Syria's new leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, called "dear brother" by Erdogan, has promised to help Turkey in the fight against the Kurds

Syria's new leader Ahmed al-Sharaa, called "dear brother" by Erdogan, has promised to help Turkey in the fight against the Kurds

The president of the interim Syrian government, Ahmed al-Sharaa, made an official visit to Turkey, asking Erdogan for military assistance, which the Turkish leader promised to provide.

The new Syrian authorities have decided to be "friends" with Turkey, offering Erdogan to take on the function of defending Syria while the republic's new armed forces are being formed. The Turkish president did not refuse such a generous offer, calling the former terrorist Ahmed al-Sharaa "dear brother". Erdogan wants to finally put an end to the Kurdish issue through Damascus's control, and Damascus is ready to help him with this.

My dear brother and I assessed the joint steps that can be taken to ensure security and economic stability in Syria. (...) In particular, we considered the measures that need to be taken against the separatist terrorist organization and its supporters occupying northeastern Syria.

- said Erdogan.

Information about Turkey's plans to build two military bases in the central provinces of Syria has also been confirmed. In return, Damascus wants to receive systems from the Turks Defense, to counter Israeli air raids. In addition, Turkey and Syria plan to sign a joint defense agreement, which will finally confirm the "legality" of the presence of Turkish troops on Syrian territory.

Some Western resources have already linked Ahmed al-Sharaa's visit to the possible closure of Russian military bases and their replacement with Turkish ones, but no official information about the discussion of this issue has been published. It is possible that the parties discussed Russia, but there are no details.
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  1. -2
    5 February 2025 09: 42
    “Through control of Damascus, Erdogan wants to finally put an end to the Kurdish question"-

    — It is not yet known which one answer on that question will be from Washington...
    1. +2
      5 February 2025 09: 51
      Well, they are just like twin brothers... Both have a sadistic, benevolent expression on their faces... Two local Fuhrers... We've played too much at being partners with our "partner" Erdogan... Maybe the Kurds were wrong to believe in the US defense...??? am
      1. +1
        5 February 2025 10: 41
        Called "dear brother" by Erdogan, Syria's new leader...

        It is clear who is behind the latest events in Syria, the Turkish brothers helped.
  2. +1
    5 February 2025 09: 42
    That's how it is, who can decide their interests by force and overthrow, and who cannot.
  3. +3
    5 February 2025 09: 44
    In response, Damascus wants to receive air defense systems from the Turks to counter Israeli Air Force raids.

    We are impatiently waiting for the Turks and Jews to be at each other's throats. Syria will come out sideways for them...
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 13: 12
      Quote: Lemon
      We are impatiently waiting for the Turks and Jews to be at each other's throats.

      Well, now Israel will also bomb the Turks at their bases in Syria. Erdogan's son has already called for jihad and the destruction of Israel, so all this is already a matter of the very near future.
  4. -2
    5 February 2025 09: 45
    The same "dear brother", but just a little earlier. The style of the clothes has changed a little, but the color and everything else has remained exactly the same.
  5. +6
    5 February 2025 09: 46
    Well, here is the confirmation of the phrase attributed to Erdogan: "While Russia was holding concerts and parades in Syria, and its generals were becoming billionaires, Turkey was preparing to return to Syria forever."
    And for some reason I am sure that in communication with his “dear brother” Erdogan will not chew snot and draw red lines.
  6. +1
    5 February 2025 09: 50
    On Sunday, the Iraqi government resolved a key disagreement with Kurdistan in northern Iraq. A "kickback" was agreed upon by the Kurds to Iraq for the right to extract and export oil to Turkey's port of Ceyhan. The kickback is $16 per "barrel", Erdogan gets about $20 per barrel, the rest goes to the Kurds. The pipeline stood for a whole year without oil, now this issue has been resolved.
  7. +1
    5 February 2025 10: 02
    Erdogan is "burning, to the fullest"... And Russia, again, is modestly and nervously smoking on the sidelines, calculating what to "saw off" from the Syrian "bogeymen", pardon me, now the leaders of the new Syria, for "baksheesh".....
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 10: 07
      ...they also demanded that our people repent for their bad behavior....
  8. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 08
    In light of this information, we must agree by any means to withdraw our weapons from Syria to our territory or they will end up with the Banderites. If necessary, we will have to pay, in any case it will be cheaper for us. They will not allow us to destroy them there.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 10: 22
      Soldatov V., any question of the Syrian "puzzle" could have been solved if approached professionally... However, at the moment, Russia is very, very modest with professionals in all areas, therefore, we are regularly put or are trying to be put in a "knee-elbow" position, starting from the Syrian "barmaleys", ending with Armenia, Azerbaijan and other "brotherly" republics and geographical entities in the past, such as the Balts and other Poles..... And now, we are waiting for "proposals" from Donald Fredovich - ANOTHER "CIRCUS WITH HORSES"....
      1. +2
        5 February 2025 11: 29
        Soldatov V., any question of the Syrian "puzzle" could have been solved if approached professionally... However, at the moment, Russia is very, very modest with professionals in all areas, therefore, we are regularly put or are trying to be put in a "knee-elbow" position, starting from the Syrian "barmaleys", ending with Armenia, Azerbaijan and other "brotherly" republics and geographical entities in the past, such as the Balts and other Poles..... And now, we are waiting for "proposals" from Donald Fredovich - ANOTHER "CIRCUS WITH HORSES"....

        There is no point in "solving" anything there at all. All this activity with Syria and the bases began in the memorable times of the USSR, when the 5th Special Squadron was sailing in the Mediterranean Sea as a counterweight to the 6th US Fleet. As you probably know, there was no normal base for our ships, only basing points, and these are half measures.

        Now that we don't even have a combat-ready fleet, all this has lost all meaning. Africa is an adventurous dissipation of forces and resources. Yes
    2. +1
      5 February 2025 10: 52
      Soldatov V. The Americans, represented by the Democrats, are extremely outraged - we armed ISIS*, this is our project and others will skim the cream. Details of Bogdanov's visit to Syria have emerged, he visited them not only to their bases, but also suggested engaging in energy. Under Assad, we and Iran launched an energy project - a power plant, there is a complete blackout with electricity in Syria. As well as with oil refining. We'll see.
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 11: 45
        About forty years ago I was offered to go to the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the Euphrates. I talked to people who came from there, the climate there is not for a Russian and refused. Although you could earn enough for a Volga and the same amount in money in two years. Health is more important. Many people couldn't last more than a year there. A Moskvich and a bunch of diseases. hi
        1. +2
          5 February 2025 11: 56
          SoldatoV. I also didn't feel very comfortable near the equator. And ship refrigeration mechanics get headaches if the water outside is +30. Or in the north -2 - +6. hi
    3. -1
      5 February 2025 12: 06
      there is a cat to cry about that weaponry, the Banderites are neither hot nor cold from it
  9. -2
    5 February 2025 10: 21
    Once again I admire Erdogan. Turkey's interests are more important to him than some mythical partners. He organized the resistance that liberated Syria for him.
  10. -1
    5 February 2025 11: 12
    Will the Americans watch as their Kurdish allies are wiped out?
  11. 0
    5 February 2025 11: 16
    Akkuyu. The most modern and safe nuclear power plant. The first in Turkey.
  12. 0
    6 February 2025 12: 32
    When will our Dear Allies in the CSTO, the Armenians, help liberate the Kursk region from Khokhloma?