Trump's Optimization: US CIA Offers All Its Employees to Resign and Receive Eight Months' Pay – WSJ

Trump's Optimization: US CIA Offers All Its Employees to Resign and Receive Eight Months' Pay – WSJ

The US Central Intelligence Agency has offered all its employees to resign in exchange for compensation in the amount of 8 months' salary, the American business newspaper The Wall Street Journal reports. The publication notes that this step is an attempt to bring the agency in line with President Trump's priorities, including the fight against drug cartels.

The CIA appears to have become the first spy agency to tell its employees they can quit and get about eight months' pay and benefits as part of Trump's push to shrink the federal government

- notes the publication.

The author adds that the offer made last month to most civilian federal agencies did not apply to some categories of federal employees, including those working in national security.

As reported by the WSJ, in addition to severance pay, those who decide to leave the service will be provided with benefits, although their exact name is not indicated in the publication.

The Central Intelligence Agency is also freezing hirings for those who have already received conditional invitations, some of which will likely be rescinded if candidates “lack relevant experience for the agency’s new missions,” which include countering China.

– the publication quotes the CIA director’s advisor.

It is worth noting that to date, more than 20 US government employees have agreed to leave their posts in exchange for eight months' compensation. As US media emphasize, this number continues to grow.

Let us recall that with the help of an “offer you can’t refuse,” Donald Trump and his closest associate Elon Musk are counting on cutting about ten percent of federal government employees.
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  1. +4
    5 February 2025 09: 10
    A very timely idea, just give it to us.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 09: 25
      Trump stole our idea - at least 10% of civil servants and judicial staff must be cut by July 01...
      1. +1
        5 February 2025 09: 46
        Or maybe Donya will comb through the Pentagon or disperse it? feel
        There are no fewer parasites there...

        p.s. if he finds out what the money was really spent on - ooooh, he'll go crazy....
      2. 0
        5 February 2025 09: 47
        ramp stole our idea - at least 10% of civil servants and judges' staff must be cut by July 01....

        don't you find it funny?
        in our country, they are transferred to subordinate organizations with the retention of salaries and other things...
        1. -2
          5 February 2025 09: 57
          Quote: Dedok
          ramp stole our idea - at least 10% of civil servants and judges' staff must be cut by July 01....

          don't you find it funny?
          in our country, they are transferred to subordinate organizations with the retention of salaries and other things...

          Whom CASH????!!!! What the hell, "with pay"???
          I am a civil servant and no one is transferred anywhere because no one is stupid enough to go to work for 35 and pay 000 for an apartment...
          In our Saratov region, we have 5 FTS departments left for 30-odd districts.
          We have 14 Rosreestr departments left in the region.
          Rosselkhoznadzor - Penza and Saratov were united, there are not even territorial departments, 1 inspector for 3-5 districts. Veterinary inspectors - 5-6 districts per inspector.
          You should have at least thought for a second.....
          1. -3
            5 February 2025 10: 00
            Who THEIR????!!!! With what the hell, "with pay"???

            officials ...
            1. 0
              5 February 2025 10: 02
              Quote: Dedok
              Who THEIR????!!!! With what the hell, "with pay"???

              officials ...

              If you take the level of ministers, deputies, heads of departments, then yes. And everything below that is cut quite calmly...
              1. -1
                5 February 2025 10: 04
                If you take the level of ministers, deputies, heads of departments, then yes. And everything below that is cut quite calmly...

      's a live example for you:
                They just introduced 2 positions for heads of departments (without subordinates and scope of duties), saying that they will be listed with us, but will work... somewhere there!
                1. -1
                  5 February 2025 10: 06
                  Quote: Dedok
                  If you take the level of ministers, deputies, heads of departments, then yes. And everything below that is cut quite calmly...

        's a live example for you:
                  They just introduced 2 positions for heads of departments (without subordinates and scope of duties), saying that they will be listed with us, but will work... somewhere there!

                  What government agency? To understand the level of discussion...
                  1. 0
                    5 February 2025 10: 07
                    What government agency?

                    Regional Government...
                    1. 0
                      5 February 2025 10: 10
                      Look at the poster posted by Arkady007 and ask yourself what kind of needs are required to support such a number of employees?
                      and in general, look at the "slogans" put forward by Elon Musk...
                      calculate the sovereign's expenses...
                      1. -2
                        5 February 2025 12: 53
                        Quote: Dedok
                        What kind of needs are required to support such a number of employees?

                        Well, for example, because citizens want to buy imported equipment - you need customs, and other citizens want to trade this equipment - you need tax, and then these traders shout "where is our pension?" (even though they didn't pay and dodged pensions as best they could) - you need a pension.
                        And the offended citizens go to court and demand compensation for marriage with the tradesmen - and additional judges are needed (so that you understand - the workload of a judge in the USSR was 60-70 cases per year, now up to 10 per day)
                        And nearby citizens are fighting for land snatched by a neighbor, and state land supervision and a court are needed
                        And nearby they are demolishing the interfloor walls for a swimming pool on the 5th floor and a housing inspection is needed
                        And nearby they sprinkle pesticides - and we need Rosselkhoznadzor.
                        And so on....

                        And in ALL (!!!!) In these cases, the authorities in the USSR would have told citizens, "Man, are you crazy or something? Get out of here to the...steppe...!!!!" ©

                        Quote: Dedok
                        calculate the sovereign's expenses...
                        They can be shortened only and exclusively - by curtailing the rights of citizens. For example, to trade or property, to own property or finances....
                    2. 0
                      5 February 2025 10: 48
                      Quote: Dedok
                      Гosorgan what?

                      regional Government...

                      Easier for you NOT civil servants - you are subjects, this Decree does not apply to you. You have your own cockroaches...
                      And we, the real civil servants, are being “cut” - I gave examples.
                      1. +2
                        5 February 2025 12: 40
                        There are federal civil servants, there are civil servants of the federal subject, there are municipal civil servants.
      3. 0
        5 February 2025 09: 49
        Well, in our country, the number of the sovereign’s lackeys can be reduced by 90%.
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 10: 05
          Quote: Arkady007
          Well, in our country, the number of the sovereign’s lackeys can be reduced by 90%.

          They just forgot about the party and Komsomol apparatus at the local level to include officials in the USSR - party committees, city committees, district committees and other committees where there was an apparatus larger than that of the Soviet government in the executive committees.
          The only State Authority that did not exist in the USSR was the tax authority. All the others were.
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 11: 50
            Quote: your1970
            The only State Authority that did not exist in the USSR was the tax authority. All the others were.

            Here in Lobnya during the USSR the entire state apparatus took up less space than, for example, the pension department or the tax inspectorate. The state apparatus of the Soviet era was a couple of three-room apartments. The tax office was a whole floor in a multi-story building, the pension fund was a mansion. And another very large mansion with the main bosses. The staff compared to the USSR is inflated by at least 10 times. Komsomol organs. TsNITI - I have a feeling that there was only one full-time worker for about 500 Komsomol members. When I joined the Komsomol, we went to the district committee of the Komsomol for approval 20 km away. There, I think, was a combined mansion of the RK CPSU and the Komsomol. The party staffs of various parties from Putinists to Navalny supporters far exceed the staffs of full-time workers of the CPSU.
            Quote: your1970
            The only government agency that did not exist in the USSR was the tax service.

            In the USSR, pensions were managed by Biryukova, who was a member of the trade union. Soviet citizens who worked in industry, paying 5% for trade union contributions, had pensions that exceeded the salaries of entry-level engineers. Of course, there were imbalances with collective farmer pensions as a legacy of Stalinism, when the state proclaimed the slogan "a matter of honor, valor and heroism of a collective farmer - to work for the state for sticks and to feed from a personal plot and by stealing from the collective farm!"
            1. -1
              5 February 2025 12: 26
              Quote: gsev
              In Lobnya, during the USSR, the entire government apparatus occupied less space than, for example, the pension department or tax office

              Quote: gsev
              The tax office is an entire floor in a multi-story building,

              Lobnya FTS
              The Inspectorate serves taxpayers of the City Districts Khimki, Lobnya and Dolgoprudny - 1 department on 3 large areas.
              Quote: gsev
              Komsomol organs.
              В EVERYONE organizations with a staff of 100 people or more had a party organizer and a Komsomol organizer freed.
              + a freed trade union representative (in large ones - with his own separate staff) belay trade union committee)
              The district committee of my district 44 people +10 cars, district executive committee- POWER!!!! - only 32 and 6 cars
              A total of 76 officials for a district with a population of 20.
              This is without taking into account other officials from the State Bank (its own 2-story building), bailiffs (6 people - an aunt worked there) and so on...
              And in the region they all had their own mansions, including the trade union and others.

              I'll repeat myself, it just seems to you that there are more civil servants now than then - because then Lyudochka from "Office Romance" (give a ruble for a wreath for Bublikoff!!) was not perceived as the civil servant that she essentially was - although she could easily deprive someone of a travel voucher.
              Stalin said in 1934 that there were about 3,7 million officials in the USSR (and that's without the party apparatus). It's clear that this wasn't the late USSR, but the order of magnitude of the numbers is no less.

              Quote: gsev
              to Navalny supporters recourse
              - Hmm, what do they have to do with power? Let's have "Tolkienists" then. belay We will also include the late USSR in power lol - in Moscow alone there were about 9 organized people by 000 (they even collected contributions for joint battles)...
              1. -4
                5 February 2025 14: 27
                Quote: your1970
                My district committee 44 people +10 cars, district executive committee - POWER!!!! - only 32 and 6 cars

                This is comparable to the number of mistresses and cars in the family of the owners of a small firm in the city of Lobnya. And in the Mytishchi district there are hundreds of such firms. Under capitalism, the number of liberated party workers and Komsomol members must be compared precisely with the number of golden youth and escort concubines.
                1. 0
                  5 February 2025 14: 42
                  Quote: gsev
                  Under capitalist conditions, the number of liberated party workers and Komsomol members must be compared with the number of golden youth and escort concubines.

                  Okay, then to the party organizers and Komsomol organizers we need to add black marketeers, traders and prostitutes - it's not a fact that there were fewer of them then. There were certainly no fewer golden youth...
                  1. -3
                    5 February 2025 20: 23
                    Quote: your1970
                    farts, traders and prostitutes - it is not a fact that there were fewer of them then. There were certainly no fewer golden youth....

                    In the USSR there were no black marketeers, prostitutes or traders who were exempted from work. They either worked, or were at least listed as working, or were in a corrective labor camp under the article on parasitism.
                    Quote: your1970
                    There were certainly no fewer golden youth...

                    In my city, a representative of the golden youth, the son of the 2nd secretary of the city committee of the CPSU, got carried away with the near-criminal gang. The result was a preliminary detention, and after refusing to cooperate with the investigation, he was raped in a cell by real criminals, after which both he and his classmates' desire to present themselves as gangsters before the rampage of perestroika diminished.
                    1. -1
                      5 February 2025 23: 49
                      Quote: gsev
                      In the USSR there were no black marketeers, prostitutes or traders freed from work

                      Please remind me - what does the golden youth and mistresses have to do with number of civil servants in any period? And then I went and lost your thoughts....
                      1. -2
                        6 February 2025 00: 29
                        Quote: your1970
                        What relation do golden youth and mistresses have to the number of civil servants in any period?

                        So it was you who suggested including prostitutes among Soviet civil servants. Answer your own statement. Have you reread your post above under the nickname "my 1970"?
                      2. -1
                        6 February 2025 11: 19
                        Quote: gsev
                        So it was you who suggested including prostitutes among Soviet civil servants. Answer your own statement.

                        Let me remind you - it was answer on yours proposal
                        Quote: gsev
                        In the conditions of capitalism, it is necessary to compare the number of released party workers and Komsomol members precisely with the number of golden youth and escort concubines.

                        have you reread your post?
                      3. -1
                        6 February 2025 19: 48
                        Quote: your1970
                        golden youth and escort concubines.
                        have you reread your post?

                        In my opinion, the number of party apparatus in the USSR was from 100 to 000 people. My experience of visiting the Mytishchi district committee of the Komsomol with the appearance of photo model employees of this institution in 400 allows me to conclude that then the powers that be had to arrange for the employees of their harem to work in their party office. Now you can just pay money, or you can organize a sports or gymnastics show for the concubine. So if we compare the state apparatus of those times and the present, then in my opinion, in modern times, the costs of the state apparatus are more shifted to structures that are not officially part of it. Although this is a delicate matter and requires working with sources and careful calculation. In the Central Scientific Research Institute there were several departments that performed statistical processing in the interests of the ministry. When the campaign to reduce the apparatus began, their employees were surprised that they were the ones to be cut, although in the design departments everyone considered this reasonable. By the way, I heard at that time that when they counted the number of managers, they included foremen at factories. Therefore, we must be very careful with such calculations.
                      4. -2
                        6 February 2025 21: 49
                        Kolkhozov 32 3000 - party organizer
                        Enterprises 46 - party organizer
                        State farms 17717 - party organizer.
                        There are 1750 districts - the district committee apparatus is roughly 20 people minimum.
                        Army - party organizer from the regiment and above

                        Only in these in pieces already 150 000 party workers will come running easy and relaxed
                        And there is also the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB, universities, city and regional committees, republican party apparatuses, research institutes, and so on.
                        In any case, no less than 1-2 million paraphernalia
                      5. -1
                        6 February 2025 22: 38
                        Quote: your1970
                        regional committees, republican party apparatuses, research institutes, and so on.

                        EP TsNITI. The party organizer of this enterprise was sent several times by my boss to set up machine tools as the head of the plant team. Only once did he manage to dodge this position when he saw how bad the living conditions were. But it was hard to find fault with his motive from the outside. He returned to Noginsk declaring that the plant in Tula had not created conditions for work and his presence in Noginsk was necessary to personally convey to the management of EP TsNITI proposals on what needed to be done to fix it. In addition, the engineers and workers were very interested in how effective the work would be in the absence of the party leadership under the leadership of a non-party engineer. EP TsNITI produced CNC systems, asynchronous and direct current drives, optical and inductive position sensors with a resolution of 0,001 mm, machining centers. Now the lion's share of such things is purchased abroad. The CNC produced by Stankin under the supervision of Mishustin is complete crap compared to Chinese CNCs (for example, Stankin could not create a module for connecting strain gauges). And if the CNC EP TsNITI had been produced in the USSR in the USA, it would have been prohibited from export to socialist countries according to the rules of COCOM and CHINCOM. The party organizer at a state farm is largely connected with live production. Current officials, even with a great desire to delve into production, do not look successful in their trusted position. An example is D. Rogozin at Roscosmos.
                      6. -1
                        7 February 2025 07: 44
                        Quote: gsev
                        Current officials, even with a great desire to delve into production, do not look successful in their trusted positions. An example is D. Rogozin in Roscosmos.

                        It irritates me when they use it double standards - "Here is capitalism - everything is bad, here is socialism and even the chickens poop chocolate!" ©

                        In Central Asia in 1988-90 (when I served there in Kushka - I don't know about other periods) "singing birds" were in fashion among the "party and economic elite" - girls aged 14-17 sitting on tree branches and singing songs. In the nude....
                        Then they were offered to their dear guests.
                        And the parents almost fought over whose daughter they would use today, because if the first secretary liked it, then EVERYTHING would happen.

                        The whole difference is that back then it was hidden, but now it’s out of almost every iron - and that’s why it seems that back then it (corruption, nepotism, theft, stupidity of leaders, crooked laws, “golden youth”, connections, venality, and so on) didn’t exist.
                        And it was and was on a larger scale than now - the USSR died, but the Russian Federation still lives. Well, maybe the forms were different. ...
                      7. -1
                        7 February 2025 09: 41
                        Quote: your1970
                        In Central Asia in 1988-90 (when I served there in Kushka - I don't know about other periods) "singing birds" were in fashion among the "party and economic elite" - girls aged 14-17 sitting on tree branches and singing songs. In the nude....
                        Then they were offered to their dear guests.

                        I have a geologist friend who was on a business trip to Central Asia. One day, the son of a district prosecutor ran him over. He shot at the son's car with a weapon required of a geologist and everything worked out. The Asian guy was like a different person - politeness itself.
                        Quote: your1970
                        And it was and was on a larger scale than now - the USSR died, but the Russian Federation still lives.

                        Russia of 1991-1992 and Russia of 2025 are completely different countries and societies. Putin has made a rather radical revolution, in some ways more radical than Lenin. I have friends who are more successful than me, who bought 2 apartments in Moscow and dream of an apartment or a house in Turkey with a residence permit as a dacha. Back in 2010, their family had days when they did not have money for bread. I am generally not interested in comparing the current situation with what it was under Stalin, Khrushchev, Andropov and Yeltsin, but in where the vector of the country's development is directed. Everything is very ambiguous, but Russia left the hopelessness, stupor and dead end in which it was from Andropov to Yeltsin. Although the dead end was in politics, not science or industry.
                      8. -2
                        7 February 2025 10: 19
                        Quote: gsev
                        One day, the district prosecutor's son ran into him. He fired at his son's car from a weapon that was required of a geologist, and everything turned out well.

                        The prosecutor was lazy, or the son for some reason didn't tell his dad lol or the prosecutor was in strong conflict with the cops.
                        "Attempted murder" as a maximum and "excessive self-defense" as a minimum - in such a situation it would take half an hour to pin it on you.
                        Quote: gsev
                        Everything is very ambiguous, but Russia has left the hopelessness, stupor and dead end in which it was from Andropov to Yeltsin.

                        I absolutely agree with this.
                      9. 0
                        7 February 2025 23: 20
                        Quote: your1970
                        "Attempted murder" as a maximum and "excessive self-defense" as a minimum - in such a situation it would take half an hour to pin it on you.

                        In Moscow, a conflict between the son of a prosecutor and the owner of a car repair shop ended with the mechanic getting shot in the limb; the prosecutor's son's car was burned by the mechanics in front of the owner waving a pistol with a half-empty magazine. As compensation, a big police chief personally took the mechanic to get his wound bandaged and after the bandage, back to work at the prosecutor's request. Several years ago, a Syrian diplomat and his security were beaten up in Moscow. The man who beat up the Syrian punks was able to cross the Russian border with Belarus and Belarus with the European Union in 2 days and get to Berlin. To do business in Russia, you often have to be more calculating and smarter than Budanov or Avakov.
                      10. -2
                        8 February 2025 16: 11
                        Quote: gsev
                        Moscow Conflict of the prosecutor's son

                        We were talking about
                        Quote: gsev
                        в Central AsiaOne day, the district prosecutor's son ran into him.

                        Since you do not live on the border with Central Asia, you do not understand the difference between Russia and Central Asia.
                        A prosecutor is appointed there. FAMILY clan and determines the level force clan.Everyone YOUR OWN judge, prosecutor, akim, head of the district police department, etc. - this is an indicator of strength and level of access to the top of the government.
                        There, behind the district prosecutor there may be half the district's relatives, including the entire district government.
                        Central Asian clans.
                        That's why I assumed that
                        Quote: your1970
                        The prosecutor was lazy, or the son for some reason didn’t tell his dad, or the prosecutor was in strong conflict with the cops.

                        Those who want to provide a pleasant and necessary service his if there were a lot of them, they would have put your friend in jail like a sweetheart or simply buried him in the steppe. Especially if he was not a local, but a stray geologist, no one would have known.
                        Russian Central Asians know this clearly...
                        And here we have a more civilized system...
                      11. 0
                        8 February 2025 16: 27
                        Quote: your1970
                        There, behind the district prosecutor there may be half the district's relatives, including the entire district government.

                        You have probably been to Turkmenistan. Turkmen tribes are known in Asia as slave traders who captured Tajiks and Iranians for sale in Khiva and Bukhara. In Tajikistan, the attitude is somewhat different. There, intelligence is valued and local society is capable of convincing a prosecutor's family to leave a needed engineer alone. After the civil war in Tajikistan, the local authorities very quickly squeezed out the restless bandit element to Russia and now lure IT specialists with benefits. I was assured that many active participants in the attacks on Russian border posts have been living in Russia since about 2005.
                        Quote: your1970
                        Especially if he wasn’t a local, but a stray geologist, no one would have known.

                        There was a problem to quickly leave the district where the prosecutor ruled. The order to the police to kill or maim the offender was given throughout the district. But then the power of the CPSU limited the ambitions of district bais only to the districts of their residence. Now every self-respecting bai dreams of buying colonels or generals of the FSB and the police of Russia or politicians and the Russian Federation into service.
              2. -3
                5 February 2025 14: 34
                Quote: your1970
                Lobnya FTS
                The inspection serves taxpayers of the urban districts of Khimki, Lobnya and Dolgoprudny - 1 department for 3 large districts.

                FTS in Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Pervomayskaya st., 11 also serves Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Lobnya. Another one is already the second department for 3 large districts. And here is the address of the third: Moscow region, Khimki, Yubileyny pr-t, 67A. Why are you throwing in fakes about only one FTS for 3 cities? The lie is easily verified by reference on the Internet.
                1. -1
                  5 February 2025 14: 54
                  Quote: gsev
                  Why are you spreading fakes about only one FTS for 3 cities? The lie is easily verified by reference on the Internet.

                  From the same Internet from the FTS website
                  Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 13 for Moscow Region
                  "The inspection serves taxpayers of the urban districts of Khimki, Lobnya and Dolgoprudny"

                  In Khimki and Dolgop, TORMs are the remnants of departments in their districts; in Lobnya, there is a base department.
              3. +1
                5 February 2025 15: 17
                This is just a rough estimate and only up until 2017 according to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, when the CPSU was already forgotten.
                1. 0
                  5 February 2025 15: 55
                  Quote: Arkady007
                  This is just a rough estimate and only up until 2017 according to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, when the CPSU was already forgotten.

                  And? What of it?
                  In total, there are 2,131 million civil servants, municipal employees and regional employees, judging by this picture.
                  Is this a little or a lot?
                  If we judge, for example, by the 5 remaining departments of the Federal Tax Service in our region and the citizens who wander around in circles not understanding where to go now - it is not enough. If we ignore them - then we can leave 1 fellow Federal Tax Service department for the region. There will be savings, wow....
                  Citizens will really start howling...
                  As for the municipalities, they cannot be physically reduced - their territories are too large.
            2. +1
              5 February 2025 14: 17
              Quote: gsev
              Soviet citizens who worked in industry, paying 5% for professional contributions, had pensions that exceeded the salaries of entry-level engineers.

              Seriously? Where did industrial workers get a pension of at least 90 rubles? Given that a young specialist straight out of college got 110-130. Unless you worked twenty years in a galvanic shop.
              1. 0
                5 February 2025 14: 19
                Quote from: nik-mazur
                Where did industrial workers receive a pension of at least 90 rubles?

                In the late USSR, my parents' pension was comparable to my earnings. The pension in the USSR was also 300 rubles.
                1. 0
                  5 February 2025 14: 23
                  Quote: gsev
                  in the late USSR my parents' pension was commensurate with my earnings

                  Maybe, but only if you earned less than average and your pension was higher than average – for example, under the hazardous production grid.

                  Quote: gsev
                  The pension in the USSR was 300 rubles.

                  Cut the sturgeon. Even personal pensions were smaller:
                  Until 1977, the size of the personal pension of the Union significance was 200 rubles per month, the republican pension was 120 rubles, and the local pension was 60 rubles.
                  In 1977, these pensions were increased. Union pension to 250 rubles per month, republican pension to 160 rubles, local pension to 140 rubles per month.
                  1. 0
                    5 February 2025 20: 51
                    Quote from: nik-mazur
                    Quote: gsev
                    in the late USSR my parents' pension was commensurate with my earnings

                    Maybe, but only if you earned less than average and your pension was higher than average – for example, under the hazardous production grid.

                    Quote: gsev
                    The pension in the USSR was 300 rubles.

                    Cut the sturgeon. Even personal pensions were smaller:
                    Until 1977, the size of the personal pension of the Union significance was 200 rubles per month, the republican pension was 120 rubles, and the local pension was 60 rubles.
                    In 1977, these pensions were increased. Union pension to 250 rubles per month, republican pension to 160 rubles, local pension to 140 rubles per month.

                    "Data from websites affiliated with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation: Disability pensions were calculated depending on the categories: industrial injury or occupational disease - 110% of the salary for group I, 100% for group II, 65% for group III. General illness - group I 100%, II - 90%, III - 45%.

                    And here are the pensions of ordinary Soviet citizens without any additional pension reforms. For those who had not worked for a certain period of time, a minimum benefit of 34 rubles was assigned. The maximum pension, given a high salary and the required length of service, on the eve of the collapse of the USSR was 132 rubles.

                    Additionally, there were bonuses for continuous work experience: for continuous work at one enterprise for 15 years - 10%, for a total work experience of 35 years for men and 30 years for women - 10%, for continuous work at one place for 25 years with a total work experience of 35 - 20%.

                    What is important is that, at the citizens’ discretion, the pension could be calculated based on the last year of work, or for any five years of previous work experience.

                    As a result, an ordinary Soviet citizen could well count on a pension of up to 150 rubles a month." My subordinates had 270 rubles a month. That is, they were looking at the maximum labor pension of 132 rubles. I do not remember whether they received an increase for hazardous conditions. At NPO Lavochkin, there was a case when workers read a law according to which free milk was due if a person worked with a soldering iron more than 5 days a month. There was some conflict between the workers and the plant's management, which was resolved by a letter from a higher-level trade union body obliging them to recognize the workshop as hazardous and issue 1 liter of milk every 2 working days. So a pension of 130 rubles for workers in my circle is normal. Mother worked on the chemistry of armor steels and the entire periodic table passed through the exhaust hood of her laboratory. She talked more about scandium than about titanium, aluminum armor or ferroalloys.
                    1. 0
                      5 February 2025 21: 06
                      Quote: gsev
                      Data from websites affiliated with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

                      Not to mention that the CPRF data still needs to be verified, the theory often couldn't withstand a collision with reality. For example, an old lady goes to work at a galvanic shop to earn a pension. And a year before retirement, a new calculation grid comes in, according to which, in order to receive an increased pension, you have to work in a hazardous production facility for fifteen years instead of ten (roughly speaking - I don't remember the exact values ​​anymore). That's it - either retire without taking into account the hazardous work experience, or hammer away at the galvanic shop for another four years. The old lady left because her health was more important.

                      Quote: gsev
                      a pension of 130 rubles for workers in my circle is a normal phenomenon

                      In the early eighties, at the end of the USSR, pensions were higher than in the seventies, but then salaries were also higher.
                      In my memory, they received mostly from 60 to 90 rubles. And I know of a case with a pension of 14 rubles a month. I also couldn't believe my ears, but the information was first-hand. Although this is, of course, a special case - approximately like a personal pension, only the other way around.

                      Quote: gsev
                      Mother worked on the chemistry of armor steels and the entire periodic table passed through the exhaust hood of her laboratory.

                      Well, as I assumed.
                      1. 0
                        5 February 2025 21: 12
                        Quote from: nik-mazur
                        And I know a case with a pension of 14 rubles a month. I also couldn't believe my ears, but the information was first-hand.

                        My grandmother received a survivor's pension of 32 rubles. In Lobnya, at the site where she delivered pensions to my grandmother, the lowest pension was 25 rubles. But in the USSR there were also social individuals, there were housewives, there were those who fled from the collective farm on the eve of Khrushchev's decision to pay pensions to collective farmers. At the enterprise where I work, workers can, at best, count on an old-age pension after reaching 70 years of age according to current law.
                      2. 0
                        6 February 2025 00: 39
                        Quote from: nik-mazur
                        Not to mention that the CPRF data still needs to be verified,

                        The information on the procedure for calculating pensions in the USSR from the CPRF website is the most understandable, complete and plausible of all that I have come across. Do you have a source that refutes the information I have provided and the pro-communist website? Introduce the readers and me! I am very interested in an alternative point of view.
                      3. -1
                        6 February 2025 02: 08
                        Quote: gsev
                        Do you have a source that refutes the information I provided?

                        I admit that the CPRF, due to its bias, may well embellish reality. That's why I said that it needs to be checked, but I didn't say that I checked - this is not the topic to delve into details. I won't argue.
                2. 0
                  5 February 2025 14: 45
                  Quote: gsev
                  Quote from: nik-mazur
                  Where did industrial workers receive a pension of at least 90 rubles?

                  In the late USSR, my parents' pension was comparable to my earnings. The pension in the USSR was also 300 rubles.

                  My grandfather, a disabled war veteran, had a pension of 98 - it was raised in 1985 to slightly more than his salary. My grandfather began to allow himself cognac on holidays.
                  1. -1
                    5 February 2025 20: 57
                    Quote: your1970
                    My grandfather, a disabled war veteran, had a pension of 98, which was raised in 1985 to slightly more than his salary.

                    At his first job, my father decided to collect all the elements of the periodic table by the gram. At osmium or iridium, he was asked to return the collection to the state and switch to collecting books. But at his second job, the experience he gained allowed him to introduce a reliable method for monitoring the welds of anti-aircraft missile fuel tanks. His pension was for disability after cancer. By the way, the salary of young specialists at the machine-building plants of Moscow Stankin was about 110 rubles a month. After taxes, this is less than your grandfather's pension.
          2. 0
            5 February 2025 12: 24
            Well, in comparison with the USSR, the staff of police, prosecutors, judges has increased several times. And it is considered that everyone is overloaded and there are not enough people. There were no justices of the peace, assistant judges, or bailiffs in the USSR. In quantitative terms, the number of employees in all these structures was incomparably smaller. And there was no Russian Guard. Much fewer people worked in city and district executive committees. And the Federation Council? I can't believe why it is needed at all? And there are a lot of very highly paid people sitting there. It's just a sinecure. And there was no such body in the USSR. There was the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, but it was incomparably smaller. There was no Presidential Administration either. And in general now there are a lot of all sorts of "supervisions" and other services.
            1. -1
              5 February 2025 12: 38
              Quote: Traveler_2

              District prosecutors are still the same
              Quote: Traveler_2

              There were 3 judges per district and that's how it is now.
              Quote: Traveler_2
              assistant judges
              there were secretaries too

              Quote: Traveler_2
              There were no bailiffs either.
              - there were, bailiffs were called.
              Quote: Traveler_2

              Yeah, it was called the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs...
              Quote: Traveler_2
              There was no Presidential Office either.

              There was the Secretariat of the Central Committee - a complex of buildings in Moscow on Old Square and a bunch of other addresses....

              In reality, there was no Tax Service and there was a smaller Customs Service - the population was not engaged in trade, especially foreign trade.
              All other government agencies were there.
              1. -2
                5 February 2025 20: 27
                Quote: your1970
                In reality there was no Tax Service and there was a smaller Customs Service

                In Lobnya in 1973, to resolve personal issues, one could go to the Presidium of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the City Committee. Now, they do not dare to disturb middle managers on production issues.
                1. -2
                  5 February 2025 23: 52
                  Quote: gsev
                  In Lobnya in 1973, to resolve personal issues, they could go to the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Secretary of the City Committee

                  So what?
                  What does this change? How did this protect the USSR state from collapse - 2 parallel authorities?
                  1. -2
                    6 February 2025 00: 33
                    Quote: your1970
                    What does this change? How did it protect the USSR state?

                    While an ordinary citizen could enter the office of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of a town with a population of only 15 under Brezhnev, the USSR did not fall apart.
                    1. -2
                      6 February 2025 11: 24
                      Quote: gsev
                      Quote: your1970
                      What does this change? How did it protect the USSR state?

                      While an ordinary citizen could enter the office of the Chairman of the Executive Committee of a town with a population of only 15 under Brezhnev, the USSR did not fall apart.

                      This was possible for us right up until the collapse of the USSR.
                      Moreover, an ordinary citizen can still come to see our leader.
                      In your Lobnya, yes, it may be problematic now, but here it is quite possible - not Moscow and the region....
                      And how does access to power affect the impossibility of the collapse of the USSR?
                      1. -2
                        6 February 2025 19: 29
                        Quote: your1970
                        And how does access to power affect the impossibility of the collapse of the USSR?

                        At one time, Putin conceived of conducting decommunization in the style of the Ukrainian post-Maidan. This was apparently somewhat earlier than 2014. However, he conducted a survey, forcing his subordinates conducting the survey to achieve reliable answers and reliable processing of the survey results. The US State Department and Ukrainian oligarchs who decided to conduct something similar in Ukraine did not take an interest in the opinion of the people and immediately added persecution and a ban on the Russian language to the decommunization program, and a year later Poroshenko added a ban on Orthodoxy in Ukraine to the decommunization program. As a result, Ukraine lost almost 5 regions. Isn't this a collapse due to an unwillingness to listen to people's opinions? If Putin had not abandoned the decommunization program based on the results of his sociological survey, then Russia would also have faced civil war and collapse.
                      2. -2
                        6 February 2025 21: 30
                        Quote: gsev
                        If Putin had not abandoned the decommunization program

                        It's strange that the local "marshals" aren't trampling you underfoot anymore - for "Putin refused decommunization", and they might even scratch your eyes out...
                      3. -2
                        6 February 2025 22: 19
                        Quote: your1970
                        Putin refused decommunization", or they might scratch out his eyes...

                        Putin's attempts to recall decommunization are costing Russia dearly. When Putin, during his speech about the beginning of the SVO, blurted out the word "decommunization" inappropriately, he immediately reduced the number of his potential active supporters in Ukraine several times.
            2. +2
              5 February 2025 12: 44
              The Presidential Administration is the equivalent of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
        2. +2
          5 February 2025 14: 13
          Quote: Arkady007
          We can cut the number of the sovereign's lackeys by 90%

          I remember the Soviet queues at absolutely any government agency (when I stood at the OVIR for three days and went to the traffic police for a week) and somehow I don’t want such happiness.
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 15: 14
            What is the connection between the device and queues in the computer age?
            1. +1
              5 February 2025 20: 20
              Quote: Arkady007
              And what is the connection between the device and queues in the age of computers?

              No idea. But in Soviet times, huge queues were everywhere and always.
              Computers and other digitalization are great, but a huge number of issues are still resolved by living people. Thanks to computers or due to the number of civil servants - I personally don't care.
    2. 0
      5 February 2025 09: 29
      Like Hercules cleaning out the filthy Augean stables wassat
    3. -2
      5 February 2025 09: 43
      I'll say it briefly - I encroached on something "sacred".
    4. -1
      5 February 2025 13: 20
      Today, 09: 10
      A very timely idea, just give it to us.

      hi The initiative is worthy of study and implementation in the Russian Federation.
      Only it is necessary to take into account the experience of the so-called digitalization, optimization, modernization and other terminology of the current vice-premier, the notorious Golikova and Mr. Zurabov, who at one time made a lot of mistakes.
      DAM, I remember when I was still the Prime Minister, I said that the digitalization of the Russian Government bodies was nearing completion, forgetting that not all city and district authorities were equipped with technology and the Internet. soldier
  2. +3
    5 February 2025 09: 10
    And this is already starting to look interesting... Donya, burn it black...
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 09: 19
      They write that the US Ministry of Education will also be disbanded...
      Why bother with trifles? Fire everyone, Donnie, everyone! We've bred so many parasites. laughing
      1. -1
        5 February 2025 09: 34
        Why bother with trifles? Fire everyone, Donnie, everyone! We've bred so many parasites.

        The topic is also very relevant for the Russian Federation. There are more parasites in the State Duma than workers in enterprises
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 09: 36
          Are you suggesting that Donnie come to us and deal with our parasites? laughing
          1. -1
            5 February 2025 10: 01
            In 4 years he will be free. Why not?
          2. +1
            5 February 2025 10: 19
            Are you suggesting that Donnie come to us and deal with our parasites?

            What does Doni have to do with it? Let Doni rage at home. I mean that it wouldn't be a sin to fire half of the "people's representatives" because they are of no use
        2. -1
          5 February 2025 11: 52
          Quote from bambr731
          There are more parasites in the State Duma than there are workers in the enterprises

          The state apparatus in Russia needs to be reduced by a factor of 6 if we intend to seriously compete with China and North Korea.
    2. 0
      5 February 2025 09: 19
      This is getting very, very interesting! The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans. The redhead waves his saber faster and harder. Drive them all out, Donya! Why are they giving you false information, setting you up in front of the whole world.))
  3. +3
    5 February 2025 09: 14
    ...quit and get eight months' compensation...

    and then get back to work... specialists are always needed!
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 09: 17
      Mossad to hire foreign informants part-time...
      1. -1
        5 February 2025 11: 56
        Quote: Nexcom
        Mossad to hire foreign informants part-time...

        Israel will not be able to afford such expenses. There are enough Jews among them to leak information to Israel for family and ideological reasons, and paid foreigners are ineffective.
    2. +1
      5 February 2025 09: 19
      usr01 hi, well, they'll only take back those who are needed by the new management. A voluntary purge.
    3. -1
      5 February 2025 09: 23
      Quote: usr01
      ...quit and get eight months' compensation...

      and then get back to work... specialists are always needed!

      Hiring is closed, right??!!
      1. -1
        5 February 2025 09: 27
        Well, maybe our GRU should get busy and take him on as a part-time worker - let them inform our people, right? laughing
        1. -2
          5 February 2025 09: 47
          Quote: Nexcom
          Well, maybe our GRU should get busy and take him on as a part-time worker - let them inform our people, right? laughing

          I'm FOR it anyway!!! As a part-time intern, and then we'll see. lol
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 09: 48
            good No problem! Part-time GRU corporal. wassat
  4. -1
    5 February 2025 09: 16
    "The US Central Intelligence Agency has asked all its employees to resign" -

    — NSA get ready...
  5. 0
    5 February 2025 09: 21
    It is clear that Trump is clearing space for himself and he will take people who are loyal to him
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 09: 26
      With such a large-scale change of personnel and the selection of new ones only on the principle of loyalty, this is some kind of revolution from above (if the media are not exaggerating)
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 09: 28
        Unfortunately, we already have the sad experience of selecting personnel solely on the principle of loyalty, regardless of professional qualities... If Donnie doesn't understand this, he will fail with such reforms.
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 09: 36
          Nexcom, yes - yes. There was something like that in literature. We don't need smart people. We need loyal ones."
      2. 0
        5 February 2025 09: 54
        and why did you decide that among former or even current CIA employees, or people from departments close to him in the profile, he doesn’t have supporters with experience, I think there are still some
  6. +2
    5 February 2025 09: 25
    A trio is racing across the US: Donald, Elon, Perestroika... winked
  7. 0
    5 February 2025 11: 10
    There will be fewer nits in the world wink