KTRV is developing an unmanned underwater vehicle

KTRV is developing an unmanned underwater vehicle
Russian AUV "Klavesin-1R". Photo by IPMT FEB RAS

Another Russian project in the field of unmanned underwater technology has become known. Currently, a promising search complex based on an underwater unmanned vehicle is being developed. It will receive a set of various surveillance and detection tools, with the help of which it will be able to find various objects. First of all, such a complex will solve the tasks of mine defense.

Search and Discovery

The Izvestia publication reported on a new development of the domestic industry on January 29. It received information about this project from its sources in the military-industrial complex. In addition, confirmation soon came from one of the organizations participating in the project.

According to the publication, one of the leading defense industry companies has created a promising underwater complex based on an unmanned vehicle. For unknown reasons, the name of the company is not disclosed. At the same time, it was noted that the state corporation Rostec and its enterprises participated in the project as a developer and supplier of individual systems.

A source for Izvestia said that the goal of the project was to create an unmanned underwater vehicle with search equipment designed to detect mines. In this regard, the complex is proposed to be placed on mine defense ships.

The device will be able to operate at significant depths and search for various objects. It is claimed that the standard set of sensors and devices will allow it to find mines at a depth of hundreds of meters, as well as under a layer of silt. The exact characteristics and capabilities of the device, for obvious reasons, are not disclosed.

The search complex will be able to solve other tasks as well. The underwater vehicle can be used for direct liquidation of found mines. In this case, it will be responsible for targeting and using the means of destruction. However, the details of such work and processes are also not specified.

The device "Klavesin-2R-PM". Photo by the Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering "Rubin"

New Details

Also on January 29, the press service of the state corporation Rostec published additional information about the project. It reported that the development of the underwater complex is being carried out by the corporation Tactical rocket weapons" (KTRV). The surveillance and detection devices for it were developed by companies from the holding company "Roselectronics".

It also became known that Rostec has already manufactured a batch of detection systems of its own design. These systems are intended for installation on experimental underwater vehicles and must undergo testing.

Other information about the new project is not yet available. Its name or designation, technical features, and even implementation dates are unknown. However, Izvestia mentions the development of the complex in the past tense. This may indicate the progress of the project and its readiness to move on to the next stages. It is quite possible that the participants in the work will soon talk about the start of testing.

According to known data[h2]
Very little is known about the promising search complex from KTRV. The very fact of the existence of this development has been revealed, some of its features and onboard equipment have been mentioned. All this already allows us to draw a rough picture and understand how the new complex can be useful.

The composition of the future complex is generally clear. Its main elements will be the underwater vehicle itself and its payload. In addition, they will be supplemented with a control station and a set of tools for servicing and operating the underwater vehicle. As reported, all the means of the complex will be placed on surface ships. Perhaps, other placement options will be worked out in the future.

The basing method, the expected range of carriers and the list of tasks to be solved allow us to build versions of the dimensions and weight characteristics of the underwater vehicle. In all likelihood, it will be a medium-class product several meters long and weighing hundreds of kilograms. Using a heavier and larger underwater platform for the announced tasks does not make sense in general.

Product "Surrogat-V". Graphics of Central Design Bureau MT "Rubin"

Like other devices of this class, the new product will be made in the form factor of a torpedo. Its body will have a cylindrical shape with separate protruding parts, such as rudders or sensors.

It can be assumed that, based on the experience of previous projects, the average underwater vehicle will receive an electric power plant. It will be equipped with batteries and an electric motor, which will provide low speed of movement.

Rostec reports that Roselectronics enterprises have developed a new television system for experimental underwater vehicles. This product provides high-quality and detailed images in various operating conditions. Original software was created for the system, which improves the quality of the image in motion or in the presence of interference.

According to Rostec, the new telemetry system provides for the transmission of visual information to the operator of the complex in real time. This indicates that the device has the appropriate means of communication. In addition, it follows from this data that the device should operate in remote control mode.

[h2]Latest sample

It should be noted that the new underwater vehicle that Izvestia is talking about is not the only example of such technology developed in our country. Russian science and industry have long been engaged in the creation of unmanned underwater vehicles, and by now they have managed to develop a number of similar projects.

For different customers and different tasks, devices of different dimensions and weights are developed, capable of carrying this or that equipment. There are both light and compact systems, and heavy ones with special characteristics. The development companies regularly report on the completion of work and testing of new equipment.

The proposed appearance of the Russian Cephalopod AUV. Graphics by Hisutton.com

Almost all domestic systems of this kind have a review and search function. Various cameras and hydroacoustic stations are used to detect underwater objects. The new project from KTRV uses the same ideas, but implements them with the help of newly developed systems. It is reported that this device receives more advanced optics and control systems from Roselectronics.

A new type of unmanned vehicle is being created for deployment on ships. Its presence should significantly expand the capabilities and potential of minesweepers. Perhaps modern ships will be able to carry and simultaneously use several underwater vehicles, which will allow for additional results.

The unmanned underwater vehicle from KTRV should significantly increase the situational awareness of the carrier ship. The crew will have a new effective means of viewing the underwater situation. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that the device will be equipped not only with cameras, but also with working tools that will further expand the capabilities of the mine countermeasure ship.

Devices of this class can be used not only for monitoring or surveying water areas. They are capable of conducting reconnaissance to prepare for offensive operations or performing other tasks. Perhaps an unmanned device of sufficient size will even be able to lay mines.

Complexes and components

Thus, the Russian defense industry continues to develop promising underwater systems for various purposes. Another similar model has been created, and detailed information about it may be presented in the near future.

At the same time, not only underwater unmanned vehicles are being created, but also various devices for them. A video system with special capabilities was made for the KTRV project, and earlier it was reported that other devices and devices were being developed. In its importance, this area is not inferior to the development of the vehicles themselves. As a result, the promising area is actively developing and is approaching the stage of full-fledged operation of underwater vehicles in the troops.
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  1. -1
    3 February 2025 15: 54
    It will be a means of detecting mines for minesweepers.
  2. +2
    3 February 2025 17: 26
    A source for Izvestia said that the goal of the project was to create an unmanned underwater vehicle with search equipment designed to detect mines.

    How much will this device cost? And how will it "glow", will it happen that a mine will detect the device first and go off?
    1. -1
      3 February 2025 18: 44
      If the mine goes off first, that's acceptable, as long as it doesn't go off under the ship.
      1. +1
        3 February 2025 19: 21
        Well, if you think so, then yes, it is effective. But it seems there was an article about a similar device SeaFox that was demonstrated at the exhibition.
        Question for the creators: The mine defender will detect your device and explode along with it. What will you do against this? The developers' answer: the mine defender costs 20 thousand dollars, our device costs 5. The problem is solved. The photo shows that there are about 20 of these small-sized cheap devices in a cassette on board the minesweeper.
        So the question is about the price and dimensions, how many of these devices, which are actually consumables, can a minesweeper take on board? If the device is made in the format of a torpedo, then not many :(
  3. +1
    3 February 2025 19: 19
    Why not make a review blpa for the submarine? Launch through a torpedo tube, sail away with a sonar, shine where it is not clear who is with the submarine, at the same time it will confuse the enemy, it seemed like the submarine was here and now it has lit up in another place, and we from the carrier submarine listen to where the enemy submarine will give itself away
    1. -1
      4 February 2025 09: 19
      Quote: Not the fighter
      Question for the creators: The mine defender will detect your device and explode along with it

      The task of an underwater drone (like a regular mine detector) is to find a mine, what to do with it. This is a different task, solved by other means.