Heroism and betrayal

Forces, in order to remain a Man at the edge of the line, not to betray the house, friends, faith, Fatherland, are not simply given from somewhere above. They are formed and brought up - by parents, by society.

Heroism and betrayal

"Russian martyr Yevgeny Rodionov". Hood M. Fayustov.

Treachery, unfortunately, is one of the traits of human nature. It was in ancient times and in the Middle Ages. There are, alas, and today - and, sadly, there will be tomorrow.

Traitors are driven by a tangle of vices. This is greed, and widespread ambitions, and low instincts as a manifestation of human weaknesses. But not so long ago, ideological preferences were an important motive for working for another state. Suffice it to recall the British intelligence officers who were part of the elite of the empire - the so-called "Cambridge Five". Its members helped our country, causing significant damage to the interests of NATO, certainly not for money and not being blackmailed, but feeling sincere sympathy for the Soviet Union, where they built, in their understanding, a more equitable society.

The attitude of our people towards Gorbachev as a traitor is understandable. The only thing is that we do not yet know for what reasons he did what he did. But it is beyond doubt that he acted on the basis of other people's interests and a clearly set goal to destroy our Fatherland. Perhaps there was additional motivation. There are a lot of rumors circulating, I don’t want to repeat them, but this mosaic lacks some important fragment so that the picture becomes absolutely clear.

Often they went to treachery, unable to withstand the physical impact. For example, prisoners of war in fascist concentration camps, in order to survive, chose service to the enemy. But many, having received the assignment of new “owners,” found the courage to voluntarily surrender to their native country, knowing full well that they would face harsh punishment. However, there were also those who, under the influence of animal fear, became faithful Hitlerite dogs. In any case, physical suffering and even a threat to life cannot be considered an excuse for treason.

We know many holy martyrs who have not renounced their faith and died. A recent case: 19-year-old Russian soldier Yevgeny Rodionov was taken prisoner, tortured, offered to accept Islam in return for liberation ... Yevgeny did not deny the Fatherland or the Orthodox faith, and was executed after savage tortures.

History Our state is especially rich in heroes who chose honor over dishonor, good name and glory over betrayal.

Vivid examples were given by the Great Patriotic War. On the one hand, Vlasov, who, being in captivity, went over to Hitler’s side, created the so-called Russian Liberation Army (ROA), becoming a kind of fascist banner, allowing himself to be used for propaganda purposes. On the other hand, Karbyshev, who spent the whole war in concentration camps, categorically refusing to cooperate with the enemy, and was brutally tortured. Two destinies, two acts - and two diametrically opposite traces in people's memory.

I think in the fateful moment the choice depends on a certain moral core inside each person. There are persons about whom they said: “You would make nails out of these people,” but there are traitors.

History, of course, does not know the subjunctive mood, but if General Vlasov had not been in captivity, perhaps he would have beaten the Germans before the end of the war and had the reputation of a good commander. But as soon as he got into a difficult situation, all the rot of his nature came through. Because in fact he had to shoot back, leaving the last cartridge for himself. This is the maximum requirement that we can make to him. At least, in the concentration camp Vlasov had to hold on, like General Karbyshev, to reject all the proposals of the enemy, to share the death camp with other prisoners.

General D.M. Karbyshev

In any society, always the attitude towards traitors is negative, dismissive. Even those on whose side he ran over do not perceive the traitor.

How to understand what each of us is capable of, facing the Election?

In Soviet times, when history lessons were told about the exploits of the pioneer heroes, it was easy to stand up and say: "I, too, without thinking a minute, will give my life for the Motherland." But many of our guys who grew up after the Great Patriotic War, but brought up on her examples, remained faithful to this boyish oath, the Military Oath and the Motherland, when they came to Afghanistan. There were only a few Vlasovs, and thousands of Heroes who repeated the heroic deeds.

God forbid to face a dilemma when you have to pay for your decision with your own life. Sometimes a person recognizes himself at this fateful moment. And people from whom no one — not even them — expects heroic behavior, go to the feat.

It is unlikely that the “gene of treason” will be decoded in the near future. Forces, in order to remain a Man at the edge of the line, not to betray the house, friends, faith, Fatherland, are not simply given from somewhere above. They are formed and brought up - by parents, by society. There is good and bad in each of us. The task of education, of the entire information space that is being created in the state, is to develop the good and the positive as much as possible and, as far as possible, to neutralize the negative and the evil that is contained in human nature.

Meanwhile, perhaps the greatest misfortune of the modern information space is its subordination to a financially oriented economy, as a result of which it constantly appeals to baser instincts and, conversely, ridicules high spiritual impulses. That is, it acts in the opposite direction to that required. This is not only about the information space of Russia: in this case, we, alas, are secondary to the western.

Liberal propaganda cultivates the basest and tries to muffle everything good and bright that is in the person. Because the Western model of society is directed in the direction opposite to human progress. “Consume, be an egoist, do not think about anyone but yourself, life alone, there is no God”, - the postulates being driven into the heads of users of the media space. The profit margin is more important than honor and decency.

But this is completely contrary to our tradition and mentality. Because in the Orthodox sense, we all serve God - unlike Catholics and Protestants, who conclude a contract with him by donating certain funds.

In the Orthodox tradition there has never been an indulgence. It is even impossible to imagine that for money to get absolution.
Any nation, like the state, can develop when everyone is able to sacrifice themselves for the public good. And vice versa: if a society falls into greedy individuals, nothing good happens and cannot be.

A vivid example is Ancient Rome. He prospered, mastered new territories to the valor of his sons, ready to give their lives for their homeland. Let us recall the legend: an earthquake struck Rome, a kind of cleft formed in the center of the city. The sages took it upon themselves to explain to what this. One of the oracles suggested that the abyss should be thrown what is considered the most valuable in Rome, and then it will close. Long thought - what exactly, but could not come to a certain decision. A young man named Curtius, passing by on horseback, when he heard the argument, said: "The most valuable thing in Rome is the valor of his sons." And right on horseback he jumped into the cleft that had closed over him, after which he received the name of the Kurtsiyev Well.

With this example from antiquity, it is possible and necessary to educate modern youth. Or on the feat of Guy Muzius, who snuck into the camp of Lars Porsena besieging Rome to kill him. But since he did not dress as luxuriantly as a retinue, the royal clerk fell victim to the brave man. The Roman was seized, brought to Porsena, who began to threaten the young man with all sorts of punishments, to which Muzio said: you will never seize Rome! Then he put his right hand on the fire of the altar and stood quite calmly until the hand was charred. The startled king ordered the hero to be released and lifted the siege, realizing that victory over people like Muzio would be very expensive. A Roman, who lost his right hand, went down in history under the name of Scotola, which in Latin means "left-handed."

I deliberately cite examples from antiquity, and not from the new and modern history of Russia with the remarkable feats of its sons and daughters. Heroism and its downside - betrayal, invariably accompany humanity in all ages. In this case, the legends of ancient Rome are especially instructive. Suffice it to recall what happened to this prosperous country in 500 – 600 years after Curtius and Mucius Scavola lived there. A society of greedy egoists was formed, who indulged in all sorts of vices, refused to serve in the army, where barbarians were forced to recruit. As a result, they destroyed the Roman Empire itself.

A. Vlasov and the soldiers of the so-called ROA.

Today’s western world runs exactly along the same path. Therefore, adopting all sorts of technical know-how, ideologically and spiritually we should distance ourselves from it as much as possible. And do not even try to adopt and transfer to our land fashionable “fun”, which is in fact a retelling of all the debauchery that happened in antiquity, starting with Sodom and Gomorrah, in a new way.

One of the main problems of today's society is that each person sees only a part of the mosaic picture of life. Undoubtedly, none of the normal parents will ever accept the propaganda of homosexuality that is being actively imposed now. Because they have children, and adults understand that as a result of such propaganda, they may be left without grandchildren. This danger is completely obvious. But, for example, the threat of imposing foreign cultural standards for the same parents seems to be no longer as tangible or conscious. And in fact, there are a lot of similar troubles hanging over society.

The liberal ideological machine is trying to throw into the mass consciousness the installation that, relatively speaking, to cross the street to a red light is healthy and correct, knowing full well that the gullible will immediately find themselves under the wheels. Moreover, these ideologists instruct, no one needs help: do not be afraid to step over the stumbled one, push the weaker away!

This is absolutely contrary to our centuries-old traditions and the goals of society - if it, of course, strives for development. But for those who dream of controlling the world, provoking military conflicts and arranging "color" revolutions in other countries, imposing the ego, corruption, betrayal, vices and base instincts is a convenient way to move forward to power.

The withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan. 15 February 1989 of the year.

Each person individually cannot defend himself against a stormy propaganda flow of insanity, lack of culture, immorality, and the entire social organism is fully capable. Especially if it formulates certain ideals that correspond to its moral traditions. Our country is multi-religious, and each of the religions traditional for Russia professes almost the same virtues, teaches only good. If we follow these commandments, we will be able to safely go through a period of global turbulence, which is becoming increasingly active and more clearly felt in the world.

We know about the healthy conservatism of our society, which at once, as an organism in real life, rejects disease-causing microbes. Also, our social organism does not accept any dubious innovations that they are trying to impose on us too intrusively. This makes me happy.
On the other hand, it is important to isolate and protect the information field of today's Russia from those forces that, conventionally speaking, are in favor of the values ​​of late Rome.

In this sense, of course, there is still a lot of work to be done, but the traditions, the inner strength and will of our people, the contempt and rejection of traitors and Ivanov, who do not remember their kinship, will allow us to go through difficult times, to remain ourselves.
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  1. logic
    April 7 2013 07: 37
    The article is good, only examples ... Why Rome, give examples from the heroes of the Motherland. someone will want to know more, someone will feel proud of their ancestors.
    That’s the progress (real), and not just the argument that something needs to be done
    1. Drill
      April 7 2013 08: 10
      I think this is a good example of how a prosperous state that had its own heroes after the corruption of the people who inhabited it simply ceased to exist.
    2. +5
      April 7 2013 08: 18
      Rome seems to me moreover, because our fates are somewhat similar, although centuries have been separating us.
      1. bask
        April 7 2013 08: 33
        [quot] Heroism and betrayal [/ quote]
        During the 2 Chechen wars. Especially in the first Chechen war. There was a mass betrayal as in the highest echelons of power. The Yeltsin circle surrendered to the .. militants.
        So the grouping of troops (((the exact routes of movement of the columns, orders not to finish the militants, etc.)))
        Berezovsky died. But who are the rest. When will the entire list of traitors be published. And THE MOST IMPORTANT WHEN THEY WILL BE DELIVERED TO THE COURT ?????
        I think that under the current government, we will not see them in shackles. We will wait. War crimes have no statute of limitations ...
        Eugene Rodionov, a newcomer, of the Holy Land of Russia. He did not betray his motherland not his faith (((he was brutally tortured)) BUT HUMAN REMAINED WITH LARGE LETTERS.
        1. +13
          April 7 2013 09: 20
          We never went on agreed routes. The commander never went to checkpoints. There was one plan of operation going upstairs, and in our tent our fathers-commanders were discussing a real exit plan. He was followed. Therefore, the losses were minimal. And at the headquarters, the Old was poured in full. The Czechs themselves told when we took them. Of course, the little God punished sooooo many mergers, but that was later ...
        2. +11
          April 7 2013 09: 45
          But these bandits, who killed so many Russians, live quietly not only in Chechnya but throughout Russia !!!
        3. +4
          April 7 2013 12: 43
          Unfortunately, few people know about the feat of Rodionov, our media are more concerned and focused on other tasks that are completely different from the upbringing of patriotism
          1. broker
            April 7 2013 14: 54
            So we have that neither the media are so liberal, even on this site my comments are corrected !!!
          2. Alexander-Tomsk
            April 8 2013 05: 55
            What can you say about such a feat in the media would not be tolerant of the inhabitants of the North Caucasus and the hero of Russia - Kadyrov.
        4. +1
          April 7 2013 22: 18
          Quote: bask
          During the 2 Chechen wars. Especially in the first Chechen war. There was a mass betrayal as in the highest echelons of power. The Yeltsin circle surrendered to the .. militants.

          Among those fighting in Chechnya are not only heroes. There are those
          who accepted one of the worst Bible sins

          Read. Abominations have always been enough. Of course, they will not tell about the higher ones, if only after fifty years ...

          [media =
          20frameborder = "0"> ]
          1. bask
            April 7 2013 22: 24
            Quote: Ascetic
            Among those fighting in Chechnya are not only heroes. There are those

            Dear Ascetic. Thank you for the link. But I myself was there in 94-95. I saw everything with my own eyes.
            We need a tribunal court, specifically on the genocide of the Russian population of Chechnya. We will not survive the children and grandchildren should know who left them without their Homeland.
    3. +5
      April 7 2013 10: 08
      As with the king, there was someone who distinguished himself in service — received fame and encouragement (land, etc.). What a huge Russian Empire has become !? Even the most patriot will not last long on an empty stomach, the homeland should cherish those who protect it!
      1. +3
        April 7 2013 18: 50
        Quote: Kohl
        As with the king, there was someone who distinguished himself in service — received fame and encouragement (land, etc.). What a huge Russian Empire has become !? Even the most patriot will not last long on an empty stomach, the homeland should cherish those who protect it!

        Doesn't that seem like mercenary? Patriotism and love for the Motherland put on a size allotted cannot be measured. In the country, everyone should live well and not for something, but simply because they are citizens of their country.
      April 7 2013 10: 35
      The example of Rome is very revealing !!! As soon as their sons refused to defend their homeland, Rome fell !!!
  2. +4
    April 7 2013 07: 39
    This article is very, very important. Indeed, how to protect our society from the "cancer cells" of modern civilization without sliding to self-isolation, which can be even more pernicious. And, of course, the state plays a huge role in resolving this issue, but the role of the family cannot be underestimated. It's time for everyone to understand that the third world war is already underway and the front lines are now human "souls" ...
      April 7 2013 10: 46
      It began with the Iron Curtain, and did not stop! The great Stalin did not finish off all the liquidationists, so they bred, and there were enough traitors for all peoples !!
      1. mankurt
        April 7 2013 13: 47
        Quote: SASCHAmIXEEW
        Stalin did not finish off all the liquidationists

  3. vladsolo56
    April 7 2013 07: 41
    Everything in the article is correct, except for one thing, the author did not take into account that now it is not Soviet power. It was then that we were almost one, and we were raised almost all the same. And now how are you going to educate the youth on moral principles, when no one cares about them, or what they think they are so stupid and do not understand what is happening in the country. when some get fat and toss money left and right, while the other, even for a hundredth of that, must hunch back for months, or even years. How do you explain to young people why some have everything and just like that, others have to plow tirelessly to just live a normal life. I read the comments many times: they say that you need to work, two, three jobs and everything will be fine. But who will explain why then a family is to a person if he disappears at three jobs, his children will not see. Who will raise the children? And will such a father have respect from his children? Now only those "deserve" respect who know how to earn money, and extract or take away.
      April 7 2013 10: 53
      You are absolutely right, you must educate while lying across! Lay along, already with character!
    2. +4
      April 7 2013 11: 53
      The worst thing is that young people do not quite understand what is happening. More precisely, they do not always want to understand this. For them, the guideline is a well-fed, successful official. They are equal to him, striving to occupy a similar position. Thousands of university graduates are registered at the employment center, but not one of them wants to go to the working profession. It will be better to receive benefits. And to get all the posts from the bottom - zapadlo. Spawned managers. Talking with this - it scares you for the future. He is ready to go to a leadership position in any industry. The main thing is that he believes that he can handle it. Those. ready to be wedding generals, but not learn new professions, learn new, innovative.
      The problem of choosing a profession confronts graduates and their parents every year. But most often they choose not a profession, but an educational institution - which is much easier to do. Many people don’t even imagine what the essence of this or that profession is and what they will have to do later.
      You need to understand that once received education can no longer ensure competitiveness in the labor market for the rest of his life. Therefore, a modern employee must also be able to acquire new knowledge and skills, i.e. engage in self-education. And the best way to “learn to learn” is to try to master as many knowledge and skills as possible, to master new professions and types of activities. The more activities a person has mastered, the more confident, “more stable” he feels in the labor market.
      Educated youth actually do not always want to work in their own country. And who can determine whether he is educated or has a crust? This is a big difference. Most want to go abroad. For example, they don’t want to serve their country in the army. Arrogance rolls over. Ambition full of pants. Self-doubt above the roof. Many young people want to work in law enforcement agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB. What attracts them there - maybe like in the old joke - I got into the police, got a gun, but I don’t come for a few months. The chief calls and asks the Socramental question - why? The answer is no less Socratic - but I thought that having received a weapon - turn yourself around. This is how we live.
  4. +10
    April 7 2013 07: 46
    Remembering Gorbaty, we forget that other persons actively participating in the collapse of the country were next to him.
    As regards the fact of betrayal of this or that person, you probably always need to remember where you were born and raised, where is your land, where are your relatives ..... and live and die with this.
    1. Beck
      April 7 2013 09: 54
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      Remembering Humpback


      You're closer to the admin gods there. Maybe you know why some, in front of their nickname, have brown figures, while others have green? Is this a "racial" sign, or how?
      1. +3
        April 7 2013 10: 12
        Quote: Beck
        Is this a "racial" sign, or how?

        If brown, then the person is not on the site, and if green then he is on the site.
        1. Beck
          April 7 2013 11: 15
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          If brown, then the person is not on the site, and if green then he is on the site.

          Thank. Enlightened.
      2. 0
        April 7 2013 10: 31
        Quote: Beck
        You're closer to the admin gods there. Maybe you know why some, in front of their nickname, have brown figures, while others have green? Is this a "racial" sign, or how?

        He himself is like a god ... Most likely Zeus thinks himself ...

        And the color of the figures indicates that someone is present at the moment, and someone left the site to smoke, well, or there is something else to do ...
        1. 0
          April 7 2013 15: 17
          No guys! Don't guess! laughing
          Green-man visits the site from the phone.
          Red from the computer. hi
    2. +1
      April 7 2013 10: 46
      The role of Gorbachev was precisely to direct these others in the right direction. He directed. Even headed. With regards to memory, I think you can forget where you were born only after amnesia and it is absolutely inappropriately to remember about it when you die, I think at this moment you need to think about how to die with dignity.
    3. caprall
      April 7 2013 13: 00
      Do not forget that Yeltsin did much more shit for my homeland of Russia, and again he reads it on its laurels ...
  5. +7
    April 7 2013 07: 48
    I don’t want to talk about scum .. But the role of the corrupt media is quite ... While journalists are working for money, they will be given the kind of information that the owner needs ... You don’t want to, they’ll be taken to the factory production run ..
    Traitors is the worst thing that can be among people ... And their fate should be the same as that of maniacs or serial criminals ... For life, without the right to pardon
    1. Beck
      April 7 2013 09: 47
      Heroism and cowardice with betrayal are two essences of human nature laid down at the genetic level. And they are not amenable to suggestion of propaganda, and methods of education. Heroes were from the beginning of the human race and cowards with traitors from the same beginning. The sailors will be in the future, and unfortunately, the Vlasovs too.

      Gorbachev. In my opinion, he is a commie from the degenerated galaxy. Not those ideological commies — revolutionaries — but from the toadies and loopholes, whom the communist ideology itself nurtured by its prohibitions on at least some kind of dissent. Here those who persistently and for a long time sneered and licked began to make their way upstairs. The energetic, decisive, with the opinion of at least somewhat different from the Central Committee, the communist censorship eliminated, even at the first stages of a career.

      And Gorbachev, becoming king, wanted to become a good king, against the background of former villains, swineherds, land surveyors. In general, communism received what it was steadily going to, spineless, amorphous, timid, indecisive leader. Which, as soon as he was spoiled and licked, he could not do anything else. And then the secretary general, there was no one to lick before someone and lick someone, so Gorbachev was confused. He wanted to become a good king, but he became a mumbler and everything, to the ends, shit. And the main thing was that there were no other types of leaders in the Politburo of the Central Committee at that time, they were all from the same nest as Gorbachev, and they all knew how to do only what brought them upstairs. So, Gorbachev is a natural product of a communist ideology that crashed all over the world after 70 years of existence.
      1. +4
        April 7 2013 10: 48
        Quote: Beck
        So, Gorbachev is a natural product of a communist ideology that crashed all over the world after 70 years of existence.

        Catch minus Beck.
        Gorbachev was not a product of ideology. There is no betrayal of ideology.
        And about the collapse .... It's not evening yet, Beck ...... hi
        1. Beck
          April 7 2013 11: 48
          Quote: baltika-18
          Catch minus Beck.

          The minus is so minus, the matter is masterly and purely personal.

          I kind of tried to explain why Gorbachev is a product. Because in the USSR, any opinion of any person who goes against even the party line, but with everyday attitudes to life, was obstructed, and this is at best. In the worst repression, camps, executions.

          Example. Repression of the command staff of the Red Army in 30 years. At the top there were only Voroshilov’s slime dishes, Budyonny and others like them, who had drifted through the initial period of the war, because they had no initiative, and they could only give a fuss. Everything changed only when Stalin returned the remaining commanders from the camps. The clearest example of Rokossovsky. Yes, and Zhukov, who knows how to move armies, was nearly pushed into the backyards, because he dared to contradict Stalin, but caught on in time.

          According to this principle, only the diligent compromisers of everything that was let down from above and who knew how only to play a fake could break through the Politburo.

          Quote: baltika-18
          And about the collapse .... It's not evening yet, Beck.

          Sorry, but where do you see today, in the cap. Countries, a revolutionary or labor movement fighting for the ideals of communism. There are none of them. Since people understood that this system is not viable and depresses the will of man. There remains one country of socialism in the world, this is the DPRK. So it’s painful to look at her. The USSR was like today's DPRK only on a large scale.

          China is currently not a socialist country. This is the dictatorship of the party junta. And such a party can have any name. As far back as 1980, the wise Diang Xiao Ping realized that the path of communism is the path to nowhere, and he said his famous phrase: - No matter what color the cat is (red or white), it is important that it catches mice.
          So the capitalist system of China catches mice and catches well.
          The main difference between capitalism and socialism is in whose hands the means of production are located. According to socialism, these funds should be in the hands of the working class, society, that is, the state. In China, the means of production are in the hands of private capital. How then to talk about some kind of socialism in China.
          1. caprall
            April 7 2013 13: 08
            In the "capital countries" the social movement is present, in the form of social or workers' parties, but the main role is played by trade unions, seeking progress from employers and quite successfully. Communism is a utopia. But social equality (one might say socialism) is a completely existing system. In Europe, countries have learned well the lesson of balancing peace and war. In America, no - an example of capitalism in its purest form. As we have today.
            1. Beck
              April 7 2013 13: 55
              Quote: kaprall
              In the "capital countries" the social movement is present, in the form of social or workers' parties, but the main role is played by trade unions, seeking progress from employers and quite successfully. Communism is a utopia. But social equality (one might say socialism) is a completely existing system.

              Sorry of course, but when you use the words - socialism and social equality, you do not correctly determine their meaning, you put an equal sign between them. And this is not so, not at all, absolutely not.

              Socialism is the ideology of building a society on the basis of the socialization of the means of production and universal equality between people regardless of the mental, spiritual, personal qualities of a person (excluding members of the Central Committee, they are more equal than others).

              The social movement is aimed at improving the human existence - improving working conditions, increasing wages, creating better social conditions (recreation, kindergartens, schools, etc.).

              Therefore, the social movement cannot be sewn sideways to socialism. And the concept of Swedish "socialism" has nothing to do with true socialism, this is for a catchphrase. The Swedes did not build socialism, but a society with a high level of social conditions of existence.
          2. TUMAN
            April 7 2013 13: 49
            Quote: Beck
            I kind of tried to explain why Gorbachev is a product. Because in the USSR, any opinion of any person who goes against even the party line, but with everyday attitudes to life, was obstructed, and this is at best. In the worst repression, camps, executions.

            Beck! All that you are trying to explain, the Jewish explanator!
            1. Beck
              April 7 2013 14: 46
              Quote: TUMAN
              Beck! All that you are trying to explain, the Jewish explanator!

              I don’t explain to you personally.

              I give my opinion on a particular topic. Who wants to read, who does not want to pass by. Who does not agree, he puts forward his counterarguments.

              And generally speaking. What are sites for? By default, for communication. People come in to talk, exchange opinions, even if they are opposite. If everyone had the same opinion on the site, then the site would be bland. What an interest in talking to yourself. Communication with a person who does not share your views and provides his arguments is much more valuable. Since you learn from the opponent’s arguments what you didn’t know, or what you didn’t think about.

              You go to the site to shout cheers and quarrel. Here are the counterarguments you provided to me in your last comment? You just called. This is what can mean? Only that you are not the right person. And the fact that you have no arguments for normal polemics. And this means that you do not have a baggage of horizons or you cannot express it through language, well, your language is not developed, it can only call names on the verge of insults.

              In general, for abuse, the most suitable place is a bazaar, where it’s in the order of things. Maybe you confused the directions and went in the wrong place.
              1. TUMAN
                April 7 2013 15: 16
                Quote: Beck
                You go to the site to shout cheers and quarrel. Here are the counterarguments you provided to me in your last comment? You just called. This is what can mean? Only that you are not the right person. And the fact that you have no arguments for normal polemics. And this means that you do not have a baggage of horizons or you cannot express it through language, well, your language is not developed, it can only call names on the verge of insults.

                Beck! You are uninteresting in your praise of Western values, the Western way of life, and also Zionism! You are very successful in criticizing everything Soviet (although you see, you received education under the USSR) !!! Your posts are one-sided, aimed at a certain propaganda, and this tires you! That's why I don’t see any sense in the polemic with you, because you are conducting some subversive work directed against Russia and the Slavs as a whole! And yet, what kind of exchange of views? Well, laugh! Your Jewish state-owned company is not interested in the opinions of others, so I don’t need to scratch my eyebrows about a healthy and equal polemic!
                1. Beck
                  April 7 2013 15: 26
                  Quote: TUMAN
                  Beck! You are uninteresting in your praise of Western values, the Western way of life, and also Zionism!

                  Not interesting and okay. So why bother? Not interested pass by, walk further. Do not read, blacklist. You will be calmer. You will not go out with bile and you will not choke with bile. You will save your nerves. You will be healthy.
                  1. TUMAN
                    April 7 2013 15: 42
                    Quote: Beck
                    Not interesting and okay. So why bother? Not interested pass by, walk further. Do not read, blacklist. You will be calmer. You will not go out with bile and you will not choke with bile. You will save your nerves. You will be healthy.

                    Yes, I can’t pass by, seeing how you are talking nonsense here! So I want to pull, and not let you complete the next task! lol Our people are no longer indifferent, and such liquidish individuals are put in place so as not to bury! hi
                    1. Beck
                      April 7 2013 16: 00
                      Quote: TUMAN
                      Yes, I can’t pass by, seeing how you are talking nonsense here!

                      Well, give it. Here's how to understand you. It’s not interesting, I really don’t want it, then I can’t pass by, so as not to kick.

                      Anyway. Free will, persistent stubbornness. Call and continue. As soon as he likes and what only he likes. Only obscenities on the page are not fires, you will receive a warning from admins. You mate they went to me in a separate telegram, as a free application, in PM. From these mats I will build a museum of obscene words. All will be paid.
          3. +1
            April 7 2013 19: 47
            Sweden is also a socialist direction, which I do not see they have those "horrors" that you found in China. The whole question is how to approach the political system. In any order, authority must be flexible
      April 7 2013 11: 01
      One clever man said: fear the indifferent, for with their tacit consent everything else is going on, betrayal, murder, theft!
  6. Stat1k
    April 7 2013 08: 14
    Quote: svp67
    This article is very, very important. Indeed, how to protect our society from the "cancer cells" of modern civilization without sliding to self-isolation, which can be even more pernicious. And, of course, the state plays a huge role in resolving this issue, but the role of the family cannot be underestimated. It's time for everyone to understand that the third world war is already underway and the front lines are now human "souls" ...

    With self-isolation, you rightly noticed, now is a very terrible period, I myself am already 20 years old and what is happening around me, the environment with which I probably have to contact is very terrifying, and this is probably just the same contingent of people from 19-25 years old, nothing " there is no saint in them, the two factors that govern them are money and physical satisfaction of their needs, the main thing they praise it, almost for the main goals in the life of every person, and all high manifestations of personality, be it morality or morality, ridicule how much would not try to fight for their minds, but a person alone is not subject to this, as a result, even the person himself who adhered to any values ​​can radically change his point of view, of course, not always, but it is possible, as they say, the forbidden fruit is sweet, and Believe me, at my age it is very difficult to find peers who support the same position, but notice that these are the younger generation that will take some positions in our society, God forbidand their values ​​will change ...
    1. bezumnyiPIT
      April 7 2013 09: 59
      Self-isolation is not an option. On the example of the 90s, we saw this, when young people who lived by strict rules and respected moral principles, having tasted the "delights of democracy", began to create lawlessness, because they got used to being rushed for her, what to say and show how to live.
        April 7 2013 11: 11
        And this same youth in Chechnya committed feats!
      April 7 2013 11: 03
      The authorities should have worthy people whom we choose !!!
  7. +4
    April 7 2013 08: 17
    The confusion and staggering in the heads of Russian citizens today is probably even stronger than before the Second World War, so if a nook is not far off, then many will know in their own skin or see all the nastiness that our people have been through for a long time ancestors - nothing can be changed much already ... Everyone over 15 inside already has one who is ...
    There are young and correct, from the point of view of patriotism, who read a lot, delve into history, listen to older and experienced ...
    But there are others who have their own "idea" inside, who today live in their new "paradise" and will defend it.
    As our grandmothers said: - bring up a child while he lies across the bed, and not when he already lies along ...
    Of course, the worldview changes throughout life, when suddenly "eyes were opened", but this will not be able to influence the actions committed ...
    Or who thinks that traitors and stumbled astray cannot regret their deeds?
    For example, if a villainous judge or a paid cop, or a deceitful businessman, or a zealous liberal, or anyone else, in the case of a naughty person, falls into the hands of a terpily, who suddenly turns out to be the leader of a resistance detachment, because daring and inventive, and the arbiter of his fate ... Will he regret that he did evil a year earlier and not only against this one person? And will it cost him, believe them, when they repent (possibly!) And say, they say - the demon has beguiled? Like, forgive us and give us a machine gun - we will go to kill "ours", such as we ...
    Nah, guys, and I won’t give you a machine gun ...
    So, it seems to me, and civil contradictions are woven, which rule the civil confrontations ... The foundations of these contradictions, as the chiri were laid more than 20 years ago, exist and develop inside Russia ...
    God grant that never breaks! But this is hardly ...
  8. 0
    April 7 2013 08: 19
    What is some kind of glitch. Or I have deja vu. It feels like I've already read an article here for two three days. So or not?
  9. +2
    April 7 2013 08: 26
    Having earned the stigma of a traitor during his lifetime, how does Gorbachev sleep? Probably only with a horse dose of sleeping pills!
  10. Fox
    April 7 2013 08: 34
    Vlasov and Karbyshev should not be compared. Each of them was faithful to their homeland. Only with Karbyshev we had our own, and Vlasov and his disadvantages had their own, where their asses would be warm. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them now.
  11. +2
    April 7 2013 08: 41
    "... Any people, like the state, can develop when everyone is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of the public good. And vice versa: if society breaks up into greedy individuals, nothing good happens and cannot be ..."
    "... A society of greedy egoists was formed, who indulged in all sorts of vices, refused to serve in the army, where barbarians were forced to recruit. As a result, they destroyed the Roman Empire itself ..."
    Our society today and guest workers, agrees with the author.
  12. +6
    April 7 2013 09: 05
    The article is correct. But, talking with high school students, I learn that they do not know Maresyev, Kosmodemyanskaya, and other heroes. Not in the program. But they are studying "crimes of the Soviet period."
    1. Belogor
      April 7 2013 09: 51
      nothing surprising, because history textbooks were written for grants from Soros and other "common people" As the ancients said: Money does not smell "So it was written under the customer.
      1. +2
        April 7 2013 10: 15
        Quote: Belogor
        Now here we are reaping the fruits of enlightenment.

        And this is the most disturbing thing! I agree with everyone who believes that fostering patriotism and telling children about real heroes should be done first and foremost at home. Well, sober patriotic teachers have not yet died out at school. you should always remember that children now make up 25% of the population, but in 10-15 years this is already 75% of the country's population. And now it depends only on us which way they will stand. Will they defend their Motherland or will they run for a "sweet piece".
        1. Beck
          April 7 2013 13: 39
          Quote: Egoza
          Now we are reaping the fruits of enlightenment. And this is the most alarming! I agree with everyone who believes that to bring up patriotism and tell children about real heroes, it is necessary first of all, at home.

          I do not argue education and propaganda have some place in heroism and betrayal, but very insignificant. It can strengthen the existing inside positively, but not erase the negative. That is, what is inherent in the genes will be, and at least re-educate.

          Example. Moron. Not by nickname, but by gene trait. So, teach and retrain the moron, he will never become a professor anyway. His genes will not allow him, he will remain a medical moron. And if cowardice is inherent in genes, namely, it leads to betrayal, then these genes of cowardice will not change any propaganda and education. In peacetime, the coward will not stand out from the crowd, and will even zealously repeat the words of patriotism, but in a critical situation, genes will take their toll. Of course, this does not mean that the topic of patriotism should be removed from the schoolchildren.

          Sorry, but some are sliding to senile grumbling. They say that these are today's youth, and the waves at sea, now not those waves, were crushed. Now in our time, waves were so waves. With such a formulation of the question, mankind would have died out long ago. After all, old people spoke similar words in a cave, and in ancient centuries, and in early centuries, and in the Middle Ages, and in the 20th century. And mankind not only did not die out, but multiplied and went far ahead in its development.

          I repeat. There have always been in the history of mankind Heroes and cowards with traitors, will be in the future. This is the human gene essence.
  13. +4
    April 7 2013 09: 48
    Why is it painted in the vest of Yevgeny Rodionov? He is a border guard. Who wants to know more about him, watch a movie of 100 steps to heaven on a tube. The story of a guy from an ordinary family, not rich like most of these families in Russia. Especially how his mother was looking for and what suffering accompanied her along the way. Itself almost died looking for at least a body. Even the guy’s body was given away only for money.
  14. +5
    April 7 2013 10: 00
    Some of the wise said: "to destroy the country, it is enough to make the professions of a plowman, a blacksmith and a warrior despised."
    And what would revive the country ???. I'm afraid to be a banal retrograde, but also service in the army is a school that, even if sometimes not competently and clumsily, still shows what is good and what is bad in life of a person and a country. Not for nothing during "glasnost" (the army) they tried to cheat. And as for the plowman and the blacksmith ... so in fact "a medal for a battle, a medal for labor is cast from one metal. Here is a set of quotes, but the idea, I think, is clear.
      April 7 2013 11: 21
      It is necessary to introduce the ideology of justice, honesty, love for the motherland and the TRUTH !!!
      April 7 2013 11: 25
      It is necessary to introduce ideology, justice, honesty, love for the motherland and the TRUTH !!!
  15. +1
    April 7 2013 10: 18
    Good article. I think that you should not close all the abomination. I believe that it is worth learning from her example, to develop resistance to its influence, type vaccination. What would he himself understood and could explain to others reasonably. And for this we need a powerful ideology that would flexibly respond to changes in the outside world.
  16. +1
    April 7 2013 11: 01
    There have always been HEROES and traitors in Russia, but our people are famous for HEROES from the foundation of our country to this day !!! Russia is our sacred power, Russia is our beloved country, mighty will, great glory !!!
    1. +1
      April 7 2013 13: 48

      "I do not see a single case in which Russia could resort to its nuclear potential while the American banks have $ 500 billion belonging to the Russian elite. You will still figure out whose elite is yours or ours."
      Zbigniew Brzezinski

      So who are they? HEROES OR TRADERS?
  17. Alexan
    April 7 2013 11: 05
    The issue of betrayal in captivity is rather controversial. Taking sides with the enemy is a true betrayal, and it is a matter of time and the ability of the executioners to reveal the secret. There were examples when a man who had gone through the torture chambers of the Gestapo with dignity broke down in the NKVD. A peculiar approach in the Israeli army: captured - save yourself even at the cost of giving away all the secrets and this is at the legislative level. Vlasov was broken not with a "whip", but with a "carrot", playing on his ambitions. This is the embodiment of baseness. Gorbachev is an absolute analogy. And the fact that the ruler keeps near him obvious enemies (Chubais, Serdyukovs, etc.) means they know something about him ...
    1. Beck
      April 7 2013 12: 05
      Quote: Alexan
      There were examples when a person who went through the dungeons of the Gestapo with dignity broke down in the NKVD.

      This may also indicate that the NKVD used more sophisticated and harsh methods of interrogation.
      1. +4
        April 7 2013 14: 49
        I think this is something else. In captivity, the Germans broke it - the enemies, and in the NKVD they broke it - "SVOI".
  18. Alexan
    April 7 2013 11: 05
    The issue of betrayal in captivity is rather controversial. Taking sides with the enemy is a true betrayal, and it is a matter of time and the ability of the executioners to reveal the secret. There were examples when a man who had gone through the torture chambers of the Gestapo with dignity broke down in the NKVD. A peculiar approach in the Israeli army: captured - save yourself even at the cost of giving away all the secrets and this is at the legislative level. Vlasov was broken not with a "whip", but with a "carrot", playing on his ambitions. This is the embodiment of baseness. Gorbachev is an absolute analogy. And the fact that the ruler keeps near him obvious enemies (Chubais, Serdyukovs, etc.) means they know something about him ...
  19. 0
    April 7 2013 11: 56
    Check the comment.
  20. WWW.budanov
    April 7 2013 11: 59
    GOOD article! The main idea to stand up and EDUCATION: "They are formed and brought up - by parents, society. Each of us has good and bad. The task of upbringing, of the entire information space that is created in the state, is to maximize the good and the positive ..." BUT, don't need ROME: "The most valuable thing in Rome is the valor of his sons."
    Using this example from antiquity, it is possible and necessary to educate modern youth ... "
    There was still not enough for the children to sit on the "Hollywood Hercules" - with their "mentality". We have Gogol's films about "Taras Bulba" - THAT really is where your words are strong: "There have never been indulgences in the Orthodox tradition. It is even impossible to imagine getting absolution for money.
    ... the valor of their sons, who are ready to give their lives for their home ... "- AND THE ARTICLE would become a CHARGE!
    And yet Thanks to the author!
    (old teacher)
    1. Beck
      April 7 2013 12: 33
      Quote: WWW.budanov
      “The most valuable thing in Rome is the valor of his sons”

      Well, this phrase only applies to the Romans in the Republican era. Starting from the imperial era, from Caesar onwards, the Romans stopped serving in the army altogether. By the end of the 1st century, the Roman army was entirely mercenary and from anyone. Even the commanders of the legions were not all Romans. Therefore, the "soldier emperors", from 235 to 285, nominated by the legions, were not Romans. And the last emperor of Rome, the boy Romulus Augustulus, was not a Roman, but the son of the commander-in-chief of the Roman army in Galia - Orestes, a native of Panonia, who at one time was the secretary of Attila.

      While not serving the Romans, they became weak, lost their fighting spirit, courage, and did not even want to organize resistance to the mercenary of the Roman army to the German Odoacre, who also commanded the mercenaries of the Germans.
  21. +2
    April 7 2013 12: 08
    Undoubtedly upbringing, ideology, education, history, media, etc. all this is very important, but ... I often think, we all studied in the same schools, played war in childhood in the same courtyards, served as an adult in the SA, studied at institutes, worked ... But why so many people educated and raised in one society, Gorbachev supported, whence so many crooks, thieves and murderers suddenly came out, why so many people, like miners on a humpbacked bridge at one time, you shouted not to touch Yeltsin us ?! And who is now going to Bolotnaya ?!
    Fear is a completely normal phenomenon, this phenomenon is characteristic of man. Fear is a great thing, as my mentor at MUR said, in that sense. that it forms an intuitive sense of danger that helps the operation. A brave man is not the one who is not afraid, but the one who is able to get together in a critical situation, overcome animal fear inhibiting other reflexes, assess the situation, take the right position, act according to the situation ... It was like this in the Caucasus when our convoy was ambushed if at least part fighters quickly recovering from the initial shock began to act clearly and competently.
    I think in addition to ideology and education, there is something else ... I don’t know, can it really be at the genetic level? The world in which we live is rich in all kinds of colors and shades. Light and darkness, black and white, accompany the whole history of mankind, like a struggle between good and evil!
    I have a friend, a priest, and we often argue with him over a glass of tea. I say that the church should play a big role in society and the state, in preserving the state as such, because Orthodoxy has never raised slaves calling on the sons of the motherland to defend their homeland in bad times. My friend thinks. that a person must make his own choice.
    1. +2
      April 7 2013 14: 53
      Your friend, it seems to me, is right. Everyone must choose the path on which to go. And about the church today ... As long as the church joins God for money (baptism) and moreover directs the soul to him (funeral), for me it cannot be authority.
      1. Beck
        April 7 2013 15: 20
        Quote: Olegovi4
        Everyone must choose the path on which to go. And about the church today ... As long as the church joins God for money (baptism) and moreover directs the soul to him (funeral), for me it cannot be authority.

        I agree with the only slogan of the Communists - "Religion is the opium of the people."

        All people on Earth are the same. The color of skin, hair, moles, bald spots, the shape of the nose or ears is 0,5 percent of the gene differences. The remaining 99,5 percent of the genes are the same for all. And the aspirations of all people are the same - tomorrow it’s better to live than yesterday.

        What today separates people? These are remnants of nationalism, and most importantly, religion. It is religion that subdivides people into castes with all the prejudices and rejections that follow from this.

        WE are like that. But they are not Christians, they are not Muslims, they are not Buddhists, they are not Catholics, they are not Orthodox, they are not Protestants, they are not Baptists, they are not Sunni, they are not Shiites, they are not Wahhabis. THEY ARE NOT OUR.

        What can separate the same people before blood? Only religion. For the sake of their religion, the Indians of Central America sacrificed people. Irish Protestants and Irish Catholics killed each other, until recently, wherever necessary. Sunni Arabs and Shiite Arabs of Iraq blow up each other at every opportunity. Well, and how many curses each denomination sent to each other, for all the times, no computer will count, freeze and chop off.
  22. 0
    April 7 2013 12: 55
    the article is excellent. The author is a big plus !!!
  23. +2
    April 7 2013 14: 42
    but betrayal of their own culture
    On June 27, 2012 in Kropotkin, the Caucasus region of Krasnodar Krai, Sergei Yesenin Street was renamed Murat Akhejak Street, who was deputy governor of Tkachev, Akhejak headed the United Russia regional election headquarters in the State Duma elections in 2007 and Dmitry Medvedev in the presidential election 2008 year.
  24. gorkoxnumx
    April 7 2013 15: 14
    Well hello the proud son of Chechnya, the Eagle of the unconquered blue mountains Well, why are you lying at my feet And the tears of your fear fog your eyes Well, where is your bravado the mountain leopard With whom you are in the crowd of the same dogs You have cut with your dagger many times Helpless snotty boys You will not touch me with your tear I just remember the light of Ryazan’s eyes of the Youth, he cut his throat laughing joyfully with his friends, But I won’t bother my hands. The law will determine your miserable age. You think you’re a wolf, my mother, I’m born a woman, I’m a man
  25. redwar6
    April 7 2013 15: 37
    The honor-distinguishing feature of any officer, at least I was raised this way, I hope most of the officers think so ..
  26. 0
    April 7 2013 17: 15
    Yes, redwar, as most Russian officers think. I know and can say so.
    As for the church and the administration of church rites for money, I think it’s not worth talking about it with sarcasm, down. Come and donate if you think it is necessary for others, and especially for yourself.
    The church is legally separated from the state, but is actually located in it and cannot be free from the laws of society. Unfortunately, you have to pay for a lot of necessary things, not only with good deeds, but also with the ruble.
    1. 0
      April 7 2013 17: 25
      It was not sarcasm. I wrote about this with regret. It turns out that by paying money for baptism I sell my soul. Isn't that awful. And where does society, the state, and so on. Donations and a fixed fee for joining the Almighty are completely different things. It’s as if he came to the store for bread ...
  27. +2
    April 7 2013 17: 38
    Quote: TUMAN
    You are conducting a certain subversive work directed against Russia and the Slavs as a whole!

    Dear, Beck expresses his opinion on the events, I agree with him in principle, everyone has their own nuances, in Kazakhstan everyone can express their opinion, regardless of accusations of "subversive work". And a Slav or an Asian ... here Kazakhs, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Uighurs, Koreans and 30-40 other nationalities live more amicably than you - Russians with Russians, I swore an oath to the USSR, and if anything happened, I would go to give my life for Kazakhstan, since this is the territory of the former USSR, this is my Motherland, no one drives me out of here, your Putin and our Nazarbayev are pursuing a policy against traitors from Belovezhskaya Pushcha, trying to follow the referendum on the preservation of the Union, maybe belatedly, crookedly, but they are trying ... IMHO ... just a purely personal opinion about "betrayal and subversive work" ...
    1. 0
      April 7 2013 19: 39
      Well said. There is also such a concept of "HONOR", and there are people who understand the meaning of this word.
  28. +3
    April 7 2013 18: 20
    And by the way, the NATO soldiers have no such example as the martyrdom of Zhenya Rodionov.
  29. +1
    April 7 2013 19: 00
    A blessed memory to those who have not betrayed their homeland and faith.
  30. irka_65. irina
    April 7 2013 19: 27
    Great article. Timely. good
  31. 0
    April 7 2013 20: 01
    the main goal is to fight malicious media that are actively affecting our people, but it’s worth watching 8 federal top channels and what they see there every day ... it’s immediately clear who and how is trying to inspire us with the Western model