Mysterious Russian soul

Mysterious Russian soulConscience, modesty, shame and honor are inherent in today not all people. A reasonable person must necessarily have qualities that distinguish him from the person chewing. Without this, Humanity simply will not survive, because only intelligent, developed beings survive in nature. All the rest will inevitably die ... Why Russia can not effectively resist the parasites.

Part I. Conscience

"Conscience is a clawed beast scratching its heart", A.S. Pushkin

Once upon a time I was struck by this fact: one Russian aviation the engineer invited Emperor Nicholas II to drop bombs on enemy heads from airplanes on the battlefields of the First World War. Do you know what the Director of the Prison of Peoples answered? He said that doing this is extremely immoral and ignoble. Such tricks, they say, put the enemy in a deliberately unequal position. No, well, was he not a fool? After all, the Germans did not hesitate and for the first time in stories created and used bomber aircraft against Russian troops. Well, they do not know, these humanists, enlightened, civilized Europeans of such words as Conscience, Modesty, Shame and Honor. And if they know, they leave these concepts for the enemies, otherwise they will not be able to overcome these stupid Slavs, who do not even know how to lie.

And not so long ago, a note from an interview taken from an Afghan mojahed, who managed to make war with the Russians in the eighties of the last century, caught sight of. He talked about how American soldiers give children toys, chewing gum and Coca-Cola in front of the representatives of the UN mission, take pictures and videotape during the "gift giving"; after that, they take everything away and go to the next village to play in the same perspective and there. And so they go with hundreds of reusable gifts to the Afghan provinces, and reports on their "charitable exploits" fill the entire world press. At the end of the interview I was struck by the phrase: “Yes, we fought with the Russians, but we respected them, because they are brave warriors and they have a conscience. Americans have no conscience at all”!

That's when I seriously thought about what conscience is, and whether everyone has one.

The fact is that my generation is not PI or Pepsi. We grew up in a country where the word Conscience was filled with the same real meaning as Ikea is now. It was not something ephemeral, because most people had a Conscience, and felt physically, like a hand or a leg. Yes, it is hidden inside, but you feel pain, for example, if your heart or stomach aches! The first time I experienced pain from remorse at a tender age, in kindergarten, and the second time I felt this pain when I climbed through an open window into someone's garage, and took a penknife from my workbench. Well, could not resist, you know? I was about seven years old, at that age to have my own folding knife is a dream for every boy. So beautiful, with a handle that shows a black panther. Here he is. Easily found just such on the Internet.

I remember how long I was happy about the stolen item. My father asked me where I got a new knife, and I looked down at the floor and mumbled: "Dy ... Well ... I found it on the ground." My father looked at me as if he had enlightened with X-rays. He understood everything, but said nothing. And when he heard me sobbing in my room, buried my face in a pillow, he came in to me, sat on the edge of the sofa, silently, put his hand on my quivering shoulder, and said: "Nothing! This is science for the future. Give me a knife From whom you took and ask for forgiveness. It will be like a man. So you deserve trust and respect. If you can’t do this, you will become a pig and you will grow a pig. My mother, your grandmother Katya, said: “The youth from the age is a hole.”
So I realized that it is much easier to live in harmony with your own conscience. In order not to have a sore throat, you don’t need to lean on ice cream, and so that your conscience doesn’t cause unbearable pain comparable only to toothache, you don’t need to give it food. Live according to conscience and will not be painful - a simple law, it would seem, but soon it was necessary to make sure that there is, rarely, but there are people who are easier to pick up and tear out the conscience with the root, so that it does not hurt when you pack. And every year such people became more and more around. And now I see around me that it is time to give up in a mental hospital, because I don’t notice anymore that someone should say this word - CONSCIENCE. If there is none, then there is nothing to talk about! A country of disabled people with a circumcised conscience, this is where I live. How could this happen?

One thing is obvious to me: with an amputated conscience, the society goes into a rant and self-destruct. So that free of charge, at the expense of the enemy, and with the hands of the enemy himself, destroy him - amputate his conscience. And that's it! Sit down and watch the agonizing society self-destruct. Then let the dregs into power, sit the fools in front of the TV and rob the country as much as you like. Leave the slaves as much as they need in order not to die of hunger, otherwise a revolution will happen.

So what kind of animal is this, conscience?

The official interpretation is as follows: "The inner voice of a person helping to formulate his own moral duties on his own." The etymology of the word comes from churches .- Slav., Art .- Slav. - tracing al.- Greek. From with + news (see to know). So. This is joint knowledge, knowledge of something. What? Truth, of course. Proper behavior, which is valued by society and accepted by all members, as an absolute good.

No need to remember about the religious precepts. In any society, there is an unwritten moral code, which does not always comply with the norms of criminal or administrative codes. And his strength is such that even villains are not able to oppose anything substantial moral norms. In this regard, the example of General Gorbatov, who visited Kolyma as a convicted person in the late thirties, is very indicative.

Here is a quote from his memories:
“My neighbor in charge was in the Kolyma camp one large railway worker, even praised that he had slandered about three hundred people. Although I didn’t hide the extreme dislike for this theorizing slanderer, for some reason he always tried to start a conversation with me. At first it made me angry, then I began to think that he was looking for comforting his conscience in conversations. But one day, being taken out of patience, he said to him: You and those like you have confused the tangle so much that it will be difficult to unravel it. If I were in your place, I would have hanged myself long ago ... The next morning he was found hanged himself. Despite my dislike for him, I had a long and painful experience of this death. "

Well, what about foreigners, do they know anything about conscience? In the dictionary, frankly, the information is not thick. The meaning of the word is translated verbatim - joint knowledge. But what does this mean for them? Yes that means. Literally - joint knowledge. In English, Conscience of Cannons is literally a common science, joint knowledge. Same in German - Gewissen. In Czech, it sounds Svědomí, Poles and Lithuanians speak Sumienie, and Belarusians speak Sumlenny. So, the fact is incontrovertible that the concept of conscience came from all Russian languages ​​to all other languages. Obviously, only the Russian, or the Slav, understands its meaning, to be objective. For a carrier of another language, all this is just a collection of sounds, not supported by an image, with real content.

And since there is no such word, a concept, then the Anglo-Saxons lack conscience, as such! Forgive me readers who sympathize with the British and Americans. But isn't it a confirmation of the thought and revelation of the Anglo-Saxons themselves? This is what, for example, Oscar Wilde, the most beloved, universally recognized classic, said: "Conscience is the official name of cowardice." BUT?! What a! What do others say? I quote:
"The British around the world are known for lack of conscience in politics. They are experts on art hiding their crimes behind the facade of propriety. They have been doing this for centuries, and it has become so much a part of their nature that they themselves no longer notice this trait. They act with such benevolent expression and with such absolute seriousness that they even convince themselves that they serve as an example of political innocence. They do not admit to themselves in their hypocrisy. Never one Englishman will wink at another and say, “but we understand what we mean.” They are not They behave like a model of purity and innocence - they believe in themselves. This is both ridiculous and dangerous ... "
Guess who? Do not believe it. This was written by Dr. Joseph Goebbels.

In general, the Slavs lose the war to the Anglo-Saxons for several reasons. The first, I think - the presence of conscience. We do not finish down the ones lying down, and we are confident that the enemy will do the same. Keep your pocket wider! They just use the fact that we have a conscience - a vestige in their concept, hindering the achievement of the goal. So: should we also delete this word from the dictionaries? Not! A thousand times no. I am sure that this “flaw” will be our weapons in an unequal fight against parasites. About our second "lack" - modesty, I will tell in the next article. In the meantime, do not be lazy, spend just 12 minutes on the video below. Eve introduces the Slavic children into the art, not poisoned by the "true knowledge" that adults have.

Part II. Modesty

"Pride is puffing, and modesty teaches", (Russian people. Saying)

Modesty is an integral feature of the Russian character. Those who confuse it with timidity, shyness and indecision are mistaken. Among the Slavs, it was considered one of the main virtues - the ability not to push out their virtues. Exactly. This means that true modesty can only be inherent in strong, capable, talented people.

Bragging is a sign of weakness and worthlessness. It is caused solely by its own inferiority complex. A coward and a wimp shouts about what a hero he is. A really strong person, maximum, will grin to himself, without considering it necessary to even refute the braggart.

Modesty is a moral quality that characterizes an individual from the point of view of his attitude towards others and herself, and manifested in the fact that a person does not recognize any exceptional merits or special rights, voluntarily subordinates himself to the requirements of social discipline, limits his own needs to existing this society, the material conditions of life of the people, treats all people with respect, shows the necessary tolerance for minor defects of people, if these shortcomings affect ish his own interests, and at the same time critical of their own merits and demerits.

Modesty is a form of awareness by the person of their responsibilities to society and the people around them. A modest person therefore does not attach much importance to his positive qualities, because he considers them to be absolutely obligatory, taken for granted. Have you ever noticed that a Russian, seeing how someone is proud of his achievements, unconsciously says: "Oh, oh, the most intelligent one was found"? But the point here is not that the person envied the "smart man". The fact is that in this situation a genetic preservative works, limiting the pride of the one who succeeded in doing something better than others. If this “better” actually has some kind of value, then the society, regardless of the will of the “hero”, will appreciate it and this will be a reward.

In the non-sociome, a different model is established. There, the traditions of self-praise led to the appearance of completely absurd, ugly phenomena, such as advertising. I was always amazed at the movie scene, where old Russian bazaars appeared. Sellers vividly scream laudatory rhymes, strongly praising their goods. Sorry, somehow I can not believe it. In the 20 century already, yes, advertising has firmly entered the minds of Russian merchants, but so that this could be in pre-Petrine times, I simply don’t believe. This contradicts the Russian consciousness, spirituality, the whole way of life and age-old traditions. It is as unnatural as fellow villager to give money in loans at interest.

How could a merchant praise his merchandise in the presence of another merchant trading in the same merchandise? This is the same as the point to all publicly that on a nearby tray product of poor quality. No, this could not be in the Russian market. The buyer himself voted for the best quality product, and the vote was held in rubles. And to praise your gingerbread or donut is not only immodest, but also immoral, unethical. This is an attempt to enrich themselves at the expense of others. This is the same as blatantly lying. We all know that any advertisement is a lie. If the product is in demand, then it does not need any advertising. Advertise just what no one needs, but it is unnecessary scammers try to foist you, which, in principle, is a criminal offense.
Remind how much grief our compatriots experienced after the collapse of all sorts of "MMM", "Hoprov", etc.? Why advertisers are not punished for complicity in fraud? They have nothing to do with it? And here one more method in the service of parasites is revealed. Its essence is simple: to exclude the possibility of bringing to responsibility. The founders of a limited liability company will never be held accountable for their crimes committed by the hired general director. The same applies to governments and presidents. They are the same employees, but the owners always remain in the shadows.

Advertising is the same part of a fraudulent scam, only legally the performers of advertising always remain on the sidelines, like the media that distribute this advertising. No wonder advertising made in Russia and Russian in such a wretched level of quality? Just the Russians, even after hundreds of years, have not learned to praise themselves and what they have to leap into trusting loham consumers.

So, Modesty is an integral feature of the Russian character. Anglo-Saxon she is simply unknown. In English, there is only an analogue of this comprehensive concept - Modesty. This means decency, restraint, moderation. Is this modesty? Of course not. This is just “Madeys”. And what about the Germans? And they have the same thing. Bescheidenheit - undemanding, unpretentious. According to everything, modesty is a virtue for us, and a vice for them. Impudence, on the contrary, is considered a sin in us, and among “civilized” nations it is one of the most important positive qualities, without which a person is doomed to become a “loser”. We do not know how to push the weak elbows in order to achieve the goal, and they do it without a single injection of Conscience, which I wrote about in the first part. And, therefore, this is the second reason why we can not compete with parasites.

Part III. Shame

"Shame is the most precious ability of a person to put his actions in accordance with the requirements of the highest conscience, which is bequeathed by the history of mankind ...", M. Saltykov-Shchedrin

The feeling of shame is very closely related to the feeling, which is defined as "conscience". Shame, as the conscience is inherent in the vast number of creatures on our planet. The difference between shame and conscience is that conscience is a public, shared with other members of society, the moral regulator, and shame is an individual preservative. It does not allow one to overstep the face of the permitted individual, an individual. Shame - feeling negatively colored, the object of which is any act or quality of the subject. Shame is associated with a sense of social unacceptability of what is embarrassing.
• embarrassment caused by a public violation of the norms accepted in society, or the discovery of such.
• shame, dishonor,
• the same as shame.
It is obvious that, being in complete solitude, a person rarely feels a sense of shame, for "shame is when seen." However, the feeling of shame a person is often able to experience even to himself. If suddenly he allowed himself a thought that goes against the generally established moral norms. Common situation? So for you, all is not lost. It must be remembered that a thought is material, and it can be heard even without voicing it in a voice.

But does everyone have this regulator that allows a person to remain human?

You will find the answer easily if you answer the question: do those who allowed themselves to bombard Belgrade have shame? Not. There can be no shame for someone who goes to achieve the goal at any cost. Let's see if the Anglo-Saxons have such a concept in general. Formally there - shame (Eng.) Means reproach, nuisance, annoyance. Do you think this is shame? Not. This is far from what a person feels caught in immorality. Where did the word “sheim” come from - shame? The first search result is: "Sham". For Jews, it was a candle seller. Normal so, yes? And in Latin? It turns out - "pudor". Feel where the "legs grow"? There is no doubt that, like the first two concepts studied, the word "shame" came to the west from Slavic languages.

"Shame" - this is the etymology of the Latin "pudora". So is there at least some positive point in the fact that the Russians have such a thin limiter in the form of shame, if he makes the Russian more vulnerable to those who have no such feeling? While you will struggle with a sense of shame, decide whether this is a case when doubt needs to be overcome, and shame overcome, you will have to tear off your head three times who are not aware of doubt, conscience, modesty and shame. He is too busy. He knows from his youngest nails that all the methods to achieve the goal are good and the money does not smell.
And what is the conclusion? Get rid of this useless in our world, the concept? And what about its fundamental function - to serve as a limiter? Everyone knows that no mechanism, no organism can function without a system of checks and balances, otherwise it will go into a dressing. Order and there is a fuse in order to build a security system and to survive in the toughest conditions. This means that the Creator would not endow a person with a meaningless gift.

But the devil has repeatedly demonstrated his love to take away something valuable. It was he who created for himself a people that he designed for himself. The people who, in his opinion, are more perfect in this world. He just miscalculated. A soulless machine, no matter how ingeniously built, will always lose to a person who has a soul. Remember the old Soviet film "Youths in the Universe"? How did a teenager incapacitate the perfect Robot. I just asked him a childish riddle: "A", "I", "B", were sitting on the pipe, "A" fell, "B" disappeared. What is left on the pipe? All the androids, trying to solve this problem, turned into a pile of smoking iron.

So the filmmakers have clearly shown what happens in the case of opposition to the spiritual and unspiritual. Until we have lost, following the inhabitants of the "civilized" countries, the feeling of Shame, Modesty and Conscience, we still have a chance to be stronger. That is why such a fierce struggle for the destruction of even the memories of what these feelings mean — inseparably connected with the concepts of the Russian character, the Russian soul, is unfolding in the world.
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  1. Vanek
    April 16 2013 07: 21
    Such concepts are not respected today. Conscience, shame ..... Neither hello you, nor goodbye to you.

    Hello to everyone. hi
    1. +20
      April 16 2013 07: 37
      Quote: Vanek
      Such concepts are not respected today.

      It is not held in high esteem by those who have replaced shame and conscience with money and thirst for profit. Greed destroys these things in man. It is bad that people who do not have these concepts today dictate to young people in our countries how they need to live and what to strive for. There are people who understand what is happening, but they are not heard. They can write a couple of comments on the internet, but this does not go further to the central media. Although even if he comes to conscience, those who have long lost this conscience will tell us from the TV screens.
      Ivan hi
      1. 755962
        April 16 2013 15: 19
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        It is not held in high esteem by those who have replaced shame and conscience with money and thirst for profit. Greed destroys these things in man.

    2. Kaa
      April 16 2013 07: 49
      Quote: Vanek
      Such concepts are not respected today. Conscience, shame

      And what is it? Where is gesheft, loot, image, rollback, gain, show-off, "life success", "global values"? Not understood... laughing
      PS Do not judge strictly attempt of complete bitterness of a joke of humor
      1. Vanek
        April 16 2013 08: 10
        Quote: Vanek
        Conscience, shame .....

        This is really

        Quote: Kaa
        What is it?

        For youth, this is normal. I look at my niece (twenty years) and wonder. On the mind loot, clubs, loot, clubs, loot, clubs.

        Kaa hi
        1. +6
          April 16 2013 09: 10
          And what can they be like, being brought up on a show like "house-2"? ... And is it too little like that ... on TV? ...
        2. +17
          April 16 2013 13: 29
          This is not normal for youth! I will say about my children that they are truthful, conscientious and bashful. And they are not small. The eldest is 21, the youngest is fifteen. It is necessary to work on children, the Father is hard labor without any sarcasm. Against everything. Mother, wife. Like, strict with the chur. But with problems, I rake. And they are hiding behind me.
          But most importantly, we are an example for children, What are we, such are our children.
          1. +3
            April 16 2013 14: 39
            Quote: mejik
            Father is hard labor

            Quote: mejik
            Against everything. Mother, wife.

            Well said, to the point.
          2. +6
            April 16 2013 16: 33
            +++++ to you. Many understand this, but for the first time I meet so precisely expressed, suffered good
          3. Gladiatir-zlo
            April 19 2013 18: 56
            Here I agree in all respects, such yourself, be an example yourself, your children will be your reflection, they will be judged by them.
      2. Gari
        April 16 2013 12: 20
        Quote: Kaa
        And what is it? Where is gesheft, loot, image, rollback, gain, show-off, "life success", "global values"? Not understood...
        PS Do not judge strictly, an attempt of complete bitterness of a joke of humor

        Good afternoon everyone
        We do not judge, but we understand very much -
        I completely agree with the author and what is written about in this article.
        We were brought up in that country by our parents, our grandmothers, and the teachers in the school invested a lot on us, but let's not judge so strictly about our youth, they certainly aren’t guilty, of course they are different, some of us at 5 years old heard about the Internet , and my youngest comes from kindergarten and crawls on the Internet, they have more information and freedom
        if they see what is valued now, what false ideals are now worth the price, then what is their fault, but we must educate them, set the right examples, and learn to understand life.
        1. +2
          April 17 2013 03: 47
          Here I can not disagree with you. Now it is precisely false ideals that are valued. BUT! Already now the population is moving away from these false ideals. In any case, in my circle of friends (I’m 24 years old) there are more and more non-smokers, non-drinkers, athletic and honest people (just like that, honest and direct like a gun barrel).
          And, apparently, such a transformation takes place everywhere. For a little bit, but everywhere.
    3. +7
      April 16 2013 08: 17
      Quote: Vanek
      Such concepts are not respected today. Conscience, shame ..... Neither hello you, nor goodbye to you.

      Hello to everyone. hi

      Hello! hi
      Well, why? We have such, for example, S_mirnov - "the mind, conscience and honor of our era". bully And he smiles with a minus, and spits in the back ... and throws poop on the forum. This is the beacon of modernity. And you have no conscience! For such people, conscience is "sacred." recourse
      1. +2
        April 16 2013 09: 18
        We humans received conscience and shame as a result of evolution. If they are, it means this is one of the attributes that makes us human. If we want to eradicate this, we must agree that we will not be people, and that reincarnation will result in ... maybe a third world one, which is already approaching with the loss of these human qualities.
      2. Kaa
        April 16 2013 09: 36
        Quote: alexneg
        and poop the forum

        This morning in a personal letter to me from a newbie came to me - the meaning is why the forum, knowingly knowing the trolls, people who perversely but unpunishably mock Russia and Russianness, tolerate them, enter into discussions. He explained how he could, and then he wondered why and why? In order to then mutually take offense and and settle with minimal losses? So this is masochism. We mostly know which of the xy, maybe just ignore them to get bored? This is, in the language of the tabloid press, "energy vampires" who live by the principle - "I did nasty things - joy on my heart." If there is a sensible, well-reasoned polemic with a polarly opposite opponent, it’s only a thrill, and if from day to day the same provocative arguments, I don’t know how to whom, but for me to assert myself in this way is not comilfo. Do you agree?
        1. +7
          April 16 2013 10: 23
          Quote: Kaa
          but for me it’s not self-asserting in this way. Don't you agree?

          Good day to all and spring mood! hi
          Quote: Kaa
          in the language of the tabloids "energy vampires",

          "I declare with authority" - there are such. I remember my grandmother lived in a communal apartment - she would go out to the kitchen in the morning and swear. How she was pleased - she still swears. Then they asked: "Why are you scolding everyone like that?" And she answered: "If I don't quarrel in the morning, my stomach won't work!" belay
          This I mean - that there is no need to "take offense" - you need to be more calm about all "troll citizens" and really ignore them. Well, there are such people, there are! Think of it as "unfortunate" who do not go to the toilet without swearing! laughing
          1. Kaa
            April 16 2013 13: 22
            Quote: Egoza
            you need to take a calmer attitude towards all "troll citizens" and really ignore them.

            And to keep on a starvation diet, one was already minuscule-abysmal, yes? Yes, you have been on the list for a long time, nothing has changed, do not worry, little depends on your minus ...
        2. +4
          April 16 2013 18: 34
          Quote: Kaa
          If there is a sound, reasoned polemic with a polar opposite opponent, it’s only high, and if every day the same provocative arguments, I don’t know how anyone, but for me it’s not self-asserting

          Our virtual forum is a cast of OUR real society, except that there are no children, and there is not a lot of ladies' presence.
          Cogito ergo sum - I think it means I exist.
          In a dispute, truth is born - here, for all of the above, we come. And here, as in Java, one has to put up with the presence of "inadequate" (I will not use other terms - "passed" this test at the beginning of the local "career").
          And all the concomitant (agitation, ur-patriotism) - so, for the sake of completeness.
          Best regards
        3. +3
          April 16 2013 20: 12
          Quote: Kaa
          why the forum, knowingly knowing the trolls, people who perversely but unpunishedly mock Russia and Russianness, tolerate them, enter into discussions. He explained how he could, and then he wondered why and why? In order to then mutually take offense and and settle with minimal losses? So this is masochism. We mostly know which of the xy, maybe just ignore them to get bored? This is, in the language of the tabloid press, "energy vampires" who live by the principle - "I did nasty things - joy on my heart."

          Most of the trolleybuses appear on the forum, mainly on topics that are somehow related to the history or national pride of Russia. This allows you to unite the zealots with a universal discrediting of everything that can cause respect and pride in our Fatherland. You already know very well about paid NGOs from abroad. Well, they need to work out denyuzhki. Their task is also to develop low qualities in us, therefore, comments, most often below the belt. On principle, he pushed g ... but, but he himself got dirty. Therefore, your suggestion is to ignore the outright screech +
    4. Vashestambid
      April 16 2013 14: 29
      talked about how American soldiers give children toys, chewing gum and Coca-Cola in front of representatives of the UN mission, take pictures and filmed during the "presenting"; after which they take everything away and go to a neighboring village to film in the same angle and there

      laughing It was necessary to come up with something better, such as evil amers brought luck to the luck and wildly burned like a pack of hungry kids, tracked it, and then cut out their kidneys. and so in another village !! laughing
      Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.
    5. Gladiatir-zlo
      April 19 2013 18: 54
      Good afternoon, Ivan, forgive me, I don’t agree, there are a lot of people around me with conscience and with modesty, both among already mature people and among very young people. This gives hope that the article is a creative excess, and that there is a supply of manpower that will survive and endure.
  2. +16
    April 16 2013 07: 22
    Some nuances are controversial, but, in general, I agree with the author 100%. good And this is what they are trying to "save" us from now, saying that it is out of date, unfashionable and that no one in the world lives like that.
    1. +8
      April 16 2013 18: 41
      Quote: Vladimirets
      And this is what they are trying to "save" us from now, saying that it is out of date, not fashionable and that no one in the world lives like that.

      Absolutely agree.
      I’ll add what I already wrote about -
      we, our ethnicity with its culture, traditions, history, family values ​​is so noticeable from them different that never integrate into their value system.
  3. +10
    April 16 2013 07: 23
    One of the goals of the devil is to help people "prove that he does not exist in the world." am . And it seems he succeeds. angry .. sad crying
  4. Vanek
    April 16 2013 07: 27
    And one more thing:

    - The author, your work is interesting and for some (well, you must agree, there are some) cognitive.

    Regards, Ivan.
  5. Hudo
    April 16 2013 07: 39
    In general, the Slavs are losing the war to the Anglo-Saxons for several reasons. The first, it seems to me, is the presence of conscience. We do not finish off those who are lying, and we are confident that the enemy will do the same. Keep your pocket wider! They just use the fact that we have a conscience - a rudiment in their concept that interferes with the achievement of the goal. So: should we also delete this word from the dictionaries? No! A thousand times no. I am sure that this "shortcoming" will become our weapon in the unequal fight against parasites.

    The author is 100% right, such concepts as shame, conscience, modesty - this is our last line of defense. There is nowhere to retreat further. Raising these qualities in our children, we doom ourselves to victory.
  6. +6
    April 16 2013 07: 42
    The article is good. And most importantly necessary. Thanks to the author.
  7. Hudo
    April 16 2013 07: 43
    The author is 100% right! Such concepts as honor, conscience, shame - the last frontier of defense. They can’t be surrendered in any way, nowhere to retreat further.
  8. Kaa
    April 16 2013 07: 53
    And this is already serious.“Many foreigners are trying to understand Russia. They will live here for several years in Moscow or St. Petersburg, travel around the Golden Ring, talk to our officials, doormen and waiters, sleep with our prostitutes, and now an expert on Russia is ready. And if we add to that all the scum that represents our country abroad, if we recall the wretchedness of the first persons of our state, then the image of Russia in the eyes of foreigners will be complete. But is it true? The basis of European civilization was the desire of man to transform nature. Following this path, man has achieved tremendous success in science and technology. At the moment, human capabilities are almost equal to the capabilities of nature (especially in terms of destruction) Calls to follow the European path of development, which were very fashionable in Russia, can be compared to calls to buy tickets for the Titanic, knowing about its imminent death. With Asian civilization, everything is much more complicated. Its basis was not the desire to transform nature, but the desire to live in harmony with nature. It turns out that in order for Russia to withstand confrontation with European and Asian civilizations, it must develop in two opposite directions: strengthen society and ensure the self-realization of its members. But this is the main secret of the Russian soul, which at the same time striving for community and individuality. Antinomicity is the main property of Russian people. Antinomy (from Greek - against and the law) - a combination of mutually contradictory statements about the subject, each of which is recognized as logically provable. Russian people are both religious and atheist; he is both smart and stupid; he is both generous and greedy; he is both a statesman and an anarchist; he is both strong and weak; he is both great and insignificant. I think that the secret of this lies in a special Russian ideology. The basis of this ideology is, I believe, the three main qualities of a Russian person: responsibility, patience and prudence.DETAILS HERE
  9. Fox
    April 16 2013 08: 06
    the author is well done. raised the necessary topic. but the concept of conscience is laid down and explained well by the Old Believers-Inglings. the "mechanism" of the emergence and development of individual "personalities" who do not have such a "rudiment" is also described in detail. ...
  10. Avenger711
    April 16 2013 08: 24
    And how are they poor, they live without conscience ... It’s time for the author to grow up and understand that relations between people in a village, or between neighbors, are fundamentally different in politics.
    1. +16
      April 16 2013 09: 24
      And that's how they live. The author may of course immodestly polemicize about our "Russianness", but I'll tell you - he's right! What a conscience can Churchill have when he planned the "Unthinkable" in 1945. What kind of conscience can the United States have, which in 9 years destroyed 3 million in Korea, of which 80% are civilians. What a conscience can they have who destroyed more than half of the inhabitants of Vietnam. What kind of conscience can they have if they are preparing a war with preventive actions and the public declares that according to their data this country MAY have the prerequisites for creating nuclear weapons. What's the conscience?
      1. +1
        April 16 2013 17: 55
        What does conscience have to do with it ?! They are just working on various options for everything, like grit, occasions .. Even the name "Unthinkable" speaks for itself .. soldier I think ours also had such plans .. Well, the "mustache" could not have foreseen laughing
        Below is another example:
        Director of the National Archives Center of the US Administration J. Taylor, who worked there for 57 years, recalls: “In 1945, soon after I came to work in the archives, I learned that the United States had a plan of war with almost all countries of the world. Each plan had its own color. Black for Germany, red for Great Britain, white for Cuba ... No one thought at the time that the United States could start a war against Great Britain, but the Pentagon had a well-developed plan for such a war. "
        Sv hi
    2. +9
      April 16 2013 10: 28
      Quote: Avenger711
      It would be high time for the author to grow up and understand that relations between people in a village, or between neighbors, are fundamentally different in politics.

      I put you a minus precisely for the moralizing advice to the author. After all, he wrote an article not to discuss the rules of politics, but to make people think about what is in us that is so unacceptable to the West. negative
      1. +4
        April 16 2013 18: 44
        Quote: Egoza
        I put you a minus precisely for the moralizing advice to the author

        Madame, you are the conscience of our forum.
        Best regards
        1. +2
          April 16 2013 20: 39
          Quote: stalkerwalker
          Madame, you are the conscience of our forum.

          Thank you, but it’s a very high score, as in my opinion. hi
  11. +8
    April 16 2013 08: 25
    Article +
    Unfortunately, all these character traits are not innate. I don’t think that the majority of parents have ceased to engage in upbringing, but the state has long since lost control over upbringing outside the home (pre-school, school, universities) and the destructive impact of media on education.
    That stream of immoral information, which is rushing on the radio, television, examples of bureaucratic infinity, etc., can castrate the conscience, honor, shame and modesty of even an adult!
    1. Murat 09
      April 16 2013 08: 49
      Dear Vadim, the flow that rushing from the media is capable of
      Quote: VadimSt
      to castrate conscience, honor, shame and modesty even of an adult!
      , and therefore faith is necessary for a person. Let’s say I’m a Muslim, by nature I’m not a very good person, and I often want to do something bad (take a walk with a woman, grab an unrighteous money, etc.), but I know that the Almighty sees me and will punish me either in this or in true life after death, and therefore I try not to do bad things, it does not always work out, but I try. And only fear of the Lord can help withstand all these temptations that come from the media, or which we see in life.
      1. +7
        April 16 2013 10: 38
        Quote: Murat 09
        I’m a Muslim, by nature I’m not a very good person, and I often want to do what’s bad (take a walk with a woman, grab some unrighteous money, etc.), but I know that the Almighty sees me and will punish me either in this or in the true life after death, and therefore I try not to do bad, it does not always work out, but I try. And only fear of the Lord can help resist all these temptations,

        Dear Murat! Once you acknowledge the inclination to sin, then first of all you are driven by conscience, responsibility for the given word, honesty before Faith. You would have done this without fear, you just have inherent honesty to yourself. I say this because not everyone knows how to deal with temptations that way. Forgive me, but in our KPI Muslim students, at student gatherings, they simply climb into the closet and drink there, because "Allah will not see in the closet." And no fear stops them. In no way do I want to hurt your Vera. I just think that if a person has no conscience, honor, shame, responsibility, honesty, i.e. "God in soul" - even Vera will help him little.
        1. walter_rus
          April 16 2013 23: 56
          Better to drink and not only in the closet than blowing up trains. I know of cases in Dagestan (and not from media reports, but from real life), when a person quit drinking and smoking, began to pray, his relatives did not get enough of it, and then suddenly found himself in a gang of terrorists. Such an overly sincere belief is dangerous in the sense that such a person can be manipulated by his mentor. From this one vaccination - education that teaches to think independently. No matter how criticized the Soviet education system for being excessively comprehensive, it was she who gave this ability. And the current system, where a "cog" is prepared from a student, who perfectly knows his specialty, but has no idea about other areas, will not help to resist fooling.
      2. zambo
        April 16 2013 13: 44
        Murat "+" for honesty, courage, self-criticism, in general, for the fact that he has a Conscience.
      3. walter_rus
        April 16 2013 23: 47
        It is not fear, but the desire to put yourself in the place of the person to whom you are going to do evil, that must restrain from bad deeds of a person. Such a person will always act decently, regardless of faith. He lived for a long time in the Caucasus, where religion is gaining more and more weight, and I can’t say that people got better during this time. Some begin to hate dissidents, others become arrogant, considering themselves almost holy. I agree with the article, someone really needs us to lose our conscience, shame, modesty, and here you can name other best qualities, it will be easier to manage us. Only here the author’s linguistic research looks very doubtful winked. And it's good that there is this site where normal people can chat. So not everything is lost yet.
      4. 0
        April 18 2013 17: 29
        Quote: Murat 09
        ... I know that the Almighty sees me and will punish me either in this or in the true life after death, and therefore I try not to do bad ...

        You are mistaken, Vera doesn’t really stop, or rather doesn’t stop at all, militants in Syria - and their heads are cut off and blown up and shot and raped by civilians am and the threat of punishment does not stop them much in this or that world. hi
    2. +5
      April 16 2013 10: 48
      Quote: VadimSt
      I don’t think that most of the parents have stopped raising

      They do it, they do it, only everyone invests their concepts in "education". Not always mom-daddy, even walking with kids, pay attention to the fact that a child can take someone else's toy from (or pick up) someone else's toy. Someone automatically says: "This is someone else's. You cannot take it," and someone will simply silently take it and give it to another mother, or even "will not notice" that the child has taken someone else's toy. According to the principle: "MY will play, and then we will give it back." Otherwise, I agree with you completely!
    3. Gari
      April 16 2013 12: 23
      Quote: VadimSt
      That stream of immoral information, which is rushing on the radio, television, examples of bureaucratic infinity, etc., can castrate the conscience, honor, shame and modesty of even an adult!

      And the Internet where youth hangs all day
      1. +5
        April 16 2013 13: 41
        Quote: Gari
        And the Internet where youth hangs all day

        Well, you can sometimes sit down with your granddaughter. Show your attitude to some "values", make fun of something, show interesting sites. I sat with my granddaughter several times - a completely different calico! True, she is already 13 years old. hi
        1. +1
          April 16 2013 14: 46
          Quote: Egoza
          Well, you can sometimes sit down with your granddaughter.

          That's for sure, my daughter loves to watch movies with me, I comment. And imagine her favorite films are "The Queen of the Gas Station" and "Loyal Friends".
      2. +4
        April 16 2013 18: 47
        Quote: Gari
        And the Internet where youth hangs all day

        So after all, we, THE YOUNGER, hang out here, on a virtual platform, take a look ...
  12. mogus
    April 16 2013 08: 26

    And anger takes, and conscience does not order ...
  13. kadette150
    April 16 2013 08: 41
    Started for health, finished for peace. Starting to read, I was already glad for such a wonderful article ... But, if there is no water in the tap, then the Jews drank. Who else but Chubais is to blame for everything? Well, of course they are. Dear author, real Russian has never been anti-Semite. So you do not be. And then it is so immodest that your conscience will torment you and you will be ashamed of it)))
  14. +2
    April 16 2013 08: 47
    Conscious members of the party began to kill her conscience at the end of the 80s, and when shit-democrats came to power, she was killed, as was shame and philanthropy. And so that the supreme and the prime minister did not speak, conscience did not increase. If they were primarily concerned about conscience, shame, modesty, they would have acted differently.
    1. +7
      April 16 2013 09: 40
      laughing Stop it, party members cannot kill your conscience. Everyone kills his own conscience! She kills when she says “don’t do it”, screams “don’t you dare”, is hysterical.
  15. +3
    April 16 2013 08: 48
    Do not plant stools is unscrupulous
  16. +2
    April 16 2013 09: 07
    Quote: Vanek

    And what can they be, being brought up on a show like "house-2"? ... and you never know such a thing .... on TV ???
  17. +8
    April 16 2013 09: 15
    Thanks to the author for the article, but I disagree with some statements.

    How many of them were already in our history. The photos are still alive - Sigismund, Napoleon, Adolf. and others like them.

    repeatedly mentioned in quotes by Bismarck and again I repeat, because despite his Russophobia, he was able to understand and solve the Russians like no one else.

    there are primitive human instincts such as family, parenthood, caring, compassion, duty. the call of the heart, which is especially characteristic of the Russian peoples. And the struggle with these instincts is now on all fronts, from the media to education. There is a huge difference between a parent and a father and mother, as well as between a teacher and a teacher. And while these instincts are alive in us and passed on to children from us, I think we are not afraid. Let them come, the land of cheese will accept everyone.
  18. +5
    April 16 2013 09: 48
    I’ll plus the author. As a comment, I paste the saved story (alas, I forgot where I copied it from).
    An example I just remembered from life, what is American character and psychology. In the nineties, the son of good acquaintances of my father got to the USA on a student grant. Not a lawyer, a "techie", which is important - it turns out that the Americans themselves have long been Edissons much lower in status than managers. His neighbors on the campus (in our opinion, a hostel) were a Serb, a Pole, a Bulgarian, two Koreans or Vietnamese, someone else - there was only one Native American. And at first he seemed quite normal, "his boyfriend", in general, an ordinary student life. Apart from the fact that the order on this campus was stricter than in the barracks - literally everything was regulated. Moreover, if our supervising officials could close their eyes for a bribe (in any form) or simply, a good attitude, then there they were absolutely conscientious, honest and incorruptible.

    One of the prohibitions was categorically not to keep any animals. And the Serb had a white mouse, well, such a person’s oddity, a favorite, almost like a family member. There lived a small animal in a box, without disturbing anyone, hidden from prying eyes. While the owner, unable to resist, showed his pet to friends. Tomorrow the local commanders came to the Serb, you have an animal, received a signal, withdraw! It turned out that the same American was reporting - who had touched the night before and shook his head, who was bothering him, I don’t understand what a cute animal he was! And just like that, he didn’t understand what offenses were against him, well, yes, for you it was your little friend who didn’t bother anyone, but this is against the law! Personally, I sympathize with you, but I couldn’t break it, will we remain friends, okay? And it didn’t end there - without receiving forgiveness (I wonder how his face was not filled), the American ran to complain, and as a result the Serb called the Chief (the dean or the rector himself) and categorically ordered, to make friends with this (check!), otherwise declare an asocial type. And once a week to visit a psychologist, for treatment of asociality (check too).
    I think everything is said above.
    1. +1
      April 16 2013 10: 40
      that's where the pathology is ....
    2. +1
      April 16 2013 21: 05
      Bosnia, our contingent and theirs. The river section ... doesn't matter. they are constantly with m-ekami, at the entrance to their dining room a basket with dregs where you need to click after taking out the store (just in case). The people in the nerves forgot about the driven cartridge and not unfastened magazine .. "clicked" with a sound. Patrol in a minute. The dining room floor stood up and pointed a finger at the already standing sergeant.
      The officer arrived at the location, they talked ... ours drove to the floor a liter, he sprayed in the floor. I thought it saved that after tomorrow he would go to his home until the ripe Alabama. .. there (albeit quietly delivered) his neighbors (not good people) tapped and the cap lost half a year of service.
    3. zh1
      April 16 2013 22: 33
      Yeah, I certainly wouldn’t be able to live there ... And I immediately said to the rector that I would think about it.
  19. +2
    April 16 2013 09: 53
    After 1917, the leaders of our country did not have CONSCIENCE, SHAME, and modesty, I want to believe in the best, but the latest examples show the opposite of people with the conscience of Khabarov, Kvachkov is imprisoned for incommensurable terms, those who steal a billion rubles. go to witnesses. Traitors to the motherland are awarded the highest awards, erected monuments. Children at school are told about their rights, but not about responsibilities. All this leads to one destruction.
    1. +4
      April 16 2013 10: 52
      Quote: Alex66
      After the 1917 year, the leaders of our country did not have CONSCIENCE, SHAME, AND MODELITY,

      Not everyone! And you know that very well!
    2. walter_rus
      April 17 2013 00: 22
      It is generally difficult for a person with a conscience, shame and modesty to get into leaders, and now these qualities generally interfere with his career. If after 1917 the official ideology was silent about this (it means there was still shame), but now it is quite normal. Compare the TV shows - then there were "Come on guys", "Come on girls", where the friendly and selfless won, and now "Weak Link", "Dom-2", and many others, where the main task is throw mud at each other to win some material handout from sponsors. Here young people look at it and take it as a norm of behavior.
  20. xmike
    April 16 2013 09: 57
    Thank you author! Raised the desired topic. Moral purity will save the world IMHO
  21. +7
    April 16 2013 10: 02
    It is good that the author recalled these concepts, and many have already forgotten about it ... It's a pity. Article +
  22. +8
    April 16 2013 10: 26
    Quote: vorobey
    Thanks to the author for the article, but I disagree with some statements.

    I will support ...
    Because the author posed very serious and necessary questions, did not quite logically compose the results of the presence and absence of conscience, modesty, shame, inaccurately showed us the consequences of their loss in part or most of the Slavs ...
    If, as the author writes, these qualities, necessary from the point of view of the Russian soul, are destroyed by someone among the Slavs in order to subdue them, then he admits a contradiction - if the enemy "lowers" the enemy to his fierce level, then how can he win " equal to "?????????
    I believe that all the listed virtues among the Slavs, being a brake, a block in civilian life, turn into a breakdown of brakes against enemies who stepped onto Russian land (!), Who entered first ... Blocks, brakes, like a valve block the opposite side of the valve seat, letting anger, rage, revenge, anger pass almost freely ... But in the free position, the valve is clearly throttled when part of the anger, rage, revenge, anger turn for the most part, but not without the remainder of the former, into valor, courage bordering on self-sacrifice . In addition, in the fierce currents, there remains a place for nobility, mercy, and other virtues, and in some cases - just pity for the flawed enemy.

    The main thing is that the Slavs have words (!) As concepts that determine the state of the soul, words of which are not in the form of words, not in the form of concepts of the state of mind (?) For most enemies, which means that although the threshold decreases for a while feelings of the Slavic generation lulled for a while, but the concepts themselves are indestructible at the level of our genetic memory. IMHO.
    I have never seen in my families, to an average standard of living, not a single family where children were brought up without conscience, shame, modesty - for a very long time it will be impossible to exterminate anything in the family education system given to us from our parents. There is a connection of generations!
    Still condemned, as before selfishness ... Until now, many parents raising their children drive (literally) what is good and what is bad.
    The theme of the rhyme and the Soviet cartoon about devils - "Love yourself, spit on everyone and success awaits you in life ..." - was and will be negatively assessed by Slavic society. I'm sure.
    1. +6
      April 16 2013 12: 35
      Quote: Tartary
      I believe that all the listed virtues among the Slavs, being a brake, a block in civilian life, turn into a breakdown of brakes against enemies who stepped onto Russian land (!), Who entered first ... Blocks, brakes, like a valve block the opposite side of the valve seat, letting anger, rage, revenge, anger pass almost freely ... But in the free position, the valve is clearly throttled when part of the anger, rage, revenge, anger turn for the most part, but not without the remainder of the former, into valor, courage bordering on self-sacrifice . In addition, in the fierce currents, there remains a place for nobility, mercy, and other virtues, and in some cases - just pity for the flawed enemy.

      Tartary, despite our disagreements on certain issues, here I just silently bow my head before your words. You can’t formulate it more precisely.
      1. 0
        April 16 2013 13: 09
        Quote: vorobey
        Tartary, despite our disagreements on certain issues, here I just silently bow my head before your words. You can’t formulate it more precisely.

        Thanks, of course ...
        But I don’t know what disagreements you are writing about and I don’t remember what issues, and when did we have an irreconcilable discussion?
        1. +2
          April 16 2013 13: 22
          Quote: Tartary
          and when did we have an irreconcilable discussion?

          There was no irreconcilable discussion between us, but there were different points of view. That is what we and people see the world and events in different ways.
  23. +4
    April 16 2013 10: 33
    There is such a thing as a “pain threshold” - it means how a person tolerates pain. Each one is different, with the same effect, one will be bent in pain, and the other will be shot like an elephant. So such concepts as: conscience, shame, modesty - are very individual, also have their own thresholds. And the gradation of understanding of these terms in people can have very big differences.
    Small examples. Warsaw ghetto. One character saves Jews from hunger, sells them bread. Price of a loaf of mininum gold earrings. The character survived the war, made a fortune and somehow got on the set of a documentary. When a journalist asked him: “Does he consider his actions immoral?” He sincerely offended - he also saved people. There are domestic characters. Here the author does not imagine how a fellow villager can lend money at interest. And, as a rule, they did not give money. They gave grain, on credit, at a percentage, including in a hungry year. The words kulak, kulaks are known before the revolution and one of the many meanings in the dictionary means lender in the village. And they also sincerely considered themselves the benefactors of the community. And how will we talk about conscience with such characters - and Vaska listens and eats.
    The author condemns the British they do not have words in the dictionary - conscience, shame, modesty, but here is a paradox of words, but there is order in society. And Unas still wrote a classic: our country is rich, only there is no order. I am for order, I am for clear legal norms - laws that suit the life of society. Everyone is equal before the law - regardless of social status and the amount of money in the wallet. And shame, conscience, modesty, they are simply necessary in interpersonal communication where there is love, friendship.
    1. broker
      April 16 2013 19: 30
      My grandmother told me that wealthy peasants were called kulaks, that is, those who worked from dawn until dawn and kept the farm in a "fist" !!!
      1. +3
        April 16 2013 19: 39
        Quote: broker
        My grandmother told me that wealthy peasants were called kulaks, that is, those who worked from dawn until dawn and kept the farm in a "fist" !!!

        Grandma was right ...
        "Corn aphid" finished off the peasantry completely.
        Since then, we have been trying to "learn to walk on their own" as after a stroke.
  24. dmn2
    April 16 2013 10: 43
    "The difference between shame and conscience is that conscience is a public, shared with other members of society, a regulator of morality, and shame is an individual fuse."

    The difference between conscience and shame is not that one is a social "regulator" and the other is an individual one. They are both individual. The difference is in the moment of action. Conscience - acts proactively, stopping a person from taking any action, warning - it is not worth doing this. If a person did it without listening to the voices of conscience, then shame rolls over.
    Conscience and shame are inherent in every person from birth. Later, under the pressure of the social environment (or under the influence of alcohol, for example), these feelings can be muffled. There is even a saying - "Conscience drank" or "No shame - no conscience."
    The higher morality of Russians (compared with the British, for example) shows that society in Russia developed more righteously than in the West.
  25. +3
    April 16 2013 10: 59
    Article ++++ I just surprised - the author believes that in the old days in the bazaars they did not praise their goods. praised. They even put a "barker" on purpose in front of the shop. And if there was no separate shop, then they stood in the row and also periodically praised and offered their goods. BUT! If a person stopped in front of a neighbor in a row, all praise stopped and were silent until the person made his choice, i.e. or bought, or tried to go further. Here a neighbor on the counter could offer him his goods. And this rule has survived to this day. As for advertising on TV - this is definitely MAD! And she just needs to be ignored.
    1. broker
      April 16 2013 19: 31
      As for advertising on TV - this is definitely MUCH! And she just needs to pass ears.

      And the TV too)))
  26. vladsolo56
    April 16 2013 11: 03
    It is all of the above that annoys Europeans the most. After all, a person endowed with these qualities is a cut above. They really wanted and are sure now to also make us equal to ourselves, for a start, and then humiliate us. They almost managed to complete the first part, our younger generation is gradually freed from the concepts of honor and conscience. Our school education does not consider it necessary to conduct education, the concept of a modern school to provide knowledge no more. Parents are always busy with him once, grandparents are generally withdrawn from the process of raising grandchildren. And yet I do not want to believe that Russia can be turned into a stupid and insensitive consumer society.
  27. +3
    April 16 2013 11: 07
    All these concepts are rooted in the communal way of Russian life, they were its foundation, they allowed to preserve the identity and integrity of the Russian world. The Western world has long destroyed spiritual structures at the base of its universe. This allowed him to break ahead at a certain point in terms of make money, but this development paradigm is ending. Humanity does not need so many goods, so many services, but it is impossible to stop, otherwise it is death. But you can’t watch three televisions and wear two jackets at the same time, so the mechanism of self-destruction of Western civilization starts: vicious and unprincipled liberalism, thirst for consumption, etc. They are logical stages of the Western development model, since they allow you to maintain demand, while the final loss of conscience, shame, modesty and honor no longer look like an excessively high price for maintaining income, these concepts are not evaluated in monetary units and therefore have no value. Russia has a chance to survive in this storm, it is necessary, first of all, to return to its original basis, to establish its own rules of the game here and make everyone who wants to play on our field to comply with our rules, which will be based on CONSCIENCE, modesty, shame and honor!
    1. 0
      April 16 2013 11: 30
      make everyone
      :) it does not happen :)))
      1. +1
        April 16 2013 14: 12
        It even happens that it’s enough to read the history of the USSR in the period from 1928 to 1989 year. And you can, if you are too lazy to study history, try to go through the procession in the center of Peshawar.
  28. +4
    April 16 2013 11: 08
    Guys ... you already decide - cutlets separately, flies separately.
    The article is good. To the author ... for sincerity ... only palpating.
    What do we want from foreign ... universal people?
    Conscience, shame, what else ...? Exactly - what else!
    Yes, the entire Inquisition was aimed at radically leveling the population of Europe. A little different - on the rack, swimming test. You differ more - auto-da-fe, on the fire.
    The whole penitentiary system - to level the population to such that it was impossible even to breathe on the LAW. All these hangings, starting from 10 years. All these Monfocons.
    And then they got used to it, and then Lutherans-Calvinists-Protestants-Anglicans appeared
    1. +2
      April 16 2013 20: 22
      Administrators, ay ...?
      From my text, hardly a third is left. Thanks at least, someone nevertheless put the pluses. Familiar, I guess.
      Now it’s too late to write. Ok, I’ll be a reader.
    April 16 2013 11: 11
    There is also a riddle, a love of inventing fairy tales.
    Once upon a time I was struck by the following fact: a Russian aviation engineer suggested to Emperor Nicholas II to throw bombs on the enemy's heads from airplanes on the battlefields of the First World War. Do you know what the "Director of the Peoples' Prison" answered? He said that doing this is extremely immoral and ignoble.
    and how does this relate to this
    The first full-fledged bomber was the Russian "Ilya Muromets" - a four-engine vehicle, created by I. I. Sikorsky in 1913. On December 21, 1914, all the “Muromites”, equipped with bomber weapons, were brought into a single unit, the “Squadron of Air Ships,” which became the first heavy bombers in the world. Bombs were placed both inside the aircraft (vertically along the sides) and on the external sling. Also, the aircraft was equipped with defensive machine gun weapons. By 1916, the bomb load of the aircraft increased to 800 kg, and an electric spreader was designed to drop bombs. In 1917, "Ilya Muromets" was equipped with 8 machine guns and a small-caliber gun, had a reservation and well-designed fuel tanks.
    ? And so on in the text. I am ashamed comrade, ashamed. Has the example of the Nazis taught nothing? What is the division of people like the Nazis?
  30. +2
    April 16 2013 11: 14
    The site has a lot of fighters. I always ask them, and who, besides the Church, will be engaged in the soul of the people? House 2?
    1. Rrv
      April 16 2013 13: 32
      The answer depends on what you mean by the church - all those who consider themselves to be Christian believers, or specifically the ROC?
  31. Corporal
    April 16 2013 11: 21

    "Conscience is an aptitude, faculty, intuition or judgment of the intellect that distinguishes right from wrong."

    If we are all so smart, why don't we build?

    The author bears stupid nonsense. Among all peoples there are all these qualities, and as far as I know, these qualities have always been considered positive.
    Enough to pedal the theme of Russian uniqueness, lured, honestly.
    1. 0
      April 16 2013 12: 14
      Yes, indeed, everyone has two arms, two legs and a head!
      No difference ...
    2. +6
      April 16 2013 12: 59
      Quote: Efreytor
      Stop pedaling the theme of Russian uniqueness, lured, honestly

      You know the corporal, oddly enough, all qualities are manifested in an extreme situation and situation. I was telling something like one story from my past life when on our block the paths of a column of militants crossed with a civilian column. my question is amer or brit or would a german meet these columns to negotiate in order to avoid civilian slaughter? Probably not.
      1. Corporal
        April 16 2013 14: 00
        There is no amer, shave or German. As there is no Russian. These are some abstract spherical horses in a vacuum, applicable in jokes.
        There are specific individuals.
        1. +4
          April 16 2013 14: 12
          Quote: Efreytor
          These are some abstract spherical horses in a vacuum, applicable in jokes.


        2. +4
          April 16 2013 19: 03
          Quote: Efreytor
          There are specific individuals.

          Simple and peacefully disagree.
          Collect separately the above representatives from each nation, culture, religion, and yes - we will differ only in color and spoken language.
          But try to track the behavioral reactions of the same representatives when they are grouped by the same criteria: national, religious and skin color ...
          The anecdote forgot about what happens when Russians and Jews gather in one, two, three ... I think one of the members of the forum will write down.
  32. z-exit
    April 16 2013 11: 28
    But I felt ashamed of us Russians not so long ago. A friend of mine from Armenia came to the Moscow region this spring to stay with friends for only 1 month. I want to say that he is a very good person, it is incredibly pleasant to communicate, the girl is sweet, brought up conservatively and in severity, in the Caucasian way. I ask how they say impressions, how do you like in Russia? Literally: "Not really, some of your people are rude." I was very upset about this characterization. The most offensive thing is that she was right, there was even nothing to object. Alas, the Russian people are losing the concept of "conscience". Many in Russia behave like cattle, probably myself too, I just don't notice.
    1. +3
      April 16 2013 11: 40
      Many lead - but many do not. And there are many more for just one reason - see Modesty. Those who are on the screen or in big politics are constantly on the screens. And of course, what is happening with us is assessed by them. Caucasians could be silent about their rudeness. Let's - what a sin to conceal - all nations somehow behaved incorrectly throughout history. The value of this article is different - we must sooner or later think about our country and try to correct what was done wrong, but this can be done only when we take a sober look at everything that has been done. And we will benefit. But the sweeping accusation of their own country is nothing more than treason. Facts must be confirmed - and they are, on the contrary, falsified in this devilish desire to defame oneself - their ancestors. What should their souls do when looking at us from above? Really help? Let's build and not destroy - then we will become a Great country where everyone can be meaningful and not five to ten people.
    2. +6
      April 16 2013 16: 47
      Your example is crafty. Rude Russians and friendly Caucasians. Conscience and rudeness (and maybe straightforwardness) are two different things.
      Hostility sometimes hides behind the outward smile of a Caucasian. Why Yerevan Armenians so hate other Armenians not living in Armenia. In order to get to know the Armenians more precisely, it was necessary to live among them, after which one desire arises, not to live with them even close by.
      And what did the Caucasians do in general, that the rude Russians were forced to leave these smiling away. And now, these benevolent Caucasians do not want to live at home, and again go to the rude Russians.
      Why don't others go to the Caucasus to live?
      It is not necessary to sprinkle Russian ashes, and cattle among Russians (as z-exit put it) significantly less than in the Caucasus. Russian conscience is not determined by respect for Caucasians.
      The culture of human behavior in Russia has recently been shaped by the era of thieves capitalism and liberal values, instilled in Russia.
      1. +6
        April 16 2013 19: 19
        Quote: stas
        Your example is crafty. Rude Russians and friendly Caucasians.

        Not everything is so simple - there was a single example, the "attitude" of the Armenian girl and the situation she faced was not taken into account.

        Here is an example. I was born in grew up in the northern Black Earth region.
        From 19 to 25, he studied in the south of the then USSR.
        He left for work in the European north of the country.
        12 years ago I live again in my small homeland.
        And for me there are three main groups of Russians, which differ in mentality very noticeably: the southerners of Russia (USSR), the inhabitants of Central Russia and the northerners of the European part of Russia.
        Yes, there is still MOSCOW - but it’s completely another song.
        Do not ask - what is the difference - I do not really describe, and I do not want to offend anyone.
        Here is the alignment. And there are also residents of Siberia and the Far East. And do not forget about other ethnic groups in Russia?
    3. broker
      April 16 2013 19: 35
      Not everything is so bad if we have cattle people then over a hill of cattle !!! )))
    4. walter_rus
      April 17 2013 00: 37
      Caucasians always support their relatives, fellow countrymen ... And Russians - less and less. Therefore, our guests from the south are occupying more and more niches, including in Moscow. And among Russians, brothers and sisters often hate each other, but mostly they are simply indifferent to each other. The slogan of the Russians should not be "beat strangers", but "help your own", and then strangers will begin to respect us.
  33. +4
    April 16 2013 12: 12
    I agree a thousand times!
    All these qualities are the foundation on which the Spirit of the people is based, and therefore the nation itself. This will not happen - we will deserve the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.
  34. +3
    April 16 2013 12: 53
    "... the Slavs are losing the war to the Anglo-Saxons for several reasons ..."

    Here the author of the article is in a hurry.
    We lose individual battles and battles. But with the war, let's see ishsho.
    But, everything goes to the point that they atomize, having lost their Anglo-Saxon identity.
  35. aleksandr.k
    April 16 2013 13: 45
    Thanks to the defender of GBLT Mr. Putin and his team, they methodically create conditions for the demoralization of the Russian nation. It is worth looking at the ministers of education, the former defense, and agriculture. Yes, these are all pests of pure water.
  36. djon3volta
    April 16 2013 13: 58
    and those who rent apartments boiling up in difference, do they have a conscience? no .. earlier it was possible to rent an apartment only by paying for housing and communal services, and now? this is not a business, this conscience is not for people who pay for housing and communal services, for example 3-4 thousand, but rent an apartment for 10-20 thousand, 15 thousand lay in your pocket without doing anything.
    1. z-exit
      April 16 2013 14: 53
      Quote: z-exit
      and those who rent apartments are welded in the difference, they have a conscience? no ..

      Here are your comments always plus (the last time in the topic about Kadyrov I added "-1" there today, and posts in support of Putin always plus yours) ... but here ... I will refrain. Although I myself do not rent anything to anyone, I think you expressed yourself too altruistically and communistically. Do not envy this sinful thing. People live as they can. Some live better than where else to go. Just some in this way have the opportunity to live and raise children. And God forbid.
      With all due respect, I think that you did not give a completely good example regarding conscience, although the border zone is essentially ... In general, I suggest not condemning the landlords of apartments ... there are many other more acute public ulcers ... And it is not necessary to rent an apartment to have problems with conscience ...
      1. +3
        April 16 2013 18: 38
        Quote: z-exit
        In general, I propose not to blame the landlords of the apartments ..

        Well, which side to look at. If a person rents one apartment, then maybe he pays for his children’s studies or something. I know those that have two families in the same apartment, so that they can earn money for medicines. But those who, like some of our deputies have 7-10 apartments and ALL rent them out, then we can definitely say that they have no conscience!
    2. YuDDP
      April 17 2013 01: 48
      in the Moscow region from 25 thousand for odnushka, in Moscow is even more expensive
      There would be no demand from those who came in large numbers :), there would be no supply ...
  37. +2
    April 16 2013 14: 03
    I read it with interest! To author +
    Every year morality and ethics "falls" absorbed by the concepts of tolerance and liberalism! But in Russia it is an order of magnitude higher than "civilized" America and Europe! But even here it is worth recognizing that the phrase of the Russian officer to the soldier - "Brother" in World War 1, has already departed, but it's a pity !!!
  38. +2
    April 16 2013 14: 06
    Quote: djon3volta
    and those who rent apartments boiling up in difference do they have a conscience? no .. earlier it was possible to rent an apartment only by paying for housing and communal services, and now?

    That's how it is buggy. Well, when and where was it possible to rent an apartment for housing and communal services? Yes, and why should I rent an apartment for free? I earned it, and others should use it fool

    Quote: djon3volta
    15 they put nothing in their pocket, doing nothing.

    1. +2
      April 16 2013 22: 57
      Quote: atalef
      I earned it , and others should use

      "The non-factional deputy Yuri Derevyanko and his family have a house of more than 600 sq. M., Five apartments, two summer cottages and four huge plots, the largest of which is 15,4 hectares. His colleague Valery Moshensky and his family have a house, a mansion. in 1300 sq. m., an apartment, four garages and nine land plots. The land tycoon was also the striker Yaroslav Dubnevich: nine plots were registered on him (three of them are amazing: 3 hectares, 8 hectares and 15 hectares). He also has seven houses , three apartments and two dachas. And regional majoritarian Anton Kisse, together with his family, own ten apartments. His party colleague, businessman Alexander Gerega, is also doing well both with land and housing: in his property and in the property of his family there are eight plots (two of which are 20 and 21 hectares), two houses, seven apartments and a summer cottage.
      Not bad with the "squares" and the opposition. On the wife of the ex-head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Lutsenko, Irina, a land plot in 775 sq. m and a house in 203 sq. m, and on Lutsenko himself - only an apartment in 27 square. m. At the same time, Irina Lutsenko lives in another three-room apartment, in the center of Kiev, in Pechersk, recorded on one of the family members of the ex-minister. The most apartment is oppositionist Tatyana Donets. The deputy from the "Fatherland" - seven apartments and a house in 405 square. m
      For example, First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Arbuzov and his family own two houses of 170 "squares" each, an apartment and two land plots with an area of ​​3,5 hectares. The Minister of Economic Development Igor Prasolov has two apartments and six plots of up to 13 hectares. And the richest was the head of the Ministry of Defense Pavel Lebedev - he and his family have two mansions with a total area of ​​almost 2000 square meters. m, apartment and more than 50 land plots "
      And sho? They all earned? And bought at the market price? Feel the difference!
  39. Vtel
    April 16 2013 14: 11
    In order to destroy him for free, at the expense of the enemy and with the hands of the enemy himself, amputate his conscience.

    I agree -1917!
    God, even at the very creation of man, drew His image and likeness in the depths of his soul (Genesis 1:26). Therefore, it is customary to call conscience the voice of God in man. Being a moral law written directly on a person’s heart, it acts in all people, regardless of their age, race, upbringing and level of development.
    And why did Russians have a greater conscience before - so they used to pray to God in life and in labor and in battle and went to their Orthodox Church. The West has estranged itself from God with its civilization, therefore in the West everything is like a ruler, and in the souls (not all of God) their (conscience) darkness and stench, or as in the picture.
    1. Rrv
      April 16 2013 14: 32
      Unfortunately, in this image and likeness of negative qualities was much more than positive. feel
  40. +2
    April 16 2013 14: 38
    Damn how good we are, why we live so badly! Che Serdyukov’s conscience didn’t bite
  41. gameover65
    April 16 2013 14: 58
    very good article. my friends and I are talking about this, it feels like someone overheard us or read our thoughts. smile
    it is pleasant to realize that we are not alone in our judgments.
  42. z-exit
    April 16 2013 15: 05
    Quote: z-exit
    and those who rent apartments are welded in the difference, they have a conscience? no ..

    Quote: z-exit
    Quote: z-exit
    and those who rent apartments are welded in the difference, they have a conscience? no ..

    Here are your comments always plus (the last time in the topic about Kadyrov I added "-1" there today, and posts in support of Putin always plus yours) ... but here ... I will refrain. Although I myself do not rent anything to anyone, I think you expressed yourself too altruistically and communistically. Do not envy this sinful thing. People live as they can. Some live better than where else to go. Just some in this way have the opportunity to live and raise children. And God forbid.
    With all due respect, I think that you did not give a completely good example regarding conscience, although the border zone is essentially ... In general, I suggest not condemning the landlords of apartments ... there are many other more acute public ulcers ... And it is not necessary to rent an apartment to have diphicitis of conscience ...
  43. gameover65
    April 16 2013 15: 11
    in my opinion, not all people are the same, or rather, not all people on this planet are PEOPLE.
    scientists have almost come to the conclusion that conscience is an innate quality.
    those. there are those who have it, and those who do not have it, he is born.
    those who have it are people, and who do not have humans.
  44. +5
    April 16 2013 15: 22
    They do not have a word in the language denoting the concept of advice! I did not know and did not think. And if there is no concept, then there is no such phenomenon. Thanks to the author for a good article.
  45. +3
    April 16 2013 16: 42
    Very correct article !!!
  46. kabizdox
    April 16 2013 17: 53
    read with interest, thank you for the article.
  47. +3
    April 16 2013 18: 41
    "That's when I seriously thought about what conscience is, and does everyone have it" (C) Conscience is the voice of God in the soul of man. Thank God that the author came to the conclusion, what is conscience and does everyone have a conscience ?! Everyone has a conscience. BUT, some people sin before God, and at the same time the soul hardens, becomes more and more bitter ... That's when the conscience becomes less and less perceptible for a person. The inner voice grows dumb, which is a pity. After all, conscience and its derivative - shame, modesty - from humility, elevate a person, make him purer, and in this case, the connection with God is not lost. Otherwise, emptiness and eternal destruction.
  48. +4
    April 16 2013 18: 53

    The soul is Christian by nature
  49. +3
    April 16 2013 20: 16
    Good evening all!
    Many thanks to the author for the article. And here, of course, the matter that I set is no longer a plus, but that there are those true, unforgettable values ​​that encourage us not to give up, to remain a Man, to analyze ourselves and even self-flagellate, to acknowledge our mistakes and not only to be judge yourself, but also sometimes act as your own executioner, always remain human, even when it’s not at all easy in the realities of modern values ​​and thirst for benefits that drown the moan of conscience. Here we make the choice ourselves.
    I remembered the film "At home among strangers, a stranger among friends", now there is a clear understanding that I am among my own.
  50. +2
    April 16 2013 21: 03
    Russian soul is a language! The submission of history and the life of its people throughout history. RUSSIAN LANGUAGE absorbs and digests everything and everyone. HOW THE CLASSIC SPEAKED Russian is a palette of the artist and a set of different brushes, while English is painting with a paint brush. Modesty, conscience, shame, these are both inborn concepts and acquired along with acquisitions from the Russian language. Imagine being the owner of any other language and try to express your thoughts? ... Latin rationalism and logic leads to a reduction in concepts and feelings, and therefore to the primitiveness of being ...
  51. Terkin
    April 17 2013 00: 26
    There will still be brothers. Let's throw off this veil, the fungus that is eating us away.
  52. +2
    April 17 2013 00: 42
    The article is fire.....
    There are excellent comments about the Ancestral Memory awakening in Russian People.....
    Take care of your immortal Souls, Slavs, it is conscience, modesty and Spirit that should help you with this. Well, I can also say that conscience always speaks to a person in Russian. Do not acquire worldly goods here, make friends with People, help the weak, do not abandon the defenseless. In Lada, live with Yourself. This is the main thing ...
  53. The cat
    April 17 2013 01: 00
    I've been buying on Ebay for many years (I don't think I need to explain what it is?). So, dear Russians, you are one of the most dishonest and thieving nations, judging by the countries where sellers refuse to send goods and reviews on specialized forums. And the Americans you hate are some of the best sellers. So continue to praise yourself, but the opinion has already been formed.
    1. YuDDP
      April 17 2013 01: 59
      Your opinion makes us neither warm nor cold.
      On ebay, purchases are made through PayPal (I think there is no need to explain that it is prepaid). Just to throw dirt, right? But I wasn’t smart enough to think that I wrote something stupid. Although, what to expect from yesterday's schoolchild.
      1. The cat
        April 17 2013 11: 17
        Quote: YuDDP
        Your opinion makes us neither warm nor cold.
        On ebay, purchases are made through PayPal (I think there is no need to explain that it is prepaid). Just to throw dirt, right? But I wasn’t smart enough to think that I wrote something stupid. Although, what to expect from yesterday's schoolchild.

        I know RR, but you seem to have only heard. “Enterprising” Russians buy in the USA with first class delivery, which is tracked only within the USA, and after 45 days they demand money back. "Russian Business"
        1. Chumich
          April 17 2013 12: 50
          There they call everyone who is from the USSR Russian, they don’t care whether they are Georgian, Ukrainian or Russian, so this stone is in the common garden
        2. Egor.nic
          April 17 2013 15: 27
          You are wrong. These are pure Jewish tricks: - deception, shortchanging, kickbacks, money scams, non-repayment of loans, forgeries, embezzlement, etc. The first money changers in Rus' were Jews, the first money lenders in Rus' were Jews, the first speculators in Rus' were Jews. All for personal gain and against conscience. And all this came to Rus' from the time of its baptism - when thousands of parasites from Byzantium and Rome poured into its lands.
  54. +2
    April 17 2013 07: 43
    I never thought about it before. And then it occurred to me that before, even merchants in Rus' concluded deals on their word of honor. I was working in the zone, and for the first time I heard the phrase: “Are you in charge of the market?” Even now, this expression is: “The boy said it, the boy did it.” And the most probably old thing is that if the word is not a sparrow, you won’t catch it when it flies out. What I mean is that it seems like all three of these concepts, conscience, modesty, shame, can be defined into one thing, honor, and if you are an honest person, and words do not differ from deeds, then you are respected, and if not, then they will call you an arrogant, shameless and unscrupulous bastard, and they will have no business with you. I don't think I like lawyers, especially lawyers. what
  55. 0
    April 17 2013 18: 26
    Conscience, modesty, shame... unfortunately, the new generation is not in fashion... look at house 2..... mutual responsibility, constant swearing, rudeness, denunciations against each other... this is the new education. Today, young people do not like to read, and TV and the Internet are the main source of information for young people. I really liked the excerpts from Russia 1 about the Patriotic War of 1812 and the military read poems on the star... I wish there were more such inserts on the channels... maybe at least this way the new generation will see our glorious ancestors from whom we really need to take an example, and not from Olga Buzova and ...but Hollywood heroes
  56. 0
    April 19 2013 19: 21
    Quote: dddym
    And this is how they live. The author may be immodestly polemicizing by emphasizing our “Russianness,” but I’ll tell you - he’s right! What kind of conscience could Churchill have, who in 1945 planned the “Unthinkable”. What kind of conscience can the United States have, which killed 9 million people in Korea over 3 years, of which 80% were civilians. What kind of conscience can they have who destroyed more than half of the inhabitants of Vietnam?

    conscience is a human attribute
    and the state has pragmatism (they constantly scatter their people, just so that the majority would feel good (this is ideal), you can’t please everyone), and if for some, in conscience, then to the detriment of others,
    remember the Strugatskys, It’s hard to be God - rain for the rice harvest - harm for cotton growers, you can’t please everyone

    and even reading news reports about how militants in Syria, sponsored by the West and the Arabs, are killing civilians and destroying the country, did you not catch yourself thinking how you wish the death of this West and such Arabs?