The reason?


The irreducibility of the “will” to “freedom” and even the hidden antagonism of these close notions are obvious to everyone feeling the language.

So what is so dissatisfied with our Western-oriented public in the Russian structure of life? After all, the fact that it does not suit. And something very deep, radical does not suit. What lime would like, but ... does not go and does not go! What, ask? Yes, that does not fit this Russian device in the Western standard. Here though you burst, does not fit! And this is insulting for the orthodox carriers of Western values, and it is dangerous in part. That is, it is believed that it is not only inconvenient for them to live here and in something dangerous, but also dangerous on a global, so to speak, scale. And this question, about the difference between "devices", which for a long time was seemingly cultural, now goes into the category of the military. To understand how much, it is enough to look, in what expressions the sect of pro-Western orthodox, they are the same “Minority with a capital letter”, in their statements about the “contemptible majority” goes beyond the limit of permissible. Valid in any society!

But this - about statements - is a separate topic. And we will now return to the merits of the question.

Which of our writers most admired and admired the whole world? By the way, I do not think that this world assessment should be crucial for us. But still. Let's answer this question before moving on. Especially since this answer is absolutely obvious to everyone. Much more than the rest of our great writers, the world in general and the Western world in particular admired and admired Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. It was Dostoevsky who had the greatest influence on Western literature of the twentieth century. And not only on the literature. On philosophy, on culture and even on science - psychology, for example. Having established this undoubted fact, we go further. Which of our great writers described the conflict between our fanatically westernized “Minority with a capital letter” and Russia as such with the greatest clarity, depth, clarity and depth? Dostoevsky.

And finally, who has cursed the then West most toughly, reasonably? I stress the then classic bourgeois West. Which was devoid of the current postmodern disgusting traits. Dostoevsky. It was he who foresaw the inevitability of the appearance of perverted features. And he cursed the West like no other.

All this was perfectly understood by both the pre-Soviet liberals and the Soviet authorities. Which for this reason belonged to the author with enthusiastic wariness. Especially since the author, not once, by the way, cursed the sacrificial revolutionaries of our revolutionaries, he took a distinctly imperial position, was friends with inveterate "guardians", and called the Soviet authorities their reactionaries.

To interpret Dostoevsky's work in a Westernist-liberal way, to create an image of Dostoevsky that is in tune with the heart of our modern fanatical Westerner - you can only by isolating yourself to the limit, spitting with all sorts of literary, cultural, and ideological conscientiousness. By the way, the word “conscientiousness” in Russian, a language dangerous for our Westerners, is not at all the meaning that similar words have in foreign languages. That is the direct meaning is the same. According to this sense, good faith is professional integrity. But the curse of the Russian language is that it complements this (and so hated by our Westerners) sense - a sense of other, already completely “outrageous”. And then the "good" and "conscience"? Why in a purely professional, you know, games to drag in these extraneous matter?

Karl Popper condemned Marx - for what? For what he has drawn into the value of science. What in Marx so fascinated the Russians? That is what delighted! Because Russians are so arranged. And it is impossible to alter them. More precisely, the alteration must begin with the language. What, by the way, and do. The main thing in this Russian device is the rejection of certain fundamental differentiations. There is no “truth” for Russians, in which there is no goodness and beauty. And there is no beauty for Russians in which there is no truth and good. In order to say that “beauty will save the world”, one must be a Russian writer. Goncurs cannot say so. Because beauty in principle has no right to save. It must satisfy the aesthetic sense, that's all.

However, the detailed development of this important topic will lead us too far. We just need to establish that Russian writers in general and Dostoevsky in particular are not writers, but teachers of life. They were perceived as the prophets of their time. Yes, and they themselves perceived. By the way, this concerns not only writers, but also cultural workers in general. Anyone in the West could say that “theater is a chair”? And then the department? I remind the reader of these things that have been repeatedly spoken only in order to formulate a thesis that is of fundamental importance: the fanatical Western liberal of the spill that we are considering, CAN NOT NOT AIM TO DESTROY RUSSIAN LITERATURE. Or its enslavement, which is the same. He may be a teacher of literature or even a literary critic, but he treats Russian literature like an SS soldier with prisoners of Auschwitz. He can even “sink into” a separate prisoner in a concentration camp robe and start romance with her. But he is an SS man, and this is important. The destruction and enslavement of Russian literature is part of the operation to destroy and enslave Russia as such. Destruction is the termination, reproach, and reprisal. Enslavement is a reinterpretation, arbitrary interpretation, guidance of monstrous laudatory accusations.

The true masters of destruction and enslavement are postmodernists. Therefore, the destroyer and enslaver of Russian literature cannot but be a postmodernist. And since Russophobia can also be Russian - and this is very important to understand - Russian Russophobia is a special category. After all, Bykov Russophobia in Russian and, destroying the Russian cultural matrix, he destroys his cultural matrix. The result is an incredibly poisonous mixture that turns the Russian Russophobia literary critic into a special virus. Possibly having a worldwidehistorical - or rather, antihistorical - meaning. Whether this virus is being removed for some ominous world-historical use, or is it formed here by chance and for local purposes - in any case, this phenomenon is very large-scale. And this virus, of course, is ideological. That is, we are talking about a war of ideas in the full sense of the word.

Consider how exactly this is done. For without specifics, our model does not have the necessary qualities. That is, it does not allow to identify specific "leprosy" of the virus and provide them with proper resistance. Resistance is not about stifling Bykov or the whole community of which he is a part. And in order to more accurately understand themselves, the “device” that they are trying to get rid of. Having understood, strengthen this device. Make it the basis of resistance, meaningful both for us and for the world.

Here D. Bykov speaks in a lecture about Dostoevsky - the one that was already mentioned in the previous article - about the "black earth" nature of the Karamazovs (read the Russian people), in which "infinity, immensity, uncultured wildness" ... Steppe beginning ... Will ... Not he alone says, of course. But he is just the last one to speak out - relish and with utmost inner slyness, also accompanied by cheating, on this topic. Well, consider in more detail. Because, I repeat, the topic is there, and it is downright military.

Yes, we have this special concept - “will”, which simultaneously conveys two meanings in the language, and is extremely important for the Russian mentality, since it is one of the components of the so-called cultural core. It is not equal to the European concept of "freedom." Like its Russian counterpart. The irreducibility of the “will” to “freedom” and even the hidden antagonism of these close concepts are obvious to everyone who feels the language. Moreover, this contradiction has its own history of understanding and discussion within the framework of our culture. It is most succinctly and clearly expressed in the play of L. Tolstoy's Living Corpse. There, in the famous scene of the gypsies, the hero Fedya Protasov, listening to “Non-Evening”, says in shock: “This is the steppe, this is the tenth century, this is not freedom, but will!”.

But the same sense of will as a special substance permeates all the great Russian literature. Pushkin, Gogol, Leskov, Chekhov, Blok, Gorky ... Dostoevsky, of course ... Well, how could it be otherwise? This is what is inherent in the Russian nature itself. The landscape after all is enchanted! He plunges into himself and plunges himself - internalized, as psychologists say, by man. Moreover, in the ancient and subsequent times, the specific nature and geography created completely objective prerequisites for the formation of a special behavioral code, of a special nature among the peoples inhabiting these expanses. As a result, it gave rise to the whole of Russian history, with its generally peaceful territorial expansion, its imperial pretense, and even with the special role of the “tsar-father”. Because it is not a matter of “slave nature”, but of collective intuition: you cannot keep such a country without a powerful central authority. In general, this is the most "cultural core" - a particularly important thing, hard-to-destruct, and in Russians (broadly understood) it is arranged differently than in Europeans. Accordingly, it is very possible to understand those who, like A. Rakitov, having set themselves the goal of undermining “this country” under the European standard, are raising up their entire royal army to fight against the Russian phenomenon.

The phenomenon, in particular, manifested itself in the fact that although capitalism came to Russia, it was belatedly repeating the path traversed by the West, but, for example, bourgeois literature as western tracing paper did not arise. The bourgeoisie has somehow emerged. But in the pure form of the novel, this “epos of the new time”, did not arise - that is, the novel appeared, but surprisingly peculiar. “Russia responded to the reforms of Peter with the appearance of Pushkin,” said Herzen. In fact, Russia has developed its “asymmetrical” response to the advent of Modernity. The Russian novel of the XIX century (like all literature, however) turned out to be so filled with the popular perception of the world that, despite the characteristic features of the genre: the appearance of a hero with his individuality, his private life, his relations with society — one can hardly say that he, as a European novel, reflected the "spirit of the new time." Namely, the collapse of the traditional society and the emergence of a positive active individual. This fundamental difference very precisely caught T. Mann, speaking of Tolstoy’s novels, that they “lead us into temptation to overturn the relationship between the novel and the epic, asserted by school aesthetics, and not to consider the novel as a product of the disintegration of the epic, but the epic as a prototype of the novel” .

Of course, not least this specificity of Russian literature is connected with the fact that Russia has not accepted capitalism. The completely “atomic” individual in the life itself was rather the exception, and the literature reflected, even concentrated, like a lens, this enduring Russian craving for integrity. Traditional society did not disintegrate, secular culture did not lose the Orthodox spirit, popular faith existed along with Orthodoxy, but ... capitalism was already there, and the Russian spirit was looking for a way out of an insoluble contradiction.

Searched and, by the way, found. That is what particularly infuriates our liberal. This is what gives rise to his - sometimes seemingly inexplicable - densely anti-Soviet nature. And even when such a liberal starts praising something in the USSR in the USSR, as Bykov does, do not flatter yourself - this is a way to kill the Soviet by means of a poisonous interpretation. Here I again return the reader to the metaphor about the SS man and the prisoners. And I cite just one quote from the same lecture on Dostoevsky. After talking about Leo Tolstoy at the same time and advising to follow the “bequeathed by two titans” “life-giving” (that is, to accept life as it is, with its incorrigible nasty - a sort of gnostic in passing!), And also, touching on, touching Gorky, “teacher” The writer states the following.

“Gorky in Luka meant Tolstoy. He felt in Tolstoy the main thing - his deepest disbelief in man. Tolstoy thinks that a person needs tradition, faith, upbringing, family, family - a mass of external circumstances in order to keep from the terrible. Tolstoy does not believe in the man himself. An individual is doomed. But Dostoevsky, if not strange, gloomy, bloody Dostoevsky believes in man. A person needs to fall ... - further on the greatness in the fall (here, however, it becomes completely incomprehensible how to oppose Dostoevsky to Tolstoy on this basis, after all that “without sinning, you will not repent”), but most importantly, ideological, in the end - Paradox ! The system, which believed in a man who rewarded him with all the virtues, ended in disaster, and the system, which did not believe in man, came to amazing comfort. ”

What is out of place and “ideological” to the obscene is understandable. A postmodern propagandist should act like that - interfering with quotations like a card sharper. The fact that again about “comfort” is ridiculous and once again shows that the minority from this very letter is seriously obsessed. The fact that it is said that in the USSR "they wanted the best, but ..." is exactly on the topic of praise through the lip. But what really strikes you is that as a result of all this balabolism, the precise and clear meaning of the ideas of Russian classics is completely turned on its head. Clear, clear, easily provable.

What is it you are for Russian writers, Mr. Good, so rude - the main thing is that it is GROSS - you slander?
31 comment
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  1. +19
    April 12 2013 06: 35
    It is the Russian language, like a bone in the throat of Russian liberals. It does not translate adequately into the languages ​​of their idols .T. to. bears a sacred meaning in itself. For the same reason, it is hated by nationally preoccupied panes and bays.
    Once Khrushchev blurted out that this old Mao's overshoe was picking his ideas out of his nose. It came down to the helmsman, but "old galosh" was translated as "worn shoes", which in Chinese means a woman of not heavy behavior. We made the translation together, imagine what happened.
    1. +4
      April 12 2013 10: 07
      Quote: Humpty
      It is the Russian language, like a bone in the throat of Russian liberals

      And not only them, Alexander.
      The whole scientist and not very peace. For ......
    2. Atlon
      April 12 2013 10: 58
      Quote: Humpty
      It is the Russian language, like a bone in the throat of Russian liberals.

      Here, "RUSSIAN". And the author (Armenian, by the way) writes, as it should be written: RUSSIAN. Of course, besides the Russians themselves, whoever is not there ... But judging by the surname, she appeals to the Russian (and who is this Bykov?). And here's the strange ... Which of them is more Russian? Bykov or Mamikonyan? I bow to Mamikonyan ... After all, it is known that RUSSIAN is not only (and not so much) an ethnos as a state of mind, a diagnosis, if you like.
      1. +6
        April 12 2013 11: 14
        Quote: Atlon
        Which of them is more Russian? Bykov or Mamikonyan

        Well, in general, Dmitry Bykov, not quite Bykov, he is Zilbeltrud's father. Bykov is the surname of his mother.
        Russophobia from the pope probably inherited Leo Moiseevich.
        What's so surprising?
        And the author is the wife of Sergei Kurginyan Ervandovich. But everything is logical.
        1. Hudo
          April 12 2013 11: 54
          Quote: baltika-18
          Quote: Atlon
          Which of them is more Russian? Bykov or Mamikonyan

          Well, in general, Dmitry Bykov, not quite Bykov, he is Zilbeltrud's father. Bykov is the surname of his mother.
          Russophobia from the pope probably inherited Leo Moiseevich.
          What's so surprising?
          And the author is the wife of Sergei Kurginyan Ervandovich. But everything is logical.

          "All Icebergs, Weisbergs, Eisenbergs, all sorts of Rabinovichs." (c)
          1. +1
            April 12 2013 21: 15
            How is it missing:
            "... - What bastards these Russians are," the young lieutenant said unexpectedly for everyone, "I would put them all through one and shoot in turn.
            Silence reigned in the room. Everyone looked at Stirlitz. Stirlitz spit out a piece of stew, stood up, and, having overturned three tables, strode forward to the presumptuous lieutenant.
            “A fascist pig,” he muttered, and slapped the lieutenant in the face.
            “Sorry, I don’t quite understand ...” muttered the dumbfounded lieutenant.
            Stirlitz lost his temper and, grabbing a stool, brought it down on the head of an unlucky lieutenant. The lieutenant fell, and Stirlitz began viciously kicking him.
            - I am a Russian intelligence officer Isaev and I will not allow a dirty German dog to insult a Russian officer!
            Four SS men rushed to separate the fighting. The amused Stirlitz was dragged away from the groaning lieutenant and, in order to reassure, they offered to drink for his Motherland, for Stalin.
            “Yes,” said Stirlitz, calming a little. He drank a mug of schnapps, the redhead SS man readily poured a second, Stirlitz drank another. The lieutenant became uninteresting to him.
            - Well, how is it possible, - one of the front-line soldiers whispered to the sobbing lieutenant, - with Stirlitz himself talking about the Russians, and even in such expressions! I would kill you in his place. "
        2. 0
          April 12 2013 11: 56
          The reason we are not loved is as simple as 2X2. If A has some kind of plan and B interferes with it in this (while constantly, for centuries) Yes , then for AB enemy, rival.
      2. +6
        April 12 2013 12: 54
        My deep conviction that there are no Russian liberals, there are Russian ones who position themselves as residents of Russia
        , for example Kasparov. But Russian people, in my understanding, can have completely different endings of surnames, at least, -yan, -man if you like. Important in this case is the inner world of man.
    3. explorer
      April 12 2013 14: 36
      As in the old joke: winked
      -Oh, devushka, krAAsavitsa, do "Rodina" go out ??
      - ...
      -Do "Rodina" come out ??
      - Are you beautiful, YES? nice? laughing
  2. Fox
    April 12 2013 06: 38
    an interesting literary article ... BUT, damn it, the site is military! ... not? Yes, and if so: will is the core of the character of a person living according to conscience. Freedom is the inability to make decisions based on conscience, i.e. with shifting responsibility for the consequences to others (laws, religion, herd)
    1. 0
      April 12 2013 07: 44
      I began to read the article, immediately remembered the school literature lessons, and with that I was tight, barely lingering.
    2. +2
      April 12 2013 11: 23
      Quote: Fox
      BUT, damn it, the site is military!

      Damn, Fox .... It certainly ...
      But he is also patriotic and socio-political ...
      So everything is in place. In this I am completely and completely on the side of the administration.
  3. +3
    April 12 2013 06: 59
    The bearers of traditions are ordinary people.The traditions go back to the ways of individual survival in the team and are determined by the environment of the collective.The more severe the living conditions, the more harsh the internal traditions of the group.All traditions and laws ensure the survival of the majority of the group with minimal expenditure of resources of the collective and the individual. All of them, traditions and laws, undergo a natural evolutionary selection. The unnecessary is eliminated. Not the following attitudes die. The funny thing is that most of the ethical norms of society are a product of this evolution, and not someone's highly intellectual activity. People who are against these ethical norms of evolution are doomed. no matter how they try to destroy the tradition. Tradition will change the outer shell without changing the inner essence. As an example, the merger of Orthodoxy with the Vedic traditions of Russia. Orthodoxy shell, the inner basis of the Vedic traditions. Well, and so on.
  4. +7
    April 12 2013 07: 26
    As always, what Tyutchev wrote interferes. Mind does not understand Russia,
    No yardstick to measure:
    She has a special feature -
    You can only believe in Russia.
  5. Nesvet Nezar
    April 12 2013 07: 31
    Love our motherland - your mother! (WITH)
    1. Hudo
      April 12 2013 11: 59
      Quote: Nesarya Nesvet
      Love our motherland - your mother! (WITH)

      Hmm, to whom "homeland", and to whom and MOTHERLAND! To whom is "mother", and to whom - Mother!!! Who will offend her, we can give in the face!
      1. 0
        April 12 2013 12: 16
        Quote: Hudo
        Who will offend her, we can give in the face!

        Yes ONCE!
  6. +3
    April 12 2013 07: 34
    But with the same sensation of will as a special substance, all the great Russian literature is permeated. Pushkin, Gogol, Leskov, Chekhov, Blok, Gorky ... Dostoevsky, of course ...
    Dostoevsky is most of all. Actually, he was a little unhealthy with his head, maybe that’s why he is closer to them?
    Although obscene, but witty Barkov (Luka Mudischev, etc.) is wretched with their equally wretched fackom not understand
    So what does not suit our western-oriented audience in the Russian way of life?
    They just make monkeys. A cleaning manager is cooler than a janitor, but are there any figs?
    1. +7
      April 12 2013 08: 56
      Quote: Denis
      Dostoevsky is most of all. Actually, he was a little unhealthy with his head, maybe that’s why he is closer to them?

      You are not alone Denis. I quote.

      You know, ”I reread Dostoevsky in the last three months. And I have an almost physical hatred of this man. He is certainly a genius, but his idea of ​​the Russians as an elected, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice that he offers make me want to tear him to pieces. A. Chubais.
  7. +5
    April 12 2013 08: 54
    Quote: Fox
    interesting literary article ... BUT, damn it, the site is military! ...

    Russian language - this is a weapon they have been fighting with him for a long time, realizing his power, but we can’t understand this))
    tanks, missiles, aircraft are the options of the People in the conduct of war, and the Russian language is the basis and foundation, thanks to which the Slavs are invincible. As soon as they realize this (imagine)) All "carriers" of Russian culture - you can not be afraid of anything ... (as well as wait)))
    Quote: sergey32
    yes, and if so: the will is the core of the character of a person living according to conscience. freedom is the inability to make decisions according to conscience,

    Although I see that at the subconscious level, we all understand that ....

    Quote: Nesvet Nezarya
    Love our motherland - your mother! (WITH)

    To these words there is NOTHING TO ADD ,,,, ....))
  8. +4
    April 12 2013 09: 24
    “You know,” he confesses to the visiting journalist, “I have re-read Dostoevsky in the last three months.” And I have an almost physical hatred of this man. He is certainly a genius, but his idea of ​​Russians as an elected, holy people, his cult of suffering and the false choice that he offers make me want to tear him to pieces. (From an interview with Chubais). ATTITUDE TO CLASSICS AS LACMUS PAPER if it causes hatred and contempt, it means that it is not worth it to be a minister and a major boss, nothing good will come of it.
    1. +1
      April 12 2013 09: 28
      Quote: FC Skif
      FC Skiff

      Good morning Maxim. I understand when Dostoevsky is being poured mud on Chubais, it seems that fans appeared on his site
      1. +2
        April 12 2013 09: 45
        Is it not a pebble in my garden?
        If I consider the article not quite suitable for the site and do not like to read Dostoevsky, then I am a fan of Chubais. Well, you have the logic!
        1. +3
          April 12 2013 09: 49
          Quote: sergey32
          Is it not a pebble in my garden?

          No, you didn’t call Dostoevsky abnormal. In general, you may not like to read Dostoevsky, but he is Russian and therefore he is ours. And you don’t need to water your mud. Since Russian means the best and let's go.

          And thanks for unsubscribing, only a plus
          1. +2
            April 12 2013 20: 03
            Quote: Vadivak
            you didn’t call Dostoevsky abnormal.

            Actually, late Dostoevsky has too much that can only be of interest to a professional psychiatrist — turning the darkest sides of the soul on public display .. in medicine, all this has long been described
  9. +2
    April 12 2013 10: 03
    Karl Popper condemned Marx - for what? Because he pulled values ​​into the science of. What so fascinated the Russians in Marx? That is what delighted! Because the Russians are so arranged. And it’s impossible to remake them ...

    But which Russians admired Marx? Missed in the coordinate system?
    Marx - Russophobe. And it was precisely for this that Mikhail Bakunin was more than once beaten in the face.
    1. +3
      April 12 2013 10: 10
      Quote: BigRiver
      But which Russians admired Marx? Missed in the coordinate system?
      Marx - Russophobe.

      Namely, Marx hated Russia and Russians, worshiping him and his ideas resembles the behavior of our Natsiks, carrying a swastika and worshiping Hitler, who hated us and treated us like garbage.
      1. +2
        April 12 2013 10: 19
        Quote: Vladimirets
        resembles the behavior of our Natsik,

        And in Buchenwald their morons, the third soap from the right. Or Auschwitz "Arbeit Macht Frei" and let them be released through the chimney.
    2. +1
      April 12 2013 10: 14
      Quote: BigRiver
      Marx - Russophobe. And it was precisely for this that Mikhail Bakunin was more than once beaten in the face.

      It’s a pity that it’s not the handle of Webble or Smith and Wesson
  10. +3
    April 12 2013 11: 44
    It is high time to realize and accept as inevitable that Western values ​​are alien to the Russian mentality, stop looking to the West and feel that Russian civilization is much more humane and more viable than Western ones. How can you imagine that a Russian priest will write out an idulgence for money? It was necessary to think up such that for money it was possible to pay off any crime. Is this the progressiveness of Western civilization?
    History testifies that all Western characters, once on Russian soil, could become great only if they were completely Russified. You don’t have to go far for examples: Lermontov, Barclay de Tolly and many others. Everyone who lived in Russia, tried to preserve and promote Western values ​​and mentality became either enemies or outcasts, cursed in Russian history. The soul of Russia does not accept the mercantile, prudent, disgustingly meticulous in the details of the Western mentality. If anything will be Russia’s benefit from the West, it’s knowledge, technology and technology, and one that we ourselves don’t have. Ever since the time of Peter, this was obvious. Western civilization took shape in conditions of incredible crowding of the population, which is why their understanding of human rights is laid down in an ugly formula: my freedom ends where the freedom of another begins. Those. a person’s personal living space of freedom is exactly as much as he will be able to recapture from others. Compare this with the scope of Russian open spaces and the breadth of the soul. It's time to finish wringing a hat in front of overseas gentlemen and standing with outstretched hand (for investment). It’s time to start at least formulating for ourselves our own conditions of the game, according to which we will live in the near future, and not play games whose rules change on the go and not by us (WTO, Cyprus, etc.)
  11. Vtel
    April 12 2013 13: 31
    Two different poles - Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky Soul of Russia and Berezovsky, Gusinsky ...
    1. 0
      April 12 2013 21: 22
      Quote: Vtel
      Two different poles - Dostoevsky, Tchaikovsky Soul of Russia and Berezovsky, Gusinsky ...

      And where is Trotsky? Comrade Bronstein requires identification.