Who and why wants to kill Russian children so much

As is known from the past, there are two troubles in Russia. However, times and people change, and everything can be much more sad if people, for the sake of a "tick" or a line in a report, stop thinking with their heads at all. And one category of people starts to come up with instructions, and the second starts to carry out these instructions.
And then it turns out... Voronezh!

Unlike many cities in Russia, all sorts of things systematically and regularly fly into Voronezh from Ukraine. Yes, not as much as in Belgorod, but they do fly. Thanks to the excellent training of local anti-aircraft gunners (we wrote about them, one of the best units of the Western Military District), nothing significant has been damaged or destroyed in the city in three years. And the damage is minimal, but Voronezh is not as close to the enemy, unlike Kursk and Belgorod.
But this year, someone got the idea that the city wasn't paying enough attention to the threat from the air. And so it began...
The bacchanalia of "wise" decisions swept over the city. They began to install "bomb shelters" at gas stations, designating basements of houses as such. The commissions went straight through and recognized ALL basements of houses as suitable, about which the corresponding announcements were posted.
Honestly: I wouldn't hide in the basement of my home on Komarova Street. Being eaten by a pack of rats in puddles (at best) of water in complete darkness - I'd rather run under fire, I don't have much experience, but I do, and the probability of dying in a basement is much higher.
But we are not even talking about these stupidities now, although stupidity in the performance of the Voronezh authorities is the norm. To demolish a bakery that survived two world wars, a revolution and a civil war, having the status historical building, so that someone could build a residential complex in its place - this is a reality. To cut down apple orchards to build human anthills - this is easy. To disfigure the historical center of a noble city, carefully restored after the war, with a "blue... "organ" (this is how the Marriott hotel is called in the city environment, which completely disfigured the historical face of the city center) - this is also normal.

This construction, the brainchild of Russian urban planners, hangs over the old noble city center, lovingly restored by Soviet people. A better idea to disfigure the historical appearance of the city, probably, will never be invented.
And so on, there have been a lot of “smart” solutions over the last 30 years. But there were also some very smart projects, that cannot be taken away. The Central Park, the embankment again…
However, now we will not talk about construction sites and budget development, but about children. About small and not so small citizens of Russia living in this city and who have become objects of zeal on the part of officials.
I don't know who is to blame for the madness that is being implemented. Perhaps more than one ministry is responsible for what is happening. Yes, Voronezh is not a piece of cake, there are no more departments here. Ministries. With ministers and their deputies.
The Ministry of Education of the Voronezh Region that interests us is headed by Natalya Valeryevna Salogubova and four of her deputies. And here in Natalya Vasilyevna's department there is complete obscurantism, and even interspersed with lies performed by some absolutely irresponsible people from among her subordinates. However, who is more to blame for the situation, those who drew up the orders or those who thoughtlessly execute them, is not for us to judge.
The idea of "taking care" of children by moving them in case of an air strike to some "bomb shelters" or "specially equipped places" was initially so-so, since these bomb shelters do not exist. No, perhaps they are in the ministry's offices, in the reports, but in fact, the school administrations around the city are doing things that are very difficult to describe in censored language.
Let's take as an example such an institution as MBOU Secondary School No. 29. This school is always in scandals, but what to do if the school administration does everything to attract attention?

So, school #29, headed by the director Koroteeva Inna Vyacheslavovna. It should be noted that under the leadership of Inna Vyacheslavovna, the first major renovation in the history of the school was carried out. And this building was built in 1936, and I was there before the renovation began, believe me, it looked more than miserable. After the renovation, the school really looked like a school, and a beautiful one at that, and the cafeteria was reorganized, and the darkish "canteen" with aromas more like a stench, became a real place where you can not just eat, but have a tasty meal. This is what the students themselves say, and who can you believe if not them? And they praise.
In general, everything seems to be fine, but no. Complaints are coming, not everyone was happy, and let's face it, the school administration is to blame for this, as in many other schools.
Here is the local publication "Bloknot" published the responses of the administration of school #29 to the complaint. The claim is quite fair: the school supposedly has a basement, in which, theoretically, it would be possible to organize a bomb shelter and try to send children there during an "air raid", if someone felt the urge to send them somewhere. But no, as I was told, there is a warehouse of materials left over from the renovation.
Therefore, without further ado, according to this answer (this is an excerpt, the answer in full is available, but there is no point in citing it in full):
So, a safe place. I translate: the students are simply sent out into the corridors during the alarm. For an hour, two, three, they just hang out in the beautiful, bright corridors. There is not a single corridor in the school without windows, and, naturally, not a single window is protected. Why Koroteeva and her subordinates lie is a question.

Agree, the school looks gorgeous! But absolutely ordinary windows will become a source of a huge number of fragments if something happens. And considering that there are also classrooms with glass walls, it will be absolutely beautiful.

Do you see even one corridor without windows? I don't see one. And no one does. But the children are thrown out, and they stay there until the end of the "air raid alarm" signal.
The same thing is happening, according to the data received, in many schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of the city. Gymnasium No. 5 (director Bolgova Marina Andreevna), Lyceum No. 2 (director Shapovalov Alexander Serafimovich), the list can be continued, the Internet is overflowing with photos and videos from the most unflattering places, such as unequipped basements, without ventilation, where children sit on pipes (apparently - school No. 46, director Artemova Tatyana Vitalievna). The Internet is overflowing, I repeat.
Why do principals and head teachers care so much about children that they are ready to expose them to anything in the name of a report - this is beyond me. Some kind of strange concern, on the edge of reason.
Here we have something like "Military Review" with the corresponding contingent. So let the contingent correct me if I'm thinking in the wrong direction.
If suddenly a real UAV, and this happens with them, loses guidance due to the actions of the same electronic warfare, and ends up in a school. Where will it cause more damage, in a separate room where 20-30 people sit or in a school corridor where a hundred are placed?
The most interesting thing is that in the event of an air raid alarm, if classes are over, children are not released from school. And in some schools, parents are not even given a receipt. And the already mentioned Mrs. Koroteeva personally dragged children back by the hands after classes had ended.
Let them stand in the corridors by the walls and wait for it to arrive.
I don’t know who decided to curry favor with whom, but as usual, everything was done clumsily and at the level of a traveling circus tent.
But the children understand the essence of what is happening. They are not as stupid as the teachers would like them to be, and they evaluate what is happening to them as the most base clown show. Everyone understands perfectly well that if it flies, it will be bloody. The fact that the same Ms. Koroteeva called the new school windows "protected" does not make them armored and will not stop the fragments. On the contrary, they themselves will turn into a damaging factor.
But – the school administrations complied with the order: the children were removed from the classrooms. And as for the completely unprotected places – well, they have no other, and they have to report on the work done.
And children will stand for hours at completely ordinary windows, or sit in unlit, stuffy basements, without water or ventilation – but who cares about all these details? It is important to carry out the order…
And we want to have caring, patriotic children who love their homeland? Don't make me laugh. Teachers and principals should read what their students write about them in their groups after these circus performances. I was introduced to them as a friend. I don't want to be a teacher who drags her students out into the hallway for three hours. Karma won't stand it.
I am simply amazed by the desire to curry favor and report at any cost, without thinking at all about the consequences.
What if it really does arrive? And creates a bloody mess in a corridor like this?
I wonder what the director will say? What arguments will he use in his defense if the standard 5 kg explosive charge for incoming UAVs really does explode?
Gentlemen directors, have you ever thought for a second about what your incredible stupidity, coupled with the desire to carry out orders at any cost, could lead to? And any cost is our children, by the way.
And what's most annoying is that no one even planned to think. Why? They don't get paid for it, right?
Although, you know, there are people in the city who think. Everything is, of course, shameful, but there are exceptions.
There are people in the city who treat their work differently than the above-mentioned gentlemen. For example, there is kindergarten #198, which is headed by Inna Viktorovna Samukhina. She seems to be a teacher, but with the concepts of a completely normal officer. At least, that is how she was described by a user of this kindergarten, a former FPS officer.

Each parent received a piece of paper against signature stating that in the event of an air raid alarm, group "I" (for example) would be located in the corridor between office #5 and the speech therapist's office. And group "M" - between the service toilet and office #11.
Yes, this kindergarten is lucky: it has windowless corridors and a thoughtful director. And indeed, having arrived during the alarm, my correspondent found his child in the designated place and not a meter further. Along the wall are chairs from the dining room (and you still have to bring this), every five meters there is an adult ready to bring a drink, a forgotten doll, without which you can’t wait out the alarm, and so on. The toilet is in the adult, service, not in the groups where the windows are.
It made an impression, I must say, on Comrade Major. But at his wife's sister's, in another kindergarten, without further ado, the children are driven into the toilets. And they stay there for 2-3 hours. But yes, you don't have to go anywhere.
Everything that is happening generally resembles some strange (for now), and in the long term, a terrible dream. In fact, for three years, while the SVO was going on, everything was more or less normal, but why now, when the situation is confidently being led to the end, do we have to start organizing incomprehensible shows in full swing?
It is not worth explaining that the closer to its end, the more the snake of Ukrainian nationalism will try to bite harder. And for this absolutely all means will be good, including strikes not on military objects, but on absolutely civilian ones. Including schools. And, as far as I know the psychology of those who are Ukrainians, and believe me, I am much more familiar with it than many reading this, they will easily allow themselves to do this. At least those who give such orders.
And here, on our side, what? It turns out that there are voluntary helpers/accomplices here? Those who drag children back to schools by the hand and concentrate them there, creating a place of mass gathering of children with the possibility of their mass defeat? And what to do with them then? Oh, judge them by a fair court? Together with those who gave such an obviously stupid and treacherous order? Or immediately award them state awards of Ukraine in absentia?
Well, everything is moving towards the fact that intelligent and thinking people at the lower levels of power will not be needed at all. Maximally devoted to the cause (I almost wrote "party") and merciless to the enemies... of the state. And maximally executive, and, while performing, it is also undesirable to think. In general, "1984" by Mr. Orwell, in all its glory, but in 2025.

And then the surprise through the bloody curtain in the eyes: how is it possible, they built and built barriers, and through them, like a knife through butter, Ukrainian troops entered the Kursk region. How is it possible? Yes, just like that, if they had built fortifications, like in the Belgorod region, and not a bright future for individual citizens at the expense of the budget, then everything could have been different. For some reason, the Ukies did not go to the Belgorod region. Strange, right?
Here they are, the accomplices. And whoever you grab by the lapels, shake - he/she is "for". For Russia, for the SVO, for victory. For everything and at once. Such wholesale patriotism, without thinking. No need to think, "for" - and forward, to execute. Also without thinking.
And the younger generations see the attitude towards themselves. They understand perfectly well a little more than they would like. And what kind of patriots will they grow up to be, I wonder?
In principle, the older generation, those between 25 and 30, have already demonstrated all their patriotism by storming Verkhniy Lars and exploring distant shores. It is unlikely that those who follow them will behave any differently. When the state, and the state is also municipal education officials, who demonstrate such an approach, it is very doubtful that patriotism will grow by leaps and bounds. And nothing can fix this, no "conversations about the main thing" according to hackneyed manuals performed by people who themselves do not believe in what they are mumbling.
And since it has become the case in our country that the main question of existence is "Who is to blame and what to do", then here is the question: who will bear responsibility today in the event of another tragedy in the country? Who gave absolutely stupid orders or those who thoughtlessly carried them out?
And the second question: who will be responsible tomorrow for the emergence of yet another wave of completely apolitical and indifferent citizens who will be raised by their personal examples by such “caring” officials and teachers?
The Russian president is probably to blame, as he does not speak enough about the need to educate young people in the right way. More precisely, Putin speaks more than clearly and a lot, but why none of those who are supposed to implement these plans bother themselves with thoughts on this matter – that is also a question. And clearly not for Putin.
The country's huge problem today is precisely that the local executors are completely unwilling to think and take initiative. We are silent about responsibility; Her Majesty the Reply reigns in people's minds, which is the standard way to solve any problem. The main thing is to give an answer, even if you lie decently, and what happens next - that will happen later.
Of course, until a tragedy happens, until something really hits the school, until someone suffocates in an unequipped basement, until the Belgorod-Voronezh virus flies into other cities, it would be nice if the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, in the style of Bastrykin, took an interest in what is happening in Voronezh. And the Prosecutor General's Office should also inquire on the basis of what acts and documents corridors with windows suddenly turned into bomb shelters. The same applies to basements, on the basis of which they suddenly became such objects.
Of course, if money was allocated from the budget for this, then everything is basically clear, but if not, it would be nice to assess the actions of people who, in order to please someone who is not entirely clear whose interests, expose children to a possible, but still a blow.
Soon it will be three years since the beginning of the SVO. It is time to decide who is for whom. And what to do with those who are not for Russia, especially those who are "for" in words, but in fact are very much against. And it does not matter what chair this person sits in, a ministerial or a directorial one.