Su-30SM of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-27 in the SVO zone

Su-30SM of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-27 in the SVO zone

Another Ukrainian Su-27 aircraft has been destroyed in the area of ​​a special military operation. The combat aircraft was shot down in an air battle by a Russian Su-30SM fighter. It is already known that the Ukrainian pilot Ivan Bolotov, who was at the controls of the Su-27, was killed.

Immediately after the destruction of the Su-27 fighter jet of the Ukrainian Air Force, the Russian military intercepted the Ukrainian command. The negotiations were conducted in Russian. Discussing the loss of the plane, the Ukrainian military leaders pondered what reason to put forward as the official version of the fighter jet crash. According to the Russian military, the Ukrainian Armed Forces command decided to explain the loss of the combat aircraft by the failure of the hydraulic system.

It is worth noting that the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have many Su-27 fighters left. Today, these are the machines that are mainly used by the Kyiv regime militants in the area of ​​the Russian Federation's special military operation. Some time ago, the Su-27 was re-equipped to use American Mk83 air bombs. The first documented case of this was recorded several days ago.

Let us recall that the MK83 has a gliding range of 75 kilometers. Such characteristics of the munition allow Ukrainian pilots to carry out bombing missions without entering the Russian air defense system’s coverage area. This is a crucial point for them, since aviation The Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered huge losses after the start of the Russian Federation's special military operation in Ukraine.

It should be added that the first reports of upcoming deliveries of Mk83 aerial bombs with JDAM ER kits to Ukraine date back to February 2023.
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  1. +21
    3 February 2025 10: 17
    Finally - they wrote about the Ukrainian Armed Forces pilot that he died. More flights like this, and there won't be any left!
    1. +5
      3 February 2025 13: 46
      Quote: moreman78
      Finally - they wrote about the Ukrainian Armed Forces pilot that he died. More flights like this, and there won't be any left!

      I wonder where this Vanya Bolotov is from..? We had a Vanya Bolotov at school, 5 years younger than me, but he 100% did not become a pilot... I had several conscripts with that name but different patronymics, at different times, one from Belarus, another from Moldova, the third from Ukraine... The older brother of my classmate, who graduated from the Achinsk VATU in his time, ended up serving in Ukraine and stayed to live there... Yes, how many of our former ones are there... They seem to be ours, but in fact they are no longer there... That's how it is...
      1. +1
        3 February 2025 16: 41
        Details at the link.

        .The young but experienced 24-year-old Air Force captain Ivan Bolotov was killed, the 831st tactical aviation brigade reports. He fought from the beginning of the war.

        1. +4
          3 February 2025 16: 57
          Quote from Orange Bigg
          .The young but experienced 24-year-old Air Force captain Ivan Bolotov was killed, the 831st tactical aviation brigade reports. He fought from the beginning of the war.

          Another ghost of Kiev? Considering that the SVO began 3 years ago, he was 21-22 at most. That is, yesterday's graduate. I can believe that he somehow flew something in 22, at the beginning of 23... But in fact, this is another "Goering's chick" of the second half of 1944...
          1. 0
            4 February 2025 09: 16
            I wonder if they'll burn another piano?
    2. -1
      4 February 2025 19: 43
      He didn't die, he was destroyed! What a hero they found.. He died... The creature was destroyed and that's it!!
  2. +12
    3 February 2025 10: 19
    Su-30SM of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-27 in the SVO zone

    The jackals - non-brothers - jackal death.
    Victory to our RF Armed Forces in the North-Eastern Military District, the enemy will be defeated.
    1. +3
      3 February 2025 12: 50
      The Ukrainian Air Force is now small. True, Macron will soon throw them Mirages. They are currently armed with F-16, MiG-29, Su-27 fighters, as well as Su-24M bombers.

      . Analysis of the activity of tactical aviation of the Ukrainian Air Force for the last ten days of January allowed to establish the approximate number of aircraft and their bases. We are talking about the airfields from which it operates and where it lands. It turned out that the aircraft of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, in the amount of slightly more than 30 aircraft, used 10 sites.
      1. +2
        3 February 2025 13: 01
        Orange Bigg
        Today, 12: 50
        The Ukrainian Air Force is now small in number. True, Macron will soon give them Mirages.

        hi Well, sir, I wouldn’t rush to voice the figures to the experts, since I don’t rule out misinformation from all sides.
        Very serious challenges for the Russian Federation, it is unknown what weapons the aircraft might be equipped with.
        Apparently, NATO does not need to work out the algorithm of active aircraft operations with jumps, but maintenance of Fu-16 and Mirage in Bandershtat is dangerous even in underground hangars.
        Our intelligence and agents need serious work on detection and attacks. soldier
        1. +3
          3 February 2025 13: 58
          Quote: ZovSailor
          Our intelligence and agents need serious work on detection and attacks.

          How timely your advice was, just the other day our agents and intelligence, giving an interview to one of the Russian media outlets, said that they do not know what to do in this first month of February this year.
          Quote: ZovSailor
          Well, sir, I wouldn’t rush to voice the figures to the experts, since I don’t rule out misinformation from all sides.

          Of course, there is no need to voice the figures on VO, and especially not to experts... But what if this is not disinformation? What if these are real figures... laughing laughing laughing How an enemy jump airfield works is well shown in the film "Chronicle of a Dive Bomber". Little has changed in 80 years. The only thing is that the technology has become more modern, but nothing more. The one who hides always has an advantage over the one who searches.
      2. -7
        3 February 2025 15: 00
        Quote from Orange Bigg
        The Ukrainian Air Force is now small

        Whose Air Force then almost completely destroyed our Aerospace Forces in the spring of 2022...
        1. +1
          3 February 2025 15: 05
          Ukraine. It's just that Soviet fighters are being purchased for the Ukrainian Air Force all over the world.
          1. -2
            3 February 2025 16: 43
            Quote from Orange Bigg
            Ukraine. It's just that Soviet fighters are being purchased for the Ukrainian Air Force all over the world.

            And who sold the Su-27 or MiG-29?
            Are there any real numbers and countries?
            but this is something that is definitely true, and not just a matter of opinion...
            1. +3
              3 February 2025 16: 45
              Well, it’s hard to get a Su-27 anywhere, but MiG-29s were transferred to Ukraine by Poland, Slovakia, these countries officially announced this, and so on down the list.
              1. -2
                3 February 2025 16: 56
                Quote from Orange Bigg
                Well, it’s hard to get a Su-27 anywhere, but MiG-29s were transferred to Ukraine by Poland, Slovakia, these countries officially announced this, and so on down the list.

                No more than 30 aircraft were delivered.

                Here is the news from December 2, 2022, 13:38
                This was reported on Friday by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

                "In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the following have been destroyed: 336 aircraft, 177 helicopters, 2 unmanned aerial vehicles, 599 anti-aircraft missile systems, 391 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 6 multiple launch rocket systems, 953 field artillery pieces and mortars, as well as 908 units of special military vehicles," he said at a briefing on the progress of the special military operation.

                Remember these numbers?
                In full swing.
                And then they made a strong counter-offensive, which we have not yet returned in many places.
                They simply threw stones at us.
                And the aviation flies and flies.
                1. +1
                  3 February 2025 17: 01
                  No more than 30 aircraft were transferred.

                  Where did you get this figure? Here are just some data for mid-2023.

                  .Of course, everyone heard about the deliveries of fighters from Eastern Europe back in early spring. Slovakia transferred 15 MiG-29 aircraft, Poland and Bulgaria, and about 60 MiG-29 fighters and Su-25 attack aircraft. There was even talk that some of the aircraft would be based at airfields in these countries and fly to Ukraine.


                2. +2
                  3 February 2025 17: 13
                  Here's some more data. As of early 2023.

                  . According to the publication of Hürseda haber, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost 302 aircraft. We fully admit it, but according to the reference book "World Air Forces 2022" at the beginning of last year, the Ukrainian Air Force had 163 combat and combat training aircraft (according to our sources, 145 are actually fit for use, plus or minus 3-4 pieces), as well as 30 military transport aircraft. Total - 193 pieces. It is interesting that NATO countries did not officially supply Ukraine with aircraft - even Soviet-style ones. Where 109 aircraft came from, one can only guess.

                3. kig
                  3 February 2025 21: 03
                  Quote: SovAr238A
                  Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.

                  Has he been making such reports lately? I haven't heard anything. Although I'm not very interested.
  3. +1
    3 February 2025 10: 23
    Will they burn the piano? The Al Royal? They have NATO standards.
    1. 0
      3 February 2025 10: 25
      What does the piano have to do with the grand piano? belay
      1. +7
        3 February 2025 10: 28
        Nexcom, The tradition of burning pianos to honour pilots killed in action began during World War II, the British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) reported on September 30.

        According to one legend, the first piano to be burned belonged to a dead British pilot, and his fellow soldiers decided to honor his memory in this way, and later it became a custom.

        IA Red Spring
        Read the full article here:
        1. +4
          3 February 2025 10: 30
          belay I didn't know, Ropot 55, I didn't know, interesting fact.... So in such a situation, there won't be any pianos or grand pianos for the kakels.... What will a drug addict with no hands play on? lol Will they switch to drums later?
          1. 0
            3 February 2025 10: 33
            Nexcom, this "pianist" will be given out on the spot. And now I think he needs to get that non-traditional outfit and not look for a piano, and why he can become the first monsieur of France)))
            1. +2
              3 February 2025 10: 35
              Tama is neither monsieur nor mademoiselle - tama is IT. The journalist has already published photos and much more - in general, micron was completely exposed. And his passion for old men with whom he apparently played not childish games in his childhood. In short - they are perverts..... Complete perverts.
              1. 0
                3 February 2025 10: 44
                Nexcom, considering that the American journalist writes that Macron was 15 when they met, and this one or that one, ugh, whatever you call it, was 39, then everything is completely upside down, and considering that at that time there was no such debauchery in the EU, it’s even funnier.
                1. 0
                  3 February 2025 10: 46
                  I don't give a damn, I wasn't even interested in the subtleties of their perversions, no need.
                  1. -2
                    3 February 2025 10: 48
                    Nexcom, oh no, you need to know the enemy and know him thoroughly, and all his passions too.
                    1. +4
                      3 February 2025 10: 49
                      Well, let psychiatrists who specialize in deviations deal with this...
          2. -4
            3 February 2025 12: 00
            Quote: Nexcom
            . So, with this situation, the kakels won't be able to get enough pianos or grand pianos...

            They already heat their houses with them. The pilots don't remember...
        2. -1
          3 February 2025 12: 44
          Quote: Murmur 55
          Nexcom, The tradition of burning pianos to honour pilots killed in action began during World War II, the British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) reported on September 30.

          According to one legend, the first piano to be burned belonged to a dead British pilot, and his fellow soldiers decided to honor his memory in this way, and later it became a custom.

          IA Red Spring
          Read the full article here:

          And before the piano is burned, does Zelensky personally play it?
  4. 0
    3 February 2025 10: 25
    While discussing the loss of the plane, Ukrainian military leaders pondered what reason to put forward as the official version of the fighter jet's crash.

    It goes without saying - “it was a bad thing - it was an unfortunate failure” (c) Yes
    Like ours have nothing to do with it, no one shot down their plane. Well, how else? laughing
    Like they'll start asking for more money for this - like oh, everything's old, it breaks, it's a disaster...
  5. +10
    3 February 2025 10: 26
    Thanks to those pilots who independently decided to serve Russia and flew deck aircraft to Kuznetsov. Otherwise, there would not have been deck aviation after 91. At least someone had the honor then.
    1. +1
      3 February 2025 19: 23
      Not only deck-based aircraft were ferried. From Starokonstantinov, Colonel Cherny and several others with him ferried 4 or 5 Su-24M to Shatalovo.
      The colonel was then placed in charge of a division that was formed from two regiments, in Smuravyevo and Siverskaya.
      1. -1
        4 February 2025 08: 04
        Well, someone swore allegiance to Ukraine
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 09: 21
          After the collapse, shoals of officers and warrant officers, natives of Ukraine, were drawn to Ukraine. But many of them remained in Russia.
  6. +4
    3 February 2025 10: 27
    A few hours before the start of the SVO, the Khikhlys went on alert and withdrew all their aircraft to airfields in Western Ukraine - all our strikes hit empty airfields and parking lots for decommissioned aircraft. What warned them?
    1. +1
      3 February 2025 10: 28
      What do you mean, what? Of course, the "brothers", the "brotherly people", warned.... The plan was to enter under fanfares with flowers from the "brotherly people".... But that's how it turned out, and the people turned out to be not at all brotherly and in general....
    2. +3
      3 February 2025 11: 18
      The Americans knew everything. That's why they warned us.
  7. 0
    3 February 2025 10: 27
    And when did this happen? And when did this happen?
  8. -3
    3 February 2025 10: 34
    Heroes die on duty!, and this one died for green wrappers
  9. 0
    3 February 2025 10: 39
    "Ukrainian pilot Ivan Bolotov, who was at the controls of the Su-27..."
    An interesting description of the SU-27 aircraft... And where did the "steering wheel" come from?
    1. +7
      3 February 2025 10: 46
      Quote: Anatoly_P
      "Ukrainian pilot Ivan Bolotov,

      Pure Ukrainian name and surname!
      1. +2
        3 February 2025 15: 34
        Quote: Nikolaevich I
        Quote: Anatoly_P
        "Ukrainian pilot Ivan Bolotov,

        Pure Ukrainian name and surname!

        I wouldn't be surprised if he was shot down by Russian pilot Bogdan Sviridenko. That's war.
    2. -6
      3 February 2025 10: 50
      And in the photo for the article there is a MiG-29.
      1. +5
        3 February 2025 11: 02
        Actually, it's a cracker, because the 29th doesn't have a tail boom.
      2. 0
        6 February 2025 14: 48
        I agree, I was wrong. My eyesight failed me. hi
  10. +4
    3 February 2025 10: 45
    Shooting down a Su-27 is not an easy task! It's good that the Su-30 is capable of it. Congratulations to the pilot!
    1. +1
      4 February 2025 09: 21
      Well, actually, if the Su27 is still an ancient modification, then the Su30 should eat it without straining. It sees further, detects faster, plus our ground systems are better.
      1. -2
        4 February 2025 10: 57
        The Su-27 has the best airframe on the planet, at least for a fighter, and the whole structure is simply superbly suited for maneuverable combat. Yes, the Su-30 can see further. You might even get hit. And the Su-27 was designed by people who are, alas, no match for modern aircraft designers.
  11. 0
    3 February 2025 10: 45
    Reflections, So the enemy launches these bombs at a distance of 70 km from the LBS, it turns out that these bombs fly no further than combat clashes, no further. And the S 300 has a declared characteristic of "hitting a target up to 340 km), Then why do opponents fly so close to the LBS, and write that they fly freely in the Kursk region or flew.
    1. +7
      3 February 2025 11: 03
      Because used pilots go to WWI, so our SAM systems like S 300/S 400 are not particularly helpful, but the Su 30SM worked as expected, most likely with the R 37M missile.
      1. +1
        3 February 2025 14: 57
        Quote: Vitaliy161
        that's why our SAM systems like S 300\S 400 are not particularly helpful

        In theory, if the radar is raised on an airship, they will be able to go beyond the horizon (if the bag reaches it).
        Or bring in a DLRO plane. (But it's easy to shoot it down, there are missiles flying at radars)
    2. +6
      3 February 2025 12: 31
      Then why do opponents fly so close to the LBS, and write that they fly freely in the Kursk region or flew.

      Question for kindergarten.
      It's surprising that there were 6 more people who were so ignorant in matters of air defense.
      The picture below contains the answer to your question.
      Do I need to comment or is it clear?
    3. +5
      3 February 2025 14: 02
      Firstly, the maximum range of destruction is ensured only under certain conditions - the first and most important of which is direct visibility of the target relative to the guidance station - do not forget that the earth is round. Now this problem has been partially solved and anti-aircraft gunners can hit over-the-horizon targets with the support of their fighters, but the appearance of the target, the presence of the air defense system and the fighter on duty in the required area do not always coincide.
      But there is also a second nuance - what kind of idiot do you have to be to place the S300 complex in the frontline zone? How long will such a complex survive at the front? Therefore, the 340 km gap must be cut. Count from your forward formations to the rear at least a distance corresponding to the range of anti-radar missiles, take into account the range of operational-tactical missiles, and somewhere from there start twirling your 340 km with a compass.
      1. -1
        3 February 2025 16: 50
        Quote: faridg7
        Firstly, the maximum range of destruction is ensured only under certain conditions - the first and most important of which is direct visibility of the target relative to the guidance station - do not forget that the earth is round. Now this problem has been partially solved and anti-aircraft gunners can hit over-the-horizon targets with the support of their fighters, but the appearance of the target, the presence of the air defense system and the fighter on duty in the required area do not always coincide.
        But there is also a second nuance - what kind of idiot do you have to be to place the S300 complex in the frontline zone? How long will such a complex survive at the front? Therefore, the 340 km gap must be cut. Count from your forward formations to the rear at least a distance corresponding to the range of anti-radar missiles, take into account the range of operational-tactical missiles, and somewhere from there start twirling your 340 km with a compass.

        Surround yourself.
        And ask about the real, not the theoretical.
        1. The Internet is flooded with videos of the destruction of S-300, S-400, Patriot, and Iris air defense systems, precisely in the frontline zone, filmed by UAVs and guided by these same UAVs.
        Ours are hitting with Iskanders, the Ukrainians are hitting with Khimarsas.
        There are plenty of videos.

        2. The system of missile guidance beyond the radio horizon is currently only in 2 aircraft in the world. These are the F-35 and the Hawkeye-D. And only for the US Navy SM-6 missiles for now. By the end of the year, they promise to adjust the compatibility of the Patriot with the F-35 and Vigilante. When the F-15 and F-18 will be hooked up is still unknown.
        No other country in the world has anything like this. We certainly don't!
        1. 0
          3 February 2025 16: 57
          Quote: SovAr238A
          Surround yourself.
          And ask about the real, not the theoretical.
          1. The Internet is flooded with videos of the destruction of S-300, S-400, Patriot, and Iris air defense systems, precisely in the frontline zone, filmed by UAVs and guided by these same UAVs.
          Ours are hitting with Iskanders, the Ukrainians are hitting with Khimarsas.
          There are plenty of videos.

          You only confirm my words - the LBS SAM, which has a fairly long deployment-collapse time, does not last long
          Quote: SovAr238A
          2. The system of missile guidance beyond the radio horizon is currently only in 2 aircraft in the world. These are the F-35 and the Hawkeye-D. And only for the US Navy SM-6 missiles for now. By the end of the year, they promise to adjust the compatibility of the Patriot with the F-35 and Vigilante. When the F-15 and F-18 will be hooked up is still unknown.
          No other country in the world has anything like this. We certainly don't!

          Well, no, so no. They are not there, they are so ephemeral, unlike gophers, which are not visible, but they are there.
        2. 0
          4 February 2025 21: 33
          Do you know if the Ukrainian Armed Forces also had Patriot Pak2 or Pak3?
          1. 0
            5 February 2025 10: 38
            Quote: Calm_type
            Do you know if the Ukrainian Armed Forces also had Patriot Pak2 or Pak3?

            were transmitted:
            - PAC-2 in GEM, GEM-C and GEM-T variants
            - PAC-3 MSE versions
  12. +4
    3 February 2025 10: 48
    ..The Su-27 was successfully re-equipped to use American Mk83 aerial bombs
    bragged here the other day - now you'll get it. God willing, this won't be our last success in such neutralization Yes
  13. BAI
    3 February 2025 11: 19
    Pilot Ivan Bolotov, who was at the controls of the Su-27, died.

    After all, he's a Russian bastard, not a hohol.
  14. 0
    3 February 2025 11: 29
    We need automatic launch containers with missiles like Pantsir S on LBS. The detection locator is at a safe distance. Something like that.
    1. +1
      3 February 2025 17: 11
      A missile like the PantsirS must capture a target before launch, having received target designation, which the detection locator (like the P18 that you mean) cannot provide, or must go to the target under the control of a guidance station, the functions of which the P18 cannot perform.
      This scheme can of course be used, but not all types of ZR are suitable for this.
      1. 0
        3 February 2025 17: 25
        Of course I agree with you, but I put forward a concept. What does it consist of? To install, if possible, a container, or even one or two missiles of any type as close as possible to the LBS. And locators, especially with long-range detection and the ability to guide missiles, in a safe zone from enemy missiles. And missiles can be used with homing. The main thing is that the target, the enemy, does not cross the front line. And it seems to me that the enemy tried to use such a scheme.
        1. +2
          3 February 2025 17: 41
          The enemy has used and uses exactly this scheme. In Ukraine, since the times of the USSR, there are about 1000 sets of P18 type observation stations left, the stations operate in the observation mode, when our aircraft is detected, a missile is launched into the area of ​​its detection, which, upon arrival in the area, independently searches for the target. The efficiency is not high, it works more on transport aircraft - the speeds are not very high, they light up like Christmas trees. But as an ambush tactic - it takes place. Whether ours use such tactics - I do not know, the question is not related to the position.
          1. 0
            4 February 2025 19: 10
            Independent target search - this is only possible if the missile has an ARGSN. The Soviets don't have any of those.
            1. 0
              4 February 2025 19: 55
              Quote: Calm_type
              Independent target search - this is only possible if the missile has an ARGSN. The Soviets don't have any of those.

              And did I write something here about the Soviet ones? So far, as far as I know, only MIM104 were used like that
              1. 0
                4 February 2025 22: 01
                So, PROBABLY, only the PAC 3 mse modification can do that. The regular PAC 120 range may not be enough. And both are ballistic interceptors. How effective are they in principle against aerodynamic targets... I don't know. But the Nasams based on the AIM XNUMX can probably do that...
      2. 0
        4 February 2025 19: 08
        There is radio command guidance. The missile does not capture anything.
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 19: 57
          Quote: Calm_type
          There is radio command guidance. The missile does not capture anything.

          You need to be calmer, before writing responses to comments, take the time to read them completely and understand them.
          1. 0
            4 February 2025 21: 16
            A missile like the PantsirS must acquire a target before launch, having received target designation - express yourself more correctly.
  15. -4
    3 February 2025 11: 32
    It’s like 75 km and not entering the air defense zone, and the fact is that the S400 hits more than 200 km.
  16. +2
    3 February 2025 11: 34
    Quote: vacuum cleaner
    Reflections, So the enemy launches these bombs at a distance of 70 km from the LBS, it turns out that these bombs fly no further than combat clashes, no further. And the S 300 has a declared characteristic of "hitting a target up to 340 km), Then why do opponents fly so close to the LBS, and write that they fly freely in the Kursk region or flew.

    Nobody flies in Kursk region, bombs can reach, but the plane with the pilot back, not always. They try and they are shot down, but when did that stop them.
  17. -4
    3 February 2025 11: 51
    It is worth noting that the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not have many Su-27 fighters left.
    Judging by the solemn messages of Konashenkov back in 2023, the pig-faced ones shouldn't have had them at all
  18. -1
    3 February 2025 12: 01
    It's very joyful to read such news. But where are our S-400 with great range?
    1. 0
      3 February 2025 19: 34
      But where are our S-400s with their long range?

      Where they are supposed to, they cover strategic objects deep in the country.
      And a great range requires a great altitude of the target's flight, and ALL BECAUSE THE EARTH IS ROUND.
      But for you, this is apparently a discovery.
      1. 0
        5 February 2025 10: 29
        So, about radar, I know more than you. Because I have a specialized Soviet education. And you should brush up on the material before being smart/rude to adults. I recommend that you take an interest in the 9M96M product and the Podlet radar.
  19. The comment was deleted.
  20. 0
    3 February 2025 13: 09
    That's how Ivan Bolotov jumped and jumped until he was sent to Bandera along with his skipping rope.
  21. 0
    3 February 2025 15: 04
    Ivan Bolotov is a ho-hum pilot... Not Bolotyuk, not Bolotenko... Longing
    1. -1
      3 February 2025 15: 38
      Quote: I_Kov
      Ivan Bolotov is a ho-hum pilot... Not Bolotyuk, not Bolotenko... Longing

      It's sad because Bolotyuk could have been a SU 30 pilot.
    2. 0
      4 February 2025 09: 16
      Ukrainian This is a former Russian who betrayed his ancestors, his history, hating his roots, so that his last name does not matter.
  22. +1
    3 February 2025 15: 42
    Yes, the pilot's name and surname are cool. It's immediately clear from "Texas"! And what's going on in their heads with such surnames?
  23. +1
    3 February 2025 21: 13
    Where it was shot down was not indicated. What it was shot down with was also not indicated. If the Ukrainian fighter does not enter the air defense zone, then a Russian fighter entered their air defense zone. The topic of air combat is generally interesting because it is poorly understood.
  24. 0
    4 February 2025 02: 49
    While discussing the loss of the plane, Ukrainian military leaders pondered what reason to put forward as the official version of the fighter jet's crash.
    Lightning struck Sushka! laughing
  25. 0
    4 February 2025 06: 10
    If a "militant" takes the oath and signs a contract for military service, isn't he a soldier or an officer?
  26. 0
    4 February 2025 09: 15
    In principle, everything is correct, a missile hit and the hydraulic system failed. And the pilot died as a result of sudden cardiac arrest.
  27. 0
    4 February 2025 09: 20
    Since there is a lot of noise, it means that planes are shot down extremely rarely.