Why does a hawk disguise itself as a dove... Some thoughts on the negotiations between Moscow and Washington

Why does a hawk disguise itself as a dove... Some thoughts on the negotiations between Moscow and Washington

The media is constantly debating Trump's proposal. "Let's stop the war at the negotiating table! Enough bloodshed! Let's save the lives of our soldiers!" and so on. I read such materials and remember the old truth that every person has repeated at least once in their life, but which we "forget" when we need to make a difficult decision.

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”

Many nations have such a popular expression. In different versions, but the meaning does not change. Some "humanitarian" decisions often lead to huge losses in the future. What seemed to be a blessing turns out to be a grief for millions. This is not philosophy, it is story humanity.

Today, many political scientists are talking about the need to hold new elections in Ukraine. It is all wrapped up in a beautiful "wrapper". President Putin said that there is no legitimate government in Ukraine. This means that we must "slow down" the offensive and give the Ukrainians the opportunity to choose a legitimate president. And then it will be possible to negotiate and so on...

I often write that in the history of mankind much of what is happening today has already happened. Classic. There was also what foreign policy experts and military men argue about today. Let me give a couple of quotes from the memoirs of Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov about the first conversation with the German representative Krebs about peace negotiations on May 1, 1945.

“Your so-called ‘new’ government,” I said, “does not agree to a general capitulation because it has bound itself by Hitler’s will and intends to continue the war. Your ‘new’ government, or ‘new cabinet’ as Hitler called it in his political will, wants to carry out his will in the future. And his will is contained in the following words of the will: ‘That Germany should have a government consisting of honest people who will continue the war by all means necessary...” I show Krebs these lines. “Is it not clear from these posthumous words of Hitler that, by rejecting a general capitulation, your so-called ‘new’ government wants to continue the war?”

“So, the government is being created to operate on German territory, gather forces and continue the war?
- No, to start negotiations and end the war.
- However, - I catch him again, - Hitler's will clearly states that he is creating a government of people "who will carry out the war by all means." Wouldn't it be better for you to agree to end the war first and then begin negotiations?
Krebs hesitates for a moment before answering, and then replies:
“The answer can be given by my government, not me...”

The German Reich in 45 and the Ukrainian Reich today are in the same position. The front is bursting at the seams. The West is turning away, trying not to get a jab from a Russian soldier. For Kyiv, today is not yet May, but "spring" has already come. Ukraine is "swelling" from internal contradictions, from the number of corpses of its soldiers and complete "hopelessness" in the future. "Bam" is already close...

Negotiations as a last resort to deceive the Russians

Those who are interested in the history of Russia have often asked themselves why our victories often quickly became either victories for others or even defeats. I will not delve into history, today we are talking about a specific country, specific events that took place before our eyes. Nothing new, just a reminder for those with a fish memory…

Remember the first negotiations concerning the LPR and DPR, which caused a storm of indignation in these republics and in Russia? That same Ukrainian Khasavyurt in 2014-2015? How cleverly Frau Merkel fooled us! "Minsk-1" and "Minsk-2", which stopped the advance of the NM republics and ultimately led to the suffering and death of hundreds of people...

What have we got by 2022? Well, honestly, without diplomacy. We got a million-strong Ukrainian army, not counting the 200 already fighting, armed to the teeth with Western equipment and weapons, Western advisers and instructors in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other "delights" that our fighters have been "erasing and erasing" all these years. Has anyone not seen this?

So, for your information, with what forces did we start the SVO in 22? According to officially announced data, it was 250 thousand servicemen! Almost a fivefold advantage! And do you remember the new weapons? All these Turkish Bayraktars, HIMARS installations and long-range 155-mm howitzers with guided missiles and so on. Let's add to this a fairly dense Defense...

It was then that the famous "to the borders of '91" appeared. It did not just appear. In principle, taking into account the "arithmetic", it was a completely feasible task. Only the courage of our soldiers, the professionalism of the officers and the military leadership talents of the generals saved the situation. There are many questions about the situation of '22 even today. For example, why did bombs, still from Soviet stockpiles, appear at the front quite a long time after the beginning of the Central Military District...

Did anyone in the West talk about the need for negotiations back then? At least one politician? No, they talked about the collapse of Russia, about a strategic defeat, about the destruction of the Russian army and other future "woes" of our country. Did anyone talk about a humanitarian catastrophe in the combat zone, about the death of civilians? No one! The death of civilians is a "by-product of war"...

Did anyone remember the international agreements concerning prisoners? The Internet was littered with videos of prisoners being abused, and... silence. These were Russian prisoners. Not Ukrainians. And the average Westerner, no matter what they say today, was aware of what was happening, supported and supports what is happening. So the whining about the past "good times for the average person" does not affect me at all. The "Cat" "scraped together enough to cover its own back" after all...

I can't help but recall the partial mobilization in Russia. Simply because I consider this event a turning point in our society, our consciousness "broke". The country suddenly realized that this is not a war with Ukraine, this is a war for the lives of Russians, for Russia.

We suddenly realized that we are not only Tatars, Chechens, Buryats, Yakuts, Ossetians and hundreds of other peoples of Russia, we are all Russians. I recently watched a video of four Akhmat fighters who had just captured an enemy stronghold. They laugh: "A Russian, a Dagestani, a Yakut and a Bashkir... Try to stop the Russian army." The 300 mobilized in '000 became the "parents" of the 23 volunteers who joined the army last year.

Now about the sad part. War kills and maims. This is not a computer game, but a real fight for life. The fight of each and everyone together. Losses in war are inevitable. Recently, President Putin named the ratio of losses of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces. One to five. Videos from the front line are simply horrifying in the number of uncleaned corpses.

I will not bore the reader with my "arithmetic", especially since it is based on approximate figures, but it is worth mentioning that Ukraine has practically exhausted its human resources. Today we have enough reserves to continue the war, while Kyiv, even in the case of mobilization of 18-year-olds, can call up 350-400 thousand people. Which, given the losses that the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffer daily, will last until August-September at most...

I think that's enough "reminding". Let's get back to the topic of negotiations. To how timely the "peacemaker" Trump appeared. Somehow it's hard to believe that a staunch opponent of Moscow, the initiator of sanctions pressure on Russia, suddenly became our friend, suddenly concerned about the lives of our soldiers. This doesn't even fit with the latest statements of the American president.

Nobody has cancelled the task of destroying Russia for the West. Trump is just the leader of the main Western country. Trump is a businessman, which means he should be considered as a businessman. That is, the military component is not the main thing for him. Moreover, after the incident with the aircraft carriers against the DPRK, it became clear that his “nerves” are “not made of iron.”

So, we agree to cease hostilities. The remnant of Ukraine remains under the rule of "democratic" forces. Democratic elections are held there and all the other nonsense designed to blind the people. At the same time, simply because Ukraine was not accepted into NATO, Kyiv is building up its own armed forces, receiving modern weapons and equipment from Western countries. I think that in a couple of years the army of the remnant will become strong enough... And the military-industrial complex will be quickly established at the expense of Germany, for example.

NATO, meanwhile, is pursuing a policy on the edge of foul play, forcing us into an arms race and increasing military spending. Thus, we will be forced to maintain a huge army that needs to be fed and clothed. Russia's economy will most likely withstand such a burden. But all social programs will be closed, and civilian production will fall to a critical level...

Doesn't this remind you of anything? Remember the 90s.

By the way, the "peacemaker's" statement about the price of oil fits perfectly into this scenario... Let's put it all together and we get 1991. Devaluation of the ruble, deficit of everything, exorbitant interest rates on loans, indignation of the people, including the participants of the SVO... The second perestroika, damn it...

And most importantly, we will again go for spending cuts. One of the points will be army reduction. And then we will become easy prey for NATO. The rest of the plans are known to readers. Fortunately, our liberals have been telling us for many years about the benefits of life in small countries “independent” from Moscow… So our choice is small. Either we put pressure on Kyiv and force it to capitulate, or we will be destroyed according to the same scenario that destroyed the USSR.

Instead of totals

I wanted to sum up some of the above, but interesting reports from the GUR of Ukraine appeared in the media. Budanov allegedly stated that "if there are no serious negotiations by the summer, then very dangerous processes for the very existence of Ukraine may be launched."

To be honest, I don’t believe Budanov’s statements, even if they were made. Quite often, such statements turned out to be lies or deliberately launched disinformation. Moreover, in parallel with this statement, an interesting report about the change in sentiment in Ukrainian society was published in the Ukrainian press. According to these reports, the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are in favor of negotiations. That is, Zelensky allegedly received carte blanche to conduct these negotiations.

I wonder when, before this message, Zelensky was interested in the opinion of the people? It doesn't fit somehow. And secondly, what about the decree of the president, mind you, a legitimate one, on the ban on negotiations? An illegitimate decree cannot be cancelled. A legal paradox...

What follows is even more interesting. What should we talk about? About stopping the offensive? President Putin and our military leadership have already spoken out on this issue more than once. We will not stop the BD even during the negotiations! Another phrase by Marshal Chuikov came to mind. I started with his conversation with General Krebs and will end with the same:

“The question of an armistice or peace can only be decided on the basis of a general capitulation,” I firmly stated. “This is our decision and that of our allies, and no conversations or promises will succeed in breaking this united front of the anti-Hitler coalition.”

So, just like Marshal Chuikov once did, our command must declare the only way to end the war is the complete capitulation of Ukraine!
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  1. +1
    30 January 2025 04: 30
    Our command must declare the only way to end the war is the complete capitulation of Ukraine!
    Only this way and no other way!
    1. +1
      30 January 2025 04: 39
      Quote from Uncle Lee
      Only this way and no other way!

      I fully support.
      1. +16
        30 January 2025 05: 45
        I'm afraid that they won't ask us, but will do it the way they do it.
        1. -6
          30 January 2025 07: 03
          Quote: Lykases1
          I'm afraid that they won't ask us, but will do it the way they do it.

          I fully support the TS, but you are also 100% right.
          The author reasons correctly. He has chewed everything. And we agree with him. And we want to believe that the Commander-in-Chief understands all this and has learned from experience. But, there is some anxiety in my soul, all the same...
      2. +2
        30 January 2025 07: 33
        This time I completely agree with Mr. Staver - we must grit our teeth and finish off the former Ukraine. Chuikov's quotes about Germany's capitulation are also relevant in this article, because now our Army is fighting the last of Hitler and their Bandera accomplices and I think the majority of citizens will support the war until it is completely destroyed, just as our grandfathers who defeated fascism support us in heaven.
    2. +13
      30 January 2025 06: 58
      You see, what is the problem - there is no defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the moment, there are no forces for defeat in the near future either (we cannot yet reach our own borders even in 2022, there is no talk at all about "new territories" or even Kyiv), what kind of capitulation can we talk about? Our resources are also not at their limit - if you look at specialized TG channels, they are increasingly storming on unarmored vehicles, motorcycles or armored sheds from MT-LB, the appearance of Korean machine guns and self-propelled guns is also not from a good life ... As sad as it is, but those who have not been in the trenches and do not plan to talk about continuing the war are mainly those ...
      1. -9
        30 January 2025 11: 18
        "You see, what's the problem - there is no defeat of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the moment, and there are no forces for defeat in the near future either (we cannot yet reach our own borders even in 2022, there is no talk at all about "new territories" or, especially, Kyiv)"

        Now the main task is to grind down motivated Banderovites, the front will sooner or later crumble. Are you yourself, in addition to constant whining, suggesting to surrender like Katz? Or to conclude a truce, so that after some time we will get a more terrible war with a rearmed outskirts? Or are you in fact a defeatist and a Tsipso-shokhnik?
        1. +6
          30 January 2025 11: 53
          Now, when is that? Is the SVO on its first day or its third year? The basis of the Ukrainian Armed Forces has long been "busified" (just like our people who are chasing a big ruble), and not motivated idealists.
          I suggest we figure out why it all started and what we really want/can achieve! The goals we have defined should be followed by the allocation of resources to achieve them. While the goals are only on TV, they are also achieved only on TV.
          Regarding the ceasefire - I suggest we realistically assess our strength! Can we defeat the Ukrainian Armed Forces, without conditions and various "ifs" like "if no one interferes"? Can we provide our army with everything it needs on our own? Can the economy withstand another 3-5 years of the Second World War? Will we be able to continue with a multiple increase in support for the Ukrainian Armed Forces? In my opinion, mobilization answered all these questions - both the fact of it and how it took place. But back then, someone still believed in the red lines...
          1. -8
            30 January 2025 12: 12
            Imagine our country is a car that on a sharp turn, at a crazy speed went into an uncontrolled skid, and you now suggest that we throw the steering wheel and close our eyes, essentially. Do you think we will survive after this?
            1. +1
              30 January 2025 15: 26
              In your words, the car didn't just skid, the skid was the beginning of the SVO, now we're tumbling in a ditch... I suggest we try to remember whether we buckled up, whether it's a convertible or does it have a roof, whether there are airbags, whether there's a cliff or trees in the ditch, or maybe a relatively flat surface, in general, to understand how bad everything is and make a decision based on that what to do, and you suggest we floor the gas and hope that everything will be fine...
              1. -2
                30 January 2025 15: 51
                What ditch are you talking about? Our army is advancing and destroying the enemy. Ukraine will soon end up in a ditch. You've got something mixed up.
                1. +2
                  30 January 2025 16: 35
                  Ukraine is one big ditch into which we are flying. Yes, the army is advancing, yes, the army is destroying the enemy, but it is also suffering losses. I asked the questions above - how soon will the enemy be defeated? Will the economy and society definitely withstand it? You can calm yourself down as much as you like, that Europeans and Americans will get tired of this, that Trump is our elephant, that Ukrainians will run out. But this is not so, the West, for a few pennies and a handful of serviceable equipment, has undermined our combat capability and economy! What is the proposal anyway?
                  1. -3
                    30 January 2025 17: 16
                    "I asked the questions above - how soon will the enemy be defeated? Will the economy and society definitely withstand it?"

                    This reminds me of the thoughts on the Internet, and whether it was worth giving Leningrad to the fascists, because 2 million of our people died there during the blockade! As the ancient Greeks said - "We would not have won if we had not died!"
                    1. +2
                      30 January 2025 17: 31
                      Why are you jumping from topic to topic, especially one that has nothing to do with the discussion? What kind of proposal is there if we refuse to negotiate? If we fight to the end, then with what resources and for what purpose? I will now express a seditious thought, but if we are protecting residents, and not fighting for territory, then taking into account the costs of the SVO, frozen assets and losses from sanctions, there would be enough money to transport everyone who wants to to Russia and provide everything necessary, which would save lives and would be much better than "irreplaceable specialists" from Asia
                      1. +2
                        30 January 2025 17: 41
                        "If we fight to the end, then with what resources and for what purpose?"

                        Cancellation of illegal privatization and nationalization in favor of the state of all major industries. These questions are not for me, but you know who you need to ask.
                      2. -3
                        1 February 2025 02: 11
                        And also an increase in living space and life expectancy. Also good things. But what does SVO have to do with them?
        2. +7
          30 January 2025 12: 20
          Quote: Vera Perfilyeva
          Now the main task is to grind down the motivated Banderites; the front will crumble sooner or later.

          The point is that it is the Russian-speaking population that is being knocked out first, and not the motivated Banderites, who often sit in the barrier detachments, which are protected like Napoleon's old guard. This is accompanied by the critical destruction of the infrastructure of those territories that are supposed to go to Russia. At the same time, there are no attacks on the decision-making centers, on the destruction of the logistics of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, or cutting off the enemy. There is no semblance of the Germans bypassing the "Maginot Line", with an attack on exposed areas, an exit to operational space. With such a maneuver, France capitulated in 1940, and the British hastily fled from Dunkirk to their island. Where and how can Ukraine's capitulation then be, with such frontal attacks, zeroing out of our arsenals, losses in manpower and equipment? With such tactics, it will be, not only to the last Ukrainian, but also to the last Russian. Maybe this is how it should be, so that later even the deal will look like a great achievement? Here we will not have to remember Khasavyurt, and not even the Brest peace, but the actual capitulation, with the transfer of the strategic nuclear forces under external control. Of course, in the name of peace and humanism, in the name of the good nature of dear partners, with whom our "elite" keeps everything they have earned through backbreaking labor. If there is one last nuclear trump card left, why would our "elite" need Russia without their billions, they are clearly in no hurry to go to heaven, much less to hell. If so, then our government will be "deceived" again.
          1. -6
            30 January 2025 12: 31
            In war, it doesn't matter what nationality you are - if you kill our guys with weapons in your hands! And the fact that they are essentially Russian-speaking traitors and support the Bandera idea, that's their problem!
            1. +5
              30 January 2025 14: 31
              Quote: Vera Perfilyeva
              In war it doesn't matter what nationality you are - if you kill our guys with a weapon in your hands!
              Eh, Vera, it seems you haven't read the comments to the end, and even if you have, you haven't understood them. The fact that Russians are killing Russians is one thing, who allowed it and how is another. The main thing is that we are killing our men in frontal attacks in this strange military operation. No women will give birth to them again, the country is going bankrupt, the people are getting poorer, but at the same time, the number of billionaires in Russia has only grown. A paradox, or the essence of the SVO?
              1. -3
                30 January 2025 15: 29
                You haven't read this to the end:
                "Or conclude a truce, so that after some time we get a more terrible war with a rearmed outskirts?"
                1. +3
                  31 January 2025 09: 43
                  I won't argue with you, the point is that with the existing methods, you can only come to a shameful deal, having exhausted your resources. Here, you either have to reject "and we haven't even started yet", and finally start fighting seriously. Or, understand that there is PR and puffing up your cheeks, in which other goals are pursued than victory, the full fulfillment of all declared goals and objectives.
      2. 0
        2 February 2025 23: 03
        ...the appearance of Korean machine guns and self-propelled guns is also not a good thing... sadly, but those who have not been in the trenches and do not plan to speak about continuing the war are mainly those...

        parma, I disagree with you. The question is not whether to go to the battlefield or not. The question is, in fact, trust in the government. People are not fools. If what is said firsthand by the president is at odds with what is actually happening in the state (and sometimes absolutely opposite things are done), then where will people get the feeling of trust and the desire to sacrifice for something. For example. The healthcare reform, which destroyed the old, not very functioning system, and at the same time did not give anything in return. I had to experience the full cruelty of this situation with a loved one. And this is only one facet of this reform. A separate article can be written about this lawlessness in detail, but what's the point.
        Take the sphere of education and training. The issue of educating young people and discussing in society the harmful influence of smartphones on the younger generation has been long overdue. Where in the media is there at least one project to discuss with parents and society with a straight face, the issues that worry them!? But there are a dime a dozen psychic shows, talk shows and other dubious and low-quality content. It seems that we are for patriotism in the media with one hand and then in the same media we brainwash people with shit with the other hand. And it seems that there is no common goal and spirit in what is happening. Like, some people have war, and some have their own mother. The same is with the youth. People understand that the government does not need smart and educated, conscious youth, since the state is doing this for fun.
        The same with migrants...
        And what's the bottom line!? I'll answer by quoting your words from the context:
        ...those who talk about continuing the war are mainly those who have not been in the trenches and do not plan to...

        Ps: that's why they only say...
      3. 0
        2 February 2025 23: 31
        On the other hand. If the state and the government are truly with the people and as before the Lord, faithfully and truly with them, then why are they afraid to ask their people to take up arms and defend their ideals, values ​​and aspirations. Let them declare a second mobilization, how many half a million are needed? Let's get ready, equip ourselves properly with everything necessary and go and cleanse fascism to the very outskirts, like our great-grandfathers.
        I think the government itself should make up its mind and stop trying to sit on two chairs. Then people will believe and everything will be humane.
  2. +2
    30 January 2025 05: 22
    The most valuable thing in military operations is time. If you lose time, you give the enemy an advantage. At the beginning of the operation, there were no drones or any sophisticated Western technology. That is why the Kiev regime agreed to negotiate. To gain time. But by talking only about military operations and not solving many problems in the rear, we willy-nilly slow down the course of action. The Kursk region is the current pain. And refugees from this region even more so. We need laws on refugees. And now everyone decides for themselves locally.
  3. +4
    30 January 2025 05: 45
    Our command must declare the only way to end the war is the complete capitulation of Ukraine!

    And one of the conditions of capitulation will be the clause on the entry of all of Ukraine into Russia?
    1. -1
      30 January 2025 08: 46
      Quote: parusnik
      And one of the conditions of capitulation will be the clause on the entry of all of Ukraine into Russia?

      Even if we assume the impossible - the western Ukrainian regions themselves are asking for and begging to be included in Russia, we must reject them as crazy people. Let the Hungarians, Poles and even the poor Romanians conduct their own SVO in the future.
      In my opinion, there will be no capitulation as such, perhaps there will be something like the events in Afghanistan, when they clung to the chassis of planes taking off.
    2. -3
      30 January 2025 08: 47
      Why do you need all of Ukraine? Do you want to live in the same country with those who are fighting us now? We have already been through this as part of the Soviet Union. Just as Westerners did not like Russians, they still do not hate them. And 70 years of Soviet power have not changed that. I think we should not make the same mistakes of the past. Those who want to will be with us, the rest will do it themselves, everyone themselves. I think the majority of Ukraine will eventually join Russia through referendums.
      1. +5
        30 January 2025 09: 10
        Do you want to live in the same country with those who are now fighting with us?
        We live with Chechens.
        1. +9
          30 January 2025 09: 23
          We live. But in essence it is a separate eastern khanate. The laws of the Russian Federation operate there very formally. And it is not a fact that in the future we will not have problems with them again.
        2. +6
          30 January 2025 15: 55
          Quote: Gardamir
          We live with Chechens

          This state lives with the Chechens, and no one has asked us and will not ask us. We live with the Chechens, Azeris, Armenians, now with millions of Tajiks, Uzbeks, we will live with a couple of dozens of millions of creatures who hate us with a fierce hatred (who, for some reason, are one people with the geostrategist). According to the precepts of the English, we should not exist?
          1. +4
            30 January 2025 17: 32
            Obviously someone is trying to fulfill the English legacy.
            1. +5
              30 January 2025 17: 58
              "We won't say who, although it was a baby elephant." (quote)
    3. 0
      31 January 2025 09: 10
      Why? There is a more practical and historically correct solution. What was once called "Novorossiya" must definitely become Russia. What was called "Little Russia" remains a separate state with the obligatory condition of changing the current regime and permanently deploying the Russian group of troops (as it was in Germany). What is located in Western Ukraine is transferred to those who owned these territories before 1939, we do not need to put our soldiers there and believe me, these gentlemen will very quickly uproot Bandera's ideas. As a result, we get a controlled territory of a neighboring state, fencing us off from NATO countries and the ability, in the event of military action, to conduct them not on our territory.
  4. +1
    30 January 2025 05: 59
    Our command must declare the only way to end the war is the complete capitulation of Ukraine!
    With subsequent trial of Ukrainian war criminals, including Zelensky
    1. -2
      30 January 2025 07: 05
      Quote: Dutchman Michel
      Our command must declare the only way to end the war is the complete capitulation of Ukraine!
      With subsequent trial of Ukrainian war criminals, including Zelensky

      There is no other way.
    2. 0
      30 January 2025 10: 41
      And does any of you understand that before judging Zelensky, Tyagnibok, Poroshenko, the bloody shepherd, they must first be caught and put in a pre-trial detention facility? But none of them will wait for that moment, but will immediately flee abroad to the so-called "democratic" countries and to Canada. So, first we must encircle Ukraine so that no one escapes, and then set up a new Nuremberg tribunal - and everyone must be tried - right down to the householders and schoolchildren who toppled the monuments.
      1. +3
        30 January 2025 17: 45
        Quote: geniy
        Does any of you understand that before judging Zelensky, Tyagnibok, Poroshenko, the bloody shepherd, they must first be caught and put in a pre-trial detention facility?

        There is a lot of experience in history to solve this problem. The Israelis kidnapped and executed Nazi criminals on their territory. When it was impossible to take them to Israel, they executed them in any country. Well, who doesn't know about the ice pick and Trotsky? A tribunal is needed.
        1. +2
          30 January 2025 20: 16
          Do you remember the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Baltic fascists who managed to escape abroad - mostly to Canada? Yes, one of them - Bandera was killed in Germany. But that was only one of tens of thousands. And most of them lived in warmth and prosperity until they were 90. Just like many German criminals. And would you mind reminding me how many of them were executed?
          1. 0
            30 January 2025 21: 00
            Quote: geniy
            Do you remember the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Baltic fascists who managed to escape abroad - mainly to Canada?

            Are you proposing to declare war on Canada? On anyone else?
            I remember.
            1. -1
              30 January 2025 21: 13
              Of course not - no war with other countries! Even with Canada - although I really want to.
              :But we need to SURROUND UKRAINE from the West - so that no one escapes! And then a Russian court! And for hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians guilty even of minor offenses, for example, journalists and editors, and school teachers who preached Nazism, and churchmen. But they should be jailed for very short terms - for example, a month or a week. And the chief prosecutors should be those people who endured torture in Ukrainian concentration camps and libraries.
              1. 0
                30 January 2025 22: 13
                Quote: geniy
                But we need to SURROUND UKRAINE

                The size of the USSR army in 1945 was 6.5 million. Compare with the Russian one. Nazism was being nurtured for decades. Add the relatives of those who died for "motherland" and those who hate "occupiers". This is a problem of decades. There is an example of denazification in the GDR.
                Ah, a tribunal is needed.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2025 22: 29
                  There was Mammoth - you are absolutely right. That is why it is necessary to surround Ukraine from the west and not let anyone leave. And start conducting judicial investigations and trying everyone - thousands of trials over many, many years. And try for everything - even for articles in newspapers and on the Internet. And for participating in marches in memory of Bandera, and for destroying monuments, and for volunteering to help the Nazis. Not to mention trying all the ringleaders: Poroshenko, Zelensky, all the Duma deputies, Russian actors who transferred money for the war.
                  1. +1
                    30 January 2025 22: 58
                    Quote: geniy
                    And start conducting judicial investigations and judging everyone - thousands of trials over many, many years.

                    It's clear with the leaders and criminals. Punishment must be inevitable. The crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis are being collected. And what next?
                    The process of implanting Nazism has been going on for decades. This is state ideology. Add the hatred of the relatives of those who died for "motherhood", who fought sincerely with the "occupiers".
                    It can take generations to recover from Nazism. In the GDR, it almost happened. It is not for nothing that in the FRG, those who served or worked in the GDR state bodies were immediately dismissed without the right to reinstatement. So, Gorbachev betrayed not only his people. Read about the fate of Honecker.
                    1. -3
                      31 January 2025 10: 16
                      everything is clear with the leaders and criminals...
                      Is it true? Will the guards of concentration camps and "libraries" where people's nails were torn out be tried? Who and how will look for them all?
                      And I propose a general search for criminals - so that EVERY Ukrainian citizen after the victory is obliged to write a biography listing all his relatives and acquaintances, and what each of them did. And to cross-examine all Ukrainians one by one. You understand that each person has about 50-100 acquaintances. And if someone writes a smaller number, it means that he is trying to deceive the investigation. And do you consider drunk Ukrainian artillerymen who fired cannons and missile systems at peaceful residents of Donetsk and at children since 2014 criminals? And also Ukrainian sappers who mined children's toys? And Larisa Farion, who forced kindergarten teachers and teachers to forget the Russian language? Farionka was certainly killed, but she had like-minded people! And do you consider those girls innocent who poured gasoline into bottles to burn the defenders of the House of Trade Unions in Odessa? And the Ukrainian investigators who investigated this case? And the police who didn't let the fire trucks through to put out the fire? And the organizers of the bridge explosion? And don't you consider the teachers of children's camps who taught Ukrainian children to kill and "cut the Russians" criminals? They themselves didn't kill anyone. And don't you consider the thousands of Ukrainian guys working at call centers who used the Internet to swindle Russian old ladies out of their funeral money criminals? There were many of them! And you think that they should all be released and left unpunished
                      1. 0
                        31 January 2025 15: 37
                        Quote: geniy
                        Is that really true?

                        In the USSR, the search for fascist collaborators never ceased. Now they find, judge or liquidate Chechen bandits. They also find Ukrainian Nazis. We see the tip of the iceberg.
                        The desire for retribution is justified. The proposed methods?
                        Used in Hitler's Germany. "Informing" on neighbors and relatives was a duty. They created a concentration camp for the whole of Germany. First communists and Jews, then sympathizers, then dissenters... and then there was a war "for living space".
                        I suppose you are young. Radicalism is characteristic of youth.
        2. 0
          2 February 2025 16: 25
          "A great deal of experience in history is the solution to this problem" - that was the experience of the USSR. In today's Russia, this is impossible in principle. That is why absolutely everyone is alive, even the most odious figures of Ukronazism.
      2. DO
        31 January 2025 00: 04
        Quote: geniy
        we need to encircle Ukraine so that no one escapes from it, and then set up a new Nuremberg tribunal

        When the end of the Ukrofascist regime becomes absolutely clear to their Western masters, and such days will definitely come, it may well be that the West simply will not accept the UkroReich Nazis. Like "used material", "why do we need them", "let the Russians deal with them", "why should we conflict with Russia, which won the SVO, because of them", etc.
        1. +2
          31 January 2025 10: 25
          D- you are very wrong! On the contrary - all democratic Western countries will gladly take in everyone for treatment and accommodation
          Ukrainian criminals, just as they had previously taken Chechen fighters. And many years before that, Bandera had lived peacefully in Germany. And thousands of Ukrainian workers from German concentration camps lived in Canada.
          1. DO
            31 January 2025 13: 54
            The Ukronazis will still have to get to Canada, through the territory of neighboring Poland, at whose borders the liberation of Western Ukraine will end. Because the skies over Ukraine will be closed by that time. The Poles historically dislike Ukrainians anyway, and now the political necessity to "love" them, imposed by the USA, will disappear. Therefore, when the remnants of the Ukronazis die, the Poles will most likely close the border to the toxic Ukronazis.
            In general, the path to victory is still long. We'll see if we win.
  5. +17
    30 January 2025 06: 11
    Our respected author continues to delight us with his revelations. I won't even comment on the fact that he has defeated everyone again for the 855th time, the front is cracking, and it's already spring 1945, etc.
    Let's move on to the quintessence of the article - "our command must declare the only possibility of ending the war, the complete capitulation of Ukraine."
    But at the same time, the command in the person of Mr. Putin has already worn out its tongue every day saying that the Russian Federation is ready for negotiations based on the Istanbul agreements (which for a moment assumed that Donbass formally remains part of Ukraine), taking into account the current realities on the ground. The problem is in the leadership of Ukraine, which has banned such negotiations for itself.
    Which command should speak about the capitulation of Ukraine? Gerasimov, Puzik, Akhmetov, Kadyrov or other outstanding military leaders? And how does this relate to the opinion of the country's leadership?
    Then you can capitulate only if you are waging a war with someone. Is the Russian Federation waging a war with Ukraine? Not at all. You can go to jail for this word here. There is no war, no martial law, there is some kind of SVO. What it is, what laws regulate it - God knows.
    So how can one "capitulate" if there is no war? And to whom?
    As the classic said, "Who stood on whom? ...
    1. +7
      30 January 2025 06: 37
      So how can one “capitulate” if there is no war?
      The government is illegitimate, and Zelensky is not going to shoot himself, he is settling down somewhere on the islands in the ocean. He is building a dacha. If they are illegitimate there, then who should sign the capitulation? Probably Hetman Sahaidachny, a man and a ship.
      1. -8
        30 January 2025 07: 12
        Quote: parusnik
        If they are illegitimate there, then who should sign the capitulation? Probably Hetman Sahaidachny, the man and the ship.

        VVP said, "The question is about the final signing of documents. This is a very serious issue that should guarantee the security of both Ukraine and Russia, for a serious long-term historical perspective. There should not be a single rough spot here, everything should be polished."
        "That's the trick, the catch, you know, the trap. But, in principle, by and large, if they want to do this, there is a legal way. Please, let the Rada representative do it in accordance with the constitution. If there is a desire, any legal issue can be closed. So far, we simply do not see such a desire."
        Maybe it's time to stop being sarcastic?
        1. +6
          30 January 2025 10: 08
          ..VVP said, - "The question is in the final signing of documents. This is a very serious question, which must guarantee the security of both Ukraine and Russia, for a serious long-term historical perspective. ...

          Simply signing documents cannot guarantee “Russia’s security over a long-term historical perspective.”
          Only a Force that can quickly apply punitive measures to suppress a participant’s unwillingness to fulfill the terms of the agreement can guarantee.
          Therefore, the Guarantor of compliance with the terms of the Agreement must be Russia (not Europe and the USA).
          The main issue when signing the Agreement is the guarantee of compliance with the terms.
          Will Russia be able to prove to the USA and EUROPE that it will be the Guarantor?

          Article 1.
          The strong can do anything...."
          1. -7
            30 January 2025 10: 17
            Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

            Quote: AA17
            Will Russia be able to prove to the USA and EUROPE that it will be the Guarantor?

            Already proven on the battlefield.

            When, after Istanbul, we showed good will and withdrew our troops, they took it for weakness, threw the negotiations into the fire and went on the offensive. Today they beg us for negotiations... They have lost. We are the victors and we will dictate our will to the vanquished.
            1. -5
              30 January 2025 12: 06
              Quote: Boris55
              Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

              Quote: AA17
              Will Russia be able to prove to the USA and EUROPE that it will be the Guarantor?

              Already proven on the battlefield.

              When, after Istanbul, we showed good will and withdrew our troops, they took it for weakness, threw the negotiations into the fire and went on the offensive. Today they beg us for negotiations... They have lost. We are the victors and we will dictate our will to the vanquished.

              I support you. Plus to you.
          2. -3
            30 January 2025 12: 05
            Quote: AA17
            Only a Force that can quickly apply punitive measures to suppress a participant’s unwillingness to fulfill the terms of the agreement can guarantee.

            I agree!
      2. +5
        30 January 2025 14: 34
        Quote: parusnik
        The government is illegitimate, and Zelensky is not going to shoot himself, he is settling down somewhere on the islands in the ocean

        Zelensky is illegitimate (at the same time, Mr. Putin's speechwriters confuse legitimacy with legality), but the Russian authorities complain every day that he is such a jerk that he forbade himself from negotiating with them. But at the same time, the Rada is legitimate, whose term of office has also expired smile
        But this is not the funniest thing, here they are talking about a peace treaty (which is a hundred times more adequate than the capitulation of an unknown person to an unknown person). But there is no war, so what kind of treaty can there be? That is why those very much prayed for Istanbul agreements have the official name - " Treaty on the Permanent Neutrality and Security of Ukraine"
        It is for the conclusion of this agreement that the SVO is being conducted.
        1. +2
          30 January 2025 18: 45
          But there is no war
          Just as there are no diplomatic relations. Whether the government there is legitimate or not is of secondary importance. They are hanging instant noodles on our ears. "Hands under coats, but no hooligans" (c) ""Treaty on permanent neutrality and security of Ukraine"" and who will become the guarantor? Ukraine and Russia? Then there should be an alliance between them. Ukraine? Ridiculous. Russia? Then Ukraine should be part of Russia. You understand that all these options are impossible. As is the treaty itself. You will be neutral, and part of your territories will be ours. But you do not join NATO. We were born to make Kafka come true, that is most likely.
      3. +3
        30 January 2025 17: 52
        Quote: parusnik
        The government is illegitimate

        Legitimacy is a means invented by those in power to justify their legality. Was Yeltsin legitimate after 1991 and 1993? Nevertheless, there is a center of his memory. And, after all, he must also be judged by his conscience.
        Zelensky is illegitimate, but nevertheless his orders are carried out and people die.
        1. +1
          30 January 2025 18: 27
          but nevertheless his orders are carried out and people die.
          Meanwhile, diplomatic relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation do not exist, they were broken off three years ago, on the initiative of Ukraine. There are no diplomatic relations between the countries. And it doesn't matter whether it is legitimate or not. It's just that when they tell us about illegitimacy, they forget to talk about the absence of diplomatic relations. Therefore, a deal is possible.
          1. +3
            30 January 2025 18: 42
            Quote: parusnik
            Therefore, a deal is possible.

            I agree. Note that Putin doesn't even mention the main thing anymore - denazification.
            1. +4
              30 January 2025 18: 56
              Putin doesn’t even mention the main thing anymore: denazification.
              Think about it, what kind of denazification can we talk about when we have a monument to a fan of Hitler and Mussolini in a provincial museum, a plaque to Mannerheim in storage? If on May 9 they cover Lenin's mausoleum with plywood... Like, he had nothing to do with it... The Russian Federation was defended in 1941-1945, not the USSR, i.e. erasing this country from the memory. Bandera's followers erased the memory of the Ukrainian SSR, the USSR from millions of people... If we erase our own, then how will we restore the old ones for others. And will we remind about the popular uprisings in Ukraine, against the nobility, landowners? And there were many of them. What denazification? laughing
              1. 0
                30 January 2025 19: 31
                Quote: parusnik
                What denazification?

                The other day I was sent a funeral notice (copy) for a relative who died in 1942, "for the socialist Motherland, buried with military honors." No data on where he fought, where he died.
                There is only one summary report on the website with the note “killed”.
                Now our people are dying in the war (for the SVO authorities) with the fascists. A deal would mean that our people will die again destroying Nazism in the future.
  6. +1
    30 January 2025 06: 24
    Hawks disguise themselves as doves in different ways. When the USSR, having bled to death, suffered and made great sacrifices, had already decided the outcome of World War II in its favor, then the hawks in Germany disguised as doves organized an assassination attempt on Hitler. In mid-1944, and not in, say, 1941, 1942, 1943, when they, together with Hitler, still hoped to destroy the USSR. If the assassination attempt on Hitler had succeeded in 1944, the USSR would not have achieved an unconditional victory over Germany. The Soviet Union would have been "chatted up" by the howling of the entire Western world, that, well, Hitler is no more, the Germans are urgently withdrawing their armies from everywhere to Germany, the war is over, let's have peace talks with those who overthrew Hitler. These would be futile sacrifices of both the Red Army and the entire Soviet people. So Zelensky should live until approximately the moment when on the analogue of the Reichstag in Kyiv, today's Russian soldier leaves the inscription "Satisfied with the ruins."
    Now about this Trump. Stop guessing the riddle, like, maybe he is still the "man from Kemerovo", who should be contacted, when the West has such problems and the West has gone too far that it is clearly not that deep to the bottom of the bottom of hell. Do not hope that the history of mankind would not be so crooked if they had guessed to contact the "man from Kemerovo". No. This man is from Washington, which is equivalent to the "man" from Berlin at that time and Kyiv today ...
    1. -2
      30 January 2025 07: 15
      Quote: north 2
      Hawks disguise themselves as doves in different ways.

      All true.
    2. +6
      30 January 2025 08: 19
      Two years and 2 months after June 11, 22, by May 1941 the Red Army had already liberated the Ukrainian SSR, Crimea, part of the Moldavian SSR, Eastern Belarus and entered the territory of Hitler's ally - Romania.
      1. -11
        30 January 2025 09: 02
        Quote: Civil
        Two years and 2 months after June 11, 22, by May 1941 the Red Army had already liberated the Ukrainian SSR, Crimea, part of the Moldavian SSR, Eastern Belarus and entered the territory of Hitler's ally - Romania.

        On June 28, 1941, the Red Army left Minsk, and less than a week had passed since the beginning of the war.
        Okay, here's the thing - there was no internet back then.
        1. +5
          30 January 2025 09: 39
          June 28, 1941, the Red Army left Minsk

          And in the third year, not the first year, the SVO, part of the Kursk region, the liberation has been going on for more than six months. Probably, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the Maginot Line, portable
    3. 0
      30 January 2025 18: 00
      Quote: north 2
      Hawks disguise themselves as doves in different ways

      Putin was once asked the question: "Who are you, Mr. Putin?" There is even a whole regular program dedicated to him. Do we know about Putin? Almost nothing. It's time to ask Trump: "Who are you, Mr. Trump?" wink
  7. +5
    30 January 2025 06: 33
    The front, of course, is bursting at the seams - but it has been bursting for three years now.
    I wonder if readers learn anything from past experiences?
    It would be good to return to this conversation in six months.
    "If there are no serious negotiations before the summer, then very dangerous processes for the very existence of Ukraine may be launched"

    What, for a war in Ukraine we need Ukraine itself? laughing

    But let's close our eyes and say in unison - only the complete surrender of Ukraine! The withdrawal of Sweden and Finland from NATO! And in general - NATO within the borders until the collapse of the USSR! Only on these conditions! Only this way and no other!
    And we will see, even in three months, how this will correspond to reality and how closely we approached it in our slogans.
  8. +3
    30 January 2025 07: 06
    The road to hell is paved with good intentions! Not a single war, not a single blood in this world was spilled for nothing, there were loud words and good intentions everywhere. Even the same Hitler, starting the Great Patriotic War, promised the Germans a great Germany. And there are a great many such examples, you can promise people peace throughout the world, and start the largest war, the electorate is like a girl, loves with their ears, and then, as an epiphany comes, it begins: again we were deceived. The same Trump, he can’t tell the Americans let’s strangle Russia! Adequate people will not understand and will not support him, but let’s stop the war, everyone will support it.
  9. +11
    30 January 2025 07: 07
    . The German Reich in '45 and the Ukrainian Reich today are in the same position. The front is bursting at the seams. The West turns its face away, trying not to get a jab from a Russian soldier. It’s not May yet for Kyiv, but “spring” has already arrived.

    Odessa has been taken and our tank armies are on the outskirts of Kyiv?

    our command must declare the only possibility of ending the war, about the complete capitulation of Ukraine!

    Until Ukraine is liberated, it is too early to talk about this. And if complete liberation does not happen, then instead of unconditional surrender, we will simply get peace talks.
    1. +4
      30 January 2025 09: 43
      we will simply get peace negotiations.
      Peace negotiations are not clear with whom, due to the lack of legitimacy and it is not clear on what terms.
    2. -9
      30 January 2025 09: 58
      Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

      Quote: Stas157
      Until Ukraine is liberated, it is too early to talk about this.

      This is a war - a war of a new type. In this war, there is no need, as in the Great Patriotic War, to liberate the entire territory. We have already won and now the West is deciding how not to lose face. What awaits the regions of the former Ukraine, my post is below.
  10. +6
    30 January 2025 07: 18
    I assume that Putin will be deceived again somehow.
  11. -1
    30 January 2025 07: 40
    There is much that is strange in the Kremlin's "expectations of proposals" from the US, Naryshkin invites other countries to discuss the territory of Ukraine. Only the naive will expect benefits from those "invited to the table", they will come exclusively with the desire to take away. What is being prepared as compensation for bourgeois recognition?
  12. +5
    30 January 2025 07: 48
    On May 1, 1945, the Red Army took Berlin. And today we are very far from Kyiv. Therefore, comparing Chuikov's situation, in my opinion, is not entirely appropriate.
  13. +5
    30 January 2025 08: 20
    "The sea laughed" (c).. No, that's not it.. The front was cracking, so much so that the battles were taking place in the Kursk region. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief negotiated the complete capitulation of Ukraine, with its entry into Russia, with the American president, in exchange for Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal..
  14. -6
    30 January 2025 09: 31
    Our cause is just, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours!

    Quote: A. Staver
    We must "slow down" the offensive and give Ukrainians the opportunity to choose a legitimate president

    No way! We have already broken through the enemy's defenses, which they have been building for 8 years. What's next is "open field". Only forward!

    After the capitulation of the Binder gang, the elections will be held under our control and only in the regions with a simultaneous referendum on the entry of these regions into Russia.

    We are offered to watch a performance about elections in Ukraine with the replacement of one pro-Western puppet with another.

    The Ukrainian elite has proven in thirty years of its rule that it is incapable of governing the state. To destroy the richest republic of the USSR - you have to be clever...
  15. +1
    30 January 2025 09: 55
    Our people are hoping for Trump in vain. He will act harshly. He is such a person and such a businessman. As soon as he accepts his scheme that will suit the US, he will put pressure on us and Ukraine with the help of carrot and stick, and we will possibly be subject to even harsher sanctions. But for the moment the conflict will be frozen, although then a new "explosion" may occur when the Ukrainian Armed Forces lick their wounds and we will understand that we were "cheated" again.
    1. -7
      30 January 2025 10: 06
      Glory to the Russian soldier! Glory to Russian weapons!! Glory to our president!!!

      Quote: Alexander Odintsov
      he will put pressure on us and Ukraine with the help of carrot and stick, and we will possibly be subjected to even harsher sanctions

      Has the after-presser grown?
      With their sanctions against us, they only make things worse for themselves and make us stronger. Come on, Trump, don't be shy. Cut off our oligarchs, "our" elite, etc. from the West completely. The people of Russia are eagerly awaiting this.
    2. +1
      31 January 2025 18: 06
      Quote: Alexander Odintsov
      we will understand that we were "deceived" again

      Who are we? We have been deceived for 40 years, but some still don't get it.
  16. +9
    30 January 2025 10: 08
    "The German Reich in '45 and the Ukrainian Reich today are in the same position. The front is bursting at the seams. The West turns its face away, trying not to get a jab from a Russian soldier."
    Having read this in the first section of the article, I thought - Staver, scrolled down to the author's name and that's right. The Author has developed his own signature style, which makes him recognizable if not from the first lines, then from the second ones for sure. And, allow me, Author, to disagree with your statement above. Absolutely nothing in common. Your article is pure propaganda, but very clumsy. May the punishment of minuses of those who disagree befall me for this statement. After all, the population was not deprived of all "radio receivers", leaving only a dish with "rosinforburo". And that means in our time such work should be more subtle and smarter.
    1. +4
      30 January 2025 10: 24
      Your article is pure propaganda, but very crudely done.

      hi This is what has been annoying since the beginning of the SVO, and "such work should be more subtle and smarter" (c). Instead of the Stone Flower and Buratino (I wouldn't have loved Malvina, the freak), they are pushing ugly, wooden dolls of Urfin Juice
  17. +6
    30 January 2025 11: 41
    The front is cracking, but not collapsing - there is no talk of Ukraine losing its statehood, and the Russian army, the second largest and best equipped with modern weapons, has not even reached the administrative borders of its new territories in three years of war.
    Victory is the defeat of the enemy army and peace on the terms of the winner, and peace as a result of negotiations is an agreement that suits both sides, a compromise that in principle cannot guarantee long-term peace.
    Starting the SVO, they apparently proceeded from the Crimean scenario - support for the SVO by the population, we hate the current regime in Ukraine. Unfulfilled expectations required a partial mobilization and an additional purchase of 1-1,5 thousand volunteers daily.
    The death of civilians became not a “by-product of war” as before, but one of the elements of engineering fortifications at the front.
    The war showed the price of international agreements on the use of prohibited weapons, prisoners,
    "Putin named the ratio of losses of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ukrainian Armed Forces. One to five", based on this, if according to media information, over three years of war, the losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces amounted to 1 million people, then, consequently, the losses of the Russian Federation amounted to approximately 200 thousand.
    300 were taken from the economy and the creation of material and other values ​​by mobilization, the number of the army was increased by the same amount in connection with the expansion of NATO and plus a daily outflow of 1 thousand volunteers. As a result, we have an outflow of approximately 1 million people of working age, which critically exacerbated the personnel problem, reduced unemployment, increased the burden on workers and “Today we have enough reserves to continue the war”?
    The intra-class differences between the various groups of the so-called deep state became obvious during the last three US elections. Trump's dizzying somersaults from president to criminal and president again testify to this, and their essence is in the struggle between the growing owners of IT monopolies and the old guard of shareholders - Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, DuPonts and other shareholders of the Federal Reserve System.
    Some consider the main enemy to be the economic power of the PRC, which is growing by leaps and bounds, while others are primarily aimed at defragmentation-decolonization first of the Russian Federation and only then of the PRC. In general, the goal is one, the paths are just different, which does not exclude compromise and joint efforts to achieve a common goal - world domination.
  18. +8
    30 January 2025 12: 15
    They laugh: “Russian, Dagestani, Yakut and Bashkir... Try to stop the Russian army.”

    80 years ago there was the Red Army. And it also included: Belarusians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians and... Ukrainians. What is happening now, defeats in any scenario.
    1) We are fighting (essentially) with the Russians. Even if they have taken the wrong path. I recall a joke with the phrase from the IVS "And against whom?" Ukraine has fallen out of Moscow's geopolitical orbit and the conflict has only further distanced them from us. The SVO is a defeat, in this regard.
    2) They say that the SVO had not only external but also internal tasks. Consolidation of society, inviolability of power, etc. And a number of adopted laws only confirm this. But here the top brass drove themselves into a trap, because there is no Victory. And we will not forgive them for the deal.
    3) There is no victory not because the enemy is strong or we are weak. But only because our establishment wants a deal. That's right. With the lifting of sanctions, the return of property, the lifting of arrests and the lifting of the entry ban. Money above all. It's just that the proletariat needs to be served this under the sauce of victory. But our Western partners don't want it that way.
    Many people talk about a dead end on the battlefield. But for some reason it seems that the dead end is somewhere else...
    1. +4
      30 January 2025 12: 46
      Our establishment wants a deal.
      This is the point, that is why the "front is cracking" and attempts to reach an agreement... The Istanbul agreements are an example of this.
  19. +3
    30 January 2025 13: 54
    What I am writing is not criticism, but simply a statement of fact. When we all celebrate the 80th anniversary of the real victory in May, maybe someone will compare. In the history of your country, the only real commander-in-chief is Stalin, his commanders and heroes, your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, in 2 YEARS AND 3 MONTHS managed to liberate not only the entire territory from Stalingrad to the western border, but also half of Europe, and they all reached Berlin and won... not only in CMI, TV show or in increasing ratings or deals. But with one difference. They all fought for the salvation and survival of their country and people. As for the discussion of negotiations, capitulation, etc. Personally, I am of the opinion that now it is extremely important for the Kremlin to achieve something by May at any cost (for example, some kind of agreement like Minsk, Istanbul, etc.), which could be called a victory in PR. I cannot imagine a situation where a country that won the Great Patriotic War will celebrate its anniversary in May, and its own territory will be occupied, which it has not been able to liberate for more than 3 years. It would be very difficult to explain this from the rostrum and on the TB program. And the current situation? You have been building democracy for 30 years? Yes. Were the elections democratic? Yes. Did the majority of the country's population participate freely? Yes. Did the correct results reach "150%"? Yes. Did you choose the best of the best? Yes. And so they do the best of the best ... mainly for their own pockets, in the personal and business interests of people from the circle of grandfathers (or even their immediate family interests) behind the walls and towers. These are called democratic values ​​(corruption, bribes, disorder, dirt and mainly money and personal gain). And the nation? Work, work, work and most importantly - pay taxes. And when the elections are held again, you must come and, as propaganda (now PR) will say, again choose the best of the best. When Gorbachev betrayed us, we also spent many years building "democracy", and now everything is clear to us, "how to behave". As your great leader said (I really appreciate it) study, study, study, now "democracy", but most importantly work for the benefit of the best of the best.
  20. +5
    30 January 2025 13: 54
    Chuikov spoke with Krebs on May 1. The Germans no longer had a Fuhrer, the Reichstag had fallen, Wenck's army was stuck north of Berlin, the Anglo-American forces were already on the Elbe, separate negotiations with them had failed, there was no oil for the planes, trucks and tanks, Berlin was destroyed, the only friend left was the agonizing Japan on the other side of the world, the population was completely demoralized. What can we talk about here?! And what about the dancers now: the front line is almost static, we have tactical successes. The armies are equal, we count 700 thousand on each side. We have air superiority. They have decent air defense. The Fuhrer is alive and well, his rating is not the lowest. The allies are nearby, money, weapons, intelligence, mercenaries are flowing like a river. There is plenty of fuel. Kyiv is far away, and the local population is not yet tired, like the Germans in 1945. Nikolaev and Odessa are unreachable. They hold 500 sq km of our lands in the Kursk region, all our border regions are under air strikes. Sevastopol has no fleet. And we are under monstrous sanctions. Aren't there too many differences to NOT COMPARE IT AT ALL?! Now they will put half a million young people with pro-Nazi brains of ghouls under arms. Take your head out of the dope, look at things realistically.
  21. 0
    30 January 2025 14: 35
    The US creates a problem, then helps solve it.
    - there would be success 404, one layout
    - success is difficult for the Russian Federation, a different scenario.
    - a phenomenal success for the Russian Federation, the third scenario.

    They will get what they want from all the options, and our successes/failures will bring us consequences (+ or -)
  22. +1
    30 January 2025 14: 36
    The key problem here is not even Ze. Trump's position: Let Russia and Ukraine sit down at the negotiating table.
    Russia: Negotiations on security in Europe. How can this be discussed between Ukraine and Russia?
    USA : let Moscow and Kyiv sit down at the negotiating table.
    Сonclusion - a dead end. This is an unsolvable problem in principle. Either the US and Russia talk about Europe without the EU and Ukraine, or Russia talks with Ukraine, but without the issue of Europe. Conclusion. The US does not want real negotiations. They have simply taken a break.
  23. +1
    30 January 2025 16: 17
    The key problem here is not even Ze.

    Absolutely right. The key issue here is not even Trump.
    The key problem, I think, is in the Kremlin. The SVO stakes on the very existence of the Russian state and we must act as if in a life-and-death struggle. This is not the US war in Korea, Vietnam or Afghanistan.
    We must finally begin to fight with all our might; we must have a complete mobilization not only in the army, but also in the whole society to achieve complete victory.
  24. +4
    30 January 2025 18: 29
    ....President Putin stated that there is no legitimate government in Ukraine.... Why then did Putin recognize Poroshenko as president? Why did he negotiate with illegitimate authorities about Minsk - 1. Minsk - 2?
    1. +3
      31 January 2025 11: 10
      Quote: solovyov-igor
      Why did you negotiate?

      You don't understand, this is different! "I remember here, I don't remember here, but here I was wrapping herring"
  25. -4
    31 January 2025 02: 23
    I have always been amazed by our doomsayers, who are ready to whine about anything. To tell us how bad everything is, how we are fighting on the tachankas of the Civil War of the last century due to the lack of heavy equipment. At the same time, we strike targets behind enemy lines with missiles and drones almost every day, causing significant damage. Our 5th generation Su-57 aircraft regularly carry out combat sorties, carrying out combat missions. We continue to hold the initiative in most areas, break through the enemy's defenses and move forward.
  26. +2
    31 January 2025 10: 34
    Nobody is going to fight even for 3 million + 200 thousand/month, but local cocks are demanding to fight from their couches until Ukraine capitulates.
  27. +3
    31 January 2025 11: 02
    And then we become easy prey for NATO.

    I'm embarrassed to ask, why was NATO inactive in 1991?
    1. 0
      31 January 2025 17: 50
      How subtle you are, I take my hat off to you. Yes hi
    2. +1
      31 January 2025 17: 54
      Quote: Azzzwer
      I'm embarrassed to ask, why was NATO inactive in 1991?

      She was not inactive, but began to slowly but irrevocably move in our direction.
      1. +2
        31 January 2025 23: 49
        Quote: guest
        started slowly

        Too slow. After 91, the issue could have been resolved over a bottle of vodka.
        1. -1
          1 February 2025 00: 47
          Quote: Azzzwer
          After 91, the issue could have been resolved over a bottle of vodka.

          Borka was an alcoholic, of course, but one bottle wouldn't have been enough. And the West felt sorry for even the bottle.
  28. +1
    1 February 2025 16: 07
    Mr. Staver, what are you talking about???
  29. +1
    1 February 2025 16: 28
    Mr. Staver, what are you talking about???? Big politics, like high-performance sports, is 24/7 work and no compromises... And Russia is still trying to "climb the political tree" and not to skin the "sirloin" of the body.... This does not happen in life, or it happens only for the very skilled or the very chosen ones... In recent decades, Russia has been very, very modest in this regard.... The years of capitalist "stagnation" and bureaucratic-managerial "indifference" are taking their toll, which Donald Fredovich will definitely take advantage of... And for this he does not need to pretend to be either a "dove" or a "hawk".... He will simply desperately try to put Russia in a "knee-elbow position", using the entire "arsenal" of his experience, "developments" and covertly - active ""assistance" of the "fifth column", inside Russia, and around it, including the "strategic partner", in the person of China, the master of political "back-up dancers", in the person of Erdogan and other obvious and hidden "friends" of Russia... All that remains is to wait... And, cautiously, hope.....
  30. 0
    2 February 2025 01: 43
    Creo muy bueno y aleccionador este comentario. Ni Demócratas ni Republicanos difieren un ápice en promover el hegemonismo que los intereses dominantes en USA proclaman desde hace siglos. Lo que suele diferenciales es apenas la táctica para lograr ese fin. En consecuencia, a Trump le interesa un bledo arropar a Rusia. Quiere ser el "pacificador" en Ucrania para satisfacer su ego y ganar en popularidad política, y cada propuesta que haga en una probables conversaciones tendrán que ser asumidas con pies de plomo y con la firmeza que da a Rusia estar venciendo en el campo militar a Ukraine, a day la OTAN, y al principal promoter de este conflicto, precisamente USA. En consecuencia, no se conversaría con un amigo franco, o un político equilibrado y serio, sino con un "jugador de cartas" empeñado solo en ganar, y que además lleva una pistola al cinto para intimidar al oponente. Ya lo dijo Mister President: politica exterior con el uso de la fuerza y ​​no de la razón y la equidad. En consecuencia, Moscú debe estar advertido y consciente, porque representa a un pueblo que ha entregado ya una enorme cuota de sacrificio en esta nueva lucha por conservar su existencia independente, y nada ni nadie tiene derecho a disputarle el espacio territorial y moral que se ha ganado con las armas en la mano.
  31. 0
    2 February 2025 11: 50
    And Trump is turning to the Russian oligarchy and bureaucracy and other "waiters". I am sure that both calls and other means of contact with various "offers" do not cease all the time.
  32. 0
    4 February 2025 13: 04
    By the way, the "peacemaker's" statement about the price of oil fits perfectly into this scenario... Let's put it all together and we get 1991. Devaluation of the ruble, deficit of everything, exorbitant interest rates on loans, indignation of the people, including the participants of the SVO... The second perestroika, damn it...

    The author repeats the American theory that the USSR began perestroika and collapsed because the US lowered the price of oil, there was a war in Afghanistan and Reagan's missile defense program.
    Now Trump is repeating the same thing - the price of oil, the SVO on Ukraine and the "iron dome" program - today they are scare mongers for Russia.
    It is time to finally understand that all this is a bluff and the perestroika of 1991 is the result, first of all, of the ideological degeneration of the Soviet leadership. The USSR in 1991 was not in a worse economic position than during the entire period up to the end of the 50s and certainly not worse than Cuba and the DPRK today.
  33. 0
    6 February 2025 02: 59
    Scary Trump loves Russia so much that he is ready to strangle it in his love. And this love has already been heard.
    Today Zelensky breathed a sigh of relief; Putin has already become, according to Peskov, ready to negotiate with Zelensky.
  34. 0
    6 February 2025 03: 07
    Scary Trump loves Russia so much that he is ready to strangle it in his love. And this love has already been heard.
    Today Zelensky breathed a sigh of relief; Putin has already become, according to Peskov, ready to negotiate with Zelensky.
    That I have not heard that Stalin was ready to negotiate with Hitler. And nowhere is it written that Roosevelt or Churchill persuaded the USSR leadership to stop the war with Nazi Germany?