Attack on school in Sweden's Orebro: Police report casualties

Attack on school in Sweden's Orebro: Police report casualties

There are reports coming from Sweden about an attack on a school in the city of Örebro. It is reported that an unknown person opened fire in the building of a high school. As a result of the shooting, there are dead and wounded.

According to preliminary data, 10 people were killed, and several more people received gunshot wounds of varying severity.

At the moment, information is coming in that the attacker has been identified among the dead. However, there is no information yet on whether he shot himself or was eliminated by Swedish police officers.

A spokesman for the Örebro Police Department confirms the shooting and the high number of dead and injured. According to him, the perpetrator used an automatic weapon in the attack. weapon - an assault rifle.

The Swedish press writes that the victims were high school students. According to other sources, it was an education and retraining center for adults. Many were forced to barricade themselves in the classrooms after hearing the sounds of gunfire.

The investigation will have to determine who exactly the attacker was, whether he studied at this school (training center) or had nothing to do with it.

For reference: Örebro is a Swedish city of 130, located approximately 200 km west of the country's capital, Stockholm. According to the latest information, since the early 2020s, the number of migrants has exceeded the number of native residents in a number of educational institutions in the city. Whether the crime at the Örebro school has "migrant" roots has not yet been reported.
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  1. +5
    4 February 2025 20: 42
    Breivik impersonator what
    Or are they migrants after all? request
    1. -5
      4 February 2025 21: 12
      We must look at the issue more broadly! There is nothing purely Swedish about this terrible event. This happens periodically in any so-called developed country today. And Russia is no exception. Catch me if I am lying.
      All these are consequences of the paradigm: #TheyAreChildren!
      How to deal with this?
      Very simple! For such a misdemeanor, imprison all the relatives of the shooter for life with wide publicity on television and other media. I think many violent heads will think twice about it. And introduce corporal punishment of students and their parents in schools for unsatisfactory behavior of a student. So that the regions know, and do not guess, where they are. Otherwise, this will be repeated in any country and innocent, normal people will die.
      1. +5
        4 February 2025 21: 25
        Quote: Alexey Sommer
        For such an offense, all the shooter's relatives should be imprisoned for life.

        And you are for collective responsibility? But it leads to genocide. There are plenty of examples...
        "There's always a black sheep in every family!" - remember this old truth.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          4 February 2025 21: 39
          Quote: Anarchist
          And you are for collective responsibility? But it leads to genocide. There are plenty of examples...

          And the very first one is the Bible. God loves to use it.
      2. +1
        4 February 2025 23: 36
        all relatives

        up to what knee?
        and should the orphans' classmates and teachers be jailed?
        1. -3
          5 February 2025 00: 09
          We need to dig into history. See what the practice was like before.
          Of course, there is no need for bends. Maximum up to his 3rd knee. That will be enough.
          P.S. But in general I want to say that people are not really willing to accept this proposal, judging by the downsides, many are rejecting it.
          But we need to understand what this leads to?
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 00: 18
            the third generation is great-grandfathers, great-grandchildren, nephews, uncles?
            1. -4
              5 February 2025 00: 25
              Uncles and aunts will do, as well as cousins.
              Of course, it may not be worth jailing everyone, but social fines, as well as forced community service, will be very useful for educational purposes.
              We need to look wider.
              1. 0
                5 February 2025 01: 11
                cousins ​​are already the fourth generation sad
            2. -3
              5 February 2025 00: 36
              And don't forget that we are discussing a particularly serious crime in this article.
              1. -1
                5 February 2025 13: 35
                It's not always possible. For example, the Crocus terrorists have relatives living in Tajikistan. To jail, and for life, that's really cool. No.
                It is enough to deny rights and assistance from the state.
    2. 0
      5 February 2025 15: 06
      Quote: Seal
      Or are they migrants after all?

      If Swedes do not write their first name, last name and nationality, then they are migrants.
  2. fiv
    4 February 2025 20: 50
    It seems that it is not a school, but an educational center for adults in the local newspapers
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 22: 11
      fiv hi, they also report that it was not children who suffered, although much is unclear, the number of victims is not clear, they write about, who shot is secret, the reasons are not yet clear, in general, there is a lot that is unclear.
      1. +5
        4 February 2025 22: 48
        Alexander, hi!
        Quote: Murmur 55
        a lot is not clear, the number of victims is not clear, they write about, who shot is secret, the reasons are not yet clear
        I wouldn't want to read tea leaves, but it won't be possible to keep it a secret forever. And the fact that they didn't immediately say who shot could well hint at the migrant roots of what happened.
        We also REALLY don’t like to include nationality in police statistics.
        Well, it's clear with us - so as "not to destabilize", "there are no bad nationalities" and other "peace-friendship-chewing gum". And there, no less than us, they want to hide the "epic fail" of what they themselves have done around the world. At first they hid it behind "multiculturalism". Now they REALLY don't like talk about the "Caliphate of Europe".

        Breivik is a European with a Nazism that is normal for Europe. And they hid it as best they could, it was "ideas, but not connected to the shooting, just a leak in the roof." And it's true - he shot not only at bearded people and people in hijabs. But there are enough crazy people everywhere - that's true. And when they start shouting "Allahakbar" under such shooting - that's when both ours and theirs switch on the machine "he stood with his back to me, didn't hear anything like that, just an ordinary lunatic."
        1. +1
          5 February 2025 05: 37
          Zoldat A, everything is so, everything is so, and it seems we have already played these games too much.
        2. +1
          5 February 2025 15: 10
          Quote: Zoldat_A
          Breivik is a completely European person with a Nazism that is normal for Europe.

          He shot up an LGBT camp.
  3. +7
    4 February 2025 20: 52
    Sweden has always been considered a calm country. But, apparently, this was a delusion. The murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palmö on February 28, 1986 was the first sign that the aura of well-being over this Scandinavian country was being dispelled. And then, gradually and unhurriedly, all sorts of high-profile murders and terrorist acts began to gain momentum. Stockholm, which already had the "fame" of being the capital of a country of suicides, turned into an unsafe place.

    Today, Sweden is a country where gang shootouts regularly occur. Stockholm, Gothenburg, Örebro and many other cities have not slept peacefully for a long time. The police have become a place where tolerance for minorities is demonstrated, and all kinds of migrants have begun to feel absolutely free, establishing their own rules.

    But Sweden traditionally blames Russia for all its troubles, imaginary and real. That is why it is unable to solve its problems. And after joining NATO, this state has finally turned into a factory of potential corpses. In the event of a major war with Russia, they will all have to perish in an atomic fire.

    But they don't believe it. Just as they don't believe that their country is going down the drain. Meanwhile, Sweden is one of the world leaders in the number of suicides per capita. From which I conclude that this is a psychological problem. The Swedes are degenerating, they are angry at us for no reason, but they can't get their own house in order. I think that the carnage will only get bloodier. There is no trace left of the old Sweden, with its coffee and buns.
    1. -5
      4 February 2025 23: 43
      Meanwhile, Sweden is one of the world leaders in the number of suicides per capita.

      Actually, in Russia it is one and a half to two times more sad
    2. -1
      5 February 2025 15: 11
      Quote: Vladlous
      The police have become a place where tolerance towards minorities is demonstrated, and all kinds of migrants have begun to feel absolutely free

      I saw this in Sweden, back in the mid-60s.
  4. 0
    4 February 2025 20: 54
    Breivik was released early? This is what these once exemplary well-fed countries are turning into
  5. +5
    4 February 2025 20: 57
    Let them shoot themselves.... I don't mind))
  6. +4
    4 February 2025 21: 02
    I have written more than once that the Scandinavian countries are all under the control of the Arab mafia. The headquarters are in Sweden. The mafia uses children, up to 14 years old - ideal killers. Over the years, the children of migrants in Sweden have been raised by the mafia to the level of martyrs, dying for the mafia is an honor. The Scandinavians are finished. Drugs come in tons.
    1. +4
      4 February 2025 22: 32
      Quote: tralflot1832
      I have written more than once that the Scandinavian countries are all under the control of the Arab mafia. The headquarters are in Sweden. The mafia uses children, up to 14 years old - ideal killers. Over the years, the children of migrants in Sweden have been raised by the mafia to the level of martyrs, dying for the mafia is an honor. The Scandinavians are finished. Drugs come in tons.

      I don't want to gloat. No.
      But after Sweden joined NATO, killing 10 Swedes means minus 10 frags and a lot of trouble for Sweden. good
      Sweden deserves it. Yes
  7. +5
    4 February 2025 21: 03
    Sweden is jumping out of its pants, helping Banderland - maybe this is God's providence?
    1. -8
      4 February 2025 21: 16
      "God" decided to punish the children?
      1. +1
        4 February 2025 22: 04
        foxes hi, there seems to be a school for adults, and the dead and injured seem to be adults too.
      2. +1
        4 February 2025 22: 34
        Are you God's deputy to judge his actions?
      3. +3
        4 February 2025 22: 37
        Quote: Vulpes
        "God" decided to punish the children?

        Children were jumping on the Maidan too.
        And now students are protesting in Serbia. wink
        And who pays for the banquet (Maidan)?
        Their grandmothers bring them cookies. laughing No.
        USAID spent $50000 on an LGBT comic book in Peru. So that Peruvians know where to poke each other with the carrot. laughing
        Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they're not watching. wink
  8. +7
    4 February 2025 21: 13
    to be honest, I don't care at all, let everyone shoot and kill each other there
  9. +1
    4 February 2025 21: 57
    Does another northern State, which organized the mass migration of radical Islamists from Central Asia, have no thoughts about all that happened?
  10. +1
    4 February 2025 22: 26
    These are their problems and let them stew there on their own. If these clay mixers wanted to be in NATO, then please do.
    and I doubt that there are even people among the Swedes who were shocked by the murders of civilians (including children) in Donbass, in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, in Crimea, etc., with weapons supplied, among other things, from Sweden.
    so let them shoot in their own country as much as they want, personally I am not against it. this is an unfriendly country for us, it is an enemy hi
  11. +2
    4 February 2025 23: 00
    The ethnic composition has greatly changed the situation in the territories where historically other people, of a different culture, lived separately for a long time. It's a real hodgepodge, some don't care, some don't. In a very short time, a lot has been mixed up, the land where your ancestors lived, where their graves are, for which they shed blood, simply by someone's decision, ignoring you, is populated by migrants who feel like masters, who are fed from your taxes. The situation is tense everywhere where there are migrants, so far little time has passed for society to become a society, and not groups. Time will tell. Let it be peaceful.
    1. +4
      5 February 2025 02: 51
      As a rule, migrants are from places where everything is frozen in the Middle Ages,
      what we have and what they have, and as a rule from the radicals there
      the authorities are really putting pressure on you, try growing a beard there, Uzbek
      he will be immediately taken to the nearest KGB for her
  12. +1
    5 February 2025 02: 47
    And our clowns from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are still gathering from Pakistan
    bringing in dushmans, nothing teaches those in power
  13. 0
    5 February 2025 04: 17
    The cop's photo looks interesting, an average Swede, maybe this is some kind of hint))?
  14. -1
    5 February 2025 07: 41
    Migrants are evil! In any country.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 08: 37
      This is if they do not belong to the main ethnic group of the host country, how many migrants Israel has accepted during its existence and nothing, the main troubles of the Jews are from locals and neighbors.
      1. -2
        5 February 2025 08: 59
        The Zionists are the occupiers themselves, who came and seized land from the locals. Death to the fascists!
  15. -1
    5 February 2025 09: 00
    A white fascist shot up a school for adults where migrants were studying.
    1. +1
      5 February 2025 13: 43
      Quote: KZAKVO32923
      A white fascist shot up a school for adults where migrants were studying.

      Migrants in Sweden are also far from harmless lambs....
      In some cities in some areas of former Swedish cities, white people are strongly discouraged from appearing. For their own safety.....
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 21: 25
        I just said clearly and distinctly what happened. And I didn't force anyone's words!
  16. 0
    6 February 2025 10: 41
    The more weapons citizens have and the weaker the control over them, the more often they will kill.