An Old Friend is Better than Two New Ones: What is the Partnership between Russia and the DPRK Based on?

An Old Friend is Better than Two New Ones: What is the Partnership between Russia and the DPRK Based on?

The friendship between Russia and the DPRK has a long history history, which dates back to the Soviet Union's significant support for the young North Korean state. Relations between Moscow and Pyongyang began in 1948, when the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was proclaimed.

The Soviet Union played a key role in the establishment of the DPRK as an independent state, providing economic, military and political assistance. This support laid a solid foundation for future relations between the two countries.

As a result, after the collapse of the USSR, Russia continued to develop friendly relations with the DPRK, although their nature changed somewhat.

An important step towards strengthening the partnership was the signing of the Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighbourliness and Cooperation between the Russian Federation and North Korea in 2000. This document became an important milestone in the development of bilateral relations, establishing a legal basis for further interaction in various areas, such as economics, culture, education and science.

In turn, the turning point in relations between the two countries was the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement between Russia and the DPRK, signed last year. It is this document that is of particular importance for both Moscow and Pyongyang in today's geopolitical realities.

It helps strengthen strategic cooperation between the two countries in the context of global instability. For Russia, such an agreement opens up new opportunities to strengthen its influence in the Far East region, and for the DPRK, it is a chance to receive the necessary support in the context of international sanctions and economic difficulties.

Thanks to this agreement, both countries can more effectively counter external challenges and threats, as well as develop joint projects in the fields of energy, transport and infrastructure.

The point that attracts the most attention is the one concerning defense.

In the event that one of the parties is subjected to an armed attack by another state or group of states and finds itself in a state of war, the other party will immediately provide military and other assistance with all means at its disposal and in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation and the DPRK, the UN Charter

- the document says.

It is worth emphasizing that it was the friendly relations between North Korea and the USSR that became the foundation for today's partnership.
The Soviet Union actively assisted the DPRK in the post-war years, rebuilding the destroyed economy and training specialists. Many North Korean leaders were educated in Soviet educational institutions, which contributed to the formation of a common worldview and understanding between the two countries. This legacy remains important to this day, creating a solid foundation for ongoing cooperation.

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  1. 0
    27 January 2025 18: 19
    For now, we are united by the benefits of our relationship. Without each other, we are both doomed.
    1. -2
      27 January 2025 18: 40
      Russia is doomed without the DPRK? laughing Isn't it funny?
      1. -1
        29 January 2025 07: 18
        Three years ago it would have been funny. Not anymore.
  2. +1
    27 January 2025 18: 34
    We will try to forget the shameful page of our weakness in relations as soon as possible. Sarcasm.
  3. vBR
    27 January 2025 18: 36
    Yes, relations with the DPRK should be valued and developed. The only state that not only unconditionally supported Russia, but also provided very significant military support.
    1. +8
      27 January 2025 19: 21
      Well, yes.. And we - at least apologized for our behavior towards the Jucheites in the 90s.. A couple of million of them died of hunger, including through our fault - we could have helped our former friend.. And so - even Japan gave them some food, but not Yeltsin's RF..

      In general, I always believed that without condemning that shameful era for us, punishing the still living figures of that time, and most importantly - without a radical revision of the results of the "holy 90s", nothing will turn out for the better in our country... Liberal poison and toxin must be burned out with a hot iron. Cut without waiting for peritonitis.
      1. -9
        27 January 2025 19: 56
        Wait, hasn't the DPRK been sitting on two chairs throughout its entire existence? How many times has it "ran" between the USSR and China, and why is it our fault for the famine, and not the North Korean leadership's?
  4. +8
    27 January 2025 18: 44
    They forgot to write in the article how we obediently imposed sanctions against the DPRK to please the US, when they had nothing to eat and their workers were sent home at the same time.
    1. -7
      27 January 2025 19: 57
      And they forgot rightly, because sanctions against the DPRK began to be introduced after 2006, and they had a famine in the 90s.
    2. 0
      29 January 2025 07: 16
      The most interesting thing is that Russia imposed sanctions against Korea while being under sanctions itself.
  5. +6
    27 January 2025 19: 32
    What a strange article. According to the ideology that has been used in recent years. The USSR is a good-for-nothing country, they only made galoshes. And Yn shot his entire family with an anti-aircraft gun.
    Has something really changed somewhere? It's a shame that Eun gets involved with the bourgeoisie.
    1. +3
      28 January 2025 15: 17
      so they'll sell Yna for the first time or something now the esaul trampushka will raise his eyebrows and daddy will go where
  6. +2
    29 January 2025 07: 12
    Thanks to Comrade Kim for not abandoning Russia in trouble, for not remembering that before the nullified one behaved like a whore.
  7. 0
    30 January 2025 02: 39
    The Chinese and North Koreans remember the good well, and are still grateful to the USSR. Although with China it is not so simple, but still the positive towards the USSR prevails.