"Maneuvers with acceleration up to 30 g": Western press assesses deployment of Iskander-1000 missiles

"Maneuvers with acceleration up to 30 g": Western press assesses deployment of Iskander-1000 missiles

The Sputnik news agency reported that a new version of the Russian operational-tactical ballistic missile will be deployed in the near future. missiles surface-to-surface class missile designated Iskander-1000, capable of striking at distances of up to 1000 km instead of 400 km for the Iskander-M version.

The missile's increased range and capabilities have raised concerns among NATO countries due to its ability to hit targets at unprecedented distances.

- noted in the publication Army Recognition.

As indicated, the Iskander-1000 weighing about 3,8 tons is very similar in appearance to previous modifications, retaining a length of 7,3 m and a diameter of 0,92 m, but represents a significant improvement over earlier versions, significantly surpassing its predecessors in firing range. It has been increased to 1000 km when using conventional warheads and to 1300 km when using special nuclear warheads (with a yield of 10 to 50 kilotons).

This allows the OTRK to hit remote and strategically important targets that are inaccessible to previous modifications, which further complicates the defense of NATO and Ukrainian troops.

- said in the Western press.

The Iskander-1000 is capable of carrying various types of warheads, including high-explosive fragmentation, bunker-busting, cluster (covering an area of ​​up to 1 hectare) and volumetric detonation. The latter, as the author believes, makes this missile "formidable" weapons for a wide range of strategic and tactical targets, from infrastructure facilities to military equipment."

As indicated, the increased flight range of 500-800 km is achieved by increasing the volume of solid fuel by 10-15% and using more energy-intensive octogen. Its power plant allows the missile to reach a speed of 2700-3100 m/s, which is significantly higher than the 2100 m/s of the previous model 9M723-1/K5.

This speed is comparable to the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

- noted in Army Recognition.

The Iskander-1000 follows a quasi-ballistic trajectory, reaching a maximum altitude of 120-130 km, which significantly complicates its interception, since modern anti-missile systems are poorly suited to combat missiles at such altitudes. For example, the SM-6 missile defense missiles deployed by the United States in Poland are effective at an altitude of up to 35 km, and the SM-3 and THAAD have infrared homing, which becomes less effective at altitudes above 95-120 km.

According to the author, the missile also demonstrates exceptional maneuverability both at the initial and final stages of flight. The Iskander-1000 uses tail rudders and aerodynamic stabilizers, which allow the missile to maneuver with acceleration up to 25-30 g. During launch, the missile reaches a speed of 1600-1900 m/s in the stratosphere, which is almost 5 times the speed of sound. When it enters the troposphere, its speed decreases to approximately 1400-1600 m/s.

The use of the Iskander-1000 will undoubtedly change the balance of power in the current conflict, creating new problems for NATO and Ukrainian troops.

- an assessment is given of a new product in a Western edition.

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  1. +17
    5 February 2025 08: 18
    You yourself withdrew from all the contracts, now you're getting the rap.
    1. +4
      5 February 2025 08: 33
      Quote: Irek
      Now catch the answer

      The use of the Iskander-1000 will undoubtedly change the balance of power in the current conflict
      Here's the answer...
      1. +6
        5 February 2025 09: 05
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        Quote: Irek
        Now catch the answer

        The use of the Iskander-1000 will undoubtedly change the balance of power in the current conflict
        Here's the answer...

        1300 km is enough to get to Warsaw, Berlin and Popenhagen. good
        And we can also fuck the Czech Republic. wink
        1. +4
          5 February 2025 09: 29
          (Bearded man)
          Today, 09: 05

          ...1300 km is enough to get to Warsaw, Berlin and Popenhagen. good
          And we can also fuck the Czech Republic.
          If from an unnecessary territory, then there will be enough for a spare circle) wink
          And they also decided to throw some at their Belarusian brothers - Europe will be shot through and through with plenty of room for fire.
  2. -3
    5 February 2025 08: 23
    It is increased to 1000 km when using conventional warheads and up to 1300 km when using special nuclear warheads (with a yield of 10 to 50 kilotons).

    I am far from developing TNW, but I believe that a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 0,3 to 2 kilotons would be more in demand. In a modern conflict, low-yield nuclear warheads would be useful, similar in effect to the explosion of a TNT warehouse and with minimal costs for deactivating the source of destruction...
    To destroy the same airfield, you don't need the bomb dropped on Hiroshima... And to destroy a military plant, you don't need "Oreshnik"...
    1. +4
      5 February 2025 08: 43
      as a rule, small nuclear charges are much dirtier than large ones, so you shouldn't think that if you detonate a low-power nuclear charge, you will have less radioactive contamination, there won't be, in fact, a low-power nuclear charge is something like a dirty bomb, where very little substance has time to react...
  3. +5
    5 February 2025 08: 30
    ..represents a significant improvement over earlier versions, significantly outperforming its predecessors in firing range.
    Well, that's good to hear, we're looking forward to seeing examples of combat testing. Yes
  4. -10
    5 February 2025 08: 32
    Where did the Oreshniki go? Why aren't they being launched anymore? UAVs and hypersonic missiles alone are not enough to destroy and intimidate the Kiev regime.
    1. -9
      5 February 2025 08: 49
      It is wasteful to use full-fledged ballistics without special warheads, and the management does not have the guts to use special warheads
    2. +1
      5 February 2025 09: 00
      and they can't be intimidated by anything at all, as long as there is support from the West and the Americans... and even when driven into a corner they will pull out some tough tricks
  5. +5
    5 February 2025 08: 37
    Good product. A backup for the "dagger" has appeared. Only the "Iskander 1000" cannot be detached during takeoff like the MIG-31. Well done, developers!!!
  6. +2
    5 February 2025 08: 42
    What won't they come up with? There are smart people. I'm not a "techie" but I've always admired smart people in the military-industrial complex.
  7. -11
    5 February 2025 08: 46
    Let's take Yuzhmash, 750 hectares, how many Iskanders with a conventional warhead are needed to destroy each workshop, each building?
    1. +4
      5 February 2025 12: 22
      there is no need to destroy every building
  8. AMG
    5 February 2025 08: 54
    "in the near future in Ukraine" - Where, in Poltava or Rivne? Who writes like that and for whom? What, the writer hasn't woken up yet?
  9. +2
    5 February 2025 09: 11
    acceleration up to 30 g

    Oh! Another thing, I believe! And then in the last publication "230"! they wrote... I didn't believe it... they stuck minuses... request
  10. +1
    5 February 2025 11: 02
    Iskander-1000, capable of striking at a distance of up to 1000 km instead of 400 km for the Iskander-M version
    Well, the old versions of the missiles, which have a range of 400 km, should be disposed of right here on the khikhly.
  11. -1
    5 February 2025 14: 06
    Iskander-1000, capable of striking at a distance of up to 1000 km instead of 400 km for the Iskander-M version

    As far as I understand, the Kinzhal is based on the Iskander-M missile with a range of 400 km. Logically, we should expect a new Kinzhal with an increased range?
  12. -1
    6 February 2025 00: 20
    The use of the Iskander-1000 will undoubtedly change the balance of power in the current conflict, creating new problems for NATO and Ukrainian troops.

    If Iskander-1000 is used during the SVO as "often" as Oreshnik, then there is no point in it.
    But what should be done first of all is to form special divisions of constant combat readiness in all Iskander-M OTRK brigades based on the Iskander-1000 with tactical nuclear warheads.
    They must be on constant combat duty in areas of covert patrolling, similar to the PGRK.
    YARS and Topol-M.
  13. 0
    9 February 2025 18: 13
    If there is no person inside, then what difference does it make what acceleration there is? From school physics we know that it increases even for a brick