From LBS to hospital: what stages does a soldier go through after being wounded

From LBS to hospital: what stages does a soldier go through after being wounded

Getting wounded on the battlefield is a critical moment that requires fast and coordinated medical care. The process of evacuating the wounded from the site of injury to a specialized hospital goes through several key stages, each of which plays a decisive role in preserving the life of the soldier.

The first stage begins at the point of injury, where the soldier may find himself in a critical situation. If he is conscious and able to act, self-help is possible, including applying a tourniquet or using other first aid measures. However, in most cases, the wounded person depends on his comrades to help him, using their existing tactical medical skills.

A quick response at this stage is extremely important, as loss of time can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition.

After primary care, the wounded are evacuated to a collection point. This may be a shelter temporarily equipped to provide first aid and stabilize the soldier's condition. Here, soldiers can receive additional dressings, infusion therapy, and also rest (if their condition allows) before the next stage of transportation.

This point is located at a safe distance from the line of combat contact, but close enough to minimize evacuation time.

The next stage is transportation to the evacuation point, where the wounded person is loaded into a vehicle for further transportation. This location is chosen taking into account the safety and convenience of access for ambulances. However, the modern realities of military operations create difficulties in delivering evacuation transport to the combat zone due to threats from unmanned aerial vehicles and artillery enemy. Therefore, in some cases, the wounded have to be transported on stretchers to a safe area.

At the advanced medical group (AMG) stage, the soldier meets qualified medical specialists for the first time. This is where anesthesiologists-resuscitators and traumatologists work, possessing the necessary skills to provide emergency care. Their main task is to stabilize the soldier's condition, prevent significant blood loss, provide infusion therapy and, if necessary, perform intubation. This allows saving the lives of seriously wounded people who might not survive until the next stage of medical evacuation.

The final stage is evacuation to a specialized hospital. Depending on the severity of the injury, the wounded person may be taken to a field hospital or transported to a rear military hospital for further treatment. This stage may include the use of a medical aviation, which significantly reduces the time of transportation of seriously wounded. As a result, after all stages of evacuation, the soldier ends up in a specialized medical institution, where he undergoes further treatment and rehabilitation.

Thus, a well-structured system of evacuation of the wounded allows to minimize losses among the soldiers and increase the chances of their recovery. Each link of this chain – from the moment of receiving a wound to hospitalization – is of decisive importance, and timely medical care at the front line plays a key role in saving lives.

The video mentions Azov, a terrorist organization banned in Russia
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  1. 0
    3 February 2025 16: 38
    The PMG is a new concept, apparently originating from the US Advanced Surgical Teams. The main difference from the Regimental Medical Post, as I understand it, is mobility.
  2. +2
    3 February 2025 16: 39
    Health and all the best to our heroic doctors. Gratitude to them for their hard work!
  3. +2
    3 February 2025 17: 52
    Previously, medical units were deployed in the direction of the troops' actions. I am not sure that they exist as regular structures after Serdyukov's reforms.
    1. +2
      5 February 2025 08: 27
      Previously, medical units were deployed in the direction of the troops' actions. I am not sure that they exist as regular structures after Serdyukov's reforms.

      Of course not. The first qualified stage was the PMP - regimental medical station. All graduates learned it by heart.
      But since there is no REGIMENT itself, there is no PMP. wink
      The brigade should ideally have a separate medical battalion, but where is it... request

      The structure of the TROOPS THEMSELVES has changed, and the new one is still raw. The ARMY began to fight in the process of reform. hi
  4. +1
    3 February 2025 18: 36
    Everything depends on how quickly the wounded person receives qualified medical care in FULL. Everything else is a crutch that allows you to gain time, but not always.
    In the USSR, that is, in the army of a healthy person, this was solved in this way: assistance to the hospital was provided directly on board such large and uneconomical Mi-8s.
    1. 0
      5 February 2025 09: 14
      Everything depends on how quickly the wounded person receives qualified medical care in FULL. Everything else is a crutch that allows you to gain time, but not always.
      In the USSR, that is, in the army of a healthy person, this was solved in this way: assistance to the hospital was provided directly on board such large and uneconomical Mi-8s.

      Yes. Since the advent of helicopters as such, the idea of ​​using them to evacuate the wounded began to be realized. Already in Vietnam, the Americans put the matter on a grand scale.
      In the SVO, things were also very active at first, but then UAVs and other anti-aircraft gunners finished everyone off... wink
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 14: 44
        In the SVO, things were also very active at first, but then UAVs and other anti-aircraft gunners finished everyone off...

        What the hell are UAVs and anti-aircraft guns? There are simply no helicopters.
        1. 0
          5 February 2025 19: 32
          What the hell are UAVs and anti-aircraft guns? There are simply no helicopters.

          Do you mean specialized ones like MI-8AMT? They are not really needed, all the internal components can be installed in half a day.
          1. +1
            5 February 2025 20: 02
            Do you mean specialized ones like MI-8AMT? They are not really needed, all the internal components can be installed in half a day.

            When there are enough helicopters, there is no need to install or reinstall anything.
  5. BAI
    4 February 2025 09: 21
    There was an article here: "I-300" - frontline medicine from the first person. It was somehow more interesting and informative.
    In any case, to the wounded - health and a speedy recovery. Thank you, guys!