"Keep the US close and Russia far": Polish Defense Minister explains Warsaw's record military spending

"Keep the US close and Russia far": Polish Defense Minister explains Warsaw's record military spending

European countries should follow the new US administration's demand to increase defense spending, following Poland's example, Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz said.

If Europe wants to continue to be protected by the US from Russia, it needs to increase military spending, as Poland has already done. Warsaw has now increased its military spending to 4,7% of GDP, but it does not intend to stop there and will continue to actively fulfill Trump's demands. The Polish minister explained the record defense spending by the desire to eliminate the "Russian threat."

Poland is NATO's top military spender for two reasons: to keep America close and Russia at bay,

— said Kosinyak-Kamysh.

In addition to spending more on defense than other European countries, Poland also buys a very large amount of American weapons, thereby supporting the US military-industrial complex. According to the latest estimates, Warsaw has spent around $55-60 billion on US-made weapons alone in recent years.

In general, a number of experts believe that Poland is being armed to confront Russia, and after Ukraine's defeat it will take its place. And given that the Baltic limitrophes always act together with Poland, this coalition should look much stronger than Ukraine alone.
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  1. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 04
    ..."yes, more, more is needed!" (c) Why only 5%? Let's have all 15%. Poles - tighten your belts immediately!
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 10: 14
      To date, Warsaw has increased its military spending to 4,7% of GDP, but it does not intend to stop there and will continue to actively fulfill Trump’s demands.

      And this "Polish Hyena" eats a lot... And robs Europe and the States... It's unlikely that Polish plumbers will be able to earn that much...
    2. -1
      5 February 2025 12: 35
      Today, 10: 04
      ..."yes, more, more is needed!" (c) Why only 5%? Let's have all 15%. Poles - tighten your belts immediately!
      hi The logs and tribolts will wait for the fourth and final section and will cease to exist as states.
      An example of this is the nearby Bandera state. angry
  2. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 06
    And won't the economic "belly button" come undone? Money has to be taken from somewhere, and the situation with the economy in the United States is not so joyful, problems are popping up here and there, so in order to get these 5% somewhere, they will have to cut somewhere, Germany, it seems, has started making excuses.
    1. -1
      5 February 2025 10: 08
      No problem, they'll put the bastards on grass, transfer them from cars to horse-drawn carts, shake out reparations somewhere (from the same Germany), subsidies somewhere - they'll scrape together a lot, in general.
      1. -1
        5 February 2025 10: 15
        Nexcom, yes, everything is clear with Poland, it is aiming for the position of the manager of the EU, it wants to push Germany aside, but where will the rest of the Euro-collective farmers scrape together these 5%? I think Hungary, Slovakia, will throw in a cromolyn idea that Russia is not our enemy, and we will not pay. The sphincter will be torn by the Tribalts, and the Gauls, and only while Macron is at the helm. The rest simply cannot afford it.
        1. -1
          5 February 2025 10: 43
          Murmur 55, a small correction - the Balts have nothing left to tear apart, everything has been torn apart there long ago....
          1. -1
            5 February 2025 10: 46
            Nexcom, but they will try, and they will shout loudly about it.
            1. -1
              5 February 2025 10: 47
              I don't give a damn. I don't even watch the news because I see that "the Balts announced something"... laughing
              1. -1
                5 February 2025 10: 50
                Nexcom, oh no, these "empires" continue to mess things up, they'll throw in "birds" to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, or equipment. And the territory for the bases and launchers won't go anywhere.
  3. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 12
    ...European countries should comply with the new US administration's demand to increase defense spending, following Poland's example. This was stated by Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz...

    In vain does Kamysh console himself with the thought that he and his ilk are the smartest in the EU.
    The educated elite of Western countries are well aware that Polish arrogance has never ended well for Poland, so they look with irony at its pathetic attempts and sycophancy before the United States. Yes
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 11: 48
      Quote: credo
      Polish arrogance has never ended well for Poland, so its pathetic attempts are looked at with irony and sycophancy to the US.
      The Danes are about to show the whole of Europe what a joy it is to "keep the US close." Well, Mexico and Canada will follow suit.
      Germany has already understood everything, but is silent. Teutons - that's what they are... They are fucked in an unnatural way, but they are silent. The Teutonic spirit does not allow one to complain.
  4. +3
    5 February 2025 10: 12
    On the one hand, the arms race is specifically ripping apart the economy. The Polish one as well. This doesn't really upset me, at least not me. Let the Poles think about it themselves.
    On the other hand, "if at the beginning of the play there is a gun hanging on the wall, then at the end it must go off" (c) A.P. Chekhov. This is already more serious. At some point the military will have to justify the exorbitant growth of military spending, and now it is easy to create a casus belli. Given the gradual degradation of European leaders (with some rare exceptions), their actions are becoming unpredictable. This is dangerous, and one must be prepared for it.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 12: 01
      Quote: Chifka
      At some point the military will have to justify the exorbitant growth of military spending, but now it is easy to create a casus belli.
      Does anyone in Poland or even in Europe seriously think that we will fight Polish tanks in "tank wedges"? Like in Ukraine, somewhere near Warsaw, we will hang around for six months with a "forester's hut"?
      The Poles have forgotten that they are being set upon us to fight alone, "by themselves, by themselves." And if we do have to fight, then we will fight not with the Poles, but in the most natural, "hot" way, with the whole of NATO. And openly, on the ground, we have no fools, even in the Kremlin, to fight such an enemy with traditional weapons.

      The issue here, as I see it, is not Polish arrogance, not our "threat" or anything at all, except money. Banal money. The American military-industrial complex applauds the Poles, American banks, with whose money they buy Korean tanks, join the military-industrial complex.
      And how this will affect Poland itself - from the current state of finances to, in the long term, the fact of Poland's physical existence - NOBODY in America cares. And in Poland, it seems, too.
  5. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 13
    To date, Warsaw has increased its military spending to 4,7% of GDP, but it does not intend to stop there and will continue to actively fulfill Trump’s demands.

    What kind of funds are they going to use to do this?
    Poland is a subsidized state in the EU...
    Yes, they do a lot for economic "independence", but they remain subsidized
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 10: 38
      What kind of funds are they going to use to do this?
      Poland is a subsidized state in the EU...
      Yes, they do a lot for economic "independence", but they remain subsidized

      And they have already identified the source of replenishment of the Ministry of Defense budget - reduction or elimination of expenses on Ukrainian refugees, cuts in social payments to their population, seizure of Russian assets in favor of Poland, increase in tariffs for the passage of energy resources through their territory to EU neighbors, and so on.
      There's nothing new under the moon, everything is the same as before. hi
    2. 0
      6 February 2025 11: 53
      There was. After they cut off most of their flows for intractability, such as refusing to accept blacks, EU aid became 2-3% of the budget. Something like that. And anyway, defense spending is less than 5%. I suspect that it is less than many, including us. And economic growth is present. They will not die out anytime soon.
  6. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 13
    In general, a number of experts believe that Poland is being armed to confront Russia, and after Ukraine’s defeat it will take its place.
    The US needs to push the costs of the war in Ukraine onto its European satellites, because it now needs to shift all its power and attention to reorganizing the Middle East. The war between Hamas and Israel has shown that Israel cannot "pull out" the war alone.
  7. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 14
    "To hold America..." Yes, it is America that holds you, Poles, for Faberge.
  8. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 18
    "Keep the US close..."

    — They are going to hold the USA - "Bobik visiting Barbos" ...
  9. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 33
    Well done, America and Trump will quickly take away their last trousers and skins and sell them to them on credit.
  10. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 35
    These Kamysh Kosinyakovs were chosen by the Polish people?
    The Polish people take on these costs and are ready to put up with them?
    Let no one tell me LATER that “we are fighting the regime, not the people.”
    The Poles, if anyone, should remember that for every choice they made they RESPONSIBLE with their asses!
    Experience doesn't teach?
    Let's repeat the lesson.
  11. 0
    5 February 2025 10: 47
    Warsaw has now increased its military spending to 4,7% of GDP, but it has no intention of stopping there.
    These ones lick really well wink
  12. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 51
    Well, what won't you do to make your master call you his beloved wife?
  13. -2
    5 February 2025 13: 57
    I read what you wrote and I had a question: don't you see that the world is constantly changing? The fact that Poland was poor in the past does not mean that it is poor now. It is not rich, but it has not been poor for a long time. It was enough to get rid of Russian influence, hand over power to the Poles and wait 30 years :-)