Hetmans are strolling the country, or Ukraine on the eve of the great shukher (recommended)

Hetmans are strolling the country, or Ukraine on the eve of the great shukher (recommended)Political analyst Andrei Vajra - about the present and future of Ukrainian statehood, relations with Europe and Russia's position in an interview with columnist Maria Solovieva.

Maria Solovyova: Vladimir Zhirinovsky publicly called Yanukovych a traitor for the fact that the Ukrainian president is actively promoting the idea of ​​European integration. How much do you agree with this characteristic, and why do you think so?

Andrew Vajra: Vladimir Volfovich slanders Viktor Fedorovich. Offends how much in vain. It is not good ... It can betray her, a friend can betray. But Yanukovych has never been his for Russia. It was once stupid in Moscow that the leader of the regionals was a friend, and now, when it became obvious that this was not the case, they decided that he was a traitor, and they were very upset about this, they even became nervous, including statements by Zhirinovsky ...

At the moment, the Kremlin is faced with its own illusion. This is not something that hurts, but rather offensive. Moreover, the collision occurred with another illusion in a fairly long series of similar illusions. After all, a number of important events were being prepared by the Kremlin under Yanukovych-President, but it turned out that the “body” not only did not move, but did not perceive the obvious.

- Who could have known that the pro-Russian Yanukovych, who was supported by Moscow more than once after winning the election, would make a sharp turn towards Europe?

- Probably, if you and I worked as high-ranking officials in the Kremlin, we would not know. It would be a surprise for us. But we do not work there, and therefore were aware of what Yanukovych is. Your humble servant knew this long before the last presidential election. And you learned about it from me in 2010 year.

This is not our first conversation. Therefore, when I was preparing for our conversation, I was not too lazy to find my interview, which I gave to your publication in September 2010. Remember?

You then asked whether Yushchenko Yanukovych and Azarov are friends of Russia and antipodes. And I answered:

“YUSHCHENKO and YANUKOVICH DON'T BE POLITICAL ANTIPODs. THEY STAND ON ONE IDEOLOGICAL PLATFORM. Both the first and second - supporters of the project "Ukraina". Both the first and second principled opponents of the equalization in the rights of any manifestations of Russianness and Ukrainians.

At the moment, Ukrainian political nationalism, which has reached its highest point of development, “svidomizma,” has no antipode at all. The ideology promoted by Yanukovych is a soft, adapted for the perception of the Russian Ukraine version of "svidomizma." And then he added: “RUSSIA'S FRIENDS ARE NOT WATCHED ON A GOVERNMENTAL OLYMPE OF UKRAINE. Do not flatter yourself with the loving rhetoric of individual Ukrainian politicians against Russia. It has a lot of sweetness, but very little sincerity. And the truth. Only a personal calculation.

You then doubted my categorical statements. And this is understandable. How can the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Security Council, the FSB, the SVR and other authoritative structures be wrong? And I, in turn, then doubted the adequate perception of the Russian authorities of the regionals and Ukraine as a whole. I quote myself beloved:

“Recently, I have the impression that the Kremlin does not really understand much about what is happening in Ukraine. It seems that the success of Yanukovych in the presidential elections and the rapid increase in our influence of Moscow have finally brought down the sharpness of Russian officials. As Vladimir Ilyich once wrote, it’s dizzy with success. ”

I can repeat the same thing now ...

- Does Russia continue to make mistakes in relation to Ukraine?

- continues. But trying to fix them. Foreign policy, geopolitics, cannot be built solely on commercial interests. This is the same if the one-legged participated in the marathon.

After the sacking of the country in the 90s of the last century, the current Russian government is fixated on the financial and economic aspects of foreign policy. It even looks like some kind of psychological trauma. Win economically and financially at all costs! Press assets and money at any cost! And everything else will follow! So still thought in Moscow. But this is a mistake. This is something like a tank breakthrough that is doomed to defeat unless supported by infantry and aviation.

- So in Moscow thought? Or think?

- If we take into account the statements of Vladimir Putin about the so-called. “Soft power” that Russia should use in its foreign policy, then, probably, all the same - they thought. You just have to wait and see what exactly this Russian “soft power” will result in.

It is not my first year that I say that financial, economic, and political expansion, even very successful, will be temporary if it is not strengthened by direct work with the mass consciousness of people.

You can be a successful businessman, but everyone will hate you. And you can be a successful businessman and cause respect and even love for everyone. This is me to the fact that now the Russian business and Russian political influence is entering Ukraine, in fact, in the zone of psychological alienation of a significant, if not most, part of the Ukrainian population. And I do not exclude that Moscow does not fully understand this.

For more than twenty years, Ukrainian journalists, festered by the West, Ukrainian journalists and all the country's leading media outlets demonstrate Russia and Russians as primordial enemies, as an aggressor and invader. In Moscow, my words will most likely be perceived as an exaggeration. But this is from the weakness of understanding the situation in Ukraine. And this situation is such that over the course of 20 over our years, our journalistic corps (having passed totally through the so-called Western “training programs”, grants and other forms of Western “complementary foods”) tirelessly unwound the Russophobia in Ukraine. Now Ukrainian television is vaccinating hate against the people of Russia almost since childhood. In Ukraine, thanks to the propaganda developed there, it is fashionable and stylish not to love Russia. And this dislike is grafted onto the masses consciously and purposefully. Just like the idea that Ukrainians are Europeans. Everything is turned upside down, but you can afford it if you form the semantic and informational trends in the country.

In this connection, the possible return of Russia to us in the minds of a significant part of the population is already considered as an occupation. And it should have been perceived as liberation.

- In Ukraine, Russia is losing the information war?

- In Ukraine, Russia is losing the war for the souls of ordinary people. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT! And without victory in this war here, any economic and political success of Russia will be short-lived.

- And what are the reasons for this loss?

- First, the Ukrainian ideology is completely at the mercy of the West, which promotes it through Galicia and the Galicians who flooded the same Kiev. All modern Ukrainian ideology, permeating politics, the media, the education system, etc. is derived from the ideology of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, which was once headed by Stepan Bandera. I will not go into details and talk about the fact that the OUN had two wings and two leaders. In this case for us it does not matter. In this case, the main thing for us is that the ideology of modern Ukraine in its foundation bears OUN Russophobia. Moreover, militant and irreconcilable Russophobia. And in Moscow they do not understand this, or they close their eyes to it. And in vain.

For example, Ukrainian neo-Nazis are very afraid of Jews. Because they know that they clearly and rigidly react to every anti-Semitic attack anywhere in the world. Because they know that Jews do not forgive offenses. Because they know that Israel has extremely effective special services that can get almost any enemy. Therefore, every time after some spontaneous anti-Semitic scandal, the leaders of the Ukrainian neo-Nazis are cowardly running to the Israeli embassy to apologize, like, for example, the leader of "Freedom" Tyagnibok. Because they know that for them there can be fatal consequences. And they openly spit on the Russians, as they are sure of their impunity. And it is necessary that they were afraid of Russian stronger than the Jews. It is necessary that they know that they will expect blood with blood for every incident against Russians or Russia.

- Do you think that the rapprochement between Russia and Ukraine is impossible until the Ukrainian ideology changes?

- That's right ... And Russia loses in the fact that information is not represented in Ukraine. In this sense, it is simply not there. There are newspapers with old Soviet brands, completely arched under the local ideological conjuncture, and nothing more.

... Yes, in Ukraine there are people who are leading an ideological and information war with the impudent Galician neo-Nazis, historical falsifications, with Russophobia, outright lies in the Ukrainian press and on television. Perhaps organizations will soon appear that will physically oppose Ukrainian neo-Nazis. Everything goes to this. But this is partisanism. Our resistance is spontaneous and disorganized. This is a "war" at your own peril and risk.

- What do you think should be done in this situation?

- Moscow to think not only about the "pipe".

- The question of the CTA is now relevant?

- Overly relevant. Yanukovych’s last visit to Moscow was devoted to the gas transportation system. It was necessary to decide who would get what, and under what conditions.

- But did not work?

- Yes. Obviously, Yanukovych still does not understand the seriousness of the situation in which he finds himself. No one has yet decided to explain to the Ukrainian guarantor that he can go to the second presidential term only under conditions of a relatively tough authoritarian regime. He has virtually no other options for “re-election”.

- In Moscow, he was offered a second term in exchange for the "pipe"?

- What are you ... That's too much. In Moscow, they can only offer him a personal percentage of the exploitation of the “pipe” within the Ukrainian-Russian consortium and personal security guarantees after he ceases to be president in 2015 year.

- Do you think that he will not be able to win the presidential election?

- Will be able. If his “election” will not depend on the people.

- you hint at dictatorship?

- On some of its similarity that can create the conditions of elections without a choice. However, as they say, “not according to Juan a sombrero”, because he exhausted everyone.

To retain power, it is necessary to rely on some kind of force, either on a particular class or social layer within the country, or on external support. Yanukovych does not rely on anything and no one. He lost the support of the common people, the support of Russia and the West too. Now he is losing the support of the oligarchic clans, who put him in the presidency. Hope for a court camarilla is an illusion.

- What is the way out?

- To give power under the guarantee of personal security and the security of everything acquired by them "overwork". In any case, this is the most realistic scenario. It is quite possible. He does what is demanded of him, gives up what he has to give up to 2015, and quietly loses the election to the boxer.

The boxer suits both Russia and the West. He is almost equally trusted by all regions of the country, unlike the rest of the so-called. opposition leaders. He is inexperienced. It is limited and manageable. He will do what he is told. Klitschko is Yushchenko, but without the famine sticking and embroidered idiocy. The best candidate in a word. And for all.

- How is Tymoshenko?

- And what about Tymoshenko? The woman is sitting and feeling good at it. The main thing that the envy of enemies and friends did not destroy her. Simple, biting, hohlatskaya envy. And all our elite crowd, including Yanukovych, is jealous of her. We are not accustomed to talk about what causes the envy of the Ukrainian elitarians with respect to Tymoshenko.

What do you think a woman is sitting on? For having the wrong gas contract signed? And what is its wrongness? In that it provides for too high a gas price for Ukraine? But they did not guess. This is not its main incorrectness. His main irregularity is that he was signed by Tymoshenko, not Yanukovych.

You see, while Yulia Vladimirovna is languishing in the dungeons, the interest from the revenues that Gazprom receives from selling its gas to Ukraine under this contract is dropped onto her foreign bank accounts. And the higher the price of gas, the greater becomes the personal capital of Tymoshenko. Here is what, above all, enrages Yanukovych and Co.. Very solid money goes into someone else's pocket. And it's annoying!

The result is an unpleasant situation: the authorities have taken, but they cannot earn good money. Not Yanukovych signed the gas contract, it means that the money is not his. And Tymoshenko is sitting, considering dividends from a profitable deal throughout her life and is waiting for 2015 of the year when she comes out beautiful, rich and famous.

- Was the unfavorable contract deliberately signed by Tymoshenko in exchange for interest on its implementation?

- Exactly. In another way, Ukraine’s gas contracts are not signed. Yushchenko did the same, and before him Kuchma. The gas business in Ukraine is based on presidential kickbacks. Tymoshenko violated this tradition, and for this she was punished.

Even Russophobe Yushchenko had a percentage of the sale of Russian gas by Gazprom to Ukraine?

- So what? What do you think, why did Yushchenko need to break the contract, under which Ukraine bought huge amounts of gas for some ridiculous? Indeed, from the point of view of national interests, such a move looks like a complete nonsense!

But the fact is that Kuchma concluded with Russia a contract that provided for the purchase of Russian gas by Ukraine. And that's why he received from Moscow a “presidential rollback.” When Yushchenko came, he asked: “Where is my money?” They answered him: “At Kuchma. If you want to redirect the cash flow of "gas dollars", sign your gas supply agreement with Russia. " Yushchenko and signed. The price of gas for the country jumped to the skies, but the “dollars” went to the bank accounts of the presidential “family”.

Then Tymoshenko became the prime minister. Naturally, the woman slept very poorly, knowing what money goes past her box office. In the end, she shook in Moscow. Faded this question with Vladimir Vladimirovich. It turned out: no problem! Sign the new contract and your “rollback”! Well, she signed, despite the fact that most of the Ukrainian government was against it.

- The price of gas was too high.

- Of course. But the fact is that the higher the price for Ukraine is for Russian gas, the more “kickback” is obtained for the one of the Ukrainian elitarians who signed the contract for its supply. That is why each new gas contract for Ukraine is worse than the previous one, regardless of who came to power.

- What about the interests of the state?

- What state? I'm afraid that you think in Russian categories. In Ukraine, the state does not exist. Here the state is oligarchic clans. Therefore, in the first place are the interests of these clans, and then everything else. And whoever becomes the Ukrainian president, the situation will not change. This is a lot of money that this audience will not be able to refuse.

Moscow simply buys the Ukrainian ruling elite. And this elite is happily for sale. And those who are now eager for power in Ukraine do this in order to sell at a higher price. And for Moscow, their "more expensive" - ​​this is a miser. Therefore, she simply buys another gop company that comes to power in Ukraine. She learned this from the West. It buys the way Europeans buy, for example, the ruling elites of African countries. Now Ukraine for Russia and Europe is a piece of Africa, by the will of fate found itself near their borders.

- In Russia, when discussing the European integration of Ukraine, they are talking about some truly enslaving conditions for Ukraine. Why did the EU consider it necessary for Ukraine to set such conditions?

- First, let's clarify. For all the years of "neutrality" nowhere and there has never been a conversation on the part of Europe about the European integration of Ukraine. Moreover, high EU officials and leaders of European countries have repeatedly said that for a variety of reasons, Ukraine cannot be a full member of the European Union. This is the fact that the Ukrainian elite deliberately ignored for almost twenty years, telling their people sweet tales about how he will heal in the European Union sometime in the future.

All these long years, it was not about integration, but about cooperation between the EU and Ukraine as a country outside the borders of the European Union. Europeans never deceived anyone about this. They always told the truth. They have always said that Ukraine has no chance of becoming a member of the EU, although theoretically it has the right to do so. And all the talk of the Ukrainian elite and the media about European integration is just speculative reflection within the framework of a given ideology. To put it simply, all the talk about Ukrainian European integration is a hoax.

Well, imagine the situation: Yanukovych / Yushchenko / Kuchma goes to the tribune and says: “Dear Ukrainian citizens, I want to inform you that, for objective reasons, Ukraine cannot become a member of the EU even in a distant future.” And then what? You understand that this will mean the collapse of the ideology of Ukrainians, on which the whole project of “Ukraina” is based?

If the road is closed in the EU and it’s almost impossible to survive on your own, then where should you go? It is clear that the alternative to the European Union is the Eurasian Union. But they can't admit it! They have long been hostage to "European integration." Indeed, without this “European integration”, the project “Ukraina” becomes absolutely impossible! So they continue to carry nonsense about "European integration."

- And what about the associate membership of Ukraine in the European Union, which Brussels can give to your country this year?

- Another lie. In official documents of the European Union there is no such thing as “associate membership”. Any EU expert will tell you that there are no “associated members” in the European Union. There are “member countries”, “candidate countries” for EU membership and “potential candidate countries”.

The European Union has several types of so-called. association agreements. Association agreements of the first type are concluded with “candidate countries” for EU membership. Contracts of the second type are concluded with “potential candidate countries”. And third type association agreements are concluded with countries that have no prospects for EU integration. In the latter case, such treaties were signed by Brussels with Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Ukraine also wants to be in this row.

In our case, the Association Agreement is a very strange thing. On the one hand, it provides for the creation of a free trade zone and the implementation of reforms aimed at the Europeanization of Ukrainian standards in the political and trade and economic spheres, and on the other hand, it does not provide (does not guarantee) neither Ukraine’s membership in the European Union nor any rights in framework of "cooperation".

The association agreement is, in fact, a long list of European requirements for Ukraine, which, formally, should adjust its standards in different areas to EU standards, so that the EU is more comfortable with our country. Moreover, by signing the Association Agreement, Ukraine finds itself in the legal field of the European Union, that is, it becomes obligated to comply with many EU normative and legislative acts, whether it wants to or not, whether it is beneficial or not beneficial. But at the same time, our country does not receive any rights and preferences that EU members have!

The result is a funny situation. By signing the Association Agreement, we actually give up part of our sovereignty in favor of EU officials, but do not receive anything in return, even membership promises!

- And then what is the meaning in it?

- For the national interests of Ukraine - no. For the ruling Ukrainian top, this Treaty is, firstly, a part of the ideology on which the Ukraina project rests, and secondly, a PR action, demonstrating to the potential voters the Europeanness of the “regionals” and their European integration efficiency.

For the European Union, the Association Agreement almost completely subordinates Ukraine in legal, financial, and trade and economic terms. Moreover, the consequences of this subordination may have catastrophic consequences for entire branches of the Ukrainian economy.

And besides, having signed the Association Agreement with Ukraine, and tying our country to its standards and rules, the European Union, therefore, will not allow it to participate in the integration projects of Russia, where there are standards and rules. For the EU, the strategic meaning of this Treaty is the establishment of full control over the internal market of Ukraine and the complete blocking of Ukraine’s participation in Russian integration projects.

- Why do “regionals” go for it if it is unprofitable?

- I suspect that only a good specialist in the field of psychiatry can answer this question. I have repeatedly said that oligophrenic predominate among the Ukrainian chiefs. Many people think that I'm just trying to insult someone. But in fact, I only state a psychiatric fact.

- Why does Europe not want to see Ukraine as an EU member, even in the long run?

- And why is the EU Ukraine as a full member? What can it give him? Our resources? So he will receive them and so, and inexpensively, if Ukraine is in the FTA. Our population? And why should he? To feed him? So the European Union now and feeds its poor members with difficulty. And then there are more than forty million freeloaders! Why do they need them? To wash toilets in Europe? So the citizens from the former social camp, all kinds of Balts with the Poles, do an excellent job with this case. Even European closets do not expect Ukrainian citizens in the European Union anymore.

But in the case of Ukraine’s accession to the EU, millions of our compatriots will move to the West in search of food. And these are not high profile specialists. These are mostly unskilled workers who can do the simplest work. And there is plenty of such “good” in Europe.

Let's be frank, Ukraine and its population for Europe is illiquid. Remember what it means from an economic point of view? Illiquid assets are property that cannot be used in production and therefore are subject to sale or disposal.

Ukraine for Europe is a wild region inhabited by wild aborigines. And if, with a great desire, Ukraine can be adjusted to European standards in terms of the quantity, shape and size of the cucumbers it grows, then it is impossible to fit the population of Ukraine to European standards. This human material has a completely different property and quality. Here we are talking about human nature, mentality and culture. It is impossible to change the plan for European officials.

For Europe, we for the most part are something alien, incomprehensible, carrying chaos and a threat, some kind of Africa, so they behave with us as African countries. Their task is to establish reliable control over the territory of Ukraine and use it as a barrier against Russia. And nothing more.

Therefore, Ukraine has no prospects for European integration. Even theoretically. European integration is a “carrot on a stick,” with which Europe directs Ukraine in the direction it needs. Or rather, keeps at a distance from Russia.

- So, the EU Association Agreement can sign?

- Yes. It is beneficial to the European Union. Therefore, the Europeans will try to squeeze out some concessions from Yanukovych before the end of the year, and then sign it, thereby blocking our country's entry into the Customs Union. Well, and their ratification, they either tightened, or even bury them until the moment when the new "orange" came to power. This can be done by any member of the European Union. And the “regionals” will remain with an empty piece of paper on their hands and with their illusions alone.

- The persistent reluctance of Ukrainian politicians to join the Customs Union is irritating in Moscow. What proposal from Russia could incline the elite and the people of Ukraine towards choosing a union with Russia?

“Russia has nothing that could convince the ruling Ukrainian elite of the need for Ukraine to join the Customs Union.” Now this elite is better without Russia. Therefore, Moscow can only create conditions under which the Ukrainian elite without Russia will be very bad, unbearable, suicidal bad. Moscow has no other options.

In my opinion, Russia needs to bring the construction of the Customs Union to a logical conclusion, leaving the “European-integrated” Ukraine behind its wall, with all the ensuing consequences. The Ukrainian elite must understand that without Russia, without the Eurasian Union, it is doomed to lose its business. However, in fact, Putin is doing this now. It consistently cuts financial, economic and trade arteries through which Russia still feeds the livelihoods of the “Euro-integrating” Ukraine.

And the further the integration processes in the post-Soviet space continue, the more disastrous the economic and social situation in Ukraine with its European choice will be. It is obvious that our elite and most of our people understand the obvious truth that without Russia, without a new Empire, we have a haplyk. So that even the weakest on the head began to understand the essence of being.

In my opinion, the situation will become very interesting when the countries of the Customs Union introduce a visa regime and restrict free movement across the border of the labor force. After that, the beauty of the so-called. “European integration” will be fully felt by those millions of ordinary Ukrainian citizens who now earn their living from their families in Russia. That is, here we will have the last bastions of the economy, and it will be impossible to get to feed you. That's when the jolly will begin. That's when many here at our place will want to hang with their whole soul local “foremen” with “hetmans” and go under the “Russian Tsar”, as it once was during the time of the Ruins.

You know, we now have a very sharp discussion about the vehicle. Many are very sarcastic about him. They say: "Putin will come and take everything away." They even find 2010 videos of the year where Lukashenko impartially speaks about Russia's actions in the framework of the Customs Union. You see, they say, “Muscovites” stripped Belarus as a sticky one, even “Luka” is not satisfied. Ukraine will enter the vehicle and with it the same will be!

“Russia does not want to be on an equal footing with the former republics of the USSR!” They cry out. Our proud Ukrainians demand equality! They want to be on equal terms with Moscow, be stupid, greedy, thievish, poor, weak, but at the same time talk on an equal footing with someone who is smarter, richer and stronger! But does that happen in life? Or maybe in the EU someone will talk to them on an equal footing? Well, what a delusion, the right word?

They fear that "Putin will come and take everything." And what about all? How much is left of what is still not taken away from ordinary citizens of Ukraine without Putin? After all, most of us have long been working for food, just to survive physically! And so with that simple Ukrainian citizens, if the Russians take away from our oligarchic party what she once took from the people? Or do we have nothing else to do, how to worry about the assets of Ukrainian oligarchs?

In general, whatever Russia gives Ukraine, it will still be small. Such is our hohlatsk soul. It seems that the times of "giveings" are gone. It's time to pay bills.

- What is the probability of the collapse of Ukraine?

- The probability is large enough. The mechanism of the collapse of Ukraine is very simple. It all depends on whether this regime can stop the financial, economic and social decline of Ukraine. If he cannot, and the facts speak about it, this fall will sooner or later provoke a large-scale political crisis. In other words, in the conditions of continuously decreasing resources in the country, the struggle for them will become extremely acute. At the first stage it is political, at the second stage, the matter can go as far as shooting.

If you look at our regions, you can easily distinguish the subsidizing country Southeast and subsidized West. Already, the Galicians are actively screaming that Kiev redistributes the state budget funds in favor of the South-East (Donetsk) and gives a miser of Western Ukraine. But at the same time, our glorious Galicians from “Freedom” are silent about how much money the Southeast gives to the state budget and how much the West. And it is not by chance that they are silent. The fact is that at the moment the Southeast region of Ukraine actually contains the Western. Like it to someone, or not, but Little Russia contains Galicia. That is why the cries of national unity and catholicity of Ukraine are constantly heard from Galicia. The marriage of Little Russia and Galicia is not out of love, but purely by calculation.

After practically all the industry built by the Soviets in Western Ukraine was safely destroyed by the Galicians and “sawn”, the bulk of the working-age population of this region went abroad to earn money, and the entire Galician social sphere and the financing of the crumbling infrastructure of the regions were hung up neck continuing to earn money Southeast.

As a result, a paradoxical situation has developed: the South-East of Ukraine works in factories, pays taxes, deducts money to the budget, but lives poorly, and the West of Ukraine, having left abroad for work, brings out the cash that is unaccounted for in tax authorities, builds three-story palaces for itself , buys expensive foreign cars, but in the general state the boiler gives practically nothing. As a result, the poor population of the South-East of Ukraine actually contains the rich population of the western regions of the country, since it is the “skidnyakov” money that goes to social payments to “zapadentsev”, to medicine and education, to maintain roads, bridges, dams, etc. infrastructure of Western Ukraine. And the “zapadentsy” themselves, without suffering from the torments of conscience, at the same time still teach the “skhidnyakov” how they should live correctly, what language they should speak, which gods to pray, which heroes to worship.

Moreover, now Galicia, with the lips of the leaders of Freedom, shouts with surprising impudence that the Southeastern regions emit little of it, that the Russian Ukraine is obliged to raise the cash content of Galicia, that the state should increase subsidized revenues to local budgets of the western regions!

Do you think that “Freedom” is striving for power with such frenzy? Just because the Carpathian jaunty, who once became the core of the OUN (b), and now created the VO “Svoboda”, want to establish their supremacy over Little Russia? Not only. Among other things, in Lviv, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk perfectly understand that only by establishing control over the Russian Ukraine, Galicia will be able to live in prosperity and comfort. This is a question of political domination and money. That is why the Galicians flooded Kiev. After all, the mother of Russian cities is the key to establishing its domination over the “Moskalyams” and “Skhidnyamy” in every sense of the word. This is the real essence of modern Ukrainian, and more specifically Galician, nationalism. We are for the heirs of the OUN - consumable anthropological material, the lowest race that should form the foundation of the so-called. Great Ukraine.

Now imagine a situation where, in the country, against the background of a financial and economic collapse, an acute political crisis will break out and the ruling elite of the Southeast will face the threat of losing power, first in the capital, and then in their home regions. After all, the PR is already a walking political corpse. And the situation is such that, apart from the Galician nationalists, there are no real organized alternatives to the regionals in the country. What should the ruling elite of the Southeast do in order to preserve their power, assets and capital, if they lose control of Kiev, the central government bodies?

Anyone who thinks that the Donetsk, Odessa or Crimean republics are only the distant past is mistaken. It is possible that under certain conditions, such state entities may become the future of a significant part of the territory, which is now called “Ukraine”.

By the way, a similar situation develops in Europe. In many European countries, separatism is increasing, when regions with some resources tend to float freely, so as not to share their wealth with anyone.

- How big is the gap between Russia and Ukraine in human terms?

- I had a chance to somehow go to the Crimea in the same compartment with two women. One of them is ours - a typical Khokhlushka both in the way of thinking, and in language and in behavior, and the other is a typical Moskalka, of Russian mentality and pronounced Moscow dialect. It became interesting to me. I put aside my "reader" and went down from the top shelf to fellow travelers. Have talked. And then I realized that I had sisters in front of me!

It turns out that one of my fellow travelers ten years ago went to live in Russia, in the Moscow region, and the other stayed at home. Only a decade or so, and our typical Ukrainian, Little Russian woman has become a typical "integrated" Moskalka with a typical Russian way of thinking, values, and patriotism.

Why am I doing this? And besides, there is practically no difference between the average Great Russian and the "pereshy" of Little Russia in human terms. We are the same, even despite our regional specifics and mental features. WE ARE RUSSIANS! And this, in my opinion, is the main thing. Therefore, our sameness creates the same problems for us. As we are here in Ukraine, so have you there, in Russia, after the collapse of the Union, you found yourself in a worldview vacuum. European ideological myths could not stick tightly to our consciousness, and now they have fallen off altogether.

Therefore, we, like you, are intuitively looking for something to cling to, in which you can find ideological support. And when it is very important to be found by someone, it will be very important for you in Russia and for us in Ukraine. Moreover, there will no longer be a division into “you” and “us”, in it we will appear before the world as something single, monolithic and not at the whim of our superiors, but by virtue of our inner essence.

In the meantime, our lost people wander aimlessly, as if in delirium, who knows where. His desire is simple and straightforward. Recently I talked to the 17 year old son of my old acquaintances from Western Ukraine. What, I ask, do you want from this life? He replied without thinking: “I want, he says, to become a boss, do nothing and get a lot of money.” What could be worse for any society than similar values ​​of adolescents? After all, he briefly formulated life priorities not only of his generation, but also of the overwhelming majority of our citizens, of our era! Indeed, in this sacramental “I want to be a boss, do nothing and get a lot of money,” we hear the pipes of our collective Armageddon. These words are a sentence to our society! This is our society. This is not just an ideological crisis, it is a deaf dead end from which there is only one way out ...

- Your words sound sad. Are you prone to pessimism?

- Do you want me to laugh happily and promise that everything will be fine? For some, the verdict is the end, but for someone - a great reason to change their destiny, and if necessary, the whole world ...

At one time, Nietzsche asked himself a rather relevant question for our times: what is pessimism? Is this just a sign of decline and defeat or something else? Can a crushing force flow from pessimism? Could there be pessimism in some human species an intellectual predilection for what is in the existence of harsh, terrifying, evil, mysterious? An addiction arising from the overflowing force, from the fullness of existence? But can not pessimism be a result of an excess of force, a consequence of the not always realizable need for struggle, in crushing even an irresistible, in the search for a terrible, and therefore worthy enemy, where you can test your strength?

There is such a concept in philosophy as “heroic pessimism.” This is when a person does not hide cowardly in optimism from misfortune, adversity, ordeals, but calmly looks at their faces, enjoying pleasure from confronting them, from feeling their own strength in the struggle against them.

Maybe it makes sense to all of us to become heroic pessimists?
291 comment
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  1. biglow
    April 11 2013 15: 26
    The current Ukraine is slowly rotting, people are only sorry
    1. +13
      April 11 2013 15: 47
      I think it is necessary to establish the "Customs Union" in order to attract, but intrigues and ultimatums will not succeed in attracting the Ukrainian people. But Ukraine needs a "cleansing" of all kinds of nationalists, and it will be very painful ... difficult times await Ukraine ...
      1. avt
        April 11 2013 15: 55
        I think it is necessary to establish the "Customs Union" in order to attract,

        “In my opinion, Russia needs to bring the construction of the Customs Union to its logical conclusion, leaving the“ European-integrated ”Ukraine behind its wall with all the ensuing consequences. The Ukrainian elite must understand that without Russia, without the Eurasian Union, it is doomed to lose its business. However, in fact, Putin is now doing this. He consistently cuts the financial, economic and trade arteries through which Russia still feeds the life of the "European-integrated" Ukraine. "------- Here is a sensible answer to your thought from a comrade from the spot. laughing And you know, I agree with him.
        1. +34
          April 11 2013 16: 09
          An amazingly accurate, subtle and fully describing the current situation in Ukraine article. It must be re-read and re-read carefully.
          1. Captain Vrungel
            April 11 2013 19: 09
            "Accurate, subtle, and complete ... It must be re-read ... and re-read." So they smeared everything, so veiled everything, hung such pasta, created such halos to mask the main thing. To the deepest light to the godfather and the pakhpnat of the CU, the EU and other coalitions, unions, associations and organizations that surrounds him. The task is simple, like onuchi in bast shoes, or postols. To use all the gangster's cynical potential for a complete seizure of power and building the dictatorship of the godfather and his family dynasty. To this end, Lutsenko was pardoned, so that with his hands he could destroy the most numerous faction "Batkivshchyna" and opposition leader Yatsenyuk. "Blow" and "Svoboda" project Bankova and do not pose any threat to the PR. Who is from the opposition in parliament? Moneybags, business people. They were clearly told, either with us in chocolate, or we will crash the business, you. The answer is clear. With whom the businesswars. As a result, all power democratically passes into a gangway with the godfather. And they will live richly and happily in the territory under their control. It is not for nothing that it was not Ukraine, but Urkaina that was mistakenly printed on the new passport blanks (data from the media. Gazeta.UA)). It's pretty simple.
            1. roki
              April 11 2013 20: 44
              What did you mean to say? Read the interview more ...
          2. +24
            April 11 2013 19: 24
            Quote: Nikolai S.
            An amazingly accurate, subtle and fully describing the current situation in Ukraine article. It must be re-read and re-read carefully.

            Author Andrei Andrei Vajra (pseudonym) is a publicist and political scientist who lives in Kiev. Does not advertise his real name and face. The author of the book “The Path of Evil. West: the matrix of global hegemony. ” From the moment of its creation (2008) and until the spring of 2010, he headed the editorial board of the Ruska Pravda Internet portal. The cycle of articles by A. Vajra “Breakup” and his conversations with the editor-in-chief of the Polar Star website - UKRAINA: From Myth to Disaster became widely known. The television audience is known for the sensational film by Vladimir Menshov and Konstantin Semin “Ukraine”, in which he acted as one of the experts.

            Everything is correct, he says simply to people from Soviet times, they drove into the head that Russians and Ukrainians ARE A DIFFERENT PEOPLE. With the same success, one can distinguish Cossacks, Siberians, even residents of different regions of Russia, speaking a different dialect of the Russian language can be called different. Who will tell me, in contrast to the residents of the Ivanovo region, what, for example, do the words philatics or tenato mean? All this is called ordinary small-town nationalism, which in the case of Ukraine has grown into the scale of state policy. If Ukrainians are a separate people, then try to answer a couple of simple questions. For example, when will this • other be born, the non-Russian people? Where did he come from? When did he move to the lands of Kievan Rus? What language did he speak? It seems to be elementary questions, but for some reason it turns out to be extremely difficult to answer. Only a request by Svidomo-preoccupied ones not to worry and not prove to me unreasonable that Ukrainians are a special nation with their own ancient history, culture and their own language. This separate nation has always sought to create its own state, but it has always been hindered by external forces. And the external forces are the great-power Russian chauvinists who deny the peculiarity of the Ukrainians and try to hide all the fat .. All these thoughtful fabrications at best cause laughter. then bewilderment and resentment of innocent Russian people. In principle, nothing new, the same project is for Russia. to divide it into small independent formations with the formation of which the Russian people as a single nation can be forgotten forever will be only small-town nationalities, such as staple kazaks. Siberians and others which come up with.
            1. +14
              April 11 2013 19: 32
              Where will Ukraine go now: to the Customs Union or to Europe?

              But she will not go anywhere, - ex-Minister of Economy of Ukraine Viktor Suslov explains in a hopeless voice. - All negotiations with the EU and the CU are a smokescreen so as not to go anywhere. And not to join anyone. Here the land has not yet been divided as private property. Before that, no one should be allowed in at all. From the point of view of personal enrichment for the elite, this is just a fabulous situation. Then one oligarch was asked: "Ukraine is dying, what to do?" - and he replied: "You are completely wrong. As for us, we have never lived as well as now." You say: seven million people left to work? Yes, twenty-seven million will leave, here no one will raise an eyebrow. Hunting grounds will simply increase here, and our elite loves hunting.

              That is, will there be such a feudal country with landowners, a nobleman and peasants working for them?
              Why not? Ukraine is a large deposit, which, if it is profitable to place it and due to transit opportunities, gives a constant passive income. The Ukrainian authorities realized that the association agreement with the EU was beneficial primarily to Europe. The Ukrainian market is not yet fully open to European goods. But Ukraine itself doesn’t export to the EU anyway. That is, let them ask us, not we them. And we have no problem making new loans. Just so that Ukraine does not join the Customs Union, the IMF will put up with everything and give us a new loan. As our Prime Minister correctly said: the whole world trusts us so much that the supply of money is not limited. No payments have yet been disrupted.
              All Ukrainian geopolitics boils down to the fact that an affectionate calf of two queens sucks, - says Vladimir Kornilov, director of the Ukrainian branch of the Institute of CIS Countries. - We will be both in the EU and with the vehicle. Pro-European demagogues like to shout here: What is the point of cheap Russian gas? All the profits will still go into the pockets of the oligarchs! They do not understand that while gas is so expensive, the competitiveness of Ukrainian goods (and metal in the first place, but I am not talking about the chemical industry in general) is much lower than that of Belarusian, Chinese, and Russian. Over the past two years, Ukraine has been catastrophically losing its sales markets. And this is not just the income of the oligarchs, it is hundreds of thousands of jobs. And the EU is imposing on us the so-called association - a program for a very rapid, phased de-industrialization of Ukraine. Here recently Lech Walesa said: God gave Ukraine black soil, so let it grow wheat. And we, the Poles, will make tractors for it. And our pro-European talkers generally suggest that a country with a population of 45 million should switch to a "service" economy - to serve tourists.
              How does Ukraine survive now? Due to the daily slave labor of millions of people who come to mines for $ 150 a month, to metallurgical and chemical plants and in the hellish conditions of the beginning of the XNUMXth century, Marx earns surplus value for oligarchs, says political analyst Oleg Khavich. - The Ukrainian people have monstrous patience.
              Full article
            2. +12
              April 11 2013 21: 29
              I do not just agree and support, but I’m ready to repeat it: for some reason, Westerners in Ukraine do not pay attention to the fact that their friends are Poles who live in Mazovia, who in Greater Poland, who in Lesser Poland, who in Silesia, and who in Posen, they did not divide themselves into different nations, although they lived for 100 - 500 years (or even more) in different states! Small Russia is small not by value, but by territory, White Russia is not because of the color of the skin, but because it did not pay tribute, and the Great Russians (Vladimir, Vologda, Novgorod, Muscovites) simply settled widely, that’s Great Russia !
          3. +1
            April 12 2013 09: 13
            Quote: Nikolay S.
            An amazingly accurate, subtle and fully describing the current situation in Ukraine article. It must be re-read and re-read carefully.

            I absolutely support! It seems we are just starting to understand the problems in Ukrainian.
          4. +1
            April 16 2013 21: 27
            Yes, the author has attracted attention.
        2. +2
          April 11 2013 18: 55
          Quote: avt
          He consistently cuts the financial, economic and trade arteries through which Russia still feeds the life of the "European-integrated" Ukraine. "
          Now 42 percent of Ukrainians rvtsatsya in the EU, and only 32 in the CU ... With the conclusion, cutting the artery, we tighten the noose around the neck of a simple Ukrainian, not the elite ... The elite has a perfectly debugged business in Russia ...
          Pushing Ukraine to the abyss of collapse is probably not very friendly, fraternal ...
          1. +7
            April 11 2013 19: 05
            Quote: domokl
            Pushing Ukraine to the abyss of collapse is probably not very friendly, fraternal ...
            Yes, there is no such state as Ukraine.
            Ukraine is the GDR of the Russian world.
          2. +9
            April 11 2013 20: 06
            Quote: domokl
            Conclusion-cutting the artery, we tighten the noose on the neck of a simple Ukrainian, not the elite.

            You are absolutely right! And the elite and nationalists will use this to set ordinary Ukrainians against Russia and the Russians.
            1. 0
              April 16 2013 09: 26
              Quote: Egoza
              to set up ordinary Ukrainians against Russia and Russians.

              alas ... there are already those who are opposed
            2. +1
              April 16 2013 21: 36
              You can’t deceive everyone for a long time.
          3. +1
            April 11 2013 20: 48

            Pushing Ukraine to the abyss of collapse is probably not very friendly, fraternal ...

            offer to feed?

            you see uv, even if suddenly all the Russians agree to subsidize Ukraine (as it was in the USSR)
            there are no guarantees that ordinary Ukrainians will feel better.
            because, as stated in the article, the oligarchy with bureaucracy removes foam.
            and they’re not going to lose such a feeding trough.
            1. vilenich
              April 11 2013 22: 44
              Quote: Rider
              you see uv, even if suddenly all the Russians agree to subsidize Ukraine (as it was in the USSR)

              Dear, can you give specific figures on subsidies to Ukraine under the USSR?
              After all, it was one of the most developed republics of the Union! With the independence, they spanked the economy and slipped to the level of the 3rd world countries.
              1. Luna
                April 12 2013 00: 30
                1. vilenich
                  April 12 2013 06: 05
                  Excuse me, of course, but the link to someone LJ is somehow not very serious.
              2. Beck
                April 12 2013 11: 28
                Quote: Rider
                you see uv, even if suddenly all the Russians agree to subsidize Ukraine (as it was in the USSR)

                Yeah. Apparently there is no ceiling on what can be agreed upon, even in the wake of its allegations.

                Well this is necessary, Ukraine was subsidized in the days of the USSR? And who subsidized it except Moscow? Probably Chukotka National District?

                Ukraine, this is about a quarter of the economy of the USSR. Yes, and why not blurt out with no one knows what a stunner, and it is not known with what degree of a hangover.
            2. DAOSS
              April 12 2013 21: 20
              I agree. No money reaches or reaches people.
              Radical measures are needed here!
              Revolution,nationalization of enterprises, control of corrupt media, the landing of oligarchs and bureaucrats (and best of all to shoot in the revolution, then history will judge)
              And the obligatory entry into the Customs Union, otherwise the West will suit us "Syria", but we have no army.

              It remains the case for small things, where to get that worthy and frantic Hugo Chavez, who will raise the people, bring the thief of the oligarchs to his knees and resist the West ???
          4. +3
            April 12 2013 09: 38
            There is a solution: to divide Ukraine according to historical experience, it was not in vain that it has happened many times already, on the left and on the right. Why pickle the left (Russian) Ukraine in one gas chamber, your own people! The western part will lose subsidized money from the east, and the United States will show them the muzzle as a used condom.
        3. +2
          April 11 2013 19: 58

          Well, what to do with the people? All the same, there are many Russians. Throw it to the mercy of fate?
          1. nickname 1 and 2
            April 11 2013 20: 47
            Quote: Speckled32

            Well, what to do with the people? All the same, there are many Russians. Throw it to the mercy of fate?

            And who tied them there?
            To Russia - home!
            And what a lot of people from Kazakhstan from Uzbekistan, etc. have arrived.
            1. +8
              April 11 2013 22: 02
              nickname 1 and 2

              Yes, many would have come, only here no one expects them by and large. Citizenship until they get a lot of time will go away. And what about housing? Indeed, in Ukraine the population is poor in the majority. If the state supported them at least in the housing issue. . . There are many difficulties, I have two guys from Kiev working. Great men and work on conscience. The family has already moved to one. There is enough money for life, but they have a problem with their housing. They rent an old house in the private sector, dream that they can save up and acquire their own. How to deal with such? The people then go a lot to earn money, but the main problem with housing. A person will not be able to live his whole life taking off and not having his own corner.
              1. +1
                April 13 2013 23: 48
                Do you offer visitors from Ukraine to help with housing ??? And that no one helps those Russians who come from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan ??? Even if such a law is passed, Russian officials will withdraw half of the money in their accounts
          2. anarch
            April 11 2013 23: 25
            So they divided it into Russian and non-Russian.
            Even the capital letters went.
        4. orkibotu
          April 12 2013 06: 43
          I already can’t wait until Ukraine joins the union and I’m sure there are a lot of people like me ... I hope Putin will do everything as necessary, God grant him health
          1. xan
            April 12 2013 11: 43
            Quote: orkibotu
            I already can’t wait until Ukraine joins the union and I’m sure there are a lot of people like me ... I hope Putin will do everything as necessary, God grant him health

            One thing is clear, the Kremlin recently began to deal closely with Ukraine.
            so wait, there will definitely be some changes, if for the worse, then not for long, most likely for the better
      2. +5
        April 11 2013 17: 09
        The first thing that is needed is the federal structure of the state of Ukraine ...
        Although in the Crimea, and so-autonomy.
        1. +15
          April 11 2013 17: 26
          Quote: alex13-61
          The first thing that is needed is the federal structure of the state of Ukraine ...
          Although in the Crimea, and so-autonomy.

          You, as the author advises, first need to "hang all hetmans and foremen", for one voluntarily give Galicia to a gayrope. And then calmly integrate into the TS and everything will not be as sad as mentioned above.
          1. +10
            April 11 2013 21: 50
            Quote: Geisenberg
            You, as the author advises, must first "hang all hetmans and foremen",

            With great pleasure! But you don’t have to hang it right away. First you get to bring everything stolen back to Ukraine and then ... And then, why hang it? To the mine! And a chisel with a sledgehammer. Let it bring benefits.
            Quote: Geisenberg
            for one give voluntarily a galicia to a geyropa.

            Because of the heap of degenerative banderlogs to give their territory to the geyropa ?! What do you think, comrade? The root is not Galicia! And they frighten everyone with Galicia. Normal people are there.
        2. Misantrop
          April 11 2013 18: 09
          Quote: alex13-61
          in Crimea, and so on - autonomy.

          Alas - only operetnaya, virtual. Crimea cannot decide ANYTHING on its own ...
          1. +4
            April 11 2013 23: 02
            With the complete federalization of Ukraine, Crimean autonomy will cease to be oppositochnym ...
            1. +3
              April 12 2013 14: 13
              I am not against even federalization to begin with. But only real, not operetta. But she will not be for one simple reason. The west of the country will not feed itself. This is a loss-making region that has been subsidized for all 20 years. With federalization this will not happen. And then what will Galicia do? To die of hunger ?. No. They will continue to be sponsored by Mr. And this is either the impossibility of federalization, or the federalization of operetnaya. Here is such a sad alignment. Federalization can only be seen as an introduction to the division of the country. Otherwise, it makes no sense.
          2. +2
            April 12 2013 14: 09
            I agree. Does not decide and did not solve. It was just a handout to Crimean thieves and bandits, whom Ukraine simply bought in this way. Now they are deputies. And there was a moment when Crimea could really separate. But Russia under Yeltsin did not support it then.
            And Sevastopol is not part of autonomy at all. We did not have and do not have the right to even choose a mayor - Kiev appoints its governor.
        3. +1
          April 11 2013 18: 58
          Quote: alex13-61
          The first thing that is needed is the federal structure of the state of Ukraine ...

          And then what? The Federation as a prototype of a patchwork state? The political scientist-Ukraine is right now in a hurry .. Moreover, all the time on a team-legs wider! ...
          1. +5
            April 11 2013 23: 13
            Ukraine is already heterogeneous, therefore, it should be legalized, so that no one has a desire to "comb" someone in their own image ...
            And if they don’t get along: parting will not be so painful.
        4. vilenich
          April 11 2013 22: 46
          Quote: alex13-61
          The first thing that is needed is the federal structure of the state of Ukraine ...

          God forbid, by no means! This is a direct path to repeating the scenario of Yugoslavia!
      3. +20
        April 11 2013 17: 34
        In order to have people in the vehicle, we need to show them an example, and we have problems above the roof. People stretch to where it is better, but we have the same thing. We need to quickly establish order in all structures, strengthen our position in the world arena, improve the lives of citizens, and then they will reach out to us. In the meantime, we can offer partners? Kickbacks? Yes, of course we have a better position than in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. but it is necessary that the people be with us a soul, so that they themselves stretch towards us, and not put their government in the CU into their hands, then really it will be a matter of integration, but for now it is only for the government, nothing more. Here we have a Belarusian shop opened, I go there with pleasure, not only because there the products are really better, but also because they are brothers to us, I, as a flag, saw them on the sign immediately decided to enter. And now think, in Ukraine, this attitude will be to our stores? Well, they will enter the CU, Yanyk will get in there because of kickbacks, so all the same the people are keeping anger on us, saying that nothing shines in the EU now. We need to be an example, we need to stretch ourselves to us, and not in the EU, then this will be a union, and not some nonsense that is beneficial only to the government.
        1. nickname 1 and 2
          April 11 2013 21: 13
          [quote = Joker] In order to have those who wish in the TS, you need to show them an example, and we have the problems themselves above the roof. People are drawn to where it is better, but we have the same

          And we are not calling! Not what we should not! Our proposal - let's build countries together!
          1. +1
            April 12 2013 07: 52
            Yes, they will not allow us to be reunited, the ruling clans are not interested in this either here or here. Russian hucksters have a business in Yandiya, Yatsk ones in Russia, both of them leave taxes here and there, etc. (I know from my friend ), and the very top removes the loot from everyone. The article is really very good. Eyes have been opened to many things. Only the "hetmans" need to be hanged not only in Ukraine, here, too, there are enough "atamans" crying by rope.
      4. roki
        April 11 2013 20: 40
        Absolutely correct! This interview in Parliament must be read.
      5. StolzSS
        April 11 2013 23: 34
        Maybe it’s better to fall apart and take it in parts ???
        1. DAOSS
          April 12 2013 21: 26
          You, Dear, think before you either pull!
      6. +2
        April 16 2013 15: 41
        Whom to attract? Svidomo? It's like writing against the wind ... Yes, Russia is losing the information war in Ukraine .. To crush Svidomo mercilessly economically, the faster the better for the people of Ukraine ... The European Union and the United States will not give them money for nothing and will not invest their capital in Ukraine, they know that Svidomo will cut and divide everything, and besides, Russia is close by ... the European Union and the USA are pulling everything from Ukraine that Svidomo will sell and give and will pull for nothing ... Another question is how much more will this people endure the Ukrainian people ???
    2. +11
      April 11 2013 16: 17
      It’s not about what rots,
      The point is that the author, like many others, points to the inevitable integration of Ukraine and Russia, but due to the current situation in Ukraine, this integration will go through the pain and blood of the people, and first of all, the Ukrainian people, its impoverishment and destruction. In short, the "fathers" sold the "sons", and they once "uhaidakayut", but only then, the koshda will finally bring them to the "handle".
      This is insulting. Until the thunder strikes, the man does not cross himself. request
      1. +2
        April 11 2013 19: 01
        Quote: Old Rocketman
        this integration will go through pain and blood of the people, and above all, of the Ukrainian people,
        That’s the worst thing ... Ukraine now has something else to offer, and after blood and dirt what? And it’s not Russia that will decide, but all the members of the CU ... Why Belarusians 40 million darmoedov? Why Kazakhstan?
        1. 0
          April 11 2013 19: 19
          Quote: domokl
          That's the worst thing

          If through the blood, then this is not integration.
          And I do not see any particular need for such integration.

          Now the Russian Federation is trying to push in order to force it to join the Customs Union, but this only makes it worse.
          1. +9
            April 11 2013 22: 57
            Quote: Kars
            Now the Russian Federation is trying to push in order to force it to join the Customs Union, but this only makes it worse.

            No offense...
            But Ukraine now looks like a patient rushing to the operating table shouting: "Let my kidney be cut out - I have two of them - but it will be pennies!"
          2. ughhh
            April 11 2013 23: 00
            Quote: Kars
            Now the Russian Federation is trying to push in order to force it to join the Customs Union, but this only makes it worse.

            But I, now, see how, one after another, the threads tearing together our states are torn. Economic, industrial, fraternal, yes whatever. One by one, slowly, but surely. And, you know, it seems that this process is mutual.
            We’re nothing here, we’ll break through somehow, but how are you without these threads?

            Are you trying to push, you say? And imagine that another five years will pass and the Ukrainians will suddenly realize that no one is waiting for them in Russia and they are not needed here? Well, ten years. Is it hard to imagine? You will be like those Estonians, Poles, Moldavians. Somewhere out there, far away, non-native speakers ...

            Press, you see, the Russian Federation is trying and worse than doing there. Oh well.
            1. -3
              April 12 2013 00: 39
              Quote: ughhh
              that no one is waiting for them in Russia

              And they are waiting for us? Why?
              Quote: ughhh
              You will be like those Estonians, Poles, Moldavians. Somewhere out there, far away, non-nascent speakers.

              So what?
              Quote: stalkerwalker
              o Ukraine now looks like a patient rushing to the operating table shouting: "Let my kidney be cut out - I have two of them - but it will be pennies!"

              So they wrote that in the CU Ukraine a third kidney is sewn.
              Quote: ughhh
              We’re nothing here, we’ll break through somehow, but how are you without these threads?
              Yes, and we are already twenty years old, poorly poor, while not possessing significant hydrocarbon reserves.
              Quote: ughhh
              And I, here, see how, one after another, the threads tearing together our states

              And what to do and Russia and Ukraine are building capitalism, but you still include a political component in it, even though it incurs losses for you, but it is up to you.
              1. ughhh
                April 12 2013 02: 57
                Quote: Kars
                Yes, and we are already twenty years old, poorly poor, while not possessing significant hydrocarbon reserves.

                Worse, poorer. Less and less threads. If, as the article says, the visa regime will be introduced between our countries, it will become much more fun, do not agree?
                Quote: Kars
                And what to do and Russia and Ukraine are building capitalism, but you still include a political component in it, even though it incurs losses for you, but it is up to you.

                Politics is an integral part of the reality around. Whether Ukraine will join the CU or the European Union is a policy that will directly affect the life of the population. Making these decisions directly affects your fate. Whether or not to influence the decision maker and how is your sovereign right.
                Quote: Kars
                And they are waiting for us? Why?

                People go their own .. Where are we without you in a brighter future ...
                1. -2
                  April 12 2013 12: 47
                  Quote: ughhh
                  Worse, poorer

                  where did you get it? apparently you are not caught in the 90s.
                  Quote: ughhh
                  Less and less threads

                  it follows from them what exactly the Russian Federation is our benefactors and breadwinners?

                  Quote: ughhh
                  If, as the article says, the visa regime will be introduced between our countries, it will become much more fun, do not agree?

                  Well, I don’t know about the fun, but I don’t see a particular problem.
                  Quote: ughhh
                  Politics is an integral part of the reality around.

                  but so it is intertwined with the economy))))
                  Quote: ughhh
                  go your own people .. Where are we without you in a brighter future ...

                  what would it be to blame when the path to a brighter future is long? They say there wouldn’t be ukrov free riders, would we have built two super mosques in Chechnya?
    3. +8
      April 12 2013 01: 40
      I repeat - WE are to blame for the current situation - We ourselves must correct it - the article is sensible - I personally adhere to the same point of view - even if I could not arrange it so sensibly and clearly - a person clearly and without emotion outlined the immediate future - and unpleasant prospects - only in one thing he is mistaken - (C) can end with shooting .... "- there will be firing and some other - it is offensive just from confused - bogged people - they will take away hope for life - so not so hot. I feel sorry for everyone, not only my mother asked - Why did I do something wrong (talked to a relative from Moscow and she swore at her and said that all the troubles for Russia (Russia) are due to us (ukrina)) - what to answer her? - I understand that in 20 years from the side of Ukraine so much slop was poured onto Russia - but what is my mother who worked for 45 years and who lives on retirement less than $ 100 is to blame? seethese subhumans I can’t rub my hands — I’d crushed them — they’ll put them in jail — prove then that you are sick of the truth.
      I think it is necessary to establish the "Customs Union" in order to attract, but intrigues and ultimatums will not succeed in attracting the Ukrainian people. But Ukraine needs a "cleansing" of all kinds of nationalists, and it will be very painful ... difficult times await Ukraine ...

      I don’t know how about the first one –– it will be visible to you –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Over time of difficult times, request
      1. xan
        April 12 2013 11: 59
        Quote: vitamin-ky
        Why are we so -that I did bad (I talked with my cousin from Moscow and she obmateril it and said that unih (Russia) all the troubles because of us (ukrin)) -what to answer her? -I understand that for 20 years from Ukraine was poured so much slop on Russia, but what is my mother guilty

        Well, I don’t know, maybe your relative is like that. What problems does Russia have in Russia, every Russian knows, and Ukraine in the problems of Russia do not even know at what end of the list. One thing is clear - Ukraine cannot be left to its own devices.
    4. DimychDV
      April 12 2013 04: 43
      And Russia? .. Isn’t this also our national dream - “I want to be the boss, do nothing and get big money” ???
      After all, all young people are sitting at computers. And who is not - they train in gyms and go to the security forces. And who will grow the bread? Work in factories? And how to drive them in there, with what kind of a bogeyman? ..
      1. 0
        April 16 2013 21: 45
        Not a drekoly, but a desire to eat.
    5. Hunghuz
      April 14 2013 17: 52
      hi Welcome to GEYROPU ........ ??? we ask Svidomo panov to gilyaki (economic, financial, and others)?
  2. Atlon
    April 11 2013 15: 39
    It is necessary that they know that for each excess to the address of the Russians or Russia they will spit up blood.

    Bloodthirsty of course ... But ... Damn it! How tempting! And this applies not only to Ukrainian neo-Nazis, but also to many in the world ... Article plus. good
    1. +4
      April 11 2013 15: 51
      While writing a comment and trying to insert a photo, my thoughts have already been expressed .. drinks
    2. avt
      April 11 2013 15: 59
      Quote: Atlon
      Bloodthirsty of course ...

      From what ? request Well, you won’t be engaged in training a dog infected with rabies. And the article is sensible, I agree, plus, in principle, there’s nothing to argue with.
      1. FATEMOGAN
        April 11 2013 17: 13
        let's see where this Shukher Yanukovych will lead Ukraine in the end, and apparently it’s not so long to wait for a denouement ....
    3. +12
      April 11 2013 17: 13
      For example, Ukrainian neo-Nazis are very afraid of Jews. Because they know that they clearly and toughly respond to every anti-Semitic attack anywhere in the world. Because they know that Jews do not forgive insults. Because they know that Israel has extremely effective special services that can reach almost any enemy.

      We should also have revived such services, then there would have been fewer anti-Russian antics, traitors did not feel calm in any point of the world.
      1. Kaa
        April 11 2013 17: 52
        Quote: elmi
        For example, Ukrainian neo-Nazis are very afraid of Jews.
        Yeah, this is from the category of "you wanted as much as I was afraid"... This is not my opinion, let's listen to the "godfather" of Svobodovskaya Democracy: "Ukrainian tycoon Igor Kolomoisky, according to the rating of the Correspondent publication for June of this year, ranks second among the richest citizens of the country, and is thus the richest representative of the local Jewish community. His personal capital is estimated at 6,5 billion dollars. He is one of the main sponsors of a large community center in Dnepropetrovsk and close to the influential figure of Judaism in the post-Soviet space, Rabbi Shmuel Kaminetsky. .
        At the end of last week, already as President of the European Jewish Council, Igor Kolomoisky took part in the meeting of the Jewish elite of Ukraine with Shimon Peres. "
        - According to the results of the recent municipal elections in Ukraine, the Freedom party sharply intensified, which everyone considered ultra-nationalist ...
        - For the Freedom party, I don’t want to touch on what happened in the past, but after the collapse of the former leaders of the “orange” movement - Our Ukraine and BYuT - this niche remained empty, a vacuum was created. According to what I see on TV, “Freedom” has clearly shifted from ultranationalism closer to the center, has become more moderate. If earlier their electorate was 2-3 percent of the marginal population, now their electoral base has grown. They may very soon become leaders of the West and the Center of Ukraine.
        - That is, Igor Valeryevich, are you not surprised by the growing popularity of the Freedom party?
        - This is not surprising.
        The "orange" part of society, especially in the last two years of Yulia Tymoshenko's power, has completely discredited itself. Everybody says: "They say, Yushchenko is to blame." And I believe that Yulia Vladimirovna is the only one who completely destroyed and split the entire democratic, or "orange" movement. That is, her desire for unlimited personal power and adventurism, and enthusiasm, and the desire to irrevocably put everything on the line according to the principle "either all or nothing."
        And it is not surprising that they are now fleeing from her. Here she is - “strength” of her team and “ideological foundations”. That is, it is a monoparty based on one person. Leadership with the desire of the leader for unlimited power. I once said that if Tymoshenko becomes president, then I will leave for emigration. Well, and if I'm not in exile, then everything is in order (laughs)"http://zz.te.ua/ihor-kolomojskyj-pro-jevrejskyj-ruh-i-vo-svoboda/ So whose project is this? While we are talking about the" Russian world, "ultranationalists are striving to seize power with Kolomoisky's money. .. "Spiegel has already figured it out ...
      2. +3
        April 12 2013 08: 07
        Why revive them? So many have created them now that Lavrenty Palych is resting. They just aim, as a rule, not there. And they just have to set goals, formulate goals and give a command. We still do the glory of our surviving industry - ice axes and chocolates - for the whole There is enough counterattack and Natsu. Moreover, so much experience has been gained that the massad is resting. POLITICAL WILL IS NEEDED.
  3. Nevsky
    April 11 2013 15: 44
    The best assessment of Yanukovych from the people good

    1. +6
      April 11 2013 15: 55
      This short, but very deep in meaning video can accurately summarize the results of his work as president of Ukraine wassat
    2. +3
      April 11 2013 16: 09
      Granny appreciated, probably, wassat
      1. Kaa
        April 11 2013 18: 21
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Good granny appreciated
        There is one "Cossack" - amateur photo- distorts everything to hell. Judge for yourself: "A group of twenty local nationalists held an action" against an anti-cultural, anti-moral Russification event. "Half an hour after the start of the concert, several spectators began throwing eggs on the stage. Employees of the Ternopil city police department detained six young people, after which the concert continued. Criminal proceedings have been opened against hooligans, an investigation is underway.As it soon became clear, young people hired by members of the nationalist organization "Trident" named after Stepan Bandera threw eggs at the artists. Thus, they came out "in defense of their native language and culture." The Trident’s leaders boastfully declared: they won’t do anything like this against the Russians who come to Faine Mysto Ternopil, because Russian pop-singers sing in their own language. But the Ukrainian artists, "forgotten whose fathers they are children", nationalists will always intrigue. http://www.mk.ru/social/article/2013/04/08/837988-potap-i-nastya-kamenskih-bolsh

        ev-ternopol-ni-nogoy.html The situation that happened in Ternopil, of course, showed that the farmers, whom my mother did not like in childhood and who, probably, were constantly kept in a corner on buckwheat, did not know how to do anything else in life know how to declare themselves. These neo-fascists or simply sick people can hardly be called "herostrates", they are too small for history and for Ukrainians. But society still has one big problem - this real manifestations of neo-Nazism, xenophobia, misanthropy, which are successfully supported by our mass media, the so-called democratic journalists and the so-called "pro-European neoliberals". This is already scary. The scary thing is that if today we are silent about this (and such reasons are already enough - this is the ban on speaking in one’s native language, and the destruction of signboards in one’s native language, and this is touting people for their nationality, color, political beliefs), we will all become victims of terror by a group of crazy neo-Nazis. This is an attempt to resolve issues that today it’s really come to political realization, when in the absence of adequate arguments the struggle is carried out into the street and turns into a fist fight, scuffle or an attack by women, children, the elderly. We have already seen all this, all have already passed in the last century in fascist Germany. Vadim Kolesnichenko People's Deputy of Ukraine, Head of the Interfactional Deputy Association "International Anti-Fascist Front http://kolesnichenko.from-ua.com/view/4064
        1. +8
          April 11 2013 20: 17
          Quote: Kaa
          eggs were thrown at the artists by young people hired by members of the nationalist organization "Trident" named after Stepan Bandera.

          Note! Nationalists, like their ideological ancestors, act surreptitiously, hiring someone to do nasty things, to arrange a provocation. they even tried to hire homeless people in Odessa to knock down a monument to Lenin. But the homeless people turned out to be "conscientious" - they refused, and even the district committee of the CPU was informed. That is why now the Svoboda activists are trying to stay in the shadows and "stab in the back." And when they are fought back, they are immediately blown away
          1. fokino1980
            April 11 2013 21: 40
            To do nasty things is a generic feature not only of nationalists, but also of almost all modern Ukrainian politicians. Well, they can’t do it differently, it doesn’t work angry
    3. Pushkin
      April 11 2013 16: 39

      How great and powerful the Russian language is - 2 seconds was enough to summarize the annual activity of the president of an independent state
    4. DAOSS
      April 12 2013 21: 39
      AAAAAa !!! Great! Well done aunt!
      That's what thanks to the "orange assholes" is for freedom of speech))
  4. +5
    April 11 2013 15: 47
    that for every excess to the Russians or Russia, they will spit up blood.
    I liked the expression .. I would address it not only to Ukrainian nationalists, but also to "Russians" within Russia.
    Sorry the photo can not insert ..
    1. +3
      April 11 2013 20: 48
      Quote: sanyabasik
      that for every excess to the Russians or Russia, they will spit up blood.

      I fully support it. This must be done first of all in Russia for our "citizens". The authorities must strictly monitor this !!! hi
  5. +8
    April 11 2013 15: 47
    As for the fact that "Moscow" so believed "in Yanukovych" .. .. It immediately became clear to me that it was not quite so when .. the first elections after Kuchma were brewing "Yanukovych or Yushchenko" so Kuchma brought Yanukovych to Moscow "for the bridegroom" ..and on the news and in the media they showed it, told it .. So .. met them at the airport, and it seems Medvedev (and not Putin) .. and there literally "on the bench" sat, talked .. and that's it! they, Kuchma and Yanukovych, flew back .. On the news they showed .. so Yanukovych sat like "crushed and scalded" ... That is, "to the Kremlin" they were not lucky .. And the main reason I think is that they immediately doubted him, and it is known that Yanukovych had very "dark deeds", in business, in the 90s there were .. Putin was careful with him to get involved .. Which is right. this "dirty" ..
    1. Nevsky
      April 11 2013 16: 16

      Putin was careful to get involved with him .. Which is right. The VP does not like when a person does not "keep" a word .. and Yanik has already "dirty" himself with this ..
      1. MG42
        April 12 2013 03: 34
        There was the background of Putin - Yanukovych, remember when Putin congratulated Yanukovych first on his election victory in 2004, before the Orange Revolution, and Viktor took and lost the presidency - Putin was in an uncomfortable position, since then their relationship has apparently worsened no matter what knowing the nature of GDP.
    2. mamba
      April 11 2013 17: 11
      Quote: skrgar
      VVP does not like when a person does not "keep" his word

      Well, at least so. Actually, it surprises me that Moscow does not raise its protégés in the republics of the former USSR. Such pro-Russian "sons of bitches" who will rip out the throat of anyone for unity with Russia. Therefore, you have to buy greedy and corrupt princelings of various ranks. But is there enough money for all of them?
  6. +8
    April 11 2013 15: 49
    Photo of a fighter with an assault rifle is not a topic, but I read an excellent article with interest good
  7. Nesvet Nezar
    April 11 2013 15: 52
    Generally do not care. They like Ukraine. They are all happy. Empty sovereignty, Bendera, Fatherland, freedom with naked singing ... They are independent. Let them understand. Everyone is waiting for handouts from the EU or Russia. It is useless to them to prove anything.
    Seven nannies have a child without an eye - this is Ukraine.
    1. xan
      April 12 2013 13: 37
      yes no questions!
      But mine with land in Russia
  8. fastblast
    April 11 2013 15: 53
    There will be no collapse of Ukraine, nobody will simply allow this!
    The benefit of the collapse of the country can be obtained only by our common enemy, who has already celebrated his victory in the 90s already.
  9. mradd
    April 11 2013 15: 53
    such political scientists-liberalists at the dime a dozen, sorry for the relatives who stayed there in the rotten country of liberals and oligarchs
  10. +4
    April 11 2013 15: 54
    ... darted to Moscow. I framed this issue with Vladimir Vladimirovich. It turned out: no problem! Sign the new contract and your “rollback”! Well, she signed ...

    Yeah, only Tymoshenko gets a rollback? Oh-li .. Announce the list of the Russian side, please. winked
    1. opkozak
      April 11 2013 17: 14
      Here you read and think. Well, so all the presidential deputies are eager. Not a big salary. Thousands 10 ye, or 20. Yes, no. Yanukovych’s son increased capital by 2 times in a year. And friends, comrades. The best sidekick is the Minister of Taxes and Duties (as the ministry was called).

      They live like the last day every day. And the pro-Russian agents of the Party of Regions (there are pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian, and pro-Polish, and Hungarian) - in Russia, Zhirinovsky nervously smokes at the window. Not a gram of mind.
      In the photo the people's deputy Kolesnichenko (this is the one who instigated fights in the Rada, and who threw shit the day before yesterday) (photo without cuts and demotivators).
      1. Kaa
        April 11 2013 18: 32
        Quote: opkozak
        Here you read and think
        1. +6
          April 11 2013 19: 59
          Quote: Kaa

          Probably shale. A little off topic
          The project of shale gas production in Ukraine was supported by 32 environmental organizations
          On January 24, 2013, in Davos (Switzerland), an agreement was signed between the Ukrainian government and Royal Dutch Shell on the distribution of products that will be produced at the Yuzovsky shale gas field (Kharkiv and Donetsk regions). In addition, the Ukrainian government plans to sign a production sharing agreement for shale gas production with Chevron by the end of April as part of the development of Oleskaya Square (Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk Regions).

          Gazprom joyfully rubs his hands good

          Ukraine has a unique chance of energy independence from Russia and everyone will live happily and happily (especially in the above areas), who doesn’t believe, ask the guys from Haifa to confirm how people got rich in the states by extracting oil shale. So what kind of vehicle, now the next idea is an open shale gas.

          Experts called shale gas a unique chance for Ukraine
          Read more here: http://www.unian.net/news/565180-ekspertyi-nazvali-slantsevyiy-gaz-unikalnyim-sh
          1. +4
            April 11 2013 20: 00
            Quote: Ascetic
            Experts called shale gas a unique chance for Ukraine

            The first shale gas wells are already located in the Donbass, bloggers report. Creepy photos appeared on the forum kroha.dn.ua from user alusik
            According to the user, wells were installed in the Zhelannoye village of the Yasinovatsky district of the Donetsk region last fall, despite the fact that an agreement on the production of shale gas was signed in January of this.

            First well

            1. +7
              April 11 2013 20: 05
              According to the author of the photo, the local residents lost water in the wells, and according to the stories, workers at the field drank only imported water. "Huh, she's safe, almost like hair shampoo ...".
              "All the workers were brought, even the cook was not ours. On this project, only the watchmen, a nurse and a kitchen worker worked from the village. Here are the jobs for you."

              The area allotted for the well itself is approximately 2 ha.

              Black earth with clay .. Oh, to give it to him, goodness disappears ..

              Completely here
              1. +5
                April 11 2013 20: 39
                Quote: Ascetic
                Chernozem with clay .. Oh, to his country house, good disappears

                Foreign companies will have to restore grass cover, but the twisted chernozem may be removed .... these same foreign companies
                Article 37.6 “The Power must be given to the Operator in order, in line with the Law of Ukraine, the necessary permissions and the weather, all the necessary organs I’m in charge of, secrecy, a granting permission to noble and transferring the ground cover (of the native ball of the ground) of land villages (granting permission to remove and transfer the ground cover (fertile soil layer) of the land plots)handed over to the Operator for Naftogazovo Dіyalnostі purposes. ”
              2. Kaa
                April 12 2013 00: 25
                Quote: Ascetic
                The area allotted for the well itself is approximately 2 ha.

                Now both Chevron and Exxon mobile are getting plots of chernozem for exploration and production ... And the solution to the problem is on the surface ... you don’t need so much land ... solid health benefits feel "One cow produces up to 500 liters of methane per day; of the total production of methane on Earth, almost a quarter - 100-200 million tons per year! - has such an" animal "origin." Http://www.patlah.ru/etm/ etm-07 / bio-gaz / biogaz_iz_bit_otxod /
                Total, if you estimate, 1 million cows will produce 180 million cubic meters of methane per year. We breed cows and drive Gazprom to export gas! laughing Here they are, gas factories of the future! wassat
        2. opkozak
          April 11 2013 21: 13
          Dear Kaa - Kozak is my surname, and as life has shown, it is a vocation. I’m not afraid to cover every shitty head with shit. And at the expense of photography - this person does not cause respect, as a deserter (Ukrainian perekonchik). Previously, he was the leader of the orange in Crimea.
          As most of the Russians in Ukraine do not respect him.

          1. Kaa
            April 12 2013 01: 21
            Quote: opkozak
            I’m not afraid to cover every shitty head with shit

            So it is clear, young man, that you are one of those sent, specifically - "Trident" is clean sporidnene. These are your people who have been doing shit throwing in Shitopolis ... I wish you success in this difficult field. Shit mo throw - do not drag bags good
            1. opkozak
              April 13 2013 20: 14
              Dear Sirs.

              The actions of a person every time are evaluated by his work. For example, Kolesnikov and Efremov need to bow to the waist. Talented managers. Julia left preparations for Euro 2012 in complete collapse. They concentrated the efforts of the entire economy of Ukraine and the country hosted the Championship with honor. New roads, stations, airports and stadiums have been built that will serve more than one generation.
              Well, to the rappers, of which there are many on both sides of the Dnieper, I have a disgusting attitude. I do not respect such. Psychopaths especially. A person with an unbalanced psyche cannot participate in the management of the country.
              This is an enemy face!

              And my face is really an enemy. My enemies are corrupt and sodomites.
          2. +2
            April 12 2013 01: 26
            In Bendery, it causes contempt, but not in the East and South of Ukraine, lying !! Who is plus him? This is an enemy face!
          3. +2
            April 12 2013 19: 21
            Kolesnichenko was not the leader of the orange in Crimea, so you lied ...
            Senchenko is another matter ...
            And Kolesnichenko is a defender of the Russian language.
      2. +2
        April 12 2013 01: 22
        Kolesnichenko Molodchaga! Bendery already coward with anger. A man for the Russian language and our history!
    2. +6
      April 11 2013 20: 06
      Quietly respected, keep quiet wassat
      What kickbacks you stop
      This is not our method. negative
  11. +16
    April 11 2013 15: 55
    Well, what a traitor Yaneck, really. Classic scam.
    In relation to those who voted for him.
    Because the tynebok and in the rain went to the last parliamentary, because the southeast scored for the election. There is no one in our power.
  12. +16
    April 11 2013 15: 59
    Well, it’s not sad, but it seems like the truth ... It’s a pity to Ukraine, what troubles can still fall on it. And the saddest thing is that as a result of political games of the authorities, the production, scientific potential of Ukraine is catastrophically falling. And if there is still a chance to come to the vehicle as a partner, then soon only a bum ... It's sad all this ...
  13. Skavron
    April 11 2013 16: 00
    Of course, one can agree with something, but the rest of the author is nonsense, and the nonsense is not of a political scientist, but of a mentally ill
    1. Cat
      April 11 2013 16: 59
      Exactly. An attempt to pass off his erotic fantasies and nightmares as analytics.
      1. +11
        April 11 2013 20: 24
        I understand little brothers.
        unpleasant to listen to the truth.
      2. fokino1980
        April 11 2013 21: 45
        Well, here’s a national feature - I’ll try but I don’t admit laughing
        1. anarch
          April 11 2013 23: 59
          Somehow it is not clear.
          Either praised, or sent to hell.
      3. DAOSS
        April 12 2013 21: 49
        I disagree with you comrades Gato and Skavron, Everything is very correctly said in the interview.
        All my friends and I think in the same way as stated in the article.
    2. -22
      April 11 2013 19: 18
      I agree. In addition to primitive propaganda cliches - there is nothing more in the article. The ratio of lies and truth - approximately 90% to 10% is not in favor of the truth.
      1. roki
        April 11 2013 20: 52
        "Svidomi" rule ... the "pakreschennya" is about to come.
      2. +2
        April 11 2013 21: 38
        A very "motivated" remark!)) Did you hurt the patient?)
      3. fokino1980
        April 11 2013 21: 46
        Wah lads !!! How not ashamed! ?? You are not on the Maidan !!! wassat
      4. 0
        April 17 2013 20: 46
        When you believe that this is true, it will be very late, you will find yourself with a bare ass
    3. fokino1980
      April 11 2013 21: 44
      Unfortunately, the author is right! It's a shame but have the courage to admit it. Hard but try !!! drinks
      1. 0
        April 16 2013 09: 44
        Quote: fokino1980
        Unfortunately, the author is right! It's a shame but have the courage to admit it. Hard but try !!!

        I am a crest and I agree with you. Big plus to you. And it is easier for the Ukrainian (not everyone of course) to indiscriminately blame others for their pardons
    4. 0
      April 11 2013 22: 13
      Well, this is just your personal opinion, but as for me, almost all of the above is very similar to a description of the real state of affairs in our country. This is my personal opinion, and the fact that there are very unenviable prospects ahead, I think you will agree. And one more thing: "oligophrenics prevail among Ukrainian bosses" - that's for sure it's true.
      1. Cat
        April 21 2013 14: 53
        But among the Russians, no? This is a common misfortune.
  14. avt
    April 11 2013 16: 01
    Quote: tarks
    There is no one in our power.

    Not just OUR, but specifically the new Kovpak is not, that’s the trouble.
    1. +15
      April 11 2013 16: 08
      Someone is watching this very carefully.
      And they clean up people (one way or another) even at "distant approaches", even potentially dangerous ones.
      "in the time of ona" there were a number of strange deaths, the most indicative of which was the death of the Kharkov governor Yevgeny Kushnarev. Replaced by two evil clowns.
      1. -12
        April 11 2013 19: 27
        Kushnarev is a traitor to his country, Ukraine. Bad, terrible, poor - but his own. Ripped off and fed from that land. A dog's death. You here in the ass are kissing the same kushnarevs, who "even tomorrow are ready to arrange sabotage." Typical traitors to their land. They are here trying to suck up to you - you are supportive of them, only today they are selling Ukraine on the forums, tomorrow they are organizing demonstrations for the money, after tomorrow they are already selling Russia and so on in a circle. There is a proverb "When he stood under the banner - stay until they fall."
        You don’t like it there, you feel that you are Russian to the marrow of your bones, the language and everything else are disgusting — dump it to Russia. So no, they are sitting there, and yapping yapping yapping. There it sits more satisfyingly.
        Here is the obvious problem. In power there are such cool pozon. Only some are yapping in the direction of Russia, others in Europe. And rip off together simple Ukrainians.
        1. +6
          April 11 2013 22: 20
          Sergei, have you ever tried to get off your land somewhere? But I tried, I lived in Russia for a year, but came back. It was very pleasant to hear in the Federal Migration Service in Rostov from a mustachioed Armenian woman: “why did you stick to us?” And what about family, friends, parents, property? These are the things, who needs us there with such an attitude ...
          1. -1
            April 11 2013 22: 35
            I haven’t tried yet. I understand you, but Kushnaryov doesn’t justify it. I had to ask if she looked in the mirror for a long time)
            Now there is an order for Ukraine and water Ukraine. They will not share something with the Old Man and there will be an order for Belarus. Believe me, the same people with other nicknames will be scribbling on the article a day about the oh-the-bulbs. And what’s the most shameful, the same people with THE SAME nicknames will assimilate them here on the forum.
            1. +4
              April 11 2013 22: 42
              You know, I can’t say anything good or bad about Kushnaryov, but living in Kiev and seeing the situation from the inside, I agree with the author in almost everything.
          2. anarch
            April 12 2013 00: 07
            They said - Rostov.
            Armenians consider Rostov their own.
            They even thought up the idea that the Armenians lived there in front of everyone.
            Hungry in Yerevan.
        2. +4
          April 11 2013 22: 42
          I am in my own land. And you (Sergey_K) - stopudovy Gaster. According to vocabulary and motives.
          "yapping", "dumping", "dog's death", etc.
          1. -4
            April 11 2013 23: 47
            I wrote so much today, but did you understand only five words?))
  15. CreepyUknow
    April 11 2013 16: 02
    Such an article has long been needed. The author did an excellent job of sorting everything out "on the shelves." And pessimism is well said.
    1. +3
      April 11 2013 16: 12
      Alternatio.org has a lot of that.
  16. SHARK
    April 11 2013 16: 04
    Once they fought for each other, and now "I want to, says, become a boss, do nothing and get a lot of money." That's all sad, we hopefully slowly get out, but the Ukrainians will have a hard time. I myself was born and raised in Russia, and my ancestors from the Chernihiv region moved to the Kuban during Catherine 2, what is the difference between us, we are the same blood. Maybe it would be better if south-eastern Ukraine separated from the western one, and let those integrate where they want.
    1. +4
      April 11 2013 16: 16
      Quote: HAIFISCH
      Maybe it would be better if south-eastern Ukraine separated from the western one, and let those integrate where they want.

      And I am Russian, born there, now my mother lives there, my classmates there are many of them!
    2. +9
      April 11 2013 16: 30
      That's about this principle
      1. +3
        April 11 2013 18: 19
        Quote: Val_Y
        That's about this principle

        And we will take it.
        ))) and that I don’t believe that the Ukrainian language prevails in Kiev.
        1. Kaa
          April 11 2013 19: 29
          Quote: ATATA
          I do not believe that the Ukrainian language prevails in Kiev

          In Kiev, as in Lvov in 1939, many residents of the surrounding villages moved, and we have "kozhne silce may have their own words." In addition, many came from the west. Therefore, there is a multi-dialectic language, colloquially called surzhik, along with the Russian language, a soft, "South Russian dialect." Fathers in Kiev are taking the ministry by storm, asking why they cannot send their children to Russian classes. "
          “Local authorities are afraid that they would not be exposed to the fire of national patriots, who see sedition in everything and act on the principle of“ not letting go ”.
          In reality, according to the General Directorate of Education and Science, in Kiev there are seven schools with Russian as the language of instruction and twelve with Russian-language classes. Five of these nineteen educational institutions are located in the left-bank districts of the capitalhttp: //poslezavtra.com.ua/tabachnik-zanizil-kolichestvo-russkoyazychnyx-s
          hkol-v-kieve / "30 percent of its population are Russians, another 30 percent are Jews, the remaining 40 percent are Ukrainians, of whom the majority are" Polishchuks ", that is, residents of the Polissya surrounding Kiev, where they speak surzhik, a mixture of Russian and Ukrainian languages.
          10 percent of the population speaks Ukrainian in Kiev, no more. "Http://spetsialny.livejournal.com/79720.html?nojs=1&mode=reply
          1. -8
            April 11 2013 19: 36
            Your fantasies do not converge with reality, my friend. Because Kiev traditionally does not vote for pro-Russian forces. Although you are right about one thing, there really is no language problem in Ukraine.
            1. +9
              April 11 2013 20: 36
              Quote: Sergey_K
              Because Kiev traditionally does not vote for pro-Russian forces. Although you are right about one thing, there really is no language problem in Ukraine.

              1. Kiev does not vote for the pro-Russian forces because our "intelligentsia" is concentrated here, which, like our oligarchs, are afraid of joining with Russia. By no means all of our scientific personnel will now look "at the level" in comparison with the Russian ones. Therefore, they supported the orange people in unison. Even the respected B. Paton himself supported Tymoshenko.
              2. There are language problems! They are forced to go to Ukrainian schools, because there are scanty Russian schools, and then only higher education in Ukrainian at universities. There is no need to rely on knowledge here.
              1. -10
                April 11 2013 21: 41
                They are only in your fantasies and in the political instruments of competent people.
                1. +8
                  April 11 2013 22: 30
                  Quote: Sergey_K
                  They are only in your fantasies and in the political instruments of competent people.

                  With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the supply of Russian science and culture by Ukrainian personnel ceased. Or almost stopped. It turned out that there was no one to feed. Present-day Ukraine cannot share highly qualified personnel with Russia, it is not able to provide them even with itself. For almost 22 years of independence, she could not present to the world poets and writers equal to M. Rylsky, V. Sosyure, M. Stelmakh, singers equal to D. Gnatyuk, E. Miroshnichenko, A. Solovyanenko .., scientists equal to B. Paton, P. Kostyuk, V. Glushkov. This list, of course, is much longer. And no matter how much we revel in the happiness of deliverance from the “dictate of the elder brother”, the inexorable realities of life testify that we can do less separately than together.
                  Peter TOLOCHKO
                  1. +2
                    April 11 2013 22: 39
                    Quote: Egoza

                    I heartily congratulate you !!! You are marshal good love
                    1. +2
                      April 11 2013 23: 35
                      Quote: Apollon
                      I heartily congratulate you !!! You are marshal

                      Serving the Soviet Union!
                      (Oh! On such an occasion, you will need to change the avatar! feel )
                  2. +4
                    April 12 2013 02: 11
                    but there is such a miracle of nature as a beerman and a dancer — he is the rector couplet player — without hearing and voice, a pan (barrabanaya drrorob laughing ) Paplavsky — a rare example of mediocrity — received 4 million hryvnias in his background — for some kind of scam –– this is just the way it is and everything’s going to happen –– but it won’t reach people –– that they had raped 20 years ago and still have
                  3. +1
                    April 12 2013 02: 29
                    Dear Elena! For 22 years of independence, nevertheless, Ukraine has brought up several standing artists.
                    Proof of the link: http://prostopleer.com/tracks/3291433WH7P
                    The song was written after Yushchenko came to power. It’s a pity that she’s only one.
            2. +2
              April 11 2013 23: 27
              There is a language problem in Ukraine ... and what else.
        2. fokino1980
          April 11 2013 21: 49
          Already Yes!!! All Galicia is already there !!!
        3. +2
          April 12 2013 02: 05
          at the moment in Kiev the prevailing triad is, so to speak, Serzhik -English and Russian -mova - I hear only in the crowd at the weekends in the offices and reception rooms -but rarely - I visit Kiev almost every week and about English it’s just like you’ll find it more than I can on the street though I speak only for the central part of the city - well, something like this
        4. +3
          April 17 2013 00: 33
          Does not prevail (in everyday life). In fact, in Kiev,% -nt Sukropov (Svidomo Ukrainian patriots) will be higher than in Galicia. Guess why?
          And they are cool there!
          Throughout the sluggishness, all svidomo evil spirits gathered in Kiev. Though from Lviv, even from Donetsk, even from Sevastopol (there were a lot of reassignants, of which they formed the first part of the Moscow Region, and they are still forming).
          Svidomo scum there received apartments and salaries (what do you want when 80-90% of the budget is accumulated in Kiev?)
          Relatively speaking, the telephone operator of Ukrtelecom (we take an enterprise that is everywhere) receives 4-5 times more than its colleague from Sevastopol!
          For residents of the Russian Federation does not remind anything? Correctly! -Moscow.
          Kievldians (most locals) and all the Svidomo aliens, not knowing the MOVs, will tell you that all of them are riddled!
          This is a way of life and thinking.
          Many Svidomites who arrived in 1991-93. already grown-up children "Kievites", employed in state institutions and other authorities ... In my words: Laino (Russian ha * but) -dilo!
  17. georg737577
    April 11 2013 16: 05
    It seems to me controversial a number of the provisions expressed in the article. It has long been clear to everyone (and Kremlin leaders) that Yanukovych is an ordinary gopnik with a criminal past, seizing power, that is, the possibility of robbing with impunity. And it is unlikely that such a geek of Russia is interesting as a friend with whom he stands
    to pin some hopes (I’m generally surprised that Putin would shake hands with him at the meetings - I personally would be a bastard ...), especially in integration projects that are crucial for Ukraine ...
    1. +6
      April 11 2013 17: 15
      Duc politician, damn it (as Chapaev said in the film "... so this is when it is necessary" laughing In general, of course, Kushnaryov is sorry, it was really a charismatic leader, like the others, so he, Kirp, Kravchenko was overwhelmed, very sorry.
  18. Mefodiy
    April 11 2013 16: 09
    Urrah !!! How many days was not "anali / c / cal articles about X ... th? It seems a couple of ... Finally came the next lap, another delusion, another chernukha, another of Mr. but. I wonder how many pay for inciting similar phobias in the Cheka, the NKVD -NKGB-MGB-KGB-FSB? (And they also say that "phobias" come from the West))))
    PS Well, just an anecdote ..... "Informed frame" knows EVERYTHING about gas corruption. He knows - who, to whom, how, in what, for what ... But he forgot that even in the Central African Republic, he bears criminal responsibility and who gives it ... By the way, already a "minus" to the apologists of the Customs Union ... (if the law is not pisan crying )
    1. +14
      April 11 2013 16: 12
      Quote: Mefodiy
      Finally, another slop came out, another nonsense, another chernukha, another Mr.

      Write your article with your point of view or are you just a critic?
      1. Mefodiy
        April 11 2013 16: 26
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Quote: Mefodiy
        Finally, another slop came out, another nonsense, another chernukha, another Mr.

        Write your article with your point of view or are you just a critic?

        I'm not a hack, I'm a techie. But techies also have the right to express their opinion about custom-made x..n (such a vegetable))
        1. +11
          April 11 2013 18: 00
          But what do you, as a techie, really don’t like: the font, size or advantages of an intelligible Russian language. Indeed, 20 years of brainwashing were not in vain. Yes, and the last site, both Russian and Russian, there are already two misfortunes for your Sorry for being too emotional and harsh.
          1. Mefodiy
            April 11 2013 19: 14
            Quote: gladysheff2010
            But what do you, as a techie, really don’t like: the font, size or advantages of an intelligible Russian language. Indeed, 20 years of brainwashing were not in vain. Yes, and the last site, both Russian and Russian, there are already two misfortunes for your Sorry for being too emotional and harsh.

            It's not clear ... What language do I speak "here"? How many spelling, punctuation, semantic errors do I (techie) have? Or maybe I slipped through some kind of "filter" when registering on the site?
            And you, by the way, can on the forums, without a pause, without a dictionary, communicate, generally competently, in three (albeit related) languages?
            1. -1
              April 16 2013 10: 00
              Quote: Mefodiy
              And you, by the way, can on the forums, without a pause, without a dictionary, communicate, generally competently, in three (albeit related) languages?

              you will continue like this and your future is grandmothers with tattoos on the walls and grandfathers straightening gray hair
        2. +2
          April 11 2013 18: 46
          You talker ...
          1. anarch
            April 12 2013 00: 26
            Father Kazav - "balabolka".
            It’s warm without showing anger.
        3. anarch
          April 12 2013 00: 22
          Crap is not a vegetable. It's what comes out of this "vegetable".
    2. Skavron
      April 11 2013 16: 15
      Methodius, well, they are all half-litrologists, they only need to grind their tongues.
    3. fokino1980
      April 11 2013 21: 51
      Familiar style from "Batkivshchyna" Whose lad are you ???
      1. Skavron
        April 11 2013 22: 29
        Quote: fokino1980
        Whose lad are you ???

        You talking to me?
  19. +23
    April 11 2013 16: 12
    Yes, Ukraine's future is not very bright ... I completely agree that for the ruling elite of Ukraine, only their own "selfish" question is in the first place. Personal enrichment in any way, by hook or by crook, to the detriment of the state, and there - at least the grass does not grow. For them - Ukraine, it is not a state in the patriotic sense, but a banal trough. Nobody thinks about people, about common people. Previously, I watched what was happening in the Verkhovna Rada, but now I stopped, I realized that whatever they adopted, any law, any amendment to the law would be beneficial only to the ruling elite personally, and not to the people. I agree that Russia in Ukraine is losing the information war. In my opinion, Russia needs to pursue a more aggressive policy in terms of information. And the fact that Ukrainians perceive Russia as an enemy is a clear exaggeration !!! I have not observed or heard anything like this, at least from those with whom I communicate. I am amazed at the shortsightedness and confidence of many in Ukraine that the EU will take us and help us solve many problems (here it seems that information propaganda in Ukraine gave such results). But life in Ukraine has clearly become worse and more difficult. Hopefully things will work out in the future. Wait and see...
  20. +7
    April 11 2013 16: 14
    "For more than twenty years, the citizens of Ukraine, Ukrainian journalists fostered by the West and all the leading mass media of the country, demonstrate Russia and the Russians as primordial enemies, as an aggressor and invader." - Unfortunately, this is the way it is at the moment! But in recent years, one can often hear there - "How tired of everything, hoopoes!"
    Tired of the people of Ukraine! And it is true about the clans!
  21. +3
    April 11 2013 16: 22
    Indeed, if divided, the "Law on Tongues" showed how, and there would be happiness for everyone. wink
  22. Alexborisoff
    April 11 2013 16: 24
    Ukraine in its modern form is an artificial state entity, assembled (cobbled together) by Bolsheviks from different parts of different empires (Russian, Austro-Hungarian, etc.). Never before has Ukraine occupied such vast spaces. Actually, Eastern Ukraine is a historical part of Russia.
    Ukraine is doomed to split according to the civilizational principle:
    Western Ukraine is the Uniate Church (the jurisdiction of the pope), Ukrainian, or rather Ukrainian-Polish with German elements, the ideology of total Russophobia (there is simply no other ideology), etc.
    Eastern Ukraine and Crimea is Russia, more precisely Little Russia, with its Orthodox Church of the Russian Patriarchate, Russian or semi-Ukrainian))) language, l mentality (with a slight twist of regional provincialism).
    Ukraine will certainly fall apart in the next 10-20 years, and do not regret it. Eastern part, Crimea, Odessa WE WILL TAKE IT FOR YOURSELF.
    1. fastblast
      April 11 2013 16: 32
      yeah, but while circling over Ukraine rotting like vultures, wait until it dies and falls apart ...

      Indeed, as simple as simple ... you don’t have to do anything, repair anything, create, build relationships.

      Maybe because of such judgments, the attitude of "zapadentsev" to Russians is?
      1. mamba
        April 11 2013 17: 28
        Quote: Fastblast
        Indeed, it's as easy as shelling pears ... you don't have to do anything, fix anything, create, build relationships. Maybe because of such judgments, the attitude of "zapadentsev" to Russians is?

        There is such an expression in Russian: "Not feed into the horse." You can give an example from family life, when one of the brothers went all out, does not want to listen to his relatives, does everything in spite of everything. Then they will simply give up on him and say: "Live as you know, but then do not be offended."
        1. anarch
          April 12 2013 00: 35
          A truly older brother will not say.
          Because the eldest, that is the answer.
          And the seniority proves that in the answer.
          1. xan
            April 12 2013 14: 07
            Quote: anarh
            A truly older brother will not say.
            Because the eldest, that is the answer.
            And the seniority proves that in the answer.

            Hit on the left - substitute the right?
      2. Oleg
        April 11 2013 17: 55
        Quote: Fastblast
        yeah, but while circling over Ukraine rotting like vultures, wait until it dies and falls apart ...

        Indeed, as simple as simple ... you don’t have to do anything, repair anything, create, build relationships.

        Maybe because of such judgments, the attitude of "zapadentsev" to Russians is?

        And it’s not only Zapadentsevs ... there’s a little more such stench in articles and statements of politicians and other specialists in Ukraine and that’s all ... The Ukrainians are first of all a family, its prosperity, prosperity. He will never shout that his country is the most awesome in the world and that he is a shareholder of Gazprom ... he’s got it, but when his personal interests are pinched ... mom, don’t worry!
        1. +1
          April 11 2013 21: 47
          In a state way!))) "Patriotic"!)))
        2. fokino1980
          April 11 2013 21: 56
          Well, on gas all your oligarchs appeared. Please note the stolen gas !!!
          1. Mefodiy
            April 11 2013 22: 01
            Quote: fokino1980
            Well, on gas all your oligarchs appeared. Please note the stolen gas !!!

            Together, together with the Russians. I understand perfectly, it’s more pleasant to make extremes only strangers wink
      3. +7
        April 11 2013 18: 18
        Man, don’t boil, but think about it, although it’s difficult. Well, for example, Russia will close the border to you with a visa regime and quotas, imagine how many people from Nezalezhnaya cannot earn in Russia and thus feed themselves, I’m a builder and I don’t have any illusions. these people will compete in the domestic market, and then the 90s, which passed, by the way, in Ukraine relatively calmly, will seem like child's play, because a country may be on the verge of a civil war, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to sit out in a comfortable apartment or on a warm beach, unless you have enough resources for this. To think, not to shout about bloated patriotism.
      4. Misantrop
        April 11 2013 18: 19
        Quote: Fastblast
        easier than simple ... you don’t have to do anything, repair anything, create, build relationships.

        Maybe because of such judgments, the attitude of "zapadentsev" to Russians is?

        Does it make sense to fatten? How much has been invested during the times of the USSR, even a simple "thank you" wait?
        1. Mefodiy
          April 11 2013 19: 04
          [quote = Misantrop]
          Maybe because of such judgments, the attitude of "zapadentsev" to Russians is this? [/ Quote]
          Does it make sense to fatten? How much has been invested during the times of the USSR, even a simple "thank you" wait? [/ Quote]
          No, it was necessary to pour concrete over the entire West (and the Baltic states at the same time). True, what's the point then in joining ??
          And the cement was not enough for the Sovdepov cement for such a creative project fellow
          1. Misantrop
            April 11 2013 22: 08
            Quote: Mefodiy
            No, it was necessary to pour concrete over the entire West (and the Baltic states at the same time).
            Poured. Only not in an even layer, but in the form of plants, resorts, etc. Well, where is it all now? Defeated and plundered. Even to preserve the mind was not enough for you, tearing the veins, built
            1. Mefodiy
              April 12 2013 10: 11
              Quote: Misantrop
              Poured. Only not in an even layer, but in the form of plants, resorts, etc. Well, where is it all now? Defeated and plundered. Even to preserve the mind was not enough for you, tearing the veins, built

              Probably you tore the first veins ... (on the forums). Sorry...
              By the way, if you say that few industries are destroyed on the Left Bank or in Russia, I will call you a LIAR.
              And sanatoriums are working and even new ones are being built. Come, they will be glad to you, you will have a rest, at the same time treat your "veins" .. hi
        2. +8
          April 11 2013 22: 39
          Quote: Misantrop
          How much has been invested during the times of the USSR, even a simple "thank you" wait?

          Neo-Nazi Ilyenko: “Our Party is Galician.” “If Freedom comes to power, the celebration of May 9 will be canceled.” “May 9 is not a holiday for Ukrainians?” ".... ordinary soldiers of the Red Army do not deserve respect." “Many of my relatives fought in the Red Army. But this does not mean that I should love Stalin and glorify the Soviet Union. ” An excellent result of the Faculty of Philosophy of Kiev University. Neo-Nazi Mikhaylichishin: "The Dnieper will be red from Russian blood." “They (the Russians) - the descendants of those same“ asbaditelskie georgievskie ribbons ”- today are waging the same war against us. “We have a strategic goal - to remove the regime of the criminal oligarchy, corrupt bureaucracy and Russians from power.” “Kiev I know worse than the cities of Austria and Germany, it makes me think that Europe is closer to me than Ukraine.” the same thoughts of a graduate of the Lviv University (Faculty of Philosophy). But the scientific philosophers of these universities contain taxes including citizens of Ukraine whose grandfathers, fathers, relatives honestly fulfilled the duty to protect their land from the Nazis and killers of the OUN-UPA.
          1. xan
            April 12 2013 16: 20
            Fidget, it's hard for you there. I in my Petersburg only feel corruption problems.
            I'm starting to think that Russian Ukrainians are even more Russian than the Russians themselves
      5. +9
        April 11 2013 18: 50
        The attitude of the Zapadentsev is based on one thing, on the betrayal of the Orthodox faith. They will hate their half-brothers until the end of their days because they have preserved the Orthodox faith. This is the hatred of traitors! It's disgusting to even write.
        1. anarch
          April 12 2013 00: 48
          On the role of personality in history.
          Danila Galitsky and Alexander Nevsky.
          They answered one question, but how it turned out differently.

          And about the primacy of spirit over matter.

          As Lao Tzu used to say: “The bodily emlet is good.
          The incorporeal eats the essence. "
      6. UFO
        April 11 2013 21: 22
        Quote: Fastblast
        in the meantime, circling rotting over Ukraine, like vultures,

        Who is circling? We "smoke quietly" on the sidelines, and what to do if your leadership refuses constructiveness.
        Quote: Fastblast
        you don’t have to do anything, repair anything, create, build relationships.

        How long can you turn the other cheek again?
        Quote: Fastblast
        Maybe because of such judgments, the attitude of "zapadentsev" to Russians is?

        No, just another "body" at the head of the "illiquid", well, but they are guilty as always ... hi
      7. +4
        April 11 2013 21: 46
        Are you dissatisfied with what? Do we help a little? So your gentlemen don't let anyone in! In the view of your "shanovnyh" Ukraine should be all, including Europe, and she - to nobody and nothing ... Excellent negotiating position!)))
      8. fokino1980
        April 11 2013 21: 55
        !!! None of those who come here want this !!! Everyone wants Ukraine to be good !!! But no one will do your work for you. You are a free country and decide and build relationships yourself. How many people can you persuade and at the same time constantly run into insults and theft ??? fool
      9. nickname 1 and 2
        April 11 2013 23: 00
        Quote: Fastblast
        yeah, for now circling rotting Ukraine like vultures,

        I did not notice such on this site. Do not entertain yourself with illusions.
        Purely to console your compassion!
        And if the question arises seriously how to provide assistance, then they will scream differently.
      10. 0
        April 17 2013 20: 57
        You my friend clown, how much can you call in the TS
    2. Nevsky
      April 11 2013 16: 46
      Eastern part, Crimea, Odessa WE WILL TAKE IT FOR YOURSELF.

      And do not forget the Sea of ​​Azov, I’m ready even today to begin sabotage, if only there would be an understanding from Moscow soldier
      1. Skavron
        April 11 2013 17: 24
        Quote: Nevsky
        I am ready to begin sabotage even today

        Start sabotage from shale gas towers ... there will be more sense
      2. TRAFFIC
        April 11 2013 17: 25
        Nevsky what are you talking about? Ukrainophobia burned the brain.
      3. Oleg
        April 11 2013 18: 04
        Quote: Nevsky
        Eastern part, Crimea, Odessa WE WILL TAKE IT FOR YOURSELF.

        And do not forget the Sea of ​​Azov, I’m ready even today to begin sabotage, if only there would be an understanding from Moscow soldier

        And first you ask the Odessites, they will give it back? I think it’s unlikely ...
        1. +6
          April 11 2013 18: 48
          Quote: olega
          And first you ask the Odessites, they will give it back? I think it’s unlikely ..

          And what did the so-called independence give to the Odessans?
        2. +7
          April 11 2013 20: 49
          Quote: olega
          And first you ask the Odessites, they will give it back? I think it’s unlikely.

          You understand correctly. Odessans will also want to join the Russian Federation laughing
      4. xan
        April 12 2013 15: 49
        Quote: Nevsky
        And do not forget the Sea of ​​Azov, I’m ready even today to begin sabotage, if only there would be an understanding from Moscow

        this is not our method
        then just outweigh the flags, but the cops shoulder straps alter
    3. DAOSS
      April 12 2013 22: 01
      It is thanks to such frostbitten "Russians" that interracial intolerance appears.
      And despite the fact that I'm Russian, I just want to say AlexBorisoff: Yes, let’s go to x .. m about with a damn !!!
      1. xan
        April 12 2013 23: 19
        Quote: DAOSS
        It is thanks to such frostbitten "Russians" that interracial intolerance appears.
        And in spite of the fact that I am Russian, I just want to say AlexBorisoff: Yes, let’s go to x .. m about with a damn !!!

        It’s clear that it’s inappropriately not his own, then there will be no spiritual bathherd
        you need to be more modest
  23. Skavron
    April 11 2013 16: 27
    Quote: AlexBorisoff
    Eastern part, Crimea, Odessa WE WILL TAKE IT FOR YOURSELF.

    Look so that across the throat the east does not become
    1. Nevsky
      April 11 2013 16: 49
      Look so that across the throat the east does not become

      Will not. I am the first to support this campaign. You are a typical Russian-speaking Russophobe, I even wrote about an entire article about people like you, by the way recently on the site, read this:

      1. Skavron
        April 11 2013 16: 58
        Quote: Nevsky
        You are a typical Russian-speaking Russophobe

        Yes? So I was already Natsik, Bendera ... and now Russophobe.
        I'll go buy a T-shirt "I love Russia" I'll take a picture and then I'll post it yyyy

        Quote: Nevsky
        you by the way recently on the site

        more than you probably

        it will also be necessary to write an article about Russophobia
        1. Nevsky
          April 11 2013 17: 07
          Yes? So I was already Natsik, Bendera ... and now Russophobe.
          I'll go buy a T-shirt "I love Russia" I'll take a picture and then I'll post it yyyy

          To translate everything into stupid humor, a lot of mind is not necessary. But in fact, he did not answer:

          Look so that across the throat the east does not become

          And I say it will not rise, here in the southeast there are enough people not only to meet Russia with flowers, but also to help protest the Russian world.
          1. Skavron
            April 11 2013 17: 18
            Quote: Nevsky
            To translate everything into stupid humor, a lot of mind is not necessary. But in fact, he did not answer:

            What do you have to prove?
            You already made your conclusion. It remains only to laugh at such groundless conclusions.
            On the other hand, I understand nostalgia for the former USSR, longing ...
            Quote: Nevsky
            there are enough people in the southeast

            I am from the Southeast ... not against friendship with Russia, but I do not want to live there.
            Any questions?
            1. Nevsky
              April 11 2013 17: 35
              Quote: Skavron
              You already made your conclusion. It remains only to laugh at such groundless conclusions.

              Butter and blah blah ... Read the answer below for a quote:

              I am from the Southeast ... not against friendship with Russia, but I do not want to live there.

              Judging by your comments in every topic related to Ukraine, the CU and the Eurasian one, friendship does not suit you either. And what does the concept of "friendship" mean in international law? In the Anglo-Saxon world, friendship between England, USA, Canada and Australia? An economic and military union? or something more that can be called "friendship" and it is not necessary to formalize it legally in NATO, OCEAN?

              You live in an illusory world when I was just like you. I believed that everything in the world happens by itself: the United States, like a dandelion of God, is trying to help backward and non-democratic countries, LGBT are random processes, and a juvenile is taking care of a child. What does the Russian Federation and Ukraine have to do with it? And the fact that having renounced Russia, by the word we, I mean the South-East of Ukraine, we will not stay for a long time in the intermediate "ethnos" - the skhidnyakov, "Russians", as the Doberman group sang in 2004. But you in another matrix already, maybe you will wake up, or maybe not, here's my article about my awakening:


              Any questions?

              Will be. Only in a more operational environment and not in civilian life.
              1. Skavron
                April 11 2013 17: 53
                Wow! How much did you write. I don’t even know where to start answering.
                Quote: Nevsky
                Judging by your comments

                Read my comments carefully.
                I do not like it when they tell me that it is time for my country to divide and select territories.
                Quote: Nevsky
                And what does the concept of "friendship" mean?

                Well, probably, when the neighbors do not promise to seize part of the territory of your country. At least that.
                Quote: Nevsky
                You live in an illusory world

                I eat illusory food, drink illusory water, earn illusory money ...

                Quote: Nevsky
                I used to be like you.

                I do not believe (s)
                Quote: Nevsky
                Believed that everything in the world happens on its own

                Yes? I do not suffer from such naivety. I recommend a course in social psychology.

                Quote: Nevsky
                Will be. Only in a more operational environment and not in civilian life.

                CSO !!!
                "An unfeasible threat is a sign of weakness,
                Doable is a sign of stupidity "
                Am I with you as with a weak person or how with a fool to talk?
                1. Nevsky
                  April 11 2013 18: 24
                  Quote: Nevsky
                  I used to be like you.
                  I do not believe (s)

                  I threw the link to you, the second time I won’t.

                  I do not like it when they tell me that it is time for my country to divide and select territories.

                  What is your country, Ivan not remembering his kinship, but writing in Russian? What did you forget on this site? Attracted by military equipment, news about the rearmament of the Russian army? Here, Russia smells of life and the state. What is not in Ukraine: not a state, not an army, not a site about Ukrainian. army and armament.
                  1. +9
                    April 11 2013 18: 53
                    Useless, that's all.
                    Neither the homeland nor the flag.

                    Toka blaz about independence, from ourselves.
                    It is treated only through suffering and hunger. Do not get it wrong.
                    All this is done by the independents themselves.
                    Skavron a reasonable person, but has not yet received his sight, right now he will read offense, and time will pass, he will understand everything. But not today, it is a fact.
                    1. Skavron
                      April 11 2013 19: 29
                      Quote: ATATA
                      Skavron reasonable man

                      Thanks for that, respected)
                      Quote: ATATA
                      right now read offended

                      Yes, never in life !!!! What for? For what? The impotent spite of a man masturbating in the USSR? This is funny, the right word ...
                      Quote: ATATA
                      but time will pass, he will understand everything.

                      By the way, for myself, I already understood everything and made the appropriate conclusions. And I am very glad that many of my friends consider such conclusions to be correct.
                      I have repeatedly stated my point of view (Nevsky just didn’t understand (I’m not guilty)) and why repeat myself?
                  2. Skavron
                    April 11 2013 19: 24
                    Quote: Nevsky
                    I threw the link to you, the second time I won’t.

                    Yes, I could not leave
                    I have read your tearful opuses (although I slapped many of them on the "+")

                    Quote: Nevsky
                    What is your country, Ivan not remembering his kinship, but writing in Russian?

                    I know kinship, I remember, unlike you
                    In Russian? Shall I move on? So many will not understand !!! As you yourself noticed, the site is Russian.
                    Quote: Nevsky
                    What did you forget on this site?

                    But this, sorry, is not your business, or did you decide to tell me where to read and where to comment? Eccentric you however ...
                    Quote: Nevsky
                    Here, Russia smells of life and the state.

                    By the way, the simplest solution is to block access to the site for users from Ukraine. And it will be comfortable for you here, no one will contradict

                    And anyway, why are you so emotionally psychic?)))) Can you even communicate constructively?
                  3. +2
                    April 13 2013 00: 13
                    There would be an army with weapons, there would be a site! I agree! And so, to date, they only know how to sell air defense systems of Georgia from combat duty taking off !!!
  24. +11
    April 11 2013 16: 28
    ... In Ukraine, the state does not exist.

    Here is the quintessence of independence!
  25. +8
    April 11 2013 16: 31
    Even European closets of Ukrainian citizens in the European Union are no longer waiting.

  26. +17
    April 11 2013 16: 32
    The big problem and misfortune of Ukraine and Ukrainians is that they renounce "Russianness", from kinship with Russia, consider themselves from the outset a separate people that did not appear, together with the Russians and Belarusians from one, ancient Russian ethnos. After all, from this it follows automatically that if they are not We, then they are Europeans, and their place is there, in Europe. And they do not want to understand that they are not needed there either, the Europeans are not stupid to impose one more problem on themselves, there are enough problems with much smaller Greece, Portugal, Cyprus.
    More about ethnogenesis, the process of the formation of nations and peoples. "Svidomye" argue that the Russians are not Slavs, but the renowned Finno-Ugrians, so if you delve into the history of any established nation, it is impossible to find a "pure people". The same French have absorbed both the Celtic and Germanic peoples, and the influence of the Roman Empire is more than obvious, the English nation is also a "hodgepodge" of peoples. And the Ukrainian people, in their history, have absorbed both the Slavs and the Polovtsians with the Nogai and Krymchaks. and in general, nationality is determined not by whose ancestors were, but by what language a given person thinks. Nera's third-generation descendant is the great Russian poet Pushkin, the son of a Dane is the compiler of the Russian language dictionary Vladimir Dal. There are a lot of examples, these are only the first ones that were remembered.
    1. +10
      April 11 2013 17: 06
      Quote: anatoly57
      The descendant of the Negro in the third generation is the great Russian poet Pushkin,
      The son of the Dane - compiler of the dictionary of the Russian language Vladimir Dal.

      According to Darwin's theory of evolution, two branches of evolution originated from the "missing link" (hypothetical creature):
      - one on fixing human signs to a modern person,
      - another to fix the signs of a monkey ...

      Neo-Nazis of all stripes are the result of the development of the second branch ...
      1. +3
        April 11 2013 18: 08
        Quote: Sukhov
        According to Darwin's theory of evolution, two branches of evolution originated from the "missing link" (hypothetical creature):
        - one on fixing human signs to a modern person,
        - another to fix the signs of a monkey ...

        Neo-Nazis of all stripes are the result of the development of the second branch ...

        Someone minus? For what?

        Well, if you don’t like it, let it be that way:
        The second branch of the "Missing Link" did not evolve anywhere, as it was a hypothetical creature, so it remained ...
        wassat crying wassat
    2. -3
      April 11 2013 17: 10
      Just the Ukrainians think so. But the Russians are inventing some kind of "Old Russian ethnos" from which everyone hatched.
      What kind of ethnos is this and where did he live interestingly and where is his cradle? Not on the territory of modern Ukraine by accident? So then who are more Russians? They or us? These conversations must be left.

      As long as the Ukrainian language, Ukraine as a country is not considered equal in Russia, unification is possible only by force. And this is war!
      Another question is that Ukraine should be forced to reckon with itself, not by whining, but by a powerful economy predictable by politics. But, firstly, then Russia is no longer needed. And secondly, this will not happen in the foreseeable future. Because Ukraine now is a permanent mess, unprofessionalism / lack of foresight of managers, small-town, corruption and stagnation of the economy.

      Even Belarusians do not want to live in one state and at the direction of Moscow. They want to live in Belarus and be our ally, friend and brother. This is quite enough in my opinion.
      1. +2
        April 11 2013 17: 22
        Quote: Sergey_K
        Even Belarusians do not want to live in one state and at the direction of Moscow. They want to live in Belarus and be our ally, friend and brother.

        Known solution.
        In order to maintain a warm relationship, one must live:
        Nearby, but not together!
        1. +4
          April 11 2013 18: 26
          Quote: Sukhov
          Known solution.
          In order to maintain a warm relationship, one must live:
          Nearby, but not together!

          If together - someone must dominate, otherwise - a mess!
          But this will sooner or later be boring to the younger brother and / or sister. There you have the conflict.
          And we need it?
          1. +2
            April 11 2013 19: 00
            Big brother can protect, and the younger ones get more sweets! And someone will become a big vryatli from our brothers, except to establish a colony on Mars, but this is already from the realm of fantasy ... or rather fantasy, a fairy tale shorter! hi
          2. +2
            April 13 2013 00: 23
            What are the younger-older? Same! The same!!! Vologda residents and stewards do not consider themselves younger, while Novgorodians do not claim to be a seniority! I can imagine how the inhabitants of Greater Poland with the people of Mazovia and Lesser Poland will start nearby, but not live together !!!
            When divorced spouses remain in the same apartment in 99,99% of cases, this is WAR (cold or warmer) !!! That's what it means nearby, but not together !!!
      2. Skavron
        April 11 2013 17: 23
        Here is perhaps your most faithful comment of all ...
        1. -5
          April 11 2013 17: 27
          Because I visit Ukraine every year and see everything with my own eyes.
        2. +1
          April 11 2013 17: 56
          SkavronI support! What, you can’t live in Ukraine and at the same time be a full-fledged ally, friend and brother for Russia? ..
          1. Mefodiy
            April 11 2013 18: 37
            Quote: Gladius
            SkavronI support! What, you can’t live in Ukraine and at the same time be a full-fledged ally, friend and brother for Russia? ..

            Yes, that's right. And by the way, everyone knows that there are conflicts, misunderstandings, etc. between (even) siblings.
            But this, probably, is not known (not clear) in the Kremlin, in the FSB, etc.
          2. +9
            April 11 2013 18: 56
            Quote: Gladius
            SkavronI support! What, you can’t live in Ukraine and at the same time be a full-fledged ally, friend and brother for Russia? ..

            The problem is that Ukraine is essentially an anti-Russia project. you will not be allowed to be a friend.
            1. Skavron
              April 11 2013 19: 30
              Quote: ATATA
              The problem is that Ukraine is essentially an anti-Russia project

              no more rubbish
          3. Skavron
            April 11 2013 19: 32
            Quote: Gladius
            What, you can’t live in Ukraine and at the same time be a full-fledged ally, friend and brother for Russia? ..

            Well, many forum users do not want this ...
            They want to see in Ukraine for Russia another area.
            1. +7
              April 11 2013 21: 33
              Quote: Skavron
              Well, many forum users do not want this ...
              They want to see in Ukraine for Russia another area.

              I do not agree. Everyone wants a good, friendly relationship. If you want to be an independent state, the flag is in your hands, this is your right. Just do not look for friends far, but close enemies. hi
              1. Skavron
                April 11 2013 21: 54
                Quote: rapid1934
                I do not agree. Everyone wants a good, friendly relationship.

                reread some comments
            2. biglow
              April 12 2013 12: 31
              Quote: Skavron
              Quote: Gladius
              What, you can’t live in Ukraine and at the same time be a full-fledged ally, friend and brother for Russia? ..

              Well, many forum users do not want this ...
              They want to see in Ukraine for Russia another area.

              why at once one region, 3-4 regions will be optimal in terms of population. It is possible to restore everything within the boundaries of pre-revolutionary provinces, then everything will be fair.
              1. Skavron
                April 12 2013 19: 49
                Quote: biglow
                then everything will be fair.

                in fairness, you need to leave for your Russia and from there to pour mud on Ukraine ... otherwise I don’t like people like you, deserters ...
                1. biglow
                  April 12 2013 19: 57
                  Quote: Skavron
                  Quote: biglow
                  then everything will be fair.

                  in fairness, you need to leave for your Russia and from there to pour mud on Ukraine ... otherwise I don’t like people like you, deserters ...

                  tell it to the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine, they will understand you. And I am already on Russian soil laughing Ukraine does not smell here
            3. Misantrop
              April 13 2013 00: 29
              Quote: Skavron
              They want to see in Ukraine for Russia another area.

              The Russians do NOT want to. First of all, they do not want to see in the former common territory, instead of a friend, brother and ally, an envious petty dirty man, and even permanently offended
              1. 0
                April 16 2013 09: 21
                Quote: Misantrop
                Yes, and permanently offended

                ready at every opportunity to "sit on the neck" and at the same time throw mud at RUSSIA
            4. +2
              April 13 2013 00: 31
              Quit smoking yourself !!! The liver, heart or lungs are not the area of ​​the body !!! These are its integral parts !!! But the leg ... The body will live without it, but the leg without the body will not immediately, but it will go dry and turn to dust !!! The Ukrainian state is the same leg! Russia and Belarus will cope without it, but the "Zhovto-Blakitnaya Republic" is not viable in itself !!! Ukrainians are part of the heart of the great Russian people !!! And we can live only TOGETHER !!!
      3. Misantrop
        April 11 2013 18: 30
        Quote: Sergey_K
        As long as the Ukrainian language, Ukraine as a country is not considered equal in Russia, unification is possible only by force.
        Why so modest, just more equal? We must demand that the fathers of the nation be considered, bowed at the legs. And the fact that the ass is naked is not important, the image is wassat How is it that every Ukrainian in disputes about the vehicle for himself at least the prime minister’s chair begins to try on immediately laughing Is it not one hell of an ordinary citizen, on what conditions will the GOVERNMENTS agree among themselves? Or are Ukrainian citizens promised, like Jews before the Second World War, to sew signs on their backs so that the "non-citizen" could be seen from afar? It seems to be not. And then why the hell all these demands of someone there is someone to consider on legislative interstate level?
        1. +1
          April 11 2013 21: 49
          If there was "one hell", then Ukraine would not have lost one and a half million of its sons in the Great Patriotic War.
          They even threw you pluses, for the fact that you do not care what your land will be there.
          Remember to be a person of the first and only kind you can only be on your own land. I can’t imagine, even on a frivolous Internet, even with life problems, that I talk about Russia and Russians like that.
          1. Misantrop
            April 11 2013 22: 43
            Quote: Sergey_K
            If there was "one hell", then Ukraine would not have lost one and a half million of its sons in the Great Patriotic War.
            They even threw you pluses, for the fact that you do not care what your land will be there.

            Stop fooling around, Ukraine did not lose people in the Second World War. He lost the USSR, without dividing them into title and second-rate ones. And the pluses were thrown to me by those who read and understood my answer. I am Russian on my passport, I live in Crimea. My brother (Ukrainian) is in the suburbs. What and in what direction can change in our family from the conditions on which the Kremlin and Bankova agree? But if they don’t agree at all and, besides the customs border, the visa regime is slapped as well, then it will whip for us, and the same for both.
            Quote: Sergey_K
            Remember to be a person of the first and only kind you can only be on your own land.
            Tell it to the Crimean Tatars, okay? What is it like to be a second-class person on its land, Russians of Crimea have been trying to arrange for two decades. Some are supposedly "indigenous", others are the titular nation ... All of them, for some reason, must be respected (the rest are optional). Moreover, regardless of their behavior, which is typical
      4. Oleg
        April 11 2013 18: 43
        they wrote everything very competently and readily! And basically, the writers will divide, conquer, crush economically ... I will not upset them, Ukraine is not Chech drinks Nya and not Georgia ... and not going to fight with anyone
        1. fokino1980
          April 11 2013 22: 04
          stupid !!! or already confused ???
    3. xan
      April 12 2013 16: 03
      Quote: anatoly57
      The descendant of nera in the third generation is the great Russian poet Pushkin, the Son of the Dane - compiler of the Russian language dictionary Vladimir Dal. Examples - a lot, these are only the first ones that were remembered.

      Then, on a neighboring branch, one member of the forum noted that the Russian colonizers of the Georgian Tsitsian and Ossetian Eristov went to get the keys to Azerbaijani Baku. Here it is, Russian Empire
  27. Vovka levka
    April 11 2013 16: 34
    In Ukraine, everything is simple.
    The powers that be do not want to go to Russia, because there they will put in place quickly. It will be keeping quiet. They will squeeze the eggs and take away the capital. You want to steer yourself. The same example is Belarus.
    I would like to go to Europe, the reason is simple, so they stole that the economy is an ass. But the problem is that no one in Europe will tolerate the "concept".
    So rushing around.
    And people are people. Busy to live, and by and large the bustle of politicians to them a damn.
    1. +2
      April 11 2013 18: 17
      Quote: Vovka Levka
      In Ukraine, everything is simple.
      The powers that be do not want to go to Russia, because there they will put in place quickly. It will be keeping quiet. They will squeeze the eggs and take away the capital. You want to steer yourself. The same example is Belarus.
      I would like to go to Europe, the reason is simple, so they stole that the economy is an ass. But the problem is that no one in Europe will tolerate the "concept".
      So rushing around.
      And people are people. Busy to live, and by and large the bustle of politicians to them a damn.

      Deja vu? Somewhere I already added this comment request
      Russia now takes everything "effective" from the inventory of the "civilized" world.
      Alas, life is such that excrement does not sink. The corresponding arsenal of tools and instruments, aggravated by their inherent rudeness. One thing is not clear, for the same actions one looks into the eyes, the other spits on the back.
      Maybe we still need to live separately - to "test feelings."
      PS I do not believe that everything is so bad in Ukraine.
      1. Misantrop
        April 11 2013 19: 03
        Quote: es.d
        I do not believe that everything is so bad in Ukraine.

        It’s right that you don’t believe it. For everything else is worse (except that the weather is slightly warmer than in Moscow)
        1. -3
          April 11 2013 19: 22
          Do not hang noodles on people's ears. They live at the level of all of Russia except Moscow and Chechnya. Kiev is a little better, but it does not reach Moscow, on a par with Peter, the salary.
          1. Vovka levka
            April 11 2013 21: 46
            It’s just that people understood one simple thing, if you yourself don’t help yourself, then no one will help you.
            For having power is high and their flight is high. And the people are simple below, such a small and downward not visible.
            I sometimes get the impression that if by chance the devils took all the power, then people probably lived much better.
            1. -2
              April 11 2013 21: 56
              I doubt that I understood. Because when he understands, then everything will work out.
              1. Vovka levka
                April 11 2013 22: 33
                Slowly it comes, even to the older generation.
          2. Misantrop
            April 11 2013 23: 09
            Quote: Sergey_K
            Do not hang noodles on people's ears. They live at the level of all Russia except Moscow and Chechnya

            Is it - instead of an evening tale? Near my house every day there is a machine selling dairy products. From Melitopol carry. In Simferopol, every day except weekends. Estimate yourself how much the prices should differ in order to pay for gasoline (despite the fact that they have prices even a little cheaper than the products of local dairies)
            1. biglow
              April 12 2013 12: 42
              Quote: Misantrop
              Quote: Sergey_K
              Do not hang noodles on people's ears. They live at the level of all Russia except Moscow and Chechnya

              Is it - instead of an evening tale? Near my house every day there is a machine selling dairy products. From Melitopol carry. In Simferopol, every day except weekends. Estimate yourself how much the prices should differ in order to pay for gasoline (despite the fact that they have prices even a little cheaper than the products of local dairies)

              in Yalta, the same song, they carry food almost every day from Kherson and Melitopol, Bread is brought from Sak and Sevastopol and sold cheaper than local, 10 percent
      2. Vovka levka
        April 11 2013 21: 50
        It is difficult for morally simple people, injustice is terrible. But whoever wants to work does not die of hunger, and there is enough for bread and butter.
        1. xan
          April 12 2013 16: 13
          Quote: Vovka Levka
          It is difficult for morally simple people, injustice is terrible. But whoever wants to work does not die of hunger, and there is enough for bread and butter.

          But the brains are not enough to understand that if you work, then you should not just have enough for bread and butter, but should live well, and the state should ensure the standard of living?
          1. Vovka levka
            April 13 2013 10: 36
            I have enough brains.
  28. +13
    April 11 2013 17: 10
    Political scientist Andrei Vajra. And who is it? Ukrainian or Russian political scientist? What organization does it represent?
    To give such extensive interviews, you must have very reliable information about the studied object. Where is she from? He’s an excellent analyst, but where did he get all this accurate information from? From the media? The awareness of the comrade (lord) of the political scientist is striking.
    In general, I agree with him! Everything is true and logical. And the conclusions are made, in my opinion, the correct ones.
    The article is definitely a "plus" !!!
    I have old parents in Ukraine. I often go to them. I do not agree with Ukrainian opponents in the negative assessment of the article. Why? I see all this myself every year, but it makes no sense to explain to them. Those with eyes - yes they see!
    1. biglow
      April 11 2013 19: 01
      Quote: aviamed90
      Political scientist Andrei Vajra. And who is it?

      He is a well-known political scientist from Kiev, most of his predictions on the development of the situation in Ukraine have been fully justified. This topic has been dealt with for a long time, therefore such people are noted and given information that he can correctly process.
  29. +1
    April 11 2013 17: 26
    sorry for the brothers -0hl0v. for the most part are absolutely identical to us. we don’t really, but they generally ... (sorry)
    1. anarch
      April 12 2013 01: 25
      Andrei, what are you all about.
      This is the derogatory nickname of Ukrainians.
      Brothers are not so called.
      I hope that escaped by thoughtlessness.
      I really hope so.
  30. +7
    April 11 2013 17: 28
    Very much said. Thanks to the author for the desire and courage to speak heartily.
  31. +9
    April 11 2013 17: 37
    In my opinion, Russia needs to bring the construction of the Customs Union to a logical conclusion, leaving the “European-integrated” Ukraine behind its wall, with all the ensuing consequences. The Ukrainian elite must understand that without Russia, without the Eurasian Union, it is doomed to lose its business. However, in fact, Putin is doing this now. It consistently cuts financial, economic and trade arteries through which Russia still feeds the livelihoods of the “Euro-integrating” Ukraine.

    Sometimes, in order to give a lesson for a lifetime, a child needs to feel “all the pleasures of life” on himself, for example, to fall, slightly burn himself - then he knows pain and understands a lot. It is not in vain that people say - having no value, losing weeping. Maybe in truth Ukraine needs to live completely without Russia in order to understand with whom it is better: with Europe or Russia. And she can’t sit on 2 chairs.
  32. Bandera
    April 11 2013 17: 39
    Clearly written. Such a pessimistic forecast.
    But I believe that in people lives the internal energy that will change this program.

    Formum dwellers' statements about the split of Ukraine and the "selection" of the eastern and southern parts are irritating. That is, already at the subconscious level, they gave Chervona Rus (Galicia, Volin, Bukovina) and Carpathian Rus at the mercy of the Poles, Hungarians, etc.?
    Stalin gathered what the Russian Empire was not able to collect to the end (I mean the whole territory of Kievan Rus, and it is precisely part of Chervona Rus and Carpathian Rus). But the grateful descendants were afraid of the fifth column in the form of nationalists and ends in the water?
    1. Nevsky
      April 11 2013 17: 57

      Stalin gathered what the Russian Empire was not able to collect to the end (I mean the whole territory of Kievan Rus, and it is precisely part of Chervona Rus and Carpathian Rus). But the grateful descendants were afraid of the fifth column in the form of nationalists and ends in the water?

      Unfortunately, we proceed from the operational environment. For example Skavron in one of the comments, he mentioned that he was from Donetsk. However, he is an ardent opponent of the revival of Great Russia, whether it be the USSR 2.0 or Russia as a whole. He clearly writes in Russian from the once city Stalino , and there are more and more people like him in the East and South of Ukraine. I live in Berdyansk on the coast of the Azov Sea, the city was founded by Count M.S. Vorontsov, like the entire South of Little Russia, from Izmail to Mariupol .. All these are Russian settlers from the Central Russia since the beginning of the 19th century. Even before the Sovietization of Ukraine, here in the "Wild Field", Ukraine was represented in the reeds and floodplains by the Cossacks. Cities, railways, factories, the army and the police, the ruble as a monetary unit - everything was brought and arranged by Russia. And now the question is, how to relate to Ivans, who do not remember their kinship and grew up on the textbooks of "Svidomites"? Wait when the infection finally crosses the Dnieper? It is necessary to cut, while loyal to Russia here from 65% to 90%. In my Russian city, 3-5% are ready to vote for "Freedom". And in 2008 this figure was 0,3%. Comments are superfluous.
      1. Skavron
        April 11 2013 20: 02
        Quote: Nevsky
        However, he is an ardent opponent of the revival of Great Russia

        Am I an opponent of Russia? God be with you ...
        it’s just that the story does not stand still, and turning back, we thereby take a step back, and the story does not go back.
        So better reconcile ... there will be no second USSR!
      2. +3
        April 11 2013 20: 41
        Quote: Nevsky
        And now the question is, how to relate to Ivans, who do not remember their kinship and grew up on the textbooks of "Svidomites"? Wait when the infection finally crosses the Dnieper?
        The problem is that in Russia not all textbooks were correct after the death of the Soviet Union, we were not only filled with the State Department’s educational freebie in economics and law under the dollar, but also with the imposition of an overseas understanding of values ​​in history and morality. What can we say about Ukraine, where the West, with its ideological poison, created a national GMO - a product from a part of the population who forgot that they are Russian. We must fight for Ukraine, for the whole of Ukraine, help our own people, interfere with strangers. If we finish even faster with our traitors, thieves and bandits, it will be very good for accelerating the unification of the Russian lands.
    2. +8
      April 11 2013 18: 08
      Bandera, I agree. Ukraine cannot be split into two, and in the worst case, more than parts, as happened with Yugoslavia. This is what Eurogames and Americans are waiting for. After all, then control these parts and manipulate as you want, robbing - I do not want ... In addition, there will be an excellent springboard for NATO bases, to create centers for training terrorists, civil strife, fratricidal massacre, persecution and a blood bath on religious and national grounds .. The demographic crisis, the refugee problem, the complete distortion of history ... In short - CHAOS, MANAGED CHAOS, but just who, do not tell? !!
    3. +3
      April 11 2013 18: 36
      Quote: Bandera
      But the grateful descendants were afraid of the fifth column in the form of nationalists and ends in the water?
      I agree in part, but who will run after the scumbags in the Carpathian forests with a machine gun in caches? Maybe the Poles are better?
    4. +3
      April 11 2013 18: 58
      It will be very, very difficult to reunite with all of Ukraine. 800 years of Catholicism and Russophobia were not in vain. Zapadentsev can only digest a very strong state body, like the Stalinist USSR after 1945, and then until 1956 they fought with gangs! Do not quarrel, we are the one great Russian people !!!
    5. biglow
      April 11 2013 19: 11
      Quote: Bandera
      Clearly written. Such a pessimistic forecast.
      But I believe that in people lives the internal energy that will change this program.

      Formum dwellers' statements about the split of Ukraine and the "selection" of the eastern and southern parts are irritating. That is, already at the subconscious level, they gave Chervona Rus (Galicia, Volin, Bukovina) and Carpathian Rus at the mercy of the Poles, Hungarians, etc.?
      Stalin gathered what the Russian Empire was not able to collect to the end (I mean the whole territory of Kievan Rus, and it is precisely part of Chervona Rus and Carpathian Rus). But the grateful descendants were afraid of the fifth column in the form of nationalists and ends in the water?

      And why is it that the southeastern people and the west of Ukraine are getting different from us, different views on everything, on heroes, on the language, on the future. All this fucking wisdom did not start right away, Kravchuk first promised everyone equal rights and then began to slowly crush Russian culture , and not Russians it all started,
    6. +2
      April 11 2013 21: 14
      This is called a civilized divorce, otherwise it does not work out, but a kind of push-push.
      Bandera in ... opu, and co-religionists under their wing, so at least there will be no bloodshed and imposition. If desired, let them relocate according to their convictions, whoever wants to - to the left, who does not want to - to the right.
    7. xan
      April 12 2013 16: 33
      Quote: Bandera
      Formum dwellers' statements about the split of Ukraine and the "selection" of the eastern and southern parts are irritating. That is, already at the subconscious level, they gave Chervona Rus (Galicia, Volin, Bukovina) and Carpathian Rus at the mercy of the Poles, Hungarians, etc.?

      It is necessary that supporters of the country Ukraine have a territory on which to create and equip their Ukrainian state. Let them create it there. And we look at the achievements of Svidomo, and that - cool
  33. +9
    April 11 2013 17: 54
    Yanukovych’s caution in rapprochement with Russia is an attempt to reckon with the opinion of zapadentsy, who, after all, are citizens of this country and there are many of them. The government is not only trying to maneuver with the EU and the Russian Federation, but first of all it is maneuvering in the heads of Ukrainians, who, sadly, are not one nation. In general, spit on Yanukovych from the Russian side is complete nonsense. Who removed the strain from the Black Sea Fleet and the Russian language? If Yanukovych does not go to the Customs Union solely for political reasons, then will a bruised Klitschko or Nazi Tyagnibok go there? No, European shocks are closer to them.
    1. xan
      April 12 2013 16: 39
      the position must be taken firm and clear, especially by a statesman of a problem country. And then he will always have a bunch of opponents, but there will also be ardent supporters on whom you can always rely. And now Yanukovych has no supporters, he is nobody
  34. Kostia1970
    April 11 2013 18: 01
    Interesting article. It will be harder and harder every year, a generation born in the USSR is aging.
    1. MG42
      April 12 2013 03: 51
      This is sad, very soon, for example, there will not be a single veteran of the Second World War since the end of the war, almost 68 years have passed, the younger modern generation does not always care about history.
  35. Kostia1970
    April 11 2013 18: 03
    Interesting article. It will be harder and harder every year, a generation born in the USSR is aging.
  36. Nevsky
    April 11 2013 18: 04
    Quote: Kostia1970
    Interesting article. It will be harder and harder every year, a generation born in the USSR is aging.

    Gold words. I am waiting for "new" Ukrainians or yesterday's Russians to come for me, such as on this site Skavron to give them a fight. I am sure that he lives even in a house built during the USSR. am
    1. Mefodiy
      April 11 2013 18: 54
      Quote: Nevsky
      Quote: Kostia1970
      Interesting article. It will be harder and harder every year, a generation born in the USSR is aging.

      Gold words. I am waiting for "new" Ukrainians or yesterday's Russians to come for me, such as on this site Skavron to give them a fight. I am sure that he lives even in a house built during the USSR. am

      There is absolutely no purpose to "hurt" you.
      But! Maybe (for the better) that there are fewer “active” people who are (over) nostalgic for the USSR?
      So you and others like you operate with phrases "give battle", "cut off", "take away", "eliminate".
      This is all from the Council of Deputies .. All one size fits all, "who is marching together in ....", "the whole old world to the ground we are ...", "who is not with us, that .....", etc. etc. and the like. Why?
      By the way, the Kremlin is constantly buzzing about globalization. This is for whose ears? Western? And for us (Ukrainians), how dumb flock in the vehicle?
      PS I can imagine how many "-" there will be now for such seditious thoughts .. what
    2. Skavron
      April 11 2013 20: 04
      Quote: Nevsky
      such as on this Skavron website

      Ek, I hooked you)))
      Are you drunk for an hour, my friend?
      Give us a fight? Are you calling for war?
      Incidentally, I was mistaken for the house ...
  37. user3970
    April 11 2013 18: 06
    In the late 80s he worked on the construction of the Odessa nuclear power plant. Himself from Vologda. I was amazed: 1) fields - exactly cut squares of 200 hectares each, along the perimeter - concreted canals, somewhere nearby there is a concreted artificial reservoir from which water at a certain time is launched into the canals, and from there it is sprayed onto the fields with "tines". look at the field - red to the horizon from tomatoes or blue from eggplants. 2) When they removed the top layer of soil under the foundation of the concrete goods plant, the layer of black soil turned out to be 1,5-2 meters. They sent it once to the subsidiary farm of the company 150 km from Odessa ... There was an abandoned collective farm garden (apples, pears, cherries, cherries, plums ...) 3 kilometers wide and 6 kilometers long. Fuck unnecessary to anyone. And their walnuts grow along the roads, like our willow. A good homemade wine costs a penny. And freshly made champagne from pure grapes, pink without aging, costs 50 rubles.
    1. Oleg
      April 11 2013 18: 51
      Come again! drinks
    2. +5
      April 11 2013 19: 02
      Quote: user3970
      When we removed the topsoil under the foundation of the reinforced concrete plant, the black soil layer turned out to be 1,5-2 meters

      I was digging potatoes in the Odessa region, near the city of Belgorod-Dniester, I don’t remember the black soil there, it was exactly in the late 80s. And the potatoes were there on the market, like tomatoes in central Russia.
  38. +7
    April 11 2013 18: 09
    As they say, looking at the "godfather" you can make an opinion about the whole "lads". "Brothers" here are not the people, but the so-called leaders. Who is Yanukovych ?! "Cormorant", and actively "red"! What kind of article did he have about the youngster? Robbery. This is in a group, "paravozikom" went. And the next application of serious bodily. Jban broke through and got it. It doesn't take much of such a mind, cunning, arrogance, sycophancy, cowardice are the main part of the qualities of such how is he. This is the "peak" of marasmus of the 90s! The peak of what we got after losing the Union. The peak of the loss of humanity, spirituality, mind. An indicator of us with you. An indicator of our degeneration with you. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians. We are one whole, and our attitude to each other is like in a zoo. , so so so.
  39. +10
    April 11 2013 18: 14
    Well, yes, who is a pessimist? This is a well-informed optimist ... smile
    Here I looked at the 1939 map of the border of Ukraine, how many lands were grabbed by "Mom, don't cry", and I also speak at us saying: "We are not like that."
    I was in Ukraine, spoke with the local population, and I quote: "When will you declare war on us? We would have already surrendered nafik and would have united long ago."
    Return them to the borders from Kamensk-Podolsky to the 52-th parallel and let them boil in their geyrope there.
    They were already bullied by this caste oligarchy and schizophrenic thought. Can we help the brothers Slavs? smile
  40. 128mgb
    April 11 2013 19: 05
    God, what is all right and clear in the article. Especially regarding the mentality of Ukrainians. I myself, by the will of fate, have been living in Ukraine since 87 and still cannot get used to the local way of thinking. But it is simple - if you have a little kts, or you can get something from you, then you are a friend, comrade and brother. Well, if not ... Well, as for the decay, probably only through blood. Pah, pah, pah, God forbid.
  41. +2
    April 11 2013 19: 14
    It’s a pity ordinary people, unfortunately no one thinks about them, in our ears ... and about Europe, and the beautiful future ... But who needs Ukraine, then ?!
  42. +8
    April 11 2013 19: 19
    Yes, many Ukrainians need to lift their eyelids manually so that they see the obvious! Article +
    The current "democracy" and the activities of the current government will no longer end with speeches like "Ukraine against Kuchma." We are really waiting for "Big Nix". A couple of years ago, I was an ardent supporter of the regionals, now I blame myself for everything! Worst of all, there are NO alternatives to all these blue, orange and other colors, and young people are either passive or stupefied by the scum of history!
    1. +2
      April 11 2013 19: 21
      Quote: VadimSt
      Yes, many Ukrainians need to lift their eyelids manually so that they see the obvious
    2. SHARK
      April 11 2013 20: 01
      Nothing, sooner or later you can handle it; the Russians are sure not to turn your back on you. drinks
  43. estray
    April 11 2013 19: 31
    Good evening!
    To fight Ukraine ??? I wonder if there are many in Russia who want this warrior? I personally do not.
    You won’t think I’m not a pacifist, I’m just a supporter that adult brothers and sisters should each live in their own home and help in trouble, grief, and also rejoice in happiness together. And as for the warriors, believe in Ukraine, the lads also know how to shoot from machine guns so much so that little will not seem to everyone.
    1. stray
      April 11 2013 20: 34
      and he went, you, a warrior, to fight your own, wildly incomprehensible, but absolutely necessary for everyone, and probably for the Dutch-pederast schloeben, so that you, a pederast, would die.
  44. +3
    April 11 2013 19: 50
    But it is necessary that they fear the Russians more than the Jews. We need to know that for every excess to the Russians or Russia they will spit up blood. I’ll add that we won’t forget anything!
  45. desiscia
    April 11 2013 19: 51
    kapets us і nenkі Ukrainian.
    1. stray
      April 11 2013 21: 12
      and your nenci mabut and rightly fucked up.
  46. desiscia
    April 11 2013 19: 55
    as the first president said, "maєmo te scho maєmo".
    1. stray
      April 11 2013 21: 24
      why, shake, schaw maesh, zalupota, and toby terribly take it out, that you, with your hooded huibok, will you shine your shoes in your bast shoes? foolish, foolish? get out, ides to the boxer.
    2. 0
      April 11 2013 21: 50
      It happened symbolically! Philosopher!)))
  47. ed65b
    April 11 2013 20: 08
    Yes, the author painted a sad picture. God forbid that. On the one hand, you can gloatfully rub your hands so that they are "am" themselves to blame, on the other hand, I feel very sorry for our brothers.
    1. +3
      April 11 2013 21: 07
      Man. Brothers - Bulgarians, Serbs, Montenegrins. Little Russians and Great Russians are one nation.
  48. stray
    April 11 2013 20: 24
    hey guys, he’s absolutely wrong, I mean, anti-Russian.
    1. stray
      April 11 2013 21: 08
      Vajra-super, the rest are not needed. Andrew, I will find you, I appreciate you unconditionally.
  49. stray
    April 11 2013 20: 54
    Andrei Vajra-super. The rest are not needed.
  50. +2
    April 11 2013 20: 57
    Anyone who thinks that the Donetsk, Odessa or Crimean republics are only the distant past is mistaken. It is possible that under certain conditions, such state entities may become the future of a significant part of the territory, which is now called “Ukraine”.
    Federalism is the only way, for Ukraine, to avoid repeating the Yugoslav scenario. So to speak, the possibility of a civilized divorce. Already, centrifugal forces are tearing the country apart and no spells about a unitary state and the election of the Ukrainian nation help. Like Kipling, the east will never converge with the west.
  51. +5
    April 11 2013 21: 06
    Andrey Vajra is one of the few true intellectuals of modern Ukraine. Not a corrupt nationalist skin that has picked up the heights of philosophy and political science, but a deep, independent, fair thinker. I read his book “The Path of Evil” with great pleasure. I agree with him absolutely on all issues.
    Long live the Novorossiysk Territory as part of the Russian Federation!!!
    1. xan
      April 12 2013 16: 50
      I was in Crimea a long time ago, in 2000. Crimeans did not hide their contempt not even for Ukrainians, but for Ukrainianness. Apparently a reaction to the imposition of Ukrainian identity. The situation doesn't seem to have changed
    April 11 2013 21: 27
    I completely agree with the author, I have expressed this point of view more than once and for some reason it was always downvoted, but Russia doesn’t know what to do, let the big heads in the Kremlin think....
  53. +1
    April 11 2013 21: 40
    True independence can only exist when the state is self-sufficient. Otherwise, it’s just a choice of who to sell to at the highest price, who will give more. hi
  54. UFO
    April 11 2013 21: 48
    Quote: ed65b
    Yes, the author painted a sad picture. God forbid that. On the one hand, you can gloatfully rub your hands so that they are "am" themselves to blame, on the other hand, I feel very sorry for our brothers.

    I will add that we criticize Ukraine because of the attitude of a certain part of their population towards us. They should agree among themselves which state to live in and with whom to be friends. But this is practically unrealistic, the West and the East will not agree on the same opinion. Therefore, I am inclined to believe that the “operation” is performed “without anesthesia”, because in this form Ukraine is an artificial formation of the Soviet era.
  55. 0
    April 11 2013 22: 14
    I concluded for myself: the Ukrainian elite has a very strange logic! In negotiations with the EU, the EU's demands are indifferent to the elite and unacceptable to the majority of the population. In negotiations with the Customs Union, the demands and conditions of the Customs Union are acceptable and vital for the majority of the population, feeding the elite and the minority, but are completely impossible for the elite and the minority... What can I say? In families, this usually ends in divorce!..
  56. DuraLexSedLex.
    April 11 2013 22: 30
    I don’t get tired of repeating, from comment to comment, Ukraine is an independent country! They have independence, let them deal with it themselves, who is in power, what’s going on there is none of our damn business! Even if there is a war there, even a famine, even a pestilence. There are only interests, there is our interest, we bend it. Ukrainians (Western) organize processions with torches, flags of SS divisions and banners of UNA-UNSO and UPA at holidays and city rallies, disgusting, disgusting, sickening, BUT THIS IS THEIR CHOICE! We must respect him, whether we like it or not - they are to us, like us, not brothers to them, at most partners (business, technology, tourism), at least permanent neighbors (as with Estonia or Latvia). Yes, there was something there when, under Tsar, under the USSR, but you never know when someone was with whom. They don’t interfere with us, no, we don’t interfere with them. They need something from us, pay, or offer barter, and it’s good for them and for us, an ordinary wild one capitalist economy. Even if they hang them in their homeland on the basis of nationality, we can’t interfere there; it’s not our business there. Our fleet is there, there is, economic interests are covered, everything is covered. It doesn’t matter for a long time. Sorry, but this is IMHO.
    And yes, my opinion was formed from all the comments I read, from both sides, citizens of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code, and those who simply say that they are Russian or Ukrainian.
    1. DuraLexSedLex.
      April 11 2013 22: 43
      PSBrotherly people, we only have Belarusians left, and even then there are misunderstandings, sometimes they are not weak, BUT, we treat them as human beings and they treat us with understanding - this is symbiosis and partnership at the national level. How they treat us is how we treat them . Correct me if I said something wrong. Everyone has chosen their path - the bets are made... there are no more bets - we play.
    2. nickname 1 and 2
      April 12 2013 08: 39
      What about our Russians in Ukraine! When all the Russians move to Russia - then yes!
      And second = this is a Russian site! And we are discussing the article!
      And third - this is just chatter! No one rapes anyone!
      1. DuraLexSedLex.
        April 12 2013 09: 42
        Sorry for the remark, but “in Ukraine”? I thought that after all “in Ukraine”, or more correctly, in the Russian Federation))) Don’t think about it, I don’t care about grammar)
        “No one rapes anyone!”, so I’m not calling for violence, on the contrary, don’t interfere, let them rule.
      2. xan
        April 12 2013 16: 54
        Quote: nick 1 and 2
        What about our Russians in Ukraine! When all the Russians move to Russia - then yes!

        let them move, but with the territory
        You can’t abandon your own people, especially on our territory
    3. 123ewq
      April 16 2013 11: 02
      Quote: DuraLexSedLex.

      Quote: DuraLexSedLex.
      I don’t get tired of repeating, from comment to comment, Ukraine is an independent country! They have independence, let them deal with it themselves, who is in power, what’s going on there is none of our damn business! Even if there’s a war there, even a famine, even a pestilence

      Maybe it’s none of your business, but for many who have relatives living there, it’s their business. If you had a MOTHER, DAD, SISTER, BROTHER living there, I’m sure this would not have occurred to you:
      Quote: DuraLexSedLex.
      Even there is war, even famine, even pestilence.
  57. fenix57
    April 11 2013 22: 33
    In the Kremlin, it is necessary to listen to the call of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin): “Study, study and study” and not only in military affairs - in a real way.
  58. Felix200970
    April 11 2013 22: 37
    Well, is everyone scared? The author just doesn’t describe the cut off fingers for every word in Russian. The article by the “great political scientist of all times and peoples” is right in only one thing: Yanukovych, like the entire political “elite” of Ukraine, are not friends of Russia. Because you want to rule yourself. And everything else is bullshit. Especially about a boxer. Who can it suit? The people are not. There are no political friends or opponents either. He's inadequate. In general, the article can be categorized as "UKROSRACH" so that there is somewhere to spoil things in the comments lol
    1. +1
      April 11 2013 23: 09
      Quote: Felix200970
      And everything else is bullshit. Especially about a boxer. Who can it suit? The people are not. There are no political friends or opponents either. He's inadequate.

      Well, don't tell me. He has an image - a “glorious Ukrainian athlete”, connections with America and Europe (he flies there very often, negotiates everything, does not even attend rallies). Apparently he is taking rhetoric lessons, because now at least some expressiveness has appeared when pronouncing short phrases. And after all, they voted for him (even in the villages), as long as they did not vote for the PR. So it may well be. As for the rest -
      “The process of creating a new opposition parliamentary faction “For Yulia” has been launched in the Verkhovna Rada. This was reported by the publication Comments, citing a source in parliament.” - This will be our new faction!!!! The ZY faction - which absolutely accurately characterizes our entire Rada! laughing
  59. Meaning
    April 11 2013 22: 58
    I completely agree. In general, I would like Russian capital to buy the economy of eastern Ukraine and push through the country’s elite a federal structure or the creation of an Eastern Autonomous Republic
    1. 0
      April 11 2013 23: 02
      Quote: Smyslov
      I completely agree. In general, I would like Russian capital to buy the economy of eastern Ukraine and push a federal structure through the country’s elite or the creation of the Eastern Autonomous Republic

      What kind of nonsense did you write, what other federation?! You are a provocateur, you are a minus.
      1. +2
        April 11 2013 23: 06
        Quote: Apollon
        ,You are a provocateur,

        And lately I have noticed the activity of a certain type of personality, and what is typical is that they gain weight quite quickly what
      2. Nevsky
        April 11 2013 23: 19
        what kind of nonsense did you write, what kind of federation, you are a provocateur, you have a minus

        What is the essence of provocation? In the desire to preserve Russianness and culture and not dissolve in the melting pot of Ukraine? Do you support the unitarity of Ukraine? Commendable. But by doing so, you are advocating for another 10 million Russians to become fewer. I'm not a provocateur. Because I am writing from Ukraine and am familiar with local situations. These are the photos that are already in my native Internet space in the city of Berdyansk, the locals post them, I know for sure. Because Lviv residents do not know the problems of housing and communal services of my city, a specific house and street, and the transactions of local corrupt deputies with land. What do they have in common? On the street and on the Internet they communicate in Russian, but they fiercely hate the USSR and Russia. The result of 22 years of brainwashing, they are around 25-33 years old.

        Source: http://www.delovoy.zp.ua/forum/index.php?topic=800.2280

        Russophobia and anti-Sovietism in the South-East of Ukraine
        1. +4
          April 11 2013 23: 56
          Quote: Nevsky
          Do you support the unitarity of Ukraine?

          Yes, I am Azerbaijani, I stand for the unitarity of Ukraine. The question is why I will answer this way, it is as dear to me as Russia. If politicians cannot agree. What does this have to do with peoples and statehood?!Don't chop the branch you're sitting on.IMHO
    2. Beck
      April 12 2013 16: 46
      Quote: Smyslov
      I completely agree. In general, I would like Russian capital to buy the economy of eastern Ukraine and push through the country’s elite a federal structure or the creation of an Eastern Autonomous Republic


      And then a repetition of the Yugoslav scenario; air raids, artillery shelling, deployment of troops, fires, smoke, dead, grief, tears, broken destinies. And all because of “great power”. So that they know Ours. And the tens of thousands killed do not count only Ukrainians. And the grief of Russian mothers who lost their sons in such an adventure also does not count. The main thing is Hurray.
      1. xan
        April 12 2013 17: 03
        Quote: Beck
        And all because of “great power”. So that they know Ours. And the tens of thousands killed do not count only Ukrainians. And the grief of Russian mothers who lost their sons in such an adventure also does not count. The main thing is Hurray.

        take away the pathos, eagle
        Personally, I would appreciate the independence of Ukraine if it were not for the Russophobia of the authorities
        I’m not going to sit quietly and watch how they want to make Russophobes out of Russians on Russian territory. And regarding tears and mothers, all the blame lies with those who started this Russophobia.
        For you personally, bek. No need to smear your snot all over the screen. You have a Kazakh mentality, I have a Russian one. Your mentality did not create an empire
        1. Beck
          April 12 2013 17: 23
          Quote: xan
          take away the pathos, eagle

          Sorry, I didn't notice. Next time I will take your written permission as you write to me. And anyway, what do you care about the wind? I write in the tone I want, a home-grown censor.

          Quote: xan
          Personally, I would appreciate the independence of Ukraine,

          Not stars. Tell me at least one CIS country that the Urashniks haven’t doused with mud. And all this is only because of the sorrow of the empire. How can they live and build their own statehood?

          Quote: xan
          And regarding tears and mothers, all the blame lies with those who started this Russophobia.

          Russophobia is bad, but who is fueling it with slogans - Give up Crimea, Give back Donbass, etc.

          Quote: xan
          For you personally, bek. No need to smear your snot all over the screen. You have a Kazakh mentality, I have a Russian one. Your mentality did not create an empire

          And I don’t even grieve that my mentality didn’t create an empire. That my people did not become great. We live peacefully, have no complaints against our neighbors, and do not use history as a pretext for confrontation. And if you consider words about blood and grief to be snot, then lick them off.
          1. xan
            April 12 2013 18: 50
            Quote: Beck
            Russophobia is bad, but who is fueling it with slogans - Give up Crimea, Give back Donbass, etc.

            First there was Russophobia, and then Give back Crimea, give back Donbass
            A serious clarification, isn't it? You are engaged in propaganda and are afraid for your territories.
            Quote: Beck
            And if you consider words about blood and grief to be snot, then lick them off.

            Do you want to pity someone from the podium? I don’t have the habit of licking, don’t pull yours on me
          2. xan
            April 12 2013 23: 26
            Quote: Beck
            Not stars. Tell me at least one CIS country that the Urashniks haven’t doused with mud.

            As soon as the CIS countries became independent, Russophobia immediately began in them, does this need to be proven or will you turn on someone with a short memory?
            You're overreacting, putting the cart before the horse.
            Are you a propagandist or a troll?
  60. Prishtina
    April 11 2013 23: 07
    I read the article and remembered a joke...
    A Ukrainian married a Russian..., brought her to his parents' house
    _ the mother advises the Ukrainian, don’t let her down, show her who’s boss, etc.
    _ at this time the Ukrainian grandfather was sitting in the corner, listening, listening to the instructions and added...
    _ and son, when it’s your wedding night, don’t sleep with her, but stand in the corner and jerk off
    _ son.. Why?
    _grandfather.. well, let’s show how independent and proud we are.
  61. UFO
    April 11 2013 23: 13
    Quote: DuraLexSedLex.
    Ukrainians (Western) organize processions with torches, flags of SS divisions and banners of UNA-UNSO and UPA at holidays and city rallies, disgusting, disgusting, sickening, BUT THIS IS THEIR CHOICE!

    So the “vinegar” is that we worry about our like-minded people there, and not for Bandera’s supporters, and we can’t help with practically anything (foreign interference), so we wait for them to sort it out among themselves, then OURS WITH US, the rest - further away (and deeper) Yes
  62. 0
    April 11 2013 23: 22
    Briefly from the latest news
    The Party of Regions is ready to initiate an all-Ukrainian referendum.
    This was stated by people's deputy, first deputy head of the PR faction Mikhail Chechetov.
    “We will probably support the initiative of Kharkov and Kherson, where initiative groups were created to create a nationwide referendum, and we will hold a referendum based on the law,” he said.
    According to him, five questions will be put to the referendum.
    “And in this referendum we will write down five points that will be supported both in the East and in the West,” he said.
    “The first thing is to dissolve the parliament of idlers;
    Secondly, why are there 450 parasites in parliament? Let's reduce parliament to 300;
    Third, deprive parasites of immunity. Deprive these parasites of benefits;
    And hold majoritarian elections, since all the bedlam in parliament stems from the fact that it is unclear who is included in the lists for money,” Chechetov said.
    Let us recall that earlier three resolutions appeared on the official website of the Central Election Commission, which talk about preparations for the All-Ukrainian referendum.
    People's Deputy from Svoboda Andriy Ilyenko advocates that the opposition organize mass protests in the country if an all-Ukrainian referendum on the creation of a bicameral parliament is announced.
    The people's deputy announced this during a round table, Ukrainian News reports.
    “I am convinced that we must understand absolutely clearly, if they (the authorities - Ed.) really announce this pseudo-referendum, we must prepare for a revolution. There are simply no other options. Everyone must understand that if we grab this, excuse the expression, then we find ourselves in conditions of a hereditary authoritarian dictatorship. If we are not ready for this (dictatorship - Ed.), then we must go for a revolution, there are no other options,” he said.
    Ilyenko is convinced that the creation of a bicameral parliament will completely change the political system in the country, which poses a danger to the sovereignty of Ukraine.
    He noted that if such a parliament is created, the upper house will be appointed by the authorities, and the lower house will consist of 150 deputies who will be elected according to a majoritarian system.
    Thus, according to the deputy, the majoritarian constituencies will be enlarged, which will make it easier for the authorities to elect their candidates to them using bribery.
    Verkhovna Rada deputy from UDAR Oksana Prodan noted that UDAR also opposes such a referendum and will do everything “possible and impossible” to prevent it from taking place.
  63. 0
    April 11 2013 23: 23
    Briefly from the latest news
    The Party of Regions is ready to initiate an all-Ukrainian referendum.
    This was stated by people's deputy, first deputy head of the PR faction Mikhail Chechetov.
    “We will probably support the initiative of Kharkov and Kherson, where initiative groups were created to create a nationwide referendum, and we will hold a referendum based on the law,” he said.
    According to him, five questions will be put to the referendum.
    “And in this referendum we will write down five points that will be supported both in the East and in the West,” he said.
    “The first thing is to dissolve the parliament of idlers;
    Secondly, why are there 450 parasites in parliament? Let's reduce parliament to 300;
    Third, deprive parasites of immunity. Deprive these parasites of benefits;
    And hold majoritarian elections, since all the bedlam in parliament stems from the fact that it is unclear who is included in the lists for money,” Chechetov said.
    Let us recall that earlier three resolutions appeared on the official website of the Central Election Commission, which talk about preparations for the All-Ukrainian referendum.
    People's Deputy from Svoboda Andriy Ilyenko advocates that the opposition organize mass protests in the country if an all-Ukrainian referendum on the creation of a bicameral parliament is announced.
    The people's deputy announced this during a round table, Ukrainian News reports.
    “I am convinced that we must understand absolutely clearly, if they (the authorities - Ed.) really announce this pseudo-referendum, we must prepare for a revolution. There are simply no other options. Everyone must understand that if we grab this, excuse the expression, then we find ourselves in conditions of a hereditary authoritarian dictatorship. If we are not ready for this (dictatorship - Ed.), then we must go for a revolution, there are no other options,” he said.
    Ilyenko is convinced that the creation of a bicameral parliament will completely change the political system in the country, which poses a danger to the sovereignty of Ukraine.
    He noted that if such a parliament is created, the upper house will be appointed by the authorities, and the lower house will consist of 150 deputies who will be elected according to a majoritarian system.
    Thus, according to the deputy, the majoritarian constituencies will be enlarged, which will make it easier for the authorities to elect their candidates to them using bribery.
    Verkhovna Rada deputy from UDAR Oksana Prodan noted that UDAR also opposes such a referendum and will do everything “possible and impossible” to prevent it from taking place.
  64. +1
    April 11 2013 23: 24
    The oligarchs are planning to move from usurpation of power to tyranny.
    Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko spoke about this.
    According to P. Simonenko, the task of the referendum, which today is initiated by oligarchs who finance political factions in parliament, regardless of the colors of their flags, is “to change the quality of power.”
    “There is a usurpation of power based on a colossal concentration of property in a certain, very narrow circle of people,” noted the leader of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
    Therefore, according to P. Simonenko, the oligarchs initiate a referendum in order to then form a parliament exclusively from “majoritarians”.
    In his opinion, this will be 200-250 deputies, and from the point of view of populism, such measures may resonate with the population.
    “What difference does it make whether 200 oligarchs are robbing the country or 400 deputies, except for the Communist Party faction, sit in parliament, carrying out someone else’s will?” he states.
    According to P. Simonenko, in this context, it is planned to create a bicameral parliament and “submit a new Constitution to a referendum, the purpose of which is to facilitate the election of the President, including, as a backup option, not only popularly, but also in parliament.”
    “Ukraine is moving from usurpation of power based on colossal property to tyranny. This is a natural scenario that is beneficial to the oligarchs,” he concluded.
    A. Vajra is right! There's a lot of excitement ahead!
  65. +5
    April 11 2013 23: 30
    A good article, with a retrospective “And I told you then...”.
    And he gives the right recommendations - the split in Ukrainian society is obvious, even here on the forum they managed to quarrel in common language.
    He gave his opinion in other discussions of the “Ukrainian” topic, but the author only confirmed suspicions and answered many questions - for this a HUGE THANK YOU and a complete PLUS.
  66. 120352
    April 11 2013 23: 35
    Ukrainian statehood is a kind of statehood of the Great City of Uryupinsk. Nothing but paranoia. Ukraine has always been either a region of Russia, from which it received its name, or a province of Poland. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth did not care what it called itself. Ukraine interested her only as a kind of outpost against Rus' (Russia), or as a source of cannon fodder in her wars. Ukraine itself often fought against Poland. When there was nothing to eat. Having filled their bottoms, some hetmans came to the idea that they should moor somewhere. Either return home, to Rus', or stick to Poland. We chose Poland several times. And so that the latter would not be too fierce against them, they handed over to her their yesterday’s military leaders, whom the Poles destroyed after suffering. And, having received what they wanted, they returned to their home in Khortitsa. They distilled moonshine there and did nothing else. They didn't even have women there. Why does a drunk man need a woman? But one day Bogdan Khmelnitsky realized that his army was being exhausted due to drunkenness and decided to surrender to his mother, Rus', Russia. This is where the “Pereyaslav Rada” came from. But the betrayals continued and continue to this day. Hence the exit of Ukraine from the USSR, which normal people did not expect. Hence today's "policy" is Square. And I’ll tell you about the history of its “language” and “independence” sometime later. Now Solovyov has begun. Board member of the World Jewish Congress. But he is interesting to me in a completely different capacity.
  67. kudron74
    April 12 2013 00: 24
    Dear Slavic Brothers, I urge you to ignore and not respond to the attacks of Russophobes such as Skavron and Mefodiy. Let them announce looking the other way, and by entering into a debate with them, we only bring them closer to the pinnacle of orgasm. You shouldn’t throw pearls before swine, they won’t understand everything early. You shouldn't stoop to their level. By creating holivar, Russophobes feed on energy, so gentlemen, rest assured, if they stop answering them, they will leave the site themselves. There are a lot of other places for them and under other flags, but we are here for friendship among fraternal peoples, otherwise the lords are fighting, and the slaves’ forelocks are cracking...
    1. Mefodiy
      April 12 2013 10: 26
      Quote: kudron74
      Dear Slavic Brothers, I urge you to ignore and not respond to the attacks of Russophobes such as Skavron and Mefodiy.

      I would like to know what our “Russophobia” is? In dissent? In a different opinion from others? In doubt? In fluctuations from the general line of the party (which one?)? We've been through this before.
      Of course, it’s easier to send Skavron and Mefodiy together with the indigenous inhabitants of Z-U to GULAG-2 (new natural resource deposits are to be developed, old ones are running out). After all, Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents will not go to lost places.
    2. Skavron
      April 12 2013 10: 35
      Quote: kudron74
      to the attacks of Russophobes such as Skavron and Mefodiy.

      What a thoughtful comment...really said nothing, just cried.
      It's a pity that you don't understand me.
  68. Kozma
    April 12 2013 00: 50
    The article is normal. I would like to add to it a few of my personal impressions of the objective reality surrounding us. There are smart people in the Ukrainian Administration; to underestimate them is to harm yourself. The mere fact that the current leaders came to power despite the loss of friends and competitors (Kushnarev, Volga) should already be alarming. They don't like to joke here and won't. The President is building a fortress for himself. None of them has any illusions that anyone will feel sorry for them, therefore, they also do not feel sorry for anyone and will not feel sorry for them. Ukrainian politics is a policy of self-preservation. So they have now released Lutsenko (maybe there were some agreements) so that he would further split the opposition and the votes of opposition voters would be scattered even more. Now they are talking about Tymoshenko, that she will also be released. NO! She will never be released, because... Tim. and Jan. made from the same dough. Tymoshenko will take revenge and very cruelly. If Tymoshenko leaves, then Yanukovych will face the fate of Hussein or Gadaffi. And the insidious and pragmatic West will only grin. The President subordinates the courts, the Prosecutor's Office, the Security Service of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies, and places his people in key positions. And everything is done in order to secretly give it to the boxer? Of course not. Everything is done in order to remain in power. Our leader has only two options: either power or………(emptiness). This is the postulate we need to get out of. The West has understood this and is now using it to the fullest, putting pressure on the President’s sore spot. For the President, all methods are good to achieve the goal. For him, the West is a moral authority, it is a pass, recognition for a second presidential term. How can Russia influence Yanukovych now? No way! But the West can, and Yanukovych is afraid of it. How Russia should work with Ukraine. The answer is simple. Russia should simply be STRONG on its own. So that it is not influenced by the whims of the West. How can one reckon with Russia when it itself bends before the West? And you want Yanukovych not to bend. An elementary thing - why is there no Russian website dedicated to Russian-Ukrainian relations? I'm already talking about newspapers, etc. I do not speak. They simply don't exist. And nothing comes for free. The West is investing huge amounts of money in the media in Ukraine. And Russia? Doesn't invest. By doing nothing, you get nothing. I can write about the situation in Ukraine for a long time, but there is only one conclusion: Russia is not yet ready to attract Ukraine to itself. Yes, and it’s dangerous, you can’t thoughtlessly disperse forces in different directions, it could turn out to be 1942. The choice of Ukrainians - how can I support those with whom my two grandfathers fought during the Great Patriotic War. No way! And there are a lot of people like me. The ratio of commitment of Ukrainian voters is 33 (look to the West) : 33 (undecided) : 33 (look to the East).
  69. denis90
    April 12 2013 00: 58
    Greetings from Odessa. Odessa residents for unification with Russia.
    1. +4
      April 12 2013 12: 31
      I can’t wait until the Ukrainian authorities kill each other (they’re already fed up), maybe there will be a worthy person after them who can raise Ukraine and this can’t be done without Russia, I hope it will change for the better, the author is right, good article
  70. MG42
    April 12 2013 03: 21
    A friend can betray him, or a friend can betray him. But Yanukovych has never belonged to Russia. It was once in Moscow that they came up with a stupid idea that the leader of the regionals was a friend, and now, when it became obvious that this was not so, they decided that he was a traitor, and they were very upset about this, they even began to get nervous,

    as in Vysotsky’s song, if a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so....
    Yes, a lot has changed here on the site, you need to get used to it, but the USSR flag is cool!
  71. +2
    April 12 2013 06: 02
    A friend can betray him, or a friend can betray him. But Yanukovych has never belonged to Russia. It was once in Moscow that they came up with a stupid idea that the leader of the regionals was a friend, and now, when it became obvious that this was not so, they decided that he was a traitor, and they were very upset about this, they even began to get nervous,
    I forgot to add who came up with this nonsense. And it was the funny guys who came up with it. When Yanyk came to power, the first thing he did was try to throw money for gas under the sugary speeches. He didn’t get through the number. And they can’t really rock the boat. They will complete the second bypass gas main and storage tank. and so there are practically none left. Spare parts for the defense industry that were purchased from them have stopped.
  72. mojohed
    April 12 2013 07: 07
    Well, where do Ukrainians have great power aspirations? Where did the desire to imitate the “Baltic brothers” come from and disparage the Tsarist-Soviet past, occasionally mentioning some kind of occupation and Holodomor? Well, Ukraine never had a state, before it was Poland, then part of Russia.
  73. ed65b
    April 12 2013 08: 45
    Ukraine is a native country in spirit and mentality of the peoples inhabiting it. We’re just a little confused, just like we were in the 90s. Everything will be normal. As my friend says, by the way, the Crimean Tatar people are rulers on their own. And there is no Russophobia either in Crimea or in Kyiv. Let me clarify the mass Russophobia of individual degenerates, we don’t take into account there are enough of them everywhere, and maybe we have more. And if, God forbid, a fire breaks out in Ukraine, Russia will be drawn into the confrontation instantly. The most disgusting scenario is the collapse of the country. Ukraine is not Czechoslovakia - it will kill the living with blood, rivers of blood.
    Therefore, we need to be more careful in expressing ourselves. In the east of the country everyone understands everything. Remember, vote or lose, technologists covered people’s eyes with horror stories and everyone knows the result. No matter how much I love EBN, I am grateful to it only for GDP, only for this.
  74. 0
    April 12 2013 09: 34
    Yes, it’s a pity for dear little Ukraine...
  75. nickname 1 and 2
    April 12 2013 10: 26
    Quote: avia12005
    Yes, it’s a pity for dear little Ukraine...

    There shouldn't be anything more!
    That’s why: there is a very large Russian diaspora in Australia, but it doesn’t occur to anyone to talk about the affairs of this country! If you feel bad in Australia, move home to Russia.

    And Ukraine, you never know, was part of the USSR. Did you agree with independence? All! This is a different country! Are we one people?
    You won't be nice by force! Wait when they want you!
    Spit on those who divided us and wait for “soft power” to work or just wait!
    1. +2
      April 13 2013 14: 42
      Did you agree with independence? All!

  76. +3
    April 12 2013 10: 35
    The article is a plus, everything is very intelligible, you just need to replicate it in Ukraine, send it out by email with the note “send to 10 friends and you will be happy”
  77. Pedro
    April 12 2013 11: 01
    Excellent article, the author described everything correctly.
  78. Chumich
    April 12 2013 11: 16
    It’s sad to watch how Ukraine, brotherly in blood and spirit, is sliding into the abyss...
  79. +1
    April 12 2013 11: 16
    Quote: Mefodiy
    Of course, it’s easier to send Skavron and Mefodiy together with the indigenous inhabitants of Z-U to GULAG-2 (new natural resource deposits are to be developed, old ones are running out). After all, Muscovites and St. Petersburg residents will not go to lost places.

    This is the concrete result of Western propaganda.
    So, “Result”, you will not go to the lost places. There is no need to be so afraid, they have been around you for 20 years. I look like I've gotten used to it.
  80. 0
    April 12 2013 11: 42
    Thanks for the downvote. By the way, the development of natural deposits requires slightly different qualifications than picking berries and vegetables in Poland. Not everyone can handle it, and the pay is different.
    1. Mefodiy
      April 12 2013 14: 00
      Quote: Oper
      Thanks for the downvote. By the way, the development of natural deposits requires slightly different qualifications than picking berries and vegetables in Poland. Not everyone can handle it, and the pay is different.

      our mother
      Takes flight
      Because our mother
      It's called a pilot.

      Vesya replied with a ladder:
      - Mom is a pilot?
      What's wrong with that?
      Here Kolya, for example,
      Mom is a policeman.
      And Tolya and Vera
      Both mothers are engineers.

      And Lyova’s mother is a cook.
      Mom is a pilot?
      What's wrong with that?

      - All important, - said Nata, -
      Mom is a carriage driver,
      Because before the Hook
      Mom drives two trailers.

      And Nina asked quietly:
      - Is it bad to be a dressmaker?
      Who sews panties for the boys?
      Well, of course, not a pilot.

      A pilot flies airplanes -
      It is very good.

      The cook makes compotes -
      It is also good.

      The doctor heals us from measles,
      There is a teacher at school.

      We need different mothers.
      All kinds of mothers are important.

      It was evening,
      There was nothing to argue about.
  81. 0
    April 12 2013 12: 51
    [quote=nickname 1 and 2]
    [ /Agreed with independence? All! This is a different country!]
    Dear, is your memory completely lost? Look at the CALENDAR! What date does Russia celebrate INDEPENDENCE? What kind of Ukraine? If the EBN threw everyone out of the Union like tattered cats, what does it have to do with me.
    1. nickname 1 and 2
      April 12 2013 16: 07
      Quote: sergius60
      If the EBN threw everyone out of the Union like tattered cats, what does it have to do with me.

      What are you about? THREE smart guys gathered in the forest and announced secession from the USSR. SO? And later Ukraine declared independence. SO?
      Who prevented EBN from disagreeing? Well, at least because of Crimea? No, let's live together or give up Crimea!
      I'm talking about this moment - do you agree? Yes! Well, what questions?
  82. +4
    April 12 2013 13: 42
    Yes, this Ukraine project would probably already fall apart. Considering the level and quality of life of ordinary people (Moldova is already catching up), she won’t have much time left. The cost of living in Ukraine is just above $100, what do you call it? Beef has been a delicacy for many people for a long time. This is in a country with supposedly enormous opportunities in the agro-industrial complex. At one time they shouted “stop feeding the matskals.” So what now? Now this country cannot feed itself, as it turned out. But all the same, the “matskali” are to blame for everything. And Jews. Yeah. Iron logic.

    The economy is being held back artificially. This cannot last long, because Ukraine essentially has no natural resources. They exist, but to develop them requires huge investments. These are projects for decades. And given the political and legal chaos in the country, no one will risk big money. Tomorrow a new government will come and declare all transactions illegal. And this has happened more than once already. Well, who will come here with investments?

    Look at the confrontation in the Verkhovna Rada. This is a dead end. Final and irrevocable. West + Center and East + South will never agree with each other. Starting from ideological issues and ending with economic and political ones.

    And Yanukovych is definitely a traitor. A traitor to his voters, who expected only one thing from him - rapprochement with Russia. And he just went crazy and announced a course towards the EU. What will happen next? And then the confrontation will intensify. Bandera's "Freedom" will oppose the communists. And this is the collapse of the country. What I sincerely wish, because this is the only way out of the dead end and the ass in which the vast majority of the population finds itself.

    P.S. According to the latest data, the National Bank of Ukraine is in panic. People began to withdraw their already modest balances from banks. Invest in real estate. Anyone who can't afford it, whatever.
  83. 0
    April 12 2013 14: 46
    I’m waiting for the boys in Ukraine to grab the scruff of all Svidomo and nezalezhny people by the scruff of the neck, shake them and ask: what benefit have you brought to Ukraine, you little bastard?
    1. +1
      April 12 2013 15: 08
      Ukraine is ruled either by swindlers or bandits. And people just survive as best they can. It looks like normal boys from Ukraine are being artificially deprived of the opportunity to find a normal leader in politics. No, he never was. This is the whole point of the current situation. If only a pro-Russian leader could be found now. Yanyk turned out to be a fake.
      1. DAOSS
        April 12 2013 22: 09
        Who will I turn to with my election program?
  84. 0
    April 12 2013 16: 19
    These Yanukovychs and others like them must be killed, and the sooner the better... And for this boxer Klitschko, a candidate for the presidency of Ukraine, the United States has already found a wife from an American citizen, just like the Bandera man before him...
    1. Beck
      April 12 2013 16: 53
      Quote: vlad.1924
      These Yanukovychs and their ilk must be killed, and the sooner the better..

      And who else should we wet?

      I remember before the elections between Yushchenko and Yanukovych, Putin went to Ukraine to support Yanukovych. The Kremlin was thinking of throwing a leash on Yanukovych. Yanukovych, after Yushchenko, became president and there was no leash. Now some people want to get wet. president
      1. -1
        April 16 2013 15: 47
        Svidomo on the eve of a big niggle in Ukraine...The people are on the verge and will soon start, and Russia will help Svidomo kick the ass so that they fly to Canada without stopping...And you Bek for whom in Ukraine for the whites or for the greens, or maybe for Father Makhno?
  85. +2
    April 12 2013 17: 25
    Quote: Sevastopolets
    And this is the collapse of the country. What I sincerely wish, because this is the only way out of the dead end and the ass in which the vast majority of the population finds itself.

    It seems so.
  86. +1
    April 13 2013 00: 43
    I feel sorry for the Ukrainians... It looks like a situation where the plane is in a tailspin: the crew (government), with their eyes closed, steered strictly away from themselves (in geyrop-p-u-u), and most of the passengers (the population) don’t want the crew along the way at all.. But who asked the passengers in this disaster film?!!
    1. 0
      April 18 2013 01: 34
      Something like this?

      Cheerful commanders
  87. RUS-36
    April 16 2013 11: 49
    Needless to say, there is a clearly expressed phenomenon of interference from outside in the affairs of the fraternal peoples of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus; a very strong union can emerge from these great states. And in each of these countries there will always be a “Black Sheep” who is ready to sell his people for a coin. And this is where the famous phrase “DIVIDE AND CONTROL” comes into play.... I decided for myself a long time ago and I instill in my children, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus BROTHERS, and everything that individual “personalities” say is a LIE, and they themselves are lost souls who have become victims of the corruption of “Black Sheep”.
  88. sled 1912
    April 16 2013 14: 43
    in the elections to the Rada, 90% vote for Europe and 10% for the communists and the like
  89. 0
    April 16 2013 21: 36
    VERY interesting material on the topic:

  90. mihasik
    April 16 2013 23: 22
    Correctly formulated the whole problem. First, cut everything off so that it’s like crap without Russia, and then find a common idea of ​​bringing peoples closer together. By the way, we don’t have it (this very idea) inside the country - that’s why there is this chaos and vacillation!
  91. +4
    April 17 2013 00: 16
    Yes, no one betrayed anyone! You need to know what “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian politician” are!
    Ukraine itself is “anti-Russia”, and the Ukrainian politician is anti-Russian and anti-Russian.
    Who would you compare with? Perhaps with the Russian “white ribbon people”. You see, they are fighting for their “alternative Russia”, but the Kaklofs already have their own “alternative Russia”! And no matter how sick she is, they will always strive for Europe, based on the principle of a “cargo cult,” with the tenacity of a moron. Not through the door, but through the chimney, not through the window, but through the toilet, in order to preserve this enclave.
    Why exchange the “tsar of alternative Russia” for a nonentity (which they are) “just in Russia”?
    those. By definition, this problem cannot be solved at the level of “clopolytics.” And it doesn’t matter what his last name is: Yanukovych, Tyagnibok, Tymoshenko or Klitschko. The output is the same.
    This does not mean that the problem cannot be solved at all. Solvable, but the Kremlin has very little idea of ​​who (or what) they are dealing with.
    They think there that they are dealing with the same people as themselves, who graduated from the same schools and universities under the USSR. This is wrong.
    Ukr in Russia, USA, Poland...everywhere else, a normal creature.
    But once in Ukraine, even Russians and Tatars turn into Ukrainians. He puts on an embroidered shirt, trousers and plays the trembita.
    Here - "country 404". Through the looking glass. A state that does not and cannot exist. Black hole quasar. Where space bends and changes places over time.
    The only way to defeat this black hole is by putting it in a collider. Those. - erase the borders, and send all Ukrainian politicians to Magadan to clear snow, or to a mental hospital for several years with constant treatment with chlorpromazine.
    (somehow put it figuratively. In short, lock the evil Genie in a jug again) and in a couple of months you won’t recognize Ukraine! In another 5 years, memories of such a country will be erased as a psychedelic drug delirium.
  92. +3
    April 17 2013 00: 25
    who would doubt that Ukraine’s European membership is a bluff of the political game... from the West, loans from Russia, resources and market But now you can’t sit on two chairs for a long time, well, it won’t work out... especially if they invested in the development of Ukraine and not in offshores... but Now we decided to talk to the IMF about a loan and found a way out... but the IMF has strict conditions. For example, these loans cannot be invested in medicine and education. Over the past 2 years after the collapse of the union, it has become clear that Ukraine as a country is a pure political project to please the West..
  93. mosgeo1
    April 17 2013 23: 58
    Therefore, we, like you, intuitively look for something to cling to? Yes, we are of the same blood, from the same nest! Divide and rule? - an axiom, since the 90s they have been treating us like Pinocchio, but with their nose they can’t guess, Papa Carlo is resting! They also want to place a multi-colored carrot between the legs. It's a sin to multiply! So let's drink to DAD who woke up from a sweet dream, with a hangover! Maybe they'll sleep it off?
  94. -1
    April 18 2013 02: 56
    By the way, one more observation about the TGN (temporary geopolitical misunderstanding), aka “Country 404”.

    Paradoxical but true! Of all states and non-states, it is the most tenacious and “undying.” Any European country is very vulnerable in this regard. Any state structure is broken either by brute force or by petty dirty tricks. Because - Design! Relatively speaking, any structure can either be crushed with a crowbar or an ax, and if it is a “very solid structure”, such as Russia or Germany (Britain...), then you can use a screwdriver to quietly turn the bolts in “vulnerable places” and then push it.
    In a figurative sense, Livia Slegonets was set on fire and was not allowed to put out the fire, but came to extinguish it with an ax. They chopped up the structure and that’s it. The scraps are burning out.

    VGN is unique here. This is not a design at all. This is a puddle or a piece of Govna. Has anyone tried to cut a puddle or pit with feces with an ax or break it with a crowbar? Set it on fire or find bolts and nuts there and unscrew them?
    I hope the allegory is clear. And why? Any country is based on a certain ideology, the bearer of which is the bulk of the population. It is enough to destroy the ideology (as in the USSR) and the state will collapse. For example, bring the communists to power in Spain and civil war will begin there again. During it, Catalonia, Basques, Valencia, Galicia and Andalusia will immediately declare independence. As an example. The same crap can be done with any STRUCTURED SOCIETY in any country. You can have Nazis, you can have communists, you can have fundamentalists, homosexuals, etc. The main thing is that it be “extreme.”
    In VGN, ideology is absent as a concept. More precisely, it exists. The ideology of Ukraine is opposition and opposition to Russia. No Russia, no Ukraine.
    I am bothered by statements from Russian politicians like: “Either Ukraine will become our ally, or Ukraine will not become.” This is a syncretic statement made up of two (more precisely, one) mutually exclusive statements (I’m talking about the first part). And the second part of the statement tries to “reconcile” the schizophrenic nature of the first statement through a radical “compromise”. wassat
    The entire logic of the existence of VGN is a clearly expressed “through the looking glass”. Moreover, Russia is perhaps the only country in the world that has such a solid looking glass. Attempts to create a looking glass to China from Taiwan have failed. Taiwan is too insignificant in relation to China to be perceived as such. VGN by population 1/3 of the Russian Federation...

    Moreover (what am I saying), the very existence of VGN is not only a misfortune and a problem for the people inhabiting it, but also a problem of Russian statehood. As long as the VGN exists, Russia will be constantly “knocked down” in socio-political terms. All these Swamps and other obscenities will never end.
    Guess why: Admire Kyiv. What has been constantly happening there for the last 10 years. In physics this is called induction. Psychologists and psychiatrists have proven that it occurs in their sciences as well.
    Imagine that in a communal apartment, ordinary families live in 3 rooms, and in the 4th room there is a family of psychopathic schizophrenics who are on illegal substances. Will the other 3 families feel completely mentally healthy all this time? I think another room will go crazy after a while.
    Therefore: Carthage must be destroyed! (until he destroyed Rome)
    And there can be no talk about “allies and close partners.” That's bullshit! Confirming the previous thesis that mental disorders are gradually creeping into the brains of the leadership of the Russian Federation.
    1. +1
      April 18 2013 05: 18
      Well, well, my dear, something has turned you in the wrong direction - Carthage Rome - this is all clear and beautiful - so you’re saying to destroy? - Well, then what? - and where to put 40 million of us? - to the nail? - to the tundra, - to Venus? -before destroying -you need to learn how to build something -and express your thoughts beautifully on paper -hmm -you won’t amaze us with this -your writers -more than enough -they wrote something like that -for your grandchildren to rake and still have some left to do-
      By the way, if out of T-4 apartments one is crazy, then they will isolate her and not destroy her, with respect, and so on
  95. -1
    April 18 2013 07: 57
    Where to go? There's nowhere to go! Centuries-old history indicates that the local population dissolves or gets along very well in a country and civilization like Russia.
    Or do you consider yourself an organic part of Ukrainian statehood? Blood from blood and flesh from flesh of the bedsoreness regime? Then you really should go to Venus. Best regards, etc.
  96. juristk
    1 October 2013 13: 30
    Good article. But the consequences are indicated, not the causes. And the truth is that the president was sincere both then and now. I'll explain why. When he ran for elections in 2005 and 2010, the situation was somewhat different. In Russia, the desire to “squeeze the economic elite” has not yet manifested itself in such a way. Why in parentheses, because by “economic elite” I mean the stolen Jewish part of society. Just don’t immediately attach labels like anti-sim. This is wrong. Stop cowardly lowering your eyes when it comes to the dishonest part of society; this could lead in the future to the same dire consequences that the 1917 revolution led to. Just look at who is on the run or sitting in Russia from the top management and businessmen and compare their percentage in the country with their percentage in parliament and everything will immediately fall into place.
    The situation is the same in Ukraine (in percentage terms), but here they still feel at ease. The president, naturally, did not fall from the sky, but is their nominee, and anyone who believes that this is the will of the people is simply a fool.
    This “elite,” seeing what was happening in Russia, finally made decisions in the EU. Why? Because in the EU they will be protected from what is happening in Russia. This does not mean that the Regionals are the only “non-party of the people”; almost everyone is like that except Svoboda. This is the only party that raised this issue, making a request to the Supreme Council with a request to indicate the percentage composition of this body by nationality.
    What turned out to be strange was that there was no question about Jews at all, but it was their representatives who screamed throughout Ukraine that Svoboda were fascists. As they say, a thief's hat is on fire. And even without asking, it was known that with 0,1% of the population of Ukraine, Jews in the Armed Forces make up 70%, given that many of them write in the nationality column - Ukrainian, and the exact figure is higher. The probability of getting hit by a steamroller when entering the Customs Union is higher than when entering the EU. That's the whole truth.
    And they should sneeze on the people who warmed them on their chest. This is not their nation. What difference does it make to them how to steal - being in the EU or in the Independent or in the Customs Union, but the Customs Union has recently changed the rules of this game and it’s scary to go there.
    In addition, there is another reason - all the latest “reforms” are directed against the people. This is a pension reform, when just increasing the length of service from 25 years to 35 years immediately stole 1000 UAH from Ukrainian pensioners. per month, this despite the promises at the 2010 elections that the pension would immediately be 2010 UAH in 2500. Those. there is a deception of the people.
    It’s kind of scary to go to the 2015 elections with such baggage. And NATO will protect the EU.