How we were weaned from the fact that Russia is a superpower

At one time (December 2010 of the year) Dmitry Medvedev (the then President of Russia), giving a lecture at the Indian Institute of Technology, unexpectedly for many, said that the Russian Federation does not claim to be a superpower. He noted that he was not thrilled that someone uses such terminology, because such terms do not help ensure the competitive development of the state. Of course, Medvedev wanted to emphasize that in the modern world he sees the desire for multipolarity, which means that the statement about Russia as a superpower can cause someone to have a non-standard reaction - a reaction to the attempt of the Russian Federation to stand out against others. Although how can you stand out when it comes to multipolarity? ..

In general, the president (then) wanted it to be diplomatic, but everything turned out somehow doubtful.

I remember that many of those who then had the opportunity to evaluate Dmitry Medvedev's speech in real time, after what he heard, subjected the words of Medvedev to sharp criticism. And it is not strange, we are talking about both the Russian and the Indian public. In India, Russia, no matter what happens on our political and economic platforms, is used to being perceived by that power, which has a fairly large weight in the world. The words of the Russian leader were actually aimed at debunking such an image, and therefore many of those who gathered from Medvedev's message had a somewhat ambivalent feeling: if the President of a Great country declares that this country does not need to be considered Great, but the epithet is sufficiently competitive, or simply close to the possibilities of economic competition, then begin to torment vague doubts, what about the so-called foreign partners in general to behave with today's Russia ...

No less doubt began to torment the public in Russia. And these torments have not come to naught to this day. Let us try to understand what these contradictions are today, which, by and large, strike Russians in self-consciousness, and in relation to Russia, citizens of foreign countries.

So, at one time, literally with mother's milk, we came to understand that the country in which we were born is a truly great power, which is capable of solving even the most complex problems with a great desire. The ideological background was so solid that any doubts that arose about this could be considered from the evil one. We knew for sure that We are one sixth of the land, that We have the largest mineral reserves, that We are the most reading nation in the world, that We created the best education system on the planet, that We have two allies - the army and the fleet and that Our strength is in the friendship of nations.

But now the era of change has come (or, more accurately, to say that this era has been dragged by the ears), and the changes have hit the country and our self-consciousness in such a way that it’s noisy. We suddenly began to actively grind into the mind the idea that we are all different, and that we have little in common, that we were united solely on blood, and not on the fact that there is a desire to unite, and that the main benefit over the years of its "hopeless existence" we missed, but our "friends" from the West can still help us - they will at least hold onto the tip of the tail of this very good. Of course, we grabbed the end of the tail, but at the same time we had to “taste” and everything that periodically jumped out of this tail, in our direction, and even feel the blows of the “blessed” rear hoofs ... Naturally, we immediately they began to wean the notion that we are a superpower. At that time there was only one superpower in the world, and she decided to observe her unique status, which she inherited as a gift from those who had split the Soviet Union with their own hands.
At one point, the geopolitical symbiosis that had developed over decades was disrupted. Most of the former Soviet republics did not know what to do with the independence that had fallen on them, the countries of Eastern Europe began to look around in search of new strategic partners, the overseas socialist territories (Vietnam, Cuba, DPRK, a number of African countries) were actually completely isolated.

But in order for people not to have a desire to grieve about this, ideological inspirers of building a unipolar world quickly declared that no such thing was a symbiosis, but the most common economic and political parasitism ... They say that Russia parasitized in the Baltic States, the Warsaw Pact countries on Russia, Moldovans drank the juice of Ukrainians, Ukrainians parasitized on the lands of the Crimean Tatars and so on to infinity. Thus, the “open” eyes of people who have already lost faith in themselves and their country saw the total disunity and the thesis declared from somewhere outside that man is a wolf. Such slogans as equality, fraternity, friendship of peoples, continuity of generations began to give up their places to slogans of a completely different nature: personal enrichment, neglect of social values, legal nihilism, complete and unlimited freedom at the expense of the freedom of others. We swallowed this pill, taking it out of a beautiful package, and only after some time realized all its bitterness, we are aware of it to this day ...

In the meantime, this awareness came to us, representatives of many foreign countries wondered, Russia finally lost its face and turned into one of the pillars of the unipolar world, supporting star-striped "democracy" with the export version, or, sooner or later, that the role of a pillar to support ideas and interests alien to her is not her role. Someone obviously wanted Russia to play precisely this role until the end of its existence on the world map, and someone openly declared that if Russia didn’t perk up, the world would finally plunge into chaos. And plunging into chaos manifested itself in ever more ugly forms: from the shameless invasion of the "peace bearing" NATO troops into Yugoslavia to the transformation of North Africa and the Middle East into a zone of incessant military clashes.

However, chaos, as a symptom of unipolarity, showed and shows itself not only in military terms. Chaos has come into the economy, which in recent years has been trying to reduce exclusively to the Western version with a foundation on an endless series of loans and lending. Soap economic bubbles began to inflate in different regions of the world, bursting and splashing everyone. Chaos came to culture. If earlier we were inculcated with the need to care about our native nature, respect for the older generation, soldiers-liberators, then today, it turns out, we should show paramount concern, except in relation to the LGBT community, rejoicing in the manner of kisses in front of the audience. Ivan is combined with Ivan, and Marya with Marya ...

It is obvious that today there is a definite request that Russia determine for itself the role in the global world. If she (that is, we) is going (going) to position herself as a state that is able to solve global geopolitical tasks, defend its interests and protect the interests of its strategic partners and friends, then it is time to satisfy this request. There are a lot of sites for this (the Customs Union, the SCO, and the BRICS). Well, and if our fate continues to be - dumb accomplices in the cultivation of one pole of the world, then we can continue to declare that we are far from a superpower, and this is not ours ...
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  1. +109
    April 11 2013 08: 35
    1. +140
      April 11 2013 08: 42
      Quote: Romn

      The very geographic location of my Motherland and its size do not allow it to sink to a "competitive country" and the centuries-old history only confirms this fact.
      Medvedev will remain in the history of Dimon - a narrow-minded person with short-sighted slogans, often he speaks as if his language lives a separate life.
      1. +47
        April 11 2013 10: 11
        In order to understand whether we are a superpower, it is necessary to do a little analysis. The concept of "Overdelivery" is vague, but several qualitative characteristics are generally accepted.
        1. The presence of a formalized, capable, state-oriented elite (not yet, DAM and Co. confirm this).
        2. Military power coupled with nuclear weapons (yes, especially strategic nuclear forces)
        3. Powerful diversified economy (10 economy in the world - not so bad, but not enough and it depends on energy production)
        4. Actual possession (control) of a powerful resource base - yes
        5. Political and economic control over a significant part of states (in the form of military, political or economic blocs, etc.) - no
        6. The presence of a wide range of geopolitical interests in various parts of the planet and the ability to project forces (military, political, economic, etc.) for their implementation. - practically no, the possibilities are very limited.
        7. Sometimes they also mention the presence of a universal ideology (such as a consumer society or socialism), but this is debatable. - No, they themselves got into the western "stream".
        Total Of the 7 (6) positions, we completely knock out two. Plus 0,5 points for geopolitics and economics. Total maximum 3 score. Conclusion. Present-day Russia is not a superpower (which does not cancel its status as one of the most powerful states). The identification of certain aspects as a “military superpower”, “energy superpower” is erroneous, because the concept is complex. In the latter case - especially.
        At the same time, only the United States more or less corresponds to such a definition, but the trend is such that they too may soon cease to correspond. Will there be a multipolar world then? Probably not. Most likely, a disturbing and turbulent world in which several powers will fight for the status of a superpower. This is the way humanity works. Do we need to enter this fight? It seems that yes. The question of survival. Otherwise, we will become not a subject of geopolitics, but its object.
        1. +14
          April 11 2013 11: 01
          if you look, then control over the resource base is also written in the passive - the resources do not already belong to us (most of them are in private hands)
          1. Don
            April 11 2013 16: 49
            Quote: COBOK
            if you look, then control over the resource base is also written in the passive - the resources do not already belong to us (most of them are in private hands)

            And in what hands should it be? Only in the state? Why do you think so? She should be in private. In the US, 100% is private and nothing.
            1. +7
              April 11 2013 17: 02
              In the USA, the crisis began and the dollar pyramid is ready to bring down the world economy there too. Good example! Let's create one too!
              1. Don
                April 11 2013 17: 15
                Quote: T-130
                In the USA, the crisis began and the dollar pyramid is ready to bring down the world economy there too. Good example! Let's create one too!

                In all countries, without exception, there are economic crises. It is not only private business that is to blame, but precisely the state to a greater extent. At the same time, the United States remains a superpower.
                1. +7
                  April 11 2013 18: 47
                  Dooh, if it weren’t for the state regulation of the economy but for the USA, the crisis would have been there 40 years ago and they would not have gotten out ... Or are you not aware that there is a Senate State Commission for Economic Regulation and its decisions are binding on EVERYONE?
                  Another Pope Roosevelt in the years 29-32. pulling the USA out of depression stole such a wonderful Soviet notion as the State Planning Commission ....
                  1. Don
                    April 12 2013 11: 24
                    Quote: Raven1972
                    Senate State Commission for Economic Regulation and its decisions are binding on ALL?

                    I completely agree with you, the state should participate in the economic processes in the country. But just this means that the state was trying poorly to manage the economy, which is why I wrote:
                    Quote: Don
                    It is not only private business that is to blame, but precisely the state to a greater extent.

                    Let's remember how the discussion began. With a discussion of who should own resources in the country. And now we are discussing who should manage the economy. And this is a completely different conversation.
                2. Jin
                  April 11 2013 18: 59
                  Quote: Don
                  At the same time, the United States remains a superpower.

                  On someone else's oil and blood, it’s not good to do so ...
                  1. Don
                    April 12 2013 11: 27
                    Quote: Jin
                    On someone else's oil and blood, it’s not good to do so ...

                    So I do not say that it is good. I myself do not like US foreign policy, but the USA is a superpower and this is a fact.
                    1. Che
                      April 13 2013 01: 44
                      Russia parasitized in the Baltic states, the Warsaw Pact countries - in Russia, Moldovans drank juices of Ukrainians, Ukrainians parasitized on the lands of Crimean Tatars and so on ad infinitum.
                      Russia, as it was a superpower, has remained so with it, no matter how the West wants the opposite. This is a given of Russia, we will overcome the traitors inside the country and take our historical place that belongs to us.
                      1. Petrospek
                        April 13 2013 02: 09
                        uh how's it going
            2. lubin
              April 11 2013 17: 19
              Resources should belong to the state, but take off work (mining, processing, transportation) can be given to private companies. But income from sales should belong to RUSSIA. ps And do not give an example of star-striped.
              1. +3
                April 11 2013 18: 55
                The Merikosov has exactly the same way - the state has long bought deposits and their development is carried out under state control ... It also decides what to develop and what not ....
                1. Don
                  April 12 2013 12: 35
                  Quote: Raven1972
                  The Merikosov has exactly the same way - the state has long bought deposits and their development is carried out under state control ... It also decides what to develop and what not ....

                  Don’t throw off the link, where did you read this? The US Department of Energy, of course, monitors the processes in the energy sector, like the ministries of the Russian Federation or China, but the production of oil and gas from private corporations. The same applies to the extraction of copper, iron ore or coal. All in private hands. Ukrainian SCM Corporation owns a coal company in the United States. This is for example. So, let’s say, without fairy tales, that mining in the USA is in the hands of the state.
              2. Don
                April 12 2013 11: 31
                Quote: lubin
                Resources should belong to the state, but take off work (mining, processing, transportation) can be given to private companies. But income from sales should belong to RUSSIA. ps And do not give an example of star-striped.

                Firstly, why can’t the USA be an example? This is the first economy in the world. Not happy with the USA, please. A striking example of Canada, Australia, UK, Germany. Secondly, do you speak only for resources or for industry too? Thirdly. For example, the Mechel concern has metallurgical plants, but there is no resource base (in fact, there is, but this is an example). They buy GOKs (iron ore) and coal mines. They buy them from the state. They invest money in them, pay taxes. And they are better directed than the state. In the public sector, corruption is always greater than in the private.
            3. +11
              April 11 2013 18: 00
              Duc usa is not a state in our understanding. This is a mega-corporation where all issues are resolved solely on the basis of personal enrichment, and all actions are aimed at achieving this. A parasitic neo-colonial system, everything is private, even the FRS is ZAT. All, I emphasize, all the leaders who tried to change the existing system were killed, so the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgan, etc., will prevent any country from being promoted to the status of a Superpower. All European countries that could claim this status in the future were destroyed and ruined (Germany, France, Spain, even Holland had huge colonies, and then the Second World War and kapets). Stalin realized this with a wolfish instinct about the perniciousness of the Marshal's plan, with a clang he closed the "iron curtain" in front of the nose of the dollar and our economy had a VAC (prices at factories immediately knocked out a meat grinder, which in 1970, which in 1987 cost 3 rubles 55 kopecks from the mother, both still since then), and resources, and education, and medicine are the BEST. And this is what they want ??? Therefore, they stitched Judas and the hresopseller of the hump, then perestroika, the collapse of the USSR and now "may be sho may". But I think we will endure anyway, because we are all RUSSIAN and always VICTORY WILL BE OUR soldier And they put their tolerance in .....
              1. +4
                April 11 2013 19: 01
                And most importantly - the Central Bank of the USSR was untied from the world banking system and did not depend on it in any way (like the Central Bank of China now)
                1. Don
                  April 12 2013 13: 26
                  Quote: Raven1972
                  And most importantly - the Central Bank of the USSR was untied from the world banking system and did not depend on it in any way (like the Central Bank of China now)

                  Do you even know what functions the Central Bank performs, what does the global banking system have to do with it?
                  1. +2
                    April 12 2013 19: 32
                    Actually, I’m in the know, we don’t have to think we are worse than a steam locomotive ... In the USSR, the Central Bank was controlled by the state, and not from the outside as it is now, and the exchange rate of the gold (currency) ruble was not tied to the dollar if you do not know ... Therefore, we all world financial crises were to one place))) In addition to everything, there was an internal monetary unit, non-convertible, for settlements and settlements within the state (like a yuan in the same China) and not a single penny from the USSR left the cordon, respectively everything was enough money ...
                    1. Don
                      April 15 2013 16: 02
                      Quote: Raven1972
                      Actually in the know, we don’t have to consider us worse than a steam train ...

                      I don’t think you are any better than the engine, otherwise I would not have a discussion with you.
                      Quote: Raven1972
                      In the USSR, the Central Bank was controlled by the state

                      I agree. So now, in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, the Bank of Russia is a legal entity. The authorized capital and other property of the Bank of Russia are federal propertyMoreover, the Bank of Russia is endowed with property and financial independence.
                      Quote: Raven1972
                      and not from the outside as it is now

                      So, who controls it? Could you tell? These conversations have been going on for a long time, but there is not a single evidence. Only the opinions of individual people. If the state does not manage the bank, then it belongs to the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers in any way. It means that according to any of them, in the theories of Zionist conspiracies, our friends with whom we do not drink are led.
                      Quote: Raven1972
                      and the exchange rate of the gold (currency) ruble was not tied to the dollar if you do not know

                      The Soviet ruble, starting in 1937, was pegged to the US dollar. And the price of gold, at that time, was also calculated in US dollars. The USSR wanted to create a gold ruble, but unfortunately Stalin did not succeed.
                      If, for example, the SCO or the Eurasian Union could create a reserve currency, then they would have long abandoned the dollar.
                      Quote: Raven1972
                      Because to us all the global financial crises were to one place

                      And then there was only one crisis that played into our hands. Oil. And why then, by the end of the 80s, did we have an economy in .... was it? Could you tell? If not one crisis was not how much for us?
                      Quote: Raven1972
                      and not a single penny from the USSR left the cordon, so there was enough money for everything ...

                      Not a single penny did not go away, because rubles were not needed over the hill. The USSR took dollars for export deliveries and paid them over the hill.
              2. Che
                April 13 2013 01: 52
                Soberly. Disease and decay from within, this amers have always used in their politics. It had to be a hunchback and ebn to hand over the country to enemies.
            4. +4
              April 11 2013 18: 59
              The United States does not give its resources abroad and does not permit deals with the sheikhs, and "our" resource "base is already 70 percent legally owned by non-citizens of Russia.
              1. +1
                April 11 2013 19: 07
                That's exactly what they get for themselves, and the state strictly monitors it ... God forbid to sell to someone, something without approval in the Senate ....
              2. Don
                April 12 2013 13: 38
                Quote: Nina Cerny
                The United States does not give its resources abroad and does not permit deals with the sheikhs, and "our" resource "base is already 70 percent legally owned by non-citizens of Russia.

                People, can you finally start reading something before you carry nonsense. What is so difficult to go online to search for information? Nina, you're talking nonsense. Ukrainian SCM Corporation owns the United Coal Company, a coking coal company. The coal she supplies wherever he wants. The American metallurgical company Alcoa produces bauxite and produces aluminum, and it sells it in your way only from the USA? ExxonMobil, Chevron produces oil and gas in the United States and sells it wherever it wants. British British Petroleum produces oil in the United States and sells it wherever it wants. And what deals with sheikhs are you talking about? The United States is full of agreements with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman and the UAE. And what does the sheikhs have to do with it?
                Quote: Nina Cerny
                "Our" resource "base is already 70 percent owned legally by non-citizens of Russia.

                Again, sheer nonsense. Do not carry nonsense, but read who owns Rosneft, Gazprom, Mechel, Severstal, Rusal, Norilsk Nickel, Lukoil.
            5. +5
              April 11 2013 19: 34
              Have you collapsed from an oak tree? Factories, mineral deposits should belong to the state.
              1. 0
                April 11 2013 20: 25
                Yes, I somehow did not argue with this hi
              2. Don
                April 15 2013 17: 38
                Quote: Deniska999
                Have you collapsed from an oak tree? Factories, mineral deposits should belong to the state.

                As I understand it, you turned to me ?! Well then, I have a question for you. And where did you fall from? From what tree, building, skyscraper that you think your opinion is the ultimate authority and the most correct. Are you smarter than everyone? So write the facts related to your opinion, and not one line.
            6. -1
              April 13 2013 18: 53
              Quote: Don
              Quote: COBOK
              if you look, then control over the resource base is also written in the passive - the resources do not already belong to us (most of them are in private hands)

              And in what hands should it be? Only in the state? Why do you think so? She should be in private. In the US, 100% is private and nothing.

              What does the USA have to do with it? It doesn’t say anything at all, you never know what and how.
        2. +7
          April 11 2013 11: 30
          Quote: Bronis
          At the same time, only the United States more or less corresponds to this definition.

          from the article itself:
          At that time, the superpower was left alone in the world, and it decided to observe its unique status, which it actually received as a gift from those who split the Soviet Union with their own hands.

          Why does everyone, polls, deliberately or due to lack of education, forget the British EMPIRE (Union), the French colonial consequences, the Dutch "conquests" and of course the German "attempts".
          "Mattress" alone ". Poy" would have cracked long ago without the support of "friends".
          It is enough to look at how "independent" "states vote in the UN.
          1. +6
            April 11 2013 12: 15
            Why is everyone completely, intentionally or uneducated, forgetting and hushing up the British EMPIRE (Union)
            Do not forget. The British Empire was considered by some to be a superpower. The British Commonwealth is no longer the same. The modern United Kingdom does not meet these criteria. They sometimes "push," but do not play an independent role, moving in the mainstream of pro-American politics. Well, the current "colonial possessions" of Great Britain are, in the main, islets of no man.
            In fact, before World War II there were several great powers (but not superpowers!): The British Empire, France, Germany, the USSR, Japan and the USA. Following the war, Germany and Japan suffered a direct defeat. France is the same as Britain (albeit unofficial). Their colonial empires began to crumble during the war, and by 50 they finally collapsed, partly falling under US control, and partly becoming battlefields of the Cold War.
            The Big Three came out of the war, rather, in the "2+" format. A clear strengthening of the positions took place in the USA and the USSR (in the latter - with incommensurably large sacrifices). Great Britain still retained its position, but could no longer catch up with the United States and the USSR. Two very strong great powers remained in the arena. For them, basically, the term "superpower" began to be used. They surpassed in their power the great powers of the past, became the centers of two most powerful military-political blocs.
            Quote: Papakiko
            "Mattress" alone ". Poy" would have cracked long ago without the support of "friends".
            Namely, this confirms the thesis that they no longer have an independent status and are not superpowers. And it is more and more difficult for them to try on the status of "great powers" ...
            1. +2
              April 11 2013 15: 06
              Quote: Bronis
              colonial possessions "Great Britain - no man's

              My friend, you look soberly at the globe and you will see Australia + Canada and a lot of little things.
              After that, write the UK in "3 high-quality countries"?
              1. +6
                April 11 2013 15: 52
                Well, Australia, well, Canada. Well, the British Commonwealth. Even more fun than the CIS. There is such a concept of sovereignty. So, Canada and Australia have it. More precisely, there is actual and legal independence from the UK. I understand that most do not go into legal details, I will try to explain it in an accessible way. They do not recognize the jurisdiction of the UK legal system, its executive authorities over itself. lead an independent foreign and domestic policy. They have all the components of the state: sovereignty, currency, legal system, system of power, armed forces. But they call the head of state the British Queen. I emphasize my own state. They are, formally, monarchies, and not part (colony) under Great Britain. Why is that? Historical aspect - the British Empire has not been able to effectively retain all its colonies since the last quarter of the 19th century. Therefore, the most loyal (with the English-speaking population) acquired a special legal status. And their autonomy gradually turned into independence. The British Commonwealth was not created to unite, but to try to maintain British influence. But it didn’t work out everywhere. In fact, it’s like the CIS. They created not for unification, but a civilized divorce. So the British Commonwealth is not an empire. India, by the way, is also in it. But she is completely independent.
                Great Britain does not belong to third-rate countries. But it is no longer an empire, much less a superpower.
                Quote: Papakiko
                My friend, you look at the globe with a sober look

                Here, son, somehow. laughing And I do not abuse alcohol, although good cognac in the evening and hunting - only for.
                And more correct, more correct. laughing Don't include the "angry schoolboy" doesn't suit you.
                1. -2
                  April 11 2013 21: 02
                  Quote: Bronis
                  So the British Commonwealth is not an empire. India, by the way, is also in it

                  You tell the Indians that they are in the British Commonwealth.
                  Cowards pulled over the head do not get off. wink
                  The CIS and the British Commonwealth, magically speaking Guano and Jam.
                  In which of the CIS countries GDP is met and worshiped as the Queen of "Small Britain" ?? And this is only the outer surroundings. The internal ones do not need to be sprayed. Which state in the CIS will provide its bases, resources, army to Russia at the first request?
                  They do not recognize the jurisdiction of the UK legal system, its executive authorities over itself. lead an independent foreign and domestic policy. They have all the components of the state: sovereignty, currency, legal system, system of power, armed forces. But they call the head of state is the british queen.
                  Like we are "oligophrenic" and do not understand the world order and independence and independence?

                  Therefore, you type did not write the above stated "stupidity" and we did not see it. Did you agree? drinks
                2. Don
                  April 12 2013 16: 10
                  Quote: Bronis
                  In fact, it’s like the CIS. They created not for unification, but a civilized divorce. So the British Commonwealth is not an empire. India, by the way, is also in it. But she is completely independent.

                  By the way, South Africa, Pakistan and Malaysia, too, but they are definitely independent.
                  1. 0
                    April 12 2013 16: 18
                    formally, the queen is the commander in chief of their armies. in the event of war, loyal subjects disobey their queen (including Canada seem)
              2. +2
                April 11 2013 19: 03
                No matter how great the "British Commonwealth" is, in political terms it follows the United States and demonstrates "independence" only in the EU, which is weak and bureaucratic.
                1. 0
                  April 11 2013 23: 08
                  Quote: Nina Cerny
                  independence "demonstrates only in the EU

                  I guess that I will disappoint you, but you shouldn’t doubt the independence of Britain, or you don’t know the question well. So it is a think tank, and the United States is only a tool (such a healthy bully without brains). It is enough to at least understand why all "our" moneybags live there, not in America. It's so offhand. In fact, everything is much more serious.
              3. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 19: 53
                Quote: Papakiko
                Quote: Bronis
                colonial possessions "Great Britain - no man's

                My friend, you look soberly at the globe and you will see Australia + Canada and a lot of little things.
                After that, write the UK in "3 high-quality countries"?

                - Dear! What is the British Commonwealth? Well, first of all, where did you get the idea that Australia and Canada are global players on the world stage? It’s nobody and there’s no way to call them, directly speaking. Colonies or dominions are nothing without a metropolis. Having become independent, after the collapse of the world evil empire - they only revolve around their orbit, but not beyond it.
                Secondly - about the metropolis itself, that is, Britain itself - why did you suddenly get this, is it an independent, that is, an independent decision-making center, even in Europe, not to mention world issues? In Europe, Germany and France dictate the conditions (there is only a small, but only a fraction of the US influence), while Britain invariably uses and relies only on the support of the owners to push its interests in Europe (not to mention the world). the ocean, obeying pin dosas completely.
                1. +2
                  April 11 2013 21: 10
                  Quote: rodevaan
                  olonies or dominions are nothing without a metropolis. Having become independent, after the collapse of the world evil empire - they only revolve around their orbit, but not beyond it.

                  I give you applause. bully
                  Greater ignorance and human stupidity can not be found, well, unless you sow "truth-knowledge" for a decent salary and grants from Soros and educate us "dark ignoramuses". good
            2. 0
              April 11 2013 18: 06
              Wait a second, France of which all places were for the invasion of Libya, and now has invaded Mali ??? Go fishing or safari ??? But in the Falklands, what was Britain doing ??
        3. +8
          April 11 2013 12: 47
          Quote: Bronis
          Do we need to enter this fight? It seems that yes. The question of survival. Otherwise, we will become not a subject of geopolitics, but its object.

          ++++, with two hands for, Do we need to enter this fight? -Not a question, of course, but the most important thing is that the determination to conduct this fight to the end by all means is indicated, and most importantly, that the world is convinced in this determination.
          Respect is not a force in itself, but the confidence of others that this force will be inevitably used at the slightest need for its owner
          1. Jin
            April 11 2013 13: 18
            Quote: Old Rocketman
            Respect is not a force in itself, but the confidence of others that this force will be inevitably used at the slightest need for its owner

            In the top ten! You can be strong physically, but cowardly by nature ... and then the sense of this force?
          2. +1
            April 11 2013 18: 08
            As it is not necessary, if you act on the principle of "my hut is on the edge" then in the end it will be taken away.
        4. Gari
          April 11 2013 12: 55
          From the history
          At first there were Mongolo-Tatars
          at the dawn of the formation of the Russian Empire of Peter the Great
          The Swedish Empire was the most powerful state at that time, in every way interfered and fought with Russia, and that Peter, the window to Europe, cut through
          was France and Napoleon conquered all of Europe, even took Moscow took
          was the persian empire, the ottoman empire
          Austrian Empire, German Empire,
          Nazi Germany again swept across Europe and stumbled near Moscow, but the British Empire occupied 1/4 of the land
          Japanese Empire

          Everyone fought with Russia, who are openly on the battlefield, who secretly or through others, were at each time the most powerful in the world.
          And what they all now represent, simple states that have lost both their territories and influence and greatness!

          Yes, over the past 20 years, of course, enemies have tried

          But Russia or the USSR Empire
          will have - apparently a historical mission is destined from above!
          1. Jin
            April 11 2013 13: 20
            Quote: Gari
            will have - apparently a historical mission is destined from above!

            smile They come and go, and we will probably stay!
            1. -4
              April 11 2013 15: 28
              Quote: Jin
              They come and go, and we will probably stay!

              Where did they go, Let me ask?
              They were slightly drank and sanded.
              1. Jin
                April 11 2013 16: 14
                Quote: Papakiko
                Where did they go, Let me ask?

                They went into oblivion ... But they remained in memory forever,
                Of these, we helped many to leave, but we ourselves remain FOREVER !!!

                Go Russia!!! (I am an uryapatriot, without the nasty prefix "urya") drinks
                1. +3
                  April 11 2013 19: 32
                  Quote: Jin
                  But remained in my memory forever

                  In whose memory is this forever?
                  We remember how grandfathers and great-grandfathers bent "Geyropetsev".
                  And those remember that they "bent down" under physical strength and constantly tried (and try) to decompose us from the inside and avenge all the "bent". Over the past 20 years, how many efforts have been made by "gayropets" involving hostility between the peoples inhabiting the former USSR and Russia.
                  And how much is the demonization of Stalin !?
                  1. Jin
                    April 12 2013 18: 07
                    Quote: Papakiko
                    In whose memory is this forever?
                    We remember how grandfathers and great-grandfathers bent "Geyropetsev".
                    And those remember that they "bent down" under physical strength and constantly tried (and try) to decompose us from the inside and avenge all the "bent". Over the past 20 years, how many efforts have been made by "gayropets" involving hostility between the peoples inhabiting the former USSR and Russia.
                    And how much is the demonization of Stalin !?

                    Here, I agree, it’s very unpleasant for these Great Powers, in fact, to argue with this, if objectively assessed, to be aware of themselves as being omitted by Russia ... so here +
                  2. Jin
                    April 12 2013 18: 10
                    Quote: Papakiko
                    In whose memory is this forever?

                    IN OUR, dear, memory! In ours, of course, in whose else!
              2. Jin
                April 11 2013 16: 17
                Quote: Papakiko
                They were slightly drank and sanded.

                Yeah and Napoleon and Hitler and Karl of the 12th S L E G K A SO SAWED AND GRINDED !!! They were punched hard, shell-shocked and scratched ...

                PySy scratched with large knife-paper, almost to the holes ...
            2. Darkness
              April 12 2013 03: 52
              1000 years stood, and still idle without damage !!!
          2. +2
            April 11 2013 15: 24
            Quote: Gari
            At first there were Mongolo-Tatars

            Well, why should I write this out of ignorance?
            Do you think the Yoke of the USSR?
            There was no "yoke of the Tatar-Mongolian".
            The Germans and the Shvedov were forgotten, and they still pretty much shkodili up to Peter 1. (Sanya Nevsky, Wonderful Lake)
            You didn’t remember about the Livonian war, and Ivan Vasilievich waged it.
            Quote: Gari
            was France and Napoleon conquered all of Europe, even took Moscow took

            The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth also took Moscow!

            Quote: Gari
            But Russia or the USSR will have an Empire — apparently a historical mission is destined from above!

            Russia Third Rome and the fourth never happen. (John Vasilievich, Rurikovich)
            1. Jin
              April 11 2013 16: 29
              Quote: Papakiko
              The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth also took Moscow!

              Well, their semolina, right ... What's the point? Take-take, and hold? If not for what our soldiers and officers did in the summer of the 41st and the Germans would have taken! I’ll argue with anyone))) What’s the argument ... And the historical chronology, which is now to be tedious. Then whoever just didn’t play, remember the same Varangians ... The bottom line is in another IMHO
              1. +1
                April 11 2013 19: 38
                Quote: Jin
                What's the use of it? Take-take, but hold

                So we half of Europe surrendered without a halt together with the Baltic states and Ukraine and Crimea in addition.
            2. +2
              April 11 2013 19: 06
              Still, Moscow is the third Rome (and not Russia, a name that was not officially used by Ivan Vasilievich)
              1. 0
                April 11 2013 19: 19
                Quote: Nina Cerny
                Still, Moscow is the third Rome

                Yes, yes, yes, thanks for the correction.
                Well, typically Russia-Russia and Moscow are identical. feel
              2. +2
                April 11 2013 20: 22
                Quote: Nina Cerny
                Moscow - the third Rome
                It sounds gloomy. Let us recall what was mired and what killed Rome. I associate arrogance and a certain emancipation of Rome with the most democratic hamburger eaters
                1. -1
                  April 11 2013 21: 23
                  Quote: Denis
                  It sounds gloomy.

                  This has become a household name due to the efforts of the "gayropets".
                  And most importantly, the city with which the word ROME is associated is not ETERNAL or a city with a thousand-year history. He is slightly older than Moscow in age. And Erusalim, which we all know, is about three hundred years old.
                  The first ROME is the Sumerians (Baghdat).
                  The second ROME is Constantinople (Tsargrad, Yerusalim)
                  Tritium ROME Moscow.
                  And further north there is nowhere to retreat, behind Moscow.
                  1. 0
                    April 11 2013 21: 53
                    Quote: Papakiko
                    Tritium ROME Moscow
                    And the fourth will not happen

                    this is a personal impression, as the basis is not put forward
                  2. 0
                    April 12 2013 07: 48
                    Constantinople and Jerusalem are different cities.
                    Constantinople is today's Istanbul.
            3. 0
              April 11 2013 23: 16
              I will take the liberty of correcting the quote. It sounds like Moscow-Third Rome, and the author is the old man Filofei.
            4. mansur
              April 12 2013 00: 23
              Quote: Papakiko
              Well, why should I write this out of ignorance?
              Do you think the Yoke of the USSR?
              There was no "yoke of the Tatar-Mongolian".
              The Germans and the Shvedov were forgotten, and they still pretty much shkodili up to Peter 1. (Sanya Nevsky, Wonderful Lake)
              You didn’t remember about the Livonian war, and Ivan Vasilievich waged it.

              I know the story, let's say so good
              I didn’t write about the yoke
              I wrote referring only to empires that fought with Russia
              And the time period when Russia was the Empire
          3. Darkness
            April 12 2013 03: 54
            The power of Russia in it!
          4. Che
            April 13 2013 02: 06
            Who owns Eurasia owns the world. The fate of Russia to be an empire. This story repeats from generation to generation. But there are woodpeckers who sell their homeland - a troubled time before the Romanovs and now the same repeat is taking place.
        5. lubin
          April 11 2013 15: 10
          And if you already enter the struggle, you must start with yourself. After all, RUSSIA and its position in this world depend on each of us. Well, what to hide money (and take off various benefits together) become an end in itself and many people do not care about others. People ceased to respect each other. The professions of teachers, nurses, etc. they don’t have too much honor at all. In public transport, young people will not give way to the old people and no one will say a word to them, I’m silent about the hooligans. And the youth she takes an example from the older generation and what thoughts we put into it such a power we will receive. ps Our children live after us, what will we leave them? ......
        6. Don
          April 11 2013 16: 46
          Quote: Bronis
          1. The presence of a formalized, capable, state-oriented elite (not yet, DAM and Co. confirm this).

          And what is the confirmation?
          Quote: Bronis
          3. Powerful diversified economy (10 economy in the world - not so bad, but not enough and it depends on energy production)

          Actually, according to the IMF, the 6th, and according to the World Bank, it’s the 5th. In addition, the RF is not much dependent on energy resources.
          1. -1
            April 11 2013 19: 20
            Well, yes, yes ... 70% of Russia's GDP is income from the sale of resources ... For comparison, the USSR had only 8.9-12.7 %% of the same ...
            1. Don
              April 12 2013 12: 23
              Quote: Raven1972
              Well, yes, yes ... 70% of Russia's GDP is income from the sale of resources ... For comparison, the USSR had only 8.9-12.7 %% of the same ...

              Where did you read such nonsense? In the sectoral structure of Russia's GDP (according to 2011 data), mining is 9,1%. The Russian Federation would not be the 6th economy of the world if 70% of its GDP were income from the sale of resources. For some reason, such countries selling their resources as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Angola, Algeria, Iraq, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, etc. are not even among the twenty.
              1. +1
                April 12 2013 18: 53
                It’s fresh tradition and hard to believe .... This is where you read such nonsense, I’m even interested ... How can it be if none of the enterprises in my city, for example, work more than 5% of their power? The same KTZ - has been breathing for a long time, but KMPO is sold out by more than 60%? And KMPO, by the way, under the USSR did GTD-1250 for the T-80 ... Where is it all? I can still list a lot .... And this is an example only in my city, far from the largest in the Russian Federation.
          2. -3
            April 12 2013 15: 47
            That will take oil as it bangs in price, in dollars, so to speak, by 30 (God forbid), so let's see how the Russian Federation is not strongly dependent on hydrocarbons. Another Yeltsin will be needed at once. When oil is at bad levels, the Putin-Medvedevs "do not skip".
        7. Darkness
          April 12 2013 03: 44
          The words are not young men, but Husband.
          However, I would introduce into the circle of concepts such things as: historical and political awareness, or self-identification - as one of the highest degrees of self-awareness of an ethnic group. This is what does not allow us to succumb, OR to fail our already "dead policy" in relation to the SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS of all !!!, the whole country !!!
          Well, and of course, those ridiculous and uncomplicated roots that we are talking about:
          "in your own way";
          FOR US - "in our own way", AND FOR OTHERS? And it’s time to draw the line and impose rules for US and for all the rest.
        8. politruk419
          April 12 2013 03: 49
          Bravo. Excellent, dry and clear analysis. The first point is quite easily corrected by the advent of a responsible, national-patriotic dictatorship. And by the methods of Joseph Vissarionovich. For two or three years.
        9. -1
          April 13 2013 18: 52
          Quote: Bronis
          In order to understand whether we are a superpower, you need to make a little analysis ...

          The methodology is not bad, but it is, in fact, secondary. The most important thing is that in any case Russia is called to be the guardian of peace and order, only it has its own unique messianic fate in the heart of Eurasia.
        April 11 2013 10: 34
        Dimon is a protege of the liquidationists in RUSSIA, and in general I don’t understand how much we will endure, that foreigners, all sorts of butler’s, mendel and Chubais rule us!
      3. +7
        April 11 2013 11: 27
        And Dimochka could only, that for showing off a jacket in a jacket and tie for several days, a cow that had been undressed for several days, was pulled and rejoiced at the gifted iPhone like a small kid !!! lol He was the first to host the parade on May 9, even an old Brezhnev defended this ceremony to the end !!! good drinks Perhaps his small stature, this is his complex and he is trying to raise his status with his stupid, talkative .... As they say in the World of Tanks, a complete deer !!!! negative fool
      4. Batman
        April 11 2013 13: 19
        Medvedev will remain in the history of Dimon - a narrow-minded person with narrow-minded slogans

        I agree. He even scares me sometimes in his own words and actions. Even if you compare the statistics of the reign of Medvedev and Putin, you can see a huge difference ...
        1. -1
          April 12 2013 15: 53
          Do you seriously distinguish between the reigns of Putin and the bear? After the "somersault-mortale" with the "return" of GDP to the President's chair?
      5. to4kavserdce
        April 11 2013 13: 48
        handsome, I completely agree with you !! And these agents on the count am
      6. +5
        April 11 2013 14: 07
        I don’t agree. You can’t underestimate Medvedev. He’s a smart person, but not far-fetched, I agree. He is an obvious representative and mouthpiece of liberalism. Starikov correctly said about him. Once the amers wrote the constitution for us and the president is the guarantor of this pro-American constitution. He is a hired manager and in under this program, he acts
        1. +2
          April 11 2013 19: 08
          And as a "smart" person, maybe "narrow-minded"? In Russian, the word "narrow-minded" mildly means a stupid person, but not a complete fool.
        2. 0
          April 12 2013 15: 59
          Someone somewhere subtly noticed that the DM is being presented as a liberal mouthpiece, such as the gdp so strict, totalitarian to the delight of the common people, the hope for order, and the DM pleases the eye of the liberals. The old trick is the good cop, the bad cop. In fact, dm has no power. Vvp is a dummy doll, and dm is generally a cardboard. "Durilka cardboard" smile
      7. +1
        April 11 2013 17: 57
        Medvedev - and a traitor in one person ... a shame on modern power ...
      8. 0
        April 11 2013 20: 05
        Quote: Ghen75
        Medvedev will remain in the history of Dimon - a narrow-minded person with short-sighted slogans, often he speaks as if his language lives a separate life.
        Not all statements D.A.M need to be taken seriously laughing
      9. 0
        April 11 2013 21: 42
        I agree completely! squalor of consciousness = wretched life
      10. rolik
        April 13 2013 11: 33
        [quote = Ghen75] will remain in history a dimon - a narrow-minded person with narrow-minded slogans, [/ quot
        Uncompetitive junior manager, misunderstood who have been steering the country for several years.
      11. 0
        April 13 2013 12: 15
        He will remain Dima - an iPhone. If in 10-15 years anyone will remember about him at all.
    2. +22
      April 11 2013 08: 54
      And you need to start with this quote, And in the Gardens and Schools. So, at one time, literally with mother's milk, we came to understand that the country in which we were born is a truly great power, which is capable of solving even the most complex problems with a great desire. The ideological background was so solid that any doubts that arose about this could be considered from the evil one. We knew for sure that We are one sixth of the land, that We have the largest mineral reserves, that We are the most reading nation in the world, that We created the best education system on the planet, that We have two allies - the army and the fleet and that Our strength is in the friendship of nations. Oh, this DAM, sometimes his among strangers, and a stranger among his own. It would be better if he was silent than he said. Our politicians sometimes are not friends with the head. They do things with an eye to the West. The day before yesterday, the GDP in the Netherlands about Transmissions blurted out, in 10 years I’ll give them. They will say at times how they fart in the water.
    3. +64
      April 11 2013 09: 12
      Together we are SUPERPOWER, and separately competitive !!!
      1. Kaa
        April 11 2013 09: 51
        Quote: rainufa
        Together we are SUPERPOWER
        I understood and support the idea +++++++, but something colorful turns out, I'm sorry, it looks like a rainbow. Let each flag be in its capital, and in general - the good old SUPER-POWER ... if they did not respect it, they were so afraid ... good
        1. +22
          April 11 2013 11: 19
          1. Atlon
            April 11 2013 12: 53
            Quote: evgenm55

            Eh, "it's too late to rush about," as my wife says ... But our descendants will cruelly ask us "for our Soviet Motherland", oh, how they will ask! And we will have nothing to answer ... And what will you answer? How was a great country sold for sneakers, yupi, and piano? It's a shame ...
            1. +7
              April 11 2013 14: 17
              But can we still rush around? By and large there is nothing to lose, and before the descendants, we can probably fix the situation. Otherwise, they will really spit when comparing with the generation of WINNERS.
            2. Kaa
              April 11 2013 17: 13
              Quote: Atlon
              What do you answer?
              Let's reply with a quote from "17 Moments of Spring" - "The intoxicating air of freedom played a cruel joke with Professor Pleischner"
        2. Natalia
          April 11 2013 12: 00
          Quote: Kaa
          good old SUPER

          This is soooo) Already the mood has risen good smile )))
        3. Shurik34RF
          April 11 2013 12: 01
          Victory Banner Will Stay Forever
          1. Jin
            April 11 2013 12: 05
            Quote: Shurik34РФ
            Victory Banner Will Stay Forever

            + You are indisputable for us! But the sufferers rewrite history, constantly trying to wave a striped mattress there!
            1. Natalia
              April 11 2013 12: 14
              Quote: Jin
              constantly trying to wave a striped mattress there!

              what ...... but I wonder how it will be right with a sled mattress or a sled mattress winked
              1. Jin
                April 11 2013 12: 53
                Quote: Natalia
                with a sled mattress or a sled mattress

                laughing I think all the same pissing!
                1. +11
                  April 11 2013 13: 05
                  Quote: Natalia
                  ...... but I wonder how it will be right with a sled mattress or a sled mattress

                  Quote: Jin
                  I think all the same pissing!

                  And yet it will be right to piss - without two "n" ...

                  And even better pissed, because you can combine two tenses - past and present ...
                  1. Jin
                    April 11 2013 13: 24
                    Quote: Tartary
                    And yet it will be right to piss - without two "n" ...

                    And even better pissed, because you can combine two tenses - past and present ...

                    laughing just a class !!!
                  2. -2
                    April 12 2013 16: 07
                    And the "lazy" already, in my opinion, is the opposite: one "s", two "n". There is no adverb "san", there is (or may be) "zasan".
                2. Natalia
                  April 11 2013 13: 45
                  Quote: Jin
                  I think all the same pissing!

                  Better yet pissed

                  winked lol laughing
              2. Atlon
                April 11 2013 13: 46
                Quote: Natalia
                .a here is interesting how it will be right with a sled mattress or a sled mattress

                sTsanym laughing
              3. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 19: 56
                Quote: Natalia
                Quote: Jin
                constantly trying to wave a striped mattress there!

                what ...... but I wonder how it will be right with a sled mattress or a sled mattress winked

                - Ayaya-yayay! Do not be ashamed to ask this, huh? Grade 5 Russian language lessons!
          2. +8
            April 11 2013 13: 05
            Quote: Shurik34РФ
            Victory Banner Will Stay Forever

            Sacred Banner of Victory ...
        4. +7
          April 11 2013 12: 44
          Definitely! This is OUR flag !!
          PS About the rainbow - it's funny. Pun on 5 Points good
        5. +2
          April 11 2013 18: 54
          Exactly! good And the coat of arms!
        6. +1
          April 12 2013 16: 02
          Why not respected? Respected.
      2. +3
        April 11 2013 18: 15
        Oh, I can’t wait, damn my godparents in Leningrad, cousins ​​in Moscow, a bunch of relatives in Brest, and myself in Odessa. My wife, also relatives, in Rostov the Great and Gelendzhik. Eh .....
      3. +1
        April 18 2013 00: 08
        Uh Comrade officers! Caucasus forgotten!
        Where is Armenia with our air defense group?
    4. vadimus
      April 11 2013 09: 17
      Dima iPhone was far from being an authority. And we are already getting up from our knees and this is what we are afraid of!
      1. +9
        April 11 2013 09: 31
        Yes, such a thing, Dvorkovich whispered a text to him in his ear, and he blurted out without thinking!)))
        The same when the guard tells the merchant that he is a wimp!
        The status of a superpower is a guarantee of stability in partnerships! Everyone wants to be friends with the strong and beautiful, smart. Weak and faint-hearted people beat and scoff at them.
        Let everyone think what he wants. Personally, I live in a great strong country, rich both culturally and resourcefully. And the leadership like the Humpbacked and the Bear would not have sat long ago the whole planet would have called us a superpower!
        1. Natalia
          April 11 2013 09: 49
          Do not listen to the Bear, he is not a bear, he is a Deer. It's called: "Take yourself a reindeer to your reindeer country" ... so we don't see you.
          Because Russia claims to be the HYPERPOWER!
          1. +13
            April 11 2013 10: 24
            Quote: Natalia
            Do not listen to the Bear, he is not a bear he is a deer

            As said !!!! Smiled drinks
    5. +24
      April 11 2013 09: 36
      Quote: Romn

      And I do not like the SUPER- prefix, it carries it by some McDonald's, we are HOLD, this is in Russian.
      1. krest.ros
        April 11 2013 09: 48
        We are the Russian Power of the Orthodox Slavic world.
        1. Natalia
          April 11 2013 11: 16
          Quote: krest.ros
          We are the Russian Power of the Orthodox Slavic world.

          We are not only Russian Power and not only Slavic Orthodox... sorry for the remark ... no offense well, honestly.
          The Russian Federation is multinational the state, the USSR was the same.
          It's just that for Russia this is a very sensitive topic, and attention should be paid to such statements.
          .... for other nations and nations professing other religions (which are part of Russia) can be offended, and rightfully .... because other nations also contribute to the development of our common MOTHERLAND.
          1. krest.ros
            April 11 2013 14: 26
            And who claims the opposite? Where there are insults, just a statement of fact. Without the Russian people (Great Russians, Little Russians, Belorussians), no nation in Russia will survive. While the Russian people do not respect themselves, no one respects them. The Russian people saving themselves will save others. Make (which is unlikely to succeed), taking into account the views of national minorities, capacious corrections understandable to everyone in this slogan, without abstract broad explanations. The Russian Power is a broad concept where everything, including national and religious contradictions, can harmoniously fit in. The Lord will rule everything with a competent consideration of this issue.
            1. Natalia
              April 11 2013 16: 45
              Quote: krest.ros
              Without the Russian people (Great Russians, Little Russians, Belorussians), no nation in Russia will survive.

              The Russian Federation is a multinational state, if we respect only ourselves (Russians), then the Russian Federation will cease to be such ... you will excuse me, of course, but this is a fact. All peoples and nationalities that are part of the Russian Federation must be respected. Only this way and not otherwise. In no case should you play the national card, this is the key to the collapse of the Russian Federation. Tolerance and mutual respect for each other, the only way .... if we exclaim: "And we are the best here," then we will be the most, but in a smaller scale and size.
              P.E. I ask you, DO NOT put national dynamite under the foundation of the Russian Federation.
              1. +1
                April 11 2013 23: 29
                Quote: Natalia
                P.E. I ask you, DO NOT put national dynamite under the foundation of the Russian Federation

                You are absolutely right. In no case should we be disunited on any grounds. Let everyone believe what he wants, division can only go according to the standards - a "good" or "bad" person. Among us, Russians by blood, there are also enough of all - and thieves, and rapists, and bandits ........
                1. krest.ros
                  April 12 2013 00: 58
                  As soon as you say two good words in favor of the Russians, a bunch of dead, tolerant dogs are hung on you right away.
                  1. Natalia
                    April 12 2013 09: 40
                    Quote: krest.ros
                    As soon as you say two good words in favor of the Russians, a bunch of dead, tolerant dogs are hung on you right away.

                    And because you need to think what kind of language to speak, you probably do not live in Moldova but in the Russian Federation. And the Russian Federation - ..... it is a multinational state .... I'm tired of repeating this to you ....
              2. +1
                April 12 2013 17: 05
                We are pleased to read such comments from the near abroad, there are thinking people in Russia. Literally today, about Baikonur sniffed such a chauvinistic stench. After all, it is the chauvinists who destroy the empire. Ironically, your namesake excelled.
          2. M. Peter
            April 12 2013 05: 02
            Quote: Natalia
            We are not only a Russian Power and not only a Slavic Orthodox ... sorry for the remark ... no offense, well, honestly. The Russian Federation is a multinational state, the USSR was the same.

            For me, there are two concepts "Russian". There is a Russian by nationality, and there is a Russian person. And the main thing here is not nationality, but a person.
            Russia is not a country of Russians by nationality, it is a country of a "Russian man", any Armenian, Georgian, Chechen, Buryat, Tatar are exactly the same Russian people. Russia has shrunk in 20 years, has given its territories to enemies to be torn apart. Our brothers are being re-educated against us. Trying to re-educate us too, to make Russia a country of purely Russian nationality, and this is a path to nowhere, a path to a little drab geyrope. This is not for us. We are a superpower! It's time to collect stones.
            1. Jin
              April 12 2013 18: 18
              Quote: M.Pyotr
              Russia is not a country of Russians by nationality, it is a country of a "Russian man", any Armenian, Georgian, Chechen, Buryat, Tatar are exactly the same Russian people. Russia has shrunk in 20 years, has given its territories to enemies to be torn apart. Our brothers are being re-educated against us.

              + Yes, it is. Let's guess, from three times, who needs it !!! drinks
        2. Vasya Ivanov
          April 11 2013 14: 20
          We are SUPERPOWER. First, we must realize this ourselves, with pride in any country in the world to pronounce the name of our country, wake up with joy that I was born and live in Russia and teach my children to love my Great Motherland. Whatever some "comrades" say that they are not, Russia will always be GREAT and the point here is not in size, but in strength of mind.
      2. Vrungel78
        April 11 2013 10: 13
        You can say TOP. The main thing is that this reflects our ambitions. And Mr. Medvedev is a paradox: the surname is strong, Russian, and the inside doesn't match.
        1. Atlon
          April 11 2013 12: 42
          Quote: Vrungel78
          And Mr. Medvedev is a paradox: the surname is strong, Russian, and the inside doesn't match.

          And it seems to me (purely IMHO) that Medvedev has his own sacred role in the "tandem". Namely: a good investigator is an evil investigator. Putin is a player and a thin player. The West and the world's financial elite are the enemy VERY dangerous and powerful. Do not take it at once. Remember Kennedy, who was going to take away the printing press from the Fed, Gaddafi, who dreamed of a golden dinar, Patrice Lulumba (the fight against colonialism for independence). There are many surnames ...
          Therefore, Putin is in no hurry. It is not so difficult to remove the president of any country ... Medvedev seems to "lull" the vigilance of the West.
          1. +4
            April 11 2013 20: 15
            Quote: Atlon
            Medvedev, as it were, "lulls" the vigilance of the West.

            And GDP periodically pulls him so that he does not fall asleep ... lol
          2. 0
            April 12 2013 17: 26
            Domestic liberals vigilance, he puts to sleep. Nobody in the West respects them, just do not want to give a reason to raise gas prices, and hydrocarbons are so expensive. But Putin himself had forgotten that he was fake. He thinks that if he is so educated, he can manage Russia. His people are not afraid of him, but of those who stand behind him. The mind without action turns into a salon chatter, which it masquerades with rudeness. Mind alone is not enough, you need to love your homeland. If you love your homeland, you will not stay in Sochi to rest when the submariners die in the Barents Sea.
            1. +2
              April 12 2013 19: 43
              Quote: Atash
              If you love your homeland, you will not stay in Sochi to relax when submariners die in the Barents Sea
              He has enough jambs, I’m not defending him, but he had nothing to do there. Just like with other accidents. Is he a lifeguard, a diver or a medic, or could he give advice on the case? And how many people would engage in a meeting, rather than a deed, don’t you know?
              Nefig in the trench to the general do, each in its place should be
              1. +1
                4 May 2013 09: 57
                He could, for example, call the English rescue ship that day, which admirals could not call in any way. It came out only a few days after the British offered help. It’s just that the person himself must have a concern, whether everything is done right there, whether competent people manage salvation. There was a mess there for sure. The first person’s arrival would morally mobilize, because people have a shock and panic there. After all, it’s not necessary to come with pomp, for the technical organization of a trip, a meeting, there will not be anything in Moscow to send people. In any case, do not stay in Sochi, at least go to Moscow right there. And it probably didn’t occur to me. They come to the Russia-Germany football match, although not football players. And there they just prevented, caught up on the jungle additionally.
                Do you remember that Yeltsin rested somewhere every year? In my opinion, he didn’t allow himself more than a hospital bed.
                Marshal Zhukov soldiers knew by sight, without TV.
        2. -2
          April 12 2013 17: 16
          There is no paradox. In fact, there are no Russians with the surname Medvedev. This is the name of the church office, so to speak. One row with the names Dmitriev, Tarasov. It seems to be purely Russian, but I have not seen a single Russian with such surnames. Once, I have long wanted to share this, in "Komsomolskaya Pravda", at the very beginning of Putin's rule, the patronymic of the father-in-law of the GDP slipped through. You will probably be very surprised. I have nothing particularly against the nationality of the owners of such surnames, but this couple at the head of the Russian state is the essence of the era: Lie.
      3. Atlon
        April 11 2013 10: 15
        Quote: Vladimirets
        And I do not like the SUPER- prefix, it carries it by some McDonald's, we are HOLD, this is in Russian.

        Correctly! Ftopku of Anglicism! Russia is a superpower!
      4. seed
        April 11 2013 10: 44
        Usually they said SUPERPOWER, referring to the USSR or the USA.
        1. Natalia
          April 11 2013 11: 35
          Quote: seed
          Usually they said SUPERPOWER, referring to the USSR or the USA.

          absolutely right ... and now there is no time United then still States on that moment America - this is a semi-regional altcontrol Derzhava .... for a sequestration with an overheated printing press (switching to sour-milk, as a result of a sharp softening of the chair) ... well, it doesn’t matter ....
          And Russia, as the comrades correctly noted, is SUPERPOWER.
      5. Jin
        April 11 2013 11: 43
        Quote: Vladimirets
        And I do not like the SUPER- prefix, it carries it by some McDonald's, we are HOLD, this is in Russian.

        Yes, there is such a moment! I also always liked the Russian Empire! Fundamentally, how!
      6. +1
        April 11 2013 15: 31
        Quote: Vladimirets
        And I do not like the SUPER- prefix, it carries it by some McDonald's, we are HOLD, this is in Russian.

        Yes Eugene, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes!
    6. +8
      April 11 2013 09: 44
      SUPERPOWER, this is when her people - EVERYTHING SUPER !!!!
    7. +1
      April 11 2013 09: 46
      We are SUPERPOWER there is no dispute, but we are not competitive in the foreign market, except for raw materials and military products.
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 11: 52
        Quote: evgenii67
        except for raw materials and military products.

        Here it is! This is already a lot! We come out on the second place in the world in sales of weapons, since the time of the Union this was not. But to argue with you is difficult, in many areas we have a full tryndets ...
    8. +5
      April 11 2013 10: 31
      What can you expect from the stupid Aifonchik - u-r-o-d, one word!
      1. Alexander
        April 11 2013 10: 34
        We are a Superpower, and Medvedev is the second Gorbachev. It's my opinion.
        1. 0
          April 11 2013 20: 23
          Quote: Alexander
          We are a Superpower, and Medvedev is the second Gorbachev.
          And even so, but unlike Gorbi, the iPhone has a powerful counterweight. wink
    9. FED
      April 11 2013 10: 58
      How we were weaned from the fact that Russia is a superpower, .... 4 billion dollars. every four months (NPOs), Nemtsovs, Navalny, Kasparov ...... Rain (TV channel) this TV channel when it was the anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad did not release a single story in memory of this greatest event in world history, but only discussed and criticized about renaming Leningrad to Stalingrad, no words ......
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 11: 54
        Quote: FED
        Leningrad to Stalingrad

        Kolega, Volgograd to Stalingrad hi
    10. warm
      April 11 2013 12: 35
      a country with a population of 140 million cannot be a superpower by definition ...
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 12: 52
        Quote: iliq
        a country with a population of 140 million cannot be a superpower by definition ...

        By some such definition, dear, and who defined this? Nonsense is complete ... bullshit incredible just!
    11. Vasya Ivanov
      April 11 2013 14: 16
      Quote: Romn

      First, we must realize this ourselves, with pride in any country in the world to pronounce the name of our country, wake up with joy that I was born and live in Russia and teach my children this, to love my Great Motherland. Whatever some "comrades" say that they are not, Russia will always be GREAT and the point here is not in size, but in strength of mind.
    12. +3
      April 11 2013 16: 07
      I have said and will continue to say that Comrade Medvedev, with such thinking, is in no position to be in such key positions. Maximum Ambassador to Africa.
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 19: 08
        Quote: ramzes1776
        ovary Medvedev

        Yes, not a friend drinks he is our colleague ...
    13. SlavakharitonoV
      April 14 2013 18: 16
      And Medvedev is a liberal goat-hunter.
    14. Quiet
      April 17 2013 21: 23

      And I printed the photo and hung it at work !!! fellow Youngsters look - they are coughing and asking a bunch of amateurish questions ... Sorry for them - the lost generation. Naive as children, though exceeded 25 !!!!
  2. +17
    April 11 2013 08: 36
    Russia can only be a Superpower, otherwise it will be torn apart. 20 we were "one of" and it is not yet known how it will end.
  3. +21
    April 11 2013 08: 37
    So that Mr. Medvedev would not think to himself there (and does he think at all ?!), but personally, I both felt and feel like a resident of the Superpower. Yes, large territories have been lost, and many social problems. We need to solve them and hope for the best, work hard ...
    In the end, Sovereignty - it is in the soul, and not in the territories. They can always be returned back.
    1. +66
      April 11 2013 08: 52
      Quote: Iraclius
      So that Mr. Medvedev would not think to himself there (and does he think at all ?!),

      No comments laughing
      1. +6
        April 11 2013 09: 49
        Karl Vasilyevich Nesselrode, the fifth Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire, was said to be "a political pygmy, he was also a pygmy of thought," subtly hinting not only at his dwarf growth, but also at his faint-hearted features as a politician.
        The statement applies fully to Medvedev. good
      2. +1
        April 11 2013 12: 37
        Ah well done !!!! lol
    2. +13
      April 11 2013 09: 12
      Quote: Iraclius
      So that Mr. Medvedev would not think to himself there

      As far as I remember, Medvedev had a slightly different view, saying that Russia does not claim to be a superpower. The world now has a steady opinion that a superpower dictates its rules to the whole world, unleashes warriors, and sets up bases around the world, as the United States does. Russia is a great country and will remain one, but to solve world troubles through warrior and dictatorship, even if the US is steeped in debt, they continue to consider such a thing. Russia has its own development path for many countries, and therefore similar questions arise. Respect should be towards other countries (mutual respect), the only way to achieve respect for their own country.
      1. +11
        April 11 2013 09: 27
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        As far as I remember, Medvedev meant somewhat different, saying that Russia does not claim to be a superpower.

        This could be said in other words, without introducing into a stupor the Indian partners and citizens of their own country. We are a peace-loving Superpower, advocating peaceful coexistence.
      2. Vrungel78
        April 11 2013 10: 23
        Well, yes, taken out of context. But through the eyes of the ill-wishers of my Motherland, you can see how it is written. I always say to my child: "Think before you say." So Medvedev also needs to think more often. Maybe he didn't want to say anything bad, but it turned out that it happened. And now it would be good for him to think about how to fix it. If only because we, the people, do not agree. It turns out that we are more proud of our country than he is. I'm talking about a paradox.
        1. +4
          April 11 2013 10: 41
          To think, you also need to have a "thinker", and, besides, you also need to be a "sovereign man" - to put in the first place the interests of your country and your people, not the population, but the people - those who were born in a great country, torn apart so far. hi
        2. 0
          April 12 2013 17: 33
          In his position, in any case, one must choose expressions, calculating the options for interpretation. The first face of the empire, after all. To keep silent is better, but not to allow such options.
    3. +1
      April 11 2013 09: 16
      Iraclius "So that Mr. Medvedev does not think for himself there (and does he think at all ?!)."
      It would not hurt to think with his head!
  4. Vrungel78
    April 11 2013 08: 40
    Dmitry Medvedev (the then president of Russia), while giving a lecture within the walls of the Indian Institute of Technology, unexpectedly for many stated that the Russian Federation does not claim to be a superpower.
    Mr. Medvedev. You do not express the will of the people. You're fired.
    1. +35
      April 11 2013 09: 16
      Quote: Vrungel78
      Mr. Medvedev. You do not express the will of the people. You're fired.

      No comments laughing
      1. +2
        April 11 2013 12: 45
        If he is compared with Gorbachev? Then he must be the president of the United States. Let corruption spread there and ruin the budget. lol
      2. +3
        April 11 2013 20: 34
        Quote from the demotivator:LOOKING FOR WORK 4 year experience. Belarus does not offer. Will you take up Ukraine? Works are a lot of land, only EVERYTHING will fall on my own, without a mentor ... wink
    2. Vrungel78
      April 12 2013 10: 09
      And minus set me Medvedev?
      1. 0
        April 12 2013 16: 55
        Here, many who spoke impartially about Medvedev were exposed cons. Apparently, the intruder showed up. smile
  5. Ostanin
    April 11 2013 08: 41
    "We knew for sure that We are one-sixth of the land, that We have the largest reserves of minerals, that We are the most reading nation in the world, that We have created the best education system on the planet, that We have two allies - the army and navy, and that Our strength lies in the friendship of peoples "- The question is, why did they destroy everything, if we strive for this again?
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 09: 12
      Quote: Ostanin
      The question is, why did they destroy everything, if we strive for this again?

      Because there were a huge number of "helpers" and "well-wishers" ... I somehow woke up on Wednesday at 5 with something, with a hangover, turned on the TV, and there was a program ... mmm ... A moment of truth, or something, I don't remember ... in short, there is such a tough journalist, asks very tough questions to bureaucrats and big officials .... blah! there they talked about the era of EBNa, I almost went crazy !!! NIGHTMAR what this Herod got up to! This wasn't much news, of course, but here are the details! they terrified me ...
      1. +9
        April 11 2013 09: 35
        showed at 5 in the morning that fewer people watched
        1. Jin
          April 11 2013 09: 42
          Quote: cerko
          showed at 5 in the morning that fewer people watched

          It may be, by the way !!! what somehow did not think about it ...
          1. +1
            April 11 2013 23: 44
            The program "Moment of Truth" is aired on the St. Petersburg channel every Monday at 23-10. Very good.
      2. Ostanin
        April 11 2013 10: 58
        I wonder why this journalist Andrei Karaulov has not yet been trapped somewhere in a dark alley. Such things are told that the hair is on end and depressed then. In general, in our country everyone understands everything, but for some reason no one does anything, I'm talking about power. The state lives separately from the people in its own world and with its own interests, which diverge from the interests of the people.
        1. Jin
          April 11 2013 13: 51
          Quote: Ostanin
          I wonder why this journalist Andrei Karaulov has not yet been trapped somewhere in a dark alley. Such things are told that the hair is on end and depressed then. In general, in our country everyone understands everything, but for some reason no one does anything, I'm talking about power. The state lives separately from the people in its own world and with its own interests, which diverge from the interests of the people.

          Thank you, now at least I know the name of this brave man! Yes, the programs are tough ... I wrote for good reason that I was with a hangover, in that state I generally precipitated ...
    2. +9
      April 11 2013 09: 25
      Then they destroyed it in order to shove us into shit, to make an Saxon appendage. Without the Motherland, without History, without the future ... And if the Americans can be understood, enemies are enemies, then I do not want to understand our creatures. Betrayal and meanness at all times in all countries (regardless of system and religion) it was punished in different ways, but with the same result - DEATH. And, so far, my people will not rid their homeland from a bunch of these creatures who consider themselves GODS - we will not have anything good.
  6. +13
    April 11 2013 08: 45
    At one time (December 2010), Dmitry Medvedev (the then president of Russia), while giving a lecture at the walls of the Indian Institute of Technology, unexpectedly for many stated that the Russian Federation did not claim to be a superpower
    N-yes ... even the head with a patch when he scribbled about loans around the world, it didn’t go down
    DIM, on the other hand, saw life, it wasn’t in the magazine that shit was brought up. Was it possible to thoroughly bring up the country? Shkolot didn’t listen to life like this before, Stalinism and stagnation. Although no one answers the question of which family suffered from Stalin, they don’t believe all kinds of free mugs, uniforms or bicycles that were issued in sports sections.
    Yes, he played with an iPhone
  7. +12
    April 11 2013 08: 51
    Medvedev, this is the Gorbachev of our time, if he had not been under the "cap" oh a lot of things, to please the West he would have done. It's time for the GDP in the column "former" after the name of Serdyukov to write down Medvedev ...
    1. +3
      April 11 2013 08: 53
      Is Serdyukov already "former"? :)
  8. 0
    April 11 2013 08: 51
    the question is wrong. Russia is not a superpower. Russia is a drop dead big country that cannot afford not to protect its borders and interests.
  9. +11
    April 11 2013 08: 57
    Thank you for the article to Alexei. It seems to me personally that we will not be able to return everything that was lost in the near future, but in the future I think we will catch up and increase! You can’t enter the same river twice. If the system fell, it means it was weak! We now have to a less difficult task than our parents living and creating the USSR is to build a new country! Thank God there is a hurt and experience of the past socialist years.
    In the early years of the Soviet Republic, our ancestors, sometimes at the limit of human power, managed to build what they thought a free and fair state. And only time showed all its flaws and pitfalls in the process of its existence. It’s a sin to conceal and merit in the vitality of this society, sometimes it was determined by the presence of smart and talented personalities in the leadership. That is, this society depended on the head of its head! We now need to find a form of fair organization of the state institution (the other Russian spirit does not accept) that could exist independently of individuals standing on higher state post !!!
    And if you open your eyes you can see that the search is in full swing. Maybe I personally do not see everything, but let's say the creation of the "Popular Front", "Izborsk club, and this is the first step towards the construction of another, more tenacious entity!
    "We are ours, we will build a new world!"
    Only now we had to work up like our ancestors. And they were a hundred times harder, because they created the USSR from scratch!
    1. +3
      April 11 2013 13: 10
      Quote: sergo0000
      It seems to me personally that we will not be able to return all that was lost in the near future,

      Of course we can’t.
      And we don’t have to. To position ourselves as a great power in the consciousness of the whole world, and not just our own, we must revive the industry to such an extent that the state is functioning in complete economic isolation, at least for several years. The task, as Lenin said archi difficult but not impossible
  10. +3
    April 11 2013 08: 59
    Medvedev is the new Gorbachev. Why is he still the head of the government? , but probably by principle keep enemies close and "friends" even closer.
    1. +3
      April 11 2013 09: 02
      Volodin - well done. Definitely.
      and after Medvedev there will be a new "Gorbachev".
      Why not? We choose and endure.
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 09: 21
        Quote: paunch
        Why not? We choose and endure.

        Do we have a special choice? everything is done for show, but they choose everything for us ... and whoever doesn’t agree on the bunk is the GDP policy. I admit, he removed a lot of * ram from power, the Gusinsky ones are Berezovsky, but! they disturbed him first of all !!! I can’t say that Putin is bad around, but in some matters he’s clearly going too far! and Mr. Medvedev, this is another Putin jamb! I didn’t think that he would leave such a bunch in the whole world! We laughed and cried from the heart !!!
        1. 0
          April 11 2013 09: 26
          Totally agree with you.
          just a question - And Cho? AND CHO NOW TO DO THAT ???
          1. Jin
            April 11 2013 09: 35
            Quote: paunch
            AND WHAT? AND CHO NOW TO DO THAT ???

            Good, very good question! Unfortunately, I do not have a ready-made answer! Rather, it exists, but Putin enacted such laws, in confirmation of, by the way, my previous post, that if I write now, tomorrow my uncles in short jackets can roll me up! Like I call for extremism smile and ... on the bunk !!!
            1. +2
              April 11 2013 09: 38
              I shake my hand, colleague!
              1. Jin
                April 11 2013 09: 44
                Quote: paunch
                I shake my hand, colleague!

                1. 0
                  April 11 2013 09: 50
                  I have been reading topvar for 4 years. but registered only today. do you have a personal? How to write in it?
                  1. 0
                    April 11 2013 09: 51
                    I promise no reason for short jackets :)
                    1. Jin
                      April 11 2013 10: 03
                      Quote: paunch
                      I promise no reason for short jackets :)

                      did not have time to answer) Alexander got ahead))) at work, you also have to work laughing Write!
                  2. +2
                    April 11 2013 09: 55
                    Quote: paunch
                    . do you have a personal? How to write in it?

                    Click on the nickname of the visitor you want to write, there will be a "send message" window, the rest is just like everywhere else hi
                    1. Jin
                      April 11 2013 10: 24
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      Quote: paunch
                      . do you have a personal? How to write in it?

                      Click on the nickname of the visitor you want to write, there will be a "send message" window, the rest is just like everywhere else hi

                      Alexander, a question for you! How long will it take me to launch a page header after each comment, like a rocket? smile Please do as before, there is no strength already)))
                      1. Yarbay
                        April 11 2013 11: 40
                        Quote: Jin

                        Alexander, a question for you! How long will it take me to launch a page header after each comment, like a rocket? Please do as before, there is no strength already)))

                        I remembered how in * Mimino * -GAI here does not respect us at all)))))))))
                      2. Jin
                        April 11 2013 11: 59
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        I remembered how in * Mimino * -GAI here does not respect us at all)))))))))

                        Hello my friend! Appreciated? smile
  11. +10
    April 11 2013 09: 01
    Quote: Romn

    Right! And the iPhone he is the iPhone .. here recently he was offended by the fact that he is called a dimon on the network ... Now he is Nedimon)))) A stingy nano-iPhone player Mlyn)
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 09: 27
      Quote: Mitek
      Detective nano-IPhone player Mlyn)

      Dimon does not want, there will be POCEMON! such a little animal integrated with gadgets, and widgets in gadgets! cool! laughing and this is the prime minister ... I wanted to write ours, not ours, but, unfortunately, our country)))
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 10: 14
        I also remember with what kind of physics he fired Kudrina, like an offended child whose iPhone was taken smile By the way, Kudrin did not blaze then and said bluntly that Medvedev was a dolt and where he was going to take 20 trillion to the defense industry and at the expense of whom he was going to raise a salary by the military? No, of course I support this course! But, we again did everything through * opu ... and then also stole a bit))) The stool, it’s also Medvedev’s sidekick !!! because it doesn’t sit and sit and don’t give back money ... bad! Two you Dmitry Anatolyevich!
    2. +1
      April 11 2013 19: 50
      A STOVATNYNANOIFON - is such a musical instrument? Wow))) But I didn’t know)))) A new word in music ... laughing laughing laughing
      Concert for nano iPhone with orchestra ... good laughing LOL
  12. 0
    April 11 2013 09: 01
    Together - we are force!
  13. +2
    April 11 2013 09: 06
    Quote: Brummbar
    And why is he still the pre-government?

    Good question. To Putin.
    1. 0
      April 11 2013 09: 19
      wrong address.
      US question.
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 12: 40
        Quote: paunch
        US question.

        Of course to us ... but returning to our rams, go and pick it up from there! Now it is only uprooted, this weed, and the root of the hoo!
  14. +7
    April 11 2013 09: 11
    Great country is inhabited by powerful people. That is, if it’s an inflatable bubble pumped up by stolen, it can be Americans, but if it’s for real ... And this is what our authorities are afraid of. To hysteria, to squeal of a pig. All these grimaces are an attempt to somehow make a strong country ... without strong people. And God forbid, turn to these terrible Russians! Let the Russian power continue to crumble under the press, sort of like a Russian state, if only this Russian, hated, doesn’t add a grain of power. Because if the Russians feel in their hands and heart the Russian Power, the country will rise instantly. In a matter of years ... that's just the majority of our leaders ... well, you understand.
    Damn, what is it like Putin is actually alone ...
  15. +3
    April 11 2013 09: 14
    But do not give a scarf to Medvedev?
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 10: 18
      Quote: tarks
      But do not give a scarf to Medvedev?

      Better tie and what Sicilian!
      1. +3
        April 11 2013 11: 33
        Stolypin’s tie Dima will be exactly in suit, he is a reformer and liberalist.
        1. Jin
          April 11 2013 12: 50
          Quote: Corsair5912
          reformer and liberalist

          Deformer and copy-paste !!!! they zadolbali drive and sharpen Russia under, ugh, complains from this word, I don’t want to write, "European standard"! their tolerant values ​​do not work for us! That's funny!!! When this happens, they laugh at us! Can it really be better for us from here, below, than to them from their high stands ?!
    2. +1
      April 11 2013 19: 58
      Such a narrow narrow nylon, the cord is called))) good laughing hi
  16. 0
    April 11 2013 09: 14
    But do not give a scarf to Medvedev?
    1. 0
      April 11 2013 09: 20
      on milksnetcher he does not pull :)
      1. +1
        April 11 2013 09: 31
        Berezovsky helped ...
        1. +8
          April 11 2013 09: 56
          Quote: tarks
          Berezovsky helped ...

          Berezovsky helped!
  17. Algor73
    April 11 2013 09: 22
    The status of a superpower is not determined by the statements of politicians, it is determined by nature. There are two such superpowers in the world - Russia and the USA. The first also has the potential for a sharp leap forward, the second - the prerequisites for stomping on the spot. This is due to geopolitics, and the economy, and many others. Neither China (even though it is developing very rapidly), neither India, nor other countries reach such statuses.
  18. spy master
    April 11 2013 09: 27
    I am for a superpower.
    And therefore, as great people said, to work, work and work again - and on myself, including ... which I’m actually doing.
  19. SCS
    April 11 2013 09: 27
    We were weaned from the fact that Russia is a superpower and nothing did come of these teachers and will not work! history is a confirmation of this and respect We have not stopped ourselves, we are not stopping and we will not stop! hi
  20. +6
    April 11 2013 09: 28
    Well, you attacked DAM.
    Medvedev reflected his own vision of the situation. If a country has such a president (at that time), then it cannot claim to be a great one. Is he not right?
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 12: 26
      Quote: Begemot
      Well, you attacked DAM.
      Medvedev reflected his own vision of the situation. If a country has such a president (at that time), then it cannot claim to be a great one. Is he not right?

      laughing well, yes, veiled self-criticism! +
  21. Ser 47RUS
    April 11 2013 09: 39
    Where is Russia a superpower?
    Laws don't work, courts don't work
    Production Zero (All Chinese G ...)
    Chechnya was purged (how much dough was sent ???)
    We forgive BILLION debts to everyone there Venezuela, Cuba and other 3 countries.
    We give gas to the Chinese for thanks.

    Personally, I want my children to live in the MOST developed and strong country! So that no one bastard could pose for our Motherland!
    But ........ read above.
    1. +4
      April 11 2013 10: 28
      Why don't they work? Work !. Now they want to pass a law stating that when they reach a debt of 5% of the price of the apartment, they will sell it under the hammer.

      And they will perfectly sell themselves.

      With rare exceptions (Dagestan, Chechnya), they are most likely afraid of it.

      Next, we read the law, after repayment, due to the sold quarter of debt, a citizen moves to another socially rented housing. Here we recall the mortgage maneuvering fund, which is not there, we recall the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, whom Putin promises to close the question almost every year of his presidency (he also promised as prime minister). In general, we understand that the law will not work in this part.

      So to summarize: Laws work, and work, as the government needs. And I expect from Putin a sacramental phrase: "The state is me," or something like "They have no bread? Let them eat cakes."
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 10: 40
        Quote: zvereok
        Why don't they work? Work !. Now they want to pass a law stating that when they reach a debt of 5% of the price of the apartment, they will sell it under the hammer.

        +++ I could put + a million, I would! Damn, and most importantly, people, young people, generally do not understand, or do not want to understand WHERE this whole thing, called new Russia, is moving! They are shocked with loans, mortgages and gadgets, but they are happy and say that: "But now everything is there !!!" HORROR!!! Who has?? I ask you? Or in stores ??? And what, I ask? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING ??? And then there appears in the eyes some kind of realization that there is nothing in fact, except for the eternal gimoro! Only not at all, more often they look at you as a fool, they say you are wonderful, a lovely person! Yes, propaganda is doing its job, brainwashed competently. And those who disagree are enemies! Swamp business is doing !!!
      2. +8
        April 11 2013 11: 35
        As comrade Zyuganov said, although he does not draw on an ideological blshevik-fighter, he said correctly: Gentlemen, you do not know your people, the time will come and you will not have time to run to your planes ...
        1. Jin
          April 11 2013 12: 59
          Quote: evgenm55
          Gentlemen, you do not know your people, the time will come and you will not have time to run to your planes ...

          He said beautifully, well done!
    2. Mironk
      April 11 2013 23: 16
      Quote: Ser 47RUS
      Where is Russia a superpower?

      Lord! There can be no superpower with a negative population growth! Russian is getting smaller every year. It is a fact . Demography is the basis of statehood. No matter how loud slogans are written, there is a very objective indicator - the US population is growing, the population of the Russian Federation is declining.
      1. Jin
        April 12 2013 18: 34
        Quote: MironK
        Lord! There can be no superpower with a negative population growth! Russian is getting smaller every year. It is a fact . Demography is the basis of statehood. No matter how loud slogans are written, there is a very objective indicator - the US population is growing, the population of the Russian Federation is declining.

        Probably! I have a huge state secret for you !!! Do you want to tell? Then listen, just don't tell anyone, and so: we have a tough natural selection here, and they are cultivated as hothouse flowers .. Suvorov also said: "Fight not by numbers, but by skill!" Or like this: Better quality than quantity ... Well, you get it, right?
    3. DPN
      April 15 2013 00: 06
      About KUBU in vain, it is for Russia, like Japan for the States. And then nothing will come from these debts to the common people,
  22. +4
    April 11 2013 09: 42
    And you didn’t get the idea that GDP AND LADIES play good and bad police, and for the West, one bad and the other are good, and for the countries of the Customs Union, they’ll be very effective tactics
    1. krest.ros
      April 11 2013 09: 53
      It is such a Jewish policy that operates in Russia - to divide and rule. With one hand they bless - the other is chopped.
    2. Jin
      April 11 2013 10: 53
      Quote: cerko
      And you didn’t get the idea that GDP AND LADIES play good and bad police

      Colleague, they have already played too much! It really gets really bad for me from these people on television screens ... and when they get into the next monologue about how MUCH they did for us, it gets worse! I’m all thinking, are they specifically mocking or all the same because of the naivety of their pure child soul? But the next rotation of the GDP-DAM, DAM-GDP happened, I already wanted to call an ambulance. well, these people have no conscience ... just not!
  23. Vanek
    April 11 2013 09: 45
    After the Bronze Soldier I won’t be surprised.
  24. 0
    April 11 2013 09: 47
    Quote: vadimus
    Dima iPhone was far from being an authority. And we are already getting up from our knees and this is what we are afraid of!

    Dima is still there. And it’s time to give him lectures, like Gorbatom! And we’ll get up from our knees! We got up more than once!
  25. +2
    April 11 2013 09: 48
    SUPERPOWER is a very powerful state with enormous cultural, political, economic and military potentials, superior to most other states, which allows it to exercise hegemony not only in its region, but also in the most remote parts of the planet.

    A little more and we will correspond !!!
  26. vladkust
    April 11 2013 09: 49
    WE ARE A superpower and this is proved by OUR story in which there were a LOT of good and bad ... and our ancestors always knew how to find solutions to problems, be it both internal and external .... now the main thing is to educate your children on the fact that "friends" are for hillock not so many who want to see OUR country SUPER POWERFUL.
    1. +4
      April 11 2013 10: 01
      well, as in the cartoon about dabrynia: on the border there is a pointer on one side Russia on the other side
  27. +9
    April 11 2013 09: 50
    In short, the spotted Mole Gorby dug the foundations of the Great Power, stirred up stagnation and sludge, so that the nation surfaced and began to stain everything Soviet, life is worse, the honorary prefix P to the surname (Reltsyn), did not lie on the rails, and rammed the building of the Great Power with a locomotive so that it cracked.
    Those who voted for Medvedev, if there were such, except for the CEC and Medvedev himself, are clearly mentally underdeveloped.
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 11: 34
      Quote: Corsair5912
      In short, the spotted Mole Gorby dug the foundations of the Great Power, stirred up stagnation and sludge, so that the nation surfaced and began to stain everything Soviet, life is worse, the honorary prefix P to the surname (Reltsyn), did not lie on the rails, and rammed the building of the Great Power with a locomotive so that it cracked.
      Those who voted for Medvedev, if there were such, except for the CEC and Medvedev himself, are clearly mentally underdeveloped.

      +100 Colleague! Very much said, competently!
    2. +4
      April 11 2013 20: 32
      Quote: Corsair5912
      drunk Benya, who received a promise to lie on the rails
      I, too, Anna Karenina, ... (hereinafter a long peep)
      Rather, it is:
  28. Logician
    April 11 2013 09: 52
    60s sold and destroyed the USSR .... 75-80 will be restored and returned .... older brothers were too weak to resist, younger ones do not want to be weak pacifists by the example of older ones !!!
    1. Frunze
      April 11 2013 15: 26
      To the point, physicists were changed to lyricists (libers) hi
      1. lubin
        April 11 2013 15: 42
        Nobody changed anyone. Just among them appeared a lot of crooks and hucksters.
  29. +3
    April 11 2013 09: 54
    Quote: vadimus
    Dima iPhone was far from being an authority. And we are already getting up from our knees and this is what we are afraid of!

    Dima is still there. Although he should have lectured long ago, like Gorbatom. And we’ll get up from our knees! We got up more than once! Not that country Russia.
  30. Logician
    April 11 2013 09: 58
    We are not on our knees, we just went to the squat !!!)))
    1. seed
      April 11 2013 10: 53
      Exactly, and then a gypsy girl with an exit from behind the stove with the distribution of luli to especially harmful "partners". smile
    2. +1
      April 11 2013 11: 29
      Russian dance squatting, crouched to the floor, and then who jumps higher.
  31. +2
    April 11 2013 10: 04
    Medvedev, of course, is still a typical one: for an iPhone and a hamburger he made friends with Obama and passed Libya without even blushing.
  32. sibircat
    April 11 2013 10: 14
    Every nation is worthy of its ruler. I don’t want to be worthy of such rulers, and if Putin doesn’t get rid of such "assistants", the people will get rid of him in the next elections.
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 14: 02
      I would very much like to believe in it, but, it seems to me, it will not be possible to get rid of it ...
  33. +2
    April 11 2013 10: 29
    Yes! To hell with us, the intervention of others - we ourselves will swing our boat!
  34. pinecone
    April 11 2013 10: 30
    This is not a LADY, but a "lady", a man in women's panties.
  35. +3
    April 11 2013 10: 34
    RUSSIA has always been and will be SUPERPOWER !!!
  36. +2
    April 11 2013 10: 39
    Yes, the time will come and I think the clowns will leave, the time will come for Great Russia, we will deal with migration, give proper and deserved assessments to the thieves oligarchs, bureaucrats with their offspring, but no, then the Nazi idiology will take revenge all over the country.
  37. +6
    April 11 2013 10: 46
    Russia can exist only in the role of a superpower or not exist at all, they simply will not allow it.
    1. Nitup
      April 11 2013 10: 57
      I support. Or Russia is a powerful state, or further disintegration into parts. You don’t have to choose
  38. wax
    April 11 2013 10: 46
    Alexey, you are in the right stream. With you. Keep it up!
  39. +2
    April 11 2013 10: 48
    My Homeland Russia was and I hope it will be a magical power !!!!!
  40. +4
    April 11 2013 10: 51
    Lyndon LaRouche: Dvorkovich is a British agent.

    A plush implied IMHO.
  41. Vtel
    April 11 2013 10: 58
    There are no words! Just let them not forget the Russian people can’t defeat them!
    1. faint27
      April 11 2013 12: 42
      It seems to me that in 10 years Medvedev, like Gorbachev, will begin to travel around the world with lectures on democracy
  42. +5
    April 11 2013 10: 59
    Do not pretend to be a superpower - do not have a heart,
    To consider yourself as such at present is to have no head.

    This is if the current president is rephrased a bit ...
    To position yourself as a superpower, you need to behave accordingly, live by these standards. In the meantime, we as a rickety teenager before a tuxedo. Roads are necessary. And get well.
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 13: 14
      Quote: Chen
      Do not pretend to be a superpower - do not have a heart,
      To consider yourself as such at present is to have no head.
      This is if the current president is rephrased a bit ...
      To position yourself as a superpower, you need to behave accordingly, live by these standards. In the meantime, we as a rickety teenager before a tuxedo. Roads are necessary. And get well

      there is a sound grain in all this, there is! I think the fact is that just with such a president and relevant policies, read behavior, you will never get better ... just get sick. And the big, evil guys unleash to death
  43. +1
    April 11 2013 10: 59
    Do not pretend to be a superpower - do not have a heart,
    To consider yourself as such at present is to have no head.

    This is if the current president is rephrased a bit ...
    To position yourself as a superpower, you need to behave accordingly, live by these standards. In the meantime, we as a rickety teenager before a tuxedo. Roads are necessary. And get well.
    1. Yarbay
      April 11 2013 11: 43
      Quote: Chen
      Do not pretend to be a superpower - do not have a heart,
      To consider yourself as such at present is to have no head.

      similar to Cherchel’s words about liberals and conservatives !!
      I agree with you on the text!
  44. +3
    April 11 2013 11: 16
    Quote: COBOK
    resources do not belong to us already (most in private hands)

    Well not so. The good the resources hidden by nature deep in the earth are that you can always nationalize back. Zae .... tsya from America to sail to Siberia to return back.
  45. older46
    April 11 2013 11: 17
    In superpowers, shitcrats "row" to their country, and ours
  46. +2
    April 11 2013 11: 17
    That's really a temporary worker. He will leave and after a while he will be forgotten. As well as there was no one. Someone, in a casual conversation, will snap his fingers remembering - .... well, how is it there, well, this one, who seemed to be a president, loved gadgets .... Well, they do not want to leave as great or simply "builders", they want to leave rich, well-fed, with the words - they say they did everything they could. Better not do anything.
  47. +1
    April 11 2013 11: 23
    Quote: Atlon
    Correctly! Ftopku of Anglicism!

    Yes, they already pulled up with these English. words. Off topic a bit. A Dry Superjet will then be right: Dry Super ... Super what?
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 14: 31
      Quote: retired
      So what?

      According to this, Sukhoi SuperJet or SuperJet Dry comes out, as you like! Oh how! laughing
  48. Mitzhel
    April 11 2013 11: 29
    Quote: Romn

    The Presidents of the Great Powers and especially the SUPERPOWER move on cars made in their Great Countries. And what does Vladimir Vladimirovich ride?
  49. Legion
    April 11 2013 11: 41
    In my opinion, sovereignty is determined by the cohesion, interest and culture of the people. But not as if by force the former greatness and economy ... Pay nologs, give birth to children, study, create new things, appreciate the old ...
    History itself will decide which state is a Power !!!
  50. Gorchakov
    April 11 2013 11: 42
    I really want Gorbachev and his follower Medvedev to answer someday before the people of Great Russia for everything that they have done ....
    1. Mitzhel
      April 11 2013 11: 45
      what kind of villain Medvedev (a follower of Gorbachev) put on the throne so that he would warm his place and now holds it in the prime ministers? He should not answer to the people of Great Russia ??
  51. terry
    April 11 2013 11: 59
    The life cycle theory has not been canceled. This applies to both empires and superpowers. Therefore, there are peak values, but after them there is invariably a decline. Therefore, this was the case with many empires, this was the case with the USSR and this will be the case with the USA. But only we ourselves can cancel the status of a great power with a great history if we have gray and incompetent politicians who do not understand the value of the spiritual inner state of the people and who set banal goals for the country.
  52. redwar6
    April 11 2013 12: 04
    If we couldn’t win in an open war, we decided to finish it off like this, bad people (I don’t want to write in “French”), who cares. We’ll also raise the flag of our grandfathers and fathers..
  53. spok
    April 11 2013 12: 14
    Yes, not Dimka, but Vovka is responsible for everything, he is the president, he is in charge, and he is in demand
    who can replace the president and NOBODY he appointed himself for 6 years
    and there may be a mountain of prime ministers
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 14: 10
      Quote from spok
      who can replace the president and NOBODY he appointed himself for 6 years
      and there may be a mountain of prime ministers

      Well, why, the president can be impeached and done with a pen. CAN! BUT NOT WITH US!!! smile
  54. +2
    April 11 2013 12: 16
    A great future awaits Russia. I don’t even doubt this!
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 15: 09
      Quote: Sling
      A great future awaits Russia. I don’t even doubt this!

      yes, I just really want to live in this great future... otherwise I’m somehow tired of everything in this gray present!
  55. 0
    April 11 2013 12: 29
    Medvedev is the same empty reasoner as the hunchback. He just didn’t have time to screw it all up. Although the prospect remains.
  56. +1
    April 11 2013 12: 37
    For a normal person, Russia is a Great Power no matter what.
    For liberals and com., Russia is a great power?, but what will they say in the West?
  57. +2
    April 11 2013 12: 38
    GDP and LADIES are a strange couple, the West doesn’t like GDP, likes DAM, we don’t like LADIES, likes GDP (not unconditionally). It would be nice to understand who they are playing with, us or the West. Who is he LADY - one of his own among strangers or a stranger among his own?
    1. djon3volta
      April 11 2013 14: 17
      Quote: Alex66
      Who is he LADY - one of his own among strangers or a stranger among his own?

      Medvedev is a screen for the West. Putin set him up as a diversionary maneuver. IMHO.
  58. warm
    April 11 2013 12: 39
    Quote: Algor73
    There are two such superpowers in the world - Russia and the USA.

    you are right - there are two superpowers in the world - the USA and China...
  59. +1
    April 11 2013 12: 51
    the concept of “Great Power” appeared, if my memory serves me correctly, during the Congress of Vienna. Russia was recognized as one of the Great Powers and since then no one has challenged or canceled this status.
    And what Medvedev blurted out, few people care
  60. Harleone
    April 11 2013 12: 55
    Superpower? These are the USA and China, Russia after the collapse of the USSR is simply a raw materials appendage without industrial production and with an army of stealing officials.
    1. 0
      April 12 2013 00: 06
      Quote: Harleone
      And China, Russia after the collapse of the USSR

      Do not give out wishful thinking.
      1. Harleone
        April 12 2013 13: 14
        Are you saying there is something else we can do? For example, to get off the oil needle or to rearm the army with new equipment? Build a new fleet? We cannot even imprison officials who steal (which seems to hint that the government is “protecting its own”). Or should I mention school? Face the truth, not the media, just as the West lies to its citizens, so ours lie to theirs, this is obvious.
        1. 0
          April 13 2013 00: 23
          Quote: Harleone
          Is there anything else we can say?

          Yeah. That’s exactly what I want to say. WE CAN!!!!! And we will definitely do it. Enough about the oil needle. This is only part (PART) of our exports, nothing more. And please don’t consider me a naive Chukchi youth. I’m not I look neither at the media nor at television. I look at life around me and draw my own conclusions, based on life experience and some literacy.
          1. Harleone
            April 13 2013 12: 57
            Why aren't we doing this yet? For the last 20 years we have been living in the future tense: “we will do”, “we can”, “we will cry”. Where is the progress? Where are the real things? What did the USSR do in one five-year period? Well, except that more rich people started driving along the streets of my city. And as we lived, excuse me, in the butt, that’s how we live.
  61. Alikovo
    April 11 2013 13: 06
    1. djon3volta
      April 11 2013 14: 23
      Quote: Alikovo

      Our world is shrouded in the networks of the dark side... the clonic war has begun.
  62. 0
    April 11 2013 13: 19
    comment check
  63. Alexander
    April 11 2013 13: 23
    Quote: Jin
    Quote: FED
    Leningrad to Stalingrad

    Kolega, Volgograd to Stalingrad hi

    Not Volgograd but Tsaritsyn. Learn history.
  64. +5
    April 11 2013 13: 34
    Yes, DAM especially distinguished itself, so to speak, in “belittling” the role of Russia in the world community. What is the value of one strategic plan “On perpetuating the memory of the victims of the totalitarian regime and on national reconciliation”, which was born by the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, which worked under him, which called on Russia to repent and apologize for the Soviet - “totalitarian” period of its existence. After this, what kind of greatness of Russia could we talk about? And this despite the fact that, for almost the entire twentieth century, the Western world tried to destroy Russia, took up arms against it, undertaking a real crusade against it, which brought it incalculable human and economic losses. And NOBODY APOLOGIZED or REPENTED for this and is not going to do this, although today ALL THIS IS CLEAR TO EVERYONE! So, if DAM is “modest” when speaking about the greatness of Russia, then he did not hesitate to “emphasize” himself and his role as President, to the point that, as he once blurted out, his words should immediately be cast IN STONE!!!
  65. +4
    April 11 2013 14: 03
    Dimka iPhone, he is not our former president!!!
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 14: 41
      Well, you're a blast! I almost rolled under the table... laughing good
  66. 0
    April 11 2013 14: 24
    We have been and will be citizens of the greatest power. Only we have such a great history, unshakable experience. Russia is still a young country; we have never been like this before; we can and must develop. In no other country have there been or will there be so many selfless people, simply heroes, who put all their will into a fist and would strike with that fist the offender who seemed to be dominant in the confrontation. We can do anything whenever we want!!!!
    1. 0
      April 12 2013 00: 11
      Quote: MOHOMAX
      . Russia is still a young country; it has never been like this before.

      But if I were you, I would be careful not to throw around such phrases. As soon as we start cutting down our history, that’s it! It’s over! It’s like cutting off the roots of a tree. Will it grow? Not a single country in the world gives up its history, no matter what it is .Not one! And we have nothing to be ashamed of our history. It is what it is. We must respect and remember her.
  67. +4
    April 11 2013 14: 32
    Now the most pressing task is the task of building our SUPERPOWER, a new just society.
    Its main parameters: a) strong armed forces (the presence of a powerful R-I shield and a punishing sword) - yes, there are; b) a powerful, self-sufficient economy - we are building! – based on a good raw material base and energy resources – available; c) advanced science, educated, cultural population - still there; sufficient labor and mob resources are difficulties, but growth has begun; d) a strong, attractive national idea, followed by the vast majority of the people - in the process of search and creation; e) the faith of the majority of the population in the leadership of the country, in the JUSTICE of the authorities, their zeal (the servants of the people - their mother!) for the good of ordinary fellow citizens - a problem!; f) availability of territory for free living and development - yes!
    I have repeatedly expressed my attitude towards Putin (I will not repeat myself), but in our new country I see DAMu in the role of MNS (maybe he will grow up and be given an academic degree and title) at the Department of Law of Leningrad State University, where he will justify himself to students: why he wanted better , but it worked out to please the WEST. And generally speaking! VVP should “divorce” this LADY, she’s ruining his reputation!
  68. +2
    April 11 2013 14: 35
    Now the most pressing task is the task of building our SUPERPOWER, a new just society. Its parameters: a) strong armed forces (the presence of a powerful R-I shield and a punishing sword) - yes, there are; b) a powerful, self-sufficient economy - we are building! – based on a good raw material base and energy resources – available; c) advanced science, educated, cultural population - still there; sufficient labor and mob resources are difficulties, but growth has begun; d) a strong, attractive national idea, followed by the vast majority of the people - in the process of search and creation; e) the faith of the majority of the population in the leadership of the country, in the JUSTICE of the authorities, their zeal (the servants of the people - their mother!) for the good of ordinary fellow citizens - a problem!; f) availability of territory for free living and development - yes!
    I have repeatedly expressed my attitude towards Putin (I will not repeat myself), but I see DAMu in our new country in the role of the Ministry of Taxes. And generally speaking! VVP should “divorce” this LADY, she’s ruining his reputation!
  69. +2
    April 11 2013 14: 42
    Something is wrong! They say flood protection!
  70. Frunze
    April 11 2013 15: 11
    It’s easy for you Dimon, Dimon, and I’m Dmitry Anatolyevich from birth, the traffic police stops - Well Dimon, you can’t show an iPhone on you, double solid plus THIS drinks
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 15: 18
      Quote: Frunze
      It’s easy for you Dimon, Dimon, and I’ve been Dmitry Anatolyevich since birth

      Well, what can we do here! Do not worry! our director is Dmitry Anatolyevich, but he’s a good man, it’s not about the names, but about their owners drinks
      1. Frunze
        April 11 2013 15: 32
        I have 120 kilos and the traffic police easily understood that I am a GOOD person angry
  71. zambo
    April 11 2013 16: 10

    Russia, you are a great power,
    Your open spaces are infinitely great.
    For all centuries you have crowned yourself with glory.
    And you have no other way.

    The lake captivity crowns your forests.
    A cascade of ridges in the mountains hides dreams.
    The river flow cures thirst,
    And the field will give us food.

    We are proud of your cities.
    From wise Rostov to Kazan the path is open.
    The glorious capital crowns you,
    And St. Petersburg preserves history.

    In your land of wealth there is an inexhaustible stream,
    The path to your treasures lies for us.
    How little we still know about you.
    There is so much we have to study.

    Russia! you have always been strong people
    What fascism defeated in the days of war
    And he stood in the difficult days before the terror.
    From a bullet he blocked his father’s house with his back!

    So you live the Great Power
    After all, many - many years
    You admired the proud article of us all,
    In my words, know no pretense!
    I. Mordovina
  72. +2
    April 11 2013 16: 13
    Personally, I was born in a superpower, I lived and will live and I teach my children this, and our Medvedev, in my opinion, has long been out of his mind, his adequacy is becoming more and more suspicious
  73. zav
    April 11 2013 16: 17
    At the height of our perestroika, the Chinese landed an American fighter on their territory, which seemed to violate the border of territorial waters, and then did with the fighter what they saw fit, not paying attention to the cries from the United States. A few months later, our people on Ruslan helped the Americans take out some parts of the plane when the arrest was lifted from it.
    So, then an article by a Russian author appeared in the press, one sentence of which, in my free presentation, will sound something like this: “After the collapse of the USSR, the Americans believed that they were the only superpower in the world, but China did not agree with this.”
    I personally believe that Russia was a superpower and it remains one at the present time, despite the periodic dulling of the political will of our rulers. The main thing is that the people do not lose their will.
    At the same time, the vastness of the territory and the supposed inexhaustibility of all goodness stored by nature sometimes prevents our people from soberly assessing their strengths and weaknesses.
    1. 0
      April 11 2013 17: 22
      With the leaders of Russia as they are now, there is no need for any enemies - you will destroy yourself, take everything away, hide it in the west... And then someone will come to live in the desert...
  74. 0
    April 11 2013 16: 28
    After being awarded the Gorby, Medvedev will no longer be able to wash himself off
  75. Sleptsoff
    April 11 2013 16: 30
    We are a superpower only in size of territory
  76. +2
    April 11 2013 16: 31
    Hi all! I gave the article a "plus". A normal patriotic attitude, but in my opinion, not everything is so simple. The easiest way to blame everything is to the West, “everyone has an excuse, like a hole in the ass!” A lot, almost everything, depends on the people who live in the country - any country. In our country now the situation is akin to the 90s, everyone is just talking, but no one knows what to do in practice. I think this is why there is so little constructive action.
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 16: 42
      Quote: OLDTODD
      In our country now the situation is akin to the 90s, everyone is just talking, but no one knows what to do in practice.

      Perhaps it’s a plus for you, but not like that! Everyone knows everything, but they don’t do anything for the country, and if they do, then no one, for some reason, finds out about it, and what they find out is often far-fetched (such as increasing pensions) And about the increase in inflation during this period... silence and the dead stand with scythes...
  77. +2
    April 11 2013 16: 34
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 19: 17
      Quote: AleksUkr

      I can’t understand why they’re downvoting! good stunned laughing
  78. 0
    April 11 2013 16: 52
    Tagged and Medvedev to hell!
  79. spok
    April 11 2013 16: 54
    State Duma, thanks to the United Russia party, which
    unanimously (314 votes) voted “for”, the law was adopted, according to
    to which, from September 1, 2013, secondary education in Russia will become paid.
    According to the adopted law, most social institutions are
    hospitals, schools and kindergartens will switch from budget funding to
    self-sufficiency. In other words, the state will not pay for all of them.
    activities as now, but only a certain volume of services for
    government assignment (subsidization). Social institutions will have to do the rest
    earn money on your own.
    The only thing a child can get for free is a few
    basic items. We are talking about the Russian language (2 hours a week),
    English (2 hours per week), mathematics (2 hours per week),
    physical education (2 hours per week) and history (1 hour per week). And for
    subjects such as drawing, music, computer science, physics, chemistry,
    biology, etc. the parent will have to pay. According to preliminary data,
    The cost of training per month will be about 6-7 thousand rubles. This
    about 54-70 thousand per year and about 630 thousand for all 11 years of study.
    Please note that the first three classes remain free and their program
    includes the entire set of items as before.
    1. djon3volta
      April 11 2013 17: 23
      Quote from spok

      Vova is aware, and he He said in purely Russian language that as long as I (Putin) are president, there will be no paid education.I’m sure that everyone here on the site heard this on TV or read it on the Internet.
      and for the future, when fairy tales are copy-pasted into panic, don’t forget to include links.
    2. +1
      6 June 2013 14: 46
      We read the law itself, not the yellow press:

      Article 101. Carrying out educational activities at the expense of individuals and legal entities

      1. Organizations carrying out educational activities have the right to carry out these activities at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities under agreements for the provision of paid educational services. Paid educational services represent the implementation of educational activities on assignments and at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities under agreements for the provision of paid educational services. Income from the provision of paid educational services is used by these organizations in accordance with their statutory purposes.

      2. Paid educational services cannot be provided in place of educational activities, the financial support of which is provided through budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local budgets. Funds received by organizations engaged in educational activities when providing such paid educational services are returned to the persons who paid for these services.

      3. Organizations carrying out educational activities at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets have the right to carry out educational activities at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities that are not provided for by the established state or municipal assignment or agreement on the provision of subsidies for reimbursement of costs under the same conditions for the provision of the same services.
  80. +1
    April 11 2013 17: 06
    negative iPhone is not adequate....
  81. -1
    April 11 2013 17: 14
    A superpower is ALWAYS the super leaders at its head. Speaking about renouncing the ambitions of a superpower, this brat (DAM) extends his wretched worldview to the entire huge and truly powerful country. I hope the Russian people will not put up with the presence of such primitives at the head of THEIR (?) country. Otherwise, the wretchedness of the top will overwhelm the people, and then you will simply be DESTROYED. The CENTURY old dream of the West to wipe out the Slavic civilization from the face of the earth will come true. In the name of preserving this civilization, Russians, quickly remove premature idiots from the leadership of YOUR country.
  82. -1
    April 11 2013 17: 27
    Russia has two problems...
    1. Sleptsoff
      April 11 2013 17: 35
      What kind of people and leadership of the country are we chose them ourselves in the end.
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 19: 19
        Quote from Sleptsoff
        What kind of people and leadership of the country are we chose them ourselves in the end.

        Who are "we? You, Putin and Medvedev? Oh, sorry! I forgot United Russia...
        1. Sleptsoff
          April 16 2013 16: 20
          A people who allows such manipulations as you are hinting at is especially not worthy of normal rulers.
      2. Jin
        April 11 2013 19: 26
        Quote from Sleptsoff
        What kind of people and leadership of the country are we chose them ourselves in the end.

        A! super sorry! the whole Central Election Commission yet?
        1. rodevaan
          April 11 2013 19: 45
          Quote: Jin

          A! super sorry! the whole Central Election Commission yet?

          - And to express it in Russian, yes, nowadays, under the crap-cracy, it’s not fashionable and not modern... Okay... wow... - well, super advanced, more popcorn, and Cocacolas... and all at once so modern- pre-modern...
          Remove these nasty words from your vocabulary already! It’s better to swear, but in Russian!
          1. Jin
            April 11 2013 20: 00
            Quote: rodevaan
            - And to express it in Russian, yes, nowadays, under the crap-cracy, it’s not fashionable and not modern... Okay... wow... - well, super advanced, more popcorn, and Cocacolas... and all at once so modern- pre-modern...

            Ugh ...

            I was expecting crap like this bully Oh, Russian, you are ours! Maybe look at my overall attitude to the topic? I would like to rub this stinking Ugh addressed to me in your face, my dear! It’s a pity, I can’t challenge you to a duel, but catch a minus instead of a bullet! (I won’t bet, I have noble roots) What, stood up to the red banners, put on a cap... imagines himself an officer??? Go for a walk in spam... or whatever you say in Russian? negative
            1. rodevaan
              April 11 2013 20: 44
              Quote: Jin
              Quote: rodevaan
              - And to express it in Russian, yes, nowadays, under the crap-cracy, it’s not fashionable and not modern... Okay... wow... - well, super advanced, more popcorn, and Cocacolas... and all at once so modern- pre-modern...

              Ugh ...

              I was expecting crap like this bully Oh, Russian, you are ours! Maybe look at my overall attitude to the topic? I would like to rub this stinking Ugh addressed to me in your face, my dear! It’s a pity, I can’t challenge you to a duel, but catch a minus instead of a bullet! (I won’t bet, I have noble roots) What, stood up to the red banners, put on a cap... imagines himself an officer??? Go for a walk in spam... or whatever you say in Russian? negative

              - How to piss you off, my dear :)
              Where is the restraint, where is the cold gaze? The sparkle of steel and bayonets, the armor of a valiant outfit? Are you really subject to the temptation, sir, to surrender the battlefield without composure and intelligence and succumb to such momentary insanity without firing a shot?
            2. rodevaan
              April 11 2013 20: 59
              Quote: Jin
              It’s a pity, I can’t challenge you to a duel, but catch a minus instead of a bullet! (I won’t bet, I have noble roots)

              - Oh, yes, that’s right, I forgot - we now have a fashion for noble roots! Lately, everyone I know has noble roots. Not one with the proletarians, as once about 30 years ago. Here I have peasants (on my mother’s side) and merchants (on my father’s side). But I will not accept a challenge to a duel - I have no right - a nobleman did not have the right to challenge a commoner to a duel, just as he did not have the right to accept a challenge from him.
              And why did he “think of himself as an officer”? I am already an officer - a reserve lieutenant, since I graduated from the military department.
    2. Jin
      April 11 2013 19: 54
      I can’t understand why they’re downvoting! good amazing laughing
      1. rodevaan
        April 11 2013 20: 02
        Quote: Jin
        I can’t understand why they’re downvoting! good amazing laughing

        - Another Sasha Romanov! He, too, is so worried about the minuses and gets upset that he needs to be warned so that, God forbid, no one puts minuses!

        Gentlemen, be self-sufficient! There is no point in being fooled by such nonsense as pros and cons - this is bullshit, a trifle in essence.
        1. Jin
          April 11 2013 20: 12
          Quote: rodevaan
          There is no point in being fooled by such nonsense as pros and cons - this is bullshit, a trifle in essence.

          You are mistaken, my dear, well, really, you are mistaken! The status shows the attitude of the forum members towards you and your pragma-dogma... Ghouls cannot survive here, believe me smile Up to major, with such sharpening? Yes, you are really good, my dear! Are you the only warrior here in the field??? Well, well, do you want war? I can announce it to you personally, I can do it... I’m waiting for your, I hope healthy, summary of this trouble! Did you smile? No? Then don't be too smart!
          1. rodevaan
            April 11 2013 20: 31
            Quote: Jin
            Quote: rodevaan
            There is no point in being fooled by such nonsense as pros and cons - this is bullshit, a trifle in essence.

            You are mistaken, my dear, well, really, you are mistaken! The status shows the attitude of the forum members towards you and your pragma-dogma... Ghouls cannot survive here, believe me smile Up to major, with such sharpening? Yes, you are really good, my dear! Are you the only warrior here in the field??? Well, well, do you want war? I can announce it to you personally, I can do it... I’m waiting for your, I hope healthy, summary of this trouble! Did you smile? No? Then don't be too smart!

            - Quiet, quiet, shhhhhhhh! Why are you so angry? Do not do it this way! Hide your T-50, I don’t have weapons of mass destruction and I don’t have oil either! As for the war with the use of these weapons, don’t be ridiculous :)

            But seriously - if you write the truth-dogma or obvious things constantly or adequately assess the situation and express your thoughts sensibly and soberly - then you will already enjoy the support of normal and adequate people, despite any personal disadvantages (those especially offended by you personally or a fool just passing by), and you will be given advantages automatically.
            Personally, I don’t care what the lantern says on my shoulder strap, whether I’m a major or a minus-private... or whoever it is. First of all, what is important to me is what I write and what I want to convey to the people reading this forum, and not to be witty or show off my erudition. I personally don't need this. And I have a corresponding attitude towards these shoulder straps. And I don’t understand people who are so sensitive to this.
            Although it depends on you, this is my personal opinion. Someone may think differently and have their own truth and their own goals. Maybe I'm wrong here, I don't know.
            1. Jin
              April 11 2013 20: 46
              Quote: rodevaan
              adequate people, despite any personal disadvantages (especially those who are offended by you personally or just passing by as a fool), and they will automatically give you advantages.

              Well, well... you won’t believe how many things like this have been read and re-read) And it’s like that in life... I don’t really care, I’m unique! And your opinion is violet to me) smiles) Do you believe in this yourself? Hand on heart? A forum, an opinion... everything is correct, we express it... and why stoop to calls “don’t pay attention, etc.?” and in general, your opinion is only yours and mine - only my subjective opinion! And about titles and ratings, either you don’t catch up or you pretend... Also) Here you are right - like in a “trend” and the status is guaranteed, but! Look into the essence! READ! And then make your verdicts... otherwise it’s somehow ridiculous!
              1. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 20: 52
                Quote: Jin
                Quote: rodevaan
                adequate people, despite any personal disadvantages (especially those who are offended by you personally or just passing by as a fool), and they will automatically give you advantages.

                Well, well... you won’t believe how many things like this have been read and re-read) And it’s like that in life... I don’t really care, I’m unique! And your opinion is violet to me) smiles) Do you believe in this yourself? Hand on heart? A forum, an opinion... everything is correct, we express it... and why stoop to calls “don’t pay attention, etc.?” and in general, your opinion is only yours and mine - only my subjective opinion! And about titles and ratings, either you don’t catch up or you pretend... Also) Here you are right - like in a “trend” and the status is guaranteed, but! Look into the essence! READ! And then make your verdicts... otherwise it’s somehow ridiculous!

                - 1. About titles and ratings - I answer with all my heart. Absolutely sincerely. What's the point in lying to me?
                - 2. If my opinion were violet, I would not answer. And then he got so angry! You bombard my positions like the Japanese Port Arthur.
                - 3. I don’t know what “trend” we’re talking about. I write as I think. Now the point is - what was done and said that was not essentially done?
                1. Jin
                  April 11 2013 21: 03
                  Quote: rodevaan
                  - 3. I don’t know what “trend” we’re talking about. I write as I think.

                  laughing Aren't YOU the one who got to the point of words... like, is it possible in Russian? Why aren’t you holding your visor?
                  1. rodevaan
                    April 11 2013 21: 17
                    Quote: Jin
                    Quote: rodevaan
                    - 3. I don’t know what “trend” we’re talking about. I write as I think.

                    laughing Aren't YOU the one who got to the point of words... like, is it possible in Russian? Why aren’t you holding your visor?

                    - 1. This one, hear what... that is - excuse me... In short, in general - how are we going to communicate - in what way? Like a nobleman? Or is it still proletarian? I can do it anyway, so it’s your choice of weapon.
                    - 2. Of course I’m fucked! Is it really not possible in Russian?
            2. Jin
              April 11 2013 20: 55
              Quote: rodevaan
              - Quiet, quiet, shhhhhhhh!

              Very well written... with all the signs, Soviet school, you can see... Oh, in short! If you chop like this from the shoulder, without understanding the details, it’s patriotism! But you have to think adequately... okay, I respect your opinion, I’ll go to bed...
              1. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 21: 11
                Quote: Jin
                Quote: rodevaan
                - Quiet, quiet, shhhhhhhh!

                Very well written... with all the signs, Soviet school, you can see... Oh, in short! If you chop like this from the shoulder, without understanding the details, it’s patriotism! But you have to think adequately... okay, I respect your opinion, I’ll go to bed...

                - Where are you going to sleep, huh??!! We've just started! Back away!!! I just got the hang of it, and he was getting ready to sleep! Well, take out your sword, otherwise I’m already in the proletarian way - the cobblestones have been prepared - and we’ll see who will leave whom without a skull!
                - Regarding writing - yes, I had the honor of graduating from school in Soviet times - thank God they taught me how to read and write!
            3. Jin
              April 11 2013 21: 16
              Quote: rodevaan
              - Quiet, quiet, shhhhhhhh!

              Don't hiss at me, I don't fumble like a snake... Yes! You can forget about all these pros and cons! But! Here you need to understand what you are scoring! I hope this is clear? written without English crap? Just look, it's hooked! look at what’s in your yard, or whatever you have there, so that the chicks don’t touch the grandmothers... just don’t look out the window, but go out and say it in person! Or can you only fool fate and write scribbles? you got me... I'll take care of you tomorrow, I'm tired today, see you later...
              1. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 21: 29
                Quote: Jin
                Quote: rodevaan
                - Quiet, quiet, shhhhhhhh!

                Don't hiss at me, I don't fumble like a snake... Yes! You can forget about all these pros and cons! But! Here you need to understand what you are scoring! I hope this is clear? written without English crap? Just look, it's hooked! look at what’s in your yard, or whatever you have there, so that the chicks don’t touch the grandmothers... just don’t look out the window, but go out and say it in person! Or can you only fool fate and write scribbles? you got me... I'll take care of you tomorrow, I'm tired today, see you later...

                - Just last month, I kicked a chump off the bus who was harassing a girl. First he warned me, and then, in front of everyone, he dragged him out of the bus by the collar, because the savage did not understand the Russian word.
                How did I annoy you? Why are you angry?
              2. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 21: 44
                Quote: Jin
                Quote: rodevaan
                - Quiet, quiet, shhhhhhhh!

                Don’t hiss at me, I somehow don’t fumble like a snake... ..

                - How is this not necessary? I don't hiss, I calm you down. Quiet, calmer, breathe more evenly. And then he went crazy, he took all the clubs out of their cases! Scared that civilian population, you understand...
            4. +2
              April 12 2013 00: 27
              Quote: rodevaan
              Maybe I'm wrong here

              Very right. Well, very much so. I have long been amazed by the rudeness on the forum, if you don’t agree with your opponent, the best argument is rudeness. And when men do this, there are no words... And you are also right in terms of the attitude towards “epaulets”. The word is funny - grown-up guys , but like small children.
              1. rodevaan
                April 12 2013 06: 25
                Quote: Tverichanka
                Quote: rodevaan
                Maybe I'm wrong here

                Very right. Well, very much so. I have long been amazed by the rudeness on the forum, if you don’t agree with your opponent, the best argument is rudeness. And when men do this, there are no words... And you are also right in terms of the attitude towards “epaulets”. The word is funny - grown-up guys , but like small children.

                - So I say that they are like small children, - and I ask him - how old is he? There’s also Sasha Romanov – he’s also very offended if someone suddenly slaps a minus and spoils the marshal’s shoulder straps. He gets upset and starts searching on the forum for the scoundrel who dared to put a downvote. This is such a tender-painful self-awareness in a person. Therefore, since then, if I disagree with someone, I never give minuses. Otherwise, you never know - he will start clutching at his heart... or at his dagger...
                You see what comes out of this - what a long dialogue.
        2. Jin
          April 11 2013 20: 19
          Quote: rodevaan
          - Another Sasha Romanov!

          laughing Hmmm, you really...mmm, are not catching up. people like you don’t survive combat, and if they do... hats off! You haven’t even figured out the situation, what if there are mines??? Take off your cap and uniform, by God I’ll shoot you, you’ll get there)
          1. rodevaan
            April 11 2013 20: 36
            Quote: Jin
            Quote: rodevaan
            - Another Sasha Romanov!

            laughing Hmmm, you really...mmm, are not catching up. people like you don’t survive combat, and if they do... hats off! You haven’t even figured out the situation, what if there are mines??? Take off your cap and uniform, by God I’ll shoot you, you’ll get there)

            - Shoot, Dantes, shoot, - Russia will forget you anyway!
            1. Jin
              April 11 2013 20: 59
              Quote: rainufa
              - Shoot, Dantes, shoot,

              why Dantes? Explain yourself, sir? At least I know why I would pierce you with a sword) It’s a pity not for you, but for your Mother and Father... I’m thinking about them, really! We'll talk to you in a vacant lot... God will judge
              1. rodevaan
                April 11 2013 21: 14
                Quote: Jin
                Quote: rainufa
                - Shoot, Dantes, shoot,

                why Dantes? Explain yourself, sir? At least I know why I would pierce you with a sword) It’s a pity not for you, but for your Mother and Father... I’m thinking about them, really! We'll talk to you in a vacant lot... God will judge

                - Do not regret, but you will not be sorry! What a wasteland there is - he’s already run off to sleep, turned to the wall and grabbed the blanket all over himself...
                Well, you think there in the silence and darkness - about life, about Russia, about yourself....
                1. Jin
                  April 11 2013 21: 20
                  Quote: rodevaan

                  - Do not regret, but you will not be sorry! What a wasteland there is - he already ran off to sleep, turned to the wall and grabbed the blanket all over himself...

                  -Sir, you are a nonentity! If you live in Samara, I’ll come, tell me where? It's just that you are a real nonentity, I want to prove it to you what What weapon do you prefer to fight with? If you are capable of fighting at all, of course...
                  1. rodevaan
                    April 11 2013 21: 26
                    Quote: Jin

                    -Sir, you are a nonentity! If you live in Samara, I’ll come, tell me where? It's just that you are a real nonentity, I want to prove it to you what What weapon do you prefer to fight with? If you are capable of fighting at all, of course...

                    1. The choice of weapons, since I live far from Samara, I provided you with above.
                    2. Why, in your words, am I a “nonentity”? What, in fact, has you so tense? Why is there such terrible negative energy towards me? What did I write - “write in Russian”?
                    3. Third and most importantly - even if we meet hypothetically - what do you intend to do? Well, we met - what next? What actions? What will you prove to me?
                    1. Jin
                      April 11 2013 21: 39
                      Quote: rodevaan
                      1. The choice of weapons, since I live far from Samara, I provided you with above.
                      2. Why, in your words, am I a “nonentity”? What, in fact, has you so tense? Why is there such terrible negative energy towards me? What did I write - “write in Russian”?
                      3. Third and most importantly - even if we meet hypothetically - what do you intend to do? Well, we met - what next? What actions? What will you prove to me?

                      If you ate “purely” in Russian, I’ll break your f*ck... what’s not clear here? Or you will shout: “Try it!!!” Okay, I'll try.
                      If in a “noble key: “Sir, you will answer here and now for your objectionable and obscene attitude towards my views on the cause of the duel and your disgrace! TO THE BARRIER!"
                      What else can I tell you? Why are you drinking blood, ghoul? Do you want a scribbler? come on tomorrow... I'm sick of it... and don't make this my weakness - don't be another one
                      1. rodevaan
                        April 11 2013 21: 48
                        Quote: Jin

                        If you ate “purely” in Russian, I’ll break your f*ck... what’s not clear here? Or you will shout: “Try it!!!” Okay, I'll try.
                        If in a “noble key: “Sir, you will answer here and now for your objectionable and obscene attitude towards my views on the cause of the duel and your disgrace! TO THE BARRIER!"
                        What else can I tell you? Why are you drinking blood, ghoul? Do you want a scribbler? come on tomorrow... I'm sick of it... and don't make this my weakness - don't be another one

                        - And that’s all you can do? Wave your fists? Well, waved. So what next? Did you decide to surprise me with this? Pfft...
                        Well, I’m also very interested - well, we don’t agree on opinions - do you always grab your holster if someone disagrees with you on something?
                      2. Jin
                        April 11 2013 21: 55
                        Quote: rodevaan
                        - And that’s all you can do? Wave your fists? Well, waved. So what next? Did you decide to surprise me with this? Pfft...
                        Well, I’m also very interested - well, we don’t agree on opinions - do you always grab your holster if someone disagrees with you on something?

                        Nope, there are still feet! this is where the legs end, have you heard of mawashi for example? For the holster? I don’t have it, it won’t fit in my nerd, why are you even going on and on about these topics? Do you want to leave your word? So leave it! And don’t bullshit here anymore, you fucker...
                      3. rodevaan
                        April 11 2013 22: 04
                        Quote: Jin

                        Nope, there are still feet! this is where the legs end, have you heard of mawashi for example? For the holster? I don’t have it, it won’t fit in my nerd, why are you even going on and on about these topics? Do you want to leave your word? So leave it! And don’t bullshit here anymore, you fucker...

                        - Okay, okay, that's it, sorry for getting so heated. I was just thinking about polemicizing, but now you’re starting to get really nervous. No, to be honest, I know your general position regarding the topic and the article, and I agree with it.
                        - As for the words, fuck it, - well, maybe I just should have said it differently, not as straightforwardly as I did. That's where it all came from.
                      4. Jin
                        April 11 2013 22: 10
                        Quote: rodevaan

                        - Okay, okay, that's it, sorry for getting so heated. I was just thinking about polemicizing, but now you’re starting to get really nervous. No, to be honest, I know your general position regarding the topic and the article, and I agree with it.
                        - As for the words, fuck it, - well, maybe I just should have said it differently, not as straightforwardly as I did. That's where it all came from.

                        We passed, the main thing is that I understood... I’m not from that scumbag contingent that beats people who are lying down - I despise people like that... Was it necessary to download this? Necessary!!!! In a dispute the TRUTH is born!!! I’m not a bull and I’m not going to bully you... If I admitted the obvious things, it means I have a brain, that’s the main thing... Good luck with everything!
                      5. rodevaan
                        April 11 2013 22: 20
                        Quote: Jin

                        We passed, the main thing is that I understood... I’m not from that scumbag contingent that beats people who are lying down - I despise people like that... Was it necessary to download this? Necessary!!!! In a dispute the TRUTH is born!!! I’m not a bull and I’m not going to bully you... If I admitted the obvious things, it means I have a brain, that’s the main thing... Good luck with everything!

                        - Yes, the point is not that a bull is not a bull... The point is something else - I just see that you have already begun to take everything seriously, get nervous, get angry - why push a person to the limit. You’re probably tired today, you want to sleep, but I started to finish it. In general, in short, it would be wrong for me to do this.
                        Therefore, I wish you good night and good health for tomorrow! And of course, good mood :)
                      6. Jin
                        April 11 2013 22: 29
                        Therefore, I wish you good night and good health for tomorrow! And of course, good mood :)[/quote]

                        A! Comedian? Well, calm down, comedian! And don't you cough love
                      7. Jin
                        April 11 2013 22: 34
                        Quote: rodevaan
                        - Yes, that’s not the point, bull or bull...

                        That's exactly the point. You are our silver lily of the valley. You were raised in a greenhouse! It’s not bad, it’s probably just a good idea, develop it after thinking 100 times (outside the greenhouse, where mom and dad aren’t there) One more bouquet for you love no matter how boring it would be, without your own kind)
                      8. rodevaan
                        April 12 2013 05: 55
                        Quote: Jin
                        Quote: rodevaan
                        - Yes, that’s not the point, bull or bull...

                        That's exactly the point. You are our silver lily of the valley. You were raised in a greenhouse! It’s not bad, it’s probably just a good idea, develop it after thinking 100 times (outside the greenhouse, where mom and dad aren’t there) One more bouquet for you love no matter how boring it would be, without your own kind)

                        - “You’re still a slave, won’t you calm down???”, as the well-known Ivan Vasilyevich said. You've had enough of fighting already, that's enough.
                        Go to sleep already, stop waving your saber, you are ours, raised on the street, f*cking beating everyone.
                      9. Yarbay
                        April 11 2013 22: 41
                        Quote: rodevaan

                        Sorry for interjecting myself into the conversation, but after reading your dialogue and knowing Evgeniy a little more than you, I doubted that you kicked someone off the bus)))
                        But Evgeniy would definitely have dropped off and gotten off himself, and then it would have been a boon for everyone)))))
                        I'm glad that you agreed without a duel))
                        As Louis said, that's enough duels for today!!)))
                      10. rodevaan
                        April 12 2013 05: 53
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        Quote: rodevaan

                        Sorry for interjecting myself into the conversation, but after reading your dialogue and knowing Evgeniy a little more than you, I doubted that you kicked someone off the bus)))
                        But Evgeniy would definitely have dropped off and gotten off himself, and then it would have been a boon for everyone)))))
                        I'm glad that you agreed without a duel))
                        As Louis said, that's enough duels for today!!)))

                        - You can be sure that it was so.
                    2. Jin
                      April 11 2013 21: 44
                      Quote: rodevaan

                      1. Weapon selection

                      I’ve been meeting fools like you since the 90s, I still meet individuals in clubs... how you fools haven’t been killed yet, I don’t understand) damn wit...
                      1. rodevaan
                        April 11 2013 21: 51
                        Quote: Jin
                        Quote: rodevaan

                        1. Weapon selection

                        I’ve been meeting fools like you since the 90s, I still meet individuals in clubs... how you fools haven’t been killed yet, I don’t understand) damn wit...

                        - Do you still go to clubs? Sorry, how old are you? Or maybe we have different weight categories... And why did you call me a fool?
                      2. Jin
                        April 11 2013 22: 00
                        Quote: rodevaan

                        - Do you still go to clubs? Sorry, how old are you? Or maybe we have different weight categories... And why did you call me a fool?

                        I’ll explain everything to you now, just in order, okay? Now, I’ll go have a smoke and explain. with feeling, with sense, etc. Where do I go and why, clubs, not clubs))) Clubber damn
                      3. rodevaan
                        April 11 2013 22: 07
                        Quote: Jin

                        I’ll explain everything to you now, just in order, okay? Now, I’ll go have a smoke and explain. with feeling, with sense, etc. Where do I go and why, clubs, not clubs))) Clubber damn

                        - Okay, okay, - no need, that's enough for today. Let's sleep better.
                2. Jin
                  April 11 2013 21: 23
                  Quote: rodevaan
                  Well, you think there in the silence and darkness - about life, about Russia, about yourself....

                  I thought, I always think...and you are another fake! PR, in short, you’re a hat, you’re not even a sir, so... breed
                  1. rodevaan
                    April 11 2013 21: 36
                    Quote: Jin
                    Quote: rodevaan
                    Well, you think there in the silence and darkness - about life, about Russia, about yourself....

                    I thought, I always think...and you are another fake! PR, in short, you’re a hat, you’re not even a sir, so... breed

                    1. So, first of all, let’s decide on YOU or YOU, otherwise it somehow turns out to be a noble-peasant bazaar-station. Then YOU, then YOU.
                    2. Let's move on - Once again we're getting personal. Nuk, dear Fighter-No-Rules-From-The-Wasteland, tell me - at least in one post, at least in one comment - have I ever offended you? It seems not, but from you curses are pouring in my address like from a cornucopia. Either you seem to be conducting an intelligent conversation, then you slide down to the level of “cho-cavo”... It’s not good, however - what kind of nobleman are you if you allow such speech?
                    1. Jin
                      April 11 2013 21: 50
                      Quote: rodevaan
                      1. So, first of all, let's go

                      “First of all,” yayyyyyyyy! Dumbass... it’s a pity that it’s not possible to get to you... it’s a great pity, it’s just melancholy. I’m curious to look at your eyes... I’ve literally deprived you of sleep...
                      1. rodevaan
                        April 11 2013 21: 53
                        Quote: Jin
                        Quote: rodevaan
                        1. So, first of all, let's go

                        “First of all,” yayyyyyyyy! Dumbass... it’s a pity that it’s not possible to get to you... it’s a great pity, it’s just melancholy. I’m curious to look at your eyes... I’ve literally deprived you of sleep...

                        - Okay, that's it, okay, sorry. I seem to have gone too far here, I apologize. I am wrong. I just didn't think it would cause such a reaction.
                      2. Jin
                        April 12 2013 09: 09
                        Quote: rodevaan
                        - Okay, that's it, okay, sorry. I seem to have gone too far here, I apologize. I am wrong. I just didn't think it would cause such a reaction.

                        Colleague, I didn’t quite get to the point, I’m sorry too. Now, after such an acquaintance, we have definitely decided on the appeal. First of all, for insults, I usually don’t behave like that... Something not childish came up. You hooked me, I got excited, said a bunch of nasty things. For this I apologize in public. Position and beliefs, I have not changed mine, for insults, once again, mine to you.
                      3. rodevaan
                        April 12 2013 09: 18
                        Quote: Jin
                        Quote: rodevaan
                        - Okay, that's it, okay, sorry. I seem to have gone too far here, I apologize. I am wrong. I just didn't think it would cause such a reaction.

                        Colleague, I didn’t quite get to the point, I’m sorry too. Now, after such an acquaintance, we have definitely decided on the appeal. First of all, for insults, I usually don’t behave like that... Something not childish came up. You hooked me, I got excited, said a bunch of nasty things. For this I apologize in public. Position and beliefs, I have not changed mine, for insults, once again, mine to you.

                        - Hello! It’s okay, you can’t say anything in the heat of the moment. All this can be understood, and I’m not offended :) There is no need to change positions and beliefs - they are already the same for you and me - I read other posts and comments, - and I agree with them almost everywhere. Therefore, we can simply say that a small misunderstanding just happened. Alas, unfortunately, it doesn’t happen without this either.
                      4. Jin
                        April 12 2013 11: 23
                        Quote: rodevaan

                        - Hello! It’s okay, you can’t say anything in the heat of the moment. All this can be understood, and I’m not offended :) There is no need to change positions and beliefs - they are already the same for you and me - I read other posts and comments, - and I agree with them almost everywhere. Therefore, we can simply say that a small misunderstanding just happened. Alas, unfortunately, it doesn’t happen without this either.

                        yes, the visor fell and the horse bolted drinks ok, killed the topic...
                      5. Yarbay
                        April 11 2013 22: 43
                        Quote: Jin
                        It’s interesting to look at your eyes... I’ve literally deprived you of sleep...

                        Killed Mlin Zhenya)))))))))))))
                        Mlyn your neighbors are probably hiding when you go home?)))))))))))))))))))
                      6. Jin
                        April 12 2013 09: 14
                        Quote: Yarbay
                        Killed Mlin Zhenya)))))))))))))

                        Yes, Alibek, Ostap suffered something... Usually, when someone bothers me (I’m not talking about the site, I mean from outside), I try not to participate in the discussions. And then somehow it went on and on))) We started for good health, and ended with what we ended up with.
    3. 0
      April 11 2013 19: 56
      There is one problem in Russia, and it is people like you who do not understand.
      1. Jin
        April 11 2013 20: 03
        Quote: rainufa
        There is one problem in Russia, and it is people like you who do not understand.

        Are you for me? And what case is “like you” in? And what are we talking about? Why are you coming here? Express an opinion or argue bullshit! Give your reasons! Let's!
  83. +1
    April 11 2013 18: 40
    And again Medvedev smile His last name often flashed, it was high time to bring the traitor out into the open!!
  84. rodevaan
    April 11 2013 18: 59
    Yes, Gentlemen!

    We have always BEEN - ARE - AND WILL BE a superpower! Otherwise, why would the whole world, paid for by Pindo-syatina, still come from the Russophobic bacchanalia?

    We have always been a strong, powerful, powerful, INDEPENDENT and huge country, with a strong Army and Navy! We have always broken off the horns of the world's westernized bastards-colonialists-under-civilizers, or rather, the world's bandits, who, with sheepish stupidity and stupidity, flogged and farted at us with the war!

    We have a GREAT, generous and patient people. And our people have become so GREAT because they constantly overcome all the trials that the Lord God sends to us. There is no other country that would have such a History, such a Past and such educated, cultural, spiritually rich People who still (unlike the Westernoids) have preserved many HUMAN, and not animal (as they are trying to instill in us from the West) traits!

    Yes, we do not yet live better than the West in social terms, but the bar is leveling out very quickly, and we are improving very quickly in this component. But on the other hand, we are superior to them in many ways - in human qualities and in worldview - maybe this is precisely why our social conditions are worse - because the Russian man lives not only on money and grub alone?

    Thanks to our people and our human qualities, we became an Empire, we built the huge and strongest country in the world, the USSR, from scratch, we won almost all the wars of our enemies, we have been standing for 1000 years and we don’t care about any crises! From what Russia experienced, any Western country would have ceased to exist long ago! Therefore, we are a great country and a great power, inhabited by highly spiritual, strong and beautiful people.

    And all this Western-style garbage that pours into us from behind the hill, implanting in us some of its underdeveloped complexes - Lord - spit and forget all this rot with contempt and a grin. It is very pleasing that many of our people already see all these goat lies and provocations and do not have any illusions towards our “friends”-enemies.
    And at home we’ll somehow sort out our problems ourselves.

    And one more thing - stop whining and moaning and constantly whining about how bad GDP is! Well, by God, I'm already tired of this eternal moaning and screaming about this. We are dealing not with angels or supermen, but with those who are present. If every Russian person does not whine and whine about how bad he feels under the government - but in his place is an adequate, normal and strong person, and not a weakling - and there will immediately be fewer problems!

    God with us!
    1. Jin
      April 11 2013 19: 24
      Quote: rodevaan
      God with us!

      And St. Andrew's flag!
  85. 0
    April 11 2013 20: 39
    Quote: AleksUkr
    Russia has two problems...

    There is one problem in Russia, and it is people like you who do not understand.
  86. 0
    April 11 2013 21: 26
    When an eccentric (should be read in M) gets into the presidency, he does not cease to be an eccentric. Russia is a superpower! Another thing is that corrupt eccentrics of all stripes are trying to remove our country from this rank at the behest of their Western masters.
  87. 0
    April 11 2013 21: 59
    I know one “president” who now tells lectures that he always hated the USSR and the Communist Party with every fiber of his soul, and the goal of his life was the collapse of these two institutions!
    Dimon’s actions remind him in many ways of that president. No matter how Dimon repeats the fate of Gorby, it will be highly symbolic, but Russia does not deserve it. Russia has always been a superpower, and will always remain so, despite the efforts of liberals and tolerants!
  88. 0
    April 11 2013 22: 13
    In general, the first letters of the names of our presidents, in my opinion, speak for themselves: EBN, VVP, and who was affected by this article, MDA. Our Greatness is our history and culture. Greatness and competitiveness are the same “identical” things as rating and respect. I agree with one of the first comments that MDA will remain in history as simply Dimon and a narrow-minded person.
  89. +2
    April 11 2013 22: 49
    I quote words from one chapter of N.K. Roerich
    Russia is not only a state... It is a superstate, an ocean, an element that has not yet taken shape, has not yet found its intended shores. It has not yet sparkled in its sharpened and faceted concepts in its originality, as a rough diamond begins to sparkle in a diamond. She is still in foreboding, in fermentation, in endless desires and endless organic possibilities.
    Russia is an ocean of land, spanning a full sixth of the world and holding the West and the East in touch with its outstretched wings.
    Russia is seven blue seas; mountains crowned with white ice; Russia is the furry stubble of endless forests, carpets of windy and flowering meadows.
    Russia is endless snow, over which dead silver snowstorms sing, but on which the scarves of Russian women are so bright, snow, from under which dark violets and blue snowdrops emerge in gentle springs. Russia is a country of developing industrialism, a new type, unprecedented on earth, not yet defined...
    Russia is not a single race, and this is its strength. Russia is a union of races, a union of peoples speaking one hundred and forty languages, it is a free conciliarity, unity in difference, polychromy, polyphony.
    Russia is not only a country of the instantaneous present. It is a country with a great past, with which it maintains an inextricable connection. In its sunny birch groves, services to the ancient gods are held to this day. In its outlying forests, sacred oaks and cedars, decorated with fluttering shreds, still rustle. And in front of them stand poor clay cups with porridge - a sacrifice. Over its steppes, pityers cry in honor of ancient deities and heroes.
    Russia is a country of Byzantine domes, ringing bells and blue incense that rush from the great and faded heir of Rome - Byzantium, the second Rome. And they give Russia unprecedented beauty, captured in Russian art. Russia is a mighty crystal waterfall, arcing from the abyss of time into the abyss of times, hitherto not covered by the frost of narrow experience, sparkling in the sun with rainbows of consciousness, buzzing around the whole world with the mighty affirmation of pan-Slavic existence.
    Russia is grandiose. Unique.
    Russia is polar. Russia is the messiah of new times.
    Russia is the only country in the world that with its greatest holiday glorifies the holiday of the affirmation of life, the holiday of the resurrection from the dead, rejoicing at the dawn of a spring colorful day, with the lights of religious processions under the morning yachon, brocade, dawn sky.”
    Isn’t it strange that in a letter to you I write down your own words? But these words are so true, so sincere, so beautiful that you just want to relive the images captured in them once again. After all, you not only need to know them, you need to love them. The more we capture them with all the sounds and colors, all the hieroglyphs of existence, the more truth will be revealed, and this is so necessary. Need it so quickly......
  90. UFO
    April 11 2013 22: 58
    Yes, Dimon is not cut out to be the prime minister of a great country, much less its president, just stand in line, hold a seat, nothing more. request
  91. 0
    April 12 2013 08: 16
    What state, what country has experienced as much as Russia has and has not gone down in history or disappeared from the political map of the world? And we still exist. And, mind you, Russia does not live by robbing other countries, like the United States, but by the will, vitality and labor of its people. Where the pampered American and European die, the Russian will survive. No matter how and no matter what they try to destroy us, we survive and will be alive and our country will be greater than before.
    And about Medvedev, a hundred years later, only a few lines in the history textbook: “A petty politician of the early 21st century. As a statesman, he distinguished himself by nothing but mediocrity. His reign was marked by the failures of all his high-profile projects and serious damage to Russia’s internal and external interests.”
  92. gauche
    April 12 2013 10: 05
    Quote: Don
    Quote: COBOK
    if you look, then control over the resource base is also written in the passive - the resources do not already belong to us (most of them are in private hands)

    And in what hands should it be? Only in the state? Why do you think so? She should be in private. In the US, 100% is private and nothing.

    Ay da Khan Don, smart girl! But at the same time:
    Quote: Don
    All countries, without exception, experience economic crises. It is not only private business that is to blame for this, but to a greater extent the state.

    A classic example of split consciousness. LADIES are the intestinal wind of history. It will soon fade and we will breathe more freely. And our descendants will populate distant stars!
  93. (Together
    April 12 2013 11: 55
    Russians! Only together! Only in ascending order!!!
  94. 0
    April 12 2013 16: 13
    It’s disgusting to see disrespect for Russia in the comments, especially from those who pretend to be some kind of patriot
  95. 0
    April 12 2013 16: 16
    how are the comments here?
  96. +2
    April 12 2013 19: 52
    Unfortunately, this is not Medvedev’s only dubious statement; just remember Serdyukov, to whom Medvedev has no complaints! A dubious gentleman in general.
    Quote: bddrus
    It’s disgusting to see disrespect for Russia in the comments, especially from those who pretend to be some kind of patriot

    Don't watch - keep your eyes peeled!
  97. +1
    April 12 2013 23: 10
    As long as we consider ourselves great, we are great. We should not be interested in the opinion of the Chukhons, our Vlasovites, and in general no one’s opinion should interest us. There is no need to make excuses, it’s better to tell the remaining representatives of European civilization later, after the smoke has cleared, that we shouted Stop and shot in the air.....
    1. 0
      April 15 2013 15: 22
      Quote: Petrik66
      We should not be interested in the opinion of the Chukhons, our Vlasovites, and in general no one’s opinion should interest us
      So maybe it’s not possible?
      How then is there a common gay European home, world peace and other crap?
  98. +2
    April 13 2013 05: 39
    that's how simple it is
  99. +3
    April 13 2013 05: 51
    “If earlier we were instilled with the need to care for our native nature, respect for representatives of the older generation, liberator soldiers, today, it turns out, we should show primary concern, perhaps, in relation to the LGBT community, rejoicing at how with kisses in front of those gathered Ivan and Ivan are married, and Marya and Marya..." - The queer community is only developed in the capitals, but in the provinces people work and their weddings are normal, Ivan and Marya!
  100. prophetic
    April 13 2013 09: 40
    This same Dima Medvedev once said that we have a young country and it is only 20 years old. In my opinion, this speaks of his complete criticism. He simply erased a thousand years from the history of our country. But what else can you expect from a person who wanted to decide all the problems of the police by simply renaming them