It is planned to create 20 army corps on the basis of the most combat-ready brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

It is planned to create 20 army corps on the basis of the most combat-ready brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

According to Ukrainian sources, as part of the reform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, it is planned to create 20 army corps on the basis of the brigades that have retained their combat capability the most. The corps that already exist now are supposed to be restructured into combat units that will no longer serve exclusively as administrative units in the rear.

In addition, the operational-strategic groups (OSGV), operational-tactical groups (OTG) and tactical groups (TG) of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be disbanded. Each corps will be assigned a specific area of ​​responsibility and will supervise at least five brigades of 3-5 thousand people each.

In particular, the corps will be created on the basis of Nazi formations. For example, on the basis of "Azov"* (*a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation), it is proposed to create the 3rd corps under the command of Andrey Biletsky* (*included by Rosfinmonitoring in the list of terrorists and extremists). Denis Prokopenko*, who earlier surrendered to our army in Mariupol, will also head one of the newly created corps.

It is noted that, in the opinion of the West, one of the key shortcomings of the upcoming reform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is that the units that currently act as administrative units in the rear are to be transformed into combat formations that will directly participate in combat operations.

However, Kiev's reform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces demonstrates the Kyiv regime's preparation for a long-term confrontation with Russia or a rapid restoration of the Ukrainian army's combat potential in the event of any truce. In any case, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are being reformed for further struggle against Russia.
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  1. +4
    4 February 2025 19: 29
    Yes. No one is going to give up. I wonder what the Russian leadership is planning to at least change the situation in some real way. Exchange 1 for 1 - people will run out and for whom then is this hypothetical victory?
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 19: 30
      On what basis do you say that the ratio is 1 to 1? I am very curious from what sources is the information?
      1. 0
        4 February 2025 21: 17
        Since the Russian Ministry of Defense does not announce losses, I am basing this on foreign sources +, excuse me, on my personal feelings based on communication with participants. Naturally, this is a purely personal opinion.
        1. +2
          4 February 2025 21: 26
          Oh, so, Western sources are significant. Well, ok.
          I don't know the ratio, although given the overwhelming superiority of the Russian Armed Forces' weapons, 1 to 1 is very optimistic... for Western sources. And there's also a touch, the not-so-secret exchange of bodies of the dead. I hope you know the ratio?
          1. -4
            4 February 2025 22: 00
            Quote: Skobaristan
            Oh, yes, that means Western sources are significant.

            And for you, what is more significant is Gerasim, who declared to the commander-in-chief in the first hours of the attack on Kursk that the advance of enemy troops deep into Russia would not be allowed? No.
            1. +5
              4 February 2025 22: 04
              Can you imagine, I trust our sources more. It's true that I don't understand why you brought up Gerasimov. Oh well. I have an answer to that phrase too. I fully admit that at the time of the report it did happen. The first onslaught was repelled. And then they brought in more forces. By the way, your phrase "deep in" is very telling. After all, in reality, this is all borderland. But I understand you) If it's necessary, it's necessary. And about Gerasimov and about deep in.
          2. -6
            4 February 2025 22: 03
            Since ours are advancing, it is clear that the bodies of the Ukrainian Armed Forces remain on our territory and that is why the ratio is so huge.
            1. +4
              4 February 2025 22: 06
              Let's turn on logic then. In simple terms. Ok, the battlefield is still ours, the Russian Armed Forces'. That's why there are so many bodies. But then it's hard to understand, on what basis do Western sources draw conclusions about the ratio of losses? After all, you need to rely on something, at least indirectly. Here are bodies, this is an indicator, the ratio of forces, defeat is also an indicator. So on what basis?
              1. -4
                4 February 2025 22: 16
                And on what basis do you connect the ratio of losses in general with the ratio of bodies during the exchange? Where is your logic? I am not talking about Western sources in general. For me, they are an element of Western propaganda. Now, if the front line were absolutely stable, then yes, it would be possible to draw conclusions, but as it is. Before March 2022, when Kyiv conducted the ATO and since the winter of 2015 the line was practically stable, then such an assessment method would have worked, but now everything is very doubtful... There is no direct data, everything is very estimated.
                1. +4
                  4 February 2025 22: 22
                  Well, that is, my mention of the fact that the Russian Armed Forces have more means of destruction, and this also indirectly gives grounds to assume that the losses are clearly not 1 to 1, you missed it. Not bad, not bad.) There, a little lower, our counterpart from Israel writes about 1,5 to 1. This strangely coincides with what Trump said. Well, it's purely a coincidence. You can hold the same opinion. I don't mind. Or you can try to look, again indirectly, at the statistics on armor on LostArmor. True, I did not find a separate article on the Russian Armed Forces (there is one on the Ukrainian Armed Forces). But maybe you'll get lucky.
          3. -2
            4 February 2025 23: 32
            Yes, Russia has more weapons, but you should take into account that now almost all battles are assaults and it is the Russian Armed Forces that are assaulting. Usually, losses in such battles are 3 to 1 in favor of the defense. In terms of quantity (and experience of use), Ukraine has no fewer drones (except for fiber). I looked for losses of the Russian Armed Forces, they are nowhere to be found, why? Apparently because they are not small + despite the increase in the contract, there is no particular numerical advantage at the front, there are 2 options: either withdrawal or they are kept in the rear, which is somehow unlikely.
            1. +2
              4 February 2025 23: 34
              I think after the phrase: there are no losses of the RF Armed Forces anywhere, so they are not small (C) you can finish)
              P.S. By the way, they usually storm after processing, well, with the same means that are more. And 3 to 1 is not about losses. It is about the ratio of forces that was needed earlier, with equal capabilities of the armies. But that's it.
          4. -1
            5 February 2025 05: 00
            Quote: Skobaristan
            And there is also a touch, not at all a secret exchange of bodies of the dead. I hope you know the ratio?

            This is also a rather biased indicator. It largely depends on who has the battlefield. That is, the one who is advancing will have many more bodies of the enemy who died. We are advancing now, accordingly...
            1. 0
              5 February 2025 06: 25
              Yes, they already said the same thing above. You can read my answers. I don't want to repeat it to you.
      2. -4
        4 February 2025 22: 08
        According to Western (false, probably!) sources:
        1 to 1 - the last few months.
        Before this it was 1.5 - 2 to 1.
        The average for three years is 1.5 to 1.
        For Ukraine the losses are very serious.
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 22: 10
          Well, judging by "The funnel from BR is in the hotel's courtyard." (C) your opinion is very competent)
        2. -2
          5 February 2025 02: 04
          voyaka uh
          Yesterday, 22: 08
          According to Western (false, probably!) sources:..
          so for you, these are the MAIN, UNRELIABLE "sources" wassat What do they write in the kibbutzim? laughing
    2. -4
      4 February 2025 19: 59
      Even if the losses are 1 to 1, then for Ukraine this is a dead end, this has long been recognized by everyone (our population is 5 times larger).
      1. +4
        4 February 2025 20: 10
        There is more population. Only women refuse to give birth.
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 23: 25
          For now more. But they are not always.
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 05: 02
            Quote: Sebenza
            For now more. But they are not always.

            Moreover, it must be taken into account that there is a high probability that after the khokhols, all sorts of Poles, Gypsies, Balts and other anti-Russian scum will join the ranks. And there are quite a few of them.
        2. +1
          5 February 2025 07: 54
          And they don’t refuse in Ukraine?
          1. -2
            5 February 2025 08: 30
            They refuse. Ukrainian serfs. They prefer Polish lords.
            1. +1
              5 February 2025 12: 09
              Well, when will the soldiers grow up from the Polish lords - in 20 years? And will they all want to fight for Ukraine?
              1. 0
                5 February 2025 12: 17
                And who said that Ukrainian women give birth to future soldiers in Poland? More likely plumbers.
          2. -1
            5 February 2025 19: 03
            You write that they don't refuse - so immediately it's a minus. Women?
      2. +3
        4 February 2025 21: 23
        Russia does not need the Paraguayan option, there are not many citizens for such a large territory. It needs a victory by skill.
      3. -4
        4 February 2025 21: 25
        (our population is 5 times larger).

        Remember 22 when we declared partial mobilization. How many rushed abroad then? And imagine that it will be not partial but full mobilization?
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 05: 21
          They'll close the border and that's it, no one will escape.
        2. -3
          5 February 2025 12: 08
          And didn't they explode in Ukraine? And they will explode here, but that doesn't cancel out the 5-fold superiority in mobilization resources.
    3. -3
      4 February 2025 21: 19
      I wonder what the Russian leadership is planning to bring about any real change in the situation.

      What are they planning? They only make statements that they are ready for negotiations. But no one is even thinking about conducting them on our terms.
  2. 0
    4 February 2025 19: 31
    What kind of truce are they hoping for?
    forelocks, only they know. Ukrainians can't live without dreams and freebies.
  3. +1
    4 February 2025 19: 34
    According to Ukrainian sources, as part of the reform of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, it is planned to create 20 army corps on the basis of the brigades that have retained their combat capability the most.

    If you're stupid, you can break something. To do this, you'd need to at least start your own production of military equipment and ammunition, which is very doubtful at the moment.
    Well, he could have announced at least the creation of 10 more army corps, it's a stretch, you can believe it, but 20 is too much. Although, what can you expect from "mini Napoleons".
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 19: 49
      The West will equip and arm MORE, just to rake in the heat with someone else's hands. They have been fighting for three years now, the question is, with what? And so far the blood supply to this terrorist quasi-state is unimpeded by our side.
      1. +1
        4 February 2025 19: 59
        Quote: Thumbs
        The West will equip and arm MORE, just to rake in the heat with someone else's hands.

        Do you understand what it means to staff 20 army corps, even taking into account that they will be staffed from existing units? To announce that they have created one does not mean that it is a fully staffed corps.
        1. -1
          4 February 2025 20: 00
          these cases may be heavily cropped... but there will be exactly 20 of them! that's powerful.
          1. +1
            4 February 2025 20: 10
            Quote: Nexcom
            these cases may be heavily cropped... but there will be exactly 20 of them! that's powerful.

            Most likely it will be so, but a cadre corps is nonsense. It is not a regiment or a division.
            1. 0
              4 February 2025 20: 11
              The Kakels have even more "miracles" happening...
        2. +1
          4 February 2025 20: 03
          Then why do the forelocks need these new “Minsk” agreements that are brewing?
          1. -1
            4 February 2025 20: 12
            So what if betrayal happens?
            That's why they want to lay down some straw (c) just in case...
    2. +1
      4 February 2025 19: 56
      What's unrealistic about that? It's not a fact that the staff will be made up of Ukrainians alone, "volunteers." Not enough for one brigade. There's no problem with weapons either, supplies are like a conveyor belt. They don't even think about peace. They only think about a short lull to gather strength.
    3. 0
      5 February 2025 05: 23
      Who said from scratch? They will unite the brigades into corps
  4. 0
    4 February 2025 19: 34
    Yes, the enemy and their foreign masters, the gramadye, have plans... the question is, will they be given time to implement them?
    The question is specific and it can only be asked from OUR side to those who... were entrusted with governing OUR COUNTRY!
    Let me clarify right away... there are NO real, reliable facts or premises, only OBS and other dubious reasoning.
    BUT, "never say never"!!! This also has to be taken into account...
    1. 0
      4 February 2025 20: 11
      Quote: rocket757
      Yes, the enemy and their foreign masters, the gramadye, have plans... the question is, will they be given time to implement them?

      With our leadership ready to sign some kind of agreement with a Nazi quasi-state, instead of nipping this vile misunderstanding in the bud, anything can be expected.
      Meanwhile, the green drug addict is already demanding nuclear weapons from the West.
      1. +1
        4 February 2025 21: 28
        And yet, where did you hear/read that our guys are ready to fix the match?
        Although there are doubts, there is distrust of the ruling elite, but at the moment no one is seriously talking about a deal.
        But to understand, to see the specifics in that verbal/written stream of words... no, no, it doesn’t work.
  5. -2
    4 February 2025 19: 46
    I remembered: “And you, friends, no matter how you sit down, you are still no good at being musicians.”
  6. +1
    4 February 2025 20: 01
    A brigade is still not the same. This whole concept has shown its unviability. A bunch of these brigades will always lack reserves to develop success. A division in a big war is still the main working unit.
    1. -3
      4 February 2025 21: 31
      The division is still the basic working unit in a major war.

      Well, they don't fight in divisions today. Even the same brigades are scattered in order to avoid a large accumulation of people and equipment in one place.
    2. 0
      4 February 2025 23: 34
      Quote: Klibanophoros
      The division is still the basic working unit in a major war.

      That's why we see that they howl not even in squads, but in "twos".
  7. 0
    4 February 2025 20: 08
    Friends, correct me if I'm wrong. An army corps is 25 to 35 thousand people. If we take into account the active support of the West with equipment and other weapons, then we get a half-million army with technical support? Not bad. We can still butt heads for a long time. It's time for the top to take some serious steps to turn the situation around.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 05: 06
      Quote: forester
      It is time for those at the top to take some serious steps to turn the situation around.

      They are already doing this - deciding where the negotiations will take place.
    2. 0
      5 February 2025 05: 25
      The old teams will simply be merged
  8. -1
    4 February 2025 20: 09
    If there is anyone on the site who graduated from a military academy, let them comment on what the Ukrainians are doing. As I understand it, a full-fledged front is being prepared to hold at least some part of Ukraine.
    20 corps according to Soviet canons is roughly 500-600 thousand bayonets. And they will be stuffed with NATO and Soviet weapons collected from all over the world.
    A serious force. We mustn't oversleep. And we need to form breakthrough divisions, and artillery regiments and armies as quickly as possible.
    1. -3
      4 February 2025 21: 35
      And we need to form breakthrough divisions, and artillery regiments and armies as quickly as possible.

      Where to get people? They write and talk on TV that there is a shortage of workers in the national economy.
      1. -4
        5 February 2025 05: 37
        Quote: private person
        Where to get people? They write and talk on TV that there is a shortage of workers in the national economy.

        This is a shortage in the national economy. And in the national economy there are still countless of these same unemployed hands. Both those who want to work and those who don't. Those who want to find a place to get over a hangover in the morning and those who have already knocked back some moonshine in the morning. And also those who sit, selling cigarettes with weed and discussing state policy with a serious face. But they definitely won't go to work in the national economy.
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 13: 18
          Those who want to find a place to cure their hangover in the morning and those who have already knocked back some moonshine in the morning.

          Here in our area, most of them have already been sent to the SVO. These are those whose health still allows them, but there are also those who are no good for anything.
          1. -1
            6 February 2025 05: 07
            Quote: private person
            Here in our area, most of them have already been sent to the SVO. These are those whose health still allows them, but there are also those who are no good for anything.

            Well, in our area they cleaned out the alcoholics and homeless people. By the way, I personally had a hand in this matter, and quite a good one at that...
    2. -1
      5 February 2025 05: 26
      No, not new ones, but all the brigades will be united into 20 corps.
  9. -1
    4 February 2025 20: 22
    It is planned to create 20 army corps on the basis of the most combat-ready brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

    And you have no gold reserves. (With) request
    I mean, there aren't many people left. request
    You can't create a case with just your wishes. request
    1. 0
      4 February 2025 20: 39
      That's right, especially on the basis of the "most combat-ready brigades." These most combat-ready ones plug the "hottest" holes at the front. You can't take them to the rear to train someone based on their experience.
  10. 0
    4 February 2025 20: 48
    With an average number of brigades in the Ukrainian Armed Forces of 3-5 thousand and 5-6 brigades in an army corps, this results in 25-30 thousand bayonets per corps; multiply by 20 and you get 500-600 thousand bayonets in the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
    By creating corps, the Ukrainian strategists probably want to improve the quality of troop command, ensure the possibility of creating a layered defense in dangerous areas and the concentration of forces and equipment in breakthrough areas.

    Our units in Ukraine also fight in separate regiments and brigades, so to speak, with “fingers spread out.”
    In positional trench warfare with sluggish advances of several hundred meters, this is a suitable tactic, but for serious breakthroughs and deep offensive operations, a concentration of forces on a combined arms scale will be needed.
    armies and fronts.
    Why haven't the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Ukrainian fronts been formed yet? A question for the General Staff...

    The fronts are formed by those who are going to fight for real, and those who are waiting for the next deal are happy with everything...
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 21: 15
      A front, like a direction, is nothing more than a name. In 41, the Red Army had directions and fronts. It's all about the content. If an army has only 2 divisions, it's not an army, but a corps. The Germans had more precise accounting; they counted battalions with an indication of combat readiness.
  11. 0
    4 February 2025 20: 52
    Funny? For now, yes.
    But if we give them time and opportunity (a truce), they will do it; they will scrape together personnel and weapons from all over the world.
    And... what a surprise (!), they will unleash a war with us and Belarus by any means necessary.
    So - no buildings, only our commandant's offices and bases, tribunals and penitentiary institutions.
    Only our own police stations with district police officers, even Berkut/SOBR/OMON are only ours.
  12. +2
    4 February 2025 20: 57
    Judging by the content of the article, the entire reform boils down to changing names. Instead of TG and OTG, there will be corps. Brigades will remain, there are no plans to create divisions and regiments. There will be no new fully equipped and manned brigades, well, maybe just isolated cases, like those that the West is preparing. That is, an attempt to optimize the upper echelon of management with the accompanying transfer of material and monetary flows into the right hands. Conducting serious reforms in the midst of military operations is a highly dubious and dangerous initiative, fraught with the loss of control over the troops. So, most likely, it will simply be a rearrangement of beds in a brothel. That's how I see it.
    A very loud statement with the aim of giving optimism to its citizens and frightening Russia.
  13. -1
    4 February 2025 21: 57
    I just recently wrote about this, that we needed to form divisions, bring them together into corps (2 motorized divisions + 1 tank division) and attack with them, everyone gave minuses and said that nothing would work (where to recruit people)
  14. +1
    4 February 2025 22: 21
    For the especially gifted, who believe Western "information irons". The number of prisoners to be exchanged, the total number of prisoners, the number of bodies of the dead transferred during the exchange - all this information is in the public domain. If you analyze this data, the situation does not look at all like 1 to 1 for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of losses. Moreover, analyze the public information about the actions of the Zelensky regime. Conscription of men under 18 years of age (previously it was up to 25 years), the transfer of military personnel of technical specialties to infantry units, the removal of border troops from border protection and sending them to the front lines. All this tells us about a serious shortage of personnel, which is caused by large losses.