Combat characteristics and range: Iskander OTRK in the foreign press

Combat characteristics and range: Iskander OTRK in the foreign press
The Iskander OTRK involved in the demilitarization of Ukraine. Photo by the Russian Defense Ministry

Russian operational-tactical missile The 9K720 Iskander complex attracts the attention of foreign experts and the press. Each new modification and any measures aimed at increasing combat effectiveness become a reason for discussion. In recent weeks, the topic of upgrading the complex and its missiles in order to increase the main indicators has been raised abroad again.

Penetrating high-explosive

Since February 2022, the Iskander OTRK and their combat crews have been actively participating in the Special Operation to Demilitarize Ukraine. Missiles of available types are launched almost daily at various enemy targets. At the same time, various reconnaissance assets carry out objective monitoring of the results of the strikes.

The results of missile launches are of interest not only to the Russian side, but also to the enemy and its foreign patrons. In particular, Ukrainian and foreign militants are searching for the fragments of fallen missiles, studying them and trying to draw conclusions. The latest results of such "activity" were demonstrated in mid-January.

Ukrainian sources claim that a penetrating warhead was found at the site of another Iskander strike. Such warheads on 9K720 missiles used against Ukrainian targets have not been observed before. A photo of the item extracted from the ground was attached to the report.

Presumably, a penetrating warhead for the 9M723 missile. Photo Telegram / "Military Informant"

The shown warhead has an ogive-shaped body with a pointed head. The dimensions and weight of this object are unknown. Judging by the condition of the outer surface and the absence of serious deformations, the warhead has a thick-walled body of great strength. Due to this, it was able to pass through a certain structure or through the ground without significant damage. Despite all this, the warhead did not detonate for unknown reasons.

Ammunition Nomenclature

Whether to trust the Ukrainian side's assessments is a rhetorical question. It is not known for certain what exactly was shown in mid-January, where this object came from and whether it really has anything to do with the Iskander OTRK. However, the available information allows us to consider the version about the use of a penetrating warhead.

Let us recall that the 9K720 complex was developed to destroy various enemy targets and objects. Its missiles are capable of destroying manpower and unprotected equipment both in open terrain and in shelters, as well as disabling various weapons systems and complexes at a parking lot and at a firing position. In addition, the complex can effectively destroy various structures, including fortified ones.

The main ammunition of the Iskander of all modifications is the quasi-ballistic missile 9M723. In order to expand combat capabilities and ensure the destruction of a wide range of targets, a whole line of warheads was created for this missile. They all have similar dimensions and weight, but differ in the effect of impact on the target.

An experimental launcher at the Kapustin Yar test site. According to some assumptions, an extended-range missile is being tested. Photo by the Russian Defense Ministry

In most cases, a single-block high-explosive fragmentation warhead is used. Several variants of a cluster warhead with high-explosive and cumulative equipment are proposed for hitting area targets. Cassettes with anti-tank and anti-personnel mines have also been reported. In addition, to solve special tasks, Iskander missiles can carry a nuclear warhead with a capacity of tens of kilotons.

"Iskander" can fight against protected buildings and underground structures. For this purpose, a high-explosive warhead in a durable casing was developed. Falling at high speed, it penetrates several meters of concrete or tens of meters of soil.

Apparently, in mid-January, the enemy discovered exactly such a warhead. Our OTRK tried to hit the target with it, but for unknown reasons the warhead did not work. However, the absence of an explosion does not mean that the enemy object survived. The kinetic energy of the strike could cause serious damage to it. In addition, if reconnaissance establishes that the target is not hit, it will be attacked again.

Increased range

On January 30, the South Korean online publication Military Watch Magazine published information about a new method for increasing the combat effectiveness of the Russian OTRK. The article cites information from “numerous sources” that have recently been actively discussing the latest modernization of the Iskander.

Sources claim that Russia will soon begin serial production of a new modification of this missile system. This product does not yet have an official name, or its designation remains unknown. Until official information is disclosed, such an OTRK, according to one of the key parameters, is conventionally called "Iskander-1000".

Launch of the modernized missile. Photo by the Russian Defense Ministry

The characteristics of the complex will allegedly be improved by introducing a new missile with an increased flight range. According to preliminary estimates, this parameter may double and reach 1000 km. The increase in range is achieved by increasing the size of the propulsion system and using a new type of solid fuel.

Ways of development

It is obvious that the foreign sources of the MWM publication are unlikely to have real and up-to-date information about the current work on the modernization of the Iskander OTRK. At the same time, it is clear on what information such assessments and forecasts are based. Moreover, the South Korean publication even mentions the source of this data.

Until recently, increasing the range of Iskander ballistic missiles was discussed only at a theoretical level and without any real News from the defense industry. However, in May 2024, the situation changed. The Russian Ministry of Defense showed a video dedicated to the next anniversary of the founding of the Kapustin Yar test site. It featured a number of modern and promising developments of various classes.

Among other products, the frame captured an experimental OTRK launcher, placed not on a standard automobile chassis, but on supports on the ground. The launcher contained a missile with unusual body proportions. Then the launch of this missile was shown. No explanations were given, although the Iskander components could be recognized by the characteristic features of the launcher and missiles.

Iskander missile hits ground target. Photo by Russian Defense Ministry

Almost immediately, a version appeared that tried to explain what was seen. It is assumed that a new modification of the ballistic missile for the 9K720 OTRK was being tested at the Kapustin Yar test site. The changed proportions of the body were explained by an increase in the size of the engine. It was also suggested that the composition of the solid fuel had been changed.

It is believed that the engine replacement and the redesign of the rocket led to an increase in energy indicators. As a result, the flight range also increased. According to the most daring estimates, this parameter could have been doubled and increased to 1000 km from the original 500 km.

However, the version about a longer-range Iskander has not yet received reliable confirmation. If such a project really exists, then it will become known later. At the same time, it can be expected that information will appear in the near future. This will be facilitated by the current stage of development of the hypothetical project - it has already been tested at the testing ground and may be approaching adoption.

Rocket evolution

The 9K720 Iskander operational-tactical missile system was adopted into service almost 20 years ago, and subsequently became the main model of its class in our army. Such OTRK and their crews serve, and recently, solve real combat tasks.

Throughout its stories "Iskander" was constantly evolving. To date, several modifications of the complex and its main components have been created. In particular, much attention was paid to the development of ballistic missiles from this OTRK. The previously obtained results of these works are already well known. And in the near future, new ones can be expected, related to the current stage of modernization.
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  1. LMN
    5 February 2025 04: 14
    No wonder.
    The range of 499 km was stipulated by the DRMSD treaty.
    The fact that Iskander flew "suddenly" 1000 km. Who should be surprised by this?
    1. -1
      5 February 2025 16: 12
      Combat operations in the SVO revealed the inability of the Russian Armed Forces to wage a Modern War. All weapons and the specifics of their use must be considered from this perspective. Not many people understand the essence of the SV. The Iskander OTRK from this perspective is not only a missile and its guidance system, but also a means of target designation and interaction. For example, the UAV-Iskander RUK is the only means that allows destroying maneuverable enemy targets in real time. Most of the enemy's Chimeras and self-propelled guns were destroyed by this RUK. After detecting a target and its importance, UAV operators determine the coordinates and immediately transmit them to the missile guidance system for input. Due to acceptable accuracy characteristics, high flight speed and a large radius of destruction, the OTRK hits the target with a high probability. All other RUKs cannot cope with this task, the task of hitting targets in operational and tactical depth. UAV drones are effective only near the line of contact, and then they fly for a long time. Why? The conditions for their real use have not been created and their capabilities are not taken into account. Of course, all these disparate RUKs do not quite correspond to the conditions of conducting ground forces, but this is a problem of the generals and military thought. We do not have Combat Information Systems, although they have been developed for almost 25 years and with such approaches and leaders, there will not be any for a long time. Although the conditions and opportunities for their existence have long existed.
    2. +1
      6 February 2025 02: 36
      Well, the "Pioneer" (if my sclerosis serves me right) was 2500-5000 km. The prototype of the "Iskander... It serves me right: "In 1980, the Pioneer-UTTKh PGRK (complex index 15P653, missile index 15Zh53, according to NATO classification - SS-20 mod.2 Saber) with improved performance characteristics (maximum firing range 5500 km) was adopted for service."
      Damn ... laughing "The aiming system for the RSD-10 ballistic missile complex was developed and manufactured by the Arsenal Plant (Kyiv)." We've built a lot in Ukraine. am
  2. +2
    5 February 2025 05: 19
    Modernization with increased range while ensuring accuracy of impact is an inevitable process of weapons evolution, especially in the era of its practical use.
    But the effectiveness of this weapon can be discussed when using special ammunition.
    The production of one rocket prototype is a rather lengthy and expensive process.
    Therefore, the economic effect of its use should somehow compensate for the costs of production.
    So that there is no picture of sparrows being hit with a cannon or cockroaches being hit with a hammer.
  3. +7
    5 February 2025 07: 14
    The article is about nothing. Someone said something, declared something, but there is no data in general and we know nothing.
    "Kirill Ryabov poured water."
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 08: 47
      Quote: egsp
      Ryabov Kirill poured water"

      Ryabov Kirill poured water! And whoever believed it is to blame for not checking! laughing
  4. 0
    5 February 2025 09: 10
    It is obvious that the foreign sources of the MWM publication are unlikely to have real and up-to-date information about the current work on the modernization of the Iskander OTRK.

    The trends are not hard to guess. I don't know if it's possible to implement all of this in one version?
    There is the example of Mars/Himars/Atakms and there are our analogues in the form of Tornado-S and Iskander.
    It is necessary to analyze (+ and -) and take the best of the concepts.
    And regarding the range, we must not forget about the R500 cruise missile and its proximity to the Kalibr cruise missile.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 23: 57
      Quote: Zaurbek
      And regarding the range, we must not forget about the R500 cruise missile and its proximity to the Kalibr cruise missile.

      It's not the proximity to the caliber, it's the caliber!
      First developed in the mid-2000s, the caliber-m
      For 4 missiles to combat sea targets on the same chassis as the Iskander. Then they reduced the number of missiles to two and decided to use them against ground targets, since the BRK is already enough
      Quote: Zaurbek
      It is necessary to analyze (+ and -) and take the best of the concepts.

      What are the pros and cons? The Iskander has no cons, the Americans wrote that the probability of shooting it down with a Patriot missile is 3%. I don't remember a case where it flew into the launcher, while it definitely flew into the Hemars. There is only one cons - there are few missiles, a hundred launchers - two hundred missiles a day, 70 thousand missiles a year - mind-boggling needs, there is room to optimize production in order to churn out so many
      1. 0
        6 February 2025 02: 48
        "Iskander" is a platform. Calibers are also launched from them, in the cruise missile version. There are, it seems, three different missiles. But even the "ballistics" are also different, the initial reliability is amazing, all test launches were successful.
        The founder of the complex: "Both complexes were used until 1991 and were liquidated in accordance with the terms of the INF Treaty. The first missiles were destroyed in the Chita region by the launch method. Of particular interest were the Pioneer missiles, which had been in operation for over 10 years. All 26 launches conducted from August 29 to December 1988, 72 were successful. Later, in the area of ​​the Kapustin Yar test site, another liquidation technology was used - by exploding the missiles without removing them from the launch containers. The chassis of the launchers of the complex, after undergoing a special dismantling procedure, excluding their use for their main purpose, could be used in various ways in the national economy.

        In the process of implementing the INF Treaty, 58 missile regiments armed with Pioneers were disbanded. The last of the RSD-10 missiles declared in the Treaty was destroyed on May 12, 1991. Several launchers and missiles have been preserved as exhibits in museums in the country and abroad.
      2. 0
        6 February 2025 15: 22
        Well, for example - Mars-Himars-Atakms - in one chassis, different calibers - that's great.
        For 70% of targets, you don't need the tricky Iskander seeker and pseudo-ballistics. It's enough to just hit accurately and deliver the correct warhead. For example, in our case, a KAMAZ 8x8 or BAZ 8x8 could carry 6 300mm corr missiles or one Iskander. They are easier to transport and can be transported by plane.
        And how the US doses out force against us: they wanted to give us KHIMARS, and they wanted ATAKMS... and the launchers in Ukraine are suitable for everything.
        1. 0
          6 February 2025 15: 58
          Mars-Himars-Atakms - in one chassis
          Well, let's say the chassis of Mars is completely different
          For 70% of targets, the Iskander's tricky seeker and pseudo-ballistics are not needed.
          As far as I understand, they are now using simplified Iskanders, without false targets and seeker heads. How difficult it is to convert them from aeroballistics to just ballistics so that they fly further or carry more - I don't know...
          For example, in our case, KAMAZ 8x8 or BAZ 8x8 could carry 6 300mm corr missiles or one Iskander.
          We have no problems with launchers, we have more than a hundred Iskanders and definitely more than fifty Tornados, there is simply nothing to load them with. The USSR did not leave us warehouses full of missiles for them, now they launch them purely from the conveyor - they brought ten a day - they fired from five launchers, the rest are smoking bamboo request
  5. -1
    5 February 2025 10: 01
    Give us a railway version of Iskander!!! am
    1. +4
      5 February 2025 11: 49
      Quote: zxc15682
      Give us a railway version of Iskander!!! am

      Why tie something to the railway that can easily move even on dirt roads?
      1. -2
        5 February 2025 11: 59
        The railway will be cheaper. It's just a bunch of covered wagons. wink
      2. 0
        5 February 2025 12: 26
        Special transport is very noticeable on public roads. And any hoholophile can call where necessary and take a photo. On the railway there is always chaos and no one understands where these cars are going. laughing
        1. +1
          5 February 2025 14: 00
          What is there to understand? When the schedule is urgently changed to allow a train of several cars to pass, which is moving briskly instead of the long-awaited electric train. Trains go through stations that are always full of people. No, no one will notice anything and will not think what the hell is going on.
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 14: 37
            The range of the BR is small for railways. But containers with cruise missiles like Kalibr are quite possible. There are not many launchers for cruise missiles in the Russian Federation, a couple of trains can be kept on each route. Two in the Southern Federal District, two Moscow-St. Petersburg, two in the Urals, two in Siberia and about 4 in the Far East. There are 4 pipes in a container. How many cars are in a container ship?
        2. 0
          6 February 2025 02: 52
          Caliber-K will help you, it is impossible to track. By the way, the Americans did make a similar system, which we announced a hundred years ago, but never sold.
          Either by train or on any trailer.
  6. 0
    5 February 2025 17: 42
    Iskander is the only ballistic missile that could hit enemy rear areas: Patroit radar, launchers, and also S-300. And the cluster part was used against airfields (Mi-8 VSU), echelons, and MLRS.
    1. 0
      6 February 2025 15: 27
      So ATAKMS hit S400 and more than once. And with a cluster munition. Here it depends more on the calculation of the system and the speed of deployment ... If the SAM is in place, then it will definitely be hit by a ballistic missile from the OTRK. That is why the USSR made separately Buk and S300 on a tracked chassis for actions to cover troops, and a wheeled one - to cover objects.