The first batch of new BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles this year has arrived in the army

The first batch of new BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles this year has arrived in the army

BMP-3 with factory protection

The first batch of BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles this year has been handed over to the Russian military; the shipment of the equipment was carried out by Kurganmashzavod. This was reported by the press service of the High-Precision Systems holding.

The Russian military has received another batch of new BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles; the equipment was sent by rail and has already reached the customer. The total number of vehicles in the batch is not disclosed, but it is noted that Kurganmashzavod is increasing production of the products, providing them to the Russian Armed Forces within the framework of the state defense order.

All combat equipment underwent the necessary tests before being sent to the military, and was also equipped with additional protection, which included anti-cumulative gratings and armor screens, a set of protection against thermal imagers "Nakidka", as well as protection of the upper hemisphere, the so-called "brazier".

The standard configuration of the new equipment, supplied under the state defense order, includes modern means of protection that have proven themselves in real combat conditions.

- the report says.

The BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle has proven itself in combat operations in the Northern Military District zone; it is the main infantry fighting vehicle of the Russian army along with the BMP-2 with the Berezhok combat module.

The BMP-3 is armed with a 100 mm gun - a 2A70 launcher with a 30 mm 2A72 automatic cannon and a 7,62 mm PKTM machine gun. The infantry fighting vehicle is designed to transport personnel to the front line, increase the mobility, armament and protection of military personnel on the battlefield in conditions of the use of nuclear weapons. weapons and joint action with tanks in battle.
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  1. -5
    5 February 2025 07: 05
    BMP-3 with factory protection

    The protection is insufficient, the drone can hit both the rear and the top of the front part of the vehicle, it is necessary to make protection in full projection from above and from the sides, like tank barns, and leave a console (a canopy with chains) in front so that the gun can be aimed right and left.

    There should be no unprotected areas, otherwise the FPV will attack them.
    1. -1
      5 February 2025 07: 24
      Well, what should we do? Weld a shed on top and around the perimeter? We've already moved from barbecues to birdhouses... the tower is surrounded by a fence all around.....yes, there is an unprotected area in the area of ​​the driver-mechanic's viewing devices - that's where a drone might fly in...
      1. +4
        5 February 2025 08: 07
        Well, what should I do then?

        Make protection along the entire projection. And from the stern with a reserve.

        To make the structure lighter, you can use a net, as in the photo, but you need to cover the entire car.

        And in the front, to be able to use the gun instead of the net, you can use chains, they will allow you to aim the gun, but will stop the drone.

        I would generally hold a competition for protection for the BMP and test it on real FPVs and then choose the best or improve what is there.

        In the meantime, we do everything for show, just so that there is something that will pass as protection according to the documents, but in fact there is almost no benefit from such protection.
        1. -4
          5 February 2025 08: 27
          Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
          In the meantime, we do everything for show, just so that there is something that according to the documents it will pass as protection, but in fact there is almost no benefit from such protection.

          Moreover, such equipment won’t go to the parade... feel
          1. +2
            5 February 2025 09: 02
            You can't go to a parade with something like that, but you have to take the landing force with you.
        2. +7
          5 February 2025 08: 56
          It is impossible to provide complete protection from the stern, as there are hatches for landing troops and access to the engine.
          1. -2
            5 February 2025 16: 11
            It is impossible to provide complete protection from the stern, as there are hatches for landing troops and access to the engine.

            Anything is possible. A skilled welder can work wonders.
      2. -2
        5 February 2025 12: 19
        from the factory it would have been possible to screw a KAZ to the top of this barn, so that the upper hemisphere would be blocked for flight and set so that when it was triggered it would not hit the soldiers around it.
        but this is money and in general you need to turn on your idiot to do it correctly. here we don't do it like that. God forbid you have to empty some lieutenant colonel's closet of money for this matter. or, God forgive me, sell someone's yacht. We are just defending our homeland here, and not selling gas and oil to "unfriendly countries". There is no need to invest here, they get by anyway
    2. -3
      5 February 2025 07: 48
      Note the gaps between the various cages, to allow smoke grenades out, to not obstruct the optics. It's role is an infantry fighting vehicle, with 2 cannons and 3 machine guns, to quickly transport infantry to a location, and unlike a tank, shoot the drones down itself before they arrive. Such a tank "barn" would be a clumsy thing sitting in the way of everything.
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 08: 12
        Unfortunately, the BMP-3 does not shoot down any drones, and the FPV speed is up to 100 km/h and they operate at a range of up to 20 km or more.

        Now defense is more important than speed.
        1. -2
          5 February 2025 09: 38
          Those small FPV drones don't operate at any range, they operate upon hitting the vehicle the kamikaze style. They have to reach it, and the closer they get the easier to hit them.
          Maybe in the ukranian army, where they in 2025 they still drive around with nobody watching the sky...
          This is what the Russian soldiers do:

          This is what Zelensky's forced soldiers to do:

          ... the moment that it's easier to notice than to not notice the drone, instead of grabbing guns, they lay themselves with their belly on the ground.
          Go figures!
        2. -1
          5 February 2025 09: 51
          The most important thing is to work together.
          A vehicle is a specialist. Very good at 1 task, very bad at another.
          The plus of specialist is efficiency.
          The con has to be compensated for by other vehicles.
          Combined arms warfare.
          A BMP-3 is designed to quickly deliver troops to a location.
          That is his specialist job.
          On top of that, it delivers a quite extensive fire support for those troops.
          Wanting it to withstand all drone hits, conflicts with aboves job of fire support. Instead, drones should be shot down before they hit. By either the BMP itself, or soldiers out, or other vehicles whose specialty is that job. Working together, combined arms.
          Extensive protection drone sits in the way to do the specialty jobs.
  2. +5
    5 February 2025 07: 10
    It is good that there are regular deliveries of equipment. It is still not easy to organize and increase production in the current conditions, but it is gratifying that our military-industrial complex has coped with it.
    1. -6
      5 February 2025 08: 33
      Quote: 123_123
      It's good that there are regular deliveries of equipment. fellow It is still not easy to organize and increase production in the current conditions, but it is gratifying that our military-industrial complex has coped with it. fellow

      And compare it with June 1944, when the USSR military-industrial complex managed...
      Enough of these hats!!! We don't even have parity in UAVs... What's the point of these new developments that are not being used?
    2. +4
      5 February 2025 09: 08
      Somewhere one BMP-3 is needed, and somewhere four BPM-97 "Vystrel" for the price of one BMP-3.
      It's just that there aren't a lot of cheap cars to be seen.
      1. +4
        5 February 2025 11: 41
        Does this vehicle provide the same level of crew protection as the BMP-3? The most important resource, especially in the current demographic situation, is people, not money.
        1. +1
          5 February 2025 11: 43
          Of course it doesn't, you can't go into battle with them, except in extreme cases. But often 4 BPM-97 look better than one BMP.
    3. 0
      6 February 2025 09: 02
      But no, this is not joy. Thirty cars can be destroyed by fifty cheap drones. Is there really no clear head in a country of 150 million that would suggest protecting the site with a hatch and triplexes for the driver? Well, every day they show that drones, both ours and the Kakels, are aiming at exactly this place!?
  3. 0
    5 February 2025 07: 41
    Side screens up to the first bushes, unfortunately.
  4. +1
    5 February 2025 08: 16
    The vehicle is good, but it was developed 40 years ago and when fed with a drone's FPV, the 100 mm cannon, or rather its ammunition, carries additional risks for the crew and troops. When hit by a cumulative munition, the ammunition stowage with high-explosive shells can detonate. Still, the effect of 100 mm high-explosive fragmentation shells will be much more destructive for the crew than a belt with 30 mm rounds that has begun to burst. When detonated by a TM-62 mine, the paratroopers sitting in the front left and right of the BMP-3 usually die. We also have Kaktus KDZ kits for the BMP-3, but literally isolated ones, and the enemy's M2A2 Bradley is approximately 90% with dynamic protection. Therefore, there is no protection against FPV drones with carrots as such. On subsequent prototypes: "Kurganets", "Manul" designers move towards a front-engine layout, a spacious landing compartment, a ramp in the stern, strengthening the bottom from mines, seats with shock absorption, etc. Borrowing good solutions from the M2 "Bradley" is obvious. But these machines are only for exhibitions, parades and other pleasures of stripes.
    1. +2
      5 February 2025 09: 01
      This is again a discussion in a circle. First we need a mobile mortar, which is essentially what a 100 mm gun is, then again the detonation of ammunition. And again in a circle, do not take ammunition into an attack with a gun, where there is a high probability of detonation and attack by drones.
    2. -1
      5 February 2025 09: 33
      That's right. Dynamic protection, which not only all tanks and infantry fighting vehicles must be equipped with, but also a large number of blocks and fastening elements must be in stock. Anti-mine trawls, which must be equipped not only on the lead tank, but on all armored vehicles going into attack, and also have a double stock. Ratmir_Ryazan (Ratmir_Ryazansky (mobilized)) about the competition- !!!
      1. +1
        5 February 2025 12: 43
        Mine-clearing skids do not have to be installed on all vehicles, as this slows down the speed. Typically you have 1-2 tanks with skids in the front and another 2-4 as a backup in case they are destroyed. But most importantly, before you can clear a minefield, you must first have sufficient reconnaissance assets to record the size and shape of the minefield, and you must establish air superiority over the area to prevent enemy forces from interfering with the slow and tedious process of clearing. This is where the Russian army has the most trouble. Aircraft cannot fly over the area to establish air superiority and provide support due to their inability to deal with air defenses, so the guys on the ground have to navigate the minefields without air support and under fire from enemy drones.
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 22: 17
          "1-2 tanks with mine-clearing trailers in front..." Several videos were posted of how the lead tank with a mine-clearing trailer was knocked out, the rest of the armored vehicles, trying to go around or turn around, mostly got blown up by mines. The ability to reconnoiter minefields is often very poor. Drones do not always hit armored vehicles the first time, while a mine will always at least immobilize them. How much less would the losses from mines be if all the armored vehicles attacking through a (possible) minefield went with mine-clearing trailers, confidently going around the knocked out or blown up lead vehicle, and possibly moving parallel to it. The same goes for dynamic protection. Why aren't even our tanks always equipped with it? That's all I'm talking about. Our industry is capable of not only providing anti-mine "attachments" for various armored vehicles and DZ containers, but also filling up warehouses for many years to come in a very short time. High technology is not needed here. Only this would have saved many of our soldiers and a huge amount of armored vehicles.
  5. -2
    5 February 2025 12: 59
    They burn like matches, one FPV is enough, what's the point of continuing to churn this out? It's just a show, like we're working, supplying armored vehicles to the front
  6. +1
    5 February 2025 19: 06
    I won't even ask about the "Dragoon" version... Where is at least the "Cactus" or another "soft" DZ?
  7. 0
    6 February 2025 14: 41
    And I would rather cover all the necessary places with 100 mm thick VMPE slabs, and this chariot is some kind of nightmare, so much load and no use, I saw videos where a drone with an RPG shot demolishes all these structures in no time am am