Kazakh secret of survival. Historical lessons

In ideas of own stories all peoples have stereotypes that are specific and common to all, and even historians of scholars do not often argue with them. On the contrary, the main part of the same historians, as well as writers or directors, diligently continues to develop familiar cliches, no matter how they contradict sources and common sense.

This has always been the case, since historiography has been used by the state since its inception for ideological propaganda. As Jerome K. Jerome remarked on this, "in war, the soldiers of every country are always the bravest in the world. The soldiers of a hostile country are always treacherous and treacherous - that is why they sometimes win."

Every nation has its own specific themes, revolving around the idea of ​​its own exclusivity about the past successes of the nation or, conversely, about its troubles.

For the Kazakhs, the attitude towards their own history is more inherent as the greatest tragedy on a planetary scale. "Men - Kazakupyn mykіlіp, weң tіrіlgen" ("I am Kazakh, who died and resurrected a thousand times") and "Tozaңtyk ңzіnen aman-sau қalyppyz" ("We survived in hell") - these are the nails on which Kazakh historiography hangs.

But the trouble lies in the fact that this woeful picture is not too closely tied to known historical information. In fact, the same Dzungars or Kalmyks, which in Russian historiography are portrayed as eternal, merciless and bloodthirsty offenders, the Kazakhs never organized such battles ascribed to them. But the fact that the descendants of the terrible Oirats scattered throughout the territory of various countries are now so small and virtually devoid of their own statehood, the Kazakhs played a huge, one might even say, decisive role.

Similar needs to be compared with similar, and it should be noted that, for example, at the beginning of the XVIII century, the Kazakhs as a people were comparable to the neighboring nomadic peoples like the Dzungars, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz. The number of all these peoples ranged from 50 to 500 thousand people. Thus, according to Russian documents (of course, very approximately), the number of Kyrgyz was from 80 to 120 thousand people, Bashkir - 80-100 thousand, Karakalpak - 60-80 thousand, Kalmyks - 120-160 thousand people, Kazakhs - 300-XNXX , Dzungar - 400-400 thousand. By modern standards, these ethnic groups would be included in the group of endangered, but for that time it was a good number, allowing the people to hope for the continuation of its history.

However, by the end of the XIX century, the picture changed in a very significant way. The number of Kyrgyz in Russia was about 200 thousand people, Kalmyks - 190 thousand, Karakalpaks - 100 thousand. Several tens of thousands of descendants of the Dzungars, who mingled with the Khalkha-Mongols and the descendants of the Kalmyk fugitives 1771, lived in the territory of the Qing Empire. But the Kazakhs at that time only within the Russian Empire numbered about 4 million people. That is, the number of Kazakhs in less than two centuries has increased at least 10 times!

In this regard, they can be compared only with the Bashkirs, whose number grew at the same pace and in 1897 amounted to about 1 million 300 thousand people. But, alas, the Bashkirs failed to maintain these rates in the future. At present, their number in Russia is only about one and a half million people and has been declining in recent years.

And we must also take into account the colossal territorial acquisitions made by the Kazakhs in the 18th century! The territory controlled by the Kazakh tribes at the beginning of the same century, from west to east, was limited to the space from Emba to Sarysu (and part of the Syr Darya was occupied by Karakalpaks). Jungars roamed in Zhetysu and Sary-Ark, and on the territory of modern western regions, Bashkirs and Kalmyks considered themselves the absolute masters. But the Kazakhs, having managed to turn the tide in their favor, during the same 18th century managed to recapture land and occupied a colossal territory. Moreover, even the Russian authorities, subsequently occupying part of the northern Kazakh nomads, in turn allocated to the Kazakhs territory on the right bank of the Urals and the right bank of the Irtysh. And it does not interfere to recall that the Qing authorities simply did not have enough forces to absorb the northeastern Dzungarian lands, which the Kazakhs occupied without prior arrangement, on the basis of which the rights to them were subsequently claimed by the Russian throne.

In general, contact with the European civilization that absolutely dominated on the planet at that time on the planet had a very sad effect on the peoples who were, as they say, in the stage of tribalism. And it was not always the military superiority of the regular European troops. Diverse communities of natives and Aboriginal people disintegrated, primarily due to the internal shocks caused by the cultural influence of the “pale faces”. The former institutions broke down and went into oblivion because of their irrelevance, and nothing new appeared in their place. As a result, the processes of degradation and extinction of entire ethnic groups began.

Some researchers have predicted a similar future for the Kazakhs. So, for example, A. Kharuzin wrote: "No matter how sad it is, but one has to say that the Kirghiz (i.e. the Kazakhs - R. T.) will probably follow the general path of extinction of foreigners ... They will not die to the blind “law of extinction of foreigners,” but due to the living conditions that they first had been torn off from the old order and brought together with another alien, then put them in competition with other ethnic groups having more ancient cultural traditions behind them — everyone who did not merge with the element or Russian or Tatar ".

However, as is known, the Kazakhs not only did not die out, but also managed to adapt to new circumstances. In this regard, the authors of ethnographic works almost unanimously noted the sharp difference between the Kazakhs and other nomadic ethnic groups. For example, V. V. Radlov pointed out: "The Kirghiz differ sharply from the nomadic Türks of the Altai, and in their way of life and thinking they are at a higher level." In turn, L. Meyer, speaking of the Kazakhs, noted that "from the mental side, they compare favorably with other Asian people; the sciences are quite accessible to them, they are especially easy to understand the analytical way of presentation; however, quite extensive mental abilities are often found between them to understand such synthetic inferences that could never have been supposed available to underdeveloped people. "

Of course, these remarks were rather politically incorrect from the point of view of the present day, and, by the way, the conclusions from this were made appropriate. So, K. K. Kraft, noting that in former times the Kazakhs in their raids were taking captive many Russians, asked such questions: “Isn't this a mixture of the blood of the highest race with the blood of the natives, you should see one of the reasons that the Kyrgyz people does not suffer the fate of many ethnic tribes who are even in the best conditions - extinction, but reveals vitality, vitality and the desire for higher culture? Isn’t this refreshment of the blood one of the reasons that the Kyrgyz would freely and skillfully transfer to in becoming one level, and sometimes ahead of aboriginal farmers - Russian colonizers? ".

Of course, one should not strictly judge a researcher who left us a lot of important and valuable information about the history and culture of the Kazakh people. Moreover, at least he asked about the nature of Kazakh success, which even many of our historians, philosophers or writers cannot continue to conceive, who continue to mourn the ancestors' sufferings.

Meanwhile, historical sources still harbor a lot of not-meaningful information about the past of the Kazakhs. It is these facts that are not publicized that explain how, for example, the Kazakhs managed to achieve hegemony on the territory of modern Kazakhstan. The first and main secret of the Kazakh military victories (contrary to the usual ideas, wandering from one author to another) was the fact that the Kazakhs mastered firearms weapon the first of the nomads of the region. It was with the use of firearms that the loudest victory over the Dzungars in 1643 was associated, when the entire 600 Kazakh soldiers managed to stop the 50-thousandth Dzungar army in the mountain pass.

Subsequently, the Dzungars also began to use the “fiery battle” and even took the lead by mastering the production technology of artillery, but the rest of the nomadic peoples who were opposed to the Kazakhs could not bear with them in this component. So, in the course of frequent in 20-s. XVIII century. Kazakh-Kalmyk clashes Astrakhan governor APVolynsky noted that "Kalmyks, of course, can disappear if so much kasaki go on them, they are so timid in front of Kasaka, for example, where 5 or 6 are five, and Kalmyks are five or by six thousand, they cannot resist them, because kasaki have more squeals than bows. " In turn, AI Tevkelev noted that the Kazakhs “use little saidak, and the war has most of the fiery gun without locks with wicks. Bashkirs in a military case use only one saidaq with bows, and there is no Nikakov fire gun”.

But the victory of the people is forged, of course, not only and not so much on the battlefields. Another extremely important factor in the conditions of a sharply continental climate and regular, like the current financial crises, jutes (incidentally, by the way, in accordance with folk omen, most often in the year of the hare) was a unique system of Kazakh mutual support. As Ch. Ch. Valikhanov wrote, “besides innate sensitivity, kaysak makes compassionate a fear understandable to everyone today or tomorrow to impoverish itself through ram or case so frequent in the steppe. Mutual assistance to each other provided by kaisaks in the latter case is worthy of imitation and an enlightened European. "

In general, mutual assistance for nomads has always been characteristic, we can recall the laws of the same Genghis Khan, where great attention was paid to this issue, but the Kazakhs were more jealous about these principles until the transition to a half-tired and sedentary lifestyle. By the way, one of the greatly inflated myths is the idea of ​​the extraordinary fragmentation of the Kazakhs. Of course, the Chingizid clans permanently challenged the power of each other, and the tribes competed for the nomads, but mostly the case was limited only to Barymty, and even individual killings caused a huge resonance. But the matter did not reach the bitter mutual extermination, as in the case of the Dzungars or the Nogays. So, A.I. Tevkelev, commenting on the possibility of using the Kazakhs of the Younger Zhuz against the Middle Zhuz, if necessary, noted that "the Kirghiz with the Kirghiz will not be chopped, and such a Kirghiz horde will all remain worthless."

Another very important circumstance that influenced the course of history was the social system itself, where freedom was considered the main value. Historians usually mention this in a negative context, considering that the absence of a strong centralized state and the endless feuds of tribal nobility and Chingizids among themselves prevented the development of a single course for the ethnic group. For example, P.S. Pallas said: “Numerous Kyrgyz people live in unlimited liberty in comparison with Kalmyks, who have so many small lords over themselves. Every Kyrgyz lives as a free lord, and therefore the Kyrgyz are not as terrible as other enemies ".

However, iron discipline and strict obedience to the authorities, often bringing success to the Oirat on the battlefield, eventually led to a national catastrophe in 1771, when the Kalmyks unanimously supported the adventure of their rulers to move to China. And for example, Yu. Kostenko, who devoted his work to the study of this displacement, spoke of these fundamental differences as follows: "In Kalmyks ignorance, poverty and the absence of any freedom in the life of the people naturally forced them to complete dependence and unconditional obedience to their owners. Such a passive obedience is not seen in other nomadic peoples, such as Kirgiz who are distinguished by their love of freedom; Kalmyks have this characteristic trait, which is why we pay attention to it. "

In general, among Kazakh rulers such adventurous plans also often arose. For example, the leaders of the Younger Zhuz in the same 18th century had long been carrying out the possibility of moving to the Kuban and uniting with the Nogai. But it was impossible to implement such projects due to the resistance of the masses.

The Kazakhs had very peculiar relations with the Russian authorities. Other nations that were on the path of an ever-expanding empire usually chose either the path of struggle and, like the Circassians, suffered huge losses, or completely obeyed and accepted the new rules of the game, which also had a destructive effect on ethnicity. However, the Kazakhs, voluntarily recognizing themselves as Russian subjects, for almost a hundred years remained de facto independent. And after the liquidation of the khan's power up to the end of the 60's. XIX century, in the steppe continued to maintain a very high level of self-government.

First, of course, purely economic circumstances contributed to this. From the middle of the XVIIIth, the Kazakhs became the largest suppliers of livestock to the Russian markets, and this trade was extremely profitable for the Russian merchants. At the same time, the Kazakhs became consumers of a huge amount of Russian goods that were not of interest to the same Europe. Therefore, some representatives of the Russian authorities by all means interfered with the transition of the Kazakhs to a sedentary lifestyle, believing that they are valuable for the empire only as cattle breeders. A. I. Levshin in connection with this exclaimed: "Is the benefit gained by Russia from establishing ties with the Cossack hordes to be questioned? What other people would give us in the same large number of works that we exchange now with them? And who would take from us all those goods that we now release to them? "

Secondly, the low-water Kazakh steppes, semi-deserts and deserts did not allow the Russian military to turn especially even when the highest permits came from St. Petersburg to “adequately punish the Kirghiz people for their insolence.” As soon as the troops only came out of the Line, the steppe telegraph began its work, and the auls of the nomads took off from the spot and went into the steppes, where the troops did not risk going, because it was pumped very badly, which was most clearly demonstrated by Major General MM’s march. Traubenberg in 1771 and the campaign of Count V. A. Perovsky in 1839.

Thirdly, the same territory for the most part was not suitable for farming. True, after the abolition of serfdom in Russia, the resettlement of peasants to Kazakhstan acquired a fairly wide range, but these migrants were mostly limited to only a few regions, and the Kazakhs continued to wander in most of the rest of the territory.

Islam played a huge role in the Kazakh rise. The peoples who professed "pagan" religions, as a rule, very quickly gave up before the sermons of Christian missionaries and abandoned the old cults, after which assimilation began. The Muslim ideology, despite the general crisis in the countries of Islam, was able to withstand the cultural pressure of Orthodoxy.

It is also necessary to mention the purely practical benefits of Islam for the Kazakhs. In this regard, hygiene requirements in Islam were of particular importance. Of course, nomadic livestock raising does not in itself contribute to the maintenance of particular cleanliness in everyday life, but in comparison with other nomads who lived in monstrously unsanitary conditions, the Kazakhs looked in a more advantageous light. Thus, describing the Kazakh way of life, P.S. Pallas noted: "Kyrgyz, as usual, other Asian steppe peoples live in felt kibits, which differ from Kalmyk only because they usually are much bigger and cleaner, so XBUMX is more 20 a person can sit. In general, Kyrgyz people observe purity much more than Kalmyks in everything. "

Perhaps even more important was the prohibition of the Koran to consume alcoholic beverages. As you know, "fire water" was the cause of the degradation of many peoples and tribes of Siberia and North America, to which the Kazakhs are very close in genetic terms.

At the same time, the flexibility and sensitivity of the Kazakhs (which many consider to be spineless and an indicator of the lack of national pride) enabled them to master trade, crafts, agriculture, fisheries, and working professions as soon as possible. Already at the end of the 19th century, a small but completely brilliant layer of the national intelligentsia was formed.

These successes of the people, quite recently, in the eyes of the Europeans who did not differ from other "nomadic Tatars", aroused great interest among many researchers, who sometimes gave, perhaps, even too exaggerated a positive assessment of this process. This is especially true of such prominent scientists as V. V. Radlov and V. V. Grigoriev, who described Kazakh society in many respects from idealistic positions. But such was the impact of the impression of the actual reincarnation of the Kazakh people that was happening in their eyes.

Of course, there is no point in drawing the history of the Kazakhs only in iridescent colors. The first half of the 20th century has truly become an era of horror. The uprising of 1916, the Civil War, the famine of 1919-1920, the dispossession of kulaks, collectivization, repression, the Great Patriotic War together dealt a severe blow to the gene pool of the nation. The contribution that proceeded both naturally and consciously carried out Russification, during which part of the Kazakhs was assimilated by the “elder brother”, also made its contribution.

But after all, the Kazakhs managed to overcome this series of trials and not only survive and survive, but become one of the big ethnic groups in the post-Soviet space and gain statehood. Accordingly, in this regard, emphasis can be placed not only on the tragic aspects, but also to understand that during this period, the Kazakh ethnic group as a system successfully passed the test of strength, and this is also a victory to be proud of. With this, the Kazakhs once again confirmed their right to a place under the sun in this cruel world.

Therefore, in order to understand one’s own way, it is not necessary to travel across the seas and study the history of peoples who developed in a completely different time and space, when the experience of their own fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers is not yet fully understood and appreciated. Indeed, Kazakhs still face very serious challenges, which must be answered as well as their ancestors.
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21 comment
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  1. +8
    27 March 2013 15: 36
    If a Kazakh friend .. then this is a true friend, if the enemy then fear him as a fierce enemy.
    Such a nation is not an institution.
    1. +1
      27 March 2013 15: 46
      About the same thing a representative of any nation can say about his own. Do not make nationality decisive.
      1. +6
        27 March 2013 16: 23
        I have nothing against any nation, but the chronology of events after the collapse of the Union suggests that some fraternal republics, as soon as they encountered difficulties, started wagging here and there like a twig swayed by the wind.
        Well, you can’t say anything about Kazakhstan ... I wanted to say that.
        PS this is my personal opinion.
        1. 0
          27 March 2013 17: 30
          It’s not the republics wagging, but their leaders. Kazakhstan was lucky with Nazarbayev, Belarusians with Lukashenko. In Belarus, before Lukashenko, Shushkevich was, also wagging was observed ...
          1. Marek Rozny
            28 March 2013 11: 41
            we say: "Not only the people were lucky with Nazarbayev, but also Nazarbayev with the people."
        2. malikszh
          April 5 2013 21: 43
          Nobody recognizes our choice except Russia, but Nazarbayev has to be with Russia, we still have 50% Russian-speaking in our KZ, 70% of our borders are on Russia, all oil and gas leaving Russia is the answer to why the KZ is in Russia.
  2. +1
    27 March 2013 17: 43
    The moment about Kazakh farmers Radik was the best. =)
    1. Marek Rozny
      28 March 2013 11: 40
      Kazakhs were engaged in agriculture, albeit on a small scale.
      1. -4
        28 March 2013 16: 20
        Exactly that in small ones. Better to say, negligible.
        1. Marek Rozny
          April 9 2013 03: 24
          in sufficient quantity for the Kazakhs. no baursak can replace meat. and if they did not have enough of their own supplies, then they bought from the Sarts (later from the Russians). The Kazakh will not eat "bread and water" (by the way, the Kazakhs practically did not even use water), the Kazakh eats "meat and milk drinks". And everything else (grain / flour, rice, a minimum of vegetables, spices) - little is required for the Kazakh table. And what's the point of doing large-scale agriculture in the blown Steppe? Our steppe is generally poorly sharpened for agriculture. These are natural pastures in the first place.
          We don’t laugh at the fact that all of Russia bought in huge quantities until 1917 meat from the Kazakh steppe. In the European part of Russia there are no such nutritious and huge pastures for livestock. Why malice? Every year in the empire, millions of cattle (sheep and horses) from Kazakhstan went through Siberian and Ural cities to European Russia and even to Europe.
  3. +6
    27 March 2013 19: 19
    Something often began to be written on VO about Kazakhstan and Kazakhs. Why?
    1. Marek Rozny
      28 March 2013 11: 27
      unite. there are moments in our history that it is time to dissect, study meticulously and dot the i's. the better we know each other's history and culture, the stronger the new Union will be.
  4. -5
    27 March 2013 23: 12
    In general, Radik, this is not the most interesting thing that I read from Kazakh "historians".

    Much more the template was torn by the material that Richard the Lionheart is the son of the Kazakh people, well, Adam and Eve were Kazakhs (although the truth is the same here, the current is the opposite). =)
    1. Marek Rozny
      28 March 2013 11: 37
      Temirgaliev - adequately writes. And about Richard and other dregs, some shibzdiki wrote in the early 90's. And such crap was only Russian interesting to show the Kazakhs in the role of unfortunate historians and boobies. Not a single Kazakh considers Richard a Kazakh. And about Adam and Eve - this is a popular Kazakh joke. It is not worth putting Kazakh jokes in the form of our official historical vision. We don’t take your jokes about Shtirlits, Rzhevsky and Chapaev, and we don’t say that Russians think of history like that. Be reasonable too.
      1. +3
        28 March 2013 22: 47
        Old man, you tell me in vain. I was born and raised in KZ. I know very well who you are and what you are. But any people have wonderful people.

        From the undeniable moments of the article, this - KZ is very lucky with the NAS. Which, in general, confirms the words that the Kazakhs are not a stupid people.

        From myself - KZ, it was just enchantingly lucky with tons of loot in the form of oil.
        Therefore, when you equate yourself with a state like Belarus, you are very flattering yourself.

        The historian does not pour slop on the history of his people, this is good.
        Otherwise, I'm generally just for =). Be even better. =) Write wrote, now do it.
        1. -1
          30 March 2013 00: 35
          Quote: WooDoo
          Of the indisputable moments of the article, this is a short-circuit very lucky with the NAS.
          Kazakhs are not stupid people .... Be even better.

          I read the article several times ... where is there about the NAS ??

          Well, you are not so stupid too ..
          Same to you...
          1. -2
            30 March 2013 22: 35
            One of the "secrets" of survival in the article is the mind of the people.
            The NAS is an ambiguous politician (like any other), but it provides stability and development of Kazakhstan. Every nation has the ruler that it deserves. If we look at the rest of the Central Asian neighbors, then, alas, everything is sadder there. Continue to continue?
            1. +1
              30 March 2013 23: 17
              Quote: WooDoo
              If we look at the rest of the Central Asian neighbors, then, alas, everything is sadder there. Continue to continue?

              Of course, it's always interesting to me, at least ... "opinion from across the river .."
        2. Marek Rozny
          April 9 2013 03: 49
          Uzbeks have a huge amount of gold (and there is oil in Karakalpakstan). Nigeria also has a lot of oil. In South Africa, diamonds and other nishtyaki. In Belarus - forest, salt. In short, the presence of natural resources does not guarantee the prosperity of the state. The Kazakhs would not have oil, they would have focused on uranium, grain, meat and so on. Do West and China Need Oil? Let them buy while prices are high. When the oil runs out, the world will not die, but will use alternative sources of energy and chemistry. And with this money we will create by that time a base for the production of those very sources of energy. This is our declared national economic goal for the next decades.
          Previously, peace could be conquered on a horse, but now peace can be conquered by defeating everyone in the economic sphere. We will do it. At least as part of the EAC, even without Russia. With Russia (and other republics) - we’ll conquer the world faster. At least the mainland.
          We have already become the leaders in uranium. Let's talk Ukraine and three of us will create a "Grain Pool". Etc. We have to own what will always be needed - food, energy, basic key materials. And let them make spaghetti from our flour and rivet BMWs from our materials. Moreover, we will have a "technological reserve" for the production of spaghetti and cars according to their recipe. There will be graters - we will organize the production of what we need without them, the main thing is to transfer the necessary technologies to us from there on time and generate our own. But without our basic products they will be spinning like a frying pan, if that.
    2. 0
      30 March 2013 00: 26
      In general, Radik, this is not the most interesting thing that I read from Kazakh "historians".

      Well, in Kazakhstan in general, they try to keep up with the mainstream and the Russian Federation ...
      And even in terms of idiocy ... You have Nosovsky, Fomenko, Rezun in the end ... By the way, who wrote there about the Russians from Atlantis ?? !! Well, it is useless for us then, to lag behind Russian "historians"
      1. -2
        30 March 2013 22: 55
        One of the "secrets" of the survival of the Kazakh people is agriculture. This is an obvious fake (I think you know this very well).
        The "historian" did not hesitate to insert this moment into his work.
        Alas, to Fomenko-Nosovsky, and Rezun (although, unlike the author of this article, he is not even a patriot), he is like a moon-walk.

        Keep up with the mainstream?
        Come on, not everything is so bad. Kazakhstan has gone through some stages of its development 5-10 years faster than Russia or Ukraine itself. Such facts, in my opinion, are really a reason for pride.
  5. 0
    27 March 2013 23: 46
    History is not driven by a class struggle, but is determined by the struggle of developing ethnic groups. And woe to the one who has lost will, passion, desire to go "to the last sea."
    Whatever the Kazakhs thought of themselves there, but at the turn of the 13-15th centuries the heirs of the great people stopped, and the question of getting under the rink of history was only a matter of time.
    The Russian Empire (and then the USSR), a well-known cause, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Kalmyks will be blamed for everything conceivable and not conceivable, without appreciating that they have not lost their identity.
  6. -3
    28 March 2013 07: 15
    It turns out that there is no secret, and they survive no better than the Uzbeks ...
    By the way, the Uzbeks have an idiom denoting the extreme degree of stupidity: "What are you, Kazakh?"
  7. Marek Rozny
    28 March 2013 11: 25
    Temirgaliev is one of the few historians who writes interestingly, and at the same time relies on factual material. He does not slip into alternativeism, and at the same time he knows how to show the event from different angles, in contrast to dry academic history.
    The Kazakhs really before all in the region began to use firearms (and they themselves did) and this played an important role in the victory over the Dzungars and other Asian neighbors. Numerous Russian and European engravings of the 18-19th centuries almost always depict Kazakhs with guns, and Kalmyks, Bashkirs and others with a bow.
    It is correctly noted that the Kazakhs are a very monolithic nation and that "a Kazakh will not fight a Kazakh," although from the outside it seems that the tribal division of the steppe dwellers is a divisive factor. On the contrary, a clear knowledge of the clan system in breadth and depth to the seventh generation leads any Kazakh to the common truth - all Kazakhs are relatives to each other. The Kazakhs have never had civil wars in their entire history.
    To complete the picture, the article does not have enough extended information about Kazakh attacks on Kalmyks, Bashkirs, Sarts, Turkmens, Chinese (the Qing administration constantly complained to the Russian administration that the Kazakhs constantly invade their territory and subject the Chinese population to robberies and violence). Kazakhs even attacked the Volga German colonies. The tsarist government was usually powerless against the Kazakh lightning attacks on the bordering Russian populated points, and when the punitive detachment assembled to really poke deep into the Kazakh steppe, the Russians did not dare until the mid-19th century, although the line of Russian military bases was already located in almost all regions of the Kazakh steppe. But the Kazakhs' habit of attacking all neighbors quickly passed when trade with Russian cities flourished - millions of cattle annually went to the European part of the empire, providing the Kazakhs with the necessary import goods.
    By the time the Russian troops conquered the territory of present-day Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, the Kazakhs were already almost completely loyal to the Russian government and willingly volunteered for the imperial army to throw out their "militaristic itch" (especially since the Kazakhs never really liked Kokand, Khiva, Bukhara) ... Even the forced liquidation of the khan's power in Kazakhstan did not cause much resentment among the people. In peacetime, the Kazakhs never idolized their khans (it's another matter that during any war the Kazakhs closely rallied around the figure of the ruler). And only the clumsy policy of the tsarist administration regarding the implementation of the Stolypin program for the resettlement of landless peasants in the Kazakh steppe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries caused the well-known major armed conflict of 1916.
  8. 0
    29 March 2013 08: 28
    Quote: WooDoo
    In general, Radik, this is not the most interesting thing that I read from Kazakh "historians". The material about the fact that Richard the Lionheart is the son of the Kazakh people, well, Adam and Eve were Kazakhs (although this is just the truth, the current is the opposite), broke the template much more. =)

    Well, you know, I also read articles on this site about the fact that Russian civilization is 40-50 thousand years old, and even the Chinese took over the civilization from the Russians. In general, why did you mention the pearls about Adam and Eve, do you not like something specifically in this article?
  9. +4
    29 March 2013 08: 31
    Quote: Horn
    It turns out that there is no secret, and they survive no better than the Uzbeks ... By the way, the Uzbeks have an idiom denoting the extreme degree of stupidity: "What are you, Kazakh?"

    Just invented it yourself? Demonstrate extreme dullness.
  10. +2
    29 March 2013 08: 38
    Quote: Marek Rozny
    The article does not have enough to complete the picture of extended information about the Kazakh attacks on Kalmyks, Bashkirs, Sarts, Turkmen, Chinese

    Marek, Temigaliyev has a separate article on this subject, unfortunately I do not remember what is called.
  11. +1
    29 March 2013 08: 50
    Quote: WooDoo
    I know very well who you are and what you are. But any people have wonderful people.

    That is, you want to say, apart from a certain number of "wonderful people", all the rest are bad?
    1. -1
      29 March 2013 11: 58
      Why rush to extremes? Why aren't they good? Not beautiful, yes.
      The rest are what they are.
  12. +4
    29 March 2013 08: 57
    Quote: WooDoo
    Much more the template was torn by the material that Richard the Lionheart is the son of the Kazakh people, well, Adam and Eve were Kazakhs (although the truth is the same here, the current is the opposite). =)

    There are enough such "historians" in Russia too. I even read articles about the fact that the Russian civilization is 40-50 thousand years old and all other ancient civilizations have gone from it. It's not entirely clear why you mentioned such pearls here? Do you refer this article to the same stupid fairy tales? Why?
    1. -2
      29 March 2013 12: 15
      No, to stupid tales, I do not attribute it. Rather, I find it not objective enough, but I am not a historian, therefore I express my personal opinion. Above, I already unsubscribed on this occasion.
  13. I am I
    29 March 2013 14: 32
    like an article, erlan?
  14. 0
    28 October 2018 19: 16
    The article states that: /// ... the most notorious victory over the Dzungars in 1643 was connected with the use of firearms, when only 600 Kazakh soldiers managed to stop the 50th Dzungarian army in the mountain passage ///. I wonder who put this weapon to the Kazakhs?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"