"They will strengthen our defense": Zelensky announced the appearance of French Mirage 2000-5F fighters in the SVO zone

"They will strengthen our defense": Zelensky announced the appearance of French Mirage 2000-5F fighters in the SVO zone

The Ukrainian Air Force has already switched to American F-16 fighters, and French ones will soon join them. Zelensky said this on his Telegram channel.

The illegitimate "president" of Ukraine announced the appearance of French Mirage 2000-5F fighters in the combat zone, which will certainly "strengthen the defense" of the Ukrainian army. According to him, the aircraft promised by Macron should soon arrive in Ukraine. He also confirmed the transition of the Air Force to American F-16 fighters.

We also expect French fighters in our skies, which, under the control of Ukrainian pilots, will certainly strengthen our defense,

- Zelensky said, but did not specify whether we should expect the appearance of conditionally “new” aircraft in the area of ​​the front line, or whether they will be located in the rear areas so as not to encounter the Russian Aerospace Forces and Defense.

As previously stated in Paris, the first batch of French Mirage 2000-5 fighters will be delivered to Ukraine at the end of March this year. Preliminary, we are talking about six fighters, at least this information was voiced by French officials. The delay in the transfer of the aircraft is due to their modernization for ground strikes, since the Mirage 2000-5F was created as an air superiority aircraft. In particular, the aircraft will be able to carry and launch the French cruise missile rocket SCALP-EG.

But former Ukrainian President Poroshenko* (listed as an extremist and terrorist) claims that Kyiv will receive its first French fighters in February, and not only from France. There are no details yet.
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  1. +4
    5 February 2025 06: 39
    Javelins, Leopards, Abrams, Challengers, Patriots, F-16s... Mirages.
    What else can help a bad dancer?
    Only castration!
    1. -1
      5 February 2025 06: 44
      Victor B hi, this "dancer" needs only a good surgeon, preferably with supervision.
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 07: 18
        the surgeon's hands are shaking just from the smell of alcohol and the friends are afraid of the patient, they promised to take the car away and put it on the meter if necessary, and the head doctor only smiles encouragingly and has been eyeing the surgeon's wife for a long time
    2. -2
      5 February 2025 09: 53
      (Victor Petrovich)
      Today, 06: 39
      Javelins, Leopards, Abrams, Challengers, Patriots, F-16s... Mirages.
      What else can help a bad dancer?
      Only castration!
      ..and start from the neck wink
  2. +1
    5 February 2025 06: 48
    The MiG-21 would be more useful, the hohols can at least master them and fly them, but with the Mirage, you have to know a lot, the crew instructions are a very difficult task and there is technical language, you can't master it in 5 minutes, in short, more nonsense am
    My colleagues and I used to argue whether I could pilot a bourgeois aircraft, yes I could, but it is impossible to properly start and shut down the engine, transmission, and avionics. laughing
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 07: 12
      air wolf hi, but where can you find them, I think thanks to the West they scooped up everything they could from around the world, and despite the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces technicians are handy, the limit of Soviet aircraft in Ukraine has reached its maximum. Now it's time for imports.
      1. -4
        5 February 2025 10: 16
        air wolf hi, where can you find them? I think thanks to the West, they scooped up everything they could from around the world, and despite the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces technicians are handy, the limit of Soviet aircraft in Ukraine has reached its maximum. Now it's time for imports.

        Now, unfortunately, everything will be brought from Syria...
  3. +4
    5 February 2025 07: 13
    Well, where are the Ukrainian pilots coming from? Of course the French will fly.
  4. +2
    5 February 2025 07: 34
    It wouldn't hurt to organize a decent meeting with fireworks on the occasion of the arrival of the frogs. God willing, the intelligence will work.......
  5. 0
    5 February 2025 07: 35
    I haven't encountered this peepalats directly, but they say that it's a very capricious car. And it needs a bath and a cup of coffee.....
    1. -1
      5 February 2025 07: 58
      Quote: Maluck
      And she wants a bath and a cup of coffee...

      And frog's leg, always with sauce brought from Hrantsia
  6. -3
    5 February 2025 07: 38
    If the West supplies such weapons as Viktor Petrovich listed, it means it firmly believes that Zelensky will win. And here, Comrade Mauser, pardon Comrade "Oreshnik", must have his say.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 08: 02
      Quote: V.
      And here comrade Mauser, pardon comrade "Nut" must have his say.

      For this to happen, several conditions must coincide.
      1. Intelligence must identify where these Mirages will be based.
      2. The hazelnut should be loaded not with metal blanks, but with at least some kind of explosive substance.
      3. There must be political will on the part of our President to carry out such a strike. Since without his approval, it seems that our military will not even do anything.
      1. +1
        5 February 2025 09: 20
        Yes, they will be based abroad. F-16s were delivered in dozens, but no one has seen them, because there are none in Ukraine.
        Intelligence may know and have reported everything to the right places. But you can't talk about it publicly, because some will demand an immediate nuclear strike on Poland, others on the Romanians. And so they seem to be there, but they don't influence anything. How long will this last and why are they hiding - that's the question. What are they preparing for?
        1. -3
          5 February 2025 10: 03
          let them at least give F35, only debris will reach us....on oil reserves(
  7. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 54
    What's the news on the F-16? Where are they?