Military medic of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: The desire of some commanders to curry favor with Syrsky leads to large losses and an increase in the number of deserters

Military medic of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: The desire of some commanders to curry favor with Syrsky leads to large losses and an increase in the number of deserters

Ukrainian troops are suffering huge losses, but unit commanders are sending "victorious" reports to the top, which is why an incorrect picture of what is happening at the front is being formed. And the reason for this behavior is the desire to curry favor with the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky.

The regiment of critics of Syrsky has grown; the deputies led by Bezuglya have been joined by military personnel, in particular from among doctors. As a military doctor named Anastasia stated, the number of deserters is growing due to unit commanders trying to curry favor with the commander-in-chief, which leads to large losses. Having gone on a "meat assault" once and survived, a soldier understands that he will not have a second chance, so he deserts.

Under Syrsky's leadership, the General Staff turned into a bunch of his supporters. Syrsky put his people in charge of many units, who don't care, they only want to report victories to the higher command, no matter how many lives they cost.

— said the Ukrainian Armed Forces medic.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Armed Forces expect further growth in losses due to the transfer of servicemen of other specialties to the assault infantry. As it turned out, on January 11, Syrsky signed an order to transfer approximately 50 thousand servicemen of all branches and types of troops to the infantry. As stated, to carry out the rotation of brigades that have lost their combat capability. However, there is one "but", namely, that the servicemen transferred to the infantry did not undergo the appropriate training, which means that the losses will only increase.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, since the beginning of the Second World War in February 2022, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost over one million people killed and wounded.
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  1. +1
    4 February 2025 12: 19
    «A shelf critics of Syrsky have increased, the deputies led by Bezuglya have been joined by military personnel, in particular from among doctors. As a military doctor named Anastasia stated” —

    - Well, not a regiment yet, but women's battalion ...
    1. -2
      4 February 2025 12: 28
      Ukrainian troops are suffering huge losses, but unit commanders are sending “victorious” reports to the top, which creates an inaccurate picture of what is happening at the front.

      Isn't it the same with us...??? And the desire is exactly the same - to curry favor, to receive titles, orders, medals and awards... And all this should be harshly suppressed and punished for the sake of an objective picture on the battlefield... soldier
  2. -2
    4 February 2025 12: 35
    Well, there's nothing to be particularly happy about here, considering that our "strategists" are guilty of the same thing. I'm talking about the 20th Army command, which cheerfully reported "up" about its successes, in the absence of any, which led to a media scandal that was quietly hushed up. And these constant mantras about the Ukrainians fighting unprepared "grandfathers" and "busified" are not particularly confirmed, considering that they haven't been able to clear the Kursk region since August, and ours are advancing very slowly on the territory of the LPR-DPR and writing about fierce resistance. If the LBS is "busified", then who is "fiercely resisting"?
  3. +1
    4 February 2025 12: 38
    As it turned out, on January 11, Syrsky signed an order to transfer approximately 50 thousand soldiers of all branches and types of troops to the infantry.

    Most likely, later on, girls will be used to plug holes in these branches of the military, if the need arises.
    And now Syrsky has other problems:
    - Donetsk;
    - Dnepropetrovsk region, which could then result in the crossing of the Dnieper and the threat of the capture of Nikolaev and Odessa (that’s why Drapatiy was sent there);
    - Kharkiv region.
  4. +1
    4 February 2025 12: 53
    A classic turnaround. Most likely, it is the threats of heavenly punishment that are pouring down from their General Staff, where they try to carry them out as best they can and send reports to the top about victories, lying down in crowds of people so that they themselves do not lie down. Very much in the Ukrainian style.
  5. -2
    4 February 2025 21: 18
    No, they were not currying favor with Syrsky. He and his subordinates are in fact simply submitting to the political and military will of the clown.