Mystery feat Nikolai Sutyagin


That March 1951 day, pilots of the 303rd fighter aviation the divisions remember well - the news spread across the squadrons - an unusual order was received at the compound headquarters. He demanded to urgently dismantle the aircraft, put them in parts in boxes. In the Far East, in Primorye, it was still in full swing, the frost was about thirty degrees, and work with metal did not promise comfort. But the order is the order, and the pilots, techies began to disassemble the aircraft. Rumors went different. Some said that a division was to be redeployed. The second, opposing, believed that the aviators were still traveling by air, and not by land, because the assembled MIGs, they say, will be sold.

A month later, the pilots of the 17 th Fighter Aviation Regiment, among which was Senior Lieutenant Nikolai Sutyagin, declared an alarm. To the assembled in the headquarters they brought: in a day we were leaving for a trip to China. On the charges just nothing. Nikolai threw some rags into a suitcase, hugged his Raisa, who worked as a hardware technician in his team, four-year-old Galinka and - at the railway station. Soviet pilots met Mukden airfield. There is a new order: to collect planes, fly around them. In Mukden, it became clear to everyone that there would be fighting in Korea with American pilots - by the time the war on the peninsula was in full swing. At that time, the USSR did not formally participate in it, but actively assisted North Korea and China on its side. A little later, a decision was made in Moscow - until the mastering of Chinese and Korean pilots by MiG-15 planes, the task of covering the most important objects of North Korea and the PRC was entrusted to Soviet pilots.

In Mukden reached news from the Andun airfield bordering on Korea, that the pilots of the division of Ivan Kozhedub, who had arrived there from Moscow region a little earlier, are already fighting with the Americans. Soon the regiments of the 303 division (commanded by Major General Georgy Lobov at first, and when he headed the aviation corps created in China, Colonel Alexander Kumanichkin) departed for Andong.

Nikolai Sutyagin entered combat fights without swinging. 14 June is the first combat mission, and 19 June is 51, he opens the scoring air victories in the "jet" war. Moreover, the newest F-86 Saber fighter, which our pilots were afraid at first, is becoming its prey.

According to the basic tactical flight data, the Soviet MiG-15 fighter and the American Saber F-86 were equal, but each had its own strengths and weaknesses. The MiG was superior to the Saber in the climb and specific thrust-to-weight ratio. The F-86 picked up speed faster on a dive, was more maneuverable, had a greater range. However, he lost in arms. Despite the high rate of fire (6 shots per minute), the 1.200 large-caliber Colt Browning machine guns were inferior to three MiG guns: two 23-mm caliber and one 37-mm. Their shells pierced any armor.

Mystery feat Nikolai Sutyagin

American F-86 Saber

Soviet MiG-15

Here are these planes and agreed 19 June in a tough fight. The author of the publication has the opportunity to talk about it with the words of Nikolai Sutyagin himself - the transcript of the flight-tactical conference of the formation, held on July 25-26 on July 1951, was preserved. On it, he acted as the most productive pilot of the division - by that time he had already shot down four Saber.

“The task was carried out by the ten,” Nikolai said before the crowd. “The strike link is Major Pulov, the cover link is Captain Artemchenko right above and a couple of Perepelkin behind above.” I was walking in the link of the cover with a leading lieutenant Shulevym. At the time of the left turn in the Senssen area, I lagged behind the pair of captain Artemchenko at a distance of 400-500 m. Turning to 50-60 degrees to the left, I noticed: at the bottom left, from under the leading link, the F-86 pair comes in from the "tail" . I gave the command: “Attack, cover” and with the left turn of the battle, at the moment of which I released the brakes and removed the gas, followed by a half-turn followed the pair F-86. On the second loop, we were already in the “tail” of the F-86-x, and in the upper position I gave two short turns on the slave. Queues passed: one with a short flight, the other with a flight. I decided to come closer. After exiting the dive, F-86 made a lapel to the right and then to the left with a climb. Due to this lapel, the distance to 200-300 meters has decreased. Noticing this, the enemy made a coup. Releasing the brakes, we went for the F-86 at an angle of 70-75 degrees towards the sea. Having approached the distance of 150-200 meters, I opened fire on the slave ... F-86 was shot down. "

So Nikolay Sutyagin laid the foundation for setting records, which still have to be “approved” and “approved” by us, his compatriots.


He took the first step to this earlier, when the fame of Valery Chkalov called him, the boy, to the sky. Nikolay was born in May 1923, in the village of Smagino, Gorky region, in a peasant family. In the twenty-ninth enrolled in primary school. In the thirty-fourth eleven-year-old boy left his paternal home: it was necessary to help the family. While living in Gorky (now the city of Nizhny Novgorod) from his grandmother, he worked, studied and ... flew to the flying club, where Chkalov raved about. The years for Nikolai were difficult - he slept on 3-4 hours, he was undernourished, but he did not leave the dream.

At the end of the flying club in 1941, the Komsomol voucher was sent to the Chernigov Aviation School of Pilots, where it met the news of the start of World War II. He mastered the art of mastering a combat vehicle painstakingly, studied all the subtleties of air combat, and learned to shoot straight. He was preparing to meet with the enemy, but it turned out that Nikolai Sutyagin would enter the fighting only after nine years. In October, 1942, he sent to the aviation part of the Far Eastern Front, at that time non-military.

“I met Sutyagin in the fall of the forty-second,” recalls retired Colonel Boris Ivanov, “when we arrived at the 5 Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 9 Air Army, which was stationed in Primorye. We arrived, and in our foreheads: whoever first lifts the aircraft (the Y-16 was armed) will become the flight commander. So almost at the same time we became commanders of links in one squadron. Officer rank with Nikolai received in 1943-m, with the introduction of the epaulettes in the Soviet Army.

What was Sutyagin? Tall, slender, chubby, freckled, Nicholas attracted attention when performing any task, originality in any company. Then no one imagined that he would be the first ace of "reactive" war; there simply were no jet aircraft. But in conversations with each other, we did not call him anything else than ace. Why ask?

We did not fight, but were in the front line, the Japanese were expecting an attack from day to day, and therefore the combat training was in full swing. So, Sutyagin was not equal in the technique of piloting, with combat use he had the highest result of hitting, he hit the air targets without a miss.
Any serious business in 5 Aviation began with his name. He was part of a cohort of pilots who were ready to take on the most difficult task. I remember that the Yak-9 had arrived in the forty-fourth, by that time we had already mastered the Yak-7B. A group began to be created for the development of Jacob, the first on the list is Sutyagin. First, he flew on duty at the border airfield, where they arranged a kind of ambush.

What else to say about Sutyagin? Nikolai sang well. His voice was divine. The Gorky period of his life is also a Gorky opera, and therefore we often heard his strong voice. Not a fool was to drink, but not drunk, affected the powerful health.

August forty-fifth. The Japanese retreated, besides, they practically had no aircraft. We conducted reconnaissance in force engaged in attack, fired on columns. The regiment did not have time to change the airfields - in Manchuria, Korea. It was then that Nikolai Sutyagin first became closely acquainted with this amazing country, in the sky of which he had to go to war. He broke up with Sutyagin in 1946, when he entered the Higher Officer Courses for Combat Use and left for Moscow. We met already in thirty years, if I'm not mistaken ...

Nikolay Sutyagin then told about the main algorithm of air combat, which he used in the Korean war, about which even military pilots did not hear anything. Boris Ivanov realized that the name of Nikolai Sutyagin was closely connected with the name of Ivan Kozhedub, although they were briefly met at the Andun airfield, at official meetings.

And the connection is this. 19 February 1945-st Ivan Kozhedub destroys German Me-262 in an air battle over the Oder and opens the scoring of jet aircraft first. But Nikolay Sutyagin became the main successor of the ace traditions of the Great Patriotic War in terms of jet technology.

More than these pilots have in common with the following. In the second world tactics and technique of air combat, the formula developed by Soviet aces (it is sometimes called the Pokryshkin formula) was enriched: “height — speed — maneuver — fire”. Ivan Kozhedub owned it better than others, bringing into it the underlined dynamism characteristic of his fighting spirit. “Soon I realized,” noted Ivan Kozhedub later, “by knocking down the lead aircraft, you demoralize the enemy group, almost always turn it to flight.” That is what he wanted. I tried to attack the enemy with lightning speed, to seize the initiative, to skillfully use the aircraft's technical qualities, to act prudently, to hit from a short distance. ” This formula was used by Nikolay Sutyagin.

“He told me,” said Boris Ivanov in a conversation, “due to which he managed to shoot down American planes.” Sutyagin entered the enemy’s rear hemisphere and beat for sure using Ivan Kozhedub’s tactics. But pilots, especially American ones, often opened fire from a long distance - meters from 800. Try beat down. The enemy will immediately take the maneuver and slip away. Sutyagin was bold, and therefore shot down, he beat meters with 200-300.


19 June fifty-first Nikolai Sutyagin opened an account of “reactive” victories. And after three days, 22 June, increases them to three. Then, at the time of the reversal, the link of the Soviet pilots led by Nikolai Sutyagin entered into the tail of the four F-86. A skillful maneuver, and our pilots are already in the tail of the F-86. Noticing the MiGs, the Americans after the left turn went into a dive. Sutyagin at a distance of 400-500 meters opened fire on the slave. But the second couple of Americans went to the link in the "tail", it was noticed by the leading lieutenant Shulev - he abruptly maneuvered out of the blow. The presenter of the first American couple, having noticed that they were shooting at the slave, went to the “slanting loop”. But he could not resist the skill of Sutyagin, who in the upper position, having already come close to 250-300 meters, opened fire on him. F-86 blazed and began to fall. A little later, another Saber was destroyed. Sutyagin's ability to fight the Americans was envied in the whole division, as was his determination to win.

The summer of 1951 for Nicholas was productive - 6 shot down enemy planes, more productive autumn - 8 destroyed machines. Only in December, Sutyagin won 5 air victories. At the beginning of 1952, he began to take off less often for combat missions, as he was assigned to speak to the pilots of the second echelon regiments who were preparing for battles. Nevertheless, in January 52-he, he shot down the enemy's 3 aircraft.

So, Nikolai Sutyagin fought 17 June 1951 of the year to 2 in February 1952 made 149 sorties, conducted 66 air battles, personally shot down an 21 aircraft - the highest result in the Korean War. He has 15 F-86 Saber, 2 F-80 Shuting Star, 2 F-84 Thunderjet and 2 piston Gloucester-Meteor.

Unfortunately, today the glory of the best air fighter of the “reactive” war has not yet found Nikolai Sutyagin. Americans, both pilots and researchers of the Korean War, turned out to be great masters of falsification. They "took" all the records for themselves, thereby proving the thesis, or rather, the myth of their military superiority. An example is the MiG Alley, published in Texas in 1970.

Overseas researchers with might and main try to raise the skills of their pilots. They often emphasize that the first in stories Captain James Jabara became the jet ace, shooting down 20 airplanes to 5 in May (a total of Jabara 15 air victories). The strongest pilot of the Korean War, Captain Joseph Maconnell, is noted (won 16 fights). It is often written that the 39 of American pilots became aces, knocking down from the 16 to the 5 MiG-15 fighter jets.
Of course, we must pay tribute to the courage and skill of the American pilots, they fought with dignity, and sometimes on an equal footing with the Soviet aces. And the same Joseph McConnell and James Jabara, as they say, remained faithful to the sky to the end. The first died in test flights in the 1954 year. The second one set the goal of becoming an ace and the Vietnam War, was sent there, but did not fulfill his goal - he died in a plane crash. By the way, there he could face pupils of Nikolai Sutyagin, who was an adviser in the Vietnamese Air Force.

Without belittling the skill of individual American pilots, let's say that the score of Soviet aces is more solid. Nikolai Sutyagin - 21 aerial victory. 20 fights won Colonel Anatoly Pepelyaev. According to 15, enemy aircraft were destroyed by captain Lev Schukin, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Smorchkov and Major Dmitry Oskin. Another 6 Soviet pilots scored 10 and more wins. Here we should call our compatriot Anatoly Karelin, who destroyed the B-6 aircraft in the night air battles of 29. Well, all the records of the “jet war”, as I have already noted, belong to Nikolai Sutyagin. That's what you need to talk and write, clarifying the individual positions in the history of air wars.

Until now, the US is trying to correct the overall outcome of the war. Thus, in the “Encyclopedia of Aviation” (New York, 1977), it is noted that during the war, American pilots shot down 2.300 “communist” aircraft (USSR, China and DPRK), the losses of the US and its allies - 114. The ratio is 20: 1. Impressive? However, the most serious American specialists back in the fifties, when it was difficult to hide total losses (see the book “Air power is a decisive force in Korea”, Toronto - New York - London, 1957) noted that the US Air Force only in combat battles lost about 2.000 aircraft, while they estimated the losses of "communist" aircraft more modest - about 1.000 aircraft. However, these figures are far from the truth.

Today, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia has declassified documents of the times of the Korean War. Here are the general data. Soviet pilots 64 th fighter aviation corps (during the war alternately - from 6 months to one year - consisted of ten divisions) were 1.872 air combat, during which 1.106 enemy planes were shot down, of which F-86 –650 units . Hull losses: 335 aircraft. The ratio is 3: 1 in favor of the Soviet pilots, including the latest vehicles (MiG-15 and F-86 Saber) - 2: 1. Note: the American pilots operated less efficiently than the pilots of the United Air Force, which included parts of China and the DPRK. They shot down an 231 plane and lost an 271.

In a word, the top remained behind the air school, which was represented by Nikolai Sutyagin. It is his skill and skill of those like him, their strong will forced to recognize the commander of one of the American wings: "The MiG-15 is terrible, if managed by a good, enterprising pilot." Nikolay Sutyagin is a legend, this is Ivan Kozhedub of the fifties.


What was the fate of the first "reactive" ace after Korea? Here are the most important milestones. 1953 year. The second daughter appeared in the Sutyagins' family - Elena, today a Kiev resident, a programmer, and a son, Yuri, now a major of the Russian Armed Forces. 1956 year. Behind the Air Force Academy. After graduating from the 1964-th Military Academy of the General Staff, he headed the Kharkiv Higher Aviation Pilot School. In 1970, he was sent to Vietnam as a military adviser. In 1971, Sutyagin is awarded the title of Honored Military Pilot of the USSR. He retired as a major general in 1978. Fate is interesting, rich, bright. And I have to regret that Nikolai Vasilyevich did not have time to tell about himself (he passed away in 1986 year), about the feat in Korea, which in essence is a secret today.
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  1. Dima67
    April 1 2013 10: 03
    Hello everybody. Article +++ The main thing is not to forget our guys and equal them with the modern Air Force. Fly guys bigger and better, so we were calmer !!!
  2. +15
    April 1 2013 10: 08
    The lies of amers in the number of downed planes, in the number of losses speaks of only one thing: they are false in everything!
    1. +10
      April 1 2013 10: 45
      They are false - yes, but they have a good memory!
      After Korea and Vietnam, Kuskin’s mother was well mastered!
      So far, since then, they have not greatly bothered and have not tested their fate. And as it is forgotten, then - our guys and now do not fly on a broomstick, I suppose.
    2. nakaz
      April 1 2013 11: 49
      Not people - blocks of stone and iron!
  3. +8
    April 1 2013 10: 13
    Nikolai Sutyagin is our pride and our glory! Like hundreds of other pilots, tankmen, foot soldiers, artillerymen. Those who actually defended the interests of the motherland in all corners of the world.
    And what the amers are cheating with numbers, they do not know yet only in another Galaxy. What is there to be surprised at ?!
  4. avt
    April 1 2013 10: 16
    Little is said about the Heroes of that war. Very few. The pilots are really still "lucky".
    1. 755962
      April 1 2013 14: 50
      So after all, a lot of things still stand under the "SS" stamp. I look forward to new publications. I read the article in one breath. +++
  5. +7
    April 1 2013 10: 22
    article is a huge "+" plus !!!!!!!!!! recently I watched a new film "Alley of MiGs" ... ess-no, Discovery ..... so I did not understand, if they shot down so many MiGs, it would be more logical to call the Alley of Sabers - THESE GUYS INvented ADVERTISING - SO LIE NEVER STOP !!! they have it in their blood ...
  6. +3
    April 1 2013 11: 24
    The Americans always expose their shame for "a heroic victory over subhumans." Svolota.
    1. rodevaan
      April 2 2013 07: 13
      Quote: Humpty
      The Americans always expose their shame for "a heroic victory over subhumans." Svolota.

      - Well, let's just say - I read a lot of Ping-dos forums about the Krei war - and you know what I want to say? To my surprise, the people there are quite adequate and all this official nonsense is ridiculed worse than we are! More than once I had to meet some fools there who, out of their stupidity and stupidity, tried to prove something there, that we were supposedly cool there and everyone was like "knocked out-won". Theirs were wrapped up there worse than those who wrote here. Like - go look through history before you argue and prove yourself you don't know what. By the way, many who know more or less about the Korean War are inclined and believe more precisely our sources, and not their official ones, towards which the attitude is the same as we have towards our government. So here amers want to pay tribute - they also have sane people.
  7. +2
    April 1 2013 11: 51
    the only amendment: Pepeliaev’s name was Eugene
    1. 0
      April 1 2013 13: 25
      Quote: JohnEagle
      the only amendment: Pepeliaev’s name was Eugene
      Colonel E. Poelyaev "knocks" his the next F 86 Saber.
    2. +1
      April 1 2013 13: 27
      Quote: JohnEagle
      the only amendment: Pepeliaev’s name was Eugene
      Colonel E. Poelyaev "knocks" his the next F 86 Saber.
  8. +5
    April 1 2013 11: 51
    And the vorogi keep spinning and spinning their "cinema" on different "Deskaveri" and so on about "MiG Alley" ...
    Running into another such show, I float into the screen of my favorite TV model and catch myself thinking that I am doing body-masochism, but I can’t do anything - I really want to “grit my teeth” ...
    1. +1
      April 1 2013 16: 39
      I myself also catch myself on this. How S.Yu. Belyakov curses at the TV.
  9. Vovka levka
    April 1 2013 12: 06
    Ask how many tunnels were dug by North Korea during the war. And ask yourself why and why?
    1. anomalocaris
      April 1 2013 18: 49
      How many graves were dug in the USA at the same time. Ask yourself - why and why?
      1. Vovka levka
        April 1 2013 20: 08
        North Korea was the first to attack, and it is the aggressor. The US has not abandoned an ally, and here they are right. And who won? The winners are those who live better. And our people died there in vain. In Vietnam, it was the other way around, but that's another story.
        1. rodevaan
          April 2 2013 07: 21
          Quote: Vovka Levka
          And our people died there in vain. In Vietnam, it was the other way around, but that's another story.

          - That's when you chat, not realizing what, - I just want to say - think wider and deeper than your own nose. Our people died there for a reason! If only because they showed the whole world how Russian pilots were prepared and what Russian planes were capable of, which certainly greatly cooled the ardor of hot heads in Fashington, where they had already planned an invasion of the USSR! Seeing the complete helplessness of their Air Force, and in particular the helplessness and vulnerability of their vaunted flying B-29 sheds, which with equal impunity equaled Japan and Germany with the ground, they realized seeing their defeat in Korea that such a number would not work in the USSR! And they hastily abandoned their use! Thus, the doctrine of a preventive potential war against the USSR was scattered by the forces of the air armada of strategic bombers, which was very effective against the Fritz and the Japs.

          And many thanks to all our heroes, pilots, technicians, rocket launchers, anti-aircraft gunners and other specialists who, fighting there in Korea and Vietnam, and knocking down packs of Pin-dos vultures, thereby ensured a peaceful and clear sky above our heads, saving our lives millions of our fellow citizens! Because if it weren’t for them, again all this scummy bunch of zapadoids would go to rob and kill here. Is it really not clear?

          And you speak in vain! Stupidity and stupidity, what else to say.
          1. Vovka levka
            April 2 2013 09: 33
            It turns out that Germany and Japan were good guys. Dear, learn materiel, that is, history. It is not only white and black, but also other colors. Everyone needs to read, and draw conclusions for yourself. Remember that before the end of the 60s they wanted to do something in their dreams, there was no adequate answer. Yes, the United States was and is an empire, but the USSR was also an empire, only red sauce. Only in the USA did people live normally, but they in the USSR had us in the back seat. After the war, there were a bunch of disabled people, former soldiers and officers. As my father told, they all disappeared from the streets on the same day. Ask what happened to these people and what they said thanks. Yes, we love the defenders, especially the dead, and those who survived in a meat grinder, the principle was that survived in the war, survive here.
            1. anomalocaris
              April 2 2013 12: 17
              Baby, and do you sometimes read something other than the agitation of your regional committee? In 1957, the first artificial earth satellite was launched. Do you remember WHO launched it? Or have you already forgotten? You should explain what could stand instead of the satellite?
            2. rodevaan
              April 3 2013 20: 23
              Quote: Vovka Levka
              It turns out that Germany and Japan were good guys. Dear, learn materiel, that is, history. It is not only white and black, but also other colors. Everyone needs to read, and draw conclusions for yourself. Remember that before the end of the 60s they wanted to do something in their dreams, there was no adequate answer. Yes, the United States was and is an empire, but the USSR was also an empire, only red sauce. Only in the USA did people live normally, but they in the USSR had us in the back seat. After the war, there were a bunch of disabled people, former soldiers and officers. As my father told, they all disappeared from the streets on the same day. Ask what happened to these people and what they said thanks. Yes, we love the defenders, especially the dead, and those who survived in a meat grinder, the principle was that survived in the war, survive here.

              - Dear, my dear grandfather did not fight at the front because he was still too young at that time, but when he went to military training and served in air defense in the early 50s, he used to say that veterans who went through the war practically didn’t missed aerial targets. In the exercises, this was perfectly confirmed. And the fact that we had someone to stop these idiots is also a fact. Otherwise, dear - learn the materiel and read the story carefully - they would climb long ago and bomb even worse than Germany. Why, in your opinion, during the war with Japan in 1945, the USSR did not conduct military operations with units deployed in the Far East, but carried troops from the west by echelons? Because they were very experienced and battle-hardened troops, which gouged (but unfortunately, as we see today, not completely) fascisoids. And to consider the millionth army of the Japs, for these troops was a matter of technology, while the units stationed here would initially have suffered much greater losses and tinkered longer.
              Therefore, dear, - to stop the next "civilizers" was what and who was. For this is what Russia has always done.

              I am very surprised that for some "literate" this fact is a discovery.
            3. rodevaan
              April 3 2013 20: 45
              Quote: Vovka Levka
              It turns out that Germany and Japan were good guys. Dear, learn materiel, that is, history. It is not only white and black, but also other colors. Everyone needs to read, and draw conclusions for yourself. Remember that before the end of the 60s they wanted to do something in their dreams, there was no adequate answer. Yes, the United States was and is an empire, but the USSR was also an empire, only red sauce. Only in the USA did people live normally, but they in the USSR had us in the back seat. After the war, there were a bunch of disabled people, former soldiers and officers. As my father told, they all disappeared from the streets on the same day. Ask what happened to these people and what they said thanks. Yes, we love the defenders, especially the dead, and those who survived in a meat grinder, the principle was that survived in the war, survive here.

              “Moreover, dear, about the Fritz and the Japs.” Even when in 1944 it became clear that everything was clear with the fascist scavenger, the Anglo-Saxons even then began to think about the Red Army and the influence that it could have when it came to Europe. Even then, the Anglo-Saxons began to calculate that the main rival of their hegemony was the USSR, and the increasing bombardment of Germany and the atomic crime against Japan - this was, above all, a demonstration of their strength for the USSR, and not a senseless killing of already half-dead Fritz and Japs. Everything was already clear with them. Only a child, or excuse me, du-cancer, does not understand this.
            4. rodevaan
              April 4 2013 06: 49
              Quote: Vovka Levka
              Yes, we love the defenders, especially the dead, and those who survived in a meat grinder, the principle was that survived in the war, survive here.

              - And now, dear, - for this opus I will give you a correct example for comparison. This is a pill to stupidity and narrow-mindedness about how we supposedly "get rid of and spit" on veterans, and there, in the overseas "civilizing kingdom" former mercenary bandits fatten and go to the Canary Islands at the expense of the State Department.
              Recently, on amerskih news portals, and on ours, too, there were several materials for the umpteenth time about the amerskie veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan - how they live in civilian life, what they do - and how their "beloved" America is doing them ... - from 18 to 22 veterans commit suicide every day. Just think about these numbers!
              Here is the link if you are too lazy to watch it yourself:
              You will find Amer news yourself. And how many veterans have not received anything for their "exploits" at all, and are waiting in line to receive their "combat", and how many veterans have not been rehabilitated because of bureaucratic delays - they sit at home, do not communicate with anyone, drink too much. They are not needed by anyone, and die from depression, firing a bullet in the forehead or overdosing with various "anabolics" and psychotropics.
              You poke me ours, bringing in a comparison of the foreign country. And unlike you, I’m not used to looking at the pedo-un-civilized west with wide open dull and childish-naive eyes in pink glasses, and I also periodically take an interest in what is actually happening and what kind of problems there are.
              So there is no need here for Lala-poplar about the paradise life of Amer warriors in their homeland. I think that 6500 thousand people do not die from beautiful life every year, if that ...
          2. anomalocaris
            April 2 2013 12: 13
            Yes. Our pilots, gunners and infantrymen showed amers what the Chariotir plan would cost them. The Amers realized this, learned it in Vietnam and adopted a different plan ...
            Z.Y. B-29 Germany was not bombed.
          3. Petr_Sever
            April 2 2013 18: 00
            as always the standard set of stamps online warrior a la
            "Fashington", "knocking down packs of Pin-dos vultures", etc., etc.

            all this is sad and corny enough to mess with the next hamster, but:
            "where the invasion of the USSR was already planned!"
            It is possible in more detail, with documents, maps, sources, etc., and not just
            excrement of an excited single-muscled mosquito?
            1. rodevaan
              April 3 2013 20: 16
              Quote: Petr_Sever
              as always the standard set of stamps online warrior a la
              "Fashington", "knocking down packs of Pin-dos vultures", etc., etc.

              all this is sad and corny enough to mess with the next hamster, but:
              "where the invasion of the USSR was already planned!"
              It is possible in more detail, with documents, maps, sources, etc., and not just
              excrement of an excited single-muscled mosquito?

              - I won’t scatter, talk about links and other things - an adult and competent myself, - get into the Internet and read these materials yourself. They are there. And about the planned separate peace between the half-dead Fritz and the Allies at the end of the war. This is a well-known fact, and I do not understand why I still need to prove this to someone.
              And yet - there is such a good book - "Hot Ashes" by Vsevolod Ovchinnikov - just about the nuclear race between the USSR and the USSh.P - and you will understand everything yourself. Good nonfiction if you need "documents-cards-double-barreled". Honor, before you idolize the adored "blue-pink" world called Pin-dotan, and grind nonsense about how "free", "great and terrible" they were. I know very well about their "freedom", and I can very well imagine the blue Ping-Ldos dream.
              If you want plans again - the Internet is great - you will find this information there.

              I just don’t want (because it’s useless) to teach fools who blindly pray for elementary things to look at a foreign country — to look adequately at themselves and at enemies. Excuse me, I will call a spade a spade.
        2. anomalocaris
          April 2 2013 12: 08
          Have you ever talked to Koreans?
    2. 0
      April 1 2013 19: 24
      Quote: Vovka Levka
      Ask how many tunnels were dug by North Korea during the war. And ask yourself why and why?

      You yourself will answer when you ask about the balance of forces and means of air warfare ... But besides the tunnels, there was also a "MiG alley."
      1. Vovka levka
        April 1 2013 20: 02
        We all know this, we read not only patriotic articles. The slaughter was terrible and the soldiers and officers from both sides fought as best they could, revealing courage. Just when you compare how people live in South and North Korea, you involuntarily ask yourself the question, was this the right thing?
        1. rodevaan
          April 2 2013 07: 27
          Quote: Vovka Levka
          We all know this, we read not only patriotic articles. The slaughter was terrible and the soldiers and officers from both sides fought as best they could, revealing courage. Just when you compare how people live in South and North Korea, you involuntarily ask yourself the question, was this the right thing?

          - Just cause!
          If only because of them, you now live in the world, and your fathers, mothers and grandfathers were not burnt by napalm, or did not die under the destructive bombs of overseas subhuman people.
  10. +4
    April 1 2013 12: 12
    Glory to the Soviet pilots and air defense wars of those who actually killed the amers and their allies, with arms in their hands promoted the influence of the USSR.
  11. +5
    April 1 2013 12: 24
    I liked the article. No words.
    In the jet era, our pilots more than once converged with the Americans in air battles.
    The largest and most famous are Korea and Vietnam.
    And everywhere, the praised American aces got their teeth.
  12. Alexey K.
    April 1 2013 12: 49
    More such stories. To learn from their next generations. And be proud of your country, your army and know your heroes!
  13. Hudo
    April 1 2013 12: 54
    Unfortunately, today the glory of the best air fighter of the “reactive” war has not yet found Nikolai Sutyagin. Americans, both pilots and researchers of the Korean War, turned out to be great masters of falsification. They "took" all the records for themselves, thereby proving the thesis, or rather, the myth of their military superiority. An example is the MiG Alley, published in Texas in 1970.

    After a fight, the losing side usually lies.
    1. rodevaan
      April 4 2013 15: 22
      Quote: Hudo
      Unfortunately, today the glory of the best air fighter of the “reactive” war has not yet found Nikolai Sutyagin. Americans, both pilots and researchers of the Korean War, turned out to be great masters of falsification. They "took" all the records for themselves, thereby proving the thesis, or rather, the myth of their military superiority. An example is the MiG Alley, published in Texas in 1970.

      After a fight, the losing side usually lies.

      - Well, like this! And also read the "memoirs" of the unfinished Fritzes! There's a lot of stories that Hoollywood is resting! Or the "masterpiece" of idiots Tolliver and Constable to the same place ... Yes, this Mr. like mud - it was pouring incessantly, and now it is pouring - all the enemies are trying to prove to us how inept we are ...
      True stupid fools are not aware that in Russia many point a finger at them and twist at the temple ...
  14. rodevaan
    April 1 2013 12: 56
    Great article! The war in Korea is a bright page in our victorious and heroic history! We must not forget about the heroes of this war - and correctly write articles on this war, and talk about our aces, of whom there were many in that war! 51 Soviet pilots reached the milestone of 5 victories.
    (There were 40 Americans, and a good half of the planes they shot down were Chinese and Korean pilots)
    As already written, the MiG-15 and Saber were roughly equal machines, with their advantages and disadvantages, and very often it all depended on who controlled the machine and who got stronger nerves. Who they were stronger - the pilot’s accounts, and the overall result of the fighting in the sky of Korea! I think there are no comments here!
  15. rodevaan
    April 1 2013 13: 25
    I would like to say about one unjust fact that occurred in the air battle on April 12, 1953. I think many fans of the history of the Air Force, especially those who are interested in the Korean War, are familiar with this date! And not only because on this day, on "Black Thursday" in 1951, our pilots staged a pin-dash in the skies of Korea with a demonstration defeat, uncovering more than a dozen "flying sheds" B-29!

    This date is also known for the fact that exactly 2 years later, in an aerial battle, Soviet ace Semyon Alekseevich Fedorets (pictured) shot down 2 enemy aircraft, one of which was the best ace of the United States. P. Joe McConell, thus reporting the total result of his shot down aircraft up to 8.
    In that battle, having come to the rescue of the attacked Soviet pilot, Fedorets shot down a keen amer, (who was later picked up by the rescue service), but also came under attack himself. It was just McConell who attacked him. The attack, although it was successful, but the Americans miscalculated, thinking that the job was done, for which he paid - Fedorets was able to escape the attack on the damaged plane and shot McConnell, who ran forward, point blank. He was able to reach the bay and there ejected.
    Unfortunately, the remaining amers finished off the damaged MiG and Fedorts also had to leave the plane.

    So this is what I mean: Western democracy in action - McConnella, for some unknown reason, counted Fedorz's plane as the 8th "victory" - although he did not shoot it down, others shot it down, but only damaged it, but which in turn shot it down himself. But for some reason, Semyon Alekseevich was not credited with the shooting down of McConnell, as if the wreckage in the bay drowned, although it was well known that the American was ejected and his plane was destroyed. Here is such a song.
    I really hope that justice will be restored by us!
  16. Nightcrawler
    April 1 2013 14: 23
    Great article! The war in Korea is a bright page in our victorious and heroic history! We must not forget about the heroes of this war - and correctly write articles on this war, and talk about our aces, of whom there were many in that war! 51 Soviet pilots reached the milestone of 5 victories.
    (There were 40 Americans, and a good half of the planes they shot down were Chinese and Korean pilots)

    At the same time, one must take into account that the training of Chinese and Korean pilots was so-so .. It is terrible to imagine what would happen if the Americans fought only with Soviet pilots ..
  17. rodevaan
    April 1 2013 14: 28
    By the way, gentlemen - I cannot, as Zadornov says, "without America" ​​- bypass my favorite topic: Complete uncovering in the sky of Korea of ​​the vaunted strategic, crap flying "Superfortresses". That is, the "flying Sarayevs", as our pilots called them, are huge and clumsy bombers B-29.

    This unflattering review of these shitty airplanes was given because they were very large and slow-moving for jet MiG-15s, they represented an excellent target. And against MiG guns, this bomber was extremely vulnerable.
    The result of all this was very sad. Well, first you need to recall the famous "Black Thursday" of the American aviation - April 12, 1951, when more than a dozen of these cargo carriers were destroyed in one air battle (some reached the base and were written off there from damage). Mourning was all over Ping-dosia!
    And then there was "Black Tuesday" - October 23, 1951, when about the same number of these "Saraevs" were uncovered. Black Tuesday meant something more - the complete collapse and defeat of the US strategic aviation. After these "covers" the Americans stopped flying on the B-29 during the day, and after they began to beat them at night, they stopped using them in the war, preferring assault attacks on the F-80 and F-84. And in general, under a hundred flying large sheds ended their very short life in the form of scattered debris on Korean soil, taking several hundred crew members with them to the next world. Seeing how easily these masses turn into mass graves of pilots, the pin-dos abandoned the operation of this aircraft and by the end of the 50s the B-29 was completely decommissioned. And they have not stood in the ranks for 10 years, and these are strategic vehicles.

    Moreover - for the entire time of the Korean War - not a single MiG-15 was shot down by a B-29. This is documented and known even to history buffs abroad (although the Americans generously painted planes for themselves on the fuselages :)).
    I am glad that even in foreign forums, ordinary people understand all this very well and ridicule the shitty democratic lie.
    This is how the "crap-mongers" ended up driving Korea into the Stone Age.
    (The picture shows B-29 BuNo 44-61813 - "OVER EXPOSED" - The first destroyed B-29 in the skies of Korea by MiG-15 fighters.)
  18. rodevaan
    April 1 2013 14: 41
    "Here we should name our compatriot Anatoly Karelin, who destroyed 6 B-29 aircraft in night air battles."

    Indeed, I would like to say a few words about our aces, who specialized in the B-29 "Saray".

    The best ace who shot down bombers in that war was Anatoly Mikhailovich Karelin (in the picture). All the downed B-29s were counted by the enemy, which is a rare occurrence for wartime.

    By the way, I can not help resisting to demonstrate the bandits he shot down:
    1. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 14: 43
      The picture shows the MiG-15 bis A. Karelin fighter.
    2. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 14: 50
      And here is the list of vultures shot down by A. Karelin:
      And the first and second were shot down in the same battle on June 10, 1952 in a night sortie.
      These are the planes. (I indicate their serial numbers and, if there is, their own "name" - that is, the name of the nude "rock art" on the fuselage).

      1. BuNo 44-61967 - "MISS JACKIE THE REBEL" (Miss Jackie is a rebel). Shot down by Anatoly Karelin at night on June 10, 1952. The crew died completely.
    3. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 14: 56
      Here is the second bandit shot down by Karelin in the same battle:

      2. BuNo 44-62183 "HOT TO GO" (Within the meaning - a hot trip for you!). The name played a cruel joke. The crew, with the exception of only 1 pilot, died completely. The survivor was captured and returned after the war

      By the way, in the same battle, another B-29, BuNo 44-61902 "APACHE" (Apache), was seriously damaged by the pilot Zhakhman Ikhsangaliev and was subsequently decommissioned. The crew was badly damaged, and according to surviving pilots, there were many wounded and killed. He no longer rose into the air, remained under repair for a long time and was eventually written off as not subject to restoration. This fact allows us to say that this aircraft was destroyed.
    4. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 15: 18
      The next "Saray" was destroyed on July 4, 1952:

      3. BuNo 44-61727 - "SO TIRED (Seven to Seven)" (I'm so tired). It was a reconnaissance version of the RB-29, carrying out a night mission. Shot down by Anatoly Karelin on July 4, 1952. The crew ejected, two died, the rest were captured and were returned after the war.

      (The general photo of this aircraft was taken from the "TIGER LIL" bomber, which will be discussed later. By the way, this is the last "lifetime" photo of the "SO TIRED" bomber).
    5. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 15: 25
      Since in 1952 the B-29s practically did not fly during the day, they had to be intercepted exclusively at night.
      The next vulture was destroyed the same night, November 7, 1952.

      4. BuNo 44-62073, had no "painting". Of the 12 crew members, only three survived, who were captured and returned only after the war.

      There is no photo of this aircraft.
    6. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 15: 53
      The last on the list of our night ace is another spit-out bandit who was also shot down at night on January 28, 1953:

      6. BuNo 44-27262 "DOUBLE OR NUTHIN '", formerly "SHADY LADY". Confusion has arisen with the definition of this aircraft, since there were two aircraft with the name "SHADY LADY", one of which later became "DOUBLE OR NUTHIN '". However, this did not save him. From the crew, only 5 people survived, who were captured. The remaining 9 died. It remains unclear why there were as many as 14 (!) People on the plane.

      It was the last "shed" in the list of Anatoly Karelin.
  19. rodevaan
    April 1 2013 15: 35
    The following bastard was destroyed in a night raid on December 30, 1952:

    5. Presumably, it was BuNo 44-62011, he also had no "painting". Of the 12 crew members, only five survived, who were captured and returned after the war. The other seven died.

    There is no photo of this aircraft.
    1. rodevaan
      April 1 2013 16: 01
      The last on the list of our night ace is another spit-out bandit who was also shot down at night on January 28, 1953:

      6. BuNo 42-65357 "DOUBLE OR NUTHIN '", formerly "SHADY LADY". Confusion has arisen with the definition of this aircraft, since there were two aircraft with the name "SHADY LADY", one of which later became "DOUBLE OR NUTHIN '". However, this did not save him. From the crew, only 5 people survived, who were captured. The remaining 9 died. It remains unclear why there were as many as 14 (!) People on the plane.

      It was the last "shed" in the list of Anatoly Karelin. However, in the track record of the Soviet pilot, another aircraft sometimes appears instead of this - BuNo 44-27262. Nevertheless, it is known that our ace won all the victories at night, and the Americans do not provide data on when and under what conditions BuNo 44-27262 was shot down. Therefore, it is most reliable that the previously mentioned BuNo 42-65357 "DOUBLE OR NUTHIN '" became Karelin's victim.

      In addition to Karelin, many of our pilots distinguished themselves in the downing of the bombers, among whom Alexander Smorchkov, Dmitry Oskin, Yuri Dobrovichan, I.P. also achieved great success. Galyshevsky.
      1. rodevaan
        April 1 2013 18: 27
        By the way, by the way - despite the cold shower in the Korean War, the amers' command was fruitful in all sorts of adventures, including the invasion of the airspace over the territory of the USSR. The check of the vigilance of our Air Force did not keep us waiting long for answers from our side. Then, fortunately, the Soviet leadership did not take into account the "crap values".
        So on November 7, another such provocation was undertaken by the BuNo 42-94000 Tiger Lil bomber I mentioned earlier in the comments.
        This bombing vehicle was respected by the Americans because of the crew’s experience and excellent maintenance.

        Here in the picture is just this plane, with a fun "rock painting" on the fuselage. (By the way, by the way, the Americans felt a very unhealthy love for these "frescoes").

        I already wrote earlier that the last "lifetime" snapshot of RB-29 "SO TIRED" was taken from it, which was shot down at night by A. Karelin on July 4, 1952.
        I must say that the reconnaissance versions of B-29 - RB-29 were very much appreciated by the Americans, because they were stuffed with the most modern and expensive equipment at that time, the most experienced crews flew on them and they were trusted by the most dangerous and responsible missions. Therefore, the loss of such an aircraft was very painful for the enemies.
        However, on November 7, 1954, for some reason, it was this B-29 who decided to take a photo hunt over our territory, for which he paid.
        November 7, 1954 - RB-29A-20-BN reconnaissance aircraft No. 42-94000 Tiger Lil from the 91st strategic reconnaissance squadron was intercepted in the vicinity of Tanfilyev Island (Malaya Kurilskaya ridge) by a pair of Mig-15. At the helm of the MiGs were Captain Kostin and Art. Lieutenant Serebryakov. The crew of the Tiger Lil put up active resistance, and as a result of the battle was shot down and fell on the coast of Hokkaido, near the village of Nokkegun. One crew member, the navigator died, drowning after jumping with a parachute. The rest were picked up by the rescue service.

        By the way, there is a very good interview with the crew member of this bomber, an eyewitness to the events of the Korean War, who directly indicates that the B-29 is very outdated in front of the MiG-15 and could not oppose it to anything, turning in fact into a defenseless target.
        Here are his words: “As the war became more intense, the losses of the B-29s increased dramatically. In a desperate attempt to reduce losses, the order was given to fly only at night and repaint the lower part in black. In general, I think that the black paint did not have any effect. It became clear that we now did not have the plane necessary to continue the war. Almost all B-29 flights were stopped, and the US decided it was time to negotiate with North Korea. " - I think it’s not more eloquent.
      2. rodevaan
        April 1 2013 18: 30
        And here is the sad and natural result of this provocation (Former "TIGER LIL" is now a pile of scrap metal).
        As the saying goes - "if someone comes to us with a sword ...."
        1. rodevaan
          April 1 2013 18: 47
          By the way, and lastly, I will tell you how the so-called "victories" over MiGs were counted to the Pin-dos bombers, which did not exist, and which even the Americans themselves ridicule in their own forums dedicated to the Korean War:
          I quote the surviving American pilot, the link to the interview of which I gave:

          "-What do you know about losses? Was there a discussion of the causes of the losses, was a new tactic developed?

          These losses were the result of MiG-15 attacks. I have photos of RB-29 # 813 crashed a few feet from the runway after they flew across the ocean with two failed engines on one side. The tail gunner Harry Levine shot down the MiG-15 during this departure.

          - And how did you confirm this victory? (According to the Soviet side, only 3 MiGs can be, but debatable, be attributed to B-29, and only one MiG was very likely to fall victim to the B-29 shooters, but they didn’t have applications for shooting down on that day. To be extremely precise I must say that cases when MiGs returned home with serious injuries were commonplace.The only confirmed piston fighter shot down by the B-29 arrows belonged to the 800 Squadron of the Navy (Royal Naval Forces of Great Britain).

          I knew Harry Levine. He received the DFC for the downing of the MiG. I do not know how this was confirmed; it was difficult for crew members to see where the tail gunner was shooting. Maybe the CPU operator confirmed, I do not know".

          - Like this - "I don't know." This is how they "confirmed" the alleged "victory" over MiGs, which did not exist. I think there were a lot of such phony "confirmations" from whom! They said that they seemed to have knocked them down, but who, where, how, they saw, did not see - this apparently does not matter. Although this pilot initially said that the machine guns on the B-29 were useless weapons against the MiG. Yes, and our pilots spoke about this in their memoirs more than once. This is how I think, and during the Great Patriotic War the Nazis also "knocked down" their kilometer bills.

          All this is a propaganda fiction, and has nothing to do with reality. In reality, our pilots were both much more professional and much more courageous than both American and German.
  20. +4
    April 1 2013 16: 06
    Great article !!! About such episodes, it is necessary to write and shoot patriotic films in history textbooks. So that our children can imagine the real situation: who are the Americans for us !!! And that they are not as cool as shown in Hollywood action movies !!!
    1. +3
      April 1 2013 17: 00
      About such episodes, it is necessary to write and shoot patriotic films in history textbooks.

      I agree, many times the thought has already occurred to me about what a cool film about our pilots in Korea could be made! But unfortunately, we are shooting "The Best Film" and "Genghis Khan - Eggs of Fate" sad
  21. vardex
    April 1 2013 16: 49
    I put the article 10 + our pilots are the best in the world without any doubt ..........................
  22. Wasp
    April 1 2013 22: 33
    Nikolai Sutyagin ... On his account 15 F-86 Saber, 2 F-80 Shooting Star, 2 F-84 Thunderjet and 2 piston Gloucester-Meteor.
    To clarify: "The Gloster Meteor was the first British jet fighter, the only Allied jet aircraft to take part in World War II. It took part in the Korean War with the Royal Australian Air Force. During this war, the Australian Air Force pilots operated in groups US Air Force fighters, which provided combat cover for B-29 strategic bombers.
    Was in service with the air forces of many countries until the 1970s. "
    Thus, N.V. Sutyagin is a pure jet ace, there are no piston aircraft on his account.
    In addition, Wikipedia gives Sutyagin up to 22 downed amers and their henchmen: http: //
    1. rodevaan
      April 2 2013 07: 31
      Quote: Vasp
      Nikolai Sutyagin ... On his account 15 F-86 Saber, 2 F-80 Shooting Star, 2 F-84 Thunderjet and 2 piston Gloucester-Meteor.
      To clarify: "The Gloster Meteor was the first British jet fighter, the only Allied jet aircraft to take part in World War II. It took part in the Korean War with the Royal Australian Air Force. During this war, the Australian Air Force pilots operated in groups US Air Force fighters, which provided combat cover for B-29 strategic bombers.
      Was in service with the air forces of many countries until the 1970s. "
      Thus, N.V. Sutyagin is a pure jet ace, there are no piston aircraft on his account.
      In addition, Wikipedia gives Sutyagin up to 22 downed amers and their henchmen: http: //

      - I advise you not to be equal to Pedivikia, this is a CIA project, they graze it and often bring in false information there. It seems better to me to look for a lot of independent sources on this topic. There is a good Argentinean researcher of the Korean War - Diego Zampini, he has a lot of, in my opinion, adequate and unbiased material on this topic. A very good researcher.
  23. Wasp
    April 2 2013 22: 41
    - I advise you not to be equal to Pedivikia, this is a CIA project, they graze it and often bring in false information there. It seems better to me to look for a lot of independent sources on this topic. There is a good Argentine researcher of the Korean War - Diego Zampini, he has a lot, in my opinion, of adequate and unbiased material on this topic. Very good researcher. [/ Quote]

    If the CIA-shny site overestimates the achievements of our aces by 1 downed reptile (relative to the one given in the article), then this is the CIA problem. But it is necessary to equal oneself, so the row will be smoother wink
  24. phantom359
    April 3 2013 00: 42
    Quote: Petr_Sever
    as always the standard set of stamps online warrior a la
    "Fashington", "knocking down packs of Pin-dos vultures", etc., etc.

    all this is sad and corny enough to mess with the next hamster, but:
    "where the invasion of the USSR was already planned!"
    It is possible in more detail, with documents, maps, sources, etc., and not just
    excrement of an excited single-muscled mosquito?

    You are rather banal and dim-witted. Dial plans for an attack on the USSR and you will find that. What are you interested in. If Americans decided to attack, then you would not even have time to hang a dull drop on a member. Put on your pink trousers and get better in the club - eat oysters. Blue of course. In America it is fashionable.
    1. rodevaan
      April 3 2013 20: 34
      Quote: phantom359
      Quote: Petr_Sever
      as always the standard set of stamps online warrior a la
      "Fashington", "knocking down packs of Pin-dos vultures", etc., etc.

      all this is sad and corny enough to mess with the next hamster, but:
      "where the invasion of the USSR was already planned!"
      It is possible in more detail, with documents, maps, sources, etc., and not just
      excrement of an excited single-muscled mosquito?

      You are rather banal and dim-witted. Dial plans for an attack on the USSR and you will find that. What are you interested in. If Americans decided to attack, then you would not even have time to hang a dull drop on a member. Put on your pink trousers and get better in the club - eat oysters. Blue of course. In America it is fashionable.

      - A person lives, as he thinks, - in the "west" - therefore, servile, considers himself "civilized." Although who is even more civilized - we or the West - it's still to look at, you have to argue! How "civilizing moralizers" behave is very well known to the whole world!
      Well, let him think so. Well, a person does not have a national identity, well, he considers all that diarrhea that pours from the State Department's tubs to be holy truth, and the rest is a backward scoop. Well, let it be, for God's sake. Our land has always been rich in such gentlemen, unfortunately. A person succumbed to the information mess, he considers himself worse than foreign "crap-makers", you will not beat him in any way and you will not prove anything to him. His lot was like that - thump at the feet of the enemies.
      1. phantom359
        April 4 2013 11: 43
        Yes, I was not going to prove anything to him, I just expressed my opinion. To prove something to this, only wasting time. All his self-consciousness at the bottom of his stomach, He simply is not able to analyze that garbage from the democratic media, and he does not need it.
  25. 0
    13 July 2018 09: 56
    Dear filmmakers, businessmen, people in the government, GDP, finally, please shoot the feature film about the “Avenue of Mig” and “Black Thursday” of the American aviation, it will be a glorious memory to our heroes, an example to young guys, and what a world defeat it will be for conceited Americans , because many do not even know about these episodes of the Korean War! And that Americans can and must be beaten! And that the best ones are not the Yankees, but OURS !!!

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