-hint of the Holocaust crimes. - Do not dare touch our fathers. Our fathers fought for the freedom of our country. And not for those who profit not from the crimes of the Holocaust and now use it in their own way, calling those who oppose the resettlement of Arabs of Negroes - fascists, not to mention the monopoly of Jews in the economy. The Great Patriotic War happened because they like wanted to cash in on our blood. I feel sick when they celebrate the international day of Jewish memory in the Holocaust, at the same time - humiliating the true liberators. who died dozens of times more - calling them invaders.
                1. +1
                  April 19 2013 21: 57
                  Quote: Alexander Petrovich
                  Alexander Petrovich, but the Germans or Belarusians killed my grandmother’s family in Smilovichi, don’t you know? Otherwise, the recollections of several of the 40 survivors of the smilovic ghetto survived from 2000. I can give links.
                  1. 0
                    April 19 2013 22: 27
                    And why did the Germans kill your relatives? Because the authorities in Germany were anti-Jewish people. Why did they end up there? Because they were allowed to come there. And who allowed? Those who owned all the levers of influence on Germany after the First World War? We all know very well who they belonged to. And these people knew what would happen if Hitler came to power. I sympathize with you, but you don’t have to pretend as if you alone suffered in this war, in this war many suffered, but everyone knows perfectly well who profited from it.
                    1. +1
                      April 19 2013 22: 44
                      Have you read anything? Indeed, today it is so easy to ask questions on the Internet. For example, in whose hands were large German concerns? Who funded the NSDP? German concerns and Nazis, etc. After all, before you write something, maybe you should read it? hi
                      By the way, in Smilovichi, mainly Jews were killed by Belarusians, and this was not the case, but those who lived next to them before the war. That is to prevent such excursions from us and we need a state where our children will live among their own. With their heroes and cowards, their decent and thieves, but their own.
                      1. -1
                        April 19 2013 23: 17
                        will live among their own - here I agree with you. About "reading" - just like you - nothing.
                      2. 0
                        28 September 2013 00: 40
                        then if not the Jews themselves and shot their own in Smilovichi, but like Belarusians, then they didn’t give a shit to their fellow villagers (if this is not another Jewish myth for a quarrel of peoples).
                  2. +1
                    28 September 2013 00: 37
                    I would ask you about Belarusians. I also got another list of Schindler’s naryl- Belarusians killed zhidovuvai, whack !! about Yudenrat, Jews like the Shindler only at the conveyor from Hitler you have not heard?
                2. Yarbay
                  April 20 2013 07: 11
                  Quote: Alexander Petrovich
                  dare not touch our fathers.

                  You are so primitive that even while reading you don’t understand that it’s not your fathers who are being touched, but such vile henchmen of the Nazis which, apparently, are you and your kind!
                  1. +1
                    April 20 2013 11: 46
                    Tell me that I wrote "fascist" and I agree with you, otherwise, calling me a fascist, you look primitive.
                    1. 0
                      28 September 2013 00: 29
                      U-UUU how did you Sasha Zhydova and sympathizers overlaid them ..
                3. Beck
                  April 20 2013 14: 05
                  Quote: Alexander Petrovich
                  dare not touch our fathers. Our fathers fought for the freedom of our country.

                  Our fathers fought for the freedom and independence of our country. And they also fought against fascism so that the crimes of the Holocaust would not be repeated in fascism.

                  What do Jews use? They grieve this day and nothing more. And all sane people grieve with them. Because the Holocaust is a crime against humanity. Because as the Jews, in the furnaces of the concentration camps would be followed by the Slavs, Asians and other peoples.

                  It's just that the Jews were the first to get into the death machine, in concentration camps. Hitler did not manage to get to other peoples in order to destroy them in a conveyor way.

                  Quote: Alexander Petrovich
                  I feel sick when they celebrate the international day of Jewish memory in the Holocaust, at the same time - humiliating the true liberators. who died dozens of times more - calling them invaders.

                  Everyone died, but the first, precisely as the people as a whole, destroyed the Jews. How not to understand that it is monstrous to kill only because the person is of a different nationality.

                  Now about your nausea. Find two volumes of tomes of the "Nuremberg Trial" in them the most complete are provided photographs of concentration camps, furnaces, mountains of corpses, skeletons. Maybe then your nausea will fill with a fountain, maybe you will drown in your vomit.
          3. +2
            April 19 2013 19: 49
            Quote: Yarbay
            Just the question was why exactly the Jews ??

            Good afternoon, Alibek.
            Why are the gypsies? Or no one has any questions here? Here "it seems to me a very simple thing" - and what is the use of this people? - "and there is no Cook!"
            With the Jews, exactly the opposite. Well, what a "broth" from Russians, Serbs, Czechs ... And then such finances! and attempts (and not at all unsuccessful) to influence their flows.
            As far as I understand, Israel is essentially "obliged" to the first settlers.
            1. Yarbay
              April 20 2013 07: 17
              Quote: Chen
              Why are the gypsies? Or no one has any questions here? Here "it seems to me a very simple thing" - and what is the use of this people? - "and there is no Cook!"

              There are questions, of course, but I don’t think that is the question!
              Suppose that the finances of German Jews have been achieved, is it really not clear that all the Jews of the world will unite finances against ??
              And the finances of the Jews of the Germans are a drop compared to the finances of the Jews of the rest of the world!
      6. +4
        April 19 2013 17: 35
        Quote: professor
        To build "Greater Germany" it was necessary to rally the nation around an internal enemy, and money was corny. Jews were better suited to these two roles.

        In addition, the Fuhrer was very susceptible to mysticism. And since the Jews considered themselves "God's chosen people who in the future will rule the whole world," and he believed that these should be Aryans, then he directed his aspirations to the destruction of ALL peoples who were not Aryans, hoping that it was worth leaving a small number as slaves. Jews in this case were rivals No. 1.
    6. -1
      April 19 2013 18: 00
      Try reading Y. Mukhin, for starters.
      1. +2
        April 19 2013 18: 09
        Conspirologist Yuri Mukhin, who has his own bread exactly from the most odious theories?
    7. 0
      April 19 2013 21: 18
      You can understand something by reading the book of Joachim Fest Hitler. Biography.
      The two-volume book is read heavily, a lot of philosophical reflection, but very interesting. I advise.
  2. Mironk
    April 19 2013 09: 19
    This material is useful to read for those who are convinced that the Jews dutifully walked into the gas chambers. And also to those who prophesy the swift destruction of Israel by Arab scumbags.
  3. +4
    April 19 2013 09: 21
    Article plus, of course. Horrific photos, an even more terrible time. God forbid anyone else and never ...
  4. +7
    April 19 2013 09: 22
    Horrible!! It’s not possible to look at the photo with the baby at all !! What kind of animals do you need to do this ?? Once again, it remains only to bow low to our veterans for being able to stop this bastard!
    1. +2
      April 19 2013 16: 59
      These are victims of famine in the Volga region. These are the consequences of the revolution and the overthrow of royal power. This is the payment of the Russian people for the departure from the Christian Faith. It is painful to say, but what you reap is what you reap. So the Jewish people, the people to whom the Savior himself came, the once God-chosen people, apparently (not for me to judge) were wrong somewhere. For those sins and bears punishment. In general, the Jewish people are related by the fact that we make the same mistakes ... (I tried to put a photo, but not, in short, children, victims of hunger)
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 19: 22
        I fully support. Through the efforts of this God-chosen people (through the media, banks, the support of the West), my Motherland was bled in 1917. Read the names of the first Soviet government, most of the Chekists were a famous nation, they shot the Tsar’s family
      2. +1
        7 May 2013 13: 00
        Read the story. Before the formation of collective farms (the reconstruction of Russian communities), hunger in the Republic of Ingushetia was constant. And what does religion have to do with it, if not only Christians, but also Muslims were starving.
        But Jews are Jews. Everywhere, relatives are pulled to warm places, denying others even more talented. (In the 30s, 40s, it was precisely because of this that their bodies were being chased) Now, if we had THIS in common. And then all nations help each other, except for the Slavs
  5. Mironk
    April 19 2013 09: 24
    This material is useful to read for those who believe that the Jews obediently went to the gas chambers. And also to those "prophets" who predict the imminent destruction of Israel by Arab scumbags.
    1. +9
      April 19 2013 09: 35
      this is really terrible, and cannot be justified, but to make all the neighbors angry and treat them albeit at least as fascists is also not good, for so many years it was possible to try on everything somehow, but nevertheless - Israel You can’t call a peaceful sheep, although their ancestors survived such horrors - how they settled in a new place, they also did ..... (I’m not anti-Semite and not racist ... - it’s just somehow logical)
      1. +8
        April 19 2013 10: 07
        I have a normal attitude towards Jews. What I can’t understand, why don’t they leave the occupied lands (after all, did they leave Sinai, Gaza, and what? The earth didn’t turn upside down?!) And live next door to the Arabs. Israel’s high technology is such a huge market! Do not exaggerate the importance of those who threaten to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. This is from hopelessness. The war has already bothered everyone. Yes and the Arabs will never put up with the occupation. So there is no alternative to the world.
        1. Yarbay
          April 19 2013 15: 37
          Quote: xetai9977
          What I can’t understand, why don’t they leave the occupied lands (after all, they left Sinai, Gaza, and so what? The earth didn’t turn upside down?!) And live next door to the Arabs

          There are forces that will never let them agree !!
          Remember the killing of Rabin ??
          as soon as there is hope to come to an agreement, they will either blow up a bus in Israel or kill a politician, or something else!
        2. -1
          April 19 2013 15: 42
          Because it does not lead to anything. Leaving Gaza has led to increased rocket attacks at times. Leaving Sinai now leads Egypt to denounce the agreement.
          Then ask yourself - who and how occupied. Neither Egypt nor Jordan, having received the lands that are now called occupied, did not try to create the state of Palestine there. They just attached them to themselves. And, surprisingly, no one was indignant. Occupied by anyone. Which country?
          1. +3
            April 19 2013 20: 40
            The Gaza Strip is just like the Warsaw Ghetto. The same methods of isolation and economic strangulation. And Palestinians also transport materials through tunnels.
            1. Murat 09
              April 19 2013 21: 36
              Metlik, correctly noticed !!!!
            2. +2
              April 19 2013 21: 57
              Thousands of tons of humanitarian supplies are supplied to Gaza, thousands of doctors work there, Israel provides water, electricity, etc., and on the other side of the Sector, Muslim Egypt is in power with Muslim brothers in power.
            3. +2
              April 19 2013 22: 01
              Quote: Metlik
              The Gaza Strip is just like the Warsaw Ghetto. The same methods of isolation and economic strangulation. And Palestinians also transport materials through tunnels.

              And where does Israel come from? request The Gaza Strip has 18 km of border with fraternal Egypt and there has not been a single Israeli soldier since 2005. Can claims be redirected to Egypt? All the same, they are enemies to us, and the Egyptians, according to them, are brothers. Then let Egypt establish border crossings for them.
              1. AlexW
                April 20 2013 00: 07
                But what will happen next? Prezik is the former Egyptian corrupt, the one that signed the contract with Israil and zealously fulfilled it, then that one is already in jail. How will the "Arab spring revolutionaries" behave is the question. No matter how Izrail would have to put troops on the border with "fraternal" Egypt with Hamas in the rear, if Assad is finished, then the truce with Syria will end.
    2. stroporez
      April 19 2013 11: 22
      Do not confuse the bitter with the hard. Today's Jews have about the same attitude to the rebels in Warsaw as the Egyptian Arabs to the builders of the pyramids .........
    3. +1
      April 19 2013 12: 15

      for mironk

      I am not very tolerant of the Jewish question (powerfully pushed!)
      but here I agree with you all 100.
      any nation has the right to defense and defense.

      but just suffered from the persecutors, you should not be likened to them.
      as well as doing gesheft on the bones of their fellow tribesmen.
      1. +8
        April 19 2013 14: 14
        Quote: Rider
        but just suffered from the persecutors, you should not be likened to them.

        Reminds a bunch of tyrant victim. During WW2, they were a victim, in respect of Palestine, they themselves became tyrants.
        Quote: Rider
        as well as doing gesheft on the bones of their fellow tribesmen.

        Against the backdrop of the grandiose celebrations dedicated to the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Jewish uprising in Warsaw, celebrated as a day of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust, the speech of the vice speaker of the Israeli parliament Moshe Feiglin was a clear dissonance.
        He bluntly stated that Israel should stop exploiting the Holocaust for political gain. Therefore, there should be no excursions to the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem for leaders of foreign countries and foreign diplomats, Feiglin emphasized. In an interview with the Jerusalem Post, a politician suggested that the state focus on "national goals."
        Obviously, this speech demanded tremendous political courage from the vice speaker, who actually criticized the favorite manipulative device of the Israeli establishment.
        The grounds for such a statement are more than substantial. The constant appeal to the topic of Jewish genocide on all occasions causes more and more irritation of Europeans, as evidenced by numerous sociological polls. Experts note that endless speculation on the Holocaust and attempts to translate it into a monetary equivalent (demanding compensation from everyone) simply devalue a truly terrible tragedy, and in fact are an outrage to the memory of its victims.

        Today's young Germans, for example, do not consider themselves guilty either to the Jews, or even more so to Israel, and all attempts to impose a guilt complex on them for the "crimes of their ancestors" seem to them unjust and absurd. The attempt to tie Iran to the Holocaust looks no less absurd. Or, for example, the Palestinians, which looks especially cynical when you consider that in fact this people has been subjected to genocide by Israel for sixty years.

        Speaking of what could reduce the level of anti-Semitism in the world, the Knesset Vice-Speaker was extremely brief: “When Israel radiates confidence,” he said.

        It should be noted that there is no reason to blame Feiglin for not patriotism and indifference to the victims of the Holocaust. On his Facebook page, he wrote that although his relatives did not die at the hands of the Nazis, he always took Holocaust Remembrance Day very seriously and even fasted that day. “Even on a school tour in Yad Vashem, I saw a photograph in which a Nazi soldier cuts off a beard to a Jew. Then I decided that I would take revenge when I grow up. And I kept this promise when I grew a beard myself, ”the vice speaker of the Israeli parliament wrote.

        But, unlike a number of other Israeli politicians, Moshe Feiglin has decency and common sense, which suggests that further speculations on the topic of genocide will not bring anything good to Israel or world Jewry.
        1. -7
          April 19 2013 14: 39
          You are beautiful. As I knew, you will begin to bend in this direction. 8)
    4. Yarbay
      April 19 2013 16: 46
      Quote: MironK
      This material is useful to read for those who believe that Jews dutifully went into the gas chambers

      you know, many people, many nationalities dutifully went to death, this is not an indicator of cowardice!
      The long isolation of many people psychologically breaks not their fault, but the crime of those who tormented them!
  6. Lech from ZATULINKI
    April 19 2013 09: 32
    Most Jews were destroyed by the Germans in the USSR.
    And THERE WERE THE SAME citizens like you and I from the USSR (from LATVIA, LITHUANIA, ESTONIA, BELARUS, UKRAINE and RUSSIA)
    Women and children could not resist the bastards from the police and the EINZATSGRUP SS.
    It would never have occurred to any of them that cultural-looking nations could turn out to be such KILLERS.
    1. +8
      April 19 2013 17: 48
      Quote: Lech s ZATULINKI
      Most Jews were destroyed by the Germans in the USSR.

      And many Soviet Jews fought in parts of the Soviet Army, and were awarded orders and medals, and even Heroes of the Soviet Union were!
      1. Yarbay
        April 19 2013 17: 53
        Quote: Egoza
        And many Soviet Jews fought in parts of the Soviet Army, and were awarded orders and medals, and even Heroes of the Soviet Union were!

        Boris Borisovich Vannikov (1897 - 1962) - Soviet statesman. One of the first three Heroes of Socialist Labor (1942, 1949, 1954).

        In 1936-1937 he was the head of the Main artillery and tank department, in 1937 - the tank department of the USSR People's Commissariat of the Defense Industry. Since December 1937 - Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR Defense Industry. In January 1939 - June 1941 - People's Commissar for Armaments of the USSR. On June 7, 1941 he was arrested. On July 20, 1941, he was released and appointed Deputy People's Commissar of Armaments. (According to Mikoyan's son Sergo about his father, "he also took part in the fact that at the beginning of the war, BL Vannikov was taken directly from prison to Stalin's office and appointed People's Commissar of Armaments" [1].)
        Since February 16, 1942 - People's Commissar of the People’s Commissariat of Ammunition of the USSR. He organized the provision of all types of guns, mortars, ammunition of all types and calibers of the Red Army and the Navy. At the end of 1942, the output of ammunition doubled their production in 1941, and in 1943 production compared to 1941 tripled. At the same time, the quality and ballistic data of the shells improved. As a result, since 1943 the army was not short of shells, which contributed to the speedy achievement of the Victory. From mid-1943, the production of ammunition was transferred to the on-line method.

        In 1945-1953, he was the head of the First Main Directorate at the Council of People's Commissars (from 1946 under the Council of Ministers) of the USSR, which organized all the research and work on the creation of the atomic bomb in the USSR, and then the production of nuclear weapons. He supervised these works together with I.V. Kurchatov. One of the participants in the “nuclear project” N. N. Golovin later recalled: “B. L. Vannikov and I.V. Kurchatov complemented each other as well as possible. Kurchatov was responsible for solving scientific problems and the correct orientation of engineers and workers in related fields of science, Vannikov for urgent execution of orders by industry and coordination of work. ”
    2. 0
      April 20 2013 01: 38
      Interestingly, did their descendants remain to defend the homeland that their ancestors defended in the 90s? Not many.
      1. Yarbay
        April 20 2013 07: 19
        Quote: Alexander Petrovich
        Interestingly, did their descendants remain to defend the homeland that their ancestors defended in the 90s? Not many

        Many stayed !!
        Many of your people fled !!
        Representatives of your people destroyed the USSR!
        So would be silent!
        1. +1
          April 21 2013 15: 31
          Well, I will be silent when you tell all the gentlemen who are here how the Moldavians destroyed the USSR.
  7. +8
    April 19 2013 09: 44
    Eternal memory to all those who died in the fight against fascism!
    1. stroporez
      April 19 2013 11: 23
      and MUCH THANKS .........
  8. +7
    April 19 2013 09: 52
    Quote: Clever man
    Hitler's hatred of Jews

    Hitler hated not only Jews, but also Slavs with gypsies. But in fact, some say that he (the Fuhrer), the grandmother was Jewish. Maybe that's why he wanted to prove to everyone that he is a true Aryan.
  9. +10
    April 19 2013 09: 52
    Let these articles be read by those who compare the Soviet Army with the Nazis and justify those who collaborated with the Nazis.
  10. 0
    April 19 2013 10: 31
    Quote: MironK
    This material is useful to read for those who believe that the Jews obediently went to the gas chambers. And also to those "prophets" who predict the imminent destruction of Israel by Arab scumbags.

    How exactly they "hooked", BUT they did not fully express the REASONS of manifestation of "nationalism", "blue blood", etc. IN ALL peoples, in a word, SUPERIORITY over all "tribes"!
    Of course, it can be fully expressed, only and only, at "general meetings" of the peoples of the whole world. With bringing historical "repentance". BUT, to overcome the FEAR of recognition - practically we "are not given"! T.K. REPENTANCE is recognized only after RECOGNITION of the past and REFUSAL in the future of YOUR behavior ........
  11. 120352
    April 19 2013 11: 21
    I am Russian. Thoroughbred. But I have many Jewish friends who are very close to me. They worked and were friends all their lives. You can rely on them. So Hitler’s attitude towards Jews is a pathology.
  12. Fox
    April 19 2013 11: 46
    minusanul ... that the Belarusians beat the German, and then the poor Jews ... and the partisan detachments of the Jews were in Palestine-soaked the English. Hitler armed the Jews. because of hatred? sank transports with Jews from Europe-the British, but not the Germans. and the Jews have earned such an attitude towards them "by honest usury and deceit" for many centuries. Just don't mix the Jews of the USSR with these social parasites, these are OTHER people, of a different upbringing. They were destroyed. And nobody touched European Jews, they served in the death camps, they received salaries and rations. in short, it is not worth comparing and interfering with all the Jews in one heap: there were warriors in the USSR and smart-ass parasites in Europe. something like this. and if the author is unbearable, let him write about the GSS Jews, there were a lot of them , and many will be interested.
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 13: 34
      Dear, dirty things say. Very dirty.

      After the war, SS group leader Fuerführer Jürgen Strop, who led the suppression of the uprising, was sitting on the same death row with senior Army figure Kazimierz Mocharski, to whom he cynically and openly spoke about all the details of the uprising. Mocharsky, pardoned after the collapse of Stalinism, published in 1972 the contents of his conversations with Strop in the book Conversations with the Executioner. I recommend reading and washing your tongue with soap
      1. +5
        April 19 2013 14: 15
        Mocharsky is the Polish Solzhenitsyn. For almost thirty years he did not remember, and then he sharply remembered, and even in the details. I wonder how much blood of Soviet soldiers is on it? Why doesn’t anyone remember Khatyn? How many villages along with the inhabitants of the occupied territories of the USSR were burned?
        1. -2
          April 19 2013 14: 26
          Remember. The question is, why on April 19, on the day of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto, it is necessary to recall the tragedy of Khatyn in the first place, and not the tragedy of the Warsaw ghetto? Khatyn was burned on March 22, and they must, must remember this date. But the question of why it is remembered mainly when trying to denigrate other tragedies, dump them in the mud - this is a question.
          1. +9
            April 19 2013 14: 41
            Today we must remember that the Jews organized a new ghetto in Gaza, no better than Warsaw.
            I haven’t watched Mark Zakharov’s wonderful film “Kill the Dragon” for a long time. For some reason, they stopped showing it on all TV channels. And the film is very philosophical, because its main idea is that the Evil, which the Dragon represents in the film, dwells in its Conqueror, in the film it is the glorious knight Lancelot, and continues to live in a new look very deep in essence. Indeed, any Victor cannot even think that after a victory over evil he himself becomes the bearer of this same evil and evil itself must be destroyed.
            There is a phenomenon in psychology when the victim adopts the method of the aggressor, and then, in relation to the weaker, the former victim takes aggressive actions. The Dragon Effect is based on this.
            I think the same story happened with Israel.
            Jews who fought against their mortal enemy - fascism and, having achieved its annihilation in the war, themselves became the bearers of its evil, creating essentially a fascist state where real racial laws were adopted and applied.
            The thing is that Israel is the only state in the world that, even at the level of "world public opinion", is allowed today to live according to the laws of a tribal, not a territorial community, where, moreover, it is not necessary to prove that you belong to the ruling race. cultural identity, but blood composition.
            The laws of the State of Israel, including criminal, labor, immigration and corporate law, are very similar to Nazi Nuremberg laws.
            1. -2
              April 19 2013 14: 47
              creating essentially a fascist state where real racial laws have been adopted and are in force.

              Marzam grew stronger. How do you like these Jews?

              The thing is that Israel is the only state in the world that, even at the level of "world public opinion", is allowed today to live according to the laws of a tribal, not a territorial community, where, moreover, it is not necessary to prove that you belong to the ruling race. cultural identity, but blood composition.

              Come on, they have in the parliament both Arabs and Negro-racists @ la.
              1. 0
                April 19 2013 15: 03
                Ghetto Strip. What is better than Warsaw?
              2. YuDDP
                April 20 2013 00: 35
                but why there: I learned a book, passed the exam, cut off the foreskin and ... a Jew!
                but it’s impossible to become Russian or anyone else so easily ...
            2. 0
              April 19 2013 14: 58
              This is the Gaza ghetto. Nowadays.
            3. 0
              April 19 2013 15: 00
              Ghetto Strip.
            4. +2
              April 19 2013 15: 13
              The horrors of the siege of Gaza. All photos - from Arab sites

              Just a copy of the Warsaw ghetto. Surely it is also surrounded by Israel from all sides, there is no border with Egypt.
              1. +3
                April 19 2013 20: 51
                Not enough poster: Thanks to Israel for our happy childhood.
                1. +2
                  April 19 2013 22: 03
                  Quote: Metlik
                  Not enough poster: Thanks to Israel for our happy childhood.

                  No posters. It’s just that photos are not like the Warsaw ghetto. Or do you doubt the authenticity of the photos?
                  1. -1
                    April 19 2013 22: 51
                    They do not starve, just because humanitarian aid exists. And each piece of bread, these children receive only with your permission.
                    1. +2
                      April 19 2013 23: 29
                      And from Egypt, no? Do you know that Israel is one of the main partners of the Economic Sector? Israel supplies electricity and water. Israel came out completely from Gaza - but rockets from there continue to fly.
                  2. 0
                    April 19 2013 23: 29
                    Currently, Israel supplies only limited quantities of medicine, food, detergents and fuel for power plants to Gaza. Among the goods prohibited for delivery to Gaza are construction materials (including cement), refrigerators, washing machines, car spare parts, fabrics, threads, needles, bulbs, matches, books, musical instruments, crayons, clothes, shoes, mattresses, sheets, blankets, knives and scissors, dishes and glasses [67]. It is also forbidden to import certain types of products - for example, tea, coffee or chocolate
                    According to a UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) report released in June 2011, the number of poor people living on just 1 dollars per day tripled in the sector over 5 years of the blockade and reached 300 000 people. [75].
                    1. 0
                      April 20 2013 00: 23
                      Again, a question for Egypt. He does what Arabs do from
                      Gases? It has a sovereign border with Gaza, well, let it organize free trade. We are not decree to Egypt.
                      1. 0
                        April 20 2013 10: 00
                        Tell me more: the Palestinians have access to the sea - let them trade with anyone they want. But the port was bombed - that’s all Egypt. The airport was bombed - Egypt is to blame. What are we discussing in this article in Egypt? Responsible for your actions - no need to transfer the arrow to others.
                      2. +2
                        April 20 2013 10: 20
                        Quote: Metlik
                        Tell me more: the Palestinians have access to the sea - let them trade with anyone they want. But the port was bombed - that’s all Egypt. The airport was bombed - Egypt is to blame.

                        No need to blame from a sore head for a healthy one. Gaza has a border with Egypt and the Rafah checkpoint is not controlled by Israel (a blockade is good, with one open border, then it seems that Georgia is in the blockade and Armenia and Syria are the same), and Israel is silent in what blockade.
                        The fact that Egypt does not allow them to import anything (even under Mursi is to Muslim brothers and Arab unity laughing questions. All Gaza’s civilian goods are received through Israel and not because we are soft and fluffy (we don’t need them, but since Egypt keeps its border locked, we, according to international laws, are obliged to feed these bastards, give electricity and water) In response, receiving kasama.
                        Open airport? And port? Everything that Gaza wants to export, it unchecked smuggles out through Israel itself (according to international laws), not through Egypt because for some reason their brothers refuse such luxury (therefore, all trade with Egypt goes through counter-tunneling tunnels. They even drag brides through them. Moreover, Egypt destroys these tunnels, flooding them with shit good
                        At one time, there was an agreement on a port and an airport, with the condition that the European Union will carry out customs functions (as in Rafiah). We started with Rafiah, in 2 of the month did Hamas push everyone out and the case died out? Or do you think we can allow such a friendly entity as Gaza to have free, uncontrolled entry into its territory. They * tornadoes * dragged through the tunnels, what will they bring by sea or by air?
                        I repeat with the civilian products of import and export they have no problems.
                        Return the agreement with the European Union on customs - will there be a port? What is the problem, but that they don’t need it. it’s easier to sit, yell about a blockade (imaginary) and import missiles.
                        So, learn the topic more deeply, so that no ridiculous questions arise.
                      3. -2
                        April 20 2013 10: 56
                        Yes Yes. The Nazis in Warsaw made the same arguments. If you open the ghetto, the rebels will drag weapons there. The widow carved herself; Hamas blocked himself.
                      4. +1
                        April 22 2013 14: 59
                        Quote: Metlik
                        Yes Yes. The Nazis in Warsaw made the same arguments

                        You were with them (fascists), what do you know about the arguments?
                      5. stroporez
                        April 22 2013 12: 29
                        Quote: atalef
                        feed these bastards
                        Well, that real face seemed ...................
                      6. +1
                        April 22 2013 14: 58
                        Quote: Metlik
                        Tell me more: the Palestinians have access to the sea - let them trade with anyone they want.

                        The budget (and only) of the Gaza Strip on 2013
                        769 million dollars will be in 2012 the budget of the Hamas "government" in the Gaza Strip. Deputy Minister of Finance of Hamas Ismail Mahafuz made a report on this.
                        Last year's Hamas budget amounted to 630 million dollars. $ 405 million will go to salaries of employees (last year this figure was $ 298 million). Security costs amounted to 244 million dollars, or 34% of the budget. Whether shelling of Israeli territory is included in these expenses is not reported.
                        It should be noted that the Hamas "government" receives only $ 174 million from "internal" sources, the rest is receipts from outside the Gaza Strip, including from the PA and directly from Israel.

                        Non-population of Gaza - 1mln Even for these indicators - it turns out more than a dollar per person.
                        But the budget is much less than GDP
                        According to the defense website
                        Israel from 01.08.2011 [61], Gaza Strip GDP increased by 20%, from $ 323 million in the first quarter of 2010 year to $ 401 million in the first quarter of 2011 year, as well as lower unemployment show an improvement in the financial situation in Gaza. The prosperity of the economy can also be seen in the opening of new shopping centers in the Gaza Strip.

                        400 million / per quarter !!!!!! More than 1600 Baku per year per person.
                        Israel invested 80 million shekels to upgrade the Kerem Shalom checkpoint, which allowed it to raise the number of transportations to 400 trucks per day.Despite this, 300-350 trucks pass through the checkpoint per day due to the lack of demand from the Gaza Strip.
                        Export - in connection with the expansion of policies in relation to the population of the Gaza Strip in 2010, the export of all products was allowed for sale abroad, primarily in Europe, North Africa, Egypt and Jordan. This year, Gaza traders also exported furniture and textiles to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.
                    2. +1
                      April 20 2013 22: 45
                      Someone minus a wikipedia quote. Don't like wikipedia?
                      1. 0
                        April 22 2013 15: 03
                        Quote: Metlik
                        Someone minus a wikipedia quote. Don't like wikipedia?

                        I do not like that you edit quotes. Bring quotes completely, but don’t choose what you like

                        Quote: Metlik
                        According to a UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) report released in June 2011, the number of poor people living on just 1 dollars per day tripled in the sector over 5 years of the blockade and reached 300 000 people. [75].

                        And completely

                        Quote: atalef
                        According to a UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) report released in June 2011, the number of poor people living on just 1 dollars per day tripled in the sector over 5 years of the blockade and reached 300 000 people. [75].
                        However, in April 2011 of the year Matilda Redmat, deputy director of the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip, said that “There is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip”[76].
                        In July 2011, a commission led by Jeffrey Palmer appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to investigate the conflict off the coast of Gaza in 2010 (Freedom Flotilla) recognized in its report the legitimacy of the sea blockade of Gaza
                    3. 0
                      April 22 2013 14: 57
                      Quote: Metlik
                      Currently, Israel supplies only limited quantities of medicine, food, detergents and fuel for power plants to Gaza.

                      Where did the rest come from?
                      Quote: Metlik
                      It is also forbidden to import certain types of products - for example, tea, coffee or chocolate

                      Arabs without tea and coffee? The next day everyone would have won
                      Quote: Metlik
                      According to a UN Palestinian Refugee Agency (UNRWA) report released in June 2011, the number of poor people living on just 1 dollars per day tripled in the sector over 5 years of the blockade and reached 300 000 people. [75]

                      But what continuation didn’t finish?
                      According to a UN Palestine Refugee Agency (UNRWA) report released in June 2011, the number of poor people living on just 1 dollars per day tripled in the sector over 5 years of the blockade and reached 300 000 people. [75].
                      However, in April 2011, Matilda Redmat, deputy director of the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip, stated that “There is no humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip”[76].
                      In July 2011 years commission led by Jeffrey Palmer appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to investigate the conflict off the Gaza Strip in 2010 (Freedom Flotilla) recognized in its report the legitimacy of the sea blockade of Gaza
  13. itr
    April 19 2013 13: 06
    I may be wrong, but it seems to me that these death camps were in areas where local residents themselves supported all this.
    1. +5
      April 19 2013 14: 13
      where all this was supported by the locals themselves.

      not only supported, but also did all the "dirty work"
  14. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 05
    Ghetto Strip. No worse than Warsaw.
    1. -3
      April 19 2013 15: 08
      Are you pushing the bullshit again? Photos from Syria however.
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 15: 16
        Not at all. This is "Cast Lead". Long before Syria. This is Gaza.
        1. -1
          April 19 2013 15: 26
          Everything, dear, depends on the context. What are these photos without him?

          And the context is: do civilians die in any war? The question, however, is whether they are accidental victims, or victims of intentional homicide.

          Israel did everything to reduce such victims - it left Gaza, supplies humanitarian aid, electricity, water - do you know? Only for some reason they continue to hit Israeli cities from Gaza, and the small number of victims and the absence of heartbreaking photographs are Israel's merit, and in no way a consequence of the "humanity" of the terrorists. The new anti-Semitism is trying very hard to link Gaza and, for example, the Warsaw ghetto. It is convenient for him to exclude some facts and replace with others. Pictures with dead children always have a wonderful effect on the psyche. That is why rockets fly towards Israel from residential areas - more deaths, more margins
    2. 0
      April 19 2013 15: 20
      Something like this.
  15. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 07
    Ghetto Strip. No worse than Warsaw.
  16. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 09
    Ghetto Strip. Our days.
  17. +4
    April 19 2013 15: 15
    Well, you're a professor. Don't blame Syria. This is "Cast Lead" or "Pillar of Fire". http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%
    72679.jpg & pos = 0 & rpt = simage & lr = 2 & noreask = 1 & source = wiz
    1. -1
      April 19 2013 15: 17
      This is "Cast Lead" or "pillar of fire".

      Or not Gaza at all.

      Photos of Jewish children stabbed by Palestinians (not with a random projectile, but with purposefully knives) show?
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 15: 22
        There are a lot of "random" shells.
      2. +1
        April 19 2013 15: 25
        Random shells with phosphorus filling. http://topwar.ru/uploads/images/2013/379/kcjs394.jpg
        1. -4
          April 19 2013 15: 55
          Not a respected troll. You would give us the names of the victims of the "phosphorus bombing". Or the names and circumstances of the death of the children you indicated. This way we will make sure that it was not the Syrians or Hamas who killed them. Will you lay out the Vogel family?
      3. +1
        April 19 2013 15: 27
        No need for the Vogel family, please. The family then made a very controversial decision on publishing photos.
  18. +4
    April 19 2013 15: 19
    Quote: professor

    not only supported, but also did all the "dirty work"

    For "dirty work" the Nazis found non-humans in all countries, unfortunately there were enough of them in the USSR. The tragedy of Khatyn is a witness.
  19. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 31
    Ghetto Strip. Ordinary fascism.
    1. +2
      April 19 2013 15: 49
      And again, a photo without context - it's so easy to post photos to which you do not need to give explanations. Here is a similar photo. Ordinary fascism?
  20. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 34
    Ghetto Strip. Ordinary fascism.
  21. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 38
    Ghetto Strip. Hitler is resting.
  22. 0
    April 19 2013 15: 40
    Ghetto Strip. Hitler is resting. http://topwar.ru/uploads/images/2013/469/ywoz650.jpg
    1. Yarbay
      April 19 2013 15: 45
      Quote: Silhouette
      Hitler is resting.

      and where is Hitler resting ??
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 15: 54
        Probably on the beach.

        Or in the market
  23. +5
    April 19 2013 15: 47
    Nerd ... I still can’t understand the reason for Hitler’s hatred of the Jews.
    1. A large% of Jews among political and ideological opponents - Communists and Social Democrats.
    2. In the 20th century, Jews in Europe began to occupy influential positions in the financial and administrative spheres of many states, including in Germany. They represented the managerial elite of society. This "niche" dreamed of occupying Hitler. Jews stood in the way of world domination.
    3. To raise the spirit of the people, an enemy was needed. Relatively small in number and did not have their own state: "you live badly only because the Jews stole everything from you in the world, and they live well." In addition, the Jews had a fairly large capital in Europe, and in order for Germany to rise after the First World War, a lot of money was needed.
    Until 1933, Jews made up 1 percent of the population of the German Reich. But the share of those working in the fields of the press, cinema and banks far exceeded 50 percent. Of the practicing lawyers in Berlin, 55 percent were Jewish, and 52 percent were Jewish doctors. 15 percent of Jews held 718 seats on the supervisory boards of enterprises.
    During the severe economic crisis that followed the defeat in the First World War, the Jewish community with connections outside of Germany massively bought everything and everything for practically nothing. For example, a house in Munich could be bought for $ 100, which corresponded to the monthly salary of an American worker. Thus, in the hands of the Jewish community were the bulk of objects of the service sector, they also bought and exported from Germany, with a view to resale, fine art and antiques.
    But those who were forced to sell their goods for a piece of bread did not forget this.
    PS From Mine Kampf
    As for moral purity, and indeed purity in general, as applied to Jews, this can only be said with great difficulty. That these people do not particularly like to wash, this could be seen already by their appearance and felt unfortunately often even with their eyes closed. At least often I began to feel sick from the smell of these gentlemen in long caftans. Add to this the untidiness of the suit and the low-heroic appearance.
    Nothing made me soon change my opinion of them so sharply as my acquaintance with the kind of activity of Jews in certain areas.
    Is there really at least one unclean thing in the world, at least one shamelessness of any kind, and especially in the field of the cultural life of peoples, in which at least one Jew would not be involved? As in any ulcer you find a worm or its larva, so in any dirty story you will certainly come across a Jew.
    PPS But the plague remains a plague. In this case, brown.
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 15: 57
      Quote: knn54
      As for moral purity, and indeed purity in general, as applied to Jews, this can only be said with great difficulty.

      This is generally a wonderful passage with him. Especially considering that the Jews were just obligated to regularly take ablutions in the mikvah 8)
      1. AlexW
        April 19 2013 18: 42
        Mikva - a common name. If even in it the water was changed at least sometimes. laughing But it costs money, but for money .... it will strangle itself. Morality: -the city of Nalchik, the "Jewish column" district, the Tats (Mountain Jews) live crowdedly. No one limits them - they drive themselves into the ghetto. I talked and was horrified. Incest. In order not to share goodness, they marry close relatives. The degeneration is continuous - in every house there are cripples - blind, deaf, paralyzed. There are bright personalities, but in the majority ... horror
        1. +3
          April 19 2013 19: 22
          Quote: AlexW
          Mikva - a common name. If even in it the water was changed at least sometimes. But it’s worth the money, but for the money ....

          Well, in general (expert) in mikvah, by definition, water must be flowing.
          In general, the most correct mikve is a spring, or any pool with a capacity of at least 1000 liter filled with ground water and rainwater, the flow and filling of the mikvah should only be due to gravity (pumps are excluded).
          Teach the mate part - d-lee.
          1. AlexW
            April 20 2013 00: 21
            Teaches, it means the Khazarite. laughingThey love this business - to teach everyone how "God's chosen" Et is already genetic. And rudeness - a slight touch of intelligence flies instantly. fellow
            1. +2
              April 20 2013 09: 13
              Quote: AlexW
              Teaches, it means the Khazarite.

              Tormented by congenital complexes?
              Of course, Wasserman said that education has been disrupted. But I thought it was about the younger generation. It is necessary to reach such a height of ignorance.
              In general, what is ritual ablution you know? And the rite of baptism in water (initially only in flowing), where did it come from?
              Who are all these people in the photograph and what are they doing? Can you tell me?
          2. AlexW
            April 20 2013 00: 54
            Mikveh or Mikwe (Hebrew מִקְוֶה, in the Sephardic pronunciation mikveh, literally `accumulation [of water]`) is a water reservoir for ablution (twill) in order to purify from ritual impurity.

            Mikva is a reservoir with a minimum amount of water of 40 sea (according to various estimates - from 250 to 1 thousand liters). [1] (A little more than 200 liters of barrels of standing, not running water are allowed)
            This is not a bathhouse, not Roman baths and not a swimming pool. Mikva is not related to hygiene, it is a ritual water reservoir.
            Jewish law prescribes immersion in mikvah in three main cases:

            1. Woman after menstruation. Prior to visiting the mikvah, she cannot enter into an intimate relationship with her husband. It is a very strict prescription of the Torah.

            2. Conversion to Judaism. More precisely, immersion in mikvah is one of the most important elements of the process that we call conversion to Judaism. Without a mikva, treatment is considered invalid. This applies equally to men and women.

            3. Mikvah is needed not only for immersing a person in it. Pots and other kitchen and dining utensils, if made by non-Jews, must also undergo "conversion" in a mikvah; only then can the Jews use it. This law has a special status not related to kosher.

            Mikvah is used in some other cases. For example, there is a tradition of plunging into a mikvah on the eve of Yom Kippur, the Doomsday, as a sign of repentance and the pursuit of spiritual purity. Many Jews plunge into the mikvah before the Sabbath, which allows them to feel the holiness of the Seventh Day more deeply.
            Regarding the spring flow and other crap, I can imagine the Prague or other ghetto through which a spring flows. How can you, the Czechs or the Poles gave such land to the ghetto. Don't make us all funny, and even more so in the waterless Sinai. A well at best, or even melt or rainwater. "Right behind the hole is the most important part of the mikvah - the boron (pit), covered with a removable cover. The boron itself is also a tiny pool. It is filled with natural rainwater, which is collected naturally, following the rules that will be described below. In some cases. use spring or melt water from snow or ice. "
  24. +1
    April 19 2013 16: 07
    This year, by the way, is the 70 of the only successful uprising in the Sobibor death camp.
  25. +3
    April 19 2013 16: 20
    I don’t understand why in the West, Jews are allocated from the millions killed by the Nazis. Ukrainians with Belarusians, and civilians, no one considers. .
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 16: 38
      Because the Jews do not actively forget about it
    2. -1
      April 19 2013 21: 01
      Do you know who owns the media?
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 22: 06
        Quote: Metlik
        Do you know who owns the media?

        Is it true to whom? You are a specialist, apparently in this matter, so list the ten largest British and French media and to whom they belong. Suddenly not only the Jews?
  26. +6
    April 19 2013 16: 31
    Even the blood-sucking mosquito tries to fly away when you want to slam it, and the fly also has to lay eggs in meat, we don’t like it even though its creator made it like that, the pig resists when it is cut into meat, although a man loves meat, the article here is about how people almost impossible conditions raised a rebellion, this is one victory because they are people, not grass in the meadow in haymaking. This was done not only by Jews and not only in Warsaw, but since there was an article about them who can tell me that the infant was a loan shark from the photograph, that that emaciated man sitting on the asphalt with someone there agreed on something about Palestine, that those two little the children are to blame for the fact that Rockefeller and many other billionaires are Jews. Slavs destroyed only because they are Slavs. There is no excuse for fascism and it doesn’t matter who died at their hands.
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 16: 37
      Rockefeller and many other billionaire Jews.

      Rockefeller is a faithful Christian, but because of this, no one began to hate Christians. request
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 17: 41
        Quote: professor
        Rockefeller is just a believing Christian,

        Even I doubt ... There cannot be a slave owner of one faith with slaves.

        “We took you as a tightrope and destroyed all of your magnificent structure that you built and turned your whole history back. We destroyed your gods, we threw away all your racial characteristics, and replaced them with God according to our own traditions. Neither one conquest in history is not even remotely comparable to how completely we conquered you. We put a stop-valve on your progress. We have imposed on you a book that is alien to you and an alien faith that you can neither swallow nor digest, because it contradicts your natural spirit, which as a result is in a morbid state, and in the end you can neither accept our spirit completely, nor kill it, and you are in a state of split personality - schizophrenia. "

        Mark Eli Ravage - personal biographer of the Rothschild family about Christianity
        1. +3
          April 19 2013 18: 05
          Even I doubt ... There cannot be a slave owner of one faith with slaves.

          Do not hesitate, this is a well-known fact. Rockefeller was a believing Baptist and donated part of his income to support church institutions throughout his life.
          1. AlexW
            April 19 2013 18: 28
            C'mon ... Sephardim also became Christians ... laughing . salvage saved. Mamone they worship - always and everywhere
            1. +2
              April 19 2013 18: 35
              Plz, but in more detail
              1. AlexW
                April 19 2013 22: 23
                The Marans kept their Judaism secret, only close relatives and other Marans knew about it.
          2. -2
            April 20 2013 17: 24
            Slave faith in slaves must be maintained.
    2. +3
      April 19 2013 19: 40
      Well, smart people, honest people don’t confuse these kids with the Rockefellers ... We’ve killed millions of fascists in general, including for them. And they didn’t come to help on time, not because they didn’t want to ...
      In this whole sad story, the Poles "please" me most of all. They caught the escaped women and children, exhausted, weak, sick ... and either surrendered to the Germans or killed themselves. For me this is much worse than even fascism. The Nazis even fought to the death for their ideas. And this trash ...
  27. +6
    April 19 2013 16: 31
    The author's selectivity in covering historical dates is surprising. On February 23, an article about the physical impossibility of the feat of Alexander Matrosov. Today, the "unparalleled feat" of God's chosen people, who, well, did not want to fight, but they forced him.
    1. AlexW
      April 19 2013 22: 29
      Does it surprise you? I'm not
  28. +1
    April 19 2013 17: 10
    I look at both the Professor here, and Zhenya the Pimpled, and Aaron Zaavi. And who remained in the shop? smile
    1. AlexW
      April 19 2013 18: 23
      So this is their shop - they are "at work" laughing
  29. 0
    April 19 2013 18: 04
    Nazism and Zionism, in fact, from one test tube, there is a lot of literature on this subject, But, the way both of them acted ... leads to many thoughts. And, as always, ordinary people, and Jews, and pay Germans, and us and everyone else.
    1. AlexW
      April 19 2013 18: 21
      massacre in Deir Yassin. On April 9, 1948, after the cessation of hostilities in this small village, the militants of the Zionist terrorist organization Irguch Gang, under the leadership of Menachem Begin, killed 254 people, mostly women, children and the elderly. For two days, Zionist terrorists killed and robbed people, raped women, ripped pregnant women’s stomachs. The doctor of the Red Cross, Jacques de Reine, the main representative of this organization in Jerusalem, in his official report cites chilling information about the atrocities of the Zionists. [365]

      De Reine arrived in the village on the second day and witnessed a “sweep”, as one of the terrorists put it. It was produced by machine guns, then grenades and, finally, knives. Terrorists beheaded people, mutilated 52 children in front of their mothers, ripped open the stomachs of 25 pregnant women and managed to get rid of the fetuses.

      After retiring in 1972, an Israeli army officer, Colonel Meir Pael, published in the largest Israeli publication Yediot Ahronot the following information about the events in Deir Yassin:

      Irgun’s militants emerged from the shelters and began to “clean” the houses. They shot at everything, including women and children. The commanders did not try to stop this massacre ... the inhabitants were taken to a ravine between Dier Yassin and Givat Shaul and murdered in cold blood ... [366]

      The commander of the Hagana detachment, which controlled the situation in the village after the massacre, Zvi Ankori made the following statement for the Israeli newspaper Davar:

      Having entered six or seven houses, I saw cut off genitals, women with open stomachs. Judging by the gunshot wounds on the bodies, it was an intentional murder. [367 http://isearchatrue.0pk.ru/viewtopic.php?id=152
      Menachim Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, 1977-83, winner of the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize

      UN General Assembly in 1975 recognized Israel as a fascist state
      1. 0
        April 19 2013 18: 26
        UN General Assembly in 1975 recognized Israel as a fascist state

        I’m missing the rest of your nonsense, but this belch got interested. More? Desirable with reference.
        1. Yarbay
          April 19 2013 18: 34
          Quote: professor
          . More?

          He probably meant a resolution on Zionism))))))))))))
          And you immediately grasped!)))
      2. +5
        April 19 2013 18: 33
        Funny, bring some evidence, exclude others.

        On November 10, 1975, the XXX session of the UN General Assembly by the efforts of the USSR (with the support of Arab and "non-aligned" countries) adopted (with 72 votes, with 35 against and 32 abstentions) Resolution 3379, which qualified Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination."
        December 16, 1991, at the request of Israel (which made the abolition of resolution 3379 a condition for the country's participation in the Madrid Conference) and the United States, this resolution was repealed by resolution 46/86 of the UN General Assembly. 111 states voted for the adoption of the resolution, 25 against, and 13 abstained.

        This is only for one moment. And if we dig along Der Yasin, you can still find no less interesting things.

        Yes, it’s disgusting to watch how on the day of the feat of those people all the dirtiest, the most disgusting things in people creep out onto the ground. Anti-Semitism, like Nazism, is a disease. Wicked and merciless
        1. AlexW
          April 19 2013 21: 21
          Why anti-Semitism? And here the Semites are the ancient Arabian tribes, the ancestors of the same Palistins? "The Arabs, Maltese, descendants of the ancient representatives of the southern subgroup of southern Semites in South Arabia (Makhri, Shahri, inhabitants of Socotra Island, etc.), Amhara, Tigre and a number of other peoples of Ethiopia, Israelis, Novosyrians are among the Semitic-speaking peoples." Who imposed this term, which essentially means nothing? Why not anti-Semitism? What are they trying to hide behind the substitution of concepts? It got to the point that in Ukraine they are trying to ban the word "zh..d". In all Slavic languages ​​it is from the German Jude. For centuries, it suited everyone, both in everyday life and in classical literature. I wouldn't be surprised if they soon start talking about the fact that a Jew is also an indecent word. Why is this shyness? laughing The feat of those people, people who, with weapons in their hands, spoke out against the Nazis, no one here belittles -Honor and glory to them! But this does not mean that their glory automatically extends to all their fellow tribesmen (co-religionists). The same Menachem Begin, the "national hero" of Israel. A Polish Jew, did not come out with weapons in his hands against the Nazis, nor began to defend his family and friends in Poland, but fled to the USSR to save his skin. The NKVD hid him in the camp as a spy and suddenly ... go ahead, go fight against the Nazis in the Polish army, here's a weapon - to take revenge on the Nazis for your family and friends. The Poles bravely fought together with the British against the Nazis, but Begin is not for him -he quickly deserted and began to kill the same British and Arabs. Here is such a hero and a Nobel laureate.
          1. +1
            April 19 2013 21: 59
            The term refers to hostility towards Jews and / or Jews, and not to all the peoples of the Semitic language group. It is believed that the word "anti-Semitism" was first used by the German publicist Wilhelm Marr in 1879 in the pamphlet "The Victory of Germanism over Jewry." The term is explained by racist ideas about the biological incompatibility of Europeans, who appeared among the first ideologists of racial anti-Semitism as the "Germanic" or "Aryan" race, and Jews as representatives of the "Semitic race". Since then, it means precisely the hostility to the Jews, despite attempts, based on etymology, to extend the term to the Arabs, because they also speak the language of the Semitic group.
            Sometimes the term Judeophobia is used as a synonym.
      3. +2
        April 19 2013 18: 38
        Quote: AlexW
        massacre in Deir Yassin.
        firstly, there was no massacre, but street battles to capture Deir Yassin, and this used the experience of the Soviet assault groups in Stalingrad, when all the firing points were thrown with grenades. Of course, a certain number of absolutely innocent women and children died. But such tragedies always happen in battles in buildings. Was it during the storming of Grozny and Komsomolsk that it destroyed only militants and managed to avoid casualties among the civilian population?
        Reading the opinion of Meir Pail or Zvi Ankori about "Etsel" is as objective as the opinion of the Bolsheviks about the Cadets. The relationship between Etzel and Haganah was on the brink of war. The Haganah helped the British carry out the arrests of the revisionists in 1946. By order of Ben-Gurion, the Altalena ship with the Etzel weapons was shot and 18 Etzel fighters were killed. The hatred between the Mapainikaki and the "revisionists" still erupts in newspapers and TV.
        By the way, the UN decision of the 1975 year was canceled by the same organization in the 1992 year.
        1. AlexW
          April 19 2013 21: 08
          Oh-how !!! "We read here, we don't read here, but here they would wrap the fish" laughing
          1. 0
            April 19 2013 22: 33
            Quote: AlexW
            Oh-how !!! "We read here, we don't read here, but here they would wrap the fish" laughing

            I think that the amount of information I read about the Israeli War of Independence 1948-49, including the assault on Deir Yassin, exceeds all the knowledge about BV.
            1. AlexW
              April 20 2013 00: 25
              Israil's independence - independence from whom?
  30. +3
    April 19 2013 18: 44
    On November 10, 1975, the XXX session of the UN General Assembly by the efforts of the USSR (with the support of Arab and "non-aligned" countries) adopted (with 72 votes, with 35 against and 32 abstentions) Resolution 3379, which qualified Zionism as "a form of racism and racial discrimination."
    This says that most countries recognized Zionism as a form of racism and note that only 35 countries were opposed out of 149 countries.
    December 16, 1991, at the request of Israel (which made the abolition of resolution 3379 a condition for the country's participation in the Madrid Conference) and the United States, this resolution was repealed by resolution 46/86 of the UN General Assembly. 111 states voted for the adoption of the resolution, 25 against; 13 abstained
    Here, too, everything is predictable, remember who at that time "ruled" the world.
    1. 0
      April 19 2013 18: 51
      December 16, 1991, at the request of Israel and the United States, this resolution was repealed by resolution 46/86 of the UN General Assembly. 111 states voted for the adoption of the resolution, 25 against, and 13 abstained.

      It is very convenient, true, to admit one thing and deny the other
      1. +4
        April 19 2013 20: 02
        Russia introduced the UN resolution at the direct direction of Gorbachev a few days before his resignation. For which he received his 30 silver coins and a foundation of his own name.
  31. +2
    April 19 2013 18: 54
    Among people of Jewish nationality there are different, as well as among other nationalities. There is no forgiveness to Nazism for the crimes committed against Jews, as well as to other nations and nationalities !!!! But let's say bluntly that Hitler came to power not without outside help. And people of Jewish nationality also participated in Hitler’s coming to power. But the Jews do not want to admit this.
  32. +1
    April 19 2013 21: 22
    The Jews were not slow to take advantage of the hospitable hospitality, surging from Germany and Austria with entire streams to the borders of Poland and the West Russian lands subject to it. Having studied all the weaknesses of the Polish people, the newcomers soon seized not only all trade and industry, but managed to take possession of both the pockets and the soul of the Polish gentry.
    The Jewish element is the most dangerous, the most harmful for the life and accomplishment of any state, for this element, like a woodworm, undermines the foundations of the state, thus making status in statu. A state that accepts a Jewish tribe as part of its state, hoping to assimilate it with its indigenous population, is cruelly mistaken, because in this case it takes on excessive labor, Sisyphus and, like a person who swallows a stone, thinks that his body will digest this stone. Jews got to us from Poland and Russia, maybe in the distant future, there will be quite a lot of work, effort and trouble in the fight against Jewry, which is perniciously and detrimental to the Russian people.

    Not Hitler at all ..... S.M.SOLOVIEV
  33. +3
    April 19 2013 21: 23
    It is useless to discuss with people who think of themselves as a higher race the national question. Religious fanatics will never admit that two, two, four, if it is not beneficial to them.
    But, if we do not talk about the problems of the coexistence of nations, sooner or later it will end with another massacre. Looking at Russia, where so many nations live in peace, I think there is still hope for the future.
    1. Murat 09
      April 19 2013 21: 59
      Yes, Metlik, they still live peacefully in Russia, but unfortunately not everyone likes it, and our provocateurs are trying to foment hostility between Caucasians and Russians, Muslims and Christians, and our media, in which you yourself know I, as a Muslim, have a normal attitude towards Jews, because in our Religion, in Islam, a respectful attitude to the people of Scripture, nasar and yahudi (Christians and Jews) is prescribed, I also considered a married couple of Jews as the best teachers in the technical school, they gave knowledge they were good, and the relationship with the students was good, an old professor also helped my sister, she studied well, without bribes, and he valued and helped such people. But Zionism is a terrible phenomenon, akin to fascism (Nazism), and it’s a pity that many (not all) Jews adopted the same misanthropic ideology as those who killed them.
  34. bubble82009
    April 19 2013 22: 34
    Do Ukrainian nationalists offer their people such a European civilization?
  35. YuDDP
    April 20 2013 00: 20
    Quote: Pimply
    Jewish election

    Yes, and "Jewish chosenness" exists only among Jews in the religion they invented. So, for us - non-Jews - this, by and large, do not care. These are their internal Jewish troubles.
    1. +1
      April 21 2013 14: 44
      The Germans, for example, also had an internal troubles - National Socialism))) Then the troubles went from internal to international :)
  36. georg737577
    April 20 2013 03: 07
    Useful reading for this exchange of views ... http: //www.molvica.org/vesti_content.php? Id = 10
  37. +2
    April 20 2013 16: 37
    The pictures are lovely, but the comments do not match.
    Photo 2,4 and what kind of hunger? Around chubby chelas.
    The extermination of Jews began after England refused to accept them in the territory of present-day Israel and murdered Jews by the Poles, Ukrainians and the Baltic states.
    Why is Israel not making claims on these countries?
    Why did the Jewish half-breeds fight on the side of the Nazis?
  38. +1
    April 20 2013 16: 37
    The pictures are lovely, but the comments do not match.
    Photo 2,4 and what kind of hunger? Around chubby chelas.
    The extermination of Jews began after England refused to accept them in the territory of present-day Israel and murdered Jews by the Poles, Ukrainians and the Baltic states.
    Why is Israel not making claims on these countries?
    Why did the Jewish half-breeds fight on the side of the Nazis?
    1. 0
      April 21 2013 14: 40
      Are you talking about a photo of a Jewish rabbi?)))
  39. 0
    April 21 2013 23: 27
    Thanks to the author of the article for the memory of the people who fought against Nazism with weapons in their hands. I was surprised by the absence of references from the anti-Semites to the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Disorder, violation of training manuals.
  40. 0
    7 May 2013 13: 31
    Most of all in this story I "liked" the Poles. After the occupation (although what an occupation for the Poles) the Psheks themselves collected all the Jews and handed them over to the Germans, at the same time robbing them. The Germans destroyed the Jewish uprising (along with the Jews) and here on a white horse AK. The Germans decided to become weaker.
    Until mid-December 1941, the Nazis did not greatly offend the Jews. Just isolated. We agreed on their resettlement, to England, Britain, and others went on a waiver. (why no one accuses these countries of the Holocaust) Having suffered the first defeat of their troops near Moscow and seeing how the nationalists of the Soviet republics solve the Jewish question, the Nazis made conclusions and what is now called the Holocaust began. At the same time, forgetting to mention that the gypsies were simply destroyed, many more Slavs were killed, most of the Jews killed were Soviet. The rest were bought, changed. Only the Soviets were destroyed immediately because they were less affected by Zionism and began to be imbued with Soviet internationalism, which did not correspond to the plans of individual non-comrades

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"