Wars 2025: Afghanistan-Pakistan, Poland-Belarus, Moldova-Transnistria, Baltic States-Russia, USA-Venezuela

Wars 2025: Afghanistan-Pakistan, Poland-Belarus, Moldova-Transnistria, Baltic States-Russia, USA-Venezuela

Recently, in the material Wars and Armed Conflicts 2025: Iran, Israel, Türkiye, Armenia, Azerbaijan, we looked at possible wars and armed conflicts that could flare up as early as 2025 due to the imperial ambitions of the Turkish “Sultan” Erdogan and the deadly confrontation between Iran and Israel.

However, no less hot spots in 2025 may arise in other regions of the planet, including those “right next door” to our country, and we will talk about them today.


Unexpectedly, at the beginning of 2024, former allies Afghanistan and Pakistan clashed. But what allies? In fact, Pakistan was an ally of Afghanistan only during the Soviet era, and recently their relations can hardly be called friendly.

Border conflicts between Afghanistan and Pakistan have occurred repeatedly, but in 2024 and early 2025, the intensity of hostilities increased significantly.

Taliban supporters carry out terrorist attacks, attack Pakistani border posts and military convoys. Attacks were launched on the port city of Gwadar and the naval base in the city of Turbat, and on January 3, 2025, the Taliban took control of a settlement 24 kilometers from the Afghan-Pakistani border.

Pakistan responds with strikes aviation and plans to conduct a counter-terrorism operation in order to eradicate the Taliban movement (still banned in Russia) “once and for all,” which can hardly be considered an achievable goal.

It is significant that Pakistan is a nuclear power weaponsOf course, at the current level of escalation there is no point in talking about its use, but the seeds of a possible future conflict have been sown, who knows what kind of shoots they will produce?


Recently, information about the preparation of an invasion of Belarus by some "democratic" forces has been increasingly appearing. It is assumed that the invasion could be carried out both from the territory of Ukraine and from the territory of Poland.

It is still unclear what the invasion will look like – in the format of sabotage and reconnaissance groups or a full-scale military operation, like the one that the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) carried out in the Kursk region. It will almost certainly be synchronized with protests and mass riots inside Belarus.

Can someone say that Russia and Belarus are bound by a union treaty, that Alexander Lukashenko threatened to use nuclear weapons in the event of an invasion?

But the Ukrainian Armed Forces invaded Russian territory in the Kursk region - there are no Belarusian troops there yet, so the participation of the Russian Armed Forces in repelling the attack is also an open question. Of course, no one will give Lukashenko nuclear weapons and the Oreshnik IRBM, or rather, they can be deployed on Belarusian territory, but they will be controlled from Russia.

The Belarusian ambassador meets with the new Syrian bandits and gives them 50 MAZ trucks – is this some kind of international madness, handing out your country’s money to God knows who?

Having created a northwestern bridgehead, Russia could have long ago cut Ukraine into two parts, preventing both the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region that had already taken place and a possible future invasion of Belarus, but this did not happen.

Why? Didn't you decide to do it yourself or did the "multi-vector" Alexander Lukashenko not allow it?

Some might say that Russia does not have enough strength for another front, but if at a certain stage we abandoned offensive actions and switched to long-term defense, then reserves could be found, and Ukraine, cut in half, would lose its ability to resist within a few months.


A northwestern bridgehead that would cut Ukraine in two is also necessary for another reason: Transnistria is at risk. The Russian enclave is already under siege, and the situation could worsen at any moment.

Both Moldova and Ukraine can attack Transnistria, but most likely the attack will be carried out from both sides. Without direct Russian intervention, Transnistria will fall very quickly, and it is possible to intervene only by passing Ukraine in parts along a straight line from Belarus.

Of course, on the Moldovan side, military operations will be carried out by the armed forces of NATO countries under Moldovan flags, which need to eliminate the Russian enclave for the final absorption of Moldova by Romania and its inclusion in the NATO bloc.

In turn, Ukraine needs another "victory" in the form of a beautiful "media" victory over Russia, and the bonus will be huge warehouses with ammunition. Despite the fact that most of the ammunition stored in the said warehouses has expired, they can still be used effectively, as we previously discussed in the material Millions of tons of expired ammunition: not disposed of, but put into use.

Explosion of warehouses in Transnistria could be comparable to nuclear

The invasion of Ukraine and NATO forces into Transnistria will lead to a humanitarian catastrophe. After what Ukrainian units and mercenaries did in the Kursk region, hardly anyone will doubt that they will massacre civilians in Transnistria as well.

Baltic States-Russia

We are talking about threats of a naval blockade of Russia voiced by a number of Baltic countries – Sweden, Finland, the Baltic states and others. As a “trial balloon,” the Finnish Navy has already seized a tanker with Russian oil under the far-fetched pretext of damaging underwater cables on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

If we do not reach an agreement with Trump, and he really does introduce new sanctions packages, then the Baltic countries may really decide to blockade our country.

Tanker with Russian oil seized by Finland

We talked about the possibility of this, as well as possible ways to solve this problem, back in December 2022 in the article "Convoys and military transport ships. When will they start arresting Russian oil tankers?".

And you can use unmanned kamikaze boats (UBKs) with no identifying marks, equipped with Starlink communications equipment, to attack military and civilian vessels those countries that participate in attacks on ships carrying Russian cargo.

At the moment, nothing is known about any measures taken by Russia in response to the provocative actions of the Baltic countries, we are again waiting for something that will probably “resolve” itself. If we “wipe it off”, as usual, then soon our ships will be “plucked” all over the world.


Why Venezuela? It's quiet there for now?

It's quiet for now, but given how Trump is planning to clean up America's "backyard," it's possible that Venezuela will be dealt with quickly and harshly, most likely with the help of the intelligence services, with the demonstrative presence of a couple of carrier strike groups.

We won't be able to help Venezuela in any way, it's even strange that the US hasn't "mastered" it yet. It's a pity that all our material investments in this country will most likely go to waste. I wonder if Maduro will be killed or, "possessing phenomenal intuition and instinct", he will manage to escape in time and also move to Russia for permanent residence?

When are you coming to us?

In general, we have some strange urge to invest in assets that we cannot protect later, and as a result we only feed parasites – Russian financial aid and loans to Venezuela amount to billions of US dollars.

It will be especially funny if the weapons that we supplied to Venezuela end up in Ukraine, of course not with us, but with our enemy.

Among those delivered to Venezuela, we have:
- 12 Su-30MKV fighter-bombers;
- 46 Mi-17 transport and combat helicopters;
- 10 Mi-35M transport and combat helicopters;
- 3 heavy transport helicopters Mi-26;
- 12 anti-aircraft missile medium-range air defense missile systems (SAM) Buk-2ME;
- 2 divisions of long-range S-300VM air defense systems;
- 12 short-range air defense systems Tor-M1;
- 2 coastal missile systems "Bal-E" (8 self-propelled launchers);
- 92 tank T-72B1V;
- more than 100 BMP-3M and BMP-3K;
- 114 BTR-80A;
- 48 self-propelled guns "Msta-S";
- 13 self-propelled guns "Nona-SVK";
- 12 MLRS "Smerch".

Well, and all sorts of little things...

Maybe it’s time for Nicolas Maduro to start transferring all of this to Russia, so to speak, as payment for living?

Let's not suffer from our generosity once again...

One possible but unlikely upside to Trump's overseas "pranks" is that the US could focus on the North and South American continents in order to eliminate or minimize China's influence in those regions, and grab more than it can "digest," at least for a while.

Perhaps in this case a “window of opportunity” will arise – to come to an agreement with the US and “divide up” Europe, minimizing the influence of Great Britain.


As we can see, the beginning of 2025 does not promise us anything good. The fact that the conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan may expand is nothing, it is even good, as long as it is far away from us, even if Pakistan “opens the box” of using nuclear weapons, which, however, is extremely unlikely.

Here are Belarus and Transnistria - if these spots become “hot spots”, then our country’s problems will increase many times over.

The robbery of Russian courts will not only have a negative impact on the economy, but will also lower the authority of our country below yet another “baseboard”.

And a “democratized” Venezuela could become a source of a significant amount of weapons for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which they will then use against Russia, especially if Trump and I do not reach an agreement.

There are probably many more potential hot spots – the world is rapidly moving towards a global redistribution of resources and influence, so the fate of the weak will be unenviable.

Russia is weak not because of its army, not because of its technology, and not even because of its economy, but only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.

It's time to change course, and not hope that good Uncle Trump will come and "sort everything out."
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  1. -1
    2 February 2025 04: 09
    Good Uncle Trump today ordered the bombing of Somalia with “precision strikes.” WE WILL FIND YOU AND KILL YOU! he wrote in the media. So much for his promises to “end all wars.” The truth is that in the few days of his rule, he has only deepened the chaos in the world. America has elected a madman, and mad days lie ahead. soldier
    1. +5
      2 February 2025 05: 45
      Quote: Little Bear
      America has elected a madman, and there are mad days ahead.
      These crazy days will come first for Europe and China. But for Mexico and Canada they have already arrived. Denmark and Greenland are eagerly awaiting their turn wink
      1. -2
        2 February 2025 07: 19
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        These crazy days will come first for Europe and China

        To a greater extent for China. Trump will start hitting China with tariffs and pressuring Europe to do the same. If the EEC starts being bullying, then they will raise their tariffs too. China is in a difficult situation, in their desire to conquer the world they did not calculate their capabilities. Xi's usurpation of power has degraded the Chinese elite, ass-kissers have replaced the smart ones...
        1. +4
          2 February 2025 07: 29
          Quote: Puncher
          Trump to start slapping tariffs on China
          The American market is flooded with Chinese products. And if there are draconian duties, then the price will rise, and the American consumer will not like it very much. It's like walking on thin ice here, you can fall through yourself
          1. +4
            2 February 2025 07: 32
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            The American market is flooded with Chinese products.

            That's it.
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            And if there are draconian duties, then the price will rise.

            This is what he is trying to achieve.
            Quote: Dutchman Michel
            and the American consumer won't like it very much

            Of course, that’s why he will start buying what is cheaper, i.e. not Chinese goods.
            China is not a monopolist. Also consider the "kvass patriotism" that has always helped in the fight against imports.
            1. 0
              2 February 2025 16: 10
              Quote: Puncher
              Quote: Dutchman Michel
              and the American consumer won't like it very much

              Of course, that’s why he will start buying what is cheaper, i.e. not Chinese goods.
              China is not a monopolist. Also consider the "kvass patriotism" that has always helped in the fight against imports.

              The only mistake is that American goods will not be cheaper. They will cost the same, but the sour patriotism mixed with advertising will make them competitive.
              1. -2
                2 February 2025 17: 23
                Quote: bot.su
                sour patriotism mixed with advertising will make them competitive

                That's exactly it. The American consumer will either pay more or choose a made-in Vietnam analogue, for example. They will survive in general. But the Chinese manufacturer will go bankrupt because it will not find a sales market like the USA. Nowhere else in the world are there such rich buyers with high consumption demands.
            2. 0
              3 February 2025 07: 23
              Quote: Puncher
              Of course, that’s why he will start buying what is cheaper, i.e. not Chinese goods.
              China is not a monopolist. Also consider the "kvass patriotism" that has always helped in the fight against imports

              During the "Embassy scandal" about 20 years ago - when it turned out that in some US embassies around the world the eagle on the US coat of arms was facing the wrong way - an investigation was conducted. It turned out that the US Foreign Ministry does not have a single coat of arms or a single flag made in the US - everything is made in China. And the US President signed documents that for the Foreign Ministry and the State Department - state symbols must be made exclusively in the US.
              This is about China's dominance in the American market for everything and anything...
      2. +1
        2 February 2025 09: 16
        Quote: Dutchman Michel
        These crazy days will come first for Europe and China. But for Mexico and Canada they have already arrived.

        America has crazy days ahead. Raising duties means rising prices inside the country. And that's inflation. Reducing the number of goods. In order to cope with the commodity deficit, we will have to open or increase production inside the country. This is not even a 5-year task.
        1. +6
          2 February 2025 09: 33
          There will be no "inflation". The US raises duties, the same China reduces selling prices by 10%, and the US receives an increase to cover the budget deficit, and so on down the list. Moreover, we still need to look at the details and exceptions in his decrees. Does this concern enterprises with American capital, if so, at the general rate or not. What share of capital, etc., etc. If the duties work, then the US simply covers the budget deficit, simultaneously reducing government spending as part of administrative reforms.
          1. 0
            2 February 2025 12: 13
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            There will be no "inflation". The US is raising tariffs, while China is reducing its selling prices by 10%.

            China will not lower prices. They will simply be reduced by the tariff when imported into the United States. Manufacturers in China will have a reduced margin. They will simply reduce the supply of goods.
            1. +2
              2 February 2025 12: 42
              Well, they have already reduced prices in negotiations with the EU. The EU differentiated rates on cars, the Chinese reduced prices (10-17%). It will be the same with the US.
              1. -1
                2 February 2025 12: 53
                This has nothing to do with duties. It's just a result of negotiations.
                1. +1
                  2 February 2025 12: 59
                  How could it not have happened? After all, duties were introduced in the end.
                  1. 0
                    2 February 2025 13: 38
                    There is no information about price reduction by the Chinese.
                    1. +1
                      2 February 2025 14: 19
                      Hmm. I don't know what sources you use to get information, but God bless them. March is coming soon and the statistics will come, everything will be visible there.
                      1. 0
                        2 February 2025 23: 10
                        What is the point of them reducing prices themselves if they will pay "15%" in duties at customs. As a result, the goods will become more expensive by this amount in the country where they are imported. Demand will decrease. Duties play a protective role for domestic producers.
                      2. 0
                        3 February 2025 10: 19
                        That's exactly why you wrote about it.
          2. +1
            2 February 2025 20: 10
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            The US is raising tariffs, while China is cutting its selling prices by 10%,

            And raises them by 30% for the Russian Federation laughing
            1. +2
              2 February 2025 20: 19
              By the way, it doesn't really raise it. Our relatives do it all. The logic is simple, in Russia they buy cars, instead of making their own, we introduce additional fees and the budget is in the black. Accounting-wise, everything is just great.
              What is the price of an imported car based on the example of the Chinese Jetta VA3 sedan from January 1, 2025.

              The price of this car in China (900 thousand rubles) is only 35% of its cost in Russia (2,56 million rubles).

              - customs duty 8,5 thousand rubles
              - customs duty 135 thousand rubles
              - 20% VAT 209 thousand rubles
              - excise tax 8,7 thousand rubles
              - recycling fee 667,4 thousand rubles
              - delivery 350 thousand rubles
              - 6% distributor margin 160 thousand rubles
              - 5% dealer margin 120 thousand rubles.

              The accounting elite rules
              1. +1
                2 February 2025 20: 23
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                By the way, it doesn't really raise it.

                Slow down Mikhail (good evening). I have a rough idea of ​​how car and petrol prices are calculated. I just decided to joke. laughing
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                The accounting elite rules
                1. 0
                  2 February 2025 20: 32
                  I have never imported cars, so I share what my colleagues kindly post. But you must agree that the total burden of +-75%% to the FCA price is simply divine. Although why is it divine? Protective duties are not bad. But not in our case, because they are already making their own creations to suit the consumer price. They do not make it better, no. They raise the price of what is being sold in order to raise the price of what is "so-so being sold" to the maximum. To make it competitive... But why?
                  I’m not against barriers, I’m not against the approach.
                  However, you wrote about gasoline, it is very convenient to collect accounting duties and send them to gasoline producers for compensation. Am I exaggerating? Yes, but in general this is exactly the approach.
                  Yes, don't find fault with Incoterms in this case, it's just that in this case specific case + delivery laughing It's already evening winked
                  1. +1
                    2 February 2025 20: 44
                    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                    Prohibitive duties are not a bad thing. But not in our case, because they are already making up their own creations for the consumer price. They are not making it better, no. They are raising the price of what is being sold in order to raise the price of what is being sold "so-so" to the maximum. To do something competitive... But why?

                    So I completely agree with you on this issue. request
                    1. +1
                      2 February 2025 20: 46
                      Got it, it's just me being slow on a Sunday night. wink hi
  2. -2
    2 February 2025 04: 09
    The conclusion is some kind of generalized about weakness. Does the author have any specific assumptions about who the next Leopold the Cat is?
    1. +7
      2 February 2025 05: 31
      Russia is weak not because of its army, not because of its technology, and not even because of its economy, but only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.
      It's clear who Leopold the Cat is...
      1. 0
        2 February 2025 07: 18
        hi Yes, it was rhetorical... but you can see how many Leopolds there are here laughing
      2. -3
        2 February 2025 10: 25
        Bolshevism is the essence of Russian civilization.

        Quote from Uncle Lee
        It's clear who Leopold the Cat is...

        What does Leopold the Cat have to do with it? It's not Leopold, it's Cat-SVR.

        In the world today there are three established civilizations:
        - Western, led by the USA;
        - Eastern, dominated by China;
        - and Russian, as a state.

        At the end of the last century, rats captured the Russian civilization and laid it to be devoured by the rat king of Western civilization. At the beginning of this century, from the depths of Russian civilization, the Cat-SVR emerged, who had worked inside Western civilization for a long time and knew everything about them. And he began to exterminate the little rats in his house with the help of the rat King, who was very irritated by the Cat-SVR. The Rat King began to crush his little rats here so that they would bite the Cat-SVR to death. It didn't work. Then he declared war on the Russian civilization, but he didn't fight himself, but sent other little rats to war, whom he had been raising since the Battle of Poltava, who betrayed Peter the Great and settled in Bindery. That's what they were later called - Binderites, who went to the Sultan to be fed, but in return the Sultan demanded that they supply him with their compatriots as slaves...

        But here too he had a bummer, they couldn't cope with our grown-up cats. Then the rat king asked for a truce, to lick his wounds and change tactics - instead of a whip, he wants to strangle in an embrace...

        Civilizations cannot be destroyed by force, They can only be destroyed from within.
        1. +3
          2 February 2025 19: 01
          not Bindery, but Bendery - a city in Transnistria. Bendery is the oldest city in Transnistria, which was first mentioned in written documents in 1408.

          By the end of the 15th century, a fortress already existed on the elevated bank of the Dniester near the settlement – ​​in the future, one of the largest fortifications in this region of Europe. In 1538, the Ottoman Empire began a large-scale reconstruction of the fortress, and until 1812, Bender remained a Turkish city, until it was once and for all ceded to the Russian Empire by the Bucharest Peace Treaty.

          For more than six centuries, the city and fortress have seen dozens of wars and battles - in memory of the heroic history, Bendery bears the title of "City of Military Glory". The last time the fortress served the city's defenders for its intended purpose was in 1992. A separate scientific and information publication is dedicated to the history of Bendery and the city fortress - "Bendery Fortress. A Living Symbol of History".

          Today Bender is the second largest city in Transnistria, a powerful industrial and cultural center of the republic, and the largest railway junction.
          The population of Bender is 91 people.
          Banderites are the name of the members of the faction of the "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists", which was led by Stepan Bandera from 1940 to 1959.
          1. +1
            2 February 2025 20: 16
            Quote: begemot20091
            Not Bindery, but Bendery - a city in Transnistria.

            You did a great job of "face on the table" good
      3. man
        2 February 2025 11: 10
        Quote: Uncle Lee
        Russia is weak not because of its army, not because of its technology, and not even because of its economy, but only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.
        It's clear who Leopold the Cat is...

        We just need to urgently change the cat's name... as part of the fight against import substitution
        1. man
          2 February 2025 12: 37
          Quote: mann
          Quote: Uncle Lee
          Russia is weak not because of its army, not because of its technology, and not even because of its economy, but only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.
          It's clear who Leopold the Cat is...

          We just need to urgently change the cat's name... as part of the fight against import substitution

          of course, there is no struggle "с", but "behind" import substitution smile
  3. +6
    2 February 2025 04: 17
    More and more often, information appears about preparations for an invasion of the territory of Belarus by certain “democratic” forces.

    The scenario has been worked out in Syria... first they will seize a piece of territory somewhere in the Brest region... they will bring Tikhanovskaya or another front figure there, and she will then announce a liberation campaign against Lukashenko. request
    In general, the enemy is preparing to fight us and our allies on all fronts.
    But what worries me most is not them, but the position of the Kremlin, which is trying to appease the aggressors by drawing red lines and making dire warnings that no one takes seriously anymore.
    The situation around our country is bad, very bad.
    1. +7
      2 February 2025 09: 01
      Why should the US fight Belarus (the EU won't go without their assistance)? Let's proceed from reality - we have a capitalist world, where the main thing is profit... what is the benefit of attacking Belarus? Resources? We don't have any... Territory - what is it for? To deprive the Russian Federation of an ally? And what does this ally give the Russian Federation to even start a war - and with the Russian Federation, which is in a military alliance? To put Tikhanovskaya in charge? And is she Trump's illegitimate daughter, to start a whole war for her sake? There is no point... none at all... because - really, Batka doesn't bother anyone, in fact, otherwise sanctions like the Russian ones would have already been imposed on him, at the very least... In the article, from real conflicts, in my opinion, only Pakistan-Afghanistan, the rest is owl-globe...
      1. -1
        3 February 2025 07: 29
        Quote: Level 2 Advisor
        Batka doesn't bother anyone, in fact, otherwise sanctions like the Russian ones would have been imposed on him, at the very least.

        Belarus has been under sanctions for a long time, about 20 years. Less than ours, of course. lol - but RB is also smaller
        1. -1
          3 February 2025 12: 35
          Quote: your1970
          Less than ours of course, but RB is also smaller

          interesting dependence - the number of sanctions depending on the size laughing
          1. -1
            3 February 2025 13: 19
            Quote: 2 level advisor
            Quote: your1970
            Less than ours of course, but RB is also smaller

            interesting dependence - the number of sanctions depending on the size laughing

            Naturally, there are fewer bosses (on whom personal sanctions can be imposed) and enterprises belay
  4. +3
    2 February 2025 05: 40
    Yes, we will crush all enemies (colleagues and partners) with "good will" and red lines, and if there aren't enough lines, the next ones along the spectrum will follow, right up to the ultraviolet. This will win.
  5. +2
    2 February 2025 05: 43
    The gift of MAZs to the equally incomprehensible bogeymen is not entirely clear. For what purpose?
    1. +1
      2 February 2025 13: 13
      I think that there was a secret bargaining between Russia and the new Syrian authorities. Lukashenko gives 50 buses, and Syria allows Russian transport to the port, where they will load the property of two Russian bases in Syria. After all, the transport was not allowed into the port and it was hanging out in the open sea. In a couple of months it will become clear. This is all similar to the two previous cases, when they exchanged a terrorist with a plane in Machulishchi for a sick priest from Ukraine at the request of the Patriarch. So there Lukashenko traded for two more seriously wounded Russian soldiers. And the second case was the exchange of a German sentenced to death in Belarus for a Russian intelligence officer, he was shown when Putin met the plane with them. So Lukashenko is wrong not to do this, because Belarus does not have any particular interests in Syria.
    2. 0
      2 February 2025 13: 46
      To make friends)
  6. 0
    2 February 2025 05: 53
    The West is leading the war in Ukraine. But at the same time, it does not want to get burned by this fire. For me, there is only one truth. If Europe gets Poland involved in the war against Belarus, then my doubts will disappear. Old Europe wants to strike at all of Slavdom. This is their ancient dream. Its embodiment has been since the time of Hitler. Transnistria will remain a dangerous point. But the Ukrainian Armed Forces are unlikely to agree to cross this line. Too many problems, and the results are a puff.
  7. -2
    2 February 2025 06: 34
    Russia is weak not because of its army, not because of its technology, and not even because of its economy, but only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.
    It's time to change course, and not hope that good Uncle Trump will come and "sort everything out."

    From the comments to the article "Negotiations on Ukraine: "for" and "against""
    Quote: Aristarkh Ludwigovich
    The Tsar and the boyars must meet two contradictory conditions. To pour billions of money into military might and at the same time maintain the standard of living, so that citizens do not then scream from inflation, deficit and unemployment, as happened in WWI. Therefore, agreements are as inevitable a part of modern warfare as missile attacks. Those who start shouting that Stalin and Hitler did not agree are idiots. Stalin and Hitler didn't agree, but you don't plan to live on a ration of 150 grams of bread a day like in Leningrad
  8. 0
    2 February 2025 07: 13
    Most of the above will not happen. Pakistan is on the verge of bankruptcy, "friendship" with China has brought the country to its knees. By the way, this is a good example for everyone who wants to be friends with it. The Taliban are not capable of waging a large-scale war, they have no resources and nowhere to get them from.
    But comrade Maduro should reserve a house in Havana. Trump seems to have decided to make some noise in Latin America.
  9. +4
    2 February 2025 07: 25
    There are probably many more potential hot spots – the world is rapidly moving towards a global redistribution of resources and influence, so the fate of the weak will be unenviable.

    "There will be phlegm!" (from the film "Intervention"). True, one person wrote about all this 115 years ago. They say that imperialism is the last stage of capitalism, which will lead humanity to destruction if it is not destroyed.
    1. +1
      2 February 2025 17: 28
      Quote: parusnik
      115 years ago, one person wrote: They say that imperialism is the last stage of capitalism, which will lead humanity to destruction if it is not destroyed.

      If only he knew that one of the imperialist countries would be... the People's Republic of China, led by communists! One of the largest imperialist powers is led by communists! His hair would have grown to stand on end for that...
      1. +2
        2 February 2025 18: 38
        1) The concentration of production and capital, which has reached such a high level of development that it has created monopolies that play a decisive role in economic life... Do monopolies play a decisive role in the PRC? Have they subdued the CPC?
        2) The merger of banking capital with industrial capital and the creation of a financial oligarchy on the basis of this "financial capital". Do the oligarchs play a decisive role? Did they remove the CPC from power? And it seems they should have.
        3) The export of capital is more important than the export of goods. Is Chinese capital fleeing the country in orderly rows and columns?
        4) Formation of international monopolistic unions of capitalists, carrying out the redivision of the world. This is the main question, has the PRC really become an ally of the USA and Europe or the PRC, in alliance with Russia in the redivision of the world... and what are we dividing?
        5) The end of the territorial division of the land by the largest capitalist powers. The end of the division has not yet come, while the redistribution is still ongoing.
        1. +1
          2 February 2025 20: 26
          1. There are no monopolies in China? For example, Huawei is a monopoly on telecommunications equipment in China, Alibaba is a monopoly on e-commerce. Didn't know?
          2. What is there is plenty of, it is a financial oligarchy, among which there are plenty of oligarchs with CPC membership cards in their pockets. For example, Jack Ma.
          3. China is one of the leaders in capital export. For China, capital export is the most important tool for increasing its influence in the world. Not just influence, but enslavement of the debtor country with subsequent exploitation of its resources. Like Tajikistan, for example.
          4. China is creating alliances with global capitals. For example, an alliance with Volkswagen for car production. And often it simply buys up large companies, for example Nokia, Volvo. It is the struggle for the redistribution of the world market that has become the cause of the confrontation with the USA.
          5. China is not above dividing land. It bit off part of the Russian Federation, part of Tajikistan.
          Took the Paracel Islands from Vietnam. But for China this is not the main thing, the main thing is subordination and enslavement. Only a blind person does not notice China's expansion into Africa.
          1. +1
            2 February 2025 21: 16
            There are no monopolies in China? For example, Huawei is a monopoly on telecommunications equipment in China, Alibaba is a monopoly on e-commerce. Didn't know?...
            Do monopolies play a decisive role in China? Have they crushed the CPC? - for some reason you ignored this.
            2. What is there is plenty of, it is a financial oligarchy, among which there are plenty of oligarchs with CPC membership cards in their pockets. For example, Jack Ma.
            Oligarchs, do they play a decisive role? Did they remove the CPC from power? And it seems like they should..ignore again, write about something else.
            China is one of the leaders in capital export. For China, capital export is the most important tool for increasing its influence in the world. Not just influence, but enslavement of the debtor country with subsequent exploitation of its resources. Like Tajikistan, for example.

            Don't forget that China is surrounded by enemies, semi-capitalist Tajikistan is the same enemy for it, it's not worth fighting with it and the like, it's easier to win economically... Which is what China is doing.
            China is busy creating alliances with global capitals. For example, an alliance with Volkswagen
            Don't distort things. China is dividing the world with the Germans? We are talking about military alliances directed against someone. Are you so naive that you believe in honest bourgeois democracy? That in capitalist countries, the representatives of workers and farmers are in power?
            China is not above dividing up land. It bit off part of the Russian Federation, part of Tajikistan.

            So he actually bit it off? And no one knew.. Don't make me laugh.. According to our leadership, they straightened the border.. As later with Norway, the Russian Federation, gave away the shelf at Spitsbergen.. Under Medvedev.. President and Prime Minister Putin..
            Same thing with Tajikistan... and also in debt, up to their necks in debt.
            Paracel Islands. At the end of 1973, when the regime of the Republic of Vietnam ruling in Saigon was on the verge of defeat in the Vietnam War, China decided to establish its sovereignty over that part of the disputed Paracel Islands (in China they were called the Nansha and Xisha Islands), which were controlled by the South Republic of Vietnam. Like, they helped North Vietnam fight the South. That's how they took it away. They refuse to return it, saying that they helped you and it didn't belong to you then.
            I'm ending our dispute, you're distorting, ignoring something, moving on to something else... Pretending that you don't understand... Good luck to you...
  10. 0
    2 February 2025 08: 18
    Russia is weak... due to indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.
    request Who argues. request
    1. +2
      2 February 2025 09: 09
      If Russia is weak only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions, then what is its strength? In one hand, "Oreshnik", in the other, a nuclear shield. And what else?
  11. +5
    2 February 2025 08: 57
    If we "wipe ourselves" as usual, then soon our ships will be "plucked" all over the world.

    Russia is weak not because of its army, not because of its technology, and not even because of its economy, but only because of its indecisiveness and unwillingness to make tough but effective decisions.
    Not "we'll wipe it off", nor "Russia is weak". This problem has names and surnames.
    1. +7
      2 February 2025 09: 11
      This problem has first and last names.
      Capitalism...and raw materials capitalism at that.
  12. -13
    2 February 2025 09: 23
    Bolshevism is the essence of Russian civilization.

    Quote: A. Mitrofanov
    It's time to change course, and not hope that good Uncle Trump will come and "sort everything out."

    Before changing course, it is necessary to change the elite. This is what Putin is doing today, having organized the training of management personnel on the platform "Time of Heroes", who will work for Russia and in the name of Russia. The participants of "Time of Heroes" have proven their love for the Motherland with their blood.

    Quote: Million
    Not "we'll wipe it off", nor "Russia is weak". This problem has names and surnames.

    One of them is D.A. Medvedev. The other is Shakhidzadovna.
    1. 0
      2 February 2025 11: 08
      He changed the elite, he himself told about rowing on kayaks and canoes. Now this is his elite.
      1. -2
        2 February 2025 11: 38
        All power to the Soviets of People's Deputies!
        Quote: Gardamir
        He changed the elite, he himself told about rowing on kayaks and canoes. Now this is his elite.

        We have three organizations that provide management knowledge and prepare management personnel for the country. These are:
        - HSE (commonly known as lice), which trains personnel in the interests of the West;
        - "Senezh", which trains personnel in the interests of local oligarchs;
        - "Heroes of Russia", which trains personnel in the interests of the Russian state, the first graduation of which has already taken place. The process is ongoing and it can no longer be stopped.

        After the change of the elite, the Constitution (Basic Law) will also be changed, followed by amendments to all legislative acts.
        1. +2
          2 February 2025 18: 14
          Boris, you are an ideal voter. We need more of you. fellow
          You are the hope and support, simply the armor and axe of our elite - the best of the best, without a doubt! fellow
    2. +5
      2 February 2025 12: 51
      And they are all great friends, like-minded people and protégés of the oligarchs, whose leader is the guarantor of raw material capitalism in Russia.
      P.S.: Boris, don't discredit Bolshevism. There are young people on the site who are not well-versed. What will they think of us after your comments?
      1. -4
        3 February 2025 07: 38
        Quote: Essex62
        Boris, do not discredit Bolshevism.

        No one in the world can discredit Bolshevism more than the Bolsheviks themselves - they gave the entire country over to the capitalists.
        Because those present here beat their chests with their heels, “Yes, we are for socialism, we are real...” nothing will change - the reputation is tarnished.
        1. +3
          3 February 2025 09: 29
          Those who gave it away were not Bolsheviks. They were opportunists who had wormed their way into the CPSU for perks. Should I answer for them? Fire me. And then, before whom was it tarnished? Before you, the profiteers and speculators? It is not for you to hang labels. The people will still hold you accountable.
          1. -4
            3 February 2025 10: 30
            Quote: Essex62
            Adaptors who have wormed their way into the CPSU for perks.

            16 million opportunists for goodies??

            Quote: Essex62
            And then, in front of whom was it tarnished?
            - before people who saw everything - how "opportunists who wormed their way into the party for perks" betrayed the country.

            Quote: Essex62
            People will still ask you questions.
            When people ask, I will remind the people that the country was betrayed by the CPSU ALL with its members. But I am sure that our people are adequate and understand this perfectly well.

            And the fact that today's Marxists of all stripes are not capable of going to prison/being shot for the people and the idea - the people also see
            1. +2
              3 February 2025 10: 41
              And who will listen to your explanations? The rest of what you wrote here does not concern me. I have not changed my principles.
              1. -2
                3 February 2025 11: 00
                Quote: Essex62
                And who will listen to your explanations?

                It doesn't matter at all - they'll shoot you, that's your fate.
                It's enough for me that I know who is to blame for the USSR's failure. And it's not MI6 or the CIA, no way - countries always perish from within. Regardless of whether you changed your principles or not, it won't affect the fate of the country in any way.

                Z. Y.
                But for some reason I am sure that there will be no revolutions in the next 50 years....
                1. +2
                  3 February 2025 11: 04
                  I know too. Boys speculating in books wassat

                  Optimist laughing Russia will not survive 50 years of raw material capitalism.
                  1. -2
                    3 February 2025 11: 30
                    Quote: Essex62
                    I know too. Boys speculating in books wassat

                    Optimist laughing Russia will not survive 50 years of raw material capitalism.

                    Well, I lived longer under raw materials socialism, but they gave up...
                    If a revolution happens - in theory this is possible in the event of a loss in war or foreign invasion (as was the case in All revolutions of the 20th century except Cuba) - 1) Russia will become even smaller, 2) citizens with "pre-revolutionary experience" will be quickly shot by the second wave of revolutionaries, and they - by the third. No country has yet escaped this.
                    So they'll spank me, then you - or vice versa...
                    And this is not important in principle - because Russia in the form we know will cease to exist.

                    Quote: Essex62
                    I know too. Boys speculating in books
                    Classic - where would it be without a label? He hung it up and it was immediately clear - a Trotskyist, a draft dodger, and Shepilov, who had joined them...
                    1. +1
                      3 February 2025 15: 21
                      Raw materials socialism? Who are you trying to sell the era of pluralism and dreams of unlimited speculation to? The USSR produced everything from galoshes to the space shuttle.
                      Don't even hope. In the last century, they thought the same. But the Bolsheviks broke everyone, stood firm, won and created a state of the worker. And it will be like that again. The stupid thirst for profit and contempt for people will bury you, the bourgeoisie.
                      1. -2
                        3 February 2025 15: 40
                        Quote: Essex62
                        The USSR produced everything from galoshes to the space shuttle.

                        I'm embarrassed to ask - why the hell did he build gas and oil pipelines in NATO? NATO didn't take galoshes and space shuttles - only gas?
                        They didn't send raw materials to Hitler, but rather in exchange for machine tools?
                        How did they pay England for Derwent? In pounds for the timber they received? The English miners had great respect for the Soviet timber used in the mines - exported according to the Northern GOST.
                        Look at the statistics of the USSR's exports to Western countries and you will see the main mass there - raw materials.
                        They brought everything to their own people in the social camp (often for free) - but the country desperately needed currency. Which could only be earned for raw materials...

                        Quote: Essex62
                        And the Bolsheviks broke everyone, stood firm, won and created a state of the worker. And it will be like this again.
                        - after what it will be - I described above
                        Quote: your1970
                        If a revolution happens - in theory this is possible in this case losing the war or foreign invasion (as it was in All revolutions of the 20th century except Cuba)
                      2. +1
                        4 February 2025 03: 51
                        There is no need to be shy. They took gas, and what's wrong with that? We were not at war with NATO countries, the Cold War is just a term expressing the extreme opposition of two systems, but not a BD. And besides gas, we bought a lot of things from the Union. For you profiteers, the West is the center of the universe, you pray to it. They didn't buy galoshes from us, so what? I don't care, it's worse for them. Look how your guarantor advertised them.
                        And why did you think that the country really needed currency? Well, yes, there were items that were not produced in the USSR. But the country provided for 99% of its needs independently. If you throw out consumer goods and the burgeoning bourgeoisie, there were no problems. There was enough of everything for the life of industry and people.
                        And the shortage of consumer goods, as a rule, was deliberately created by the traders themselves. When workers' control died out and the Politburo became withered and tired.
                        The Hitler thing is complete nonsense. Germany was not an enemy then, and industrialization required machine tools and equipment. It was right that they exchanged them for resources and grain.
                        Trade turnover in the CMEA was by no means free. The countries of the socialist camp had something to give in exchange to the Union. Well, yes, they gave more than they received in exchange. And how do you want to control and maintain the buffer? On bare slogans? You didn't sit on the Old Square.

                        It is possible not to bring it to defeat. On the eve of the previous one, the fighters "politely" asked to leave the towers of Ebna. Let's draw conclusions.
                      3. -2
                        4 February 2025 07: 32
                        Quote: Essex62
                        There's no need to be embarrassed. You took gas, and what's wrong with that?

                        Quote: Essex62
                        The Hitler thing is complete nonsense. Germany was not an enemy then, and industrialization required machine tools and equipment. It was right that they exchanged them for resources and grain.

                        Just now you were angry:
                        Quote: Essex62
                        Сraw material socialism?
                        Have you changed your shoes?
                        Or under socialism, to pump gas - there were Soviet gas molecules, and now the damned capitalist ones? lol

                        Why deny the obvious - then and now our exports to the West were raw materials, we could not and cannot offer the West anything commercial.

                        Quote: Essex62
                        And why did you decide that the country is like this? really really hot Did you need currency? Well, yes, there were items that were not produced in the USSR.
                        For example, grain purchased in the USA and Canada - it why It was impossible to buy for rubles.
                        For example, "serial" (a series of 1 piece lol lol lol to bypass COCOM) Toshiba supercomputer.
                        The Caterpillars purchased in the USA for the planned river reversal (we had one in PMK) - they were also not sold for rubles.
                        And so on, the list is very long - in addition to the banal consumer goods.
                        And from the socialist camp the only income was in goods - they also had no currency....

                        Quote: Essex62
                        It is possible not to bring it to defeat. On the eve of the previous one, the fighters "politely" asked to leave the towers of Ebna. Let's draw conclusions.
                        - and you hope for socialism in such a situation? Don't make me laugh© - you are a reasonable person, you have read Lenin with his "Only defeat in war..."...
                        The maximum that will happen is if a good statesman comes...
                        and it would be good to follow women's logic, and not men's from the old joke about the dinosaur on Nevsky
                      4. +1
                        4 February 2025 11: 29
                        They started singing their song again. Why did we have to offer them anything? Well, they didn't want to take from us, so to hell with them. We lived in our own world, and the bourgeoisie doesn't give a damn about them. They're behind the fence.
                        Well, what do you want to say with this? I wrote that there were positions not produced in the Union. Super bulldozers or computers, those first generations, is this critical for the existence of the country?
                        Lenin's theses about "defeat" are from the last century. He was oriented towards the current moment. And today is the 21st. Not everything he wrote is relevant in modern conditions.
  13. +1
    2 February 2025 10: 17
    Tutte queste ipotesi sono giuste ma speriamo che non si avvereranno.E'arrivata l 'ora di prendere decisioni importanti che sul momento potrebbero sembrare rischiose ma con il tempo si mostreranno valide.Non bisogna continuare ad essere indecisi oa perdere tempo sperando che altri risolvano le nostre"problematiche". La prima deve essere l'eliminazione di quel cancro che è al potere in Ukraine per il bene della Russia e per quegli ucraini che non vogliono morire inutilmente.
  14. +6
    2 February 2025 10: 52
    It's time to change course, and not hope that good Uncle Trump will come and "sort everything out."
    Well, it looks like that's what he's hoping for. Then, before the New Year, he'll make a speech in the style of "...I'm tired, I'm leaving...", and hand over the reins of power to... T.B. Yumasheva, (née Yeltsina). She's registered as his adviser according to her work record book. lol Therefore, the author does not need illusions - they will give up everything, as always! 30 years of betrayal, theft of the country in everything, or in all parameters will continue... How to change this, the question is rhetorical. Maybe Caliber will answer...? bully
    1. -3
      3 February 2025 07: 53
      Quote: Radikal
      It's time to change course, and not hope that good Uncle Trump will come and "sort everything out."
      Well, it looks like that's what he's hoping for. Then, before the New Year, he'll make a speech in the style of "...I'm tired, I'm leaving...", and hand over the reins of power to... T.B. Yumasheva, (née Yeltsina). She's registered as his adviser according to her work record book. lol Therefore, the author does not need illusions - they will give up everything, as always! 30 years of betrayal, theft of the country in everything, or in all parameters will continue... How to change this, the question is rhetorical. Maybe Caliber will answer...? bully

      The more I read VO, the more seriously I begin to treat the "old Leninist guard". The people were swarming, trying to break through to power, to organize the people - and all this in the presence of complex Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR of 1926, with the death penalty being applied in a very real way.
      And the current ones, well...
  15. 0
    2 February 2025 12: 05
    At this stage, the primary goals declared by the US President are: 1) Greenland, 2) Canada; 3) Panama; 4) Mexico. When they develop them, then we can talk about Venezuela.
    1. +2
      2 February 2025 13: 15
      Or as the English politician said, after the ceasefire in Ukraine the following points of confrontation with the West will arise: the Arctic, the Baltic Sea, Kaliningrad, Belarus, Transnistria and the Black Sea.
  16. +1
    2 February 2025 12: 22
    Let's see, it's not that obvious.
    The same Venezuela is strong enough not to try to "spilt blood" and especially to solve the issue by blackmail. Considering how the Yankees are "loved" on the South American continent, now here is loyal Columbia, which was humiliated in the face, we can get a guerrilla war for many decades, which no Delta Force will be able to calm down.
    Chavez-Maduro is not Assad and certainly not Yanukovych, he won't run. If only we could send Leonkov there on a business trip.
    Has China collapsed/will it collapse?
    Yeah, so we "collapse" like that. True, if our economy suddenly started to grow, maybe not by 20%, but by 7%, Elvira would have introduced a 200% rate without a doubt. To target our stagnation.
    Taliban - I think they should be aimed at Syria via Iran in order to stop ISIS and Al-Qaeda there, because these fugitive Tajiks, Uzbeks, Uyghurs and other "Khorosans" will definitely come to Afghanistan, Central Asia is their main and true goal.
  17. +8
    2 February 2025 13: 21
    The healthy part of the article ended with a description of the Afghan-Pakistani confrontation.
    Accusations against Lukashenko that he did not support us during the invasion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into the Kursk region - does the author know for sure that we asked Belarus for this and it refused? Obviously, he has no way of knowing about this, I can only assume that the author is not aware that the Russian Federation should have asked the Belarusians for help, if this did not happen, then the reproaches are meaningless.
    What kind of cutting of Ukraine into two parts? We have been fighting for months near small towns, and Mitrofanov sees all the tank pincers in the style of WWII. The Ukrainian Armed Forces, by the way, have concentrated large forces on the border with Belarus, so they have something to repel an attack from there. And for us there is no particular sense in going there - there are already enough fronts, and it took them a long time to transfer reinforcements to the same Kursk region.
    Venezuela - the author scared himself, got scared himself, started to figure out how to get out of the situation he had created.
  18. +7
    2 February 2025 13: 54
    Yes, in Venezuela the opposition will soon become the power, you don't need to go to a granny to find out. Well, the reasons are simple - the level of our foreign policy is kindergarten. We lost everything we could and everywhere.
    1. -1
      3 February 2025 07: 55
      Quote from: newtc7
      Well, the reasons are simple - the level of our foreign policy is kindergarten.

      So Maduro himself is zero? However.....
  19. -1
    2 February 2025 15: 29
    Apparently we will die soon, the apocalypse is approaching. God will not allow the destruction of the planet. So I advise you to think about your existence.
  20. +2
    2 February 2025 18: 13
    Pakistan was an ally of Afghanistan only during the Soviet era

    An ally of the mujahideen, not Afghanistan.
    Actually, you got what you wanted. Now eat.
  21. +2
    3 February 2025 12: 05
    Russia is weak first of all because of its liberal government, which wants to be friends with the West. Therefore, do not trust Putin, he will deceive you, just like with retirement. Are there really still naive people after SVO and Kursk who believe in this constant blah-blah? I am not offended for Russia, because non-Russians are in power there.