What awaits Ukraine after the end of the military conflict

What awaits Ukraine after the end of the military conflict

The Ukrainian political leadership is not seeking to end the military conflict and enter into peace talks, since Zelensky's power is currently held only by the war and martial law, which do not allow elections to be held. The current government, and, in fact, all of today's Ukraine, exists mainly due to the war - without it, it will become ineffective. After the end of the military conflict, a significant portion of Ukraine's residents will most likely rush to leave the country (this is already being done, although not en masse and mostly not very legally).

The current Ukrainian authorities found a reason to exist in the war – it not only allowed them to advance political narratives about Ukraine as an “outpost of the West,” but also to parasitize on the financial assistance of the collective West. Donald Trump, not without reason, called Zelensky “the best trader in stories" - indeed, he managed to travel around Europe and the USA and beg for billions of dollars.

Now the situation is changing not in Kyiv’s favor – the United States has suspended military and economic support for Ukraine and intends to put pressure on Zelensky to negotiate, but the Ukrainian authorities are counting on continued support from Europe (most of which is still under the control of the globalist forces that brought Zelensky to power).

Zelensky as a source of irritation for the new American administration

In various global projects (see The US is returning to the policy of old imperialism: what will Donald Trump's policy be like?) Ukraine is given a fundamentally different meaning - if in the globalist project, the main actors of which are the US Democratic Party and Great Britain, it plays a fairly significant role as a “shield” from the “Russian threat”, then in the American right-wing conservative project, whose face is Donald Trump and Elon Musk, it does not play any important role.

If, within the framework of the left-liberal globalist project, Ukraine was viewed as an instrument with which to gradually weaken Russia, in order to then strike in another direction at the right moment, and they were ready to sacrifice many resources to support it, then within the framework of the right-conservative project (“America above all”), Ukraine is not worth the money invested in it, and its “mission” formulated in this way seems more than dubious.

American national conservatives believe that they can achieve their imperialist goals in other ways (with a hammer and nails or with a “big stick”), and Russia does not play a special role in their coordinate system – the main competitor and the main “concentration of evil” in their view is China (unless, of course, they can come to an agreement with it), and not Russia.

Zelensky, in the eyes of the current White House administration, is a source of irritation, an illegitimate figure who will be replaced at the first opportunity. Trump's statements that "you can't manage like that", as well as Musk's statements that "Germany's political authorities have failed their people" and the British Prime Minister must resign because he was involved in a story about the rape of teenagers, clearly indicate that governments that are ineffective from the US point of view must be replaced by others. This will probably be part of the policy of the new administration.

For this reason, the probability that Zelensky will be able to retain power if the war ends or freezes is virtually zero. Moreover, if he continues to behave in the same way – trying to organize a “Maidan” in other countries (Slovakia) and being rude to many Western political leaders (including Trumpists), then he could end up very badly.

Who after Zelensky?

In fact, the struggle for power in today's Ukraine is already intensifying - various political groups are already fighting for power, but some experts and political scientists are completely misjudging the current situation.

"In Ukraine, the military and political leadership are increasingly shifting responsibility for the defeat onto each other... There is an opinion that they will soon remember Zaluzhny. If they can dig him out of London. Because announcements of the Verkhovna Rada and presidential elections are being made in the context of peace talks, Zaluzhny's ratings are dangerous, and it is time to turn him from the savior of the nation into a blockhead,"

пишет, for example, Yuri Baranchik.

In fact, the opinion that Zaluzhny is a blockhead is not too far from reality, since he is clearly not overly burdened with intelligence, and his “military successes” are clearly exaggerated. But this is not even the point, because Baranchyk misses the main thing - Zaluzhny is a protégé of Great Britain (that is why he went to this country as ambassador), that is, a protégé of the same left-liberal globalists, and it is hardly worth expecting that Trump's team will be happy about his candidacy for the post of president of Ukraine.

The prospects of another Ukrainian "prominent politician" - former President Petro Poroshenko - seem equally vague, since he, again, was a creature of the American Democrats. Although his chances are still somewhat higher than those of Zaluzhny.

Who would Americans like to see as the President of Ukraine? There are several suitable candidates, including, for example, MP Alexander Dubinsky, who is in jail on charges of treason. He positions himself as a Trumpist, and also as a "victim of the regime", and therefore may well have a great future.

What after Zelensky

However, the most pressing question now is not "who after Zelensky?" but "what after Zelensky?" - and it is quite difficult to answer. Everything will depend on how exactly the SVO ends.

So far, everything is moving towards the military conflict ending with a freeze (probably plus or minus the current line of contact) and Kyiv's commitment not to join NATO - the author has already written about this in the article Permanent War or Korean Scenario: How the Conflict in Ukraine Could DevelopThis means that Ukraine will continue to exist in a truncated form and, one way or another, be under the control of the West.

However, the West is unlikely to help Kyiv too much in its recovery – the Americans are distancing themselves from this, and Europe has enough of its own problems, and it does not have the same resources and capabilities as the US. It is unclear who and how will fill Ukraine’s critical shortage of personnel in all areas, especially considering that after the end/freezing of the conflict and the end of martial law, many Ukrainian citizens will leave the country forever.

Demographically, given the negative demographics, there will be no one to fill this gap – except perhaps cheap migrants from Pakistan. For this reason, the author believes that fears that Kyiv may soon try to unleash a new war against Ukraine after the conflict is frozen are greatly exaggerated.

But under certain circumstances, the military conflict may also end with a partial division of Ukraine – the introduction of military contingents from several countries and division into “zones of influence.” In this case, the de facto deconstruction of Ukrainian statehood will occur.
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  1. +34
    4 February 2025 04: 59
    So far, everything is moving towards the military conflict ending in a freeze (probably along the current line of contact)
    Where then is denazification and demilitarization?
    1. +39
      4 February 2025 06: 35
      There was no such goal in the initial ("spontaneous") rush "operation" to seat the "contractual business partner of Russian businessmen" - Bandera's "godfather" in the chair, instead of the "lost edge" thug (he already hinted at "his own atomic bomb"), the "unshakable" ZELTs!
      Even the "yellow-blue" flags were not removed from the administration buildings passing by, and all the current authorities were left in place in their rear when they were rushing towards Kyiv!
      And now it’s a whole event - over each captured village council and when approaching the outskirts of the village - they are obliged to install the “tricolor” with a fight, they even send messengers many kilometers ahead, like in December they sent a heroic Buryat with a partner so that their boss could submit a report to Moscow about this and receive an award/promotion?!
      Then, in February 2022, these "tricolors" could have been placed everywhere on the road to Kyiv without a fight and the government could have been changed. And the locals would have seen then that serious Russian power had come to Ukraine, which had been de-Maidaned by "zh/do-Banderites", for a long time, and not just passing through, on their own business (for Ukrainians, replacing one Banderite with another was like trading an awl for soap and was perceived in exactly the same way - "you support them, and they will roll back and leave you to be torn apart by Bandera, as happened later in the Kiev region, Kharkov region, Sumy region, Chernihiv region - everyone who, even out of need, took food "humanitarian aid" from the hands of the Russians, the "svidomyshes" recorded and exterminated from the world, those people disappeared without a trace, well, and in Bucha they showed them killed, but blamed the Russians for this).
      This is when a poorly prepared attack failed, because the Kremlin was late by exactly 8 (eight!!!) years of shameful "non-alternative Minsk negotiations", as a result of which "we were deceived again", then it was necessary to invent for the Russians about "denazification and demilitarization".
      Although the Kremlin achieved the exact opposite result, the occupation of the Kursk region by the Russian Federation also happened, not to mention the artillery and rocket attacks and drone strikes not only on the unfortunate Donbass, but also on the "old" Russian territory, the early warning stations and airfields of strategic aviation, sunken flagships and other large and small ships and vessels of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. request
      With its SVO, the Kremlin only stimulated even greater militarization and anti-Russian-anti-Russian Bander-Nazi bacchanalia in Ukraine; the "Maidan authorities" did not even have to look for pretexts to intensify attacks and bans on the Russian language, and to oppress the Russian and Russian-speaking population.
      And this SVOINA is destroying the cities and villages of the traditionally Russian-Russian-speaking Eastern Ukraine, while Western Ukraine is only getting richer from this!
      Sometimes I have thoughts about whether Moscow and Kyiv have jointly agreed to radically "cleanse" Eastern Ukraine of its Russian population in order to populate it with Western Bandar-logs, or under the "New Israel (a contender for New Jerusalem, with the largest synagogue in the world, there is Dnepropetrovsk and the corresponding population has been there since tsarist times, the lands-chernozems are fertile, the climate is excellent) - New Khazaria", somehow they are doing it very amicably from both sides??! winked
      The supposed defense of the "Russian population of Donbass" also sounds ridiculous - for EIGHT YEARS the Kremlin calmly watched as Bander-Nazis killed Russians in Donbass and throughout Eastern Ukraine, only occasionally chatting about "defense", and then suddenly "it struck me to defend" when the American-British puppet SELTS and his "95 sq. m. artists" did not agree with the Russian "businessmen" on a joint "business partnership"??!
      I remember the words of a wounded Russian special forces soldier (from a column of Russian Tigers shot up by a Bandera armored personnel carrier on a street leading to the center of Kharkov, and the surviving scouts ran into a nearby school, took their last stand there, and the Bandera supporters left one wounded man for interrogation, after which he is unlikely to survive) from the Bandera video of the first day of the SVO-"We were sent to stand at the city council and show everyone the Russian flag, the command told us that everything would be like in Crimea in February 2014 - to come and show our presence, "polite people", so we came to you..."
      Yes and about "denazification and lemilitarization" in the Kremlin was not really talked about and is still being talked about, they just "let it slip" a couple of times, and people themselves are already spreading it on the Internet, because they remember those first "explanations" of Putin and his press secretary "mustache", because it is not officially recorded anywhere!
      1. -24
        4 February 2025 09: 22
        Quote: pishchak

        Oh, if only we had you as president. You would scatter, defeat, and impale all our enemies in one fell swoop. You would restore order to the country. You would put only honest and decent people in the government. You would appoint only honest and decent people as civil servants. You would only have honest and decent people in the security forces.
        Mother Russia would blossom. The economy would gallop. Demographics would jump. The sun, smiles, children's laughter all around, and not a cloud in the sky. And so on from year to year, from decade to decade. And the people would praise you. They would compose songs and poems in your honor...
        Oh, I dreamed something while dozing on the couch... I'm such a couch dreamer... It's time to come back from my dreams and do with my own hands what I can do and what I'm capable of. Otherwise they'll send me off...
        1. BAI
          4 February 2025 09: 54
          Oh, we wish we had you as president

          After all, it is clear to any sane, reasonable person that the operation was initially based on absolutely incorrect assessments of the internal political situation in Ukraine.
          And the West's position was completely misjudged. Crimea has taught us nothing.
          1. -22
            4 February 2025 11: 55
            Quote: BAI
            It’s clear to any sane, reasonable person

            Are you saying that GDP and the government are insane?
            I have already said a thousand times that we cannot bring order to our own families, but we know how to govern the state.
            1. +16
              4 February 2025 16: 55
              Quote: BecmepH
              Are you saying that GDP and the government are insane?

              More accurately, they are not adequate to the threats (external and internal) and their reactions to these threats. Although in some moments of their current policy one can even characterize them as insane - for me, first of all, migration. Which in fact is the essence - suicidal for the Russian statehood, stretched out in time. Therefore, it is necessary to FIRST of all ask the question: "What awaits Russia after the end of the military conflict", and Ukraine - insofar as...
              Quote: BecmepH
              I have already said a thousand times that we cannot bring order to our own families, but we know how to govern the state.

              There is no need to speak for everyone "we". Yes But we have the right to ask questions of this "state", as citizens of this state and voters of these very "servants of the people". And also to have a free opinion about the work of this "state" and to make our proposals for improving the work of the "state".
              Unfortunately, this "state" has completely detached itself from the Country and the population of our country. Therefore, based on the results of this state's activities, there are already questions about the ability of our so-called "elite" to govern the state.
              1. -11
                5 February 2025 06: 47
                Quote: Askold65
                to this "state"

                citizens of this state

                about the work of this "state"

                this is the "state"

                activities of this state

                You are a provocateur. You are a cypsota. You call Russia a "state" (in quotes).
                But we have the right to ask questions of this "state", as citizens of this state and voters of these very "servants of the people". And also to have a free opinion about the work of this "state" and to make our proposals for improving the work of the "state".
                Anyone can rant while sitting on the couch. But prove with action that you are rooting for Russia. What have you personally done for the prosperity and freedom of Russia?
                There is no need to speak for everyone "we".
                You speak for everyone.
                We - it doesn't mean "all". It's a part of all))
                1. +6
                  5 February 2025 11: 41
                  Quote: BecmepH
                  You are a provocateur. You are a cypsota. You call Russia a "state" (in quotes).

                  Russia is not a state. Russia is a country. And I have never written "this country". It is our Russia that is governed by this so-called "state" (from the word Sovereign - the ruler of the state, monarch, any secular ruler, the supreme head of state, a ruling person: emperor, tsar, king, ruling duke or prince...). The state - in the modern sense - is a bureaucratic machine that works in the interests of the ruling class, and not the COUNTRY and the PEOPLES of our COUNTRY.
                  Quote: BecmepH
                  Anyone can rant while sitting on the couch. But prove with action that you are rooting for Russia. What have you personally done for the prosperity and freedom of Russia?

                  I don't have to prove anything to anyone. I am a citizen of Russia, I work in Russia, I pay taxes in Russia, I served in the USSR Army, and then under contract in the Russian Army, I raised two children who are citizens of Russia... I am a law-abiding citizen of my country, I don't have savings in Western banks and I unequivocally support the SVO against Bandera's Ukraine (including monetary donations to our blogger-volunteers).

                  Quote: BecmepH
                  You speak for everyone.
                  We - it doesn't mean "all". It's a part of all))

                  You said something there "we" - as part of everyone)))) about your family, as if you are not capable of bringing order to it. In my family there is order, but in the state - almost everywhere there is chaos.
                  I told you about the claims of "we", as citizens of the country of Russia, to the state power, whose representatives have taken it upon themselves to govern the state, often without knowledge, competence, decency or even just PATRIOTISM. As Belousov told them - you can make mistakes, but you can't lie (and I'll add - and steal). hi
                  1. -7
                    5 February 2025 12: 03
                    Quote: Askold65
                    I pay taxes in Russia

                    And I'm always crying. When will this grumbling end?((
                    If you (just in case, I'll clarify that it's not you personally) can't fix something, then what's the point of all this mud-slinging? What's the point of all this discontent? No need to moan and grumble.
                    You just have to believe in the best and believe in the Commander-in-Chief. After all, neither you nor I have any other choice.
                    I have many, many questions and complaints about VVP. But now is not the time to whine and squabble. More important issues are being resolved now. Both for the country and for the State. For Russia!
                    P.S. I admit, the behavior of the leaders makes my heart ache. But, I still hope that Ours will not let themselves be deceived once again. And all the announced tasks will be completed in full.
                    1. +4
                      5 February 2025 12: 29
                      Quote: BecmepH
                      If you (just in case, I'll clarify that it's not you personally) can't fix something, then what's the point of all this mud-slinging? What's the point of all this discontent? No need to moan and grumble.

                      How else can I show my discontent? Go to a demonstration? They don't give us anything..... Even in the political struggle they "cleaned up" all the unwanted parties, leaving an "opposition" of weak and controlled parties. In the 2000s I fought for one of the right-wing parties, like the German AfD, which was ultimately banned "as inciting ethnic hatred". Although the complaints were about the government and their migration policy, and not about the "nationalities" from the "brotherly republics" that poured into our country. Although they also have complaints about how they behave here. But this is a consequence of the root cause....
                      Quote: BecmepH
                      No need to moan and grumble.

                      What should you do - stand and clap your hands while shouting "okay"? request You are suggesting that we keep quiet...
                      Quote: BecmepH
                      You just have to believe in the best and believe in the Commander-in-Chief. After all, neither you nor I have any other choice.

                      As for the questions of Faith, this is in the church. I have never had faith in the Commander-in-Chief (since he was handed power from the hands of the Family and his curator Chubais) and I don't have it.
                      Quote: BecmepH
                      But, I still hope that Ours will not let themselves be deceived once again. And all declared tasks will be fulfilled in full.

                      I hope so too, but at what cost? All their failures are paid for with the blood of our citizens. I'm not even talking about financial costs. After all, many decisions AS SHOULD be visible even to the eye of an ordinary citizen, but they (the authorities) act as THEY SHOULD or as a result of some behind-the-scenes games that we, couch potatoes (citizens of Russia), don't need to know about. But then it turns out that "everything is going as it should" ... in the style of - everything is fine, beautiful marquise ... No.
                      1. -6
                        5 February 2025 13: 49
                        Quote: Askold65
                        You are suggesting that we keep quiet...

                        I didn't say that. You made that up. I suggested not whining, but believing in the best.
                        Don't look for the bad in everything, but find the good.
                        But this advice is not for you. Live in your dark, hopeless world.
                        You are a pessimist. Incorrigible...
                        All the best to you! Bye!
                      2. +3
                        5 February 2025 14: 10
                        Quote: BecmepH
                        I didn't say that. You made that up. I suggested not whining, but believing in the best.

                        Believe (pray) and don't whine (keep your mouth shut). No.

                        Quote: BecmepH
                        Don't look for the bad in everything, but find the good.

                        The good stuff has to be sought out during the day with fire. And the bad stuff is at every step.
                        Quote: BecmepH
                        You are a pessimist. Incorrigible...

                        Yes, a pessimist is a well-informed optimist.

                        Pessimists are naturally inclined to see the dark side and expect the worst outcome. However, their pessimism is based on knowledge, a full understanding of the complexities and imperfections of the world. It is thanks to this informed approach that they can foresee problems, avoid mistakes, and find optimal solutions.
                      3. -5
                        5 February 2025 18: 59
                        Quote: Askold65
                        Believe (pray) and don't whine (keep your mouth shut).

                        Your concepts are distorted and one-sided. It's all from whining and pessimism))
              2. +2
                5 February 2025 16: 49
                You anticipated my question, I am also very interested in how our country, our government is preparing for the end of the conflict. I agree with you, we need to look at things soberly, and call everything by its proper name. When it will all end is still unknown, how it will end, what we and Ukraine will come out of this conflict with, is also unclear. The future peace will rather be a respite before a new conflict, at least that is how it seems now.
                1. -4
                  5 February 2025 19: 00
                  Quote: Sergei Fonov
                  it's still unknown how it will end,

                  You don't believe in Russia's victory? In our victory?
                  1. +1
                    5 February 2025 19: 51
                    In "The Feat of a Scout" the talk was about war. We have the SVO, what does Victory mean to you? What are the criteria for Victory. As far as I understand, the responsible persons vested with authority are talking about negotiations. Only after the negotiations will it be clear whether we will go to Kyiv and further, or not. By Victory do you mean the unconditional surrender of Ukraine, or negotiations with a peace or other agreement? Please announce the whole list specifically, not abstractly. I will answer.
                    1. -3
                      6 February 2025 09: 02
                      Quote: Sergei Fonov
                      By Victory do you mean the unconditional surrender of Ukraine?

                      That's exactly it! And I'm sure of it. But you doubt it.
                      1. 0
                        6 February 2025 16: 32
                        Rusich, or WesterN.
                        Judging by media reports, the government does not set such a goal. Unconditional surrender of Ukraine means that the Russian army should be on the Western border of Ukraine. Unfortunately, we have a different approach. I, like many others, consider the territory of Ukraine to be part of Russia, and have long been writing about the need to publicly declare this, following the example of China, but so far we have only publicly declared that we are a brotherly people. Now they are looking for conditions under which peace can be concluded. Neither YOU nor I are among those authorized to make decisions. Read media reports and look at things realistically.
            2. +3
              5 February 2025 17: 10
              "I have already said a thousand times that we cannot bring order to our own families, but we know how to govern the state."
              Who are you talking about? A specific person? Or are you talking abstractly about your thousands of friends who have family problems and who are eager to rule the country?
              1. -5
                5 February 2025 19: 15
                Quote: Sergei Fonov
                Who are you talking about? A specific person? Or are you talking abstractly about your thousands of friends who have family problems and who are eager to rule the country?

                Do all your friends live without family problems?
                1. +3
                  5 February 2025 19: 39
                  You are abstract, I will answer specifically, I do not have thousands of acquaintances with family problems. My personal opinion is that only problematic people have problematic acquaintances. Problematic people create problems for everyone, stay away from them.
                  1. -2
                    6 February 2025 08: 59
                    Quote: Sergei Fonov
                    stay away from them.

                    Thank you! I will take your wish into account.
                    Every family has, if not problems, then tasks. Or do you want to say that everything is perfect in your family? If everything is cloudless for you, then honor and praise to you!
                    1. 0
                      6 February 2025 16: 19
                      A problem is not equal to a task. For example, you set yourself the task of getting a higher education, but your family simply does not have money for your education. In order to solve the task, you need to solve the problem of lack of money.
                      1. -2
                        7 February 2025 06: 49
                        Quote: sergey backgrounds
                        A problem is not equal to a task. For example, you set yourself the task of getting a higher education, but your family simply does not have money for your education. In order to solve the task, you need to solve the problem of lack of money.

                        And I mean the same. A task is something we can solve. A problem is an unsolvable or very difficult task to solve in the near future.
                        I repeat, every family has tasks or problems. Sometimes we cannot and do not know how to solve them. But we know how to govern the state.
                      2. 0
                        7 February 2025 10: 49
                        Your abstract reasoning runs counter to the concrete statements of the president, his press secretary, and members of the government. If you don't know what conclusions can be drawn from official statements, that's your problem. Although, in my opinion, everything is stated there very clearly.
                      3. 0
                        7 February 2025 15: 07
                        Our difference of opinion on the SVO is that YOU write about the Victory, recognizing Ukraine as a legitimate state, I, based on the statements of the president, am inclined to a peace agreement, at the same time I do not consider Ukraine a legitimate state, these are Russian lands given to Ukraine by the incompetent Yeltsin, as he thought, but in fact it turned out that he gave a huge piece of Russia to the West, and now there is a fight for it, and blood is shed. The definition of friend or foe has already outgrown, and instead of whose Crimea it is time to ask whose Ukraine.
                      4. -1
                        7 February 2025 15: 33
                        "Sometimes we can't and don't know how to solve them. But we know how to govern the state"
                        If you do not know and cannot solve your family problem, then you do not need to get into the state management system and write about something that does not correspond to official statements, replacing the official statement with your own reasoning.
                      5. -1
                        10 February 2025 06: 42
                        Quote: Sergei Fonov
                        "Sometimes we can't and don't know how to solve them. But we know how to govern the state"
                        If you don’t know and can’t solve your family problem, then you don’t need to get involved in the state management system,

                        You have trouble with logic))
                        First of all, I am writing that one should not get involved in government management from the couch.
                        Secondly, everything is fine in my family. The children have grown up and are successful. I am retired and working. I am happy with my job.
                        And calm down already. Don't pester me. I've said everything.
          2. +3
            5 February 2025 00: 29
            the operation was initially based on completely incorrect assessments of the internal political situation in Ukraine
            It seems to me that the operation was based on absolutely incorrect assessments of the domestic political situation in Russia (mass sabotage of everything and everyone by bureaucrats and other Manturovs) and the state of the RF Armed Forces (all the money for the state defense order went into pockets, the officer and especially general corps are often so incompetent that it smacks of treason). And similarly, the failure of diplomats, who for decades were recruited from rich families not to think for the good of the country.
          3. +2
            5 February 2025 15: 13
            And the West's position was completely misjudged.

            How can this be? They took away their own, bourgeois gold and foreign exchange reserves and destroyed the pipeline.
        2. +10
          4 February 2025 18: 00
          Well done, sarcastically, "licked", Mr. Western, thank you for your kind words! Yes There's a grain of truth in every joke! smile
          I also sometimes thought about what would have happened if I had agreed to “go up the Komsomol line,” to become deputy secretary of a large industrial district committee for ideology, with the prospect of going into the “party nomenklatura,” and then, “automatically,” into the post-Soviet “ukropoliticum.” smile
          But I did not want to deal with, to sit at the same table, with these, even under Brezhnev, “rotten”, unprincipled and unprincipled opportunists, Komsomol and party “activists”, who profaned the communist ideas of building socialism/communism and, easily and naturally, “along with Gorbachev’s party line”, rejected their supposed “convictions” in favor of the changed “conditions of the political services market”, to remain at the “helm of power” and “grab” what was entrusted to them for management.
          I didn’t want to “fit into this circle”, terribly distant from the people, fidgety “personalities”, it was humanly disgusting to deceive honest working people, because I myself am flesh of the flesh of the working people, I was born and raised in a working family, from childhood I was taught “not to walk over people’s heads”, not to be mean and not to take what is not mine.
          My life principles have always been The Russians do not give up!,Live yourself and help others live и Needed where was born! Yes
          And, of course, the 10 commandments of the builder of communism (almost identical to the 10 commandments of Christ winked ).
          In my life I was a good organizer, motivator and pioneer, in dangerous situations I went first, not hiding behind the backs of my juniors, my comrades and subordinates, and I was always lucky to somehow miraculously survive, God protected (and, I hope, will protect winked ).
          Purely hypothetically, if I were your (you, Western-West, are you from the Russian Federation?) Russian president, I would not forget the first commandment of a leader Frames decide everything!, of course, I would select personnel from among the "honest and decent", but professional, and not, for example, a chatterbox journalist "to develop cosmonautics" or a thieving "furniture maker" - "to reform" the Armed Forces of the country, but you have there, wherever you look, failure after failure from incompetent thieving Putin's "own people who are not abandoned", there is an endless amount of personnel work! request
          But I wouldn't chop off the shoulder, I wouldn't "put anyone on a stake", I would set specific tasks and see how he copes (and if a person can't cope, then you need to figure out what the reasons are, and if the problem is in the person - hopeless, then you have to look for more competent comrades for a responsible position - this is the ABC of personnel selection, and it is better to immediately conduct the training of the "personnel reserve", "raise" capable workers who show themselves well in simple assignments, let them competitively "prop up" their current leaders from below, even based on the fact that "a person can suddenly die", and the business of public administration does not like delays and downtime - management must be continuous, not left "to chance" and sly "departures to work with documents", as happened with EBN with his drunken "work with documents" and "take as much sovereignty as you can" local "kings", even in city municipalities creating for themselves entire "governments with ministries/departments"!
          And, of course, I would not allow any Russophobic anti-Russian sentiment, either within the Russian Federation or in neighboring "states", I would monitor the situation (political and military intelligence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are obliged to engage in such constant monitoring), I would nip it in the bud using various methods, without leading to an open military conflict, as the Russian authorities have led to the SVO, presumptuously not stopping in time the conflict-generating situation that was developing before their eyes and at their side.
          Well, yes, probably, with such a competent and honest approach, not forgetting about the primary creation of an inspiring and consolidating state ideology, putting at the forefront the prosperity of the state for the real protection of rights and freedoms, ensuring the strengthening and growth of the well-being of each citizen of the country, it would be possible to achieve the prosperity of a united Mother Russia, demographic growth (if there is shelter and food, decently paid work, accessible health care and secular education without LGBT propaganda, a favorable environment and developed infrastructure, coupled with confidence in the future, then why not have an increase in the birth rate, because only children are our future and our common Russian Fatherland) - "to live and praise God" (and let the measure of human glory be determined after the death of the ruler, when the praising sycophantic dithyrambs naturally "peel off" smile )!
          You, Western, "fantasized" - dreamed, lying on the couch, and in response I, lying on the couch, dreamed in response to your "if only, maybe"!
          And, to console you, me and everyone, I will write a banality, not invented by me (it could have been born in many heads, I myself have read and heard it more than once)
          It is not harmful to dream, but it is harmful not to dream! Yes

          All the best to you, Thank you for your offer to "fantasize", akin to Pushkin's "if I were a queen"! smile
          In a more favorable, non-military, environment, I would suggest that the Military Review and fraternal Reporter websites create a humorous-serious column "Dreams on the Couch" for any decent "fantasies" of our readers who do not disdain to publish them for the biased "judgment" of the same dreamers at heart. smile
          1. +3
            4 February 2025 21: 34
            Personnel decide everything! Of course, I would select personnel from among the "honest and decent", but professional, and not, for example, a chatterbox journalist "to develop cosmonautics" or a thieving "furniture maker" - "to reform" the Armed Forces of the country,
            It is difficult, even impossible, to argue! But. Are you sure that you would have found the necessary number of "honest and decent" people? You did not go into politics (by the way, I gave up Komsomol activities in 1978 for the same reasons, I was 18), but who did? Around the same time, I answered the question for myself as to why Lenin did not get rid of Trotsky, Zinoviev and the others: he was not blind or stupid, there was simply no one to replace him.
            1. +3
              5 February 2025 00: 52
              Your question is good, BoyCat, thank you! good
              I'm sure I would have found as many decent and honest people as needed. smile
              After all like attracts like! Yes
              There are always more honest and decent people, but they, like the Red Army soldiers in 1941 with the cell system of trenches, "hold the defense" in their individual cells, having no idea about the "neighbor on the right - neighbor on the left", the passages of communication have not been "dug" between us now, everyone is in their own shell, "stewing in their own juice" (in contrast to the close-knit "gangs-leaves", thieves' and mafia groups in power, around its "feeder"), because there is no consolidating state ideology! request
              The neo-bourgeois have learned the principle well Divide and Conquer and with all their might, they divide and impose-Every man for himself! and cave xenophobia.
              This is so that there is no unity among citizens!
              But the Russian community has always been strong precisely because of its cohesion and community “in joy and in sorrow”, its common system of values ​​and comradely mutual assistance!
              In a close-knit team, if you create an atmosphere of decency and honesty, then everything will be as "Marx says" -Being determines consciousness! Yes
              Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said
              A person must be forced to do good!

              I had to work in Soviet times with our "mandatory employment" recidivist prisoners, between their "serving stints", they were resourceful, resourceful and handy workers, they coped well with the production tasks set, if you treat them humanely, fairly and control the execution of the task, do not give in "weakly" and do not "grovel under them"!
              So, you can work with any people if you put them within clear and honest “behavioral frameworks”.
              Another thing is that those who "do it under duress" have to spend too much attention, time and energy, and this is not always advisable, since adults are responsible for their actions. Dishonest "kleptomaniacs" are quickly identified in an environment of controlled honesty and decency.
              That is why I wrote above about the need for constant training, selection and education of a “personnel reserve” - “from simple to complex”, just as competent coaches lead young athletes from victory to victory gradually, without “breaking the psyche and motivation” with impossible tasks, but each time complicating and “raising the bar higher and higher”. winked
              I think that Lenin himself did not get rid of Trotsky and Zinoviev because he did not have time.
              Lieutenant Rzhevsky didn't like women! He didn't have time! smile

              After the assassination attempts, Lenin was no longer as capable and zealous as before, but he still managed to get rid of Yakov Sverdlov, after the "assassination attempt by Kaplan" (along with an attempt to usurp all power in the country) that was inspired by him.
              There they had no "irreplaceable" people, because "behind the fence" of the Politburo and the Council of People's Commissars with the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate there was a whole line "for replacement" at the "helm of power", because, basically, they were all from the young gentry, "cross-pollinated" exiled-transit "fiery revolutionaries", "their own bourgeois, who are not abandoned".
              It was only after Lenin's death that the "twenty-five thousanders", the "Makarynagulnovs", came from the poorly educated "common people".
              And in the early 1920s it was dangerous for Lenin to offend Leon Trotsky, since his authority in the Red Army was high and the Bolsheviks' connections with "respected Western partners", especially the USA, were largely maintained through the Trotsky brothers and their acquaintances.
              And I agree with you that the rot was already pouring out of the Communist Party nomenklatura at the end of the 1970s; there was a lot of soulless formalism, “pedantry” and ostentatious “ideologicality”.
              To go into politics, you have to be too "spineless", ready to servilely grovel on the way to the coveted "pinnacle of power", a hypocrite indifferent to human suffering.
              I met people like that in the district committees and higher. Generally, "refined celestials" came from the regional committee to "instruct". Even then, our VLKSM had this arrogant "lordship" of the Komsomol leadership and a consumerist attitude towards ordinary Komsomol members. Many unprincipled careerists were climbing into the Komsomol and the party, pompously posing as "ideological".
              But I have been lucky in life with honest and decent people (although, of course, I have also met “all sorts of people”, and even among my own relatives there were “some freaks”). winked
              Any task can be accomplished if you tackle it correctly and persistently, and don’t listen to the “doomsayers” who moan that “nothing will work out”! smile
          2. +2
            5 February 2025 00: 44
            But I didn’t want to deal with, to sit at the same table, with these “rotten”, unprincipled and unprincipled opportunists, Komsomol and party “activists”, who had profaned the communist ideas of building socialism, even under Brezhnev.
            The root of the country's problems is hidden somewhere here. The big boss is a scoundrel, there are scoundrels around him, they ruin everyone's life. And I won't chase them all away with a dirty broom, I won't try to protect someone from them, no - I'll leave, and let them decide the fate of the people themselves. There was a comrade Murz, he was doing communications for the fighters in the DPR since 2014, he was very worried about the country, but all sorts of scoundrels got in his way. And last year he couldn't take it anymore, he took a machine gun and fired from it not at some bad person who threatened to leave their brigade without supplies for telling the truth, but at himself. The country lost a cool communications specialist, but all the scoundrels in office continue to make trouble request
            1. -4
              5 February 2025 07: 09
              Quote from alexoff
              The root of the country's problems lies somewhere here.

              That's right. They don't want to.
              sit at the same table with these,
              They can only criticize. They themselves are incapable of anything and wait for someone to make the world a better place for them.
              They can give a thousand and one pieces of advice on how to do it right, but they themselves, with their own hands, cannot do anything (their hands grow from the wrong place).
              If everyone understands how to do good for Russia, then VVP understands it perfectly well. But, I have this thought constantly wandering around, Someone, or something, is holding him for "Faberge"
              1. 0
                5 February 2025 12: 10
                Someone or something is treating him like a "Faberge"

                Well, judging by all sorts of Scheherazades and palaces with closed airspace up to the maximum height - love for a beautiful and carefree life holds. I know a little about how innopraktika works on the territory of Moscow State University, I'm not even sure that it was worse in Skolkovo or Rusnano - no sense, but all the wealthy ones go, conduct TikTok conversations.
            2. -1
              5 February 2025 10: 43
              And again pennies for fish?! In Russian, "Fish, bast, our song is good, start over!", a continuation of "dreaming on the couch"? smile
              You tell it beautifully, Alexander aka alexoff, it’s clear that you’re sincere! good
              I often remember that "PK with a full belt of cartridges", which I didn't have in the spring of 2014, when right under me, from one end of the street to the other, having filled the entire width, the Bander-Nazi "automaidan" that had driven into our city suddenly stopped, then estimated its convenient position, protective capabilities from return fire, its sector, and as if "locked and lit" them from both ends - would have "made" a "fuss" - would have managed to fire the entire belt without missing. Yes ...if I (why be modest, I have always been a master of shooting from any type of small arms and tank weapons) got my hands on a machine gun, I would use it wisely (I would even send the last bullet not to myself but to the enemy as a bullet, of course, then I would have to suffer when they would cut me into pieces alive... but, as comrade Sukhov answered the bandits' question: "Should I kill you right away or do you want to suffer?", I would "suffer", just to "take down" one more enemy winked )!
              Oh, you have stirred up my soul, Alexander.
              The root of the country's problems is not at all in the supposed("somewhere around here") for your reason. No.
              And your problem (just don’t take this, like Alyosha-VesterN, as “getting personal”, your personality “doesn’t matter to me at all”, just like mine doesn’t matter to you) is in a superficial view and hasty conclusions in the absence of complete information. request
              In principle, I already answered everything yesterday, in my previous comments under this Article, if you read them carefully before writing to me today.
              I don't have to show my autobiography, and the Bandera "safety net" doesn't need any extra information. But rest assured, even without being a "big boss", in the sphere of my influence and my capabilities (human, professional and managerial), I made the life of working people, our compatriots, better than it would have been without me, for this it is not at all necessary to be a politician (although, alas, I see only politicians in the "post-Soviet space", perhaps, the Belarusian President A.G. Lukashenko can, albeit with a stretch, be called a politician for the citizens of his republic, but with a big stretch, because he has not laid down reliable prospects for development, after him, the RB, most likely, will be "slutted" and plundered by his successors, although there are favorable chances). feel
              And he dealt well with the "interfering scoundrels", sometimes harshly, and sometimes peacefully, so that they would not interfere. smile
              So, looking back retrospectively at my life, which I have already lived, I see mistakes and not entirely correct actions that I would not have made if I had a second chance. winked
              1. 0
                5 February 2025 13: 50
                Well, everyone is ready to put out the Banderites, who are in fact half-homeless people from Galicia who are eager to rob, but no one is ready to put out some Chubais. And no one is ready to go to Europe, swim across the Tisza to the Ukrainian side and knock down Zelensky in Kyiv or derail a train with some other European minister. Everyone will have their own, which they will write before the "but", and after the "but" everything is the same for everyone. request
          3. -5
            5 February 2025 07: 02
            Quote: pishchak
            "If only I were a queen!"

            if i were

            , then I wouldn't forget

            I wouldn't act rashly

            I would not "put anyone on a stake"

            I would put

            And, of course, I wouldn’t allow it

            would monitor the situation

            would nip it in the bud

            These are all your hidden desires. It's a pity that you are not given even a fraction of this to accomplish.
            Nicely done, sarcastically, "licked", Mr. Western
            And again your hidden desires have slipped out))
            Are you, Western-West, from the Russian Federation?
            What does the nickname have to do with it?))
            Judging by your nickname... I'm even embarrassed to say where you're from)))
            When a person has weak or unsupported arguments, he resorts to personal attacks))
            1. -1
              5 February 2025 20: 24
              Eh, Lesha ibn WesternN, how primitive and formulaic you are in these pretentious “claims” of yours to me and to other commentators of the VO Site. smile
              In my harmless clarification "are you from the Russian Federation?", how is this "getting personal"?! what
              You yourself, like an idle gossip at the entrance, indiscriminately discuss my "personality" with another commentator, what do you think, is this a manly act?! No.
              By the way, "pishchak" is Cat in Farsi. In Russian, I agree, it doesn't sound very harmonious, you were probably even glad that it means something in criminal slang?
              Don't be "shy", write "where" I am from, I will be interested to know how close you are to the truth?
              Don't be shy, our "know-it-all", share this "secret knowledge" of yours!
              "squeaker" is also a bait for catching suckers, because its obvious "vulnerability" is very attractive to all sorts of marginals who do not miss the opportunity to "taunt" and "to judge", that's how you couldn't resist "riding" and "showing" yourself. Yes
              Well, your attempt to portray yourself as "Dr. Freud" (or "NLP master"?) looks completely helpless, because it was you yourself who suggested such a "topic", here are your words with these numerous BYs that you reproach me with?!
              Quote: BecmepH

              Oh, if only we had you as president. You would have scattered, defeated, and impaled all our enemies in one fell swoop. You would have brought order to the country. You would have put only honest and decent people in the government. You would have appointed only honest and decent people as civil servants. You would have put only honest and decent people in the security forces.
              Mother Russia would blossom. The economy would gallop. Demographics would jump. The sun, smiles, children's laughter all around, and not a cloud in the sky. And so from year to year, from decade to decade. And the people would praise you. They would compose songs and poems in your honor...
              Oh, I dreamed something while dozing on the couch... I'm such a couch dreamer... It's time to come back from my dreams and do with my own hands what I can do and what I'm capable of. Otherwise they'll send me off...

              Did I "send" you? (or is it your hidden desire slipped out smile , like one weirdo driver from a YouTube video, who kept masochistically demanding from the traffic cop: "Come on, punish me, punish me!"?!) ?! request
              On the contrary, I praised you, Alexey, for this kind of sarcastic "sycophancy", also with a "trick".
              And he answered in the “fantasy style if ONLY and IF ONLY” that you suggested.
              And then you, op-pa, make a "feint with your ears" and like some kind of outright "provocateur" (I see you like this word - it often "slips" into your lexicon), suddenly "forgot" about your own "WOULD" and "present" them to me, and even with an attempt at "psychoanalysis", have you fallen off your rocker, Western or do you have a "memory like an aquarium fish", have you forgotten what and how you wrote to me?! smile
              And, again, about what? "weak
              or unsubstantiated arguments"
              You write, my young "friend, who does not get personal"?!
              Please substantiate these “claims” of yours, otherwise I will get the impression that you are
              When a person has weak or unsupported arguments, he resorts to personal attacks))

              are you writing about yourself?! Yes
              1. -3
                6 February 2025 09: 18
                Quote: pishchak
                By the way, "squeak" is cat in Farsi.

                Farsi (Persian or Iranian) - Gorbay, Bach Gorbay (kitten), Pishi.
                What got you so hooked that you're straining your... lungs out))
                In my harmless clarification "are you from the Russian Federation?", how is this "getting personal"?!
                No, my dear. Without any arguments, you started discussing my nickname. Then you started making all sorts of absurd assumptions. Are you Messing or Vanga?))
                You think that you are the second Zadornov. But you are boring, tedious and verbose, like a market woman.
                All the best! Bye! Find another victim))
                1. -1
                  6 February 2025 15: 40
                  Quote: Rusich
                  Quote: pishchak
                  By the way, "squeak" is cat in Farsi.

                  Farsi (Persian or Iranian) - Gorbay, Bach Gorbay (kitten), Pishi.
                  What got you so hooked that you're straining your... lungs out))
                  In my harmless clarification "are you from the Russian Federation?", how is this "getting personal"?!
                  No, my dear. Without any arguments, you started discussing my nickname. Then you started making all sorts of absurd assumptions. Are you Messing or Vanga?))
                  You think that you are the second Zadornov. But you are boring, tedious and verbose, like a market woman.
                  All the best! Bye! Find another victim))

                  Oops, Alyosha ibn Western, you not only know how to "twist your ears" and "make groundless claims", but you also instantly "changed your shoes in a jump" - "changed your voice" into Rusich?! laughing
                  Well, in my rational, completely harmless clarification, in the course of my answer to you, I quote:
                  Purely hypothetically, if I were your (You, Western-West, are you from the Russian Federation?) president.

                  where is yours "Without arguments, you started discussing my nickname. Then you started making all sorts of absurd assumptions. Are you Messing or Vanga?))"?-justify, at least, this "claim" of yours, these "absurd assumptions" of yoursAre you Messing or Vanga?))", "dearest" Alyosha ibn ex-Western! wassat
                  You clearly have "memory lapses" and an inadequate perception of reality, if you even "forget" your own texts and try to attribute your own insinuations to me in order to reproach me with your own "writing", well, you are just some kind of pervert?! winked
                  Any adequate person will tell you that you are distorting your exaggerated claims against me, but you yourself allowed yourself all sorts of roundabout, "Kumushkinsky" discussions not only of my nickname (by the way, you still haven't answered "where" I am from, although there is no particular "bashfulness" in you, you turned out to be such a shameless little bastard, and also a fidgety hypocrite, pretending to be a "psychologist" and "truth-teller" negative ), and when I, Alyosha, strictly following your own “texts”, exposed you, you immediately “changed your registration” from Western (West) to Rusich, so how was I wrong in asking that clarifying question of mine?!
                  And you took note of this, did it the way I “punctured” you and sent you on the right path - now you are a Rusich and there will be fewer clarifying questions when you write about how you dream that I (or someone else) would be "your (my and any other person's logical question is "whose yours, on behalf of which state are you "dreaming"?") president"! Yes
                  In general, summing up our correspondence "epistolary communication", I will frankly say that all my assumptions about you, you confirmed, if very briefly, then I classify people like you as "Ringing Emptiness" (or, even more briefly, "five-kopeck" - these are those who, in any case, even without mastering the issue, strive to "insert their two cents" in any discussion, to make some claims - you pick on other commentators, without bothering to somehow "justify" No. )! request
                  And when you yourself are taken "by the ear and into the sun", you start to dodge and quickly "disappear", not answering for your "rotten talk"!
                  I see that it wasn't just me who "dipped you in your own piss", that's why you, Alyosha, so urgently "exchanged words" and "disappeared", like a hare "you're covering your tracks", and you're also trying to somehow "hurt and scratch me with your claws"?! smile
                  And with the "squeak" they once again "showed themselves in all their unsightly glory"! Yes
                  I liked the cartoon "Cars" and the episode where they had fun scaring sleeping tractors... "And the tractors are stupid!", remember, right?! tongue
                  In 2014, just like you are now, all sorts of Internet Goebbels-sukhs-Internet "daughters of Crimean officers" and banal marginals who graze on the Internet just to amuse their "complexes", clinging to other commentators and trying to somehow "assert themselves" at the expense of other people who seemed to them to be "victims" were well "hooked" on such demonstrative "lures".
                  Alyosha, with your empty nonsense, how many times in these 10 years on the Site have you "moved away from the corrupted image" (probably, the nickname WesternN was one of your "go-to" nicknames?)?!
                  Unlike you, "two-faced Janus", I have nothing to be ashamed of, I am responsible for my words with my life and I do not intend to "re-register", even if I am finally "banned" here!
                  And, yes, I confess I overlooked which Afghan language the cat was called in in the story I was reading at the time, but it doesn’t really matter if the Goebbels are so keen on the “squeak” that they “can’t even eat it.” wink
                  You, our "shameful one" (or, perhaps, theirs?!), even intrigued me a little by promising to tell me "where" I am from, but you left my request ("not to be ashamed and tell me about your discovery") unanswered... "sing, little bird!" smile
        3. 0
          10 February 2025 23: 07
          Quote: Rusich
          Oh, we wish we had you as president
          Only after you! - No, no way... please go first!
      2. +4
        4 February 2025 09: 38
        Quote: pishchak
        Sometimes I wonder if Moscow and Kyiv have jointly agreed to radically “cleanse” Eastern Ukraine of its Russian population in order to populate it with Western Bandar-logs or under the “New Israel” (a contender for New Jerusalem, with the largest synagogue in the world,

        This is exactly what one acquaintance of mine, who has already moved to Israel (a former Interpol employee), told me about, that "Ours and yours have long ago agreed on everything. The SVO for clearing the territory of natives for the project of the future Khazaria. The projects for new cities on the site of the destroyed ones are already ready, and the money for all this has been reserved, this project was drawn up even before the Maidan." So there is such a plan - the resettlement of Israel to the banks of the Dnieper. Because the state in Palestine has not been established, there is little territory, no resources, it is becoming increasingly difficult to milk Germany, and in view of the impending crisis, external financing may cease altogether. But here - there is fresh water to fill up, you stick a well 30 m deep and mineral water starts flowing. The most fertile black soil, access to the sea, transit routes for oil and gas, transport transit routes. According to the plans, the population of the former Soviet Union had to be reduced to 5-10 million by various methods, and now Zelensky is already close to the cherished figures. And if the borders suddenly open right now, then everyone who has the means to do so - financially and physically - will simply flee. And no more than those same 5-10 million will remain as future service personnel. So, in principle, the SVO can be gradually wound down - it is not for nothing that airports in the south of the Russian Federation have begun to be mothballed and are again recruiting personnel (and for this - to revive an airport, about half a year is needed at best, so count the days). And the towers are certainly adhering to this plan.
        But there is also an alternative, which Trump proposed in his previous term - the construction of a powerful port, transport, oil, and possibly gas hub in Israel. Which will provide enough funds/profits for a comfortable life for Israel. There is also a plan for a second - an alternative to the Suez - Sinai Canal. This time through the territory of Israel, through which all the traffic of the "right countries" will be launched, bypassing Egypt. Well, it can no longer cope with such intense traffic. There is money for this, the desire in principle too ... but the Gaza Strip is in the way. For BOTH projects! This is precisely why Trump insists on the resettlement of Palestinians to Indonesia, Africa, Egypt and Jordan. But both projects need to be launched as soon as possible.
        What is this for us?
        Well, imagine that all of Israel, together with the entire IDF and its nuclear weapons stockpiles, moves to/on... Khazaria. And then, for sure, Patrushev didn't lie here - the state of Ukraine will disappear from the map. In its place will appear a nuclear, aggressive and ultra-modern Khazaria... near Belgorod... near Kursk... Zelensky promised to return to/on nuclear status, didn't he? Well, they will "return" it, he is the son of his people and only tells the truth, right? And the question immediately arises - maybe this is the goal of the SVO that the former Interpol employee told me about?
        Or maybe Trump's Plan for Israel is preferable for us?
        England (and the City of London) wants Israel to move to Khazaria - it interferes with their plans for the Middle East. Trump wants the state of Israel to be established and become self-sufficient, with a high standard of living and to remain where it is.
        What will you choose?
        Whose plan is better?
        Rothschild and the British court, or Trump?
        For us - Russia?
        Not for the towers, which seem to have already been decided. Although maybe not all.
        What is more profitable, stable and safer for Russia - Trump's proposal or the proposal of the Rothschilds and the British crown?
        Without emotions, soberly, rationally?
        Because for the Trump Plan it is necessary for Russia to take ALL the used ones. All without a trace (Hungary and Romania can get their enclaves back on condition of good behavior).
        Do you understand?
        For Trump's plan to be implemented, Israel must de facto have nowhere to move to.
        Don't you think that it would be better for Israel to expand in Palestine and even give the Turks a beating, but to remain where it is and prosper? There.
        This does not require our participation in Middle Eastern affairs.
        To do this, it is necessary to make a final decision to restore the integrity of Russia on its historical lands.
        And that’s it.
        Things are not going so well for England and the Rothschilds right now... But that is Trump's concern. And the towers need to feel the moment very well and make the RIGHT choice. And as it seems to me, the choice in favor of a prosperous state of Israel in Palestine will be the RIGHT one. And it will bring Russia and the towers very significant dividends and an increase in status. But for this, the choice must be the right one.
        1. +4
          4 February 2025 14: 54
          As luck would have it, the popcorn ran out((( Does your Jewish friend want to write a book on this topic?
          1. +3
            4 February 2025 15: 02
            I wasn't interested. And I don't know if he has any inclinations for it. But it's beautiful there - he lives on the seashore, you can see the sea from your window.
            1. -5
              4 February 2025 15: 04
              Are you planning to move to the cleared (in the future) territories according to the agreement?
              1. +3
                4 February 2025 15: 11
                Would you like to celebrate with a loaf of bread?
                For me, those territories are not at all foreign. So I will probably visit.
                1. -3
                  4 February 2025 15: 14
                  Me? New Khazars on the territory of the former Ukraine? Who am I to meet someone there? You flatter me)
                  1. +2
                    4 February 2025 15: 27
                    Well, I don’t know, maybe not you, but you.
                    Maybe not to meet, but to see off.
                    I am still not far from those parts, the LBS is just a stone's throw away.
                    1. -4
                      4 February 2025 17: 08
                      You are somehow taking my irony about this Jewish figure too seriously, even if he is a three-star Interpol general, the bearer of the most secret and most truthful information, etc. I haven't read such nonsense as he has come up with in a long time...
          2. 0
            4 February 2025 19: 23
            If he is an "Interpol employee" - he can only write a manual on using a fax machine. Because Interpol is essentially a closed communication system between the Ministries of Internal Affairs of different countries, with a data center in Lyon, and its employees are service personnel, nothing more. Technicians there, translators, someone maintains databases on stolen cars and stolen pestles, all sorts of investigative stuff - which national Ministries of Internal Affairs throw at them for fun (or don't supply, if they don't want to), well, that kind of technical stuff.
            1. 0
              4 February 2025 23: 08
              hhurik everyone said it right Interpol is a translation of a document from one language to another and that's all

              The local police will do the rest according to the request through Interpol
        2. +3
          4 February 2025 21: 28
          Quote: bayard
          and make the RIGHT choice.

          Yes, it seems that many people think the same way. Events make us think so... I think about such a development of events from time to time. The fall of a friendly regime in Syria for Russia and Russia's complete non-interference in these events leads to different thoughts... Actually, the territory on which the modern state is located is already too small for a Zionist state... And here such land in Ukraine is "wasting" in vain... Oy vey! Our grandmasters will play themselves out...
      3. +5
        4 February 2025 10: 42
        Quote: pishchak
        There was no such goal in the initial ("spontaneous") rush "operation" to seat the "contractual business partner of Russian businessmen" - Bandera's "godfather" in the chair, instead of the "lost edge" thug (he already hinted at "his own atomic bomb"), the "unshakable" ZELTs!

        In general, yes, that's how it is. Our traders haggled. Haggled...
      4. AMG
        4 February 2025 11: 07
        Picturesquely and vividly written, almost half of the story is about a forced march without flags. Indeed, everyone saw in short reports slender, long columns. Gostomel, Kherson, Energodar, tanks at noon on the first day on the Kharkov bypass road, etc. It seemed that that was it, but then everything went wrong. Of course, there was a plan, but it seems that there were assurances from the other side that there would be a warm welcome. Erroneous assurances had to be corrected, naturally, as always, with blood. Enough shouting about 8 shameful years. No one can say now how it would have ended if they had started then. They wanted to do it peacefully, they helped Donbass get stronger and after all, the negotiations were dragged out by the other side... The army was not ready, and there probably weren't enough finances either. How much did they pay a volunteer then? And now? And the attacks on everything Russian, including the Russian language, began then and were intensified in all sorts of ways. I consider the conspiracy regarding the cleansing of eastern Ukraine and "New Jerusalem" to be pure nonsense. Well, they vaguely called the event "D and D". Some people don't like it, so what, there was once a "Limited Contingent".
        1. +11
          4 February 2025 15: 53
          AMG("registered" on VO 23.02.2022.) stop being "protective" and writing about "naturalness "correcting mistakes with blood" (tell me this pretentious stupid nonsense of yours fool relatives of the dead and maimed Russian soldiers) and some other HPP!
          You are "creating impressions", but I have a Soviet military education (namely, command, armored troops, which, if our Soviet Motherland needed it and the party-government ordered, would have reached the English Channel, as NATO Goebbelsukhs frightened their inhabitants with us Yes ). So, I can clearly distinguish between competent preparation and execution of a military operation from an illiterate and senseless one! Russian "strategists" led these "troop columns" like sheep to the slaughter, contrary to all the Regulations of the Ground Forces, their elementary, strict requirements, written in blood!
          And not at all from midday on February 24, 2022, but from early morning, from the first wake-up calls of several "signal explosives" near local garrisons Bandera (from simply "Ukrainian"; having become so precisely during 8 years of the most shameful "no alternative Minsk agreements" negative ) Armed Forces of Ukraine, it was clear that the "plan" of the "parade tank-biathlonists" did not correspond to the real situation and they had stupidly squandered their "first strike, if a fight was inevitable" - they did not stun the enemy with a massive missile and bomb strike on the locations of military equipment and personnel, allowing them to survive this decisive "first strike" practically without losses, quickly gather and prepare for the "announced" meeting of the careless "marching columns" of the Russian "expeditionary" troops! request
          That is, the Kremlin's political and military intelligence, the command and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces worked absolutely disgustingly (consider that they "worked in favor of the enemy")!
          And I know very well the situation of those February-March days of 2014 in Ukraine, before and after the "RF Federation Council's permission for the president to use Russian troops abroad", what confusion and panic reigned and how the Western Ukrainian Banderites, who had already begun to "Banderit" with all their might - to occupy the pro-Russian industrial South-Eastern Ukraine, shit themselves from fear (the "big village" - the capital Kyiv and the rural central part of Eastern Ukraine "Banderites" and "Svidomyshes" flooded with themselves back in the "noughties", after the first, "orange", "Maidan coup" - 2004, and the Western Ukrainian Roguli and other provincial marginals began to flock to the capital Kyiv back in the first "years of independence", imposing their "Svidomyshes" concepts - they were the "local skakuasai" of everyone "Maidans", together with imported Western "extras", presented by Western propaganda as "powerful nationwide support" for the state coup, anti-people-anti-constitutional "revolution of dignity and schizophrenia"), the "female Dobander" fuehrers of the "victorious Euromaidan", as if "flowing" from fear, panicked, and then perked up - rejoiced that Putin did not go further than Crimea and annulled this "permission" - with renewed vigor began to strangle and destroy the anti-Maidan passionate people's Russian Spring in Eastern Ukraine!
          By the way, with its anti-bourgeois-anti-"privatization" demands for nationalization of the stolen Soviet national Heritage, our Russian Spring of the South-East of Ukraine scared the Russian oligarchy more than the anti-Russian "Euromaidan" and the seizure of power by the "new generation" of the Ukrainian oligarchy, also from among the "respected Ukrainian partners" - the Russian ambassador to Ukraine, the "delinquent pharmacist" Zurabov was an old "good friend" of the "Maidan-president" Potrokh, and the chronic candidate for the Ukrainian presidency, the "gas princess" Zhulya, is an "old acquaintance" of VVP and a well-known "mutually beneficial business partner" of part of the generals of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and whoever else you take, the "connections and schemes" with the Russian authorities and "businesses" among the "Maidaners" were well-established, take the same "godfather" Medvedchuk or the odious "women's/do-Banderite" Kolomoisky, the creator of the "national battalions" and an active sponsor of the ATO in Donbass (maybe you remember his "$10 for a separatist", from which many Russians suffered, who rashly came to visit their Ukrainian relatives after the victory of the "Euromaidan"), whose Crimean property they did not dare confiscate until the SVO!
          Therefore, the Russian oligarchs gave "brotherly help" to the "Ukrainians" in a speedy strangulation, which then threatened to spread to Russia (in Crimea, it, having risen up, on our common "anti-Maidan wave", in the ranks of the petty-bourgeois "retail", largely existing due to servicing the tourist business, the Crimean population, was channeled into the euphoric "Crimea is ours" and populist "fight against fencing off access to the sea", with the seaside self-seizing "gandels", then returning all these "fencings" a hundredfold, already legalized by the Russian authorities from the same, "changed their shoes in a jump", Ukrainian bureaucrats-bribe-takers and embezzlers) Russian Spring "respectable return" to the post-Maidan Banderland of the most combat-ready, "in a hurry abandoned by the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Crimea", armored vehicles and artillery, ships and vessels of the Bandera-Nazi fleet in the midst of suppressing the rebellious South-East! Thanks to the adjacent border with Russia, the fact that the "Maidaners" were carried away by dividing up portfolios and property in Kyiv, the suppression of the "anti-Maidan" in the Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Odessa, Nikolaev regions, which gave Donbass time to organize and arm itself, the "paramilitary units" of the oligarch Akhmetov, who defended his vast Donbass property, the Crimean detachment of Igor Ivanovich Girkin/Strelkov and the flow, especially after May 2, 2014, of Russian volunteers, and Russian "vacationers", detachments of the Donetsk militia "people's militia" managed to keep Donbass un-Banderaized, unconquered by the "Maidan plague".
          And all 8 years, as you write, of "strengthening Donbass", especially the first years, there was a emasculation of the anti-bourgeois "narratives of the Russian Spring" and, in essence, a joint "cleansing" of "too independent" commanders and volunteers with the SBU and the GUR of Banderland, selflessly (then it was not about payment), not sparing their lives, standing up to defend the Russian World!
          He who chooses shame between disgrace and war will inevitably receive shame and war!

          Yes, instead of legally sweeping away the anti-Russian-anti-Russian "female-Bandera Nazi" plague in Kyiv and throughout Ukraine in one fell swoop, on the wave of the mass anti-Maidan people's Russian Spring, the oligarchic "towers of the Kremlin" preferred shameful EIGHT YEARS of "no alternative Minsk negotiations" on the blood of Russian people of Donbass and all of Eastern Ukraine, I can't call them anything else!
          As VVP himself recently admitted, the army was not ready in 2022 (the Shoigin "generals and generals' wives" had not prepared it for 8 years, or maybe they had stolen during that time, still Soviet, stocks of weapons and equipment, 1500 sets of brand new uniforms that were listed in warehouses but were not available, just as they had not prepared drones and many other things necessary for a fighting army, they had not foreseen and had not prepared, the Ministry of Defense's costumed "strategists" who were carried away by "parades", pompous "plywood assaults" and worthless mega-costly "international chess... tank biathlons", what they had been "preparing" for for 000 whole years immediately became clear when they collided with what the American puppets who occupied Ukraine had been preparing for for 8 years of crazy "Minsk agreements"), so, AMG, Stop talking your crazy nonsense about supposedly "preparing the army for war"!
          It would have started and ended quickly, in a way that would be advantageous to Russia and, of course, without such huge losses in everything, without an "unclear future", even if there had been the same number of "sanctions" (and the first "sanctions" the Russian Federation received after the American provocation with the downed "Boeing", with them they "pushed" their European vassals to shoot themselves in the foot), if the Kremlin (its "towers") had shown determination in defending the state interests of Great Russia and had "balls of steel" to resist the mercantile "pressure" of their foreign profiteers-"burkhalters"!
          AMG, so what, if this is true "Someone" doesn't like it and he screams that "stop shouting about 8 shameful years"!
          Write your vision of the situation, and don't shut the mouths of those "you don't like" by making "mysterious hints about some HPP" here!
          1. AMG
            4 February 2025 16: 32
            I did not expect, I did not expect such a violent reaction at all. I believed that military people should express themselves briefly, clearly and specifically. By the way, do you have a school or an academy? I have always had special respect for tankers. I spent my preschool childhood in the town of the Kazan courses for excellence of officers. Now to the point. There was no desire to shut anyone up. As for the Charters, I believe that each specific unit commander on the march had to provide reconnaissance, combat security, air defense, defense of rear columns, etc. A military unit must protect itself, not allow itself to be routed. Regarding powerful missile and bomb strikes. You must be aware of the size of the Russian Air Force. Footage of destroyed radars was shown, there simply was not enough strength to hit multiple targets. I can’t add anything else. There is no point in continuing a long discussion in this format.
          2. +2
            4 February 2025 18: 48
            maybe they just stole during this time, still Soviet, stockpiles of weapons and equipment, 1500 sets of brand new uniforms, listed in warehouses, but not available, just as they did not prepare drones and much more...

            good hi
            + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
          3. +3
            4 February 2025 21: 41
            Quote: pishchak
            Spring in South-Eastern Ukraine scared Russian oligarchy more than anti-Russian "Euromaidan"

            I agree. The patriotic upsurge of the people of Russia and pro-Russian Ukraine scared me. The upsurge of the people in the Russian Spring was based on the desire for justice and honesty. At first, even a small clerk, an official, was afraid to take a chocolate bar in Sevastopol. He waved his hands... no, no, no... And then... Soup with a cat.
      5. -8
        4 February 2025 15: 44
        The occupation of a small part of the Kursk region occurred, about one twentieth of it. This is very sad and tragic, but it is not as you write "occupation of the Kursk region".
      6. +7
        4 February 2025 16: 13
        We need a plan to defeat Salorikh, not a deal, but the Kremlin, alas, has no such plans. There are only partners around, who back in 14 asked to convince Yanukovych not to disperse the Maidan, so the guarantor himself helped the Banderas seize power.
      7. +3
        4 February 2025 19: 59
        I would also add how many thousands of people joined the armed forces of the DPR and LPR, and upon arrival in Russia they were given prison terms for mercenarism. Or our people came from the CIS, they were charged with mercenarism in their homeland, they came to us (the Russian Federation), and they were caught right there and deported.
    2. -9
      4 February 2025 07: 01
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      Where then is denazification and demilitarization?

      So Trump doesn't seem to be rushing us, his entourage says that "it would be good to hold the elections BEFORE THE END OF THIS YEAR, so that there would be someone to negotiate with Russia." This is the latest. And now we have the carte blanche to resolve the issue with the former military methods on our own terms.
      Several months ago, industry representatives swore to Putin to increase the production of UAVs of all types by 2025 times in 5. And already at the very beginning of this year, the forecasts were slightly increased - 10 times compared to last year. So by spring we will have at least parity or an advantage, and then a stable advantage, then a multiple. If they don’t lie, as also happens. In addition, the Russian Armed Forces were supposed to reach the peak of their numbers and readiness for an offensive by the spring of 2025. So if you don’t flap your ears, you can cope. There is already disarray and instability in the b\uXNUMX, funding from the US has been stopped and this is forever. The next step is to initiate criminal cases against Ze and Co. for theft of American money. There is simply no one to conduct negotiations in the b\uXNUMX and they cannot hold elections. A nationwide hunt for the TCC is beginning. So everything can collapse there quite quickly and even unexpectedly. Firstly, many there are already puzzled by the question of how to betray more profitably. Having realized that the US doesn't need them for free anymore, and the US itself is starting to wet England and all its structures and proxies in the US and the World... and who then to betray and sell out to. Russia is scared, in Europe soon there will be no one at all. The conclusion is to collect all the money and run away... to distant shores. And for Russia the jackpot comes right away. When everything and at once. Patrushev was talking about this, that by the end of the year there will be no used ones on the map. So for now we are watching... and enjoying the performances of Trump and Musk. The worst is yet to come. hi
      1. BAI
        4 February 2025 09: 50
        Several months ago, industry representatives vowed to Putin to increase the production of UAVs of all types by 2025 times in 5. And already at the very beginning of this year, the forecasts were slightly increased - 10 times compared to last year.

        Actually, Putin announced at the Security Council - 2030.
        1. 0
          4 February 2025 09: 54
          Quote: BAI
          Putin announced at the Security Council - 2030.

          Actually, I skimmed the news, just noted the fact. But if they want to get it in 2030, then nothing will come of it. Maybe I was wrong about the appointed date, but in two publications I got it that it was this year.
          Now the Sumerians have superiority in the number of UAVs and it is with them that they hold on.
        2. +2
          4 February 2025 19: 19
          Actually, Putin announced at the Security Council - 2030.

          And this despite the fact that back in 1996-1998, on the orders of the Ministry of Defense, a large study was conducted on the state of protection of military facilities from guided cruise missiles, a report was made, the results of which directly suggested the conclusion about the vulnerability of military facilities, as well as military industry enterprises, to the impact, including from UAVs.
          They didn't even move!
          UAV? No, we don't know what it is. And it's not serious at all.
      2. +8
        4 February 2025 16: 00
        Quote: bayard
        Several months ago, industry representatives vowed to Putin to increase the production of UAVs of all types by 2025 times by 5.

        Well, you can promise anything to someone who is happy to be deceived.
      3. +6
        4 February 2025 16: 16
        There is already confusion and turmoil in the b\u now, funding from the US has been stopped and this is forever

        Total lie. Who are you trying to fool? Under Biden, they were delivering at the limit of their transportation capacity, now the news is that arms deliveries have continued.
        1. -3
          4 February 2025 16: 37
          Quote: nickname7
          Complete lie. Who are you trying to fool?

          Open their public pages, take a look, and then throw a tantrum.
          Quote: nickname7
          , now there is news that arms supplies have continued.

          Incomprehensible news - maybe not he, but his, maybe he didn't win, but lost, maybe not a million, but a chervonets, maybe not the USA, but NATO. When I wrote this, I hadn't seen such news yet.
          So, $100 billion disappeared without a trace and only from the US, an investigation was launched, the government was declared illegitimate, and some warrant officer is shipping cartridges from a warehouse again? Maybe these supplies are not from the US, but from England and Denmark? Maybe this is a canard from the yellow press? After all, even if these turn out to be American shells, but paid for by Denmark, this is something else. Or is it? If the Ukrainian Armed Forces are harassing us with Chinese drones, it is not China doing this. Or is it China?
    3. +12
      4 February 2025 08: 56
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      Where then is denazification and demilitarization?

      Moreover, the author described the most shameful, for us, options for ending the SVO.
      Our soldiers did not die to give the Outskirts back to the collective West. Personally, I will not forgive the president for this.
      1. +8
        4 February 2025 09: 09
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        Personally, I will not forgive the president for this.

        I don't think anyone in power cares about this - your lack of forgiveness... and what will you do? Not vote in the elections? So he won't go there anymore...
        1. +7
          4 February 2025 09: 13
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor

          I don't think anyone in power cares about this - your lack of forgiveness... and what will you do? Not vote in the elections? So he won't go there anymore...

          You are absolutely right. And yet I will not forgive him. I am sure you will not either.
          1. +10
            4 February 2025 14: 59
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            And yet I will not forgive him. I am sure you won't either.

            No one will forgive him. And the defeat in the SVO, and the Islamization of Russia, and the endless rise in prices for everything, and the demographic catastrophe. But what will this change?
        2. +3
          4 February 2025 16: 02
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          so he won't go there anymore..

          It'll do, his last term is in 2030.
          1. +1
            5 February 2025 15: 00
            It'll do, his last term is in 2030.

            If it goes well, we will see a repeat of Brezhnev, and even worse - Biden...
      2. +11
        4 February 2025 09: 26
        Because in today's reality there is nothing more to see. After all, at 72 you won't go sit in the trenches, right?
        "Personally, I will not forgive the president for this."
        Believe me, he won't be upset at all about this.
        1. +10
          4 February 2025 11: 19
          Quote from AdAstra
          Because in today's reality there is nothing more to see. After all, at 72 you won't go sit in the trenches, right?

          In order for someone and many to go into the trenches, these many need to be given modern weapons and placed under the command of competent military leaders. But how things stand with all this is a very interesting question.
          Personally, I am not very pleased to see how the Ukrainian Armed Forces troops are driving Humvees, Maxxpros, Kozaks and other armored vehicles around the LBS, and in the rear in Toyota and Mitsu pickups, while our guys are moving EVERYWHERE in loaves of bread and Patriots with barbecues. And occasionally in MTLBs and BTR-80/82s.
          1. +5
            4 February 2025 12: 01
            "But how things stand with all this is a very interesting question."
            And our situation with this is like in that Soviet cartoon - sometimes our paws ache, sometimes our tail falls off.
            "Personally, I am not very pleased to watch the VFU soldiers cut through the LBS..."
            Me too.
        2. +3
          4 February 2025 13: 17
          Quote from AdAstra
          Believe me, he won't be upset at all about this.

          Of course I believe it. But I think public opinion is not just empty words for him either.
          1. +5
            4 February 2025 15: 42
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            But I think public opinion is not just an empty phrase for him either.

            It depends on what kind of society
          2. +7
            4 February 2025 16: 21
            public opinion is not an empty phrase for him.

            The opinion will be corrected as needed, and the author has already received a manual on how to write about winning.
      3. +13
        4 February 2025 11: 15
        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
        Moreover, the author described the most shameful, for us, options for ending the SVO.

        Well, there are no other options in sight. Even the guarantor himself only talks about agreements. True, no one is going to negotiate with him yet. Zelya is ready to play the hurdy-gurdy until the last forelock, and the globalists will not start fighting until their refrigerator and TV set start fighting. True, we also have such a possibility.
        1. +12
          4 February 2025 14: 17
          Well, there are no other options in sight. Even the guarantor himself only talks about agreements.

          This is what is annoying. In one newscast they will first show the deliveries of new weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then the atrocities on Kursk land and 10 minutes later the words of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief that we are ready to negotiate. Aren't they ashamed of themselves?
        2. +3
          4 February 2025 14: 31
          Quote: Zoer
          It’s true that we also have such a possibility.

          Well, for us, compared to the West, this war is existential.
    4. -4
      4 February 2025 17: 04
      And the author does not consider a positive scenario on principle?
      For example, the SVO ends approximately at the current borders, "partners" are given handouts in the form of Transcarpathia, etc. (with the aim of taking it back within 30 years), in Ukraine the government is pro-Russian and under the control of Russia?
      If the enemies persist, the size and quantity of handouts tends to zero, and the size of the future "independent" Ukraine too.
      Although some kind of cesspool should be left, the "Lviv viper's nest", and all the poverty in the Russian Federation should not be dragged and fed. The regions that have become part of the Russian Federation should be restored, cherished and nurtured. The rest is independent, let it spin as it pleases, within the designated boundaries. Once every five years, after long requests, accept one region into the Russian Federation.
    5. +1
      5 February 2025 17: 53
      Where then is denazification and demilitarization?
      So this is just a brand under which they wanted to make a small profit and deprive their "Western partners" of their profit. Or at least to show that "our" capitalists have a force behind them in the form of an army.
  2. +18
    4 February 2025 05: 18
    What's the point of freezing? So that our children will have to pay for it later, only with big losses?
    1. -1
      4 February 2025 06: 09
      Putin spoke quite clearly in his interview: the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada can sign a peace treaty. But Zelensky signed a decree banning any negotiations while still being somewhat legitimate. After that, his term of office expired, and he became completely illegitimate. Zelensky and the Rada cannot cancel his decree banning peace negotiations. This is such a legal conflict. A peace treaty is legally impossible!!!
      Thus, only Putin can decide whether Ukrainian representatives have the legal authority to conclude a peace treaty. Trump can decide nothing other than to withhold military and financial aid to Ukraine.
      Demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine continues. The SVO was started because of the threat of NATO soldiers appearing on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, even one NATO soldier in Chop or Yavoriv is a defeat for Russia. The goal of the SVO: to take control of the territory of Ukraine completely.
      What awaits Ukraine? There is no doubt that all these crippled Inialids who fought against us, like other Nazis, after serving their sentences, must be deported from our country with a lifelong ban on entry, deported to Europe, Canada, Rwanda, Bandera, or the hell. am
      1. +10
        4 February 2025 07: 50
        Demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine continues.
        Here is more detail, especially about denazification.
        1. +17
          4 February 2025 09: 29
          And we will see in more detail on May 9 of this year, when they will once again cover with plywood the Mausoleum to which the standards of Hitler's divisions and their hangers-on from the ROA and other Hungarians and Bulgarians flew.
          1. +7
            4 February 2025 12: 34
            Yeah, and another laying of flowers at the monument to I.A. Ilyin... who sang ossan to Hitler and Mussolini and demanded the destruction of the USSR...
        2. -2
          5 February 2025 00: 33
          What's not clear about that? There will no longer be such a nation as Ukrainians.
      2. +4
        4 February 2025 07: 51
        Quote: Bearded
        This is such a legal collision. A peace treaty is legally impossible!!!

        I have long noticed that it is not only Russian officials who masterfully create difficulties for themselves in order to heroically overcome them...
        Do you know why no one in Russia can lift the moratorium on the death penalty, adopted in connection with joining the Council of Europe (even after leaving this Council, they simply kicked us out and that's it)? Take a look:
        The procedure for lifting the moratorium on the death penalty in Russia
        It turns out that the Constitutional Court, headed by the old man, decided that the moratorium can be lifted ONLY AFTER:
        the return to the death penalty in Russia is possible only if changes are made to the Constitution. According to him, the article in the Constitution concerning the death penalty "is constructed in such a way that in order to change it, it would be necessary to practically adopt a new Constitution."

        Does this remind you of anything about the issues of organizing peace negotiations?
        Nothing for themselves (except salaries, benefits and personal pensions), everything for the people (who, from every corner, through three factions in the State Duma, insist that:
        Thus, in March 2023, the leader of "A Just Russia - For Truth" Sergei Mironov stated that his party will insist on the introduction of the death penalty for terrorists and child murderers.
        1. BAI
          4 February 2025 10: 04
          This also amazes me - a moratorium can be introduced by presidential decree, but it cannot be cancelled.
      3. +3
        4 February 2025 08: 14
        Aren't you giving the PVV too much influence? He said this, decreed that, decides this, points out that. Unfortunately, Trump can decide - he suspended supplies and will resume them three times as much (and it is the supplies that determine the success of one or the other side). In the spirit of bargaining, we are simply given the opportunity to believe that we can be harmful (and even then, for show. If he presses us, we will sign with the first person we meet).
      4. +5
        4 February 2025 08: 23
        I would like to correct you a little.
        But Zelensky signed a decree banning any negotiations while still being somewhat legitimate.

        The Official Document states that it is forbidden to negotiate with the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. At that time, they were hoping for a change of power in our country.
        The goal of the SVO is to take complete control of the territory of Ukraine.

        We have never set such a goal. These are all our wet dreams.
      5. -4
        4 February 2025 08: 33
        Quote: Bearded
        after serving his sentence, he must be deported from our country with a lifelong ban on entry, deport whether to Europe, Canada, or Rwanda,

        For this, the consent of the other party is necessary. They are OBLIGED to accept their own citizens, and foreigners - only of their own free will.
        With deportation, everything is not simple...

        Quote: Bearded
        Bandera, even to hell and gone
        - we'll have to dig ditches - there will be a lot of them there no matter what...
        1. -4
          4 February 2025 09: 27
          Quote: your1970
          - we'll have to dig ditches-

          They have already been dug up.
      6. +8
        4 February 2025 09: 05
        Quote: Bearded

        What awaits Ukraine? There is no doubt that all these crippled Inialids who fought against us, like other Nazis, after serving their sentences, must be deported from our country with a lifelong ban on entry, deported to Europe, Canada, Rwanda, Bandera, or the hell.

        Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to do this.
        If we take control of the entire Outskirts, then we will have to support and pay pensions to all the disabled people of the Outskirts. At least those who did not commit war crimes.
        Just don't think that this is my wish. We pay pensions to those who were brought with them by "professional, experienced, hardworking" "workers" from Turkmenistan and Kyrgyzstan.
      7. +12
        4 February 2025 11: 18
        Quote: Bearded
        ...... The SVO began because of the threat of NATO soldiers appearing on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, even one NATO soldier in Chop or Yavoriv is a defeat for Russia.......

        ..... While the SVO was going according to schedule, NATO made its way to the suburbs of St. Petersburg, ..... and nothing terrible happened, because everything was according to plan ..... . So don't be afraid of NATO, .... it's not scary))...
      8. +4
        4 February 2025 16: 27
        This is such a legal collision. A peace treaty is legally impossible!!!

        But if you sign the contract legally correctly, then they may not fulfill this contract, and after some time they will simply wipe their ass with this contract. As Lavrov put it, we need a mechanism for the impossibility of violating the contract, and not just a piece of paper as you wish.
        1. +1
          4 February 2025 22: 28
          Quote: nickname7
          This is such a legal collision. A peace treaty is legally impossible!!!

          But if you sign the contract legally correctly, then they may not fulfill this contract, and after some time they will simply wipe their ass with this contract. As Lavrov put it, we need a mechanism for the impossibility of violating the contract, and not just a piece of paper as you wish.

          I want Ukraine to return to its historical harbor under its historical name - Malorossiya. Don't think my thoughts for me. hi
      9. +2
        5 February 2025 17: 58
        A peace treaty is legally impossible!!!
        If the partners promise, then VVP will believe them and everything will be formalized. After all, the USSR is legally alive, because the three accomplices did not have the authority to collapse it. The same thing here. If necessary, they will close their eyes to this collision as well. Or they will make an "expression of the will of the people."
    2. +12
      4 February 2025 11: 21
      Quote: Clever man
      So that our children will have to pay the price later, only with greater losses?

      The top brass is not interested in this at all now. They need to retain power. And this is the most important goal.
      1. +12
        4 February 2025 12: 04
        And I would also add that it will be our children who will have to clean up the mess, and not the children of the elite.
        1. +10
          4 February 2025 12: 28
          Quote from AdAstra
          And I would also add that it will be our children who will have to clean up the mess, and not the children of the elite.

          And now the people are paying for all this. Ivans and Maryas, as the sun-faced one himself said. And the top brass are replacing us with SrAziats, on whom they make extra profits, and who rob and kill our fellow citizens.
        2. +4
          4 February 2025 14: 36
          Quote from AdAstra
          It will be our children who will have to clean up the mess, not the children of the elite.

          At least the higher-ups are sure of this.
  3. +1
    4 February 2025 05: 33
    The Ukrainian political leadership does not seek to end the military conflict and enter into peace negotiations

    Yes, they are not against reaching an agreement, which Zelensky has been talking about for a month now, they are simply haggling over the conditions for starting negotiations and both sides are not happy with this, Russia demands the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces not only from the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, but also from the Kharkov and Zaporizhia regions, Ukraine, in turn, generally demands the withdrawal of troops from the 1991 territories.
  4. -3
    4 February 2025 05: 38
    After the end of the military conflict, a significant portion of the Ukrainian population will most likely rush to leave the country
    After the conflict is over, no one will give refugee status to the pig-faces. People should leave Ukraine now, when there is a war going on. It is better for them to voluntarily liberate the lands themselves.
  5. +13
    4 February 2025 05: 41
    What is a freeze of military actions, who will freeze them? Santa Claus? ... Ahhh, Trump.. He does not freeze. He made a convenient decision. He stopped the supply of weapons, and then we'll see.. Nobody wants to go to the negotiating table. Both heads of state consider themselves "winners". What kind of negotiations can there be between "winners"? smile Besides, the SVO brings colossal profits to everyone. Who would refuse them? By the way, after the end of WWI, the English, French, German, and American bourgeoisie did not end up losing out.
    1. +5
      4 February 2025 07: 55
      Quote: parusnik
      He made a convenient decision - stopped the supply of weapons, and then we'll see how it goes..

      And again he allowed it... Such is the master of his word... And yet he swore and swore that for three months nothing would happen to anyone...
      1. +1
        4 February 2025 17: 29
        And again he allowed it..
        And then, we'll see how it goes. smile
    2. +5
      4 February 2025 08: 59
      The US continues to supply weapons, and in general the Ukrainian Armed Forces have no problems with weapons, and they still have soldiers. The only hope for ending the conflict is our Army, Navy and our Warriors.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +2
      4 February 2025 09: 33
      Quote: parusnik
      He made a convenient decision: he stopped the supply of weapons, and then we'll see what happens.
      TASS - Reuters: The United States has resumed arms supplies to Ukraine.
      1. +1
        4 February 2025 17: 31
        And here it is...
        TASS - Reuters: The United States has resumed arms supplies to Ukraine.
    5. +4
      4 February 2025 11: 27
      Quote: parusnik
      What is a freeze of hostilities, who will freeze them?

      Minsk-1, for example, and Minsk-2.
      Quote: parusnik
      Father Frost?

      Santa, but not Frost...
      Quote: parusnik
      By the way, after the end of WWI, the English, French, German, and American bourgeoisie were not left at a loss.

      So even after WW2 they were not left particularly at a loss, except for the fascists. And even then, the fascist bourgeoisie suffered only because the USSR completely defeated them, and the division took place without them.
  6. +7
    4 February 2025 06: 31
    The problem is that our goals and what we are trying to achieve are not clear, people usually paint pictures of the dismantling of Ukrainian territories, which is quite optimistic for us. But if we assume that the territories are the goal, then they will not be given to us without a fight, and so far we have neither the strength nor the desire to give this fight. During peace negotiations, the most realistic option is a demarcation line and the return of the territories of the Kursk region, but it seems to me that this option will not suit anyone in the long term. Guessing what will happen to Ukraine and its president at the moment is like drawing with chalk on water.
    1. +6
      4 February 2025 06: 56
      Quote from turembo
      During peace negotiations, the most realistic option is a demarcation line and the return of the territories of the Kursk region, but it seems to me that this option will not suit anyone in the long term.

      Here, the plan is clear - Kursk region for us, Kharkov region for them, otherwise a long-term truce on the LBS. Another thing is that it is not a fact that Trump will be able to force the parties to this truce (of course, there is no talk of a peace treaty that would legally enshrine something there). But the alternative to such a truce is an endless, increasingly sluggish war (as both sides run out of finances, weapons and people) without any formal document being signed.
      As for the long-term perspective, everything will be decided after the change of power in Russia (there is no longer any hope for a change of the Maidan power in Ukraine, not formally but in essence).
      1. +2
        4 February 2025 08: 21
        Quote: Belisarius
        everything will be decided after the change of power in Russia
        It seems you wrote an article for yourself, and not in the sense of publication, but in the sense of criminal. A call to overthrow the government - in the USSR this was the famous Article 58 of the Criminal Code, and I am not strong in post-Soviet legislation, but there is probably an analogue.hi
        1. +5
          4 February 2025 16: 56
          Quote: Nagan
          It seems you wrote an article for yourself, and not in the sense of publication, but in the sense of criminal. A call to overthrow the government

          Thank you, of course, for the kind words, but not at all.
          1) According to the Constitution, power in Russia belongs to the people, elected officials are only the representatives of their will. They are accountable and replaceable. Of course, it is indecent to remember the Constitution in the Russian Federation, but according to the law, everything is exactly like that.
          2) Calls for a violent change of power are illegal (by the way, the only one who has really done this recently is not an oppositionist at all, but an ardent patriot-Putinist, Mr. Prigozhin). In what I am writing, there are no calls, much less violence. It is simply a statement of fact, the same as the sunrise
          A long-term solution to the Ukrainian problem is possible only with a change of power in the Russian Federation. Moreover, this solution, depending on the events in Russia, can be very different, from the reunification of Ukraine and Russia to the return of Crimea.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      4 February 2025 15: 49
      Quote from turembo
      how to draw with chalk on water.

      Usually, "writing with a pitchfork on water" is like writing with a pitchfork on water.
      This is irrelevant to the fairness of the comment. hi
  7. +12
    4 February 2025 06: 44
    The article begins with the fact that the Ukrainian leadership itself is blocking attempts to cease fire, but this thesis is in irreconcilable contradiction with the thesis about Ukraine as a Western puppet. Either the Ukrainian leadership is subjective and then it can decide something, or it is a Western puppet. There are other problems, for example, the thesis about the struggle for power that has begun in Ukraine also diverges from the thesis about Ukraine being a puppet and about Zelensky's dictatorship. But these shortcomings of the article are caused by the complexity of the problem. The conflict is multi-layered, and the notorious West is not at all homogeneous and there are many political subjects involved in the conflict.
    Overall, the article is reasonable. If we talk about Ukraine, then it already lost . and lost catastrophically (which does not mean that Zelensky and Co. lost). After the truce, it will face the fate of a very quickly dying and impoverished outskirts of the Western world, without any constructive goals.
    But the problem is that the Russian Federation has also already lost, only unlike Ukraine, whose defeat is catastrophic for its state and people, the degree of the Russian Federation's defeat is unclear - from severe, but giving hope for internal recovery, to catastrophic.
    1. +14
      4 February 2025 08: 15
      Quote: Belisarius
      But the problem is, that Russia has already lost too, only unlike Ukraine, whose defeat would be catastrophic for its state and people, The extent of the Russian Federation's defeat is unclear - from severe, but giving hope for internal recovery, to catastrophic.

      It is said boldly, and if you think about it, it is true. Behind the words about victory, behind the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine there is NO intelligible program of action...
      Even in the territories ALREADY accepted into the Russian Federation, some civilians certainly wanted to introduce the study of the Ukrainian language in schools... But it is not even about the language... The Russian bourgeois government cannot offer even the Russian people a promising path of development, when people begin to live, reproduce and multiply. The goal of achieving profit by any means is thrown at supplying NATO countries with resources, and the disruption of state programs and deliveries (where is that million UAVs = 2 devices per day, obvious parity with the land ones?), the steadily outstripping, completely unjustified growth in prices for goods, tariffs and services, and the continuing streams of lies, and the manifestation of impotence and hopelessness...
      The migration policy alone, which has caused a lot of indignation, is worth something...
      The outcome is far from catastrophic, but there is no bright light at the end of the tunnel...
      1. -12
        4 February 2025 08: 57
        Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

        Quote: yuriy55
        It's said boldly, and if you think about it, it's true...
        The outcome is far from catastrophic, but there is no bright light at the end of the tunnel...

        Maybe you're looking in the wrong direction?
        Our progressive movement towards the West has already been noticed by even the NATO Secretary General...

        Quote: yuriy55
        unjustified increase in prices for goods, tariffs and services...

        How could it be nothing? All of this is allowed by the current Constitution and, as Solovyov said yesterday, the first chapter of which was entirely written by USAID.

        Until we change the Constitution, even if you change presidents a thousand times, nothing in the country will change. The presidential power is the executive power.
        1. +9
          4 February 2025 09: 02
          Quote: Boris55
          Until we change the Constitution, even if we change presidents a thousand times, nothing in the country will change.

          Amazing foresight... Do you think it's time to change the beds? Read the Constitution to see that it doesn't need to be changed to lift the moratorium on the death penalty... But the Chairman of the Constitutional Court, Mr. Zorkin, has a different opinion...
          Do you want to use a cotton swab to pick out a system that has been in place for decades?
          Forward to victory!
          1. -11
            4 February 2025 09: 09
            Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

            Quote: yuriy55
            Do you want to use a cotton swab to pick out a system that has been in place for decades?

            It is with the "ear stick" that Putin is leading Russia into a new USSR:
            - did not allow Russia to fall apart;
            - filled the budget with money;
            - provided jobs;
            - fed the people;
            - revived the army;
            - the elite is changing;
            - the Constitution will be changed.

            This is Putin's plan, what do you propose?
            Is it really a fight, bloodletting and the descent of the country into the Stone Age?

            For terrorism - the death penalty is definitely the answer!
            1. +7
              4 February 2025 09: 14
              Quote: Boris55
              This is Putin's plan, what do you propose?

              These are empty words, not supported by anything... The same as Putin's individual right to be elected president any number of times and to hold elections by new, multi-day voting at home, early, extra-term, urgent and in the company of outright outsiders, which facilitate ballot stuffing and falsification...
              1. -11
                4 February 2025 09: 29
                Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

                Quote: yuriy55
                These are empty words, not supported by anything...

                Point by point:
                - the second Chechen war cancelled the Khasavyurt agreements, which gave the start to the collapse of Russia. A year after the signing, Chechnya had the right to secede from Russia. In Bashkiria and Tatarstan, the training of militants was in full swing. The slogans of those days were: stop feeding Moscow, stop feeding the Caucasus. Lebed: "There is no land for us beyond the Urals." The Far Eastern Republic, Rossel prints Ural francs, etc.

                - returned Sakhalin-1, 2 (not completely) under the jurisdiction of Russia, put Khodorkovsky in jail - money appeared in the treasury to pay salaries, pensions, benefits, etc. The state began to fulfill its obligations...

                - Today we have the lowest unemployment in the world (except for the DPRK). Russia ranks first in Europe and 4th in the world.

                - agriculture, which was subsidized even in the USSR, today brings in income comparable to the sale of weapons...

                - the number of armed forces has grown from 200 thousand to two million. The army is provided with the most modern weapons.

                - "Time of Heroes" was created because lice and Senezh did not fit Putin's plans.

                - Only by changing the elite can we change the vector of the country's movement.

                What do you propose to reform the country, how do you imagine it?
                1. +8
                  4 February 2025 09: 41
                  Quote: Boris55
                  only by changing the elite, it is possible to change the vector of the country's movement.

                  And who will replace her? Who put her in key positions? Who rewards the parasitic existence of officials with awards? For what purposes was the Federation Council of the Russian Federation created and why are people appointed there who have no relation to the subjects of the Federation (the same Narusova, the same Rogozin, the same OSS)...
                  Don't write me anything...I have a TV...
                  1. -9
                    4 February 2025 09: 47
                    Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

                    Quote: yuriy55
                    And who will change it?

                    Graduates of "Time of Heroes". The first graduation took place, the second one is training. There is no end in sight to the queue of those wishing to attend.

                    Quote: yuriy55
                    I have a TV...

                    The media, including TV, was heavily financed by the same USAID. As:

                    "... In our country, the TNS research company is engaged in the formation of ratings of TV shows. It is engaged in measuring the audience of TV channels, print media, radio and Internet sites, monitoring advertising, and also conducts marketing research ..." full text: http: // www .aif.ru /

                    "... Internationally, with 2008, TNS has been part of the WPP holding and its KANTAR research unit ..."

                    "... Ratings give channels the opportunity to plan their broadcasts in such a way as to maximize sales of advertising time. Channels set very high prices for advertising during rating programs ..."

                    Please note that we advertise TV, and most importantly who is the final owner of the advertised product. As a rule, these are foreign firms. So, through the definition of ratings, the State Department actually “forces” businessmen to finance those TV channels (order advertising) that they think are pursuing the right policy — the more shit on our heads, the higher the rating, the more green the media account.
                    1. +8
                      4 February 2025 11: 56
                      Quote: Boris55
                      Graduates of "Time of Heroes". The first graduation took place, the second one is training. There is no end in sight to the queue of those wishing to attend.

                      My God, what naive, childish babble!
                      This is a show-window dressing-up, from the point of view of changing the elites. Yes, it gives some kind of social lift. But not above the middle-level officials. Maximum Mayor-Governor of some Kryzhoply. On whom the vector of development/plundering of the country does NOT depend at all.
                      Until the authorities disperse the oligarchy, until they nationalize the country's raw materials industries and subordinate capital to the interests of investment in the industrial economy, NOTHING will change in Russia, and it will only get worse, under the influence of endless sanctions.
                2. +11
                  4 February 2025 11: 51
                  Quote: Boris55
                  The second Chechen war cancelled the Khasavyurt agreements, which gave the start to the collapse of Russia. A year after the signing, Chechnya had the right to secede from Russia.

                  Chechnya will never leave the Russian Federation as long as it receives such fabulous subsidies.
                  Quote: Boris55
                  returned Sakhalin-1, 2 (not completely) under Russian jurisdiction, put Khodorkovsky in jail

                  He jailed Khodork, let Chubais go. He fed up all the other oligarchs.
                  Quote: Boris55
                  - the number of armed forces has grown from 200 thousand to two million. The army is provided with the most modern weapons.

                  The number of the Russian army has never been 200K. And under VVP it only decreased. They destroyed the institute of midshipmen and warrant officers under VVP. They destroyed hundreds of military schools under VVP. Serdyukovshchina, Shoigushchina - all under the sun-faced one. What modern weapons are we talking about? UMPK, FPVI and other drones? Well, this was done on our knees in the scalded cat mode, in wartime, and at the cost of our considerable losses. Well, and the shameful SELF-mobilization into the fields and with your belongings - this is generally beyond the bounds of reason and understanding.
                  And you are just a brazen liar!!!
                  Quote: Boris55
                  "Time of Heroes" was created because lice and Senezh did not fit Putin's plans.

                  Another blah-blah and talk show in the style of Nightingale.
                  Quote: Boris55
                  Only by changing the elite can we change the vector of the country's movement.

                  At least somewhere they told the truth. They just forgot to mention that the current guarantor guarantees the irremovability of this very elite. Because he himself is an integral part of it.
                  Quote: Boris55
                  What do you propose to reform the country, how do you imagine it?

                  To my great regret, I no longer see an evolutionary path for our country's development. The existing ghouls will not go away on their own, even from the corpse of the country.
                  Look at Ukraine. There are exactly the same ghouls in the elite.
      2. +2
        4 February 2025 17: 12
        Quote: yuriy55
        It's said boldly, and if you think about it, it's true.

        Nothing particularly bold. That a conflict can have several winners or losers, or everyone can lose, is an old truth. One of the basic things in military-political strategy.
        The canonical example here is WWI - where the real winner was the USA, which almost did not participate in the war, and the formal absolute winners - Great Britain and France - in fact lost it.
        And, by the way, the formal absolute loser, Russia, as a result of the war was able to internally transform itself, renew itself (albeit at a high price) and become much stronger than it was.
        The same thing that the Ukraine-RF conflict is of the "Luz-Luz" type is obvious to everyone with a brain. And if you pay attention to the constant complaints of the official authorities of the Russian Federation that the insidious "Anglo-Saxons" benefit from the conflict, then they are talking about exactly this.
        The only difference is that Ukraine’s defeat is absolute (this is a tragedy since Ukraine is part of the great historical Russia, but it is a fact), but for Russia there is still hope.
  8. Eug
    4 February 2025 06: 59
    It seems that many are betting on Oleksiy Goncharenko as Zelensky's successor. In my opinion, he is a very compromise figure, he has changed his tune in the air more than once, maneuvering between pro-Western parties and has always been a member of the pro-government party in the Rada.
    1. +2
      4 February 2025 13: 51
      Quote: Eug
      It seems that many are betting on Oleksiy Goncharenko as Zelensky's successor. In my opinion, he is a very compromise figure, he has changed his tune in the air more than once, maneuvering between pro-Western parties and has always been a member of the pro-government party in the Rada.

      Good luck to them then. Perhaps it will be useful if the short-assed clown is replaced by a cretin. The lop-eared ones, however, will still be no laughing matter.
  9. +12
    4 February 2025 07: 55
    I remember the conflict in Donbass, they froze it, froze it, with the Minsk agreements, and it suddenly defrosted with the help of the SVO. And don't point to the Korean version, there was also the Vietnamese one, but nothing came of it.
  10. +4
    4 February 2025 08: 02
    "So far, everything is heading towards the military conflict ending in a freeze (probably along the current line of contact)"
    What specific arguments does the author provide in support of this statement?
    The fact that Trump is proposing this and doubt that we are ready (can) fulfill our own SVO tasks? Or does the author, after all, know some specific things, saying that everything is moving towards freezing the conflict?
    1. +8
      4 February 2025 12: 30
      Quote from vicvic
      What specific arguments does the author provide in support of this statement?

      First of all, the enormous will to negotiate of our guarantor, which he constantly declares.
      1. -2
        4 February 2025 15: 34
        But it is not advantageous from all sides to talk about refusing to negotiate. It is advantageous to declare readiness, the question is how, when, with whom and about what to negotiate and, most importantly, what the result will be or there will be none.
        After all, you can negotiate until the carrot-top fast, but to declare to the whole world that there will be no negotiations until..., such straightforwardness will most likely be less productive than talking about negotiations and their endless continuation.
        1. +6
          4 February 2025 15: 46
          Quote from vicvic
          But it is not advantageous from all sides to talk about refusing to negotiate. It is advantageous to declare readiness

          From what sides? And from the side of our residents of Kursk region, who have lost relatives and home, is it also beneficial?
          Quote from vicvic
          After all, you can negotiate until the carrot-top fast, but to declare to the whole world that there will be no negotiations until..., such straightforwardness will most likely be less productive than talking about negotiations and their endless continuation.

          Why just say nothing? Neither about the refusal to negotiate, nor about their desire?
          Bleating about negotiations after another attack of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on our territories with Western weapons, or after another terrorist attack of the SBU in Moscow or St. Petersburg - this "instills" confidence in the "strong" guarantor. And most importantly, all this makes the question - "Why was it necessary to start all this esveo" very, very relevant.
          1. -2
            4 February 2025 17: 09
            "Why just say nothing?"
            How is that? Like, proud, but idiots, or, on the contrary, so strong and smart that we can afford to neglect those around us. If we are never going to interact with anyone, then we can say nothing at all and not talk to anyone at all. Probably, after the decision to launch a nuclear strike, if time still allows, we can forget about everyone and everything and not talk. But now, thank God, this is not the situation.
            Don't forget that Russia, unfortunately, is not the USSR, and the state of affairs, compared to April-May 1945, is not so obvious to us, therefore Stalin's historical phrase "no negotiations except unconditional surrender" will have no basis now. Although, I would very much like to say so and do so.
            1. +3
              5 February 2025 01: 20
              Don't forget that Russia, unfortunately, is not the USSR,
              Yeah, and Putin is not Stalin, and Gerasimov is not Zhukov, Solovyov is not Levitan, Belousov and Shoigu are not Voroshilov. After all, those Soviet bosses were probably gifted with superpowers, knew some spells. Well, or they just did it, and didn't just whistle and then throw up their hands - but it turned out they forgot to make engines for the plane, and what are drones, and where did import substitution go?
              compared to April-May 1945, it is not so obvious to us
              and who is to blame for this? Besides, there is more of a parallel here about the Finnish war, which dragged on for quite a while. It's just that someone there with brains realized that now the Germans, the British and the French will send the Finns everything they need and it's necessary to change tactics, while someone in the spring of 2022 arranged Istanbul, and in the summer told Lapin that the troops should rest, after which the Russian army (not Wagner's) did nothing but retreat for a long time
              1. 0
                9 February 2025 07: 34
                Quote from alexoff
                yeah, Putin is not Stalin, and Gerasimov is not Zhukov,

                In my opinion, Putin is more successful than Stalin, Gerasimov than Zhukov. The SVO did not start with a sudden attack by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The invasion of Primakov's expeditionary corps into Afghanistan can be considered an analogue of the SVO - a complete failure of Stalin.
              2. 0
                9 February 2025 07: 36
                Quote from alexoff
                It's just that someone there with brains realized that now the Finns and the Germans, and the British and the French will send everything they need and they need to change tactics.

                At that time there was a danger that the Finns would propagate captured Red Army soldiers, former collective farmers.
            2. +2
              5 February 2025 11: 23
              Quote from vicvic
              How's that?

              That's how it is. I took on the job, don't say I can't handle it. I had to work from 2014, and until 2014. And now I have to work, and not spend budgets. Silently work for the result. Give the enemy a punch in the teeth for his impudence. Otherwise, nothing will happen except for puffing out his cheeks. Our Armed Forces are quite capable of destroying their infrastructure. But the Ukies still have fully functioning oil refineries and oil storage facilities 40-50 km from the LBS. At the same time, ours are burning every week. At the same time, there is constant bleating about negotiations. WHY show such obvious weakness and indecisiveness? With such behavior, no one will ever negotiate with us. Negotiations are conducted with the strong. They dictate their will to the weak.
              1. +2
                5 February 2025 16: 33
                I can't help but agree with this way of putting the question...
            3. +1
              5 February 2025 14: 45
              Quote from vicvic
              What do you mean? Like, proud, but idiots.

              And this is HOW?
              Russia, despite Zelensky's unrecognized legitimacy, is ready to discuss negotiations with him, said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

              Although, after negotiations with Taliban terrorists, what is there to be surprised about?
  11. -10
    4 February 2025 08: 18
    Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

    Quote: V. Biryukov
    So far, everything is moving towards the military conflict ending in a freeze...
    ... the military conflict could also end with a partial division of Ukraine – the introduction of military contingents from several countries and division into “zones of influence”

    We know what the West wants even without Biryukov.

    1. There will be no frost. We are advancing. The enemy is running.
    2. The division of Ukraine has already occurred and it will continue.
    3. There will be no "peacekeepers" in Ukraine, we are doing just fine ourselves.
    4. Demilitarization and denazification in the liberated territories is in full swing. The rest of Ukraine - get ready.
    1. +7
      4 February 2025 13: 56
      Quote: Boris55
      There will be no "peacekeepers" in Ukraine, we are doing just fine ourselves.

      "You" are doing a great job of typing, Borya, without getting off the couch or wheelchair. But it's completely different people who are fighting, who have no time for chatter and bravado.
  12. +10
    4 February 2025 08: 25
    Personally, I am absolutely not interested in what will happen to Ukraine and its people, I am more concerned about what will happen to Russia. And my thoughts about our future after the SVO are not very optimistic
  13. +1
    4 February 2025 08: 36
    The Ukrainian SSR of 1991 and Ukraine of 2014 (at the beginning of the confrontation) are different countries. Having all the potential for development and growth in 1991, as well as good industrial capacity, in 2014 they became a completely corrupt state with a stagnating economy. The trend is clear. The same fate as Yugoslavia will have. And again we will spend a lot of money on them, trying to return them to the orbit of our interests.
    1. +9
      4 February 2025 12: 33
      Quote: a.shlidt
      The Ukrainian SSR of 1991 and Ukraine of 2014 (at the beginning of the confrontation) are different countries. Having all the potential for development and growth in 1991, as well as good industrial capacity, in 2014 they became a completely corrupt state with a stagnating economy. The trend is clear.

      Replace the Ukrainian SSR with the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Ukraine with the Russian Federation - and the validity of your statement will not change one bit.
      1. 0
        4 February 2025 14: 13
        I disagree with you. Things are not as bad for us as they were in 13-14 and 22. And this is taking into account that they are deliberately drowning us, paying off the Union's debts, etc.
        1. +6
          4 February 2025 15: 12
          Quote: a.shlidt
          I disagree with you. Things are not as bad for us as they were in 13-14 and 22. And this is taking into account that they are deliberately drowning us, paying off the Union's debts, etc.

          But I still insist. They simply have much fewer natural resources. But with corruption and the collapse of industry, we have parity, taking into account the scale of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, of course.
  14. +1
    4 February 2025 09: 02
    For this reason, the author believes that fears that Kyiv, after freezing the conflict, may soon try to unleash a new war against Ukraine are greatly exaggerated.

    I think so too laughing
  15. +2
    4 February 2025 09: 05
    What awaits??? Everything is according to Chernomyrdin - they wanted the best ... but got "Zhiguli". And COMPLETE CAPITULATION MUST WAIT, denazification in fact, without any amnesties. Nazis must work for a piece of bread in prisons for the rest of their lives!!!
  16. +8
    4 February 2025 09: 21
    And once again an article in the style of dividing the skin of an unkilled bear or a piglet, as you like. When will this "end of the conflict" be, huh? If it is not concluded by a deal this year, because the victory, in the full sense of the word, is oh, so far away, then we can aim for a hundred-year war in terms of time.
    1. +6
      4 February 2025 12: 41
      because it's a long way to victory, in the full sense of the word

      This is serious and for a long time. And it is necessary for both sides, SVO, great for the peoples of both countries, it distracts from pressing problems, for 35 years, not a single republic in the post-Soviet space has become, at least, Portugal.
      1. 0
        4 February 2025 16: 25
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        Not a single republic in the post-Soviet space has become even Portugal.

        Well, in terms of GDP per capita, some have caught up. Portugal 27 USD. Russia 275,11 USD. Estonia 13 USD. Lithuania 817,05 USD. Latvia 29 USD.
        1. +6
          4 February 2025 16: 28
          Well, in terms of GDP per capita, some people have caught up
          A great success. But when we were leaving, we were beating our heels in the chest and shouting, “Let’s become a second France, Switzerland,” there was no talk of Portugal then. Yes
          1. +1
            4 February 2025 16: 47
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Big success

            For countries with virtually no natural resources (in our understanding) and over such a period of time, I think so.
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            But when they dispersed, they beat their heels in the chest and shouted, “We will become a second France, Switzerland; there was no talk of Portugal then.”

            The task of catching up with Portugal was set by a man who, in today's times, spoke words that are subject to prosecution
            "Well, that's a lot. It could have been five, it's a round number, but seven is too much. If you work with full dedication for seven years, you can go crazy."

            "Once we start making changes to the Constitution, we won't stop. It's better not to touch the Constitution."

            On the other hand, we see that those who clearly chose a side and went in one direction, achieved good results. Those who rushed back and forth, naturally fell behind. Belarus 7 USD. Moldova 829,05 USD. Ukraine 6 USD.
      2. +2
        5 February 2025 08: 56
        But Honduras is quite good. hi "" "" "
  17. BAI
    4 February 2025 09: 25

    What awaits Ukraine after the end of the military conflict

    And Ukraine is awaiting division. Naryshkin is already inviting representatives of Poland, Romania and Hungary to discuss territorial claims against Ukraine.
    The first step of the Overton windows
    1. +4
      4 February 2025 12: 49
      Nobody will divide Ukraine; there is no need to pass off your fantasies as reality.
      1. BAI
        4 February 2025 14: 47
        Listen to Naryshkin's interview on KP radio. Illiterate people don't even need to read, they just need to understand Russian.
  18. BAI
    4 February 2025 09: 40
    Kyiv, after freezing the conflict, may soon try to unleash a new war against Ukraine, the author believes to be greatly exaggerated.

    Kyiv vs. Ukraine? What is that?
  19. +8
    4 February 2025 09: 45
    If the West can, they will continue to support and restore there. I remember since 14, our various experts have been sharpening their tongues saying that the Kyiv regime and the country are about to come to an end.
  20. +2
    4 February 2025 10: 53
    . What awaits Ukraine after the end of the military conflict

    Any freezing of the conflict will lead to even greater casualties in the future!
    Moreover, there is a loophole, Green cannot negotiate under the decree and since it is illegitimate, any signatures given by it will be invalid.
  21. -1
    4 February 2025 11: 44
    One thing is certain, after the February dances of 2014 with confidence about joining the EU and NATO within 10 years now - a severe hangover with unclear consequences. The division is inevitable, but the exact contours are not clear. Also, there will be 100% depopulation, and most likely, a criminal twist. There are a lot of weapons in the country, embittered men and women too, they will kill and rob.
    1. +3
      4 February 2025 13: 06
      Who downvoted you?...
      1. -1
        5 February 2025 07: 16
        Probably those we are talking about...
  22. +3
    4 February 2025 13: 05
    Yes, they can make a show-off "window of restoration" out of it, like with Mariupol, only on a national scale. There will be an unplowed field for all sorts of kickbacks and embezzlement. I don't think that Western capitalists will miss such a chance.
    1. +7
      4 February 2025 14: 03
      No one will restore it, honest to God. The 404th is only interesting as a source of cheap trench meat and a hotbed of instability near our borders, which is enough to keep in a half-dead state until it works out its purpose. And then they will simply dump it on our necks.
      There will be no time for embezzlement here.
      1. 0
        4 February 2025 21: 34
        That's right. If Western concerns enter there, it will be on African terms. 90 to 10 in their favor.
  23. +3
    4 February 2025 16: 04
    I said back in 2014 that we should have taken Ukraine then and all of it, and not been afraid of the sanctions that were introduced anyway; this situation that has developed now would not have happened.
    1. +3
      4 February 2025 16: 12
      I agree, although if the country had not been allowed to collapse back in 1991, then none of these problems would have existed at all. hi
    2. 0
      4 February 2025 21: 36
      In 2014 it was already too late. A generation of millions of Banderites grew up and in 2014 they were already a huge army of cannibals. Remember May 2, 2014…
  24. 0
    4 February 2025 17: 08
    Quote: a.shlidt
    Well, there are no other options in sight. Even the guarantor himself only talks about agreements.

    This is what is annoying. In one newscast they will first show the deliveries of new weapons to the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then the atrocities on Kursk land and 10 minutes later the words of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief that we are ready to negotiate. Aren't they ashamed of themselves?

    Of course, negotiate, but not with the puppet, but with the puppeteers. Any war ends with negotiations, there were Yalta, Tehran, Potsdam, Westphalia.
    Negotiations between the victors, where the fate of the vanquished is decided.
  25. +1
    4 February 2025 17: 24
    That it will be reduced to zero as a state! Otherwise, our descendants will not forgive us!
  26. +2
    4 February 2025 19: 30
    They will definitely throw Zelensky's bones to us, grease them with tasty ketchup, so that we will calm down while playing with them and not see how they are again making blind kittens out of us, believing in wonderful uncles from the West.
  27. +1
    4 February 2025 20: 43
    The old woman said it both ways: either it will rain or it will snow, either it will or it won't. And what will happen? Attacks by NATO divisions like Kursk - from both sides, on St. Petersburg. The goal is to stretch the front, weaken Russia. And this Ukraine - well, the troops will crawl to the Dnieper, and that's it. The terrorist state of Ukraine suits everyone just fine.
  28. +1
    4 February 2025 23: 40
    All this is great, but there is another possible scenario. The Nazis in Ukraine are also against stopping the conflict. And if Zelensky or anyone else stops the fighting, they can be killed by these same people. That's why I already wrote: "run, Zelensky, run."
    He himself probably doesn't understand the situation. He just hopes to steal some more money. Otherwise, he'll probably just run away.
  29. 0
    5 February 2025 13: 18
    Another load of crap about Zelya, and not about the power of capitalists, who lose everything when they lose.
  30. 0
    5 February 2025 23: 15
    It's too early to judge, everything is going according to plan. The US's target is the Russian Federation.
  31. +1
    5 February 2025 23: 42
    What awaits us and what will we do with their current war memorials that will end up on our territory? And this is a very difficult question...
  32. +2
    6 February 2025 02: 54
    If the military conflict ends in a freeze, then it will be just another truce with an as yet undefined term (the duration of which will depend on the further position of the Overseas, which will undoubtedly continue to improve and arm the Ukrainian army, preparing it for a new war). winked ).
  33. 0
    6 February 2025 09: 34
    "What awaits Ukraine after the end of the military conflict....." In short: hard times, hard work to restore everything and everyone...
  34. 0
    7 February 2025 03: 34
    The topic of Ukraine is becoming even more confusing. In the US, they are beginning to believe that elections under the Constitution of Ukraine cannot be held under martial law, therefore Zelensky must prepare and conduct negotiations with the Russian Federation himself. And only then, after the elections and the stop of the SVO, it turns out that the new President of Ukraine will sign what Zelensky must agree on. Putin's position on Zelensky's illegitimacy is becoming blurred, and Peskov is already declaring that negotiations can begin with the illegitimate Zelensky... The second topic, the occupation of part of the Kursk region, is beginning to be considered a success for Ukraine and not only belittles the achievements of the Russian Armed Forces, but also gives Zelensky an aura of victory in the elections of the new President of Ukraine... It turns out that Zelensky's chances of remaining President of Ukraine are directly tied to the Kursk region. If the issue of liberating the Kursk region is not resolved before the negotiations, then there is a great chance to see the new President of Ukraine in the person of Zelensky, as a winner who seized the territory of an enemy-nuclear power. And by starting negotiations with the illegitimate Zelensky without Ukraine’s capitulation, Russia will thereby confirm his legitimacy and the right for Zelensky to become the new President of Ukraine.
  35. 0
    8 February 2025 19: 38
    Regarding the future, Ukroreikh - for now everything is in the realm of guesses, assumptions and desires of all Parties to this war.... The "Great Game" around the former Ukraine is just beginning... Let's wait....
  36. 0
    8 February 2025 19: 57
    Another Russophobic state will appear on the world map that will hate and curse us, there will be no other options, and in this situation there are none.
  37. -3
    10 February 2025 08: 54
    What awaits the Ukies? Multiplication by zero, otherwise our descendants will not forgive us!
  38. 0
    10 February 2025 22: 07
    Ukraine is awaiting a crowd of surviving thugs and mountains of unaccounted weapons... Horror, in a word!
  39. DO
    11 February 2025 21: 58
    So far, everything is moving towards the military conflict ending with a freeze (probably plus or minus the current line of contact) and Kyiv's commitment not to join NATO.

    Author, you are passing off your wishful thinking as reality. Because the military conflict between the West and Russia through Ukraine will continue as long as the UkroReich exists. The West did not pump Ukraine with weapons, mercenaries and money for 3 years just to stop putting military pressure on Russia.
  40. +1
    12 February 2025 09: 01
    Even some Ukrainian politicians say that it would be cheaper for Russia to reach the western borders and take all of Ukraine than to freeze the conflict and have a smoldering conflict on Ukrainian territory that is ready to flare up immediately. Don't forget about the amount of weapons that the Ukrainian population currently has and the extreme nationalist sentiments. And Russia will also have to work very hard against the terrorist threats that will inevitably arise from Ukrainian Nazis on Russian territory. We can't go for freezing, absolutely not!